No, nod a computer code, or encryption…a code in my nose. Yes, I am using these. I hate summer codes.

Swiss people IN the code.
SEA SMITH was in the rotation tonight, but he heard I was sick and he said “NO GO NEAR CONTAGIOUS LAND HOOMAN!” I think he just snuck off to hang out with NINGEN.

So here are your links, with very little fanfare:
- I don’t think that anyone is going to be prosperous on the Bosporus any time soon.
- HerToo#? Aren’t we supposed to BelieveHer# always, Keith?
- I am curious if this incident will have much of an effect on Emirates Airlines – a major European sports sponsor.
Hab ad it, I am going to bed.
She WAS carrying alcohol….
Now hit my mother-f’in Theme Music !
At the Unite The Right 2 rally today, about 2 or 3 dozen Nazi LARPing morons who’ll never have sex with anything but their anime body pillows marched in DC.
A few hundred Antifa also marched, and physically attacked multiple journalists.
One side seems to be highlighted in the media, and one side isn’t. I’m sure you can’t guess which is which.
If I posted this anywhere but here, I’d be accused of sympathizing with/agreeing with the Nazis. One of the few places on the interwebs where I can safely assume the readership won’t be doing that.
Naaa, we all assumed you were at the rally.
*opera applause, sneezes*
Santé / Salute! / Gesundheit!
Are they actually NAZIs or even sympathizers?
You mean like Bernie Sanders?
Even though I’m a fan of none of the above, when I see antifa beating the shit out of the media and the cops beating the shit out of antifa, it’s going to be a fine, fine day.
Sadly, you’ll have to hear about it from Alex Jones when it does.
And the media beating the shit out the cops for the trifecta.
I’d buy that for a dollar.
+1 robocop
Who gets laid more, alt righters or antifa freaks?
I’d say alt-righters because white women tend to be more racist than white men.
Which has more members?
*looks at twitter picture*
The antifa freaks.
That dude dresses exactly like the otaku here.
Oh wait, you mean in Japan, not “here”. Never mind.
I can’t figure out why this deserves any news coverage. NBC, to their credit, pointed out there were about 20 alt right marchers and about 1000 counter protesters. I’ve had more people at a family picnic than the alt right had at their March.
My wife’s family had a cookout today for pretty much no other reason than it’s Sunday and warm, and we probably doubled the alt-right numbers at the march. As I recall, the whole “Unite the Right” thing was tainted just a smidge by white nationalists, possible in sarcasm quotes, glomming on to a bunch of Proud Boys and paleolibertarians and so forth. Like they were trying to make it look like they were part of this big group, when it was really mostly a lot of anti-PC people and “Lost Cause” re-enactor types, with a few Rick Spencer “Nazis” trying to run to the front of the parade so they’d look like they were leading it.
The Spencers and Cantwells are uniformly pathetic (Cantwell especially). They attract an insignificant number of followers based on their avowedly socialist platform for basement dwelling racists.
The problem is the media, which is determined to make them a bigger phenomenon than they are. You would think that the “Nazis” at Charlottesville are a larger movement than those who follow Jordan Peterson. The media has every incentive to create a boogeyman out of the losers and attempt to ignore the principled right that poses an actual intellectual challenge to them.
Well, there’s also the trend to label anyone who isn’t an establishment Republican and rejects Progressivism as “alt-right”, so that you wind up with Jordan Peterson and Richard Spencer living in the same ideological camp. These are the same people who call Ben Shapiro a white supremacist and a Nazi (!?). Morons, in other words.
I think the hullabaloo surrounding Shapiro and Ocasio-Cortez (aka Karla Marx, which is still my favorite) is telling. Here is a person running for political office presumably on the basis that by her character and her ideas she is uniquely qualified to exercise political power over others, and when someone challenges her to a debate she responds by playing into the #MeToo bit. Granted, Shapiro did it in the usual slightly snarky way, but I have no doubt he was serious. And I’m willing to bet she knows it, which is why she popped victim smoke and ran for the hills.
So, reasonable people might take a number of positions on that, not all of which would be terribly critical of her, but I believe it was Esquire that ran a piece claiming she basically owned him via Twitter. As if her retort was some clever riposte that shamed Shapiro before all of the Interwebs as a mansplaining alt-right bully. These aren’t people operating in the same objective reality as the rest of us.
