The World Champion Houston Astros are in a free fall. That’s all I have to say about their fifth loss in a row and second consecutive terrible outing by Justin Verlander. Their lead is down to one game after the loss to the Rockies. Crap. Elsewhere, the Brewers blanked the Cubs, the Orioles beat the Mets, the Yanks beat the Rays, the Red Sox topped the Phillies, hey look the White Sox beat the Tigers(!), The Indians massacred the Reds, the Braves beat the Marlins, the D-backs topped the Rangers, the MINNESOOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS topped the Pirates, the Blue Jays beat Kansas City, the Cards beat the Pats, the As topped theMariners, the Giants beat the Dodgers again and the Angels took out the Padres.
In addition to our very own robc, today’s birthday boys and girls (and whatever else people call ximselvez) include such luminaries as: French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, chef extraordinaire Julia Child, Canadian jazzman Oscar Peterson, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, bassist Bill Pinkney, drummer Peter York, musician Tom Johnston, NFLPA hack Gene Upshaw, writer Stieg Larsson, wife Linda Gates, “actor” and filmmaker Ben Affleck, and selfie-taker Jennifer Lawrence.

One can only imagine the smell at that event.
Its also the day Ignatius Loyola formed the Jesuits, the Mayflower set said, New Zealand’s All-Blacks played their first international rugby match and defeated Australia 22-3 (1903), the Panama Canal opened (under budget!), “The Wizard Of OZ” premiered, India gained her Independence, the Beatles played Shea Stadium, the Woodstock festival opened, Nixon froze prices and wages, “Apocalypse Now” opened, and Nolan Ryan earned his 324th and final MLB victory.
Now on to…the links!
Its a shitty job, but someone has to do it. This is what its come to in the once-fine city.

What Facebook thinks of free speech
Facebook gets honest about their feelings on the media. What I don’t get is this: who the hell gets their news from Facebook? Are there really people who do that? Seriously?
If you’re gonna commit disability fraud, you might want to keep a lower profiled than this. My guess is that she’ll get a couple years of probation and have to pay restitution (which she won’t pay). But damn, talk about hubris.
So, a child’s dead body, plenty of evidence that they’re training terrorists, a definite flight risk unless under constant surveillance, and you still grant them bail? For context, Paul Manafort is on 24-hour isolation as his tax evasion trial continues.

A much better idea than their shitty French fries
I’ll just post this without comment so Swissy can narrow his gaze. The rest of you enjoy as well.
Laquan McDonald’s mother ordered to testify or be banned from courtroom during trial for the man who killed her son. I don’t understand why the dumbass serving the subpoena can’t just find an easier way to get it to her. I also wonder if they’ll allow 100 Chicago cops in uniform to pack the courtroom and stare at the jury throughout the trial.
I’m shocked! Shocked to find funny business going on on Tinder. Seriously, “She’s Crafty” should be heeded by both men and women n these trying times.
The defense rested yesterday without calling a single witness, so now the Paul Manafort trial will move to closing arguments today. I’m curious to find out what other exotic clothing and accessories he owns when the prosecution further lays out their politically-motivated case.
Now go out there and make the most of today!
I get lots of news on FB. “Another reason never to meet that relative ever again.”
I don’t willingly follow facebook links. If I unwittingly land there I leave and promptly purge the cookie repository.
>>purge the cookie repository
It’s an unplasant task, but it must be done when contaminants get in there.
He’s got special gloves for that.
That euphemism is just plain gross dude.
Who’s being euphemistic?
I have never joined Facedouche and will never do so on account it is nothing but a platform for the man to fook you over.
Second link goes to the same article as the first.
The real disability is the inability to post working links.
I know, right
Hrmm… something’s not right there
Intentional Jokes.
I forgot what you had to do to get a deliberate SF on a link and used the wrong incorrect format the first time around.
Nobody’s ever accused me of impotence.
I like it…mixing the articles and links is wacky and makes sure the articles get seen.
Sloop is slick.
64D Chess?
It was actually the second and third. But it’s fixed now. Sorry.
You realize your pay will be docked for this. I’m going to have a word with the chairman.
I thought my contract clearly stated that I am allowed one major mistake per post.
I’m gonna get my contract-reading gloves on, pull the paperwork and have a look at it.
You expect me to read links and count? You want me to do two simple things?
You have to eat the fries while still in the Car, otherwise they slime by the time you get home,
Good Morning!
I don’t blame In n Out for the cease and desist either. That can really uses the iconic logo and motif. It looks like it is In n Out beer. Great burgers, great employees, great company. But they are very protective of their brand, as well they should be.
I appreciate them taking it all in good fun. Thy could have been assholes, but chose a much more pleasant route. I’m not the least bit surprised though. Their reputation for exceptional courtesy goes well beyond their cashiers.
Yeah, there’s a lot of garbage cease and desist (Hanson beverage vs. Vermonster for example), but this was a clear one. Even the brewer admits they were expecting it.
Actually, you’re better off just ordering two burgers and leaving the fries off altogether. They’re an embarrassment to the fast food industry and aren’t even worthy of being put in a Butger King bag.
I like the fries. They get all soggy and soft, because they are made from an actual potato. No binders or other processing stuff to make them firm/crisp.
You don’t need binders or processing stuff to make crisp fries, I make crisp fries at home and it’s easy to do. I don’t know how some places fuck it up so badly.
I am a huge In-N-Out fanboy but the fries are pretty mediocre. It’s because they cut them on-site and only single fry them. They’re soggy and sponge up the oil. Somehow they work a lot better than they should alongside the burger, but I never get them with mine.
Fries are one of my primary reasons for choosing 1 fast food place over another. Mediocre fries make you mediocre.
Hey, happy birthday!!!
May his Reds avoid the cellar.
Happy Birfday!
Happy birthday! Hope it’s a great one!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Exactly right – single frying is the issue. I found an article once that deduced the secret to McDonald’s fries, and they determined that you can make similar fries at home if you boil them and then fry them twice. I’ve tried it and, while I wouldn’t quite call them McDonald’s level fries, they were damned good and better than any other homemade fries I’ve made.
Frying in beef tallow helps too. McDonald’s fries haven’t been the same since they switched.
“So, a child’s dead body, plenty of evidence that they’re training terrorists, a definite flight risk unless under constant surveillance, and you still grant them bail? For context, Paul Manafort is on 24-hour isolation as his tax evasion trial continues.”
One is an enemy of the deep state and the oligarchy, while the other only threatens the lives of the fucking ungrateful, unwashed plebes. I have told people this repeatedly: watch how the people that have no reason to fear a threat treat it in general to see how much contempt they hold for those of us that lack the same protection they do.
“The defense rested yesterday without calling a single witness, so now the Paul Manafort trial will move to closing arguments today. I’m curious to find out what other exotic clothing and accessories he owns when the prosecution further lays out their politically-motivated case.”
He is an evil 1% and a friend of Trump-Hitler-Putin, and doesn’t know his fucking place! The jury should hate and demand the death penalty for him and the impeachment of orangeman, because.
“”Please understand that use of our marks by third parties ales us to the extent that this could cause confusion in the marketplace or prevent us from protecting our marks in the future,” the document read. “We hope you appreciate, however, that we are attempting to clearly distill our rights by crafting an amicable approach with you, rather than barrel through this.””
*narrows gaze*
I think that’s my first narrowed gaze. But does it count if it’s a quote?
He hopped right on that one.
Ales well that ends well
If you guys knew how stout Swissy was, you wouldn’t goad him this way.
But then we’d have to leave the puns all bottled up.
Sounds like a rough draft.
These puns are tapped out.
Or they would be if I scrolled down a smidge.
I should’ve gone with my original “Beer pun!” and left it at that.
You’re just trying to ferment dissent.
Good point. At yeast it could have been an original post.
Shoot, I’m all tapped out on originality.
the Woodstock festival opened…“Apocalypse Now” opened
“Are you a Commie, Wiilard?”
“I’m a hippie”
“You’re neither. You’re a deadbeat…sent by moochers…to look for a handout”
I saw that film when it opened in theaters. Much impressed. Have seen it at least 30 times, but it’s best in a real theater. Saw the 25th anniversary re-release in a theater as well. It was worth it.
“Thou shalt have no craven images other than those of the all powerful state!
I bet you there are lots of proggies sighing and wishing they could do the same here, only their idol is going to be perched with one boot squarely squashing orangeman on the one side, and the deplorables being kicked into their rightful place, on the other.
Tom Friedman fondles himself when he reads that article.
Facebook infiltrated the disability fraud link.
That issue was rectified.
See what I mean?!?!
But it’s been fixed.
…for now.
Here you go, friends.
Let me ruin the original for you by taking you on a journey back to my megachurch childhood.
I’m curious how a modern pop/rock band would be received with such a religious song on one of their albums. That was commonplace in the 60s and early 70s.
Dylan did it! Slow train coming, which was actually pretty good.
Yeah. Jesus Christ Superstar, anyone?
It’s not rock, but MC Hammer did have “Pray”
U2 has a few religiously themed songs as well, but nothing recent.
The only ones I can think of in the last decade would be Mumford and Sons.
A few years back Billy Corgan said “I think God’s the great unexplored territory in rock ‘n’ roll music.”
Don’t ever leave me, Jesus. I couldn’t stand to see you go.
My heart would simply snap, my Lord, if you walked on out that door.
I promise I’ll be good to you, and keep you warm at night.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, why don’t we just… shut off the lights.
My upbringing being what it was, that episode has a special place in my heart.
Ahhh, DC Talk..
I think there’s been some Christian crossover rock bands too, but I’m blanking on names.
Back in the early to mid aughts there were a bunch of Christian numetal acts that went mainstream. POD, Skillet, Flyleaf, Underoath, a few others I can’t think of right now. Switchfoot started out in the Christian market as well.
I have never heard of any of those.
Of course, since this is me, that might not mean a whole lot for their level of fame.
I’m still in the pre-Gill Amy Grant era.
There are some great metal bands that happen to be Christian. Trouble. Demon Hunter (to the extent that *core is metal, which it isn’t). Black Sabbath.
But good Lord, I’d like to forget that period of metal.
Hank Hill summed it up correctly.
I had a roommate in college who was extremely religious. I remember him listening to DC Talk, and another one called Jars of Clay.
I actually have a Jars of Clay CD. It’s not bad.
Jars of Clay could easily be mistaken for any college rock band of its era if you didn’t pay attention to the lyrics. They had a couple crossover hits, but stayed within the CCM market.
I grew up with all the 90s CCM stuff. The one that I still have a soft spot for is Newsboys. Steve Taylor’s lyrics combined with their generic 90s rock shtick is still a fun combo for me. it’s overtly Christian without being quite as corny as a lot of the other CCM acts of the time.
Fun fact: the first live show I ever attended was when my parents dragged me to a Margaret Becker concert when I was 5 or 6 years old. I fell asleep. The first live show I attended solo was Audio Adrenaline. Which was actually pretty fun. Not much different than any secular rock show except less pot.
I can’t believe we’re having a discussion about Christian music that hasn’t descended into shit flinging. Anyway, I met Lauren Daigle (the Christian knockoff of Adele) once. Her manager used to be the worship leader at our church in Dallas. He was an amazing musician.
By and large, modern Christian music sucks. It’s usually a generic ripoff of shitty pop music from 3 years prior. The lyrics are superficial, the instrumentals are derivative, and the target audience is 13 year old girls. However, I’ve been pleasantly surprised on occasion.
