The trade deadline this year was a flurry of activity. Let’s hope it made the divisional races more exciting. One of the more active teams was the Washington Nationals. And they went out afterward and put up 25 runs on the Mets. Jeez, that’s gonna leave a mark. Other winners were: San Francisco, Philly, the Yankees, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Tampa, Atlanta, Kansas City, Cleveland, Colorado, Arizona, Oakland, Milwaukee and the World Champion Houston Astros, who needed a win pretty badly.

On the historical note, Roman Emperor Claudius was born on this date. He shares it with American explorer William Clark, composer Francis Scott Key, long-winded writer Herman Melville, funny fat man Dom DeLuise, hippy musician Jerry Garcia, bassist Rick Anderson, role-actor extraordinaire Taylor Negron, and rapper Coolio.
Its also the date on which King George I was crowned, Horatio Nelson routed the French Navy off the Egyptian coast, London Bridge was opened to traffic, the British Empire abolished slavery, Wilhelm II declares war on his nephew Nicholas II and kicks WWI into high gear, the 1936 Olympics were opened in Berlin, the first Jeep rolled off the line, Anne Frank made her last diary entry, David Ben-Gurion’s party wins the first Israeli election, Charles Whitman went on his rampage, Mike Tyson unified the heavyweight championship, Rush Limbaugh made his radio show debut, Hedy Lamarr was arrested for shoplifting, the Rolling Stones began their Voodoo Lounge World Tour, and the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis collapsed during the evening rush hour.
That’s a decent amount to take in, even if the birthday cupboard was pretty bare. Anyhoo, on to…the links!

Robinson freed
Tommy Robinson is out on bail. A judge found that there were “irregularities” in the original finding. Let’s hope he stays out as the British attack on free speech continues to criminalize actions we take for granted in America.
It looks like TANSTAAFL is once again going to become a reality in Ontario. Its amazing that a program throwing free money at people for doing nothing is financially unsustainable. The comments (at least before it was linked at Drudge) are hilariously pathetic.
What’s surprising to me is that this is surprising to anyone with a functioning brain. Draw your own conclusions about voter ID, registration, etc., but the fact that this surprises anyone seems ridiculous.
Oregon congressional candidate keeps it classy. Isn’t making fun of a First Lady supposed to be grounds for excoriation by the media? Apparently not.

Man sticking up exactly one more finger than he has wins over Ohio State.
Jim Harbaugh: idiot. And he’s also 0-3 in The Game.
Way to go, Chicago!!!! Looks like your budget deficit will be below $100 million for the first time in over a decade. I wonder how much they have budgeted for police abuse though. They seem to manage around $1m a week to settle those cases for the last 12 years.
Am I the only one creeped out by this? I better not be because…::shudders::

Well this could be an interesting case. Can the Pulse nightclub survivors sue unnamed police officers for not trying to capture the shooter right away. Pretty sure the Supreme Court has already ruled that cops have no obligation to protect, but maybe that only applied to criminal responsibility and not civil law. Maybe a couple of our legal minds can chime in.
And lastly, there are new wildfires in Northern California and they are threatening 12,000 homes. Stay safe, NorCal Glibs.
Not their biggest fan, but I do quite enjoy this song. I hope some of you do as well.
Go have a great day, friends.
>>Roman Emperor Claudius
You mean Claw-Claw-Claudius? ::jerks head::
I don’t care amymore
That implies at one time you did care.
Starts drum solo
This guy gets it.
It’s a reference to Derek Jacobi playing Claudius:
Thank you for posting that and saving me the trouble.
More proof I need to stay in the shallow end. I thought it was a Sussudio reference.
Or Duran Duran?
I thought it was CLAVDIVS.
Welcome back, Sloop!!
Why thank you. It was a long 8 days.
I knew it was Sloopy as soon as I saw the tediously predictable anti-Michigan story.
How is what I wrote an anti-Michigan story? I think of it as a pro-chicken piece. I’m sorry, but someone slurring our fine, feathered friends like that will not stand with me.
And it shouldn’t with you either.
Who do you have in the Purdue/Tyson game this year?
*narrows gaze*
The game got called on account of all the fowls.
Now y’all are just pecking at it..
Ted….you ever get the feeling that the more you whine about it, the more it will happen?
*nods solemnly*
Did you get the day off today? It’s the Swiss National Day today.
Tommy Robinson is out on bail. A judge found that there were “irregularities” in the original finding. Let’s hope he stays out as the British attack on free speech continues to criminalize actions we take for granted in America. – what is England coming to if you cant even jail Nazis?
“I believe in free speech, but…”
My opponents don’t deserve to be called human?
Oregon congressional candidate keeps it classy. Isn’t making fun of a First Lady supposed to be grounds for excoriation by the media? Apparently not. – there is a lot of shit coming from the dems lately that by their own standards is quite sexist and homophobic … To bad their base does not call them on it
Sometimes they do, but then its met with: Fuck you, You’re the [racist,sexist,bigot]
Look how they treated Palin and her kids. But that was ok because…..
Because she wasn’t a real woman. That was the subject of a serious essay.
Or look at what they said about Condi. Racist caricatures and the use of the word “house nigger” from white reporters abounded.
Anybody that thinks they should be held to the same standards is a hypocrite.
/supposed libertarians on twitter and TOS
Am I the only one creeped out by this? I better not be because…::shudders:: – the one on the right looks hotter
I think he looks just like his brother.
The one on the left is clearly heavier.
More hairy.
Plot twist: The husbands think it would be kinky to switch places without telling the wives, but the wives have the same idea at the same time. Featuring the music of Rupert Holmes.
I like it. Pitch it to Weinstein.
Twice as many casting couch calls for Harvey…brilliant!
Double your pleasure, double your fun…
Have Nina Dobrev and Victoria Justice as the twins and I’m in.
What’s the point, it would be just like boning your wife/husband. The whole point of swapping is to get some variety in there.
That said the girls are cute, definitely would either separately or together
I’ve got the sneaking suspicion that at least one of those twins isn’t really into the marriage, but doesn’t want to be the one to fuck up such a good story.
I had two buddies from high school who opened a restaurant together both divorce their wives and immediately remarry the other’s ex. Lots of tongues wagging in my small hometown over that. (The restaurant is still in business with them all happy)
One pair of twins is creepy enough but two….
I think I’ve found your personal hell then.
Draw your own conclusions about voter ID, registration, etc., but the fact that this surprises anyone seems ridiculous.
