After eight solid hours of sleep, I feel like I might not be descending into some sort of gray hell anymore. I think I may be able to once again pass for human. The sun is out, the birds aren’t singing, and work is moving towards completion. Or else I just burned out my ability to be stressed about it for a couple of days.

In sad news, Aretha Franklin passed away this morning. I am moving the music link to the top in her honor. So here’s Aretha with the best rhythm section in the world.
This one’s for Playa Manhattan. Health officials identify organism that sickened 650 diners at Chipotle. No word yet on identifying the sickness that keeps people buying the mediocre food that seems to be making people ill regularly.
I swear to all I hold holy, if I end up stuck with an ill-tempered pony in my aisle on a Southwest flight, I’m gonna make the links. This is a little horseshit.
Aliens off the Bermuda Triangle? I don’t believe it. Mr. Lizard, cleanup on aisle 3.
I’m usually no conspiracy theorist, but this sketchy report, if verified makes this New Mexico thing start to stink like old fish. First a judge lets two guys accused of multiple counts of child neglect and abuse, some probably fatal since cops found a skeleton in shallow grave, get to walk on a signature bond, then authorities destroy the compound? Again, this report is the only one I’ve seen and cannot verify this report. Maybe some poor CSI guy tripped over a booby-trap and they aren’t telling anyone yet. Its also fucked up, to me, that some news crew is walking around what should be a still active crime scene.
If the answer isnt Hitler, its Chipotle.
Now hit my mother-f’in Theme Music !
Brett? Did ya go with the melatonin to knock you out? Or take it full propofol like Michael Jackson ?
It turns out that if I drink two good stiff bourbons, and chant, “fuck work” a dozen times, I can fall asleep pretty quickly.
For me, 3mg of melatonin after beer and its lights out .
Not sure if you saw my post from last week, but 2 beers, a shot of bourbon and 10mg of melatonin in the middle of the day and no one will be able to awaken you by phone calls or pounding on the door. It will take being shaken and yelled at to get you awake.
10 mg is hXc……3mg is my threshold unless I want that weird sedative hangover in the morning
What’s the dose of an eyedropper? I tried the melatonin for a while and it did fuck all, but I was only using the bottle supplied eyedropper thing, maybe I wasn’t using enough. Although now I’ve moved to the three sleep system, 60-90min nap in the afternoon, couple hours at bedtime, up for three or four hours then a few more hours sleep before work.
Sounds like my routine Brett, but then again, I only do 3 or so hours a night.
I’ll say it again, like I did yesterday: L-Theanine, 125mg caplets/capsules. I take two before bed — and I’m famous for having “gerbil brain.”
My all time favorite:
This one’s the joint…
That was tied for second with Respect. Also getting strong consideration was I Say a Little Prayer (For You).
Too many great songs to choose from, I always liked the slow build up here
I grew up in the 80s, so I’m partial to this, never mind the poor grammar.
In the “Blues Brothers” Aretha’s song was the only one that was not live. She gave it a different interpretation every take and they could not splice the takes. They crew gave up and just let her complete the song in one take and did their best afterwards. If you look carefully you’ll see that sometimes the sound are picture are synched, and sometimes not.
Sorry to go OT so early, but I think I’ve stumbled across the root of something that’s been bothering me.
In addition to the fact that the left’s redefinition of racism is wholly made up, relative to the common understanding of the term (which I agree it is), there’s a bigger problem. Even if you accept the redefinition, it’s only applies to their arguments if you accept idiotic racial collectivism. If racism = prejudice+power, then you still have regular instances of non-white people being racist. Because, there are plenty of non-white people who have power relative to the rest of us. I’m pretty sure no one on the left would say that none of President Obama’s detractors were racist. But, by the standards of the racism = prejudice+power schtick, they couldn’t be. Mr. Obama was the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world. By the leftist standard, only he could be racist toward them. The same could apply to any non-white successful person in business, government, culture, the academy, etc. Some redneck who hates rap can’t be racist toward Snoop Dogg because the it’s only Snoop Dogg who would have power in that relationship. On the other hand, every prejudice Snoop Dogg had toward white people would be a verifiable case of racism. The only way the leftist formulation can be made to work is if you assume that people don’t exist as individuals, but as meaningless cells of a larger racial collective. It’s only then that the achievements, prominence, and, yes, power of the individuals involved are irrelevant and the non-white is invariably powerless against white people.
Look, it is in the interest of the religious caste to keep the dogma confusing. That way, only the priests get to interpret it.
The Ordained Ministers of the Grievances are in charge. Who are you to question their authority and knowledge?
For some reason, Brett missed this delightful story which I know he knew about.
I think it’s a conspiracy.
Thank you for that.
Brett, you need to step it up.
being a Detroit story, i’m really disappointed she didn’t rap it…
/clears throat
motherfuckin chinamen coming from Hong Kong
running from Godzilla, now you messin wit King Kong
don’t vote for that immigrant Ching Chong
grab me a Hostess, make it a Ding Dong
Holy Shit.
I think your mistake is believing there is some type of logic involved. There is not. They believe, deep in their hearts, that only white people can be racist, and no amount of arguing over logic is going to change that.