“Occasional Cortex” is growing on me.
I still like Pol Thot.
Yeah, that’s a good one. So is Pol Thot.
Stop right there.
And got bitchy with an immigration official in a Muslim country.
A woman got bitchy with an immigration in a Muslim country.
Yeah. Not smart. The immigration official is still an asshole but she didn’t handle the situation well.
This is my favorite hate read today
Tax policy does two things in capitalist society. First, it determines what share of the total economic pie will be managed by the public, in the form of government revenue, and how much will be left to the use of private actors like individuals and corporations.
Second, it stipulates how that public share is divvied up between the competing needs and wants of individuals, organizations, and corporations. The first is about resource control while the second is a matter of allocation.
I think my favorite part is that they stipulate a market, and then bitch about how they don’t control enough of it. But there’s lots to hate.
L. O. L.
“Wealth is socially created — redistribution just allows more people to enjoy the fruits of their labor.” – Jacobin
“If you are a small business owner, you didn’t build that. Someone else made it happen.” – Shitweasel
That’s “Articulate And Bright And Clean And A Nice-Looking Shitweasel” to you buster.
Don’t forget Nobel Peace Prize Winning Shitweasel.
Total economic pie? Doesn’t the author focus on cake more clearly?
Well, they all want cake.
Funny how wealth is not created – socially or otherwise – in societies that follow the political economic policies advocated by Jacobin.
And this is known to readers of Jacobin as bad luck.
Where’s my Jacobin trigger warning?
Seriously, on what other forum are you going to read about a “Jacobin trigger warning”?
I feel better about myself knowing I only have to defend fat men in speedos at the LNC, instead of this horrible shit.
Hover over the link?
The headline says it all: Women on inflatable rainbow unicorn rescued from Minnesota lake
Am I adding to the trip to hell, by wondering wtf they couldn’t walk to the pier?
Trying to purify themselves in the waters of Lake Minneton…..oh, nevermind.
“Fish Lake” and a rainbow unicorn…its like the jokes write themselves.
Wow, you’re the first person I know who admits to watching that movie.
“What’s so funny?”
“That’s not Lake Minnetonka.”
Nice tits though.
Better music and more tits than Jaws.
The book had sex in it.
“You cant judge a book by it’s cover. Well, except for JAWS of course.”
-Ellen DeGeneres (when she was a mildly funny, un-woke, broke, stand-up)
Wut? I have drank my face off numerous times on planes flying out of Dubai. Hell, I have never entered a plane in Dubai sober. Hell, I have never entered a plane sober. was top on my playlist every time I flew leaving some shithole. Thank god for noise canceling headphones, they are one of mans greatest inventions.
An in!
Okay, everybody weigh in here: which company makes the best noise-canceling headphones? I know Bose was (more-or-less) the first. And I do like how their Triports cushion my tender head with their blissful softness and perfect fit, but the cost of their NC ‘phones terrifies me.
Should I just suck it up and buy a pair?
I have only had Bose. I went through two pairs. I tried NC earbuds but on long flights who can stand buds in their ears for hours and hours.
I had a pair of Sennheisers I liked which were over the ear – not buds – and in fact just covered the ears rather than swallowing them up. Loved ’em. Under $200. Obviously the noise-canceling was not as great as you would get with buds or the giant ones to block out even more sound but it was good enough for me.
I have and use the Bose QC20’s. I like them & wouldn’t fly without them but I haven’t tried other models/brands.
I bent/broke the jack plug by accidentally pushing down on it while it was connected to a seat jack. Called Bose to arrange repair and they replaced it free of charge under warranty even though it was entirely my fault.
I’ve only had the Bose over the ear model. I love them.
Add me as a Bose fan, and I often fly four or more times a week. The headphones go on right after takeoff and stay on till landing. Typically accompanied by sweet uninterrupted sleep.
Bowers and Wilkins make a really nice pair (the PX). If you’re into sound quality, they’re better than the Bose, but you’ll pay a premium for them. Bose has a characteristic sound that’s pretty good for most people, but to me the treble sounds like mush.
I mostly like the Bose on silence function. I almost never listen to music on headphones so I’ll have to take your word on the treble issue. The only sounds I do on the Bose headphones are phone calls and airplane movies, and those sound fine, but that’s obviously far from the audiophile world.
Drinking on a flight to the ‘popular tourist destination’.
