The NFL season gets closer and closer. And college is just two weeks away!!! Until then, we’ve got some baseball. And according to someone, here is how things should finish up. Can’t say I agree with all of that, but ok then. Oh, and yesterday’s results were: the Rays stung the Yankees. The Metropolitans annihilated the Phillies, The Cubs blanked the Pirates, The Nationals cooled off the surging Cardinals, the Phillies got some revenge in the nightcap against the Mets, the Rockies beat the Braves, the Rangers topped the Angels (and pulled off a triple play!), the MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS!!!!! beat the Tigers, the Royals beat Team Canada, and the Diamondbacks took their NL West lead to 2 with a win over the Padres.
And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a shoutout to Brandt Snedeker, who shot a 59 in his first round at the Wyndham Championship. And he bogeyed his first hole, too. That’s freaking incredible.

It takes the whole British Army and Navy to get her bra off.
OK, on to the birthday boys and girls. If there are any birthday Glibs out there, let us know in the comments. And I’ll let you know that you share the date with: Davy…Davy Crockett “king of the wild frontier”, movie producer Samuel Goldwyn, hottie actress Mae West, Chinese commie Jiang Zemin, pilot Francis Gary Powers, actor Robert “Punchy” DeNiro, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, drummer Sib Hashian, brilliant driver Nelson Piquet, guitarists Eric Johnson and Colin Moulding, singer Belinda Carlisle, murder victim David Koresh, moron Sean Penn, football coach “Chucky”, and all-around douchebag Christian Laettner.
Its also the day Losantville, OH was founded…it would later be called Cincinnati, Charles Darwin left South America for the last time, the first ever air mail took off (in a balloon in 1859), Wagner’s Gotterdammerung debuted, General George Patton entered Messina to complete the conquest of Sicily, Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was first published, 1957 Baseball player Richie Ashburn fouls and hits fan Alice Roth twice in the same game at bat playing for the Philadelphia Phillies, 1st hit breaks her nose, 2nd one hits her while she is on the stretcher (sorry, I had to post the whole thing because it made me laugh), “Life Of Brian” hit theaters, and Bill Clinton admitted under oath that he did in fact have sexual relations with Monica Lewenski.
Still laughing about poor Alice Roth. Anyway, here are…the links!

Is this the face of a crazy person?
OK, so if I’m a Tesla shareholder, I’m seriously thinking of running for the hills after this. Dude is nuts…N-V-T-S Nuts!
While nobody was paying attention, it looks like the Trump admin has done a free trade deal with Mexico. Problems remain with Canada, so this isn’t etched in stone yet.
Californians love them some big government. But somehow I think even they are gonna be pissed about this.
Twitter continues to be an enemy of free speech. And to those who clapped like retarded seals when Alex Jones got banned/unpersoned by googlefacebookyoutubeapple, keep clapping until it happens to you, you bunch of dumbasses.
Cops are called to home of mentally ill man. Mentally ill man with pill bottles for mental illness in hands freaks out. Cops handcuff man. Cops taser handcuffed man.Handcuffed man dies. Cops involved (FOUR OF THEM!) all get at least a two month vacation. And nothing else will happen.
They say you can never go home once you leave. I am pretty sure this former intern for Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) is a believer in that statement today.

Sorry your dad doesn’t care for free association, kid.
Father takes kid to first day at private school. Child is sent home because of his hair. School receiving death threats from morons. Bonus social signaling point: Talcum X has weighed in too!
“Was that wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?” Pervy Masshole feds 6 months for spying on girls in high school bathroom. The bastard is lucky my daughter wasn’t a student there, otherwise he’d be serving his sentence with no teeth. Also with no functioning limbs.
Here’s a classic for the birthday girl.
Have a great day and a better weekend friends!
Don’t ever call the cops unless you want someone to die.
If I wanted the cops to die, whom should I call?
The sheriffs office?
Or pay their steroid dealer to put a couple vials of rubbing alcohol in their next cycle.
the ol’ Betty Ford trick….
Oh, you don’t get to pick who dies.
“While nobody was paying attention, it looks like the Trump admin has done a free trade deal with Mexico. Problems remain with Canada, so this isn’t etched in stone yet.”
Anyone surprised that this guy was gonna get a better deal? Only the marxist that told us that we should be happy with a shitty economy, high taxes, and them treating us like serfs.
Yes. Very surprised if true. But would be happy about it.
I don’t get the sexual attraction of watching people taking a dump.
Well, you’re not from Massachusetts. Of course you don’t.
Or German. The Germans seem to particularly love that stuff.
Well, you have to take their diapers off to get your kink on. That may color your opinion.
Are you saying his opinions are baby shit brown?
My babies tended to have yellow shit
Huh. You think that my little asian half breeds would have had more yellow shits. Or maybe orange?
Contrary to popular beliefs, the color of your shit has more to do with what you eat than what the color of your skin is, but I am sure you were just being your usual self there Jimbo.
-1 Scheißpr0n
If you guys would call the “bathroom” the “shitter” or something similar, I would understand these stories. Excuse me while I powder my nose.
-2 Girls -1 Cup
I was assumed they were talking about the girls’ locker-room. Pretty much the plot of Porky’s.
+1 incriminating mole
All he has to do in court is tell them he’s trans. Literally a get out of jail free card.
“Twitter continues to be an enemy of free speech. And to those who clapped like retarded seals when Alex Jones got banned/unpersoned by googlefacebookyoutubeapple, keep clapping until it happens to you, you bunch of dumbasses.”
I actually am happy that these woke media platforms are doing this. First off, they are entities with full power to decide who gets to use their offerings, and under what conditions. But I see them now becoming the arbiters of what passes for good speech or not basically as the big step towards self immolation. They are going to find that despite of their effort to do so, they will not be able to hide the double standard, and this will speed up their demise. Just like the media basically did itself in by dropping all pretense of being objective and unbiased, these companies are now going to kill themselves pissing off everyone.
It’d be nice to think so, but unfortunately it’s not very likely to happen that way because of their ad networks and infrastructure. The next Facebook or Twitter or YouTube will need a war chest of probably about half a billion dollars to get competitive in the space, and that’s not going to come from any of the SV venture funds.
If I was into social media, I would be there. Then again, I hate anything social media related (and people), so I am gonna stay away from there too.
The same gab who Microsoft forced to remove content the other day or be shut down/removed from their servers? That alternative?
Oh, and they were also threatened with losing their domain name from their registrar if they didn’t remove the content. After they were pressured by Microsoft.
“They came for Alex Jones and I didn’t speak up because I don’t like him. They came for a Patreon user and I didn’t speak up because I agree with Mastercard, etc. .… ”
Well, I guess now we can infer they DID speak up but the channels to being heard were all walled off until they were each a lone voice into the void.
Honestly, if you think that’s ever going to be the next Twitter, which is the also-ran of the big social networks, I think you’re delusional. Although I’d love to be proven wrong. It’s already in a precarious position with its cloud provider.
Much as I don’t like Twitter’s censorship, I’m not going to hang out on an actual alt-right platform.
(and let’s not mince words. That’s what it is. Any claim to the contrary was lost a couple of weeks back when the twitter account went on a “THE JOOZ ARE MAKING US CENSOR” rant)
Any platform with a neutral content policy is going to be an “alt-right” platform by default for the time being for the simple reason that they have no place else to go.
I’m on Gab but don’t post much. I honestly don’t like it.
I may be ditching it altogether though because many of my favorite tweeple are being unpersoned, I’ve gotten as much marketing traction on it as I can, and all that’s left is me finding how unpalatably left all my friends are. Can’t take the outrage and screeching mich longer.
I meant ditch Twitter.
(And Gab, by extension.)
What is “alt-right” again?
Republicans who aren’t lying when they campaign as conservatives? Or hardcore civil war preppers, or a new John Birch Society? Something in between?
“Anything we don’t like”
Twitter does not turn a profit, it at least rarely has. Also, the problem with current Social Media is it tries to be a one stop shop. Other platforms that cater to smaller groups,I foresee being much more see m successful.
I’m still not sure why someone doesn’t start a completely open replacement for Twitter.
Peter Thiel should start up this company and convince Trump to switch to it. Fuck you could get him to switch by calling it Trumpeter. The perfect irony is that proggies would switch too just to hate on Trumps trumpets.
I wouldn’t be surprised that anyone trying to do so would meet a wall of bureaucratic shit from leftist government trying to maintain their monopoly.
The cost of raising a userbase and attracting advertisers is the main impediment. It’s a particular predicament for privacy-centric social media projects because advertisers have absolutely no interest in serving ads on a network with less targeting features, and users are accustomed to not paying.
