Hello again, my caffeinated friends. I’ve peeled a few Koch dollars off my pimp roll and bought an AeroPress for review. I set the trusty French press aside and have been using the Aeropress for the last 2 months. Will it replace the French press for good? Does it make better espresso than my Moka Pot? Is it smoother than the cold press? Well, read on friends and find out along with my world famous…ok, vaguely remembered by a small cadre of weirdos, pro/con list!

AeroPress starter kit. The barrel, plunger, filter cap, stirrer and funnel combine for easy storage.
What is an AeroPress you may be asking yourself. It is a basically an oversized syringe with a filter. Medium ground coffee is place inside the barrel and filled with hot water (175 F) to make a regular cup of coffee. The water and coffee steep for 60 seconds and then you invert whole apparatus over your favorite mug and press the coffee out through a paper filter, then top off the mug with hot water. If the barista prefers espresso, use a fine grind with the same water temperature and steep time, but don’t dilute with hot water. This deceptively simple device does allow for great variety in preparation through adjustments in water temperature, grind, steep time and how hard or soft you press the plunger. In fact there are AeroPress world competitions to see which coffee enthusiasts can coax the best cup of Joe out of the simple and inexpensive appliance. I give you The World AeroPress Championship for you super coffee nerds. *looks around* Just me, huh?
So what do I think after living with the AeroPress for 2 months? It makes a damn fine cup of coffee in under 2 minutes. For those who don’t want to make a morning ritual of your coffee habit and just want caffeine coursing through your veins ASAP, this is a good option. Clean up is a breeze. After pressing the coffee all that is left is a mostly dry coffee puck. Just shoot it into the trash can and rinse the plunger. Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy. I’m not usually a fan of paper filters, but a good pre-rinse with hot water seems to eliminate the paper taste. The filters are inexpensive and they give you enough when you buy the press starter kit that you don’t feel cheated.
As much as I like the AeroPress, it can’t do it all. It can’t rival the low acid smoothness of the cold brew system and it lacks the volume of the Moka pot for espresso, though I do prefer the taste of AeroPress espresso. The AeroPress also can’t be set on a timer like most drip systems and is not well suited to making large volumes of coffee.
So the big question, “Does it replace the French Press?” For me, it doesn’t because I want the most pure expression of each bean that I roast. I’m willing to trade a clean cup of coffee for the unfiltered experience. That being said, if you are the sole coffee drinker in your home, like easy clean up, don’t want to spend a ton of money, don’t have much storage space, and enjoy experimenting with grind, temperature, etc. the AeroPress is hard to beat.
Step 1. Fill with ground coffee. (pro-tip* wet the rubber plunger before placing in barrel to reduce friction/extend life).
Step 2. Fill with hot water and stir.
Step 3. Attach filter.
Step 4. After 1 minute steep, invert over mug.
Step 5. Press gently until you hear air escaping.
Step 6. Top off mug with hot water.
Step 7. Remove filter cap and press plunger to eject coffee puck into trash. Rinse AeroPress.
- cost – $33.90 starter kit that includes 350 filters
- reliability – so simple it is unlikely to fail in any way
- flexibility – nearly infinite ways to make coffee
- storage – takes up very little counter/cabinet space
- taste – it does a really good job of extracting flavor.
- clean – super easy clean up
- easy to use – full disclosure* I did make a large mess when I put the coffee in wrong while sleepy
- cup – really clean cup of coffee. no muddy coffee (sediment)
- filters – some people prefer unfiltered coffee
- consumables – although not very expensive, you do have to buy replacement filters
- serving size – the isn’t the go to for a large dinner party
- aesthetics – not something you want to proudly display
- accessibility – this might be a stretch, but if a person has arthritis or limited hand strength, the plunger may be difficult to press.
But how does it handle Folger’s Crystals ?
Now hit my mother f’in Theme Music !
How to prepare Folgers crystals.
Step 1: open package
Step 2: invert package over trash can
Hope that helps.
I used to do the mre coffee like snuff pouches.
this is what i find
I’ve been known to do that with a couple coffee beans.
May be better, after the paper disintegrates, blech
I prefer Nescafe Dark roast,
Sup Tres!
Foldgers Crystals
Ive seen one of the coffee joints here (Boston Stoker) use something like that for tea. And it makes a damn good glass of (overpriced) ice tea.