You couldn’t beat me and make me go there. More like ‘dumbass destination’. Fuck them.
I flew through there often for work back in the day. It was interesting the first couple times and then I learned that I hated the place.
I didn’t mean people that have to for work. Only people who can choose to go anywhere and choose there.
Euros are weird that way. I have no idea why some things strike them as appealing – I mean…North Africa or Egypt for a relaxing beach vacation? You’re outta your mind – even back in the 80s.
The family I lived with in Germany in 1986 had vacationed in Singapore the year before. I thought that was weird then and yeah, still weird.
Nope. Singapore is a different story – even back in the 80s. Clean, touristy, plenty of alcohol, nobody cared about gum back then (they still don’t as long as you don’t spit it out in the street). Any movie theater you go to – including Chinese or Hindi ones will have English subtitles. Aside from the tropical heat, it’s pretty much perfect for me as far as relaxing.
I love Singapore.
I had some relatives that went to Dubai and had a good time. They don’t drink, so there was no chance of them running afoul of the place’s alcohol laws.
Alcohol isn’t prohibited to non-Muslim residents of Dubai provided they have a license or buy at the duty free shop. I think tourists are allowed to drink at hotel bars. The immigration official in the story probably actually claimed she was drunk in public.
You mean they caught Tater Salad?
Has he been through rehab yet, or is he currently dying of cirrhosis? Damn funny comic.
That has gotta be in my top 10 stand-up bits ever.
Now I’m tempted to put together a list of stand-up bits. Larry Miller, George Wallace, George Carlin, Bill Cosby, Dennis Miller, Dennis Leary, and others would be in there.
Eddie Murphy, Mitch Hedberg, Jim Gaffigan, Rodney Dangerfield…
Maybe “Tater Salad” couldn’t hang in the top 10. Top 20 maybe.
Damn, forgot about Gaffigan and Hedberg, Didn’t even consider Rodney (I don’t think I ever heard most of his stand up, mostly know him from movies). Now I’m even more tempted to put together a list for this site, the comments alone may be worth it.
Larry Miller’s “Five Levels of Drunk,” Anthony Jeselnik’s “Thoughts and Prayers.”
And both George Carlin and the South Park kids’ version of The Aristocrats.
Oh man. There’s lots of good version of the Aristocrats. That movie was loaded. My favorite for shock value is Doug Stanhope.
Nice to hear props for George Wallace. Back when I was a comedy magazine editor in the 1990s, we crossed paths several times. Nice guy in person, though very full of himself.
Tosh actually has some great ones. Of course his stand-up was a lot dirtier than his comedy central show so I can imagine why it hasn’t “aged” quite as well in the last 5-6 years.
“Earlier, Erdogan had stood by his opposition to high interest rates, saying they were an instrument of exploitation and that Turkey was not going to fall into this trap.“
Yeah, well, good luck fighting inflation.
They have a policy: all Turks will get KAZANMAK buttons.
There is always someone around who thinks they can defy gravity.
I guess you’ve never gone skydiving…
Raquel Welch agrees.
When I was in Turkey in ’99? 2000? Anyhow we flew in it was 76000 Turkish lira to the dollar, we left it was 84000. Maybe 18 days. The dollar discount was pretty epic. Especially when the cop pulled us over for “speeding” (everyone was driving 60 mph in a 60 kph zone, they just waved the cars over). Gave him three singles, and was smart enough to only have 4 to display. Fine was 150k in Turkish lira.
Is it still hot as blazes there? I’m due to talk with my language exchange partner in an hour.
Read in the last thread you were in the mountains. Hopefully cooler there.
Still hot, but a little better than the last two weeks. Nagano isn’t too hot yet, but it’s only 9am.
One of my friends is in Nagoya where they set the record. She is currently on vacation in Hokkaido.
On my list of places to go, but it is unlikely to happen.
Nagoya gets hotter than Osaka and Tokyo. Weird geography pumps up the temp. It’s the only major city I haven’t really visited. No reason to other than Nagoya castle.
You wouldn’t think it looking at a map. I believe Toyota has an amazing auto museum there. All makes and all eras.
Their main factory is in Aiichi so I guess that’d make sense.