Nobody has mentioned Stryper.
And in case anyone asks, I didn’t, either.
U2 is probably the world’s biggest Christian Rock band.
Bullshit. Its Black Sabbath.
is, unless Black Sabbath is still putting out records and touring.
You may want to Google the band called Creed. They sold one or two CD’s back in the day.
Scott Stapp was an asshole (and not incredibly Christian)
OT: looking at a new hobby, building models of tanks. Any tools someone with old eyes should get? Thinking of a stand/desk magnifier so I can see what I’m doing without narrowing my gaze.
Jeweler’s loupe and lots of solvent.
Maybe he meant life-size models, though
That is just going to lead to a shit ton of trouble when he fucks up and mistakes that shit for his porn specs and lube.
Just like I know I am on the road to disaster because of my sloppy storage habits at work. Although I’m sure my coworkers are praying for that day.
My first advice – don’t go hog wild with hardware up-front. Get a few basic tools and things that can be repurposed for other hobbies if you find you don’t enjoy it. A stand magnifier can be used in a lot of applications, and if you think it will help, it might be a good investment.
I def need a stand magnifier for doing electronics work – the last circuit boards/amps I worked on were tough going.
Are we talking the models that you buy made out of plastic, or making “real” tanks? Cause for the first you need glue, magnifying glasses, acetone, nimble fingers, and steady hands, while the later requires a completely different set of skills and tools.
While he could go for 1:1 scale, the query about the magnifier made me suspect he’s not.
Plastic – just need a new hobby that doesn’t cost as much as making stereo gear and can eat up the hours.
(and I can make tank noises when I push the completed models around. Or make a diorama)
One pair of clippers, one xacto knife, one thing of plastic glue. I tend to use thin plastic glue because it is easier for me to work with than those metal tubes of plastic cement that never stop oozing.
Thanks! Good idea on the glue – I have memories of the never ending ooze from the testors model glue.
#11 exacto knife
Spudging stick (really)
Flush cutters
an Ikea style board that’s thick and flat
The list goes on,
But that can be acquired over time as improving skill levels make it worthwhile. There’s no point in front-loading the expense.
I’ve also never seen the point of a dedicated tool for removing flashing. I tend to just use the xacto knife to clean up the mold lines and smooth out where the piece got clipped from the sprue.
I’m starting with a T34 … always liked that rooskie tank though I have a real soft spot for the SU-152, which was a favorite of mine for playing Avalon Hill’s Tactical Armor Command.
Flush cutters for Electronics for Cutting parts from trees….
He has most everything already, I believe,
If so, it sounds like he just needs some glue.
had to add this:
I can see you now…
Damn you! I was going to post that.
::spikes football
Does Billy “White Shoes” Johnson dance::
Dioramas get crazy, you never stop detailing…..and spending…….
It starts with one model, then another, and another………………
You know who else worked on models?
Donald Trump?
If this^ hadn’t been said, I’d have fired all your asses.
Ray Harryhausen?
Clooney and DiCaprio?
I use a Magnifier/Light on an arm that I can place anywhere on my workspace. I just happen to be doing something like that right now……
Check back Tomorrow night,
There’s a stand that has a magnifying glass and two arms to hold objects that you will love.|pcrid|81515567661|plid||kword||match||slid||product|47T9913|&gross_price=true&CATCI=pla-162085568181&CAAGID=20376569661&CMP=KNC-GUSA-GEN-SHOPPING-47T9913&CAGPSPN=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlfW8w5nv3AIVRr7ACh0dnQhREAQYBCABEgJQKPD_BwE&CAWELAID=120185550001173328
What I don’t get is this: who the hell gets their news from Facebook? Are there really people who do that? Seriously?
I keep seeing stats that like 70% of Americans get their news from Facebook or social media. I have no idea how that data has been computed but it definitely feels intuitively suspect.
News like: You won’t believe how fill-in-the-blank child star looks now.
Britney Spears in a mini skirt exiting a car?
Considering how stupid and ill informed most people I interact with seem to be, I can believe that they actually get what they think is news from that crap platform. Of course the problem is people stupid enough to think they shouldn’t be filtering what they see there for the misinformation/indoctrination it is.
I’m not on Facebook but it can’t be much worse than television or newspapers.
Full disclosure, I am not and have never been on facebook, but I have had way too many people tell me I was wrong in my facts because facebook links told them something else, only to show the moron claiming that how the problem was with them. The usual reaction from either team blue, and occasionally even from team red people, is to dismiss the facts so they could keep the narrative going. It’s one thing to be suckered, but another IMO to willfully want to be ignorant of the facts.
From what I can tell, FB news comes with a picture of Kermit sipping tea.
While in California, I mentioned in a conversation with someone about the plastic straw ban retardedness going on in retarded Santa Barbara about this retard issue. He replied that he didn’t even know about the ban and that it started there. A shithead Canadian was more informed about it than a long life Californian.
I’m always amazed by tidbits of knowledge my brother picks up regarding some esoteric wrinkle of Trump’s criminal empire, courtesy of NPR or whatever else he listens to… but even broad brushstrokes of the Mueller investigation, nah. He knows virtually nothing.
Which tells me something about how well that’s going if the Dems aren’t trumpeting its every facet.
It’s going so well the defense decided not to put on a case because the prosecution failed so spectacularly to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Not that you can rely on juries to understand that, but still.
Computed? Near as I can tell almost all journalist/soft ‘science’ statistics are just made up entirely. Hey “I love Science” people, science requires actual measurement; polls and surveys don’t measure.
So now that the woke voters of Minnesoda’s 5th district have elected Ilhan Omar in yesterday’s primary, what are the chances that any mainstream media will ask her any hard* questions about her divorce?
I may have to cut some slack for the MSM, they being so busy with hounding Keith Ellison about his women troubles. They barely have any time left after writing column after column about how Brother Keith seems to have multiple women accusing him of bad behavior.
*Actually the questions are pretty easy given the amount of clear evidence that she engaged in at a minimum a shit ton of perjury, it is dealing with the aftermath of honest answers that are hard.
I’m pretty sure asking those questions is totes racist.
Supreme Court decisions used to decide legal matters….
Christian Baker Again Under Fire for Refusing Transgender Cake Despite Supreme Court Win
The process is the punishment, the state is perfectly happy to drag him through another lengthy court battle even if they know they will lose in the end.
Eventually he will run out of money for lawyers, while they can just take more in taxes from him to spite him.
I do believe that the public interest law firm representing his is doing it pro bono. And if they aren’t, at this point someone will. When a plaintiff has a case likely to go up to the supreme court, they usually have their pick of representation including a large handful who do it free.
Can’t he counter-sue on the grounds of the case he just won?
Well, Kamala Harris treated the same way and she won a seat in the senate and is on the short list for the DNC presidential nomination.
So I’m gonna go with no… there are no possible consequences for malicious prosecution.
Because of the increasingly blurry distinction between the meaning of “sex” “gender” and “sexuality” in the law, I can actually see how this might technically constitute a distinct legal argument that would require a second remedy. It’s more a reflection of the debasement of language and law than anything else.
I see it as a reflection of what a bunch of activist assholes that commission is full of. Unfortunately when this ends up costing the State of Colorado a lot of money, it won’t come out of their pockets.
These virtue signalling events/actions/laws seem to always cost other people while the people pushing it never lose a dime of their own, don’t they?
I would love to see IJ go after the commissioners personally for conspiracy to deprive him of his civil rights, where qualified immunity won’t apply.
Immunity of government agents has to be one of the awful idea ever allowed.
Word’s already gone out: SCOTUS is perfectly happy letting socjus committees royally fuck over citizens as long as they keep their lips zippered.
Wasn’t the Supreme Court victory based on the process by which they found him guilty? Not because the law is fucked?
I thought they said that the conviction had to be thrown out because the court’s anti-christian bias was too obvious and to do it again, but this time be a little more discreet.
Wasn’t the Supreme Court victory based on the process by which they found him guilty? Not because the law is fucked?
Correct. The court punted on laying out a general exception and said the commission’s bias was too blatant. Although if they were going to take a 2nd bite at the apple it seems like it would have been smarter to pick a different victim. He might be able to drag their prior history into court with him again.
Even if they had decided the case on the merits though, as I said above, they might be able to readjudicate it based on sex/gender discrimination instead of sexual preference discrimination, presuming that Colorado’s statutes forbid discrimination on both grounds.
And, to be fair, I think replacing Kennedy with Kavenaugh, there’s a good chance that there will be 5 votes to a non-punting decisions.
That’s nuts.
Jesus, do they have a fucking vendetta against this guy? Leave him alone!
First, he did not kowtow to their ideology.
Then he had the temerity to win in court.
New Zealand’s All-Blacks played their first international rugby match and defeated Australia 22-3 (1903)
New Zealand’s All-Blacks
I. can’t. even.
Soldier who swapped battlefield to live with wife, fiancée and ‘sex slaves’
I strongly suspect this ain’t real.
*sees TV show involved*
Yeah, this definitely isn’t a publicity stunt for a would-be porn producer.
Why do I think that this is a giant stunt to get some reality TV deal?
Uffda. I guess I’m not the only eagle eyed reader who smelled something rotten.
By the way there are duplicate links above. Just thought you should know.
Because the girls are way too young and attractive.
Why are you guys trying to ruin this?
We ruin everything.
LOL, his nameplate on his desk says “PATRIACHAL OVERLORD” (sic)
Slave 808497061
Why such a long number?
This makes any Overlord of the Patriarchy feel like he has more serving wenches. To be honest, though, poor guy. 4-5 women in your house that you are having relationships with, all at the same time, every day, all day, 24 hours a day… let that sink in. Now we know why he’ll die first, because he’ll want to.
I feel like the cage would change the dynamic a bit.
Using non sequential serial numbers makes it more difficult for enemy intelligence to estimate the amount of hardware you have procured from battlefield debris.
Also reduces the increases the likelihood of catching typos.
Make sense of that last sentence. I dare you.
Double blind fake!
Particularly if it includes a check digit.
There is an actual slave registry web site and it gives out 9 digit numbers. They send you a certificate of ownership with the owner’s name and the slave’s number and pre-slavery name, I think. I’ve never used it, but, know a couple of people who have. One woman has her number tattooed on her shoulders at the base of her neck. Folks sometimes refer to her as the last 3 digits of her number when being cute.
This is probably somewhat ‘real’ in the sense that a dominant with the funds and skills can easily acquire a harem. Even of young, attractive women. Its fairly common in the community for a good dominant to wind up with more than one sub and if they have the financial resources, to have them all live together. I imagine they are playing it up a bit for the cameras as well though.
I am told “good” doms are difficult to suss out from abusers.
It is and it isn’t.
There are people who have political motives, and creating a narrative about abusers being rampant fits their politics and they have ulterior motives for doing so. Then there are new subs that jump in without getting educated, building a network, and learning how to enforce their own boundaries are more likely to attract those who are abusive. There are lots of new doms who make the same basic mistakes, they get paired up with a new sub, and trainwrecks ensue, like going from zero to collared in 6 days. Those situations are usually bad because of both people not being competent and moving to fast.
So it isn’t hard to suss out the abusers if you have some patience and ability to set boundaries. But people don’t often take the steps necessary to be able to suss out how to separate the abusers from the chaff from the wheat, so to speak.