Yeah, coffee/tea out and about is almost always a rip off. The best coffee is made at home.
I’m a cheapskate. I don’t even buy K-cups.
Amazingly, the office actually put in “free” coffee a few months back.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
I’ve seen these on display at the cafe I used to visit every morning back when I had a job and wondered about them. News I can use!
How is the re-employment going?
It might go better when I start looking. Well… I needed some time off. That’s the phase I’m in now. Company says they’ll pay for “employment outplacement services for three months” – I guess that means some sort of agency. When I get around to it.
Good for you, man. If you are able to take some time and relax and regroup, more power to you.
Makes a great and easy single cup!
Glad it was useful. It really is hard to beat if you only want one device. The pour over method is the next article, but if you’re looking to buy soon, you’re safe going with an AeroPress.
Looks interesting may try. I notice Amazon has stainless steele filters if the paper bothers you.
I have the stainless filter. As long as you don’t mind a bit if sludge I can also recommend. Easier to clean than French press.
Yeah, I did French press for awhile. Got tired of cleaning it out. Lately I use a plastic pour-over gizmo that cost like two dollars. But I’m having difficulty getting a decent-tasting cup of coffee out of it.
I’ve been using one of those for years, fastest and easiest way to make pretty good coffee.
Super-easy cleanup too.
I find the easiest way to clean a french press is to not clean it. I rinse it and go. You telling me I should be cleaning it?
I do the same. It’s just easier to get the grounds out of the aeroprees. French press isn’t awful to clean, but the oils will make it look grungy if you just rinse.
I don’t mind grungy. Not like I am serving coffee after dinner parties out of it here at casa de westernsloper.
I have the steel filters, but I prefer the paper, honestly. I find the taste is crisper since the paper is trapping most of the oils. If I want oily, sludgy coffee–which I do, sometimes–I use a french press or a Moka pot.
This guy gets it.
*Sees article is about coffee, wanders off to find beer*
*follows CPRM*
*greets CPRM and Mike’s with a case of Natural Light*
Hey! Why are ya two walking away? Don’t make me the drink this crap alone, come back!
…fucking autocorrect…
Well, as long as you’re buying, I guess I can have one…
I’ve never actually tried Natty. Maybe if Mexican Sharpshooter reviews it I will.
To paraphrase Monty Python: drinking Natural Light is like having sex in a canoe. It’s fucking close to water.
Haven’t had it since early college days, it was our beer pong beer because of the cheapness.
I went with Busch Light back then and never looked back.
*takes satisfying drink of Busch Light*
I figured it was a deliberate attempt to piss me off. 😐
I had a comment all typed up along those lines and then deleted it. It also chastised him for not bringing any milk for you.
It looks cool, but I don’t have time/Patience to do that for Coffee, if it was Beer Maybe
It looks dumb actually, but yeah, I just make instant coffee. Works for me.
Coffee song
All-night diners keep you awake on black coffee and a hard roll
Awesome. I like my coffee like I like my Soul music…expressive and stimulating.
More coffee music
Pretty, but I couldn’t understand a word she was singing.
No need to unmute!
I make coffee like a hobo. I put ground coffee in a strainer, then pour hot water through it. Close your eyes during that first sip and you can hear a train whistle.
I’m a big evangelist for the Aeropress. You’re right that it doesn’t replace other methods for volume, say, but it does an excellent job of making a single cup of coffee or pseudo-espresso in a brief amount of time with little fuss and little muss. We went from an 8-cup french press to this, a Moka pot, and a Bunn. Of the four, I think the coffee I make with this sucker tastes best.
How many Wives know what a Higgins Boat is,? Mine does……
Little Man in the Higgins Boat…..
White Man’s Privilege, Sup Tres!
/Tall cans! Low Carbs!
Wasn’t that something Tom Magnum used to borrow?
Higgins was from Columbus, Nebraska. Represent
“Brotherly Love”
Have some Gumby just to mix it up.
Ghetto Gumby, nice. I am Gumby, damnit, I am supreme!
Seems like a decent option for work.
(pro-tip* wet the rubber plunger before placing in barrel to reduce friction/extend life).
I watched a similar themed video just this morning, but it involved college co-eds and not coffee.
Thanks for making me aware of this device. I have been on about a three year run of nothing but the press for my morning joe. I am lazy so I don’t clean it enough and more of a rinse repeat sort of press owner. I buy the cheapest shit coffee on sale though so I don’t think it matters.
