- ZARDOZ OBSERVES A BMW INVOLVED IN THE CLEANSING OF 4 BRUTALS. “Police said the BMW 1 Series – which Mr Chaudhry had recently brought – was being ‘driven at speed’ before the crash.” WHY IS IT ALWAYS A BMW? ZARDOZ WOULD IMITATE WHATEVER IT IS THAT CAUSES THIS PHENOMENON.
- IS THIS TOO LATE FOR THE CHOSEN ONES HERE? WAIT…”We’re seeing an average gain that’s consistent and very strong,” said senior researcher Dennis Wall, an associate professor of pediatrics and biomedical data science with Stanford University School of Medicine. “The kids are getting more social and making more eye contact, on average, and are appreciating and understanding emotion better, on average, than when they started.” APPARENTLY.
- A CRICKET STAR? WHY NOT, ZARDOZ IS FORCED TO CONCLUDE. OH, AND BONUS SHOWING THE EU TO BE FLACCID AND WEAK. “A European Union election monitoring team in its initial assessment described the election campaign as an unequal playing field, describing a “systematic effort” to undermine Sharif’s former ruling party, but said it was up to the people of Pakistan to decide on the vote’s legitimacy.”
Fuck it. I’m at home alone, high as balls on MDMA, a number of chores and projects complete, and am 12 beers into this 2-4.
How the fuck are y’all?
Party on Wayne, Party on Garth,
/Raises a Glass!
You are Here, you are Worthy
You are Tulpa,
So Say We All,
Ha, ha! Pure MDMA crystal is some incredible stuff. It’s something that really is worth it to get into every once in a while. Enjoy!
For the record, I am an MDMA in vending machines
Fuckin’ great! My job got cleansed.
Woo Hoo!
Ching ching, brother.
What happened?
“We don’t need you any more.” Kind of long-expected.
Sorry to hear that man, you got something else lined up?
Nope! I guess it wasn’t that expected…. But I’m not terribly worried. I am eminently employable, and since I don’t spend any money I can last it out for awhile.
*beyond the basics, obviously
Shit….my, uh, large employer is always hiring. e-mail me at swissservator-at-gmail
I even speak Far Northern Swiss. Do they have an outpost in NYC?
Nobody outside Switzerland speaks anything remotely like Schwyzerdutsch.
Seriously, the first time Dad visited the old country, his Bavarian cousins had a dickens of a time understanding it.
“Far Northern Swiss” is an actual language?
No, but “German” is.
Do you know who else spoke German?
My godmother Irma?
Jason Dean?
Sideshow Bob?
Time to hit the road.
Sorry dude.
Sorry 🙁
Shit. Sorry, man.
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Thanks, everyone. Could be the kick in the nuts I’ve needed for awhile.
well good Fortune to you, your Glib, You’ll be fine
Sorry Rhy, but it sounds like it might just turn out for the best for you. On the other hand you might just end up like this.
OMG that is dope – why have I been wasting my time in the office all these years?!
Great episode “Hi, I’m a crack addict and this is my retarded sister. We’d like some welfare, please.”
Rhywun, hope you find something soon. (Which reminds me, I need to really ramp up my own search.)
Well, the NYC welfare system has been known to export people to the Binghamton area. I don’t recommend coming here, but you could coast indefinitely if you have no scruples.
Sorry to hear it, hopefully the job cleansers have their jobs cleansed, too!
Sorry to hear that. That is a kick in the nuts whether half expected or not. I trust you will have a fast bounce back.
Sorry to hear. You are in NYC if I recall?
If you are interested in Manhattan – I can check at work. What’s your gig?
Software dev – specifically insurance.
My background is P&C, but funny enough now work at a large mutual life co for the past 6 years.
email is henna_hito1 at the company that uses VZ as its ticker.
I’ll be happy to sort through our internal postings!
So basically……..SATAN!!!
I should add use .net as .com is VZ corporate.
Yeah, P&C here too. I’ll take you up on that, thanks.
Forward and on to greener pastures.
Dude! That really, really sucks.
Three stiff drinks in and I’m remarkably blasé about it.
We’ve got a guest room if you need a vacation away from the progadise that is New Y .. wait. We’re in Chicagoland. Sorry, dude.
I’ve been saying I haven’t had a vacation over 1 week in 20 years but… just no.
So you don’t want to meet us? Is that what you’re saying?
/SP quietly closes door to kickass wine cellar and pantry
Jealous of you.
I got some 3D printed stuff just today, I’ll have a nice talk about it soon, not Quite Gun worthy
Mighty-Spark Meats burgers, fried okra, and double-deuces of Keystone Light. I cant complain, but I usually do anyhow.
Ahem…that is my Mom’s name. If you all keep trying to sling that as an INSULT, you might not like the steps I will take.
You Have Been Advised.
*quietly closes Clapton song and tiptoes away…*
Is it OK if I think Clapton was the least talented player in Cream?
Because Clapton was the least talented player in Cream.
Yep. Jack Bruce made that band.
I would have said Ginger Baker but reasonable minds can differ.
Ginger Baker Hands Down, Bruce had a Weak voice
/Power Singer
Jack wrote their best songs.
So you’re grandparents named your mother Sally? Harsh.
(It’s Ted’s fault)
Ted’s in trouble! Ted’s in trouble!
got the Citrusinensis Blood Orange Ale going, that might just be dinner if no one comes up with an idea, Cause I ain’t cooking tonight
Why does Sally keep calling you SallY? Did you kill a Relative in Battle?
I dunno….
Google Glass app helps kids with
autismLibertarianism navigate emotions of others.No shit. That was my first thought when I read:
How is not individual liberty and responsibility not a common thought? Maybe I need google glass.
That is an awesome tool for those kids though, and I suspect I will just go through life pissed off.
So I guess K-Mart is still a big thing in the Southern hemisphere ?
(and it was in the Daily Fail side-bar from a link….cough)
That is not the side link I clicked on.
I clicked on this one:
Did the glibetariat just get reverse raptured? Where’d everybody go?
Happy hour, if I know this crew.
Must be an orphan uprising somewhere.
What am I? chopped Liver?
Based on smell, yes.
Since I’m From Tauron, that means I should Smell like Beef
And not the fresh stuff.
I was still in the afternoon links
Swiss, you just doxxed Zardoz.
I saw that …. does this Mean that Swiss is actually SEAN CONNERY?
Ursula Andress
Would……..NO not Swiss ya Perverts!
WE always knew you were cool.
So Swiss is like Bruce Jenner?
It’s not the first time.
Yeah, he’s been getting pretty sloppy lately. It’s getting harder to Believe.
Well, then YOU come and edit all this crap! Riven and SP can’t do all of it!
What are you calling crap? 😉
Shut up SALLY!
go find an apostrophe issue…
Well, OK. Yusef’s comments are Crap. :-p
What an Assholeo never say that to you…
Last time I edit for ol’ Stone Head… YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, BIG Z!
It’s been retconned.
So Swiss is both Zardoz and Steve Smith?
And I think Sloopy is Swiss.
And while we’re at it, that BrettL character is obviously a sock.
Nice try.. Tulpa.
*unfurls umbrella and floats away into the night sky*
“And I think Sloopy is Swiss.”
That’s just silly. THE Ohio State is in Columbus. I think the nearest mountains are in West Virginia.
I like this guy for the most part, He’s one of Us….
Hey ZARDOZ, quit beating around the bush and start cleansing us. All of us. Now. Honestly, we deserve it (NSFW? SFW? For God’s sake, I can’t tell):
You’re Wierd
Just to set the record straight, this ain’t my thing, I just found it interestingly disturbing.
not weird, just Glib, I see…..
“Milk that may appear by smell to be perfectly consumable (even organic), can contain contaminants such as suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Through extensive recruitment within the upper echelons of society, we deliver the finest milk purified in a way only we can. Our secret ingredient is in the process through which rich, beautiful, white girls gargle your milk to absolute perfection. It’s her touch that sets us far above the rest. Our diverse selection includes West Coast, The South, New England, New York, and London. Each of the carefully selected girls offer subtle differences of background, yet what they share is most important. All are waiting to clean your milk with their mouths. That is our promise to you! “
How does it work in a bathtub? Where is HM when you need a ruling on milk?
That’s the only kind of milk I’ll drink except for chocolate mill.
WTF is that?!? I’m serious. Are they selling gargled milk, white women, racial superiority, or something else?
I think they’re selling humor – I hope.
The idea is to drink the milk while watching the gargling video I guess and I assume pleasuring yourself figures in there somewhere? I don’t get it either.
Omg. They’ve started putting trigger warnings on the life alert commercials!
Give ’em something with a trigger, and its like 2 birds & 1 stone. Amirite?
/hello? Is this thing on?
So it seems yet another cage match between the National Socialists and the International Socialists is gonna kick off this weekend.
Stay retarded, Portland.
I only mentioned ‘cage match’ cause the media isnt helping things by hyping it up, like the announcer for a monster truck race
They are egging it on a bit aren’t they?
They want to violence so they can blame it on Trump.
I told my sister that lives in Portland that I consider Portlandia to be a documentary. Her defense was “well, not all of Portland is like that”.
That… was actually pretty funny.
Hey! I love oolongs too.
That’s a strange euphemism
+ unsweetened maple syrup
I use that line about NYC too….
Sorry about the job, dude.
Thanks. Hoping it’s a blessing in disguise. There was really no future there.
Portland is the most racist place I’ve ever been.
“not all of Portland is like that”
Perfect. Lol.
I used to find Portlandia funny. Now I find it depressing.
Was in downtown Portland this morning. First odor that hit me when I opened the car door was piss & shit. It’s sad how quickly it’s fallen from its already low place.
SF North?
I think so.
There was a guy sleeping in the doorway right where I parked on the street. At 10:30 in the morning. With his ass hanging out of his pants. And no he was asleep and not the source of the smell.
This wasn’t even what used to the bum sections of downtown.
No city deserves it more.
What’s the betting line?
When 1 of these ‘protests’ and counter-protests finally escalate into someone that’s swinging a padlock on a chain getting shot?
My money is on the not-ANTIFA.
Expect non-Antifa to be arrested & charged with a felony on the spot.
I had this song in my head all week, a customer called me a Hero,
just for one day
and It’s one of my all time Favorites
Isn’t he touring with Lou Reed?
Not to take anything away from Bowie, but Motorhead would like a word…
“appreciating and understanding emotion better”
Isn’t that just going to give them a bigger hard on while watching the life leave the eyes of their strangulation victims? Asking for a friend.
*Insert Ed Kemper quote here about wondering if the girl would date you on one hand and wondering what her head looks like on a stick on the other*
Mmm… Jelly Bean Cookies worked.
Its just neural pectin with food coloring, in a biscuit of hardtack, right?
Neural Pectin is expensive.
Neural pectin causes Alzheimer’s.
I’m not a fruit guy, and that includes fruit candies, but I would eat a jelly bean cookie if cherry, orange, or lemon were involved.
Buttered popcorn all day and night.
I’ve rediscovered the joys of frying things in a dutch oven with vegetable oil, and one of the things on the list to do is popcorn. I’m a big buttered and salted popcorn mark. Of course, I’ve also started doing a strictish version of the IIFYM diet, and I try to reserve those carbs for things like sourdough and beer.
I cook a lot for my aunt, I just got an air fryer for cooking at her house; works way better than expected.
Brand & model?
In all honesty, it looks good.
So I envision that Google Glass thing as sort of like the RoboCop HUD, but for autism. Like at some point it would be like, “Boredom detected in conversational partner…subject change initiated”.
And for the record, I’m empathetic as a motherfucker, I just look down on people who use emotion as a substitute for clearheaded, rational thought. Hard. Also, I think most people’s problems can be solved by a few bourbons with a good friend followed by making an effort to toughen the fuck up. Ok, fine, and I use my ability to empathize with people as a tool to manipulate them, but it’s almost always in an effort to get them to unfuck themselves and start making good decisions. Or at least decisions that are mutually beneficial, such as getting me a beer, which allows them to feel helpful.
I’m liking this autism augmenter… could it feed me conversational tidbits, ‘cuz I usually lock up after about thirty seconds, and go all herky jerky looking for an escape hatch.
I have an autistic brother. Unfortunately I don’t think bourbon would help him.
Yeah, I’ve got a cousin who’s on the spectrum, and the last thing I’d do is feed him booze. Although, I have a cousin-in-law with a pretty serious case of Asperger’s who is pretty heavy in the mj market, and it does him wonders. He’s actually found work as a marijuana sommelier, for lack of a better term, and it’s a really good outlet for him.
I doubt he’s had anything stronger than coffee in his life, and he’s 57. There’s no point.
Does he whack off in public?'s%20Happening%20to%20Ellie%20-%20A%20Book%20About%20Puberty%20for%20Girls%20and%20Young%20Women%20with%20Autism%20and%20Related%20Conditions%20(2015).pdf
For you cheapskates out there, don’t buy Jack Daniels Rye even if it’s on sale, it isn’t good. If I can force down a couple more shots I think I’ll be OK though.
Chug! Chug! Chug!
I’ve passed based on the reviews.
It has that cheap bourbon sweet corn taste that lingers on the back of your throat for too long after taking a swig. I do have to admit, though, after five shots it’s not so bad.
Neither is Cuervo.
When it comes to rye whiskey, the higher the percentage of rye, the happier I am. Some of them can get too cotton candyish though.
Ever had the George Dickel version? I thought it was pretty solid for the price and was going to get another bottle of it but I cheaped out.
I pretty much avoid Jack Daniels products on principle. I drank the stuff in college, but I can afford better now.
I did too. Treat yourself to a bottle of Jack Daniels Single Barrel, Barrel Proof.
I am close to emptying my “whatever’s handy” whiskey decanter. I suppose I could give it a try.
Great… I’m on chat chat support with my cable provider – because some of the channels I watch the most have been disabled – and because I would rather hack an ear off than talk to them on the phone.
Say Hi from the Glibs!
I guess Barbie found a job doing customer support.
We’ll get a technician out to your house sometime between next Monday and next Thursday. Please make sure you’re home.
I don’t think this is a tech issue. I strongly suspect a “your package doesn’t include these channels anymore” issue.
Oh, I’ll be home!
Oh Christ… now we’re at the “is the cable plugged in” stage. Listen Barbie, I’m watching The Fifth Element on TNT right now. I get every other goddamn channel except the two channels in my Sportsball package I watch the most that I already told you about. aiiieeeeeee
Have you checked out Hulu Live TV or Youtube TV? They have nearly all the sports channels out there. We got a roku and a Youtube TV subscription and I’ve never been happier with the TV setup . The only channel I don’t get is MSG, so I don’t get to see Redbulls games.
I’m looking at Fubu or Sling. I used to be dead-set against that shit but now… I dunno. That may have been based on shitty streaming performance on my computer. Streaming stuff on my Apple TV is actually good – just like cable. But then I would still need high speed internet which around here is… the same company as cable.
Yeah, we finally moved to a building with Verizon and thought we were in the clear. Turns out they’re even shittier than the cable company (seriously, added fees to hook up a tv after cable fee; fee for on demand, then charge per episode; want to switch to cable only while still within trial period? well you’re no longer a new customer so you have to pay the super inflated price). Went back to Spectrum with the base internet (200 Gbps) and it’s streaming fine, no problems (and connecting faster than Verizon supposed gigabit).
the base internet (200 Gbps)
Yeah, I’ve been drinking.
So did you get your Chippendale’s mud wrestling channel turned back on yet?
Hey, that’s not in my sports package! 🙁
You seem more like a Thunder Down Under kind of guy, anyway.
OT: Any ideas for a light autumn/spring jacket that would go well with slacks/chinos, a dress shirt, and a flat cap? I’m looking for something that would go well with this ensemble (in a somewhat 30s/40s style but not as formal as a sport coat).
Letter jacket
I like a Harrington for that kind of outfit. A waistcoat or an odd vest would look good, too, but you run the risk of it looking a little costumey.
The Harrington jacket does look like a good option; I’ll check them out.
I do like the waistcoat look. I have a black wool lapel vest that I’ve worn around quite a bit. I have another really nice waistcoat in beige plaid with a brown suede collar, but don’t wear it too much because I worry about my concealed carry pistol wearing a hole in the delicate lining.
If you’re worried about the formality of a sport coat, what about something in corduroy? I’ve got an indigo cord sport coat that I like a lot. It’s got elbow patches, and I’m a sucker for elbow patches. I’m still looking for a good tweed sportcoat with patch pockets. It’s unusual to find a tweed sportcoat that isn’t casual by nature, although they can wear a little warm depending on where you are.
Isn’t it supposed to be tweed patches on a leather jacket?
Do you have an ostrich skin suit in your closet?
London Fog? Not 30s/40s, but timeless.
I can’t imagine going wrong with a classic.
Yes! I do have a black Members Only jacket, and I love it. They look sharp as fuck with a tie.
I’m just looking for something in a different color, and I don’t really want to just buy different colors of the same jacket.
Members Only looks very dated though.
Try Orvis if you want a Harrington that doesn’t look like you’re way into vaporwave. Jos A Bank has one that I picked up that I like. They’ve got a bad rep in the #mensfashion/trad community, and not undeservedly in some cases, but if you’re willing to dig they’ve got some good stuff. The key is to avoid the epaulets and look for something more like you’d see on a golf course.
Flat cap and a Members Only jacket? I…I…Uh…I’m just going to quietly walk away…
Run DMC would like a word…
Letter jacket!
Button front sweater?
Something like The Kid?
Hah. I was going to add this
if you want to go down the vintage recreation rabbit hole. Hold onto your wallet.
I’m not a woman, I don’t don’t spend money on clothes. I let the women in my life spend the money when they get so upset at how shitty I dress.
I spend more money on clothes than my wife does by far. I also occupy way less of our communal closet space, because I’ll spend $500 on a made-to-measure suit that will last me five years where she’ll spend $100 on a bunch of crap from H&M that will stand about three washes before it disintegrates, and look like pooh on the way there–not that my wife doesn’t dress well, it’s just that she’s the type of person who will happily spend $200 on clothes she kind of likes because they’re cheap but won’t spend $100 on a piece of clothing that she loves and will last for years. She owns probably thirty pairs of shoes that look like she got them from a discount store and are uncomfortable as hell. I dropped $400 on a pair of Allen Edmonds that I can get completely rebuilt for $100 for as long as the company exists and they’ll probably be part of my estate when I die.
One of the many things I learned from my father is that if something’s worth spending money on in the first place, spend enough money to get quality. Otherwise you’re just wasting money. Also, I inherited his vanity, so that’s a factor.
Yes, vanity seems to cover it.
Natty. You’re a natty dresser.
Women love that.
I’m a complete slob. Some men like that.
This is my technique too – unfortunately, right now the only woman in my life is my broke college-age daughter, so my wardrobe is *not* getting refreshed.
This college age daughter, tell me more about her.
Ya know, I’m gonna treat that like I’d treat OMWC asking about my elementary school kids…
Hey! We have met CPRM and hung out with him and he is an exceptional young man. We’d be proud to have him date our daughter…only Webdom is married already.
And I’ve already told told her that her ‘marriage’ isn’t a problem for me, but she keeps playing coy.
*contemplates the source of the recommendation given previous comment*
*contemplates odds of catbutting*
*clamps trap shut*
I’m closer in age than most of these reprobates, and I could show her a could time.
Er, dime.
*fishes around in pocket*
I could show her a nice shiny dime.
How many times do I have to say it? I DO NOT CAT BUTT.
If I think there is a need for that treatment I just ban the deserving asses, swiftly and without appeal.
Watch any period piece set in Britain in the 1930s and ’40s, then look for clothes that match in the local menswear store. Women will swoon. Or, at least, Webdom and I will.
Uhhh, I know the guy you’re married too…
Exactly. That describes him perfectly!
“The guy you’re married to”?
OMWC is a terrific dresser! Way beyond natty, he gives Beau Brummell a run for his money.
*Retches quietly into the commode.*
Hey, Spud, don’t you be dissin’ my man and his sartorial flair.
Two day fermented dough, (with sesame oil, HT Hyp) rolled thin as a mustache in a Jimmy Buffett song on a pan dusted with corn meal smeared with thick marinara heavy on wop sausage and basil covered with pepperoni, black olives, green chilies, and the finest mozzarella one can buy in a bag at the most successful grocery/mega store chain in Merica cooked on a fire brick platform on the gas grill. The fire brick platform is key in the event you overload the pie with juicy items and it needs a 600 deg decking to not give you a soggy crust.
This is the only worthwhile comment I have at the moment.
WTF?!? Pictures? Hello?
I am too drunk to post pictures at the moment and I need to eat this and go to bed. Some of us have to work tomorrow. I have posted pizza pics in the past but I used Pinterest and Playa asked if he could see my wedding dress pics next so I no longer use that platform due to ridicule. I am sure my pizza pics are there since I am too lazy to remove anything. Hell my penis may be there I don’t remember what I posted there.
Wedding dress and a penis? Okay, never mind about the pictures.
Please post a picture for me. Ignore all these assholes and post for someone who will really appreciate it.
Something like this maybe?
Sounds awesome!
I’ve thought about building a brick oven in my backyard, but I don’t know if I want to make that kind of space commitment. My property is not exactly large.
Regular wood fired pizza oven.
You can build a portable wood fired brick oven. I’ve been seriously considering it. I have a friend in Oregon who built one and it rocks. She built it as a renter figuring she’d just dismantle it and take the materials with her when she moves.
Lose the black olives (mouth feel!) and you’re golden.
Better movies than
9099% being made today.So is this, it just doesn’t speak well to modern movies.
I love old cinema (as I mentioned in my jacket post above, I’m a 30s/40s kind of guy… I’m frequently asked if I was “born in the wrong time period”, and yes, I own a fedora).
Some great movies I can recommend:
– Scarface (1932)… Yes, this was the basis for the better-known Pacino film of the same name.
– Angels With Dirty Faces. This title was parodied in the Home Alone movies as “Angels With Filthy Souls”, the mobster movie that Kevin plays at full volume to scare off the burglars.
– Little Caesar
– The Public Enemy
– I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang
Black Caesar was better than Little Caesar.
You’ve been looking at the movie feed for SP and me.
Those are some real classics.
I thought another one: The Roaring Twenties starring James Cagney.
And although it wasn’t made in the 20s/30s, my favorite film of all time is Once Upon a Time in America.
We watched The Oklahoma Kid a few nights back. Bogart was right, Jimmy Cagney in a 10 gallon hat looked like a mushroom.
It was hilariously bad.
The Cherokee Kid was better.
I’m glad you liked my suggestion.
You should see Bogart in The Return of Doctor X.
Send pics of you in fedora and natty attire to sp@ this domain. Thank you!
We probably won’t mock you off site (or on).
So is the newly independently poor Rhywun going to write some articles during his downtime?
I still have one in the pipeline about rent control. I suppose I have no excuse not to finish it now.
Plus you can use the Glib payola to fund your new freedom.
Damn your nimble fingers!
And the pay will skyrocket you into the 1%!
I thought I was the only one bilking money money out of the rubes, now I don’t feel so guilty.
Who do you have to blow to get in on this Mitchell Lama thing?
I’ve been applying in every borough for 10 years and I never get a response. Seems like you have to be a disabled city govt employee to have a shot.
maybe blow a disabled city govt employee?
If you’re not a native (I’m not), don’t “know” someone (I don’t), and aren’t the descendent of a native (I’m not) – fuggeddabout it.
I’m a native but live across the Hudson, so they probably throw my apps in the trash. Plus I’m a libertarian so I don’t know anybody
I’m telling you, it’s just not fair! It isn’t!
Movie music
considering submitting an expose of a lurker to the glib world. After reading that dress down from Frank or whoever it was I think us non often commentors need to be heard. Orthat is the beer speaking. Not sure
What’s the who Frank? But seriously; I’d find that interesting. I lurked for years at TOS and only started being really vocal after the move here. I know my reasons for lurking then, but I’d be interested in why people lurk now. (and you at least comment enough that I recognize you, so you’re not a creepy lurker)
I would guess that lurkers lurk because this is such a highly intelligent crowd. I feel like the dumbest person in the room here but irl am surrounded by meatheads who think Rachel Maddow and what’s his name noates are intellectuals
Dumbest guy in the room? You’re sitting in my chair ARV.
No, My Chair, Bows to my betters
You’ve hit the main reason I tend to keep quiet. Being in here reminds me of when I started my consulting job. Before that I had been the smartest tech/dev guy in the room. I quickly realized just how many smarter people were out there when I was tossed in a room with them. Of course, being the competitive sort, I got up to speed pretty fast. It’s taken a bit longer here (much broader knowledge base, for one!), but I think I’m sloooooowly catching up.
Meh, I don’t think it’s intelligence, I lurked at TOS because the first respondents to all my posts were asshats. But except the calling Tulpa, that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
It’s asshats all the way down over there now.
TOS could be rough at times, particularly by some people for heterodox opinions. This place is generally much friendlier I think. And the reduced number of trolls here.
Yeah, before the move over here no one knew who I was even though I’d been around since around 08. even when I came here with my peace offering of my artwork for Warty Hugeman and the Girl with the Nazi Ray eyes I was treated with some skepticism, but that was the early days of the site.
“This place is generally much friendlier I think. And the reduced number of trolls here.”
Because SP won’t tolerate that shit on “her” site.
Bee Tee Dubs, I’m the guy here with a Bachelor of Fine Arts; no doubt the least rigorous of any degree here. (For those of us credentialed ones)
*Nothing interesting to add
That’s pretty much it.
Personally, I tend to be here to see what others have to say on given topics of interest. We have the same (or, very similar) political outlook, but maybe arriving from differing starting points, so I can learn quite a bit.
Of course, there’s plenty of shit I don’t care about, and just skim past. And, there’s usually plenty of like-minded humor, so I get a laugh while I’m at work, which is another issue in itself (being on late with few to interact with).
I don’t consider you a lurker, just a very late to the conversation fellow.
:exhales deeply, wipes eyes:
Damn dust…
If you are on the left coast it is also difficult to get in early for the morning or evening threads.
Well, that’s why we’re trying to have reliable evening posts. Give the left coasters/ex-pats/early risers something to talk about.
I lurked for several months at TOS before starting to contribute. One of my first posts was a complaint that there’s no wiki to figure out all the inside jokes.
The only Glib (or H&R poster, for that matter) I’ve met so far is a lurker, and I walked away wondering why he’s not a regular and I’m not the lurker.
But, at least you were able to walk away.
/presuming it was STEVE SMITH
Nah, the ultra runner, Deadhead. Dude’s like six foot ten, rail-thin, played a mean game of something other than pool.
cs, it sounds like you really did have a close encounter of the STEVE kind. Glad you’re OK, my man.
/see, this is why I tend to stay quiet.
No, that really sums him up, Sir Digby!
I have plenty of reason to be intimidated just on general principle, but you have a guy who towers over you by about a foot… it’s dispiriting, is all. It makes you reconsider yourself and yourself. All those women you’d ever dated, they said they loved you, but were they ever thinking of you qua you, or were they thinking of you as a man a foot taller?
I’m….I’m not sure we can help you with that Commodious.
But there are plenty of women in the world who care not one whit how tall you are. Just…do you have a job, will you buy them stuff, and will you pay the child support on time?
Damn. Child support already. And I was just beginning to get to know… someone.
Yeah, I’ll take being tall.
*rages insensible*
Hey, it was my quest for a long time. Turns out it was shorter women what liked me.
I know that lurker. I love all my Glib New Mexicans. Damn, I wish we could figure out a way to move back.
Yeah I spout off now and then but not enough. I’m not intimidated by the regulars just stuck mostly on mobile.
this place intrigues me.
Me on vocals, with Gilby Clarke from Guns and Roses, and DR. Slam with KGB,
How did you manage that?
I got Friends and I am Killer Vocalist, so you want me singing for you
/Shameless promotion, I AM BAD ASS!
I’m rolling Natural Mystic by Marley and getting ads for the Muslim Faith fuck off Religions,
I Love Jews!, really,
Yes if Jewish, you have Allies
Kinda sad that the rain delay is more interesting than the Twins/Royals game.
That’s the way baseball works.
Yup. MLB lost me after the second strike. I haven’t watched a game since.
Hey, is anyone catching the new season of Venture Bros.?
I refuse to watch any cartoons better than my own; saves for later; burn it all down!
It appears they are at lest 2 episodes into it, already.
So much for their promos that announced when the new season starts. Are those 2 episodes available onnthe Cartoon Network site?
I haven’t looked there. The YT channel for that link has ep. 2 listed as well. I’m still on the 1st right now.
I knew I’d seen a commercial about it starting soon (8/5?), so no idea how they have the first two.
I thought it starts 8/5. I’m a huge fan so yes.
Tabasco & boudin: a match made in heaven, or just perfection? Opine!
Since I took a shot of Tabasco a few years ago all I taste every time I have it is musty mold.
Maybe go someplace where they use the stuff more than once a decade?
Seriously; open a new bottle and pour it into a shot glass and taste it (one bottle is two shots worth) those are the two dominant flavors. Used to be one of my favorite hot sauces till I had it that way.
My impression has always been of vinegar and *hot*, but I’m a simple man.
I’ve watched CPRM do feats such as this on more than one occasion. Don’t mess with him.
And…since I’m slightly buzzed and posting anyway…bartender at my local dive bar introduced me to a new cocktail last week:
Kraken dark rum
pineapple juice
It was tasty. Gotta figure out the proportions after a liquor store run.
I could drink that.
Hot AF and I’m hungover at work after getting 2 hours sleep last night. Not wise, old man.
We’ll help!
/passes straff a shot of cheap ass tequila
It was one you that got me in trouble in the first place. I thought I could drink until I met Timeloose last night. Dude can put away the whiskey.
Hey, you can blame “them” but you can’t blame me. I’ve never even met Timeloose.
Ummm, you lurker types need to research the word, “Glib”. Once you’re comfortable with that, this site is a piece of cake. You don’t even need to believe what you say.
(of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow.
“she was careful not to let the answer sound too glib”
^^Mr Pineapple^^
So you’re open to swinging?
That’s just what Tulpa would say.
Plus, take your handle, replace the ‘n’ with an ‘l’, flip the ‘d’ and remove the ‘r’, and you have “Tulpa!”
Coincidence? I think not!
MANIAC!!!!! it’s in the name………………..
Hence the complete and perfect integration here of you and OMWC.
Pretty sure that I’m a star among the lurker community.
You contribute articles. Not a lurker.
I assume the lurkers love me because they never say otherwise.
Well, I…..
:decides to keep quiet:
SUBMIT!!!!! an article,
you teach Span……., Japanese to us, I like it, keep it up, and you Show up for “late” night Posts, a good thing
You’ve taught me what it means to love, Yufus.
Let’s surf,
He’s hitting on you, Yusef!
Turning Japanese?
Or Getting Nippy?
I have submitted more articles than i bother to count but some still make it, maybe that is a quality of the Editors, or Sloopy hates me ( I think he does) but This is the Funest pace I have ever found on the Webs, and You all make it Happen, Thanks to all of you!
Yup. I’m drunk too. ‘Night, Yufus!
West Coast, I’m just getting started
/Passes out in Bed an hour from now
Next post from Yusef arriving Tuesday, August 7, 1900 GlibTime!
I need not so much an editor, but an organizer of parts, but thatt’s also kind of tough, the build doesn’t always match the progress IYKWIM
Notice unlike SALLY, I don;t take issue with YUFUS, quite cool IMO,
/YARG!!!!!!!! BEER!!!!
I mostly lurked at the old place, but I would sometimes comment. I was on the famous wood chipper thread and though my comments were mild, some of the other ones that caught attention were even milder. This place is great, a massive, staggering improvement. That’s really saying something as those who keep this place going are doing it as a part time gig. Hell fricking yeah. Thanks, really.
Bring your Knowledge KS! this is place to do it, you are Welcome Here!, SUBMIT TO THE GLIB!
Cheers Yusef. Keep it up in the West. Time for a final smoke and then a blissful weekend of only chores and kids.
I love this place, more later, I can barely type I’m so glib, I shall Gambol off til Sunrise,
much love,
Ice Nine, My Drummer did this with a Good friend, Satriani,
10:50 West Coast, Friday, Drunk, and where the fuck are all of YOU!?
They’re pussies, Yufus. Pussies. 2356 here in the land of spuds and I’m just now getting read to hit the sack. East coast pussies are pussies. Yeah, I’ll probably regret this tomorrow.
I’m here, but I got nuthin’.
/story of my life
I am always here, 24/7, making sure the site brandishes the flame of liberty high across the globe!
(Or, I’m a night person or insomniac, you decide.)
The Vampire Bat is on TCM right now, that’s always a weird option.
Going with insomniac; liberty’s flaming out all over the place.
I just got back from the airport. So I had to stay sober, drink coffee to stay awake and now I’m too wound up to sleep.
Bleary Saturday, here I come!
Spoiler: Night person. As we’ve discussed here before.
Brain won’t shut down before 0300-0400 no matter how little sleep I’ve had days previously, how little caffeine (including none), how much meditation or exercise I have done, how early I try to shut down and go to sleep.
Drove my poor mother nuts when I was a kid. She was an extreme morning person of the cheerful variety. Made for many unhappy mornings!
How much sleep do you typically run on?
Way too little.
Really, I’d love to get 8-12 hours (!), but according to my Fitbit it’s typically more like 4.5-6.5 depending.
I’m self-employed, so I configure my schedule to never have meetings in the morning, or need to do brain-intensive things before 1300. I do my best work and am most productive between 1800-0200. Unfortunately, this is a bit disruptive to my domestic arrangements, so I lose a few hours of that time, which then makes me need to stay up later working to make up for it…which is OK since I’m awake anyway!
The days I fill in on Morning Links are a killer. But you guys are worth it. 😉 I try to get a mid-late afternoon nap those days.
Ahh, that’s the ticket. Seems like a pre-requisite when your brain has a different clock from others.
I much prefer when it’s dark outside, but, the older I get, the less I’m sleeping, and the harder it is to day-sleep.
And, like Tundra, I don’t nap (unless I’m sick). Short sleep makes me sick to my stomach.
I’ve always been a poor sleeper. I can’t seem to nap and I don’t sleep like the Normals. If I am up late, I still wake fairly early and muscle through. If I crash really early, I wake at 3 or so and can’t drop again for another couple hours. It’s weird.
Wait. Are you OMWC’s twin, but with worse taste in pizza?
Worse?? He’s a vegetarian!
But yeah, maybe.
But he’s #notvegan, so better than Webdom, who can’t even eat a real pizza.
/considers re-writing will
Too many carbs, anyway. Does she make the cauliflower crust? My vegan cousin made that for me and it was pretty good.
I don’t think she does. Well, she hasn’t made it for us at any rate. Of course, for her, it’s really the cheese that is the issue.
A cauliflower crust might be good, even delicious, but it isn’t pizza.
Lol. No, it’s not. But neither are the burgers, turkey, bacon and any other crazy stuff I’ve had!
We tend to just judge things on their own: is it delicious or not? If one holds ersatz products up to the originals, they are not going to fare very well, by and large.
True. I mock my vegetarian/vegan relatives and friends mercilessly, but I’ll try anything. Thanksgiving is usually at my house, and everyone brings something so there is always a huge (bizarre) variety of food. I make a point to try everything, because, as you say, delicious is delicious.
Invite us this year and we’ll bring some amazing dishes that nobody even notices are vegetarian, and some great wines!
Lord, no!
I’m already on thin ice with my bad taste in pizza and other peccadilloes. Subjecting you to my crazy family would get me banned for sure!
For you insomniacs, a question. Watched Breakfast Club for the first time in 25 years or so. Either I forgot how people talked back in the 80’s or that movie has very unnatural dialogue. I remember liking it, but now I think it’s nearly unwatchable.
Of all the Hughes movies of that era, to me that’s the one that doesn’t hold up very well. I’d much rather watch Sixteen Candles or Ferris. Even Pretty In Pink.
I’ve never actually seen it. I know, I know! But it’s true.
You don’t make me want to, either, though.
Tell me you’ve seen Sixteen Candles, though.
Only recently. I probably would have liked it better if I’d originally seen it when I was in the right age group.
Off to mix up tomorrow’s sourdough bread, then try to sleep. Goodnight, all.
Long Duc Dong is the best character in cinematic history.
I like how Hughes can’t seem to tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese culture.
Saw Jurassic World at the theater yesterday. Refreshingly light on the woke stuff, but other than that it was pretty bad. Kid liked it though. Zero humor in it.
Thank you for being a great host last night.
My liver might be a little worse for wear but I had a great time.
We watched it on my kid’s birthday. They all like the dino “Blue” and have somehow made one velociraptor cuddly. Pretty solid film if you go in with the right expectation. Would not pay for the 3D version again because the effects were post processed, not planned from the beginning.