Well I hope y’all have had a good week so far. Its certainly been a long one, full of interesting things. What wasn’t interesting (to me) was the performance of Justin Verlander last night. I haven’t seen him have an outing like that in years. Oh well, can’t win (or no-decision) them all. So yes, the Mariners beat the Astros last night. The other winners were: Washington, Cleveland, San Diego, New York (AL), Toronto, Tampa, LA and Pittsburgh.
A logjam at the top of the leaderboard at the PGA Championship, with long-hitter Gary Woodland at -6. Rickie Fowler is positioning himself well for a weekend meltdown and sits one back. Zach Johnson is two back and a host of players including the ever-intense Ian Poulter, Dustin Johnson, Jason Day, and Justin Roseanother stroke back. Tiger and Bubba, two of the least likable people in the game, are both even, which is the current cut line.
There was also a bunch of preseason NFL going on, but I don’t care to report on it since the games mean less than nothing at this point.

My son and his proud father after his swearing-in ceremony.
Before I get into the birthdays and historical events for this date, I want to give a special shout-out to my son. He took his oath yesterday and is now officially in the U.S. Army. He was floundering after high school and wasn’t really too jazzed up about college, so he did his work, got great scores on his tests and after much consideration (and pressure from the number of people who served in his family and a few family friends to choose the correct branch), he chose the Army. He ships out to basic on September 6th. I couldn’t possibly be prouder of him.
Famous birthdays today include: William Howe, whose ass the United States kicked to gain our independence, Mexican revolutionary and second presidente Vicente Guerrero, chocolate man Henri Nestle, oil tycoon Edward Doheny, inventor and zeppelin pilot Hugo Eckner, average to below-average president Herbert Hoover, poker wizard Doyle Brunson, Bush crony Harriet Miers, musician Ian Anderson, actress and weirdo family member Rosanna Arquette, actor Antonio Banderas, musicians Jon Farriss and Dan Donovan, boxer Riddick Bowe, and Palestinian Prime Minister (and terrorist sympathizer or employer) Rami Hamdallah.
It was also the date on which Titus set fire to the second temple in Jerusalem, the Declaration of Independence reached London, Mozart completed “A Little Night Music”, the Louvre opened its doors, Ecuador declared independence from Spain, Missouri became a state, badass Nat Turner led his uprising, the future pope John XXIII became a priest, Japan said they were ready to surrender, “Sunset Boulevard” premiered, so did “Psycho”, the US launched its first lunar orbiter, David Berkowitz was arrested for the “Son Of Sam” killings, Billy Martin’s number was retired, and RBG was sworn in to there Supreme Court.
My favorite bit of that was the DoI reaching London. I would have loved to see the look on the faces of George and his courtesans as it was read to them. Priceless. Anyway, on to…the links!
Wow, that story of the kids “saved” from that compound in New Mexico gets weirder as it looks like they were training for Islamist terrorism.
Sounds like a hell of a party. I don’t understand why they would have been arrested since they weren’t bothering anyone. But that’s the state of things in America. Maybe he’ll dump some of those billions into educating the general public on minding their own freaking business, but I would imagine his attorney will tell him that’s not a very sound plan.
The SEC is taking interest in Elon Musk’s tweets. Its still to be determined if he has the juice to take the company private, but if I were a shareholder and someone offered me $75 a share more than its currently trading at (and probably double or triple what its really worth), I’d be jumping at the offer.
The Kansas GOP primary for governor is turning into a fiasco. If only some Democrat poll worker would show up with a few cases of ballots in a car to settle this matter once and for all, we could move on.

Team Blue can choose between this…
Team Blue is worried that Nancy Pelosi could drag them down during the midterms. Yeah, they should definitely hang on to her, in my opinion.

…and this. Best of luck, lol.
But they should give equal time to people like Occasional Cortex, who dismissed Ben Shapiro’s offer of $10,000 for a debate as the equivalent of catcalling her. Because, you know, asking a nominee to debate you on the issues is akin to whistling at a chick’s legs.
As Courtney Smith’s mother, former mother-in-law and local police start to throw shade at her in the football saga, the former Ohio State wrestler who had accused Jim Jordan of knowing about sexual abuse walks that story back. Huh, I guess the latest check from Perkins-Come didn’t clear the bank yet.
Prominent leaders in the black community are stepping up calls for Rahm Emanuel’s resignation in the wake of Chicago becoming a national disgrace.
This is what patchwork drug legalization looks like. And those state and local officials were right there with the feds doing their work. Because that’s what cops do. SO if you want drugs to be legal, you’re wasting your time until the federal government unschedules it at a minimum.

Not happening yet
Iranian officials say there’s no reason for Rouhani and Trump to sit down. I await the tweetstorm from the White House that’s coming in response to that statement.
If you don’t enjoy this, then you suck.
Now go have a great Friday and a better weekend, friends.
Could have been first.
Yay – you’re #1
And first time for getting dancing gif.
And 2nd too, because no one here works.
There was also a bunch of preseason NFL going on, but I don’t care to report on it since the games mean less than nothing at this point.
Still more important than that Little League shit.
Baker Mayfield looked fucking impressive.
I disagree. Regular season games are equally meaningless.
For the Browns, regular season games are meaningless after about Week 3.
Not true! Those games determine how much the Brown’s will be paying 3 years from now to some guy who will be at that time:
1. in Jail
2. in rehab
3. bagging groceries
4. drunk in a gutter
after drafting him 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th overall
True, because you’re still in the hunt at 0-3.
“Baker Mayfield looked fucking impressive.”
That’s because he is fucking impressive. If he busts, then the Browns really are cursed. He’s not on Luck’s level as a prospect, but he’s right there on that next tier. He should be a 15 year starter in the NFL. His floor is Alex Smith, his ceiling is Drew Brees.
Agreed. We’ll see if the ownership chose correctly when they picked the coach with a spotty record but the right look instead of the front office with a proven track record of making decision that don’t look right but lead to a good outcome…
I’m a talent guy. People like to talk about scheme and coaching and all that, and that matters, no doubt. But talent shows out. Talent wins out.
People give Hue a lot of shit, and he deserves some of it, but people also pretend that Kizer had a chance. He never did. He can’t throw completions, and that’s what a QB needs to do. Allen’s gonna go the same way in Buffalo for the same reason. Throw completions. Every completion you throw is about 7 yards. If you can complete 2 of 3 passes, guess what? You’re moving down the field.
Baker throws completions. He has otherwordly touch and precision. He hits the keyhole. Not the door, not the knob. The keyhole. He doesn’t rattle, and he doesn’t flinch. He just completes passes. His critics talk a lot about wide open receivers and YAC, but good QBs seem to always have those. Because they find the open man, they throw him the ball, and they throw it in a way that leads him to space and lets them run in stride.
It’s a hell of a lot easier to find a HC or an OC than it is to find a QB, but people act like theres dozens and dozens of great QBs who were ruined by bad coaches.
Disagree about Allen. He’s looked pretty good in camp. Who knows. Time will tell. Who would have thought that a sixth round pick would be dominate for the next decade and a half when Brady was drafted? (Who sits when he pees, by the way. Fuck that guy.)
Josh Allen is exactly the “he looks the part” kind of bad prospect that bad teams will forever be biting on. He’s like Kyle Boller looking great throwing a ball a million miles from his knees.
None of that matters if you can’t put the ball in the keyhole and if you can’t make split-second decisions.
Russel Wilson should have been a top 3 pick if the NFL talent scouts knew what the fuck they were doing because he can place the ball and he can think fast. Ben R isn’t great because he’s big and strong. He’s great because he can place the ball anywhere on the field and he’s probably not bright enough to notice that there is stuff going on around him that he should worry about.
The Jimmys and the Joes matter more than the Xs and the Os.
His floor is Brady Quinn his ceiling is Tim Couch. The Browns could make Brady, Elway, Manning, Montana, and Marino into 1-15 QBs. It is their special gift.
“Sounds like a hell of a party.”
The photo… that guy looks like he’s recovering from one hell of a buzz. He’s going to need to take his caffeine intravenously just to get the eyes fully open.
Congrats to you and your son, brother
I’ll just say that I hope he makes it back all safe and sound. Military family for me and not all of them have been that lucky.
Semper Fi, even if he did join the wrong branch.
What His Holiness said.
Congratulations and good luck to Sloop, Jr.
I second that motion, congratulations to Sloopy and Sloopy, Jr. So is he planning on making a career of the military, or doing a term or two to get some experience and build his resume?
I idea. I don’t think he’ll know either until he’s been there for a while. He’s agreed to 5 active years. He’ll figure it out sometime during that.
The good thing is that he won’t be getting out with nothing if he’s done at 5. WIth the Blended Retirement System – at least he’ll get matching funds in his IRA for however long he decides to stay in. Wish I could opt in but too many years…so I gotta make it to 20.
That’s a good plan. I regret that when I was his age I went straight to community college with no real clear idea what I wanted to do with my life other than skateboard, meet chicks, and hang out, and that started me on a series of choices that bit me in the ass for years.
“Wow, that story of the kids “saved” from that compound in New Mexico gets weirder as it looks like they were training for Islamist terrorism.”
Soon a judge somewhere, DC or Hawaii I suspect, will order that they be returned to their commune.
It was also the date on which Titus set fore to the second temple in Jerusalem
I believe you have your golf game on your mind, Sloop
Ugh. It doesn’t autocorrect that, but I had to type cortex three times before it took it?
Stupid computer.
Lachowski, if you are still around – From last night:
“There is zero diversity in my profession. It is made up 100% of competent people. This much *holds fingers about 1mm apart* incompetence gets you removed from my profession instantly. Incompetence gets you killed. There is no room for diversity.”
Not every person you speak to at that conference is going to be a complete useful idiot. Sometimes you can turn the light on for someone with just one line. That person is going to go back into the state bureaucracy and be a burr under their saddle. That is, if you want to wade into that swamp.
What did I miss?
Look around the thread from last night. He is trying to decide if he wants to attend some kind of conference on efforts the state can make to produce more guys like him.
Thanks southen. I’m going to attend, speak my peace, and hopefully someone will get the message. At the very least, it should be entertaining.
>>If you don’t enjoy this, then you suck.
Back in HS days there was a blonde that I had the hots for. One time I heard her said she could only lose her V to Michael Hutchence, the INXS lead singer. Somehow I don’t think that worked out for her.
She still hanging around?
Maybe it’s just me (unfamiliar with that band), but I kept thinking, “This sounds like a second-rate version of The Cars.”
It’s just you. They were a great band.
Did they have a big rubber fish hanging around?
You’re incorrigible.
Nope. Just supermodels.
Tell him the Coppertone Girl was a fan if you want to make him jealous.
INXS’s best album was Listen Like Thieves. What You Need is probably one of the best white funk songs ever recorded. It’s as tight as one of OMWC’s concubines.
It’s not one of their better songs. I never noticed the similarity of this song to work The Cars did until now.
Congrats to the young man for making the correct decision. From an old retired Army guy to a newbie just starting. 20 years go by pretty quickly, in retrospect. What training is he hoping for/expecting/enlisting ?
His contract is 25Q but he may end up 35Q if a slot opens before AIT. He tested out for both.
Many, many years ago I was a 26L. Tactical and fixed. Looks to be similar to a 25Q.
What’s with the eyes? Pelosi, Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez all have them. It’s like they’re looking into my
They are nuts. If you can see the whites of someone’s eyes over the top of the iris more than just in a few instants, dont turn your back on them.
Back when I was in a small PD: Captain – “Look out. That’s the one that’s gonna get you.”
In Pelosi’s case, she’s had so many face-lifts, she literally can no longer close her eyes. A little dweebs in a lab-coat runs up and mists her eyes every few seconds. And I assume Sanders is just continually surprised to be a) alive and b) speaking to a crowd of people not throwing rotten vegetables at him.
And c) a wealthy man with three houses having never done a day’s work or created anything useful in his entire life.