I would have commented sooner, but I got delayed by 4scores contribution today.
It was a great article.
The nice thing about pretty much anything other than a drip coffee maker is that it’ll make crap coffee taste at least decent. I had an opened can of generic drug store coffee I found in a box of camping gear from last year, and because we were out of coffee and my wife had the car I figured, shit, at least it has caffeine. Made a cup of it in the Aeropress and it actually wasn’t bad. I mean, it wasn’t good, but I’ve had worse fresh from gas stations.
I have found the worstest of worst coffee where someone should probably be flogged or even a wood chipper involved to be included on the coffee maker tray in some of the so called budget motels/hotels. That and they give you a Styrofoam cup to enhance the flavor with plastics. When I could travel with it I took a camping press and a bag of coffee. Some of it was obscene.
I don’t get mad at quick coffee that is bad. I get mad at “independent coffee shops” that sell bad coffee. This is somebody’s dream and this is the best they can do?
Tweek Bros?
OT: How long should you cook baby bok choy in a soup?
I’m going to make an epic noodle soup with the typical Japanese broth of dashi, soy sauce, and mirin along with wholegrain buckwheat soba noodles, shrimp, a few soft boiled eggs, shiitake mushrooms, onions, peppers, and the bok choy.
Is it something like collard greens where it benefits from long simmering, or is it more like spinach where you just want to wilt it and serve immediately?
The latter.
Baby bok choy should be simmered just a few minutes. It’s a watery vegetable that cooks fairly quickly. Check it after five minutes. A paring knife should pierce it easily with just a little resistance.
That’s for whole bbc. Much less if sliced.
*crosses legs*
Just added to wish list. I’ll take that to work and use French press at home. Be a lot cheaper than k-cups.
For sure. You can use standard ground coffee and it’s pretty quick.
We have K-cups at the office. The thing about those, is that I have never had one of them that does not taste exactly like all the others. I use a Bunn machine at home. My wife has a press of some sort and makes coffee with it sometimes when we’re both home all day together. I’m too lazy for that shit. If it involves more than putting coffee in filter and pouring in water, I’m out.
We had something similar. Packets you insert into a machine. All of them tasted terrible. But it was free.
I’ve found different brands I like and are different. That’s the one thing I do like is the variety.
My go to machine for decades was a Bunn. Anyone can wait that long for a cup. I have one on the workbench in the shop that sat for about a year with water in it that I have been meaning to take apart and “deglaze” but I always find something better to do. Since I am too lazy to clean that thing, I had to dig out the press which is a pretty easy cup of coffee. Boil water (or close to), pour on grounds in carafe, let sit, press = coffee.
Wouldn’t using the Keurig with the reusable K-cups and your own grind be the cheapest way to go? I mean, if you already own a Keurig.
I do that.. even maxwell house comes out decent.
I haven’t had a lot of luck with those reusable ones (coffee will back up come out the sides) and they’re kind of a pita to deal with at work. I’d prefer steeped coffee anyways.
If we had a garbage disposal at work it wouldn’t be quite such a pain.
Same thing here. I’ve never been able to get it to work. There’s been coffee grounds and 2ater going all the wrong places.
“The Oral History of Four Loko in New York
The Fat Jew: Drinking Four Loko was a specific experience, you know what I mean? You’d talk about it the way a girl in Brooklyn today will talk about taking ayahuasca.
Berkman: Four Loko basically gets you super, super drunk and then gives you the energy to actually act on your poor judgment. It seemed like a very special cocktail in that way.”
Can confirm.
I call horseshit. I’ve drank it before. Let me ask you this, If I just brew up a pot of coffee and pour vodka in it all day long is it going to be like super rocket fuel? No, no it isn’t. The alcohol will just overpower the coffee. Caffeine is not that strong. Put some really super strong stimulants in your alcohol, then we’ll see.
To be fair, Ive been really messed-up on 4Loko, but never made terrible choices. Other than just chugging 4Loko.
Shots of Crown Royal, on the other hand…..
Yeah, but it was the alcohol, it’s high alcohol, not the caffeine. The caffeine will have a little affect maybe during the first one or two, but after that, the alcohol will just overpower the caffeine. You’d have more effect if you use ephedra, that will actually keep you pretty awake no matter how much you drink, but still will not make you more drunk. Caffeine is just a very mild stimulant, the alcohol will quickly negate the effect.
