“No dear, your father isn’t a coke-head. He simply loves Hostess Donettes more than he loves his family.”

Once again, I have been asked to provide links on account of Brett being unavailable  snorting lines of cocaine  because you all just love the Spanish Shtick.

Technically, this happened in Spain, not Mexico, but it is certainly notable when others appropriate American culture.

Las autoridades de Santiago de Compostela, en el noroeste de España, calificaron como “una barbaridad y un atentado a la cultura” lo que se encontraron en la mañana de este lunes: alguien vandalizó una de las figuras que decoran el exterior de la catedral de la ciudad y la pintó como si fuera un integrante de la banda de hard rock KISS.

La imagen de la figura, que rápidamente corrió por redes sociales, causó conmoción dentro y fuera de la ciudad, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.


The authorities of Santiago de Compostela, in the northwest of Spain, described as “an outrage and an attack on the culture” what they found on the morning of Monday: someone vandalized one of the figures that decorate the exterior of the cathedral of the city and painted it as if it were a member of the hard rock band KISS.

The image of the figure, which quickly ran through social networks, caused commotion inside and outside the city, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Si me contrató, el trabajo estaría hecho.

In case you wanted to see a video of the drone that apparently tried to kill Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro, CNN has not confirmed if this is authentic, but they went ahead and published it anyway…

Speaking of Little Nicky, he wants to assure everyone this is clearly an attack from the far right, in both Venezuela and Columbia.  Apparently the Alt-right is run amok there too.

El mandatario venezolano precisó que los autores materiales del suceso ocurrido este sábado están detenidos. “Han intentado asesinarme el día de hoy y no tengo duda de que todo apunta a la derecha, a la ultraderecha venezolana en alianza con la ultraderecha colombiana y que el nombre de Juan Manuel Santos está detrás de este atentado”, enfatizó el gobernante. Los hechos ocurrieron en Caracas durante el aniversario 81 de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana.


The Venezuelan leader said that the material authors of the incident that occurred this Saturday are in custody. “They have tried to assassinate me today and I have no doubt that everything points to the right, to the Venezuelan ultra-right in alliance with the Colombian far right and that the name of Juan Manuel Santos is behind this attack,” the president emphasized. The events occurred in Caracas during the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard.

A Colombian human trafficking baroness was arrested in Colombia.  Normally I’m not going to say that you must click the link, but you might actually want to check this one out.

Una mujer colombiana apodada ‘Madame’ era presuntamente la cabecilla de una red de trata de menores en Cartagena de Indias que llegó a tener en su poder a 250 víctimas, muchas de ellas adolescentes de la comunidad afrodescendiente y venezolanas entre 14 y 17 años. Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello fue detenida el pasado domingo en la operación Vesta I liderada por la Fiscalía, descrita como el golpe más importante contra la prostitución que se haya realizado en Colombia.

El operativo ha puesto de relieve un problema que siempre a estado asociado con esta ciudad del Caribe colombiano, la más turística de la nación. La escena de un señor blanco rodeando con su mano la cintura de una chica negra mucho más joven que él por alguno de los parajes cartageneros más concurridos, como la Torre del Reloj o la Plaza de Coches, es una imagen habitual habitual que ilustra el problema del comercio sexual en la ciudad amurallada.


A Colombian woman nicknamed ‘Madame’ was presumably the leader of a trafficking network for minors in Cartagena de Indias that reached 250 victims, many of them teenagers from the Afro-descendant and Venezuelan community between 14 and 17 years old. Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello was arrested last Sunday in the operation Vesta I led by the Prosecutor’s Office, described as the most important blow against prostitution that has been made in Colombia.

The operation has highlighted a problem that has always been associated with this city of the Colombian Caribbean, the most tourist in the nation. The scene of a white gentleman encircling the waist of a black girl much younger than him by one of the most crowded places in Cartagena, such as the Clock Tower or the Plaza de Coches, is a common habitual image that illustrates the problem of the sex trade in the walled city

Here’s one (in English) for all you Musk haters.  In a Tweet today, he made public his intention to make Tesla private.

¿Se gustan musico con enlances? ¿No tengo otra opción aquí?

Como say what?  Need somebody to translate?  Fine, here.