It’s the look you get from a rabid animal right before it decides it just needs to chew you up because…
“But they should give equal time to people like Occasional Cortex, who dismissed Ben Shapiro’s offer of $10,000 for a debate as the equivalent of catcalling her. Because, you know, asking a nominee to debate you on the issues is akin to whistling at a chick’s legs.”
That would have been hilarious. I guess she’s doing a fine job of humiliating herself and needs no further help.
Isn’t she kind of implicitly admitting that her ideas are as superficial as a woman’s looks here?
She has ideas?
Of course, it’s just that none of them make sense or will work.
That’s precisely why they are attractive to envious people that think marxism is the answer to the world not giving them what they want just cause they exist…
No, she’s just fighting the patriarchy. If she would have debated, she would have automagically lost because patriarchy.
I think she’s simultaneously letting the world know that she doesn’t like her chances in a debate of ideas with Ben Shapiro while at the same time showing that she’s a vapid idiot.
>>who was passed out with a balloon in her mouth
say what now? Whippets?
God, those were fun.
One of my HS friends was an uber-nerd. Think super skinny geek with taped broken frames and ill-fitting clothes that looked as if his grandmother bought them. He never got drunk or smoked. Or had much contact with girls.
His laughter after trying a some nitrous oxide in a balloon was funny in itself; like he had reached another higher plane of existence.
Lots of bars and even my hostel one night were selling balloons. A tick over a dollar per. I got three giants and went to my room where I had everything set up. Couple of songs off of OK Computer timing everything to peak with the climax of the songs.
Such an amazing and fascinating feeling. Just don’t be a Frank Booth about it and make sure that you get your O2.
Team Blue is worried that Nancy Pelosi could drag them down during the midterms.
She’s actually turning into one of the saner voices of her party.
That’s appropriately terrifying.
Maybe they’re moving her to the center by moving everyone else left?
From the Occasional Cortex story – This is a perfect example of politicians that are complete idiots, and she is an idiot, but have a feral sense of survival that miraculously keep them going in spite of their stupidity. I have only heard her speak once but it was like listening to a middle schooler prattle on about things they know absolutely nothing about, yet she won a primary? How the hell does that happen?
Public Choice Theory. Promise something and everyone thinks someone else will end up paying for it.
– some dude
Because voters are more tribal than most people expect – heck look at Obama and the amount of support he got from the black community, even though he wasn’t what I call an “authentic African-American” (which could sound racist).
And never did anything for them. Nothing whatsoever.
He didn’t do anything for anyone but the connected few and himself. In fact, he left a trail of destruction and defeat that directly resulted in the Trump election, but they are still defending this idiot and the “changes” he imposed on Americans…
But he wasn’t an old white racist man who hates the poor!
/any Team Blue campaign ad
Not true. There was a lady that got a phone. There’s even video of it on the internet.
But he didn’t pay her rent, did he? That pissed that lady off.
He lectured whitey for them. Not everyone is interested in economic results.
You obviously haven’t heard how well Chicago is doing now.
“How the hell does that happen?”
Brown people with a vagina?
It happened because she is Hispanic and ran against an Old White Guy in a heavily Hispanic district. Straight identity politics, of which we will be seeing plenty as our strength becomes diversified or something.
That’s the goal of diversity, though. Whether or not you have talent or skill relevant to the position is less important than that you can bring your own authentic lived experiences based on your skin tone, sexual organs (OEM or after-market), and who you typically want to have sex with. After all, being brown makes it more likely that you’ll know what other brown people want and how they think, which isn’t at all racist and you’re a racist if you think it’s racist.
Most people would rather have a bad leader that looks like them than a good one that doesn’t.
Look at the district. Think that shit plays in Peoria? She’s going to flame out once she’s outside the bubble.
You know who else wanted a Jew to quit his job?
The prophet Nathan?
Cyrus Vance?
Pontius Pilate?
Tzipi Livni?
The Pharisees?
Trevor Noah?
My boss?
Donald Trump ?
William Gladstone?
Hey, I represent that.
Me, with regard to myself?
The Romans?
What have they ever done for us?
The 1940’s Washington Redskins, right around halftime?
Yassir Arafat?
And those state and local officials were right there with the feds doing their work.
So much for sanctuary cities.
Well, there’s sticking it to Trump, and then there’s forgoing all that sweet, sweet asset forfeiture cash. These guys aren’t idiots.
“Prominent leaders in the black community are stepping up calls for Rahm Emanuel’s resignation in the wake of Chicago becoming a national disgrace.”
We need a corrupt black Democrat to replace corrupt whitey Democrat. Hey, it worked in Baltimore. I mean not to solve the murder rate, or fix the roads, or well… anything… but we’re more woke now!
“There are too many killings in Chicago, there are too many police-involved killings in Chicago,” Tio Hardiman, one of the demonstration’s organizers, told The Associated Press.
Interesting combination. What’s the ratio of killed by criminal vs killed by cop in Chicago?
Per the Chicago Tribune there have been 340 homicides in Chicago in 2018
Per the WaPo’s fantastic “Fatal Force” page, there have been 2 fatal shootings by police in Chicago in 2018.
I’m too lazy to look up ‘non-fatal’ shootings for either group
That’s about what I would’ve guessed. “There are too many killings in Venezuela, there are too many killings in Andorra.”
He’s not wrong.
The “prominent leaders” are a rap singer and a corrupt and venal “reverend.”
This is why communities shouldn’t have leaders.
Question for you OMWC, I’ve been interested in learning more about your faith. I’ve been pouring over the material I’ve found, mulling it over in my head and wrestling with the fundamental premises. Is the Zerohedge comment section an officially sanctioned source?
You know who else had an interest in Judaism…
Sammy Davis Jr?
Henry Ford ?
The authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
I’ve been interested in learning more about your faith.
Here’s MY faith: believe nothing without actual and verifiable evidence.
^Russian Facebook Bot.
That is what (((they))) want you to think! They are really plotting to enslave us all to their menorahs!
/Zerohedge comments section
That is very light slavery.
Most of your evidence is just taking the word of people you find trustworthy.
Kwame Kilpatrick should be available soon. And he has prior experience.
“Becoming” a national disgrace?
God, Karla has her people all over Ben’s Twitter.
i’m guessing Ben and his people can handle their unhinged verbal diarrhea.
Based Mr. Bean
Apologize for for a bad joke?? APOLOGIZE NOW, GLIBS
okay that was amazing.
HELL YEAH! Mr. Bean is a boss!
Canada shooting: Several dead in Fredericton, New Brunswick
waaaittimminute… gun crime in Canada? Impossible!
Handgun ban will stop it.
It’s all the guns migrating from Indiana!
I know, I thought they had strict gun laws.
Unpossible! They have common sense gun control! So there are no guns! You can’t shoot someone when there are no guns!
I’ve always found it really hard to avoid Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Damn you, Indiana!
So let’s talk about Schumpeter’s claim that capitalism ends up creating its own destruction. Is it true? And how do we deal with it?
I assume it is true since I mean the Democrats have turned from a classically liberal party into the party of Pelosi and Karla Marx and won’t be turning back anytime soon while the GOP is never too far from its Hamiltonian roots…
It might be useful to define Capitalism first. When pinkos are flapping their jaws they rarely use words with the same meaning that you do.
They use the Humpty Dumpty principle: ““When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, … “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
They simply change the meanings of words to suit their agenda at the time.
Schumpeter used it correctly.
I disagree with him, in that it isn’t inevitable. But it might be the way to bet.
Ok, assuming capitalism means ‘investing capital in an enterprise that produces more value than you put in’ and a capitalist system is one that provides institutions for doing that, no, it does not destroy itself. It thrives.
So why does socialism still happen?
Because the ratio of the productive to the non-productive is massively skewed in the favor of the non-productive, an entire ideological movement was invented to lend legitimacy to an idiotic premise that there no longer is any shame in being envious of what others have because you can simply pretend they “stole” what they have so it is OK to steal it back, and that movement has been incredibly effective at whitewashing the murder of over 120 million people and the imprisonment of billions under the yoke of the most evil ideology ever foisted on mankind with the ludicrous claim that it was not real marxism/communism, while also convincing the majority that fascism – another collectivist movement responsible for one of the most horrible wars in man’s history and the death of countless millions – is some right wing phenomenon.
He basically accepted the Hegelian model that capitalism is a step in the process towards socialism. He thought the move to socialism was inevitable, if unwise.
Yeah, we don’t have capitalism, we have crony corportidm. Any who stupid enough to believe we have captialiem or a free market deserves to have thier head fucking crushed with a complete set of the Code of Fedeal Regulations
“Yeah, we don’t have capitalism, we have crony corportidm. ”
Actually what we have is a form of soft fascism: a system where a select leadership cadre in government decides the winners and losers in collusion with their preferred industrial counterparts. Leftists will have an aneurysm when you point that out to them because they really want people to think fascism is right wing, but that is where we are at.
Fascism as an economic system is the only one that survived WWII. Even the euro “democratic socialist” states aren’t practicing no-shit, nationalize-the-means-of-production socialism.
Specifically, your last point is true because everyone conflates “socialism” with “Marxism.” Fascism (economically) is a form of non-Marxist socialism. The levelers were non-Marxist socialism. My family is a form of non-Marxist socialism. Your family probably is too.
Families are about the only collectivist entity with some chance of actually working out well despite any tyranny that might be going on, because in general it takes some seriously fucked up people to work their kids to death for having the wrong ideas or beliefs.
Religious communes with very high entrance requirements can work as well. The period studied here was the 19’th century, so I would assume some of the non-religious communes were Marxist and some where not.
I thought all that nonsense in the 60s & 70s about communes put an end to the idea communes are anything but praying grounds for charismatic people.
I was asking about Schumpeter’s theories rather than turning this into another attack on the left…
You cant debate him if you dont know what argument he is making.
Apparently Winston was assuming we were all familiar with Schumpeter’s argument. Probably not a safe assumption, even around here, but he was right for at least me.
That and a nickel are still worthless.
When were the Democrats a classically liberal party?
Before the 1890s?
When they were defending slavery? Is there a party platform you’re basing this on?
Grover Cleveland defended slavery?
Alright, I was stretching a bit further back then a couple years before 1890, but the Democratic Platform of 1884 still isn’t what I’d really consider Classically Liberal. Although there are some quotes I’d love to see anyone use in modern politics:
These are pretty good too.
There are problems, but there are a lot of good ideas in that platform that neither major party are considering today.
Attacks on “jobbery” are pretty classical liberal as well. The modern Democrats of course adore jobbery.
Yeah because classical liberals didn’t include slaveowners.
The Democrats traditionally were the party that supported free trade, hard money, lower spending, less corporate welfare and a less powerful federal government. Buchanan did reduce the debt the last Democrat to do so.
The Republicans in turn were the mercantilist big spending protectionists.
Anyway I am talking about a Democratic party that hasn’t existed in about 120 years so it is not coming back…
If nothing else, thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole of old presidential platforms. There’s some decent stuff in there. But yeah, going back over a hundred years is basically a different country.
Fun fact the 1932 Democratic platform called for… Spending cuts!
Yeah one of the big lies of history is that Hoover was a spending cutting heartless miser.
He was a big spender, using Keynesian stimulus to fight the Depression. FDR promised to cut taxes and cut spending, the classic laissez faire response to downturns, which works always and everywhere.
Then he got elected and did the opposite. He should have been shot.
I would say it doesn’t have to be true, although in our case it may be truer than not. We’ve never seen a purely capitalist economy (nor communist, to be totally fair) but we’ve seen economies that get close enough to count (in both cases) and to the extent that entrepreneurship tends to promote economic wealth and dislodge monopolistic behavior in the market capitalism (or as much as you can get of it) tends to be the best environment to promote same. I’m not terribly well-read with regard to his work, but from what I’ve gathered I think Schumpeter has it backwards. I don’t think that capitalism leads to corporatism which leads to suppression of entrepreneurship and the generation of politically-relevant non-capitalist groups. I think that socialism in the form of government ownership of land rights, regulations, and the like tend to favor established companies over new entrants, which in turn suppresses entrepreneurship and encourages the growth of anti-capitalist political groups.
the GOP is never too far from its Hamiltonian roots
This has always stricken me as interesting. Republicans were founded as, have been, and remain the party of mercantilism. But the Democrats, having been founded as the party of free trade and low taxes, were co-opted by “progressives” and turned into the party of socialism. I guess there is something to be said for consistency.
