“No dear, your father isn’t a coke-head. He simply loves Hostess Donettes more than he loves his family.”
Once again, I have been asked to provide links on account of Brett being unavailable snorting lines of cocaine because you all just love the Spanish Shtick.
Technically, this happened in Spain, not Mexico, but it is certainly notable when others appropriate American culture.
Las autoridades de Santiago de Compostela, en el noroeste de España, calificaron como “una barbaridad y un atentado a la cultura” lo que se encontraron en la mañana de este lunes: alguien vandalizó una de las figuras que decoran el exterior de la catedral de la ciudad y la pintó como si fuera un integrante de la banda de hard rock KISS.
La imagen de la figura, que rápidamente corrió por redes sociales, causó conmoción dentro y fuera de la ciudad, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.
The authorities of Santiago de Compostela, in the northwest of Spain, described as “an outrage and an attack on the culture” what they found on the morning of Monday: someone vandalized one of the figures that decorate the exterior of the cathedral of the city and painted it as if it were a member of the hard rock band KISS.
The image of the figure, which quickly ran through social networks, caused commotion inside and outside the city, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Si me contrató, el trabajo estaría hecho.
In case you wanted to see a video of the drone that apparently tried to kill Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro, CNN has not confirmed if this is authentic, but they went ahead and published it anyway…
Speaking of Little Nicky, he wants to assure everyone this is clearly an attack from the far right, in both Venezuela and Columbia. Apparently the Alt-right is run amok there too.
El mandatario venezolano precisó que los autores materiales del suceso ocurrido este sábado están detenidos. “Han intentado asesinarme el día de hoy y no tengo duda de que todo apunta a la derecha, a la ultraderecha venezolana en alianza con la ultraderecha colombiana y que el nombre de Juan Manuel Santos está detrás de este atentado”, enfatizó el gobernante. Los hechos ocurrieron en Caracas durante el aniversario 81 de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana.
The Venezuelan leader said that the material authors of the incident that occurred this Saturday are in custody. “They have tried to assassinate me today and I have no doubt that everything points to the right, to the Venezuelan ultra-right in alliance with the Colombian far right and that the name of Juan Manuel Santos is behind this attack,” the president emphasized. The events occurred in Caracas during the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard.
A Colombian human trafficking baroness was arrested in Colombia. Normally I’m not going to say that you must click the link, but you might actually want to check this one out.
Una mujer colombiana apodada ‘Madame’ era presuntamente la cabecilla de una red de trata de menores en Cartagena de Indias que llegó a tener en su poder a 250 víctimas, muchas de ellas adolescentes de la comunidad afrodescendiente y venezolanas entre 14 y 17 años. Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello fue detenida el pasado domingo en la operación Vesta I liderada por la Fiscalía, descrita como el golpe más importante contra la prostitución que se haya realizado en Colombia.
El operativo ha puesto de relieve un problema que siempre a estado asociado con esta ciudad del Caribe colombiano, la más turística de la nación. La escena de un señor blanco rodeando con su mano la cintura de una chica negra mucho más joven que él por alguno de los parajes cartageneros más concurridos, como la Torre del Reloj o la Plaza de Coches, es una imagen habitual habitual que ilustra el problema del comercio sexual en la ciudad amurallada.
A Colombian woman nicknamed ‘Madame’ was presumably the leader of a trafficking network for minors in Cartagena de Indias that reached 250 victims, many of them teenagers from the Afro-descendant and Venezuelan community between 14 and 17 years old. Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello was arrested last Sunday in the operation Vesta I led by the Prosecutor’s Office, described as the most important blow against prostitution that has been made in Colombia.
The operation has highlighted a problem that has always been associated with this city of the Colombian Caribbean, the most tourist in the nation. The scene of a white gentleman encircling the waist of a black girl much younger than him by one of the most crowded places in Cartagena, such as the Clock Tower or the Plaza de Coches, is a common habitual image that illustrates the problem of the sex trade in the walled city
Here’s one (in English) for all you Musk haters. In a Tweet today, he made public his intention to make Tesla private.
¿Se gustan musico con enlances? ¿No tengo otra opción aquí?
Como say what? Need somebody to translate? Fine, here.
Thanks for posting my tasting notes the other day MS. And thanks for the Pabst PA review…I think
Anytime Mike! I’m still in search of beer you can find.
You have actually posted a few that I can find. It’sz just that I usually am outside when your beer post goes up and I’m not around to comment until it’s dead. But I know Kriek Lambic is at least one that I can get. And have many times int he past. Delicious.
However, to reward your effort, I am going to stop by the store tonight and see if they have Pabst PA. If they do, I’m going to buy one. Mostly because I don’t believe you when you say it doesn’t smell like urine…
When you’ve lost Vox…..
Its almost like she has no idea what she’s doing.
Oh, I am sure she thinks she knows exactly what she is doing. Where she falls short is the basics of economics.
What the hell are “liberal scores?”
My guess was scoring conducted by liberals/people who would are expected to be sympathetic to her policy stuff. So, even the people who agree with her at coming up with an additional $4.2T-ish/yr
The people doing “liberal scoring” are accounting in magical unicorn farts and perpetual motion machines whereas the other scoring doesn’t.
Yes. If you look at the story, he’s saying that even using the numbers from the lefties themselves gives you this ludicrous price tag.
Marxism – it’s FANtastic!
If we’re all poor, we’ll all be rich! Or something.
Of course there are many people in the replies who don’t like these numbers.
There’s more, but it’s difficult to type while banging my head against the wall.
Someone should just tell Felifax that it’s a 23rd trimester abortion and then he won’t be so bothered when a kid dies.
“nobody should be too poor to live in the richest country on earth, period.”
Wut? Did he open his bank statement, see the balance, and drop dead?
I remember when my wife first came here. She told me ‘The United States has the richest poor people on earth’. She Guevara needs to get out more.
It’s wonderful that we can keep our poor people so fat.
She G would implement the Bolivarian solution to obesity. Works every time they say.
It’s the newest rage! 100% less carbs than South Beach! No silly meal planning like Adkins! Keto flu? You will be losing weight so fast you won’t even notice!!! It’s the Marx diet!
I honestly can’t tell if this is serious:
And the following month we’ll take money from all the millionaires. And the month after that we’ll finally all be equal!
Not until after we’ve taken most of the money from those filthy rich making $40,000 a year. Then we’ll be equal. Equally poor, which seems to be the goal of all socialists, either that or they’re just all really stupid.
That’s satire.
If we’re all poor, we’ll all be
It is their stated goal, after all.
Check this out. Sorry if anyone has already posted, I’m busy as hell.
She Guevara a little confused?
Upper middle class doesn’t exist any more? What the hell is she snorting? It can’t be good for you. There’s never been more upper middle class than what there is now, with lots and lots of shit that they do not need. Because if not, where the hell are all of these McMansions coming from with 3 luxury cars in the garage? When I was growing up, no one had a $500,000 house (unless they were very wealthy), 3 luxury cars and a garage that would hold them all, 3-4 smart TVs, everyone in the house having their own computer and smartphone. NTTAWWT. But poor babe is making an absolute fool of herself.
But granted, if she had her way, there wouldn’t be any middle class left period, so problem solved, right?
So does that put me in the filthy rich or the bourgeoisie middle-middle class?
Shitlord. Minor house.
I was just going to post this. What really scares me is that someone this outright fucking stupid can win elections. Most of them are at least smart enough to hide it.
Is it just me, or is the link we must click on…not there?
Listen, I am not responding to this on account that I caught it and fixed it before I refreshed and saw that you commented on it.
Elon is a fucking moron.
His lawyers are gonna bitch slap him.
Was I not supposed to do that? /Elon
When you call a guy trying to rescue stranded children a pedo, you’ve jumped the shark.
This is about as blatant an SEC violation as I’ve seen. He made a tender offer without, you know, following any of the SEC’s requirements about tender offers.
And if the SEC goes after him, how many of the Tesla cultists are going to blame Trump?
Christ, we got to spend some quality time with the SEC because some trades went down a few days before we missed estimates.