Speaking of ephedra, is it at all possible to get the old white “cross-top” ephedrine pills you used to be able to get at truck stops?
I don’t think so. You can still get ephedrine. You just have to sign for it. Which is of course, totes bullshit. Thanks, John McCain, you shitheel. I guess there won’t be any ephedra in hell, so he won’t need any legislation.
I dated a girl for a bit back in the early ot’s that was an ephedra addict. Total running addict/health nut which I found funny. I am not sure you can get anything like that anymore. Hell, you can’t buy some cold medicine over the counter.
Yeah, you have to sign your name just to get the good Sudefed. Fucking meth-heads fucked it up for everyone.
Yep, what Mike S said, you can get it. You just have to sign.
It hasn’t done jack shit to lower the amount of meth available, and yet nobody will repeal the clearly failed law.
Apparently the way you show you care about children is by continuing to do things proven to fail.
BronkAid (pseudoephedrine, not ephedra) @ Walgreens or CVS, show your ID.
I take a JetAlert/BronkAid stack 3x a day because otherwise I’d sleep most of the day and eat when I happened to be awake.
I started doing that plus a baby aspirin back in the day when I was low-carbing AND lifting weights, because it was a fat burner. Keeping me awake when I’m supposed to be was a happy accident. That was back when you could order a shit-ton of ephedra online or, if I had run out, yes, the truck stop.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check that out.
I’m guessing you can’t get a bottle of 60 for $5 like back in the good old days?
Sadly no and the BronkAid ain’t cheap. That said, do NOT get the Primatene. It’s twice the price for the same dose.
Thanks. While I did enjoy the recreational aspects of it, I honestly do mostly miss it for helping with my asthma. It really worked well.
Chalk up another “win” for the drug warriors.
Meth Juice?
Breakfast of champions?
Can confirm. Alcohol easily wins that battle.
But brew a pot of METH, add alcohol, and see who wins.
Spoiler- there are no winners
Like I was saying, you can take ephedra and you can just drink all fucking night. You won’t get any drunker, you’ll just won’t go to sleep until you do and then you’ll of course crash like a lead brick in water.
Again; can confirm.
Yeah, I mean, how long has Irish coffee been a thing? People have been putting booze in caffeinated beverages for decades.
Irish coffee is drunk by the right people; 4Loko was drunk by the icky Snooki Class.
I guess you had to be there.
I like pushing a button and coffee appearing in my cup. Three different choices on quantity allows me to tailor the final strength to my mood that day.
I lust after your coffeemaker.
17,000 cups and counting.
Spud confirmed as George Jetson.
Those “sizes” are garbage. I have to run 2 k-cups (or the same one twice) at the largest size (only 12 oz) to fill up my work (navy) coffee cup.
But yeah, you can get 96 pack variety sets (good flavors) at Bed Bath and Beyond for $30 – before using their omnipresent 20% off coupons that never expire.
The more I see of the increasingly weird ways of making coffee, the more I’m tempted to get an enameled steel coffee pot, heat water in it to a rolling boil, dump in a handfull of ground coffee then drink it when the brown foam on top is well formed.
On special occasions, I might stir in the white of an egg or two to act as a fining agent to coagulate the grounds.
Are you off my lawn yet?
You better be doing that on a wood burning stove!
Better, sit it on a rock by the camp fire.
If you’re low on true coffee do you extend by adding chicory?
Make sure you’re wearing your onion belt.
Not yet. I have several more coffee articles planned.
My camp setup. Delicious. https://m.imgur.com/a/dTGGGK5
My wife wants to connect with nature more, so hopefully that’ll mean more camping trips and camp coffee.
Take her up on that. Nice write up, BTW.
Thanks. I’m going to get the next out sooner rather than later.
One straight length of rebar with tapered end for boring a hole, one twisted piece of rebar to hold the grill, one sawed off top of propane tank. For the coffee itself, do as Homple says.
Plus you have the tea kettle from the original, “I am a tea kettle, this is my spout” song. Awesome.
The coal carrying apparatus is a cut off propane tank? That could put Weber out of business. And if anybody else reads this I got dibs on that idea.
The invention of the Weber grill came from a guy who worked for a buoy company, that company was Weber.
