Hey look, the Orioles beat the Yankees! And with the Red Sox idle, that pulls them back within 41.5 games of the division. Nice! Elsewhere, the Nationals topped the Mets, the Tigers dumped the Reds, the Indians blanked the Twins, the Cubs beat the Pirates, the Rays over the Angels, the Royals doubled up the White Sox, the Cardinals beat the Rockies, the Dodgers beat the Brewers and the Astros took two of three from Seattle to get off the slide a little bit.

The person responsible for the abuse is over there, people! These are adults we are talking about.
I won’t even attempt to gloss over the big sports news story of the day. Which is apparently this: Urban Meyer allegedly did not admit to knowing of alleged abuse (for which no arrests were ever made even under Ohio’s stringent domestic abuse statutes, the victim refused to press charges, and the entirety of evidence is hearsay) in a press conference discussing a situation that happened three years ago that the victim’s family, friends and everyone who knew her with the exception of Meyer’s wife told her to keep out of the media and legal process. And for that, he’s been placed on leave pending an investigation of…wait, what are they investigating? Oh yeah, whether or not he was aware of the aforementioned abuse. Abuse that the victim refused to pursue or even bring up publicly until her ex- was fired (upon his first arrest in the matter) and no form of income for her exists any longer. Well, fuck. The media won’t let this one go until they claim a scalp from one of the three of four biggest football programs in one of the three biggest athletic programs in the country. Let’s see if Ohio State caves or if they defer to the legal process, which the victim refused to do for years.

Not ugly
Pierre Charles L’Enfant, the designer of Washington, D.C., was born on this date. So was Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, designer of the Statue Of Liberty (and by extension the developer of our immigration policy according to dumbasses who don’t understand an inscription on a statue isn’t binding law). Those two share the day with actress Myrna Loy, Israeli leader Shimon Peres, comedic genius Carrol O’Conner, American sports pioneer Lamar Hunt, brilliant actor Peter O’Toole, film director Wes Craven, celebrity judge Lance Ito, TV Land’s Butch Patrick, “musician” Mojo Nixon, drummer Pete de Freitas, and ageless knuckleballer Tim Wakefield.
Its also the day Henry Hudson entered the bay which would be named after him, the formal signing of the Declaration of Independence took place, Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland”, the first roller rink opened in London, the first Lincoln head pennies were minted, the Army Air Corps was formed, the Potsdam conference ended, Mussolinin signed a peace treaty with Ethiopia, PT-109 was sunk in the Solomon Islands, the survivors of the USS Indianapolis were spotted, the Beatles first played the Cavern Club, George Brett got his first MLB hit, American Graffiti, George Lucas’s best directing job, premiered, Iraq invaded Kuwait and George HW Bush ordered US troops to Saudi Arabia, and Rick James was arrested on sexual torture charges.
What a day. And now…the links!

Mad Max hit with FEC complaint over mailer money. I guess in retrospect, it may have not been a good idea paying her daughter $60k a year to lick stamps.
James Blake gets education on the difference in being a big-city union cop and being a little person. And he’s not happy about it. Well welcome to the party, James. Now go out there and raise hell.
The Barnum-esque experiment known as “Tesla” recorded its worst financial quarter ever. And their stock rose. Why? Because apparently due to population growth, there’s a sucker born every 15 seconds now.
Humanity will always find a way to circumvent stupid legislation. Still no word on when those lids that require 4x as much plastic as the straws will be showing up at Starbucks, by the way.

Artist’s depiction of Manafort prosecutor
Judge gets tired of prosecutors trying Manafort for his lifestyle. I’m sure they’ll circle back to wealth envy at some point in closing arguments. After all, nobody deserves an ostrich vest or a $21,000 watch. Nevermind the fact that actual people are employed to make those things.
All that is not expressly permitted is forbidden. No, seriously. That’s what its like to live in Massholechussetts.
This is how much better Whataburger is than the others. You won’t see this at an In-N-Out or Five Guys. It makes me proud. Sort of.
Here you go, 80s kids. Enjoy greatness.
Have a great day. O-H…
The Barnum-esque experiment known as “Tesla” recoded its worst financial quarter ever. And their stock rose. Why? Because apparently due to population growth, there’s a sucker born every 15 seconds now. – Elon is a hero and is under attack by jealous losers.
But seriously I think he did interesting things with space X, but I don’t get the cult around him. I mean Nassim Taleb who claims to be an anti-bullshiter seems a fan
First post and first comment on the first post. You are rolling Pie.
I don’t get why Taleb is touted the way he is. I saw a debate he wormed himself into and he came across as a fool (it was a religious debate, with Hitchens, Dawkins, and Sam Harris on one side. Since Hitch was there, it was a very one-sided debate).
Had to get this off my chest. I don’t get any of this site’s inside jokes. I just play along like I do.
Batesian mimicry ?
Throw him in the woodchipper!
GET IN THE VAN. *readies blindfold
Surely you understand Tulpa, Tulpa.
How very deep dish of you.
Last time I had a Whataburger it tasted like grey goo on white bread.
Same with me, but that was at Whatafurburger.
Ehhhhhh.. Ehhhhh..
What is this, the 1970s? They make razors for that now.
Well, not TOO shaved. Then it looks too prepubescent. That creeps me out.
You really should get that checked.
Considering this is the country that pretty much gave the world the cheeseburger, it’s hard to find a really good one. Best burger I’ve ever eaten was in Hooligan’s Saloon in Soldotna, AK, I’ve found saloons and bars tend to have better burgers than restaurants.
But it’s hard to beat loyal sidekick Rat’s patented Heart-Stopper Bacon Bacon Bacon Double Bacon Cheeseburger with Bacon. We only eat that during deer/elk season, as that’s the only time we can burn off all the fat/cholesterol.
*sheds single, manly tear for the Bobcat Bite, deceased home of the world’s best (green chile) cheeseburger*
Apparently you’ve never heard of a place called Red Robin. They even come to your table and sing on your birthday.
We hit up the Red Robin down in Parker a lot. Their burgers are OK. Not bad, but not great… just OK.
The cheeseburger was invented in Louisville. Well, they weren’t the first place to put cheese on a hamburger, but they were the first to call it that.
There is some dispute over who was first, but consider the main contender (in CA, I think) didnt even open until at least a decade after Kaelin’s was using the term in ads, they can be ignored.
Unfortunatley (or fortunately, because they kinda sucked, Kaelin’s isn’t there anymore. The new place apparently calls themselves @ Kaelin’s.
tag fail. New Name I forget @ Kaelin’s.
Humanity will always find a way to circumvent stupid legislation. Still no word on when those lids that require 4x as much plastic as the straws will be showing up at Starbucks, by the way. – make paper lids. People may get burned but handle those lawsuits when they come. Or remove all reusable cups and have a bring your own cup policy. This will definetly save a goo 0.05 % of global plastic pollution. Guaranteed.
Why not hand out hypos with your Happy Meal. Win\Win.
The USPS subcontracted McD’s to run the cafeteria (trial) . McD’s tried the bring your own cup, but only ones purchased from them first.
IIRC the cups were initially $2 filled and refills were reduced by .50.
overall not a bad deal
Mad Max hit with FEC complaint over mailer money. I guess in retrospect, it may have not been a good idea paying her daughter $60k a year to lick stamps. – there is no evidence the fact she was her daughter played any part. Just one of those coincidence things. Also WHAT ABOUT TRUMP CHILDREN HUH?
“PEACH 45!!!!”
Mornin’, Sloop!
(the link after the Manafort link goes to the Manafort story)
It’s fixed. Sorry. In my haste to get the links up so I can go read more about the witch hunt, I missed that one.
Never apologize
Apologizing isn’t enough. Sloopy must step down from his position
into a pit
filled with crocodiles
while apologizing.
not crocodiles. If Sloopy is to be executed by animal pit there is only one possible choice. death by Gulo Gulo!
Not crocodiles— wolverines.
That is what I said.
I’m sorry, I don’t speak jive.
Lingua latina non mortua est.
Sed id non est.
Sarlaac pit?
Sloopy investigation begins in 3..2..
You wouldn’t be calling it a witch hunt if it happened at Michigan.
The hell I wouldn’t. Notice I didn’t pile on Izzo or d’Antonio when they were being called to account for shit someone else did that they were supposed to have known about?
No offense, but you can shove that claim up your ass. My principles matter a lot more than my rooting interests.
Now, Sloop. You could’ve gone with Ted’s obvious BS statement and doubled down, making it clear that you wouldn’t sell your principles just to see your mortal enemy fucked. Ted is trolling ya. And you should know how to deal with internet trolling.
Sigh, people and their Little League stuff.
How to win converts to the Open Borders cause.
Get all pissy about ICE carting an illegal off after a trial where he is convicted for hitting a woman while under the influence (.07). Your third criminal conviction in the US while illegal.
Fuck, count me as one of the folks who think we should have easier immigration and more accountability for cops, but this is the hill you are going to die on?
Just read the article. Jesus Christ. I’m with you 100%.
Check out the the tongue bath that ThinkProgress gave this same story.
I honestly don’t know what to quote. It is all so fucking horrible. Maybe this?
I admit, I chose that because I am a huge fan of the cognitive dissonance involved in stupid people saying “I can’t believe you’d kick me out of this country that I love so much. The cops in this country are so horrible I am always in fear for my life!”
Sorry. I have to add this quote from ThinkProgress:
Fucking narrow minded bigots.
They’re mad, absolutely MADD I tell you.
, especially those liberal-minded viewers who want to act just like those Alt-Right Super-Nazi Racist Fox viewers.
Sort of like the old saying about a conservative is a liberal who got mugged on the street last night.
Humanity will always find a way to circumvent stupid legislation.
When straws are outlawed, only outlaws will have straws.
It’s not a crime to be wealthy, he noted. And the pejorative term “oligarchs” and evidence of home renovations aren’t necessarily relevant to the charges in question, he added.
Fuck oligarchs. BTW, what’s an oligarch?
/Jury member.
Sounds like someone who likes to garch Olga. And garch is russian for fucking right?
/juror #2
Da Tavarish.
Alaska Airlines faces outrage from people on social media after a gay couple had to give up seats on a New York City-Los Angeles flight to make room for a straight couple.
