Happy Monday, ever’body. And an especially happy Monday to me as it is back-to-school for both the wife and children. No, no, I’m not a slightly younger man with candy. My wife is a professional student, although we’ve negotiated that this will be her last educational venture that “we” pay for. After this she has to bring home at least as much money as she spends on school. It has been a remarkably quiet and productive day. Although I did stay up far too late drinking last night. I’m pretty sure my corner of the (brand new with a half-dozen beautiful free-weight lifting platforms!) gym today smelled like a brewery. But hey, the gym is not optional.
That guy in the parking lot shooting in Florida will be charged with manslaughter. I think this is the right call in this case. The shooter had four previous altercations that involved police, with him being the aggressor. Its unclear to me that someone with a documented history of “looking for trouble”, who initiated a verbal but aggressive and persistent confrontation with a woman shouldn’t face a jury of his peers to arbitrate whether or not he acted reasonably. That said, I’m not convinced that a guilty verdict should be returned. There was at least enough doubt in my mind, and in many others that a trial is probably appropriate.
Monk takes abusing the bishop too far. Defrocked monk beats Coptic bishop to death. The Copts have enough enemies without killing each other.
Turn that drone voyeurism hobby into a very lucrative career. Enough to pay your hobby’s legal bills, one hopes.
The Lancet known for publishing several blockbuster studies that have lowered the efficacy of public health by being fabricated and wrong, goes big with a comparative cost analysis of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their harms in the US vs. the EU. (Think BPA and birth control in the water). Their hypothesis, which they magically proved, is that the US has higher cost because of less regulation. I think my favorite part is the metric “IQ points lost”. Several, reading this study. Interestingly, they also determined that the cost due to pesticides in the EU was triple the US — which on a per capita basis, I would have guessed Roundup to be far more plentifully sprayed in the US.
I mean, I think calling them lazy is pretty specist. “Laziness led to extinction of Homo Erectus”.
Sometimes, your day just needs a kick in the ass.
Speaking of students, grades were just posted for my second summer term class – another A. I rule.
Nice! How much longer do you have?
I’m a little more than a third of the way to my degree. Four more semesters and one more summer term.
Awesome, hang in there.
I’m down to two semesters left and feel like it went past incredibly fast.
Enjoy. It’s all downhill from here.
I peaked when I was 14 and got an MVP award in a tournament game.
I was Ritchie Tenenbaum.
Sorry to go OT already, Brett, but…
Bikers love gunz n’ tits – news at 11 (the ratio is outstanding)
I love it.
Trump is not my boy
but would the tee still be sexist if a lesbian were wearing it?
I own that shirt.
I periodically wear it to Whole Foods just for the entertainment factor.
My son does a lot with progs and recently got some unbearably proggy tee free
which he thought about using as a target at the pistol range
mostly so he could wear the shot-up version later.
I have raised an incredibly well-rounded fellow.
Is. He. Single.
Q if there was ever a time to shoot video this is it. I would love to see the look on their faces.
For those of you wondering what it looks like:
NSFW if your job doesn’t like cartoon nipples.
I approve.
Well, I’ve seen both… not titties and guns… no, not both titties. I mean both the church ladies from my childhood and modern progs. Except in appearance, it’s really difficult to tell the difference. One of them scolded you for stuff like this because ”GAWDZZZZ!!!!’. The other scolds you for stuff like this because ‘SEXISM!!!’. In reality, the mindset appears to be the same.
(Included in the post was said photo)
Sexist? Women aren’t allowed to love guns or titties also?
Tammy Bruce does!
Steve Smith approves. https://www.amazon.com/Hide-Seek-Champion-T-Shirt-Bigfoot/dp/B07FC5KFJK
Their hypothesis, which they magically proved, is that the US has higher cost because of less regulation.
Everybody knew that already.
I’ve been thinking about lowering my household costs by paying for someone to come in and look over my shoulder at everything I do to make sure I’m conforming with the rules. Surely that will make things cost so much less it will offset the cost of the mother-in-law, right?
someone to come in and look over my shoulder at everything I do to make sure I’m conforming…
Isn’t that the purpose of a mother-in-law?
That’s the joke!
Government doesn’t like competition, especially not from family.
Anyway, trying to stay on topic….I agree, charges seem appropriate in that Florida case. On the one hand, escalating a verbal dispute is a bad idea. On the other hand, the guy simply didn’t appear to be in danger at the point at which he shot.
From the video I saw it was a single shove, not a sustained assault. Pull the gun? Maybe. Shoot a guy who was no longer attacking? Definitely not.
Yep, you don’t get to defend yourself after the fact, yes he was assaulted, yes it could have seriously harmed him, but self-defense doesn’t cover vengeance.
This. On a criminal trial, I’d be hard pressed to vote guilty unless prosecution could show an escalating pattern of depraved indifference on the shooter’s part (which some evidence apparently exists).
But a civil case would probably go bad for this guy.
an escalating pattern of depraved indifference on the shooter’s part
Which I don’t think would be admissable in a criminal trial.
Yeah, once the guy starts walking away, the immediate threat is over. And he was obviously walking away in order to leave, not arm himself, or get a running start to charge him, or any other bullshit. The shooter is a murderer and should do serious time.
Sounds about right to me. Let a jury decide. BTW, his previous history of poor impulse control will be (well, should be, anyway) inadmissable at this trial.
Different states, different rules.
Given my CCW class work in Iowa, I would convict this guy based solely on the video in circulation. This was my reaction from the very first time I watched it. The shooting victim did not show any intent to attack the shooter in a way that would lead to death or great bodily harm. The shooting victim was backing up when he was shoot. The shooter had plenty of time to figure this out and choose to shoot.
Same conclusion here. I posted the FL exclusionary statute before for SYG and, I do not believe SYG is applicable. As a contributor to escalation, the shooter had a duty to retreat before shooting (no SYG). This requirement was failed when the victim started backing up and the shooter chose to shoot anyway.
We have the same duty to retreat if escalating requirement in VA. so I don’t even honk my horn in traffic when carrying.
Florida does not have a duty to retreat.It was the same at the Trayvon Martin trial. Zimmerman was found innocent even though he did not attempt to de-escalate or leave the situation although he initiated it. You do not have to even attempt to de-escalate a verbal confrontation you initiated. The moment you reasonably fear for your life and safety, lethal self-defense is legal and justified. You do not have attempt to pursue a less violent avenue. That’s what “stand your ground” means. It is the opposite doctrine from “duty to retreat”. The previous intermediate doctrine the state had was the “castle”doctrine, where there was no duty to retreat within the confines of your residence (or a residence you were invited to) or automobile, but in public, had to either attempt to disengage or prove that you were unable to do so.
I do not think you’re right. FL does have a duty to retreat if you do not meet the requirements of SYG. You can read the full statute here.
Section 2a-b are definitely duty to retreat clauses if you are the initial provoker of the situation. FL does have SYG, but it does not apply to all self-defense situations.
I thought the issue with Zimmerman was that he had no avenue for retreat since Travyon was on top of him slamming Zimmerman’s head into the curb. I though I remembered reading a staunch SYG defender and expert explain that SYG wasn’t even applicable in that case, but may be mistaken.
Yes. When Zimmerman produced his gun and fired, he was on his back with his head being slammed into the pavement.
Even in MA that would have been a legal episode of self-defense.
But verbal assault does not make him an aggressor under that part of the statute. He never used or threatened force. He was just talking shit.
Would you read the situation differently if the shooter was a woman?