Cool, there is a Google virtual tour!,137.057728,3a,90y,202.19h,86.72t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sDXm7vZFh4qDx_7znooz91A!2e0!3e5
“Ruby Rose quits Twitter after backlash over ‘Batwoman’ casting
As Syfy notes, Rose’s final tweet before shutting down her Twitter saw her lament the fact that people were saying she can’t play a lesbian character because she is not a lesbian. Rose, however, has identified as a lesbian since she was a child.
“Where on earth did ‘Ruby is not a lesbian therefore she can’t be batwoman’ come from – has to be the funniest most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. I came out at 12? And have for the past 5 years had to deal with ‘she’s too gay’ how do y’all flip it like that? I didn’t change,” she reportedly tweeted prior to deleting her account.”
Quits twitter? That’ll show em!
I have identified as a lesbian since I was a child. I doubt they would let me play Batwoman either since I am trapped in a man’s body.
Also, I didn’t know Batwoman was a lesbian.
“Batwoman was created by writer Edmond Hamilton and artist Sheldon Moldoff under the direction of editor Jack Schiff, as part of an ongoing effort to expand Batman’s cast of supporting characters. Batwoman began appearing in DC Comics stories beginning with Detective Comics #233 (1956), in which she was introduced as a love interest for Batman in order to combat the allegations of Batman’s homosexuality arising from the controversial book Seduction of the Innocent (1954). When Julius Schwartz became editor of the Batman-related comic books in 1964, he removed non-essential characters including Batwoman, Bat-Girl, Bat-Mite, and Ace the Bat-Hound. Later, the 1985 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths retroactively established that Batwoman had never existed.
After a long hiatus, Batwoman was reintroduced to DC continuity in 2006 in the seventh week of the publisher’s year-long 52 weekly comic book. Reintroduced as Kate Kane, the modern Batwoman began operating in Gotham City in Batman’s absence following the events of the company-wide crossover Infinite Crisis (2005). The modern Batwoman is written as being of Jewish descent and as a lesbian in an effort by DC editorial staff to diversify its publications and better connect to modern-day readership. Described as the highest-profile gay superhero to appear in stories published by DC, Batwoman’s sexual orientation drew wide media attention following her reintroduction, as well as both praise and criticism from the general public.”
Ace the Bat-Hound?
The things I learn here….
Ace was animated in Batman Beyond, as Bruce’s dog. Batman Beyond is what happens when you ask Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to make an animated series of Batman in High School. It’s awesome.
…to diversifffff…ZZZZzzzzzz
*jolts awake*
What were you saying?
I thought BatWoman was the mute with the full face mask who showed up after Cataclysm and No Mans Land in ’99 or ’00 when Gotham fell apart.
Batwoman is lesbian, Batgirl is not. Two different characters. Batwoman hasn’t been around that long.
mmmm…..Yvonne Craig as “Batgirl”.
“I didn’t leave the SJW mob, the SJW mob left me.”
You’d think that the Ricola R&D boffins could have come up with something by now.
They are in a race against the Sucret savants.
More like COMMIE-septic, amirite ?
“Technological Stagnation in the Cough Drop Industry is a Symptom of Late Stage Capitalism”
– Jacobin, probably
No one needs more than one kind of cough drop!
“Nobody needs three different brands of cough drop.”
– Some idiot politician
That’s perfect.
“I am going to ask a question to everyone that cares to answer it. I have an opinion which I will not reveal. Is Now the right time (considering the world in which live right now) for me to play a real to life characte who is irredeemable racist in a dramatic series?”
Looks like he’s already preparing for the role.
He was better in this:
That whole thread. *SMDH.
Only if you’re a real life racist. cuz diversity and real racists just aren’t getting the work.
Christ, I’m dealing with my 10 year old niece declaring everything under the sun to be racist right now. It’s getting old. I almost chewed her out tonight, but decided it would be better to discuss it with her mother later. It’s the damn public schools.
Ha – I remember going through a period of giving my mom shit for smoking. For the same reason.
Replying to @LisaBolekaja and @vincentdonofrio
3. But as an artist, u are free to do what u want. It’s just really tough for people like me to see racist characters getting screen time when there are so many other cool characters that never get presented onscreen. Some folks won’t watch.”
Unless Birth of a Nation part 2 came out recently, I don’t think racist characters are being shown in a good light. Even in films like Grand Torino and Django, the racists are seen to have redeeming qualities despite being racist.
People are dying out there. Racists are running rampant, lynchings are all the rage.