The Seattle Times reports the couple accepted an apology Tuesday from the airline, which said there was a seating mistake not reflective of disrespect in Sunday’s incident.
David Cooley said he and his traveling companion were in their assigned seats when a gate agent asked his companion to give up his seat and move so another couple could sit together.
Coley, owner of a popular upscale gay bar in the West Hollywood section of Los Angeles, recounted the incident in posts on Facebook and Twitter.
Although Cooley said he protested that the two men were also a couple and wanted to sit together, he said the agent insisted that his traveling companion had to either move to coach or get off the plane.
This seems an American thing to me. I don’t see a European airline threatening to kick people off the plane if they don’t want to change seats so a couple can sit together. I find it very odd. You ask nicely and if the person said no well thems be the breaks.
I’m always inclined to suspect a missing element of stories like this since corporate America makes Liberace look like Larry the Cable Guy at a fag drag. That aside… you didn’t realize the seats weren’t adjacent when you booked the flight? Sit in the seats you bought or fuck off.
I am with you. My guess is we will find out that the gay factor had nothing to do with this decision, but the people that want to peddle an agenda decided to milk it for all it is worth. Airlines are nothing but cattle transportation these days. People that expect anything beyond subpar treatment will always be disappointed. The people working for these airlines are prone to do a lot of stupid and evil shit because they have to deal all day with loudmouth assholes and complaining douches, but in today’s day and age of PC correctness, I doubt as a fuck this could happen. Especially with the preponderance of gay men when it comes to the airline crews.
Who wants to sit with their SO, anyway? Judging you when you ask for a second mini for the third time.
Flying today so this seems particularly relevant. I’m just a single, undoubtably -on-the-spectrum, heartless libertarian but it’s always struck me the entitlement mentality exhibited by couple, particularly those with kids, that seems to be insulted by the airlines. Oh you’ve got kids? Bully for you, I paid for my seat with dollars same as you so why should I give up my isle or window seat because you aren’t smart enough to book seats next to each other?
Insulted…? Thanks phone…*indulged
This. I fly a lot, and I’ve been saying for years that I’d pay 10-15% more for tickets on an airline that catered only to business travelers; no one under 21, no kids, no pets, decent service, maybe actually real food on longer flights.
Right there with you. I caught a red-eye to Rekyavik last year and got to sit across the isle from a screaming toddler who kept it up the entire flight. I remember thinking “it would be worth a couple hundred bucks to me to not have to put up with this bullshit”…of course that wouldn’t have done anything to help with the punk-rock German dude in the isle behind me that smelled like two weeks of accumulated vinegary BO
Flying from Tokyo to Seattle in business class, in my chosen aisle seat – a dude asks me to switch so he can sit next to his wife and kid (wtf, kid in business class?). _his_ seat was in the dead middle row, in front of the bulkhead. I didn’t feel the least bit bad for saying no.
I noticed he didn’t ask the two people next to him on the bulkhead seats if they wanted to switch with his wife & kid.
“10-15% more”
I don’t mind moving so people can sit next to each other.
For me it would depend on the situation. I check-in early and sometimes pay extra for an aisle seat. Move to another aisle seat? Sure. Move to a middle seat? No.
I am not questioning the gay thing, just trying to force someone to switch seats as an airline policy. That is bullshit
Agreed, but it says right there in the contract you sign when you buy that ticket that the airline has the right to do so as long as they properly compensate you somehow (and that compensation is whatever they deem fair, not what you would like it to be). Not defending the airlines. I stopped flying as much as I used to specifically because of the horrible treatment and the TSA stupidity, and chose to travel for work less (and make more money by traveling), to avoid dealing with this shit.
I did not say the contract does not allow them. I sai european airlines dont do this and dont understand why american ones do. The optics are bad and it does not benefit them
From my travels I’ve noticed Americans are more likely to raise a fuss for not getting our way. I think it seems from the mentality of “the customer is always right” where as the Europeans are more used to having to be adaptable (more likely to regularly use public transportation, etc). I think the american airlines have long defaulted to appeasing the most vocal customers at the expense of those that try to politely and quietly get where they are going.
I dislike the more vocal asshole wins way of doing things.
As do I. If airlines didn’t have government quasi-monopolies I think we’d long ago had an airline enter the market that didn’t play these stupid games….infact I’d dare say we’d have “no kids” flights and all other kinds of discrimination that would make flying bearable again
I dislike the more vocal asshole wins way of doing things.
^This. Scream inside your head like civilized people.
Forced in this car probably means asked.
Don’t come between a dog and it’s bone.
A lot of wrong information in that article.
At worst, there was an IT screw up and two people ended up with the same seat assignment. So one would have to sit in another seat.
Secondhand inside information is one of the guys had a different seat & decided on his own to move (seat poaching) and was told to return to his original seat.
“All that is not expressly permitted is forbidden. No, seriously. That’s what its like to live in Massholechussetts.”
This link is duplicating the Manafort one.
That’s how bad it is. Mass didn’t have a law on the books allowing me to link the story, so I had to link another one. Then I realized I’m out of their jurisdiction.
That’s why they are Massholes Sloop.
No, private schools aren’t better at educating kids than public schools. Why this new study matters.
What are you going to believe, a public university study or your lying eyes?
Who cares? Public schools do the community a service by teaching the kids what they should believe in – such as the wonders of socialism and how evil and racist Amerikkka is – so they should be the ONLY form of schooling allowed you shitlord.
/progtardation off
It isn’t true, a new study confirms. – this is an idiotic claim. There are multiple studies that show the opposite. You can at most say that this study shows different and further research is needed to see which studies are better. A single study does not confirm shit.
I would like to take a look at their methodology, this has a whiff of manipulating data until you get what you want.
“The only problem? It isn’t true, a new study confirms.”
Contradicting the hundreds of studies that say otherwise. What is it they say? Keep testing until you get the results you want and then run with them?
Sounds like the whole European Union voting projects.
Yes, but the private schools are more likely to educate my children in the manner I desire. Even if the results on math and reading scores are equivalent, there’s less bullshit they have to unlearn in the social/political/philosophical arena later.
Who do you think you are that you can dictate where your kids go to school? Those aren’t “your” kids.
This is the line of thinking that scares my wife straight when politics comes up and we talk about government getting overly involved in peoples lives.
when socio-demographic characteristics are factored in.
I’m guessing they were a bit liberal with the “factoring” when they did that.
Or that poor children just don’t give a damn.
Get woke, shitlords!
Kids do about as well as their parents. The schools really don’t matter.
Funny how in families that value edumacation the kids will do well, regardless of how fucked up the school they go to is, while those that are ambivalent if downright hostile to it, end up with kids that learned nothing. Just saying…
Genetics plays a role too. But between that and family, school is pretty much meaningless. Which means school budgets are mostly a waste of money.
Parents are incredibly important in how their kids do at school. Before they are school age parents do all the teaching, lots, little or none. When they are in school parents set the tone of how important learning is.
Honestly I believe this new study is largely accurate.
It is not that private schools necessarily do a better job, some probably do, others are run exactly like public schools and so there is no basis for believing that it would do any better. The real difference is that the children of parents who care enough about education and their future success to spend the time and money to put their kids into a private school raise kids who are more academically inclined and motivated to do well in school.
Also, culture matters and so those kids raised in unhealthy subcultures with anti education and anti success ideals (aka urban poor and minorities who like to “keep it real”) are largely kept out of the private schools both because they can’t afford them and because if they don’t want to be there and learn the private school does not want their money
culture matters
This is why there is a huge difference between the huge catholic school where all the rich kids are dropped off because it’s the thing to do to show you “care” and the glorified homeschool coop where the parents are essentially co-teachers.
The culture of education as process has very different outcomes than the culture of education as community.
Ed Werder, is that you?
… the advantages supposedly conferred by private education evaporate when socio-demographic characteristics are factored in.
Who wants to bet that one of the demographic characteristics they factored for was attending private school?
Someone tell all the Democrat politicians sending their kids to private schools that they’re wasting money.
Oh wait.
So you’re saying that poor kids are just defective and can’t be helped? Mighty woke of you.
Of course, which flavor of schools are better overall doesn’t say much about which flavor is better for any given child. And gives no basis for limiting parents’, what’s the phrase?, oh yeah “right to choose” which school their kid goes to.
Why is it that abortion is the one thing that you can be pro-choice on, without being pro-abortion, but if you are pro-choice on anything else, well, you are pro-[anything else].
“People should be free to choose to buy a gun or not” = “pro-gun”
“People should be free to choose to send their kid to private schools” = “pro-private school” or, better, “anti-public school”.
Why is it that abortion is the one thing that you can be pro-choice on
Because the open secret is that they are pro-abortion, but they knew for the longest time that they’d be called out for being the monsters that they are if their true mantra (safe, legally encouraged, and commonplace) came to light.
They’re as pro-choice as the LGBT folks who use the term breeders as a slur.
Massachusets and manafort are the same link.
That’s the rumor going around.
Did you hear about this, though?
Retrial begins for man convicted of killing pregnant wife’s sex customer
You’re supposed to use a frying pan /Eating Raoul
So this chuck had to shoot the asshole he was gonna watch bang his wife because when the dude showed up she decided she didn’t want to anymore? Unless the problem was that the dude posted fake pictures of himself to fool her into letting him come bang her, these Smiths have no case. A deal is a deal!
Disagree. No deal is done until money is exchanged or contracts signed.
If car dealer decides to slap me around because I didn’t buy, he’s gettin’ a cap in his ass too.
::nods thankfully at Mike::
I figured I owed it to you since I occasionally -rarely- criticize your musical selections.
Thanks Mike… I was scrolling down to see if I had to complete that.
Have a great day. O-H…
*cheese eating grin*
*narrows gaze*
Nothing like getting up at 2:45 am to pick up a kid returning from a trip. I pray there is a nap in my future.
The scuttlebutt is that Tesla stock rose because Musk apologized for being an asshole on the earnings call.
Get that? I can’t think of a more surefire indicator that the stock is overvalued.
The fact that Musk isn’t publicly shamed for his mismanagement and that he’s cheered for doing the most basic things a CEO should do on an earnings call makes me wonder how much longer the charade can go on.
I mean, it’s not like the quality of their product makes up for the idiocy surrounding their chief executive.