And were a fucking small-cap!!!
How many of those trades were you?
Look! A squirell!!
*runs out*
I have to deal with that a lot, when a client’s stock jumps/falls on either estimates or major news. 3 or 4 times a year usually.
It’s usually FINRA that tries to hit us though, not the SEC.
And the thing is… THEY KNOW FUCKING EVERYTHING. First I have to send them a list of everyone who knew about the news in advance (officers, directors, us lawyers, PRNewsire, the financial printer…). Once they get that, we usually get a second letter saying: “We know Officer X is acquainted with person Y, who sold their stock the day before the bad news hit. Did they talk, and what did they talk about?”, to which the answer is usually “They spoke together at a conference 8 years ago. That’s the last time they talked to each other”.
I hated that shit. I was the dork that wrote everything, went on road shows and spent quality time with the asshole analysts and brokers. Being public as a small company was so incredibly retarded. Several years after I left they finally said fuckit and took it private. Best decision EVER!
You think FINRA is bad, you should try dealing with FINMA…
You can’t just tweet whatever you want as a 20% shareholder?
Then what’s the use of having f-you money?
That was the first thing I thought when I saw that come through. Any idea of what the penalties are for this? What sort of class-action could short sellers do when it’s 100% known that the buyout is just vaporware?
It’s a weird situation.
Why Elon Musk Desperately Needs Tesla Stock To Stay Above $360
Who the fuck knows? The whole situation is bizarre.
A Colombian human trafficking baroness was arrested in Colombia.
I forgot about her. That was back when comic companies knew their audience and how to get them to part with their lawn mowing money.
I’d be willing to give her political assylum in my harem.
I had Destroyer on 8 track.
/farts dust
I had LP’s, until Mom threw them out because Satan.
Awesome! My buddy stored his Ozzy records at my house for the same reason.
Funny thing was we weren’t religious at all, didn’t do church save X-mas and Easter, no Jesus pictures or needlepoint scripture hanging on the walls, but one day all my Kiss albums are gone.
I had a friend in high school who had one of those moms who freaked out about satan everywhere. I wasn’t allowed to visit him at his house because I was in league with the devil. He kept some of his albums at my place. One day we realized we could record his albums onto cassette and then label the cassette however we liked. Apparently, his mom never felt inclined to verify if he was really a big fan of gospel music.
I believe the answer lies in the lyrics of this gem.
Nah, by then Mommy and Daddy weren’t rolling on the couch, or rolling numbers, or rock and rollin’ any more, at least not with each other.
I wasn’t allowed to play D & D because gateway to the occult and Satan.
I opted out because there were even fewer chicks than this place.
My aunt once told me God would punish me if I ran a red light.
What was her position on masturbation?
I preferred not to ask.
No excuse, you should still be paying attention to traffic signals.
I expected this.
I was in a band when they were big. We played a lot of the same venues, but never got a chance to see them (we did hear stories, though!). Only saw the Suburbs once. They were great live.
I wonder if I was at any of your shows?
They often sucked, but when they were on they were magic.
I lost count of how many times I saw the Suburbs. Still one of the best Minne bands.
Oh yeah. That one was cassette!
Much better then the Knights In Satan’s Service version.
Was the virtue worth the signal?
Austin Clay, who identified himself as the man who took a pickaxe to Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star, was arraigned Monday in Los Angeles County Court — and discovered precisely how much his “resistance” could end up costing him.
The L.A. County district attorney, TMZ reports, has charged Clay with felony vandalism, and, if convicted, Clay could face a maximum of three years in prison for destroying Trump’s star in an act of protest.
Clay probably won’t object to the charges, though he may try to enter a plea bargain. If convicted, Clay isn’t likely to serve the full three year term, but L.A. County courts are notoriously unpredictable.
What a moron.
I suspect the Gov will pardon him if he gets convicted.
Release the tits!
Impromptu survey: growing up, the preferred nomenclature for nipples visible through clothing was “THO” (titty hard on). I’ve heard many different terms by now and I’m trying to determine if there’s a regional variation.
High Beams.
Same, plus…
“She could tune in Tokyo with those.”
Up periscope!
Or brights
THO or smuggling tic-tacs.
Cutting glass
I like “fripples”
Stack of Dimes
RIP Stan Mikita, one of, if not the best, Blackhawks players ever.
Bummer. Great hockey player.
…if not the best…
I’m an Esposito guy, myself.
I used to have one of his stupid dome helmets as a hand me down when I first started playing.
I raise a donut in his honor.
I havent been back to TOS in ages, but Drudged linked an article this morning. The only thing that amazed me was that ENB was allowed to publish something that didn’t involve sex.
Well, she’s married now.
New York mag has this look back at the great recession up, including this, from Yves Smith at naked capitalism:
Trump is crowing about this 4.1 percent GDP growth, right? Yet if you look at the statistics, real worker wages have continued to be flat for this period. The crisis itself was the greatest looting of the public purse in history. The crisis itself was a huge wealth transfer. The Obama administration should have forced a lot more recognition of the losses. These losses were real. They should have forced more loan write-downs. And recognition of the loss to the financial system.
And we did this in a more indirect manner by having the Fed engineer these super-low interest rates that were a transfer from savers to the financial system. Economist Ed Kane said that basically savers lost $300 billion in income a year. So that reduction of income right there, you see today. There’s a Wall Street Journal story about how pension funds are in crisis. There’s not a single mention of the fact that the zero-interest-rate policies are the reason why the pensions are in distress. All retirees and long-term savers, life insurance, they’re all in the same boat. It used to be that if you were a saver or an asset holder, you could get a decent positive return doing something not crazy. And the Fed took that away. The big reason the pensions are in crisis is because the way we dealt with the crisis.
I used to read her blog now and then, but she fell off my radar. I think she’s right about this.
I’d be curious to see where she got that $300B number, but that doesn’t surprise me. It always seemed to be a bad idea to discourage people from saving and encourage them to pile on debt, but that’s been the US’s policy for decades.
Inflation and near zero interest rates makes for a massive disincentive against saving for one’s future.
I’m no economist, but that scans. Traditionally you had a percentage based on your age in bonds. In the last 10 years bonds paid the equivalent of zero, so I’ve been nearly 100 percent in the market, despite craving a safe way to make a few points.
Anecdotally: I remember a time in my childhood when my parents were teaching me about saving. They gave me 500 bucks or something to put in a 5-year CD. Granted CDs are not really the best vehicle, but that’s beside the point I’m trying to make. The interest rate was something like 10% (!). Granted, you can’t touch the money, but that’s an insane guaranteed rate of return with basically no risk. Now a 5-year CD at my Credit Union is like 0.8%. You’d have to be an absolute window-licking retard to do that.
With inflation you’d only be losing a few percent a year!
SmartyPig pays 1.55% at the moment.
You’re effectively paying them to use your money at that rate.
It wasn’t all that long ago that 6.5% for a 5-year was a bad deal. Fuck the monetarist tinkerers.
And they want to go to a cashless society so that they can go to negative interest rates.
“4.1 percent GDP growth, right? Yet if you look at the statistics, real worker wages have continued to be flat”
um: GDP is a statistic
Real median wages have been flat for a very long time; feel free to hang that on any president, but the real reason is the big old world out there.
GDP can go up when that’s true: it’s “gross” product, so there’s nothing about GDP that is intended to indicate median anything.
America was greatest when average guys did things (run nuts on lugs) that no other country can do.
Today, people who live in huts in Brazil run nuts on lugs, so that’s not been a hot idea since 1964.
Rule: if your competitors can’t make money, you gotta be very special to make money.
How much of that wage growth over the years has been gobbled up by healthcare premiums?
tl;dr nothing substantial has changed and it’s about to happen all over again.
The zero-interest-rate policies are so our government can borrow money cheaply.
You know, “public” money.
“Yet if you look at the statistics, real worker wages have continued to be flat for this period. ”
This is not true.
Wages in the United States increased 4.89 percent in May of 2018 over the same month in the previous year. Wage Growth in the United States averaged 6.20 percent from 1960 until 2018, reaching an all time high of 13.77 percent in January of 1979 and a record low of -5.77 percent in March of 2009.