Gillespie and Welch have assured me many times that it is literally impossible for illegal immigrants to register to vote, let alone actually cast an improper ballot, and that even if it weren’t illegal immigrants would never do such a thing because they are definitionally morally superior to all other classes of human beings.
“Gillespie and Welch have assured me many times that it is literally impossible for illegal immigrants to register to vote, ”
Seems that this is the idea that most state registration offices take, because they don’t even check.
When I have voted in the past I had to show ID to prove residency, in California…………..
/True story
Residency =/= eligibility to vote.
This is why voter ID is racist.
On this front I continue to be more fascinated by the coverage than the story. In this case the Washington Times was brilliant to use Russian Nationals as their subheading. It kinda turns the whole story on its head. It will be interesting to see how everyone picks this up and runs with it! (/sarc)
Meanwhile, over at the mainstream press…..
This morning’s top story on NBC’s Today was Facebook telling us that the Russians are at it again, trying to affect the mid-term elections!!! What can be done to stop it?!?! was the subheading.
It really pisses me off that having been called out on “hacking”, they finally settled on “meddling” as the content-free term that everyone is required to shit their pants over – and everyone just eats it up as if the High Crime of Meddling was one of the cornerstones of election law since the republic was founded. The fact the media can throw that term out, repeatedly and with a straight face, and not get laughed out of the room disappoints me to no end.
That’s the thing. Any and all political speech constitutes “influencing”. This whole hysterical charade is ridiculous and insulting.
I always wondered why the retort to people complaining about voter ID laws wasn’t, “Are OK with the FSB voting in our elections?”
“This morning’s top story on NBC’s Today was Facebook telling us that the Russians are at it again, trying to affect the mid-term elections!!! What can be done to stop it?!?! was the subheading.”
So, they have already began their excuse for losing in the midterms, again. I actually didn’t think it would take this long. Maybe they can appoint another special counsel to investigate this midterm hacking?
Letting absolutely anyone register to vote = democracy
Letting absolutely anyone post political shit on Facebook = TREAZUN!!!!
Here’s How America Uses Its Land
What a colossal waste. Hey, at least it’s bad for engines!
Engines wear out sooner… more new cars need to be purchased… that’s how we make the economy hum dude.
Broken windows FTW!
To much private timber land. The government should confiscate that. For the public good.
Also to much golf course land.
Also to much golf course land.
*waits for sloopy to call down the lightning on Pie*
I’ll let it slide. He’s from vampire country. He doesn’t fully appreciate daytime, outdoor activities.
I tell ya, golf courses are the biggest waste of prime real estate!
Nobody needs 18 holes!
*lights HM signal*
+1 hat and free bowl of soup
It looks good on you!
…and cemeteries.
This is the correct answer.
Also the private timber comment was directed at Suthen… But he didn’t react
Is he even around today?
Oh, okay. should have checked before asking.
Jim Harbaugh apparently advised player against eating chicken ‘because it’s a nervous bird’
Wade Boggs, dumbass
One of my favorite Sunny espisodes.
Next someone is gonna wanna argue if Rock Hudson or Yogi Berra?
Got hit by more balls on the chin..
Who was the true Chinball Wizard?
Fwiw, I date Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005 as the date of the death of the former republic So when I see people lecture “We are a republic, not a democracy. “. I think to myself you are just as fucking stupiid as whoever it is you are lecturing.
I’m America, all citizens are equal. But some are more equal than others.
Eh i doubt the death can be dated… forensic science is not advanced enough
Yeah, so many injuries, the 1873 slaughterhouse cases, Wickard v. Filburn, Kelo, etc. etc.
Forget the wall already, it’s time for the U.S. to have open borders
Now not to start a debate on borders, but I find most open borders articles bad from a writing point of view.
Illegal immigration will disappear, by definition. Much commentary on immigration — Trump and fellow travelers aside — suggests that legal immigration is good and that illegal immigration is bad. So, legalize all immigration. – this is a plain bad argument. If someone considers legal immigration under certain conditions good, does not mean that open border legal immigration is also considered good
And under open borders, any added immigration will plausibly come from those with even higher skills and incomes, who faced weaker incentives to immigrate when faced with the burden of current restrictions. – I do not find this plausible to be honest
Expenditure on the welfare state will contract because even if immigrants vote for welfare spending, existing residents will vote for less generous benefits when they believe these accrue to recent immigrants. – doubtful
Available evidence shows that immigrants are no more crime-prone than natives. And the additional immigrants likely to enter under open borders would plausibly be even less so, because they have shown respect for the law by not immigrating illegally. – again dubious assertion
I am not an fully open borders libertarian, but I am sure the case can be made better than this…
This. I lean open boarders, but the people arguing it are so intellectualy weak in their arguments, that i can’t stand joining with them. Probably an effect of never being truely challeged in their beliefs.
Somehow – through magic thinking – the law of supply and demand (for labor) magically disappears too.
I know! The next thing you know, West Virginians will be flooding into Massachusetts, depressing our wages!
I always enjoy a logical, well-thought out discourse.
I am a closed-borders conservative. Strong walls an strict controls on who gets in, plus the immediate and unappologetic removal of people who try to enter without permission.
For me, the entry isn’t the part I care to control as much. I think the country has a right to limit immigration, but I’m more concerned about restricting access to taxpayer funded amenities and the levers of the government.
Restrict Access? Get rid of ‘tacpayer funded amenities’. That’s not the defined role of the state.
I’d love to. Who’s starting the coup?
Considering the playing field we’re stuck playing on, a small step toward reduction of the number of people using the amenities is better than the full steam ahead toward the cliff of fiscal damnation approach currently in place.
Yeah, the open borders thing falls flat for me because you can’t have that in a welfare nanny state and survive. The only people that will come are the ones looking for free shit – and the people advocating we not stop them know that and expect these law breakers will then vote for the party of free shit – as the productive get squeezed harder on account more people want free shit and need to be given it.
That open border shit is a suicide pact of an idea.
Adding to that our gov’t fails to remain held in check by its founding charter. Importing people that vote for anti-freedom policy does not behoove us.
Serious question for you, UCS: What are your thoughts about law enforcement doing “citizenship checks” on people within our borders? I am fearful of harassment from power-drunk LEOs on private citizen or visitors here legally, running rampant and unchecked.
As part of a lawful arrest, fine. Identity of the accused needs to be positively established.
Random ‘Paperen bitte’ stops, no. That is beyond their remit.