There is something to be said for the idea that in a Nation founded on principles of liberty and individual liberty the two parties each represent a failed and discredited economic theory and no party with a chance of winning an election represents economic liberty. It has to be said because it is unprintable.
Reposting this from last night, since the thread was dead. YouTube is upping their game. They are now attaching links to wikipedia articles to any video they deem “mis-information”. They did it to one of John Stossels videos on global warming panic. Clearly they don’t watch the videos. It must be in the early stages because the link only appears on the mobile app.
Salami strategy. You can rest assured that Big Tech loathes this very site and would love to shut us down…
If I had to guess, their algorithm is based on certain words and those words include things like ‘republican’, ‘conservative’, ‘libertarian’, ‘2nd amendment’, ‘free speech’. Maybe they can provide a list for the public to peruse?
At this point algorithms are like drug sniffing dogs. They’ve been trained, but also have learned to mark based off their handler. Its all based off of training data, which at this point has to be manually categorized. Id be interested in seeing the training data.
That has been precisely my call. Share those AIs and the criteria that trigger them. Cause I am certain they are fucking biased as hell.
Here is their explanation
“This information panel will appear alongside videos related to the topic, regardless of the opinions or perspectives expressed in the videos.”
So they claim the warning will be there on all videos related to the controversial topic. Somehow I doubt that.
I like how they pretend Wikipedia is a politically neutral and objective “independent third party”.
I think this is just really stupid. Pushing Wikipedia articles on some conspiracy theory video won’t get people to go “oh nevermind”
If anything it’s going to drive people further.
Why can’t a video just exist. Make a response one if you disagree. This info should be able to be given. People can research stuff.
It’s the digital equivalence of screaming in your face at a protest, “Whose streets? Our streets!”
I think you’re right about this having a negative results on conspiracy theory videos, people are intrigued by the forbidden knowledge.
Isn’t this an implicit aknowledgement by youtube to be editorial staff to all their content? Doesn’t that contradict their claim when they were sued for copyright laws.
Youtube Linking to Wikipedia to dispel misinformation. That is like journalists circular citing their colleagues reports as sources.
Funny stuff Youtube.
It works for the people that think only what they believe in should ever be allowed to be part of the public discourse.
For a leftist regime to get in place and endure, censorship is at the top of the priority list. If there really were a movement in this country to install a permanent leftists regime, the first course of action would be to go after the first and second amendments. Remember when Trump first got elected and the NYT were going all frantic about how we have to protect the Constitution from tyrants like Trump? It’s funny how just yesterday they cranked out a piece about how the Constitution is an old archaic article that is not appropriate in the modern day and must be revised or even repealed. There’s no cognitive dissonance there, just the lying phony version of NYT, followed by the mask off real version.
Funny that the only way to usher in utopia is through tyranny….
For a leftist regime to get in place and endure, censorship is at the top of the priority list.
This is why I tell people that socialism and communism require dictatorship. You can’t have people spreading ideas counter to ‘the revolution’ in order to maintain ‘the revolution’ and you can’t attempt to enforce something that is antithetical to human nature without the strong arm of the state and oppression.
e have to protect the Constitution from tyrants like Trump?
Which is ironic considering that even in his inaugural speech he talked about devolving power from the government and from the presidency and outright stating that Congress needs to do their own damned job. So what I have to say is: Leftists project. It’s what they do.
“This is why I tell people that socialism and communism require dictatorship.”
How else can you have a top-down ideology that disregards both the laws of economics and human nature work properly, huh, you Kulak?
How One Sex Toy Screwed Over an Entire Airport
Airport security somehow mistook it for a bomb.
Nostalgia time: The first Mrs. OMWC was a foaming-at-the-mouth radical feminist. She hated anything porn-related with a passion because it exploited women or something. She was also addicted to Hitachi wands. Anyway, we had gone over to Europe on one of my work trips, and at the end, returned home via Frankfurt. That airport had a Dr. Muller’s Sex Shop in every terminal, and she surprised me by asking to go into one. We walked through and she uncharacteristically said nothing about the racks and racks of porn magazines. She perused them for a bit, then went to the toy section. When she re-emerged, she had a large boxed “kit” with a powerful vibrator and a bunch of accessories. This was put into her carry on.
And yes, you know what happened. When her carry-on was run through the X-Ray scanner, the security guy grabbed the bag, pulled out the box, waved it around, and yelled, “Who does this belong to?” All eyes of the hundreds of people in the area turned that way to see my crimson-colored wife sheepishly claim it, amidst much laughter. Including me.
We separated a month later, so the story does have a happy ending.
That airport had a Dr. Muller’s Sex Shop in every terminal
And now you know why.
But it’s airport policy never to imply ownership of the dildo. It’s always “a” dildo, never “your” dildo.
I was just coming down here to see if anyone else posted that. You didn’t disappoint me Sloopy.
The weird commune thing really has me scratching my head.
It’s lice.
I knew I shouldn’t have used the common hat.
He said he was the sorting hat, but really he was the scalp molesting hat. This is why your hair cries at night.
How Dave Weigel Made A Career Of Highlighting The Right’s Kooks And Mainstreaming The Left’s
Former Reason employee Dave Weigel you mean…
“Former reason employee and blocker of me on Twitter Dave Weigel”, you mean.
You mean “Hit & Run troll Shreek?”
Is that confirmed? Because it’s damned believable.
of interest from the same article:
“wasn’t fully on board with the magazine’s upcoming, wonky focus on picking apart the [Obama] ”
My guess is if McCain won, it would be a different story.
I am sure he would have been a Nazi and the worst thing ever until he was out of office and they had some other team red asshole they hated with a passion and felt was Hitler’s reincarnation to these douchebags, if their previous patterns give one any indication of how these things play out.
Weigel was joe?
AKA shreek, AKA buttplug, AKA Addiction Myth, AKA djall
I hate to defend, or even appear to defend, Weigel but I don’t see how he’s unique in that regard. There’s not a single member of the MSM who would ever characterize any lefty ideas as “fringe” or “extreme”.
The MSM Overton Window includes every leftist idea in existence and the occasional utterance by John McCain.
Agreed. Whenever the subject of media bias comes up, I always point out that the people in the media accused of being dnc operatives with bylines never, ever call anything leftists say out as radical. In fact, they go out of their way to pretend it is mainstream.
Anyone right of Mao or Stalin, OTH, are right wing extremists… oh wait, that’s so yesterday, I mean Nazis.
Apparently Warren has never seen the Tucker Carlson show.
they reportedly found Nicholas’ girlfriend, Ashley Fargo, lying unresponsive with a partially inflated balloon sticking out of her mouth.
Now, I’ve gotten a good blow job, but…
Bret Easton Ellis Warns More Celebrities Will Choose the Red Pill à la Kanye West
They’ve ceded all the fun to internet shit posters. I mean really, c’mon. The collusion story is wide open for mockery and derision, but they continually fall on the wrong side of it. If you make fun of what Mueller is doing because it’s such thin gruel, you can always pull the, “WTF! There was something there!” later. You can’t just bang pound on the same drum forever. It bores people.
Look at the global warming scammers. They stupidly make predictions that will be verifiable in short order. They have a history of being 100% incorrect yet they keep doing it. It is the same mentality here.
“Look at the global warming scammers. They stupidly make predictions that will be verifiable in short order. ”
They used to do this so they could demand immediate action, and thus, as things were rushed, people would not get the time to figure out what they were doing was just instituting global marxist government. I recently had a conversation where one of the cultists bemoaned the fact that they now had to at a minimum put things out far out so they couldn’t be used to point out the bullshit, because it removed the need for urgent action.
Makes sense as there will always be artsy types that like to stick it to The Man and anyone who tries to tell them what what they shouldn’t be doing and the left is fitting that role much more today than socons or anticommunists.
Ellis basically had his career destroyed by the “intellectual” foremothers of the millennial thought police during and after the publication of American Psycho. As a gay guy, he had a little defense for them for years, but now that gay white men aren’t considered woke automatically, he’s been getting more and more shit over his snarky Tweeting and interviews.
Registered sex offender arrested at swim meet
Glad to see OMWC is still here with us…
I’m a perv but I’m not gay.
Now, there IS one of our staff who spends a lot of time around boys’s swim meets, and takes lots of photos. I won’t say who it is, but his handle rhymes with “shmoopy.”
Do you like movies about gladiators?
Woa… Is that really a test for determining if you are gay? I mean, I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, which might explain.. oh, never mind.
Diving meets. Those were diving meets. And my son is done with them now that he’s grown up.
So, with the media going full on non stop 24/7 about how we’re going to lose big time to China in a trade war, an article appeared yesterday… If I can find it, I’ll link it, saying that China is already starting to crack and having 2nd thoughts about this.
Yeah it started with a Chinese propaganda piece about apple needing to pay their fair share. Same old retarded bullshit. Someone in the party might have said “yeah I’m sure apple will hang around after we raise their taxes. Let’s not be stupider than California, comrades. “
I read the same article, and there is a ton of trouble brewing in China because they bluffed on this trade war shit only to have orangeman call their bluff. Xi is under serious pressure as the already flimsy and stretched Chinese economy (which the Chinese government has gone to great lengths to cover up) is getting hammered by this dispute and millions of Chinese people are directly impacted. Of course, a Google search only brings up articles about how evil Trump is for doing this and how China is going to destroy us over it, no matter how detailed your request is for specifically the article saying exactly the opposite (go AIs that are “helping” me stay away from fake news, huh?).
If you just look at China’s recent past schemes, like spending billions to build entire cities, guessing that people would just show up from wherever to fill them, and now they’re basically ghost cities, exactly how does that lead the media to assume that China is brilliant on economics? Anyone can look brilliant when you have a buffoon like Obama running US foreign policy.
As one guy wrote a while back, all you have to do is look at China/US trade and see the huge trade surplus China is running up to figure out who is more likely to be hit hard by a trade war. Yet our media manages to spin up a fairy tale over it just to bash Trump.
I have never bought the economic numbers produced by China. The commies were huge fans of Keynesian bullshit and did a ton of ridiculously stupid shit just like your example of empty standing cities. I have always said the people monitoring or reviewing the numbers the Chines government produced was beyond delinquent in their duties, and would not be at all surprised to see the Chinese economy at some point implode only for us all to find out China was lying about their numbers, and by orders of magnitude. I have always considered their economy fragile as well, because in the end it is based on stolen intellectual property and stupid foreign companies that gave away the bank hoping to make money there. Pull at any of the loose threads, and the whole thing would start teetering. Pull at a bunch of them, all at once, and the thing would unravel.
Plus no one seem to mention that outside of a few large cities, the country is filled with a billion peasants.
The Chinese economy today is basically about 350 to 400 million people strong if you look at those that actually participate. That is in a country of 1.4 billion people with a serious problem when it comes to the aging population’s ability to support a socialist state because of the one child policy China had. The rest are peasants living in the 1800s still. I dated a Chinese woman that told me her parents were well to do, competent and employed in the new Chinese economy back when, and the first time she saw a functioning bathroom or an oven was when she came to the US to go to college for her masters at the age of 29 some 15 years ago.
I’m feeling kind of guilty…
I have a new next door neighbor moving out here from somewhere near NYC.
Our street / neighborhood is was cut out of old growth forest about 15 years ago – lots of tall, straight Hickory, Tulip, Black Birch, and Oak trees. The town wanted as many of them preserved as possible but of course the builder wiped out most of the trees in the middle of the development.
My lot and my new neighbor’s still have a lot of old trees. A truly massive oak tress on his lot is dead and obviously need to be removed. But they decided to remove virtually every tree over 20 feet tall – which will look like hell. Funny city folks are worried that they’ll fall on their house even after I pointed out that they all survived Hurricane Sandy.
The town inspector showed up and said “no way” to cutting down healthy old growth trees. Now he wants to hire an Arborist to argue with the town. I think the Arborist will recommend removing a few trees that are too close together, and keeping the big healthy tulip trees.