Legit gripes about the ad network. Can’t dispute that. But I still say, that this is a unique moment that if you could convince one person (Trump) to switch, everyone would switch.
It would definitely help. In addition to his fans, all of the media creatures that live on Twitter would definitely switch just out of their compulsive need to smell his farts. If you could round up a few more celebrities that have strategically important fanbases you might be able to shake the userbase issue.
Bonus points if your name is Alexei.
The left is rock hard over the idea of twitter banning Trump. Of course, to Twitter’s credit, they are not that stupid.
It’s part of the all out soft civil war that is coming. The left must have censorship, there is no other way for them to succeed and get all their free ponies, so they will put everything they have into it. If there is no censorship and we have an actual open platform like the internet, the left get beaten to within an inch of their life and humiliated. So you are gong to see them go all out to censor the internet so that only leftist ideas can be heard. Exactly like they did in the media and academia. We’re already seeing it, it’s just getting started. They will continue the effort until no conservative or libertarian ideas can be found on the internet, once they have locked down all the social media, they will go after individual sites, like this one. If they win, then they’ve won, the internet is the final frontier of free speech, when they have locked that down, it’s over for free speech.
I still haven’t been convinced there’s any value proposition in “social media”. I understand the value of “gossip”, but it’s relatively low value and certainly the tracking aspects of it turn into negative value.
In other word, I don’t see the need for a Twitter replacement. People will eventually get tired of it – it’s little more than an advertising tool and time will show that it hasn’t been an effective one.
Until then, we’ve got some baseball.
::sees that it’s from BR::
Oh, another hot take from those guys. Color me surprised.
Until then, we’ve got some baseball.
/looks at standings
/sees where the Orioles are
Nope, we don’t.
*winces as White Sox head for 100 loses*
What he said.
Pulleeze. The Twinks finally climbed out of the 100+ loss Warty cellar/dungeon they spent years in and then decide to sell off any serviceable player “for the future”.
You Sox fans are nearly as bad as Cubs fans for crying about your team.
AL Central this year.
The Tigers wave hello.
The youngest altar boy and I watched a bit of the game last night to watch Liriano pitch. He was so fucking good with the Twins when he was coming up. Watching him get shelled by the Twinkies was sad.
Don’t rub it in please… 🙁
Ha. Indians fan here. We’re good but I think we really need another outfielder and maybe one more BP arm.
But (almost) every year is a building year. Small market, small money. We’re used to it.
Build your owner a new stadium. He’ll totes use all that extra revenue to build a juggernaut of a team! Look how our new field transformed the Twins.
::runs off giggling::
Not a joke. They’re seriously considering a new stadium downtown.
The parking. O.M.G.
Yes, but…
The crew that won got disbanded.
I am bitter about Gordon getting to roll in the Brinks truck after that win, then he crapped out. I am bitter about the classless way Eric Hosmer and Mike Moustaks’s agent tried to hose the Royals. Hosmer left. Moose ended up with a 1-year contract then got traded in July. The Royals weren’t going to make the Gordon mistake again. I am bitter Wade Davis got traded.
In short, I am bitter about that fact that it *seems* like the winning crew got traded deliberately to get younguns who need to be developed. And 2015 was a long time ago.
“and 2015 was a long time ago.”
I’m guessing this is sarcasm, so I’ll let it slide.
70 years. 70.
*hangs head in shame*
I have minimized your suffering and made your lived experience irrelevant. I shall go flagellate myself now.
Going into last night, Wade Davis had a 13.49 ERA since the all star break.
He did get the save last night.
As a Mariners fan I only can look forward to 70 years of pain.
I was raised a Cubs fan in the 60’s. I would watch them after school in the Cactus League and my grandfather took me to see them at Wrigley when I was in 3rd grade. They are still my NL team.
In theory, it’s almost the perfect rebuild. With 30 teams, in a perfect world each team wins every 30 years. Way to go Royals!
Okay, okay. I’ll take my win and be grateful for it.
Did you see Sloopy’s link? The Orioles are finishing above the Blue Jays with a worse record. I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.
Stupid person writes stupid list about his stupid opinions.
(They are right about the DH, which is cancerous, and fuck cancer.)
Cubs have the best record in the NL and are 3.5 games ahead of Milwaukee (sorry, ‘Mil-ee-wah-kay,’ which is Algonquin for The Good Land) .
We haven’t ever been clicking on all cylinders, which is worrying, but a great demonstration of our talent and depth that we can still be this good while missing ex-MVP Kris Bryant and our closer.
Because we don’t back down until it’s finished.
“the DH, which is cancerous”
now you’ve done it
I thought this was going to be the musical tribute for the birthday girl.
That’s just dreadful.
It’s funny because it’s so bad.
Rhino Records included it on the first of the “Golden Throats” compilations about 25 years ago. That one also had the famous Shatner version of Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, but perhaps my favorite from the album is ultra-square Jack Webb’s take on Try a Little Tenderness.
Featuring Mr. Ed on vocals.
This is my favorite version:
Are we gonna see anything about Bruce Ohr’s conflict of interest and law breaking at the FBI anytime soon, or is it gonna be Manafort is an evil 1% all day, all the time?
From the article:
“Mr. Ohr’s conduct is itself deeply troubling. He was acting as a witness (via FBI interviews) in a case being overseen by a Justice Department in which he held a very senior position. He appears to have concealed this role from at least some superiors, since Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein testified that he’d been unaware of Mr. Ohr’s intermediary status.
Lawyers meanwhile note that it is a crime for a federal official to participate in any government matter in which he has a financial interest. Fusion’s bank records presumably show Nellie Ohr, and by extension her husband, benefiting from the Trump opposition research that Mr. Ohr continued to pass to the FBI. The Justice Department declined to comment.
But for all Mr. Ohr’s misdeeds, the worse misconduct is by the FBI and Justice Department. It’s bad enough that the bureau relied on a dossier crafted by a man in the employ of the rival presidential campaign. Bad enough that it never informed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of that dossier’s provenance. And bad enough that the FBI didn’t fire Mr. Steele as a confidential human source in September 2016 when it should have been obvious he was leaking FBI details to the press to harm Donald Trump’s electoral chances. It terminated him only when it was absolutely forced to, after Mr. Steele gave an on-the-record interview on Oct. 31, 2016.”
The left is desperately hoping they win the house in the coming election so they can get to the business of hiding all these horrible things they did by abusing the power of the weaponized Obama admin deep state from the people.
It is shocking to me how the leftist rank and file are convinced that all of this actual evidence of wrongdoing is really just Trump supporters trying to distract from “RUSSIA COLLUSION”.
I am not shocked WTF. Especially when you find out details like Peter Strzok started off in the Boston FBI office. For those that might not be privy to the details, the Boston office of any government agency is absolutely guaranteed to be a den of thieves and knaves. The only city worse than Boston when it comes to the criminal element pretending to be the authorities and the people in charge, is Chicago.
Philly haz a sad.
My wife knows this family, she grew up down the street from them.
The mother was a election commissioner for Philly, which means she was untouchable for a very long time.
The Boston FBI Office in particular was a crime organization. Nobody did more to expose their crimes than Howie Carr.
FBI Informant Whitey Bulger loves the Boston FBI.
Bad as Boston and Chicago are, let’s not forget New Orleans… Serial Killer Cops get you many points in the Corrupt City World Series.
Gosh, what is it about all these navy blue cities in deep blue states with so much Republican corruption going on?
Move along, peasant. There’s nothing to see here.
Copy the first ten words or so, search them in private mode and click on the first link.
Still got the paywall.
It’s deeply disturbing that despite the fact the GOP holds all 3 branches of government, and soon majority on SCOTUS, the left seem to be firmly in charge of everything. They still are above the law, it’s like Obama never left. Imagine how bad it will get if they ever get a majority and the Whitehouse again. We will be in for some very bad times. We now have a ‘special’ investigator running loose, seemingly with no oversight, a limitless budget, all the time in the world, and nothing to really investigate except for everything. So anyone who ever supported Trump, worked with him, or was close to him in anyway, is now up to have their life ruined with no proof of any crime having occurred, they’ll find one. Again, this is all very disturbing. And if the GOP manage to hang on to the house, and the media are already tossing out ‘a 75% chance dems win the house’, I have no doubt that we will have a 2nd special investigator to fire up another witch hunt. Because when democrats lose an election, someone cheated, and it will always be this way from now on apparently.