Yet if you look at the statistics, real worker wages have continued to be flat for this period.
What period? The word “this” needs an antecedent. Probably refers to the 2Q that we had 4.1% GDP growth in, but who knows? And what kind of idiot would expect “real worker wages” (again, what does that mean? Take home pay? Gross pay? Pay to real, not fake, workers?) to go up by 4.1% in a single quarter absent massive inflation.
Dishonest hack is dishonest. And sloppy.
That would be interesting to know.
I read someone arguing that the tax cuts didn’t increase worker wages and thus were ineffective. I think they were even right that worker wages hadn’t rsen (just their actual take-home pay).
Susan Watsername (Yves Smith) is a double-talking leftist asshole. She gets a few things right and so much wrong she’s actually worse than a complete idiot. She banned me when I called her on her contradictory nonsense. She was in favor of nationalizing the banks 10 years ago “because Sweden did”.
She’s right that the low interest rates contributed to the pension problem (but are not the major cause) but she also supported nearly everything Bernanke did – which included suppressing interest rates. She ain’t Austrian (she hates them), She ain’t Chicago (disagrees with them), she a goddamned Keynesian liar.
Fuck Maduro. The sad thing is I don’t see this whole thing turning Venezuelans into a brand of libertarian.
South and Central America follows the general pattern of:
Socialist shithole
Military junta shithole
Vaguely democratic capitalist semi-shithole
Socialist shithole
repeat ad inifinitum
Yep, Chile being pretty much the sole exception.
Viva la helicopter.
Costa Rica too.
They know where their bread is buttered.
American investment.
I have been plagued by this for my whole life. There is NO reason that, theoretically, Latin American shouldn’t be as rich as North America. Similar colonial histories, abundant natural resources lots of arable land. Why can’t they get it together?
Nah, more along the lines of property rights. I think Hernando De Soto pretty much nails it.
In Costa Rica if you leave a home vacant for even a short period of time someone else can move in and are almost impossible to evict.
So little foreign investment.
So, it’s like Seattle?
<a href="here“>Because the have this.
But not these.
Fuck it.
Che but no guns.
I approve of the second link.
First link needs TLC from THICC Edit Fairy.
Not really. Spanish vs English rule makes a big difference.
The theory I like is that Canada and the US was colonized by people moving here to make a new life. They were here for good and made decisions based on the long term.
Latin America was colonized by people who came here for a set period of time to grub as much wealth as they could. Once they had their money, they moved back to Spain to live it up. So they made decisions to maximize the short term gains.
No idea how accurate that is, but it sounds sort of right to me.
Alright, I’ll move my comment down here.
Why can’t they get it together?
Continental colonialism v. English colonialism. I’m pretty sure that the former English colonies have outperformed former continental colonies just about everywhere.
That doesn’t explain it, but its a pattern (I think) that might lead to an explanation.
India v. Hong Kong example is raised by that theory though
Both Brit colonial. One has enormous amounts of land, people, resources. The other has a bay and some scenery. Guess which one is a shit show? The one that went socialist.
So why did one go socialist and not the other? Is there some cultural reason? Strong personalities of national leaders? Religion? Dunno.
Just a wild ass guess, but it seems like India is more like South America, in that there was a large indigenous population ruled over by a small and fairly insulated core of colonials, which possibly led to European “Enlightenment” values being dismissed by the population at large as tools of the imperialist oppressors.
In the US and Canada, otoh, the European colonials pretty much completely displaced the natives. Hong Kong, the native to colonial ratio was probably not as one-sided as in the Americas or India, but afaik the English were mostly there to trade rather than just exploit the natural resources.
One thing I’d heard was just that Socialism was simply the in thing in the couple post war decades in which most UK colonies gained independence.
Thats not unreasonable. IIRC, a lot of the upper crust in India were educated in Britain, where they could have contracted socialism. Of course, the corruption and inefficiency of government is also ingrained in the culture pre-British colonization as well, with the added ‘benefit’ of a caste system that kept a goodly portion of the populace where they belong.
My guess is that the English were a lot further along the path of individual rights by the time they started colonizing, thereby giving their colonists a head start culturally. The English had a long history of rebellion to curtail the power of the state (or of any individual within the state), which doubtlessly affected the attitude of English colonists (such as the future Americans).
On the whole former British colonies have fared well relative to lands colonized by France, Spain, etc. , so if you had to be colonized by someone, the Brits were the best choice. Just don’t tell that to the Irish. I usually attribute it to cultural differences, but that’s just a lazy guess.
It’s filled with people who are considerably stupider on average than the ones that settled the US and Canada. I know it’s popular to believe that unde the right minarchist framework Wakanda’a will sprout up everywhere but it doesn’t work like that. Human capital matters.
aaaand, in that NY mag thing, you get this, from some yahoo “policy analyst” named Matt Bruenig:
And obviously there’s a racial component too that I feel has been very overlooked. I don’t think people realize just how bad the Great Recession was for black and Latino families. The level of wealth decline in those groups … You could write a whole reparations article just off what happened in the past eight years. Like, you don’t even need to go back to the GI Bill. You could just say, “Look at what happened where clearly racially predatory bankers load black families up with these subprime mortgages and just extract wealth out of them.” That’s the story that’s not been fully discussed, for one reason or another.
That’s Mr. Elizabeth Bruenig to you buddy.
Matt Bruenig is a millennial Marxist twit whose wife is the equally execrable Elizabeth Bruenig.
Still would (Elizabeth, not Matt).
I’d only let her blow me, because then I wouldn’t have to hear her talking.
We have these magical things called ring gags that also work for that purpose as well.
Never had a good blow job I see.
If loading up poor folks with inflated subprime mortgages they could not pay resulted in this gigantic “extract[ion] of wealth out of them [the mortagees]” and to the banks, why did those same banks need to be bailed out? Shouldn’t all the banks he claims extracted all this wealth have been really rich rather than really broke?
It’s funny how much of the Marxist oppression narrative could be undercut simply by paying cash for things instead to taking loans to buy shit you can’t afford.
I’m guessing he’s not very bright.
Interesting how year after year people’s views of race and interracial marriage become more relaxed, yet there’s this “systemic racism” out there that’s worse than 1860.
1. loan money to people who can’t pay it back
2. ???
3. profit!
I think step 2 is “Massive Taxpayer Funded Bailout”.
And 2.5 is millions of people snap up up foreclosed homes at a deep discount. Thanks fellow taxpayers!
Brueing is a financial alchemist apparently.
I thought you said fullmetal, was confused.
+1 empty suit (of armor)
Of course, no mention is made of the anti-discrimination hammer that was coming down on banks if they didn’t have a “good racial mix” in their loan portfolios.
Were the mortgage bankers scumbags for making loans that were a really bad idea for the borrower? You bet. Were the borrowers idiots for taking out those loans? Of course. Did all this happen in a totally unregulated market without a single bit of government oversight or distortion? Not even a little bit.
If anything, the government encouraged this shit. I distinctly remember CalPERS excoriating Fannie and Freddie for NOT getting in on the housing bubble and denying their pensioners all those juicy “profits” and by profits I mean subsequent losses.
That’s really where the Yves Smith shit above pisses me off. The recession and pension failures are a direct result of government encouraging reckless behavior. But government worshipers will simply never cop to government being the problem, unless they can blame it on some individual rogue from the opposing party.
There is a youtube video of Barney Frank giving a speech to Congress saying there was absolutely no danger of subprime collapse when Bush administration officials tried to throttle it back.
Oh, please do.
Stunning news – vast majority of heterosexual men and women not interested in dating members of the same sex pretending to be the opposite sex.
Shit lord!!!
-1 Crying Game
So…straight women and gay men want dick.
Quelle surprise.
Does “trans-inclusive gay men” mean people born women who became men and want other men?
Good question. We really need a detailed flow chart on this one.
I read it as gay men willing to date a MTF. I assumed that the MTF had not had dickectomy yet.