The shooting victim committed battery by violently striking the shooter and knocking the shooter to the ground. The shooting victim, then backed away and did not continue the attack.
The shooter had enough time to sit up and draw a weapon. Which I think was perfectly OK. If the shooter pulled the trigger the moment, the gun was on target, I would give the shooter the benefit of the doubt.
But instead, the shooter waited four seconds. To put that in perspective, in my last CCW class, one of the student fired 12 rounds in 2.75 seconds during a simulation. Four seconds is a lot of fucking time. More than enough time to determine that the shooting victim did not show any intent to continue the attack.
I’m certain it will depend on dude’s story regarding the 4 seconds. Both what he told the police and what he tells the jury. He might have a cinvincing reason for the delay, like blurred vision due to the knock down.
Interesting question, especially in light of the legal test that the shooter have a reasonable belief, etc. Does it make sense to say that a man would not “reasonably believe that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another”, but a woman in the same situation would “reasonably believe, etc.”?
My instructor in my CCW class is a 6 ft 6 in dud that weighs North of 300 lbs. Former military and a veteran of Iraq.
During class he brings up a 5 ft 2 in, 100 lb woman and tells her to stand next to him.
He holds a plastic weapon and says “Officer, she said she was going to rape and kill me”. Does anyone think the police will buy that.
Then he hands her the pistol and says “Officer, he said he was going to rape and kill me”. Clearly the nature of the shooter and the shootee matters.
I think a jury is going to be much more open-minded if the shooter is a woman and the dead guy is a guy. The instructor did put his thumb on the scale by throwing in “rape” as well as “kill”, but the point was well made.
It is more than just what happened. The guy has a history of aggressive behavior. A man lost his life, a family their father, over a fucking parking space? He is a menace. If nothing is done you can count on this happening again like you can count on the sun rising. He WILL do it again.
Also, law aside, my extreme reluctance to harm another human being would have kept my finger off of the trigger. He shot the guy because he wanted to. He created a situation himself to be an excuse to do so. Fuck him. I would vote guilty with no hesitation.
This guy carried, not because he feared he may have to use it, he carried because he wanted to use it. I’m only surprised he didn’t become a cop, like most normal sociopaths with a bloodlust.
I have no problem with this guy going down.
I have to agree. I mean first of all, as a libertarian, a guy who hangs around in parking lots to confront people as the supposed parking police, is a major league fucking asshole and you’re really crossing a line there. I mean somewhere there is an invisible asshole line and this guy is way across it. Then the guy is in the other guy’s wife’s face. He just crossed the other asshole line where punching some face enters the equation. The dude has a history of this and he is no doubt looking for trouble. The harder call for me to make is do you then knock the guy down or do you say ‘get away from my wife, we’re going inside, I’m calling the cops’? So there’s some questions there. But the final thing is that, if the one guy is actually backing away when he draws his weapon, I think it’s wrong to shoot him at that point. That’s not really self defense at that point. Let’s see what happens.
This is a case full of bad people behaving badly. One of them had a gun, and another one got dead.
1) A couple parks in a handicap spot, because it’s busy and fuck you that’s why.
2) Dickhead with a history of confrontations, initiates a confrontation with the lady who stayed in the car. Apparently, many loud angry words were spoken.
3) Big dude with a history of violence, blasts the dickhead with a violent shove sending him to the ground. At this point, bid dude could easily have killed or crippled the dickhead while he was sprawled all over the ground. But, instead, he backs away, apparently thinking he had made his point.
4) Dickhead sits up; draws a weapon; and takes aim at bid dude. Not an irrational decision at this point. We have no information yet as to whether words — warnings or threats — were exchanged at this point.
5) After a 4 second pause, dickhead fires a single fatal shot. Big dude runs into the store and collapses. Big dude dies somewhere later.
For dickhead to walk free, we have to believe that his initiation of the confrontation does not exclude him from the protections of SYG and that he had a valid reason to believe that big dude was going to commit mayhem that could lead to death or great bodily harm even though a) bid dude backed off when he could have earlier done great violence to dickhead and b) big dude made no threatening moves during the 4 seconds that dickhead waited to pull the trigger.
The guy’s earlier actions almost makes me want to think that he was just itching to shoot someone because he’s a major dickhead with some sort of chip on his shoulder. He should have just became a cop instead, then he could do it legally.
The (utterly unscientific) attack on glyphosphate is even more retarded than the attacks on DDT. At least DDT did have measurable effects on bird eggs, even if 99% of the cancer claims and other catastrophic predictions were bogus. I have yet to see *any* solid evidence that glyphosphate has any negative effects beyond killing photosynthesizing plants. Because some intersectional gender studies major who somehow managed to get a job in the Kalifornia public environut office decided it’s TEH TOKSIK doesn’t make it so.
But a jury just awarded that cancer guy $289 million! It MUST cause cancer!
12 idiots in a box.
San Francisco.
That was the obvious stand-out the first time. I don’t think Monsanto could find a sympathetic jury on the West Coast (unless it was a rural county).
Alex, what is “an infinite number of idiots in a finite space”?
You’re just upset because reality has a liberal bias. / I f**king love science progressive
Apparently, baby powder attacks ovaries ( only?) but we can’t come up with localized chemo.
So 300 million exposed to glyphosate X 290 million per plaintiff = liberal utopia
Shouldn’t the Prop 65 label on everything in California been warning enough? Thanks to the labels the guy knew what he was getting himself into. I say, let him get cancer.
That said, I’m not convinced that a guilty verdict should be returned.
Serious question: would a civil trial for something like “wrongful death” be more appropriate?
*obvious question of whether “wrongful” equates to unlawful
The wrongful death suit comes after the conviction for manslaughter.
I think, given that the law changed in FL two years ago, they need some case law decided by juries and grand juries about what should and shouldn’t be “reasonable” for SYG. This is an edge case. FL has been a “no duty to retreat” state for a long time. What changed recently is that once a person makes a lethal self-defense claim, prosecutors have to present evidence at a bench trial that there is sufficient question to charge. Police and prosecutors have both tended to interpret (correctly, I think) this as a strong bias by the Legislature in favor of lethal self-defense. If you are someone who has a history of initiating aggressive verbal confrontations to the point that there are police reports about it, if someone coming upon the scene of such a confrontation might think you are about to initiate physical violence pushes you away from the other party hard enough to throw you to the ground, and if after being physically assaulted you produce a gun and there is no follow up physical assault in the four seconds between pointing the gun and pulling the trigger, are you behaving in a “reasonable” manner? I don’t know. But I do think that as expensive and life-disrupting as defending yourself in a felony trial is, there has to be some place for charges to be brought and a jury to hear the matter.
I don’t think carrying a gun gives you license to verbally harass people. If the guy who was shot has pulled a gun and claimed he feared for his wife’s safety, and shot the guy, I think he would have had a self-defense claim, too. You don’t have to wait for someone to strike a blow to use lethal self-defense. And that’s what this hinges on for me. I come out of the gas station, my wife is getting out of the car while some guy is yelling in her face, do I assume this is going to remain a verbal conversation or do I defend her as if violence is imminent? It wasn’t a good decision for her to get out of the car, but once she’s exposed like that, it would certainly change my calculus.
My hope is actually that the guy walks, because by the letter of the law, in that encounter, he seemed to be within it. However, it wouldn’t be a bad thing if people who carry pistols every day stop to think, “do I want to have a trial if this goes physical” before starting any verbal confrontations.
My hope is actually that the guy walks, because by the letter of the law, in that encounter, he seemed to be within it.
