The Astros are slumping a bit. Dropping 4 in a row has the AL West competitive. Thank God Seattle is leaving town. Boston beat Baltimore, who is now effectively 50 games back in their division, a number I don’t think I’ve ever seen. New York and Cleveland are safe in their respective wild card and division leader positions. So the west is where all the action will be coming down the stretch. Over on the Senior Circuit, the Braves and Phils are tied for the east lead, the Cubs are 3 up on the Brewers in the central, with St Louis also surging and the D-backs are up a game on LA, with Colorado right there in the mix another half game back. Not to mention the wild card race is extremely tight. So that entire side of the ledger is gonna be fun to watch the next five weeks.
Your EPL winners and draws for the week were: drew Southampton and Burnley and Everton and Wolves. Winners were Man United, Spurs, Crystal Palace, Bournemouth, Chelski, Watford, Man City and the Liverpool Reds hammered the Hammers 4-0.
Lastly, Brooks Koepka won his third major, snatching the PGA Championship, where Tiger Woods finally made me say I think h will win another major at some point over the next couple of years by playing four solid rounds and coming in second. He’ll still never be Jack or Bobby (in no particular order, ok?), but its looking like he’s back.

One of, if not the, best ever
Wild West sharpshooter Annie Oakley was born on this date. She shares its with such famous and infamous people as arguably-the-best-director-ever Alfred Hitchcock, golf great Ben Hogan, murderous scumbag Fidel Castro, musician Don Ho, money manipulator Janet Yellin, hockey goon Bobby Clarke, loved/hated golf presenter David Feherty, “actor”/”musician” Danny Bonaduce, the greatest darts player ever Phil Taylor, rocker Ian Highland, and singer Dan Fogelberg.
Its also the day on which Cortez ended the Aztec Empire by capturing Cuahtemoc, Voltaire’s “Zaire” premiered, the Bayreuth Festspielhaus opened with eh first complete performance of Wagner’s Ring Cycle (which I would like to see someday at the festival), Ataturk was installed as the first Turkish president, “Bonnie and Clyde” hit theaters, Jim Palmer threw a no-hitter, IE 3.0 was released, and the first episode of South Park aired.
Did you get all that? I hope so, because I’m already past it and on to…the links!

Arr your chirren are berong to me!
North and South Korea announce third round of peace talks for next month in Pyongyang, as end of decades-long war is in sight. But don’t expect the media to give credit to anyone besides Kim and Moon.
Just in case you were dumb enough to believe Google wasn’t using tracking services on your android devices even when you turn them off, you can put that delusion to rest. They track you in a very specific violation of your settings and in gross violation of your confidence, meanwhile they ban Alex Jones for violating the terms of service. Seems legit.

This is apparently the good kind of media silencing.
Political leaders silencing the media is a bad thing, isn’t it? Then how come this isn’t getting mention anywhere outside the NY Post? Oh, right…because talking about it might not serve the purpose the media wants.
The saying starts “the wheels of justice turn slow”. Sometimes they turn at 70 mph. But I’d imagine they still ground pretty fine.

Of course we’re entrapping people. Its what we do!
Chicago officials apologize after entrapment scheme outed. Can somebody ask them the difference here and in setting up people by having cops poses as hookers or underage kids online? Because nobody seems to care about those.
Transparency is for the little people. So is justice, apparently.
More protests against migrants across Europe. I guess that’s what you get for joining the EU and ceding your sovereignty to Brussels.
Have a wonderful start to your week, friends!
“But don’t expect the media to give credit to anyone besides Kim and Moon.”
And Obama too..
Obama’s 9-D chess works every time.
>>having cops poses as hookers or underage kids online
OMWC hit hardest.
“Can somebody ask them the difference here and in setting up people by having cops poses as hookers or underage kids online? Because nobody seems to care about those.”
Because “racist”. Nike makes flashy basketball shoes. The cops might as well set up a buffet table with fried chicken and watermelon.
Or Thicc prostitutes.
They track you in a very specific violation of your settings and in gross violation of your confidence
I’d be curious if there’s any get out of jail free clause in their user agreement to cover that. Even if there is, the false option in settings alone might constitute actionable fraud. The Libre 5 can’t come soon enough.
If the edit faerie could close my tag and fix my spelling that would be great.
But they are doing all this totalitarian shit for your own good! How else can they make you do left-think and be a good collectivist?
For a number of reasons I’ve thought about making my next phone a Windows phone. Not that there won’t be tracking stuff there, but because I’ll be one of their nineteen customers in the US I figure I’ll have a little more leverage.
You’re too late for that. Windows phone is dead. I had three, but I was finally forced to go to Android when my last phone’s battery took a shit.
Windows Phone OS is dead, but Windows 10 Mobile is technically still alive. There’s only 2 phones available with it right now though. The Alcatel Idol 4S and the HP Elite x3.
This is why I turn the location service off unless I need it to navigate somewhere (which is rare). Once I am where I need to be, off it goes.
I don’t allow that shit to be on ever. Sounds like they track you despite that.
Yeah, if you click through, that’s the crux of the issue. That toggle option in the settings menus doesn’t really do anything. The FSF has been whinging about having hardware switches for this stuff for years for this exact reason.
I don’t mean privacy settings, I mean the actual location service on the phone; the GPS function. That’s only on when I use it for navigating.
Soft switches aren’t actually switches, just saying.
No, I know. My thinking goes that the phone manufacturers wouldn’t be so devious as to let apps override the GPS “off” switch.
Right? *awkward laugh*
Some are better than others, they might not all be total scum. The stock ROM on my current phone was a fucking cornucopia of malware. Others are pretty vanilla. Nevertheless, it’s more the NSA type stuff that worries me.
What Pat said.
The fitness tracker app I use explicitly states that they use WiFi for location tracking even when you turn off the WiFi soft switch. In that mode it doesn’t transmit on the WiFi band, but sniffs for nearby WAPs and uses those to determine your location.
Not sure if cable modems have built in GPS, or whether the ISPs have a searchable database of the locations of fixed-location WAPs.
(Rustles tinfoil)
ISPs have a searchable database of the locations of fixed-location WAPs.
This one.
/somebody who has worked on cable modem design in the past.
Your ISP knows about every packet that enters and leaves your cable modem. It can also access and manage your cable modem/gateway, down to the finest detail, with ease. That’s one reason why I run a separate router and modem setup. Short of end-to-end encryption, your packets are easily inspected and classified by the ISP, by the network owner, and by any meddling interloper. Even with end to end encryption, it’s not impossible to figure out what you’re up to. It’s like a lock on your front door… makes you a less appealing target than your neighbor.
I keep my phone wrapped in tin foil.
If I need to navigate somewhere, I don’t use a phone, I use a GPS. The interface on the GPS is simply better than the phone, and its screen requires less battery, plus I don’t need to take off my gloves to interact with it (unlike the touch screens on phones which respond to electrical potential instead of pressure)
And I don’t need to pay extra for a device that my smart phone already includes functionality for. I understand the upsides of GPS units, I just don’t need directions often enough for it to make sense for me fiscally.
And if you come to your senses and upgrade to a flip phone?
Then I will buy a GPS and some driving gloves and join the UCS cult.
Why am I not surprised you use driving gloves.
I don’t care for sunburned hands. I am more likely to use the GPS when driving long distances. The last time I forgot to wear gloves on a long distance drive, I got sunburned.
Somehow driving gloves + a Ford C-Max does not compute.
It’s not possible for enough UVA or UVB light for a sunburn to penetrate a windshield.
So, what, it was a chemical burn? I didn’t spend any other time outside on that trip.
No, not chemical burns
Though logically, I should have made the UV connection. I a;ready know ‘transitions’ lens are useless for me, because I most need sunglasses when driving. I just failed the last link in the chain.
However, the gloves still help with a solar-heated steering wheel, which would be enough on its own.
I don’t know what it was, but it’s scientifically not possible for it to have been a sunburn unless you had a unique windshield installed that lacks the requisite laminate. I mean, it’s possible that you got a bad windshield but extremely unlikely.
Sloop, don’t forget he lives somewhere it is possible to drive comfortably with the windows down for half the year.
And the sun is out like 23 house a day in the summer.
UCS drives an Atom
Sloop, don’t forget he lives somewhere it is possible to drive comfortably with the windows down for half the year.
When I interned with a Dermatologist one summer, he saw a lot of patients with Basal Cell Carcinoma. I’d estimate half presented with it on the top of their left forearms.
You guys are missing the point. No one wears driving gloves unless they’re throttling runaways.
This whole exchange has given me my 1st sensible chuckle of the week.
Much obliged.
It isn’t a false option in the settings. It does what it says it does – it disables your location timeline in google maps.
Which is a little misleading if you aren’t privy to exactly how every application in your phone works. Because your browser probably sends location data too. And this is what they are talking about. Every time you search, your browser is sending location information along with it. That way if you search for “italian restaurant”, you get restaurants nearby instead of everyone in the country getting a list of restaurants in New York City.
There are a lot of other apps that grab your location too. Facebook does it in the background too.
So turning off the google maps timeline feature kinda seems like it might be turning off all location history storage – at least with google. But it isn’t. But there’s another “turn it off” location that does turn it off for google. But it turns off all history for google, not just location. So you wouldn’t think to even look for it.
I’m gonna say this is intentionally opaque so that they can still get the info, but probably not a violation of the user agreement. They are pretty explicit about stuff, and there’s always a google help article that exactly explains these sorts of situations (which is going to be something that nobody is even going to look for unless they run in to this discrepancy the hard way.)
It isn’t a false option in the settings. It does what it says it does – it disables your location timeline in google maps.
Yes and no. From the article:
That’s apparently getting retained regardless of your settings preferences – just not in the visible-to-you timeline.
Also, let’s get real here. Does anyone actually believe that Google honors your account preferences or actually discards their dossier on you when you request deletion of information in your account? I mean on the backend, not on the web interface.
We also have to make a differentiation between GPS location services and general location services. Off the top of my head, there are 5 or 6 ways for a smartphone to get your location. 1) GPS, 2) query the connected cell tower, 3) triangulate and database lookup using cell towers, 4) IP address from wifi connection, 5) triangulation and database lookup using wifi signals, 6) Bluetooth.
By and large, “Location” on your phone refers to GPS. Shutting off the GPS doesn’t prevent an app from using any of those other 5 methods to determine your location. The only ways to shut off all location services are to turn on airplane mode or turn the phone off. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if the phone had the ability to get a coarse location in airplane mode and when turned off.