Because of the nature of my fiction genre, I do come in contact with writers who are actually in the lifestyle. They’re older, wiser, and end up trying to keep those train wrecks from happening. I hear a lot of stuff, both good and bad. It’s not my cuppa and I don’t judge, but I do like hearing about people’s lives and why they’re attracted to things.
People are crazy. that’s why.
Yeah, that’s something myself and some other ‘old heads’ have been talking about and trying to work on. The scene is much more accessible than it once was, and the mentoring and guiding that many of us received is missing. It’s like any other subculture, there’s good and bad and drama.
Thanks for the reminder. I need to finish downloading all my photos and close my Facebook account.
Supposedly, as long as anyone you know even moderately well is on FB, you’re on FB even if you close your account.
OT: related to the “pulling the plug” article, and reason #672 why I don’t follow the news, even if it is local: Local family so dysfunctional that dad drugs his three triplets and has sex with them. One of the triplets is a mom to kid that is biologically her brother’s. There’s another (older) daughter who also bore a child by the dad, and acts like the mom to the rest… and tries to protect the dad from prosecution. Lucky friend of mine is appointed on the case.
Excuse me while I pull out the barf bag hearing the details in court.
Over there is where my daddy met my pappy!
So you’re saying that Michigan is the West Virginia of the north? Or is this a Muslim deal?
I would like those details as well OMWC. There seems to be a certain demographic that is into this shit, and more often than not we find out they are not the Southern hill billies of the usual narrative.
These folks are not immigrants.
OK, so it’s Cletus and Brandine. West Virginia.
Every once in a while, I have an “I shoulda gone to law school” meltdown. I don’t know if this has permanently stopped those, but if so, yay and thank you.
Odd, I have a “why the fuck did I go to Law School?” moment about 8 times a week.
Is that story really even getting much play in your local news?
My dad was a probation officer and he could tell you 50 stories similar to the one you mentioned. Almost none of them get written up in the local paper because the editors don’t want to offend local sensibilities with the details. They may mention that so and so is on probation in the police blotter, but no reporter is going to write a story with the icky details.
Steven King, back when he was constantly coked up and drunk, wrote some real good odes to the backwater Maine family perversions…
It is my understanding that Maine is the number one state for incest, but it is everywhere. I dont know where the stereotype of that being a southern thing came from.
Liberals and their need to paint the south as a place of all the worst about humanity is my guess Suthen.
I was looking for a link to post, and couldn’t find one… so far there are not any criminal charges as it is being handled through CPS and neglect/abuse side of the docket. But criminal charges are pending (according to my friend). The problem is whether the victims are “good” i.e. believable witnesses, and how “stale” the events are. The older the events, more difficult to recall, and if the credibility is hard to gauge, then perhaps no charges.
Uncle dad?
There was one of those, almost identical, in Catahoula parish. Dad ended up doing ten years over it. When he got out the three daughters were waiting at the gate to take him back home.
When he finally died the daughters all left and the son sold the land to a neighbor (They lived on property adjacent to some of our timberland). The neighbor took the house down and practically salted the earth. Today there is no trace whatsoever that those people were ever there and no one speaks of them.
That is definitely the beginning backstory of a Stephen King book.
Last comment on this (I swear): a different prosecutor was in the room while this was all being discused and says – totally unfazed: “let me
Guess, dad videos all
Of this?” *barf bag moment*
According to The Australian, as part of a four-hour closed-door meeting with Ms Brown, the top exec for the social media giant said: “We will help you revitalise journalism … in a few years the reverse looks like I’ll be holding your hands with your dying business like in a hospice.”
Wow. What a mendacious fuck. Also, I would like to note that Aussies can’t spell “revitalize”.
The first and last person in your birthday list were born in the same city. That is about all we have in common.
Woodstock and I are the same age. For those wanting to date me.
I have joked in the past that I was born at Woodstock. Also, I blame anything I forget on all the acid I took in the 60s.
Edit: Date as in tree rings, not as in dinner.
Edit: Date as in tree rings, not as in dinner.
Oh… well nevermind then.
Are other people’s sex lives better than yours?
These days I am wondering if paying for the woman to leave after sex isn’t a far more appealing approach to the whole thing considering the trauma and crazy shit I have to put up to date and then end up getting sex. Just saying..
About 40 years ago our platoon Gunny, in a similar discussion, stated that you always pay for it. Immediately, in my heart and mind I rejected that notion – imagining that one could find that correct (not even perfect) partner who would live a life of sexual balance with you. I imagined that it would be easy to find a partner who would give to your take and take for your give.
Turns out that MoFo was about as close to the Gospel as I could ever expect to hear directly in my entire existence. I should have branded his words on my forearm and meditated to their truth ever since. It would have been less painful and more useful than the path I chose on my own.
Replying to my own link with topical music. Deal with it.
Incell’s still have a sad…
Those guesses also imply women are having a lot of lesbian sex.
Or a Chinese population ratio…
My old roomie really screws up those statistics.
He had 6 girlfriends. One main girlfriend was super-cute. The rest were … uh, less attractive in the face.. but they all had bangin’ little gymnast bodies. He literally had sex 3-4 times per day, every day. He’d come back to the room after early classes and have sex before lunch… then again after lunch and before dinner… then a late date and sex before bed. Maybe sneak another one in there if he had the time… It was enough that it was well-noted around campus.
He was from Vietnam. When we asked him what was up with all the other girlfriends he replied: “You Americans, you so damn stupid! Who care what the face look like? You gonna turn out the damn light anyway! Look at that body!!”
I gotta admit… he had a working philosophy.
Stoplight Skeptic Gary Johnson Just Decided the Senate Is in Need of a Libertarian Loon
Hasn’t it been (semi-empirically) shown that people drive safer without stop lights?
There are anecdotes on both sides of the matter.
Hans Monderman’s studies have shown that “naked streets” are safer streets.
The worst streets to drive on are those where you have no idea what other people will do.
Therefore, in the name of safety, we must only allow on vehicle or pedestrian per street. That should almost completely remove multivehicle incidents!
Your statement completely contradicts studies performed in over 400 European cities and towns.
Anecdote vs extensive data….hmm, which to put faith in?
Okay, so Sloopy and Euros love to drive real slow on roads where you haven’t got a clue what anyone will be doing.
I just cut off anyone wearing driving gloves.
How do you figure nobody knows what others are doing? Intuitive driving doesn’t require white paint all over the road and thirty signs telling you what’s ahead. Usually it just requires common sense and courtesy.
In what corner of the world does the average driver display either of those qualities?
You think either of those are in abundance in America, Sloop?
from your link
Research has shown that removing white lines induces uncertainty and thus cuts vehicle speeds by 13%.
So yeah, ‘completely contradicts’ is kind of strong. I know that being snarky to UCS is a big thing lately, but how is he wrong? The whole reason the study showed for the increase in safety is that people drive slower when you make them frightened. I would accept the definition of “worst streets to drive” as being streets where you are most nervous while driving.
For residential streets, I would describe unmarked as normal, and marked as “driving too fast due to perceived comfort”. Unmarked residential streets are better, not worse.
For residential streets, I would describe unmarked as normal, and marked as “driving too fast due to perceived comfort”.
I’d agree with you. I was using street in the colloquial synonym with road sense.
In the less dismissively sarcastic vein.
the other thing the study stated is that the reduction in accidents came at a cost of reduction in throughput. The next question is fender benders versus delays and the proportion of injuries in those accidents and whether the changes have any effect on that.
Also, I’d like some data on whether the loss of control devices leads people to avoid an area in the long term, and thus further reduces the utility of the road.
Road or street?
I know, i know, I use them interchangeably too, but there is a difference in usage type and whether what we are talking about makes sense.
The unmarked stuff is best for streets. They are destinations, business, office, residential, whatever. Roads are for getting from A to B fast.
For roads, throughput is important. Mark them up, wide lanes, get speeds high and safe, get cars to where they are going as fast as possible.
Streets work better slow. Retail does better when cars are going 20 rather than 50. Residential too, obviously. A mix of cars and pedestrians makes a street better.
IMO, all speed limits should be 25 or lower and 55 or higher. The middle ground is crappy. And paradoxically (or not), 20 mph constantly moving can give better throughput than 45 mph with heavy traffic and lots of lights.
Forget it, he’s rolling.
…right through the intersection to get t-boned.
Nice euphemism.
Speaking of accidents, I saw the end result of one that I just couldn’t make sense of:
Cops and ambulance partially closed off a two lane road that is the main artery of my suburb – speed limit of 25mph. I had to wait a bit until they let a group of cars through. I saw a newer Toyota 4Runner that was up on the sidewalk (which sits a foot higher than the road), passenger side crunched against a yard retaining wall, while the front driver’s side had smashed into a telephone pole; Like the driver tried to go through the small gap between the pole and the retaining wall at – based on the damage I saw – a much higher speed than 25mph.
Running from the cops? Veering away from a pedestrian? Extreme distracted driver?
Brakes failed and trying to avoid cars in road?
I have no clue.
Brakes failed
Most people panic in the moment, but I’d rather wreck a tranny than the whole car. Downshift into 1st (most autos still have low gear) and then into park.
I knew without even clicking that the author was that repulsive puddle of flesh Charles Pierce.
“The Paul Family and Completely Insane.”
Not a bad double bill. They both can rock.
Replace them all with roundabouts, roundabout overpasses, etc. Roundabouts are massively superior to stoplights most of the time.
Nearly guarantees no head-on collisions.
And an increase in the number of nose to door collisions, which are worse for the people in the vehicle getting hit.
I doubt there is an actual increase in T-bone accidents compared to a stoplight. I guarantee they would be less severe than with a stoplight.
The biggest 2 benefits of a roundabout are 1)youre not required to stop unless you’re yielding to traffic in the circle. 2) besides a quick sanity check to make sure traffic isn’t backed up into the roundabout, you only have to look one place, to the left in the circle. The rest of the traffic is irrelevant to you.
The main hazards in the roundabout are 1)idiots who think it’s a 4 way stop and 2) foreigners who think the circle yields to the crossroads.
And the people who don’t yield, at all. And the people who drive over the grass mound in the middle to shorten the trek. And the number of blind angles in the way they try to cram them in where they don’t belong. And the inability to tell what the traffic in the circle is going to do because it’s too damn small. And the people who don’t think you should stop, so they don’t when you do…
Sitting Kansas Republican Governor losses the primary.
Huh. I thought they hated Kobach worse than that.
I know at least one legitimately disabled person who was denied s.s. benefits for the longest time, yet this moocher manages to pull off a multi-year scam.
Maybe some of us retired accountants, lawyers, managers, insurance adjusters could be hired part time to investigate more claimants? I’d joyfully love to find welfare scammers like her and prosecute.
There are two factors which make it easier for certain people to get away with this – who their caseworker is, and what they say to said caseworker. Scammers figure out exactly what they need to claim to work the system, and an apathetic caseworker makes it easier for them to do so.
We had a claimant with brain cancer denied. SS said, “well you have to have the condition for 12 months. We think you’ll be dead in 12 months.”
Truly evil.
Unfortunately you bought our Never Pay Policy.
I have a buddy who is a private investigator and his entire business is busting disability cheats. The insurance companies hire him and he waits outside their home until they inevitably decide to do some home project like roofing their house or building a retaining wall. Then he snaps some pics and the insurance company tells them that they are going to stop payment.