“It’s deeply disturbing that despite the fact the GOP holds all 3 branches of government, and soon majority on SCOTUS, the left seem to be firmly in charge of everything. ”
They control academia, the news, and the big government bureaucracy, which gives them a lot of power. I however feel that the panic and dystopian behavior we have seen recently – the TDS – are actual signs that the left, having become totally corrupt and populated by inept people, is imploding, realizes that, has no real answer to this happening, and has decided they would rather burn it all down than lose their power, perks, and having to admit their ideology is evil and destructive.
“They control academia, the news, and the big government bureaucracy, which gives them a lot of power.”
And now, they’re going for the internet. If they can’t win elections, they’re going to get their pony anyway.
It’s desperation, When you shift from using/selling your ideas to get followings to needing to stop others from challenging your ideas, you are in the proverbial decline stage.
Looks like the old journolist donkey propaganda machine is back in business. My take is that it never went away.
What has he done to limit press freedom? Is being called “fake news” all they got?
In their minds they are noble freedom fighters battling the monster that dared to defeat the anointed one, making him the epitome of evil. Nothing he does will ever be presented as an injustice, criminal, and evil. He could find a cure for cancer tomorrow and they would accuse him of having held onto it for years so people could die.
Can’t remember where I read it (WaPo or NYT, I think), but it’s been written than a lot of reporters from large media outlets have resorted to armed security due to their constant fear of being killed “in the line of duty”.
I wish I could say it is paranoia driving this lunacy, but the problem is that these people simply have a problem living in the real world. I bet you they also remain totally unable to see their hypocrisy when they use armed guards while writing against letting the average citizen that can’t afford armed guards from protecting themselves. Then again, they figure that it will be the armed regular citizen gunning for them anyway, so maybe the disconnect is on my side.
Ah, but those armed guards are “professionals.” Remember the left’s credentialism fetish.
Can’t let the hoi polloi have access to weapons.
The sad thing is that this is exactly why they want to disarm the people. They want the hoi polloi to be docile and unable to resist their capricious shit.
Punks. They can’t even arm themselves?
They should arm themselves if they are gonna decorate the country with lies.
Is being called “fake news” all they got?
Yes. Barry threatened to prosecute and imprison journalists for espionage because they reported things the admin did not like and no one batted an eye. Trump lambastes obviously biased and propagandistic media as being such and
everyoneidiots lose their minds.Remember when the media flipped out at Sinclair Media outlets giving similar accounts of national stories? But now it’s an honorable thing to do.
When they do it is is “RESISTANCE!!!1eleventy!!”. When the team red does it, it is sedition and evil.. Get woke already, dude.
So much this. Their lack of self-awareness is stunning.
It’s not even as much of a lack of self-awareness as it is the fact that they believe its justified because they’re convinced they’re on the “right side of history” and you’re just evil.
And that is a really scary path to go down.
“General George Patton entered Messina to complete the conquest of Sicily…”
You know who else entered Messina ?
Caligula? Or was that his horse?
Beat me to it.
Oh Pooh
Chris Deffenbaugh?
Problems remain with Canada,
Canada is always a problem, isn’t it.
Ask Rufus.
He’s working.
He’s too busy not working to answer.
>>Sacramento has been tracking license plates to monitor welfare recipients
Ward of the State = beholden to the State
Funny how these idiots never seem to grasp that this is what the state expects, huh?
They/re never going to realize it. It’s free stuff and it didn’t cost a dime.
Being woke sure sounds like it makes you stupid then.
Those Antipodeans are weird:
It’s the case of the celebrity-endorsed deer velvet, the chocolate substitute and the conspiracy.
Deer velvet and that little boy’s smile
Deer Velvet with that slow southern style
Last night I had a weird dream where I was at a campground, being chased by STEVE SMITH. I ducked into the camp bathroom which had steel doors – guaranteed to be STEVE SMITH proof – and peepholes to look outside. I was looking to see if I could make a break for it when I woke up.
Weird thing: I normally sleep on my back but woke up lying on my stomach. True story!
Sounds like sleep rapnea to me.
*prolonged and thunderous ovation*
Considering the Man asses joke on the last thread, I think I deserve two.
You were actually visited during the night and got rolled over.
That’s what I’m thinking… ::checks for bruises::
Could Freddy Krueger defeat STEVE SMITH? Or would STEVE SMITH steal Freddy’s powers and use them for something even worse? And by “even worse”, mean dream rape.
My condolences. You better go get checked out.
STEVE SMITH going all Freddy Kruger and coming after you in your dreams.
Be afraid, Glibs, be very afraid….
STEVE SMITH can RAPE through steel door!
guaranteed to be STEVE SMITH proof
That’s where I lost the suspension of disbelief.
I was waiting for the RAPE IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE reveal.
My life in sex: the 31-year-old who has never been kissed
No picture? I suspect there is misinformation going on here..
Tim Tebow’s writing for the Guardian now?
That is the answer to her question (not Tebow specifically). While she might not find a guy who hasn’t been kissed, she can find someone her age with little or no sexual experience.
There is no guy on the planet who’d like a virgin.
Life’s a bowl of cherries.
I mean there’s nothing men hate more than initiating virgins amirite?
You and Chipperbot seem to be in disagreement.
“My life in bullshit: the 31-year old who does not exist in reality”
I fixed the lede for accuracy.
I am with you on this Sloop. I can entertain the fact some dude is a virgin at 31, but a female is preposterous. Shit even Lena Dunham got banged.
Best casting job ever to put Drew Barrymore in that role.
Ha. There were zero comments on the page when I posted this.
My call is that the error here was between the seat and the keyboard…
So… Still in the playoffs then.
Did you load the page then walk away for half an hour?
I’m in a different time zone. A really different time zone.
Maybe he loaded the page, read all the links, then commented.
I loaded the page and there were no comments showing up I guess.
Read the links? Who does that?
You had your chance and you blew it!
::runs off sobbing::
Fuck. Well that’s fixed now.
If he says that’s what he did, I’m editing his comment to the top.
I always read the linx, but never get that sweet love….
I can’t win today.
::runs off sobbing AGAIN::
Sweet love
As if!
Looks like Rich Little playing Frist.
Problems remain with Canada
So what you are saying is we need a wall on the northern border.
$34 tarantula taco gets Mexican restaurant in hot water
It’s a good thing Mexico is tackling these important problems facing their nation.
“The federal environmental protection agency”
Mexico culturally appropriated our bureaucracy!
No one in Toronto speaks English.
how the fuck can an arachnid be a “protected species”? Don’t they reproduce by the thousands?
The Mexican Red Rump Tarantula is the Panda of the spider world.
When people eat them in tacos and don’t farm them, they end endanger?
In regards to those odds, I’m feeling better about the bets I placed on the Indians back in April.
From farting to fetishes and fantasies…we ask 14 embarrassing sex questions so you don’t have to
And it looks like the MILF factor is still a thing.
Cosmo got you covered fam
It’s not racist when we do it.
More than a dozen community groups have called on Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit) to apologize for a series of racial slurs sources say she used to describe her primary election opponent, Rep. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit).
Scott is alleged to have referred to Chang as “ching-chang” and “the ching-chong” to multiple voters outside polling precincts during last Tuesday’s election. She’s also said to have called one of Chang’s campaign volunteers an “immigrant,” saying “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.”
“These comments are offensive to all Asian-Americans,” Chang tells Metro Times. “It isn’t about me. It’s about an elected official disrespecting entire populations, whether they be Asian-American, immigrant, or residents of Sen. District 1 or [Cook’s] own current house district.”
Two Wongs doesn’t make it white!
Heh heh…
*narrows gaze without squinting in a racially sensitive manner*
Golf clap
“All Asian-Americans”. I doubt that.
I confirmed at Splinter. This is racist, but remember, Sarah Jeong is not racist because of the new racism formula that does not apply in certain situations.
Also in more twitter shit + Jeong, they have verified her without making her delete any of those old tweets.
“Scott is alleged to have referred to Chang as “ching-chang”
Totes illiterate there. It’s Chingy Lingy.
I remember when one of my Asian friends was obsessing about the word Oriental. He was asking me what it means, is it a derogatory term. I told him that the phrase was used when I was a kid, but Asia was then often referred to as the Orient and so people from Asia were often referred to as Oriental. Now days it’s typically only used to refer to things made in Asia, like Oriental rugs or furniture. As far as being derogatory when it was used to refer to people, it was hard to tell because a lot of older guys I knew when I was a kid, about half of everything that came out of their mouths was probably meant to be derogatory. But he was too excited about this new word and so started calling all of his Asian friends Oriental just to see their reaction.
Confucius says….
Fuck you whitey!
I bow to your wordplay there, sir.