I’m trying to be outraged about the town dictating how he uses his property and not relieved the idiots can’t make a mess next door – mixed results so far,
Say something about externalities and i think his property rights transfer to you.
While I appreciate trees and especially old growth trees like that, they belong in a park, not in my yard. Where I live now, I am surrounded by massive Oak and other trees. It means constantly cleaning up a mess. Next place I live, I do not want any trees, not big ones like what, within 100 yards of me. I don’t care if it’s Arbor day, fuck trees.
So you probably won’t buy a house with the most wooded lot on the street…
Not a chance in hell. Trees are pretty, just not in my yard.
Just blow your leaves into your neighbor’s yard like Rand Paul was accused of doing by the guy that needed some excuse to show he was not a pissed off woke leftist that wanted to lash out at the world he hated because his team no longer had control…
What, you’re wanting me to get Jap tackled?
Anti tree? I appreciate fringe opinions and I tip my hat to you sir.
My suburban lot has 4 big trees, and one smaller tree on it. Two oaks, two maple, and a mulberry tree (that produces fruit). Mowing the lawn in spring is a tiny tree genocide, as all of the acorns the squirrels planted start trying to grow.
You are a monster
My yard has two pecan, one pear, two apple, 5 oak, and 3 walnut trees.
I like trees, actually. But for my yard, nothing bigger than small ornamental ones. Oaks and big trees are racist anyway because they’re shading out all of the maples, just ask Rush.
My lot came with zero trees. We have planted 3. It will be a while before any have any decent size.
I have two ginormous sweet gum trees in my front yard. Can’t go outside barefoot in the fall.
Ha yes – little spiked balls of pain.
Worse than Legos.
I’m a bit of a tree nerd and even I question the utility of a sweet gum tree.
Talk to the neighbor about thinning and windsailing. The arborist can do some semi-aggressive pruning and alleviate the concerns, but you still get to keep the trees.
Team Blue is worried that Nancy Pelosi could drag them down during the midterms.
I wonder why.
You can just about with 100% certainty, guarantee that her replacement will make her took like the most level headed reasonable person on the planet. It will be a She Guevara or Dances with Beaver. They won’t be saying crazy shit like that because they’re senile and just prattling, they’ll be saying crazy shit because they actually believe it.
“Before I get into the birthdays and historical events for this date, I want to give a special shout-out to my son. He took his oath yesterday and is now officially in the U.S. Army.”
Congrats Sloop. Make sure he is smart about the MOS he picks and that he lines it up so they pay for whatever education he wants to pursue after serving his country.
(That’s the stuff you do before taking the oath)
Good luck with that. The military, and especially the ARMY from what I hear, has a tendency to shift enlisted people to the specialties they need to fill after they promise them something else.
The only way I’ve heard that is if you screwed up along the way (failed training or such) or didn’t have a guaranteed MOS in your contract.
Oh guess what that cool smart guy MOS doesn’t exist anymore, you could be shit cleaner though, its highly sought after.
When the drill sergeant asks “who knows how to drive a stick-shift?” DO NOT raise your hand.
When they ask “who is going to radio school?” (while holding a 50 lb radio right before a 25-mile march) – Really do not raise your hand.
Never raise your hand for any reason. It’s just DIs looking for an easy method for doling out shit jobs, and it doesn’t earn you any brownie points with anyone.
He’s got his contract done. I’m pretty sure he’s safe with his MOS and GI Bill. A few people reached out to his recruiter who could make that guy’s life hell if he fucked him over. He’s got is to go. Now he just needs to ready himself for what’s coming.
Yeah, tell him to remember that basic is about building a team and not to take any of it seriously.
THIS^^^ Army basic obviously is different than Marine boot camp, but the general principle is the same – it’s all a big game. Just play the game for 3 months and it’s over and you never have to do that bullshit again.
Have him watch Stripes a few times. He’ll be all set.
We watched it a couple days ago. He’s a big Bill Murray fan, so he chose it.
My parents are in town visiting. Dad was regaling him with stories* of his basic and OCS (in 1968 when it truly was brutal) last night to fuck with him. He knows it’s not going to be easy but Dad wanted him to know it also wouldn’t be hard relative to what he went through…which I’m sure every past generation of soldiers has done when a child or grandchild was going in.
*my favorite was when each man in his platoon had to give a broken glass from the mess hall a full military funeral with nothing but an entrenching tool and a measuring tape (to make sure the hole they each dug was 6’x3’x6’). In August. In south Georgia.
I did my OCS at Benning in Jan-June ’66. As an old NCO it took me a while to figure things out. Reality and OCS were two distinct and different things. OCS was the most demanding physical thing I had ever encountered. 40 % attrition rate.
AIT, we had to carry around a rock as our “battle buddy” if you turned up somewhere alone. Also crazy stuff like DIs inspecting your room during class and dumping every single thing (furniture, etc) on the concrete pad outside – and making you arrange it neatly before you could carry it back inside. (they’d use the hold-students for that too).
In Navy OCS, our Marine DIs would make us fill all our pockets and bags with sand (from the goose shit volleyball courts in Nov/Dec Newport RI), and then spread it throughout the entire barracks hallway – then clean it all up in 10 minutes before the next class. And then they scratched their head and wondered why dozens of students were coming down with respiratory infections at the same time requiring mass disinfecting of the entire building multiple times throughout the winter. Like I said….Marines.
While I despise New Jersey, I am still glad I fled California back in the 90’s.
Why California Cities Are Becoming Unlivable
California, the home of the ultra rich and the dirt poor with a fleeing middle class that votes to turn their new state into California.
Don’t worry, Murphy and the rest of the Dems are working on making New Jersey equally unlivable.
I plan to be gone in 2 to 3 years at the most.
It’s going to be a while longer for me, unfortunately.
And the locusts fleeing NJ are infesting Virginia and voting for the exact same prog dipshits that caused them to flee NJ in the first place. Le sigh….
So immigration….
VA is probably not where I’ll land – particularly not Northern VA.
VA now is turning into NJ South, so yeah, I wouldn’t come here.
I expect to hit the exit within five year.
I’ll probably be there for a while, but keep in mind, I’m coming from MD. Def not where I will retire, that will probably be SC or TN. There’s no where left that you can completely get away from the idiots fleeing places they helped fuck up.
The issue with NOVA is mostly prog overflow from DC.
And migration from the Northeast. My family moved to Richmond from NY in 1983, and back then that made me exotic. Now, probably half of my kids’ classmates moved here from NY, NJ, PA, MA, CT.
There are a hell of a lot of illegals from Central America running around in Prince William County. How do I know they’re illegal. It’s just a guess.
SAN FRANCISCANS: my studio costs $2700 and I stepped on human feces & 1 used syringe on my morning commute
CITY: we hear you, action must and will be taken. Scooters are now illegal
SF-ANS: what
CITY: no more delivery robots
SF-ANS: but
CITY: workplace cafeterias are forbidden
— Florent Crivello (@Altimor) July 25, 2018
Sounds about right.
That is how big government nanny statism works homey. Enjoy!
Congrats to you and the Spawn, Sloop!
Also, that is a great song and anyone who says otherwise is simply wrong.
Not simply wrong. They should go hang themselves.
You dick.
It took a moment for that to sink in, and I nearly choked on my coffee.
You’re one of my kind.
Don’t Change, straffin!
Must be INXS….[goes to check]…yup.
Got it in one.
Justin Amash, a libertarian, seems unaware that he can vote for a libertarian
Easy. Plenty of non-libertarian Libertarians. Like Bill Weld.
Justin Amash, an elected Republican…
If only the dems were friends with the Russians, they could have Amash hacked so he’ll vote libertarian.
Most libertarians are independents or republicans. The Libertarian party has very few libertarians in it.
I’m currently technically a registered Democrat. It’s only for the rest of 2018 and only so I can vote in the primaries against DWS.
I feel dirty. I’ve been getting mailings from the Democrat party asking for money.
Can you send in a few Rubles in an envelope?
When Sarwark is gone, and the LP kicks out Weld (instead of talking about him as a candidate for 2020) I might consider voting for a big L libertarian.
Congrats to the new Soldier and his family. Military service did much to set me straight. A kid in our neighborhood went to college for a year then decided to postpone the rest and join the Marines – seemed to help him get his head on straight too.
Good luck Soldier.
Did anyone see the Kanye West interview with Kimmel last night? I don’t make much about celebrity opinions – cause these people in the aggregate tend to be dumb as fucking rocks – and other than thinking Kanye hitting Kim Kardasian’s big round ass has nothing special about him, but what he told Kimmel last night should have really smacked some of the woke identity peddling marxists in the titties.
I have a lot of respect for Kanye just due to the fact that he didn’t immediately turn in a blubbering apologetic pussy the minute they attacked him, like most celebrities do.
I had a hard time clicking on that, just because I can’t even stand to look at Kimmel’s slimy smug face.
I still wonder if the former host of The Man Show and creator of Crank Yankers is just pretending to be a sissy leftist for a paycheck.
Carolla should punch Kimmel in the throat every time he sees him.
I hear they don’t talk.
Oh, I believe he went woke due to pressure from his wife and his friends. It’s the cocktail circle peer pressure thing. Adam Corrolla once said as much. Of course he didn’t sell out, and he isn’t raking in the cash like Kimmel.
Sounds plausible. A lot of people just don’t want to be on the outs within their social circle.
When your identity is defined by your clique, you are going to be vulnerable to their peer pressure tactics.
When your identity is defined by your clique, you are
going to be vulnerable to their peer pressure tacticsa useless, gutless pussy.FIFY!
Can’t agree with that more Sloop. Anyone that is defined by a group and not their individuality, to me is just a loser waiting to get fucked in the ass (and not in a fun or good way).
I tend to think that Sarah Silverman carries a STD that can spread wokeness through her smelly snatch.
2010 Silverman would laugh at that.
WTF Is that guy’s deal? he started crying as a result of a question he himself was asking Kanye.
and then Kimmel does an ollie off him with the families at the border issue and cuts to commercial.
I’ll just point out that the front page pictures from this post and last night’s post are eerily similar.
Re enlistment news- too local. Just kidding! Congrats to Pvt Sloopy Jr!
File this story under “Way more info should be dug up by journalists, but won’t”.
A K9 deputy who had two big drug busts thrown out of court has decided to leave the force for “personal reasons and a desire to expand his goals outside law enforcement.”
WTF? C’mon NoDak journalo! Dig!! Find out how this guy stepped on his own dick and then have the guts to publish the story. Who cares if it makes the local sheriff look bad. He obviously had a bad deputy working for him. The public should know.
A Blueprint, a printer, and a ghost gun – Issues, dangers and responses to print-your-own plastic weapons
In addition to this is a bill filed this week by state Rep. David Linsky, D-Natick, that no one except a federally licensed firearm manufacturer could make a gun with a 3D printer.
Which even if enforceable would be hilariously retarded in light of the fact that it has never been illegal to roll your own firearms, within NFA limits.
Also arguably unconstitutional, interstate commerce and all that.
Yeah, but now you’re going to have 6 year olds printing assault weapons and running around their neighborhood spraying bullets at 10 eleventy zillion bullets a second. We have to ban 3D printers. They’re only of use to drug addicts and criminals.
Surprisingly, Popular Mechanics had a very clear explanation about DIY firearms.
You know, we make kids suffer through some basics in the humanities because we think everyone should have a familiarity with some basic literature and philosophical frameworks. Why don’t we insist that the non-engineers take a similar set of course work in the sciences.
Everyone should understand the basics of physics. Then people wouldn’t write stupid shit like this (I would hope) or even if they did, everyone else would know how stupid that person is.
“Look, printers will become cheaper and more sophisticated. That doesn’t mean that plastic will mysteriously become stronger. Sure, printers will improve and may some day be able to print guns in stronger materials (like metal), but then those guns wouldn’t be undetectable would they?”
Same complete ignorance of basic physics is also on display anytime CAFE standards come up.