The justifications are a lot like a kid trying to explain why the cookie jar is empty and their shirt is covered in crumbs. You will get one story, then another story, then WHY ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT?
There is a logic.
It’s the logic of power.
If you get to decide who is right and who is wrong, and act as Solomon in divvying up the spoils, then you have all the power.
Oh my god, I had this EXACT same conversation not a week ago. I asked who has the power in the following in scenario: “A 19 year old homeless, heroin addicted white male who is being sentenced by a 55 year old Harvard educated, life tenured, African American female federal judge.” Oh course, the home less heroin addict has the power, because systemic bias and historical oppression.
Oh course, the home less heroin addict has the power, because systemic bias and historical oppression.
Because the person you were arguing with is a brain-dead collectivist. For the collectivist, the African American female federal judge and the 19 year old homeless, heroin addicted white male aren’t people in their own right, but cells in the greater racial collectives.
well now you’ve convinced me to accept their new definition of racism = prejudice + power
Power is a temporal thing. I lived in a majority black neighborhood on the south side of Chicago for a couple years. One day on my way to the grocery store I was followed by three black kids, one of which was yelling “Get whitey!” They may have just been messing with me, but given that it would have been 3 on 1, they had a lot more power than I did at that moment. So if we are following that racism = prejudice + power definition, they were definitely racist.
Have you ever lived in Baltimore? And actually ventured out of your comfort zone? No more questions, I rest my case.
I grew up in a rust belt city – this sort of thing was a regular occurrence during my childhood.
OMWC and I once went to visit the Poe House in Baltimore. It was closed for renovation. It was also nearing sunset. Based on what we saw when we looked around us, we skedaddled promptly.
Fahrenheit 404
I like the title – the article doesn’t say much new about the tech cartel imposing censorship on the world.
This is some bizarre censoring. Twitter took down the leading Iranian Activist Accounts. Are they kissing Iranian tyrant butt like they already do in China?
Georgia cops taze 87 year old woman
But you see, they had to.
Article includes the classic “The officer did nothing wrong, but we’ll investigate” quote.
And a ready made excuse even if they’re forced to admit that the tazing was a mistake.
Wasn’t it in Atlanta that the cops shot that 90 year old black woman who was sitting in her house and pulled a pistol when they kicked down her door. At least they can’t be accused of age discrimination.
But of course
Etheridge said he realizes that some people might ask why the officer didn’t just retreat. But he said had the officer backed up down the sloping terrain, he could have fallen and accidentally shot the woman.
Put away the firearm, Barney Fife.
Did he not do so to pull the taser?
That has got to be the lamest cop excuse of all time. “Look goddammit, I HAD to taze her because otherwise I might have accidentally shot her!”
What the fuckety fuck?
“I can’t be blamed for killing some chick because I tried to give her CPR afterwards!”
I posted this in the morning and nothing. Now you guys get all worked up over some grannie getting tazered? Uuuufda.
Psh, details.
I’m still hung up on cutting dandelions with a kitchen knife. WTF?
Dandelion greens. Old world delicacy.
Aliens off the Bermuda Triangle? I don’t believe it. Mr. Lizard, cleanup on aisle 3.
I want it to be aliens so badly. I just want to see what happens to society when it is. I don’t think I have enough popcorn stashed for that moment.
“The coral-covered structure features 15, 300-foot-long arms jutting out from a center object.”
It is just a disposable fighter replenishment rig. You’ve got a blockade errrrrrr I mean occupation fleet in orbit. Of course their are doing flight ops. What do you expect?
The gopro recorded time lapse footage for an hour and ten minutes before running out of battery.
I got mostly squirrels.
But did they dump trash today?
Not that I saw, but I didn’t check inside the can yet.
That’s quite a euphemism.
Always the squirrels…
Damn it. What’s our next step? New batteries?
I think we need to break out the hamster wheel power generator. The hamsters will be issued gloves.
Only 2.5 stars. Your camera recommendations are no better than your movie recommendations.
I’m not recommending it. I’m just pointing out that these things exist, and for cheap. UCS can do his own research.
In that’s half a star more than Beverly Hills Chihuahua earned!
And 2.5 stars more than BHC deserved. Unless I’m permitted negative numbers for stars.
Did you watch the second 15 minutes of the movie yet?
Borrow a trail camera (often used by game biologists and hunters). It will give you a motion detection, long battery life, and many models can send the photo straight to your phone/computer.
Get a very cheap game cam (trail cam), like at a pawn shop or even a broken one. Put it in an obvious place near the garbage can. Put a discreet one in the bushes or trees aimed at the cheap cam and garbage can. You’ll not only see who is putting in the garbage, you’ll have pictures of them stealing your broken camera.
You need a game camera. Motion triggered, lasts for months.
Chipotle: Montezuma’s OTHER revenge.
I understand Aretha’s version of Think in the Blues Brothers had to be recorded semi-live. The music was piped in, but Aretha sang it live, because she was incapable of singing the song the same way twice and had no chance of doing a credible lip sync. I find that delightfully refreshing. We’ll miss you, Aretha!
I wonder if Southwest Airlines is aware that horses can’t be housebroken, and will undoubtedly piss and shit all over their planes. I know they make horse diapers, but I don’t know how well they handle piss. I know they are . . . imperfect for handling horseshit, and do little to nothing about the smell.