“I am a closed-borders conservative. Strong walls an strict controls on who gets in, plus the immediate and unappologetic removal of people who try to enter without permission.”
I consider myself a border security, immigration control libertarian. To put that in the simplest terms, we cannot have a generous welfare system for all and open borders. As a libertarian or conservative, a person would have to literally be insane to want open borders. Why? Because the poor uneducated 3rd world that would come crashing across our borders, would overwhelmingly vote for everything that the far left wants. It wouldn’t take more than a few elections to basically turn us into nothing more than another socialist shithole with massive corruption. No open borders and require ID for voting. That is all.
Prove to Los Doyers you’re not a racist. And that goes for all of you!
I’m going to pass. I’ve stated my reasons for not wanting open borders, clearly. It has nothing to do with race.
I don’t let illegal Canucks in either?
Those syrupy miscreants with their frog-talk and socialist taint? Damn right we’re not letting them in.
Dumb on so many levels. Dilutes the value of your citizenship. Purposefully ignores the supply-side of labor. Imports millions of people who will vote against all things libertarian. It would destroy the working class and eventually the middle class.
This is so true! We already have enough problems! We can’t even prevent poor people who vote Democrat from having more children. Until the people who vote the wrong way are being forcibly sterilized, we cannot even think of importing more!
What the hell is the “value” of my citizenship? But yeah, we should totally be handing out political tests for anyone attempting to cross the border for a job.
“It would destroy the working class and eventually the middle class.” Oh? If immigrants can do the middle class and working class jobs better than red-blooded Americans, then it’s the employer’s right to hire them.
“Imports millions of people who will vote against all things libertarian. It would destroy the working class and eventually the middle class.”
A big reason Florida is still a red state is because of immigrants fleeing countries like Cuba and Venezuela
Kill the welfare state and open the borders. Problem solved, no one is harmed. Easy-peasy.
Then we would actually have the same circumstances as we had during the immigration waves of the late 1800s/early 1900s.
Which imo is not ideal… And hard to reproduce in the current world.
True, there would still be some significant differences, including the fact that we are no longer a rapidly-industrializing economy with a need for massive amounts of unskilled labor.
Nor are we actively ‘nudging’ them in the direction of being ‘good citizens’ – say what you will about that – as opposed to providing every incentive for them to remain in isolated ‘communities’.
I disagree, Insufficient. I also want a clear plan to keep the peace and protect rights in case thousands of criminals appear. The police has limited resources. Also I do not want to hear laments about conditions when lots of people come into a city with insufficient housing. I don’t want people camping on the streets or in parks. Squatting on private property. There is also a matter of disease control.
Killing the welfare state will fix the problem. Lazy ass Americans will do the jobs that immigrants currently come here for. Immigrants with no skills will not find America economically suited to them. Labor will be free to find it’s own balance of immigrants vs natives without the state picking and choosing.
Most migrants are economic migrants. They will only come if they can profit from coming. Absent the welfare state, they will have to bring skills that are in demand. If their skills are in demand, I want them here. If they are not, they can stay home.
Most migrants are economic migrants. – and a lot are criminal, beggars or desperate and come first see what happens later. Maybe in the US is different but not always in Europe
That was supposed to point to Lachowsky
It’s very important to deny ourselves freedom to save the welfare state from collapse.
“Complete this one likely impossible thing before we let any more brown people in! It’s only fair.”
The argument is not 0 immigrants just not open borders. There is a lot in between
I’m for letting in whoever wants to come here and work. Provided they don’t have a criminal record (not that you’d be able to catch all of that) and don’t have some kind of infectious disease. Doesn’t mean I don’t think the borders shouldn’t be “enforced,” just that it should be a lot easier to get a temporary work visa, like the Bracero program.
It’s not about “brown people”. That’s a bullshit term collectivizing all people
From Mexico, central and South America.
It’s about ending welfare as a compromise for expanded (or completely open) immigration. And frankly, it’s the only way we can end the welfare state, so it’s a logical demand to make for anyone that wants to both get rid of the rotten system on moral or fiscal grounds.
It will also serve the purpose of discouraging free-riders from entering the country and free-rider citizens from sitting on the sidelines and collecting freebies from the state at the expense of taxpayers and growing inflation.
Ok then, so wouldn’t letting in a bunch of immigrants who would supposedly all jump on welfare greatly accelerate the unsustainability of the welfare state and lead to a quicker collapse? Regardless, I’m still confused as to why a poor Guatemalan who would like to make some money for 6 months to send back home to his family should be denied that because some lazy fuck American abuses the welfare system.
I am more worried about the political movement to make that poor Guatemalan also join the welfare role, then brings in his family to join him on that dole, and now that he is dependent on that, he (and anyone else he brings in) then votes for the party of free shit, which is the direction things have been heading in. You can’t have open border immigration and a welfare state. These two are mutually exclusive. It’s a suicide pact.
I want to stop the system from collapsing because I work my ass off and would rather not end up like Venezuelans.
And I’m fine letting that Guatemalan come here for as long as he wants…as long as there are no benefits he can collect while here. And the only moral way to prevent him from collecting those benefits is to eliminate them in their entirety and prevent that “lazy fuck American” from collecting them while the Guatemalan works.
Why is it not a moral imperative to more “libertarians” to end the welfare theft? Isn’t it at least as important as ensuring freedom of movement, seeing as that movement will be funded by taxpayers to a certain degree should a welfare system stay in place?
“And the only moral way to prevent him from collecting those benefits is to eliminate them in their entirety and prevent that “lazy fuck American” from collecting them while the Guatemalan works.”
Can’t agree with you more about this. In fact, if this was done first I would be pro open borders. The fact that I know this will never be allowed to happen by the pro-nanny staters, is why I also know we can’t let them have the open borders policy.
“Regardless, I’m still confused as to why a poor Guatemalan who would like to make some money for 6 months to send back home to his family should be denied that because some lazy fuck American abuses the welfare system.”
Cause when he gets here, it is far more likely that he will be enticed to go on the dole, bring more people in to put on the dole, and eventually will get the right to vote to keep not just keep, but expand that nanny state. Besides, because of the efforts from the party of free shit to make it so, we now are at a point where most of the people coming here, come for the free shit in the first place.
Freedom of association includes the right of an association to determine its membership. No freedom is denied when borders are enforced. Everyone has the right to disassociate themselves, but no one has the right to force association.
So, when I want to sell a plane ticket for someone to fly on my airline, and the government forbids me from allowing them to fly on my plane, my freedom of association is being preserved?