“You know, we make kids suffer through some basics in the humanities because we think everyone should have a familiarity with some basic literature and philosophical frameworks. Why don’t we insist that the non-engineers take a similar set of course work in the sciences.
Everyone should understand the basics of physics. Then people wouldn’t write stupid shit like this (I would hope) or even if they did, everyone else would know how stupid that person is.”
Math is hard. And these days they stopped doing the basics in the humanities as well because that undermines the marxist programming/indoctrination that now passes for learning.
You are right. Looking at some of the books that my kids had to read, I guess the canon in humanities isn’t a thing anymore.
I am a bit envious. I would almost trade having to read “inclusive” crap like I see my kid with instead of having to suffer through any of the crap from Shakespeare.
Shakespeare is also hard…
Not sure if hard, but they talk like fags….
And their shit is all retarded with them weird clothes they wear?
Lots of educated people are leftists so I don’t think education is the issue. If anything people need to learn humility. The vanity to believe you can solve unsolvable problems appears to be more prevalent in smart people. Your average HS drop out doesn’t think he can solve everyone economic needs through equations, it takes someone with confidence in their abilities to believe something so absurd.
Gab user’s anti-Semitic posts removed
You know who else wanted to remove Jewish people from America?
These guys ?
Elijah Muhammed?
El Al?
“Microsoft hosts Gab on its Azure cloud service.”
Not supporting anti-semetisim, but add this to a list of reasons why i would never use Azure as a infrastructure service. (I wouldn’t pu it past amazon either)
To be further clear, Microsoft does not Host Gab, Gab rents the virtual infrastructure from Microsoft. Its a small but important difference.
The ADL are the ones pressuring MS here and they are pretty much a Jewish organization. I don’t hear much pushback here from their constituents. Only praise.
The guys posts are nearly identical to The NY Times writer (he called Jews livestock, where The NY Times called whites dogs). Although I don’t think the guy has called for genocide like The NY Times writer yet.
The ADL is maybe the biggest censorship organization in the country, on par with the SPLC, yet one gets ridiculed while the other gets the kids gloves treatment.
so Microsoft is a publisher too now? do these guys run anything by legal?
Double Standards!
Why aren’t the anti-stand your ground zealots demanding that this old woman be arrested?
Why isn’t the Rev. Al Sharpton of the Naked Bicycling Masturbator community out there leading protests? “No beats, no peace!”?
She shot him through a door. Obviously there was no direct threat to her life.
He’d have been fine if it were concealed carry.
I have to think the overlap between people who are into CC and Naked Bicycling has to be vanishingly small….
Tesla’s former head of engineering Doug Field has left the company to work on Apple’s secretive ‘Project Titan’ self-driving car experiment
Special bonus: a roundup of all the Teslas that burned.
Ugh – I had a Tesla tailgating me yesterday. Close enough that I couldn’t see his headlights. The driver had a very punchable face.
I’ve never see a Tesla here. I assume they look like a Pacer that barely escaped the crusher.
The Model S is attractive enough. The Model X is hideous.
The Model 3 is as boring as any other sedan. Except for the interior, which is beyond retarded. I can’t wait to read about one of these things plowing into a school bus because the driver is trying to access the menu that changes the direction of the vents.
No exaggeration, there is at least one on every block in my neighborhood, and I know at least a half a dozen owners. I guarantee you that at any given time of day, there is one in the parking lot at my grocery store.
Did you test their brakes?
No – just got my “new” car and I’m still in the paranoid era of ownership. A picture
Don’t kill anybody on the sidewalk now.
My poor driveway – 1961 era – is in dire need of replacement. So I don’t spend any time weeding it.
Ruin the rear tires yet?
Only homos drive mustangs. I thought everybody knew this.
::starts to raise hand to protest, ends up hanging head in shame::
The regular commenter here, and fellow Japan man, is named Mustang for a reason. He and his wife are not homos. That doesn’t sound right…
County employees under “sophisticated” cyber attack.
Uffda. What a sad state of affairs it is when script kiddies and phishing are considered “sophisticated”.
Does this mean that Minnesoda Dems are expecting to lose some house races in the midterms? Because that’s what Russians showing up typically means.
No. I think it is prepping us for discovering that our “betters” in the county govt leaked a bunch of private data by accident. And unlike data breaches at a private company, I doubt the local county will have to pay for any credit checks or credit repair services.
I got phished on Hennepin once. *Stares off into distance*
You’ll be happy to know it’s receding back into seediness..
Can a reboot of Moby Dick’s be far behind?
“Hennepin Avenue is the beautiful-est place you’ve ever seen,” one man says. “There’s lesbians, and there’s homosexuals, and I just love it.”
I don’t know which side of the street to walk on.
We can only aspire to get back to a time when Hennepin Ave was a legendary strip of fun. Also a net positive tax paying area. Ever since the govt took it over, it has cost taxpayers a shit ton of money.
We need a place to get a “Whale of a Drink” again. I used to work with one of the managers from Moby Dick’s. He had insane stories about running that place. My favorite is that they would give you a free drink if you brought in an AA chip.
Lived in Denver for a while and Colfax had a very similar vibe to Hennepin back in the day. Something romantic about the main whore strip in mid sized American towns. LA or NY make it feel dirty. I saw hope in Minny and Denver whores.
It’s deteriorating again. Fewer whores, more predators.
Define whores Tundra.
I consider the fact that the city of Mpls basically gave Block E to the Lynx, Timberwolves and Mayo Clinic to mean that there are still plenty of whores on Hennepin ave. They are just corporate whores sucking on govt cock.
Fair point.
The reason those strips are less disturbing than places like NYC or Chicago is because they are probably filled with a lot of rural rubes who are visiting town and want to see “Big City shit”.
I know that when I was a kid in the early ’80s and visiting the Twin Cities with my buddies we would always head to Hennepin to see the sights. We’d always try to pretend that we were cool and sophisticated but the locals all laughed at us rubes.
Grand Rapids had/has it’s own area known for hookers and drug deals. And being a suburban teenage, my friends and I would pile into the car to see what could be seen. Which was usually some nasty looking woman standing on a street corner or just bums hanging on the street corner. But hey – excitement! vs the blandness of the suburb.
Worked at the Galaxy theater on Colfax back in the day. Good times. Nothing like staring at the face of humanity in all it’s sweaty and perverse glory. Learning that the guy in the nice suit will always have kinkier and more twisted interests than the sketchy looking dude was a bit of an education.
I also learned not to drop a hit of acid before working in a porn store.
This would make a good Glibs article.
You would just be in for the pictures. Fine.
*unzips pants*
Walked back from the Tivoli one night with a couple friends late at night. Right in front of Kitty’s I found three tokens shining brightly in the gutter. One for each of us. Get in there and each of us are watching on our individual screens. Long story short, that’s the night I found out my friend of twenty years was gay. “Dude, what are you watching?” *Peeked in his booth. “Ooooooh.” Tumblers fell in place in my memories of him.
Straffin, there has to be more to that story.
Did your jaw drop open in surprise? Was that then misinterpreted by your buddy and hilarious hijinks ensued?
C’mon we want more!
My (one remaining) friend told me this story:
He’s often getting high with an old friend named Mark. They’re smoking some good weed, drinking, and listening to music while jawin’. Mark, who I also knew, was the sort of guy who always had some good looking girlfriend so the next thing he says comes as a complete surprise.
Mark: “So… do you want me to suck your dick?”
Friend: “What?!? Uh no. That’s okay.”
A few songs later.
Mark; “Are you sure?”
Friend: “I’m good. You know I really got get going.” So he ends up driving home all fucked up.
It’s actually a bit sad. He married a woman and had kids somehow. It’s what it is. Don’t think he made the right choice, IYKWIMAIKYD.
I’ve got a buddy like that. Cool guy, been married twice, has a kid with both women, string of girlfriends, but he’s very touchy when he drinks and likes to wrestle guys a little too much.
The dick tap game stops being a game when you leave your hand on it, is all I’m saying.
It won’t be the same without the Alexander brothers.
Just because there was a very fishy smell emanating off that friendly lady who offered to show you the sights in Mpls, does not mean you were “phished” Straff.
What a sad state of affairs it is when script kiddies and phishing are considered “sophisticated”.
It has to be the same top-flight state actors that did the Podesta phishing. Nobody else could hatch a scheme this clever.
What about the Nigerians?
They called 9/11 sophisticated. Granted, it was more sophisticated than a backpack bomb, but I wouldn’t call it sophisticated.
credentials garnered through “phishing” emails
Who opens email from senders they dont know? Who sends out credentials to people they dont know?
If I dont know you or recognize your number I dont open email or answer calls.
The only time I saw a semi-believable phishing email was when I worked for a company that had the domain similar to multisomecompany.com. Some clever phishers sent out emails from rnultisomecompany.com . If you didn’t pay attention, the ‘rn’ can look like the m.
The phishers made it look like an email from the CEO. Since I got lots of email from the CEO, it wasn’t crazy to see messages from him in my inbox. The problem is that I was pretty sure my boss the CEO wouldn’t really ask me to click a link and enter my credentials to double my 401K.
The better ones I’ve seen obfuscate the domain with one that looks legit. For example, support(dot)microsoft(dot)com(dot)totally-sketchy-domain(dot)cz. It’s a little more polished, but I still wouldn’t call it “sophisticated”.
ACA Amps build – day 4. Day 3 was a wash because there was a short, causing the laptop brick power supply to drop the voltage down to ~5VDC, which made the LED indicators blink like a Christmas tree. Found one of the power transistors insulators had a pinhole, so the mosfet was making contact with the heatsink. At least that was my guess – replacing it fixed the problem.
Setting the bias: Pic
And the first amp, not quite 100% assembled but good enough for listening for the first time. Another pic
8Ws (or whatever the measured value is – 6? 7?) isn’t quite good enough for an 86dB efficient speaker with a 6-ohm impedance. Some Chet Baker sound fine, but not disco-era Bee Gees. No audible clipping but some softening (compression?) of the bass.
Do you dare bring it over and run it through my test bench?
Is this one of those traps? Like the pair of Heath W-2s I sold to some old geezer.
::Lord H walks into a stranger’s house, carrying some tube gear::
Geezer: A woman hasn’t been inside this house for over 25 years.
Me: I can tell!
Damn, you outed me.
I just finished doing a measurement suite on a $6k high end tube amp. Not. Impressed.
Let me find my shocked face.
Looks nice LH, a fun project to be sure
In other news about leftists refusing to debate their opponents in good faith: NPR had Jason Kessler on this morning. He gave calm and rational answers to their questions. The interviewer kept interrupting him, shouting him down and demanding that he explain himself, at one point going into full-on shrieking, crying hysterics on-air. Kind of hard to explain yourself when you aren’t allowed to talk.
Unfortunately necessary disclaimer: I’m no fan of Kessler.
I caught the tail end of the interview. I’ll look for the link to the whole thing.
They cant address non-leftist arguments because they dont understand choosing to be right over choosing to just try and convince people. They are con artists. They have no principles. Now they are in a panic because they have strayed too far into fantasy land and cant convince anyone.
thanks for posting.
she was letting her neurosis slip.
again with the cops and the copter crash.
Shuffled my schedule so that I’d have time to spend with the kid this summer vacation. Elementary school kids get about four weeks vacation in the summer. The other parents in our “circle” (long story) all work, so they just leave their nine year olds home all day. At least they pack a lunch box for them. Fine, do what you want, but my house has become central station for kids that are bored sitting at home all alone all day. Kid shows up at noon today and stays over until 6pm. Happy they feel comfortable enough to come over to the gaijin papa’s house, but how do you leave your nine year old home alone all day? Good kids, so I don’t mind but I ‘m worried a bit because I’m somewhat responsible for them if something goes wrong.
That is the plot of The Cat in the Hat.
They aren’t leaving them home alone all day. They are coming to your house for a big chunk of it, Mr. Free Babysitter.
I don’t know. I get that it seems like an imposition to have the other kids drop in.
Thinking back to my childhood, I remember running free all day during summer vacation once the morning chores were done. We’d all hang out at the park or the beach or somewhere.