Just wait till they get randy with their actually nonminiature horse schlongs. Should make for an interesting flight.
I think i may have posted it here a few weeks back, but the phrase “hung like a horse” has biblical roots: Ezekiel 23:20.
Wow. I can’t say I blame her. Hawt.
If the plane crashes in the Andes, I’ll be having steaks.
Hey, R C Dean. OMWC and Swiss and I might have a plan for meeting you. Stay tuned!
Miniature horse service animal:
Fuck you, take the bus you overly fragile asshole!
They’re not fragile, they’re assholes.
I rent a cello for my daughter and had to stop by the store yesterday to pick up a different bow. The owner was beside himself because he had so many accounts to collect on and had no idea how to work the small-claims system. I gave him a thirty minute overview and volunteered my AR department to instruct him in it.
But the thing is that there are so many people who see a system and can only think how they can exploit it. In his case, they move and take the instrument or sell it on the internet and disappear or just never pay at all. He’s literally a one man operation and people have zero qualms about fucking him over. Of course they’re going to push to get their pony on the plane even though it’s a nuisance to everyone else. They just don’t give a shit.
Oh, they give a shit. They revel in the idea of making the airline bend to their will AND to alienating the other passengers on the plane.
Fuck you, ride the damned horse to your destination.
Look, you shitlords, everyone cannot be equal until everyone has their pony.
Apparently this hotel allows horses as well.
Kids, don’t forget to pack a hammer.
How many racists and sexual predators will this catch?
Before the hammer, I would be tempted to go full McCarthy hearing on it.
Alexa, is Professor ____________ a communist or have they ever been a member of the communist party?
Alexa, is Dean ______________ a communist or have they ever been a member of the communist party.
“Alexa, record my partner giving her consent to have sex!”
Partner withdraws consent one week later.
Also, Apparently 1984 was an instruction manual.
Make Orwell Fiction Again
That would make a great bumper sticker
My friends were showing off their stupid Alexa this past weekend:
“Alexa, bedtime!” and, hooray!, the lights go out. Wow. You just invited a fucking spy into your home VOLUNTARILY to save yourself 10 seconds of turning fucking lights off. Those devices are going to be used for evil; how could they not? No government will be able to resist the power they could wield! Give it time. It’ll soon be a federal regulation that all workplaces have one for “convenience”.
My parents have one, they seem to think its a toy of some kind.
It is a toy… for Jeff Bezos.
Buy a fucking Clapper.
Nah. I would unplug it and re-sell it.
My prediction is there will be some delightful lawsuits. As other commenters have pointed out the privacy implications are staggering. I’m also looking forward to the Title IX implications of Alexa not using a preferred pronoun, the ADA lawsuit when it doesn’t understand a student with a speech impediment or who is deaf (and therefore mute), and the more general shitshow when it provides non-proggie answers.
The terrible week continues! Tits are the only thing that can save us!
I think even Lady and Gay Glibs can get on board with #3.
We heard ambulance sirens a few minutes ago – went outside to see two units parked in front of one of the sororities. Lights were flashing and young girls dressed in “Hooter-type” t-shirts and short-shorts were crawling all of the the units posing for photos.
I thought of you.
Those poor, poor paramedics. It must have been tough to focus on the job.
“He fixes the cable?”
Give me the “Autobahn” album.
And the pictures can be found where?
Reason drove me here, but I stayed for the boobs. The tit pictures are nice too.
Wait…fuck you Tulpa!
9 seems pretty perky.
… and the perfect waist to hip ratio too.
One Brit didn’t report for his mandatory emasculation. He could tune up his martial arts skills but he was enthusiastic.
Trying to figure out exactly what happened there…
I was totally unclear as well.
Sounds like the black guy pushed him. And then got his ass kicked.
Oh crap, I forgot to post this one — hat tip to Warty. Florida Man goes to Ireland and the local thieves are not up to the challenge.
Florida Man for the WIN!
Wow, and they didn’t arrest the victim for stopping the mugging under assault and restraint of trade.
Don’t mess with Florida Man.
Wil “Shut Up Wesley” Wheaton and other lefty Twitter twats demand Alex Jones’ expulsion or they’ll delete their accounts:
I don’t give a damn about Alex Jones or Twitter, but now I’m rooting for Alex Jones.
Just base the decision on who has more followers and wish Wesley the best in his future endeavors.
The best future I can wish for him would involve a transporter beaming him into deep space.
Isn’t it easier to just stage a tragic accident in the air lock?
Yeah, but then someone has to clean all the Wil Wheaton out of the airlock. I don’t want to anyone to suffer more than they already have.
You’re just letting the air out, not chopping him up—right, he’d probably explode.
If he pops too close to the ship, someone will have to out there with a squeegee.
Shut up Wesley
Oh no! Don’t delete your accounts Wil! Anything but that!
/Brer Rabbit
Nothing better than a middle aged man living off one fucking TV show he was on 25 years ago when he was a kid. Doesn’t get much more pathetic than that.
Hey! He had a minor and irrelevant recurring role on The Big Bang Theory!
He and Felicia Day compete for most annoying science fiction cameos on a regular basis.
I liked the new season of MST3K, though.
