The White Sox are on a tear right now. They’ve reeled off two in a row..which is one more in a row than the Astros have won. But one is better than none, so I’ll take it. Other winners were: Seattle, the MINNESOOOOOOOOOODA TWIIIIIIINS!!!!!, the Cubs, the Mariners, the Phillies, the Mets, the Rays, Indians, Braves (and the Marlins pitcher was bush league last night, by the way), Blue Jays, Cardinals, Angels and the Dodgers avoided the sweep.

Any Glibs out there celebrating a birthday today? Please out yourself in the comments. Oh, and you share it with: football pioneer Amos Alonzo Stagg, soldier and writer T.E. Lawrence, “Felix The Car” cartoonist Otto Messmer, Israeli leader and Nobel laureate Menachem Begin, “laureate of American lowlife” Charles Bukowski, philanderer Frank Gifford, Catwoman hottie Julie Newmar, moron Carol Mosely-Braun, musician Barry Hay, bluesman Eric Bibb, wife of aforementioned philandered Kathie Lee Gifford, director and SJW James Cameron, guitarist Tim Fariss, nasty skank Madonna, comedic actor Steve Carell, and musician Bob Hardy.
Its also the day Yorktown was founded, the Brits, with help from Tecumseh, captured Fort Detroit, “Siegfried” debuted at Bayreuth, Babe Ruth hit the first ever homer at Comiskey Park, riots in Calcutta between Muslims and Hindus over Pakistani independence left over 4000 dead (1946), the Shah fled Iran for Rome, Ringo replaced Pete Best as drummer for the Beatles, the Ramones played their first gig, Peter Gabriel quit Genesis, John DeLorean was acquitted, Bon Jovi released “Slippery When Wet”, and Julian Assange was granted political asylum by Ecuador.
OK, now on to…the links!

Lying scumbag
Lying, spying, murdering piece of shit John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump. Now of they could just get around to trying the son of a bitch for perjury among other things, we’d start scratching the surface of the justice that he so richly deserves.
The Vatican is going with the “head in the sand” approach to the latest sex abuse scandal. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.
With closing arguments completed, the jury will begin deliberations in the Paul Manafort bank and tax fraud trial. I hope they didn’t buy into the government’s class war bullshit and see that there were literally no bankers that made a complaint about his loans, and his so-called “fraud” involved several people operating completely in the open.

Monkey see, monkey doo-doo
Cuomo doubles down on his “America was never that great” comments by saying we will never go back to days that really didn’t exist to a great degree and where it did exist was because of his predecessors in the Democrat Party.
Comic book writer and screenplay producer gets six years for kiddie porn. I guess he should have thought twice when he set up the (seriously) email address I hope he makes many friends in prison. Many, many friends.
Somebody needs to teach this guy that although you have honorable goals, if your methods piss everyone off, you’re not gonna get anywhere. I can see this eventually ending with a snowplow and a lot of blood.

Agreed! Now move the sign.
This is a serious movement that I think all of us can get behind. Or get in front of with a camera. Either way, its important.
I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. Except maybe people like that pedo mentioned above. Man, what a viscous way to go.
Pro football is almost here. And I, for one, welcome this important part of the process.
A couple choices today, but I went a little more modern than most of you would probably expect. And no, its not that skank. Hell, I’ll post two songs since I rarely do newer music. And since I really like this band.
Go out there and kick some ass today, friends.
“Lying, spying, murdering piece of shit John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump. Now of they could just get around to trying the son of a bitch for perjury among other things, we’d start scratching the surface of the justice that he so richly deserves.”
About time this communist douche was removed from having access to info he would lie about. I hope a lot more people that were part of the Obama crime syndicate lose their clearances to. And if they land in jail making license plates, we might have some justice finally occurring.
Shouldn’t it be automatic that when you are no longer employed in a role that requires a security clearance the clearance gets yanked?
That practice was rolled back so people with a clearance could keep jobs in D.C. and/or help successors, but with the deep state today being what it is, I would say it is now a must to revoke the clearance of people out of a job that required it. There should be a system where they can reapply if they need it or file for a special extension. It shouldn’t just stay with them.
It’s gonna come out that Brennan was the whole QB for the Muh Russia BS
I think they had multiple QBs for that.
Offensive Coordinator, QB Coach, Head Coach, Offensive Quality Control, and so on….
Yeah, but Brennan colluding with Ohr & Steele, selling this to Dingy Harry Reid that then went to the FBI and the media to tell this totally false story, makes Brennan – an avowed communist, a liar that helped the Obama admin peddle the horrible Iran deal, responsible for the US cyber command backing down in 2016 when they detected the Russian hacking, and the guy behind protecting Hillary from her just time in jail – top guy here.
Was John McCain the center or the receiver? My guess is center. I don’t know if he has enough range to catch a pass not thrown at his waist.
Can’t he die already?
Head Head Injury Coach
Shit, I wish I’d have said “McCain would have been the QB but was in the concussion protocol.”
Laws are for little people. Haven’t you learned that already?
That is certainly the message these people are conveying with their attitude.
Defend the CIA, FBI and 17! other intelligence agencies. The 60’s liberal is dead.
Did anyone else read Brennan’s Op-Ed in the NYT today? Among other things he writes: “The only questions that remain are whether the collusion that took place constituted criminally liable conspiracy, whether obstruction of justice occurred to cover up any collusion or conspiracy, and how many members of “Trump Incorporated” attempted to defraud the government by laundering and concealing the movement of money into their pockets.”
The fact that Brennan says these questions still remain sounds like a tacit admission that the allegations in the dossier are complete BS. If there was any evidence to support any of those claims Brennan would almost certainly be aware of it. The only ‘evidence’ Brennan cites WRT collusion is Trump’s public statement about “go find Hillary’s emails”.
Paywall of course:
This guy is desperately trying to keep this made up shit going, and now that he no longer has access to information that would allow him to make plays that would allow him being outed as one of the most criminal people in the Obama admin, I suspect he is panicking and trying to make this as political as possible. Remember that the strategy pursued by the Obama admin weaponized government deepstaters has been to stall and hope a donkey flip of the house in the 2018 elections, would allow any investigation that would show their criminal behavior to be squashed. It’s about making sure the American people remain misinformed about how corrupt the government Obama ran was, and how much worse it would have been had Hillary taken over.
That’s a really good read on it.
“the collusion that took place”
I’m not a lawyer, but isn’t that libel?
Hawai’ian Jusge says “Not if directed at Trump.”
That sounds like the start of a slippery slope down to punning.
And then we’ll have to climb back up to do it again the next time somebody posts the link.
Some of us can’t get to the afternoon links.
He definitely took the greasy way out when coming up with a bad pun
I guess his motto isn’t “oils well that ends well” anymore, is it?
That’s the second allusion to that play in the last two pm lynx, so I’ll give you some dirt on it. The King in All’s Well That Ends Well is suffering from a fistula. Shakespeare had an ancestor that developed a surgery to treat anal fistulas.
It’s not about the dogs, Pat, it’s about the people. They are using their dogs as Teddy Bears.
He was petrolfied
*mass narrowed gaze*
I hope he had a well-larded investment portfolio, so his heirs at least have something with which to console themselves.
He had refined taste.
The Vatican is going with the “head in the sand” approach to the latest sex abuse scandal. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off. – I thought the whole point of the commie pope is to make the Vatican look good. He needs to talk more socialism and climate change because who really cares about sex scandals…
If they’d picked a man of God and solid principles, they might have done more to rehabilitate their image.
Obviously rampant capitalism made those fine priests into kid-touchers.
High Priest Bergoglio really is in a difficult position. If the rumors are true his predecessor HP Ratzinger was elbow deep in the cover-up, which is why Ratzinger resigned. Also why Ratzinger created a new, special position for himself instead of just becoming a monk somewhere – as HP Emeritus he is close enough to being a head of state that it is impractical to extradite him, or arrest him should he step outside Italy.
Cuomo doubles down on his “America was never that great” comments by saying we will never go back to days that really didn’t exist to a great degree and where it did exist was because of his predecessors in the Democrat Party. – to be fair it depends on what “great” means…
To be fair, a large portion of America was stupid enough to elect Obama twice, and Cuomo père and fils a total of five (probably six this November) times.
The country isn’t perfect, but compared to the others, it was by far the shining beacon on the hill. And it did so despite these failures and tragedies you mention.
^This. After the end of slavery, of course. But while certain countries (Germany) have had the taint of their past washed clean, the US will always be on the hook for slavery.
The one thing that keeps me rooting for the US is 2A. Hate the wars, the corruption in government, the surveillance state etc, but as long as they keep 2A healthily defended, I will always root for the US.
Zardoz approves.
I’m referring to him saying we’ll never go back to the KKK days. You know, when his party members were legislating racism when they weren’t running around burning crosses and lynching people.
We all know republicans were the true KKK.
Just like fascism is right wing and not another collectivist/socialist ideology, right?
IF you think about it, there’s no reason why right-wing isn’t collectivist.
In fact the right can be just as collectivist. They just have a different set of collectives they set above the individual.
The U.S. is unique in that the right actually pays lip service to individualism, and that’s more due to a historical accident than anything else.