Good to see the FBI field agents aren’t being distracted by the shenanigans the higher ups back in DC. They are keeping their eyes on the prize and are still busy spreading FUD about encryption and militias.
Yup. Only terrorists use protonmail. Only ISIS uses proton vpn.
Plot twist: the emails all went to undercover FBI agents.
Twist? Isn’t that the typical formula these stories follow?
The real twist would be that there are real white supremacists running the enterprise.
The FBI? How would that be a twist, that would just be being true to their roots.
Remember when that one militia burned a compound of men, women, and children alive, because they wouldn’t contribute. I heard the used encryption…
Oh wait that was the FBI? Nevermind.
A terroristic hate group, that FBI.
“That way there was no record of them going anywhere,” wrote Barbara Robbins, a member of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Illinois.
Absence of surveillance is evidence of guilt? That’s an rather unclearable bar.
That was a poorly written story. I had the same thoughts as you. It seemed like they had some scheme to block the gps tracking on their phones with some terrorist bag.
But if they weren’t using their phones, why wouldn’t they have left them back home or at their HQ and let them ping away and establish an alibi for themselves?
It is hard to believe, but journalos are getting worse and worse and answering the 5W’s in a clear succinct manner. Exhibit A The Twinkies traded their only “star” yesterday and the baseball writer took forever to get around to mentioning what the Twinks received in return for Dozier. It took 10 paragraphs to get around to mentioning the details of the trade. FUCK. That is all I cared about.
WTF is a terrorist bag? Just remove the battery, no?
Why would anyone who wasn’t a terrorist need a bag to block phone signals? So it must be a terrorist bag.
The Twins front office, and especially those fucking Pohlads, can all go fuck themselves with a red-hot poker.
I was looking for the quote from Jim Pohlad about how they needed Mps/SP to build them a new stadium so they could compete. This was the closest I could find:
If by that they mean giving a well past his prime Joe Mauer a quarter of the payroll, mission accomplished.
And what’s with the sarcasm quotes around “star”? He is a legitimate star. One of the top 2nd basemen in the league. Holds the AL record for HR’s by a 2nd baseman, a top defensive player, fan favorite, clubhouse leader…
Meh. He’s a super talented 2Bman, but he isn’t the kind of a guy who changes games. Or sells jerseys.
My kid (who is still a true believer) wasn’t upset at all yesterday when we traded him. Of course, he was already deadened by the front office selling off anyone who might be good to “rebuild”.
I sort of love this sort of nonsense because I get to rub it in the face of all my non-libertarian buddies who were all for the stadium because now the Twinks can compete. Needling them about being swindled by the second generation of Pohlads is a lot of fun.
exactly what I said yesterday about conspiracy charges. You can use evidence of one element of the crime as circumstantial evidence for another
I believe only COPS use protonmail.
For those fans of putting peanut butter where they want their dogs to lick them, think about that twice…
One of my cousins and his wife were visiting my uncle (and some other collected family members, myself included). One of my other cousins had recently had a kid and the wife of the first cousin was talking about how disgusting babies are and how she’d never have one. About 2 hours later the recently-adopted puppy she had brought along with her – the one that was licking her all over her open mouth earlier in the day – had diarrhea all over the carpet in my uncle’s spare bedroom where they were keeping it penned, and she dutifully went and cleaned it all up. People are strange.
It’s better that she stick to pets if she feels kids are ickky. Can you imagine the torture those kids would have to put up with with a parent that fucked in the head?
I thought for a second there the story was going to depict the dog shitting in her mouth.
My dog ate shit out of the toddler potty while I was helping my daughter wipe. No, I do not let him lick my face.
Had to stop lurking to add my story. Couple days ago my daughter missed her training potty entirely and left a massive load on our only area rug in the house. Good boy that he is, our pup gobbled it up and proceeded to puke it back up on the same rug. My wife came downstairs to me yelling and dry heaving.
Sconni bitches be dirty. Don’t ever let them lick you!
Fortunately I have a filter that blocks any URL’s that end in blood-infection-amputate.
“Tesla” recoded its worst financial quarter ever. And their stock rose.
So they made up for it in volume?
I guess when you go woke, you don’t only go broke, but you go hungry…
It’s not like we have not seen this play out every fucking time it happens, but these people continue to think this sort of stupid shit is a good idea. Corrupt kleptocrats will always want to do their thing, but people should know better. Then again, with so many people even in our country thinking this shit is what should be done in the name of social justice, maybe I am being too harsh on the morons now starving in SA.
How does that Heinlein quote about bad luck go again?
They are really going to Hell on the express.
As long as it has no chance of affecting me personally I love it when the people that love this collectivist shit get it and get it good from their own stupidity, so stories like this make me just laugh. When it is happening in my own backyard however, and I am looking to end up one of the victims of this stupidity, I think it bothers me.
You realize they are Commies? Rhamphosa is a calm one, the others are very vocal in HOW they want to take the land,
SA is now a Shithole……
All aboard the Zimbabwe train.
Ask that shit headed ass wipeTrevor Noah what he thinks of that shithole South Africa.
The bright side of public mass transit? I won’t be inundated for weeks/months/years about how evil capitalists are poisoning us for profit.
I’m sure this will all be swept under the rug with a “shit happens, what can you do?” because it was a government entity that let fuel leak into the ground for years. If the bus company was private it would have prompted a total freak out. Although I suspect a private entity would have discovered the leak a lot earlier because they cared about their costs.
+1 Gold King Mine
Depends. Can it be pinned on a Republican in some way?
A new pointless political tests
Stupid URL but am to lazy to make it prettier
Also weird results. I explicitly answered questions that acknowledged the need of government and land taxes…
Your top ideologies are:
Anarcho-capitalism 70%
Minarchism 50%
Paleolibertarianism 42%
Your worst ideologies are:
Guild socialism -88%
Synthesis anarchism -88%
Fourierism -88%
Gandhian economics -92%
Strasserism -100%
I gave up after clicking “No Opinion” to most of the questions.
Your top ideologies are:
Anarcho-capitalism 80%
Bleeding-heart libertarianism 50%
Civic nationalism 50%
The way a lot of the questions are worded is stupid. Example:
Workers’ unions do, of course, lead to inefficiency and/or corruption and/or unemployment. But it does not follow that they shouldn’t be allowed. And the fact that they’re allowed doesn’t mean they should be mandatory or enjoy privileges from the government in negotiation with management.
So the answer to that question is… fuck it, your questions suck.
Government intervention in markets in order to protect citizens’ interests is justified
So many stolen bases in the way these questions are written.
All your bases are belong to us.
Your top ideologies are:
Anarcho-capitalism 90%
Bleeding-heart libertarianism 88%
Minarchism 92%
Your worst ideologies are:
Anarcho-communism -36%
Guild socialism -38%
Trotskyism -40%
I broke it, somehow I’m both completely a minarchist, a bleeding-heart libertarian (Starts looking for a leather jacket, and also an anarcho-capitalist at the same time.
You sure did break something.
Hey at least my URL works.
Bryan Caplan is the face of bleeding heart libertarianism? That don’t seem right.
If you look at the ideologies one they out right say they just use a placeholder for that, which really goes to show you the effort they put into this.
There’s a huge presumption in that statement.
When’d you stop beating your wife, Scruffy?
Surprise I tend classical liberal
Although as usual the statements to agree/disagree with where often compound. “X is true, therefore do y.” I can believe x is true, but that doesn’t give me the right to do y to anyone else, so sometimes my answers confuse these quizzes.
That’s why I ended up saying “No opinion” to so many of these questions.
The only good thing is i learned some new ideologies…
Your top ideologies are:
Anarcho-capitalism 90%
Classical liberalism 90%
Civic nationalism 100%
Minarchism 92%
Your worst ideologies are:
De Leonism -70%
Deep ecology -83%
Compassionate conservatism -83%
Trotskyism -70%
Looks just about right to me with the exception of Civic Nationalism. I mean I do agree with parts of it, the idea that we should be an open pluralistic society welcoming all who hold a set of shared ideals, the problem is the ideals I think we all should hold are pretty different from what Civic Nationalists think
from their linked article on Civic Nationalism…
Uh, no. Sovereignty arises from each individual uniquely and each sovereign individual agrees to choose representatives to speak for him on matters of local, state, and national importance, however the sovereignty is not invested with those governmental entities it remains uniquely with each individual.
I’d say realistically my ranking for Civic Nationalism should be closer to the ~65% range, not anywhere near 100%.
Also, apparently they don’t even have an entry for the ideology I actually claim for myself, Rational Anarchism
You‘re The Deer
Deer Spirit Animal
What It Means To Be The Deer
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach.
The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations.
I am my own Spirit Animal.
Holy crap check out their statistics…
22 of the top 25 most agreed with ideologies are some variety of socialism, the only exceptions are Baathism and Kemalism which are both Fascism based and Market Environmentalism which is Capitalism based
An-Cap 100%
Bleeding-Heart Libertarian 100%
Minarchism 92%
We have found the One True Libertarian, and he is me!
Really, I think I’d be more Minarchist than An-Cap.
Bleading-Heart Libertarian. WTF is that? *clicks on more information* No, that doesn’t sound quite right, either.
This Urban Mayer thing pisses me off (and I hate THE Ohio State). This is now the second time I’ve come across a story where someone’s life is ruined not because they did anything wrong, but because they didn’t instantly “believe the victim” and ruin another persons life with little to no evidence. #metoo has now moved on to not just being weaponized against direct abuse (with little evidence), but in being weaponized to take down anyone who even thinks of questioning the narrative. Seriously, if you’re a boss and a rational person what do you do if some random woman accuses an employee of abuse. You almost have to fire them, regardless of evidence now, because otherwise, you are just as bad as the alleged abuser in the court of public opinion.
#metoo already destroyed due process with abuse claims, and now it’s punishing anyone who tries to reassert due process and protect the rights of the accused. It’s worse than a witch hunt.
Ya this one is on us. My director of interspecies marketing skin-suited his way through Michigan. He’s been super tail-hurt about The Game over the last couple of years.
Let’s hope it doesn’t destroy him. Because it will embolden the media to further fuck with people for the sake of exerting their power and their social signaling.