I also remember Mrs Swenson (who lived near the park and had a kid our age) regularly giving out boloney sandwiches at lunch time pretty regularly to any of us miscreants who showed up.
Why me, though? These people are insane to let me watch their kids. You think they’d learn from being burned by whitey.
Start a day camp, charge ’em money. Call it Internment Camp.
The Earl Warren Co-Prosperity Summer Sphere.
My nine year old kid would be fine all day for four weeks. We wouldn’t have anything made from granola or processed sugar left in the house, and we’d have to set some ground rules on chores to be done, but it’d be fine.
I guess it’s safe to call Brazil a shithole now.
No shit.
>>63,880 people were killed in 2017
Obviously once all of SA emigrates to North America, all of these problems will go away /s
São todas as armas de Indiana!
Isn’t Brazil one of the countries the gun grabbers continuously go to when talking about “sensible gun controls they would like”?
Nope, definitely not. Brazil is unpersoned in the gun control debate. When you point out that Brazil has very strict gun control and a very high homicide/violent crime rate, you get responses like “why do you want to compare the U.S. to a third-world country?!” or “Brazil is an outlier”. Responses like, “what does economics have to do with it?” or “Brazil only recently became a third-world country, but its murder rate has been high for a while” or “if Brazil can be written off as an ‘outlier’, then so can the U.S.” don’t get well received.
One of my next-door neighbors is an older couple from Brazil. Incredibly nice people. Anyway, I remember going out to shovel snow last winter and seeing the husband out there doing the same. I called out to say hello, and I said something like “Guess you wish you had stayed in Brazil now, huh?” He laughed, and then said very seriously, “Brazil is so beautiful but still is a bad place to live.” They attend a Brazilian Seventh Day Adventist church and do a lot of charity work, and we frequently donate stuff to them because apparently there are scads of young Brazilians emigrating to the Richmond area who have little but the clothes on their back. Things must indeed be awfully shitty there to want to leave that badly.
Your neighbor? NSFUptightWButOKForModerateW
That was not the thicc Brazilian girl in a bikini I was hoping for.
Thick Brazilian in a thong isn’t enough for you? This is why socialism never works! You bastards are never satisfied with “close enough”.
Hah! No, thank God.
One of the unsung aspects of American immigration is the people who came here through church connections. The ones I’ve met have a deep and abiding love of the United States, work hard, and raise families with strong values.
Same. And it doesn’t seem to matter what part of the globe they escaped from.
How are the Minnesota Somalis working out? I think they were brought in by Lutheran Social Services, but I might be wrong.
No. I don’t think the Lutherans can be blamed for that one. Not sure at all though.
The Lutherans brought in a ton of Hmong, Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. Pretty much all good.
VOLOGs and the State Department It’s a racket now.
It’s been a mixed bag. There have been some assimilation issues, terrorism issues and crime issues, but my guess is those will change with subsequent generations.
We’ll see.
Yep. They invited us to an evening of Christmas carols at their church a few years ago, and it was a very good time, despite most of the songs being in Portuguese. A nice family event. The prevalence of beautiful Brazilian women didn’t hurt, either.
It’s unpossible, because Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws on the book. Remember, kids, common sense gun control == no gun crime.
Remember in 2010 when the BRICS were going to take over the world and end US domination?
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
Congrats! I’ve been trying to convince my boy to do the same. Kid has no clue what he wants to do. His mom is happy for him to sit on his ass for a year after high school. I have no problem with him taking time off before college, but only if you’re out on your own and learning how the world works. Sitting in your room playing video games isn’t an option.
Glad your boy didn’t go Navy.
Should have held out for space force.
Depends where you want to go. Army is good for Korea, Air Force is good for Korea (but probably best for Japan). Navy has Japan – but you never have any time in port if you’re assigned to a ship. Army has Europe too. Really depends on units, etc.
Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”
This is what you get for trying to treat women as equals.
They are not interested in being equals: they want to get it their way all the time.
What, women!? First I’ve heard of that!
That shitlord would probably use math to prove his points about economics. Everyone knows that math is discriminatory against women.
It’s Maths!
I prefer to not cruelly taunt people with lisps. “Maths” has to be impossible for them.
The ongoing self-immolation of Karla Marx has been endlessly amusing.
Why not debate? Perfect opportunity to call him out for mansplaining.
Yep, as soon as he calls her out for not knowing how the unemployment rate works as an econ major…
Not too long before Shapiro is deplatformed.
TYT, despite being actual mongers of hate, will never have to worry.
Yep…Vox pushing for more bans.
Crowder is extreme right?
Rahm Emanuel’s resignation in the wake of Chicago becoming a national disgrace.
Awe c’mon. They just need a few more gun laws.
Nothing left to cut!
New St. Paul Superstar Prog Mayor wants to raise taxes by 11% to pay for new programs.
I’m very open borders/pro-immigrant, but for fuck’s sake. Raising my taxes so you can provide lawyers for illegal immigrants isn’t my idea of fun.
If you’re a property owner it looks like it’s time to head elsewhere.
The Twin Cities are such a nice place to live though.
That is why I am not open borders. That shit is just the beginning. Without merit based immigration we would be overwhelmed by people with their hand out and politicians willing to put your wallet in their hand.
Fed-up locals are setting electric scooters on fire, smearing them with poop and burying them at sea
Personally, I see people riding them up and down the Nicollet Mall and think they’re pretty neat.
When Leap, Tundra and I met up downtown a couple weeks ago, I saw several of the scooters there. Some were being used even. Like you, I think it is a clever idea. Not sure if they will make money (especially when winter comes). But I love the fact that they just rolled out their business and didn’t go on bended knee to the local govt dicks to ask for permission.
I don’t think the White Walkers are very interested in using scooters, so they’ll be OK.
Note to self. Bust out Costco sized bottle of purell before riding scooter.
People who live in improving neighborhoods are so cute. Hope they wise and move to collapsing neighborhoods like the one I grew up in.
I can’t fucking even.
Holy shit. Just got back from the store. The clerk, a mid-twenties female, was talking about her desire for an electric car to ‘save energy’.
I asked “Have you heard of the law of convervation of energy?” She had not. This is why the pinkos have spent decades invading academia, to create ignorance.
“It says energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. When you change it from one form to another it cannot be done with 100% efficiency. You lose some usually as light or heat. If you take hydrocarbons, energy stored chemically, and transform it to another form, steam, and then to another, mechanical, and then to another, electricity, then transmit it miles over wires and then transform it again to store in a battery, then transform it again to mechanical, you lose a shit-ton of energy. It wastes a lot more energy than if you just use hydrocarbons to directly power your car.”
She gave me the blankest stare I have ever seen in my life.
“Ok then. Sell me the cigarettes and I am outta here.”
Just beat your head against the wall next time, it’s so much simpler to do.
And less painful.
You know, your explanation required Zero math to understand?
She was that stupid..
“I asked “Have you heard of the law of conservation of energy?” She had not. This is why the pinkos have spent decades invading academia, to create ignorance.”
These idiots do this sort of idiotic shit to virtue signal. I have had people that did understand the physics chemistry about energy generation become furious at me when I pointed out they should know better considering those batteries still require electricity to juice them up, and said electricity – unless it comes from nuclear – will have a far larger footprint. And don’t even get me going on the environmental impact of the disposal of those batteries and the cost it will entail.
I will not buy an electric car based on how they are made today and how inefficient and immature tech wise they are compared to the combustion engine. I have stayed away from solar, wind, or any other type of alt energy tech for my home, specifically because my state forbids me from setting any power generation at my home that would allow me to go off the fucking electrical grid. I have repeatedly talked about the inefficiencies of these alt techs and how they can’t survive without government subsidies/help for a reason.
Fucking stupid people.
When Lachowski shows up I am going to ask him how much energy is lost transmitting from a generation plant over wires per mile. I remember that we went over that in school but God, college is so far in the rear view mirror I cant even see it.
I remember that it is one hell of a lot, that our power grid is wildly inefficient.
If I recall correctly there is a big loss in the generation regardless of what is being used because that is just the chemistry/physics of conversion between matter and energy (in the high 80s to 90s percentile wise), a fairly large loss in the transmission of electricity especially over long distances (I will let Lachowsky give the details here), and if you take it to the logical conclusion for our electric car, another in the inefficiency of the appliance using the energy to then store it back as chemical energy in the battery (again in the 80s to 90s percentage wise).
It is insane to say electric cars are anything but horrible for the environment unless all our electricity is coming from nuclear or solar. All solar is not viable, because to generate what we need we would need large space based collectors microwaving that back to earth stations (also inefficient as hell and resulting on some serious loss). The marxists peddling AGW hate nuclear which is the only CO2 free way to generate electricity in large enough amounts to satisfy the demand (and give away they are full of shit with that attitude).
I know you get a 3% voltage drop on a 100′ extension cord with 14 gauge wire, that’s bad enough,
To calculate the voltage drop from transmission source to load, V drop = IR
I is the current in the wires
R is the resistance of the wire
The longer your wire is, the more resistance it has. Sending power long distances always means that a certain percentage of it will be lost.
People who believe electric vehicles save energy are extremely stupid.
Thoughts on electric mowers? Now that I have moved, I have just under half an acre to mow but it is all flat. The tractor now just seems too much (takes up too much space in shed, getting/storing gas, maintenance – including my drive belt that keeps slipping off and i can’t understand why). I have visions of pleasantly mowing my lawn while listening to music, sure it will take a bit longer but not by much.
Just not sure if that technology is good enough now or if I do drop the tractor if I should buy a gas powered push.
…including my drive belt that keeps slipping off and i can’t understand why).
Bad pully.
My brother has one and loves it. It’s pretty wimpy though. My Honda will still perform great when the grass is too long and wet.
I’d still get a gas one.
I will say, based upon a limited sample size, that after getting an electric (Lithium battery-powered) weed whacker, I wouldn’t go back to gas. It’s less hassle, it’s quieter, it cuts better, and it doesn’t put off any heat. Can’t speak to mowers, though, I’ve still got gas for that.
I bought a fancy electric mower at the beginning of this summer. I think it was this one.
We used it one time and had to return it. My son wanted to keep it because it was so easy to start and was absolutely quiet. The problem was that it couldn’t handle the
dandelionsnative plants in my prairie grassland type yard. We tried two times and both times the lawn just looked ragged. Even immediately after mowing. It just seemed to lack the oomph needed to chop the shit out of the grass.So we downgraded to a cheapo grass mower that cuts much better.
I remember a few years ago seeing some vids about mowers that compressed the cut grass into pellets that could be reused for fuel on the go….not sure if they got to mass production or not. Seemed more economical for landscapers obviously, but plenty of potential.
Half acre sounds like a lot for an electric. But I don’t know how torquey electrics have gotten or what their battery life is. Probably need to throw in a fire extinguisher if you get a Tesla mower, though.
When you change it from one form to another it cannot be done with 100% efficiency.
That’s the Second Law. Conservation is the First Law. The Third Law is a bit weird but irrelevant in this context.
/physics pedant
The best explanation of the three laws:
1. You can’t win, the best you can do is break even.
2. You can only break even at absolute zero.
3. You can’t get to absolute zero.
So the only winning move is not to play?
We may have to rethink the Third Law. I understand that you actually have hit absolute zero up your way.
Stop talking trash about the Vikings!
-1 offensive line.
Look, if we aren’t going to spend any money on an offensive line when we had one of the best running backs ever in his prime, why would we spend any money now to protect a decent QB?
Besides, now is the time for injuries. They can either heal by the opener or the Vikes can pick up linemen cut by other teams.
We drafter a kicker ffs.
didn’t I state the first one then tack the second one on?
I was contemporaneously giving a physics lesson in a convenience store with no prep.
/guy who hasn’t sat in a physics class for 30 years
You are a brave man, Suthen. But words like hydrocarbon and conservation of energy are probably things she barely understands. You really have to go down to the handpuppet level to reach those people, and then a higher level prog will come along and fill their heads with even more pernicious bullshit.
I got stopped by vpirg yesterday and had to get really stupid on energy.
Barely? Aren’t you the optimist.