When I want to hire someone to operate machinery in my factory, and the state blocks that hiring, my freedom of association is being preserved?
When I want to rent a home to someone, and the government bans that transaction, my freedom of association is being preserved?
Are you from Htrae perchance?
When I want to hire someone to operate machinery in my factory, and the state blocks that hiring, my freedom of association is being preserved? – if that person is a resident within the borders of the state and the state block the hiring, your freedom is infringed. If that someone is in another country and is blocked at the border, your freedom is not infringed.
I’m going to bookmark this thread in case I’m ever asked for an example of cognitive dissonance.
It’s very simple, and not at all dissonant. If you view the government as an (very imperfect and often rights violating) association, then any public lands (including the border and roads) are controlled by the association at their preference.
IOW, I’ve never found arguments for a right to travel convincing.
access to* any public lands
And, as Sarcasmic (PHIB) pointed out, the public is everyone but you.
I don’t disagree. The government is a shitty, rights violating association. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t an association with all of the concomitant property rights that come with association owned land.
You can hire whoever you want, sell to whoever you want, communicate to whoever you want, befriend whoever you want, etc., the only thing you can’t do is unilaterally induct someone into an association against the will of the other members of the association. Freedom of association would be meaningless if anyone could self-select into any association that they pleased – if that is the case, then I could force you to rent to me, sell to me, or hire me against your will.
That’s not what freedom of association works:
I get it. Fine.
However, ope ing the borders with this giant welfare state still intact will cause the situation to worsen financially. I’m fine with that as the whole thing is doomed to implode one day anyway. However, the longer immigration is dictated by government incentives, the harder the correction is going to be when the state runs out of money.
In a state of coercion it’s hard to tease out a moral stance. I can’t make a moral argument denying free association between people who wish to do business, so I don’t. I just prioritize cutting down the Leviathon where it abuses people around me (metaphorically) and that is the bureaucratic welfare state, civil liberty abuse and police state tactics. Opportunity costs.
On the “wall” debate I come down on the side of reality. Really, dude. You don’t think they have ladders in Mexico – or the technology to build them?
And the border is so freaking vast and desolate in places you wouldn’t believe it was earth. Open google maps. Find Cloverdale, NM. wander over to the first road/trail you find east of there. Plop that little yellow dude down and do a 360 degree in street view. Hell, go ahead and put a wall up there – you’ve just redefined “pointless”.
Much of the border already has a metal wall on it. A year or two back they found a door that somebody had cut into that metal wall, put the cut-out section on hinges, then closed, plastered over, and painted the dang thing after every time they drove a few trucks through. They weren’t sure how many years that door had been there.
I would not support a wall and how you control immigration is a different story which to be honest I am unsure of…
Step 1 – Reduce incentives. Purge and/or reform any and all programs that illegals benefit from. Make it less inviting to come and freeload.
Step 2 – Increase costs. Increase enforcement and penalties regarding the secondary crimes committed by illegals in the course of migration/residency.
You don’t need a perfectly impermiable border, just enough disincentives to make it not worth the trouble for the bulk of the migrants.
Step 1: The big one is government schools. As long as they can bring their kids here, they can get them in a ‘public school’ and they get edumecated. That’s worth the price of admission for them right there.
No jail time for volleyball coach who pleaded guilty to sex charge involving student
A lesbian volleyball teacher? Who ever heard of such a thing?
Before i click are there pics of the team in short shorts?
Does any guy go into varsity girls volleyball coaching because they actually dig volleyball?
They are just trying to bumped into a better position.
Just for You
Probably would the lot… except for the dudes in the picture
They didn’t even say how old the student was or how the age related to the age of consent.
Teachers sleeping with students is sleazy. But carving out additional laws that criminalize consenting relationships is bad precedent. Age of consent should be evenly applied and let schools deal with teachers as they see fit.
I think there is some special circumstances between a young student and a teacher, and im ok with this being a bad thing.
I’m ok with it being a “bad thing” as well. But I’m not necessarily ok with it being extra-criminalized or even treated differently than a 17 or 18 year old having a relationship with the cashier at a 7-11.
These laws make it a criminal offense for a teacher to engage in a relationship with an 18 year old they don’t even have in class. That’s wrong.
No. Even if they don’t have the student in a class, being a teacher puts them in a “position of authority” and makes it impossible for the student to say no. (with exceptions for Presidents and interns because that is totes different)
Minnesoda has a bunch of these asinine laws that criminalize sexual relations between consenting adults.
Considering most teachers are government employees, and students are required by law to be in their presence, I’m entirely fine with it being criminalized. If we abolish public education and truancy laws we can also abolish laws against teachers having sex with of-age students.
I’m pretty sure any 17 year old can drop out of school. And in most states, 16 year olds can with parental consent. There’s nowhere in the country that required of-age people to go to school.
It does vary by state, but this chart makes it seem that there are a few states that have compulsory education beyond the age of consent.
Actually, my memory is that (in Texas at least), even if you turn 18 during the semester you must complete the year or be considered truant.
Thanks for posting that chart. I can’t believe there are still places where an adult can be compelled to complete 12th grade. That is insane.
They aren’t adults, they’re only 18!
I can’t believe there are still places where an adult can be compelled to complete 12th grade. That is insane.
I agree that it is insane. There’s too much infantilizing of young people these days.
Considering this shit goes back to the age of the dinosaurs and the Licalotapuss, I can’t say I am surprised.
I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.
I like how at the end the guy says, “Uh..we were attacked by Fascists, not like Cop fascists or alt-right fascists, but like, ACTUAL Fascists”
Do they swap? The identical twins couples.
I can see swapping.
How would they know?
Slightly different taste due to non identical diets
Any offspring would have identical DNA, no?
Donald Trump and the libertarian crack-up
Erect Gary’s Johnson in Perpetuity! Just because we’ve had no influence on any public policy in the last half century doesn’t mean it won’t work if we just keep trying.
“People who read Hayek, read Ayn Rand, read Bastiat — these people are not going with Trump,” Amash told the Post.
Um, yeah a lot of them are. Because they know that’s the only way to hasten the destruction of the bloated federal state and the deep state (intel and bureaucracy) that actually controls everything.
Wait…. Libertarians are playing 4D chess by having Trump play 4D chess…. Whoa… It is like Inception… #mindblown
Mind. Blown.
Apparently, you defending Robinson’s right to free speech means you condone him (ergo you’re ‘alt-right) to morons incapable of seeing the big picture.