All that evil racist stuff and she doesn’t want H Wood to cover it. She sounds racist.
I don’t know about all that, Vincent, but it might not be a bad time to stop sniffing glue.
I’d say it hasn’t hurt Walton Goggins – Justified was amazing.
Swedish Code:
“The yodel is in the fondue.”
Swedish, Swiss, what’s the dif?
Language, culture, borders……isnt that something that Michael Savage preaches?
Oh, nevermind.
White, blonde people with blue eyes that eat bland food and yodel.
Since someone mentioned this morning that Hendrix covers are acceptable, have some Buckwheat Zydeco .
Not a cover (so far as I know), but since you mentioned zydeco: Dr. John “Litanie des Saints”.
Or some Jo-El Sonnier .
Very nice, thank you. The Big Easy introduced me to zydeco, but I am not terribly versed.
RIP Buckwheat Zydeco.
I saw him perform once. It was a good show.
Fuck, I didn’t know he had died. I saw them a couple of times, they were great. For other old bands that are still kicking, Toots (and the Maytals) was still great the last time I saw him play.
I’ve seen Toots too, but that was about ten years ago. It was a good show.
Adviso: I discretely give Watchtower a pass, not all Hendrix.
Yeah, but that’s a Dylan song.
Yup: the thread was about covers
It was nearly tolerable until…..Bono started doing it.
*SLD- as much as I dont care for Bobby Dylan singing, “ISIS” is a great song.
Not a fan myself but I’ve always liked “Like a Rolling Stone”.
Christ these people are stupid.
They just keep falling for his rope-a-dope game.
Another headline:
“Boston Globe determined to prove Trump right”
Can you imagine all the arms that had to be twisted?!
Wet n Wild babes to soothe your aching soul.
Goodness gracious number 6.
#3 works for me!
My soul doesnt ache. I look. More than that is too much effort and thinking about what it would take makes my head ache. You think they are just going to strip those off and lay down because reasons? That is not how it works. That isnt how that works at all.
Also, cheating on a woman who would marry Suthenboy sounds like a bad idea.
This guy gets it. I would be throwing away the best thing that ever happened to me, and for what?
For a tittie post, that was pretty deep, right there.
+1 Goodnight.
29 really feels good about herself and I feel good about her.
23 looks like trouble. I’ll handle that one.
I must have heard this a hundred times and never realized James Brown played the keyboards. I love how it reads “Professional Piano”.
Im still partial to this JB song.
Course, as covers go, Little Steven had to go and ruin it.
That cover is awful.
that video isn’t live, tho there is live audio of that performance (which i’ve seen before)
Here’s the live audio version
JB did play the famous piano riffs on the original recording, tho bobby byrd (the backup singer in the vid) played organ/keys in his band for many years and often did those duties live.
Hope you feel better Swiss. I always reach for the good Sudafed and some Mucinex DM if needed.
Hot mom dances on the Jumbotron, teen son is humiliated
Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s clearly the dad that’s the embarrassing one there.
Eh…I think the dad is actively trying to embarrass him, but it’s mom who is causing the reaction IMO.
So his friends are going to rib him next week because his mom is kind of hot? How terrible for him.
Did you ever know a kid in high school who had a hot mom? There was one at my high school and that kid had to hear all kinds of appalling things pretty much every day. I think it usually gets worse than gentle ribbing.
Yeah, I’d think teenage boys would like to do more than a gentle ribbing with a MILF.
Our friend Keith had a hot mom.
And yes, you’re correct.
Huh, OK. To be fair I wasn’t looking at any kids’ moms.
Well, yeah, point taken. Let me assure you – having a hot mom is usually a source of unwanted comments.
Yeah it makes sense now that I think about it. In my defense I should add that I didn’t hang out with the cool, shit-talking kids at my HS.
I had the sister that everyone thought was hot. It was terrible, until she had a kid at 16, then no one joked about fucking my sister anymore…
I’ve had too much to drink, unless Dad looks a lot like a Ted Kennedy/Bill Clinton hybrid
Definitely saw some Bill Clinton in the dad
I thought it WAS Clinton for a second.
Phew….that was close.
Guess I can have another beer.
I’m only on my first vodka so yeah it’s not the alcohol.
I’m a slack-jawed idiot, but so help me this makes me giggle whenever I think of Clinton.
So you’re saying it’s the pills?