Let’s go to the “Stand Your Ground” statute in Florida:
It comes down to pretty much ye olde self-defense standard: Did you have a reasonable belief* that you (or another) were at imminent risk of death or serious harm. I have a hard time saying that his belief that he was at imminent risk is reasonable based on the video, but its not open and shut. In Florida, the state has to overcome a claim of self-defense by meeting the “no reasonable doubt” standard. In a state where the defendant has to prove that he reasonably feared, etc. with a preponderance of the evidence, I wouldn’t like his chances.
*Note: cops are not required to be reasonable, or even credible.
I won’t cry if he gets convicted. It’s hard to put yourself in that place where you’re on the ground and a much larger man is standing over you. I don’t know what the jury will decide. What I learned is that if I’m gonna pull the trigger in Florida, I’m either going to do it immediately or wait for the guy to make a move towards me.
In Florida, the state has to overcome a claim of self-defense by meeting the “no reasonable doubt” standard.
Sounds like an impossible job.
If they can’t convict, then the process is the punishment.
I think the formula would be “you can convict if you conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that a reasonable person would not have believed themselves in imminent danger, etc.”.
Not impossible. Under the “reasonable man”/objective standard, there shooter’s actual state of mind is pretty much irrelevant, the question is whether a reasonable person would have shot. I think a jury could get there in this case, and certainly in a lot of others.
There are a few confounding factors in this case: Florida also prohibits the aggressor from claiming self-defense:
If we say that the shooter’s harassing of the woman was a provocation, then the shooter basically loses the presumption, and now has to show that they meet either (a) or (b). The shooter in this case can’t meet (b), since the assailant did not resume or continue the use of force. (a) is our old friend “reasonably believe” with the duty to retreat. He couldn’t retreat because he was on the ground, but I think the burden of proof flips and now the shooter has to show their belief was reasonable.
I disagree.
First, duty to retreat has nothing to do with this. The shooter was knocked down on the ground and rendered immobile. He couldn’t retreat.
The question is whether he was in danger of grievious bodily harm or death. And the video evidence looks consistent with the danger being over before he made the decision to pull the trigger.
The man who knocked him down appeared compliant, with his hands raised in submission and backing away.
Moreover once can argue that the dead man was acting to defend his wife from assault. The shooter was attempting to intimidate her into moving her car from the parking spot.
A lot would depend on what the two men said to each other prior to the shots being fired. But this wasn’t a good shoot per the letter of the law unless the victim was saying something that contradicted his submissive body language when the mortal shot was fired.
The shooter was knocked down on the ground and rendered immobile. He couldn’t retreat.I agree completely. SYG is irrelevant, because the shooter had no ability to retreat.
The question is whether or not the shooting victim had the intent to inflict death or great bodily harm on the shooter. Since the victim was backing away, there is no clear intention to continuing the battery on the shooter.
Fuck. Clicked the wrong font modifier.
It’s OK… I got it from context.
I like the way you put it better than the way I put it.
I posted a reply just now on Nextdoor that was dripping in sarcasm and brutally retold the stories of many city “investments,” an unkind troll of large governemt that should offend my young, proggy neighbors.
That got four “thanks.” Need to turn up the sarcasm, if that’s possible.
Surely that will make things cost so much less it will offset the cost of the mother-in-law, right?
Of course. And that’s before you take the multiplizer into account.
This ‘laziness’ paired with an inability to adapt to a changing climate likely played a role in the species going extinct, according to lead researcher Dr. Ceri Shipton of the ANU School of Culture, History and Language.-
But this strategy worked for the panda bear, right?
You see? Climate change killed an entire species of man before and will do it again, all because they were too lazy and valued convenience over hard work Repent, ye sinners!
If only advertising execs could figure out that scantly clad women on their knees appeals to the >13 straight male demographic…
Any and all.
I just finished my company’s latest harassment training. Nude or partially nude calendars in personal workspaces were specifically called out. WTF? I’m still using my JAL Cabin Attendants calendar no matter what they say.
Just say it’s a family photo album of all your wives.
This reminds me of a funny story – in Iraq, there was a bitch of a female captain who was not actually in our detachment but was an individual augment attached at the squadron level. She came through our barracks once for no apparently reason and complained about our skin wall (not even nudes, just bikini/underwear shots from mags like Maxim, which were big back then around 2005). I put many hours of painstaking work into carefully cutting those out and arranging them to get maximum coverage on that wall, so I was pissed when I had to take them all down. One of my roommates at the time was on barracks duty one day when that captain came in. He had a picture of himself with Playboy playmate Carmella DeCesare, wearing a tiny bikini, as the background on his laptop, which was in full view of anyone coming on the quarterdeck. She starts yelling at him to get rid of that picture “I don’t want to come in here and see some half naked whore!”
Jorge, without missing a beat, fires right back at her, “Ma’am, I really don’t appreciate you saying something like that about my fiancée.” Rendering her speechless, and she slunk out and I don’t recall her ever coming to our barracks again.
Were they actually engaged?
Of course not. She’s married to former QB Jeff Garcia, which is kind of funny since Terrell Owens used to insinuate that he is gay.
I used to insinuate Terrell Owens was gay.
OMWC and I were convinced Garcia was gay. I still think she’s just a cover.
Pink ink.
*slow clap building to crescendo
Jorge deserves the Orson Welles gif for that. God bless him.
“Jorge, without missing a beat, fires right back at her, “Ma’am, I really don’t appreciate you saying something like that about my fiancée.” Rendering her speechless, and she slunk out and I don’t recall her ever coming to our barracks again.”
It always comes down to ‘I wouldn’t look good in that, no one would look at me in that, no one ever looks at me period’. A.L.W.A.Y.S.
Rather, just say that any attempt to remove it is both racist and sexist.
Ours is e-training. Lots of little video skits. I turn the sound down and fill in my own dialog, which I guarantee is more interesting than the original.
The wrongful death suit comes after the conviction for manslaughter.
Financial compensation for loss of breadwinner?
What I’m getting at, I guess, is this. Assuming the shooter is found not guilty (or does not deserve to be thrown in jail) is there still a reasonable case to be made for some sort of compensation (enforcement issues aside) to the family?
Worked for Nicole Brown Simpson’s family.
That’s the SOP when cops shoot unarmed people.
In criminal court, the DA can indict a ham sandwich.
In civil court, anyone can be sued. Kinnath is right that wrongful death in the latter comes easy after a murder conviction in the former, but it is far from necessary.
Civil suit generally are filed after the completion of the trial. Regardless of whether or not the defendant is convicted, the testimony at the criminal trial can be introduced into the civil trial.
The jury in the civil trial can determine the death was wrongful even if it was not illegal, and compensation can be awarded.
Hello OJ.
OJ was a bit different. The jury criminal trial decided that there was reasonable doubt that OJ committed the murders. The jury in the civil trial decided he probably did it.
In the Florida case, the jury in the criminal trial could decide the defendant did the killing (it’s on tape) but the killing was justifiable. So a subsequent jury in a civil trial would need to find that the killing was justifiable and yet still wrongful. I think an acquittal at the criminal trial would seriously undermine a civil trial.
That being said, some attorney will come along and explain why I got this all wrong.
This goes waaay back, and I am a boardroom lawyer, not a courtroom lawyer, so I may be wrong:
A conviction in a criminal trial is admissible in a civil trial, but I don’t think its binding on the civil trial even though the standard of proof is much higher.