Remember: he’s being accused of allegedly not acknowledging alleged behavior that was never pursued legally by a victim until her meal ticket got fired after she called the cops on him for dropping their kids off at her house when he didn’t see her at the arranged drop-off point.
I’d be with you IF there wasn’t also the allegation that Meyer used his “life coach” and other contacts to pressure her into not pressing charges.
What I don’t get is why he’d do that for Zach Smith. Smith is a horrible coach. He’s ruined multiple 4 and 5 star WRs. Is it because who his grandfather is? That’s it?
The coverup will always get you worse than the crime (see: Tressel, Jim).
But there’s no evidence he did that. Her parents told her not to press charges. His parents asked her not to. Other coaches wives told her.
All Meyer’s advisor told her was that if she pursued it, he would lose his job. That’s merely stating a fact.
In this case it is even worse than that.
He might actually have believed the victim and merely followed her wishes at the time.
So it is not just that he didn’t immediately believe the victim but that he did not take the action that is demanded today when they victim asked that nothing be done at the time.
Would these same people have been ok with Meyer ignoring the victim’s wishes and gone on national TV to announce that he was firing a coach for beating his wife?
That’s show biz.
Sounds like Mexican #Shooter needs to come visit us in Minnesoda at The Great Neighborhood Get Together.
Beaver Island Brewing will be selling 300 half-barrels of lefse ale at the Minnesoda State Fair.
Humanity will always find a way to circumvent stupid legislation.
LifeFreedom finds a way.Exactly. “Humanities” record on that seems pretty fucked with some 120 million plus murdered and billions forced to live in miserable hell in just the last century. And the death toll is growing but not being tracked anymore, because a lot of the death and misery is now blamed on everything except the evils of collectivism and the people fooled into giving up freedom for a false promise of justice and security.
Council fines roofer £300 for having empty crisp packets and sandwich wrappers in his van – because he doesn’t have a licence to carry rubbish
Stewart Gosling kept a stash of packets and water bottles in a plastic waste bag
The 43-year-old was pulled over by council workers carrying out spot checks
They told him he was breaking the law by carrying rubbish without permission
Britian really hascollectively lost it’s mind. I anticipate they will soon start burning the works of Hume and Smith in the street.
I’d be looking to get even.
So if you’re not allowed to carry trash, does that mean I should just throw trash on the ground if I ever go there.
Civil political discourse in America.
In fairness, it’s only in response to the army of jackbooted right wingers who keep committing acts of political violence before herding gays and minorities into death camps.
Let me guess, she had a COEXIST bumper sticker on hers.
Yeah, I hope she ends up in jail and gets a tat saying she is property of the local bull dyke that runs that cellblock.
In fairness, it’s only in response to the army of jackbooted right wingers who keep committing acts of political violence before herding gays and minorities into death camps.
Dalmia? Is that you?
Jesus, the left are not well in the head.
Please, I pray, please the GOP wins the mid-terms and 2020.
I want to see the next level melt down.
I want to see the next level melt down.
It goes something like this
next level melt down
I would question if that was even possible. But history shows that there is always a next level.
I used to buy at least the premise PBP parroted all the time: we’re better off with an oppositional Congress than uniparty control. Nowadays, uniparty control under ‘pubs seems to have the same track record as gridlock.
The House investigations into the FBI and DoJ would end, of course… so no more anemic threats of contempt, I guess.
Mike, are you getting all gussied up to meet fancy folks this weekend?
They’ve had 5 sitting PM’s and 1 sitting President attend over the years, along with multiple ambassadors and cabinet level big-shots. It’s kind of amazing for a town of under 100 people in the middle of nowhere.
And no, I won’t be attending. I suppose I should one day since I’m so close, but meh.
Why does Iceland keep electing quadriplegics? Can the one that is visiting this weekend walk around on her own, or does she just sit there too?
That much inbreeding, it’s bound to happen.
*narrows gaze*
Florida man accused of trapping/selling endangered migratory birds. It’s a weird article to start with, until you get to the end…
What makes a florida person? The heat? The humidity? The miasmas of the swamps?
All 3, plus as a destination state we import crazy from all over the Western hemisphere.
And Lizard People
And they misspelled “shrike” 3 times that quickly.
According to an arrest affidavit, David Garcia-Gonzalez, 44, was seen in a surveillance video loitering inside the restaurant and having difficulty maintaining balance while walking and standing, when he walked behind the counter, grabbed a pair of tongs and threatened an employee who had just opened the register.
To be sure, this is innovative. But I would have stuck to the tried and true knife/gun method.
The would-be robber fled the store to a nearby car wash where officers detained him.
Police records show that Garcia-Gonzalez was charged with robbery by threat and is being held at the Travis County Correctional Complex on $13,000 bond.
So what you are saying is that he was separated from his family/children.
I’m sure some Chinese SJW’s will be along to claim cultural appropriation soon.
it’s worth a triad
Shouldn’t that be Tongans?
/Ducks for cover….
What the average American CEO looks like
I blame the Jews myself
We took the top 100 companies on this year’s Fortune 500 list,
Was your computer not powerful enough to do more than 100, or was there’s some other reason?
The Fortune 100 is as close as we can get to a representative sample of the ~10 million corporations located in the United States. Certainly, these 100 people represent the “average” American CEO.
People will say Tesla is not a car company and it’s not a car company but an energy company. It’s about disrupting energy. The big picture is his plan to create a self-sustaining energy eco-system. Hence his investment in Solar City, the Nevada plant etc.
I understand but if you don’t sell the cars above the burn cash rate, how long will investors/government inject capital/taxes into his project?
I find this the bullshit hipsterism of the business world. Oh we are not an ‘X company we are something different and disruptive
Like the ‘new paradigm’ tech companies were supposed to usher in back in the late 90s early 2000s before the ‘earth shattering kaboom’.
We were all gonna come to work in shorts and flip flops!
Hipster (rips tie from Rufus’s neck): You won’t be needing this anymore!
Rufus (grabs hipster by the collar): HEY, THAT’S A SHIBUMI!
I saw much worse than the dude in the picture in the Whataburger incident. I used to frequent one on Flour Bluff near the naval air station and you used to see some wired, toothless, and bizarre folks around 2 am.
Hey, are you coming here this week?
All ready here. Sorry I’ve been cloistered in Kumagaya for the last few days. Now I’m in Osaka till Tomorrow afternoon. But I’ll be in Tokyo for fri and sat night. If you able it would be great to meet a Glib for a drink.
Saturday would be tough, but Friday (tomorrow) after 8 or so would work depending on location. Shinjuku?
I’m staying near shinagawa station. It looks to be a bit far away but I can get there.
20 min by train. No problem.
You can email me at timeloose99@gmail.com
Give me an hour from now and I’ll confirm with the wife.
By the way when did Japan become Houston. Wow it’s been hot.
“Anyone who posts downloadable guns to the internet is violating federal law. It is the federal government’s job to enforce those laws, and I urge it to enforce them aggressively as to these prohibited items,” he (Washington AG Bob Ferguson) said.
Don’t answer the door Zardoz, they might be coming for you.
What federal law are they violating? Or is it the FYTW provision.
The if it isn’t explicitly approved it’s illegal provision.
On the term “oligarchs,” Ellis said use of the word implied that Manafort was associating with “despicable people and therefore he’s despicable.”
“That’s not the American way,” the judge said.
rabbitJudge.Manafort is on trial for being an oligarch, I guess. Land of the free. Home of the brave.
Black man wears ‘Caucasian’ shirt to expose the hypocrisy of white privilege
Yeah these social experiments are totes legit
It is like he never heard of the Fighting Whities
I wonder if any of the indians who went to college using money from that scholarship fund are ashamed of themselves for relying on racial bigotry?
That’s hilarious. I’m glad they got all worried when white people started buying the shirts because they’re funny.
From your wiki link:
LOL. The team proved so insulting to whites they were worried that white supremacists would wear their logo with pride.
Well, according to my grandfather, the guy in the logo’s hair is suspiciously dark and his nose is too big. He’d fall in the “white-ish” category, probably Italian or something like that. If you want to park close to the clubhouse, it’s Northern or Western Europe or GTFO. With an exception for Spaniards if they’re more Gallic or Celtic than Moorish. And northern Italians, because they’re pretty much just Austrians.
Clicked through. That’s hilarious. I’d buy one.
Also, why’s a black man appropriating a grievance from Native Americans? (Most of whom don’t GAF about the nontroversy.)
But, I’ve never seen white people do the same when people are wearing “Redskins” apparel, which is actually racist
Acknowledging race in anything but a self-hating manner while white is racism in the eyes of the neo-klansmen of the intersectional left.
What federal law are they violating? Or is it the FYTW provision.
Democratic Socialist Groups Spreading On College Campuses Across the Country
Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) have nearly quadrupled their presence on college campuses since the election of President Donald Trump.
The group’s constitution further explains how the group fights for Democratic socialism:
We educate our fellow students on how capitalism is negatively impacting every social justice issue from immigration rights to free healthcare to stopping global warming, and to organize campaigns that will combat these threats to our right to a better world. We practice radical solidarity with other campus and community groups that are fighting for justice, equality and liberation, and push for a true democracy in our campuses and local communities that will serve as the ground for for [sic] a democratic socialist future.
These terms/phrases struck me as…curious. Also, given that these people think they have a right to the product of the labor of others, I hear “democratic socialism” as “democratic slavery” and I shall be addressing it as such from this point on. Feel free to join me.
“Which is better – to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?
If you thought an oligarchy of slaveowners was bad wait until you get a load of a nation of them.
our right to a better world is a new level of stupid… I admire people striving for the unobtainable aka peak derp
Funny how “a better world” always ends up as property seizure, political persecution, internment camps and ultimately mass graves.
So bunches of campus socialists appended “democratic” to their clubs?
Woe is me:
Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change
Now they know how Jonathan Edwards felt when he wrote Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God
The only way we would have saved Gaia was global marxist social justice government!!!!!1eleventy!!
Fuck you, progtards.
The world’s major powers came within several signatures of endorsing a binding, global framework
Nothing was binding to the US unless it was a treaty ratified pursuant to US law. And enough with the alarm. You can’t stop the changing of the climate/weather of the planet any more than you can stop the planet from spinning.