This is why I was unhappy with the concept of fixed batteries.
Yeah, I don’t generally have GPS on unless I’m using it for navigation, and between WiFi and I assume cell tower data most apps can get a pretty good idea of where my phone is when I search for something where location would be relevant.
Which probably means that they should come up with a “don’t share my location at all” option for security settings.
Sloopy – Migrant link points to the same Denver Post about da fine men in bloo
Its been fixed.
“Political leaders silencing the media is a bad thing, isn’t it? Then how come this isn’t getting mention anywhere outside the NY Post? Oh, right…because talking about it might not serve the purpose the media wants.”
It’s only censorship if it is something that hurts the enemies of the democratic party. According to these losers doing the news is killing stories that hurt the team blue, while painting anything that hurts team red in the worst possible negative light (including making up shit). And it doesn’t apply only to DeBlasio.
Geez, at least Gianforte does his OWN body-slamming.
At this point the only thing I can think of when I hear The Final Countdown is GOB Bluth.
Chris Cilizza wants you to know what a horrible, rotten, no-good President you have.
In the White House, all of the turmoil adds to the already palpable sense of chaos that surrounds 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Already, 57% of Trump’s “A Team” staffers have left the White House in just its first year and a half, according to statistics maintained by Brookings Institute’s Kathryn Dunn Tenpas. That nearly equals the turnover among top staffers for the entire first terms of Barack Obama (71% turnover), George W. Bush (63%), Bill Clinton (74%) and George H.W. Bush (66%).
And then there is Sessions. No Cabinet member — past or present — has been bullied by Trump more than the nation’s top law enforcement professional. Trump has repeatedly said publicly that he wishes he would have picked someone other than Sessions to be his attorney general
The result, like so much of Trump’s wildly unpredictable management style, is disorder, disarray and disorganization. Turnover and uncertainty rarely create a well-functioning work environment. And because of Trump’s tendency to openly discuss and deride both those who have left his side and those who continue to work within his administration, he launches a series of storylines that not only highlight the pandemonium within his ranks but also crowd out other, more positive stories for his White House.
Nothing about actual policy, just a bunch of whining about staff churn. Change is bad.
I wonder if Cilizza cries when the manager goes to the mound and changes pitchers.
These people are furious that the deplorables managed to hand Trump the election they thought they had rigged for Hillary. Even worse for them, Trump proceeded to do things that left no doubt that the left is a bunch of lying cunts and should not be trusted with power, while helping out those deplorables that the left told to just suck dick. Understand that, and this wailing and clothes rending routine becomes transparent as shit.
For God’s sake, think of poor Jeff Sessions! Now that’s someone I never would’ve dreamed Chris Cilizza would’ve gone to bat for.
Didn’t CNN have a bunch of firings earlier this year?
Those were Trump’s fault too!
“57% of Trump’s “A Team” staffers have left the White House in just its first year and a half, according to statistics maintained by Brookings Institute’s Kathryn Dunn Tenpas. That nearly equals the turnover among top staffers for the entire first terms of Barack Obama (71% turnover), George W. Bush (63%), Bill Clinton (74%) and George H.W. Bush (66%).”
The only number that approaches “nearly eauals” is 63% and it’s still 6 percentage points higher.
Meh, it is in the ballpark….. but now that they’ve weeded out the first round, surely most of the remainder will last until the next election, right? So he’s probably kinda on pace.
But Clinton and Obama each had over 70% turnover in 4 years. Clinton had almost 3/4 of his staff turn over! That is news. Holy crap, is that bad retention.
I ran a ~50 person department for nearly 15 years and didn’t lose enough to be worth counting the whole time. In fact, my original team of 7 remained together with only one defection. Only my help desk had significant turnover, with 2 guys leaving in the first 5 years…. but that is a low paying, low prestige job, kinda entry level.
I’m going to speculate that they have such high turnover because a White House job is worth a lot more while your boss is still in office. So you want to cash out quick. This would also explain the higher rate of defections with team D in office. Running back to Goldman Sachs for a big payday is probably pretty tempting.
The media made associating with the Trump campaign career suicide, leaving only those with fuck-you money (DeVos, for example), those already despised by Dems (Sessions), and those with compromised ethics who could find no other ally in Washington other than a campaign/administration struggling to find talent (Manafort et al.).
And then they bitch that Trump hired the people they’d lined up for him.
Clinton and Obamas turned over because they were such awesome pros not even the President could hang on to them. Trumps and Bushes left out of disgust.
Jesus, Obama and Clinton each turned over almost 3/4 of their major staffers in their first term? What a shitshow those two admins must have been.
No, no, no…
They did it because they wanted to get the best people in there…..
Jesus only had one of his major staffers leave in his first term.
Not true. He was still hanging around at the end.
Yeah, that is a exactly why the Oxford comma is important. If you assume sloopy is a modern writer, that reads really horribly.
But those three should be mentioned together.
-DNC staffer
Thank you! I hate it when people get scurred of the Oxford comma.
Two, if you count flat out denial of any knowledge of him.
Ah yes. I forgot about Peter.
*Butthead laugh*
It’s awful when people determine quickly that their first pubsec job might not be a good fit for them or the country and they return to the private sector. It’s much better for them to stay in a job in order to keep up appearances even though they’re innefective and someone else might be able to do the job more in line with the goals and requirements of the officeholder who put them in the position.
Everybody should. It’s a time Easter making baseball games longer.
57 ≠ 71 or 74. GW Bush (63) is the only true close #.
Also, does the turnover mean anything?
Hey Glibs, is this story just old news, or not worthy of the AM links? This woman is something else, I tell ya, accusing MSNBC of not shilling hard enough for the insane leftists and herself.
It is well known at Democratic Underground that the (((news media))) is a vast Zionist/right wing collaborative conspiracy.
It was the media that did Hillary in. They treated Trump like an equal. If the media had just come out and said”Hillary must become president” she’d be in. Also they kept reporting on ’emails’. It’s just some emails,not a crime.
“First of all, I know NBC has been on a jag as one of their priorities to undermine my prospects as speaker,” Pelosi said.
She then said that she knows better than anyone how important the upcoming election is because “I see up close and personal what the Republicans and this president are doing.”
The Wicked Witch of the West knows whats good for you.
Chicago officials apologize after entrapment scheme outed.
Funny how THIS gets them to apologize, but secret jails and shooting people in the back don’t.
They needed an entrapment scheme because they have no murders to solve.
How cities trick you into better behaviour
“Behavioural” design sounds a lot like Cass Sunsetein’s “libertarian paternalism” that Welch was so enamored with a decade ago.
It doesn’t seem like a whole lot of effort to disable the buzzer by shorting the wires bhind the component.
“introducing subconscious ‘nudges’ has proved to be more efficient”
That’s creepy. I miss the good old days when the government would just dose you with lsd when they wanted to experiment with thought control.
Interestingly, I just finished Fritz Leiber’s “Our Lady of Darkness”, in which a major theme is the occult theory that cities take on literal lives of their own when they reach a certain critical mass, and can exert their wills on their inhabitants either indirectly through a kind of general supernatural force or directly via avatars the book refers to as “paramentals”. I’m reminded of that when I hear about the “nudge” and urban planning.
John Shirley’s City Come a-Walkin’ works this theme to disturbing effect.
Why are the successful “nudges” we hear about almost exclusively negative reinforcement designed to steer people toward a predetermined behavior? These aren’t “studies” in the sense of trying to determine behavior. They’re studies in how to force compliance. And that nanny state shit leads down a dark path.
But it is all for your own good, you fucking wrecker/kulak!
The idea that it’s even a “nudge” is an absurd bit of sophistry. As if forcing you to opt out in the most inconvenient manner possible is the same as opting you in by default.
They aren’t deceiving anyone. The alternative to a nudge is a shove, which is aggressive and rude. But they are still touching you without permission and still moving you where they want to go.
Yeah, nudging was the first thing that popped into my mind.
My problem with the government nudging (amongst others) is they have a history of nudging in the wrong direction. See Food Pyramid.
Libertarian paternalism ought to be government checking in with you once a year at the holidays to have some drinks and throw a party.
I was all set to blow my brains out, but fortunately the buzzer went off and I had to stop and disable it and by that time the moment had passed.
Then intruding on everyone’s life was worth it.
Hostile architecture
Wow. That article is decidedly one-sided, even for Wikipedia.
I read an in-depth article about it in some design blog I follow (can’t remember which one), which was fascinating. I just linked the first one I googled.
Don’t get me wrong. As an architecture geek, I too find it very interesting. I’m going to look into it a little more. I was just taken aback by how one-sided that Wikipedia article was.
My first reaction to the image of the steps with embedded bolts was “What happened when someone trips and lands on that?”
They have nice, rounded acorn nuts on them, so it’s totes OK. Looks like it might be a good place for a deep muscle massage.
And they use an example of “two short benches used instead of one long one.” IMO the “short” benches look like normal sized benches. Did it cross their minds that maybe buying two, standard sized benches was cheaper than one double sized bench?
Or they already bought 100 regular benches, and there was no point in doing another procurement. Or…
And as you say, those were not ‘short’ benches. This is a short bench.
Years ago I took a class in which the instructor, in sort of a lengthy non sequitur that was still pretty interesting, talked about the psychological and sociological elements of design, specifically in regard to architecture and interior design. I’ll paraphrase as best I can:
Take a Starbucks. The interior is done in muted earth tones. It’s usually either nicely heated or cooled depending on the outside temps. There are plenty of round tables with wooden cafe chairs, usually some upholstered armchairs and couches if it’s big enough. If there’s music, it’s usually at a low volume, and generally folk music, or smooth jazz, or something like that. They clean the bathrooms on the hour, and they’re generally in immaculate condition. A number of Starbucks have gas fireplaces. The lights are low. They have ceramic mugs available, you can get a pot of tea, stuff like that. Your average Starbucks is designed to get you to come in and stay, because long ago the people at Starbucks figured out that the way they make the most money is by getting people to come in and lounge around. People who stay in a Starbucks will keep spending money, and people who just want a drink to go will tend to be attracted to a cafe that has people visibly relaxed and enjoying themselves.