And his character was a complete and utter dick, even there. This is a character who broke up a couple to win a bowling game and nearly broke up a couple who was about to get married just for laughs. Honestly, the truly satisfying ending to the show would be that Sheldon finds a way to remotely give him cancer in an act of (non-social) justice.
The ultimate series finale
He read the audio version of Ready Player One pretty well.
That’s about it though.
I’m still dumbfounded that FB kicks off Jones (which I’m fine with, whatever) but allows a rapper who plead guilty to posting the sexual assault of a child (13 y/o) on Instagram to keep his account. That’s some out of whack priorities.
Thoughtcrimes against the state will not be tolerated, but actual crimes against individuals are just fine.
Will Wheaton leaving twitter is about as realistic of a threat as Q threatening to never look at boobs again.
I could (perish the thought) get detached retinas. Braille boobs…
All Boobs are Braille actually…..
I missed that episode of Next Generation.
Twitter suspended Alex Jones for 7 days.
My wife took this picture yesterday morning when she was taking junior to school.
I assume you could arrange for any offenders to accidentally fall into a ladle of molten steel?
Let’s just say I know what to do if a T1000 shows up.
I was told 7 years is about the amount of time between melt shop fatalities in steel mills. Thats about how long it takes an employee to become complacent.
Yep, I forgot that I don’t want that to happen.
Better or worse than the oil vat guy from morning lynx? I’d think the molten steel is very painful but a lot quicker.
I don’t know man. The Leidenfrost Effect could make it last a few seconds longer while you boil from the outside in.
At least the oil vat guy got high.
Which reminds me of this video
how does one first discover that?
You’re paying for all the product you just wasted !
A couple of “asians” fell into an aluminum smelting furnace in the U.A.E. the other day. After a “couple” of bricks fell on their heads. It was supposedly not operational at the time, but they burnt to death according to the reports.
With molten steel, on instantly vaporizes.
My place has been open in since 1984. Only one fatality in the facility since opening up. All things considered, that’s pretty good.
Tryna go to the range at rush hour be like
Step 1: Move out of NoVa
Step 2: Success!
moving out of NoVa is always the correct answer, no matter what the question
Problem being, with where she works, that probably means moving into DC or Maryland. Bad advice, very bad.
Yep. I gotta put in about 5 years, then I might be able to negotiate a full time offsite gig.
nice! pew pew pew!!
Yeesh, that’s a bit of a hike!
And they don’t do instruction on weekends. So I might see how I feel about shooting on my own after my session
They seemed super nice when we went. The range officers weren’t intrusive, the neighbors kept to themselves, and somebody even helped when my gun jammed on the crappy ammo I was feeding it.
Yay ESS!
Fucking millennials man.
Dude in the photo would be better off doing a couple of push-ups
Yeah, no way. That’s just asking for ingrown hairs and infections.
From the miniature horse article:
“In the statement, officials name miniature horses, along with dogs and cats, as some of the most common service animals that will be accepted onboard. Passengers, however, will need to be able to provide credible verbal assurance that the animal is a trained service animal.”
What service, exactly, can a cat be trained to perform? Also, I was in a hearing one time about service animals. At that time, dogs and miniature horses were the only federally recognized service animals. Afterwards, I asked an expert witness: “Miniature horses!?!” The reply was along the lines of: “Well, yes they exist. You don’t see them very often. The upside is that they live longer than dogs.”
Often the only “service” performed by those animals is to comfort their owners.
I did read an article somewhere about a blind devout Muslim who had a miniature horse instead of a dog because the dog was seen as unclean.
But yeah, a service cat? My cat’s service would be to puke on something, then run and hide.
Here he is performing important tasks for me.
Look, you’re not going to put fur on your pillow yourself, so how do you expect to inhale it at night and enjoy the wonders of hacking up a hairball? He’s just looking out for you.
i think that Masterpiece Cake guy is fucked b/c Roberts. why? b/c there is no content that’s he being compelled to express. Thomas’ opinion (Gorsuch concurred) went on about the symbolism of a wedding cake but the majority said nope, this is about state discrimination of religion. this new cake doesn’t even have the benefit of a wedding. he’ll win if Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Alito can armtwist Roberts. but i see Roberts cakltaxing this one. just like he’ll abortltax any pro-life cases.
As long as RBG is still respirating there will be no huge gains in Constitutional originalism.
Breyer says “WUT ABOOT MEE?”
I missed the earlier thread and excellent discussion on this topic. What concerns me is that anyone with a business (public or BTB) may be compelled to provide service/labor – obviously the current SCOTUS decision doesn’t address or take into consideration. In many cases, decisions about whether to accept a client depends on a myriad of factors including subjective opinions.
What makes you think they aren’t already?
The SC ducked the question completely, I suspect that was very intentional.
I hear you. We have had some close calls with client refusals – and several incidents where potential clients seem to be baiting from the outset.
I want to know when the test case comes forward that results in attorneys being required to take clients, no matter how odious or absurd.
You’d have to find a practicing attorney with morals first.
Hey, I resemble that!
Can’t you just charge enough to keep the riff raff away?
Standard cake: $50
Excessive specialty cake : $18,575
Or would this be a case where tariffs are not only good, but mandatory?