We need common-sense volcano control.
and the loss of most coastal cities
Could the author elaborate on this part a bit? Like, how far in might we be able to get?
As a denizen of flyover country, I rather enjoy the prospect of the coastal cities going under.
…and the abandonment of the Persian Gulf
Well, that’s one way to solve the problems of the Middle East. Burn gas for peace!
“musician” Mojo Nixon
Sloopy is the Anti-Elvis
Mila Kunis Says She Got Into a ‘Blowup’ Over Trump with a Member of Ashton Kutcher’s Family
Stupid rednecks who just wouldn’t vote for Hillary because she’s a bitch can’t comprehend the intellectual sophistication of “When Trump gets elected all kinds of unspecified shit is going to go down by default”.
Ask the bitches Hillary’s husband manhandled and raped how Hillary treated them. I bet you she didn’t treat them like “sisters”, which is what all these proggie ladies demand from other womenz in regards to Hillary..
What’s funny is that her Twitter description says she is a “woman’s advocate.”
she doesn’t mind having differing opinions, as long as she can engage in a thoughtful discussion.
Translation: “She doesn’t mind differing opinions as long as you can agree that she is right.”
By default, if he wins, this is what will happen.
How do you argue against that?
Idk. Debates with the gf usually end with her saying “Well, I disagree”, without justification. And we leave it at that.
Anybody have any experience gathering a social media following. I’m toying with the idea of trying to put together a money making venture on insta and eventually YouTube. Content would be focused on us getting out of a half mil of debt, with an eventual expansion from daily insta posts to twice weekly 10 minute YouTube vids.
Anybody here made more than pennies in ad revenue on insta and YouTube? Any suggestions?
Be a really hot chick and take bikini pics I assume is not what you are looking for. In that case beats me…
Or be British and play Minecraft
What about a hot British Chick in a Bikini Playing Minecraft?
fake news!
If she was also funny, she’d be #1 on youtube.
My daughter watches so many of those videos she’s starting to talk in a British accent.
Dudes make a shit-ton of money at it too.
I don’t have any direct experience with that, but I have heard it said that there is no such thing as a self-made social media star nowadays (and hasn’t been for quite some time). It’s pretty Hollywood-ized. There’s agencies that all promise they can make it happen for you. Probably 1 in 1,000 is even close to legit.
I’m not really looking for millions of followers, just enough to where ad revenue pays for a dinner or two out per month. From my understanding, 5 figures of followers/viewers can get you a few bucks in ad revenue.
Styxhexenhammer is NOT a corporate shill.
He doesn’t even try to monetize and gets all his money from crowdfunding and occult book sales. Quite an interesting revenue model.
But he still can’t afford a shirt?
As far as YT is concerned, if your content is in any way controversial, which includes even the most inocuous nonleftist political content BTW, you’ll have quite an uphill battle.
I already considered that, which is why I’m choosing the content that I am. No politics, no controversy. The target audience is young families and specifically single income families.
Sorry, that came off a bit snarky. I appreciate the comment. Id love to talk politics and news and stuff, but that’s not really a money maker on socials.
but that’s not really a money maker on socials.
Hate to break it to you, but nothing is a money maker that doesn’t involve tits and/or video games.
Ugh fiiiine! /exasperated teenaged girl voice
*duct tapes moobs together and dusts Playstation controller off*
This… best bet? Video games, with political commentary as an aside. Namedrop books or articles? Yeah – it will fail. 🙁
Supporters pack courtroom for convicted killer seeking new trial in Cobb County
Anderson of Kennesaw called a locksmith after locking his keys in his car at a Cobb Walmart on May 25, 2014, according to investigators. Anderson told the locksmith, Tansu Kanlica, to follow him to an ATM so he could get the $175 he owed. But then Anderson appeared to try to get away without paying, according to prosecutors, and passed his bank and several ATMs.
During Anderson’s trial, Kanlica testified that Anderson “brake checked” him, and that he swerved left to avoid hitting him, then over-corrected to the right. That’s when Kanlica jumped a curb and struck three teenagers, killing two.
Kanlica took a plea deal and was sentenced to 20 years, but later had his sentence reduced to 10 years. He was a key witness for prosecutors in Anderson’s trial. That meant it was one man’s word against the other, Merchant said.
“The bottom line was: Nobody could say that Garrett Anderson was even present at the time of the accident that killed these two little girls and injured the third,” Petrey said.
But a jury convicted Anderson of two counts of vehicular homicide, one count of serious injury and one count of aggressive driving. Anderson was 25 when he was sentenced in 2015 to serve 15 years.
I don’t see how this guy can be convicted when a guy that was following him caused the accident. Especially since there was little proof of the break check, but either way a break check should not cause you to commit an accident, if it does you were driving to close.
Failure to assure a safe distance led to the accident. You always treat the vehiclenin front of you as if they will do something erratic. And maintain a distance that allows you to safely react.
My guess is the brake checks are bullshit and the dude jumped a curb because he wasn’t paying attention. Anderson’s conviction is absurd. He should ask for a bench trial and this should be tossed out with prejudice in about 10 minutes.
We educate our fellow students on how capitalism is negatively impacting every social justice issue from….
Wealth envy is an ugly thing.
But it sells because so many more people that suffer from it these days feel quite unashamed admitting so and demanding they get to take from others.
Farm regrets opening fields after social-media butterflies trample flowers
Police were called after swarms descended on site to snap selfies with sunny crop
The hope was to earn a little extra income during the two weeks that the family farm’s crop was in bloom.
But Ontario’s largest sunflower grower soon found itself backtracking on the idea, after it was swarmed by selfie-seeking visitors who trampled all over their crops and clogged up the nearby highway.
I sometimes hate humanity.
Here in Colombia, the hypocrisy of western cocaine users is laid bare
As I read the comments by the London mayor Sadiq Khan on middle-class cocaine users fuelling violence in the capital last week, I was boarding a flight to Medellín, in Colombia. On Tuesday, Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan police commissioner, followed up, calling liberal cocaine users hypocrites. Reading about this debate in a notorious cartel city, I agreed largely with Khan and Dick. But I couldn’t help but think about how much further than London the consequences reach.
Yes nothing to do with prohibitions which have never worked like ever. The hypocrisy is the issue here. Middle class users are fueling the violence.
What, have you forgotten all the shootouts between druggists when heroin was sold OTC?
Wait a minute. I thought if they banned the wrong words and got rid of knives, everything in London would be peachy. You mean they’ve moved on to a new bogeyman?
They also need to ban broken bottles. After that utopia
I like the sippy cup lids – straws have always been bullshit (you get a pass, as a dude, if you have a beard).
Ok, so Pope Jimbo got me all riled up about the Twins dumping payroll…again. I found a great article from 2016 exposing the lie that the Twins are a “small market” team. I know very few of you give a shit, but I thought it was an interesting read.
The Minnesota Small-Market Con
There was some twins hate in yesterdays links
I have a buddy who bought 8 season tickets when the stadium opened. He goes to a bunch of games, but the tickets were mostly an investment. He made out like a bandit the first 2-3 years because everyone wanted to go to the new stadium.
After that, he lost his shirt. He finally gave up on them. No one is more bitter about the fact that the Pohlads are cheap bastards who siphoned off all that new stadium money and put it right into their own pockets and fielded shit teams.
Since we bought those motherfuckers a new stadium, the Twins have had the worst record in baseball.
“Whaaaa! We need a new stadium to compeeeeeete! We’ll contract if you don’t and the Twin Cities economy will dieeeeeeeee!!”
Fuck them all.
You forgot to put a roof on it.
You gave yourself away!
Nothing endears you to your new fan base like bitching about the new stadium because you get cold in spring.
People around here are clamoring for a baseball stadium in downtown Kansas City.
After having my eyes opened about the glories of baseball around 2014, I am bitter to realize my husband is right when he says the Royals are the farm team for the rest of the league.
Not interested in that and certainly not interested in a new stadium for a team the rest of the league picks clean every couple of years.
Well, they did go to the WS that year and won it the next year.
If a feeder team like the Royals can win a WS every 30 years, which is a greater frequency than the baseball teams in Chicago, Houston, Cleveland, and Dallas (just to name a few), that’s not bad.
When you put it that way, it does put a different spin on it.
I guess I expected they would finish at least at .500 in succeeding seasons. I simply don’t like feeling so SAD when they lose. It’s a sports team FFS. What’s my stake? Apparently, a lot.
In this environment where players seemingly move around more than before – I don’t know for certain that that’s the case – we really are rooting for laundry these days.
Back in 1998, there was a question on the election ballot in the Triad area of North Carolina (Greensboro/High Point/Winston-Salem) as to whether public money should be spent to build a baseball stadium to woo the Twins to move from Minnesota. It failed, because it was a stupid proposal.
I don’t think that’s germane to the conversation. Just a thing I just remembered.
Huh. I don’t remember hearing that back then. Interesting.
I think that was the Don Beavers fiasco. He pretended that his good buddy was going to buy the team and move them to NC.
What did any thinking person think was going to happen? Carl Pohlad was a real life Monty Burns. His entire career is basically swindling people. He bought the bus system, looted it to build Northwest airlines and then tricked the city into buying the bus system back only to find that everything was in shit condition and not nearly worth as much as they had paid for it.
Then he tried swindling Minneapolis several times to get a new stadium (Don Beavers fake deal, contraction). Why would anyone continue negotiating with an asshole who you caught trying to cheat you? I guess if you are playing with other peoples’ money that isn’t such a red flag for you.
I learned something in my most recent rage-induced anti-Pohlad research: At the time Bud Selig was pushing contraction -and completely illogically naming the Twins as the 2nd best contender for it- he held an outstanding $3M loan from Carl Pohlad…against league rules. I don’t recall that coming out back then. If it did, it was a buried lede. What a couple of fucks.
Trump is a national security threat.
How much still remains to learn?
Yet there is one way in which the “collusion is not a crime” talking point actually directs attention in the right direction. The Trump presidency’s connections to Russia are a national-security issue first, a criminal-justice issue only second.