It’s far too easy to make a #MeToo comeback
Damn the law, the witches must be burned at the stake.
“since he was accused of being emotionally abusive in a former relationship”
…I guess the common overly emotional outburst of female mammals gets a pass?
Bitchez just be bitchez lizard man..
I take it that you can’t just latch your jaws onto the back of their neck and bang some ActRight into em?
Does that not work for mammals?
Depending on the female you can. Then again our females suffer from estrogen induced insanity, and can at any moment flip and ruing your life even if you treat them like royalty and never do anything wrong.
Describes my mom in spades.
howwabout I don’t give a shit?
What a Grieving Orca Tells Us
obviously not meant as a reply but hey, roll with it.
Maybe she was using it as bait?
That’s a whale of a story.
The only problem with the Inquisition is that it was too soft on heretics.
“whether these men are innocent or not”
* shudders *
these people get to vote, ya know
They get to sit on juries, too. Imagine doing jury duty on a complicated case with some woke twenty something, stuffed full of Frankfurt School drivel. You’d hope that the ceremony of the process would make them grow up a bit, but once they reach critical mass.
Hung fucking jury if I am the one dealing with these douchebags.
Innocence be damned, burn the witch!!
“And power, like money, has a way of staying exactly where it is.”
I mean … Money is a medium if exchange. And this is not true. Who us in the top 10% changes quite a lot. All while over the course of 30 years the same two families were running for president.
“This is a problem, because whether these men are innocent or not, our culture simply doesn’t know what to do after someone in a position of power is accused of misconduct.”
Actually it does, part of it us determining if a crime occurred and if the accused is guilty, but you don’t seem to care for due process.
Team Blue is concerned.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed today that Democrats are poised to sue to get documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh requested through the Freedom of Information Act last week.
Senate Democrats contend that Republicans are trying to conceal documents about Kavanaugh’s career, which stretches back into the Ken Starr investigation, his three years as staff secretary in the George W. Bush White House, and his appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Dems argue that their request is identical to the dig Republicans did through the records of nominee Elena Kagan, who was a domestic policy advisor in the Clinton White House and solicitor general under Obama.
Republicans say that the request for millions of documents is a stall tactic intended to derail Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) goal of having a new justice seated by Oct. 1.
Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats last week filed FOIA requests with the National Archives, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency, giving the agencies until Sept. 6 to comply with the document requests.
At a Capitol Hill press conference today, Schumer declared that “Republican obstruction requires an extraordinary response, and that’s why we are making this FOIA request.”
“And today we’re announcing that we stand ready to sue the National Archives for Judge Kavanaugh’s full records if necessary, if the FOIA request isn’t granted,” he said. “The American people deserve a methodical and thorough examination of a nominee to the Supreme Court who will yield immense influence on their lives.”
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said that the FOIA request “is a last resort.”
“It is unprecedented because this concealing of documents is unprecedented. And when I say concealing of documents, it is literally hiding documents from a relevant period in this nominee’s professional career,” he said. “Not only an instructive, but what he called the most instructive period of his professional life, three years as staff secretary to the president of the United States. The chairman has shattered all the norms, potentially violating the law, but we need these documents to do our job, literally to perform our constitutional duty to thoughtfully and deliberately consider this nomination.”
I don’t really understand the hold up on confirmation. Team Red should go nuclear and confirm him with prejudice. It’s what would be done to them if the tables were turned.
It’s all for naught. They have to show the progtards that they fought the good fight. Drink up the tears.
Want 2 know the best way 2 evaluate a justice? Ask Sen Schumer “everybody knows” a judge’s record on the bench “is the best way to evaluate a nominee” Good thing Kavanaugh has 12yrs of judic opinions Let’s stop the fishing expedition+review the relevant record ahead of Sept 4 hrg
Sick burn.
“Kavanaugh has 12yrs of judic opinions ”
You’ve seen one circumcised penis, you’ve seen them all…
Not until you have seen my monster…
They tipped their strategy in the days following his announcement. They plan to hold up the review process until after the mid-terms by demanding literally 100k or so documents dating back to the early ’90s, the hope being that they take the senate, which is looking increasingly less likely to happen.
Because Collins and Murkowski
I was just going to post this story.
Here’s what Chuck Schumer had to say:
“I think his legitimacy is being undermined already by the fact that they have refused to release documents, because the American people, as you saw in just this CNN poll, are wondering why,” Schumer said.
Schumer was referring to a new survey showing just 27 percent of those surveyed think Democratic senators have enough information on Kavanaugh already.
“He should have said already he wants them released, if he’s an open, fair, wonderful man,” Schumer said of Kavanaugh.
So they cite a poll by CNN showing that only 27 percent think Democrat Senators have enough information.
See… that just slipped right by you, didn’t it?
Think on it for a second. CNN conducted a poll that asked if Senate Democrats have enough information to vote on Kavanaugh. This just randomly happened to come out at the same time that the Senate Democrats are pushing their “we are going to sue of the National Archives doesn’t give us (more than the 750k documents they already produced) the documents from the Bush White House right now.”
Now, beyond this not being a question that has likely ever been asked in a national poll before, let’s ponder on the merits of that as a poll question.
What is the possible percentage of Americans who knew that this was an issue prior to CNN conducting the poll and Chuck Shumer announcing the new strategy to threaten to sue (in order to make the news cycle)? It would have to be limited to readers of Huff-Po and maybe, possibly Rachel Maddow viewers, although I doubt she covered this exact angle. So, 2 million people, tops? But we are going to conduct a poll on the state of information that people believe that the senate Democrats have?
Ok, so ignoring the bias/fake-news/collusion aspect… what about the actual story?
Chuck Schumer was personally involved in the confirmation of Cavanaugh to the courts, was he not? He already vetted the guy and they voted to approve him. Is he claiming that he was derelict in his duties last time around?
Running this as a story with pull quotes from Schumer without asking any of these questions puts you firmly in the “fake news” camp – if we can define “fake news” as “purveyor of partisan propaganda, relayed uncritically and with breathless enthusiasm”.
““I think his legitimacy is being undermined already by the fact that they have refused to release documents, because the American people, as you saw in just this CNN poll, are wondering why,” Schumer said.”
Can I count on this douchebag saying the same about the whole FBI/DOJ fiasco around the manufactured Russian collusion story and the campaign to not just help Hillary escape her prison sentence but to rig the election in her favor by using government agencies that are supposed to be non partisan to go after her opponent? Or is that beyond this moron’s ability to be logically consistent?
Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats last week filed FOIA requests with the National Archives, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency, giving the agencies until Sept. 6 to comply with the document requests.
Why in the ever-loving fuck would the CIA have documents on a sitting federal judge? That should be criminal.
They are probably looking for memoranda that he sent to CIA officials as part of his job at the White House. The are looking for a word or phrase somewhere, anywhere, that they can use to spin things to ensure that he doesn’t get confirmed. They just need the two RINOs from New England and one more to peel off in order to kill the nomination.
Not that anyone really cares about this particular guy. They just want a defeat for The Donald.
I still think the truly significant story is CNN going full propaganda by conducting an obviously bogus poll in order to bolster the Democrat position.
I guess it’s too much to hope that this will inspire him to reconsider his position on the 4th Amendment.
Kavanaugh will be confirmed. Nothing the dems can do. Scream at the sky I guess. I’m not excited about Kavanaugh at all, I doubt it will really change anything, he’ll just become the Kennedy swing vote, or much more likely, Roberts will become the Kennedy swing voter. So it’s about status quo.
Why don’t they just vote “No” at the hearing if they feel like they don’t have enough information to vote yes? Oh…
I am gonna go ahead and do it. Sigh. Wood.
I’m shaking my own head at myself. For shame, Evan.
I come bearing sad tidings. The Minnesoda woman who invented Dilly Bars has died at age 90.
Been to that DQ in Moorhead many times. I am usually not too big on sweets, but ice cream is one of my favorites.
You Minnisodans should get some woker heroines like this one. She has got it going Jimbo!
Yeah, it is funny that when she is elected she will be representing St. Louis Park (aka St. Jewish Park – Franken, the Coen bros. and Tom Friedman all came from there).
When she started running for Congress she had to stop saying anti-Jewish stuff (a hit in her state district). She didn’t even have to walk her old statements back, because the local media hasn’t asked her anything about them. All she had to do is just shut up for now.
I have to admit I’ve become morbidly curious as to how long Ilhan can go before anyone forces her to answer questions about her divorce from her brother. From the tongue bath she is getting from the Left, I may have to wait a while.
Ilhan Omar. Siiiiiiigh.