Now take a McDonald’s. The colors are bright and garish. The chairs are fixed to square tables, which are also bolted down. They’re also made of hard plastic, and if you pay attention you’ll notice that you can’t really lean back in one, and if you’re an average-sized adult it’s just a little bit cramped. It’s loud. The music is usually turned up a little bit, and it’s generally up-tempo pop or contemporary country, depending on your market. The lights are very, very bright. The bathrooms, while usually clean, are often built to save space, and in the worst cases look like they once housed angry gorillas. There’s a reason for this. Long ago, McDonald’s hired a group of sociologists and psychologists to find the sweet spot between maximizing customers while minimizing churn. Allegedly, the group found that fifteen minutes was the magic number. That is, it should take a customer approximately fifteen minutes to comfortably eat a McDonald’s meal, at which point they should GTFO. So they went to work on the design of McDonald’s restaurants and came up with a collection of design elements intended specifically to make people start to feel anxious and restless after about fifteen minutes.
I find that stuff absolutely fascinating.
OT: I love looking at Midcentury Modern. I adore googie. The Farnsworth house is a masterpiece. But I wouldn’t want to live in it.
When I read Anthem, I pictured the Eames house.
My wife and I visited Frank Lloyd Wright house last week. I was pretty cool.
Yeah, it’s neat to look at, and there’s something to be said for the functionality, but it would be hard to live with. I find that while I like looking at Georgian and Victorian stuff I prefer to actually spend time in Craftsman-style places.
If you stroll around the casinos down on the strip in Las Vegas with a careful eye it’s amazing all the subtle shit you’ll notice that’s designed to extract money from the punters. And which particular punters, depending on the property.
I remember a local Wendy’s just stuck a sign on the wall telling you you have 20 minutes to eat and GTFO (not in so many words).
Maybe that’s why they got rid of the playrooms – When my kids were little the Ex and I would sit in the playroom and enjoy an adult conversation while the kids burned energy.
I am okay with this if it is voluntary.
“Can somebody ask them the difference here and in setting up people by having cops poses as hookers or underage kids online? Because nobody seems to care about those”
There is no difference. It’s just cops out snagging the low hanging fruit because crime generates out of your own department is easier to solve.
There must not be enough crime in Chicago for the cops to have make more of it to hit their arrest quotas.
Actually, unless the cops had someone under cover who solicited people to break into the truck, I don’t think that’s entrapment. Just leaving a truck as bait is not the same as trying to induce someone to commit a crime they otherwise would not have committed, is it?
Technically, you are right. However, the police knew full well what was going to happen to that truck when they left it there. This speaks to their mentality.
Yeah, the outrage here isn’t over using a bait truck to catch people who have been “breaking in to [shipping] containers” in the area.
The outrage is putting out a truck with something attractive to random teenagers instead of the target thieves (who they claim have stolen things like shipments of guns). They clearly just wanted to be able to get an arrest or 3, so they put something out that would get them an arrest, even if the thieves they were targeting aren’t the ones they arrest.
They created an “attractive nuisance”, to borrow a legal term. They might as well have built a skate park and put up no trespassing signs so they could arrest kids for trespassing. (ok, stealing shoes is not in the same class as using a skate park without permission, but still).
Way wrong.
NS set up the truck, not the police. NS just told the cops they were doing it.
The one time police actually enforce property rights and people here are complaining?
Thanks, I breezed right over that in the article. So Norfolk Southern set up a truck as a part of a joint operation with the cops.
Interesting that the police used that fact to disavow any responsibility.
– Read it somewhere
I don’t circulate in those circles, so I’ve only met one “I know for sure it was a prostitute” hooker. She was pretty hot.
I was in an Atlanta hotel bar for the NCAA tournament back in my school days in the 80’s. Some business guy was having a drink with us at the bar and he started chatting up this pretty hot lady who was probably in her late 20’s. They talked for about 3 minutes next to us, mostly out of earshot. He gave her his key and she got up and left and then he paid his tab and got up to leave, giving us a knowing look. My friend asked what that was all about and he leaned in and said, “Well, I recon’ she’s a prostitute, isn’t she?”
She definitely had all her teeth.
I recon there is a different class of hos working the hotel circuit than standing on the street corners asking dudes if they want a date..
Wait, so Pretty Woman was bullshit?
Meh, I can see that.
It definitely was since Richard Gere was more into gerbil joys from what I was told…
Nope – pull up to any city curb and you’ll have to chose between Julia Roberts and Laura San Giacomo.
I might actually consider living in a city were that the case.
I’ve tended a few hotel bars. And there are plenty of prostitutes that have had way more work then just getting their teeth fixed.
Manhattan Contrarian Weekend Quiz: How To Identify Racist And Sexist Remarks And Slurs
1. Racist
2. Racist
3. Totes okay.
Let me guess:
1. – Racist, 2. – Racist, 3. – Not Racist
I love the answers for 7 & 8.
I like 7 and 8. We live in fucking Clown World.
Any NY Glibs around?
Think about signing a petition for the Libertarian candidate (Featured here in a piece by our very own SP) so he’s on the ballot, deadline is Friday and I *think* they may be a bit behind…
Disclaimer: this message has not been approved by our sponsors.
Link to petition page:
Send me one of your neighbor’s names and I’ll fill out an absentee ballot to vote for him.
Send me [a random name off of a local tombstone] and I’ll……..
Go to a cemetery and take pics of 100 headstones and send them to me. I’ll do my part.
Ataturk was a lot smarter than the new Turkish strong-man. About 2/3 of the way through this story we get to the meat. Trump and Erdogan made a deal at the NATO summit. Israel would release a Turk accused of terrorist activity, and Turkey would release pastor Andrew Brunson.
Israel released the Turk the next day – then Erdogan decided they didn’t have a deal so Brunson continues to rot in jail.
“Hey, at least we got Bergdahl back.”
I wasn’t getting very far on a lot of Tarnished Sterling projects, so I’m dusting off a half-finished light adventure novel to see if I can wrap that up. Of course, it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten the details, so I have to re-read what I’ve gotten down.
I’m not sure how the protagonist’s group avoids getting slaughtered by the local tribals.
I mean… That could be one way to end the book….
It’s supposed to be the start of a series. Stanley is supposed to make it off the planet and go on to the next adventure (being put on trial for failure to comply with a Royal Edict from the Naga Queen)
It would be a untraditional way to start a series for sure.
1)He uses his superior technology and they worship him as a god.
2) A native hottie throws herself in front of the adventurer.
3) He introduces them to guns, horses and alcohol, sits back, and gets the popcorn ready.
4) Do the natives need any blankets?
1) The antagonist Koschei controls the orbital defense platforms and has intimidated the natives into being more afraid of him than the Sky People.
2) The natives are scorpion people, and I don’t do interspecies erotica.
3) The natives have guns and Alcohol, and Stanley doesn’t have horses.
4) It’s a tropical jungle, so not so much.
Re the bait truck. Stealing is wrong. Pedophilia is wrong. A sexual contract between 2 adults is not wrong and should be legal.
Most British Asians think same-sex marriage is unacceptable, says BBC poll
And by British Asian, we mean…
Apparently, these Asians have never seen “My Beautiful Laundrette”.
Great film.
Stephen Frears movies are all pretty damn good.
Lets just say the the kind with a cultural heritage of lady-boys.
Er.. not. Not the kind wit that cultural heritage.
In the UK, “Asian” usually means South Asian, as in India/Pakistan/Bangladesh.
It’s all those Pakistanis that are the rampant homophobes.
Older people from Hong Kong?
I just heard the Omarosa recording of her getting fired on Fox Business.
1. Holy shit, she snuck a recording device into the White House situation room. She should be going to jail.
2. Kelly was treating her with kid-gloves and trying to make it as amicable as possible. Only a crazy person would think there was anything controversial about that conversation.
Is DC one of those places that requires both parties to know they are being recorded? Also, that doesn’t seem to stop the government from recording everyone, so I don’t see why I should care when it happens to them.
Doesn’t matter. In the situation room, you shouldn’t be recording shit.
If the situation room is an area where classified info might be discussed, you’re not allowed to bring in any electronic devices that can record or transmit data. Of course I can’t bring my phone in a classified room, but I also can’t bring my fitness tracker or the key fob for my car. I bet the security manager for the WH is going thru a complete verification process today and everybody is going to be checked at the classified room entrances for the next month.
Yeah, this is a cunt with a chip on her shoulder.
The bitch be trying to sell books. That’s all.
A white person glad handing blacks is only acceptable if she lies about carrying hot sauce in her purse.
She should be going to jail.
Schoolboy rapists think it’s normal for girls to CRY during sex – as it’s claimed ‘a rape a day’ happens in UK schools
“I go into schools and talk to children around that age all that time who think that crying is part of foreplay because they have seen so much online porn that normalises violence and treating women in a way that is incredibly misogynistic and dehumanising.”
Yeah, I’m gonna call bullshit on that one. Reminds me of Stanhope’s bit on child porn being rampant on the internet. It was something along the lines of: “I’ve watched a lot of online porn and I’ve never seen any child porn. I’ve seen cock fingering videos. If child porn is rampant on the internet then cock fingering must be going on in this room right now.”
“Ms Bates said a rape each term day is occurring in UK schools with 600 being reported to the police in the three years to July 2015”
Sure, Jan.
If so, then we need to end the public school system now. This would not be tolerated if these were private schools – the schools would be closed and the owners sued into the poor house.
“600 being reported to the police”
None in Rotheram.
I mean, I think the Brits should look at this as progress. It used to be only the highest class males got raped at school in that country.
Man accused of murdering and eating his ex-girlfriend ruled mentally fit to stand trial
Tastes like chicken.
Was he “eating” parts of her body before he killed her? Or is this about the guy really eating parts of her body? And what parts did he eat?
“brain, heart and lungs.”
Cassowary actually, according to 20th century cannibals.
With some Fava beans and a nice Chianti?
That’s no way to get a head in life.
Now she’ll never be the head of a major corporation.
-Austin Powers
Not really relevant but my giant of a drill seargent use to say that he’d rip my head off and skull fuck me if I didn’t pull my head out of my ass. I thought he was 100% serious.
DIs usually are when they make comments like that.
I wish I could meet him and thank him for making me a better man
I doubt that. I strongly suspect that the hard ads drill sergeant is putting on an act. Boot camp is all about conditioning kids to be compliant.
I imagine after a hard day of yelling at kids, the drill instructors all sit back and have a good laugh about it.
Absolutely. I was a grad hold at Parris Island – I got stress fractures on my shin during the Crucible, which is the big finale to boot camp. Since I didn’t fall out until just before the end, I was allowed to graduate with my platoon, but after 10 days of leave I had to come back to Parris Island as a “basic Marine” rather than a recruit. You’d then be there until you had healed up, or until you got tossed for medical reasons. In the meantime, they’d give you little make-work jobs. Mine was working in the 3rd Battalion S-4 office, answering phones, typing things up, making copies, etc. In that job I got to see drill instructors behind-the-scenes quite a bit, and you’re right – they laugh their asses off about it all the time.