Clinton for sure. He even had that whiskey drunk red-face thing going on.
I also thought ‘his dad looks like Clinton.’
Upon closer inspection, Mom seems to have an ass like a cookie-sheet. Consequently, current Tres would say “probably not”.
However, teen or early 20-something Tres would respond with “game on”.
Ahh, yes. You appear to be correct.
Still, would.
Well, I deliberately left in ‘probably’
Very nice legs though
Whose bright idea was this? I don’t watch this version of football but tell me “practicing with the enemy” isn’t a normal practice. Because it sounds really stupid.
It’s pretty common to scrimmage with other teams in training camp. Giants did it with the Lions this year. They used to do a joint practice/scrimmage every year with the Jets, but stopped 10 or so years ago after the Jets started a bunch of fights and were hitting much harder than is customary in such practices.
I believe the thinking is that they aren’t in the same conference, let alone division, so it won’t get too crazy. Cowboys and Redskins would be an awful idea.
Drudge is linking to showbiz411 that says Aretha is about to kick off.
Time to pay my R-E-S-P-E-C-T-S.
*commences hootin’ & hollerin’ *
Related to my titty pics.
Selfies make me look like I have a sixhead (it’s only a five), and give me a nose worthy of Jimmy Durante.
I’m perfectly OK with banning Snapchat and Facetune (really? never even heard of that one) and celebrities, if that’s what it takes.
I would assume that Facetune is what someone’s great-grandmother would call Facebook out of confusion. Now that’s good branding.
Facetune is magic. That is all.
Funny, I always think the women who don’t look like they’ve applied filters or spent four hours in the makeup department are 1000 times better looking.
The left grapples with the PR issues over their love of Commie Pope and Commie Pope’s love of kiddie diddlers.
“He faces a church trial in which he could be defrocked entirely.”
I’d rather see him defrocked in prison.
Remember when the church position was that this was a uniquely American problem?
A pedo priest was locked up in Mass. He lasted less than a year before he was left alone with an inmate serving life without parole.
Everyone was surprised he lasted that long.
They locked up a priest during a Mass?
I doubt anyone here will find this surprising
I notice she’s careful not to actually come out and state the “correct” position that prospective Yalies are expected to have on this issue.
You must have missed this
Children are the best role models. *Picks nose, eats.
Oh sure I hear the dog whistles but that quote still doesn’t say anything about which side. Perhaps she is unaware that there are pro-2A demonstrations out there too.
Fuck Yale.
Thurston Howell agrees.
Sideshow Bob: You were the lucky one, Mom and Dad paid for you to go to Clown College.
Sideshow Bob’s brother: I’ll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way.
It’s more concerning to me that one of the most prestigious credential mills is taking in students so detached from reality and lacking in self-awareness that they think they’ll be punished for protesting social justice issues at Yale. Now, try walking out in support of gun rights and see what happens. The entire exercise on campuses is disgusting, hypocritical theater for all involved. These are people who want to pretend that they’re the disenfranchised minority rebels while attending a top university they can coast through and that will all but guarantee them access to the levers of power. They don’t want to take actual risks, but they want their perverse fantasies indulged. And Yale, like most campuses, is perfectly happy to oblige.
My favorite aspect of modern left wing street performance protests is they’re complete hostility to reporters who are sympathetic to them. And like college administrators, the left wing hacks who inhabit most of the media landscape are more than happy to dismiss this. A reporter has a higher chance of being physically assaulted at an Antifa rally than they do at one of Trump’s, but there aren’t any editorial boards calling for a coordinated propaganda campaign against them.
When in history have protesters shunned media coverage? I mean, I’m unfamiliar with it. Fucking Al Qaeda would go through elaborate plots to get Western journalists to their secret bunkers/caves for interviews because the entire fucking point is to draw attention to your message. They’re like children acting out. Somewhere deep in their unconscious psyche they know they’re fucking retards, but its a futile exercise because they have these shitty permissive parents who don’t just justify, but applaud everything they do.
1. Education =/= activism.
2. The more of a monoculture you inculcate, the more fragile, intellectually lazy and unable to think your charges will be.
3. The value of an Ivy League education is a currently a pyramid scheme; it won’t last forever.
They’ve got the first part down
Just a reminder. We have formed a very nice community here, and civil disagreements and freewheeling discussions are, of course, welcome.