Donald Trump owes his presidency at least in considerable part to the illegal assistance of the Russian state: hacking, data theft, prohibited election advertising. This compromised president has in office launched himself against U.S. alliances and trade arrangements built by administrations of both parties over the past three-quarters of a century. The president describes the European Union as a “foe,” quarrels with Canada and Germany, and enters into agreements with Putin that he seems not to have shared even with his own secretary of state and national-security adviser. He blabs vital secrets to the Russian foreign minister, resists holding Russia to account for nerve-agent attacks on British soil, and refuses to implement sanctions voted almost unanimously by Congress. Meanwhile, the single data point that supposedly proves how tough he is on Russia—the provision of lethal aid to Ukraine—may actually prove something very different. Ukraine halted its cooperation with the Mueller probe ahead of the sale, to “avoid irritating the top American officials.”
“Collusion is not a crime” in the same way that a counter-intelligence investigation is not a criminal prosecution. Aspects of collusion may be criminal, but collusion itself is above all a threat to national security: the installation of a president beholden to some greater or lesser degree to a hostile foreign power.
Sure, dude. Whatever. Take your meds.
Remember all those many long years ago during the Iraq war and the remainder of the Bush presidency when the mantra of the American left was “Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels”?
He blabs vital secrets to the Russian foreign minister
Maybe. But he’ll be more flexible after his second election.
Donald Trump owes his presidency at least in considerable part to the illegal assistance of the Russian state: hacking, data theft, prohibited election advertising.
Great. I’m sure you have evidence of this. Why don’t you turn it over to Robert Mueller. I’m sure he’d be fascinated.
That’s the thing here, Major public narratives are getting spread around without an iota of supporting evidence.
There’s a much, much, much, simpler explanation of why Donald Trump won. Hilary Clinton got overconfident. Rather than focusing on winning the 50 state elections, she decided to try to run up her totals and establish coattails. So, she took the “Blue Wall” (Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania) for granted and never bothered campaigning there. She embraced gun control to try to endear herself to progressives and alienated large swaths of voters in….you guessed it, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump owes his presidency at least in considerable part to the illegal assistance of the Russian state: hacking, data theft, prohibited election advertising.
Only the last one of those can be accurately pinned on Russians. And by blaming that and seeking prosecutions for it, they’re essentially saying the First Amendment should go away.
Actually, it’s worse. They’re saying people engaging voluntarily on a private platform should be prosecuted based solely on their nationality, not what they chose to say. And those people never set foot in the United States!
The ACLU should be having kittens over this. But they’ve abandoned free speech as a foundational principle.
You’re absolutely right. And to add to your point, have you actually seen the Horrifying Russian Propaganda of Evil(tm)? None of this stuff was changing anyone’s mind.
The ACLU is, and always was, a Commie front organization. They’ll support the Constitution when it suits their agenda and they won’t when it doesn’t. Everyone cites the KKK march in Skokie as evidence of how principled they are, but there was little risk in them doing that since the KKK was already on its way out and it allowed them to have some bona fides to point at and say “Look! We protect abhorrent speech too!”, while quietly working to gut the BoR.
I’m sure Mexican citizens had more of an effect on the election than Russian citizens.
Long-term disaster is now the best-case scenario. Three-degree warming is a prescription for short-term disaster: forests in the Arctic and the loss of most coastal cities. Robert Watson, a former director of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has argued that three-degree warming is the realistic minimum. Four degrees: Europe in permanent drought; vast areas of China, India and Bangladesh claimed by desert; Polynesia swallowed by the sea; the Colorado River thinned to a trickle; the American Southwest largely uninhabitable. The prospect of a five-degree warming has prompted some of the world’s leading climate scientists to warn of the end of human civilization.
Who doesn’t love a good Doomsday Cult?
All that death, all that destruction; it gives me a tingly feeling.
I take it they are unfamiliar with the medieval warm period.
the American Southwest largely uninhabitable.
So some things will remain the same?
I love that 1979-1989 was THE DECADE we could’ve saved the world; ignore completely that technologies since then have gotten much more efficient and clean. Though I do agree, we could have far fewer emissions if watermelon retards hadn’t blocked every attempt to increase the number of nuclear power plants.
In important (to me at least) beer event news, I’ll be down in Canal Winchester in a couple of weeks for BrewDog’s Annual General Mayhem (shareholder’s meeting), as well as Denver in September for the Great American Beer Fest if any Glibs in the area(s) want to meet up.
Ellis, who warned prosecutors against using the word “oligarchs” to describe wealthy Ukrainians, several times admonished them for spending so much time documenting Manafort’s extravagant lifestyle.
It’s not a crime to be wealthy, he noted. And the pejorative term “oligarchs” and evidence of home renovations aren’t necessarily relevant to the charges in question, he added.
Depends on who you ask.
Sounds like they didn’t do a very good job judgeshopping.
Great links today, Sloop! I like the musical selection, but I would have grooved on this as well.
I almost went with The Cutter, but decided on the easier selection.
But thanks for bringing that one up. A great song.
Speaking of wealth envy
Last month, Bloomberg reported that Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and owner of the Washington Post, has accumulated a fortune worth $150 billion. That is the biggest nominal amount in modern history, and extraordinary any way you slice it. Bezos is the world’s lone hectobillionaire. He is worth what the average American family is, nearly two million times over. He has about 50 percent more money than Bill Gates, twice as much as Mark Zuckerberg, 50 times as much as Oprah, and perhaps 100 times as much as President Trump. (Who knows!) He has gotten $50 billion richer in less than a year. He needs to spend roughly $28 million a day just to keep from accumulating more wealth.
This is a credit to Bezos’s ingenuity and his business acumen. Amazon is a marvel that has changed everything from how we read, to how we shop, to how we structure our neighborhoods, to how our postal system works. But his fortune is also a policy failure, an indictment of a tax and transfer system and a business and regulatory environment designed to supercharging the earnings of and encouraging wealth accumulation among the few. Bezos did not just make his $150 billion. In some ways, we gave it to him, perhaps to the detriment of all of us.
The impoverishment of the latter and the wealth of the former are linked by policy. Take taxes. The idea of America’s progressive income-tax system is that rich workers should pay higher tax rates than poor workers, with the top rate of 37 percent hitting earnings over $500,000. (The top marginal tax rate was 92 percent as recently as 1953.) But Bezos takes a paltry salary, in relative terms, given the number of shares he owns. That means his gains are subject to capital-gains taxes, which top out at just 20 percent; like Warren Buffett, it is possible he pays effective tax rates lower than his secretary does.
America is a shithole. A dystopian nightmare of fabulously wealthy capitalist oligarchs laughing at the impoverished suffering of their victims. If only we could forcibly confiscate their casino winnings and distribute them to the noble deserving proletariat. It’s not fair.
Fucking oligarchs. Bonk bonk on the head is what they deserve.
Why, if we confiscated his entire fortune we could make up about 25% of the federal budget deficit for this year! We would be 4/10ths of 1% closer to the 32 trillion dollars we need to pay for universal Medicare over the next decade!
Presuming of course that there would be no loss of value in his Amazon equity upon its liquidation.
He needs to spend roughly $28 million a day just to keep from accumulating more wealth.
Tweet I saw last night: “Jeff Bezos could give everyone in the United States one million dollars in just twelve days.” Followed a short time later with “Math isn’t my strong suit,” and then some bleating about the superiority of Communism.
“Amazon is a marvel that has changed everything from how we read, to how we shop, to how we structure our neighborhoods, to how our postal system works.”
For this reason you should either be thanking Bezos profusely for all of the vast improvements to your life, or dropping Amazon Prime and buying all of your shit down at the corner store. Forget about all those unusual items that in times past you’d have to hunt for or go without, now you make a few clicks and it magically shows up at your door two days later.
“But his fortune is also a policy failure, an indictment of a tax and transfer system and a business and regulatory environment designed to supercharging the earnings of and encouraging wealth accumulation among the few. Bezos did not just make his $150 billion. In some ways, we gave it to him, perhaps to the detriment of all of us.”
Of course we gave it to him you fucking Commie twat. We gave it to him because his creation offered us superior service and convenience compared to other options. How in the fuck is incredible convenience and accessibility of any product you can imagine a detriment? Oh I get it. It’s because you weren’t smart enough or brave enough or savvy enough to start a zillion dollar business and if you can’t have it, no one should be able to. Stick to your work as a “journalist” and keep shitting out walls of text about how American capitalism is such an enormous failure while buying obscure, hard-to-find products from Amazon on your iPhone while sipping your Starbucks latte in your hipster-sensible Toms shoes.
Completely off topic, but I actually loathe Amazon’s layout and search system. It’s one of the worst e-commerce platforms I’ve ever used. Still boggles my mind how it ended up on the top of the heap. Newegg, eBay and Alibaba are all miles ahead in terms of usability and features, IMO. The only e-commerce platform that rivals Amazon’s in terms of raw shittiness is Walmart, which IIRC is right behind Amazon by market share. I don’t do any online shopping on my mobile though, so maybe that accounts for it.
That having been said, if Amazon was just a retailer it would probably be out of business by now. Cloud services are almost single-handedly driving their valuation.
I wonder how much of their success is driven by people who browse and fill up their carts with things they didn’t know they wanted vs. single-purpose users finding the one item they need. I don’t browse Newegg, I use it to find the best price on the part I need. But if Amazon is geared toward browsers, that might explain their market dominance.
The beauty to Amazon is that they are so friendly to sell your product for you. As a micro-seller you can sell obscure crap and profit from the long tail of the market. I have no idea how easy it is to do business with the other sites you mention. I know that every time I try to use eBay now, I am driven into rages trying to prove to them that I am who I say I am.
Amazon’s cloud services were just them being smart enough to figure out that they could rent out all that excess computing capacity they bought in anticipation of their future ecommerce needs. Then it took a life of its own on and now it is huge.
Forget about being able to buy obscure shit on your iPhone. I love Amazon because of how ridiculously easy it is to spin up the compute environment you need when you want and only pay for what you use. Where the fuck was that when I was working at startups and spending shit tons of time and energy in a data center racking physical servers and installing OS’ and software?
“it is possible he pays effective tax rates lower than his secretary does”
SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY WITH THIS TROPE. For the progressive retards (but I repeat myself) in the audience, capital gains tax is a completely separate entity from income tax. If you resent this so much, get smarter and start investing your money in such a way that you minimize your income tax, just as these “wealthy oligarchs” do. Or better yet, start supporting tax reform that drastically lowers or eliminates income tax as a tax on productivity.