I don’t think right, as opposed to left, is collectivist in any form. I see right as opposed to collectivism, i.e. pro capitalism.
The parties switched sides in 1964!
“Felix The Car” cartoonist Otto Messmer,
I always enoyed the Felix the Car shorts.
/in before the Edit Faerie….
Well now I can’t fix it.
“We have not reached greatness, we will reach greatness when every American is fully engaged, we will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 per cent of our population, is gone and every woman’s full potential is realized and unleashed and every woman is making her full contribution,’ he said. ”
Free diamond rings for everyone?
We’ll know when that point has been reached, because every woman, regardless of her preference, will be working in STEM making $500k a year while an army of pyjama boys at the state-run daycare facility take care of their test tube babies.
In case this prophecy is accurate, I’m going long on soybeans.
every woman’s full potential is realized – is your potentialmeter properly calibrated?
What a load of horseshit
Feminism isn’t about equality of anything but outcome. It’s the new marxism.
“every woman is making her full contribution,’ sounds to me like he’s saying women have been slacking off for the last 250 years. Misogynist.
Slacking off in the making of sammiches, ammiright?
Bitches need some ass kicking…
So they want them to have as many babies as possible?
I slept on my back wrong. Don’t know how I managed it, but I am seriously effed up this morning.
So if I’m a little teste, don’t mind me.
We’re used to your little testes. :-p
I don’t mind them. It makes everything else look bigger.
My wife and I are discussing new a mattress for just that reason.
My wife and I discussing the same thing but for different reasons.
Worked the one you have too hard?
It’s because you still piss the bed, isn’t it?
Water sports…
Steele is a snitch.
Craftmatic time?
I got a Casper mattress and it did wonders for my back. Perhaps because it’s made from memory foam and the ghosts of little dead boys (the last part I’m only assuming because of the name).
I love my Tempur-Pedic cloud supreme. I’ll never go back to a spring mattress.
Mr. Mojeaux won these. It’s awesome.
won one of*
I picture him like Laslo in Real Genius using a machine to fill out entries to sweepstakes.
+200,000 Bags of Frito-Lay Corn Chips
+1 steam tunnels
“Do you wanna borrow my pajamas?”
No, for real, he has macros for all the shit he enters, and unless the lottery gets into 9 figures, he doesn’t spend money to do it.
I’m sitting on a $250 JoAnn’s gift card I don’t know what to do with because I don’t sew anymore.
I think there’s a web-site where you can sell or trade gift cards..can’t remember the name of it
He looked into that. It’s less than half the value of the card.
OTOH, I do have a couple of things I’d like framed, so we may do that.
NO, don’t move the sign.
The Vatican is going with the “head in the sand” approach to the latest sex abuse scandal.
Francis will get to it as soon as he finishes putting the final touches on his intersectional wealth redistribution encyclical.
Not one to stand up for the Catholic church, but some of those allegations sound like bs.
A church with competent leadership would do something dramatic like temporarily replace them all – then quickly sort the guilty from the innocent, work with the authorities to punish the guilty while vigorously defending the innocent.
Also, would rescind the Vatican passports of anyone suspected of involvement. I believe some suspects were conveniently transferred overseas; the church should order them to return to the US.
The church is (at least technically) a sovereign, and they are using that to shield their employees in a way that no other organization could.
I mean, we are talking a thousand victims.
Over 50 years.
Make that since the 50’s.
There must be an easier way to redistribute the church’s wealth than through abuse and litigation.
This is a serious movement that I think all of us can get behind. Or get in front of with a camera. Either way, its important. – why are all the pictures blurred? You Americans and your puritanism…
The pictures aren’t blurred. They’re crystal clear pictures of blurry people.
You have to hold your nose about ten inches from the screen and kinda squint.
Surfer’s Monster, 80-Foot Wave Came from a Hidden, Underwater Canyon
An astonishing video that circulated on Twitter yesterday (Aug. 13) shows a surreal and stomach-dropping scene: An azure wave, streaked with vertical white lines, rises up and up — and, somehow — up higher, until it dwarfs a red tower and row of silhouetted onlookers in the foreground. Another line appears, the wake of a figure at first too small to see, slashing across the growing mountain of water. As the wave finally rolls over itself and breaks toward shore, the figure resolves for the camera lens: Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa, appearing impossibly calm as he rides down the face of this liquid avalanche. The behemoth, which Koxa surfed in November 2017, is considered the biggest wave ever ridden, topping out at 80 feet (24 meters) off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal.
This is a wildly impressive feat by Koxa. But how was it possible at all? If you’re a regular beachgoer along most shorelines, you might spot the occasional large wave — but it’s a good bet that even most hard-core surfers have never seen an 80-footer. So how did Koxa know where to go to conquer such a mammoth wave? And why did an 80-foot wave roll into Nazare and not, say, Coney Island? [Six Bizarre Feeding Tactics from the Depths of Our Oceans]
Here’s the thing: Koxa, besides being super-talented, got super lucky.
Sharon Gilman, a biological oceanographer at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina, wrote on her website about some features of wind-driven waves— the most common sort of wave, and the kind Koxa rode in Portugal — that make them extraordinarily difficult to track and predict.
“There are waves of all sizes and shapes rolling into the beach at any given time,” she wrote. “If they’re not stopped by anything, waves can travel across entire ocean basins … so the waves at your beach might be from a storm half a world away.”
Koxa didn’t make that 80-foot wave appear under his surfboard; he was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time.
But while there was some luck involved in Koxa’s 80-footer, Koxa had good reason to suspect Nazaré might offer some prime surfing opportunities.
Not every beach is created equal, Gilman said. The underwater terrain leading up to a beach plays a big role in what sort of waves roll onto shore.
Certain shorelines have shallow, open shorelines, she wrote. They don’t do much to shape incoming waves’ energy, so the waves just roll in one at a time, resulting in a calm surface for the water. (Think of any beach where you can walk dozens of feet into the water and still have gentle waves lapping against your belly.)
Other shorelines act like amplifiers. They might have steeper sea bottoms, which can cause waves to climb on one another’s shoulders as they approach the beach, she wrote.
“The ones in front start really getting dragged by the bottom and so they slow down,” she wrote. “This allows the ones behind them to ride up their backs. As the distance between the rows of waves decreases, all that wave energy gets condensed into a narrower and narrower space and has to go somewhere, so the wave gets taller.”
At a certain point, as this website from the University of Hawaii explains, the back of a wave outpaces the front of the wave, causing it to “break” — effectively tripping over itself.
High walls, like those around a canyon, along a shoreline can also amplify ripples into monsters, she wrote. Waves crash into them and then bounce off, moving in different directions than the waves around them. If that wave peaks or reaches its low point as it runs into an incoming wave, that incoming wave will briefly gain the energy of the reflected wave — boosting itself in a process known as “constructive interference.”
Nazaré, NPR reported in 2013, features both an intense upward slope toward shore and huge, constructive-interference-generating underwater walls — extreme versions of both amplifying effects that make it one of the top sites for monster waves in the world. Nazaré Canyon, a deep gorge off the coast, sinks to about 16,000 feet (nearly 4,900 meters) below the ocean’s surface and blasts waves toward the surface.
That’s why the previous record-breaking wave, a 78-footer, was also surfed off the coast of Nazaré. The canyon’s waves have proved dangerous, injuring or nearly killing both surfers and beachgoers on several occasions. Waves topping 100 feet have been spotted offshore, according to NPR’s report.
Still, as long as that hidden canyon continues to fire gobsmacking waves toward the ocean surface, it’s hard to imagine that thrill-seeking surfers will stay away.
Originally published on Live Science.
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Sorry I did not mean to copy paste that much. Don’t know what happened…
So what would I also like?
I am going to go safe with tits and beer. maybe a good steak.
Tit’s and milk.
Better than the land of milk and honey?
I thought Eddie was back.
I can do that but I don’t wanna.
Big deal. Dunphy shred that wave while simultaneously recording the most shreddingest guitar solo for the new Metallica album while powerlifting a 500 pound barbell with his shredding muscles. Later, Dunphy went home and banged his wife Morgan Fairchild.
Fake newZ – Morgan Fairchild was sitting on his shoulders while all of this happened.
I met a real life Dunphy this week. In the course of 10 minutes, this guy told me he used to play pro hockey, then he was a ships captain in the USCG, then he was an intelligence officer for DHS/LA County Sheriff (he couldn’t decide on a jurisdiction apparently). He’s an actor, writes screenplays, and is a semi-popular working musician. His business card indicated he was a wedding videographer. I’m pretty sure he was a methed up pathological liar who steals presents/cash from weddings under the guise of wedding videographer.
From his persona on TOS I cannot imagine what would could force me to be in the same space with that being. I assume you just ran into him at some random gathering.
This is a serious movement that I think all of us can get behind. Or get in front of with a camera. Either way, its important.
I look forward to the knee-knockers
“And I ought to be able to make the choices on what I wear, not men in suits and ties.”
How about men wearing driving gloves?
As if nudity laws were only dreamed up by old, white men and not the prudes they were married to…
“You’re being sited for being unclothed when no one wants to see that.”
Exactly. If this law was used in similar ways to other laws, we would only allow the beautiful people to be naked. All uglies must cover up!
::shuffles off to put on male burqua::
Got a spare for me?
No Burka for you Swiss. get in uniform.
So this isn’t about rights – it’s about telling society it has to change in order to accommodate their fringe position. That always ends well.
Winning hearts and minds. It is what lawyers do.
The pic of the lawyer definitely reinforces the idea that some people just need to be punched.
Uffda. I can’t believe this didn’t get more responses.
“I gave her CPR after I shot her! What more do you bastards want?”
Well, we’ll find out how long the batteyr lasts on time lapse with the GoPro. It’s sitting in my window filming a trash can by the curb.
Can’t you just fingerprint it? I assume you have trash-taking-out gloves so only the perp’s prints would show, right?
Even if that were the case, Prints are only useful with something to compare against.
Getting the comparison data would be much more difficult than just say, if the person caught on camera and the neighbor looked the same.
I’m shocked that you don’t already have a file on each neighbor with fingerprints, hair samples and DNA swabs.
He would have to change gloves for that.
Until they bother me, I don’t give a damn about them. I’m not going to expend effort on the lot unless they intrude onto my domain.
This is exciting. It’s like a Glibs True Crime Drama made for Lifetime channel…or the Playboy channel…not sure yet. We’ll see how it plays out.
Why can’t it be both?
Or, he could fall in love with the perp like on the Hallmark Channel.
He for sure has gloves for the Playboy channel scenes
I think I’ve seen this same plot on Sesame Street.
*glares menacingly at Big Bird*
The trash can is my fucking home! You throw your rancid bird shit trash in my fucking living room!
I love how camera manufacturers always assume no one intends to stand their device up in a window, looking out. This is mostly an issue when you realize window glass is IR reflective and a lot of these devices have ‘Nightvision’ with IR illuminators, which would promptly blind themselves. I suppose electrical tape would fix that problem.
“”Records show officers initially received a cyber tip generated by Google because a YouTube account holder uploaded a video to a private channel depicting a girl who appeared to be approximately 8-12 years old, wearing a mask, being sexually abused by an adult male and an adult female. Google also provided an email address associated with the account hold — — and officers geo-located the data for the IP address and confirmed Jones’ identity using law enforcement databases.”
It sounds like he wanted to get caught.
When you greet the police with an admission of guilt, it really sounds that way to me too:
He uploaded kiddie porn to Youtube?
He either wanted to get caught and/or is a complete and total dumbass.
He fooled everyone! His real paraphilia is not abusing children, it is catching some of that sweet sweet prison rape.
“Cuomo doubles down on his “America was never that great” comments by saying we will never go back to days that really didn’t exist to a great degree and where it did exist was because of his predecessors in the Democrat Party.”
I applaud this mafia capo for saying what the democrat leadership cadre truly believes. The most inept credentialed cunts in the country, all people that have profited immensely by promulgating the usual identity politics/marxcist destruction “divide & conquer” dogma of the left, have for decades now been at work undermining the existing order, because marxism requires the destruction of all systems – but especially those predicated on a meritocracy – so they can fool the uninformed into giving inept totalitarians power, all believe America is evil because its system would show them for the losers they are.
Have no doubt that the political class’ biggest problem with Trump managing to win the election they had rigged for one of their own, is the existential threat that the plebes rising up to tell them “We are no longer fooled by you inept and stupid people and will stop this movement dead in its tracks” poses to their ability to get rich while doing absolutely nothing of value. People wising up to the fact that the globalization agenda has made inept fucks like the usual marxism peddling members of the inept ruling oligarchy rich that then have the temerity to tell us how rotten we are for not letting them have their way, while their agenda punishes the productive, and has destroyed the middle class, is why the left is so pissed.
Well said.
It’s all masks off with these fucks.
Yeah. But the Trump equation throws out the old GOP “tit” for the old DNC “tat” – which is why TDS is a real thing. They don’t know how to counter an opponent who isn’t trying to get in to wet his beak the same way they want to wet their own.
Sloopy have you ever wondered What if?
What if you own the best golf equipment but your body doesn’t function optimally?
What if you could improve muscle and joint function just by swinging a golf club?
What if your putter could interact with your nervous system? The Neuro Connect™ Solution
Kinesiology testing procedures indicate Neuro Connect™ technology may help to optimize muscle and joint function during the golf swing. A correct golf swing can: Improve accuracy Enhance performance Optimize balance Help provide consistency
Neuro Connect™ INFUSED Shaft Bands. The Neuro Connect™ INFUSED Shaft Bands are fitted just below each grip.
The frequency pattern they emit means the CNS of the player is connected to the club.
::writes blank check to Pie::
That is some awesome gobbledy-gook to try and sell stickers.
::puts stop payment on blank check::
:Pie uses alien tech dark energy to cash check before stop payment order goes through:
Uffda. The Minnesoda Supreme Court fucks the 4th amendment right in the ass.
For a while, it seemed like Minnesoda was going to put some limits on (what does Lach call them?) warrant generators on 4 legs. A drug conviction had been thrown out because cops didn’t have any warrant when they trotted a dog outside an apartment and used its “alert” to go get a warrant.
Fuck Gildea in the neck for sucking cop dick so hard.
This is some mighty tortured logic.
Dear Zardoz,
Sloopy told me to “kicks some ass today” so I did just that. Now H.R. has told me that I’ve been fired for assaulting my coworkers. What should I do?
Out On My Ass
Mike, it would have been just as bad if you had taken his advice literally. HR wouldn’t have docked you, but PETA would be all over you AND you wouldn’t have the ass to ride home on.
I hope this is true. That kind of shit needs to happen more often.
Did you get a employee discount at H&R?
Probabtion?!?!? What the hell? Did you somehow piss off the Intergalactic Commision?
It happens
Next time kick HR’s asses first.
300+ newspapers are going to publish the same anti-Trump editorial today – to prove that they are totally objective and not all anti-Trump and stuff.
Is that what we call irony?
Real headline – there are still 300+ dead tree “news” periodicals in this country.
If you count the alt-news weeklies, there’s still at least three to five print ones in the Cleveland area. I don’t think any of them are daily any more. A couple of times a year they randomly toss one of them on our front walkway, on a Sunday, when we are the least likely to even look out our front door.
“Replacing a free media with a state-run media has always been a first order of business for any corrupt regime taking over a country. Today in the United States we have a president who has created a mantra that members of the media who do not blatantly support the policies of the current US administration are the “enemy of the people.” This is one of the many lies that have been thrown out by this president, much like an old-time charlatan threw out “magic” dust or water on a hopeful crowd.”
Trump has never said that the media in the U.S. should be state-run. Nor has he said that members of the media are the “enemy of the people” because they do not blatantly support the policies of the current US administration. But because they lie. Just like you did — twice — in one short paragraph.
Trump has also never said all the media is FAKE NEWS, just some of them.
And I always took FAKE to mean FAKEY, like over-produced and cheesy. Watch a Morning Show, it’s like a laundry detergent ad.
“Replacing a free media with a state-run media has always been a first order of business for any corrupt regime taking over a country.”
SO…..defund NPR?
How is this news? The same thing has happened for the last 572 days. Which followed about 300 days of editorials warning how evil a Trump Presidency would be.
Today in the United States we have a president who has created a mantra that members of the media who do not blatantly support the policies of the current US administration are the “enemy of the people.”
Mischaracterized the opposition right out of the gate. The real problem is the lack of objectivity and the flat out propaganda they peddle.
Remember how awful it was when all the Sinclair stations ran the same message?
I’m a day late, but better late than never (well maybe not in this case, but hey)
SJWednesday: She Thought They Said “You Need More Word Salad”
centering the fattest people in the room when we think about access and advocacy
Heliocentrism FTW.
She writes because no sane person would listen to such nonsense.
Thus, the blogosphere…
The author.
Consider yourself warned.
Not a chance I’m clicking that. I want to eat again in my lifetime.
It’s a fat guy in a wig in clown makeup and a bunch of jewelery, don’t bother
“Flawless” my ass. She’s a disgusting, fat bag of shit.
Usually I find a direct correlation between people that are just outright ugly on the outside and their ugly on the inside political views and utterings…
Meh. Barack Obama is generally considered a handsome guy but he’s politically and morally evil. Meanwhile, Penn Jillette and Drew Carey are ostensibly CHUD-like but have great politics and morals.
I guess I should have shown my misogynist nature and been clearer that I was specifically talking about the ones that are born female (and fugly).
Unfortunately, virtually all of Hollywood belies that assertion.
Well, Drew Carey was a Marine.. so, like… yeah…
Well, so am I, but that doesn’t make me a bad person.
Being a bad person is what makes me a bad person.
That. Is. Stunning.
I….I have never seen so many things wrapped up like that in one package. Just….WOW.
*Mortal Kombat voice* Flawless. Victory.
And by victory, I mean in the “how many obvious stereotypes, insecurities, and defense mechanisms can you fit into one tragic photo” award category.
Its so over the top that it really ought to be satire.
It was way worse than I was prepared for.
*Mortal Kombat voice* Flawless. Victory.
I would be physically unable to finish with her.
*Thinks of current Lady. Swoons. Shows off to friends.*
Thicc, but not the good kind.
I just feel bad for her. She has obviously had a miserable life, and is retreating into a fantasy world to hide from it. Some people like her read romance novels, some collect stray cats, she just embraces the nonsense from the intersectional universe. It’s just a modern form of coping with being shunned.
Bernie Sanders slams Republican Party as being “bankrupt intellectually”
Pot meet kettle…
but I mean he is not completely wrong …
If the Republicans had their way we’d be dragged back to the social environment of the 1950s! What we need are fresh and innovative perspectives, like universal health care, free college, nationalized energy and media companies, speech restrictions, and mandatory collective bargaining. You know, like Europe has had… since the 1950s.
Then we would intellectually wealthy and financially bankrupt!
Sweden Muslim woman who refused handshake at job interview wins case
That last line you blockquoted just doesn’t sound right.
There’s a reason First Cousin marriages are common in certain communities.
Shipwrecks on deserted islands?
The Swedes have flipped the basic concept of assimilation on its head haven’t they?
Everything is working out great over there.
I saw that, damn those Swedish youths.
The Swedes seem to be assimilating to their new culture just fine.
Refuse to make contact with Muslims however, and they’ll still go after you.
The online sales service that banned Cody Wilson deletes free speech pledge and purges other gun stuff, calling free speech “too idealistic and functionally unworkable.”
“As it turns out, free speech means that people can say things we don’t like, and we do not support that.”
I remember when the left used to care about free speech – mostly back in the 60s & 70s when they were angry they couldn’t peddle communist ideas without consequences, especially in government, academia, or entertainment. Now that they see their movement has reached the point where it is simply falling apart because of the ideological stupidity and destructiveness of that communist shit they peddle, they want to shut everyone that calls them out up.
Helps that they successfully infiltrated and now completely control all the institutions you mentioned.
They never cared about free speech.
I look forward to his declining sales.
I’ve never heard of Shopify. So their marketing stunt at the very least got their name out.
I don’t think the all publicity is good publicity truism holds for selling stuff. I guess we’ll see.
They run the back-end shopping systems for a lot of small online businesses. If you purchase from people other then Amazon, Google, Walmart, Target, etc. you’ve probably ordered through their system.
Yeah, but they’ve come out to say they won’t carry out purchases of Full-auto and sound-suppressors – which cannot be purchased directly anyway. I’d bet my left testicle they don’t have an idea (when it comes down to actual details) what they have declared against.
Still not a free speech issue. We’ll see how this plays out for them. Personally I’d be afraid to use them growing list of companies that do this virtue signaling. I also think it’s funny that they often think no one will do this to them (think Dick’s).
I also wonder how much this shit happened before, but now companies are going nuclear by taking it to public opinion. (To contrast see the dispute between Bethesda and Sony over cross-platform play).
Also funny that at least they are honest about abandoning a cultural commitment to free speech and free thought.
Shopify is a Canadian based company, so they never really had a commitment to gun rights or free speech to begin with.
Proving yet again that Canada sucks
Were the American cyclists killed in Tajikistan naive for traveling there?
I don’t think naive is the word I would use…
I have a friend who worked in the Turkmenistan US Embassy back in the 90’s.
One of our mutual acquaintances asked him one time where was the best place to travel in the country. He responded with “Nowhere, you’re just going to make more work for me when I have to fill out all the forms concerning your murder/disappearance.”
I know nothing of Turkmenistan, and like most am very ignorant of the -stans in general.
However, I did spend a week in Kazakhstan and never had a single issue or threat. i had a lovely time. Is Kazakh just better or have the times changed so much in the last few decades? Perhaps the proximity to Iran/Afghanistan is the issue. I was very glad to go go there—it was a part of the world that I didn’t and don’t understand/haven’t experienced and was thrilled to see what central Asia is like.
At the time (I don’t know about now), Turkmenistan was run by an honest-to-God totalitarian and the new oil-gas exploration was turning the country into the Wild West of Russian organized crime.
Kazakhstan is I think generally safer and less religious. I knew a woman who traveled there for work and had no issues. I would say it is the better of the stans
Borat agrees.
Well, I know this much – when I went through Manas AB on my way to Uzbekistan, they had beer. K2 in Uzbekistan did not. However, when we went sightseeing in Samarkand, we did get drunk in a hotel bar.
I know a guy who’s been to Tajikistan twice, although not in the last 10 years. He said they were great people and had no issues.
“Central Asia generally is fairly safe,” said Paul Stronski, a senior fellow in the Russia and Eurasia program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Generally it’s fairly safe – talk about a ringing endorsement.
Well most of it is empty land.
“60% of the time it’s safe all the time.”
A buddy of mine was an election observer in Tajikistan. He said it was like everyone had a gun surgically attached to their hands. Sounds like Glibertopia.
Two lady friends of mine traveled through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and had a great time without any troubles.
SJWednesday: Coiffurtural Appropriation
“”free speech””
From my casual perusal of National Geographic, I don’t think dreadlocks, cornrows, afros, and whatever other stereotypical hairstyles American black people have decided are a unique part of their identity actually have much to do with their race.
I cannot read any more about kulchural apropriashun. It is so stupid. As stupid as my attempt at mocking misspells . Some people can do it. I am not one of them
Umm today is Thursday
It’s always SJWednesday.
At least it is when I fail to post my favorite kind of derp on an actual Wednesday.
Oh good thought I was losing my mind and skipped a day.
These people are insane. “Atrocities of Oppression”. They have no real threats in their lives, they’re LARPers
Jesus the wiki page on it
It has like a metric fuckton of uncritically describing the stupid thing and just a few rows of criticisms to the concept. The word nonsense should appear in the very first paragraph.
Go fuck yoyrself. Some of us don’t even have hair.
From the pictures you’ve posted, you just have to turn your head upside down.
That also sound a bit antisemitic on Sloop’s part.
“atrocities of oppression every day.”
Do tell.
Lying, spying, murdering piece of shit John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump.
The usual suspects are crying foul about this even though it seems logical that no one who is no longer in a government post should keep a security clearance.
James Comey on Wednesday responded to President Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan.
The former FBI Director issued a statement via Twitter accusing President Trump of using security clearances “as pawns in a petty political game.”
“This president befriends and praises despots and dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-un,” he continued. “Those friends provide stark contrast to the patriotic Americans and public servants he disrespects, threatens, and calls enemies: a war hero like John McCain, members of our country’s free press, and devoted public servants like John Brennan. American voters must not shrug off or be distracted from the terrible behaviors of this president, who lies to the American people every day, encourages racism, is a misogynist, and always puts his own interests above those of the United States of America. Politicians enabling this president should be held accountable in future elections. We are each responsible for what we say as well as for our silence.”
JamesWoke Comey is running for prez, y’al.“We are each responsible for what we say as well as for our silence.”
I thought if you aren’t with us you’re against us was a bad thing (and it was).
You wouldn’t believe how patriotic the American left has become in the last 2 years. Did you know that Robert Mueller single-handedly won the Vietnam War before returning home to serve with honorable distinction as a humble public servant with a single-minded and selfless focus on keeping America safe from baddies?
I’m thinking these people should get to take a lie detector test and keep their clearances if they pass. Oh, and if they come back with a single failed question, they forfeit their pension and have a grand jury convened to look into the matter.
First question: have you ever mishandled or leaked classified information?
This would basically disqualify everyone of the deepstaters from having such a clearance ever again….
I like that.
Except lie detectors are junk science.
Sure would. Have you read many “news” reports that don’t cite someone “who was not authorized to speak on the matter?” Doesn’t matter if its government, sports, cooking shows, religion — there’s always a source spilling the beans to a reporter who isn’t authorized to do so.
There’s no such thing as a lie detector. There’s only the polygraph, which is about as accurate as tarot cards.
There’s no such thing as a lie detector. There’s only the polygraph, which is about as accurate as tarot cards.
Hey, it was good enough for Mueller to pin the anthrax case on an innocent man and hound him until he took his own life.
They live by the sword they can die by the sword.
Less accurate than Tarot cards. It is a device that measures agitation, and it is administered in intimidating surroundings, by intimidating people, almost invariably about highly charged subjects. Tarot cards would at least tend to match random guessing. polygraphs are designed to force a specific answer.
“Jerry, remember – it’s not a lie if you believe it.”
A full scope and counter-intelligence polygraph is required for certain shops and compartments. It is administered up front and periodically as long as you are read onto the program. You will lose your clearance if you fail.
“This president befriends and praises despots and dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-un,”
Flashback to 2 years ago…
Trump is going to start a nuclear war with North Korea. He should negotiate and try to bring them to the peace table.
Literally cannot win with these people.
>>This is a serious movement that I think all of us can get behind.
Maybe there is something about that mountain air but I didn’t see many gorgeous women when I vacationed last spring in Asheville.
But I bet you could smell the patchouli.
Lots of hippies fer sure, and panhandlers galore. Luckily I borrowed Swizzie’s narrowed gaze and didn’t get panhandled.
Manhandled? Oh wait. I read that wrong the first time…
Bernie/Fauxcahontas Campaign poster
That’s pretty good.
I’ve been digging this 80s retrowave music by Gunship. If you’re into that old synth / drum machine sound, that is.
They have a new album coming out in October.