Wood. DAMN. Shit’s right, yo.
You would be getting sloppy seconds from her brother…
“divorce from her brother.”
Love is love! Now those stupid rednecks and polygamists need to grow up/prog.
Get your mind out of the gutter. It was just simple immigration fraud. She got her brother into NDSU.
What baffles me is that if I was the GOP, I would hire a team of investigators to get to the bottom of this. Then I would let her win her seat. Once there I would let Trump make hay with the fact that one of the darlings of the Left is a parody of every closed borders rightie out there. She got here and instantly committed fraud to get more of her family here. Then ring her up on criminal charges for the fraud and the perjury.
And how dumb are the Dems for letting this happen. Even one of their former progressive icons Phyllis Kahn (at least here in Minnesoda) openly admits that everyone knows it is true but no one wants to confront her
“Get your mind out of the gutter. It was just simple immigration fraud. She got her brother into NDSU.”
I heard there was a child involved? Talk about taking that whole “Taqiya” thing to its logical conclusion.
Embrace the self-hate and vote for your destroyer.
I would be laughing my ass off if it wasn’t for the people that knew better that will end up fucked up because of this however.
Beer is always the answer. Call me when a weed dealer saves someone.
Coors Light? Unfortunately the dude’s day didn’t get better:
I’ve heard plenty of stories of weed dealers saving people. Coke dealers too.
This is probably very old but I did not know one could buy luxury caves in the US
I saw a documentary special on that same property I think several years ago. Pretty cool.
You vampires like luxury caves, don’t you?
I do kind of need a place to take over the world from, so …
Fuck that. A missile silo is so much cooler. Kansas and Colorado look like nice places to move.
Kansas would be close to Subtropolis You could avoid sun and fresh air for most of your life.
That is pretty goddamn cool, honestly.
I do a lot of work with LightEdge and they keep offering to let me come down to KC to tour their facility in Subtropolis.
I live very near there.
All very nice, until someone releases the T-virus, and then everyone gets bitey.
Nice photography.
You guys missed the big story in there:
The taxes are only $4,819 on a $2.7 million property. I’m gonna have to look into moving. My taxes are way higher than that, and my house is nowhere close to that valuation.
Poor bastard, I pay $370 for a typically sized house. I was pissed last year because it went up from $350.
Between taxes, insurance (including wind and flood insurance) I’m at about 20 large. On 1,450 square feet. So in the last decade I’ve paid enough in taxes and insurance to build a building twice the size. I’m what you call a savvy businessman! :-\
And it ain’t worth a half-million, let alone nearly 3 million.
Taxes + Insurance run me about $15k/year on a typically sized suburban house on a postage stamp’s worth of property.
Without the taxable value being limited by the homestead rules it’d be worse. Much worse.
I pay something like $450-$480 a month, if my memory serves me right. This is considered highway robbery in this part of the state, and given that the houses aren’t worth the $$$ you pay for, it’s a “bad deal” unless you have kids and want them to go to one of the best public schools in the area.
I’ve been expecting you, Mr. Bond.
In a similar vein as the above thread on social media companies, does anyone have any thoughts on why the most successful people in business in a relatively free economic environment are nearly exclusively people who are politically opposed to free markets? The number of right-of-center individuals on the Forbes 400 could fit comfortably in my Hyundai. It’s a somewhat perplexing phenomenon.
“In a similar vein as the above thread on social media companies, does anyone have any thoughts on why the most successful people in business in a relatively free economic environment are nearly exclusively people who are politically opposed to free markets?”
There is a lot of money to be made when you run government protected monopolies. BTW, this is fascism’s economic model in a nutshell.
What he said – if you have the connections, why work hard? a real capitalist/free market system would have a lot more competition.
I mean that’s a given, but it doesn’t really adequately explain, say, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or even Warren Buffett or George Soros, for example. They’re all competent businessmen who made the substantial bulk of their fortunes without relying on government monopoly privileges or even cronyism with the state, and all are varying degrees of left wing in their political orientation.
Buffett would have had a tougher time without the estate tax laws.
Some of his big gains came from being the exit strategy for privately owned companies.
Buffet made a killing shilling for the Obama admin anti pipeline project while his trains moved that oil at killer profits while the pipeline never got built.
They are semi-lefties now.
What were they like when they were starting out?
Another theory that pops up in my mind is that maybe right of center folks grow a business to a certain size and then cash in and enjoy life. Maybe the power of being in charge of tons of employees is what keeps the lefty business types going?
Another theory that pops up in my mind is that maybe right of center folks grow a business to a certain size and then cash in and enjoy life. Maybe the power of being in charge of tons of employees is what keeps the lefty business types going?
That could very well be it. A substantial number of people in the B club are type A control freaks with somewhat grandiose visions who stuck it out in building their businesses to reach their current status. Zuckerberg famously turned down multiple billion dollar buyout offers for Facebook, for example. Jobs and his storied history with Apple.
It’s easier to build a monopoly – like Microsoft – in the early stages of a new technology. I remember the days when everyone was talking about the evils of Microsoft and how they had to be broken up. Now I rarely hear a peep about them other than “Windows 10 sucks!”
Buffett is more crony then man at this point. Pushing for higher estate taxes so he can sell more insurance that exists primarily to pay off the estate tax bill.
“I mean that’s a given, but it doesn’t really adequately explain, say, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, or even Warren Buffett or George Soros, for example.”
I would say it explains them perfectly. Every one of these tools made a killing developing a monopoly and using the power of the state in one way or another to help them do it.
As much as I dislike all of them personally, I don’t think it’s really fair to say they built their wealth with much assistance from the government. Once entrenched Buffett in particular became a crony capitalist, but he was already a huge success by the time he had enough influence and money to put himself in that position. Microsoft was already a juggernaut when the anti-trust shit started and they began cozying up to government. Even then, they spend a lot on lobbying but they don’t really have any particular privilege that’s denied to their competitors. Their monopolistic position early in the company’s history was a result of the industry more than anything (and notably has fallen apart more recently as the computing landscape becomes less centered on the desktop). Amazon, more or less the same. They’re actually in a much more competitive space than Microsoft was in their early days. Soros trades on a lot of influence now since his “charitable” groups have their tentacles in just about every government in the western world, but he made a killing prior to that on intelligent speculating.
“As much as I dislike all of them personally, I don’t think it’s really fair to say they built their wealth with much assistance from the government. Once entrenched Buffett in particular became a crony capitalist, but he was already a huge success by the time he had enough influence and money to put himself in that position.”
You seem to confound the fact that while I know they managed to be successful and do something big, I feel their real wealth came only because they then creates a government backed monopoly to protect them from competition. Maybe I am being unjust, but I can’t think of any of the big winners doing what they did without later using our crony capitalist system to protect themselves from others. Indubitably, once they went hardcore crony to protect and grow what they had, we the consumers, got the short end of the deal.
I believe the relevant chapter in Atlas Shrugged was titled “The Aristocracy of ‘Pull'”.
People who do well in insitutions staff the companies, and eventually end up the bulk of it. They are drawn to the percieved stability and security, and far outnumber the freemarketeers, growing in proportion to the size of the institution. Eventually they dominate the decision-making processes.
That’s a more satisfying explanation than pure cronyism, but it still leaves unresolved why private institutions in a (relatively) free market would necessarily attract such a one-sided mix of political orientations. Modern banking I get, because they’re beholden to the modern federal reserve structure for their livelihood, but the odd thing is how universal it is across industries. If it’s the case that large institutions naturally attract and inculcate left-leaning leadership then the market itself is basically a time bomb given economies of scale.
I think founders probably are more likely to be right-wing/libertarian, while the CEOs that come later lean to center left.
“why the most successful people in business in a relatively free economic environment are nearly exclusively people who are politically opposed to free markets?”
I’ve thought about this a lot. And I can only come up with one explanation. Because they don’t want a truly free market. They want a fixed market where they can limit their competition by sending lobbyists to DC to get laws on the books that accomplish just that. They figure that Democrats are more likely to help with that. Democrats are also more likely to pass out government money to companies that have helped their campaign. I mean, not literally, but in their opinion. They don’t actually believe that Democrats will go so far left that when they get enough power, they will actually do the commie shit they are promising to do. I think they are dead wrong about that, but it’s what they think anyway.
More specifically, people who do not feel that they deserve their money or that they did not fully earn it are quite often looking for ways to alleviate that guilt.
This is why Hollywood is chock full of guilt-ridden leftists.
By the same token, Silicon Valley has seen a massive spurt of get-insanely-rich-quick. To some extent this is a reflection of the purported value of these companies, to another this is a reflection of the Fed’s unceasing drive to print as much fucking money as humanly possible. The bubble will pop again, and it is absolutely a bubble.