You’re gonna go through all that trouble and then eat organ meats?
What a dumbass.
Authorities don’t yet know the cause of some of the fires, but the region’s giant utility, PG&E Corp., see a culprit at work — climate change. The blazes in recent years, it said, are the latest example of how global warming has produced unusually hot, dry conditions that spawn more frequent and intense fires. “Climate change is no longer coming, it’s here,” Geisha Williams, chief executive officer of PG&E, said in an email. “And we are living with it every day.”
Scientists tend to agree with that assessment. But California’s biggest utility has an especially compelling reason to link the fires to the environment. State investigators have tied PG&E equipment, such as trees hitting power lines, to some of the blazes in October that in total destroyed nearly 9,000 structures and killed 44 people. It faces damage liabilities totaling as much as $17 billion, and possible financial ruin — its stock is down about 37 percent since the fires — unless Williams can convince California lawmakers that the company’s problem is, in fact, a climate change problem.
Williams is deploying the argument in a lobbying campaign she’s waging to shield PG&E from liability. California law holds that property owners can collect compensation from utilities linked to fires — even if they weren’t negligent.
If only those wires had been carrying electricity from solar panels, none of this would have happened.
“Climate change is no longer coming, it’s here,”
Thank goodness, now we can stop worrying about preventing it.
California has never caught on fire before.
Also. If those woods were owned by somebody who had an incentive to not let them burn. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
Bury the lines.
True, there wouldn’t have been enough power to start a fire with Solar.
The CEO of PG&E is named “Geisha Williams”? That’s, um, interesting.
California law holds that property owners can collect compensation from utilities linked to fires — even if they weren’t negligent.
That seems like a terrible policy – if no negligence can be proven, no compensation should be paid. I hope Californians like higher utility bills.
California law also gives utilities a guaranteed rate of return. So any settlement just gets passed on to the rate payers, the utilities have no reason to care at all.
As Trump considers penalties, Seattle-area immigrants turn down public benefits they’re entitled to claim. GOOD!
“Entitled” to claim “Public” benefits. Fuck off.
That guy that took that plane for a ride and crashed it wanted a different type of entitlement?
“Strapped for funds, she sent two nephews then living with her to another aunt, and she uses food banks to supplement what she can afford.”
Private solution to a private problem.
“she heard from a friend that getting the benefit could be counted against her if she applied for citizenship. And she was planning to do just that.
So she disenrolled.”
So, the policy is working as designed.
Good, GTFO. I’ve done a fair bit of research on how immigration and benefits work, and, frankly, legal immigrants, i.e. visa holders, who are on the dole are coming from households that are net drains on the economy even after you factor in stuff like usage taxes (sales, fuel, etc.) since a lot of that shit is getting subsidized. Even if there’s a head-of-household who is paying taxes, if they’re collecting WIC and so forth then they’re obviously at or near the poverty line and are getting all that money back short of SS anyway. And yeah, maybe in ten years they’ll have risen out of poverty and become net contributors. Or, you know, maybe not, and they’ll stay in poverty because they’re sending remittances back to family in their country of origin (or paying to get them here) instead of investing in education or buying a house or starting a business.
He was laughing and taking photos of the damage. When police got here he told them he wasn’t paid
Well… If he wasn’t paid and he bought all the material, it’s still his stuff
(I know construction contracts are far more nuanced than I present here.)
Okay, now on the surface this guy looks like a real asshole, but as the son of a contractor who dealt with commercial developers… let’s hear him out.
Right? Sometimes you just decide if there’s gonna be a contest on who can be the biggest asshole, might as well win with style.
Howard Roark is in the news.
That’s on TCM right now, by the way. We’re gonna watch it tonight because neither of us have seen it.
“Violent fighting broke out between attendees and counterprotesters. Authorities eventually forced the crowd to disperse, but a car later barreled into a crowd of peaceful counterprotesters, killing Heyer and injuring dozens more. A state police helicopter later crashed, killing two troopers.”
Articles keep mentioning that helicopter crash as if it were the result of the protests.
That’s the intent there with these cunts that keep bringing it up..
Matt Lauer and Hillary Clinton were both nearly killed in a nearby news helicopter that was being fired on by RPGs from the KKK on the ground.
You need to report to the Narrative Reeducation Center.
Notice we haven’t heard about James Fields’ trial in almost a year? If he has decent representation there is no way he’ll be convicted of anything close to murder. That may be why the Feds piled on a “hate-crime” charge last week against a white guy for hitting a white girl.
I heard that he was being charged with murder. But based on what information I have on what happened, it seems like manslaughter would be the charge. The prosecution may have shot themselves in the foot.
Here’s the first witness for the defense. I doubt Fields gets more than a traffic ticket.
Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle just before he drove into a group of protesters — killing Heather Heyer….
Fields, 20, drove his vehicle into a group of protesters — killing 32-year-old Heyer and injuring 35 other people. He is now charged with first-degree murder.
You might be right. It definitely ain’t first-degree murder.
“When the left uses violence, in the rare cases that it happens, it’s resistance,” Dixon said.
Yea sure. Except Antifa’s m.o. is to instigate violence, which you guys did, and sent the events in motion that got a girl killed, a girl whose corpse you now stand on for political gain as you lie about the circumstances of her death.
Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle
What’s he charged with, I wonder?
Leftist Goes On Unhinged Rant At ‘Unite The Right’ Rally
“‘Oh, Mueller is coming,” not if they f—ing off him, not if they have the Russian government come in and give him some of that poison,” the activist screamed.
“No one is going to save us but us, we America, Americans, our country, we are in an abusive relationship with a man who has kidnapped us!” the activist continued. “And the only way anyone gets out of an abusive relationship is you get the f— up when you are ready and get the f— out!”
The leftist then claimed that there might not be a chance to vote out Republicans this November because Trump wants to declare “martial law” and wants to prevent people from voting.
“There is no voting, there is no protesting that is going to get them out,” the activist continued. “The only thing that is going to get them out is us and they need to be snatched and thrown the f— out!”
These people would be amusing if not so crazy and violent.
The more reality does not conform to the narrative in their mind, the more unhinged they will become.
If you don’t let me win I will take my ball home!
It’s less of a kid throwing a tantrum and more of an issue of cognitive dissonance. They think Trump is literally Hitler. Except for maybe outside the whole children in cages thing (which was also done under Obama) he hasn’t been doing any literal Hitler things. So clearly it has all been done in secrecy and just a matter of time before the literal Hitler things Trump has been doing are exposed. If Mueller doesn’t expose the secret literally Hitler things Trump has been doing then it’s because Mueller has been compromised and we are no longer a nation of laws so let’s burn the motherfucker to the ground
“It’s less of a kid throwing a tantrum and more of an issue of cognitive dissonance. They think Trump is literally Hitler. ”
Shows you how fucking terrible the public school system is, especially when it comes to teaching facts, in this case historical ones, if these morons actually can think Trump is like Hitler.
One point Jordan Peterson has been repeatedly making is that if you declare people like Trump to be Hitler, when an actual Hitler comes along, you are utterly unprepared to warn people.
He’s Hitler SQUARED!
What pisses me off is that the reason the declared Trump Hitler was so they wouldn’t have to actually engage in any kind of debate about their beliefs & policies with him, because they know they would lose. And an actual potential Hitler did come around. Her name was Hillary Clinton, and we got lucky that she lost the fucking election.
These people seem immune to what made Hitler popular – the shit they are now selling about a nanny state – and what made him evil: that he used his government power to fuck over the individuals he didn’t like. I think if they understood history, they would see the people most likely to end up behaving like Hitler all are gonna have had a fucking (D) next to their name.
Hillary wasn’t as dangerous as Hitler.
Hitler connected with people. He really connected with them. Hillary was utterly incapable of it. Seriously. Note that the more people saw hillary on TV, the more they hated her.
Secondly, Hillary didn’t want to transform society. Look at all her policy ideas. They were always reactive. Always chosen to take out an enemy or put her in the front of a movement. And moreover they were incompetently executed.
The only area where she showed any competence was in graft.
Yes, she wanted to assassinate people who annoyed her. Yes, she seemingly was hell bent in destabilizing the world and getting the U.S. engaged in more and more wars.
But she was no Hitler. She was more a Hess.
All of that. And “Literally Hitler” would not let such protests occur. That they can shoot their mouths off like they do is directly contrary to the world they have fabricated in their heads.
This. If the Deplorables were as bad as they say, the news would be full of Leftists getting shot every day.
Oh, but Trump called the media the enemy of the people, and that means that there’s a target on the back of every single journalist in America. They’re in fear for their very lives, and yet they still speak truth to power! How noble!
This person believes all Law and Order is over, but is relying on the process of a Special Counsel?
That guy who won a free and fair (remember everyone assuring us how impossible it would be to rig an election.) Kidnapped us
Only democrats can win an election! Everyone else steals it!
Hey, remember when the entire news media latched onto a few statements from online nutcases saying Obama was going to declare martial law and then spent the entire next 8 years basing commentary around it as if it were an official piece of the Republican party platform?
IMHO, these counter protesters did more to wake up normies that a large contigenent of WN would have done.
Part of it is the Radical Chic mentality of many/most leftists. Their self image is derived from fighting the power to whom they subscribe all the supposed evils of the world. Fighting the imaginary Nazis is really just virtue signalling writ large for them. It gives them a (false) sense of relevance. Add the idealists and misguided that really think that the nebulous quality of “fairness” is somehow attainable, a dash or twenty of psychological projection, sprinkle in a few truly nefarious bad actors with real, violent mal-intent and PRESTO you have a mob of true believers.
I only wish they would hurry up and eat enough of their own and provide a wake up call to the merely delusional in their ranks.
Hubris is always the downfall.
To the several Glibs who are published authors – can any of you recommend a publisher?
I wrote a book over the last year which goes through all the myriad issues afflicting social science research, primarily through the lens of public opinion polls, to demonstrate why they’re no longer viable and shouldn’t be considered reliable.
I was going to self publish it, but my editor and everyone else that’s read it says its a really strong manuscript and that I should find an actual publisher. My few publishing contacts also love it, but won’t take it on, mostly because its politically neutral and not social justicey enough.
Does anyone have any recommendations? They would be greatly appreciated!
I’ve found that the traditional gatekeepers have been rotted by ideology. As your own remark regarding them avoiding ‘politically neutral’ material says. Anything stamped with a traditional publisher’s imprint is something I now actively avoid (unless it’s older material)
I’d heard that too but thought it was mostly confined to fiction, but that apparently wasn’t correct. Not sure how to address that.
