Next week, along with your regularly scheduled features from Not Adahn, Mexican Sharpshooter, and SugarFree (and links, of course), we have some terrific, wide-ranging content heading your way from: Spudalicious; Fourscore; Florida Man; BakedPenguin; Semi-Spartan Dad; Mojeaux; and Animal.
Suthenboy’s series on reloading continues with a discussion on dies, and Yusef Drives a Kia promises Part 2 of his Omaha Beach project.
Sadly, Web Dominatrix will be MIA this week as she is in the middle of project hell with a client who has…a “gender neutral” midwife practice. Could I make that up?
You’re sure to enjoy all of the articles and I am sure they will prompt you to contribute your own. Right?
Now, stick around and enjoy a Glib Saturday Night Open Post! See you in the funny papers.
Tulip, the wife and I have been watching A Culinary Cultural History based on your recommendation. Very interesting! Thanks!
Do you have theme music to cue?
Remembering back to my childhood watching WWF. Whose entrance music was Pomp and Circumstance? Randy Savage?
Yes! Snap into a Slim Jim!
If I was a professional wrestler, it would be this
For my senior homecoming I a coordinated the King and Queen (voted on before hand here) to enter to The Rock’s theme music.
Here’d be mine.
For nothing but a guy standing there talking, it’s amazingly entertaining.
. . . a “gender neutral” midwife practice.
I . . . uh . . .
. . . WUT?!?
Get with the times dude. Get with the times…..
Wait till it’s a pregnancy-neutral practice.
Also, midwife?
I’m not oppressing you, Stan — you haven’t got a womb. Where’s the
fetus going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?
I’ll never feel guilty for linking this.
It is hard for me to believe Florida Man could lucid long enough to write complete sentences.
Seems all that meth can make you really focused .
I hate to spoil any future 1sts for me, but in the vein of Fake News….
Great googly moogly Lost World: Jurassic Park is a bad movie. Holy Christ, I hope Goldblum and Moore got enormous paydays for that stinker, because they will pay for their iniquity in the afterlife.
Today at work, one enterprising young contractor learned not to park his 20,000 dollar work vehicle too close to the caster.
New paint or new fenders?
The real problem is that directly below that hole burned in the bed of the vehicle is a very expensive diesel engine that spent a goodly amount of time on fire before anyone noticed.
Hot steel is a helluva drug, amirite ?
I dont know…..I think most of that should buff right out
You have a better buffer than I do.
I was at LTV Steel in Cleveland, and a contractor had parked his truck adjacent a blind corner. Pot-hauler came through, and didnt even feel it.
Luckily, the truck was un-occupied.
That doesn’t surprise me one bit. There is some really big stuff at a mill that will take small things like trucks and destroy them without so much as a hiccup.
You used to be at LTV!?!
Me too! Iwas at CPC assigned to 1&3 finishing, and then the CAL!
I was there as a contractor doing air measurements.
Then we probably never met. 🙁
$20,000 fir a white John Deere Gator? A new one is less than $9000.
Gators are junk. No low end torque. The axles are prone to break. The tie rods are integrated into the steering box, so that when one bends, the entire steering sector has to be replaced. The efi unit malfunctions when introduced to the slightest bit of water. I could go on…
Also, that diesel engine in that bobcat is probably about an 8k part.
Meh, I’d say overpriced, but I’ve never paid over $3000 for a car. I’m stingy.
I’ve got a repair on my car that’s over half that, and I’m not happy about it.
UTV’s and cars are apples and oranges.
They both serve a specific function and the functions are not related.
When I build something, here’s what you’re paying for: it will last for 20 years and start every day. It’s not the $8,000 for the mill that matters: it’s the 15,000 work shifts when something got done right and on time so that millions of other dollars aren’t lost/wasted.
My favorite clients in this space, specifically because of their commitment to safety, quality, durability, and low total cost of ownership: Volvo, JCB, and Cat.
Just get a compact tractor.
I’m sick of being sick. Got two backlogged plots for Hat & Hair cartoons that might be too old by the time I’m done with this crap.
Sorry to hear you’re sick.
A repost from the last thread. For you Bourbon noobs and people on a tight budget, you owe it to yourself to seek out Larceny and McKenna 10 y/o Bottled in Bond. The first is under $30, the second is under $35. Both very smooth on the palate with plenty of flavor.
unless it’s a handle for under $12 I won’t touch it.
Here you go. And it’s free.
A handle for under twelve dollars?
Finally… someone gets me!
Medley’s mellow bourbon is the lachowsky family drink.
Its about 13 a handle.
Looks like I can find the Larceny for $30, as I just killed a bottle on the shelf, I’ve got room for a new bottle.
How to give a regressive a heart attack
I larfed.
that works, but too predictable, try again…… Scum
Terrible video. What the author fails to realize is that progressives don’t have to tolerate intolerable things, such as anything with which they disagree. But if their views are not tolerated (by which they mean enthusiastically supported), it’s due to intolerance, hatred, and bigotry.
A heaping helping of hotties for your onanistic fantasies.
36 looks just the right amount of drunk.
None of them are kissing. WTF?