One of the biggest frustrations he has is that the cheats are almost never prosecuted. It is just too much time and trouble. The punishment is that they don’t get any more money.
He also says that if the insurance company hires him to follow you, it means that you are the worst and dumbest fraudster ever. According to him, the insurance company only hires him to bust the people who refused to even try to work. At any step, if the person even pretends to try to work (like go sit in a recliner and try to answer phones) the insurance company won’t ever investigate them.
Sort of sad that he can make a full time living doing that.
Almost as sad as the number of people who believe police do these kinds of investigations.
I’d love to implement a bounty on something like this. Find a scammer, get a payout equal to 10% of their benefits for a year.
The scammers are the ones with the phone book thick pile of “documentation” that SS wants to see.
The CT GOP nominee sounds pretty solid. Has CT suffered enough to vote for a guy like this – or will they prog harder?
I did not vote for the guy considering he was part of GE, and GE was one heck of a woke crony capitalist loser of a company after Welch left it in the hands of that moron Immelt. I was lucky enough to see how fucked up Immelt was and leave GE before he really took the company down the path that left it the shambles it is today and not at all sorry to leave over $100K in stock options on the table when I left (I would never have been able to exercise any of those options at anything but a huge loss considering how terrible GE’s performance has been over the last 15 plus years).
So was he an Immelt guy? Or disgusted at how GE screwed up?
I suspect that if he was part of Immelts inner circle he was an Immelt guy. Immelt went a long way to purging anyone that wouldn’t line up with his idea to make GE a woke company able to suck bigtime at the government’s teat.
A movie release for OMWC. Santa Jaws, aired on SyFy last night. It looks gods awful.
What is bad about a plot where some kid wishes his family leaves him alone and a shark suddenly appears and eats them all?
Remember, you asked for this. The only copy of the trailer I can find online. Someone holding a cell phone recording the television. That’s a movie that’s begging for more chemical enhancement then Zardoz.
I watched it briefly. It never felt too pretentious.
As long as it doesn’t have a fucking chihuahua in it.
You don’t wonder. You know the answer to that is yes.
Chicago’s heroes just added to another payout for the city this week.
I think Chicago’s strategy in getting a federal bailout is to enrage the populace into burning the city down.
A variation of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick gambit.
The proper answer is to simply look at the mess and go “It’s your own damn fault – the municipal debt belongs to every mayor and alderman who voted in favor of it, they must personally pay it off”.
Sounds good to me.
All hail God-Emporer Trump. Easily the mist libertarianish president of my life time.
Cutting regs and, so far, not clamping down on legal marijuana. I know he isn’t perfect. But praise Jesus how I love how he trolls the media and the left.
When you point out to the morons claiming the economic boom is of Obama’s making that they are full of shit and that it is happening precisely because we now have people rolling back the Obama regs and taxes, you often see heads assplode.
Dear Abby: I don’t want sex, but boyfriend says, ‘Get over it’
The problem here is the boyfriend. Dump this woman, cause it will only get worse.
There is a rape accusation in his future if he ever gets her to agree to sex again.
There’s a rape accusation if he leaves her, too. I hope he’s kept a journal documenting their encounters, ‘cuz chances are, he’ll need it.
The dude is getting laid once a year, and he’s staying with her. Fuck, if he’s not already packed up or getting some side action, he’s got issues of his own.
Tonights the night! Tonights the night!
Jesus once a year? having sex less than once a month is grounds for termination.
Make your hands less idle.
Self-termination? Never is less than once…
Termination of the relationship you weirdos.
Last year, we had sex on his birthday, but I froze up. I couldn’t make myself refuse — just as I didn’t consent — but he doesn’t seem to understand that.
She seems to imply that fear made her freeze up. Count me as skeptical. The fear reactions are fight and flight, not freeze and become compliant. Usually the latter reaction is due to confusion or receipt of conflicting information. A deer doesn’t stand in the headlights because it’s afraid of the car, it does so because the headlights are confusing to it.
Maybe, in the face of repeated brutal abuse, she would go into catatonia, but it’s not like she lived in Warty’s dungeon for 10 years. No, she’s just conflicted between not wanting to do something that reminds her of a past trauma and wanting to please her boyfriend.
There is a reason they are staying together. What that is, I couldn’t begin to guess, but they both must get something out of the relationship or one of them (probably the dude) would cut the cord.
Every time I see In-N-Out I’m reminded of the time I was supervising my cousin and his Air Force buddies (and my younger brother, who made the mistake of trying to keep up with their drinking) and spent about $100 at In-N-Out at 11 PM one evening, mostly to keep us from being kicked out of the hotel because of how rowdy they were getting.
I don’t remember it living up to the hype. Five Guys is better.
Five Guys is better.
One day you will have to face some deity or other and account for your time here on earth. You had better hope he has a sense of humor.
I will fight to the death on my belief that Five Guys is the best chain fast food burger in the US.
Bland, bland, bland. Overpriced burgers with no discernible seasoning.
You let the beef and toppings do the talking.
And soggy. Smashburger is ok. I think Shake Shack is better, but neither are great burgers.
I miss the days when Whoppers were really flame broiled right onto the bun.
For burgers? Nope. The best is Smashburger, followed by either Red Robin or Five Guys. I’ve never had In-N-out, I don’t believe they exist around here.
Never heard of Smashburger. Red Robin is pretty good, better than you’d expect.
It’s not a chain – well, I guess it kind of is, three locations in Virginia – but my favorite burger place of all time is Citizen Burger.
Red Robin is waaaaaay too salty.
So is it the greasy, soggy shit fries that do it for you or the underseasoned meat? It certainly isn’t their massively overpriced menu.
There are local chains that are better like Shake Shack or NY Burger.
Been meaning to try Smashburger – there are one or two in NY.
Well now you started, before it does tho: She Guevara > Karla Marx
Pol Thot is better than either.
I finally found out what thot means – acronym for “that hoe over there.” I saw it in a text/ screen shot in court and someone explained it to me. The quote was “you the princess of thots”
Thot makes sense. Thx.
Uh, that wasn’t meant at you, EF. Oops.
It’s Pol Twat.
What the hell is thot?
That {ho,hussy,harlot} over there.
A burger is a burger is a burger.
You’ve overcorrected and gone too far in the opposite direction to these zealots.
A burger is a burger is a burger.
One day you will have to face some deity or other and account for your time here on earth. You had better hope he has a sense of humor.
On occassion I wondered why burgers never seem to taste the same as they did when I was a kid. Then I found out it’s ABC’s fault. They vilified the otherwise perfectly safe pink slime, got it pulled from formulations, making everything have a different texture than it used to and rising the price of ground beef.
Even before that the media convinced everyone that a burger cooked to an internal temperature of anything less than the sun was going to lead to an e-coli epidemic, which did a lot to ruin the texture as well.
Michael Symon’s burger chain used to have a sign up that described well done burgers as “sad”. They even offer up rare burgers, and it’s made less people sick then Chipotle.
I mean, if you’re getting good beef, you can eat i tartare FFS. Leaving some discernible moisture in the patty isn’t going to kill anyone.
“well done” does not equal “dry” It merely means you’ve finished cooking and gotten rid of the pink coloration. A lot of people keep cooking after reaching this point out of spite for the person who merely wanted their beef actually cooked.
Tartare. Nom nom nom.
The Jack in the Box chain killed or messed up some folks years ago with virulently e-colied burgers and this might have scared the industry into conservative cooking practices.
“The 1993 Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak occurred when 732 people were infected with the Escherichia coli O157:H7 bacterium originating from contaminated beef patties. The outbreak involved 73 Jack in the Box restaurants in California, Idaho, Washington, and Nevada, and has been described as ‘far and away the most infamous food poison outbreak in contemporary history. The majority of the victims were under 10 years old. Four children died and 178 other victims were left with permanent injury including kidney and brain damage.”
Missouri Nun Busted for Smuggling Cocaine in High Heels
Christ turned water into wine, is it so implausible he might have turned heels into coke?
Yeah, this just makes you wonder WTF is going on with people these days.
Two pounds? What’s the volume of coke required for that?
More than will fit in high heels. But it’s the authoritah, they’re also probably valuing it at 60 trillion dollars.
“She told the Australian Border Force officers she had come to Sydney to see the Harbour Bridge and the aquarium and that the shoes in her suitcase were a gift for her mother.
After swabbing the suitcase, a substance was detected inside the heel of a shoe, a wallet and buttons on clothing.
When the shoes were X-rayed, Woodrum asked, “How much did they find in the shoes? Sorry, just talking to myself.”
After being told she had tested positive for cocaine she said, “Why, how much did you find?”
This was her “penny drop moment”, the court would later hear.
The weight of the powder was just over a kilogram, containing 756 grams of pure cocaine.”
The weight of the powder was just over a kilogram, containing 756 grams of pure cocaine.”
Did they count some cutting agent in the ‘just over a kilogram’ remark? because 756 grams is less than a kilo by a wide margin.
Took me a second to understand that, but there was powder weighing about 1 kg. About 75% of it, 756 grams, was cocaine. The rest was … something else?
Woohoo Jesus and come,. Jesus and coke
Next month we are going to queretaro state in Mexico. My understanding is that they have an extensive network of wineries there, which is exciting. Has anybody else been there or is willing to recommend wineries or cuisines to patronise? Some of the local dishes feature insects. *chomp*
OMWC or anyone else have experience with Mexican wines to recommend?
Mexican knife laws are….yeah. I need to figure out a great purposeful reason to keep a machete in my car…maybe a bag of coconuts. Good news is that their State murder rate is 90% lower than Mexico state’s.
via con dios.
Sorry, I don’t really speak Spanish. I suppose I should have noted that it wasn’t even phonetically correct.
Vaya con dios, faggot.
I’ve had a few wines from Baja that were slightly less awful than Royal Magreb. But otherwise, it’s the dancing pig. That’s just not wine country.
So no first hand experience with Quéretaro?
Supposedly the region can have good yields and it piqued my interest that Freixenet owns an estate down there.
I’d be willing to Wine-It-Forward something to you since I intend to fill up a complete checked luggage with bottled libations if anything is particularly good.
Nope, but hot and flat is not inspiring for a vineyard area. Quantity, yes, quality, no.
Hump Daaaaaay!
11 sure has a positive attitude.
And something for sausage preferring Glibs.
20 is fine, but 18 better be bringing something to make you forget the tats.
and you still grant them bail?
You have to let dangerous wannabe murderers on the streets or you are bigot. Duh. It’s bad enough you separated them from their children by arresting them for a crime, you evil, racist shitlord. //prog
No links yet to the latest Catholic church scandal?
They’ve got a Marxist Pope overseeing an army of kiddie diddlers, what could they possibly have done this time?
Well, more of the same.
The Dodgers are falling apart too.
/Ratso voice.
A story wherein Salon laments free speech.
The thought that they could ever be on the receiving end of censorship never occurs to these nitwits, does it?
Why is Salon still on Twitter?
Because wokeness ain’t gonna be rammed down everyone’s throat without someone doing the ramming.
Why is Twitter still on the web?
That’s what I dont get. In grade school American History one of the first things we went over regarding the BOR was that the censor’s hammer always ends up falling on those that called for it. Me today, you tomorrow stuff. That is exactly why we have the first amendment.
These people are morons.
Don’t know about “always.” America’s first big censoring was the Sedition Act in 1797, pushed by the Federalists and I believe it fell solely on the Republicans. And wasn’t the current prog and Broadway hero, Hamilton, one of those pushing “shut up about criticizing the government or get thrown in jail.?”