My idea is selling repurposed discarded out of service propane tanks not buoys. Like they are made out of bouys today. They are made by chinamen. A few weeks ago I had to go to the metal dealer/recycler on a work trip and saw numerous drug addicts selling cans and stolen electric cords and then looked to my left and saw a guy in a gas company truck who actually had a job just hucking old propane tanks into the scrap heap. Throw in the whole recycling angle and we can put Weber out of business. They won’t be made by chinks unless an american chink makes it. Make the top look like a hat on some fantastic hair and we have hat and hair recycled BBQ’s to MAGA. The MAGAQ if you will.
Or disregard all that, I don’t have to work tomorrow so I got into the Bulleit’s.
My guess is your upcycling scheme will have a higher end cost than a new Weber, so you’ll have to (vomits in mouth) market it to millennial liberals.
Not when Trump puts in a tariff on Weber for cutting into the MAGAQ market. Get with the times man.
But he’ll only do that if you’ll only sell to wypipo. Can’t survive in Trump’s America unless you’re a racist. Are you sure you’re a racially pure white? If not, TrumPutin’s Orange Guard will gun you down in the streets.
Orange Guard
It was a gift from a friend. I believe that’s what he said. He made it.
I love seeing and reading about your camping adventures.
I’ve been doing cold brew recently. I like iced coffee anyway, and the lower acidity is a real bonus. My only issue is that I can only find Dunkin’ Donuts cold brew packs, which are kind of expensive. (Offset a little by reusing them a few times).
I’ll do cold brew in my French press on weekends. I had been doing during week and taking to work in thermos and heating up there but got lazy about it.
I saw your comment about your contractor brother. I’ll definitely keep him in mind for my next project. Thank you. Seriously, get a cold brewer. You’ll save money and have better coffee. If you drink a cup a day you can probably make enough for the week over the weekend with like 5 minutes work.
My cousin – You can email me at my user name @gmail when the project is upcoming.
Cousin, sorry. Thanks. We are committed to the company doing the reno, but going forward I’ll definitely see if he is available.
OT: This Omarosa chick is a one woman self-wrecking crew.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ she a gold diggah, but she ain’t messin’ with no broke niggas…
I don’t know why that came to mind.
I think her, Tom Arnold, and Michael Cohen should just shack up together and watch the pee tapes.
“Big Brother: TDS”?
She’s being heavily aided and abetted. This one checks all the boxes.
She’s not doing her backers any favors. She lost Savannah Guthrie.
She’s generating clicks and eyeballs, hence advertisers. Don’t know how her book is selling.
The “I used to be a (fake) Republican” article is probably already being proofed at Salon.
I use to be a fake republican too, mainly because I signed up R just to be contrarian when my government teacher told us to check D when registering to vote.
That was apparent an episode or two into the first season of The Apprentice.
Funny coffee story. I was in the Microsoft Office in Detroit last week, which is like a nerd playground. Anyhow, they suggest we help ourselves to coffee which has some sort of little packets, which are in a rack next to the machine, then PM and functional person on my team are looking at the the thing which is basically a stainless steel cube with a digital display and four buttons. Me, the developer, walks up looks at the display and starts pushing buttons and following the onscreen instructions. Et voila!, I produce a cup of coffee. We now refer to that as the Intelligence Test. Only one of us is smart enough to get an M$ interview. (There was no real interview, but I did suggest they start using it as a screening tool. MS rep laughed at that.) I think it says more about the type of person who becomes a coder. Ooh, look at that shiny thing. I wonder what this button does…
The key is having no fear of breaking other people’s stuff. Me: if they didn’t want me messing with it, they should have locked it up. *starts banging away at buttons*
Pretty much.
I think my dad would have been a good coder. When he first got a computer (in his mid-late 50’s) he was a little hesitant. I would walk him through as best I could over the phone, but honestly I didn’t have a whole lot of computer skills at that time, either. Then one day, I told him about Windows Restore Point. Boy did that give him a shot of confidence. I’m not saying he is a computer whiz, but he is far and away more comfortable on computers than most 73 year-olds I know. Hell, he’s more comfortable on computers than a lot of 53 year-olds I know. And due to his shot of confidence, my 71 year-old mom is the same way.
Re-reading that, I didn’t mean to say that being comfortable using windows makes you a good coder…just proud of my dad for getting over his fear of technology, unlike so many of his generation.
What ever…I’m buzzed and need some melatonin.