I’m mooting about the idea of starting a publishing house.
What do we need to get into the business?
One needs to identify a market (in my case people who like good sci-fi), and figure out how to get books in their hands.
One needs to get authors who produce good content, edit their work for publication, and then market to target customers.
The printing part is easy. Start with on demand publishing houses and then as you move more product, you can search for ways of binding the books that is cheaper.
The good news is that there are lots of good authors out there. We just need to figure out the marketing to the customers.
And we need to view big book-stores like Barnes & Nobles as a would-be-nice store; their approach to how they stock authors is toxic.
I’d wager we have enough talent wandering around this site that we could get such a project off the ground. I’d be willing to contrigute what I can to such an endeavor. Content I can do, but my marketing expertise is… lacking.
I have a publishing company. It takes money or people willing to work for free, namely: editors, proofreaders, cover artists, and marketing. ESPECIALLY marketing. The books I publish (not my own) have space on bookshelves (not Barnes & Noble) because other people were invested in their own work succeeding.
It can be done; it’s not hard. I’d be willing to throw my experience in the pot.
Tarran and Mojeaux, please keep me in mind. I’m willing to proofread and perhaps edit. Will have copious spare time in the near future.
I am always asked if I know any good editors and my subcontractor list is dry because I get them when they’re hungry, they work, then they get busy. Email me at esb10 at b10mediaworx dot com and I will put you on my list. I sure coulda used you a couple of months ago. 😀
BTW, this is my place. I publish my own books and then I publish these and other projects my partner and I feel are important to our niche.
What is your niche (as defined by you)?
Mormon literature. BYU and Deseret Books are my biggest customers.
I can safely say I am well outside that niche.
Other than that catalog, I don’t publish anybody but myself.
I am willing to lend my expertise to a Glibertarian publishing house, though.
The only thing I will say is that whether you get a contract with a traditional publisher or decide to self-publish, you will have to market it yourself. When you submit your proposal to an agent, make sure to give them an outline of your marketing plan, including which social media platforms you’re on and how many followers you have.
It would be a bit easier with a traditional publisher, because they would have access to retailers that self-publishers don’t have (like, buying space on a front table in Barnes & Noble), but that’s about the only marketing you’ll get, IF you get it.
Also, what UnCivilServant said.
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like I’ll just do what I’d originally intended and self publish.
Let me know if you need help.
Marco Rubio looks for his place in Trump’s Republican Party
What we need is more wars
– Marco Rubio?
I thought of you when they left Bobby off the list of Americans who won 3 majors before they were 29. He won 4 US Opens and 3 British Opens before he retired at age 28.
The number of OSU alumni finishing in the Top 5 of the 2018 PGA Championship: zero.
The number of non-Ohio State alums with 15 or more major victories: zero
Stanford has an alum at 17 (I count US and British Amateurs).
Of course, OSU has the only one 18+.
And they’re both dicks.
My few publishing contacts also love it, but won’t take it on, mostly because its politically neutral and not social justicey enough.
Juice up the title a bit:
How Vladimir Putin and His Puppet in the White House Destroyed Democracy by Invalidating Social Science.
Any non-Evertonians have any opinions on Jags red card? I have my own, which was when I played 30 years ago, that was not only not a red, it wasn’t even a foul. If you get the ball first, its a clean tackle.
I think its a yellow it today’s game, but the fact that the Wolves player was holding a body part that was never touched just pisses me off extra.
Eh, it was not an outrageous red and probably deserved. The Wolves player was theatrical, but he was holding the ankle that got studded.
OT: Company Parking Lot – I routinely park all the way to the right, trying to minimize door dings and stay away from the several bad drivers who like to a) back in to a spot b) but not stay between the lines.
To the right of my car are several no parking signs, put in place so maintenance can more easily drive vehicles, including fully loaded semi’s into the nearby service area. I look out the window and see… a vehicle parked right there in front of the no parking signs, really close to my new car. *sigh*
Obviously you have to get rid of the car and start walking to work. It’s the only way to be sure.
I was expecting that story to end with “And a maintenance semi ripped the passenger side off my car”
This guy must love his car more than you love yours…
The sooner you get that first scratch, the sooner you will be able to quit worrying about it.
It’s just a mustang.
Meh – it’s the same when I drove a very minty Countryman… or even a beat up Clubman. People around here don’t know how to park, which isn’t helped by the cheap company which hasn’t repainted the lines for a couple of years,
I am sure they have a brand spanking new sign telling you they are not responsible for your car even if their lot sucks…
Buy some orange safety cones and put them around your parked car.
Alternatively, upgrade to a heavy-duty vehicle that will do more damage than it receives when struck.
You know I’ve always wanted a T34 tank
Good choice. You could even safely park that thing in the compact spot.
The current occupants won’t be thrilled.
Guy with a brand new Audi TT decided to park across 4 spaces in the middle of our lot years ago.
We decided to box him in with 4 cars on all sides.
Ford Performance unveils 2019 Mustang for Monster Energy Series
“BAT ATTACK Moment five men armed with metal baseball bats attack BMW as terrified child sits in back seat”
Why do they blur the faces of the attackers? They are on a public street.
Masked? by who (whom)?
West Fargo man victim of ‘vomit fraud,’ and his wife found the video to prove it
It’s an interesting story about Lyft and Uber drivers faking messes in their cars so they can charge riders a clean-up fee. Sally Holmes here nailed this driver for his terrible job of faking it. Unfortunately, in the end, the best they can come up with to stop this is, “there ought to be a law.”
I wonder if cases like this will be on a rebooted version of Forensic Files a decade from now.
One thing happens to one person and now we all must suffer equally because of it.
It’s very strange. I can’t quite figure out if she’s Hawt or Nawt.
She looks a lot like a girl I dated in college, similar body too – which was lots of fun but not the body of models in the 80’s.
After some deliberation, I’m going Nawt. I mean, Hawt was gonna be too strong anyway, but the thing is she’s got that weird Instagram thicc thing, where she has a big, weird-shaped butt and no balancing curvature upstairs. Like she looks like a skinny girl with fat thighs, and that does zippy for me. The “decanter” body shape is singularly unattractive to me.
She has a very cute face. At least in most of those photos.
Yes, that is by far the most interesting thing about her. I certainly would, duh, but I’m more of a lean/athletic kinda guy. She’s weirdly disproportioned and it won’t age well. Although my current Lady is probably best described as being somewhat thicc. Busty, curvy with thin waist. Skinny tennis-honed ankles. But it all makes sense on her.
And no pics for any of you! *Glares around the room menacingly*
The suit cut isn’t very flattering as it hides her breasts and accentuates her wide hips.
Looks like you all have a case of the Mammary Mondays.
4 cuz I’m a sucker for pasties. 28 for the Britney Spears impersonation. 32 cuz she gets her hands dirty.
It there any way to have a B cup vs C cup comparison?
34 and 41 because proportionality is the heart of aesthetics.
Become an engineer the easy way:
Myra Cabangon was a quality-control supervisor at a snack-food factory in the Philippines. But when she moved to the New York City area two years ago, the best job she could find was selling coffee on the overnight shift at an airport hotel.
She longed to boost her pay and use her background as a chemical engineer. Ms. Cabangon turned to a short retraining program at the Cooper Union, a venerable private college, that helps immigrant engineers reboot their résumés and rise above survival jobs such as washing dishes. Now, she works as a project assistant at an engineering firm, earning roughly triple the $8.50-an-hour wage she made selling coffee.
“I am lucky and thankful,” said the 33-year-old Queens resident, adding that she sees her current post as a launchpad. “Now I feel more confident.”
Despite the Retraining Program for Immigrant Engineers’s success helping about 225 immigrants yearly, organizers say it has become more difficult to fill seats because of recent U.S. immigration-policy changes. Student recruiter Ekaterina Zaitseva said that although the courses are free and participants must be in the U.S. legally, some potential applicants are wary of signing up in light of stepped up deportations and calls to decrease visas based on family ties.
Funny. I went back to school to get a ChemE degree in large part BECAUSE I thought there was a chance international competition would cap wages in software development.
And I’m sure it only took you 8-12 weeks of nights and weekends!
I went to quite possibly the least impressive engineering school in the country, but it was accredited. I guess I wonder what SHOULD the process be to get a credential verified. Also, $25/hr was what they paid at internships, so I guess she isn’t quite taking our jerbs yet. Can anyone sit for the FE exam? I thought you had to have or be on track to acquire a degree from an accredited school.
I know someone that went and got a nursing degree because he was adamant that all IT jobs would end up outsourced. Man did he have some fun hospital internship stories. Needless to say, his given nickname – the hotdog extractor – came after he told us about the adventure he had during the weekend where someone had come in with a hotdog they could not remove from a body part where hotdogs are not supposed to go into. I believe he now works at some hospital doing IT during the day and pulling objects out of people’s arses when doing his nursing rounds in the the ER.
remove from a body part where hotdogs are not supposed to go into
God damn nanny statists telling me what I’m not supposed to eat.
Yeah, these items were not eaten.. Unless your digestive track goes in both directions..
I don’t care about the article
but the market for engineers is fascinating. Most of the classically trained engineers I know spend very little time doing any engineering work (according to me and my narrow classic definition of engineering of which I shall not repent); simultaneously, most classic engineering positions are “hard to fill.”
The funny thing about business conservatives is that they lord the market when they’re making money: I’m a self-made man, I earn every penny I make, survival of the fittest, I built this business from the ground up. But when they drag a hook through the water with almost no bait on it and can’t catch anything, we hear: there just aren’t enough qualified candidates, which has become a trope in the past 20 years; markets for talent don’t count…those guys are just uppity and expensive. ye gods! I’d be terrified to delay a project worth millions in profits while wrangling with the perfect match over $20k and an extra week of vacation, but it happens every day.
I’m guessing all talent markets are very inefficient. I notice an industry in posting and reposting jobs clogging up the internet, but I wonder if that works at all; I get calls from kids who have no inkling of the bona fides they wish to screen me for. Yawn….are you sure you read the resume? Have your boss’s boss call me, sweetheart.
It’s hard to image against this backdrop that a night class or two at the 92Y will suddenly induce massive liquidity and efficacy into the technical talent markets.
My experience with the management & HR types is that they hate anyone that because of their skill set and the complexity of the work they do earn more than them. I have experienced it constantly myself. Yes, they would rather torpedo a project than not try to fuck over some highly skilled individual that would require more pay that they get for jockeying spreadsheets/MS Project.