This was going to be my reply.
Theory: They stick it out longer than others. The leftie type buy out the businesses that have founders / owners that are interested in the development of a particular product. When that is done the rightie type don’t want to oversee a larger business so they cash out to move onto a new project or enjoy life in Montana.
Your opinions are influenced greatly by who you spend time with. The person who started a company in their garage initially spent time with other people who worked out of a garage. Once the money started flowing, they met other business owners, celebrities, and politicians. That’s a different crowd with a different view of the world, and that’s bound to rub off.
The journolist dnc propagandists with bylines have been telling us how China was gonna crush us because of orangeman’s whole economic war stupidity, but if you actaully look past their bullshit to what really is goingin on, it looks like orangeman has got the Chinese scared….
Child is sent home because of his hair. School receiving death threats from “morons.”
I don’t have any problems with the death threats. Well that isn’t true. No death threats but a good beating. In fact, if you are going to be a a parasite, you should have to put your name in a lottery of the Beat A Useless Parasite Day.
Oh wait. This was a private school. My bad. Still a beating is justified. And tyou should still get to beat goverment parasites
They should get a beating for having a clearly-written dress code and equally enforcing it?
Reading that kid with dreadlocks story, this is a fun paragraph:
He said he was aware the school required a uniform, but was never told the dress code prohibits dreadlocks. The handbook posted online states boys may not wear “dreads, Mohawks, designs, unnatural color, or unnatural designs.”
As they say, RTFM. Also, this is fun too – everyone the most virulent racists are the ones who operate schools for black kids:
The school’s director, Rev. John Book, argued that because his school is a private school they have the right to set the dress code rules.
“You can see my school,” Book told NBC-2 WESH Tuesday. “It’s probably 95% black. Obviously, I’m not a racist.
When I was in grade school I attended a private Christian academy in a city that’s about 90% white. There was one black kid in the entire school out of probably a couple hundred students. The hair style rules were pretty much the same, except with the added stipulation of no hair past the ears for boys. Clearly it was a racist conspiracy.
I heard the dad on the radio this morning. He said that it was blatantly obvious that it was racism. “What else could it be?”
It seems everyone is lining up on his side on this one. The story was from the national wire and presented it as “racist school officials getting death threats after video goes viral”. They did not even mention the dress code in the handbook, just that officials claimed it was a dress code violation – with the suggestion that this was just a racist dog-whistle and an excuse to discriminate against the black kid – white kids are not held to the same standard, after all.
It’s even more obvious if you include the entire section from the student handbook, which the bit I quoted did not do.
Boys should have dark blue pants and an embroidered uniform shirt
and navy tie, black shoes and navy socks. All boys hair must be a
tapered cut, off the collar and ears. There are to be no dreads,
Mohawks, designs, unnatural color, or unnatural designs. No combs
or net caps.
I went to a private school from 6-12. I don’t remember exactly what our dress code said about hair, but it was probably something along those lines. We did have some guys with long hair, but they had to wear it pulled back at school.
They’re painting tge school as racist when they ought to be questioning the father’s literacy or intentions. Because the way I see this playing out is one of the following:
1. Feel-good movie about a father learning to read alongside his kid.
2. A Gofundme page being set up soche can monetize his idiocy.
3. A school admin being shot dead after the left wing mob doxxes them and released their home address.
I hope it’s 1. I’d wager it will be 2. And I pray it isn’t 3.
2 sounds like a winner to me. If he didn’t read the damned dress code, tough shit for him. Go cry to someone else.
What I’d like to see is reactions from the parents of the black students already attending.
Racists always deny their racism.
You can see my plantation, President Jefferson told the journalist, It’s probably 95% black, and some of them are my children. Obviously, I’m not a racist.
So does Tesla stock enjoy a bump if Musk goes out like Heath Ledger, or does it crash without his cult of personality?
Probably first (a) then (b)
Patton was, as I recall, ordered to stay out of Messina; for diplomatic reasons Ike considered it important to let the Brits, led by Montgomery, to take Messina.
Patton ignored Ike and went into Messina anyway, because fuck Montgomery. The Brits walked in to find Patton’s Sixth Army already in possession of the town. Patton greeted Monty with a band.
He was an asshole, but he was out asshole.
*our* asshole. Edit fairy, please?
he was an out asshole.
Little known fact, Patton’s nick name was General Goatse.
I loved the fact that he had no patience with the usual political and bureaucratic shit.
I know that’s how it plays out in the movie, but is that how it happened in reality too?
More or less. I remember Patton’s Chief of Staff was sent a radio message ordering them to halt outside of Messina, but used the old “sorry, you’re breaking up on me” gambit.
Patton and Montgomery kind of cordially detested each other. And, to be fair, Montgomery conceived and sold Ike on the European Theater’s most monumental fuck-up – Market Garden.
Catch-22 is my favorite book; I reread it every four or five years.
When I was twelve, I thought: this Yossarian is a great thinker, an example, a message incarnate to command brass about the inhumanity of the situation.
By the time I was 40, I thought: just put on your fekking uniform, get in the plane, and do your g-ddamned job. We’ve all got problems, but I’ve got an operation to run.
The country trying to make all its people happier
Is there a link between work-life balance and happiness?
Uffda. That is an interesting defense theory.
Local man steals between $80K and $130K (figure is disputed) from local school. At sentencing, this tidbit came up.
Um, isn’t the suggestion that the thief only should pay a deductible a fraud against the insurance company? If I am a customer of that insurance company and my premiums go up because this thief doesn’t feel like paying all his stolen loot back a theft from me too?
Fuck insurance companies! Evil profit..
The insurance company would go after him for it.
When one of us goes to the doctor for an injury, Aetna always calls us to find out if it was an accident that could be someone else’s fault whom they can go after for the bill. One was. They actually did try, but ultimately failed. And that was only a few hundred dollars.
I read further and found this:
On the bright side, this guy got absolutely 0 prison time. 3 years of probation and 500 hours of community service.
I think putting people in jail for theft is counterproduvtive. I’m good with restitution and community service so long as the dude’s paycheck is garnished sufficiently so that he *can* make payments.
What good is putting people in prison for owing money? They don’t have the opportunity to pay back anything. This also goes for poor people jailed for owing money for traffic tickets.
It’s about making sure others learn from the experience…
“…In a recent interview, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey stated that the website would be focusing on political issues in the coming year. “Election integrity is our first priority this year,” Dorsey said in the interview. He further elaborated that the company was working on software to combat bot accounts on the platform: “We need to make sure that we are considering not just policy changes, but also product changes to help alleviate some of these concerns,” he said.”
Go fuck yourself you little commie.
“Dorsey further reiterated that the company was working towards improving “conversational health” on the platform and that Dorsey is aware that the platform has had negative effects on users in the past. “Three years ago, we prioritized health and safety as our number one priority in the company,”
The hubris on these self-righteous assholes is insufferable. ‘Conversational health”?
You mean like….
Jack…eat shit.
“Conversational health” means making coordinated report campaigns easier and more effective.
It will be ironic when the bot/anti-bot development wars leads to SkyNet. Bot software gets so good at mimicking humans that it becomes self aware. And since we all know that bot developers are creating MAGA bots, SkyNet will be pro-Trump.
No. This is sweet.
Yes! Yes, it is.
“Election integrity is our first priority this year”
IOW, we have to allow only political ideas that favor democrats. I think these guys are treading into some dangerous territory here. I mean if you just want to ban people you don’t like and you just say ‘I’m banning people I don’t agree with’, that’s one thing. It’s another when you have officially declared you are a political entity. I don’t see this turning out well for them.
This somehow won’t violate McCain-Feingold, because reasons.
“…They’re calling me everything under the sun,” she told The Post. “I’m getting it from everywhere, all parts of the country. Most of them do not speak intelligently. I bear with them until they start using the four-letter words. Then I’ll lay the phone down and play Christian music.”
Twitter has the lions all prepped for the jail cells by the way.
I bet you the people whining about the kid being sent home for breaking the rules of a private school also think Twitter have the right to ban who they want.
Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.
This school would be like Twitter if they only sent some of kids with dreads home.
Aw man….just found out my favorite teacher back in high school died last Sunday. That sucks.
In honor of Mr. Crockett’s birthday, a quote:
“Mr. Speaker–I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I have never heard that the government was in arrears to him.
Every man in this House knows it is not a debt. We cannot, without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as the payment of a debt. We have not the semblance of authority to appropriate it as a charity. Mr. Speaker, I have said we have the right to give as much money of our own as we please. I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week’s pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks.”