An acquittal is also admissable, but there is a considerable gap between “preponderance of the evidence” (civil trial standard) and “beyond a reasonable doubt” (criminal trial standard). An acquittal in a criminal trial is pretty much irrelevant to a civil trial because you can drive a Brinks truck full of cash through that gap. There is no cognitive dissonance in saying “There is a preponderance of evidence he dunnit, but still room for reasonable doubt.”
If our Florida man isn’t convicted, then there is no finding that the shooting was justifiable, only that the prosecution did not put up enough evidence prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn’t justifiable. You have the same gap as noted above. In an olde schoole self defense state, if the criminal jury says he walks, its because they have found that there is a preponderance of evidence that the shooting was justifiable, but I’m pretty sure that’s not binding on the civil jury.
I don’t think any result from a civil trial is admissible in a criminal trial.
Sworn evidence in any trial is admissible in a later trial.
Thanks. I had forgotten about the details in Florida where the burden of proof is on the state to show the shooter did not have reason to fear for his life.
My mayor won’t drink problematic beer.
The mayor of Somerville says he’s never again drinking Sam Adams beer after company founder met with President Donald Trump.
Imagine saying you wouldn’t do business with people who met with Obama.
I’m actually frightened at times by this degree of intolerance.
They’re making complete asses of themselves, but I’m sort of enjoying it.
IIRC the people who met with Obama went out of business shortly afterward.
Kiss of death.
Huh. I didn’t know I was so woke. I just don’t drink it because whatever hops combination they use leaves a soapy aftertaste in my mouth.
It’s the cilantro.
I went on the tour. They claim the water supply doesn’t matter, which is contrary to every other brewery tour I’ve done.
I would guess they’re filtering the water and then mixing up their water profile from scratch.
They claim tap water.
At the brewery I visited in Boston they made it a point to say that the other brewery mixed up it’s water to be identical to the water in Boston. I don’t know why, because I hated that water, but it works for them I guess
I don’t mind it except all the rads.
Is he also boycotting Apple?
And the NYT.
There’s a reason they call it Scummersville, bro.
Anheuser-Busch Inbev/SAB Miller is a foreign company that owns 224 beer brands, including the most popular American brands. So that may not be far wrong on Trump’s part.
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart has died.
Best beard outside of ZZ Top.
He was rocking that evil goatee.
The Hitman’s still kicking around somewhere.
The Atlantic, ladies and gentlemen. I’ve been assured that this is not parody or satire of any sort.
“It would be comforting to think that Pelosi is alienating because she’s a rich liberal Democrat from San Francisco—not because she’s a woman. Yet despite attributes that should make her endearing to cultural conservatives—she is a Catholic Italian American grandmother of nine who entered politics only after staying home to raise her kids—many Americans greeted her rise with, in the words of the Yale researchers, “contempt, anger, and/or disgust.” It was the same for Hillary Clinton: Her deep religiosity, career-long focus on child welfare, and insistence on keeping her family together in the face of near-unimaginable humiliation didn’t spare her in the 2016 presidential election.
Similarly, if Senator Elizabeth Warren seeks the presidency, she won’t be able to count on help from her working-class Oklahoma roots and anti–Wall Street passion. On the surface, Trump’s “Pocahontas” slur may appear as unrelated to gender as Clinton’s emails did. But the moral outrage that female ambition provokes takes many forms. Already, notes Jennifer Lawless, who directs the Women and Politics Institute at American University, Republicans target Warren far more often than they target her populist doppelgänger, Senator Bernie Sanders. Not coincidentally, according to HuffPost, Americans approve of Sanders by a margin of 24 points—and of Warren by only four points.”
Oh for fucks sake!
Man, why do non-leftists hate leftists so much? IT MUST BE BECAUSE WOMMINZZZZZZZZZZZ!!
Warren isn’t targeted more than Sanders because she’s a fucking woman. Warren is a rising star, while Sanders is a fucking has been who is a year or so away from seeing his wife indicted for wire-fraud.
Not only is she in the rising star category, but the article itself states that she is much less popular than Sanders, and it is elementary level tactics to attack your opponents’ weaknesses, not their strengths.
Hillary Clinton: Her deep religiosity, career-long focus on her child‘s welfare, and insistence on keeping her family business together in the face of near-unimaginable humiliation
Hillary Clinton, deeply religious? Why is this news to, well, everybody?
She thinks she’s god and believes in herself?
Is there a mealier, more useless word?
Hillary Clinton is deeply religious actually. She’s a full on Social Gospel Progressive Methodist. If she was born a hundred years earlier she’d have been busting up saloons and pushing for sterilization laws.
At one time, sure. But is she still? She has certainly never made it part of her public persona.
Similarly, if Senator Elizabeth Warren seeks the presidency,…
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason for the article. As far as I can tell Pelosi has been disposable for a while now. This is about establishing the narrative for Warren.
Just… wow.
On the surface, Trump’s “Pocahontas” slur may appear as unrelated to gender as Clinton’s emails did. But the moral outrage that female ambition provokes takes many forms.
Indeed, it is crystal clear that these people believe that any criticism of a woman for any reason is actually a form of sexism.
I’m not sure it isn’t just a deflection tactic much of the time. “Those criticisms are invalid because you’re sexist!” And, by extension, “Any similar criticisms are invalid because only sexist people say them!”
Let ignore Warren’s own role in attacking candidate Trump.
Reap the whirlwind bitch.
She assailed him unsparingly as a heartless tax dodger cozying up with Wall Street who preyed on the misfortunes of Americans stricken by the financial crisis.
There is no evidence of tax evasion by Trump, this is just a smear. And didn’t Warren and her family make bank by grabbing houses under foreclosure and flipping them?
It’s Fauxcahantas.
Pocahontas is about to lose her claim to fame anyway as not only is a real Native American coming to town, but she also munches a mean rug so they say. Sorry Pocahontas, move out of the way for Dances with Beaver.
Sitting Bull Dyke!
Unless the woman is conservative. Then any hatred is totally justified. See: Palin, Sarah.
Not that surprising. She is toxic in many places and needed a puff piece stat.
It IS hysterical of course…
“2. Women don’t even have to be “emotional” to be called hysterical, they just have to disagree with a man”
Umm, yeah sure, whatever.
“3. Is being emotional even really that bad?”
I believe that an adult would conclude that ‘it depends’. I mean you probably shouldn’t be crying, raging, or jumping with glee while you’re doing brain surgery.
Or fixing a detorsion of the testicle
She passed the largest entitlement program since LBJ, although the difficult part of any major legislation is in the Senate, not the House.
There’s no crumbs, the cupboards are bare.
“most effective congressional leader of modern times”
What fucking metric do they use to determine that?
Botox usage? Securing one of the longest runs of republican control in the house?
She’s nothing but a lightning rod at this point.
Passed Obamacare.
“Deemed” it passed.
Number, size, and scope of legislation passed.
Also intent of legislation. Results of legislation do not need to do what is says on the label.
I honestly can’t believe that’s real. I guess that’s why the comments are closed, because I’m almost positive the lefties would detest this more than anyone on the right side of the spectrum.
The article is from April (at least according to the URL). A lot of sites close comments after a certain amount of time.
Monday Afternoon Links of Meh
Meh? Some of us are doing 5 things at once trying to get out of work at a decent time. Today has been shitty. #IHateMondays
Stop that and do one thing at a time so that you can actually get it done. Multitasking, being all the rage it is, is pretty limited in humans. And the upper limit is typically around 1 thing at a time as far as doing it right and error free.