You have to to be sure everything as insurance against that
“People who say/believe things I don’t like don’t get rights. And there is nothing fascistic about that.”
It looks like TANSTAAFL is once again going to become a reality in Ontario.
Three-year plan of sitting around doing nothing.
You know those video games aren’t going to play themselves.
Now he may have to get off his ass and WORK!
The horror, the horror…
Looks like he needs a new 3 year plan which includes work.
Hah. An NDP politicians calling Ford ‘mean and callous’. What else is new? EMOTIONS!
“Uh..we were attacked by Fascists, not like Cop fascists or alt-right fascists, but like, ACTUAL Fascists”
Italians, in jodhpurs?
Neverminding the opportunities for fraud, I’ve got a bit of a problem with third parties handling registration for you. If you can’t be bothered to do it yourself, why should you be allowed to vote?
Dumb and lazy is the perfect constituency if you can just get them to the polls.
It’s even better if you can’t, because you know they’re dumb and lazy and that you don’t need to provide photo ID to act as their proxy in the voting booth.
Absentee ballot voting is how things are handled these days. There was a time where it was really hard to get an absentee ballot. But now they kinda encourage everyone to vote absentee. Or go to early voting. Anything to make it easier (for DNC operatives to get those votes cast).
Although, depending on the dumb to vote doesn’t always work. Say they give them a handout with which lever to pull, or which box to check, or which chad to punch.
They don’t always do it. They herpderp and pull the wrong lever. Or they can’t follow the handout correctly.
That’s why we have absentee ballots, we can have some nice gentlemen come by and help you get all the right boxes checked and make sure your ballot gets in the mail correctly.
How is that not illegal? Pretty sure you’re swearing an affidavit under penalty of perjury when you register to vote. It can’t be legal for a third party to assume that legal responsibility.
Between the hours of 6AM to 8AM, I’ll be on the sidewalk outside of the Jewel-Osco, from 9AM to…
Homeless man gets 6 years for failing to register as sex offender
places that cater to children might not be the best wording there
Like a van offering certain treats that kids like?
Nods sagely…
Well…. at least they solved the “finding a place to live” problem….
“I’m in shock,” he said, reacting to news of the cancellation. “I had a three-year plan and now it’s gone.”
How will he fund his street puppetry empire, now?
I had a good friend in college get hired to go on a summer puppetry tour. It was some tour that was totally funded by do-gooder/govt money and it was supposed to go around the country putting on puppet shows for disadvantaged youths.
My buddy made it half way through the summer before they fired him. He got canned for getting drunk, fighting the other guys in the tour and fucking as many of the gals on the tour as he could. When he got back, he said he was amazed that almost everyone else on the tour was serious about it. He had joined because he thought it would be a fun summer of traveling, drinking and fucking.
Your buddy had the right idea.
The “One time at puppetry summer camp” stories just write themselves…
I tried joining a pinata tour but it went bust.
How hot can girls on a puppetry tour be?
There’s no way the courts are going to put an obligation on the police to act. Just not going to happen.
Rand Paul Dumps His Principles for a Romance with Trump
Once the G.O.P.’s resident iconoclast, the “libertarian-ish” senator and the authoritarian-curious president have become unlikely allies.
So which one of you was it?
Ah yes reason commenters
Reason had articles?
Maybe. But did those articles have reason?
Im supprised they didn’t rip a quote from Hihn.
Left – right = Zero.
How did they manage to condense Ken down to “Eff Rand”? That’s impressive editing right there.
“as Politico reported”
They could just stop right there.
So, cultivating a relationship in order try to influence the president with libertarian ideas is dumping your principles?
These people are stupid as well as deranged.
But McCain taking long showers with Kennedy was statesmanship.
One of the things that seems obvious is that Trump has no personal structure to his beliefs. Even the Cosmotarians laugh at him for being under the spell of whoever talked to him last. But none of them think “Hmmmmm. If that is the case, maybe I should make sure I’m the last person to talk to him all the time.”
If being Trump’s buddy allows you to influence him, I say go for it.
My biggest fear is that the left will figure this out and flip Trump to their causes. If they decided to praise him for doing something – and got the media to trumpet the praise – he’d be advocating for single payer, open borders and total gun confiscation within a week. Luckily the left seems pretty committed to the “He’s worse than Hitler” approach.
Exactly this. I’d bet Paul noticed how Mattis was able to change Trump’s position on torture and is angling to change Trump’s position himself on a few issues. Trump is consistent on a very few things, and outside of these he’s shown himself open to changing his mind with the right persuasion.
That should make Rand popular with the left.
Yeah, it’s a terrible thing to have a libertarian trying to influence Trump. It could be the end of the world as we know it. Also, the fact that Rand is going to vote to confirm Kavanaugh was pretty much a foregone conclusion. He does have constituents, many of whom might be very pissed if he managed to kill this opportunity. Rand knows the score anyway, we either get Kavanaugh, who may be no more than another Kennedy, we’ll see, but that’s far better than getting another far left butchdyke on the court. I’m not too excited about Kavanaugh, it will probably just be a status quo thing where either Kavanaugh or Roberts becomes Kennedy the swing voter. But then again there is reality that tells me, don’t fuck this up and later on let the Democrats appoint another far left activist instead.
It’s almost like political relationships for mutual gain are a thing. And, personally, I think it is a good thing if Paul has Trump’s ear. Likewise it would have been a good thing if he had Barry’s ear. Partisanship makes people stupid.
“I think it is a good thing if Paul has Trump’s ear”
This. And I’m sure it makes democrats and RINOs nervous, because Trump might start doing libertarian like stuff, even if he’s not sure why.
SJWednesday: It’s an Epidemic
I should be able to identify as a purple eyed Neptunian on my passport.
I wonder if this gender craze is a passing phase.
Well it almost made it into the 2020 census.
It makes one wonder….
If Trump’s administration had proposed collecting this data, would the National LGBTQ Task Force have opposed it as some kind of Homo/Trans- phobic plot? Because asking about legal residency status was definitely a racist plot.
Why the census asks anything other than “How many citizens live here?” is beyond me. The Community Survey is an abomination and should be nuked from space.
/rant off
I dunno… demanding a list of “known homosexuals” seems like it could backfire some day.
Kind of like having a list of known gun-owners. Some things are better left unknown.
Smoking banned in public housing nationwide, effective today
Just nicotine? What about vaping?
Ahem…” The ban does not apply to e-cigarettes, snuff and chewing tobacco, although there may be restrictions on those in some areas.”