Interestingly, when that is brought up these days it is usually in the context of “Republicans are evil and would totally do something like this.”
If nobody reads them, is that censorship of the market.
It’s not a compelling argument when debating progressives: they know they own the bureaucracy, they know it’s never changing hands with militant conservatives, they’re correct about being on the Right Side of History in that respect. Theirs is an ideology immune to counterrevolution by dint of being so viciously mercurial. They have much more to fear from ambitious zealots in their own ranks, mutineers who will kill off the old guard and take over the movement. Censorship isn’t something they’ll ever have to fear from conservatives, but they’re terrified of being out-woked by the next generation of Marxists. The old paradigms are lost on them. There are no long-term implications of stifling speech when, in the short term, the noose by which they’ll be hanging you might have been trussed up yesterday and is now waiting for you to stick your neck through.
Salon always colors well within the lines drawn by the folks who run the country and as long as they continue that, there is no danger of their being censored. Unless a different group of folks start running the country, but I don’t see that happening.
Charity sets up mobile showers for homeless.
Fort Lauderdale: LOL Nope
But you see, they didn’t *want* to shut it down, but they got a complaint, and there are all these damn rules…
“I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I owed it to them.”
As someone who has been on the street homeless, I despise these fucks who interfere with people who try to help people.
You know that Maslov’s heirarchy of needs. It is real. When you are spending brain cycles looking for where to sleep, or park, or take a shit at 2;00 a.m., you are not spending time on self actualization or a girl friend.
When you are homeless you are totally willing to take a sandwich ( who ENB at TOS should have made) and take the risk that they didn’t have their fucking permission slip Food Handlers Card
Facebook should fuck off and die.
now now… what about the children?
They should fuck off and die as well.
facebook is great for sharing photos of your kids with long-distance family and keeping up with acquaintances from high school. if you unfollow the serial activists and marketers in your friend list, then it’s a pretty nice platform. i get lots of nice feelz from seeing my friends kids grow up, score goals, etc. and vice-versa.
I just use Flickr for that. I concur with Rufus, Facebook should fuck off and die and take that alien looking twit of a founder of their’s with them.
2010: Don’t get all your news from one source, that’s stupid.
2020: Get all your news from Facebook, it’s vetted.
My younger daughter and I watched a light-weight VH1 documentary on Woodstock a couple weeks ago, she wanted to know what it was all about. It’s a pretty fun story overall. A few details I sort-of recall:
– Funding was provided by two young, born-into-rich-families guys who both went to ivy league schools, decided they didn’t want careers in law, and this was the venture they came up with. One of them was the son of the guy who made his millions by launching the Polident denture products.
– The business venture they decided on was to open a recording studio. The concert was just an idea to raise funds for the recording studio.
– Financially, it was a complete debacle. They paid all the music acts 3 times the going rate because they wanted to get all these big-name bands to all show up. They were in millions over their heads. 10’s of thousands of people started showing up before they were ready. The fencing around the venue was not complete, and people started just pouring into the venue without tickets. That was the moment that they realized they would be financially ruined.
– At one point then-governor of New York Nelson Rockefeller called them up and told them he was about to send 10,000 National Guard troops over. They talked him out of it.
There’s more that I don’t recall of the top of my head, it was a fun watch especially with a younger person who had heard the name but didn’t know anything about the actual event.
My grandpa drove Short Line buses from NYC up to Woodstock. Said that event was the worst smelling bus he ever drove.
I think Woodstock finally turned a profit around 1989.
That judge is getting death threats for granting them bail.
You know, I’m okay with this. Fucken retard.
I am not ok with that, but that judge should definitely be off of the bench.
Well, in my defense, I was just waking up and was a little cranky after a restless night.
in N Out fries are awesome. Youzz haters probably same reprobates who like thick crust Pizza (which isn’t really fucking pizza)
Jeresy. Pistols at dawn (not to be confused with my ex-wife dawn)
Is this for people who don’t like Jere Burns?
After a few failed attempts at meeting, they decided to meet at the woman’s apartment in Mashpee, and Decoteau’s friend dropped him off.
Always always always meet in public for the first meeting.
The defense rested yesterday without calling a single witness
From what I understand this means that the defense has reason to believe that the gov’t has not met it’s burden of proof. But still, an interesting strategy. Let’s see how it plays out.
The prosecution witness sounded like a joke.
Ken White (who’s still a great read when he’s not wailing about Trump) had an interesting explanation of it, basically saying that a)it avoids a jury reacting negatively to a defendant not taking the stand in his own defense b)that there is a dynamic in criminal trials where the burden seems to shift from the prosecutors, where it should be, to the defense once the defense starts presenting its case c)that if the defense feels that their crosses of prosecution witnesses were really strong, better to leave the jury with those foremost in their minds rather than rolling the dice that examination of their own witnesses will be as strong.
Basically, he said it’s not nearly as crazy a strategy as it would appear to the layman.
I don’t understand why the dumbass serving the subpoena can’t just find an easier way to get it to her.
They could try Twitter.
That’s a great precedent to be setting.
Forget the precedent on process serving…. how about the chutzpah of the DNC suing the Trump campaign for conspiring to dish dirt on Hillary when the and the Hillary campaign collectively paid over $3.5 million to create the phony dossier on Trump (and subsequently fed it to the FBI so they could have a pretext for spying on the Trump campaign).
That takes a huge brass set.
No fucking way is that a valid service of process. The federal rules say you can only serve electronically if the other party has consented to it. I can’t believe that Wikileaks has consented to electronic service of process.
UK white male professor to be given black women handlers.
The real objective is to drive the conservative-leaning white male professors out of the system, making room for preferred politics/minorities/genders. A rational person is not going to put up with that shit.
All conservative professors should quit and open their own university. With blackjack. And hookers.
Do have a newsletter I can subscribe to?
The only reason the UK made such dramatic efforts to import diversity is so they could go ahead and crush out the existing culture. Orwell would be impressed.
Are there any crackers in the classroom today?
Get them up against the wall!
SO I spent my public free day as I usually do cleaning the house, although I think it is a sin from an Orthodox point of view, working during a major holly day. Now I am drinking mediocre chardonnay. I usual drink red but we are getting a bit of summer at last here in Romania, sadly. The highs might get to 32.
As I was not on the computer I have no links to share today. I’am gonna go ahead and see what the main page of the guardian has to offer.
Read the Chardonnay bottle instead.
Major Holly day?
I’m more into Major Cha-Ka days myself.
He is one of the most fun bassists I’ve ever seen/heard.
My favorite bassist is Al Linder
If you are going to use metric temperatures, at least use Kelvin instead of Celcius.
no. Celsius is the discerning civilized person’s temperature.
Well, that one poor soul is welcome to suffer with it. Don’t inflict it on the rest of us deplorable barbarians.
Hear! Hear!
Nothing discerning about a scale that’s less precise.
32? Damn, son, that’s cold.
You don’t know the half of it, he’s measuring in kelvin.
Dammit I gotta read more carefully.
German lifeguards have issued a warning that a growing number of child drownings this summer are linked to their parents’ obsession with mobile phones.
More than 300 people have drowned in Germany this year, with hardly a day passing during the current heatwave when a swimmer has not died.
The German Lifeguard Association (DLRG) – the biggest organisation of its kind in the world, providing 40,000 volunteer lifeguards at German beaches, lakes and the coast – has made a direct connection between children getting into difficulty in the water and parents being too busy on their mobile phones to notice.
on the bright side, only the strong survive
The GOP primary in Minnesoda was something of an upset last night. Former gov and one time presidential candidate Pawlenty lost out to local guy (full disclosure: Jeff Johnson and I are good friends we grew up together and have been close for 40 years).
Already some huffing about how GOP primary voters are Trump rubes who won’t vote for a mainstream guy like T-Paw. Doesn’t help that he spent the last six years or so in DC being a lobbyist.
How sure was the DFL that T-Paw would win the nomination?
BTW, both the GOP and the DFL winners in the primary were far outspent by their opponents. Not sure how both of them were able to overcome the Dark Money, but they did.
Fuck T-paw. I’m glad your buddy won, even if it’s gonna be a slog to win the general.
Are you volunteering with his campaign?
I always give him some cash, but I haven’t worked for a campaign since he made me go door knocking for Reagan back in ’84.
Jeff is a great guy, but it is sort of scary to be around people who really dig politics and are super into their team/candidate. I can see being a candidate, but signing up to be a flunky? Don’t get that shit at all.
Every once in a while I will show up at one of Jeff’s events if it is close by and has an open bar. I spend most of the night smiling and trying not to embarrass my friend. I should call you next time I go. I guess last night’s celebration was at Lucky 13 down in Plymouth.
I’ll tag along. Never been to one of those things. Could have excellent mocking potential.
Pawlenty certainly bathed in self-pity on the way out:
On his way out, Pawlenty greets the media. “The Republican Party has shifted. It is the era of Trump and I’m just not a Trump-like politician.”
Yeah, it isn’t like he was a shit weasel who got out of Dodge just before the posse.
He used to brag about never raising taxes on his watch. Because raising the cost of cigarettes is a “health impact fee”. Yeah, I am amazed that the party faithful weren’t falling in line to get more of his RHINO act.
BTW, Jeff Johnson was a very friendly to the Ron Paul activists who got involved in the GOP. He is a pretty standard conservative, but he didn’t freak out when more libertarian elements started to join.
But despite big leads in early polls, Pawlenty couldn’t shake Johnson
You gotta grease the right hands in politics.
Pawlenty couldn’t shake Johnson
Never trust a man who won’t masturbate.
Moar Cultural Enrichment
Fifteen acid attacks take place in Britain every week, a Daily Mirror investigation has found.
And disturbingly, many involve children – both as victims, and as attackers.
We found one case where a child of just two years old was the target, and another carried out by a boy of six.
From January 2015 until May this year, there were a total of 2,602 such crimes – equivalent to 15 a week. Yet from 2007 to 2011, only 100 were logged in total.
I wonder whats changed.
legalize conceal-dairy licenses!
The dirty lobbying money of the NAA got common sense acid laws repealed?
Remember the days when a murder in the UK was sensational news? When cops didn’t carry guns? When criminals had a code that they enforced on their own community of not using firearms?
I cant understand the propensity for civilized people to commit societal suicide.
Once the left completed their long march through the institutions, it was just a matter of time.
“This Isn’t the First Time Omarosa’s Been Fired From the White House
In her 20s, she was a political appointee in the Clinton administration where, according to People, she held four jobs in two years.”
I notice the mainstream stance about the Trump economy is: He’s benefitting from Obama’s policies. Apparently, the economy was expanding when Trump took over.
So I looked at the numbers. According to trendingeconomics GDP stood at .4% in 2016. How is that expanding?
The other part is what policy (ies) specifically ushered in an expansion? The Recovery Act? That thing petered out faster than Pajama Boy banging his girl doll. TRA didn’t really hit its targets and the jury is out as to whether it really did ‘save America from a depression’. So how can something that had mix/mediocre results in 20fricken10 benefit Trump?
It totally benefitted Drumpf because SHUT UP!
I had a progressive tell me that Obama was the guy who patiently did all the hard work of shelling pistachios and Trump is the stupid fat slob who is now chowing all those peeled pistachio nuts down and taking credit for it. And Obama is such a classy guy he is letting Trump take all the credit for his hard work.