Personal attacks, whether in current threads or dead threads, are not welcome.
Those who make them will find themselves unwelcome here.
*Checks recent comments*
I have a guess what prompted that, but not saying what.
Me too. It was when [redacted] said [redacted] to [redacted].
Exactly. * Stamps Mike’s FISA warrant.
I’m thinking Mad Scientist because of that fucking chihuahua disaster.
I was thinking Brochettaward in the (excellent) bacon post. He made some valid points in his rebuttal to commodious spittoon, but I fear he may have crossed the line with one or two statements.
The drunk Irishmen who clearly doesn’t know a thing about bacon wanted a fight. A drunk Pollock obliged. I mean, this is like putting a mongoose and a snake in a cage with a rat and not expecting them to fight. Was it wrong? Was I not supposed to do that?
In your defense, crisp bacon is the superior bacon. Chewy has its place, sure, but if you’ve got both on separate plates at a social function you’re gonna need to replace the crispy one every fifteen minutes.
Unoriginal copypasta merely gets an eyeroll.
I figured it was a joke that just completely failed in its objective, which is why I responded the way I did.
Apparently my joke completely failed in its objective, as well…
Just hoping it’s not me because…
Damnit. Can I verbally myself?
I would’ve assumed it involved a certain movie about a predatory fish or perhaps various forms of pizza or pizza-like savories.
Those just get you uninvited to my actual home for dinner. Although, I’d probably make an exception for Tundra or DOOMco if they were in the neighborhood.
I don’t recall if there are other poor misguided souls here.
In my home, we watch the Fish Movie during the Christmas season, along with Lonesome Dove. I have absolutely no idea why, but it’s now a family tradition.
All I will say regarding pizza is that my wife believes that thin crust pizza is too bready.
I don’t like dogs!
I have never seen the fish movie, I hate pineapple, Canadian bacon is for eggs Benedict, and there are better things to waste my carb allowance on than pizza.
You’re not supposed to fuck the chihuahua.
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries, SP.
Well, I am not sure it can be called a personal attack if it’s objectively verifiable like that.
So close…. Man notes what a complete failure public housing is, still thinks we need it. Or rather, we need a different faceless bureaucracy running it from the current faceless bureaucracy.
I guess he’s never heard of Pruitt-Igoe. Sheesh dude, educate yourself.
I have a friend who is native american (dot not feather) who when we talked about how all the problems indians face these days are because they have been fucked over by the government and government dependence has ruined them; he still wants the government to keep fucking with them, because they ‘deserve to be repaid’. Fucking logic, how does it work?
Or vice versa, what are you some kind of racist?
Just read this, which is somewhat related.
The argument the guy makes is that the idea of white privilege has the wrong end of the stick, and should be retooled as, quote, “African-American suffering”, because black Americans have a unique history in the United States which affected them more severely than other minority groups. As the argument goes, it’s not white people vs. everyone else so much as black people vs. everyone else, at least in terms of hardship. Comparing African slavery to prejudice against Muslims in the modern day is ridiculous, because Muslim immigrants have more in common with the Irish or Italian experience; it’s not even in the same league as slavery and Jim Crow.
So, I’m with him as far as it goes, even if I’m not necessarily on board. But then he goes into the same sort of racial determinism that plagues the social justice types and the left in America, which is essentially the reverse of white privilege: black people, by virtue of being black, suffer disadvantages that no other group faces. And here’s my problem. If you’re making the argument that modern-day Muslim immigrants, or whatever other minority group you’d like to choose, can’t be compared to black people living under slavery or Jim Crow, at what point do you have to apply that same argument to black Americans who have never been slaves or lived in segregation?
Re D’Onofrio: I really liked Criminal Intent. It was low-key and smart. I was into the original L&O when Paul Sorvino was still there, but SVU … SVU gets makes me ragey.
I don’t think Lenore Skenazy would have to work so hard if it weren’t for SVU. I am convinced it is almost solely to blame for the hysteria surrounding what might happen to your kid if he leaves the house to go to the mailbox 20 feet away.
It helped that VD is a fantastic actor.
(that probably came out wrong)
No, it sounds right.
A great part of the success of the first part of Full Metal Jacket.
CI is/was the best of the L&O, although I did like the earlier Jerry Orbach and before that. CI also brought back Chris Noth.
SVU is a steaming pile of self righteous shit, but even that had Richard Bethazar & has Ice T for comedic relief.