Surprising. Usually tobacco bans cover those as well. Because secondhand chew is a public health danger.
(*aside from the dangers of accidentally picking up someone’s spit can by mistake)
The exceptions make me think this might actually be a reasonable policy – less focused on public health than preserving public property (smoking indoors can dirty things up and make it difficult to clean).
NYC public housing is tens of billions of dollars behind in repairs and just got busted for lying about removing lead paint which led to a wave of lead poisoning cases in kids. There’s often no heat in the winter and most of the elevators don’t work. They can try to spin this is a maintenance issue but I seriously don’t buy it when the “authoritarian assholes” explanation is available.
Fair point. This thing has the veneer of reasonability, but you are right that the public housing departments haven’t exactly earned the benefit of the doubt.
“The nationwide ban on smoking in public housing was implemented nearly two years after the rule was passed by the Obama administration in 2016.”
Any of you constitutional scholars tell me what’s wrong with this sentence.
public housing?
Yeah – who exactly is going the be enforcing this?
The Telescreens are being installed along with the low-flow shower heads.
Who usually responds to nuisance calls?
Obama sicced cops on loads of poor people, disproportionately black.
Wow, I thought that was just a NYC thing.
You want riots? This is how you get riots.
This just makes me want to smoke.
I have zero problems with this. You want to live in the house of the State, be prepared to play by their rules.
My wife, a sometime libertarian with a touch of TDS (but smarter about it than most), shared this article with me that one of her Facebook friends posted.
All you really need is the title and sub-headline of it.
We’re getting to the 2018 midterms and Team Blue is still busy blaming Russia and everyone other than themselves for fucking up what should’ve been an easier election for them to win than 2008, if they’d nominated a half competent candidate (BUT IT WAS HER TURN!) and/or not blown the campaigning.
(I just realized the article is from 2016, and it’s by Peter Daou. My point still stands though.)
The funny thing is, Bernie would have lost worse.
They aren’t even considering the half-competent candidates.
Sanders/Cortes 2020!
So much spending the money supply won’t keep up and the rich will pay for it all!
This is Obama v. Clinton 2.0.
So Cortes/Sanders 2020!
“Sanders/Cortes 2020!”
Where can I donate to this cause?
The funny thing about that is that Clinton tried that strategy during the last primary The DNC and their operatives (particularly in the media) threw all their support behind Trump, figuring that would weaken the Republicans. Ooops…..
They could’ve won with Webb, but they dropped him like a hot rock early in the primaries, so it is clear that hard left is more important to them than soft left and a win.
Well, Hillary gets off on a technicality. Since the GDPR laws weren’t legally enforceable you can’t truthfully say she was in violation of them when she forwarded those copies of all her email traffic to some poor person who never opted in to receive them.
connection to Hillary without the prism of GOP-style talking points and false frames
“There was so much peddling of GOP talking points and Hillary hating on CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, etc. that I literally can’t even.”
Actually, he is 3-5.
0-3 as coach. 2-1 as starting QB, 1-1 as bench (including his redshirt year).
All I know is there was a reporter who let him had it at his opening presser earlier this month and it was BEAUTIFUL.
All I know is that OSU should schedule the Citadel so that maybe, just maybe, they could beat a team from the state of South Carolina. Of course, it might backfire like App St and Michigan.
Then again, based on historical records, there is a 20% chance that Urban Meyer would punch a Citadel player and be forced to retire.
Yeah, yeah. Enjoy your schools brief run of success. But remember: Minnesota still has twice as many national championships as you. And we have four times as many and twice as many in the last 16 years.
Minnesota still has twice as many national championships as you.
1904, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1940, 1941, and 1960
Suck it, haters!
winsipedia doesn’t count 1904. And they count virtually everything.
I can believe USCw tries to claim 1928. And I cant believe anyone accepts their claim.
The common opponent between USCw and GT is Cal. All 3 teams were otherwise undefeated. USCw and Cal tied. Cal got the Rose Bowl bid, where GT defeated Cal by 1 pt.
Fuck them. We’re taking it.
I was doing just the Poll era. So I’ll correct that to:
Minnesota has three times as many national championships as Clemson does
Is that so you don’t have to acknowledge that Michigan has 3 more titles than Ohio St?
Hey, that looks like the Cleveland football championship years. 🙂
Did you forget which school I went to?
I was mocking OSU, I am anti-Clemson. But they are easy to beat, we are 51-30-2 vs Clemson.
And 12-9 vs South Carolina. 4-0 vs Presbyterian. 10-0 vs Citadel. 1-0 vs SC St. 2-0 vs Wofford. And 10-1-3 vs Furman. That loss was unfortunately not ancient (1983).
I guess I did forget. You always seem to bring Clemson up.
Only when mocking OSU. I can’t imagine any other time I have mentioned them. Other than mocking Clemson, which is fun to do.
I just think it is a fun, odd stat that OSU has never defeated a team from the state of SC.
Of course they can sue. Whether they can win is an entirely different question.
<a href="“>As your resident nut puncher, I put on some brass knuckles for this one.
Help me, edit faerie!
I mean, of course the cops shot the Black man…
Good shoot, totality of circs, etc. etc.
String the cop up, assuming the police actually ID him.
If not, string them all up
That is what really stands out about this coverage.
They (once again) don’t identify the officer who shot the father. But more importantly, they also don’t even dip a toe into the water of identifying the people who trained that officer to draw and shoot at the first hint of a weapon.
This is now pervasive in police culture. The old-fashioned TV standoff with “drop the weapon” doesn’t happen so often any more – because “not pointing it at anyone” isn’t a factor. They pass around videos that show just how fast someone can go from not threatening to shooting an officer. (in their defense, it can be amazingly fast. I saw one clip where a guy who answered the door in a domestic dispute situation was seemingly cooperative but held something at his side. After talking for a few moments he quick-shoots from the hip, getting off 6 rounds in the blink of an eye. It didn’t even look like he shot more than one round….. two officers shot, IIR)
Until we have a real conversation about officer training, it is not going to get any better. And of course, we can’t have a real conversation as long as the national narrative is hijacked in the service of DNC identity politics. Because “police are racist” doesn’t really address the problem, or provide any potential solutions that might have a positive impact.
Another reason, contra Ron’s excellent piece last night, I wouldn’t want to give the tetchy meatheads in this state a reason to draw on me.
That was one of the things I thought about, but the freedom of not having to ask for a permit won out.