A more appropriate analogy would be that Obama required every pistachio be inspected before, during and after shelling, and that the sheller pay the inspectors, plus requiring they not shell more than was dictated, and trump just fired the inspectors.
The same people who now say the economy is all Obama’s doing spent the actual Obama administration talking about how weak growth is the new normal, that 4% growth was a thing of the past, etc. Well, which is it?
They didn’t say anything about 4%. Now they did say we’d never have growth that passed 3% again.
During the entire Obama administration the economy belonged to George W. Bush. It now belongs to Obama, until we begin a contraction and slide back into recession*, whereupon ownership will pass in full to Trump.
*If you subtract government spending from GDP I believe we are still technically in a recession (or were until very recently anyway).
^yep, that. i was really getting sick of hearing about the Obama economy’s Bush hangover.
The shitshow of our economy for the last 20 years was entirely the doing of congressional democrats. That might be a little bit of an exaggeration but not by much.
Yes, it’s also the fault of congressional Republicans. And for the last fifty years. Or 80 years.
“Need to know what to do with that Gender or Ethnic Studies degree? There’s really only one viable option – to teach Gender or Ethnic Studies and perpetuate a cycle of outrage and job security. But a new report shows that might not be such a bad gig, if you can get it.
Professors of “Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies” are paid nearly $12,000 more than the average professor across all disciplines and institutions. They’re paid nearly $16,000 more than the average math professor across all institutions. They’re also paid more than the average biology and biomedical professor, professor of engineering technologies (those who implement the work of engineers), and professor of physical sciences (chemistry, physics, etc.).”
So, the more bullshit the subject, the better compensated a professor is. Makes sense.
And more of an intellectual authority they think they are.
I think it was Hungary that banned gender studies in publicly funded universities. That’s what should happen. These department are basically just funding and training for political lobbyists.
Stupid question – did Manafort repay the alleged fraudulent loans or default on them? I haven’t seen that question answered and would go a long ways towards establishing intent if he borrowed the money and then walked away. At least in a real trial.
As I understand it, the loans were never actually made, just applied for. I might have that wrong. Which, its still fraudulent, but it does make a difference if money never changed hands.
We’re in a new age of obesity. How did it happen? You’d be surprised
It’s not that we’re eating more, that we exercise less, or that we lack willpower. The shaming of overweight people has to stop – if it is none of those things i wonder what it is. I will go ad and guess capitalism…
So here’s the first big surprise: we ate more in 1976. According to government figures, we currently consume an average of 2,130 kilocalories a day, a figure that appears to include sweets and alcohol. But in 1976, we consumed 2,280 kcal excluding alcohol and sweets, or 2,590 kcal when they’re included. I have found no reason to disbelieve the figures. – lol yes figures about calorie consumption are notoriously accurate
Others insisted that the cause is a decline in manual labour. Again, this seems to make sense, but again the data doesn’t support it. A paper last year in the International Journal of Surgery states that “adults working in unskilled manual professions are over four times more likely to be classified as morbidly obese compared with those in professional employment”.- what is unskilled manual professions and is it different than 50 years ago? because Cashiers dont do much exercise.
According to a long-term study at Plymouth University, children’s physical activity is the same as it was 50 years ago. – I do not believe this
The shift has not happened by accident. As Jacques Peretti argued in his film The Men Who Made Us Fat, food companies have invested heavily in designing products that use sugar to bypass our natural appetite control mechanisms, and in packaging and promoting these products to break down what remains of our defences, including through the use of subliminal scents. They employ an army of food scientists and psychologists to trick us into eating more than we need, while their advertisers use the latest findings in neuroscience to overcome our resistance. – ah the evil corporations . makes sense. But I really doubt people eat all this junk food and actually get fewer calories than 50 years ago.
So wait, they start out by claiming we eat less and exercise the same as before, then claim evil food companies have used neuroscience to make us eat more….
monbiot is truly a moron. But honestly, I very very very much doubt people eat fewer calories and get as much physical activity as 50 years ago.
Well certainly not where you live 🙂
there were few obese people, i tell you that
Yeah, you can’t be both eating more and less calories at the same time.
And the amount of physical activity in unskilled labor has dropped significantly. not to mention an increase in skilled sedentary labor, and people who just don’t do anything at all.
And then there is Warty.
If you believe Taubes, and he makes a pretty good case (although he definitely has a problem with selection bias), the huge swing in calories from fat to calories from sugar and refined carbohydrates could be a contributing factor, even with a lower overall caloric intake. It’s certainly coincided with an explosion in the rate of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, which are almost always accompanied by obesity (with Taubes arguing that obesity is the symptom of the metabolic dysfunction brought on by insulin resistance rather than the cause). It’s no less fanciful an explanation than evil corporate food baddies.
I am skeptical of lower caloric intake. And while I think refined sugar is probably the worst thing you can eat, overall all it maters how much you eat. eating high fat low carb may help eating fewer calories, but if you oat 5000 calories per day no sugar you will get fat.
I eat very little sugar and am still fat, but for me mostly alcohol is the culprit.
How did post-commie Eastern Euros get fat?
lotsa brad lotsa potatoes lotsa processed meats sugar and sunflower oil
He could be forgiven for pushing that theory when he started. Since then, there has been a shit ton of research that is pretty clear – energy balance is the causal input to fat storage. Macronutrient balance doesn’t matter.
Energy balance is an equation with two sides. Calories consumption is only one side. The other is calorie expenditure. In 1976, we had more people on their feet turning wrenches, swinging hammers, and turning over shovels. My father, when working road construction, at 4000 to 5000 calories a day. Lumberjacks in camp were known to eat 8,000 to 10,000 calories a day while in camp and working all day every day.
10,000? I can’t even contemplate how much eating that would take, let alone the amount of activity required to burn 10,000 Calories in a day.
Do a youtube search for the 10,000 calorie challenge. Its a thing that went around in the bodybuilding community. There was one guy I saw who ate 12,500 – he’s like a 6’7″ strongman and that’s what he ate on deadlift days. He ate basically every other hour on the hour all day.
*shakes head*
I’m so sedentary on workdays that 1400-1600 Calories is weight maintenence levels of consumption.
Male Olympic athletes and NFL offensive linemen will consume that much. They practically have to live in the refrigerator. I remember when Michelle Obama criticized that Olympic gold-medal gymnast on some talk show when the kid said she like eating McDonald’s, or something similar. Michelle clearly had no idea how world-class athletes have to eat to get the calories they need from carbs and protein.
alan thrall has a youtube abut a 10k calorie a day diet. there was a munchies youtube about strongman rober oberst I think. But all the top strongmen, halfthor, eddie hall, brian shaw
energy balance yes. But what are calories in? It matters what you eat how you digest it etc. raw veggies may yield fewer calories than cooked. There is a small but real influence of gut bacteria. there probably is a small influence of insulin. All these decide calories in. not everything that goes in your mouth is absorbed.
Also what you eat matters in the sense that you may feel full for longer on certain macros than other.
“…not everything that goes in your mouth is absorbed.”
These are all true, but rounding errors compared to food selection, other than satiety. Fat+volume (aka insoluble fiber) has the highest satiety, protein is next, then carbs, then alcohol.
But that’s not the position that Taubes argues. His argument is that given the same calorie consumption, carb intake leads to greater energy storage than fat. That has been debunked many times (and I use debunk pretty sparingly, but it applies here.)
small things add up over years.
and there are skinny people who eat a lot without much exercise, the bastards.
on the other hand there are skinny people who say they eat a lot but if you watch em they really don’t
His argument is that given the same calorie consumption, carb intake leads to greater energy storage than fat.
Kinda sorta. He’s a bit more nuanced than that in his book (hundreds of pages worth of nuance… it’s one of the most boring reads of all time). The real crux of his argument is that habitual consumption of a diet high in refined carbohydrates leads to insulin regulation dysfunction, and that the insulin regulation dysfunction leads to a metabolic imbalance and increased fat retention. Even if the fat retention part is wrong, the dietary advice that flows from it probably has better results for the average person than the 60-70% carbohydrate diet the USDA has been pushing for half a century for the simple reason that you get fuller faster with more fat and protein so you’re less likely to overeat, and as a side benefit fat and protein don’t jack up your blood sugar as much. A sedentary slob is probably less likely to get obese on Atkins than the food pyramid.
I read that Michael Phelps was eating 14k a day during the 2008 Olympics.
Tragically, he decided to fill most of that quota with white bread bologna sandwiches with mayo.
*Shudders Sideshow Bob-style*
I literally can’t imagine being so superhumanly athletic/active that your body actually *requires* that much energy to do its job.
According to a long-term study at Plymouth University, children’s physical activity is the same as it was 50 years ago. – I do not believe this
You shouldn’t because it is absolute bullshit.
especially in England where they ban running during recess.
I am fat but it’s not my fault.
I’m not fat, because I eat normally, don’t overdo it on carbs, and exercise regularly. It’s not rocket surgery.
I didn’t mean I am fat myself. I am not. I was summarizing the article.
I know, I was agreeing.
Objectively, that’s not true. Hunger drive has a very wide distribution in the population. “Eat normally,” “eat when you are hungry,” etc absolutely will lead to obesity in a double-digit portion of the population in a modern food-environment.
Barbaric surgery is the *only* thing shown to have longer-term fat-storage correction for most people. Only 3 to 4 percent of dieters that lose 20 lbs are able to keep the weight off long term.
Studies of that 3 to 4 percent show that they have to take radical lifestyle changes that involve either severe restrictions on the kinds of food they eat *or* religious tracking of their calorie consumption. Almost none of that 3 to 4 percent are able to eat ad libitum and keep their weight down.
Barbaric surgery
Yes it is. But it does work.
yeah, that’s what I said, isn’t it? Barbaric surgery works for a lot of people. Diet or diet and exercise* work for very few people.
*surveys have shown that exercise in addition to diet provides no more of an indication of long term weight loss.
I believe the word you are looking for is Bariatric.
Heh. Lysdexia + auto-correct is a hell of a drug.
You obviously know more about this than I do, but even if it is extremely difficult to lose weight, it would still be that person’s fault. We aren’t talking about an incurable disease here. Difficult for many people, to be sure.
Misread the thread. Thought you were responding to Suthen.
Fault is a social concept that’s important for social stuff like who should pay who when two cars on the road collide. It’s somewhere between irrelevant to actively detrimental when dealing with a problem of cause and effect.
That’s fine. Again, I misread the response. Responsibility rests with the individual regardless. We’ve all got our problems and how we handle them is more important than the problems themselves. I salute you for going after yours with the vigor you do.
Objectively, fat people are fat because they eat too much for the amount of physical activity they engage in.
That being said, maintaining weight is fairly easy, losing weight is extremely difficult.
it is easy to claim it is not your fault. But the whole subliminal thing on chips is nonsense. I do not eat junk food no mater the advertisment.
I am fat because I eat to many calories and drink to much. Mostly the latter which drives the former. When I was not depressed and did not have a shoulder injury which prevents gym I was less fat. Corporations have nothing to do with it. I am not going to blame vineyards or the island of Islay for my drinking
It’s really easy to claim it’s not your fault, just as it’s easy to lie to yourself about lots of things. I know that my gut is entirely my doing, and reducing it is going to take pain, and work.
^this! Own your consequences! When I put in the work exercising and control what I eat I end up at a healthy weight with more energy and no casual illnesses. When I give in to sloth and gluttony I get fat, have no energy, and get ill.