“Ok then. Sell me the cigarettes and I am outta here.”
What a shitlord you are!
Great article. I have gotten that Sowell book on audible and will soon be listening to it.
Following the disclosure on Wednesday, several new sources inside Google independently confirmed the plans to news organizations, including Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times, Agency France-Presse, Vice News, and Bloomberg. One source who spoke to Bloomberg characterized the project as a “censorship engine,” which they said they viewed as a betrayal of Google’s values. Bloomberg described a ferocious discussion among Google staffers, with some backing the company’s censored search proposal because they believed that boycotting the country would not “bring any positive change.”
Google and Apple are selling the Chinese populace out. What Apple did recently is arguably worse.
The Chinese are so used to being sold out I don’t know how they would notice it anymore.
Well, soon they’ll be able to use those same algorithms here, just with a (slightly) different training data set. Who could have seen that convergence coming?
I can’t believe anyone would find this surprising. It also won’t be surprising when they’re using the same engine around the world.
“No Taxation on Our Libations!” promotion
To reach more out-of-state customers, the N.H. Liquor Commission is rolling out a discount program for shoppers from Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont equal to twice the sales tax rate in those states.
The NHLC began promoting the discounts on Wednesday and in 24 hours received more than 14,000 website inquiries for the discount coupons, according to NHLC Chair Joseph Mollica.
The commission’s “No Taxation on Our Libations” sale offers customers from Maine an 11-percent discount (twice the sales tax rate of 5.5 percent). Massachusetts residents, who pay a 6.25 percent sales tax, can get a 13-percent discount, while Vermonters, who pay a 6 percent sales tax, qualify for a 12-percent discount.
I don’t know about those states, but there’s an enforced bootlegging charge if you try to bring back more than I think 3 liters of liquor from a neighboring state into VA.
I think just about every state has some form of law like that on the books.
So antiquated.
This is how federalism is supposed to work.
This might or might not be a good day to go to the beach
The annual Go Topless Day at Hampton Beach is scheduled for Aug. 26 and organizers say it’s more important than ever to normalize the female body.
Kia Sinclair said women shouldn’t be seen as sexual objects and exposed breasts are not an invitation for harassment or assault.
Some breasts are sexual objects.
Some are not.
End of story.
Some are going to make you not want to have sex for a while…
The women who want to prance around topless are almost never the ones you’d want to see prance around topless.
We were paddling into a remote lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and ran into 3 canoes of old hippy chicks who were all canoeing topless. Like you said, they were definitely not being sexually objectified by us at all (if we had run into them a week later on our way out, maybe).
I think they were seriously disappointed when we a) didn’t ogle them and b) didn’t get upset by their brave stance to go topless. At one point one of them said, “We aren’t upsetting you are we?” because my buddy had rolled his eyes.
His reply was “Sort of, you are blocking the portage. Could you move to the side so we could get through?”
Brilliant, but they probably thought you were all faggots.
Cause no man would decline a chance to stare at ugly women with titties that hang down over their bellies?
Kia Sinclair said women shouldn’t be seen as sexual objects
If men don’t see women as sexual objects, the species will cease to exist.
Nah, the state will just require women to become brood mares.
I dont see them as objects at all. They are people, each one an individual. Some are sexy, most aren’t.
Hmm… Back boobs…
I clicked just because that might be the worst sales job for a link I’ve ever seen.
Please, please, please tell me that Jayne Mansfield is the honorary chairwoman of the Go Topless Day movement.
Here they are … Jayne Mansfield!
women shouldn’t be seen as sexual objects
And just how does she propose to eradicate the male sex drive?
Raising my taxes so you can provide lawyers for illegal immigrants isn’t my idea of fun.
It’s not like you have a better plan for that money.
What really urinates me off is remembering the hours upon hours I spent dealing with the INS to prove that my wife and I really were married and she should be given a pink card. (pink card, heh heh heh)
If you don’t enjoy this, then you suck.
I have never really cared for INXS. But I also never cared for ‘The Godfather’. I guess it’s just me.
How do you feel about Jaws?
energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. When you change it from one form to another it cannot be done with 100% efficiency. You lose some usually as light or heat.
Which reminds me of “revelation” I experienced a long time ago, while reading about ethanol. It’s just an elaborate and incredibly inefficient way to convert the energy in coal into a liquid automotive fuel.
I used to know an engineer who designed ethanol plants. I would always needle him with ‘Hey, why do you have a fuel oil tank in your design? Cant you just run the plant on ethanol?’
He was not amused.
It’s just an elaborate and incredibly
inefficient way to convert the energy in coal into a liquid automotive fuel.secure the votes of farmers.The women who want to prance around topless are almost never the ones you’d want to see prance around topless.
That makes it easier to deny them your essence.
You know I get a little sick feeling when I read stuff like:
Tim Booth on how Donald Trump ‘sneaked in’ to James’s new album
James, though never quite non-political, kept their biases fairly well-hidden and just made really catchy tunes. Now I’m not sure I want to buy their new album when I read:
eariler days
Nice – my favorite of theirs. I didn’t know that song had a video. Or that they, well, existed after that album.
All of that shit, even people blaming the NRA for school shootings, started before Trump. The catalyzing effect seems to amp up the insanity along with the activism. I’m not sure I’d “credit” Trump with that “accomplishment”.
I honestly had no idea James was still around. Think the last time I heard anyone speak of them was when I saw them at Lollapalooza ’97.
Their album “Hey Ma” is one of my desert island discs. Their recent output is still pretty good.
“It’s just a fever of greed/Don’t believe in the White American Dream/God bless inequality/The poor vote the rich to hammer nails in their feet”.
They used to be great but that’s hacktastic.
That reads like some Rage Against the Machine shit.
That is some wicked middle school prose.
I await the tweetstorm
Re: Ben Shapiro vs Karla Marx
So Idiocracy, basically.
You talk like a fag, and your shit is like all retarded…
Pigeon chess.
Exactly, Shapiro talks like a fag too.
“we’re allowed to bring props?!”
Kool-Aid has been dead to me ever since they refused my suggestions to create a sugar free version of the Lime flavor. So I’m not surprised they have sunk to such depths. Still it is sad to see him allied with her.
Just remember kids, when you vote in the new woke democrats, this is the world you will live in. Live from C-SPAN on Capital Hill:
“The Senator known as Karla Marx shall speak next. You have the floor Karla”
Karla: “Everything should be free and the rich will pay for it!”
Interloper Rethuglican speaking out of turn: “Excuse me, but can you ex…”
Karla “Patriarchy, white supremacy!” *sticks fingers in ears * Lalalalalaalaaaa!!!
Nancy Pelosi: “Crumbs!”
Maxine: “Get them, my pretties!” *antifa rushes in and throws urine and feces on everyone*
Yep, there’s our future. Good for entertainment I suppose…
Rehabilitation night?
Or is it the ASSBLASTER!
throws urine and feces on everyone
I was ready to say this is a bad scenario, right up until you delivered the payload. If voting for proggies leads to people throwing urine and feces on Congress, then I may start voting for proggies.
Donald Trump declares war on Gaia because he orders the Air Force to bomb California wildfires!
We warned you that the orange one would bomb California!
I posted this earlier, but it was late in the thread.
Who needs money!
Maybe they’ll wake up and get rid of this guy, or he blames the West and infidels and people start disappearing. Oh wait, I think that already happened.
No matter how many times it is done people never see it. Chavez/Maduro just did the same thing to Venezuela. First promise free shit and utopia to lure them in then create shortages and poverty.Then bring the boot down.
Have fun Turkey.
Haven’t been around much the last few days so apologies if this was covered. Apparently Alex Jones wasn’t the only one banned from social media:
Yeah, there’s been a lot of talk about it. The thing that’s odd is how coordinated it is. Most of the conversation around here has centered on where the line between “open content” and “editorial publishing” is and whether InfoWars would have standing to sue. There’s also the standard libertarian reaction of “they’re a private company, if you don’t like it, go start your own company”; a position I agree with in principle.
This position gets complicated by the fact that just yesterday Gab (Twitter’s “free speech” competitor) just got an ultimatum from Microsoft Azure saying that if they didn’t delete a couple of offensive posts, they would boot them from their servers. Gustave brought up an interesting question; what happens next, social media mobs and Lefty pressure groups force the water and electric companies to cut service to undesirables? Things are getting wet n wild.
Thanks. I’d seen a lot of the Alex Jones stuff, wasn’t sure how widespread comments were on Horton.
If/when the platforms cross over from “conduits immunized from liability” to “publications exposed to liability”, it won’t necessarily give the people they’ve deplatformed a chance to sue. It will give everybody defamed on their platforms (think about how many people that is) a chance to sue.
Apparently a couple of Trump’s lawyers are going to be guest hosting Hannity’s radio show today.
I can’t imagine a scenario in which this goes well for anyone.
In late, but better late than never when it comes to T&A.
Murder Rate Finally Plateaus In Chicago As Even Murderers Too Scared To Go Out At Night
Parody, but not far from the truth. I have relatives in Chicago and I remember last year seeing on the local news some official (maybe chief of police?) on TV basically saying “We know you’re gonna kill each other, but have the decency to go into an alley or some out of the way place to do it so you don’t kill anyone else unintentionally.” It was surreal.
The Bee is truly one of the internet’s great treasures.
In last night’s thread, you said,
Just wanted you to know that made me feel a whole lot better about what we paid for a bathroom rehab.
Other sports news: Premier League kicks off tonight (this afternoon US time): widely held (and not unexpected) view is that Man City win the title but there are a few predicting Liverpool may sneak it while most pundits think Liverpool are a lock for second place.
I’ll reserve judgement on Liverpool until I see the new goalkeeper in action.
Sloopy, send my regards to your boy, I mean little man, as he heads out on his new adventure.
Also, me and Mrsgould and you and Banjos simply must meet in the Bay Area in January to watch tOSU win the NC over those Washington Huskies. See you soon.
RE: Denver Pot Raids
Gee, perhaps you wouldn’t have illegal grow operations if the regulatory scheme wasn’t so expensive and such a clusterfuck that growers could do it legitimately without crushing their profit margin.
Nevermind, that would leave insufficient opportunities for government graft.
You didn’t think you would get deregulation unless these people got their share of the loot didn’t you?
The problem is keeping them to ‘their share’. They are like the mafia.
It’s all their share…
They let you keep what they feel is just considering you didn’t make that…
btw, that’s a pretty epic beard, sloopy. Not quite ZZ-top, but gettin’ there.
Epic Trolling,
Funny, but: what an impossibly stupid time to be alive.
Convoluted bullshit about the “anniversary of Charlottesville”. This jumped out at me:
White nationalists win by activating white panic, by frightening a sufficient number of white people into believing that their safety and livelihoods can only be protected by defining American citizenship in racial terms, and by convincing them that American politics is a zero-sum game in which white people only win when people of color lose. While this dynamic has always been present in American politics, it has been decades since the White House has been occupied by a president who so visibly delights in exploiting it, aided by a right-wing media infrastructure that has come to see it as a ratings strategy. It is not just the white nationalists who win when racialized fears surrounding crime, immigration, and terrorism shape the political behavior of white voters. Donald Trump also wins. And both the Trump White House and the men who rallied in Charlottesville for the cause of white power know it.
Oddly enough that sounds very similar to the leftist obsession with a zero-sum Amerikkka in which every time a white man succeeds, he does so by robbing and oppressing some member of the anointed minorities: women, black people, homosexuals, et c.
He left me hanging, though. I was waiting for the call for censorship, but he never explicitly went there. Just more “Who will rid us of this troublesome President Nazi mcNazIpants?”
It is always projection with them. That cant be said enough.
It makes perfect sense since white nationalists are just as steeped in identity politics as the prog left. They’re mirror images of each other.
My thought exactly. Who, exactly, has been trying to convince people that this is a zero sum society and the winners are all racists?
Foreigner does work American’s aren’t willing to do.
Ted’S harde’st hit.
I’d like for once to get a gun grabber, regardless if it’s the media, a Senator, just an ordinary Joe, I don’t care, to answer this question.