I do not believe there is such thing as successful multitasking for most people not named Tesla or Edison. It’s just screwing up a whole lot of little things at the same time.
That’s why I’m Stitious, Being Superstitious ain’t the Way….
Sure, I can talk on my cell phone, stir some soup, and chew gum, sort of all at the same time. But when it involves performing complex tasks all at the same time, not so much. Human brains do have have multiple processors and threads running all at the same time. I have a co-worker who reads a lot of books on theory regarding projects and so she’s always talking with me about that. She was just reading a book claiming that if an engineer gets interrupted for a single hour from the task they are working on, it takes them 45 minutes to just get back to the same mindset they were in. I believe it, this is why I am such a firm believer that you can never be more productive than you are if you are singly focused on a single task.
If you’ve been around a while, remember when everyone in the office had a cubicle with walls six feet high? Then they got shorter and then transparent and now you’re basically rubbing elbows with all your co-workers.
The exact opposite of every piece of advice on productivity I’ve ever read. I suspect this is managers not trusting their staff – and not giving a shit about productivity.
I know that it makes me very happy that I work from home at least half of the time. I like the open office space, the problem is, it can sometimes get loud and that is not productive at all. Always quiet in my home office, no one bothers me.
Can u read 2 books at the same time? How about algebra and read?
There should a law that says you are manager and insist on multitasking, I get to shoot at you with 2 guns from 2 different directions.
Speaking of manslaughter, anyone know of a good place to hide a body? My urge to kill someone is rising rapidly.
I think I have mentioned this here before (I know I did on the Discord channel) but we have semi adopted one of my twins friends and her little brother. She is a 15 year old girl and a good kid who has kind of a shitty home life starting with the fact that she has been required to be a parent since she was 9 because he mother can’t be bothered to actually take care of her youngest kid.
So this all started back around Thanksgiving the girl in question, we’ll call her K and another girl who was in the same circle of friends with my kids but a year younger were spending the night at K’s place and the only “adult” present was K’s 20something brother who was quite drunk. The brother sexually assaults K and according to the other girl outright rapes her (although there are some serious holes in her story and she is anything but a reliable witness, in all honestly it could have been anything from rape, to “consensual sex”, to absolutely nothing at all and she is making the whole thing up for attention).
Since then K and her 6 year old brother have been spending about half their time at our place.
Also since that time K’s shithole of a mother has actively prevented K from testifying against her brother and somehow all charges against him have gotten dropped (our guess is the other girls testimony has proven so unreliable that without anything from K they do not have grounds for a prosecution), to make matters worse “mom” forces K to spend time at her brothers apartment.
K has spent a good chunk of the summer working full time at a McDonalds down the street from our house and has not been spending any of the money on herself, she’s saving it up for a car and possibly to sue for emancipation. We found out today that “mom” gave K’s payroll card (the debit card McD’s uses to pay employees now) to her brother and he has been spending her money.
Over $1500 has been spent out of that account, by some combination of the Mom and the rapist brother.
That’s rage inducing. Be careful that K’s mother doesn’t try to gin up bogus charges against you.
As much as I hate CPS, this might be a situation where they could do some good. Or perhaps a non government social service agency.
Good luck.
You’re in MA right?
And there’s lots of boat, anchors, and a really deep ocean right there.
Maryland now. Just on the eastern side of the Bay Bridge
If you can get access to a boat, you may want to consider making them your chums.
Nah, all that blood and meat? Too much chance of contamination, even if it’s not your boat, it’ll bite you in the ass.
see, this actually seems like a situation CPS would be good for.
Does mom get to control the card because K’s not 18?
Where the fuck is CPS in this?
I’m wont to get them involved if not necessary, but it sounds like well past time.
This is Maryland, right? They’re hassling lily-white middle class parents who declined to grovel after their children were picked up by police walking to the park alone.
Good lord, that’s one horrific story. Hats off to you for your efforts on these kids’ behalf, hope it turns around for you all soon.
Holy shit, are you living live in a Jerry Springer episode?
“I think I have mentioned this here before (I know I did on the Discord channel) but we have semi adopted one of my twins friends and her little brother.”
Do you mean ‘adopted’ as in with paperwork and all that? Because otherwise, the last thing I would do is go anywhere near that situation. Way too risky and also taking the word of a 15 year old who is troubled is also probably not a good idea. I’d steer clear if I were you. I mean unless you really want to adopt the kids legal style, since you would then have control over them and could prevent them from getting themselves into bad situations. Otherwise, not much you can do.
Nope no paperwork. we just give them a safe place to stay and hope to provide some stability in their lives.
Right now the mom loves us because she has no clue what we think of her and we essentially provide child care at a rate she couldn’t get anywhere else. We’ve never actually asked her for a dime but she usually gives us $50 every 2 weeks or so and we let her because that somewhat offsets the cost of the food we feed them
It may very well be coming to the point where we have to become more involved and bring in authorities because this is straight up mental abuse
OK, I’m just gonna say this because I’m a giant asshole and someone should. This girl’s mom is a manipulation master. The chances that her daughter is not also pretty good manipulation are slim. So, how much of these stories the daughter tells you can be verified?
I’m sorry, I have to agree with you. 15 year old girls can be quite the manipulators when they are being taught it at home. Kids learn to get things the way they see adults doing it. In my mind, I have to stick with it’s a dangerous possibly explosive situation. You got the trash mom, the drunken son, the 15 year old girl. Tinder box.
Yeah I have been on the lookout for that.
Thing is she rarely actually complains in person and never has to me and a lot of it is coming from things my daughter has directly witnessed or are things that there is a paper trail that we have verified.
K has never once asked us for anything more than a ride to work or a place to hang out till her mom gets out of work and she gets very embarrassed anytime we do anything more for her or her little brother.
If she is running some kind of manipulation game it is a really long con
Just be cautious.
Also for all the shit K has had to deal with she actually isn’t all that troubled. She generally has her head on straight, rejects any kind of victim mentality and has goals that she is pursuing in her life.
Had she actually been a problem kid like the other girl I mentioned there is no way we would have let her be around that much
Help her set up direct deposit, and get away from that card the rapey bro is using to steal her $.
Good advice. If you are financially able then help her sue for emancipation.
Jesus. This ‘mother’ is evil.
White trash, I’m making a wager here…
Tatted up, blue collar job 5 kids from 4 different baby daddies, all of them “bad boys”
She has a good work ethic, I’ll give her that. She works about 80 hours a week at a Dollar General at a not horrible wage of $17 an hour. Easily enough that with those kind of hours she should be able to handle raising 2 kids on the Eastern Shore (rents are a lot cheaper over here) without too much trouble but she has no clue how to manage her money and is apparently addicted to home shopping network and because she is a shitty mom and occasionally realizes that she is a shitty mom she tries to buy her kids love by idiotic splurges on them.
Sounds like she needs to be made to realize what she’s doing.
First question. If you have access to a non-traceable gun do you need to go through the trouble of getting rid of the body. Given the clearance rates of say the Chicago PD in solving murders you may be better off not touching the evidence more that necessary. /Just joking Preet.
^^This^^ hiding the body is a rookie mistake. Either make sure there are no witness and no evidence that can be traced back to you, or go the pig farm/acid bath route.
Acid bath.
Pig farm didn’t work out so well for one of the locals. Too much DNA left around for the RCMP to find.
Actually, I think I could probably hide a body in the Sonoran desert around Tucson quite well. The biggest challenge would be transporting it. Once it was in the ground, I think the odds of anyone finding it are below minuscule. But, honestly, disposing of the body is only one part of the larger plan to get away with murder.