In 1976 – the year I graduated from high school – there was almost nothing to entrance you to sit in a chair for hours and hours. No internet, no PC’s, no videos/DVDs, no smart phones. Cable TV was just starting to crawl out of the technological primordial swamp. Broadcast TV was 3 channels. I didn’t know any kids who had a car. I would normally ride my bike 20 or 30 miles on a given weekend day. I would say we simply moved around a hell of a lot more than kids do today. I’m pretty sure the same held true for adults to some extent.
Just had a product owner I work with forward an email I sent her 1-on-1 to a shit ton of managers. The email was some dutch uncle advice on how we should scale back some requirements to be more realistic. I feel bad for her because she has a lot of responsibility but no real authority. Still, if we are having a frank personal conversation don’t forward it on. Just ask me to summarize and forward to the group so I can edit for the audience.
I’m waiting for the inevitable slew of meeting invites to discuss.
Sorry to hear that. This is, however, why you give such advice verbally, in person, so there’s no written record to be forwarded to people who don’t want to hear it.
you should not write email you do not expect to be forwarded and posted on facebook. Hopefully you kept the insults directed at the various managers at a minimum.
No, nothing unprofessional at all.
What worries me most is that I am very underemployed at this time. I have a ton of experience designing and implementing large complex web solutions. This time around I took a job as a simple developer. I get specs and I code. Fucking awesome.
My advice to the product owner was detailed enough that now management will pull me into the long pointless cycles of meetings to hash out some details. I don’t want that role anymore. I could almost write the script of the meetings that will happen over the next week.
Advice I was given early on “never send an email you don’t want to see in the newspaper (or on Facebook) the next day”.
Frank discussions should be face to face or via telephone if long distance.
Yeah, I have a boss who will do that. I never send emails that I wouldn’t want forwarded.
Did I miss the link about the biggest news of the decade? I mean the century. Vermont just elected some lady who looks like an ugly man in a skirt. Is that old news already?
Vermont is old news. Period. Full stop. Semicolon.
I know, Vermont is an old state, one of the first. But now there’s this dude… I mean lady…
How dare you, shitlord! He is stunning, and brave.
Wrong use of pronoun! Transphobe spotted! Sic em, outrage mob!
Something like this?
She’ll win, too. The Rs are splitting because fuckface went all guns are bad mmkay.
The Rs are splitting because fuckface went all guns are bad mmkay.
Good. They should be punished.
Glibfit offseason update: Today, like all days, I dragged my corpusculent mass up onto my much-put-upon bathroom scale. It said 321.6. On December 1st of last year, it said 422.0.
That is all.
You rock. Congrats, man.
Congratulations! I got all the way down to my goal at 173 and then held it for a year before I hit a particularly busy/stressful patch and let it all go to hell. I’m back working my way down from 250 now. Stay strong, it goes back on faster than it comes off if you let down.
Uffda. I better switch to light beer so that I’m not embarrassed to go shirtless when we shoot the “Glibs of Minnesoda” calendar.
Congrats though!
Shirtless? Minnesota sexy is defined as having cut-offs so short you can see the tale of the guy’s tucked-in flannel shirt peaking out the leg hole.
And an errant ball that ‘accidentally’ falls out whenever…
I’m getting to the age where the errant ball drop happens even with long pants on….
You lost a fifth grader. Congrats!
Damn, that’s awesome!
Damned impressive Leap. I’m currently dropping in much smaller increments to get back down to the 160-170 range. Just hit the first goal of under 220 today.
I gained wight this year and need to find the will to take it off.
I am 194 pounds and which to get back down to 165. But it is a struggle. I nonce dropped 35 pounds in 2.5 months but I no longer have that kind of will power.
Congrats on your first century! Load up 100lbs of weights in a backpack and walk around with it everywhere for a day if you feel like slacking off.
I might do that. Bags of salt for my water softener come in 45 lb bags, and I do need some more.
Damn dude! That is awesome.
That is awesome.
“The World Champion Houston Astros are in a free fall. That’s all I have to say about their fifth loss in a row and second consecutive terrible outing by Justin Verlander.”
I wouldn’t say Verlander had a terrible outing. He needed some offense in support, and Marquez had a night. After taking the entire month of June off and stocking an atrocious bullpen, the Rox are actually trying to matter in the NL West. Surprising.
“There must be a purge in the Catholic Church. And it must be brutal.”
Matt Walsh is Zardoz?
I hope they do it old school. Take a page out of the 1400s. the rack or the strappado
I am not sure how that would work. The requirements for becoming a priest and the subsequent lifestyle is custom designed to attract a large number of….certain personality types.
I read that as Matt Welch.
RE: The endless harassment of the Cake guy.
At what point does he have a case to countersue these fucks for malicious litigation?
“On the very day the Supreme Court decided to hear Masterpiece Cakeshop (June 26, 2017), a caller asked the bakery to make a cake with a pink inside and a blue outside, celebrating a gender transition from male to female[…]Phillips believes that the same lawyer, on other occasions, requested that he create other custom cakes with messages that violate his faith — a cake celebrating Satan and a cake with Satanic symbols”
Pull a page from Saul Alinsky on this one and go on the attack. Punch back twice as hard. You have a Supreme Court victory in your pocket and pro bono legal representation, go fuck these guys up. Sue them into oblivion and use their tactics against them.
If they weren’t doing it to be petty little assholes and simply wanted to test were the law falls on this stuff, they would’ve picked a different baker. But, no. They picked the same guy. Assholes.
It’s too easy to see right now that they really bought into all the hype during the Obama years, that they had finally arrived, destined. This is why you see minor judges trying to reverse executive orders and democrats suing everyone for everything all of the time. The bureaus, such as the FBI now, using their power as a political weapon. Not to mention the hysterical levels of hatred and hostility towards everyone who refused to see the world through prog colored glasses. It’s going to get a lot worse.
It’s like this. The left are like a BORG, for real. They are the unthinking zombie horde. You just program them and off they go, in one direction, never stopping never resting, never changing. No matter what, they will never change. Their mind cannot be changed, because they don’t have one, except for the hive mind. And it seems to have one mission, the extinction of civil society as we know it.
*Insert Linda Hamilton gif* He isn’t bankrupt and still has his business. That can’t stand or other people will get kooky ideas like standing on principle.
Just look how they go after anyone who dares step off the plantation, Kanye West for example. They’re like rabid animals.
Our old friend Yuri Bezmenov – “Once they are brainwashed you cannot fix them. You are stuck with them. They can only see things one way.”
And yes, the originators of the Frankfurt School stated explicitly that their goal was the destruction of western civilization, to undo the enlightenment.
I want to know…how good are these cakes?
Hey, I can’t remember who, but one of you here has some new minis. Wondering if you’ve had an r53. I’m looking at an 06 Cooper s this weekend. Just wanted to hear if you had any major lemon type problem.
I believe it’s the Lord Humungus who is a Mini guy.
If true, he must surrender his handle.
LH is the expert on all things MIni.
So to speak.
That’s what I thought, but didn’t want to be wrong.
Trying to find a used car that’s not rusted to shit is hard. Going for people’s used summer cars is my new approach.
It worked for me. I found a 2005 Beetle with 30K and no winters through a local dealership. Owner wintered down south. Thing is old but perfect.
I’ve got a Mini that’s a little bit later of a model year (2011, which I believe was in the next revision). Electrical issues have been the biggest issue for me, both tail lights developed shorts due to a melting housing, and it’s been in the shop since Friday due to a short caused by water damage that they didn’t notice the other two times it was in the shop this year (once for a belt issue, the other for scheduled maintenance). Fun to drive, but repair costs ain’t cheap.
I’ve heard the belt and timing chain is a big one.
I know the early cvt is really bad, but I’m looking for a manual anyway.
Sorry yours is in the shop!
Yeah, for the model I have if you don’t take it in soon after the first indications of trouble (engine going into low power mode or issues shifting), then you’ll be looking for a replacement engine (according to the shop). At least the car made it into the shop under its own power, though I could have done without the smoke coming up from the dash (turning off the headlights stopped that, and I was only two blocks away).
My fj overheated on the way back from the airport once. The billows of smoke as I pulled off was something.
My 2009 also got water into the electricals – there is a line from the sunroof to the bottom of the car. There is a small rubber connector that can get disconnected/pulled out from the metal line. You have to partially remove the roof liner on the driver’s side (which actually is really easy to do) to get to it. Zip-tie the connector in place so it won’t pop off again.
Late to the game but my wife still drives a 2003 Mini Cooper S – 91k miles on the clock now.
No major issues, never left her stranded, etc. It likes to eat wheel speed sensors every once in a while – $500 bill. And look out for oil pan and oil sensor leaks as the cars age. Both are $$$ to fix, mostly due to the uh, mini size of the car. Labor is where you get eaten.
She also had some recall work done and something-or-another with the steering pump.
It’s actually been a more reliable car than expected, especially knocking on 15 years of use. Previous owner did a lot of work on it, so maybe he handled the more major bugs or he was being taken for a ride by the mechanic. Lady Humungus loves the car to death and won’t even hear of a replacement for it – yet.
I know the newer Minis – like the 2009 and 2012 I’ve owned – are faster, but they have also lost some of the British (yeah, I know) charm the first gen had. Later gens are definitely more Germanic/BMW-ish. If I was to buy another MINI, I would either go for a 2005-2006, which had the improved superchargers, or get the newest one I could afford with a warranty.
Yeah I always try to aim for late in the model run. Companies tend to iron out a few bugs by year 3.
I prefer the supercharger over the turbo, so 05 06 is where I’d like to end up.
I’ll look for a record of oil issues or the wheel sensor.
‘Tenants on our own land’: New Zealand bans sale of homes to foreign buyers
I dont get it. why would you pay rent if you owned the land?
Well, that settles that when I win the lottery, as far as an antipodal ski condo goes. Chile it is!
I think overall the wine may be better in NZ. I always fancied Christchurch. Not to crowded good climate. I think there is skiing nearby. And I think NZ is one of the better places to have decent fruit and vegetables year round. But it is so fucking far from everything… which may be an advantage
The skiing in NZ is so-so (not as good as the Rocky Mountains, slightly better than New England). I definitely would prefer an English-speaking country, and a more introverted culture than Chile, but now I can’t buy property in NZ, apparently, so…
My shitweasel congressman hit hardest.
Well last night I learned that trans beats child in the oppression stack, if both are white.
Looks like VT might get it’s second female governor. Kind of. I don’t think that Scott will win reelection after he signed those gun control laws. He’s angered enough on the right to split off or stay home.
Good stuff, Phil.
My moving to VT was off the table long ago, but those gun control laws really put the nail in the coffin. When I move, it will be to CO (simply for the skiing and weeeeeeeed), or NH (for the taxes and FSP)
I keep looking at the Google maps from Lebanon to Burlington. It’s only a half hour more than my current commute…
No shit?? Do it, dude! Hanover can’t be too far, either, given its proximity to I-89?
I’ll be looking more as I save some cash. It’s house time. Or an eye on those nh school job openings..
‘I’m Not a Racist, But…’: Sweden Faces Historic Upset in Election
the sweeds turned suddenly and unexceptionably racist. quite the conundrum
At least they’re still Europeans.
When your right wing extremist party is called the Sweden Democrats, you know you ain’t in Kansas anymore.