When I was growing up everyone I knew had a gun. When I was 10 I got my first rifle and every boy I knew my age had one also. I lived at least the first 25 years of my life without even hearing of a gun law. There were no background checks, anyone could just walk into a Walmart and buy any gun they had the money for. In all that time, I never once heard of anyone getting shot or shooting anyone, unless it was on the news and involved some crime. Never once did anyone ever shoot up a school or a business or anything. So now that we have all of these mass shootings, how is it the fault of the 2nd amendment? Now we have tons of gun laws, but also school shootings, which we never had before. Obviously, guns are not the problem, anyone with any sense has to come to that conclusion. Also, Brazil has some of the strictest gun laws on earth. Yet they just set a massive new murder rate by guns. How do you explain that? I thought that gun laws stop gun violence?
You are just going to get a word salad. You will never get anything out of them that makes any sense. I have come to the point where I just say. “No. You cant have my guns. No, I am not going to hole up in my house and shoot at cops that come to take my guns. When they show up at my house I wont be there. I am going to be at your house.”
“You ask who are the militia? They are the body of the people. Every person capable of bearing arms.” – George Mason, author of the second amendment.
The gun grabbers militia argument is indeed mendacious and laughable. No one ever wanted you to be defenseless for your own good. Ask Venezuelans. Ask Chinese. Russians. Germans. Cambodians. Jews. Vietnamese. On and on.
Leftists are only proud of our military when talking in terms of the futility of citizen resistance. Somehow, being entirely disarmed in the face of overwhelming authoritarian power is preferable to being pitifully armed.
To be clear, I think taking pride in the military (or in the country) is a silly, platitudinous game of virtue-signaling. Critiquing military conduct and adventurism is no more seditious than critiquing welfare spending or border policy. Within the context of a violent world inhabited by a violent, factional species, defending our military on balance is a rational perspective. Seeking to hobble it for the sake of undermining the country as a whole and thereby empowering other powers, which are not afflicted with the same white savior complex of American progressives, to expand their ruinous spheres of influence, is both irrational and immoral.
So when I criticise lefties for being hypocrites on the military, it’s within the context of being its feckless critics 364 days of the year and then on one day its mindless champions for the fantasy of gunning down conservative gun owners.
Agreed. There are definitely legitimate criticisms to be made of the military and associated policy as a whole. I have a great deal of respect for people who sign up since they are making a deliberate sacrifice for a cause they believe in; but the way in which the military is used by the leadership is often counterproductive. I will say that national defense is one of the few powers granted explicitly to the Fed, so even if they run it badly, as least it’s something they’re supposed to be doing.
Progressives, meaning marxists, want you defenseless, because otherwise you might fight back when they decide you need to be put in your place or attend a camp because you are not woke enough…
“We need camps for adults.” – Hillary Clinton
“half of Trump supporters are what I call the basket of deplorables” – Hillary Clinton
People who supported her baffle me.
Her losing was us dodging the biggest bullet in history. It cant be overstated. She is poison.
People who supported her, it was all about one thing. First vagina in the Oval Office. Same reason they voted for Obama. Same reason why they voted for She Guevara and Dances with Beaver. It’s always about one thing with them, social justice, outcomes be damned. They are the same people who would put unqualified people in as engineers to build commercial aircraft. Who cares if a few people have to die, we need social justice! Who cares if Hillary would have burnt down the entire Middle East and started up Armageddon, first woman president! She’s clearly an unstable vindictive sociopath, but first president with vagina! These people will clearly elect whoever it takes to actually do all of the things they said Trump would do.
Diversity in only the most superficial way.
“These people will clearly elect whoever it takes to actually do all of the things they said Trump would do.”
People who supported her, it was all about one thing. First vagina in the Oval Office.
Yup. I work with some Hillary supporters, and that was about it.
Who cares if a few people have to die, we need social justice!
Remember, social justice is just a euphemism for collective punishment. Of course people will die if they get their way; that’s part of the punishment.
“Her losing was us dodging the biggest bullet in history. It cant be overstated. She is poison.”
I don’t believe that if there is a higher power it would really give a shit about us people (do you care about ants?), but after we dodged not just an Al Gore presidency but more importantly one run by crooked/crazy Hillary, I do wonder if this country truly has some higher power watching over it.
The thing I never understood about support of her is that everything she touched turned to crap.
She rode to power on the coattails of a charismatic (and I’m told attractive, but he looks like my asshole uncle, so ew, no, gag) man, so she couldn’t get there on her own merits.
Does no one on the left see that this person is a complete loser?
I think her political career is a testament to just how successful Bill Clinton was in his. Whatever you think about the guy, he had this retail politics thing down pat. Hillary’s career has been fueled entirely by Bill’s. She’s finally run out of his steam, it looks like.
It was her turn and the alternative was Literally Hitler. That’s all they needed to know.
It was her turn when she got upset by a community organizer nobody saw coming.
True dat, but Obama’s identity was more important than hers then, especially since he was a bigger marxist promising real marxist change to the left, and Hillary was just part of the usual machine.
“No one ever wanted you to be defenseless for your own good.”
This can’t be said enough. Since the progressive mindset is that of a child, they can’t imagine a situation in which the government isn’t simultaneously nurturing mother and provider father. Children are naturally defenseless and rely on mommy and daddy to protect them; why would you ever need to defend yourself against benevolent and caring parents? In reality, the government is more like the creepy pedo uncle that wants to assault and diddle you.
I’d have a lot more respect for the anti-gun folks if they’d just recognize the obvious (firearms ownership is not a collective right under the Constitution) and just sack up and follow the process — advocate for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
But amending the Constitution is hard and stuff. Better to just keep spouting illogical nonsense.
A lot of people see the law as a tool to be used for a purpose and discarded when something more useful is available. Not just Progressives or anti-gun types, either. There aren’t a hell of a lot of people who genuinely believe in the rule of law as the fundamental basis of a just society.
Due process is just white tricknology for keeping down minorities.
“advocate for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment”
Absolutely. If your ideas are so common sense and great and wonderful, it should be a breeze convincing enough of Congress and the State Legislatures to do this. After all, the only people advocating in favor of 2A are the omnipotent gun lobby and a few Unabomber-esque kooks. Normal, regular people should be chomping at the bit to repeal 2A right? RIGHT??!
Nobody goes through the process of amending the Consitution by putting it up for a vote.
You just get SCOTUS to do it instead. Exhibit A: for eminent domain, SCOTUS amended the phrase “public use” to read “public purpose”.
Not sure if this has bee covered here: Entire West Virginia Supreme Court Faces Impeachment Threat
Blue Wave? Maybe not
They’re starting to roll back the rhetoric.
Dems lose a bunch of Senate seats and will be lucky to hold even in the House.
They are starting to complain about Ruskies interfering in local elections all over the country. There is a Ruskie hiding behind ever bush, under every rock. They are planning to claim illegitimacy for all of the elections they lose. They know they are going to get their asses handed to them.
There is going to be a blue wave alright, a wave of tears.
I think they’re clearly worried about a couple of races in Minnesoda that might just go red and wreck their blue wave hopes. The polls are now almost too close to call, within the margin of error, in fact the polls that have proven most accurate over the past few elections have it almost a dead heat. But the media still are riding that blue wave. I don’t think it’s ever about what they actually believe, but what they want everyone else to believe.
Trump proved that shameless bravado is a feasible substitute for wonkiness or even consistent messaging from day to day, so you can’t blame them for trying to out-brash him. MEDICAID FOR ALL! PAYED BY THE PEANUTS WE’LL TAKE BACK FROM YOUR PAYCHECK! SOCIALISM IN THE FACE OF RECORD-LOW UNEMPLOYMENT! GUN CONTROL WHILE CHICAGO’S ROCKED BY VIOLENCE! FUCK WHITE PEOPLE! Please clap.
Dayum – sick burn!
Re: Nat Turner. I mean, badass? I can respect his personal achievements in terms of education and so forth, and I can respect his role as leading a slave uprising that saw some initial success, but he botched it by killing whites virtually indiscriminately, including women and children, thinking that somehow that would make people think, “Hey, you know what? Maybe slavery really is immoral and should end right now.” If anything, it had the opposite effect.
Yep. Its a sad part of the human condition that those who suffer injustice have to be pretty much perfect if they want to overturn the status quo toward a more just society, while those directly benefiting from the status quo are afforded every opportunity to still be a fuckup and still maintain the status quo.
Gandhi may have been a doosh in a lot of ways, but his theories on non-violent resistance are pretty damn effective. Granted, and he admitted this, they only work when your adversary has a sense of decency and regards the resister as a human being.
Genocidal regimes usually regard their targets as subhuman so non-violence won’t work. It also won’t work against progs since they are 100% convinced that they have moral high ground and are doing things for the target’s own good, akin to a religious crusade.
However, in its narrow range of applicability, non-violent resistance is a good solution.
I don’t mean morally perfect. I mean strategically perfect. Washington, for all his flaws, was strategically perfect because he knew how to lose a battle without getting decimated* and had the skill to keep an army together in some really bad conditions and had the political skills to navigate a heterogeneous republican power-structure. Ghandi was strategically perfect in his situation but would have gotten nowhere with King George.
Take BLM for example. On paper I’m on board with the main thrust of their concerns. But their tactics are bad and they have a bunch of loose cannons. So they aren’t getting anything done. Compare / contrast with MLK / SNCC who had the right tactics *and* had to be perfect at keeping their folks on their best behavior on camera while also providing credible armed protection just off camera but in view of the cops. They got shit done, but the degree of difficulty was super, super high.
*I’m just trying to push linguistic and military history buttons with my word choice here.
“*I’m just trying to push linguistic and military history buttons with my word choice here.”
Decimation was the practice where commanders ordered their men to kill one in 10 of their own as punishment for doing something wrong. That we now imply annihilation by using it saddens me. I would like to see the practice brought back. Especially in government circles. All our problems would be solved in a couple of years.
Gandhi may have been a doosh in a lot of ways, but his theories on non-violent resistance are pretty damn effective.
True enough, but only if there is a clear and present violent alternative, and the regime has some moral and ethical qualms. Even then, the non-violent resistance has to maintain a very good firewall against the violent alternative. The latter point is where the Irish republicans fell down – everybody knew Sinn Fein was just the facade for the IRA.
Yeah, the icing on the injustice cake is that the burden of behaving like a flawless exemplar of Christian charity, wisdom, and nobility lay on the people held in chains by people who had the incredible gall to argue that slaves were too stupid, too lazy, and/or too immoral to be permitted to live freely.
So how will the TDS infected dnc operatives with bylines turn this story into a negative and blame trump? That douchebag Edrogan took the only country other than Israel that was not a total shithole because of the religious fanaticism of the predominant religion in the area, and shit all over the work done by Attaturk that prevented Turkey from going down the path to hell. Can’t feel more joy at watching his ass being plowed because of this crap.
Trump’s an Islamophobe for not wanting more Muslims to exercise sovereingty over their countries. It’s why he tore up Obama’s deal with Iran that would have guaranteed peace in our time, because he hates Muslims.
Erdogan is a shitheel and I hope he’s sent packing soon. Like you say, Turkey was shaping up to be a prime example of a largeish Muslim country that could coexist peacefully with the modern West (ironically enough, based on history) and he’s been hell-bent to turn it into Saudi North.
Is this why so many leftists tell us France is a better country than the US?
The frogs and the rodents peacefully co-existing. What a beautiful story. I mean until another plague happens. They can just blame that on Trump.
Like that?
And WTF is up with this?
Crazed GILF on the loose?
Time is a real bitch.
She was always a nutcase, and she wasn’t that good an actress.
Yeah but I have only seen her in Blade Runner and she was perfect for that part.
She was good in No Way Out. By ‘good’ I mean naked.
She has not aged well..
Working in a shop in Astoria?! That’s… unexpected.
Looks like Cody Wilson’s ecommerce provider, Shopify, suspended his service from out of the blue.
Here’s where we start finding out if the internet’s original design to route around damage still works.
Congrats to your son Sloopy.
What’s the pic on the main page for this post? Because I want one so hard.