The department was looking to replace our recently retired ERP expert, who had years of experience teaching, consulting, and actual – you know – manufacturing experience. This guy was old and was looking for an easy few years before retiring, so he wasn’t necessarily looking for the highest paid position.
Finding a candidate with “good” experience was an eye-opener for senior management who refused to pay for it. The person – these days – would have been making as much as the IT Director.
I could go somewhere else myself and make more $$$ – but I stay for the fringe, unwritten benefits. Like not being in the office for more than 30 hours a week, freedom to come and go as I need to, and my lack of management oversight. As long as the work gets done, our IT director doesn’t care what we are doing. Sadly he is about to retire too – some I may be moving on myself if the new Director is a real go-getter type.
“fringe, unwritten benefits” I live for those as well. Mine will be a little more warped than most, though, because……
My old man worked for the same company for 43 years, and I see that as a tremendous mistake, a one-way street. The market for talent never worked for Dad because he was a afraid to try it. Born in 1940, he was the last guy who made it out under a social contract that, while meager, at least worked.
My game has different rules: no rules. I’m great at finance and politics and adapted quickly to 401k and paying for most of your own insurance. No problem calculating what means here, but I know it means a fairly constant search for better deals. that the old salary bases were irrelevant.
The new perk: not giving a shit. Nothing bothers me; I write up what I see, I propose solutions, and after five years of their not caring I’ll be gone anyway to something even better. Zero stress competing for the corner office…or much of anything. I recommend, share, teach, calculate everything can to help, but if you’re in the door at 4:59 I will run you smooth over….gone.
Don’t want to take my advice? No problem…it’s your company…good luck: I’ve got to work on my sand wedge, trim the roses, take the canoe around the lagoon, pedal 30 miles tonight. This is the ultimate fringe.
Actually I’m looking to walk away from this job – in a few months time. It’s a tough decision but my sanity is more important than my income. Don’t know what I’m going to do but it isn’t going to be this.
Once my student loans are gone in a few years, I’m highly tempted to play the job hop game. So many people in legal jump up the ladder by switching between startups and big companies every few years. You can shortcut the internal seniority requirements when your resume says “vice general counsel” on it.
Frankly, my job is too stressful and full of fire drills to do until I’m 65. I’ll work until we have enough of a nest egg to survive on, and then I’ll find some low-stress, fun job to make a bit more on top of “survive”.
Id rather work my ass off for another 10 years and then retire into something fun than work my way up the ladder and die at my desk before I get a chance to enjoy the spoils.
I still get random e-mails offering me six month help desk contracting jobs with no relocation all over the country. No, I’m not going to quit my current job and move to Georgia for a $16/hour temp position.
this is why companies try to recruit hard directly out of colleges – lots of internship programs, etc.
they don’t want to pay what an engineer with 10 years of experience will expect/is worth
I see it in my niche of the IT industry. I get 2 serious inquiries a week. The thing is, everyone who wants to work in the field, and is competent to, is already in that job or one that is just as in demand or pays as well. Engineers are the same. You can’t go spin up an engineer in a 6 week bootcamp. Its already the most lucrative field to graduate college in. Starting pay is moving over $75k/year for chemical engineers. Everybody I can think of who cares to learn enough math to pass differential equations is either an engineer, a pure scientist, or working in IT (or burned out from that and moved on). Other than selling pure science grad students into debt peonage in they don’t take a degree in 4 years, I’m not sure how to make the pipeline fatter. They whole STEM marketing plan is based on the idea that there were as many underprivileged kids out there who could and would pass the math as there were “privileged” kids doing so now. I don’t believe it.
I think of STEM as a new brand taking credit for something that already existed (the same way I laugh about the great “insights” of lean, 6 sigma, 5S, etc).
Maybe there is room for a new kind of guy, though: he has solid ninth grade math and physics and can be brought onboard and taught the small, repetitive tech jobs of some firm specialty without mastering linear algebra or diffyQ. Most sizing work is standardized: structures, piping; electrical is more about following the code than calculating impedance. So I’m okay with having a few of those guys around on engineering staffs. As long as he works under the review of someone who will keep everything safe, I don’t see why that guy should have the years of school and experience I do….so maybe he comes from a STEM program.
This much is probably true: lots of kids don’t know what technical careers are out there. If your parents are working class, you probably don’t know what white-collar professions are much less aspire to them. Nothing wrong with plumbing, but a kid can’t choose a career he doesn’t know exists.
Get it on
They track you in a very specific violation of your settings and in gross violation of your confidence
So what you are saying is Google is like STEVE SMITH.
So the other night some of you were talking about Law and Order. Y’all mafuckas need Jesus. I think Vincent D’Onofrio is a fine actor. He is *terrible* in L&O:CI. It is hands down the worst of the L&Os. SVU is stupid but at least you still get Ice-T and fucking BD Wong, in the popular “clairvoyant Asian” stereotype who literally knows everything role.
L&O original or GTFO. Lennie Briscoe or GTFO. Green is the best sidekick, followed by Bratt. Noth wasn’t bad. (One exception to the Lennie or bust rule: Detectives Green and Fontana (played by the delightful real-cop-turned-character-actor Dennis Farina) is also acceptable, but those eps can push it sometimes.
Lennie’s departure from the police force and the series is perfectly written for his character. It’s just so Lenny! *Swoons*
What is this…
I disagree with your opinion of D’Onofrio in the first paragraph, but wholeheartedly agree with everything after that…except to say that Mike Logan was Briscoe’s best partner. And I was glad when CI brought him back.
Every time I watched L & O. I was living a real life practice thinking this show was the dumbest shit. I had a 100+ case load and couldnt afford to sit around with a fucking coffee in my hand and the whole office brainstorming about 1 case.
Lennie Briscoe is my spirit animal.
Lenny Busker.
Re original L&O: Lennie and Mike #FTW.
Orbach was good, so was Sorvino. I much preferred Michael Moriarity’s low-key Ben Stone to Sam Waterston’s hyperemotional Jack McCoy.
Yeah, I wish Moriarity would have stuck around. Waterston was almost unbearable whenever the script had him go off on one of his proggy crusades.
*Throws up hands*
That’s it. I can’t work under these conditions.
His politics don’t detract from his character. You are flagrantly wrong. It’s almost as if someone’s going to retardedly claim that Jaws isn’t a perfect film.
Now that you mention it…
I don’t know: the “hyperemotional Jack McCoy” is such a good fit for his failings: sanctimonious gotcha manipulations when simple I-saw-him-shoot-her logic won’t work, personalizing the work and the outcomes, hypocritical upbraidings of direct reports for performing the exact same trickeration as had pock-marked his own early career…..
these all seem very, very congruent. There’s a lesson in his broad shortcomings.
I won’t argue against that. It still makes me dislike the character, though.
Speaking of D’Onofrio:
That’s where we are as a country: irremediably stuck in hyper-politics mode, in which an actor has to fear the implications of playing an odious character. I’m stuck questioning whether he’s doing groundwork to accept the role, or truly fears blowback from the uber-woke Twitterati, or if he really, earnestly questions the morality of reading lines from a script. I don’t know D’Onofrio from Decaprio, so I don’t know whether he’s clever enough for the first, wise enough for the second, or dumb enough for the third. But any and all of them say far more about the state of the left than it does D’Onofrio.
It is pretty clever to crowdsource outrage control, though. It gives the actor a chance to point at the concern trolling effort he made, and implicates the people who responded in the decision he makes. Will it save him from the PC guillotine? Maybe, maybe not. The people are a fickle bunch, and they revere executioners more than just about anyone else. But a white man has to be careful.
Man who tied up and sexually assaulted 14-year-old girl will not go to jail after US court hears incident was ‘consensual’
I suppose it reflects the diversity of America afforded by federalism that cases like this occur right alongside the cases of college freshman getting their lives destroyed for having drunk sex.
he doesn’t really look like a date-rapist or anything.
Another OT: I finished the second Pass ACA amplifier and was finally able to listen to them as bridged monoblocks. Pic
I still need to add the LED power indicators and finish assembling the chassis.
Aging well:
Jesus Christ, Ginger Spice is 46? That makes me… older than I’d like to be.
Lord, both of those woman are MILF-tastic.
Case sealed after Denver sheriff’s deputy acquitted of assaulting inmate at downtown jail.
Video shows former sergeant grabbing inmate by the neck and taking him to the ground
Thin. Blue. Line.
Appeal to the deplorables? That’;s crazy talk.
At the Washington Monthly, an acknowledged expert on the white working class, Andrew Levison (he is also a longtime colleague of mine at the Democratic Strategist website), tackles the subject head-on, and argues that neither “progressive” or “centrist” viewpoint is dealing with the essential question:
[T]here is a compelling argument that both the progressive and moderate-centrist views are based on an inadequate conception of how voters in many districts across the country are actually making their political choices today. In many white working-class and red-state districts, Democratic policies and proposals, regardless of whether they are “progressive” or “moderate,” never get seriously debated or even considered. In these districts, neither strategy can be relied on to elect Democrats.
That’s because to a large element of this demographic, both the Democratic Party and the federal government lack basic credibility. Regaining a baseline level of trust is essential before that portion of the white working class that is open to Democratic policy arguments will hear them.
\The most important thing right now for Democrats may be abandoning the idea there is any ideological template — progressive or centrist — for dealing with white working-class voters. Telling them to chow down on government benefits while abandoning their cultural viewpoints, as progressives sometimes advocate, is arguably condescending, and the common “centrist” approach of refusing to talk about hot-button issues is disingenuous. Connecting with these voters simply and authentically is also superior to a heavy-handed triangulating message that alienates “base” Democratic voters or college-educated suburban swing voters.
One of the most urgent postelection chores for Democrats will be figuring out what worked with this shrinking, but still critical, demographic — and actually won elections in Trump country.
Tell those bigoted misogynist Whitey MacHonkeyfaces whatever you think they want to hear. You can destroy their businesses and tax them into penury after the election. Then, when they’re broke and homeless, you can reach down and offer them assistance.
“That’s because to a large element of this demographic, both the Democratic Party and the federal government lack basic credibility”
Well, they got at least that part right.
Where they go horribly wrong is the reason for this. According to Nancy, which said so in an interview with PMS-NBC this past weekend, the problem for the democratic party is how to “package” their message that they are a party of the people. I don’t know but the people I know are not pro massive taxation, anti-job, pro government controlled healthcare, and anti-America.