Meh, I was having this conversation off-board earlier. Pretty sure I hooked up with an FTM a few years back. It was fun enough. I’d be fine doing it again, I just find most of the FTMs that show up on the apps are not…how shall we say .
Scruffy dude with a slim build and a few conveniently placed scars isn’t going to put me off. Long term I’d be disappointed with not having an on-hand source of dick other than my own though.
I believe “trans-inclusive gay men” refer to 11.5% of gay men who wouldn’t rule out dating transpeople. I bet we’re talking about 2 or 3 actual people in the sample of 958.
I suspect the sample contained 26 gay men and 3 of them wouldn’t mind dating a trans person. I inferred it from the 11.5% number.
The science is settled!
I think “trans-inclusive” means they claim to believe that women with penises are literally no different from women with vaginas?
“Virtually all heterosexuals excluded trans folks from their dating pool: only 1.8% of straight women and 3.3% of straight men chose a trans person of either binary gender. But most non-heterosexuals weren’t down for dating a trans person either, with only 11.5% of gay men and 29% of lesbians being trans-inclusive in their dating preferences.”
So do 29% of lesbians, according to one survey.
What? You know it’s not enough to tolerate these people. You must celebrate them. And by celebrate mean participate.
Cha-ching. This goes back to how the word tolerance has become completely distorted and perverted. I am tolerant of transsexuals – I have no desire whatsoever to regulate their lives and tell them who they can and cannot have sex with. As Otto said in A Fish Called Wanda, pork away, pal! I will NOT, on the other hand, be browbeaten into being something that I’m not. I am a heterosexual man. I want to have sex with women. Women have vaginas. Women do not have penises, full stop. If I wanted to have sex with someone possessing a penis, I would be a gay man (or at least bisexual). It’s emblematic of how barking mad our society has become that this is becoming a controversial line of reasoning.
Thicc edit faerie, how I miss you
She died of heart disease.
I bet Otto knew how to close his <em&rt; tags.
Ack, that should have been <em>.
Less than and greater than, not left and right!
A woman BORN with a vgaygay for me.
Women do not have penises, full stop.
And never have. Just to be clear on this. In my book, you
whackchop it off, you’re still not a woman-woman.^this.
The terminology used now to cover this up is so confusing to me. If I were inventing English a transwoman would be a person who was born as a woman and wanted to be a man.
You obviously have not been counseled by a millennial HR rep who will let you know you are not qualified to make such a statement.
This belongs somewhere around here.
BTW, this was the story they used as a pilot – ‘Carmen’ was played by Morena Baccarin in that.
AS Pilot
I’m guessing the solution to that “problem” is going to involve lots of screaming, name calling, and public shaming on social media. Which of course is always the best way to get someone to consider new ideas.
I so enjoy when this is called “bigotry”. WHY WON’T YOU HATEFUL ASSHOLES DATE A CHICK WITH A DICK?
I love all my fellow gay male and hetero female Glibs, but they’re welcome to keep all the dick to themselves. Ain’t getting it done for me.
After reading that, I could have phrased that a little more precisely. Oh well.
I thought telling people who they should and shouldn’t sleep with was, like, totes unwoke among the SJW hivemind. Love Trumps Hate™ donchaknow.
Yeah, it’s almost like the LGBQTABC revolution is more about culture war than anything else. But reasonatarians are the smart ones for taking their arguments seriously and not figuring out they were acting in bad faith.
No, it’s because I don’t want to have sex with someone that has a penis.
But hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
Hey, they gotta try this. They know “right thinking” people can be guilted into anything, so they’re sure they can convince a few fellow travelers to switch sides for the greater good. What’s hilarious about this is that they spent years arguing that gays were just made that way and there’s nothing they can do about it, but now if you find your date has something downstairs you don’t like somehow you weren’t made that way and you should feel guilty about it.
That’s the whole “political lesbian” thing.
“Being Straight Is A Choice”
Putting aside that genital preferences are perfectly fine, and not any sort of bigotry. Another thing to consider is that many people date to find people to marry and have children.
That excuse will only fly for straight people.
Which is the vast majority of the population.
Is cisnormativity supposed to be some sort of slur?
I want to fuck women. Sue me.
Check out the normie over here. *points at Playa, hesitates, points at himself*
Oh thank god, I thought it was going to be that ridiculous song from Bill Nye the Sciency-ish Guy’s Netflix show.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
does trans mean “not”? so trans woman would mean not a woman?
what is cisnormative? is that redundant?
A transwoman is a man pretending to be a woman
This is seems more dedicated than just pretending:
The success with which someone can pull it off doesn’t change the fact that the plumbing is wrong.
Minneapolis City Council office parties hardest hit.
2 of the 13 city council member are trans. I’m waiting for the civil lawsuit claiming discrimination. Straight people will point out that the disparate impact of having 16% of the council seats being filled by trans people is proof of discrimination.
i would date a hot women who identifies as not tat hot to the point she lowers her standards enough to date me.
also this was said in the previous thread.
I love the link to another one of their stories in the first line. No outside sources for them.
Matt Bruenig is a millennial Marxist twit whose wife is the equally execrable Elizabeth Bruenig.
I’m not going to bother to act surprised.
We (by “we” I mean Sloopy and OMWC) no longer have to argue if Jaws is a cinematic masterpiece or an hour and a half of your life that you’ll never get back. What’s important is that it’s a clue to a 40 year old cold case!
A ‘tantalizing’ theory from Stephen King’s son: Shark thriller ‘Jaws’ holds the clue to an unsolved 1974 murder
Perhaps they should watch Mystery Street, even if they think the casting of Ricardo Montalbán as a Portuguese-American police chief on Cape Cod is strange.
(He’s actually quite capable, and it’s a good movie to watch to see that he was far more than just KHAAAAAAAN! or a Latin lover.)
I watched that a couple months ago. Good flic
That’s 4chan level aspie.
Way to not show us the crowd scene where she supposedly appeared. Rendering the entire article much less interesting.
Anecdotally: I remember a time in my childhood when my parents were teaching me about saving. They gave me 500 bucks or something to put in a 5-year CD. Granted CDs are not really the best vehicle, but that’s beside the point I’m trying to make. The interest rate was something like 10% (!).
I remember those days, only it was people saying, “If I won a million dollar lottery jackpot, I’d just put the money in the bank and live off the interest.” Now, if you put a million bucks in the bank, the interest is less than what you’d make wrangling shopping carts at walmart.
Less probably. You are forgetting about all those fees that banks charge for holding onto your money.
BOFA is one of the worst.
except some people if they had a million they do 2 chicks at the same time
Former President Barack Obama has received another peace prize.
The former president was named a Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope laureate Monday. The award honors those who “work toward a more just and peaceful world.” The RFK nonprofit tweeted that it is “honored to present Barack Obama” with the award.
Obama responded that Kennedy was one of his heroes. “Bobby Kennedy was one of my heroes,” Obama said, “He was someone who showed us the power of acting on our ideals, the idea that any of us can be one of the “million different centers of energy and daring” that ultimately combine to change the world for the better.”
Positive change? I couldn’t hear it over the sound of hellfire missiles exploding wedding parties and c-130 mounted howitzers trashing doctors without borders hospitals.
Beyond parody.
He did so much for Libya though.
peace is a state of mind. Obama is at peace with himself
Fun with the Broward County government.
1. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel files a FOIA with regard to certain information about school shooter Nikolas Cruz
2. The school board complies with it, sending a heavily redacted document. Unfortunately, they’re morons, and they fucked up the redactions, so the entire document was readable. tl;dr: The school board tries to sugarcoat things, but they fucked up really, really badly.
3. The School Board sues the Sun-Sentinel and the reporters for posting the redacted information (which, by the way, is a massive 1st amendment violation and will never stand up in court). Once news about the suit comes out, it turns out the School Board’s lawyers did this on their own and didn’t consult the School Board first [Note: I doubt that. Seems more like the school board’s covering their own asses.)
Do they have Yakkity Sax playing over the speakers at the county hall?
Jeebus. It never ceases to amaze me how often people released “redacted” documents that are still readable. I’ve even gone to the effort of blacking out a document, copying it, blacking out the copy, and copying that. To make damn sure nothing is readable. And since everyone wants everything emailed, I then scan the final copy.