So, I’ve been managing to do some crazy things recently. Is that what getting old is like? A few weeks ago I was at home, Saturday and wifey is at work. She had called me and we were talking about something. Last thing I remember after that, I was at my desk doing stuff, I was thinking ‘holy shit, I feel sleepy, why am I so damn sleepy?’. I NEVER sleep during the day. I don’t do naps and I don’t go to sleep during the day. Next thing I remember is that my wife is waking me up saying ‘Honey, are you OK? Are you OK? When I woke up it was like a shock, I’m still sitting at my desk and I was thinking ‘what in the fuck is going on?’. Anyway to cut to the chase, she got home and I wouldn’t answer the door. She called, I didn’t answer. I guess this went on for a while and she could not find her key. During this time, I guess a neighbor walked by and she noticed my wife look distressed. So she’s telling her, that’s weird, this never has happened, I was just talking to him. So then she finally finds her key. To cut to the chase. I have been taking these Occuvite vitamins for eye health. I get a lot of eye stress from staring at a monitor 40+ hours a week. So I was sitting there thinking I should take some, so I saw they were sitting on the shelf next to me and grabbed a couple. Only it wasn’t the Occuvite I took. It was Melatonin. The bottle looks exactly the same and they are both gummies. Moral of the story, NEVER fucking take melatonin during the day if you do not want to fall asleep, especially after 2 beers and a shot of bourbon. I swear I think I’m becoming a human trial for things not to do. Duh, that’s a little embarrassing.
That’s some crazy shit – glad to find out that it wasn’t a serious ailment.
Oh good, I was afraid you were having a TIA or something.
So a number of years ago, my wife had shoulder surgery. I kept her meds on my nightstand so they were readily available when she needed one. I also had a couple of Advil there. At about 4am, I took an Advil because my knees were hurting. At 8am, I got up to take a shower because I was meeting a friend at a poker match at a local casino.
I could barely get out of bed. I stood in the shower, half asleep. I drove to the poker parlor and didn’t want to get out of the car. It took me two hours to lose $300, some of them on bad beats. I had no idea why I was so tired.
So I go home defeated, and walk into the bedroom. The Advil is sitting there and the muscle relaxer is missing…
My wife said that when she’d woke me up, I looked scared. And I said, no shit, scared the fuck out of me, I didn’t have any idea what was going on. That stuff really works, which I already knew because I take it for insomnia fairly often. 2 of those 10m, 15-20 minutes, I’m out.
Wow. I didn’t realize that stuff worked so well. I may have to get some for the “school nights” when I sit here and talk to you all for too long.
I tried it once and it didn’t do anything for me, but I’ve noticed I’m … shall we say “chemically resistant.”
It almost surely will if you take enough. Or maybe not, but it does work well for me.
lol……I have tried them and I found I woke up groggy. like I had ten beers groggy and I know what that feels like so I know what I am talking about.
Melatonin works for sure. I try not to take it unless I think it’s the only way I’m going to get to sleep and I have a big day the next day.
I’ve been using Melatonin for about 15 years. It is a naturally occuring hormone that is tied to the Circadian cycle. Peak production is at bedtime (or just beyond) and lowest product is when you get up. Taking a supplement just tells your body that it is time for bed. It is not a sedative.
It is extremely useful for resetting the body clock during international travel (fighting jet lag).
Also melatonin production decreases with aging. That’s why old people tend to sleep in short breaks, many times a day.
I use in to fight insomnia. It has been a blessing.
I should try that stuff sometime.
Takes me 3hrs to fall asleep
I spend four hours waiting to fall asleep then wait another four hours for it to get light enough to get out of bed.
Insomnia sucks.
… Hobbit
I’m a pretty strong Moka pot devotee.
My culinary tastes lean towards the bold and intense flavors, so the crude oil that comes a bubblin’ out of my Moka pot is just perfect.
I also like to make a whole pot ahead of time, put it in the fridge, and make Americanos. I actually have a “TeasMade” alarm clock, and I put a bit of espresso in the pot so that I can start every day by having an Americano in bed.
Hand on to the end of the series my friend. The Moka will get a shot at the title for best cup of coffee in the grand finale.
No coffee. Where is the beer thread?
Yeah, I hate hot coffee so never drink it unless I need a super laxative. But I like coffee ice cream. Must be the sugar.