You’d get sued for violating 14A or some other such nonsense. “Protected classes” have a whole slew of invisible “rights” granted to them. If it were:
Standard cake: $50
Cakes for KKK members: $1 million
It’d be no problem though.
“but i see Roberts cakltaxing this one. just like he’ll abortltax any pro-life cases.”
PenalCake? CakeTax?
“This is a little horseshit.”
So if you had the opportunity to vote on this decision, yours would be a neigh vote?
Swissy, narrow your fucking gaze already!
You need to pony up a better pun than that.
To those who would start making puns I say neigh! I will not have it!
Just horsing around. Because I foal like it.
I figured Swiss woulda galloped over here by now, and corralled that comment.
Swiss can really be an old nag.
He would, but he seems to be manely elsewhere at the moment…
Probably hoofin’ it for elsewhere.
Puns like that really need to be put out to pasture.
This man deserves a Mustang!
Anyone post about this yet? The new way to deplatform someone: TW (Breitbart) – heard about it on Sargon:
Very weird – never seen any references to Mastercard when I use Patreon – and I can’t see a logical/reasonable connection between patreon and mastercard if you’re handling things via direct deposit or a non-MC card.
Update — A Mastercard spokesperson responded to a Breitbart News request for comment with the following statement. “As part of our normal process, we share information about websites that may have illegal content with the acquirer – or merchant’s bank – that connects them to our network to accept card payments. The acquirer would then review the site for compliance with legal requirements and our standards. They would then determine what action to take. In this case, the acquirer advised us that they decided to terminate acceptance.”
MC told Patreon to review Jihad Watch’s content. Patreon decided Jihad Watch’s content was either illegal or not in compliance with MC’s “standards” and banned Jihad Watch.
that’s a fancy way to say blacklisted for badthink.
Illegal content? We’re just talking content that people don’t like, and not stuff that was stolen or whatever, right?
It almost certainly is illegal in England and some other countries with anti hate speech laws
I had thought about that, but in this case it’s an American being kicked off an American-based platform at the behest of an American-based credit services company.
“illegal content”?
What the fuck does that mean? Unless he was producing kiddie porn or selling murder for hire, I have a hard time seeing how this could possibly apply.
Illegal in which country you mean?
Sure it is legal in the US, does not mean it is legal everywhere
Maybe that’s their fig leaf, but going by that standard, nearly everything on Patreon would be illegal somewhere. If you used Saudi Arabia as the standard that would probably singlehandedly wipe out half their site.
Again, if they wanna boot him, fine. But “illegal content” just sounds bogus.
Not really new – Freestartr (a Kickstarter for Nazis &tm;) is still shut down because Stripe and Paypal decided to stop processing payments for them. But hey, how hard can it be to create an alternative credit card platform?
Tuition Will Be Free for All N.Y.U. Medical School Students
TW: NY Times
Have fun with that.
At least it’s not grievance studies
And in return for this free education – compelled service?
Probably. The VA just happens to be where about 1/4 of doctors complete their residencies.
“N.Y.U. said that it had raised more than $450 million of the $600 million that it anticipates will be necessary to finance the tuition plan. ”
Sounds underfunded, like faculty pensions. Ah well, they’ll make it up in fees.
Meh I don’t really have a problem with it. I mean making it possible for more people to become doctors is hardly a bad thing and from a cost perspective it really isn’t that much money. That said I don’t really think it will make too much of a difference either because I don’t think there are very many people at all (if any) who are kept out of med school solely because they can’t afford to pay the tuition.
I agree that I don’t see a problem. I’d like to see more schools do this, become extremely selective in admissions, and abolish all make believe degrees.
That said, I also don’t think it matters one bit for medical school. There’s probably 20 times the number of qualified applicants than actually get accepted. There’s so many that surpass this bar that med schools have given up on going with the most qualified instead have gone with most woke (since they’re all qualified). The MCAT actually had a new section added that’s essentially written by SJWs.
If we saw the AMA dissolved and allowed true competition among medical schools, you’d see the number of doctors quadruple overnight with corresponding massive cuts to school tuition and healthcare costs for consumers.
meant AAMC not AMA. Though dissolving the AMA wouldn’t hurt either.
There’s so many that surpass this bar that med schools have given up on going with the most qualified instead have gone with most woke (since they’re all qualified).
So, at least they won’t be too upset when Bernie or Lizzie or whoever slashes their salaries by 40% under universal Medicare.
My reaction depends on who’s paying for it.
Hari Kondabolu concedes that Apu is a 30 year old character, that schtick has its place. But he’s basically saying you can’t make fun of anyone. I tend to come down on the other side: all comedy is okay, even racist stuff; when we laugh at racist stuff, we’re saying: how stupid is that, how ironic that it’s 40% true…whatever: those are natural and reasonable feelings to have and to share…..and maybe work through together over a few beers.
Here’s the problem with his theory: everyone loves Apu! Hard-working, decent, loyal, friendly, patient, overrun by idiots…..what part of this “stereotype” offends anyone!?!$?
Bigger problem: the show is predicated entirely on making fun of stupid white people, particularly Bart and Homer.