You mentioned Ice T. So I have to link Law and Order: DNR
Um, that, but also Law and Order: DNR!
Richard Belzer and his character came over from Homicide Life on the Street, which I also really liked.
Richard Belzer needs to make a sequel to The Groove Tube.
Agreed on that. Every time I’ve watch SVU it was some bs version of the hot proggie story of the day. Pure propaganda.
It’s the #1 fact of life: VD gets around.
The satanic panic going on when I was a kid and SVU was only a twinkle in Dick Wolf’s eye disagrees.
Law and Order: CI was great. The occasional, eye-rollingly stupid, proggy comments from Eames notwithstanding. It was like the writers just couldn’t help themselves but throw in a dash of self-righteousness once in while. Or maybe it was Kathryn Erbe herself insisting. Whatever…that got a little rant-ier than I expected.
Law and Order: CI was great.
What the hell is this world coming to. You shitlords keep praising Jordan Peterson, and the nownazis call him right wing, but everything I’ve heard from him he’s a 90s liberal. And Trump is a fucking 90s democrat, and this is the FAR Right? You guys gotta shitlord harder!
I hate to sound racist; but Tsun Zhu only applies to real war, not politics. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy in the realm of ideas.
The Overton window has a good laugh.
So, what you’re saying is Overton is the only god and Glenn Beck is his prophet?
I’m so going to smoke a bowl and watch that when I get home.
Peterson may be a liberal in that sense, but in his message he stresses personal responsibility, the value of tradition (meaning he is a conservative in that sense, esp. regarding religion, but other social structures as well e.g. hierarchy) and not lying, ever. Those are 3 things which society needs to either return to or at least get a better grip on.
A conversation is currently on-going at my local (and dangerously close to where I live) dive bar. Now, this place gets it all: bikers, The Gays, banksters, tech bros, black church lady’s who’ve been going here 40 yrs, punks, etc. etc.
Is it better to have theme music nights for different crowds, the bartender’s playlist, or should it be all capitalistic-like with the $1 per song jukebox (someone’s really pissed about the later). Discuss.
I should be the one to control the music wherever I go, because I have superior taste./ radio DJ
Easy: the latter.
That joint sounds cool. If it went to “theme nights” I would probably go somewhere else.
It really is an sweet place. Helps dealing with Bay Area B.S.
Me, I prefer no music at all, because if I go to a bar I’m mostly going to hang out with friends and talk, and I can’t hear what people are saying with you kids and your loud music! But yeah, I go jukebox, because odds are better I’ll hear something I like if there’s a bunch of different stuff playing. Or, people will forget about it and I’ll get some peace and quiet.
I’m stuck hanging out under a tree like a [retracted racist joke]. Downpour came out of nowhere. Heavy rain.
Rain on a ski trip? That might be racist.
No skiing in summer in Nagano. Sun is out on half the sky and it’s lightening up. *Makes dash for better shelter.
This comment is directed at no one in particular.
If you think Vincent D’Onofrio was good in Law and Order, you’re fucking retarded. Seek out your nearest mental health professional. If he doesn’t take insurance, pay cash. You need it.
But he was a good Kingpin.
Mr. D’Onofrio has a tendency to overact but in roles which sort of require it (like Kingpin), he can be pretty good.
Boring update on the burgers. I had them on the grill cooking and step out for a minute to use the restroom. Come back in and one of the housewives has wrapped them all in tinfoil after she splashed them with soy sauce. I lost it for a minute and stepped out. Calm down, calm down. I’ll be ready to go back in a fiver or so.
There, there, Straff. Power through it knowing that we all share your pain and symbolically shoulder it with you.
They turned out not terrible, but…
The wives are amazing cooks when it comes to Japanese food. Just don’t touch my grill when I’m cooking burgers. Soy sauce for gawd sakes.
So it’s 3:55 am and I’m in a chauffeured car to the airport, about to pick up a colleague, then we’re headed to Salt Lake City and Dugway Proving aground.
We usually go to a nearby city but this time we are staying on the post in the Army hotel. No restaurants, no bars. Have to bring our own. This could be dangerous.
Winding down 3:55am or winding up 3:55am?
I dinna kin. Just surviving for now.
As a Young Man With Candy, I spent more time than I care to admit out near Dugway. Hope it’s not too brutally hot.