Slab City………
You seem to have given this a lot of thought.
My professional life involves making a lot of contingency plans against improbable scenarios. Its not like I’ve picked up a gun for cash that has no connection to me, or scouted out places that I could get a body to and into a hole within a few hours, or anything. Honest.
Real Libertarians use wood chippers*.
*Note to any governmental minders, the above comment was intended as satire and should not be considered an endorsement of any acts of violence or conspiracy to either commit or cover up violent acts.
Man, I appreciate the Woodchipper meme, but that has to be the worst body disposal solution of all time, first of all, it’s throwing evidence all over the fucking place and even if you set it up so that the ejaculate isn’t gonna be easily discovered, a lake or sewer treatment plant, etc. you still have the entire woodchipper full of DNA and shit. Have you ever tried to sanitize a woodchipper? Christ! I’d rather do the time for manslaughter than go through that nightmare again.
Using the cities/counties may clean up a breeze.
or so i’m told
All kidding aside, it’s about not giving the cops a place to start, even if it’s the city’s woodchipper, once they know the body was put through that particular wringer they have a foothold. Someone knows where that woodchipper was, someone knows who had access to it. Even if you snuck in and used it without any type of clearance they now know when and where it happened and can start looking for who might have been near there at that time. Is your car parked across from the county lot, did the security camera from the donut shop across the street catch a snapshot of someone that looks a lot like you skulking about on the night in question? No woodchippers while romantic are not realistically good options.
+1 Fried Green Tomatoes
BBQ him and feed him to the cops.
Cripes! My sympathies. For you and particularly for K.
I’ve been thinking about this, and I have a suggestion.
You need to go to war against K’s mother. You don’t have enough evidence yet, but this shitty behavior will happen over and over again. All you need to do is to arrange it so that at least one episode of this shitty behavior is captured in a way that the police cannot ignore.
One thing you could do is call the DA in the shitty brother’s prosecution. Explain your hypothesis about witness tampering. You don’t have to prove it, let the DA investigate it.
Second, open a bank account for K. You can do it in your name and allow her access. Let her put her money into it. Don’t touch it, but keep an eye on the statements. If shitty boyfriend or mom touches the money, report the theft to the cops.
Third, keep your eyes open for evidence of neglect. Call DCF should you observe something that will at least warrant an examination.
Fourth, record any phone calls you get from K’s mom. Get a good criminal defense lawyer. Follow his guidance as to how to collect and use the recordings so that should she threaten you, you can nail her for threatening you.
The goal is to get the evidence that scumbag brother is using the girl’s payroll card as his piggy bank before the cops. That’s theft. If he is on trial, he’s probably on probation and being charged with theft will be a violation of it.
Then the girl can then walk into family court and talk to someone in their family services department about emancipation. Witnessing uncle rape a friend, and having mom give your hard earned money to that uncle will be sufficient smoke that they will likely assist her with her emancipation petition.
Not uncle, it was K’s brother who assaulted her and she didn’t witness anything that happened with the friend.
They have apparently dropped all charges against him
This other girl is a nutjob who I would give an amateur psychologist diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, it is entirely possible she made up the entire story for attention but it supposedly happened later in the night in another room. Her parents took her in for a rape examination the next day but given that she was just 13 years old at the time and the fact that the prosecutors dropped the charges I have to guess that that came back with no DNA evidence because if it did they would have been able to convict him for statutory rape without any testimony at all .
“Alex Jones Respectful Message To Sandy Hook Parents”
It’s pretty long, and I don’t know how accurate it is. From what I can tell, it’s much like Milo getting banned from Twitter. A person isn’t responsible for the actions of their followers.
Literally Hitler
Obviously just doing all that stuff as part of his long-term plan to acquire power in order to restore America’s racial purity!
That was a really long time ago, and you shouldn’t consider things that far into a person’s past. Unless it makes Trump look racist, then it is fair game.
His racism was latent until he turned 65.
Didn’t Trump recently pardon a black lady spending life in prison for drug charges, including the entire 8 years that Obama was president? Just sayin.
That was racist because it made Obama look worse.
Pelosi Implies Trump’s A Racist, Says He Wants To ‘Make America White Again’
It’s so terribly sad the year has gone by quickly but it has not diminished the sorrow this is for our country. We’ve gone backward, and the president with all of his statements is the master of the dog whistle. Everything he has done, whether it’s taking babies out of the arms of their moms, whether it’s issues that relate to health care in our country, access to services and the rest is — his whole thing is “Make America White Again.” That’s his thing.
He can say a nice thing today in a tweet, but the fact is his actions speak louder than his words, and every day in the Congress we have to fight those initiatives. I’m very proud of House Democrats on different committees who fight those initiatives….
He’s afraid of Maxine; in fact he’s afraid of me; he’s afraid of the women who are going to be coming into Congress. He talks about “there’s no place for racism” and then he speaks that way. It’s really disgraceful. It’s disrespectful to Maxine, of course, to women, to minorities . … I’m always guided by our founders. “E pluribus unum,” from many, one.
Such a nasty woman.
The fact that a drooling moron like Pelosi retains a significant leadership position in the U.S. government tells me that the levers of power lie elsewhere.
Next state to legalize recreational marijuana…North Dakota?!
North Dakota voters to decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana
For all the legal eagles here; does that sound like a legit reason to vote “no” on this?
Oh, and his line of bullshit about “paying prostitutes with marijuana” is pretty laughable. Is he saying that you can pay for sex by giving a women a TV and not be charged? Asking for a friend.
Dinner I believe is the traditional method.
Look, it makes sense. We know what prostitutes are bad people and people who are bad people smoke pot. So you know, some of those prostitutes are going to take pay in marijuana so they don’t have to sell one of their kids to feed their marijuana addiction. Why do you want kids sold into slavery?
“Hey sweetie. How much does a 30 pack of Natty Ice and a handle of Silver Wolf get me?”
If you show up with the tee with 2 wolves on it, you get the full package for only 18 Natty Ice. You got to learn how to charm em dude.
Any shirt with fewer than three wolves is just lame.
I thought you were supposed to pay for sex by giving a woman a meal and a night out?
Or maybe a fur coat?
/Asking for Mike’s friend.
Jewelry stores hardest hit.
“Every trick ends with Kay”!
*prolonged applause*
could offer new defenses for non-violent offenses involving the drug
He says that like its a bad thing.
He said the expungement provision was also “inartfully drafted” and doesn’t account for someone who has another conviction alongside the marijuana offense.
“You can’t seal part of a case file, you can’t seal one charge because the charging document would have both,” Friese said, calling the language an “enormous logistical headache.”
Boo hoo. Plus, people doing background checks aren’t getting the fucking case files. They are getting a report from the state listing charges, convictions, etc. Somehow, the medical industry has figured out how to manage highly sensitive information (like HIV status) without torching an entire patient file. I think the state can figure something out.
So, no, neither of those sounds like a reason to vote “no”.
Thanks RC. I wouldn’t have voted “no” anyway, but now I have a little more ammo for those who buy into his bullshit.
So are all 18 residents going to gather at the town hall and vote?
With a population density of 1 person per 10 sq. miles, how does anybody even know if you have weed?
*narrows gaze*
*Looks around for someone to back him up. Thinks he sees someone a couple miles down the road*
“How Millennials Killed Mayonnaise
The inexorable rise of identity condiments has led to hard times for the most American of foodstuffs. And that’s a shame.”