And there’s probably still processing software that can get some info out of the redacted bits, but still.
According to the TV documentaries NCIS and CSI, local PD could break your redaction in under a day.
No, it’s because I don’t want to have sex with someone that has a penis.
What he said.
*Is that really in any way difficult to comprehend?
Yes, because they truly believe that one’s gender has nothing to do with their anatomy. Hetero men, in their eyes, are attracted to people who feel female. The fact that those people happen to have penises is of no concern.
Anybody use LaTeX in a Microsoft Office environment? I’m getting fed up with Word’s formatting BS, and I’m hoping to automate some of the field filling stuff. I’m a bit concerned that the Neanderthals who have to read my stuff may keel over if presented with a PDF to review.
I think latex is pretty inappropriate in any office environment, but hey, we won’t judge you.
*nods sagely*
I always go bareback at work.
Wait…that’s what you meant, right?
I will.
I think it’s quite classy, myself.
I changed my mind.
I doubt that the advantage of easy cleanup in an office environment will offset the trouble this will lead to in the #MeToo age.
Not at Vandalay Industries
And you want to be my latex salesman.
One of the best episode ending scenes EVER.
The best episode ending scene in a sit-com ever.
“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
+1 annual Thanksgiving screening.
Boy, yeah. That has to be #1. But was it the final lines of the episode? It’s been too long…
Yep. Last line.
I thought turkeys could fly.
Genius. I loved that show.
The science is settled: Best ever sit-com episode ending line.
I can assure you that wild turkeys can fly. Not well; not long distances; but enough to fly to the top of a 50 ft tall tree and then glare menacingly down at you.
Why wouldn’t you use WinEdt for LaTeX?
Are those the ribbed ones?
My old mentor had a great story about how he learned LaTeX back in the late ’80s to create a fake pay stub.
He had decided to job jump and was offered a new position. The only caveat was they wanted an old pay stub to verify that he hadn’t fibbed about his current salary which was what they were going to base his new salary on. The problem was that he had completely lied about how much he was making.
So he spent several weeks cramming and finally printed a fantastic fake pay stub which his new company promptly ignored. He got his new salary, but it turns out that what he thought was some strange audit, was really just a routine check done while onboarding a new employee and on one actually gave a shit.
To me a PDF means that the document is done and no one is supposed to make changes. Are the neanderthals supposed to make suggestions?
Besides, no one needs more than vi and perl to create reports.
“Besides, no one needs more than vi and perl to create reports”
You are a war criminal.
Don’t tell me you are an emacs pagan
I mostly use Notepad.
*scratches ass. burps*
Not true! Sometimes I also need sed and awk!
Besides, no one needs more than vi and perl to create reports.
VI is VILE. As was its satanic spawn in DOS, EDLIN.
… Hobbit
That’s crazy talk. There’s no better text editor than vi.
Emacs for life!
vi and perl
*has vivid flashback to a refactor project*
*sweats profusely*
LaTeX is created by Satan to torture graduate students. I refused to use it on my thesis even though my advisor explicitly said to do so. That was the hill I was going to die on.
He relented and I won.
Fuck LaTeX.
Okay, in all seriousness, let me know if you’d like help with it. moriah at moriahjovan dot com.
“Professor Slams ‘Hegemonic Masculinity’ of Homeless Men
During interviews with homeless men, Dej claims she learned that many aspire to “hegemonic masculinity,” which she defines as the type of masculinity that serves to “fortify the dominance of men” and ultimately “subordinate women.”
However, she finds that it is difficult for homeless men to achieve this. Without the trappings of a successful life — such as a home or a career— many men instead develop what Dej refers to as “compensatory masculinity” to cope with their failed status.
This type of masculinity is worse than hegemonic masculinity, though not yet as bad as toxic masculinity, and it involves men “emphasizing whatever hypermasculine traits they can within their stratified social status” to the detriment, allegedly, of women.
Throughout her paper, as she writes up her research findings, Dej ridicules these men for everything from reinforcing gender stereotypes, to refusing to show emotion, to talking about how their ex-wives stole money from them.”
The important thing is that they still have their male privilege.
I’d bet showing your feminine side at a homeless camp isn’t exactly safe if you’re a guy.
Probably not if you’re a girl, either.
Homelessness, women and children hardest hit. Despite the overwhelming majority of homeless being men.
compensatory masculinity…is worse than hegemonic masculinity, though not yet as bad as toxic masculinity
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
So what’s her solution?
Needs moar study.
“Professor Dej declined to comment. According to her CV, she has been awarded at least $185,000 by the Canadian government to research homelessness since 2009, and she notes that this new study is an outgrowth of her previous research.”
Plenty of people have an interest in ensuring others stay homeless. Look! There’s one now!
Systemic castration, physically, chemically, emotionally, and societally.
Hobo privilege?
You know how progs are always rattling on about not “punching down”? Yeah.
Male privilege.
By virtue of being male, these hobos are more privileged than the female professor getting six figure government grants to study them like monkeys.
Nobody mentioned this or did I miss it?
Freddie Mac to lower financing costs for landlords who cap rent rises
How to make housing unaffordable and punish taxpayers at the same time!
I predict very few takers. Rates are already low. A lower rate is unlikely to make much difference to a commercial real estate outfit, and not enough, I would expect, to get them to agree to cap the rental rates for the building.
The value of an apartment building is basically the discounted present value of its rental income. Cap increases in that, and you have devalued the building. I haven’t done the math, but I can’t see how shaving some basis points off the interest will offset the reduction in the building’s value.
Even more evil than on the face of it because the property taxes are probably more of a killer than the landlord’s interest payments. The city/county/state aren’t going to set the property taxes based on the rent he’s getting, they’re going to max it out on the rent they COULD be getting on the open market.
I have a couple of rental properties and my guideline (for 30 years or so) is that I will never raise the rent on an existing renter. In fact, I may be the only landlord in, well, forever who lowered the rent at the request of a tenant. They are wonderful people who love my properly like it is their own (taking care of minor issues themselves) and have been there so long that I’ve lost track (10-15 years). Sometimes good landlords get good tenants.
… Hobbit
My previous landlord raised it $10 a year. I almost fell out of my chair when I read the first lease renewal. That’s just unheard of in NYC.
Now – $100 a pop.
I’ve been a landlord twice. First was a condo we rented to a veterinarian. She begged us to let her bring her very rare cats that she kept in crates when she wasn’t home. Uh huh. She moved out after she got fired from her job. The carpet layers were gagging when they pulled the carpet and we even had to replace the corroded rail from the closet sliding doors.
The second was the current house we’re in which is over 4,000 square feet. They had Yorkie’s. We used a management company that signed off on the exit inspection. Yes, we replaced this carpet too.
Some people have good luck with it, I’ll never do it again.
CNN has not confirmed if this is authentic, but
theywe went ahead and published it anyway.New CNN motto?
I find it interesting how CNN will put a statement like this in a story in Spanish, but won’t do that in English.
Well, this is interesting:
Ha! Fucking hilarious…
And this is why I shook Chuck’s hand and thanked him for his service the last time I saw him at the airport. He also penned a nice opinion piece for the journal today re: Kavanaugh:
On July 10, the morning after President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he’d oppose the nomination “with everything I’ve got.” If the weeks since are any indicator, we should believe him.
Immediately after news broke that Justice Anthony Kennedy was retiring, Democrats demanded that the president wait until the next Congress to appoint a replacement. They cited the “Biden rule,” a precedent based on then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden’s 1992 pronouncement that his committee would wait until after the heated presidential election season to consider any Supreme Court nomination. This year is a midterm election year, not a presidential one. Most Democrats have abandoned the talking point, but they haven’t abandoned the goal of delaying the process.
Presumably, Mr. Schumer announced that he would oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination before he read the judge’s 307 written opinions and the many other opinions he joined. Certainly, it was before he reviewed the more than 17,000 pages Judge Kavanaugh provided to the committee in response to our bipartisan questionnaire and an estimated one million pages of documents the committee has requested from the Bush White House, where Judge Kavanaugh once worked.