What a racist, and yet your shitlords have failed to overwhelmingly condemn him
Hey! I just linked that like 5mins ago in the last thread! Thief! Shame! Shame! Shame!
Where did you think I got the idea from? That was another thread. The only shame is that your linking laced strategical timing.
My link wasn’t laced with nothing/Cosby Defense
His tweets do the country a service by keeping the slobbering loons in their basements hanging on each one so they can be the first to #resist.
Open CARRY ANYWHERE?!? Lawyer from 9th Circuit Trial Explains
I’ll say it before and I said it again; Wisconsin had open carry laws on the books for a long time, and everything was cool. Then when they were trying to pass concealed carry some fucknuts got the ‘idea’ to protest by open carrying rifles into restaurants. Concealed carry passed, but private businesses severely curtailed gun access by banning it on their property in response to those fucknuts. So legally more carry options are lawful, but in reality areas that allow carry are narrower.
Gee, if they don’t issue CC permits and they don’t allow OC, they’re violating the 2nd Amendment? I’m perpetually amazed that judges who disagree with this are even on the bench.
Considering judges are now in the practice of somehow stopping the repeal of administrative actions done by executive order with executive order, I am surprised by nothing anymore. Activist judges activate and none of it is legal. As such I am no longer in the mood to debate anti-2A people. They always debate in bad faith and, as Suthen says, they lie lie lie. The federal Constitution says what it says, as do the Constitutions of the several States. Also, every mention on the topic of ownership of weapons in the Federalist Papers supports the private ownership of said weapons. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That is it. That is all. And I do not care what any robed wannabe dictator has to say on the matter.
Ok, so Gustave linked this video regarding the crazy guy who stole the plane at SEATAC and here is my genuine response, Believe It, Or Not!
Those comments have me brain AIDS.
That is an F15 not a F35 and honestly if you saw a turboprop doing strange maneuvers wouldn’t you video? as to panning to the jet…its loud. He hit his afterburners in the video.|4
Texas bike hate topped by Cali scooter animus
What I’m intrigued by is the violence of conflicting lifestyles and attitudes. I suppose there are plenty of expert riders who zip around like mad but never hurt anyone and park responsibly, but you only get two eyes and one back: it’s a lot to ask people to be situationally aware of thousands of selfish, dangerous scooter drivers. The article is blather, but the sociology is real: literally free-wheeling life-lovers versus, sooner or later, frontier justice and it’s kid sister, mob violence. Wonder how this goes.
It doesn’t go anywhere because the things will get banned in most places where they might be useful.
The one time I saw the scooter riders, I was willing to clothesline them. I also had to deal with a cunt on a bicycle who almost ran over my girlfriend who got upset when I called him out for not giving notice on passing.
Watching Despicable Me 3 with the nephew, because I’m a bad uncle and a worse babysitter, but also amused Randy Marsh is in it.
Has Pie explained all this yet ?
Does the picture look vaguely like a vat full of grapes ?
But the government is Social Democrats – shouldn’t it be all rainbows and puppy dogs over there? WTF are they protesting about??
You’ve got it all backwards, it’s democratic socialism for which the masses yearn.
EDC invades Romania
More Saturday night music, especially for Gen Xers.
I was actually at this show. Didn’t see myself on the DVD.
Did they play this one? Might be my favorite.
Oh, yes. They were filming for that ‘Greatest Hits’ DVD, so they played all their songs that ever had any traction. (At any rate, they played Neat Neat Neat, Love Song, and Smash it Up, so I was happy.)
The funny thing was, I was in London for work; I just happened to see the show advertised in TimeOut.
BTW, London was a great city to have a free hotel room in 2002 – I saw the Dead Kennedys, Cake, the Damned, and a couple other bands in a 5 week period while working full time. I understood then why people like living in NYC
Thanks for sharing this. The Damned and George Clinton are about tied for ‘most attended shows by me’, getting close to 100 times for each, and I’ll drop anything to see them if they are nearby. From Janus Landing in St. Petersberg, FL when I was 15 to House Of Blues in New Orleans when I was pushing 40, Disco Man sent me into a frenzy.
Army men Army Men Army men, it’s always Army Men, they call to me in my dreams, they are always there, paint me… paint me…
Help, me………………………
Heavy drinking while working on a diorama is a self inflicted wound.
It’s gonna be good….
Soon I will be at 1/144 scale and finally at 1/200 scale and then what will happen to Your old pal YUFUS?, I’ll Vanish I tells YA!
I need Growth potion stat, and I’m out of Beer!
Hey, Spudalicious!
Many thanks for the package we received.
Enjoy! I was happy with this one.
That isn’t even a euphemism.
Until again Mein Froinds!
Spotted the Nazi.
Nearly 3 hours in, the LSD tab finally kicked in, and not very strongly. Walgreens is going to catch hell from me tomorrow!
/if drugs were legal
Anyone wanna see a picture of my balls?
OK, these are my balls.
I didn’t get the first one. Bad link for the second one.
I give. Sure you’re not too disappointed.
Raven Nation & Rhywun: Goddamn footballers beating down the best.
Fuck, never mind
I know the feeling.
たわごと. Hope the camping is going okay.
K cup machine done died this morning.
K lastima.