Its Friday. Hooray! We all need a break after this week. All I did was drive nearly 2000 miles with three toddlers in the car, and then do 5 days of work in a 2 day stretch so I could play golf today. So whether you need the break or not, I can assure you that I do. Ooh, and speaking of golf, the WGC-Bridgestone kicked off yesterday with all of the big names playing. Ian Poulter went loooooow yesterday, but Rickie Fowler is on his heels and will probably contend since this isn’t a major. Jason Day and Rory are just a few back and Tiger is one behind them with Tommy Fleetwood and Patrick Reed. Should be a hell of a weekend and a soft course and calm winds lend themselves to low scores.
And in baseball news, the Rays beat the Angels, the Cards topped the Rockies, the White Sox beat the Royals, the Phils beat the Marlins, the Nats beat the slumping Reds, the Red Sox pounded the Yankees, the braves beat the Mets, the Rangers used a late field goal to put the game out of reach and beat Baltimore 17-8, the Pads topped the Cubs, the Dodgers drilled the Brewers, the Gigantes hammered the Diamondbacks and the Blue Jays took down the Mariners. The world champion Astros had the night off.
One of the most important inventors in history for city folk and the disabled, Elisha Otis, was born on this date. He shares it with: educator/litigant John Scopes, crooner Tony Bennett, actor Ramon Estevez (Martin Sheen), convicted felon Martha Stewart, Irish soccer legend Eamon Dunphy, bassist Morris Dickerson, comedic genius John Landis, hockey legend Marcel Dionne, rocker James Hatfield, football player Tom Brady, and knucklehead swimmer Ryan Lochte.

The unsuccessful defensive formation employed against the Romans
Its also the date when Tiberius beat the Dalmatians (all 101 of them) at Bathinus, Columbus set said on his first voyage for the “Indies”, the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company was founded, the US passed the first law restricting immigration, Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president when Harding was assassinated, Hitler assumed the title of Fuhrer after merging offices of Chancellor and President, Jesse Owens (Ohio State Buckeye) won his first of four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics, Patton famously slapped a GI for being a coward, the first VTOL flight was recorded, Paul McCartney formed Wings, Jeff Baxter left Steely Dan for the Doobie Brothers, the Air Traffic Controllers strike began, “Unforgiven” made its box office debut and the Superdome opened.
Now that was a better date than yesterday! Anyway, here come…the links!

“I’m leaving on a jet plane. I don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
I assume he was trying to get to Florida. But seriously, it beats the lines at the TSA checkpoint.
Tommy Robinson talks about what it was like being thrown in jail for exercising what we in America call “free speech”. Hell, I’m surprised he made it out alive.
I can’t wait for Mexican Sharpshooter’s review of this one. I’ll say no more.
I’m just wondering how the logistics for giving him NARAL’s “Man Of The Year Award” are gonna work. ::SMDH::

Meet the new boss. Not the same as the old boss.
Move over, Jesse “The Body” Ventura. Someone else has entered the political ring.
Anti-violence protesters shut down street and prevent people from going where they want. Which, strangely enough, isn’t done with violence when the mob they create is big enough to intimidate anyone who would dare try to use a public street for its intended purpose.
Every one of you that said “that Monopoly fraud thing would make a cool movie” the other day will be sad to know that it won’t make a cool movie. Not now, anyway.
Dude, they’re fifth graders. Come on! Oh well, its Florida.
That crazy killer is still running around Houston after the cops cleared his house following a false sighting. I hope I haven’t slighted this guy. Jeez.
For the birthday boy. (And before you say “its not as good as the original”, I know that. But what you gonna do?)
Have a great day and a better weekend, friends!
He’ll be raising Kaine in the political arena!
*narrows gaze*
We haven’t yet hit rock bottom.
Are you calling him chicken?
Bah Gawd! Bah Gawd! Bah Gawd! Carnage!!!!
Here’s a weird little crime-soap opera going on:
Dude rapes someone, who dies. Then his girlfriend intimidates witnesses in the case, and lies to the police . . . I have a few friends who get to defend them.
Sounds like some quality people. Hope your friends have a shower handy they can use after every meeting.
“You aren’t defending the criminal, you are defending the Constitutional Rights of everyone”
^to be repeated under your friends’ breath as needed.
Stories like that amaze me, how does that guy have a fiancee?
He’s got game. Obviously.
Tommy Robinson talks about what it was like being thrown in jail for exercising what we in America call “free speech”. Hell, I’m surprised he made it out alive.
Tommy looked broken. Lost a ton of weight. He looked like Luke after the Boss broke him
You mean Palpatine?
Boss Hogg?
“The Boss” Springsteen?
Egg suckin Luke or Sister Kissin Luke?
I noticed that too when I first saw it last night.
Then again, that was the point of this sham imprisonment. To break him and send a message to others.
The UK government act like the Mafia.
UKgovernment act like the Mafia.FIFY
The Mafia
UK governmentact like theMafiaGovernment.Let’s be clear which one is actually mimicking the other.
If I were Trump, I’d offer him political asylum. He has a better claim to it than most modern day “refugees.”
A story like this makes me wonder, if I were British, might I start asking “Why not the BNP?” I mean the normal rational response would be “Shit No!! They’re frigging Nazis!”. But, at least part of me might start asking questions like “You mean ‘throw innocent people in jail for reporting the truth’ kind of Nazis? Or ‘use crimes by one group of people to crack down on other people’ kind of Nazis?” Britain, I’m afraid to say , is royally screwed.
Supermodel vag beer.
Doesn’t make any sense…beer tastes like shit.
After the lot lizard article yesterday, I get ill just thinking about it.
Budweiser is working on a Trump Piss Hooker flavor; they won’t have to change the recipe much.
It will be the best beer. Classy beer.
beer tastes like shit
Dude you must be drinking it out of the wrong end.
BTW. No love for the Lefse beer that will be gracing the Minnesoda State Fair this year? I could understand if it was lutefisk beer, but lefse should be good.
Would try
beer tastes like shit.
You must be drinking it from the wrong hole…
Try the next one up.
Do they only use models with a yeast infection?
Freaky Friday: No, Just No
eeww gross. Also who is peeing on my leg?
everyone is pissing dude.
What do you think is causing the wave action?
I don’t get the attraction to Chinese water parks. The sino-waves are to regular to be much fun for thrill seekers.
Is this some kind of tangent joke?
I don’t know what angle you are taking here. Are you being obtuse? Or just trying to be too acute by half?
That is offensive to Chinese and mathematics
All these comments are inordinate.
Alright, now this is just getting derivative.
My, my, my. Look who got published in the NYT.
Republican governance has shown how much the party actually cares about the deficit: not one bit.
The party’s hypocrisy on the budget is not new. After Bill Clinton dramatically shrank both deficits and government spending as a share of the economy, George W. Bush took office and proceeded to dramatically increase both.
Yet the thoroughness of the Republicans’ insincerity is still remarkable. Through their actions, they have proven that they cared about the deficit primarily for its usefulness as a political cudgel, an easy way to curtail Democratic policy goals.
So it is hardly surprising that Democrats, driven by young progressives, would respond by moving toward an agenda that no longer treats those concerns as genuine. True, even Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has not entirely given up the pretense of caring about deficits. In a recent “The Daily Show” appearance, she was asked how she would pay for her agenda, and she responded by proposing a series of tax increases and a significant reduction in military spending.
Megan McArdle’s house boy hits the big time, with as a Krugabe cover band.
Republikkkins are evil hypocrites. Almost as hypocritical as a “libertarian” party which would put Bill Weld on their ticket.
Bill Clinton mysteriously shrank that deficit after 1994. Anything special happen then? Probably not.
As much as I loathe Suderman, he’s not wrong about the GOP.
His mistake is in proposing that it was Clinton who shrank the budget, when it was the result of a GOP Congress opposed to a Democrat President. Clinton, left to his own devices, would have done whatever was politically advantageous.
Yes. Clinton’s response the ‘windfall’ was to propose a budget that would reduce the deficit in 7 years, conveniently right after he could no longer be president .
Newt G. is an asshole, but he did manage to get Congress to not spend it all. Bill Clinton just triangulated to make sure he looked good when results came out.
There was a reason the expression of ‘political spin’ became so popular during the Clinton years.
“After Bill Clinton dramatically shrank both deficits and government spending as a share of the economy, George W. Bush took office and proceeded to dramatically increase both.”
You mean after a Republican controlled house shrank both deficits. If Clinton had his way the deficits would have increased.
And completely glossing over the wildly bipartisan-popular spending in the aftermath of 9/11 seems disingenuous.
We still haven’t recovered from “First Responder” ball-cupping. in fact, i doubt we ever will because that relish tastes too damn fine.
That they even mention or interview Ocasio-Cortez is proof of their illiteracy.
You can’t possibly think this igrnoramus is good on any level; not even to garner a friggin mention in an article.
Nice John-O
Don’t try to IQ shame Rufus.
Their everywhere
It’s like a conversation between Ralph Malph, Potsie and Richie.
If I close one eye and think about America she sorta mighta look like Rosario Dawson?
Her slightly retarded sister?
Where exactly was Mr. deficits don’t matter, Krugabe during this great revelation? How can anyone take the NYT seriously?
After Bill Clinton dramatically shrank both deficits and government spending
While current Team Red and Bush era Team Red do not and did not seem to care about the debt/deficit, it is a bit disingenuous to leave out the fact that Slick Willy accomplished this by working with a Republican Congress.
Fuck Peter Suderman! He’s such a mendacious prick that, if he told me the sky was blue, I’d have to go outside to confirm it. This is a guy who bitches pisses and moans about the Republicans not doing anything about Obamacare and then proceeds to throw a tantrum about any Republican plan to get rid of Obamacare. Same with the deficit. Same with spending. He and the Times deserve one another. I hope he enjoys his future with the race-bating rag.
I skimmed it, I think his basic thesis is correct: Republican posturing about budgets and deficits is pretty obviously bullshit and has been pretty obviously bullshit for a long time.
I personally read that as an indictment of Republicans that they should get their fucking house in order and walk the fucking walk. I’m pretty sure that’s not what the NYT readers are going to take from it.
I imagine they’ll take from it the same thing I do: republicans are lying pieces of shit who can’t be trusted with power of any kind.
Happy Friday Glibs!
Friday is my Saturday! Suck it!
Raises can-o-local in solidarity.
Happy Friday! It’s the Monday morning of my work week, tho
To you as well Tulpa.
We are all Tulpa, brah.
It’s not beer o’clock yet, so Friday is still sucking.
I’ve been sitting here on the couch trying to decide when to have my first beer of the day. I think you just decided it for me.
Turns out it is beer-o-clock
Tommy Robinson talks about what it was like being thrown in jail for exercising what we in America call “free speech”. Hell, I’m surprised he made it out alive. – but in America there is no possible way to ban reporting on a certain court case? At least for a period?
There are gag orders, but to my (not a lawyer) understanding, they’re fairly rare and frowned upon.
Not really. Not for people uninvolved in the case, anyway.
Judges can put a gag order on people directly involved in the trial. They can also keep proceedings secret to an extent and file documents under seal.
They can’t stop others from reporting on it though.
There were those people arrested for giving put jury nullification pamphlets in front of the court a while ago but I think no charges could be made to stick
It’s technically called a “prior restraint on free speech,” and generally presumed to be unconstitutional.
Europeans got the democratic socialism they wanted. We now see where that got them.
You become a Democrat, and reporters will self censor.
I’ve got an idea, I’ll change my last name to my last name + “-D”. I will never get bad press again!
Hey, Timeloose, I’m at Studio Alta under the big screen. You around?
The chair is against the wall and John has a long mustache.
Straff is going to have a long day?
Which one of you Glibs did this?
A bucket of waste? Not me. Not a bucket.
Was it a pail?
::runs out of room::
Trump’s tax cuts have so far failed to deliver on one key promise
A report from the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington, points to the following in particular:
Real average hourly earnings (adjusted for inflation) for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls were totally unchanged in June from one year earlier.
Real average hourly earnings the approximately 80% of workers categorized as “production and nonsupervisory employees” edged 0.2% lower over the same period.
Real median weekly earnings have also decreased slightly.
A report from the Center for American Progress,
::ignores rest article::
Eh the data if apparently official from the bureau of labor statistics. The article could have referenced it directly though
Do they ever have any data on total compensation?
Either myself and people I know in my area have just gotten lucky, or that is a crock of shit. I’ve seen the most increase in income the last 2 years, than ever. Part of it due to the tax cuts, but I’ve already received the largest raises both of the last 2 years, than at any time since 1999. During the entire Obama reign of economic terror, a raise was practically unheard of and if anyone was getting one, it was the typical 1% not even cost of living bullshit. That and Obamacare raising premiums and deductibles far above any measly raise could cover.
You’ll note that the basis is one year ending June. Now, let’s take a look at a time series:
Period YoY Earnings YoY CPI Difference
June 18 2.7% 2.9% -0.2%
May 18 2.8% 2.8% 0.0%
April 18 2.6% 2.5% 0.1%
March 18 2.6% 2.4% 0.2%
Febr 18 2.6% 2.2% 0.4%
Janu 18 2.8% 2.1% 0.7%
So when you remove the statistical sleight of hand, the story is that there was actual wage growth since Trump took office. It has slowed somewhat recently.
Radio host Art Bell died of accidental drug overdose
I heard he had a strange alien device sticking out of his ass when they found him.
But that had been there for a while…
Well unless there is evidence of suicide it may have been accidental
Oh ho, in with the aliens, are you?
*narrows gaze*
Like we are sure he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head…. twice?
That’s what the aliens want us to think!
While I read the article I did not notice the youtube at the end with the alien. I can assume this person I never heard of is somewhat famous in the US for alien stuff?
Art Bell was like a more sane Alex Jones. Had a radio show for a few decades.
Look up Coast to Coast. It is an AM radio show.
George Noory has taken over for Art.
It’s an all night fest of paranoia, aliens, conspiracies, and other crackpot theories.
A lot of night shift people enjoy listening to it.
For instance, STEVE SMITH getting some strange.
I think George Noory did it. And that George Noory is a reincarnated horse.
France, the Nazis, and Gun Control
The French occupation was unique, with a German-occupied zone and the unoccupied Vichy regime, administered by Marshall Philipe Pétain. Hitler’s forces depended on armed French police to control French citizens and, over time, confiscate their weapons. In other occupied territories where the Wehrmacht retained sole responsibility for maintaining law and order, gun ownership was banned outright, except for Germans. Vichy France pursued a progression of increasingly severe gun confiscation edicts with multiple periods of amnesty and ever-expanding lists of illegal weapons, Halbrook says.
Initially, all firearms, ammunition, hand grenades, and other weaponry were required to be surrendered with 24 hours under threat of death, forced labor, or prison. Even hunting guns were prohibited and handed over to the French police for safekeeping. In addition, the gendarmes themselves were limited to a rubber truncheon and a pistol with nine rounds. Eventually, bayonets and swords were also banned. The bans expanded to anti-German flyers, radio transmitters, and public assemblies, followed by measures against Jews, restrictions on hunting, and other repressive constraints.
And they lived happily ever after.
It was for their own good
These were just common sense gun control measures. If you allow armed people to assemble, they government might not be able to maintain control.
The comments on Suderman’s brain fart are exactly what you’d expect:
Columbia, MDAug. 2
Times Pick
It seems that we will have a huge deficit no matter who is in power. The question is whether to spend all the money we don’t have on the 1% or on the 99%.
Like Suderman, they think *not confiscating wealth* is exactly the same as *printing money to give away*.
What is “Social Services, Alex?”
Pi-too, pi-too, pi-too! DAILY DOUBLE! How much you want to wager?
ALL OF IT like Cliff?
The “1%” thing annoys the absolute shit out of me. It’s intellectually lazy class envy disguised as “justice”. It’s right up there with “black and brown bodies” in terms of phrases that make me want to try to slap the stupid out of the user.
“black and brown bodies”
Personally, I find this phrasing dehumanizing. But that might be the point. To marxists, you are just a pawn, a number, a body that exists to serve the collective.
I agree. The clear inference is that if your body happens to be neither black nor brown you value people with the other colors less, but that just tells me the person saying it is racist as fuck. I don’t know how else you’d describe a person that uses melanin as a primary determinant for everything from public policy to social conventions.
Vagina beer
Dude. 2016.
And for those who would prefer manly Mondays, there’s always Beard Beer.
Oh, dude yourself dude…
*goes back to work in disgust with the lot of ya!*
That is, the brewers will put the casks outside to allow and even siphon wild yeast and bacteria into the wort to do the dirty work.
Someone is a fucking idiot.
A coolship (Anglicized version of the Dutch/Flemish koelschip) is a type of fermentation vessel used in the production of beer. Traditionally, a coolship is a broad, open-top, flat vessel in which wort cools.[1] The high surface-to-mass ratio allows for more efficient cooling.[2] Contemporary usage includes any open fermentor used in the production of beer, even when using modern mechanical cooling techniques. Traditionally, coolships were constructed of wood, but later were lined with iron or copper for better thermal conductivity.
Lambics are made by cooling the wort in coolship. This is where native yeast and bacteria are introduced into the wort. Once cooled, the wort is transferred to barrels where fermentation occurs.
Calvin Coolidge became the 30th president when Harding was assassinated
After they finally tracked him down, out in the woods somewhere, because he was doing what any sensible Vice President would do, which was fishing and lolling about in the Great Outdoors, if I recall correctly.
Looking for STEVE SMITH?
Remember when Vice President wasn’t a full-time gig, and it basically meant you were the president’s understudy?
That’s going to leave a mark.
Now that’s how you steal an election!
Yikes! There’s an off ramp going from 435 to 69 in the KC area. For some reason the divider loves to attract vehicles, especially semis. I imagine a lot of the wrecks look similar.
Blue Wave incoming!
According to a previous link I understood the wave is yellow…
The operator was squashed like a bug on a windshield.
Musk is testing self-driving trucks in Russia?
Mother sues hospital alleging doctors performed C-section without anesthesia
I’d like to know all the facts on this one.
Pain is all in your mind
I see you’re one of the labor and delivery nurses my wife and I have encountered while she was delivering.
In my wife’s Eastern European homeland the nurses just tell the mothers to shut up and stop their whining. We went to Austria for our son’s birth where we could get some good morphine.
Anesthesiologist my be a former protege of Florida Man, or is Floridaman the one? Bah, the one with the Dog avatar!
Fear does not exist in this delivery room, does it?
-no surgeon!
Pain does not exist in this delivery room, does it?
-no surgeon!
Defeat does not exist in this delivery room, does it?
-no surgeon!
Dr. Kreese’s bedside manner is the worst.
Cobra Chiropractors?
No mercy!
“Pain is weakness leaving the body.”
Assassinated by cholesterol?
That’s what the aliens want you to believe.
Also, this, from Suderman:
After Bill Clinton dramatically shrank both deficits and government spending as a share of the economy
As I recall, much that economic growth was a result of the government’s inability to keep pace with and
appropriately regulatesquelch economic expansion based on a major technological shift.Wasn’t the reduction part of Gingrich’s deal? I can’t remember.
It was, but the left has revised that history to make the claim Clinton, which had been forced to sign bills he couldn’t veto, was responsible for the projected drop in debt and spending. I don’t think either that projected drop ever happened, but the left would love for people to believe tax and spenders like them at one point actually were responsible for something that might have righted the sinking ship, especially if they can then pretend team red assholes are just as bad as they are at fiscal responsibility.
The deficit did get to almost zero. Despite what some say, there was not a single year in which we ran a Surplus under Clinton, but it got damn close to balanced.
It was mostly due to spending SS surpluses during the most monetarily productive years of the Baby Boomer generation.
In the midst of the internet boom.
WNBA Lynx player proves she is every bit as delusional and egotistical as any man.
Hooray for female jocks being as stupid as men?
Ummm… yeah. Somehow I doubt all the guys she beat 1-on-1 were all that good. I remember watching one of the old Lynx play in the pick up games at the gym I used to go to. She was probably the smartest player on the court, but she couldn’t hang at all because she wasn’t as fast and couldn’t jump with the other guys. (This was a pretty high level pickup game).
How many men’s teams could the Lynx (WORLD CHAMPIONS) beat? Given that a high school boys hockey team beat the Gold Medal winning womens Olympic team, could an elite high school team play the Lynx? D3?
It wouldn’t even need to be an elite HS boys team. The more honest women athletes admit that once the boys are past 15 years of age the women can’t even begin to keep up with them.
Howard Stern once did a bit where Artie Lange, who was probably over 300lb at the time, played some WNBA players in a pick-up game. He lost. But by a basket.
Then you have the WNBA players, mostly the young stupid ones, pushing for a new CBA and a bigger chunk of the pie when most of the franchises aren’t even profitable and just bleed money year after year.
yes but they are women so they don’t see anything wrong with things that just keep bleeding
*narrows gaze*
I told this story before and will tell it again. When we were 14 we lost a game at a tournament and some 18 year-old girls decided to challenge us to a game because they thought we weren’t good. Most of the team took a pass but seven of us were still lingering the field and decided why not? Three of us ended up representing (or trying out for) Quebec/Canada a few years later. They had their full squad – and trash talk. Maybe, what, 15 minutes in? We were up something like 5-0 and the game just fizzled out. We picked our stuff up and continued on as if nothing happened.
I continued on playing soccer and came across from time to time with girl players. Some really good ones (like my cousin who was a really great wing back. She could really fly and cross that ball) but most were just okay. Everytime we played and they thought they could keep up didn’t end up well for them.
I still maintain I could put together a tag time team of former players, train for a week or so and still beat an international team. The only way they could beat us is through organization – even then.
A good story that never got the attention it should have during the Kerfuffle over McEnroe not saying Serena was the best player ever.
McEnroe was 100% right. My friend was a top 5 player in Canada (top 60 in the world) back in the 80s and this pretty much a fact – Riggs-King theater notwithstanding.
I’m glad he never apologized.
There will always be that ONE girl who can keep up. But keeping up is a little different than playing through a long schedule or season with men.
And Riggs was an aging hustler with a gambling problem who allegedly threw the King match to pay off a big gambling debt.
One of the reasons I think McEnroe is one of the best announcers in any sport is his willingness to tell the truth.
It is nice to hear someone call out a player who is playing poorly, or even to admit that some hack in an early round has no chance at all. Absolutely unsurprising that he refused to change his story when the mob came after him. Also unsurprising is that when he didn’t apologize the mob left him alone and went after other targets.
Yup, most people in general, and women especially, grossly underestimate the physical difference between men and women.
I learned this in basic training. I thought the difference would be much closer. The women were essentially just a burden through most tasks and we were expected to help them. Even the one woman who was an athlete and could run with the average men ended up getting her ruck carried to pass the march.
I once played the #2 ranked female high school tennis player in my state. I have never played tennis competitively, but I was playing 2 or 3 nights a week at that point.
She beat me, but not by much, and not because of some overwhelming talent differential. She had a more consistent shot placement than I did, resulting in her beating me almost solely on my unforced errors. Any time I got a good crank on the ball, she couldn’t handle it. Any time she had a clean swing at the ball, it was perfectly placed to make me play a defensive shot.
Long time ago, I played numerous pickup games with U.Va’s womens’ players. Dawn Staley could more than hold her own in any pickup game that did not include male scholarship athletes, but none of the others could.
It’s not healthy in the long-term to pretend that there are no physical differences between men and women that affect performance in certain sports, and it’s not fair to female athletes to hold them to the same standards as male athletes. It’s like when the idea of women playing football with men comes up, I think about defensive tackles who are 6′ and some change weighing in around 300+ pounds, a significant percentage of which is muscle. Those guys are young, sure, and they’re in the gym all day, but I defy you to show me, say, fifty young women who could match that size and level of strength. Individual cases exist, sure, but by and large that’s not going to happen.
I’m pretty sure there is not one single female on the planet who could play defensive tackle even at the college level.
Women are supposed to break in by kicking or punting. I know some people would argue that an NFL team would never do it because they hate the womenz, but we all know a female kicker would generate a lot of buzz and sell a lot of jerseys.
You could probably find women able to be competent cover corners at the college football level. They wouldn’t stand a chance in the NFL but as long as the only people they ever need to tackle are 200 lb wideouts running generally the same direction as they are then there is no reason to think that you couldn’t find a few women capable of doing the job at that level. They certainly would not be elite cover corners because they would lack the speed to keep up with elite recievers and the size to play physical with larger recievers but there are probably a small number of women who are big enough and fast enough to be average college cornerbacks.
They couldn’t do WR or any other position that handles the ball because eventually they would be tackled by a 230 lb linebacker or Safety and their season would be over so Cornerback and the kickers are the only positions where girls could play with boys past the highschool level in Football
I think you overestimate the speed for women being cover corners. I read somewhere that the women’s Olympic 100 meter champion would have come in 4th at the NJ men’s HS state championships.
I also think you underestimate the amount of core and leg power necessary to make the cuts and moves required to cover a college WR. Maybe an elite female athlete could keep up at the NAIA level, but I think her lack of power would catch up to her in the NCAAs.
That’s the thing. Straight line speed? Mayyyyybe. But can an elite female sprinter make those hard cuts on comeback routes, square-ins, or slants? I’m skeptical.
No fucking way.
Like the others said, it isn’t just running in a straight line. You also forget that corners do have to help out against the run. No way a gal is going to last a season if she has to absorb the block of a pulling guard/fullback and turn a sweep back inside.
The other thing to remember that any woman who is fast enough to hang with male wide receivers would be accepting full scholarships to run track at the D1 level.
Yeah my point was (maybe not clear) that if they were going to make it as a kicker or punter it probably would have happened by now, but even those skills are not transferable to a woman’s body.
No way they can play corner in college.
Sorry, CPA, I didn’t mean to rant at you. I meant that the idea of a female corner is crazy.
That’s a really good point. No offense to kickers/punters, but they’re not exactly the highlight of the team, and even they are expected to be able to take a hit or throw a block from time to time. Plus, kicking/punting is deceptively difficult, and I feel like if you’re a woman and are willing to put that work in you’d be better served getting into women’s soccer or rugby, where you’re going to have a chance to excel.
. Plus, kicking/punting is deceptively difficult,
Especially in the strength department. They may not need to be hulking beasts of men like the rest of the team, but good luck punting a ball 55 yards or kicking a 50 yard field goal without significant and specific strength training.
Also this.
And when the 200 pound receiver gives them one good shove after the snap, reaches up, and catches the pass, what does she do?
There’s more than speed and strength going on. Women aren’t competitive with men in ping pong or chess either. Hand and eye coordination, reflexes, and many other attributes are in use during sports. There’s thousands of male athletes who can run with a DB who can’t play worth a damn.
They now are so confident peddling socialism that they no longer feel compelled to lie about the fact it will suck. Must be because these people would rather have rationed care and scarcity than let some other people have better options than them. Envy is a terrible thing.
Eat a bag of dicks, Bernie
When was ol’ Bernie ever shy about promoting shortages?
Except that in developed countries the pattern typically is that morbid obesity is more common the lower you are on the socioeconomic ladder, reaching its highest numbers among people at or near the poverty line. Try again, Bernie.
But Bernie is going to fix that. It’s working in Venezuela!
The rich get the food and the poor starve to death.
An apt description of the results of socialism.
“these people would rather have rationed care and scarcity than let some other people have better options than them”
Nothing will change for the well off. They will still get private care outside of the public system. It’s the lower end of the middle class and the poor who will get royally fucked over, because they cannot afford private care. And the middle class will hurt the most because of the enormous tax burden they will be saddled with.
But, single payer advocates often argue for making any private care or care outside the system to be illegal. Hillary’s horrible plan put forth in the 1990s would have made providing such care to be a felony (!). So if I as a physician wrote my wife a script one evening for a Z-Pak for her sniffles when I was off duty, it could have been off to the penitentiary for me.
Single payer advocates really want everyone to have identical access and quality, with Bill Gates having to wait in the same line as the street person hypochondriac who comes to the hospital every day asking for a sandwich.
I visited a doctor for the first time in many years last week and he had much to say about blood tests and so forth but when I asked about my abdominal hernia he said it was an elective procedure. The fact that my viscera is poking out of my torso seems kinda important to me and I’d like to solve that problem. Elective procedure is the equivalent of Canadian single payer saying FYTW.
VA doctor misdiagnosed a hernia. I knew I had one, since I’d had one repaired on the other side. I went immediately to the next door civilian hospital, the doc says “You got a hernia, you need that repaired” and I did. Never went back to the VA again and that’s been 40 years ago and several more surgeries.
Been 30 some years for me as well. Never gonna take the risk with government healthcare, cause that stuff is terminal in its nature.
Ah, like military medicine. As I waited all afternoon with a broken leg, ’til all the pregnant women were attended to. After I finally got an X-ray it took only a few minutes to get a cast, since no one was waiting in the cast room. Fort Hood, 1974 or so.
So I stumbled on this twitter thread rand on basic income
Now besides the debate over basic income I find how people just throw claims around things annoying
I am so angry right now, I am shaking. Can you imagine a politician pulling the plug on a vaccine that was dramatically reducing cancer so much that it’s already arguably unethical to not immediately expand it to everyone? This is wrong. It is just so incredibly WRONG. – ehm those things are not the same
Too costly? Unsustainable? BULLSHIT. What’s unsustainable and far too costly is poverty. Not having a financial floor is unsustainable. In Ontario alone the full cost of poverty is upwards of $30 billion, which is about the cost of UBI for all of Canada. – I doubt that number is accurate
Also I find calling these limited experiments as science a bit dubious…
Poverty doesn’t cost anything, otherwise the poor couldn’t afford it, duh.
Human history proves unequivocally that poverty is very sustainable.
And the norm. Especially when you have the people that consider themselves the upper class – like our current political and academic classes – want to make sure they keep the power, the wealth, and the serfs in their place.
Poverty isn’t unsustainable. I know families who have been poor for generations.
#MeToo. They are all still sitting around on their front porch all day, getting welfare, and mostly being worthless. OK, the mostly part was being too generous.
UBI discussions in the US are a fucking farce. The original theory behind UBI was that if you eliminated all government welfare programs and replaced them with cash, doing so would effectively curb graft and the system would be more efficient by cutting out scores of middle men. Progs, as is ultimately their tendency, instead thought that UBI is something that should just be handed out on top of existing programs.
Yes there are two schools of thought in UBI: replace or add on. Most economist who support, support replace. Most lefties support add on.
The problem with replace is that most people remain poor due to bad choices and no capacity for delayed gratification. So they will piss away their UBI on stupid shit, won’t plan out any budget, and their kids will be starving near the end of the month. Which will required government programs and oversight, etc. etc. on top of the UBI.
So UBI is a non-starter.
It’s like how they misunderstand and misapply Keynesian (itself not a completely formulated theory by his own admission. But it’s okay, those wee just details to the remedial progressive mind. What matters is the shell; the general idea. No need for fancy formulated theories it’ll only put more focus on results – and we can’t have those) economics.
Yep. The US recession ended in June 2009. According to Keynes, we should have been running surpluses and/or paying down the debt starting the fiscal year 2010 budget.
Emmerson Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe’s president and leader of the ruling Zanu-PF party, has won the country’s historic and hotly contested presidential election.
Officials from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) announced early on Friday that Mnangagwa had received 2.46m votes, or 50.8% of the 4.8m votes cast. Nelson Chamisa, the candidate of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party (MDC), won 2.14m votes or 44.3%, the ZEC said. Mnangagwa needed to win by more than 50% to avoid a runoff vote.
Smart thing to win by 51% looks legit…
Putin is tricky that way..
Yeah, but can you claim a mandate (not to be confused with 2 guys going out on a date) with a 51% margin of victory?
It depends. Obama had a clear mandate with 51% of the vote.
Only if it is the right 51%, not the icky 51%
What’s with these cultures that can’t be bothered to put a vowel between consonants?
Managagwa! Fixed.
Yesterday I think someone at Wikipedia was trolling. The featured article for yesterday was the article on Ian Smith.
A report from the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank in Washington, points to the following in particular:
Real average hourly earnings (adjusted for inflation) for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls were totally unchanged in June from one year earlier.
Is that the same Center for American Progress which has been cheerleading the Fed’s attempts to “goose” inflation for the past ten years?
Sure, Wrigleyville residents will patrol the south and west sides of Chimolia.
So, the pain in your neighborhood is being created by other people in your neighborhood.
And this makes it okay to inflict suffering on people outside your neighborhood because……?
And this makes it okay to inflict suffering on people outside your neighborhood because…
Sure OMWC, NOW you be woke!
Sharing is caring?
Protesting in our neighborhood is dangerous?
You know, what would be really effective would be for them to go into the El Rukn turf and block the streets so the crack buyers can’t get through. What could go wrong?
These same people would also be very angry if the rich people from other parts of Chicago decided to move in and gentrify their neighborhoods.
I’m sure these protesters would be willing to accept some cash donations to go back and help their neighborhood though.
Interestingly, the organizer of the “protest” said that they’d welcome people from Wrigleyville coming down to the South side to protest. He was of course speaking of them coming to protest the “injustice” perpetrated on the residents of the South side, not protesting the South side people coming north to disrupt.
It’s sort of sick fun to watch Chicago slide down the side of the toilet bowl.
“Injustice” is such a useful word! Why, just yesterday some asshole cut me off in traffic and when we met up again at the lights she was a soccer mom. I felt bad about flipping her the finger but it had to be y’know?
Did you take it out and show it to her? Soccer moms love that when there’s kids in the minivan.
/voice of experience
had to be done
What could have ever given you this crazy idea?
We came here to redistribute the pain in Chicago
Unless this protest somehow took pain out of their shithole neighborhood (which it didn’t) so that the total pain level in Chicago was unchanged, they didn’t “redistribute” anything. They only increased the pain in a good neighborhood.
Which was their intent all along.
the first VTOL flight was recorded
The Montgolfier brothers?
Not exactly vertical, from what I’ve seen of hot air balloons.
I never get tired of Misfits covers.
As you might expect, I prefer the originals.
I really liked the Violent World compilation.
Jacobs, a Republican who also runs an insurance and real estate company, was leading Democrat Linda Haney by a large margin with most of the votes counted in Knox County on Thursday. The Knoxville News Sentinel reports Jacobs claimed victory at his watch party, saying his decision to seek the mayor’s job was met at first with “pretty resounding laughter” from some politicians.
Jacobs won a close primary in May. Results of the primary were delayed when the county’s election reporting website crashed after a concerted cyberattack that experts deemed “malicious.”
A wrestler turned mayor? Next thing you know a bombastic, blowhard, billionaire developer and tv celebrity will become president. The Ruskies are making our elections a laughing stock.
I’ve read that Dwayne Johnson is mulling over a 204 election run.
Marcus Annius Flavius Libo is tough to beat
What’s his policy on Germanic immigration?
I’m a Flavian and dagnabbit I’ll die a Flavian!
I don’t know a damn thing about his politics but from what I have seen he is clearly smarter than pretty much every proposed democratic candidate in 2020
Smarter and friendlier, yes, but does he have the animal cunning to keep himself from being eaten alive by the party machine? I’d rather the Ds nominate someone who more clearly reflects the party’s true nature so the voters can make an informed decision.
Is he commie enough to be a dem candidate today? If not, he’ll be eaten alive by the left wacktards.
He’s from Hollyweird, so I can pretty much guess his politics.
Actually you’d be wrong there. In the past he as espoused some pretty right wing and libertarian ideas. Not saying he is some kind of right winger but is is absolutely not a hardcore proggie or socialist
The long read
Denialism: what drives people to reject the truth
Ah because the truth is always clear
In recent years, the term has been used to describe a number of fields of “scholarship”, whose scholars engage in audacious projects to hold back, against seemingly insurmountable odds, the findings of an avalanche of research. They argue that the Holocaust (and other genocides) never happened, that anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change is a myth, that Aids either does not exist or is unrelated to HIV, that evolution is a scientific impossibility, and that all manner of other scientific and historical orthodoxies must be rejected.
I love how the always stick climate change in there. If the most ardent believer should have the honesty to admit it is a highly complex and lacking in sufficient data topis that you can not think it is 100% known. Ah but honest warmist is a rare occurrence indeed.
Ah, yes, another “if you’re not towing the Progressive lion, you’re mentally ill” argument. And I see they’re joining skepticism with Holocaust denial, that’s a nice touch. I’d say that once your strongest argument is to accuse your opponent of being crazy and/or stupid, you may as well pack it up and go home, but these cats were never especially interested in cogent, logical arguments anyway.
yes and it was only 40 years ago that “denialists” were trying to prove that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid strike and about 60 years ago that they were arguing that the earths crust was made up of different plates floating on a sea of magma and that was responsible for earthquakes. 2 decades before that denialists were arguing against all scientific orthodoxy that that light was both a particle and a wave and the universe was non deterministic.
Did anyone ever think to draw someone actually eating a bag of dicks?
Like munching on them ala bag-o-chips?
Given the size of the internet I assume yes…
Also I remember you could buy a bag of dicks online I think, does not work at my office computer
Spring-loaded dick bomb FTW
I’m sure you can buy a bag to go.
That Tommy Robinson stuff just burns my hide. I’ve been an anglophile since I were a toddler and to see what is happening there would make my English Granny weep.
It just makes me very proud of my English ancestors for having the good sense to bail on that fucking place 300-350 years ago.
Grandma’s family left the slums of London to make a better life for themselves. My Scots forebears had no such choice. Had to emigrate and breed with skraelings .
Yeah, same here. Ancestrally, I basically split English and Scottish, with a smidgeon of Irish, and so far only the latter aren’t embarrassing the shit out of me these days. Scotland is and seemingly always has been a shitshow, but it’s really horrifying to see how authoritarian England has become. And they weren’t exactly starting from Libertopia to begin with.
My English ancestors bailed on the place in the 19th century, but better late than never.
Mine, mother’s side England and father’s side Wales, also bailed in the 19th century.
My Welsh ancestors were smarter. They left for America soon after William Penn founded Pennsylvania.
Great grandfather left Scotland in the early 20th century. I think the downward trajectory there was pretty well established even then.
They were pretty woke, what with the dudes wearing skirts for centuries before that was a thing.
Just like our ancient ancestors who walked out of Africa 100K years ago, the productive ones then walked (sailed) out of Europe a few hundred years ago. I’m afraid that there’s now only one place to go to escape the parasites and retards. Unfortunately, most (all) of us do not have a star ship.
Apparently my poor Scottish dirt farming ancestors bailed to Ireland in the late 17th century and decided that sucked, so they hitched a ride to the New World in the early 18th century, whereupon they became poor Appalachian dirt farmers. Success!
Not sure about mom’s side, Dutch German out of Arkansas. Probably mid 19th century.
“hitched a ride to the New World in the early 18th century, whereupon they became poor Appalachian dirt farmers. Success!”
That sounds way too familiar. But at least I can be thankful for not being a UK citizen. Or it could have been a lot worse, they could have went to Canada.
The Trump administration’s decision to try to weaken President Barack Obama’s landmark 2012 agreement to increase fuel efficiency and decrease global warming emissions from automobiles is dismaying on so many levels that it is hard to know where to begin.
The proposal from the current administration would freeze the average fuel economy after 2021 at about 37 miles per gallon; the Obama-era rule would have required automakers to hit an average of about 54 miles per gallon by 2025. The Trump plan would also revoke a waiver that the federal government granted to California, which allows the state to set stricter standards because of its particular air pollution problems.
The Trump administration’s decision to try to weaken President Barack Obama’s landmark 2012 agreement to increase fuel efficiency and decrease global warming emissions from automobiles is dismaying on so many levels that it is hard to know where to begin.
The proposal from the current administration would freeze the average fuel economy after 2021 at about 37 miles per gallon; the Obama-era rule would have required automakers to hit an average of about 54 miles per gallon by 2025. The Trump plan would also revoke a waiver that the federal government granted to California, which allows the state to set stricter standards because of its particular air pollution problems.
Not fair! You can’t just replace our made-up numbers with your made-up numbers. That’s cheating.
Also, is there anybody on Earth who seriously thinks Jerry Brown is the least bit distressed by the possibility that they might spend more at the gas pump? Brown is just mad that that additional expense won’t take the form of taxes.
So you are saying instead of efficiency mandates it would be better to significantly increase gas prices by taxation and you get more efficient cars and more tax revenue? Seems like win win to me.
This shit is not about efficiency but about making fossil fuels artificially expensive so government can funnel a ton of tax payer money to dubious and shitty alternate energy solutions that in the grand scheme of things make a few connected people real rich but help the consumer not a fucking bit.
>>to hit an average of about 54 miles per gallon by 2025
Given the sales of pickups and SUV/CUVs, I’ll take “Things that won’t happen in only 7 years”
My departed MINI Countryman, which weighed only weighed 3000 pounds, could just hit 35mpg on a pure highway trip. During the winter I could get a lousy 20-22 mpg in city driving, which is about the same as the ol’ Volvo 850 I used to drive! And the MINI had a small 1.6L engine with a turbo. Problem is, you were always dipping into the boost to get any sense of power off the line.
So a much greater percentage off the population would suddenly have to fall in love with Tesla, Chevy Bolt, or start buying a lot more hybrids; because even a Honda Fit can only hit 40mpg (on the highway).
start buying a lot more hybrids or EVs.
Yep. Somehow unsustainable pollution by oil is different than unsustainable pollution by mining for rare-earth minerals and shifting the pollution to combined cycle LNG.
I have a little Nissan Versa. Weakass 4 banger, CVT, very rarely does anyone other than my kids ride in that car with me…..and if I drive carefully enough I can coax about 37-38 mpg out of it doing about 70% city driving/30% highway driving.
Carmakers could hit that average if the Feds would drop all the safety requirements.
I guess I should be happy with what Trump is doing instead of insisting he completely roll back Obama’s fuel mandates as well as drop the ethanol mandate and end all the other car related fatwas.
They should drop all the safety mandates, but the manufacturers would scream bloody murder if he tried. Those regs are what they use as a liability defense in court. As long as they comply with the regs, and barring fraud, they’re in the clear.
Complying with regulations is not a defense to anything but a claim you violated the regulations.
Shit. RC Dean really is a lawyer.
28 city/35 highway, All.Day.Long
2015 Kia Forte
I average 29
2005 SAAB 9-3 Aero with a manual 5 speed
Mustang? Who knows? Who cares?
F350. Same deal.
…decrease global warming emissions from automobiles…
I really hate this base-stealing bullshit. It has so far not been demonstrated that emissions from automobiles have caused any warming of the climate.
This is at least trending in the direction of a free market. Freezing them at current levels let’s manufacturers develop engines at their own pace and lets consumers decide what fuel economy they desire and at what price they’re willing to spend to get it.
I’d rather the standards be abolished altogether, but this is at least a step in the right direction.
I aver that “Tire Fire On Earth Day” should become a thing! All that plastic goop that you so religiously sort out ofyour trash is getting buried in a land fill.
The whole average requirement is stupid. I am pretty sure it does not account for the cars that are actually sold and end up on the road.
I believe it’s an average across the fleet. So by producing an electric vehicle, they get to claim compliance, even though all they really sell are SUVs, sports cars and trucks. You know, what people actually want to drive…
That’s what I meant. They have to build what they won’t even sell and what won’t end up on the road, which defeats the ostensible purpose.
The trucks don’t count in the fleet fuel economy numbers. If they’re big enough, neither do the SUVs.
Yes, it is an average. I recently found this out. I drive a “Chevy” Aveo. It is a piece of shit. If you look closely at the car you can find a sticker saying it’s manufactured by Daewoo in Korea. Then they put Chevy logos on it. They outsource crappy, fuel-efficient cars like this so it brings down the fleet average. Then they manufacture the good cars that are popular in the US.
It’s dumb because some companies excel at making trucks and can’t make and market and affordable compact car to save their lives. Why should Ford be forced to make Fiestas if they don’t want to? If the customer wants a fuel efficient car, they can buy a Hyundai.
Bake the fucking cake! You will make what we tell you to make.
This is the big deal. CA car buyers are a large enough segment of the market that car makers were building all of their vehicles with an eye towards CA’s standard. Making CA be just another state among equals will be the biggest boon to car makers and people who want to buy cheaper cars.
It’s telling that they think a presidents declaration can increase fuel efficiency. Progressives really seem to think that we would all be rich if we just voted for it. If a politician tells them that won’t work they are evil.
Kelsey Grammer: ‘People are so swift to judge, to react, to punish’
The dude is a shitlord libertarian, you can’t listen to him.
Just because he has a coke habit doesn’t make him a Libertarian.
Last night on Youtube I finally heard that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex chick, aka Hotsy-Trotsky, in an interview. Not only are her arguments childish, but she has the voice and vocal patterns of a 15-year-old.
+1 Valley Girl
Yuck. It’s bad enough I’ve seen pictures of her, now I know how she talks? Ugh.
Yeah but thanks to LM, at least I can picture scantily clad 16 year-olds every time I have hear her nonsensical prattering.
Sometimes that doesn’t help. I was recently at an Arts Festival in a college town. Body positivity has its downsides.
She has a nice bod, but she definitely has crazy eyes. And I agree with the rest of your assessment.
Bernie Bae / Pol Twat 2020!
Haven’t you been reading the Times? Socialism is all the rage now, we can’t stand anymore of this prosperity!
She really is an idiot, bless her heart.
That makes her the perfect democrat.
Hotsy-Trotsky is my new fave nickname.
God, but it grinds my gears that this non-entity will be supported for life, and rather well, by the government once she wins this election. One of the many reforms of Congress that is badly needed is getting rid of their absurd lifetime pensions. By removing any need for any Congresshole to ever re-enter the private sector, it creates terrible incentives.
Police say a man accused of trying to steal a commercial jet told investigators he thought piloting the plane would involve little more than pushing buttons and pulling levers.
So you’re saying that flight simulators aren’t realistic depictions of flying?
He really wanted to get to that rap concert, yo. And he has seen all those movies about this shitz, so he figured the underpants gnome plan of attack would work just fine here.
Why, I’m just sure the plane was sitting on the tarmac without enough fuel on board to make it to his destination. Positive of it!
More of that NYT editorial about cars:
Finally, Trump officials claim that automakers would have to make their vehicles lighter to meet the Obama standards, which would make them less safe. This is bunk. Lighter-weight aluminum, which many automakers have turned to as a replacement for steel, protects motorists better because it crumples and absorbs the impact of crashes better than heavier materials, said Daniel Becker, director of the Safe Climate Campaign at the Center for Auto Safety. Further, newer models tend to have more sophisticated safety features, like automatic braking and lane-departure warnings, that over time should make American roads safer.
That sounds like a call for CashForClunkers 2.0. What a splendid idea.
[insert boilerplate global warming doom, gloom, and imminent extinction of Planet Earth]
I would like to hear from the autistic engineers around here about that assertion.
I know with bikes a carbon frame is lighter and in many ways stronger than steel frames but it can shatter like glass upon certain types of impact at the right place.
I’ll take a heavy steel Suburban in a collision against your aluminum Corolla any day.
Aluminum is Brittle in one direction, strong in the other, Design for that,! I asks Ya!
Lachowsky can tell you about Steel better than I
They’re not wrong in that aluminum absorbs energy better than steel on a per weight basis, but it’s not that simple in practical application. An aluminum to aluminum collision is safer than a steel to steel one, but in a steel to aluminum collision the steel is going to win. Using a per weight basis for measuring energy absorption is pointless when the weight between the two cars will be different. The steel car will weigh more and therefore transfer more energy to the aluminum car that then needs to be absorbed, and then the reverse is also true. What they said is true if you are talking about a single car collision like a crash test, but other than that it’s muddy.
Steel isn’t strong, boy. Flesh is stronger. Look around you.” Thulsa motions to some of the thousands of followers surrounding his mountain who worship him as the mouthpiece of God. He points up to the top of a cliff, “There, on the rocks, that beautiful girl.” He motions to the girl, “Come to me, my child.” The girl steps off the cliff and falls to her death. “That is strength, boy. That is power: the strength and power of flesh. What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength of your body, the desire in your heart. I give you this …such a waste. Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.
No one look at what happens when the new f150 catches fire.
I have no issue with some cars in the market going aluminum, sld all over.
the “Safe Climate Campaign”…..totally sounds legit and trustworthy.
I’m sure lane departure and automatic breaks don’t increase the purchase price or long term costs at all.
VT needs to stop salting so hard while requiring overly strict inspections.
Everyone should just buy a Bugatti Chiron Sport, the thing is mostly made of carbon fiber. I’m sure Obama will hand out some tax payer funded incentives for that. Oh, shit, Obama no longer has his steal from taxpayer license. So sad, I wanted my Bugatti.
Lethality in a collision is a function of a number of factors, and the ductility of the fame is in the mix, but its not the only factor. And what’s more, the factors involve intrafactor trade offs where a single design decision impacts multiple factors in different directions and magnitudes. Given all of this, any constraint on the design process is mathematically guaranteed to result in a reduction in safety.
Fuck you slaver. Risk homeostasis is strong with drivers, and safety mechanism they perceive don’t change driver risk. Its only the stuff they can’t perceive that actually changes road safety. You are arguing in favor of human death in the service of Gaia. Fuck off you anti-life scum.
If they were really concerned they would push for the only thing that would make roads safer: get rid of all the traffic control shit, period.
False. The Tullock Spike would also be a perfectly cormorant way to increase safety.
Although I admit that removing traffic control would be more inline than forcing people to install a Tullock spike, so we should try that first.
I guess.
Or that.
That would work in some places and not in others.
safety mechanism they perceive don’t change driver risk
The ads for all the “driver aids” show people being negligent as hell behind the wheel. This isn’t just an unfortunate side effect, its actually somehow a selling point – “Go ahead, be a shit driver. Our gizmos will save you!”
I was chatting with our sales chick at the VW dealer and she said they have dramatically changed their training with regard to those gizmos. They are really downplaying them and always reminding people that they still need to pay attention and drive. I think they are starting to get nervous about the liability,
The two things that made me a very cautious driver?
My head on collision with a tree at 16 in my Volvo and buying the FJ40. The rattling and metal everywhere, the not so great breaks, and getting cut off a bunch really gets you to be a defensive driver.
I assume a motorcycle would have the same result for some people.
An old beetle or something.
Sitting in the Triumph, my head is about level with the top of the wheel on a full size SUV. It tends to improve your focus and planning, for sure.
True. Driving a sports car also increases your paranoia. Many years ago, when I owned an Austin-Healy Sprite I learned to drive VERY defensively.
Loved everything about that car but the English electronics.
It’s for this exact reason that the government has no place mandating features on cars. Politicians aren’t engineers. Hell, they’re barely humans.
Because it is been a while lets see what my favorite moron webcomic author is up to … let us see…
In the last five years McDonald’s has averaged $8 billion in profits per year. Their employees average $8.47 per hour. That’s $17,617 per year at full time. They have 235k employees, so if the profits were returned to the employees that number could be raised to $51,659 per year.
We live in a wealthy society, poverty is a creation of the business owners. If anyone is working and poor, it’s usually because someone else has a piece of paper that entitles them to steal labor from the workers. No one has to be poor industrialized countries. No one.
When people say we can’t afford to raise the minimum wage…no, we can. The parasites who do no labor just need to get a smaller piece of the pie. Preferably zero percent. McDonald’s gave $3 billion in dividends last year. What did shareholders do to deserve that money? Nothing.
So all you business owner are actively creating poverty every single day. Especially Rufus and Sloopy. For shame.
This person is not particularly bright, is he?
Not particularly talented either.
Poverty is the natural state of man.
What an asshole.
Nononono, you don’t understand – this is a wealthy society! And that wealth simply materialized out of nowhere! Nothing created it, it just fell from trees and washed up on beaches.
You know who else dealt unfairly with some things that washed up on beaches?
the natives of Hawaii?
I would suggest we leave him on a deserted island with no business owners so he can see if there’s any poverty. I suspect without business owners around poverty still finds him.
Poor guy must have skipped the Critical Thinking class session on the zero-sum fallacy. Or maybe logic has been dropped from curricula in favor of Wokeness.
Jul 29
Replying to @existentialcoms
Employers are the scum of the earth
That has to be sarcasm, right?
Probably not.
Jesus Christ, it’s one thing to be completely ignorant on a subject, but another thing entirely to go ahead and publish your ignorance for all to see.
I say we start a petition to remove business owners from this blog. Who’s with me?
Christ, what an asshole.
/crosses arms.
* we just hired two new employees at distorted wages created by the government. The government *says* they’re worth $18 pr hour. I say (and I’m what matters) not more than $14. But what can you do? These trips to Burlington VT. aren’t gonna pay themselves.
Ho Dee ohhh
I’m the Worlds Biggest Asshole!
That’s why Rufus is so concerned with whether or not we are working.
He’s one of the scum of the earth.
What did shareholders do to deserve that money?
Created 235k jobs.
The parasites who do no labor need to get a smaller piece of the pie. Preferably zero percent.
At least he’s on board with ending welfare.
poverty is a creation of the business owners.
Things that are the inverse of reality.
steal labor from the workers
No one has a gun to your head. You voluntarily work for a negotiated wage.
What did shareholders do to deserve that money?
Take the risk of investing.
Pena, a Spanish teacher, had taken a three-hour training course a few months prior in how to teach the sex ed course.
And nobody mentioned that 5th grade sex-ed does not consist of talking, in detail, about one’s own sex-life.
It was 3 hours of showing elementary students how to put condoms on the instructor.
Where can OMWC get an application?
A Reckless Scheme on Auto Emissions
Though it took several years to iron out details, the net result was an agreement to roughly double the fuel economy of passenger vehicles while saving drivers billions of dollars at the pump, reducing carbon emissions and oil dependence and easing the way for a transition to a new fleet of cleaner and safer vehicles able to compete anywhere in the world.
What about the ponies? Don’t I get a pony, too?
And fucking them at the car dealership
I still haven’t forgiven them for the diesel engines circa 2008
How about a pony-car?
What exactly is that new fleet of magical vehicles going to run on? Electricity generated by fossil fuel plants? It can’t be that, so what is it? Magical unicorn dust?
Soylent Green
If anyone is working and poor, it’s usually because someone else has a piece of paper that entitles them to steal labor from the workers.
The scales have fallen from my eyes!
*throws trash can through Wells Fargo Bank window*
“paying you in exchange for some specific work” means “stealing labor”.
Someone doesn’t know what “stealing” is. I really can’t comprehend how someone could be so invincibly ignorant.
Stealing is best done by governments. They even get away with it and manage to have 90% of the population saying it’s not stealing and asking for more.
“If anyone is working and poor, it’s usually because someone else has a piece of paper that entitles them to steal labor from the workers.”
Or in case you’re a libertarian, you just take orphan slaves. Problem solved.
So you’re saying he has a chokehold on the city?
*narrows gaze*
WOW! That’s a lotta lynx!
The Marcel Dionne Story
One of my favorite players growing up! Happy birthday, Marcel!
My new morning links motto: something for everyone.
A ticket out of Cali? that’s what I need……
Regarding this Chicago thing….so it’s a protest against violence, huh? I’m sure the people doing the killing will be appropriately chastened and cease immediately.
Well, the South side is plagued by people from Wrigleyville coming down there and shooting people at random. No wonder they’re protesting.
“Oh, shit, it’s a Volvo! RUN!!!!”
Volvo? Dude, the ’90s called.
Well, I’m not from Chicago, so I can only go by what the rich white people around here drive. Still plenty of Volvos in the West End of Richmond.
Average mpg is a bad test anyway, and has caused some forseeable consequences. It requires something like 10 “stops” between set rpm holds. This is why cars today have the automatic turn off at a red light.
The car burns nothing for the stops, therefore has better miles per gallon. Which isn’t how miles work.
I’m also not sure a starter motor being used 4-20 times more often is going to work in the long run. I suppose it doesn’t matter when the while car is supposed to die at age 11.
My truck has that ‘feature’, but Ford kindly put a kill switch front and center.
Well that’s nice of them!
I guess I don’t hate the feature, I just don’t like that I can see exactly why it got implemented while all the idiots clap that the earth is saved.
The Impala that we rented on our last vacation had this “feature” too, and with no way to disable it. I struggled mightily to not put my fist through the dash.
Sometimes you can disable through a menu, but that’s a pain in the ass. I just punch the button as soon as i start the truck.
I heard from a Subaru tech that you can jump a wire for the trailer to disable theirs. They don’t have an option in a menu or a button, but the outback won’t turn off if it thinks it’s towing something.
Yep. It shuts off if you are towing.
Last rental I had to use was equipped with that as well. Damn it car, when the light turns green, I want to go. Not wait while you restart the engine, and then go.
I really don’t like those auto-stop/start features. I’m driving a 24 year old vehicle right now that will probably outlast the vehicles that were sold yesterday.
It’s the fucking complexity, not the build quality or bodies. It’s hard to justify the expense of rebuilding a whizbang 10-speed computerized transmission or whatever.
Exactly, there’s so much crap under the hood of my modern diesel trucks that I can’t even get them repaired without the shop breaking something else in the process. They’re next to impossible to work on and have so many systems and subsystems that they are much more prone to failure.
Remember when diesels were the shit because they were simple and robust? When 300K was a nicely broken-in motor ready for its hard service?
It’s getting hard to.
That’s why I’m hanging on to the 2001 in my avatar ’til the wheels fall of (which actually happened once)
330,000 miles and still going strong, no emissions crap and a 4″ exhaust with a muffler you could throw a softball through.
“with a muffler you could throw a softball through”
Put…put yer head innit!
When I was last car shopping in ’13, I test drove an Audi A6 with that feature. The saleswoman went with on the test drive. When I stopped at a red light, the car shut off. I tried to start the car. The saleswoman stopped me and said, “The car automatically turns off when you stop, then starts up again once you let off the brake.” I immediately asked, “How do you turn that off?”
She showed me. I finished the test drive with the feature off.
The A6 was a nice car, but definitely not worth the money, double so since I could get a Genesis at about $22K less.
I’d bitch but my wife “talked” me into a Ford Expedition with the King Ranch package — for the captain’s chairs in the 2nd row so that we could leave the kid’s seats there and other people could get in the back. Which I think has happened twice in almost 3 years. Anyhow, everything is motorized. It has the fold-away running boards.
Her: “these are so cool”
Me: “I wonder what its going to cost when this motor shits the bed”
Me: “I wonder what its going to cost when this motor shits the bed”
A lot.
I managed to fuck up the touch screen in my Genesis. My own stupidity. $2000 to replace it.
It’s not resistant to fluids, is it?
I think the same thing when I see automatic hatch motors or elaborate sunroofs. Very cool. What’s the market for used working parts in a decade look like? The part numbers change every couple years. Somehow I don’t think I’ll be able to keep that stuff working for too long.
Y’all sound like me.
I drove a BMW rental last year with those features. Power sunroof was nice. Even the restarts didn’t bother me once I figured out what was happening. Very difficult to go from the brake to gas pedal before the engine is already started.
One of the things I like about our FJs – minimal electronics and motors and shit. You can actually work on the engine (not that I do, or that it needs it), and the drive train is the Tacoma drive train, for which parts will be available when the sun burns out.
My wife’s rear view camera is fucked up. I’m half tempted to velcro a damn gopro to the back of the car and pocket the $200 I’d save.
Still driving a 1999 Ford Ranger, manual transmission, no power door locks, no power windows, manual everything. Has the normal electronic derp in the motor, but at least it’s lacking most of the electronic gewgaws that break when you’re ten miles from the highway at the back end of some jeep trail.
Does it also not charge the battery from the alternator once in a while? I had an 04 (Mazda badged) that would randomly stop charging the battery sometimes if it got below 50F (I lived in FL and Houston, so this wasn’t often) and you’d have to jump it off mid-day when the temperature warmed up and then it would probably charge enough to get you started the next day.
“what we in America call “free speech””
“What am I, chopped liver?”
-The Guy they Tossed in the Clink for Producing the Mohammed Video that Supposedely Caused the Libya Consolate Debacle
What about the defendant in our great nation’s leading criminal “satire” case? It is only regrettable — as I’m sure the ACLU would agree — that the case led to the aberration of New York’s aggravated harassment statute being declared unconstitutional, and that the authorities were not, in the end, able to secure a jail sentence — although they did, fortunately, at least succeed in obliging the perpetrator to spend nine years litigating a host of issues well chosen to influence the outcome of the case, such as the government’s crafty suggestion that the “parodies” were disseminated — to almost thirty faculty members at NYU — with the intent not only to denigrate the reputation of a distinguished department chairman and Vatican envoy, but to make one thousand dollars in American currency. See the documentation at:
*Stands and applauds vigorously*
I’m also not sure a starter motor being used 4-20 times more often is going to work in the long run. I suppose it doesn’t matter when the while car is supposed to die at age 11.
My first several cars were Limey shitboxes; MGs and Minis. You know, the ones with electrical systems from Lucas, the Prince of Darkness. The idea of shutting them off at every red light (in traffic) sends shudders down my spine to this very day.
But that mini gets 50mpg with the 850cc engine!
Even if today the new cars have better wire, that won’t last as they age. It takes one animal to chew on some stuff to send it into Lucas territory.
Roommates a3 didn’t start in the morning twice because of a rodent chewing on the underside.
The service dude at the dealership earnestly assured me that the starters are built for this. I said, OK, what about the battery?
Still want a mini.
Looking at another e30 this weekend.
325ix with the 5 speed.
Old mini or new?
Old. Ideally the old clubman 1275gt one.
They are around. I’ve ordered parts from these guys.
They seem to be a good resource for info, too.
I check their classifieds on occasion. I’ve also looked at their fiberglass pickup, but not sure how that’d all work. I have to take the vixen apart a few times to feel ok working on glass.
When I was in the Marines, I owned a MG Midget that ate up starters like they were popcorn. After the second one, the guy I was buying a new one told me I could buy a “lifetime” warranty for it for just a few dollars more. Best decision ever.
The starter was ridiculously easy to get off (only two bolts that were easy to get at). I think that was also its problem, the bolts didn’t hold it on well enough for the starts so it would loosen and then get bent/warped whatever.
I hated/loved that car. When it ran I met all sorts of interesting ladies who were willing to further the education of a young rube from the prairie. The problem was that it wasn’t running all that often.
What is Supreme Brain Nutrition?
Is memory loss getting to you? Feeling more forgetful all the time?
Discover Supreme Brain Nutrition: The all natural memory-saving solution your doctor isn’t telling you about…
Anything with the word quantum in it must be legit
I take solace in that.
Couldn’t wait to leap on that, huh?
**narrows gaze**
What’s the one simple trick that your doctor hates?
I just read the ingredients on that stuff. It’s a lot like the other stuff.
This is why we are so much poorer now that we no longer have McCain around to protect us from things like this.
McCain: What is this stuff!? No one knows what is in here, no one can know what it might do! There needs to be a law…
“John, settle down, just read the ingredients, it’s right there on the package”
McCain: What!? Read the… we can’t just let people read stuff! That’s dangerous, there should be a law!
Well, the South side is plagued by people from Wrigleyville coming down there and shooting people at random.
Peasant shooting is a legitimate pastime.
I have to admit that it is fun to watch them scatter after winging the leader. Sort of like the break after you rack the balls.
In the immortal words of Bart Simpson “Oh come on sniper, where are you?”
Still want a mini.
Looking at another e30 this weekend.
325ix with the 5 speed.
I was in Bozeman recently, and I cut through a neighborhood trying to find some place. On the street, parked under a tree, was a really really nice (genuine, not BMW) mini. It made me happy just to see it.
OT I haven’t been commenting much lately because I’ve been dealing with some health problems. It’s hard to be “on” when you are out. Anyways, I’ve been lurking and am not disappoint! Sloppy kisses and drunken hugs to each and every Glib!
Sorry to hear that Tulpa.
Many fuck offs and get betters to you.
If one Tulpa gets ill, do all of us Tulpas get sick too?
I…I don’t feel well.
Sorry, I hope you get better soon!
Thanks for that. I’ve lost 20 lbs since December and can’t seem to digest food properly. Wifey made me go to the doc and they stole essences. I’ll find out in a week or two. They’re gonna stick a camera up my poop-chute, so I’ve got that going for me.
Sigmoid or full colon?
Yikes. Hopefully things go well.
My advice to you is to drink heavily.
Sorry to hear it. Hope everything gets better soon!
Take care man. ?
Hope you feel better.
Get better, Festus. We need you back in the mix!
Sorry to hear that. Get well, man! I think the worrying when you don’t know yet, is the worst part.
Police Pinch Pop-Tart Pilferer
Cops Cuff Cookie Crook
So it worked exactly as advertised?
Uncontrollable Urge
Finally some side-effects I can get behind.
Pastor says Trump most pro black president. Much anger and Uncle Toming ensues.
There is no Blue Wave come November. But in 2024 there will be a Trumpwave.
Was I saying that the Constitution will be amended so that Trump could serve more than two terms? I guess I was.
They say he’ll be a dictator for life, so…
He’s already a wrong thinker, so they can easily ignore him.
“President Trump focused on efforts to reform the prison system Wednesday, meeting with faith leaders and lawmakers at the White House.”
You see, we told you how dangerous this guy is! People are going to die! /democrats
This has nothing to do with the article, but I figured it’s worth mentioning. Progressives have long had a massive blind spot toward the level of animosity* that exists between African Americans and Mexicans. This is in no small part due to the effect illegal immigration has on the availability of entry level work. If Trump keeps hammering illegal immigration in addition to criminal justice and prison reform, I suspect that he might cinch a solid 40% of the black vote by 2020.
*I should disclaim that I am in no way enthusiastic about this state of affairs. I am merely stating an observation.
This is actually true. My wife has a number of black co-workers who are openly hostile to illegal immigration and yes, they do believe that illegals are going to take their jobs.
The Dems have sold them on the idea that jobs are a zero sum game.
With minimum wage, benefits requirements and the like, they’ve also certainly done their best to ensure it is a zero-sum game.
No Dems? My shocked face is worn out.
Democrats only want prison reform when it can bring voters to the polls to vote for them. Republicans being involved in the matter ruins that for them. I’m sure that Kushner and Rand are at least partially behind this stuff, so you know it’s evil. How can it be more evil than if a JOO and libertarian shitlord are in on it?
Hell, I’m surprised at least a couple of Democrats didn’t want to get involved to be able to announce how they were responsible for it. If the Republicans can get a solid prison reform bill passed, who are they going to lose and how many people will they have a chance of gaining? That should start scaring the Democrats more and more.
The black vote goes to dems no matter what the dems do. That’s why they don’t care.
My English ancestors bailed on the place in the 19th century, but better late than never.
Mine came over on some wooden boat named after a month, or a flower. Maybe a month *and* a flower.
You had ancestors on the Junelilly too?
SeptemberPetunia? Nothing but a bunch of queers on that boat. But great parties.
Don’t forget the weekly parades
Sheeeeeeit, man, my earliest ancestor on the continent beat them by a decade, although only after an unplanned stop in Bermuda.
Among the other passengers on the ill-fated Sea Venture was John Rolfe and his wife. He made it to Virginia, the wife died in Bermuda, and Rolfe ended up marrying Pocahontas.
Elizabeth Warren is that old?
Off topic, which means it’s on topic, but I have nowhere else to vent. Seriously.
I am giving a presentation tomorrow, for which I am being paid by the local community college because it counts as part of a college credit in writing.
But! I completely fucked up and now I am panicking.
I have been preparing for this thing (not including the proposal) for a month. YESTERDAY I realized I have been preparing the wrong material.
I basically prepared “How to write a romance novel.” Well, that isn’t what the course description says (and I wrote the fucking course description). AND there is a master class in 2 parts (12 hours’ worth) by a different author who’s going through everything down to zippy dialogue–before mine.
Holy shit. How did I miss that?
So I have been slaving over this stove and I made the wrong cake and the party’s tomorrow.
I thought the essential elements of romance novels were heaving boosoms and turgid manhoods
They are also essential elements of Zane Grey, pulp spy novels, and male midlife crisis masturbatory fantasies.
P.S. I can’t count how many SAT words I got from romance novels. Dozens, maybe?
Historical romance was my salvation. I hate reading nonfiction and sorting out dates and timelines was hell. I let other authors do the heavy lifting and then give me heaving bosoms and turgid manhoods to go with!
That’s funny – it’s the opposite for me. .I don’t enjoy fiction, but I always liked romance novels for the history/historical settings. Bertrice Small was always very detailed in her settings and timelines.
Oh Bertrice. Oh, Bertrice! What a pioneer. I love her.
Yeah, I’d say she’s my #1 favorite. The Kadin is a masterpiece, IMO.
Are we twins? I’m going to use that as an example of Barbary Coast historical romance.
Awesome!!! It’s a top-notch read, for sure.
Anya Seton is another of my favorites, though I’ve only read two of her books (Green Darkness and Avalon). Her focus on priests is…interesting.
The distinction between each one of those genres being how the genitals are described right?
Yes. And proportionately, men write really bad sex scenes.
Eric Van Lustbader.
That is all.
Male authors are limited to using only letters on the left hand side of the keyboard when writing sex scenes, so I’m not surprised that they are bad at it.
One handed typing strikes again…
Those are romance novels!
” Well, that isn’t what the course description”
Sounds pretty close though. Can’t you just edit, rearrange the content some and make it work? I’m sure you’ll be ok, just calm down and… oh shit, it’s time to get drunk. NO!, just kidding. Calm down and think, you can’t think during a panic. I know it’s the first thing that happens, but then you have to calm down and think, you’ll get it. Worst case scenario, you get a sudden bout of the flu and need to postpone to later date.
Yes, I can edit and rearrange. I have to prepare slides and practice a different lecture than I’ve been practicing for a month.
The material isn’t unfamiliar at all. In fact, I could probably ad lib it. It’s just not what I was practicing for a month and I want to do a great job.
See, you’ll be fine. And if not, like I said, you get the drinking flu for a few days and then do it.
Holy shit. How did I miss that?
See, that’s why you should adopt MY religion- you could then blame the drugs and alcohol.
and the naughty little girls?
My cold black heart must be devoid of any nuance when it comes to romance. I don’t see much of a gap between that write up and what you said you had.
And it is only an hour and a half? What sort of Glib are you that you can’t hold forth for 90 minutes on any topic? I’m actually sort of ashamed you prepared anything for such a short talk. Ask my wife and kids. I’m capable of Fidel Castro levels of lectures on any subject if they ask a question at the wrong time.
Seriously, you should do fine. Like the others said, take a deep breath and refocus. I don’t think you are all that far off and my guess is you will be the only person in the world who will be dissatisfied with the results.
*I should also point out that any Glib worth her mythical weight in unicorn farts would have noticed that the course description says “Participatns” and used that as a get out of jail free card. “What do you mean my presentation sucks? Are you a Participatn? I didn’t think so. This was geared toward real Participatns”
Thank you for reminding me who I am and whom I represent.
Preparation and research are just going to limit your ability to speak on a subject with confidence. Known fact.
You mean I’m not the only one?
Do you know how to juggle road kill, do card tricks and sing?
I wrote a book where the heroine’s chef schtick was “gourmet roadkill and weeds.” She made Granny Clampett food 5-star.
What sucks is you have to go after the other person.
One of the highlights of my career was a time that myself and two other managers who were my peers had to give a presentation to upper management on what we were doing. Each of us had 20 minutes to do a presentation on our team.
Before the presentation, the other managers and I had a meeting to get our stories/slide decks straight. We wanted to be sure we were all using the same terms etc. I had my own presentation almost finished. One of the other managers who was/is a great friend had put in a TON of time on his and had a fantastic presentation. The other manager was a tool and had a shitty presentation. We all agreed to some common changes and got back to work.
Cut forward a few days to the big presentation and the tool manager updates the slide deck minutes before the meeting to a) make himself present first and b) copy almost verbatim my buddy’s presentation. He simply updated the content of a few bullet points, but kept all the cool charts and metrics. So when the upper brass sat through the presentation they all thought douche had done the good presentation and my buddy had copied the report.
One of the very few times that I ever saw my buddy mad. He and I both bailed from the company shortly thereafter.
“Participatns are encouraged to share their work with the class…”
You already have the clout , having published many romance novels. You have “authority”, being the presenter. Make it less about you, and more about the participants sharing their work. Make them do the work. You are the guide, giving sage advice.
Don’t panic.
Thank you.
I do have time carved out for people to introduce themselves and share, and have a Q&A session at the end, but I don’t know how long that will take.
Given the conversation earlier in this thread, I’d say if you find yourself with too much time you can always fill it discussing how to write a good sex scene (that counts as “exploration of the defining elements of romance novels” IMO).
That is an EXCELLENT idea. Thank you!
And, a can’t-miss crowd pleaser for the class.
Plus, from what I can tell, good sex scenes are very difficult to write.
His eyes widened as she slipped her blouse slowly over her pert bosoms. She bit her lip watching his pants tighten as she undressed. She reached down and slowly unbuttoned his pants.
“Oh… Oh, oh… Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, OH, OH, OH, OH! OH! OH!” he yelled in an increasingly strained voice as embarrassment washed across his face.
Her face scowled in disappointment.
/end scene
“It wasn’t the worst sex I’d ever had, but it came pretty close.”
(Yes, I wrote that in a book.)
Relax. It’s a community college. As long as you don’t get hammered and ramble incoherently you’ll be better than most of the lecturers these kids have been exposed to. Hell 95% of them won’t listen to a word you say anyway. There are even multiple typos in the blurb announcing the lecture. That’s how on the ball everyone at a community college is. (Source: I am a community college professor)
You’ll be fine. Just relax and outline your new lecture. Outline, not write. You can talk about this off the top of your head so just outline enough to guide the stream of consciousness. And if you don’t have time to redo slides then just skip em. Personally I’m not a big fan of them anyway.
Duh. Go back in time and change the course description.
+1 time travel romance.
When can I expect royalties?
The check is in the mail.
No comment, just thought it was a neat map:
Makes you wonder who really runs the country, humans or cows.
Between the pasture and feed croplands dedicated to cows they get like 40% of the land area just for them
I like the Wildfires section.
That really pisses me the fuck off.
Federal/State. Timberland.
Subsidized timber. Cocksuckers drive the price down with subsidized timber. On top of that I have to pay property tax. Someone should hang.
But is James Hatfield’s bandmate, Lars McCoy, still around?
Other than washing dishes & taking out the garbage, what’s the best fruit fly getter-ridder? Preferably not a poison, as they’re around, you know, food.
Ether. It worked in Bio 310 Genetics lab when I was in college.
If you don’t like fruit flies, go to a straight bar.
Pour bleach down your kitchen sink. Sometimes bits of food are in your drain.
Wash your produce you keep on the counter/in a basket as soon as you get it. Put your booze away, wipe bottles clean.
Sorry, I got nothing. We get them pretty regularly whenever we’ve got produce that isn’t in the fridge.
Another reason summer is The Worst.
I love the summer, but I could do without mosquitoes, excessive humidity, AC-related electric bill increases, beach traffic on 50, flies, the yard turning into a swamp because of the random monsoons… If I had a magic wand, I think I’d make summer just a warmer fall, now that I think of it.
These work well. Drains and standing water are other usual causes, and wipe down the liquor bottles with a damp towel to clean up any drips that may have run down the side of them.
RE: Slipping the abortion mickey.
No trying to start a shit-slinging abortion argument, but I find it terribly inconsistent that the guy spikes a drink with an abortion pill and gets charged with attempted homicide whereas if she had taken the pill voluntarily it’s hunky dory.
Either it’s a person or it’s not, it shouldn’t depend on who’s pulling the trigger. This is the big problem I have with the MUH WIMMINZ RYTZ crowd; they’ve managed to convince enough people that pregnant women have separate and distinct rights from anyone else. Set aside the question of the fetus and let’s say it’s a toddler; does it make any sense at all to say “it’s my toddler so it’s ok for me to kill it, but if anyone else does it, it’s murder”?
*grabs slice of Hawaiian pizza and settles back to watch the fireworks*
So you think men should have more say in killing off kids?
“honey, could you hold off on killing the kid until after he’s picked up his toys and cleaned his room? No sense in making more work for ourselves.”
From my own pro-choice libertarian perspective, it comes down to consent. Like everything else.
If you give your pal a pot brownie without telling him what it is, you’re going to jail for that.
You still can’t kill someone that you don’t legally recognize as being a someone. So there’s ways you could solve this issue, but they want to have their cake and eat it, too.
it comes down to consent
That would be a crime against the woman, not a crime against the fetus. He was charged with attempted homicide of the fetus.
There are a lot states with laws that say killing a fetus is a crime if, say, the fetus dies after the mother is shot or beat up. It was a pro-life thing awhile back, and its intended to point up the very contradiction that Q notes.
This means that every single conception which is know about and fails to go to term must be investigated to determine if any criminal or civil charges are warranted.
I don’t think so, any more than saying laws against murder mean every death must be investigated as a homicide. Only the ones where there are suspicious circumstances would be investigated. Many miscarriages are no surprise due to the course of the pregnancy; others are easily determined by the OB to be ‘natural causes’. Its pretty rare to see a miscarriage that would trigger an investigation even if we say every fetus is a person from conception.
You are correct it does not make any sense and it is a double standard. That said eliminating the double standard does not mean criminalizing abortion or letting this guy get off scott free.
If we grant that the fetus is possessing full human rights from conception then this guy gets charged with attempted murder because he attempted to murder the fetus. The problem is as this case illustrates had she spiked her own drink she would then also be guilty of attempted murder and therefore as we recognize a right to have the circumstances of our death investigated so anyone who took actions to cause it either directly or indirectly can be punished and restitution made to our heirs the fetus would also possess that same right. This means that every single conception which is know about and fails to go to term must be investigated to determine if any criminal or civil charges are warranted. In otherwords all miscarriages must be investigated and treated as crime scenes until a coroner can make a ruling of natural causes.
That is just a much of a nonsensical outcome as charging someone for attempted murder for slipping someone an abortifascent against their knowledge when abortion is illegal.
On the other hand of we do not recognize the fetus as having rights we still have grounds to charge him with a crime because knowingly putting any chemical substance into someone’s drink without their knowledge or consent is an initiation of violence against that individual so it would still be a crime, just not attempted murder.
This means that every single conception which is know about and fails to go to term must be investigated to determine if any criminal or civil charges are warranted. In otherwords all miscarriages must be investigated and treated as crime scenes until a coroner can make a ruling of natural causes.
And this is why old folks homes are littered with crime scene tape…. oh wait.
Even assuming your premise correct (which it isn’t), it’s really weird to say that somebody’s personhood is really inconvenient when they die, so we’re just gonna unpeople them for bureaucratic expediency.
You mean where the cause of death is obvious and nearly always known and so there is no grounds to investigate a cause of death?
actually my premise is absolutely correct. it is the logical end of making abortion illegal. See if you don’t treat miscarriages as potential crime scenes and investigate the cause of the miscarriage then you are not actually making abortion illegal just shoving it under the rug and creating yet another case where prosecutors can pick and choose who to fuck over.
Finally this isn’t about bureaucratic inconvenience it is about further victimizing women who have been through a traumatic experience. See there is no way to know if a miscarriage was natural or induced unless you do some very invasive tests to both the fetus and mother. Now some of those mothers will turn out to have intentionally done something to induce the miscarriage, others will have done so accidentally, yet more will have had someone do something to them to induce it some of them will turn out to have been conclusively natural causes and the plurality of them will be inconclusive as to the cause of the miscarriage.
The key thing is if you actually ban abortion the use of abortifascient drugs will skyrocket. Literally hundreds of thousands of pregnancies will be terminated using some combination of herbs and drugs each year. Tens of thousands more babies will be born with defects because their mothers tried terminate the pregnancy with drugs. It will not be a small problem. Therefore you will have no choice but t investigate any miscarriage that happens after 12 weeks and maybe many of those which happen before then
it is the logical end of making abortion illegal.
Only if miscarriages typically are the result of the mother trying to kill the fetus. Many miscarriages are natural causes, and are obviously and immediately diagnosed as such. Just like most adult deaths are natural causes, are obviously and immediately diagnosed as such.
We don’t treat adult deaths as potential crimes unless there is a specific reason to do so. Don’t know why miscarriages would be different. The logical end of treating the death of a fetus as the death of a person is no different than the logical end of treating the death of an adult as the death of a person.
There’s no reason to think every failed conception has to be treated as homicide. That’s preposterous. We don’t treat humans that way now and it’s illegal to kill them. Abortion was illegal once and miscarriages were not investigated as homicides.
Taking this further:
You wanna argue it’s not a person, fine. You even wanna argue that what the guy should have been arrested, fine. But what he should have been arrested for is something like vandalism or criminal mischief for trying to damage her property, not with homicide. You can’t have conditional personhood; ie, it’s only a person if he tries to kill it, but not if she does.
Bingo. I’d even suggest calling it it’s own thing – forcable abortion or something like that. Its like assault, but not. Its like fraud, but not. Its like murder, but not.
I think you could argue some type of aggravated assault. I mean, assuming the fetus isn’t a person for the sake of argument, the bet analogy I can think of is involuntary surgery to remove something like the tonsils or appendix or some other useless organ like the liver (or if she’s a prog, her brain). Though even that seems a little far fetched. Maybe like giving someone horse laxatives or any other drug that induces a physical process that has potential danger?
Maybe the charges aren’t right, but the consent of the party is effectively the difference between sex and rape.
I’ll just be over here at Five Guys watching Jaws while y’all work this out.
It’s inconsistent, but it’s one of those inconsistencies we use so that we can table the debate it sidesteps and move on with the business of living. I believe the term is, “legal fiction”. Same reason animal cruelty is a thing, but furniture cruelty isn’t, despite the fact that both are legally considered property.
These Lemurs Have Good Reasons For Rubbing Toxic Millipedes on Their Butts.
I bet it is Steve Smith..
Best. Headline. Ever.
In addition to a great headline, the article also includes this gem:
(emphasis added)
Also, the picture heading the article is perfect for the headline.
“What are you doing in there that’s taking so long, honey?”
Terrible headline. Are the lemurs rubbing the butts of the toxic millipedes, or are they rubbing the toxic millipedes on their own butts?
See, it makes you want to read further to find out!
Wacken live stream. Currently throwing a changeup with some neo-folk (not folk metal). Doro comes on at 12:15 Central time, if you happen to have good enough taste to have been into Warlock back in the day.
Thicc chicc with fiddle? I see Nightwish on the list there, I like them.
Who is that current band playing?
SCHANDMAUL. Never heard of them.
I’m not too sure that Mueller is the genius he’s made out to be.
fuck ups?
I’m shocked, Mueller has never been known to fuck up anything, right? This bullshit needs to be thrown out and everyone behind it should be prosecuted for engaging in this sham.
The problem with people like Mueller is that they really have bought into the hype that their credentialed asses are smarter the other people and that they will get away with just pushing the usual buttons the crowd driven by envy of what others have react to. This trial is happening because Manafort didn’t break as they expected, so now they are hoping to kill him financially at a minimum, and if they can get lucky fuck him over legally. I can’t wait for the defense to call Rosenstein to testify why he cleared Manafort of the charges this trial is currently going after him for in the first place.
Muller has achieved what I would have thought to be completely impossible. He’s made Manafort into a sympathetic character.
Four dentists accused of gang rape in Vegas.
The rape loophole. It’s not rape if you videotape it, it’s porn; so, perfectly legal.
Oh, well, their attorney said they’re innocent. No problem letting them all walk without bail.
No way to know from the story, but do these guys have foreign passports? What kind of flight risk are they?
Videotaping their “encounter” may be a crime all its own. While Nevada apparently has a one-party statute for recording conversations, the Nevada Supreme Court has apparently applied an all-party consent standard. Don’t know the details, but I seriously doubt they got her consent to video, especially if she is bringing rape charges. If she wasn’t raped and knew she was on tape, no way would she bring charges.
They held a vote and she lost. Get over it. Erections have consequences.
I like it.
“This is what democratic socialism looks like. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs, as determined by majority vote.”
Dentists’ ability – rape
Her ability – being a cum-dumpster
Dentists’ needs – ejaculation
Her need – shut up and take it
Sounds like a perfect example for “democratic” socialism except for one fact; only the minority is getting fucked here when in fact we know that it’d be more like 1 dentist raping 100 tied up women in true socialism (until we’re told it’s not true socialism).
If she knew it wasn’t rape and and she knew that she was on tape, she’s the kind of person that thinks putting consensual sex with four strangers on tape is a good idea. That implies that here ability to calmly weight the long-term pros and cons of her actions, the skill used when deciding to start a lawsuit, may not be what science calls “good.”
At least they didn’t go lion hunting.
I wonder what the fifth dentist was doing…
He was watching from the grassy knoll, just in case…
Not agreeing that Crest prevents tooth decay?
Well, I just discovered that every single thing I packed for lunch (banana, cheese stick, beef stick, cheetos puffs) is a phallus. Oh well.
Do you have something Freudian to tell us Leap?
Call it quits and go to Subway for a foot long.
“Once you go Subway, something something . . . “
So you could say you’re eating a bag of dicks for lunch?
So it would seem.
So you’re actually going to eat a bag of dicks for lunch?
Great minds R C. Great minds…
/basks in fleeting internet glory.
Bag of Dicks Day?
“As useless as a bag of dicks without a handle.”
/Stolen from Silicon Valley and my new favorite insult.
That door cannot be opened.
Well since the majority of “sociology research” is pseudoscience under any circumstance, this is hardly surprising.
Par for the course. If Trump came out tomorrow and said he found a cure for cancer, these people would declare him the second coming of Hitler, because he is ignoring HIV. Fuck them all.