They have flavored coffees. I don’t do those unless I’m putting some Rumchata or Bailys in it with heavy cream.
Irish. With Black Bush FTW.
I see we are doing euphamisms.
Looks like some people didn’t get their coffee this morning.
I’m going to roll the dice and say eco-terrorist.
I didn’t know there were Amish in Sweden.
It’s the Eco Amish again.
At some point, is kneecapping a motherfucker acceptable?
The Left ladies and gentlemen. Don’t ya just wanna jump up and join their team.
Right on Florida Man. I also love my French press, super easy and gives a ton of flavor. Recently I bought a chemex pour over glass and I like it a lot, although it will probably get used more for the second round of morning coffee and weekends, as during the week it is hard to beat the quickness of the press. Definitely a different flavor with the pour over though.
I don’t drink coffee. I don’t consume caffeine. This whole post is disgusting to me. *goes back to the fridge for another beer*
*Takes another bourbon, looks on in disgust.*
What I gathered from these posts:
– drinks bourbon
– looks at her in disgust
– fucks her anyway
+1 gold potato
Bourbon is one hell of a drug.
*Takes another sip of bourbon, looks on in disgust.*
He said beer, not acid.
What Q said, plus I’m allergic to caffeine and don’t care for drinking hot liquids, except maybe one cup of hot coco a year.
*Well technically it’s not caffeine, it’s any kind of stimulant, like the ephedra talked about up thread, and it’s not an allergy, more of an over reaction to my body to any kind of stimulant that causes panic and or anxiety attacks.
Aaaah, yes I can relate. At some point I got over it. Hope the same for you.
Hot cup of Joe.
Colombian bean juice.
Hot brew.
Not in a position where I can click on these. I’m guessing they’re mugs with jugs.
Bikini Baristas.
Straff, the last one was just coffee bar advertising.
All those things look like alien sex toys.
*this aeropress thing seems like its made for me.
will eventually try. I remain a french press person for the moment, mainly because i need the bigass 50oz one. I drink 18oz at a time, and can knock off 3 before it gets cold. 1 cup at a time aint cutting it for me.
Sounds easy and good. Can’t beat that. I won one of those Nescafé coffee makers. Holy shit was that bad coffee and I’m far from being a coffee snob.
But do you ever have seconds of your coffee?
I would sure like to know if this is true and see the studies.
My guess, those numbers were mined from her (him, it, them, they, whatever prounoun’s) ass. Antifa don’t live with their parents. They live in the guest house behind the house. Big difference.
I’m sure you are right the numbers are pulled from her ass. I’m notvso sure about the living arrangements. I have a cousin who isn’t antifa butvI strongly suspect some of her friends are. There’s a mix of basement dwelkers and guesthouse dwellers.
Of course it was a joke. Us being libertarians of course we are the ones living in the family guest house of our wealthy parents.
I’d like to know how many they are in total. Legions, multitudes, snatches?
Nobody studies antifa. I have seen one story, (I am not the most informed person on earth) probably linked from here or TOS, and nobody who does studies or is MSM wants to track their backing and communications infrastructure.
Infrastructure? They are a totally grassroots movement of everyday people just struggling to survive in the apocalyptic world that is Trump’s America. They don’t have any backing, they are just real people who see the horrible things happening around them everyday and feel a need to to show that they are resisting.
The vids I’ve seen in CA, etc imply a mix far closer to 50/50 in terms of gender than 84/16.
Given this is a late night thread and no one will see this, I’ll unload this pet peeve: “a smalltown of only 20,000” That ain’t a small town, that’s a city. That’s twice the size of the local city where I work and 40 times larger than the town I live outside of. If that is your idea of ‘small town America’ you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Well I was born in a small town
And I live in a small town
Probably die in a small town
Oh, those small communities
All my friends are so small town
My parents live in the same small town
My job is so small town
Provides little opportunity
Educated in a small town
Taught the fear of Jesus in a small town
Used to daydream in that small town
Another boring romantic that’s me
But I’ve seen it all in a small town
Had myself a ball in a small town
Married an L.A. doll and brought her to this small town
Now she’s small town just like me
Seymour Indiana has a population of around 19,000; That John Cougar Mellencamp is full of shit.
But can you suck down chili dogs outside the Tastee Freeze there?
Do they have little pink houses?
We don’t even have a Tastee Freeze.
Boo Urns?