Even bigger problem: there’s a great episode where Apu passes his citizenship test……after falling asleep and being unable to recall any of the stoopid Americana Homer had taught him. Apu attempts to answer citizenship questions with nuance, and he’s passed along by interrogators who pencil in the trope slavery-caused-the-Civil-War answers because they know he’s qualified.
The Simpsons shows a stupid obese white guy barely surviving in a world of fatuous, backward norms while a south Asian is shown as a sensitive and decent proprietor….and it’s funny…and I have zero problems with this….as should Kondabolu.
Apu embiggens us all.
Bart, Homer, etc. are yellow, not white. I think the Asian real estate agent is paler than the Simpson family.
What offends people?
He’s brown.
He has an accent.
He owns a convenience store.
The combination of those three things is offensive because shut up.
Hari Kondabolu is upset because Apu is too high of a standard for him to meet.
Equally interesting: One can argue the stereotyping of Italians through Fat Tony and the Chef Luigi and maybe even Groundskeeper Willie (and my favourite obscure characters Handsome Pete and Uter for that matter) is worse than Apu. Apu is a patriot. He sells dated hot-dogs.
This complaint wouldn’t have any legs except Azaria went and said he’d step aside for some reason.
Never give in to the social justice cadres. Never, ever, ever. All it does is embolden them.
And it never solves the problem. Once you agree to their conditions, they just make new conditions. Never give them an inch.
Exactly. Even if the sun rose in the West. rain fell up and, by some insane cosmic accident, they were right about something, you don’t give into them. Ever. They aren’t really after whatever their ostensible demand is. It’s the process of forcing you to give in that they value. Giving in only tells them that they can bully you. And it will only invite still further demands.
Well said.
Nothing should be off limits for comedy.
In fact, nothing should be off limits for speech in general. If I curb my speech in particular situations, for instance at a formal dinner or around small children, it’s because I am making a conscious choice to be polite. If a comedian chooses to do the same thing, great. If he can be funny at the same time, even better. But this cultural sensitivity/stereotyping/MUH FEELZ bullshit sounds a lot like prior restraint.
Fuck that. It’s also why stand up comedy is unwatchable nowadays.
Is Chipotle run by half-wits or something?
Nope it’s us. Non-fatal Biological warfare testing. It’s quite easy to conquer a species that is stuck on the crapper.
You are a devious reptile, Mr. Lizard.
Taco Bell, Burger King (it gave me the runs twice years and years ago) and Chishitle are off my list.
I’ve found that the food at these places doesn’t do me in, but the soda fountains are practically enemas.
I always get coffee at a fast food joint, on the rare occasions I go. But that’s because I don’t like carbonated beverages.
Enh, I still like Chipotle. If there’s something better at “fast casual Mexican” in NYC, I haven’t found it.
Qdoba and Moe’s (not sure if either are in NYC) are both solid entries in the fast casual Tex-Mex as well. My one complaint about Moe’s is everything comes with a side of chips. And if you put a pile of chips in front of me, I will eat those chips.
There are a couple of each in the city, nowhere near me or anywhere I go. Of course, I don’t go anywhere now so if and when that changes my options should open up.
I should add there are a bunch of joints in my neighborhood but I have no idea about the quality of the food, if they’re sit-down, etc.
Well, they are moving to California…
That’s puking distance from Playa’s house.
My former company moved from a Cleveland suburb (Seven Hills (?)) to downtown in order to buy the building. They’re as much into real estate as insurance.
Hell, with that move they may be saving money (assuming a tax abatement on the downtown building).
Yeah, there was some “deal” involved to get someone, anyone, into that building. They are basically in the business of scooping up distressed companies and apparently real estate, too. I think the building was recently vacated by Key Bank.
Gonna be that California love right there.
Um, that is a load of horseshit. There is no way that NYC is anywhere under 150% of the cost of living in Columbus
This got a lot of play here in Denver. So you move an entire company because the new CEO doesn’t want to get on a plane?
Been a few times yet ago. There food is never hot even straight from the counter. I don’t know how everyone doesn’t get sick.
I’ve been there dozens of times, never once got sick from it.
Maybe you guys just have weak stomachs
Neither me nor anyone I know got sick eating there. I simply don’t eat there because I find it bland, flavorless, and there are plenty of places near me where I can get better Mexican food.
I’ve never gotten sick either. I’m just saying there is no way they’re holding meat at proper temp or they’re not keeping it stirred or something because I’ve not once gotten hot food there.
FWIW the meat is always hot when I eat there.
Moonlight Bunny Ranch?
Same here. And I get stomach issues from everything.
My local chipotle is actually good about checking food temps. See them do it all the time.
Chipotle is cheap, fast, filling, and tasty. Close enough. I have never been sick from their food.
My wife’s cooking, on the other hand…
Sure there are better mexican food options around but I can’t walk into 90% of them and get a burrito in under 5 minutes and the handful which I likely can get a burrito that quickly from are far more of a crapshoot (pun intended) on the food safety front.
I don’t compare Chipotle to Mexican food, I compare it to McDonalds and on every standard except speed it compares favorably to other fast food places.
“then authorities destroy the compound?”
What even in the fuck? That looks like an airstrike. Or did the
terrorists…. I mean peaceful innocent abused immigrants blow themselves up? Whatever it is, I’m sure our faithful media is working hard tobring us the latest detailscover it up until it’s forgotten.They probably found weapons connected to the same government operation that the Vegas shooter was a part of.
