Next week, along with your regularly scheduled features from Not Adahn, Mexican Sharpshooter, and SugarFree (and links, of course), we have some terrific, wide-ranging content heading your way from: Spudalicious; Fourscore; Florida Man; BakedPenguin; Semi-Spartan Dad; Mojeaux; and Animal.

Suthenboy’s series on reloading continues with a discussion on dies, and Yusef Drives a Kia promises Part 2 of his Omaha Beach project.

Sadly, Web Dominatrix will be MIA this week as she is in the middle of project hell with a client who has…a “gender neutral” midwife practice. Could I make that up?

You’re sure to enjoy all of the articles and I am sure they will prompt you to contribute your own. Right?

Now, stick around and enjoy a Glib Saturday Night Open Post! See you in the funny papers.