My guess is that Mr. Crockett wouldn’t be particularly popular with today’s political class.
They would drug him up, put a dead midget in bed with him, and then ruin his life hoping his morals will keep him out of politics. Unless Crockett was willing to go all Marion Barry, he would be done.
What actually happened is that his district voted him out for not bringing home the government cheese, leading to MY favorite Davy Crockett quote:
“You may all go to Hell, and I shall go to Texas.”
It’s not as hot in Hell.
This is what just leaves me despondent. You can’t have a chance in politics unless you are willing to buy votes. That means that the person promising the most free shit always has the upper hand, and eventually the debt will kill us all.
Democracy does not work. A republic can work as long as 1. the limits on Government action are strong enough and 2. the populace cares enough to keep enforcing those limits. The (probably unsolvable) problem is that somehow you have to restrict the franchise to people who are responsible enough to vote against their own immediate interest to protect the system. No matter what limits/checks/balances you institute, they only work as long as the electorate as a whole is willing to give up personal advantage to keep them in place.
“The State is the great fiction through which everyone endeavours to live at the expense of everyone else.” – Frederic Bastiat, 1848
It’s been this way for a while. In truth, the state has always been a vehicle for plunder, but it wasn’t until the state was democratized that it’s full capacity for plunder was realized. When there are only a few people plundering and many being plundered (as in an aristocracy/oligarchy) there is a limit to the scale of the theft, but when there are many people plundering and many being plundered (as in a democracy) the theft is vast and unconstrained.
I love ( love! ) telling Texans that my congressman died in the Alamo; what has theirs done lately?
At the end, Mr Crockett wasn’t that popular in our quiet district; the Obion watershed’s electorate declined to return him to DC, else he would have not been free to gallivant about Texas.
He didn’t bring home the bacon.
On the other hand, your state’s major claim to fame (so much so that they named the state U’s mascot after it) was sending good men to Texas. And Sam Houston, who was more of a great man, in that he was not a good person, but he did great work getting Texas admitted to the US and was perhaps the most clear-eyed about the Civil War of anyone;
this Volunteer has a tiny bone to pick:
General Jackson’s men were the original Volunteers. The name was made at New Orleans and only cemented in Mexico.
These Screenshots Show How Google Shadowbans Conservative And Pro-Trump Content
Where’s he been….seen him in the past four days?
Google actually hired SPLC contractors?
It must be nice to be an arbiter of all that is right and holy like Morris Dees is.
She seems nice.
Red flag right there. DSIIC
She likes for people to stick vegetables & fruits into her various orifices?
Pine cones, shitlord. GET ON HER LEVEL.
Don’t stick it in crazy…
Did she just violate the ToS? And her, a blue check mark!
Scanning thru her tweets, it appears she lives on Twitter.
She’s a smart cookie though. She’s got conservatives all figured out.
” who deposit their rage into right wing radicalism,”
That ain’t where it’s going, sweetie.
like using the plastic wrap that you used for your pizza last night?
This statistic should make people less trusting in government…
But I bet to the team blue people this is a bonus, while team red players feel if they keep quiet they might benefit from it too…
Email just received from the kid’s school:
Can’t ask my kid, since she’s not in aftercare, but I’m really curious as to what “inappropriate” means. Are 9 year old boys looking at porn? And if so, is it too late to send my kid to a convent? (wait, given recent news, that’s not a good idea either…)

Stupid blockquote closing fail. Help me, edit faerie!
Could be that wild or just as simple as having a phone out at all. How strict is the rule that was omitted?
Was talking with parents a couple days ago, they both work and are trying to decide what to do with kids between after school and when they get home. Boys and Girls Club came up as an option. I suggested they would be better off on their own at home, rather than spending time with the kids that get sent to the Boys and Girls Club.
I was home alone after school at a pretty young age.
“Are 9 year old boys looking at porn? ”
Probably. I worked with kids from 2004 to 2016. Parents give their kids smartphones and don’t put filters or anything on them, and they give them these things at stupidly low ages IMO.
Probably looking at pr0n. But on the good news side of the ledger, my guess is none of them understand what they are seeing. My guess is some kid with an older brother was showing off for his peers. Doing something forbidden was far more exciting to them than the naked girls were.
Are 9 year old boys looking at porn?
If it’s at all possible. Then yes.
9-10 was around the age I first saw pron. The dad of a good friend of mine had quite a collection of magazines stashed under his bed.
Someone’s dreadlocks were culturally inappropriate.
What is this “aftercare”? Do you even latch-key kid bruh?
I don’t think anyone does that anymore until at least teenaged years.
Not a chance I would have got that as a kid unless it was “free”.
Do you even CPS, bruh?
“Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory to Prove ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed”
“Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.”
An idealistic young American couple was killed in an Islamic State-claimed terrorist attack last month while on a cycling trip around the world.
Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, both 29, last year quit their office jobs in Washington, DC, to embark on the journey. Austin, a vegan who worked for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office, decided that they’re were wasting their lives working.”
““Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.”
Natural selection in action.
From a certain philosophical perspective “Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans” makes sense and is logically sound. Of course, from that same perspective there is nothing wrong with what ISIS did to them, so whichever way you look at it there is a certain amount of poetic justice in this story.
I applaud their efforts. If only more would do the same.
You know, there are certain places one shouldn’t visit.
I’m probably going to hell but that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.
Some conservatives have framed the tragedy as a cautionary tale about not just the perils of travel but also naivete in general.
These dumb motherfuckers just can’t help themselves.
Yes, being willfully naïve with some kind of hippy-dippy notion of “people are all wonderful and no one is truly evil” means I really don’t have much sympathy when you get slaughtered by murderous fanatics.
“an overly generous understanding of human nature is behind much of today’s progressive movement”
I’m not sure I’d say that, though many of the useful idiots (like this couple) probably believe that. At the top, Communism/socialism/progressivism has a very cynical view of human nature.
Yeah, the same people who naively believe Islamist killers don’t mean what they say have no problem ruining the lives of people who make a flippant remark about gender or race, but the former is overly generous and the latter is…
Yeah. I always thought free marketers had the most positive view of human nature.
Also I think the Schadenfreude is a bit unwarranted here. They went to a country that wasn’t listed as that dangerous. And they were brutally killed. Not really cool. It’d be different if they biked through Northern Afghanistan or something.
Progressives believe that people need to be told what to do for the good of others. That doesn’t lend itself to to belief that people are inherently good.
At the top, Communism/socialism/progressivism has a very cynical view of human nature.
It’d be better if that were true. Ultimately, I think even that’s to generous. I think the people you cite have a deep and abiding hatred of human nature.
This. They believe they are nieschean ubermenschen. They mentally approach humanity the same way you and I would mentally approach a herd of deer.
If progressives really had “an overly generous understanding of human nature” they wouldn’t be pushing to control every aspect of our lives “for our own good.”
Sugarfree’s influence continues to spread.
Well, I’m off to the Undisclosed Location for the weekend so you degenerates will have to find your own tits for a few days. Here are some going-away redheads.
4: snowflake or Star of David? Sweet Jesus 13.
There’s a lot of “burn your house down” in there
15 looks like more of a “push your car with you in it onto an active railroad crossing with her truck” kind of girl.
It’s like 10,000 Tulpas when all you need is a bot.
Oh crap, that was supposed to be a response to Commodious at #46.
Isn’t it ironic?
You made it past 1?
re: the registration hiatus… was it “breet_pharara_69” that tipped you off?
Hey, I’m more subtle than that.
Fuck! I thought I was being clever, turns out I’m shit at remembering.
Whycome I can’t comment on hiatus thread?
Because you made over $11,547 on your laptop.
They get bulk pricing up north.
“Angela Bassett celebrates her 60th birthday by posting stunning bikini photo on social media”
She doesn’t like a day over 59 1/2.
whoa nelly. 60?
Black don’t crack.
Everyone marvels at Christie Brinkley, who is as dumb as a stump, but Angie’s got it going on.
“Midterm Meddling: Twitter Follows Facebook, Blacklists GOP Candidate’s Family Story
Twitter has followed in Facebook’s footsteps by blocking a campaign video ad for Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng. Facebook eventually admitted that a campaign video including the communist atrocities in Cambodia is not “shocking, disrespectful, or sensational,” but Twitter, which describes the ad as “obscene,” disagrees.”
Any organization which is not explicitly Right-wing will eventually become Left-wing.
– O’Sullivan’s Law
The process of going from zero to full-commie is just a lot faster these days.