But no. You’d rather continue to believe in perpetual motion machines and moneytrees and magical fairy dust and unicorns and if we could just increase taxes on the “wealthy” ONE MORE TIME utopia would have permission to begin. Fucking children.
The best part about the cap gains canard is that it’s usually employed against hedge funds and day traders, who typically do not hold positions long enough to qualify for the cap gains tax and instead pay the ordinary income tax rate on short-term capital gains.
And missing from that analysis is the fact that Bezos only has those capital gains on paper as part of his net worth. He owns a set of assets that have a current market value of $150bn (their value would plummet if he tried to sell). These people are complete utter and total economic illiterates.
But his fortune is also a policy failure,
What the fuck can you say about someone this goddamned stupid who is writing as the economic policy editor at a national magazine? She writes just the sentence before about how Bezos’s work has improved millions of people’s lives. How is his fortune a “policy failure”? Whose life is made any worse by the fact that Bezos is worth whatever he’s worth? He created a lot more value than that.
What we need is a nationalized online marketplace to compete with Amazon, modeled on the wild success of the Obamacare exchanges…
Sorry, obviously it’s a government site so they would name it… .net
Like our local sheriff’s office.
I like it.
Without torturing myself by reading the article, I assume it’s a policy failure in that the government could have seized so much more of that wealth than they did, and put it to so much better use. Also, they’re not sure what this “assets” thing you’re talking about it is, but it sounds like a bunch of rich-white-guy talk.
We have a Nazi government that rounds up brown people and puts them in camps, and sometimes sends those people back to their home countries (which is somehow worse than keeping them here in Nazi camps…?). Why would lefties want the feds to have more money?
Well obviously it wouldn’t go to those feds, jeez. This would be after they take back their country and finally have a permanent majority.
There was a dude who replied to that on Twitter saying that with the money he accumulates in 12 days, he could give each American $1 million.
I wasn’t sure whether the worst part was the economic illiteracy or the mathematical illiteracy.
In recent months, the Trump administration has tilted policy to enhance these decade-long trends, rather than to counter them. President Trump himself has hammered Amazon for not paying high enough postage rates, and taken Bezos to task for the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-winning coverage of his administration. Yet his White House has slashed taxes for corporations and the rich, rather than for middle-income workers, all while preserving loopholes and deductions for investment income. It is now reportedly seeking to give away another $100 billion to investors via a capital-gains tax cut. It has reduced companies’ regulatory burdens and appointed the most pro-business Supreme Court in history. It has declined to push for higher minimum wages, or stronger workplace protections.
The result of these decades of trends and policy choices is that Jeff Bezos has accumulated a $150 billion fortune while the average American family is poorer than it was when the Great Recession hit. Concerns about such astonishing levels of inequality are not just about fairness, nor are they just sour-grapesing about runaway success. The point is not that Jeff Bezos himself has done wrong by accumulating such wealth, or creating such profitable and world-changing businesses. But wealth concentration is bad for the economy and the country itself, and the government has failed to counter it. Rising inequality fuels political polarization and partisan gridlock. It slows economic growth, and implies a lack of competition that fuels economic sclerosis. It makes the government less responsive to the demands of normal people, potentially putting our very democracy at risk. Bezos’s extraordinary fortune shows that the game is rigged. He just happened to play it better than anyone else.
“Concerns about such astonishing levels of inequality are not just about fairness, nor are they just sour-grapesing about runaway success. ”
Bullshit, honey.
There are actually a few worthwhile observations buried in there about noncompete agreements and local tax deals, but the whole thing comes off as a long weepy lament about the good old days. Maybe Annie Lowery just wants America to be great again.
Make Cars Great Again.
Some steps in the right direction, but this quest for safety still irks me. I had a 1984 Honda CRX that got over 50MPG and was cheap to buy and own. I would buy one today, even if it didn’t have all the gee-whiz ‘safety’ technology.
Is this in response to nixing California’s privilege of setting fuel efficiency standards for the country?
Relaxing Obama regs and addressing the Cali situation:
But people might die!!!
Sorry. While I think California is STUPID in their regs I am having a hard time finding where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to set emissions rates on cars. This BELONGS with the states
The correct way to handle this is to have car companies actually run 2 production lines, one for cars in more reasonable states and one for California and then maye Californians pay the full burden for that cost in the price of their cars. Make it absolutely clear to the residents of the Peoples Republic exactly what their government is costing them, actually list it as a line item on the sticker price then if the Cali voters are good with paying that cost then so be it
I am having a hard time finding where in the Constitution it authorizes the federal government to set emissions rates on cars.
The EPA was established under the Commerce Clause. Which exposes state environmental laws from being invalidated by the dormant Commerce Clause (or would, if SCOTUS hadn’t made an utter hash of dormant Commerce Clause with its “health and safety” exception). As it is we have the worst of both worlds. Even the EPA and proper application of the dormant Commerce Clause would be better than this.
The ideal would probably be no federal environmental regulation at all, and state compacts for dealing with environment issues that cross state lines.
Though I do agree, we could have far fewer emissions if watermelon retards hadn’t blocked every attempt to increase the number of nuclear power plants.
That, and the “safety” regulations which have completely locked out technological innovation.
Warty and A Leap at the Wheel, did y’all see this?
Ureleased Pre-Burzum and Burzum stuff
Reposted from last night
One of the state troopers who shot Roy Finicum after the Malhuer incident was named in open court, yet the local newspaper is still going along with his life is in danger BS that the state police is using to hide the names of the shooters.
A little googling turns up this guy has multiple officer involved shootings including at least 3 fatalities. Some of this stems from him being on the state police SWAT team perhaps, but after the number of shootings he’s done, I question whether he has the correct judgement for anything other than pull the trigger and ask later. In May 2012 for instance, he was involved in not one but two different shootings in the same month. I’m of the opinion that the state police are covering up the names because they don’t want someone to do some digging with the associated publicity of how exactly someone is allowed to rack up that kind of record.
I had a 1984 Honda CRX that got over 50MPG and was cheap to buy and own. I would buy one today
I had one; a ’91, I think. That car was awesome, and it got 50+ mpg at 80 miles per hour on the highway. Excellent low drag aero. I wouldn’t mind having another one.
I had an ‘86 CRX. I loved it. Would buy again.
I have an Si. I love it. The only complaint I have is audio controls.
I had a Volvo 240DL. 1984. Built like a damn tank. 0 – 60 in about a minute and a half, provided you were heading downhill, but absolutely indestructible. I’d buy one right now if I could find one for sale that wasn’t being sold at collector/enthusiast prices.
I’ve owned four. All in all, one of the best vehicles ever built.
Speaking of Amazon (and Hondas)- I need to order brake cylinders, shoes and wheel bearings for the back of my Civic wagon.
Don’t order them from Amazon! You’re only putting more money in the pocket of that pond scum robber baron Bezos! Instead, make your life 1000% more inconvenient and drive all over Creation looking for them at every Mom n’ Pop auto parts store in Montana; can’t go to those corporate shitholes like Autozone either, they’re almost as bad as that Quisling traitor Bezos!
drive all over Creation looking for them at every Mom n’ Pop auto parts store in Montana (who bought them from Amazon or one of the corporate shitholes)
But seriously, RockAuto is a legit alternative.
*I suppose someone will come along and ruin that for me by telling me it was bought out by Soros.*
Instead, make your life 1000% more inconvenient and drive all over Creation looking for them at every Mom n’ Pop auto parts store in Montana
Sort of off this topic, but related, I tend to use Vitalis as a grooming supply (laugh all you want; it works well). About a year ago, almost everywhere I had seen it stopped carrying it. I was pretty much told that they couldn’t justify keeping it because it sold in low volume. I found multiple entries and a good price for it on Amazon. It’s one of those things that idiots like the Basic Bitch Atlantic writer don’t get. Amazon actually makes stuff available that otherwise wouldn’t be able to be justified.
I’ve bought a lot of parts from Amazon. Getting them on Friday for the weekend without having to deal with the slack-jawed kid at NAPA or O’Reiley is awesome.
I have a guitar strap and a new guitar cable arriving tomorrow. I love Amazon. Never having to deal with the guitar guy, or listen to his million mile an hour pull-offs at the music center is awesome.
For my music purchases I prefer American Musical Supply.
Reverb, Sweetwater, are good too.
Yes they are. But since I’m a poor, AMS’s little payment arrangements are good for my so-called budget.
I bought Spawn 2 a bass from Sweetwater. They were a joy to deal with.
million mile an hour pull-offs
Sounds like the guitar guy must still be pretty young.
Slate says something rational about 3D printing of guns.
The imagination runs wild if you think of 3D printers like the Replicators on Star Trek, freely printing any object a user wishes. But that’s not what this is. From what we’ve already learned by examining the Liberator handgun, we can see that the gun is little more than a political manifesto in a CAD file. It is a gun that costs thousands of dollars to make in a way that will work, and even then will likely break shortly after its first use. It takes knowing the technical details of what’s at stake to make that more rational policy judgment, and a legal action that would remove the technical information from the public debate harms the competent regulation of 3D-printed guns more than it helps.
It takes knowing the technical details of what’s at stake to make that more rational policy judgment
*rabid mob tears author into 10 million pieces*
A different article at Slate was less rational. Basically saying “Stop worrying about 3D printing — it’s those 80% ghost guns we should shit our pants about.”
Terrorists printing plastic box cutters is a more credible concern than nerds toying with printed firearms.
Or just buying ceramic knives.
Look, don’t you understand that if we start taking rational assessment of risk into account, our entire gun grabbing program is going straight down the toilet?
a legal action that would remove the technical information from the public debate harms the competent regulation of 3D-printed guns more than it helps.
Of course, the baseline assumption is that we need to “competently regulate” (which I am pretty sure means “ban”) 3-D printed guns. So Slate isn’t standing up for any principle other than state control, as far as I can tell from the excerpt.
The article talks about the difficulty in printing guns and explains that politicians are making statements that are factually wrong while trying to ban the publication of the technical date for making printed guns. The article further states that technical data should be freely available.
But yes, in the end, the article finishes with “but of course we want to regulate these weapons”.
I said rational, not correct.