/progtard beaurocrat
It’s pretty fucking funny watching the party that built its reputation largely as a working class pro-union party now so divorced from reality that they have to bring in an “acknowledged expert on the white working class” in order to unravel the mysteries of this befuddling specimen.
My son and I were in some of those rust-belt towns of deplorables a few weeks ago. Towns like Brownsville, PA that peaked about 70 years ago. It’s actually a pretty place that, if there was some money around, could be spruced up and quite beautiful.
The Democrats can’t stop saying “we hate you” to those people. They hate them for going to church, owning guns, being white, and for working in the iron and coal industries. It will take more than a promised increase in their allowances to get them back.
I have repeatedly told people that the democratic party has never been the party of the little guy. They aligned themselves with the working class guy while they thought they could use them to push their collectivist global agenda, but the people they really serve are the credentialed elites of the academic, political aristocracy, and ultra rich corporate crony class. It is not accidental that Pelosi called a middle-class tax break crumbs while the left has fought on two fronts to repeal said tax break for the middle-class while simultaneously fighting with the fed because their new tax plan removed one of the most 1% friendly tax loopholes for rich people in blue states.
I have repeatedly told people that the democratic party has never been the party of the little guy.
This is true, but the surprising thing is just how quickly they forgot how to even make themselves relatable to a demographic that until just a few years ago was such a key part of their coalition. They assumed with the election of Obama (especially since he won despite accidentally letting the mask slip with the bitter clingers remark) that their minority coalition and the university set was all they needed and that white working class plebs were demographically obsolete. They almost are, and will be within a generation, but they jumped the gun by an election cycle or two. Not a huge problem politically speaking, you just have to recalibrate your marketing to stop alienating the demographic you still need, which should be easy when they’re already sympathetic to a lot of your anti-wealth rhetoric and so forth. But when they rounded the bend they went full stop and cut the brake cables. They’ve so thoroughly purged the party of anyone who deviates in any way from what was the fringe of the academic left just a decade ago that they don’t even realize what the problem is with their approach and genuinely believe that shaming ordinary working class people for unwokeness will somehow draw in more of the fringe left to replace them, I guess.
Europe? srsly? Here is a seriously underrated 80’s hr/metal band – Riot.
When one of their members is having a birthday, let me know.
You didn’t mention it was one of Europe’s birthdays.
I still don’t care, it doesn’t lessen the suck factor.
This may have been covered already.
Before becoming LAPD chief, Moore retired, collected a $1.27-million payout, then was rehired
Nice work if you can get it.
Huh. My company won’t rehire a retiree within six months of leaving. Something about running afoul of pension rules because it will look like a fake retirement just to start benefits. Different strokes and all that I guess.
Once you take the severance package you are gone for good from my company. The alternative is paying it back which nobody would ever do.
Helps to be one of the connected few.
You used to be able to do that in Florida. Work 25 years for the state, retire, get hired into a different job and start your second pension.
It’s a formula in New Jersey. If you can get yourself elected into the right job, you can actually accrue time for two different pensions simultaneously.
What a monster.
Starting a two-day tour of the Redding area, Zinke also took a shot at environmental groups that he said are standing in the way of aggressive forest management. In some cases, environmental groups have successfully used litigation to block or curtail logging operations on public lands.
“The public lands belong to everybody, not just the special interest groups,” he said as he stood in front of a largely destroyed neighborhood in the Keswick Estates area of west Redding.
Zinke’s visit came about a week after President Donald Trump enraged environmentalists by suggesting in two tweets that California’s environmental policies had worsened fire hazards by depriving firefighters of water and leaving the forests too dense. Cal Fire officials said they have plenty of water.
Zinke seized on the forestry issue, saying, “This is an example, the president’s right. This is an example of we have to actively manage our forests.”
But environmentalists fear the Trump administration is using the horrific 2018 fire season as a way to clear-cut treasured forests.
“They’re using the opportunity of fires … to advance some backward-looking approaches to the environment,” said Kathryn Phillips, director of Sierra Club California, in an interview.
Char Miller, a professor of environmental analysis at Pomona College, said forest management “as Ryan Zinke and others describe it is an indiscriminate cutting.”
Every mine is a strip mine. Every tree removed is a ten thousand acre clearcut. They want to pave Paradise.
It would be notably better for the forest, especially with regards to fires, to remove dead/diseased trees. But, as I understand, this is not allowed in national parks.
Never ever? What if he got five or six more majors? I don’t think that’s happening – there’s a ton of talent on tour these days – but just for argument’s sake.
Boy, that iron he nailed on the 15th? 16th? was pretty damn spectacular.
He’s still a piece of shit and I still want him to lose every time he steps on a course.
I just don’t see him holding up long enough to win four more. No way. There’s too much talent on tour now and he can’t hit it long enough while straight enough to compete much longer.
assorted golf notions follow
a/ Tiger’s game has become standard. He proved that recovering from errant tee blasts is a better path to winning than hitting fairways. Now there are 50 guys doing Tiger better than Tiger….30 yards better. I think he’s good for the game even if many hate-watch him; I wish him well but have zero money on his winning even one more major.
b/ Most courses are too easy for the pros. While 16 under is an acceptable score most weeks, majors should be won at less than half that with the majority finishing over par. But you can’t change a national industry’s infrastructure in a couple of years, so I’m thinking something else.
c) You can’t penalize equipment makers too much or the whole sport, pro and amateur, will collapse, especially since most golfers enjoy the idea that they can basically get the same equipment as the pros. But I’m pretty sure club heads are too big; there should be a standard volume and weight that cannot be exceeded; this would help make driving performance reasonable again. And the pros should probably all hit the same ball, or a choice of, say, three balls designed for various driving, pitching, and putting behaviors; essentially, none should fly further than 300 yards on the best day. Last, putters should also be governed to a smaller displacement so that pretty much everything but blades are eliminated; shaft lengths should be curtailed, which will be hard on the Langers and the Scotts, but what those guys do isn’t putting, so, to my mind, they’re not complete players in the classic sense; Langer in particular has collected way too many senior wins that surer hands should have won.
Tom Watson almost won the British a few years ago the right way: hitting fairways, staying out of trouble, and using as much judgment as horsepower to get the job done. That was the most thrilling tournament I’ve ever watched, but I like a lot of brain stuff mixed in with my brawn stuff. I am ready for changes where brains are rewarded more and gimmicks factor in less.
I agree. This PGA course was too damn easy for a major. And it used to be that getting in a bunker or in the rough was almost a sure bogey. Not any more. I laugh every time I hit into the trees…wished getting out on your local muni was as easy as the pros get out of shots into the crowd or the pines.
Yes, but it’s also tough. When they make the course too hard the players bitch that the outcome is basically random since a couple of bad bounces are the difference between a great score and the golfing equivalent of the peloton.
Just don’t call it a purge.
Vimeo has pulled Infowars content from its site for violating the platform’s standards.
A spokesperson for the video hosting service told Business Insider on Sunday that the Infowars videos “violated our Terms of Service prohibitions on discriminatory and hateful content.”
The videos had been uploaded to the site on Thursday and Friday. The Vimeo spokesperson also told Business Insider that the company had told the account owner of the videos’ removal, and also issued a refund because “we do not want to profit from content of this nature in any way.”
Our policy clearly states, in microscopic print, we have final approval over your content, based upon whether the cool kids agree with it or not.
I don’t have a problem with it in principle, but the hypocrisy is blatant.
Also, remember how people who used to say “The cloud is just somebody else’s computer” got eviscerated by the technorati for their ignorance and backward thinking about our new Utopian web future? The fact that you can piss off one of three companies and effectively be barred from having your content hosted anywhere on the internet unless you build your own hosting infrastructure has kind of vindicated them I think.
You can argue at this point that some of these tech companies could be regulated as utilities since they have close to monopoly control – particularly if they are coordinating actions with the other big players. They sure are coordinated when they swing the “hate” hammer.
So you want to reward their collusion by entrenching their market position even further and locking out innovation while shielding them from liability for their failings?
Regulating them as utilities would be a mistake, IMO. Utilities are essentially state-sanctioned monopolies/oligopolies, from back when people thought they were natural monopolies anyway.
Just expose them to defamation by deeming anyone who exercises control over the posting of legal content (“prohibitions on discriminatory and hateful content”) as publishers. “With great power comes great responsibility” – if they want the power to determine what gets put on their platforms, they get the responsibility for what they allow on their platforms.
^should be the #1 rebuttal everywhere but i’m only seeing it here.. in the comments.. from you
“violated our Terms of Service prohibitions on discriminatory and hateful content.”
“discriminatory and hateful”=”upsets my fragile sensibilities”
Only if you are team blue however. I see fucks like Farrakhan and other real hardcore haters say some of the nastiest shit and never get any kind of action taken against them.
But don’t expect the media to give credit to anyone besides Kim and Moon.
And Kim’s sister.
“Study: 11 million white Americans think like the alt-right
It’s obviously difficult to measure how many people see themselves as alt-right. People are notoriously shy to express overtly racist attitudes to pollsters, and aligning yourself with the alt-right is aligning yourself with an openly racist movement.
To get around this problem, Hawley decided to measure polling on three different metrics that were more about identification with whiteness than anti-minority sentiments. This, he explains, is a way of figuring out who would be open to alt-right thinking while avoiding the problems associated with just asking people if they’re racist”
“To get around this problem we asked leading and deceptive questions and then interpreted the answer through the filter of our pre-ordained conclusion. The results were stunning. It turns out our pre-ordained conclusion was completely correct!”
So even the numbers he made up were wrong.
But there is no getting around the people who don’t trust pollsters, or people claiming to be such. I suspect that the number of such people is increasing, particularly among people who are not progressives.
62 million based on a poll done in November 2016.
“Do you like mayonnaise?”
*whispers* “Racist sonofabitch…”
Pirates! Of the Caribbean!
Pidgin English Island?
It’s all fun and games until you get sued by Disney.
“I collect challenge coins from “cyber” divisions, and they’re all bonkers, but this has got to be the wildest one I’ve ever seen”
Well, I guess there is something that exists.
>>”train my hands for war and my fingers for battle”
Something something hand job
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to death
Nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet those hands will never hold anything
So, as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works
It would be notably better for the forest, especially with regards to fires, to remove dead/diseased trees. But, as I understand, this is not allowed in national parks.
According to my limited understanding, that’s pretty much true in *National Parks* but there is a lot of land under Forest Service and BLM control which may (should) be actively managed. There are two fuel mitigation projects not far from me which are stalled out in the courts. One just got a favorable ruling, but the “environmentalists” have vowed to appeal. Meanwhile, other teams of “environmentalists” are working feverishly to put an end to mining in the state of Montana.