Identity condiments?
I thought it was because mayonnaise is gross.
“The inexorable rise of identity condiments has led to hard times for the most American of foodstuffs. And that’s a shame.”
I can barely sleep at night.
I thought it was because they created artisinal mayo
Yes, putting ketchup on a hot dog is the most reliable way to identify if someone has an extra chromosome.
More reliable than if they put pineapple on pizza?
Yes. 99.97%
mayonnaise = 42% redneck of British extraction
Don hit hardest
Ah, but do you put it on your french fries?
I think I could probably meet all of my condiment requirements with mayonnaise and hot sauce.
That mixture is exactly what I prefer for my fries.
I like a sriracha mayo combo, and have had it on fries, but ketchup is really preferred. For hot, fresh fries, I actually like salt and pepper, no ketchup.
And for ketchup, Trader Joe’s organic ketchup is da bomb.
Trader Joe’s organic ketchup used to be great, then they changed the recipe and made it way too sweet.
You cretins need to get the hell out of my country.
Heinz is nearly perfect
but I got to liking mayo during my many assignments around Germany
There’s something about the various Euro mayos that isn’t quite like the ones we have here in North America. Something . . . difficult to put my finger on . . .
Has this made the rounds while I was working?
Minnesota nice!
Millennials will ruin the Mayo Clinic, too.
It’s what they do!
Wow they ended that a lot less violently than I probably would have.
Jeezus H Christ. My skepticism of CNN’s ability to accurately record anything, but if true, the boats are too fucking good for the Mayo’s administrators.
That is bizarre. Having seen a lot of these, I’m willing to bet there’s more to be said on Mayo’s side, and that a lot of what the family says is, well, highly unlikely. I get a bad vibe from the family’s version of events. The claim that Mayo had her under constant observation by two nurses is so far out of the norm for a hospital that I just have a hard time believing it, at all. OTOH, we are crystal clear that if a patient tries to leave AMA (against medical advice), nobody is allowed to grab or physically restrain them, which is what the Mayo nurses did.
There’s a lot of angles to this, but to me the puzzling part is this:
She’s an adult, in rehab. While there are things that basically only Mayo and a handful of other places can do, there’s a lot of places who can do inpatient rehab. I don’t understand why they didn’t transfer her when she asked to be transferred unless they had good reason to believe that she was actually technically incompetent to make these decisions for herself. Maybe that’s why they were talking about guardianship, but guardianship is not easy to get and would require a court and a guardian ad litem (basically, a court appointed representative of the patient) to sign off on it; you’re not getting it just on your say-so. And a court is never going to appoint a third party guardian when the parents are around and capable (and willing). Indeed, for medical decisions, you don’t even need a guardian if the parents are around; they are statutory “surrogate decision makers”. It just makes no sense to me that Mayo would even consider getting a guardian unless they had very serious concerns about the parents.
Yes to all. My wife is an RN and we’ve had these discussions too.
Although after what that family in, I think Boston, had to do to get their kid back from the hospital and the state has me wonder about the hospital too.
At work I read a version from the a local Minnesota paper that was better balanced, but couldn’t find it on the train ride home.
I mean, how much of this is hospital staff big timin’ a bunch of pushy rubes camping out in the hospital room and being loud nuisances? It kind of sounds to me like the mother in particular is what you might describe as intense–which is totally understandable in the situation–and rubbed people in the hospital the wrong way.
abusing the bishop
The Washington Post published an article on Monday complaining that President Trump posed next to a biker wearing a “sexist” patch on his vest.
Trump met with supporters in the “Bikers For Trump” group over the weekend and posed for photos with some of the group’s members at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.
The bikers typically wear vests with dozens of various patches on them, and the Washington Post zoomed in on the photos of the bikers with the president to see what the patches said.
One of the patches seemed to ruffle the feathers of one reporter, who called it “sexist.” The patch in question features an image of a topless woman with guns covering her breasts and the caption, “I [heart] guns and t***ies.”
Is this really all they’ve got? It’s pretty sad.
Scene: Inside WaPo newsroom. 15 people sitting around a large table , all staring at their laptops.
Idiot 1: Damn it. We’ve been pouring over these photos for hours. Not a single Iron Cross to be seen on any of these bikers.
Idiot 2: We need to find something!
Idiot 3: Hey, Idiot 4! Didn’t you say something a while ago about titties or something?
Idiot 4: Oh yeah…where was it? (furiously swipes monitor) There it is…yeah…”I love guns and titties”! This’ll have to do!
It’s hilarious how urban progs think that rightwing SoCons are all pearl clutching church ladies who vote based on who is prim and proper. They seem to really think that at some point they will get some sort of smoking gun that will send the evangelicals to the Democratic Party, because clearly stupid evangelicals vote on the personal piety of politicians, and not on their preferred policy platforms. Like WaPo is all THIS IS IT WE GOT HIM NOW ALL THOSE JESUS FREAKS WILL VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRAT IN 2020!!!!! because they seem to think that people who vote social issues are voting for the candidate’s lifestyle, and not for the actual issues.
The one thing I have noticed the most about the media lately is that they just keep cranking out the same narrative 24/7 no matter what happens. I mean seriously, they could be pushing the narrative that the moon is made of cheese and tomorrow a statement could be released by NASA saying that it has been 100% scientifically validated that the moon is NOT made of cheese and that there is in fact no cheese at all on or in the moon. The next day’s headlines from WaPo and NYT would be ‘SCIENCE CONCLUDES THAT MOON IS MADE OUT OF 100% CHEESE, CHUNKS OF CHEESE BREAKING OFF THREATENS EARTH!’.
I’m not even exaggerating, in fact, I don’t think exaggerating is possible at this point.
Of course, why that patch is sexist apparently goes without saying. Is liking boobs sexist? Is liking guns sexist? Is liking women to be armed sexist? You don’t suppose the people saying this is sexist had anything to say about the slut walks or other topless attempt to shock the bourgeousie, so I don’t think they can say that liking topless women, or using topless women to promote a message, is sexist.
Once again, I suspect that this latest “gotcha” actually increased Trump’s approval, just a little bit.
Every “gotcha” increases Trump’s approval. The level of delusion amongst the left is in the Mariana Trench. They have no idea how angry the rubes and bougies are, and how much they want SOMEONE to expend their rage on their behalf. Trump is Honey Badger.
Not to mention the Bad & boujee .
I hear they’re cookin’ up dope wi’ an Uzi…
Ramen, fried chicken, and champagne. LOL
And the Honey Boo Boo crowd loves it.
It has a certain train wreck je ne sais quoi.
I just heard on tv “Honey Badger” is something “viral”. Huh.
Wait, you aren’t saying you’ve never seen this, are you?
No. I avoid youtube like a virus.
Where does this rank in terms of tastefulness with regards to the “Save the Tatas” paraphernalia?
ex-gf, OG-1X-OG, was a member of a breast-cancer charity that often sold “Save The Boobies” shirts at biker events.
It always comes to this with tyrants
That’s an excellent afternoon music choice Brett.
That was my soundtrack as I was driving to the hospital for a scheduled angiogram.
Nikki Sixx. *swoon* That is all.
So…on a technical/etc level – is there any downside to using a VPN? In a similar vein, how much is too much to pay? Is it normally a monthly fee or one-time depending on set-up?
I’m not feeling particularly technical lately, and the sub-standard podcast (Sonny Bunch, etc) is partly sponsored by Express VPN or something else and it’s apparently $7 or less a month depending if you use their promo code.