*Tightens tinfoil hat to the point of constriction*
Although surprisingly NBC is bringing some pretty breathless coverage
Did they say where the saintly innocent migrants have went to since it looks like their compound was hit by an airstrike? Were they inside at the time?
I’m pretty certain the federal Enforcers have them in custody right now
And judge SanFran retard as well, right?
Released on bond..don’t worry though, they’re required to wear ankle bracelets.
Before the compound was blown to shit, but what about now? I guess if they are still alive, they now have to wait for a judge in Hawaii or DC to order that they be released and that Drumpf now needs to move out of the Whitehouse so they can move in.
Released on bond. As far as I know they haven’t been rearrested.
And they weren’t arrested for immigration problems, but for having an unexplained dead kid, a bunch of other kids in abusive conditions, all kinds of weapons, etc.
$20k bond for the lot of them – a minuscule amount for the severity of the “alleged” crimes. Esp with a dead kid involved.
Reminds me of when the feds bulldozed the Branch Davidian compound. It stinks of coverup. We know what they might have been covering up in Waco, but I’m mystified as to what they might be covering up at the jihadi compound in NM. Put that together with the absolutely bizarre decision to cut the jihadis loose (and I’ll be shocked if they don’t just disappear rather than keep their court dates), and it really starts making you wonder what the fuck our government is up to. If they wanted to bury this whole jihadi compound mess, I would expect them to do exactly what they are doing.
Speaking of the Queen passing….
Aretha sang One Step Ahead back in 1965. Then along in 1999, Mos Def wanted a backing track for his song Ms. Fat Booty , and used it.
Lyrics likely NSFW
Colion Noir interviewed by Rave Doooobin
I augreeeeeeeeeeee.
Any of the Colorado contingent familiar with these folks? At least one was apparently active on TOS, so you all may be familiar with them already. Visuals are fine, but lyrics maybe NSFW.
H/T deadhead
I know I’ve read the name Little Fyodor, probably in the Westword, but I’ve never heard anything.
*cough KinkyFriedmanalreadydidit cough*
We love Kinky. And his books, too.
He woulda made a great governor of the republic.
I got to hear him speak once. Great fucking experience for a college freshman
Fyodor, the singer, was active at TOS as, um,… Fyodor. He was way ahead of you all, as he dropped off that board probably 8 years ago. We had a TOS meetup ages ago and he showed up. Fyodor has been putting out this type of stuff for about 30 years. The gal doing the introduction is a local gadfly artiste, and is quite nice.
Oh, and he brought Babushka to the meetup too.
Always, always, always got to believe the accuser. Unless she is some sketchy bitch who might fuck up your chance win the race for Minnesoda AG.
The local paper is really doing its homework on this one. They actually sent a reporter over to Brother Keith’s house. No word yet if they asked Ilhan Omar any questions about the perjury she committed when she divorced her brother.
“Keith Ellison is the vastly superior candidate”
If you want communism, it’d be hard to beat him.
Did they ask her what she thinks about Israel? Because her old tweets pretty much said “Fuck Israel and fuck the Jews”
Dayton also said he takes the allegation seriously, but said he doesn’t know if he believes it.
A nuance one doubts would ever be afforded to his political opponents.
Words to live by. . Lawyer for Minnesoda man busted for bombs, meth and machine guns:
Speaking of overrated semi-fast food chains. In-N-Out sends pun-filled cease-and-desist to brewery planning In-N-Stout beer
Show me the proof Penn, show me the proof.
Any day now! It’s gonna happen!
Man….remember in like, 2013 when Penn Gillette was cool?
I liked him so much better when he was fat.
Al Sharpton narrows his gaze.
I call bullshit
where the fuck was this little twerp in 2016? Hmmmmmmm?
No offense to our non carnivore listeners, but why is it that when some people get on weird diets they become knuckleheads?
At least Napolitano hasn’t lost it yet.
Penns claims Trump made ‘racially or sexually inappropriate remarks’ and you want proof? Proof that the man who is constantly defended by his fans as a ‘Blue collar, non PC, tells it like it is, Man of the people” made racially or sexually inappropriate remarks. Guess what ‘Blue collar, non PC, tells it like it is, Men of the people’ do? they make racially or sexually inappropriate remarks. Of course, Trump made stupid remarks, he makes them every day. Now Penn makes this assertion in his usual oh so carefully worded by half manner( and if you bypass the clickbaity headlines and read what he said that is what he does) and he’s an idiot? Trumps a d-bag, doesn’t mean he can’t be a good or even great president but denying that he’s a d-bag severely lessens ones credibiltiy.
I live in a space similar to this.
For me, though, the childish vapidity in evidence is satisfactory: I need not speculate on things not in evidence.
I didn’t say Trump’s not a douchebag nor did I say Penn’s an idiot. How did you get that?
I was responding to the entirety of the comment thread, (perhaps I didn’t thread my response correctly) Penn used to be cool now he’s a knucklehead, was better when fat, all seem to point to thinking Penn jumped the shark. Wanting ‘proof’ and someone calling ‘bullshit’ led me to believe you lot were defending Trump. If I assume too much mea culpa.