This. And always fact-check anything enviros say as they have a tendency to conflate any federal lands with National Parks.
I knew that stealing a plane for a joyride simply involved playing soem video games…
At the very bottom of the article you linked:
When I first read about the incident, I assume the thief at least had a Gen Av pilot’s license. I can’t understand how he did what he did.
Takeoffs are not too hard. Neither is the flying. Where it gets to be problematic is bringing that crate back in for a landing…
I worked with a retired Air Force pilot and trainer. He said flying was easy. It was the transition from air to ground that caused all the problems.
I am just trying to imagine the start up sequence for twin turbo props. I don’t think “flying” was the difficult part of what he did. It was the systems management.
You hold shift for thrusters and s to point the nose at the sky. What’s difficult about that?
The fact that they’re making the keyboard slavishly follow the same rules for a manual steering system whose ass-backward schema was slave to a quirk of physics rather than an intuitive design.
The toughest part is GTA5’s wonky physics.
I guess it’s self-explanatory.
And he messed up the takeoff. The Alaska Airlines plane that warned ATC of the unauthorized take off described the plane’s wheels smoking. That means that he wasn’t configured properly for takeoff.
I would say that he didn’t know how to taxi, and was using the brakes to slow down/turn. The Q400 has a tiller for tight turns (most of them on the ground) and you use reverse propeller thrust (beta) to slow down. If you are dragging the brakes they will overheat.
The start sequence isn’t complicated, but is more complicated that hitting the start button.
If he couldn’t raise the gear after takeoff, then the landing gear pins weren’t removed. If they were removed then this person had better than average knowledge.
I would be interested in watching the video of the person taxing. Also if the landing gear came up (I couldn’t really tell from the pictures). I suppose I should listen to the ground and tower radio as well.
There are videos of the Q400 start sequence, and it isn’t that long, but taxing an airplane with either the rudder pedals or a tiller is not a normal task. Any time that I switch planes (even to slightly larger ones) you have to learn how it handles taxing.
Once lined up on the runway, takeoff and flying a plane isn’t that hard. Landing, now that needs training.
I watched VAS aviation’s youtube videos on the incident.
It was so sad. The guy impulsively decided to kill himself, and wanted a little serenity before he did the deed. And part of him wanted to back out but he didn’t know how.
And kudos to air traffic control and the Air Force pilot “Captain Bill” who treated him with humanity and decency.
Probably a disaster-mitigation technique more than anything. The last thing you want to do is piss that guy off and motivate him to plow into a residential neighborhood. Be nice and get him to fly out to an uninhabited area to do his crashing.
Agreed – I commend the compassion of those who spoke with him.
Uffda. I’m embarrassed by this Minnesodan’s logic/math.
Local guy who is head of something called the Free and Fair markets initiative (which lists the SEIU as one of its members) complains about Amazon building its business on the backs of taxpayers and small town business.
That sounds like a shitty deal. But you read further and he says that Amazon has spent a ton on lobbying:
So even if I believe the numbers (which I think are probably pretty shady), it would seem like Amazon is spending more money on lobbying than what they receive in “subsidies”. Not sure how that leads to taxpayers also subsidizing the cost of Amazon Prime too. Must be that magical multiplier effect of govt spending.
I don’t know what’s the right answer, but it’s clear the right answer is to nationalize Amazon and bring it under the strict budgetary discipline of the federal government.
Political and economic crises are exploding from Venezuela to Nicaragua to Haiti, sparking anarchy and criminality. As the rule of law breaks down, certain spots in the Caribbean, experts say, are becoming more dangerous than they’ve been in years.
Often, observers say, the acts of villainy appear to be happening with the complicity or direct involvement of corrupt officials — particularly in the waters off collapsing Venezuela.
Utterly unexpected.
So I was watching Erdogan speaking around the time of the “coup”, and noticed there were no Ataturk pictures anywhere in the frame. I dunno. It struck me, because when I was in Turkey in the 90’s, it was still de rigeur to have his portrait everywhere. Just a subtle sign of the not-so-subtle changes over there.
Erdogan hates Ataturk for his non religious stance and is a dangerous religious type.
No wai!!
What a moron! Local story about brave Amy Klobuchar helping man prove to the IRS that he is still alive.
Why would you do this? I’d be working for straight cash and paying zero taxes if I knew that the IRS thought I was dead.
TMI: I skipped my period for the first time ever!!!!!!!! YAS, bitch!
(no, I’m not knocked up. Fuckin hell – I only broke up with the squeeze a few months ago. Takes me a lot longer than that to get back in the saddle, as it were)
Took you this long? I did it all the time in high school.
Well, there was that one time the last period teacher (orchestra) was out with an injury and there was no substitute, and we waited til the security guard ran inside the building for his usual afternoon coffee…
KK is such a rule-follower, she stayed till the end of class while everyone else jetted.
What’d you play?
Viola – the geekiest of all instruments.
The bassoon players would like a word.
Bassoon is pretty fucking awesome, actually. I wonder if I could find a bassoon teacher?
It’s not TMI; it’s the new lady libertarian fun I’ve been expecting.
Not knowing your situation, is this your new normal? If so, does this mean more space in your purse now, and if so, does that imply new room for a
a/ copy of the collected works of Hihn in a larger font
b/ extra mag of ammo
c/ spare monocle in tortoiseshell frame
d/ more keys to more dungeons full of orphan labor
e/ battery-powered Warty lamp
First time, so we’ll see what happens a month from now…
The bag space would be nicely taken up with an extra mag. But does it really matter? My orphans do all the handbag carrying.
Given that there are no libertarian women, menopause sure comes up a lot on this site!
Menopause = best. thing. ever.
So excited for this new chapter!!
(I’m fairly certain mother nature is a huge bitch and I’ll get, like, double the menstruation next month)
If you aren’t planning on kids, go get your plumbing yanked. Seriously.
I fucking hope so
“Black GOP senator: Trump has taken steps to “move us in a better direction” since Charlottesville”
My reply was “when did ‘Black GOP’ become the 51st state?”
It isn’t, it’s the 58th state.
I saw you guys hit on the Ellison kerfuffle yesterday. I’m laughing my ass off at this today.
I have already heard from a few of my proggie friends that you have to believe the accuser and that they won’t be able to vote for Keith in the primary tomorrow. I’m amazed at the idea that the Dems might come out of the primary tomorrow with a lot of their “stars” sent to the showers early. If the proggies in the metro area don’t come out big for Ellison, he will lose the primary. Then there is Lori Swanson who was AG and is looking like she will lose the primary for governor because it has been shown that she has been using her department staff as campaign workers for 10 years or so.
Just heard a radio spot for an Evanescence concert. The fuck? They’re still around? All of the material featured was shit I remember from high school. Cringy af.
The name Evanescence sounds like an all-girl R&B group.
I thought it was a fragrance.
That dumbass “wake me up” song was one of the worst things I’ve ever had the misfortune to hear.
Omarosa is attempting the Reverse Candace Owens. The hardest move in politics. It starts at an automatic 5 points.
“Jason Kessler spotted leading the way as about 25 white supremacists March around the small rally space (extremely embarrassing showing imo)”
So figure half of them were federal agents. Never mind fill a Denny’s. There were more people at the Last Supper.
Bait to get violent Antifa reaction that the mainstream will try desperately to bury or spin.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy
He just now got fired?
Yeah, the office of professional responsibility wanted to go easy on him, and just got overridden.
His lawyer has said that had Strzok wanted to prevent Trump’s election, he could have leaked that Trump’s campaign was under investigation for possibly coordinating with Russia — a revelation that might have upended his bid to become president.
Because he didn’t do everything possible to stop Trump, that means he didn’t do anything at all to stop Trump. That’s the best they’ve got, I guess.
Does getting fired mean he loses his pension?
And the chutzpah of that statement: “My client was too smart to be too obvious about subverting and undermining Trump’s presidency. He’s a lot sneakier than you give him credit for being.”
Maybe. To get a pension you have to retire. You can only retire if you’re an employee. So, he’d have to get another fedgov job and keep that until he’s eligible for retirement.
I think they could declare his FBI service as ineligible for retirement purposes as part of his punishment. Doesn’t look like they did that, but maybe the reporter didn’t ask or they can’t say because of privacy reasons.
Also, as an FBI agent he counts as law enforcement and they get to retire earlier than regular bureaucrats.
Also, creepiest gif ever?
The most punchable face possible?
That face deserves a baseball bat in the teeth.
i almost kicked my monitor into the hallway!
Christ, what an asshole.
i assumed he was already fired for cheating on his wife and exposing himself to blackmail by foreign intelligence services.
That’s what I thought. The guy was such a hot pile of garbage, security-wise. If I did even 1/8 of the shit he pulled, i would have been escorted out of the building immediately.
Hungary bans gender studies courses from public universities.
I’m reading Richard Rhodes’ Making of the Atomic Bomb for the jillionth time, and he has a really interesting section on Hungary. Their politics are a weird back-and-forth between fascists and commies.
How will they get by without thousands of kids learning victims’ studies?
I’m doing a weekly slow cooker roast to cut down on food expense. The grocer near my house routinely sells 3-4lb pork shoulders for ~$8. I like a good, hearty rind on my roast. I like the texture and the flavor it adds. But I don’t like pan frying the thing and smoking out the house. Is flash grilling it a workable alternative? I don’t do much grilling. Or would I be better off shredding and broiling it on high?
What you’re talking about is pretty similar to the browning one wants to do after a sous vide cook. The trick is to get a Maillard reaction without over cooking/drying the meat.
I generally go with the stove top method, but I have a really nifty range hood, so I can understand not wanting to do that.
Grilling will work fine, and has the potential added bonus of putting some smoke on the meat as well (assuming you’re grilling in a method that generates smoke). The downside is that it may be a pain to fire up the grill just to put a bit of browning on.
Also, assuming you’ve got a pulled pork consistency, some sort of grilling blank will make things easier.
Shredding and broiling can work, but be careful of drying out the pork. I’ve only tried this once, but I ended up with meat dryer than I’d like. I think the increased surface area makes this likely.
In any case, dry the outer surface of the meat with paper towels first. Moisture is an enemy of the Maillard reaction.
I’m sure all the downtown DC business owners are THRILLED with this weekend’s sales. What with the media telling everyone to stay away from DC due to the overwhelming number of white supremacists, and the 2 dozen that actually showed up. I’ll bet it was a blockbuster of a profit-maker downtown!