I suggest you also check out Waveshaper, Daniel Deluxe, and Tonebox. Also, Timecop1983 who may be regarded as a progenitor of the genera.
NBC can’t even lie about stupid shit correctly.
No need to lie better if the viewers believe them
I truly don’t understand what their end game is at this point. Why? It’s beyond belief.
Throw shit at the wall and hope something sticks…
So I picked up a 2018 Honda Accord yesterday. Long story short the tranny in our POS Chevy with only 65k miles decided it didn’t want to work anymore and it’s outside of warranty. I did a lot of research and based on the lack of complaints and issues narrowed it down to the Toyota Camry and the Accord. I went with the Accord because I got a better deal and it’s sexier. This is my first Honda outside of our lawnmower, any motorheads have thoughts, opinions or warnings for me?
The only issue you’re going to have with an Accord is that you’re going to get sick of it before it wears out.
This. It will run and run and run and run. Honda makes GREAT cars.
I’ve had my Honda Fit since 2009 and it’s been great. Recalled the airbag once, but other than that, no problems at all. Getting a new car this year and am looking at a Step Wagon. Love my Honda.
I hear ya. Our ’08 Fit just keeps rolling with no real problems at all. Reliable as sunrise.
Our ’08 Fit died last week. It reached the point where it was foolish for us to put any more money into it. It was a GREAT car for a decade though; perfect for NYC traffic and parking. Two rebuilt axles, broken AC, 2nd battery in a year not charging, etc.. We are going to pick up our new (to us) 2013 Fit this afternoon. Honda makes a nice car.
That much trouble in just ten years? That’s not a nice car, that’s a lemon.
For Brooklyn and my hooning around, a decade is pretty good.
I think you’ll like it a lot, but which Chevy puked a tranny that early?
My kids is a mechanic, and he tells me government motor cars suck ass.
Bah. My neighbor has over 300K on his Tahoe. Original motor and drivetrain.
While I don’t disagree that some of their stuff has lagged the competition, their trucks and sports cars are damn nice.
I should have put in that disclaimer for the trucks and sport cars, yes.
The motor pool at work has a lot of Chevys in it and they seem to have more problems than the Fords and even the Dodges.
2011 Equinox
I have a new model Civic and it’s a great car. Toyotas are generally a little more reliable but Hondas tend to be much more fun to drive.
“…warnings for me?”
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
We paid more than we had planned when we bought an Odyssey several years ago because we thought Hondas are supposed to be very reliable. Of course we ended up getting that rare Honda lemon.
Cool. I just picked an Accord for my wife this past weekend. I’ll be driving it until she GIVES her current car to my son. (Don’t get me started on THAT.)
At least it will be several months before it becomes her new “purse on wheels “.
Did the tranny identify as a chassis?
“Felix the CAT,” not car.
We’ve addressed this. I can’t change it because it’s been mocked already. Ted saw to that.
I’d request my hat-tip, but you’d just give me a Felix the Car butt.
Oral sex, then holy water: Report documents abuse by priests
Jeezus Christ – that’s a killin’
Yeah, if a quarter of what’s in there is true, there’s a lot of priests who need bullets to the back of the head.
Agreed, but some of that shit is so over the top that you can’t help but think some of it was manufacture whole cloth.
Apparently a lot of it came from the church’s own records. That doesn’t preclude false reports, but still.
One of things I liked about John was his skepticism towards allegations of sex crimes. Horrible stuff when true, and horrible stuff when the allegations aren’t true.
Yeah, there’s an air of McMartin to much of this.
I googled that. This is seriously fucked up. What a shit show.
If you have Amazon Prime, watch Indictment: The McMartin Trial, an excellent made-for-TV dramatization. Your blood will boil.
Fun fact: our own Playa Manhattan was a kid at that school at the time. He’s still resentful that he missed the clown, the rocket, and the tunnels.
I do and I haven’t even used the Amazon Video features because we didn’t have internet…until last Sunday. This will be the first show I add to my queue (or however it works) Thanks for the recommendation.
Was that the one with James Woods as their lawyer? I remember watching that one a long time ago.
Yes, that’s the one.
I should also mention that there were a bunch of similar travesties around the same time, and one of the key drivers of the panic was none other than Janet Reno, may she be burning painfully and eternally in Hell.
That’s the one that came to my mind, too. The charges always look rock solid, but you never know.
I’m skeptical about alleged rape in a hospital.
Not impossible, of course, but very risky. Pediatric units of any kind are always heavily staffed, and privacy is pretty much a bad joke in any hospital. The odds of getting caught would be astronomical.
The odds of surviving discovery by the nursing staff are not terribly high, especially when you consider that every hospital has a morgue for E-Z storage of mutilated corpses.
**Thinks of nurses I have dated, shivers**
Some of it will turn out to be true, some will not. But what is indisputable at this point is that the bishops and higher-ups had evidence that this was possibly happening, and instead of doing something about it, they actively covered it up. They put themselves and the public image of the Church ahead of any alleged victims. That’s not Trump-style “collusion”, that’s the real deal.
Makes you wonder if these assholes believed what they were peddling.
and his so-called “fraud” involved several people operating completely in the open.
So, the Clinton doctrine?
Good morning, Sloopy! Great links and music. Not a huge FF fan, but those are both solid.
So yesterday I took my daughter to a tour of CSU in Fort Collins and learned that should she claim a gender of “Unicorn”, there will be someone in their seven (seven!!) diversity areas to make her feel safe.
Or something.
I worry that people sending their kids to college these days in a not so distant future might be accused of bad parenting and child abuse…
By whom? The nice young lady giving the tour was so cheerfully oblivious to the absurdity of it all.
I actually got a kick out of it. My kid was unimpressed with the sales pitch which included everything but academics and career stats. It was like sitting through a time share pitch.
That’s my point Tundra. College is overpriced, delivers – too often – no value, and more likely than not, constitutes a risk to people attending. It has become some shady enterprise where they peddle everything but what you really go there for: an education that prepares you to go out in the world and earn a decent living.
Right, which is why it will collapse. There are still colleges out there that get it, but they seem to be the smaller, more focused ones.
I had just not seen such a breathtaking example of wokeness, as when we went through this process with my son, he was only looking at hardcore engineering schools.
Right, which is why it will collapse.
It’ll never happen. Credentialism has far too many stakeholders at this point. If anything I expect it to get substantially worse.
I am afraid that you may be absolutely right there, Pat. The deepstate actors in government that have control of spending have invested in making colleges houses of marxist indoctrination, and they will keep throwing good money at that bad shit forever. I suspect a culling will happen at some point, but the unholy marriage between the marxists in government and academia all but guarantee the tax payer will keep footing the bill for this shit until the entire economic system the marxists now promote collapses.
So that seems to be the great distinction. If you go into STEM, accounting/economics, or any of the hard disciplines, peddling woke shit will not get you much. It’s the humanities and the studies that are basically now not worth the investment. It is a crime that a college can charge you the same money to give you a degree that is meaningless these days and leaves you only qualified to ask people if they want fries with that or more sugar with their coffee, as they do the fields of employment where you can ear upwards of $65K starting out.
Leap said it best. The STEM curriculum today is what a classical liberal arts education was 100 years ago.
That is a travesty Tundra, because it basically has left a lot of people paying a ton of money for a degree to be baristas.
Alex, the information is out there. Why shouldn’t caveat emptor apply to colleges?
Nah, I just think that people are so blown away with the resort-like amenities and the ‘experience’ (whatever the fuck that means), they forget to ask the big questions.
I have been saying it for 30 years.
I had to take 18 hours of humanities and 18 hours of social sciences [ quarter system 12 and 12 converting to semester] for my engineering degree.
Do you think liberal arts majors take the equivalent in math and science? No, they do not. But they should, because a liberal arts degree is supposed to make you well rounded.
I was discussing it on another site recently, but I knew a number of students who did a 3/2 program (although it was typically 3/3) where they started at a small liberal arts school for the first 3 years then finished at an engineering school for 2 (really 3, in most cases). It results in two degrees, a bachelor in liberal arts from the first school and a BSeng from the second.
Why would you knowingly send your kid to something that is just an indoctrination center?
And why out of state? What is she looking to do?
CSU has a pretty good food court near the fancy new dorms, though.
Hey Glibs, where the fuck is the #metoo movement on the allegations about Ellison beating up his bitches? Did I miss that movement dying out or something?
Chicago Tribune columnist’s dog ‘writes’ op-ed slamming Trump: ‘You are not being a good boy’
“I do not usually pay attention to human politics,” Zoe wrote by “dictating” to Huppke. “I prefer more pleasant things like sniffing my friends’ butts or rolling on a dead bird in the backyard or eating things that will make me throw up.”
That’ll teach Trump not to take the media seriously!
Am I the only person who never got the attraction so many people have to Charles Bukowski? He always just struck me as a nasty guy with, at best, middling talent. whose major accomplishment was finding a way for a certain class off effete cultural mandarins to exercise their id vicariously.
I found him interesting when I was in my early 20’s. Being a rural kid experiencing big city deviancy was a thrill. As I got older, I realized that Henry Miller was a superior version of what Bukowski was going for.
I thought he rocked when he made this speech…
Wait, wasn’t that that Blut…
Forget it. Alex is on a roll.