It stands to reason that Senator Schumer wasn’t too concerned about Judge Kavanaugh’s record before he announced his opposition. Why is it so important to Senator Schumer now?
Schumer and Biden are two of the most vile words one could utter in the same post. But all that aside, I expect the Democrats to get antifa to ‘protest’ and occupy the capital building during the confirmation process and litter the entire place with excrement, urine, and who knows what the fuck else, while attempting to block and attack people. The mayor of DC will probably order the police to stand down.
The Capitol has its own police, doesn’t it?
As far as I know. Are you saying that it doesn’t?
I really like Grassley.
You can save the audio, and listen to it as a podcast, if you are into that sort of thing.
Please let this be true.
Judge Ellis Brings Mueller’s Prosecutor to Tears in Courtroom Showdown
I just read somewhere that Trump has really had it now because Gates has proven that Manafort is guilty because Gates is apparently a fucking big time crook. You can’t even make this shit up. It’s almost like the Democrats are truly depending on running Soviet style kangaroo courts to convict people of being wealthy in the the court of public opinion.
You guys talk about this yet?
Twitter Suspends Libertarian Accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director
I’ve just been catching up on that. Apparently, the left are going on an all out censorship campaign. The mask is off.
They’re all in on the censorship:
Yeah, I’ve suspected that the professors that are teaching their students to silence conservative speakers by any means necessary don’t really care so much about the individual speakers but it’s just another step in the indoctrination process to teach that censorship is good, so that when they take over the internet and media because thats “too important to leave in the hands or greedy corporations” they’ll have no qualms about shutting down dissent. 1984, the instruction manual.
fuckoff sexist shitlord drumpf sucker
Scott Horton was on Part of the Problem talking about this today.
John at TOS was just saying the Libertarians were going to be next.
Certainly, it’s about disagreeing with the narrative they’re pushing. Conservatives and libertarians are all hateful Nazis now and that slur is even being thrown at people on the left who refuse to get in line. Our relative ineffectiveness might save us for a while though.
Count Dankula’s appeal rejected, he tells the court to fuck off because he’s not paying the fine.
Trump takes on Smokey the Bear.
The original tweet was from 2015. And the philosophy behind the whole Smokey The Bear campaign actually played a role in allowing the buildup in undergrowth and reduction in thinning by throwing massive resources on every fire and minimizing it’s role in the natural environment. Smokey needs to be a rug in front of somebodies fireplace.
“Saying that Aliens helped the Egyptians build the Pyramids, or the Mayans and Aztecs theirs has massive racist and colonialist undertones that infantilizes black and brown peoples capabilities of innovation and technological development.”
But not about aliens building stonehenge?
C’mon man. Demons build Stonehenge.
I thought it was built by druids to keep the demons in.
I’ll be impressed when they used stones, not from a quarry a hundred miles away, but stones quarried on the moon or Mars.
-1 mass driver aimed at Earth
I’ll be impressed when they build a structure that could not have possibly been built without powertools.
Not really qualified here, but:
Oh come on. That’s a parody, right?
Sounds like a bad drink Gopher would serve.
Isaac, Damnit.
“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”
Christ, what an asshole.
He must order copies of the Constitution by the palletload so he can wipe his ass with it every time he takes a shit.
I don’t think he takes a shit. He just lets it build up in his head.
Nutty, yes, tinfoil hat wearer? Yeah, that would describe Alex Jones. Hate? Not so much, that sounds more like antifa and leftists in general. There assholes are going to get what is coming to them unless we can save them from themselves, along with the rest of us. If not, the writing was already on the wall in an antifa photo I saw a while back, depicting a wall with the writing ‘liberals get the bullet too’.
“The true purpose of social media is finally coming to light. It was never meant to share ideas and moments as they promised. It was meant to record, to watch, and label who is worthy. The purpose of social media has always been to serve as nothing more than Big Brother.”
If we can just get to a China type social media score system, utopia will appear. Nothing could possibly go wrong, I mean not for me, I’m one of the right thinkers.
So, what is really the deal with the OH special election tonight? The media are going all in that the Democrat has a huge edge. But when I look at the primaries, the GOP had around 30,000 more total votes. I mean I’m not talking about a district with millions of people, it looks like the GOP had about 65% more votes in the primary. Something doesn’t sound right here. Maybe I’m wrong.
What election is that?
That’s my district it’s pretty red has been for 20 plus years, perhaps back in the union heyday of the 70’s there may have been a democrat edge, but now, it’s Trump town. The dems thinking they were gonna flip it must a been smoking sommat. Maybe they saw the gerrymandered map touched Columbus, but it only hits the northern edge, i.e. the rich white part of Cowtown, Dems don’t stand a chance.
My mom said the local news media were doing their best to gin up votes for the dem.
Well, I don’t even have a TV (he smugged) so I can’t speak to that, I do know its about 80% blue-collar-working-class-‘Merica-Fuck-Yeah!! people. When we still had the GM plant the union folk might have swung it blue but no longer. In 2016 the Trump sign to Her signs ration was easily 9-1. I saw more “Lock Her Up” or “Hilary For Prison” signs than actual Hilary signs.
I saw at least one article that said no matter who wins in this election, the Republicans lose. They were basing it on the Republicans spending and putting feet on the ground when it’s supposed to be a safe district, so if the Republican wins, they really lost because they spent money and manpower they could have saved.
I mean, ignoring safe districts is how Hillary won, right?
Regardless, the democrat is so far ahead at this point, that I’d say it’s over.
No shit?, well I guess I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about when it comes to politics.
Well, I didn’t say that and it’s tightening now. But 66% of the vote is in. You mad, bro?
Not mad, I just swear a lot. self-depreciating if anything.
Oh . Maybe not, latest update only 550 votes difference (0.5%), with 59% counted.
Even if Balderson wins it that’s a hell of a lot closer than my road sign analysis would have called, it’s a good thing I can swing a hammer because I suck at political prognostication.
Looking at the results, I don’t have a dog in this race but you can bet that there will be a lot of hate directed at the dude from the Greens.
Or not cause I can’t maths right
So, based on what I read this morning, Sloopy has been really “busy” this week ?
I would’ve guessed Jim Acosta.
Nah, that’s too far from his house. If that was Sloopy, he’d be in a different neighborhood. Unless the bet was badly made, and that’s why nobody knows who it is…
Once again, I have been asked to provide links on account of Brett being
unavailable snorting lines of cocainebecause you all just love the Spanish Shtick.Mexican blew a line himself.
*rubs nose frantically*
Mojeaux, you wrote this in an earlier thread today regarding prescription contraceptive, hopefully you’re still around:
Me and the wife had a problem with this. Obviously during her pregnancy wifey was off the pill, then when she went back on they had her on a similar, but different formulation which, iirc, wasn’t working as well. She had to call up the doc and get him to give her the exact one she’d had before. Point being not only are the docs a barrier, but can actually hinder access to the right drugs.
Mrs. Hero has tried several different formulas over the years, some of which had nasty side effects. Every time the conversation went like this:
Mrs. Hero “Hey doc, that version of the people is causing me to get fever and chills.”
Doc (scribbles new scrip) “Try this.”
There was no carefully considered review of the medical file or testing done, it was pure trial and error.
My dad was a pharmacist. According to him, no one knew less about the drugs they were prescribing.
I’m not going to say that formulations aren’t different; they are. I’m also going to say that if one’s not working for you, maybe you SHOULD go to a doc and discuss it, tell him your symptoms, and get something right. But they don’t do that. They throw samples at you, which is awfully nice of them, but doesn’t address any problems.
In my 20s, I had, shall I say, some issues unrelated to contraception that required birth control pills. LOTS of them, like 5 packs a month for about 2 years. Although a lot of docs gave it the good ol’ college try, nobody could ever find out what was wrong with me. Massive doses of iron and low-carb finally cleared it up. But there are LOTS of women who do not need birth control. They need the hormones. For me, getting that much BC was a nightmare. I would have killed to be able to go into Walmart, talk to a pharmacist* and tell him my problem, and drop $25/month on what I needed.