Isn’t a sort of token thing anyway, even if they win? I mean they will still have Brussels telling them what to do. They best get a Swexit going and hope a Theresa May isn’t in charge of carrying it out.
The proper mothod: “We are hereby invoking Article 50. As of right now, we are no longer subject to any EU rules, regulations or courts.”
Yeah, beneath the article’s focus on nationalism/racism, there’s a very strong “give us back our free shit!” undercurrent there.
Wake me when a right party in Europe doesn’t want more socialism.
They’re Europeans. It’s what you expect.
A resurgance of the barbarian strains that broke the degenerate Roman empire.
Of course, that may be too optimistic.
Well, yeah, but it’s going to be the maddest socialist democrats you’ve ever seen. They’re going to get some recyclable plastic sporks and go down to parliament to demand their free healthcare back and the trains better start running on time again, or else…
They’ve correctly deduced that a country full of crackers can endure some socialism but a country with vibrancy can’t.
Really it’s too late. They created the problem the US already has. Now they have to just realize that all welfare programs are just wealth transfers to minorities. Then try to get rid of those programs- which will never happen as the costs spiral out of control.
Viking rock music and whole pigs roasting on spits drew thousands of Swedes to a festival hosted by nationalists poised to deliver their country’s biggest political upheaval in a century.
To be fair, even if Osama bin Laden was hosting that party, that’s gonna be hard to turn down.
I wonder exactly which viking bands they were playing. Viking metal is sometimes radio-friendly, bring-em-home-to-meet-the-parents bands like Amon Amarth. And sometimes its the Pagan-and-White-Nationalism crowd.
I have a bunch of pirate metal. Alestorm.
Yes. Alestorm is in steady rotation in Casa Del Wheel. As is Gloryhammer, Chris Bowes’ new band.
Nice! Thank you. I listened to Alestorm a lot when I was writing my pirate novel.
Well, I’m pretty sure Manowar’s not doing anything constructive at the moment.
Applying mineral oil and sunbathing is totally constructive.
Buried a dozen paragraphs in.
also 100 cars burned
They should be fucking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution. What’s more chickenshit than fucking with a man’s automobile? I mean, don’t fuck with another man’s vehicle. It’s just against the rules.
Were they real cars, or did they import Pugeots and Cireons for riot burners?
do not besmirch the good name of the mighty Citroen
What percentage of their annual sales consist of replacing cars lost to the latest round of riots?
The glaziers have to eat too, right?
Isn’t that the foundation of French Economics?
But the media was reporting that that was ‘youths’ from Eastern Europe. I still say it was Amish. It’s always Amish.
honestly I dont think Swedish nationalist think to highly of us easterners
Is that why you guys were setting their cars ablaze? Now I get it.
Do the Amish dress all in black for their mayhem, though? I mean, I know the actual Amish dress in black, but what about the “Amish”?
They’re tricky, those Amish. Always disguising themselves as radical Islamists and yelling some Aloha Alluha shit to trick people.
Due to Europes enlightened ways and tolerance there’s virtually no Amish there. Only place they can survive is the US.
Maybe his best rant ever. Razorfist.
“An Alt-Right No-Show
The white supremacists in D.C. couldn’t fill up a single bus.
Anyone who pays the slightest attention to the daily passage of events in the news was aware that white-supremacist alt-right groups were planning a rally in Washington, D.C., this past weekend. The anticipatory media coverage of the event didn’t quite reach Super-Bowl hype levels, but it was close. And the number of white supremacists who showed up for the Sunday rally?
Not 200. Not 100. About 20.”
That’s only because they’re hiding behind the bushes waiting for the opportunity to strike with their comfy chairs using fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency.
To be fair, most of DC’s white supremacists are employed in the Trump administration and couldn’t get PTO in order to show up at the rally.
It would have been 200 but all the undercover FBI agents didn’t want to risk bike locks to the melon this time.
I gotta imagine downtown businesses are pissed. The local media told everyone essentially to stay away from downtown last weekend. So instead of full-walleted tourists and locals, they got about 2 dozen basement-dwelling Nazis and a hundred or so basement-dwelling Antifa Nazis.
Wait, out of all 65 million Trump voters, only 20 showed up?
Only twenty people voted for Trump. The rest were added by Russian hackers.
The play this game where nationalist = alt right = white nationalist = white supremacist = NAZI.
As far as I can tell even the right is comfortable clumping these positions together. They seem to think if they use the lefts terms, and play by their rules, then they might prove they are one of the well behaved people on the right.
+1 McCain/Rockefeller/Establisment Republicans
WordPress folding to the mob?
Sounds like they’re folding to the kiddie porn prosecutors to me.
I know someone who works at Automattic (has since the beginning). He’s fairly libertarian-leaning. I can see WP skewing more libertarian generally.
They have a really good statement on their site in re to free speech. I just saw the story and was asking what was happening.
“Nope, Those Aren’t Mailboxes: Paris Rolls Out Sidewalk Urinals
In Paris, authorities are taking an unusual approach to combat the scourge of public urination: Make urination even more public.
The city is experimenting with completely exposed, eco-friendly urinals.
The devices are called “Uritrottoir,” which combines the words for urinal and pavement. They’re not at all subtle. They’re bright red and in heavily trafficked areas — for example, directly next to the Seine near the Notre Dame Cathedral.
And if there’s any confusion, a large white and red sign with a red arrow and a cartoon of a man peeing probably clears it up.”
Urinals are sexist. I thought the Frogs are woke?
One of my weird hangups is that I like having a little urinary privacy. I don’t even like using urinals that don’t have dividers. I’d have to be on the verge of pissing my pants before I’d stop in the middle of a tourist trap and pee into a box.
Yeah, but what an opportunity to make some pee tapes. I hear they are all the rage, everyone who is anyone has some.
Not weird. Fairly common, I think. I’m the same way. The absolutely worst are those trough-types that you still see occasionally in old stadiums.
And hipster bars.
I was just going to say, old stadiums and trendy bars. Nothing like lining up with 10 other drunk guys going hell for leather at a floor drain.
Where’s my trigger warning?
You know what’s worse then standing at the trough at a stadium when you’re an adult? When you’re a kid, and that’s the only option for pissing (the stalls at the old Municipal Stadium were close to the Trainspotting toilet).
Why? Your average kid can outpiss an adult any day of the week.
Damn prostrates.
LOL, prostate
I just figured you were talking about the drunks who collapsed on the floor and wet themselves.
And Army posts.
Is this just an attempt to get the street refugees to not pee on the sidewalk or street?
This is a golden opportunity for puns.
Also, male privilege.
Amsterdam has public urinals in the canal district that sit next to the canals. They are open at the bottom. The best part: they empty directly into the canals. I mean, there’s a little pipe in the canal wall right below the urinal that just dumps into the canal.
So what you’re saying is – don’t fall in the canals.
Our boss organized an interoffice email pen-pal project back in May. So far I haven’t written or heard from either of the pals she set up. If that’s not a sign of the single-minded corporate vision we share, what is?
You know what’s liable to tarnish morale around here? Having to make small talk with strangers once a week.
Was this your boss’ initiative or did it come from the big brains in HR?
Whichever one read some executive magazine first that had this bullshit in it. It always happens that way. You don’t think one of them came up with an original idea?
We had a management shuffle this year, so I imagine it came from her new boss.
Either way, I’m pleading ignorance if it ever comes up. Just like if this place: I never post here, and it was only on accident, and anyway you can’t prove it.
“Hi. I’m told that I’m now required to talk to you as part of my job duties which in no other way intersect with your job duties.”
At least they didn’t put up your picture in the lobby and make you kiss everyone hello.
That episode makes me furious. There’s nothing curmudgeonly about polite indifference!
Forgive me if someone’s already posted this:
Razorfist on Charlottesville Version 2.0.
How does this guy stay on Youtube? I guess they just haven’t gotten around to him yet. They will, they’ll get to all of us eventually. It was fun while it lasted, that free speech stuff.
He’s not big enough yet. Alex Jones was huge.
I don’t see how the alley is a homage to Kerouac if it isn’t full of shit.
Cuz they are.
News agency reputed for looseness of language demands stringent rhetorical specificity.
An objective free press would be “an important part of democracy”, but a press only pretending to be objective while overtly propagandizing on behalf of a socialist political party to undermine the constitution is much more along the lines of “enemy of the people”.
In regards to the Pennsylvania priest expose, I think a little extra-judicial activity might solve some of the Church’s problems.
No offense to our local Papists, but everything I’ve read says that the Catholic Church is hemorrhaging members like crazy and the only thing propping it up are Hispanic immigrants. I’ve read they’re even losing ground in Latin America. Shit like this does not help.
I’ve also seen stuides that indicate attempts to be more ‘modern’ or ‘relevent’ drive down attendance, because it is the air of stability and tradition that is the most attractive thing about the church.
Having a tradition of child abuse isn’t a good idea. however.
It’s a failing, corrupt institution. Their reform efforts are probably going to be too little, too late.
There are a lot of people like my parents, I imagine. They aren’t going to start going to a Protestant church, but they do go to Mass less and less, and my father said a long time ago that he’s never giving the church another dime since so much of the money is going to pay for legal fees and settlements caused by the pedo priests they covered up for so long.
Are these proven incidents, or just unproven allegations? I don’t doubt that at least some of it is true, but the sheer numbers are staggering.
A lot of it is based on the church’s own findings which it kept under lock and key until now.
That is truly vile in that case.
What would rectify this imbalance? More Asian men in porn or on welfare?
Neither. I don’t want to see Asian men in porn, and I don’t want to pay for anyone to be on welfare.
No kidding. I should’ve gone into SJW Woke Studies and become a professor. Write stuff that literally makes no sense and get paid handsomely for it.
It makes sense if you look at it thru a postmodern prism. Which ain’t saying much.
I saw some unbelievable report claiming that these sellers of grief tend to be far better paid than people actually teaching something of worth to the idiots that pay a ton of money to institutes of higher learning to come out with nothing of value, or outright dangerous ideals, from these halls of academia.
They’re obviously not any good at math.
Journal of Race and Ethnic Education
I think I’ve found the problem.
I suppose that’s in contrast to what they represent.
Wow. That’s refreshingly honest.
So they’re saying meritocracy is racist, because minorities are less capable? Who are the racists, now?
We are – for making people earn what they get.
Prepare to be stunned: Omarosa’s tapes have nothing shocking on them.
Well, gee, let me find my shocked face. Of course this won’t stop the media from spinning it and flogging it 24/7 to try to damage Trump.
You are surprised by this shit? How often have we been told by these dnc operatives with bylines that they finally had proof of the evil of the Trump-Hilter and his followers only to have the story be retracted or amount to much ado about nothing? The big story here is Omarosa taping these meetings and violating some serious security rules and the fact she likely will now face some serious legal challenges. The left however doesn’t much care about that because they see her as a useful idiot in their campaign to misinform the public about who the real corruptocrats are.
But, but… the pee tapes! Who’s got the pee tapes!
I don’t think it’s working.
Already a known opportunist
Not sure what Trump is thinking sometimes. Obviously, he isn’t.
My morning bike ride. I’ve gotten lazy and out of the habit. Need to start it up again.
That looks like a lot of fun.
*reads street signs*
Sir, we have a potential lock on a political subversive.
*sends results to Space Force for orbital strike*
Hmmm. I need to be more careful. I just thought the names are cool. And they weren’t made up by some realtor.