God who’d want to be such an asshole
‘We will not go back to discrimination, sexism, or the KKK’
“We’ll just keep making new discrimination, sexism, and racism.”
I have no idea who this is.
Good Lord!
I….will be in my bunk.
Do not click on this link.
John haz a boner
Rest of us throw up?
You inhumane monster.
I never listen.
*gouges eyes out with a spork*
Is it me, or is she really starting to get the look of a trailer park grandmother? I mean she was never particularly attractive. But, at least she didn’t look that run rough.
*endless screaming*
Look, I’m no looker either, but I realize it and dress appropriately for my level of fat.
You’re supposed to give it a tiny url and then dare us not to click it.
By default I don’t click obfuscated links.
No way you could stuff those pics into a tiny url.
And is long url shaming a thing yet? Or can I get in on the ground floor?
Did I just url shame, or was that memesplaining?
Thank you for helping me stay on my diet. I dismissed the idea of lunch.
New Poll Reveals Shocking Results On What Black Voters Think Of Trump
A new poll released on Wednesday from Rasmussen Reports revealed that President Donald Trump’s approval rating in the black community is exploding, almost doubling from a year ago.
The poll showed that nationally the president’s job approval rating is split with 49% approving and 49% disapproving.
When it came to how black voters felt about Trump, Rasmussen found a surprising 36% approved of Trump’s job performance — even as mainstream news outlets have ratcheted up racially-charged coverage of the president.
They’ve escaped the plantation!
I suspect that we will be getting even more insane stories about how racist America, and especially Trump’s America, is from the people fearing this occurrence. I told people when he was elected that I expected Obama to be the guy that would finally cause enough damage to the democrat’s grip on African Americans to change things. With the left’s insane marxist policies it was a given that whomever followed Obama and was able to reverse these idiotic marxist policies, would make for an unmistakable awakening of how the African American voter has been abused by the democrats. And it is coming true.
It’s really just basic democratic politics: a voting block who is loyal to one party unto to death will always have their issues on the backburner, because their loyalty is built in. If the Democratic Party started repealing gun laws, the gun voters would jump ship in a heartbeat, because the Republicans right now don’t repeal gun laws, they just keep them where they are, appoint 2A judges. They’re not actually going to repeal the NFA or the GCA, because if they did that then those millions of votes become a lot less secure.
That “what have you got to lose” speech was huge, because he said “you’ve been good Democrat soldats for decades. How’s that working out for you?”
There’s a great meme someone made up of decades of pictures of Trump hobknobbing with black community leaders and celebs, receiving awards from the NAACP and such, and saying “Donald Trump was never called a racist until he ran against a Democrat.”
Cory Booker will consult with his good friend T-Bone to see what the word on the street is.
Dumping on Omorosa has to help those numbers a lot. At least that is my guess.
That’s 36% of black voters are willing to tell a pollster they support Trump. That’s a huge deal.
“What have you got to lose?” might very well be a political mustard seed.
After I saw Kanye decide to fight the backlash, I suspected the left was gonna be in trouble with these voters they take for granted….
Democrats still think they own black people.
They sure act that way, and they sure go after the ones that dare to leave the plantation too…
“After all we’ve done for you!” whines the old white lady brigade.
I mean this was always going to happen. Thadeus Russel was the most cogent on this.
Is that a tattoo of a chandelier under her knockers?
Looks like the cut line marks for her up coming boob job.
“Library cat outlasts councilman that wanted him gone
WHITE SETTLEMENT, Texas — A city councilman is out — and the beloved library cat he tried to chase off gets to stay,CBS Dallas/Fort Worth reports.
Elzie Clements’ final meeting as a member of the White Settlement City Council was Tuesday night. Clements tried to have Browser, the city’s docile grey tabby library cat, fired this past summer.
Browser got his job at the White Settlement Public Library when he was just a kitten. That was in October of 2010, the library’s website says. He was recruited from a local animal shelter as an inexpensive, effective method of pest control.
In July, a city worker apparently demanded Browser’s removal after the worker was not allowed to bring a puppy to work at City Hall. Two-legged library workers were outraged, and many people who use the library often said that they were unhappy with Bowser’s dismissal.”
White Settlement? So problematic.
That’s interesting country.
FWIW (using Cornell West ontological notions of language), it says something that White Settlement isn’t/wasn’t merely “Settlement.” Those folks knew they were on their on, interlopers. The Pale today is I-35, the codified concrete that once was the Chism Trail.
Then, Fort Dallas was quiet while, as I’ve written here before, Comanche rode and did where they pleased, raiding as far east as Birdville. East of that line, if you were killed, it was a failure of community; west of there, it was your own damned fault for being out there.
Then as now, folk on either side of that boundary are very, very different. Plano is full of frustrated divorcees, while there aren’t six single women in Fort Worth. TCU vs SMU: five minutes in the parking lot before that game tells you all you want to know.
White Settlement. So unwoke.
In July, a city worker apparently demanded Browser’s removal after the worker was not allowed to bring a puppy to work at City Hall.
What is with people bringing their dogs with them everywhere nowadays? You know their ancestors lived for a million years or so without human input of any kind, they can survive your trip to the grocery store at home without you.
I think Eddie had an interesting comment about Cuomo at Reason:
“What Burke said of “the state” I would say of the country instead (a slight difference):
A man “…should approach to the faults of the state as to the wounds of a father, with pious awe and trembling solicitude. By this wise prejudice we are taught to look with horror on those children of their country who are prompt rashly to hack that aged parent in pieces and put him into the kettle of magicians, in hopes that by their poisonous weeds and wild incantations they may regenerate the paternal constitution and renovate their father’s life.”
Burke was, of course, referring to the legend of the Greek witch Medea (not the Tyler Perry character), who tricked some kids into chopping up their aged, sick father in hopes of magically restoring him to life and restoring his youth.
Cuomo and people like him are like the gullible kids in the legend, who “love” their country to the extend of wanting to kill it and put it in the magic pot to make it (the country) truly great – and only then will the country be worthy of their patriotism!”
31 charged in Huddersfield child sex abuse investigation
West Yorkshire Police said the five alleged victims were girls aged between 12 and 18, with the offences said to have occurred between 2005 and 2012.
Not unlike the catholic church thing, this is foremost a massive failure of authorities…
5 results found
Certainly a coincedence
That’s because it’s ITV. The BBC would have conveniently omitted inconvenient details.
What are you implying there? It’s the most common name in the world. Are you implying that everyone named Mohammed has something in common. RACIST.
Are you implying that everyone named Mohammed has something in common.
Well, they’re all named Mohammed, for starters.
Today, in Everyone Is Literally Hitler:
*spends 15 tweets saying that Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are spreading white nationalism*
To clarify, I am not claiming that Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are “white nationalists.”
Peterson’s not even in the same nation.
You think Canada is a separate nation? How droll.
Converts are always the worst.
He just traded one form of extremism for another. Some people need it.
Some factual arguments are beyond discussion, let’s call them hate facts.
Fat “revolutionaries” are always deeply amusing to me.
What is a whitnat?
White nationalist, I’m guessing. Why that needs some stupid contraction is beyond me, but then we must remember that these are exceedingly dense people we’re talking about here.
I thought they’re all Nazis. Or are they having trouble distinguishing white nationalist Nazis from the rest of the right, who they also call Nazis?
Given how different those people are it is basically any criticism of SJW is a gateway to white nationalism
Harris came out in defense of Charles Murray’s work of few months back. Ezra Klein wrote a hit piece on Harris and now it’s open season for the left.
I’ve read Charles Murray’s stuff. To call it racist or white nationalist means the person making the argument is an ignorant lout.
Exactly this.
When NPR interviewed that Nazi asshat last week, he was citing and blatantly mis-characterizing Murray’s work. The reporter not only let it stand, she was aghast that he would refer to Murray’s work as if it were unbecoming, even for a Nazi.
Murray has been unpersoned.
Nazi asshat
It’s funny. I wonder if this clown realizes he really hasn’t changed much of his outlook. He’s just switched gangs.
That’s why he can, in his mind, call Murray a racist or Nazi and not have an ounce of intellectual discord. Murray’s comment that was supposedly racist is that the scientific literature does tend to suggest that there is a racial discrepancy in mean IQ (although he takes pains to note that the differences between races are swamped by differences within races) and that that discrepancy might be important in understanding some social problems. An individualist hears that and hears a completely different thing from a right- or left- collectivist, who basically hears Murray saying that black people aren’t as smart as whites.
Kevin Craig
Aug 14
Replying to @cpicciolini
No disagreement here. But their intentions are different: Harris=misguided and arrogant; Peterson=simple-minded and blinded by money/fame; and Molyneux=…well, he’s just a racist. Who is also insane.
I think 2/3 are reachable. Which means their worshippers are as well.”
With that splendid remedial take on things by Kevin the Retard, I think I’m gonna go mow the lawn.
/shakes head.
“I’m going to ad hom these slavish retards’ heroes in hopes of reaching them through beneficence and superior intellect.” Good luck with that, boyo.
I do a lot of ad homming in our little gated community, but I don’t pretend it’s for the benefit of people I despise. I’m not reaching out to commie nitwits or progressive bigots, they’re going to have to learn from experience.
He just can’t be bothered to engage their actual arguments.