As I posted last night, the cop needs to go to prison for murder. Zero chance that the homeowner fired on the cops, so at best cops saw firearm and opened fire without determining what was going on.
Cop won’t even be charged.
Not a chance. “Shots fired, guy holding gun” is well within their training for opening fire. Zero chance he would be convicted even if charged, once the “use of force expert” explains their training.
Absent a video showing the homeowner on his knees with his hands in the air at the time of the shooting, there won’t even be charges. And even then, there’s no chance of convictions ( see Shaver, Daniel).
“We are providing assistance through our victim advocates to help the family of the deceased resident through this very difficult time.”
I think you provided more than enough assistance motherfucker, thanks.
Mr. Black walks out and is shot by police.
You can’t be too careful.
The police all went home safely, which is their highest duty.
Code is free speech
I will be featuring this in the afternoon links. This site specifically and intentionally publishes milling and printing files for guns to advocate the 1A right of anyone to do the same.
There’s a piece at The Federalist today along the same lines.
That was worth reading just to see this
I noticed they have links to donate to the Second Amendment foundation but not the NRA.
Has the NRA said anything about this?
I have to admit, I’m worried about this setting a bad precedent. Fuck, we still haven’t gotten all encryption technology removed from export laws.
The way things are, I’m terrified that this will cause the FYTW clause to be used against the 1A.
i had a friend on derpbook shitting his pants to some video so i posted that link in his comments.
Swedish crown jewels: Speedboat thieves steal priceless treasures
It’s time for Knightboat: The Crime Solving Boat /old Simpsons reference
All good Simpsons references are old.
And do what with them? It’s not like you can fence those at the local pawn.
Maybe this really hot chick said she would fuck em if she could wear the crown. I dunno…
They were commissioned to be stolen by an incredibly wealthy private collector, willing to pay any price.
It’s like you’ve never seen The Pink Panther.
They will power the lasers on Blofelds weather changing machine.
Sure you can. You just pry all the jewels out, melt the metals down and sell it all separately.
Haven’t the jewels been micro-etched? Even re-cut, those jewels are worth nothing.
Charles IX of Sweden died in 1611. Unless they deliberately retrofitted his funerary crown, I doubt it.
Somebody in the royal family should have been on Jewelry Duty
I think you’d get more by ransoming them back. Not sure of the logistics but that makes more sense than any other scheme.
I’d wear them.
Suspects identified
Maybe now they’ll make a Swedish version of Outrage.
SJWednesday: The Unbearable Triteness of Being
It gets better from there on with lots of labor enacting and trauma, lots of trauma.
My favorite line:
Did this person just say politeness is a disease of honkeys?
I think “Acting White Works’ would make a good bumper-sticker.
clearly this person is not a parent.
Actually having work place obligations while you are having daily mental breakdowns over imagined slights is basically like slavery.
So, her entire complaint is that she was actually expected to do some work in return for a paycheck?
It’s more about how her guilt-ridden white acquaintances keep asking how they should conduct themselves in order to not offend her sensibilities. The jokes on them though, the simple of act of asking the question offends her sensibilities.
The only winning move is not to play.
+1 Joshua
I guessed The Root
professional of color
A colored professional? Seriously I find it amusing how proggies have brought back “colored people”.
Roberts isn’t part of the congressional delegation, as shitty as most of them are already. Given he’s running as an independent in the last semi-sane congressional district in the state, he has a 100% chance of coming in third in November.
Brain scans suggest women sustain more damage heading soccer balls than men
“The findings add to the growing body of evidence that men and women express distinct biological responses to brain trauma,” lead author Todd G. Rubin, a student at Einstein, said in the statement.
I don’t see how that can be possible considering that sex is a social construct assigned at birth and not a biological phenomenon.
Next they’ll be citing so-called “studies” that show that women suffer twice the rate of ACL tears*
*except the slutty ones
Oh weird. I had assumed that the knee injury rate was a product of hip geometry causing more shear forces when cutting to change direction.
Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have found that women who take the birth control pill, which lessen and stabilize estrogen levels, were less likely to suffer serious knee injuries.
Correlation or causation? I mean, perhaps the women on birth control don’t end up on their knees as much…
Cause they can take it in the..
Never mind..
“What is important about this study is that men and women may need to be looked at differently,” he said.
Nope. They are exactly the same. What kind of fucking mouthbreather are you?!?
No shit, women are not the physical equivalent of men, and sustain damage more readily.
Biology is an actual thing.
The misogyny is palpable here. Someone set out the SJW-signal! Alert Marcotte!
women sustain more damage heading
soccerballs than menFIFY
*I’m feeling extra juvenile today*
Dunno man I think men would be more damaged in head to the balls situations
Men ARE notoriously hardheaded.
Im’ heading up to Seoul in about an hour. Flying out to Hanoi (with my mom…my god. Thank god she’s become cooler now. I’ll just have to hide my smoking).
I’m creepily excited to see the embalmed remains of Ho Chi Minh. The stank of commie ass will be astoundingly thick. We’re also going to Ha Long Bay. My mom wanted to splurge and trusted me to get the rooms. It’s amazing what $150 will get you in SE Asia. Our (separate) rooms have three rooms each and an ocean view of….this.
This is gonna be a sick trip. I’ll take a bunch of pics (John McCain’s flight uniform ergmaghhhhherd!) and hopefully will have some time to share them with y’all.
Our (separate) rooms have three rooms each and an ocean view of….this.
Have fun in commieland.
Eat a raw snake heart or something while there.
Looks amazing. Enjoy!
I’ll take a bunch of pics…
Don’r forget Mom, eh?
Nice, sounds like an awesome trip
“Ha! ‘Long’?”
/vietnamese hooker
Make sure to post pics of your mom at the beach in a thong. (Q wants the topless pics, but I think it is tacky of him to ask for that).
Airtight y’all mafuckers need Jesus, you feel me?!
Sure. Post those pics too.
A Russian national or any other noncitizen can easily influence a U.S. election by simply registering to vote in California — just ask Elizaveta Shuvalova.
Anyone who participates in political conversation or casts a ballot is “influencing” the election. That said, the irony here is delicious. But to the voter registration/ID aspect, I would like to point out that leftists do not really care about the integrity of elections. If you really want one man one vote, you register, you present an ID or other proof such as a voter ID card, and you are checked off as having voted in the district in which you are registered. Therefore, you vote once, and no one can steal your vote. There is also the need to keep the voter rolls clean and up to date, but I see no reason why you should not prove you are you given that one point of the process of registering to vote is to correlate with the tiered structure of the government*.