*Which reminds me. A pharmacist would be much better at helping out with formulations than a doc. Just keep the shit behind the counter. If somebody has questions about which one to buy, give them some guidance.
That drugs require prescriptions is bullshit. Adults shouldn’t need to get permission slips to buy things.
I cannot disagree. We buy Bronkaid. Missouri limits you to 3 boxes every 30 days. Don’t have to have a scrip, but you have to present your driver’s license to buy it.
Thats what I got out of your quote, but until this happened to us, I had no idea there were different formulations.
Oh, wifey raised hell and got things sorted out, we were lucky because she already knew the formulation she needed and read it off to them so they’d get it right…
Sorry to hear about your travails, ‘just’ another one of those unseen consequences of over regulation of all society.
Feature, not bug.
This morning’s commute isn’t fun. Getting worse.
I can’t read Japanese, but judging from the picture, a giant mechanical space penis with a red tip will be penetrating the earth just east of Japan. Tokyo appears to be in the splooge zone. Where’s godzilla when we need him???
In all seriousness, stay safe and dry!
Be honest, you see giant dicks in everything.
Yes, but it’s usually mine
35 m/s is only 80 MPH.
Typhoo(n) don’t go much above that. The train service getting all mucked up is the big problem.
Hurricanes go above that. 80 is only a Category 1.
Yep. These things don’t do nearly as much damage. Dump a ton of rain on your ass, though.
Did Gojira finally attack again?
Changing your handle to straffintaifū?
“Infowars is Not Just Being Censored, Basic Business Infrastructure Now Being Stripped as MailChimp Bans Their Email
Infowars is not just being censored now, in the latest Totalitarian move against the outlet, Mail Chimp and LinkedIn have also banned them from using their services.
The leftist Big Tech mob isn’t content with just censorship — they are now targeting the outlet’s basic business infrastructure.
In a statement to the far-left activist website Media Matters for America, the email service made an exception to their rule about commenting on individual users or accounts.
“MailChimp doesn’t generally comment on individual users or accounts, but we’ll make an exception today. MailChimp notified Infowars that their accounts have been terminated for violating our Terms of Service, which make it clear that we don’t allow people to use our platform to disseminate hateful content,” the statement began. “We take our responsibility to our customers and employees seriously. The decision to terminate this account was thoughtfully considered and is in line with our company’s values.””
Has anyone made The Obiwan getting struck down animated gif yet?
Not following this very closely… was it something specific that caused the hive mind to reject him?
The big sin being sited was his Sandy Hook comment. False flag insinuation. BS.
Meh. So “hateful content” really is just whatever they say it is.
Yes. And ““hateful content” could be used against any progressive opinion. If you are a against climate change, you hate coal miners. If you are for gun control, you hate gun owners. If you are against school choice, you hate children. If you are pro-choice, you hate babies.
So, because of this kerfuffle I visited the site for the first time and bookmarked it. There’s nothing really there. Today it’s about them being censored – not surprising. Kinda like Drudge I suppose. If there’s a message there it’s in their choice of stories. Sorta like… anywhere.
He’s a character actor that often says some off the wall stuff. On the whole, though, he’s no more hateful than The Young Turks.
What a crock of horseshit.
At least this truth teller hasn’t been deplatformed.
Don’t you dare disparage that fine human being.
Someone has a lot of free time to shit out hot takes on everything Trump twats.
This is the logical progression.
Take away his soapbox.
Take away his income.
Within the next day or two, Paypal, SquareUp, Kickstarter, Patreon, whoever, will cut him loose so he has no way of trading electronically.
Hearkening back to our “private companies can do what they want” discussion, I would say a whole bunch of private companies ganging up on one person or one segment of the wrongthink population, comes pretty close to something illegal.
He’s just a test case, wait until they really get going.
However, I think WoodChipperGate was the beginning of the government side of this cleansing.
I’m no lawyer but I’m not seeing anything illegal there. Nobody is required to perform a service.
Unless you’re gay. And… I think I just came up with a winning strategy that he could use to fight this…
I’m not sure there’s nothing illegal here, nothing is jumping out at me. I’m not even sure there’s any kind of conscious coordination going on. But it may be that concentrations of economic power can be just as bad for society as concentrations of government power, and on that basis (libertarian or no) Big Tech needs to be broken up.
Its an interesting question.
Should a group of private companies be permitted to collude/conspire/coordinate against someone to render them effectively an unperson? Private companies aren’t allowed to collude to set prices under anti-trust law (which I tend to think is a good thing).
Some of these same things are being done to gun makers and sellers, don’t forget.
This is extraordinarily concerning to me. If unpersoning by a group of companies is allowed, what damage will society suffer until alternative workaround appear? These same companies who are unpersoning Jones have enormous clout with politicians; what assurances do we have that alternative workarounds will be allowed to appear? The government loves centralization in all things, including especially the economy. You know that they would just love to cut a deal with Big Tech that involved Big Tech doing their bidding in exchange for a moat against competition. And so would Big Tech.
I don’t have a proposal to stop this from happening. But I sure want it to stop.
On the Facebook/Twitter side, I think stripping them of their liability protections and exposing them to defamation, etc. would probably bring this to a halt. I suspect you could throw MailChimp in that bucket as well. If you limit the content you distribute based on “hateful” or “offensive”, you are a publisher, and are exposed to defamation.
And you can bet that every single one of these outfits has the same clause in their TOS.
The publisher angle is definitely the way to go.
Their being in bed with government seems like a good angle from which to fight this. Just unearth an email – gotta be some out there from some snake asking for a “favor”.
They’re claiming it wasn’t collusion, but rather they all just happen to come to the realization that Jones was evil, all within a 24 hour period. I don’t see how you can stop them from colluding (unless you have direct evidence of it). Punish them for colluding to ruin a person’s life and the tech firms will be in a rush to boot people first so they don’t get stuck with the heretic.
Should a group of private companies be permitted to collude/conspire/coordinate against someone to render them effectively an unperson?
Yes, yes they should.
You people (yeah I said it) are bitching about social media on a social media site created because TPTB were upset with their options, Sure Glibs isn’t Facebook or Twitter but its existence is a testament to the inevitability of creative destruction, remember when Montgomery Ward was going to monopolise retail, then it was Sears then K-mart then Wallmart now its Amazon tomorrow it’ll be something else. Facebook and Twitter are nothing special I bet a case of Stroh’s against the beer of your choice that by 2025 one or both of them has been usurped by a new platform.
Gotta say that I don’t find the monopoly argument very persuasive. If the culture decides it wants to rely so heavily on these few tech firms, we need to change the culture, not the laws.
“Private” companies.
I have always believed that a person or private company has the right to associate with whomever they choose, full stop, and I’m not going to start now just because the companies involved are espousing a belief or acting in a manner I find repugnant. A principle’s a principle. With that said, this is a perfect opportunity for a bit of tit for tat if there’s a legal justification under the public accommodations part of the Civil Rights Act to go after these companies and force them to bake the cake, so to speak.
What I would rather see, and in the interests of full disclosure I have a $50 site donation riding on this hope, is companies come in to fill the void. Best would obviously be for new companies that just do what they do for money, regardless of the political opinions of their customers, but in a grim, dystopian way it would be fascinating to see an entirely separate ecosystem of businesses geared toward the exiles from the Progressive-dominated marketplace. There’s a gun range near me that is invite-only and requires members to also be paying members of the NRA. What if they also banned members on the basis of espousing Progressive viewpoints? How about a Facebook that banned accounts found to promote “social justice” or socialism?
I think one of the two or something in-between is where this all ends up. I don’t know if the companies doing this stuff have thought it through beyond social signalling and getting rid of icky people, but kicking Alex Jones off of Facebook doesn’t turn all his fans into Bernie Sanders supporters. All they’ve done is push him and his audience to find some alternate outlets. If they really thought InfoWars was a dangerous alt-right hate vehicle or whatever, they just lost the modicum of control they could have over its content.