In fairness, at least with Peterson, it’s a little difficult to get at whatever little chestnuts of wisdom he’s trying to impart, because, probably by design, it’s couched in a whole lot of psychoanalytical babble and Christian mythos. Not that he’s being intentionally obscure, at least, I don’t think he is, but the eclecticism/fusionism angle makes it difficult to follow the threads if you aren’t up on psychology or Christianity (and I’m zero for two, as I expect is true of “Kevin”).
He’s over rating himself.
“Ruminative Orangutan” gives a very level-headed and thoughtful rebuttal. Christian replies to him once, trying to counter argue but gets outwitted again. It’s a decen’t little thread, just one or two scroll-wheel-revolutions down.
#ScrollwheelRevolution splintered from the #Resistance movement when the latter was co-opted by Alyssa Milano and other has-been celebrity narcissists.
I think I just came up with my band’s new name. Scroll Wheel Revolution
Now, i just need to form a band…
Identity Politics Are Rapidly Destroying The Value Of College Degrees
The timing on this was kind of funny given the discussion above with Tundra and AlexinCT.
I was happy when my kid decided he wanted to do a trade and not college. I saw so many of his friends take on insane debt to get a worthless degree. Most of them are living at home off their parents (full disclosure my kid lives at my place but pays rent), with a ton of debt, and doing odd jobs, while he has been earning money and putting it away for over 5 years now.
I’m feeling the same about my son going in the Army.
Even though he chose the wrong branch? 🙂
Sometimes I wish my folks had pushed trades a little harder. I ended up going to school for soccer (the degree was marketing, but it was for soccer). Ended up in the best position of the people I knew, with a solid job and a place of my own, but looking now to change careers into something trade based. Meanwhile my younger brother went into construction while working on a construction management degree and is set to make almost double what I make when he graduates.
A lot of blame on guidance counselors in my opinion. Parents and kids have responsibility to look into the ROI of an education, but when the kid is 17 and coming home with what amounts to a bunch of 4 year vacation offers sanctioned by a school official, its tough to make the call.
Just my 2 cents.
When comparing salaries, don’t forget to average in the bad years. Construction is like farming: few plan well for the years when no crop comes in.
I’d settle on just acknowledging reality.
As the “college experience” (or “the best four years of your life”) has become more mythologized, adulthood becomes increasingly delayed as students seek limitless fun without consequences. Colleges often require students to live in dorms, eat in dining halls, and engage in absurd icebreaker activities.
I was listening to the Clark Howard podcast last night. He had a caller call asking for help because her daughter has a severe peanut allergy and the school assured her there was no cross contamination when requiring them to get a dining package. Lo and behold, upon moving in they were not comfortable with the dining hall and merely asked that the school not require her to participate, that she would still live on campus but would be purchasing her own food. The fucking school administration denied her request.
It’s almost like the “university” was never historically all about churning out workers or something.
his is a serious movement that I think all of us can get behind.
Or on. *motorboats* ///freethetatas
Yeah, that’s not how it works lady.
That falls under the “shit that embarrasses the state” exception to the 1st Amendment, right?
Local judge protecting locally pols, film at eleven.
She can hold me in contempt any day of the week. Would.
The school system should be prosecuted for failing to follow the blackout instructions.
“How dare you publish something that it 100% truthful but embarrassing to us!”
Attacking the Media? Must be a Trump Judge.
Snoop Dogg’s homophobia shows how old-school he truly is
Wait a minute – why is an effete white ginger millennial lecturing Snoop Dogg about hip-hop? Isn’t that problematic appropriating?
Nizzle needs to get wokizzle, fo sho.
Says gangsta Ben Beaumont-Thomas from the mean streets of the Guardian.
Any glibs been to Niagara Falls recently? This is possibly a dumb question, but are there any issues taking a cab/uber/lyft from the Buffalo airport across the border into Ontario? I’m anticipating making this trek rather late at night and would prefer not to run into a surprise when I arrive in Buffalo.
RE: the White Sox — the delay in calling up Jimenez and Kopech is getting ridiculous. Throw us a freaking bone, Hahn. Those guys have nothing left to prove in the minors. If they’re doing service-time games and we don’t get to see them until next May or June, there’s gonna be a lot(*) of pissed off Sox fans.
(*)All eight of us.
CWS: there’s no reason to pay them a MLB salary if the Southsiders have no shot at the post season? Also, you only get to designate them for Charlotte so many times before you’d hafta release them…no point rushing that math.
Sure but don’t be surprised when you nickle and dime like this you don’t alienate season ticket holders or even you run of the mill fans.
That’s might be true; I certainly had not neglected that notion before commenting,
but it presumes that those nickels aren’t being saved for better use during a good run. Everyone gets their opinion, but it might very well be that management is doing what is in the best interest of the team and the fan; it is far from certain that they are making a mistake.
My son’s first game was at new Comiskey in utero. As a fourth generation STL fan, I must say that White Sox folk seem pretty iffy compared to the fan dedication for CHC (easily the second best fan base in the MLB)….not sure what’s going on there, how a town falls apart over the course of ten miles. We’ll see how it goes: baseball is a cult that one is born into; conversion to our weird system of beliefs is fairly impossible.
Don – I don’t completely discount the service time argument, but I also think there’s a case to be made that holding guys down at a level they’re dominating isn’t going to help their long-term development. Jimenez has nothing left to do in the minors. Kopech the case is more shaky, but even there he needs to figure out if his fastball works against major league hitters.
Also, if everything works out with both of these guys and they are in a position where they are worrying about their last arbitration years, something will have gone horribly wrong. They should be buying out the arbitration years and possibly a free agent year or two well in advance of their sixth year’s with the club.
I was there last night.
So, here’s the problem. Not every uber driver is going to have a passport to cross the border. Also, sometimes wait times can be pretty rough. If I was driving an Uber, I would refuse to take you. The poor driver is going to have to recross the border and spend, sometimes, a half hour of stupid questions and anal probes. Fuck US customs.
The other option is to take the uber to the rainbow bridge, get out and walk. It’s a really pretty view along the way. Still, if it’s late at night? May not be what you’re up for.
Don’t do it ttyrant! You have lots of life left! Wait until you are old to cross the rainbow bridge!
Yeah, NFNY is a toilet. Don’t go late at night.
Thanks gbob.
Last time I went to Niagara it was a $20 cab ride (each way) from KIAG, so I would expect that any ride from KBUF would be more.. that is getting to the level that it is better to rent a car.
Other than the late night, If in a hired car I would walk across the bridge.. the park/bridge area isn’t the bad part of NFNY.
Google News used to be a valuable tool to see what was happening in the world.
Now they give me shit like this.
Behind the latest Catholic sex abuse scandal: The church’s problem is male dominance
3 hours ago
I did not bother to follow the link to Salon.
Google News has been awful lately. The “not interested” button is about as effective as a crosswalk button. I don’t know how many times I have to tell them I’m not interested in the new Avengers movie or Alex Jones or Elizabeth Warren.
“Aretha Franklin Dies: The Queen Of Soul & Cultural Icon Was 76”
At least we still have Lou Reed.
Good in The Blues Brothers, but other than that I don’t care. Kids in a mine? I don’t care. Baby Jessica in a well? IDC. Why are people always forcing this stuff on me?
That’s a R&R Hall of Famer there, shitlord. That’s like the Grammys of music.
It’s like the Nobel of peace prizes
“More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror
As many as 76 people overdosed on what’s believed to have been synthetic marijuana at or near a Connecticut city park as fellow parkgoers watched in horror.
Officials said most of the overdoses happened on the New Haven Green throughout the day on Wednesday.”
That’s not a good look for decriminalization… or is it a great look?
It was synthetic marijuana. OD is probably an incorrect description. Poisoned would be more appropriate.
It’s all of a piece, plus *checks buzzword leaflet* probably… misogyny? Definitely some sexism, and racism. How inclusive was that lineup? I mean, it was probably mostly white men ODing in that park. Very problematic.
I’m sure sowing confusion by throwing in the M-word was totally an accident.
It’s New Haven.
I blame Yale.
Repost from last night since there weren’t many people around:
I’m thinking of wading into the morass of NFA ownership. I’m looking at a silencer and/or an SBR.
– Should I do a trust?
– Can I put both a silencer and an SBR on the same trust?
– Are you really effectively signing away your 4A rights (not that they mean much anyway) by getting into this?
– Can the ATF inspect my home at will without warning?
Any other information would be appreciated.
Nope did not understand any of that
Sorry Q, I don’t know anything first hand about NFA stuff. Though I’m pretty sure the last two things you asked are not real.
They are real, but for people who get a dealer’s license, not just for owning a NFA taxed item.
I’ve been doing some of my own research and the NFA is an absolute abomination. To think that progs want all firearms regulated in this fashion (leading to outright banning) is enough to make a person ill.
From what I see, the reason you’d want a trust is so people other than yourself can legally use/possess the NFA item. Hypothetical: you own a silencer and if you’re an individual owner, each time you leave the house whatever family members left in the house with access to the silencer are committing a felony. That’s why you would want a trust. Furthermore, with a properly drafted trust, you can put all your firearms under its umbrella, shielding them from probate court upon your death.