Awhile back, Webdom (I think, maybe it was SP) outlined in the comments the security measures she takes. I think that would make an excellent article, maybe even a sticky under FAQs/Resources.
I remember this. Well, the topic, but not the details. I, for one, would really appreciate an article on this. Sort of a deep-dive, but not so deep that newbies get lost.
I’ve only ever used free VPN’s, and I have slow DSL; so the downside I’ve seen is that my speed gets even slower using a VPN, but like I said it’s a shit sandwich all the way round with the set-up I’ve used.
Im a fan of cyberghost. You have to jump through some hoops for being a cheap-o, free, user, like me. But Ive never really noticed any appreciable slow-down. Or not one that annoys me. But, YMMV
I pay $3/month for privateinternetaccess.com.
It usually runs well but some sites blacklist the fake IP address. You can fix this by choosing a different connection location or temporarily disabling it.
I can’t get to Glibs when I’m connected to PIA. No matter the server.
Hmm, I’m using PIA right now. I have trouble every so often connecting here but usually works on the next server try.
The one thing I’ve ever noticed was that I’d get slow speeds doing P2P stuff, but I never noticed any issues with just regular browsing. I never tried to play any online multiplayer games, so I can’t speak to that if that’s something you’re worried about.
The downside to a VPN is the increased CPU load on your endpoint running the VPN and any issues with applications that hate being tunneled.
The upside to a VPN depends on why you are using one, and who is providing it.
Security-wise, it *really* depends. A “virtual private network” is something that can take many forms, and be used to address many problems.
A NY reporter embarks on a smug-fueled road trip into Trump country. Pure douche-baggery ensues.
I don’t know, it’s satire. But the woke three year old tweet is where it went overboard.
I like the part where he sees a Chick-fil-A *triggered!*
Yeah, that’s when I went to “gotta be satire”.
I always thought casting a 63-year-old actor to play somebody who died at 49 (and the movie is set ten years before that was daring casting.
I don’t think that’s the Hamilton he has tickets for.
Okay, I didn’t actually watch the videos until Ace posted about it. Some of these are gems.
I got an LTC today in the mail. First time applicant, not restricted. Win! What should I buy, given that I don’t intend to carry: SIG Sauer P226 or Beretta 92FS? Both have MA-compliant versions.
CZ Shadow 2?
Or just saw screw it and get the HK Mk23.
The HK Mk23 screams that it’s NOT legal in MA.
Why? It’s just a big old .45.
SIG Sauer P226
orand Beretta 92FS?Embrace the healing power of “and”.
I like you.
That makes two of us.
The genius of the and rather than the tyranny of the or.
The P226. In 40SW.
As NJ resident with a better chance of getting hit by lightning than a carry permit it’s like reading about a fairy tale.
Just a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of modifying my magazines to only hold 10 rounds. Thanks Phil!
Oh ya. I have to get some new mags.
It’s for the children!
Then I’ll use my children’s lunch money. Those things aren’t cheap.
“Welcome to Canada.” :-/
I got an LTC today in the mail.
Usually they arrive on orders…
See and I read that as Long Term Care.
Having snarked that, what’s feels good in your grip? I have a 92FS. Wife feels comfortable when she’s shooting it so it’s the nightstand gun.
That makes sense. I’ll go to a store that stocks both to compare.
Personally I find it bricky, and not as comfortable as other pistols. But the wifey can manipulate the slide without a problem, which was an issue with some of those other pistols. Now she has her P99 and as soon as she gets more range time, will take over the bedside duties.
In regards to homo erectus story, it sounds like they overused their jump to conclusions mat. Everything they attribute to laziness can also be explained by stupidity.
Smaller brain than Homo Sapien? No language skills? Inferior tool set?. Less athletic in tracking down and killing game? All of this has been thoroughly gone over as to to why Neanderthal didn’t make it and Homo Sapien did. My opinion? We killed the fuck out of them, it’s what we do.
Neanderthals still exist. well in varying percentages of dna.
It’s very small though. 2-4%? I’m sure I have it, my ancestors are 100% white Europeans. Hey, can I sue the Homo Sapiens for not only racism, but genocide? I’d like 100 11tyzz trillion thousand dollars, that should do it. I mean we’re talking a shitload of retribution right here.
There’s a lot of geographic variation. Spud and I know a winemaker in France who would absolutely be a textbook Neanderthal from his physical appearance.
I used to know a guy, I worked with him for a couple of years. Holy shit, man, Neanderthal. People actually called him that, behind his back, because he could probably rip your arms out their sockets and stuff. But the heavy brow, the thick heavy muscle. We also called him Hulk, to his face. But I always thought, man that dude needs to take a DNA test, at least 50% Neanderthal, he has to be. Never seen anyone look like that, guy was a freak.
And body odor.
Yeah, but wasn’t the wine good?
I think it’s more likely that we fucked them into non-existence. Homo Sap will fuck anything with a hole, and it’s easy to absorb a genome.
“Homo Sap will fuck anything with a hole”
You’re telling me? I know a bunch of them, you’re right. As one friend once said about another friend, that guy would fuck a snake if someone would hold it still for him
Idiocy seen on another board, quoted without comment:
Doing some research for the primaries tomorrow and I came across this: Wisconsin treasurer candidate said she hopes opponent’s fiancée keeps baby if raped
Why would someone running for treasurer even comment on abortion?
Keeping it classy, obviously.
Holy crap, click the link to the “I voter guide” survey where this lady got her ammo from.
Almost none of that shit has anything to do with “treasurer”. I have a feeling that every candidate is “encouraged” to answer BS surveys like that.
It’s all culture war now, that’s the entirety of modern politics. Hell, it’s quickly becoming the entirety of consumerism also, Buy my product because my company likes/doesn’t like Trump/Obama is the modern America battleground. Doesn’t matter if your product is better just that you hold the correct opinion.
Looks like I’m relegated to shopping a the Nazi Surplus store.
Gonna guess Ms. Millies was a couple glasses of wine deep for that one.
Heh, good guess
at least the 55 magnum isnt the 88 magnum
Didn’t Homo Erectus cause the AIDS epidemic?
I thought it was John Holmes after a vacation in Haiti.
Word is he got the shitty end of the stick…
“So, I didn’t have a condom, but I figured when was the next time I was going to be in Haiti?”
Going shooting again on Thursday. I’m gonna have her go over the weapon mechanics (loading, making it safe, etc.), rather than just shooting ammo.
Good plan. One of the few things I like about Canada’s gun regime is that in order to acquire a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) you have to pass a six-hour course on firearms. Most of the info’s useful, and how to load/unload/check for safety (etc.) is covered.
Well, as long as it is useful info….why not?
Why not force someone to pay for taking the course before getting to purchase a firearm?
Griffin Jones would be a cool name for a senator, but I don’t think he has a chance.
I haven’t had any really good coffee in a while. This is what I’m drinking right now:
Sao Braz
Sao Braz is like the Folgers of Brazilian coffee. But it’s all I could get. The good commercial brands of Brazilian coffee are Pilao and Santa Clara. When I don’t have anything else, I just buy the Mexican coffee from Walmart, about the best you can get here for the price. All of that type coffee is very finely ground, so not sure how it would work in a press. I put 2 scoops in my Bunn machine and that makes 2 large cups that are pretty strong.
Today’s earlier post about getting old reminded me of one of Jefferson’s views. As he and Adams were getting old and feeble, he told Adams that Death was like getting caught outside in a rain storm: “It is nothing to be desired, but it is nothing to fear.”