Why is it the party of radical progressive change is so reactionary and conservative in some domains? If prohibitionists suggested heavily regulating ISPs and consumer access because “dark web” malefactors make it marginally easier to buy drugs anonymously, they’d be written off as reactionary luddites with no sense of proportionality. But progressives make the same case for a budding technology with very marginal, and much more speculative, public safety concerns, and it’s still considered… progressive, to call for its tight regulation.
Maybe I’m just mincing words, but I don’t think progs would take well to the idea that they’re not radicals on the vanguard of social change and technological dynamism, or that that pro-1A/2A libertarians/conservatives aren’t backward luddites like gold bugs and prayer in school types. But in this case, as with Net Neutrality, that’s the dynamic playing out: the reactionaries are hysterical progressives, and the radical liberalis are all to their right.
It’s about power, control and acting in service of an agenda. That means they’ll be radical when necessary and reactionary when necessary. Their only principle is power.
I actually loathe Amazon’s layout and search system. It’s one of the worst e-commerce platforms I’ve ever used. Still boggles my mind how it ended up on the top of the heap.
I wholeheartedly agree. Finding parts on Amazon can be a monstrous pain in the ass. Plugging in a part number is about the only way to find what I’m looking for.
I was just thinking about that a while ago. I suspect a big part of it is to keep you from making an end run around
Amazon’sSatan’s seller fees by going directly to a supplier to get your questions answered.And even if that’s true, suppliers must hate having to deal with customers outside the retail experience. Sure, you lose a couple percent to Amazon’s cut, but if you’re routinely selling x-100k parts a month, the benefit of making a few bucks more on a given purchase is pretty trivial.
My frustration with Amazon is that I usually settle on a manufacturer, and I want to see their whole line-up. Amazon usually carries random selections from various manufacturers, depending on what the third-party vendors who use its platform have. So I have to go to another website anyway to see the whole line-up and pick what I want. At that point, why would I go back to Amazon to buy it?
But that’s not really an Amazon issue, that’s a third-party vendor issue.
Generally, Amazon is really bad for comparison shopping.
After working 10, 12, and 11 hours the last three days, I have zero motivation to be productive today. Thankfully I have a social event this afternoon for work and I’m taking tomorrow off, so I just need to get to 3:30 today.
Someone quoted a dipshit about the growing wealth inequality. I can’t be arsed to go find it and thread my reply, so I’ll P Brooks it here:
We live in the time of the least income inequality since man crawled out of caves. The average poor person enjoys wealth only the select few enjoyed a matter of a half century ago. Everyone who has “more” than them are enjoying conveniences.
Virtually limitless communication and information for all. Inexpensive transportation, heat, food, entertainment and education prospects for all. Accessible health care regardless of location or station.
Poor people are richer than the Vanderbilt’s of the 1930s by an order of magnitude when it comes to tangible things rather than money. Anybody bitching about relative wealth needs to open a history book and stop bitching about the Bezos’s and Gates’s of the world. Those people made earth better than it was. They’ve earned what they made. The collectivists who want to steal everything from the producers will set mankind’s trajectory back multiple generations of they get their way. They should be beaten with a hose for even thinking those thoughts.
They should be beaten with a hose for even thinking those thoughts.
*downloads software for 3-D printed hose*
Well, as long as you don’t cut it into straws.
“Poor people are richer than the Vanderbilt’s of the 1930s by an order of magnitude when it comes to tangible things rather than money.”
Sure, for tangible things maybe. But not in terms of having someone to do something for you instead of doing it yourself. My distant Vanderbilt cousins didn’t have to cook for themselves, or go to the grocery store, or drive themselves through NYC traffic, or clean the toilet seats, or
wipe up the baby’s barf. Poor people still have to do all those things, as do most middle class folks.
If you* did without your smart phone, cell service, cable, internet, new car, expensive shoes, expensive jeans, stainless steel appliances, electricity, etc, etc, etc, you’d* likely have enough money to hire a butler, maid and nanny.
I don’t literally mean YOU, creech. Just making a point.
But not in terms of having someone to do something for you instead of doing it yourself.
I’m not so sure even that’s true. In New York City, I can get a cleaning lady to come to my place for $100. That’s a couple of lattes a day. I can get Uber to take me most places for a few bucks. Meal prep? You can get that pretty easily for under $125 per week.
My distant Vanderbilt cousins didn’t have to cook for themselves, or go to the grocery store,
Neither do most middle-class people, if they choose to eat out or have meals or food delivered.
or drive themselves through NYC traffic,
From what I can tell, hardly any New Yorkers actually drive themselves around New York as it is.
or clean the toilet seats, or
Again, most middle-class people can afford a house-cleaning service, if they want to.
I’m mostly nitpicking, and there’s no question that the rich people in days of yore (and currently) can afford a lot more personal services than not-rich people. But not-rich people can afford a lot more of those services now than they could even a generation ago.
All true, but the comparison was to “poor people” not middle class folks who may, if they choose, have a cleaning lady once a week day, eat out all meals, have a gardener and landscaper, have Uber service, a nanny, or whatever.
“Virtually limitless communication and information for all. Inexpensive transportation, heat, food, entertainment and education prospects for all. Accessible health care regardless of location or station”
These are things even a monarch didn’t have 500 years ago.
techdirt still has the best take on the latest 1A/2A pants-shitting..
The 5th Circuit ruling in early 2017 was problematic, because it effectively pushed aside the prior restraint/First Amendment concerns by just saying “well, national security trumps that issue.” But, that’s not how the First Amendment works. There is no “balancing test” for the First Amendment. There is a very small and very limited set of exceptions to the First Amendment, as set forth by the Supreme Court. They do not conduct a balancing test. Indeed, in United States v. Stevens, the court explicitly rejected the idea of a balancing test.
and concludes with a solid:
The real concern here should be about the First Amendment. As we mentioned earlier, in suggesting that there’s some sort of “balancing test” between national security and free speech — and that prior restraint is acceptable when balanced against national security — the courts have opened up a huge Pandora’s box of trouble. Even if you hate guns and think the 2nd Amendment should go away, please think carefully about what the world looks like when the government is allowed to censor speech that it claims is a risk to national security.
The New York Times’s new editorial board member is an outright anti-white racist. Wow.
find/replace white/black
“our kind of racist”
Racist fishwrap that can’t go under fast enough.
I’ll just stand over here and hold my breath while I wait for the NYT to part ways with her, since they stand for inclusiveness and diversity, not racism and hate-speech, and absolutely do not hold to a double-standard of any kind whatsoever.
My distant Vanderbilt cousins didn’t have to cook for themselves, or go to the grocery store, or drive themselves through NYC traffic, or clean the toilet seats, or wipe up the baby’s barf.
[insert apocryphal anecdote about some rich guy freezing to death because he never learned to build a fire in his fireplace]
I don’t know. I would demand at least that much to lick Maxine’s tramp stamp.
*vomits uncontrollably*
An example of Amazon’s incredibly frustrating “shopping” platform:
A little while ago, I plugged the part number for a rear wheel brake cylinder (right, I believe) into the Amazon search bar. *Poof* the part I’m looking for appears. However, they are different, side-to-side. Am I offered the option of purchasing both, or provided with a link to the corresponding driver’s side part? No. I am not. Come on, Bezos.
“Pictured: Naked intruder, 26, shot dead by homeowner, 73, who was then mistakenly killed by police – as it’s revealed officer who opened fire on grandfather was involved in ANOTHER fatal shooting one month ago”
“A naked intruder who was shot dead by a homeowner as he attempted to strangle his grandson, has been identified.
Dajon Harper, 26, was killed by Vietnam War veteran Richard ‘Gary’ Black – who was then accidentally shot moments later by police responding to the break-in at his Colorado home early Monday morning.
The suspect had reportedly stripped the 11-year-old boy and was biting on his ear and choking him in the bathtub when Black shot him.
It has since been revealed that the officer who killed Black had gunned down a fleeing suspect just a month earlier. The officer, who has not been named, has been placed on paid administrative reassignment.”
“FLEEING suspect”
“PAID administrative reassignment”
This is nauseating.
He wasn’t accidentally shot at all. I have zero doubt that the cop aimed at him and pulled the trigger intentionally.
who was then
accidentallynegligently shot moments later by police responding to the break-in at his Colorado home early Monday morningwho was then
accidentallynegligentlyrecklessly shot moments later by police responding to the break-in at his Colorado home early Monday morningwho was then accidentally negligently recklessly shot moments later by police responding to the break-in at his Colorado home early Monday morningFYTW
negligent: failing to take proper care in doing something.
synonyms: neglectful, remiss, careless, lax, irresponsible, inattentive, heedless, thoughtless, unmindful, forgetful, slack, sloppy, derelict — I think that covers “reckless”
“Cheers to nursing! Gywneth Paltrow promotes a brand of BEER made especially for breastfeeding mothers – which claims to help with milk production
A pair of entrepreneurial mothers have given new meaning to the phrase ‘nursing a hangover’ by marketing a brand of beer especially toward nursing moms — and Gwyneth Paltrow is a fan.
Au Liquid Gold — so named because breast milk is often referred to as liquid gold — is an oatmeal stout created for women who’d like to kick back with a cold one while breastfeeding.
The brand cites lactation experts who recommend drinking beer to increase milk production while nursing, and says this particular brew is packed with ingredients that will boost mom’s flow.
Wisdom on drinking alcohol while breastfeeding is mixed, with most doctors and other experts saying all alcohol should be avoided while nursing — and advising moms ‘pump and dump’ if they consume any.
Others treat the subject a little more loosely, and a few doulas and lactation consultants recommend drinking beer in moderation while nursing to increase milk flow.”
“I got certified as a doula, which, turns out, is not that hard…”
advising moms ‘pump and dump’
Turnabout is fair play?
Someone quoted a dipshit about the growing wealth inequality. I can’t be arsed to go find it and thread my reply, so I’ll P Brooks it here:
Since that was me, it’s only fitting.
*braces for tear in spacetime*
Even if you hate guns and think the 2nd Amendment should go away, please think carefully about what the world looks like when the government is allowed to censor speech that it claims is a risk to national security.
“Oh, pfffft! They’d never bring that iron fist down on us. We’re the good guys.”
My team is in charge, so I am safe!…