Downsides: this is an awful lot of shit to go through to own a few things that, for me, would be novelties and toys. At some point, it doesn’t seem worth it (which I suppose is the point of creating such onerous regulations). If you want to *temporarily* take your NFA item out of state, say for a weekend hunt, you have to fill out a form and get prior authorization from the ATF just to take the damn thing to another state for a couple of days. Granted, the chance that you’d get caught are pretty miniscule, but if you want to be in full compliance, you gotta jump through their bullshit hoops. Is a silencer and an M4 Commando SBR worth it? I can’t say at this point.
Wasn’t there supposed to be a Hearing Protection Act that de-listed silencers?
Oh right, they scared up a school shooting that had nothing to do with silencers to kill it.
The short answers, in order:
The longer answers depend on your goals and tolerance for bureaucratic process.
Have the Glibs, er, chewed on this one yet?
The pepperonis that the writer goes on and on about (the ones that cup when cooked and hold a pool of grease) have been featured on Tony’s frozen pizza for 40 years or so. Kudos to the writer for waiting so long before calling a pizza a “pie”. Points deducted for calling the crust an “undercarriage” four or five times.
Points deducted for calling the crust an “undercarriage” four or five times.
I prefer “infrastructure.”
I do miss the baked crispy pepperoni something fierce – you don’t get that in most NYC pizzerias, where if you ask for a slice they toss on a couple pieces and warm it in the oven until the slice is burnt on the bottom and the pepperoni is barely warm.
I’d flip the description. Buffalo-style pizza is typically a cup-and-char pepperoni pizza, one with a slim, sometimes non-existent crust coastline with ingredients out to, and sometimes even over the edges, a thick, airy undercarriage with little to no structural integrity that’s topped by a sweet sauce and enough cheese to nearly always guarantee a cheese pull.
This literally sounds like bowling alley pizza. The crust isn’t the “undercarriage”, it’s the foundation. When you ignore the crust, you get shit pizza. I also hate cup pepperoni. Greasy pizza is disgusting.
I also hate cup pepperoni. Greasy pizza is disgusting.
We’ve made pizza by boiling pepperoni for a minute or two before putting it on pizza. Gets the grease out, and actually lets it get that char on it easier. Pro-Tip: after a pizza is cooked, put it under a broiler on high for a bit – cooks the toppings “right”, like they would be in a wood-fired oven, especially veggie toppings that have a tendency to be soggy if you just bake them.
I had trouble with soggy pizza for a while. Turns out the mozzarella was the issue. It’s wasn’t low enough moisture to avoid pooling. Between pressing the cheese and switching from convection to traditional bake, the problem is mostly resolved. Ive always had a harder time getting the crust cooked than the toppings.
One thing we started doing to avoid sogginess: putting the crust in by itself for a while. Gets the crust nice and crispy first, then crank up the broiler and finish with the sauce and cheese.
We’ve done that with heavier crusts. With more of a thin crust/”handtossed” thickness, the crust tends to cook before the toppings are done properly.
I tried parbaking like that a couple times, but it bubbled up and made putting the sauce and toppings on hard. Even docking the dough only partly helped. However, it was really nice to not have to worry about sticking while piling toppings on.
I also felt like parbaking was a bit of a crutch… I wanted to find out what the root cause was.
On top of the changes I mentioned already, I used a new stretching method that leaves more dough in the middle. It really helped with the texture near the center of the pizza.
Do you use a pizza screen? Pizza screen and stone and I can dial in the crust doneness very well.
I go bareback on the stone. My primary issue was that the convect function would cook the top faster than the stone would cook the bottom. Switched over to bake, and it fixed 80% of the issue. The rest was just avoiding thin spots.
Get a pizza screen, they are cheap, helps crisp the crust and removes the sticking while topping issue you mentioned, also eliminates loading and spinning and unloading issues as well. You’ll love it, it’s a way of life. and if you don’t love it you are only out a few bucks and you can always use it as a makeshift strainer.
Just bought one on Amazon. I’ll give it a try and report my results!
“What If the Museum of Ice Cream Is the Future of Retail?
The interactive “museums” you love to hate are laughing all the way to the bank.
At the Museum of Ice Cream, patrons can ride in an ice cream sandwich swing, swim in a pool of plastic ice cream sprinkles, and seesaw on a giant ice cream scoop. But you already knew that. Its often sold-out installations are extensively documented on the Instagram feeds of David Beckham, Beyoncé, and the thousands of noncelebrities lucky enough to get in.
Contrary to its name, the Museum of Ice Cream, a pop-up attraction now in San Francisco, isn’t a museum. It’s more like a playground with no age limit. It’s also the most visible end of a growing movement that’s blurring the line between shopping and entertainment. Rosé Mansion, which opened on July 12 in New York, is a two-story celebration of the pink drink with rooms of rose petal baths and décor resembling Champagne bubbles. Candytopia, a real-life Candy Land with a marshmallow pit and edible confection samples, opens Wednesday in New York with another Bay Area pop-up in September.
The formula has yielded a hearty return for the Museum of Ice Cream, which began in 2016 as a pop-up in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. This year it surpassed 1 million visitors across its various locations. Tickets run as much as $38, and it’s received sponsorship from Dove Chocolate and American Express Co., among others.
Rosé Mansion, likewise, sees a bustling business of 500 to 750 visitors every day, according to co-founder Tyler Balliet. Tickets for the event, set to run until October, are $45, with a $35 “happy hour” special on weekday afternoons. It has introduced a rosé wine club as well that delivers a package of three bottles once every three months for $54.”
It’s like these people are making the case for Amazoning the entire retail experience. Gimme my froyo via drone so I don’t even have to interact with the scoop jockey.
I think that case is made long since 🙂
Re-comment from late last night:
I’m looking for the post where Lafe Long linked to his Top Hat extension for Grease Monkey. I tried the search function, but it kinda sucks. Can anyone help a Glib out?
Also, anyone seen Lafe Long around lately?
“The Boston Globe, which was sold to the the Failing New York Times for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (plus 800 million dollars in losses & investment), or 2.1 BILLION DOLLARS, was then sold by the Times for 1 DOLLAR. Now the Globe is in COLLUSION with other papers on free press. PROVE IT!”
It’s hard to text coherently when the phone is configured to detect the contact of human skin and not that of follicular tendrils.
I keep waiting for him to end a tweet with “fight me!”
Don’t mind him, it’s just the Diet Coke talking.
I think the Hat went on a bender and got a hold of the phone again.
They all want cake.
Was this glibly commented upon yet?
Browns fans: Free beer coming the moment the team wins
Well, as we all know, the Browns have never let down any of their fans.
It’ll still be a let down when the fridges open.
This is a bad idea. Refrigerated beer only stays good about a year.
To be fair, it was Bud Light in the first place.
The DJ when I heard it on the radio this morning:
“The good news is there will be free beer when they win. The bad news is it’s Bud Light.”
I would take Bud Light over Miller Lite or Coors Lite any day of the week.
Say what you will about the mental deficients that root for Green Bush Packers, but they they have higher standards
I bet they didn’t have that special though when Majik Man was running the team.
Don’t you dare slag one of the greatest quarterbacks in UVA history!
the mental deficients that root for Green Bush Packers
*puts Pope Jimbo on The List*
Uffda. I’m a sort of Vikings fan. What does that make me? Common retards are too clever to follow the Queens.
I’m a sort of Vikings fan.
*Moves Pope Jimbo to the top of The List*
Isn’t being a Vikings fan punishment enough in the first place?
*Gives Chipwooder a pass. This time*
My hold-em game in TX included a NDSU alum and lifelong Vikes fan, funniest guy I ever met.
When he dealt, he invoked his Tommy Kramer clause: if a 9 comes up, everyone antes another buck, for no reason, because Kramer was “just a fucking tax.”
@ENBrown Too many in media seem to have confused their own diminishing role as gatekeepers of all info & narratives w/an existential threat to democracy
“Media” is a useless catchall, so this doesn’t really mean anything to me.
Anyway: I’m with Tocqueville: democracy will be fine; the problem is that it might become a tyranny of the majority
So, 300 newspapers bravely run editorials decrying Trump’s trash-talking of the press. On the same day. That should really convince the rubes that press outlets are totally independent and objective, and not all reciting in unison from the same prayer book.
I’m guessing the same people cheerleading for these editorials were screeching about Sinclair Media’s TV editorials being the end of democracy.
“Somebody needs to teach this guy that although you have honorable goals”
I clicked that link and couldn’t find one honorable goal.
He added: “Mayor Emanuel, our No. 1 demand is still your resignation.”
Aggressive opening bid for sure, but it doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room.
Livingston said he is working with a coalition that’s also demanding a sit-down meeting with Emanuel to address economic investment on the South and West sides, re-purposing the city’s shuttered schools and justice for people who have been shot by police.
How’s that going to square with your number one demand?
I will be in Chicago on Wednesday, September 12 and Thursday, September 13, staying at the Loews Hotel downtown. Its a business trip, but I can get away in the evenings if any Glibs want to do a meetup. I’m open to suggestions on where, as long as its a reasonable Uber from the hotel. I’ll buy a round (or two, if its a small enough group). Let me know if there is any interest, and we’ll get something organized.