Proof would be nice but I don’t think anyone here doesn’t think Trump’s a jackass and that this is at least plausible.
Well, he voted for Clinton.
You didn’t erect the goalposts, but if you had then you’d be guilty of a major goalpost shift.
If the video(s) exist, then show them. Stop speculating about something that’s trivially easy to prove and just cough it up.
I give Penn the benefit of the doubt because he’s upfront about his humanity. Whoever the fuck decided to turn Penn Jillette’s off-the-cuff thoughts into some kind of news story, however, doesn’t deserve that benefit.
One could quote statistics and be accused of racially and sexually insensitive remarks. People find reality insensitive.
It would be hilarious if Trump said all kinds of terrible rascist shit but only to Teller.
I’m very pleased (not pleased) to introduce a worse nut punch than the one I posted earlier.
Oh my goodness, the officer wasn’t hurt was he?
Thankfully, he went home safely that night.
The woman wasn’t following his lawful orders! I mean, she couldn’t hear them, on account of she was deaf, but that’s no excuse!
Arresting a deaf person for disobeying orders they couldn’t hear seems like, I don’t know, a bit of a stretch no matter what age that person was. The cop roughing up an old lady just makes it that much worse and of course the fuzz is defending their own. It’s pathetic but not at all unexpected.
I hope she learned a lesson about the illegality of being deaf.
Basically,the Chief is saying “All our officers are such complete pussies that they even handle little old ladies.”
You asked me something last night and I’ve been mulling it over as best I understand.
If you want perfect accuracy, you will have to find books on warfare and specifically, that particular battle. Someone has probably answered those questions somewhere.
Let me know if I misunderstood you and I’ll try to give you a better answer.
I’ve been trying to be good about not pimping my podcast, but my most recent mini episode dealt with the comics I loved back in 1979. Made me think about that year. Gas lines. Massive economic collapse. The Shah fleeing. USSR about to nuke us. Population bomb.
Was 1979 our worst year in this country?
Your voice is dabomb, dude.
Mine never really made it out of puberty.
I’ve got a buddy who has the voice of God.
I sound like a 12-year-old redneck who swallowed a dictionary.
Ok, so you have an audiobook link for your work?
WTF is wrong with you people. That is NOT HOT.
Knowing a lot of words that mean things is totally hot.
You must be new here.
Damn. That just made my day.
No credit to me. Thank whiskey and cigarettes for anything good about me babbiling.
The Civil War?
Least we got to shoot people.
Of course, the guys I agreed with were the bad guys. Can we have state rights without slavery?
I think 1860 deserves to be somewhere close to the top of the list.
How quickly you all forget 2016.
But we have a chance to make up some of it.
“Was 1979 our worst year in this country?”
What are you even talking about? It was still a free country. There was no threat at all to the first 2 amendments and the tattered raggedy Constitution was still in one piece and even democrats and republicans partially respected it.
Rothbard disagrees on one point:
Another article on the destroyed compound via ZeroHedge:
This stood out to me-“NBC News reports that police seized an RV where eleven children and five adults lived in what was described as squalor, while also bulldozing the entrance to an underground tunnel where the decomposing body of three-year-old Abdul-ghani Wahha, kept there in the hopes that he would resurrect as Jesus and use his psychic powers to help the group target “corrupt institutions and people” with “violent actions.””
These people made bond and signature bond at that.
This part stood out to me:
Credible threats? Juvenile bluster? Does it even matter.
It wouldn’t surprise me if that were true actually, people are upset and I’d think plenty of New Mexico’s citizens are really upset.
Sure, it’s technically true. Doesn’t mean any of the threats are at all serious. But I think we all know that “blowing steam” is now equivalent to “imminent danger”.
I’d think very few truly credible threats if any.
Any of those threats involve woodchippers?
So Gary Johnson us running for Senate? Is this another scam? What is his potential vote total? Will he be vouching for Hillary this time too?
Johnson’s transformation has been most interesting to behold, because during that entire time he wasn’t in government at all. He’s gone from a sincere, if somewhat naive, politician to a charlatan and grifter without any of the actual pressures of office.
A zillion liars combined equals the truth!
I think they really believe they’re trusted, loved, and respected. Most people will go outside and check if the media tells them the sky is blue because their credibility is shot. They’re delusional.
Unified Progging at its best. Yes, please coalesce your evil sanctimony. Verify the reason you are, and should be loathed by all who can reason.
Good sesh at the range. We did one target that rotated 90 degrees back & forth every 5 seconds, and I tried to get two shots off within the 5 seconds. That was nerve-wracking. Then we did a pseudo draw scenario, where I held the weapon down, pushed out, aimed, and fired on every round. Anyway, my groupings continue to be very good. Still need to work on hitting center mass. It’s adrenaline that’s mostly causing my issues, but each time I shoot I get more relaxed.
There will come a point where muscle memory kicks in. You will recognize it and be pleased.
And, as trashy said upthread – they are super nice. I got there early, thinking I would have a snack in the cafe, but the cafe was closed. One of the reception ladies microwaved me a pizza anyway.
OK, this is one of my favorite videos from my youth MTV days and I seem to remember it being a little more high def that than that? Can anyone help out?
Summer Time Girls
Here you go: