I happen to be a fan of the clam. I have references, too.
Hopefully not Clamato, that Shit is Gross,
Sup Tres!
Mama Tres used to love mixing clamato & miller light…..nasty old woman
Clamato is delicious.
+1 Bloody Caesar
Dozens of people were wounded in shootings across Chicago since Friday, police said.”
Does that still qualify as news? It’s like reporting the weather in San Diego.
Nobody gives a shit about minorities killing each other. It’s a non issue.
Now, a couple whiteys get shot up at a suburban high school and its hands across america.
Hands across this land I love
Hard hitting stuff.
Interesting we have heard about a proportionally high body count in Indianapolis.
Have = have not
Hey Bill, in case you missed the reply in the last thread, I’ve heard a few people recommend the slow and sear for the kettle grill.
Even without it, you can get decent results.
You can also get a lot of info from this guy.
Be careful with that site. There’s a few recipes loaded with derp.
$130 is a little steep, but if I wind up doing a lot of smoking with this grill it might be worth it. I’m definitely going to give it a shot tomorrow with what I’ve already got, so we’ll see what happens.
Alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone is a helluva drug.
“Melbourne nabs nude, bloody teen who said she’s Satan
May 13, 2015
A 17-year-old Cocoa girl suspected of being high on a hallucinatory street drug faces felony charges after police said she ran toward officers nude, covered in blood and yelled that she was Satan.
It is the latest arrest in Melbourne believed to be connected to the highly potent street drug flakka. The drug is causing growing concern and has gotten the attention of Brevard County’s top law enforcement officers.”
I’ve heard (anecdotally, of course) that 5-Me is a lot of fun .
“Dad, are you licking toads? ”
“I’m not not licking toads.”
We must be on constant guard against toad addiction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQEhBai711o
Is it as good as cheesing?
Ahh, Heavy Metal. One of my favorite flicks of all time. Nothing better than seeing it at a midnight showing. Much..uh, “intoxication”.
Yep. Underrated movie that deserves more attention.
Even Sammy was tolerable.
Tuesday morning at 11:00 am EST, the Garbage Man plays Heavy Metal by Don Henley. It is the most “liked” song in the WFMU library. Do your ears a favor and tune in to the fun 91 in the greater NYC area, or download the WFMU app. Station Manager Ken is losing his mind over the fact that Heavy Metal is the top song.
Matt plays that song, then spends the last hour of his show playing stoner rock/space rock/motorik/prog/metal.
Tune in.
I love clams. White wine, dark beer, butter, lots of garlic, flat parsley……. Works better for mussels. Why I am where I am is still a mystery. We are short on clams around here. There is some bearded clam here, but it is hit or miss when harvesting them.
They often Ride Horses, Just Say’n
Howdy WS!
A long time ago, I worked at a place that received shipments of “breaded clams”. One day, the boxes were labeled “bearded clams”.
I like clam chowder. Well, New England clam chowder at least.
I love fried clams with cocktail sauce.
The first Netroots Nation conference in a Trump-era election year opened with not one, not two, but five keynote speakers of color, all of whom underlined the potential of a “multiracial coalition” of voters made up of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and progressive whites. Their prescription for taking back the House in the November mid-terms was not winning back Trump voters, but expanding the electorate. “Our swing voter is not red to blue,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old Bronx Democrat who upset Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley in a June primary, told an audience of progressive activists on Saturday. “It’s non-voter to voter.”
The line was met with huge applause from the audience at Netroots Nation, the annual gathering for progressive candidates, activists, and organizers. Where as last year’s conference attendees saw a gubernatorial candidate’s speech interrupted with shouts of “trust black women,” this year’s felt like a very intentional tribute to people of color, especially women. The conference offered more than 20 training sessions and panels specifically addressing how to reach those voters, as well as the millions of eligible Americans who aren’t registered to vote. The majority of panelists and presenters, according to Netroots organizers, were people of color.
Democrats have been grappling with key questions about coalition building since the 2016 election: Should they prioritize winning back the voters they lost to Trump? Should they attempt to woo the white voters gradually fleeing the party? Progressives this weekend said, emphatically, no. It’s a genuine attempt to remake the Democratic Party at a time when racial and class tensions are the highest they’ve been since the 1960s—and it’s also put them on a collision course with party leaders and other Democrats.
Yes, you slobbering morons. Continue your slide into race-obsessed dementia. Go all in on your program to force everyone to not merely tolerate but celebrate your manufactured panoply of genders. Tell every goddam person in America who works for a living to go fuck themselves. Sanity is for chumps. Reality is just like wallpaper; it can be swapped out for something prettier at any time.
Good thing they weren’t on your lawn.
Post modernism. Truth is dead.
I think their nuts agenda isn’t going anywhere because we have a strong economy. If Trump tanks it with a trade war then I’m not so certain.
The Democratic Party has been turning into the non-white party for sometime. I guess the big reveal is more a change in publicity than tactics. People have long said they want to import voters, they just haven’t been admitting it openly.
Yes, and as more and more non-whites figure out that the Democrats are just using them and not really doing anything for them, they will be in big trouble.
I doubt that.
” when racial and class tensions are the highest they’ve been since the 1960s”
Gee, how did they get that way?
Found this when I got in my car to leave for work this evening. Damn, it got hot today.
Free dry-cleaning!
Well in a tiny area.
I was hoping for a lot-lizard.
/just finished reading the lot-lizard article from the other day
That doesn’t mean ignoring whites and Trump voters, she says. Instead, “it’s rejecting the notion that our way to victory is having a centrist, moderate right-leaning strategy that feels like we could peel off Romney Republicans, versus investing in communities of color, marginalized groups and progressive white people,” Changa said. “There is this notion that…we can’t address the issues of race, systemic oppression because we don’t want to piss these voters off. We have to find a way to do both.”
Go for it. Piss them off, good and hard. Tell Whitey MacHonkeyface what you really think of him. Let the patriarchy know you plan to topple them.
Whitey MacHonkeyface?
I wonder if they’ll allow that username on Stormfront ?
Fookin’ Scots and “Mac”, what about the “Mc”s? Huh?
The race is always on for the deadliest drug.
Krockodil meet sea smith
That garbage has been around forever. Just think “Breaking Bad” meets opiates. Its homebrew desmomorphine.
Yup, Ban 1 thing and another takes its place. Seems like every 2-3 years
something out there is killing us.
And by us, I mean the morons who can’t control themselves.
And by morons who can’t control themselves, you mean the bansturbators.
Well if people would just quit trying to have fun, the puritans wouldn’t have to work so hard.
them too.
The iron law of prohibition is a thing
Found this when I got in my car to leave for work this evening. Damn, it got hot today.
Nature abhors a pressure differential.
I would say the #5 story above is even stranger than #4.
Is it just me, or are the photos for #4 very blurry?
Great composition, too. My cat takes better pictures than that.
I find it weird that the Israeli women have a player named Fuhrer on their team.
You’re lucky. Sea Smith hid the text from me.
It’s written in secret ink. If you spray lemon juice on your screen you’ll be able to read it
I think I just got the decoder ring. But all I can translate is: “Drink more Ovaltine.”
A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!
If dancing zombie lady came through the window and was shot, I’d have a hard time condemning someone who put another through her head just to be sure. That was kind of freaky.
Let’s just hope she has not reproduced.
Yeah, at the first point where she gets up, I’d probably have panicked and shot her. I am 10000% stunned that the story didn’t end with the police showing up, her freaking out, and the cops shooting her.
Mini range review. Springfield Armory 911 – 380 acp.
It was way too fricking hot outside today, but we went anyway.
This little gun is nice. Great sights, very manageable recoil, accurate.
Only caveat is that this is with the extended mag. The flush mag still works, but it makes the gun less enjoyable at the range.
If you have really big hands, this might not work for you…anyone else, this is worth checking out. ???
I have my eye on this Springfield.
I have a PX9151L.
It’s very nice.
That is very nice. I wouldn’t having the TRP either:)
I have a Lightweight Champion Operator in .45. Aluminum frame, 4” barrel. Love that gun.
I did not get to the range this weekend.
So is Trump eligible or not?
He’s married but I doubt that’s a deal breaker to him.
I was outside shooting the 1911 .22 a while ago. It’s fun to shoot, and cheap, too. I need a brass magnet. I probably have five hundred .22 shell casings at the edge of my driveway. (not all from today)
Go to Walmart. They are in the same section as the aluminum magnets
Sean- I think you said one time you put a lighter hammer spring in your P6. Where did you get it? From Sig?
It’s been more than a couple years, but I think it came from Wolff springs.
+1 Wolff Springs.
Did some gardening today, which was a mistake. It was way too hot and sunny.
Cut about 8 concrete pavers in half, dug a trench to put them in to make an edge then ripped out a bunch of grass and other weeds from around my Lilacs and then put a bit of topsoil and mulch over that. Looked after the kid.
My brother came over to watch Tremors (6?) with me and we reenacted MST3k. He brought me some nice beer- Southern Tier 2X Stout, which I am enjoying now.
Well earned after all the sun.
This weekend was busy for me too, not much time for commenting. Hangs head in shame, goes to pour another drink.
Apparently I’m too busy too, since I had to walk away right after posting this.
Good productive weekend. ??
“Sylvia Jeffreys: ‘A simple act of chivalry made me question my status as a feminist’
As the seatbelt light flicked off and I stood up to reach for my bag in the overhead locker, a man who’d been sitting across the aisle beat me to it. He stretched out his arms to pull the mini suitcase down and passed it over to me with a generous smile.
Nothing unusual about that, right? Wrong. Here’s the unusual part: for a weird, fleeting moment, that man’s chivalrous act sent me down a strange rabbit hole of self-reflection.
‘Should I feel patronised?’ I asked myself. I was a few centimetres taller than him and I have really long arms – I could have reached that bag. But I appreciated his help. I liked his support. Is that bad? Did I just enforce a gender stereotype by playing the role of “damsel in distress”? Is chivalry all of a sudden… sexist?
I was one wild thought away from humbly handing in my “Feminist” badge at the exit when I snapped back to reality.”
She ripped off his head with her mandibles, didn’t she.
I thought that was only post-coital?
The appropriate response would have been to rip the bag from him and smash it into his gut whilst screaming “REEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAPE!”
Yeah, feminism is “we are the same.” Unless there are advantages for being a woman, then treat me like a woman.
Christ, Sylvia, he was being nice. Does feminism mean you have to be offended when men are nice to you? Because if it does, maybe rethink that shit.
But men are only nice to women because they want to get in their pants.
And if that’s true, is it so bad, really? If someone is willing to go out of their way to give you a favorable impression because they think you’re attractive and want to have sex with you, that’s a compliment.
I expect this may get ugly
As if there aren’t enough dead bodies in Chicago this weekend.
And… now we know what’s in the “pizza”.
Gore… All Gore. /fusing Sean Connery as Bond and in the Untouchables
Putting Chicago “pizza” in a case in a museum is a better idea than eating it.
I’m okay with Chicago Style. It’s Sicilian I have a problem with. That’s focaccia with tomato sauce.
Sicilian pizza is still pizza, though.
Chicago-style tomato cheese pie is not pizza. I’ve had some I enjoyed, and I’ll eat it happily, but it isn’t pizza. It cannot be held, never mind folded. The crust is pretty much cornbread. It’s a casserole, essentially. Which is fine, it’s a good casserole, but it’s not pizza.
Fuck you you motherfucking motherfucker!!!!!!
Watching this is like being a libertarian watching Democrats argue with Republicans.
This is pizza:
Am I the only one who just thinks that mozzarella, tomato sauce, and bread are going to be delicious no matter how they are physically arranged and doesn’t care if something or the other is “technically” pizza?
Words mean things, dammit! Next thing they’ll be telling us that the Maine Coon cat-style dog is the most popular breed of dog in America!
Thanks, Sean.
I could have reached that bag. But I appreciated his help. I liked his support. Is that bad?
It’s only bad if you’re insane. Are you insane? You sound insane.
I’m not sure who is crazier, this Sarah Jeong person or this guy who’s tracking down all her twits.
Can Twitter just die already?
I imagine he just clicked on her name and scrolled through page after page of them. Not much tracking down involved? Thought I don’t twat so maybe I misunderestimate the effort.
I, uh…yeah.
Let’s start a conspiracy theory that Twitter was really invented by Russian oligarchs to poison our society.
Sarah Jeong was imitating the voice of her harassers. The NYT said that with a straight face.
That’s pretty convincing. Looks like NYT didn’t really vet and has chosen to dig in rather than admit a mistake.
At this point, I’m thinking they *did* vet her and wanted her voice in their stable.
The whiteys at the NYT agree with her wholeheartedly; they don’t think of themselves as the same whites that Jeong rails against. They’re the good ones.
Of course they vetted her. I am pretty certain that finding that treasure trove of crazy takes no effort at all. It is more likely they already knew all this and approved.
I think the NYT knew, and decided to hire her anyway. Sure, they are very biased, engage in “fake news”, etc. but they aren’t literally stupid or incapable of doing basic research.
I love this story, because all outcomes are equally good. I’m fine with the argument that they shouldn’t fire her because it merely exacerbates the call and response of outrage-driven scalp-taking. Quit giving in to the people demanding scalps and someday they’ll stop calling for them. This is optimal because it sticks it to people I despise, shit-flinging outrage monkeys, and reveals the NYT for being massive hypocrites about what amount of bigotry they’ll accept.
But I’m also partial to the Alinskyite Right arguing to force the left to live by its own rules. You want rules of decorum vitiating speech in service to your PC guidelines? Fine, let’s all be the most anal-retentive, hidebound refs: you don’t get away with the soft bigotry you peddle to your protected classes, and you don’t get away with the flagrant bigotry you unleash on whites, Christians, conservatives, and men. So, yes, call for her scalp: insist she be fired, if the NYT is to have a voice of moral clarity going forward. Either they’re bound by their own rules, or their rules no longer have any validity. No half-measures, and certainly none of the nuance they deny their enemies.
In a sense, they made a very Trumpian error: they stumbled into a trap of their own making, and now no matter what they do, it’s the wrong decision. But whereas Trump is brash enough to bullshit his way out of his messes, the NYT hasn’t got Trump’s gift of the inane. They’re going to have to square the circle and insist that, no, A really does equal B, if you squint hard enough. (RACIST!) I suspect what they’ll end up doing is keeping the bigot on but insist she’s been reformed and no longer believes that whites are dogs. And that’s going to piss off people who vibe to anti-white racism.
In their bubble people talk like this and nobody thinks anything if it. It’s just telling the truth in their opinions, there’s nothing to vet.
To be sure the tweets about cooking rice were kind of funny.
I went out and bought a nice rice cooker. His name is Jae-Suk.
God she’s hot.
Also, found this gem further down the…tweet? Thread?
Couldn’t put it better myself. Also, she’s an “edgy” racist millennial twit complaining because she’s a whiny little bitch, like all her ilk. That the NYT hired her for something other than part-time mailroom intern is yet another sign of how far that rag has fallen. It’s a parody of upper-class leftism.
No punches pulled at the Examiner. “Obamacare is now optional.”
That is beautiful. I truly hope this results in cost reductions predicted by the column.
LOL, the video with the article was about new ‘RuZZian AccOUnts’ 32 of them! Across Facebook AND Instagram! How can our republic survive such an attack!? Surely everyone in the country, except the smart Democrats, have been swayed by this propaganda!
So apparently the usual suspects (SJW world) are pissed off that a “guy with hispanic name” (Hernandez) is going to be playing Thomas Magnum in new reboot of Magnum P.I…
…but that they’re not completely rewriting the character to make him some low-rider driving, taco eating, ai mami yelling, borriqua! loco hombre, ‘constantly-signaling-to-the-audience-how-INCREDIBLY-Latin he is’….
also: Higgens is a lady. I don’t…. whatever.
I can only assume TC and Rick are married, and Rick used to be named Theresa.
Higgins is a lady? Why would they do that? Now there has to be sexual tension. That… ruins the relationship. If they make her a prissy little downer like the original Higgins, the outcry will be deafening… You know what, fuck it. I’ll just watch old time Magnum in his Ferarri and short-shorts racing around with his old SEAL buddies.
Can’t go wrong there, Magnum was a fantastic show. And I have the theme song as the ringer for my phone.
Yeah, she’s an former British commando hottie. I’m sure there will be plenty of girl power.
I’m with you, I’ll stick with the original. In fact, I’m a few episodes behind in my DVR.
A Ferrari low-rider?
Its a 488 (at least in the pic i saw)
I think a gold Mondial convertible with fuzzy dice, zebra seat-covers, spinning chrome rims, and a ‘la cuceracha’ horn would have been pretty sweet tho
He should roll up in that in Episode 1, before Higgins/Robbin Mistress gives him the keys to the Ferrari.
Did you know……the entire reason Magnum PI was ever created in the first place is that the CBS staff that had lived in Hawaii for a decade making Hawaii Five-0 didn’t want to move back to the mainland when that show ended in 1980, so they pitched a new Hawaiian based show.
God bless ’em. Two great shows and they got to live and work in paradise.
So, is that why the rerun is coming out, I wonder. Which channel is the Hawaii 5-0 remake on? Did it get cancelled, yet?
Nope, 9th season coming up on CBS in September.
Whoa, 9th Season?! Man, time flies. I tried watching it early on but I just didn’t care for it. I suppose because get off my lawn…
Honest question – who watches this stuff? I mean yeah get off my lawn but isn’t it only like senior watches watching network TV any more?!
“senior citizens”
Hawaii Five-0 remake is still on CBS, actually. It’s been on a while now.
And that remake recycled Lost characters that didn’t want to leave.
I have a Lightweight Champion Operator in .45. Aluminum frame, 4” barrel. Love that gun.
Ooh, sexxxy.
*adds to ghost gun build list*
Sarah Jeong was imitating the voice of her harassers. The NYT said that with a straight face.
The Patriarchal Palefaces forced her to do that!
That defense has been tried, too.
What possibly effective solutions to the Chicago massacres are being proposed? It would appear that another March against Violence won’t have any effect. I doubt that more stop and frisk of black males, flooding the streets with cops, giving life sentences to anyone found with a gun, check points where all vehicles are searched, strict curfews, cops shooting first, etc. are going to be acceptable to the BLM/SJW who run the City.
Ending the war on (some) drugs would work wonders, but no one ever seems to think of that.
Yup. And perhaps the marchers should examine the problems in their community that are under their control and/or of their own making.
I would like to think so but I’m not as certain as I used to think I was that the gangs that cause most of this violence wouldn’t just turn to something else.
But what? There is no money in robbing poor people.
I dunno… cigarettes? Numbers? Plastic straws?
It would appear that another March against Violence won’t have any effect.
It will have exactly the effect desired by the organizers. Money will flow from city taxpayers to “programs” run by the “community organizers.” It’s a protection racket.
BTW, anyone who’s read Bonfire of the Vanities knows the game and the players. Timeless.
Never has a book suffered more in translation from print to celluloid.
The Sum of All Fears was pretty awful.
The Natural FTW.
I doubt that more stop and frisk of black males, flooding the streets with cops, giving life sentences to anyone found with a gun, check points where all vehicles are searched, strict curfews, cops shooting first, etc. are going to be acceptable to the BLM/SJW who run the City.
I don’t think the Warsaw Ghetto treatment would work, even if there were somebody with the stomach and resolve to try it.
Unfortunately, the economic and cultural changes needed have much too long of a time horizon to be a realistic alternative. Bring on Universal Basic Income and more free shit. That’ll fix it!
That’s perfect.
Also- re: Chicago
See the link above about Netroots. The Progressive Insurgency is Hell-bent on beating the racialist drum as hard as they can. They’ll be out there telling black voters how they have been victimized by those genocidal NRA racists, who flood the ghetto with mind altering guns and force those nice young men to shoot each other. Also, Republikkkins are keeping them down.
Maybe the NYT hired that Jeong chick in a desperate attempt to make Krugabe look sane.
Is Charles Manson still alive?
He’s actually rooming with Abe Vigoda.
What’s Lou Reed, chopped liver?
I miss Abe Vigoda. A national treasure.
A remake of The Odd Couple?
No, silly. Everyone knows they hired her for her penetrating, thoughtful insights on technology.
tl/dr: “I can’t get off of Facebook because then I would have to engage in the herculean task of calling people on their birthdays.”
Sounds like Allison had her reasons for cutting Sarah out…
I would disassociate myself from anyone that uses the term “emotional labor” with even the slightest hint of seriousness.
“Facebook lets me be lazy the way a man in a stereotypical 1950s office can be lazy. ” Even there she gets her digs in at the white man.
White people are the multiplier effect.
Looks like there’s something that North Korea is doing better than we are.
Another case where the article does not support the headline.
18th Century Beer Brewery Walkthrough
I wish that was my job.
Jas. Townsend & Son has a great channel.
His shop is located in Pierceton, Indiana, just a ~3 hour drive from where I am. Some friends and I want to go there and perhaps meet him sometime.
This kerfuffle with the asian NYT chick has me confused. I though Asians were now virtually white people
Depends on the circumstances. When applying to Ivy League schools? Yes, equivalent to wypipo. When writing for the New York Times editorial board? No, absolutely not, they are Editorialists of Color (EOC).
There is no one more oppressed in our society than a woman who attended Harvard Law School and sits on the NYT Editorial Board .
Literally shaking thinking about her struggle
Quick! Just Say’n needs a safe space with a puppy and finger painting! Now people!
Just don’t mix the two up.
“Facebook lets me be lazy the way a man in a stereotypical 1950s office can be lazy. ” Even there she gets her digs in at the white man.
Oops, wrong thread.
Dear Mr. Hogg, these are water skis, this is a shark. You know what you need to do.
Man, public debate is just about checking off the right phrases these days. So “death threats” seems to be trotted out by everyone when there’s pushback. Also, “stop picking on a kid.”
*eyes wood chipper in corner*
I’m so glad I live in this timeline.
They have a really cool sound. I need to listen to them more.
You don’t have to wear a pussy hat when you have a face like this guy.
Brian Stelter resembles a bag of dicks.
He is dehumanizing bald white creepy-smile bodies.
I realize there’s a limit to how much you can change your appearance, but fucking hell that dude seems to be trying to look like the most disgusting human alive.
He’s what I imagine Satan looking like in human form.
George Costanza with a byline.
Um, no you bald dipshit, your own network stripped away what was left of their legitimacy when they decided to collude with the Democrat Party behind the scenes.
Yeah, the media’s done a fine job making themselves look like pompous, dishonest, biased asses all by themselves.
I spent a good part of the day taking care of my cars and listening to a lot of music. i’ve made a decision.
The best rock album ever recorded is Quadrophenia.
Dig it.
Feel free to disagree. Being wrong is cool too.
Tattoos and titties.
Throw rotten vegetables to your hearts’ content.
I don’t get it. Subtle tats are awesome. Most of those are embarrassing.
Tats on Women are gross, Men should be Discrete, IMO
Tatts on men are gross, too.
I have one on my shoulder. My wife loves it. Of course it’s the GSD that we got soon after we were married.
I have the Fender Logo on my Right Shoulder and a Viking Rune on my my Lower left arm, for musical visibility, YARG!
Like I said, Men should be Discrete, it’s the Pro way to be, IMO
The whole tattoo movement seems to be splitting into two camps. At least for men. You’re either a total badass like Connor McGregor or a total pussy like Adam Levine. Basically, UFC fighter or Starbucks barista.
Pfft, Real Men are Subtle, all this fake fag Ink is Fag,
Too much ink is Ghey
I’m talking about the full sleeve type stuff. Discrete ones are, well, discrete.
Oh, Yakuza peeps, erm…..
You don’t see them much out in the world anymore. Too bad, because some of that stuff is killer.
Tattoos and tattas, what could go wrong?
Uh, no thanks. I think I’ll just stay in tonight.
I want to like chicks with tattoos, but when I see women with ink from knuckles to neck my first reaction, like on a visceral level, is that they’ve got dirty arms. Like not morally dirty, more like they’ve actually got schmutz on their arms or legs or neck that they should wash off when they have a chance.
No thanks. There are a number of otherwise beautiful women in that group whose look is ruined by their ink.
Mario takes a Walk,
Jesse Cook
Just to be clear, all my comments on this site are simply me imitating my oppressors.
You’re an orphan in a monocle factory?
So many questions.
Your comments aren’t polite enough to be imitating your oppressors.
It’s like a reversed mirror image. He’s going for aggressive-passive.
If you were here, you would be in the Camps, Don’t you even Trump? Gaaawd,
Get with it it and Gambol!
/Your own Private Yusef
Different generations I guess; WAKE UP!! made me think System of a Down.
Maybe. Of course System got a lot of airplay on that one and AC didn’t score with that song.
Yellow jackets have been out of control this summer.
About a dozen new ones just today in each of the two traps by the garage.
I don’t know if that is your place, but it is just oozing with 侘寂. Makes me happy.
It looks like a grandpa house, with the boardwalk and fake (I’m guessing) outhouse.
It’s the pump house. Wife had the idea of putting a crescent moon on the door since it’s just about the right size.
The crescent moon is one of the things that made me think of wabi sabi. The Chinese would admire the full moon as they drank tea. Wabi sabi suggests looking at the half or crescent moon as a way to grasp the transient nature of existence. Also, the slightly unkempt status of the potted plants produces the feeling of loneliness they loved. I’ve been studying up on wabi sabi lately, so it’s more than likely that I’m seeing examples of it everywhere, especially where it wasn’t intentional.
Hmmm.. I wonder if wabi sabi would fly with the wifey. No honey, it’s not an unfinished project, it’s a Japanese aesthetic.
I thinks it a pity to see it dying out. The sterile lines of the department stores, the unblemished countertops, the perfectly clean subway cars… I don’t want NY ala the 70’s, but I don’t want to live in Gattaca either.
Yeah, it’s ours. It’s got imperfections & incomplete in spades.
I don’t like when people change their avitars; I don’t like change!
You’ve jumped in to the late night thread and introduced change. Welcome the change and you will find our lack of perfection is a reflection of your lack of perfection. *Bows deeply a CPRM’s feet.
If I were a better writer and not drunk, I would have changed my avitar for that post.
I’m usually on the no-change bandwagon, but everyone else was doing it, so I joined in.
Technically I haven’t changed avatars, just photos. Still the late great Maurice Colbourne. Died too young.
Yall are the laziest bunch of racists and antisemites I have ever seen! Where is the passion? Where is the hate? /reporter trying to blend in
For any light night glib enjoying their hallucinogen of choice.
It’s late, so I might repeat this tomorrow, but a lot of those Sarah Jeong tweets made me think of something Richard Spencer would have put out. She talked about the lack of white accomplishment in rice cooking, technology, etc. I suspect the vast majority of white people (along with every other race) give a shit about their own personal accomplishments (or lack thereof), not those of their race cohort.
Richard Spencer is a definite exception. So is Sarah Jeong, and a bunch of other racists from different ethnicities.
Lost in the whole muck is she’s hired onto the NYT editiorial board at age 30. That’s about 15-20 years too soon. Yet another millennial that can’t put in the hours first & earn their stripes.
This *sounds* like a criticism of millennials, but is really a criticism of the people who hire and promote them (Gen X/Boomers). Though, I don’t really accept the premise of your statement, as I suspect similar things have always happened, with a few go-getters from each generation doing quite well for themselves early on in their career.
It’s a necessary development. They’ve been able to throw the “white privilege” idea around without it being confronted by the normies. It was just some academic nonsense that didn’t effect them. This assault on individualism has to be fought back by everyone in the culture because it’s challenge to the simple idea that we treat people as individuals. I have faith that most black people would recoil at someone telling them that a white baby born to meth heads has some inherent privilege. I want Mooooar Jeongs in the public sphere.
Yeah, the black voters will rise up any minute against affirmative action since it’s based on race and not wealth. I’m sure they find the idea repulsive they just didn’t notice it the last 50 years.
Yup, everyone (except some libertarians and fringe people like Peterson) likes racial/ethnic collectivism, right up until it bites them in the ass, and sometimes even then (ref: white SJWs). I agree with Straffin that everyone in society would need to fight the assault on individualism occurring now from the left, I just don’t think the ideas expressed by the left on this topic are fringe thought that people as a whole are going to rebel against.
That seems to break along socio-economic lines, in my experience. Middle- and upper-middle class Progressives tend to accept privilege as a given, but working-class people and people who tend to work in careers where they hold their position on the basis of continually proving themselves through competency (sorry, don’t know a better way to put that) tend to be extremely skeptical of it. Of the black people in my social circle, none of them believe “white privilege” is a thing. They believe there’s racism, and they believe that most people who are “connected” are white, but they don’t believe that being white gets you anything special. They’ve met plenty of white people who clearly are not in any way privileged. It’s only college-educated (liberal arts or “soft” sciences) professionals in government or academia who I know that accept the whole privilege thing entirely.
Richard Spencer is a choir boy compared to Jeong. She calls for genocide and says whites smell like dogs.
I don’t see how you can conclude ethnic pride is some exceptional trait in humans. We have nationally recognized months that are based on ethnicity, congressional caucuses, voting blocks, city sections, history books, etc. It’s the most common way humans faction themselves.