Just dropping in briefly to say hello from Atlanta, which is just as much of an overcrowded steambath as I remembered. Can’t wait to get out of here. Two more days…
Weird, isn’t it?
The second worst airport in the world is surrounded by a total traffic-clogged shithole. Color me surprised.
Second in the world?
I’m gonna need to see your math here. SVO is #1 and #2 for me, I effing hate JFK and ORD. ATL was irritating but I don’t know about second worst on the globe.
LAX was bad and the traffic to it and failure to have transit (thanks neo-Marxist bus advocates!) is egregious, but it’s improved dramatically and two projects are actively fixing most of my complaints about it.
Mostly just fucking around.
Philly is the worst.
ATL sucks mostly because my connecting flight seems to always be 3 counties away.
I actually love MSP and AMS.
I did like MSP. Saying you like AMS is the airport equivalent of saying “I like watching puppies and kittens frolicking together while I eat a double scoop cone of my favorite ice cream and get a bj.”
ATL’s layout perplexes me, but I’ve definitely dealt with worse. One of my least favorite and/or funniest experiences was having a connection through Denver where we spent our 35 minute connection time running (at altitude) because our first plane was late and the place is just one long hallway.
Terminal 2 at MSP just got redone, too. It’s beautiful. I’ve been flying SW more lately and it’s so nice to go out of the smaller terminal.
And yeah, loving AMS is easy, but I really dig puppies, kitties, ice cream and bjs.
What the hell is wrong with that??
Hey man. I won’t stop you if you want to say self evident things just for the sake of saying them.
Find me someone who *doesn’t* like AMS and it’ll be an interesting conversation. Maybe whoever it was that complained that Kosher for Passover Coke made with real cane sugar was inferior to normal Coke.
Fair point.
Last week I was in the St. Louis airport and it was awful, and the Nashville airport which was OK. The live music in the Gibson bar was kind of fun.
You know what airport is just fantastic? Rochester, NY: It’s tiny, they were one of the six airports to get a get-rid-of-TSA-and-hire-contractors waivers, and you can feel nostalgic about weird arguments with an ex-boyfriend about the availability of Labatt in LA while drinking one in a BLUE ZONE bar.
I’ve flown to Newport News many times. It has like 6 gates. The TSA people and the employees are amazingly awesome. They seem lonely.
PDX is probably my favorite airport, which is at least partially due to very friendly mid-20s scruffy guys doing security every time I’ve gone through. MSY has been surprisingly good too, but for different reasons.
I’ll second PDX. Non-terminal “A” EWR and new MSP are very good.
My hometown. Good for them.
I’m flying there in October to visit family in Victor. I flew through BUF last time and it was fine, but additional driving and the experience just wasn’t as pleasant as ROC.
ATL and DEN are pretty much designed the same way. STL is a ghost town after TWA folded and AA cut back the remnants. I haven’t been in MSY since the terminal work.
My personal ordering:
Shitholes: PDX, AMS, BOS
Mediocre: SFO (fuck fake TSA Covenant Security, they’re even more incompetent assholes than the regular TSA), SEA, FLL, EUG, BOI, ORD, IAH, YQX, STL
Alright: IAD (depending on the terminal), JFK (depending on terminal), FUK, YYC, ANC, MSY, CLT, BLI, LAS, PHX, FAI, PVR, SNN
Pretty good: DEN, LAX, RDU, VIE, KIX
Great: HND
AMS is great. Ditto VIE.
ATL… get off the plane, walk a mile, and you get to take a packed train ride to baggage. It might be two or three trains before you can fit in. Then it’s another long train to the rental car center. The flight from Milwaukee was shorter than getting my suitcase and car after landing.
My parents are in Vienna right now. Judging from the pics…
Wood for your parents and you’re not even one of the appelatia glibs. Didn’t know minnisodas swung that way.
There are some places outstate that are kind of scary.
But I meant Vienna.
You know who else ‘wood’ Vienna>
Yes! Knew it would be that video before clicking.
Word up.
The only airport I hate more is Heathrow.
Only been there once. Still not as bad as ATL.
In training for the afterlife, are ya?
overcrowded steambath
Go on…
Serious question: steam or sauna and why?
Sauna. I love those things. Totally irrational, I know.
Why? I’m trying to figure out where to put a wood fired one here.
Like I said, irrational. It was just… enjoyable.
You’ll finnish it eventually.
Someone needs a cocktail
Steam unless the place is poorly maintained. If it smells even slightly musty I’m in the dry sauna instead. Most of it is that I live in a relatively dry climate, so I like the steam for softening any crud in my sinuses. I also feel like I can tolerate it longer overall.
My gym has both. When allergies are bad steam is perfect. Otherwise, sauna seems to take car of the muscles better.
Oh at home I’d put in a dry one. I don’t want to potentially have to deal with mildew or something.
I feel less ridiculous splaying out and stretching in a steam sauna (even in a completely deserted K-spa). I don’t know why, maybe the illusion of privacy the steam provides?
I’m fond of the “Indian sauna” (although I have no idea how authentic that is) that I’ve experienced at a number of ashrams. You get a bunch of yogi dudes. Crank the sauna to 11. Then hit it with a hose. Then get into restorative poses to deal with the intense heat and humidity so you don’t pass out. Then as the water vapor dissipates it turns back into a regular sauna. Which is sort of a relief. It’s sort of like pouring water on the hot rocks in a sweat lodge.
I remember this time I was in a Native-American sweat lodge. It got so intense several people left. The person running it saw me sitting cross-legged with my eyes closed, and asked me if I was OK. I said I was fine because because I was locked in Svastikasana (so I was barely burning any of my only calories for heat). Then I had to explain it had nothing to do with Nazis.
Also, Jesse might be amused that at this sweat lodge we were smoking something called “bear medicine”.
You’re terrible at convincing me that you don’t have anything interesting to write about. I just want to be very clear on that point.
um, “own” not “only”
“You’re terrible at convincing me that you don’t have anything interesting to write about. I just want to be very clear on that point.”
I’m not trying to convince anyone of that. Although, I started outlining an article about the eight-limb path of “Raja Yoga” in relation to libertarianism. But merely describing the yamas and niyamas quickly became too verbose. I could write an entire article how Ishvara Pranidhana (which is just one of the niyamas) is anti-collectivist….
Anyway, I’ll try to work on something.
Please do.
I learn a lot here.
We’ve hit 85% humidity more often than not this summer. I’ve taken to cold showers so that I can postpone sweating long enough to greet whoever I’m going to be spending most of the day with before I look like I swam there. I can’t imagine a situation in which I’d not be sweating for some good reason but still want to anyway.
Eucalyptus helps.
Clearly you’re sauna culture is not run by Koreans. We have…mugwort.
The acupuncturist we hired looked stricken for a minute when I caught him spraying a mugwort infusion on patients and chided him for not burning it on their skin. Then he nerded out about the benefits and how moxabustion is dumb, but mugwort is helpful and all that. I wonder if he’s still so zealous about it.
The fuck?
i just googled ‘steam mugwort’ and got this.
I’ll stick with eucalyptus.
The story takes place in Santa Monica. Of course they used mugwort, it’s run by Koreans because LA. Mugwort is big in traditional chinese medicine for reasons that I fail to remember from my times spent studying acupuncture (book-larnin’, not training) and sitting in “event pools” (ebentu tang) in Korean saunas that had different herbal properties written mostly in hangul but also in broken english…sometimes.
Lol. I’ll have to try it next time I’m there.
The place I went near where I lived had salt water hot tubs that were not as hot, and were outside on a balcony. It was fucking amazing to lie back in an ultra buoyant hot tub and watch a thunderstorm roll over the city… I miss that place.
Yeah, if I want “sauna” I can just walk into my non-AC kitchen at any time during the last two or three weeks. No thanks.
You’ve mentioned that. Is it only the kitchen that is the seventh level of hell?
No but the kitchen is especially bad because cooking. The fridge puts out a lot of heat too.
Holy shite this Ohio is coming down to the wire. All depends what precincts they did or didn’t count first.
Ohio is a fake state made up by Alex Jones, everyone knows this.