Thought that was one of Conquest’s Laws of Politics.
Chomsky approves
Fuck it. Yank their CDA privileges. You’re going to use your ostensibly neutral platform to editorialize through selective rulemaking, you’re open to defamation suits.
Exactly. It’s the free market response to this shit. Section 230 is a worthwhile rule. If you’re a neutral platform, like e-mail, a bulletin board, or a telephone call, you shouldn’t be held responsible for what people say on your platform. But, at this point, that simply doesn’t apply to the tech giants. They’ve crossed over from the standard of being a neutral platform to defining what content they’ll allow on their platform. If they decide, they’re responsible. Letting section 230 apply to them is a travesty. They should no more be exempt from defamation suits or copyright infringement suits than any brick and mortar publisher.
I’m pretty sure even email platforms and bulletin boards can de-person anyone at will. If you ask me none of them are “content-neutral”.
And subjecting a few social media giants to the tender mercies of the plaintiffs’ bar would give them an object lesson in why they shouldn’t de-person people.
It’s a great ad, although a little too long for its purpose.
“i mentioned in skeptic’s last video, the transvestigation community is overwhelmingly female. its pretty rare that there are many women in truth communities (flat earth, etc) but for some fucking reason transvestigation really attracts women. i think its kinda interesting.”
Mr. Lizard, they’ve caught on to operation leggo my eggo!! We need to go to plan omicron.
Sounds like Trump just canceled the military parade because the cost was too high. Opinion +1.
Acknowledge (((their))) evil or else!
Kontorovich fairly answers that here:
“Jewish students should toughen up.”
I agree. The great thing about this site is people disagreeing pleasantly, maturely. It would be better if we all heard bad ideas everywhere all day, each being refuted.
Everyone , especially students, should toughen up.
Dude, victimhood is the highest achievable moral status.
Only 500 cases of welfare fraud in 193,000 recipients? Then they’re definitely not looking hard enough.
It’s a bit funny because the lack of finding fraud cases becomes the evidence that they shouldn’t look for them. It’s sort of like the voter fraud thing.
One could easily argue they just aren’t doing a good job looking for them.
They absolutely don’t want to find fraud.
Bureaucracies don’t build empires by restricting their pool of potential handout recipients.
Speaking of Californians – and New Yorkers, and Washingtoners – not at all interested in rooting out fraud.
In the brief, DOJ accused the AGs of misunderstanding the issue at hand in the settlement. It further claimed that the AGs want the Department of State to exceed the authority granted to them under current law. DOJ said the case was not about the legality of 3D-printed firearms but, rather, about the potential export of technical firearms data to foreign nationals.
ohhhhhhhhh this is awkward
“the potential export of technical firearms data to foreign nationals.”
I don’t even know what that means.
Export of technical data to foreign nationals.
Technical data: Any information to design, build, manufacture, install, operation, or maintain almost anything
Export to foreign nationals: face-to-face conversations, email, websites, cloud storage, etc, etc, etc
Get it wrong, go to prison.
Foreign nationals want plastic guns? For what? Why?, they can get real guns if they want them. This is stupid, stupid, dumbfuck stupid.
So Cody Wilson was threatened with prison for violating International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) by exporting (publishing to a website accessible by foreign nationals) the technical data to manufacture a weapon.
The settlement was basically “Never Mind”.
The AGs don’t understand that.
That advanced, single use zip gun technology will turn the tide of war against us.
It’s like we’re back in the frontier days and we have to keep the savages from getting firewater and guns. Next thing you, the Mongols will be pouring down from the north to invade the USA with plastic guns. Who’s the idiots that came up with this. Must be the backpack nuke people again.
Why print one when the ATF will sell you one cheap?
It’s raining again at my house. I’m not complaining. Rain is good. Especially late summer rain.
It has been raging for almost a week straight. I’ve gotten something like 8 inches since Sunday. This is August. It never rains like this in August. Wierd.
“My interview with Omarosa was truly unbelievable.”
Is Omorosa the spell that turns off the lights, opens a locked door, or paralyzes your enemy? I keep forgetting.
What is wrong with people in Vermont? Is there something bad in the water there? First they elect a commie, repeatedly, now a retard who doesn’t know what gender he is.
s/he looks like a drag character from Monty Python… Eric Idle dressing as a woman, where the whole joke revolves around how unfeminine he looks. The world is becoming a joke.
What’s up with the eyes? Is xe stoned out of his… her… mind?
Smoked more dope than Gay Jay by the look of it.
I also think xe forgot to take the requisite hormones. I guess if xe loses the election, he can go back to being a guy easily enough.
I’m more concerned with the closed eyes stuff than the transgenderism, to be honest. How can you trust someone who speaks like that?
Well, if you’re dumb enough to keep sending a commie back to congress every election…
Old White Women brigade doesn’t know their place is to quietly support domestic abusers of color.
It’s all good, though, lefties have rediscovered the wisdom of the due process.
“DFL Rep. John Lesch, a St. Paul attorney who formerly prosecuted domestic assault cases, said that “this is the reason we have a legal process — so that allegations can be vetted in a fair setting permitting due process and justice for all parties.”
Due process is only for democrats, otherwise there has to be witch burning with no due process.
I stunningly have to give NOW some credit here.
“We believe survivors.”
I find anyone who talks like that, to be slimy that is beyond slimy. A person must be believed if they have a vagina. Myself, I give Ellison, even being the giant dickweed commie that he is, the benefit of the doubt, just like anyone else accused of something.
Some acquaintance of mine went on about how the accuser should always be believed and that due process with respect to rape accusations. After she was done, I pointed out that her logic was on par with the assholes who killed Emmett Till.
She did not take that accusation kindly.
Sometimes the truth hurts.
I suspect this means Ellison favors legislation on how many cats they can own.
Carl: No, he’s not a boy any more… he’s a man. ‘CUZ HE JUST RAPED ME.
Hand Banana: You think you could back that up?
Carl: Listen to this guy, “could back that up.” I GOT BRUISES TO PROVE IT.
Hand Banana: No, no, I mean that ass. Back it up.
Literally what Ellison supporters are doing to all women right now. Literally. They’re all implicated in this. They’re all abusers.
It’s OK when they do it. The left have no values, no morals, no principles. It’s all about by any means necessary. The entire #metoo bullshit is a fabrication by the left to discredit anyone on the right. It’s not about anyone’s rights, it’s about the left winning and getting their utopia, by any means necessary. So it didn’t take them long to create and defend their double standard.
The entire #metoo bullshit is a fabrication by the left to discredit anyone on the right.
Perhaps. If so, it’s pretty much a colossal failure. So far, its victims have been overwhelmingly other progressives.
And I hope it keeps doing that to them..
People peddling identity politics usually do so out of projection of their attitudes towards others. I love hearing how some woke asshole is outed as the asshole they are and then burned for it. It feels like real justice and not that bullshit social justice crap.
f [the accuser] has got some proof, bring it forward.”
I really don’t like Ellison. But, is this really wrong? I mean, should people get their lives destroyed on nothing more than an anonymous allegation?
Oh, and by the way, fuck the feminists for making me defend Keith Ellison.
The intersectionality involved here is breaking the left’s brains.
But, is this really wrong? I mean, should people get their lives destroyed on nothing more than an anonymous allegation?
Depends: do you believe in justice as an empirical process, or a metaphysical one? Is it a system for adjudicating guilt based on facts, that, while imperfect (as are all human institutions), is better than dunking witches? Or is justice a means for correcting ephemeral grievances by punishing some despite their innocence, and rewarding others despite their guilt, at the whims of Star Chambers peopled by leftist inquisitors?
I don’t want Ellison tried and convicted on flimsy evidence because jurors are bound by law to “believe the victim.” But I do want leftists to knife their heretics the way they happily do normies.
I believe the Dem’s are willing to sacrifice some of their “star” players to establish precedent – anyone accused goes down – see also how to take down Donald Trump 101.
I’m late to this, but the accuser almost makes me back Brother Keith.
I haven’t seen this elsewhere, but who wouldn’t be a bit perturbed by not taking out the trash when asked?
“A Closer Look at Anti-White Rhetoric”
Alright, I’ll take them at their word: their rhetoric isn’t just facially bigoted, it’s unserious edgelord bullshit, too.
Thanks, interesting read
That’s actually horrible.
Google China
Ah, what the poor naive staff doesn’t realize, is that the China censorship is just practice for implementation here.
They already practice a lite version of it here by sorting news results according to political viewpoint.
But that’s totes ok.
this is good stuff
/gets popcorn
“China censorship” . . . “there is a ‘code yellow’ situation”