*Which is to say, you vote where you have a vested interest and you vote once.
“A Russian national or any other noncitizen can easily influence a U.S. election by simply registering to vote in California — just ask Elizaveta Shuvalova.”
So, let’s see here. Say, that is true. Which it definitely is, at least some of the time. Who are the most likely to be voting illegally in elections? Russians or Central Americans? And which party does that benefit? I already know the answers to those questions, just throwing it out there.
The party that routinely advocates for illegals voting in local elections? They’ve dropped that mask already.
Yeah, that was sort of the big clue that tipped me off. That along with the GOP advocating for voter ID.
A Math Theory for Why People Hallucinate
Psychedelic drugs can trigger characteristic hallucinations, which have long been thought to hold clues about the brain’s circuitry. After nearly a century of study, a possible explanation is crystallizing.
a possible explanation is crystallizing
*narrows gaze*
The most
interestingdangerous man in the world.No stranger to controversy, Mr. Wilson was listed by Wired magazine as one of the 15 Most Dangerous People in the World in 2012, the year he began Defense Distributed. Included on that list were former President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt and President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, both known for involvement in crimes against humanity. In 2017, Mr. Wilson created Hatreon, a crowdfunding site that has often been used by neo-Nazi groups that were kicked off more traditional peer-to-peer websites like Patreon and PayPal. Many of the organizers of a white supremacist rally last year in Charlottesville, Va., for instance, used Hatreon to raise money for the event.
Mr. Wilson dismisses the idea that publishing gun blueprints is threatening or illegal.
While Mr. Wilson, 30, has described himself as a techno-libertarian, free-speech provocateur and online heretic, his critics have said he is a media hound and a peddler of “open-source terrorism.”
Called “ghost guns” because they lack serial numbers and are made almost entirely of plastic, Mr. Wilson’s blueprints would allow for the mass production of untraceable firearms that could be made at home, gun control advocates have warned, including by convicted felons, terrorists or other people currently prohibited from buying them.
“The people who make them will be state actors or well-financed criminal cartels who have the ability to execute well-organized criminal attacks in the United States and elsewhere,” said Avery Gardiner, the co-president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
And why, pray tell, would those evil-madmen state actors and criminal masterminds restrict themselves to tediously cranking out what are essentially toys from a Cracker Jack box when they can buy in bulk from manufacturers anywhere in the world, or invest in conventional machinery and tooling to produce guns in large numbers?
These people are not hysterical shrieking ninnies who are afraid of their own shadow. They are full bore authoritarians, fighting desperately to control what others do, like cornered rats.
Wired is a damned joke. At one time they purported to be about freedom of technology and pushing the edge, but ever since Obama got elected, they turned into a liberal rag, too shitty to read, too glossy for toilet paper.
They went bad before Obama… as did most of the other tech sites/magazines.
Real techies did engineering or scientific work of note, while the dregs went leftward and started doing shit like writing articles for magazines.
“open-source terrorism.” – If only those terrorist who attacked Europe did not have 3d Printers…
“If only those terrorist who attacked Europe did not have 3d Printers”
Or trucks.
“The people who make them will be state actors or well-financed criminal cartels who have the ability to execute well-organized criminal attacks in the United States and elsewhere,” said Avery Gardiner, the co-president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Yes, well-financed state actors who have access to SAMs, MRAPs, rocket launchers, fixed and mobile artillery, plastic explosives, and the full array of automatic and selective fire man-portable and mounted firearms will certainly be firing up their cache of 3D printers to make plastic pistols that fall apart after 30 rounds.
And let’s just grant that they can’t simply buy weaponry outright, they can easily buy tools to build Filipino or Afghani quality home built firearms. Or better.
Nope, they want plastic guns, which won’t last long, instead, because reasons.
Bullshit. Before the 1990s, as far as I know, no one was prohibited from owning a gun and there were no background checks. So since the 2nd amendment has been pissed all over since then, exactly what has improved?
Plastic guns are useless.
Untrue. The liberator is a perfectly servicable paperweight.
1) What is this, 1987?
2) 3-D printed doesn’t mean plastic. I believe that SLS printed guns made of steel have been shown to be quite robust. And I’ve seen plans for ABS plastic guns that use metal tubes for barrels and firing pins. In fact, I believe that internet wisdom says that a metal piece is required for compliance with some law against guns that don’t trigger metal detectors.
3) Useless depends on the purpose. A plastic gun that can be safely carried and reliably fire one round of buck shot or a slug accurately at a yard would be plenty useful for some purposes.
Doesn’t the hardware to do laser sintering cost upwards of six figures?
Or has that finally come down in price?
Yeah. There are home-hobbyist models at around that price point. And anyone who has one likely has the equipment to do traditional machining sufficient to machine a (smoothboar, at least) gun.
I’ve seen video of people making smoothbore weapons. The only hardware they needed was a hammer, anvil, and mandril, plus a heat source.
Sorry, forgot the chisel for adjusting the fit in the wooden stock.
Someone awhile back linked a story about the boutique gunmakers in Afghanistan. They are pretty damn creative with pretty rudimentary materials and tools.
Making guns isn’t difficult. That genie ain’t going back in the bottle.
Well, that and the whole printing process is neither trivial nor cheap.
I want my 3D printer to obey voice commands.
“Yes, my lord, what art thou desires?”
“Cocaine, weed, Mexican Ass sex, beer, bourbon, hookers… and did I already say blow?”
Not true shitlord will be without one. It will be as mandatory as monocles, top hats, and orphan slaves. Ah, the good old days, they have not yet arrived.
+1 diamond age
Yeah, if you can afford a 3D printer that can print in something other than plastic, why are you wasting time posting here instead of sailing around the world on your mega-yacht?
Tommy Robinson released:
The far-right activist Tommy Robinson is to be released from prison on bail after winning his challenge against a 13-month jail sentence for contempt of court.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley, was convicted in May for potentially derailing a long-running trial by live-streaming an hour-long diatribe outside a court in Leeds. The judge had imposed reporting restrictions on the case.
Robinson, who founded the English Defence League, named defendants in the case, the charges they faced and details of the allegations. He also filmed defendants and confronted them as they were entering Leeds crown court. The footage was viewed a quarter of a million times.
keyboardfingers“Lord Burnett, in his written judgement, said Robinson attended Canterbury Crown Court during a rape trial and filmed on the steps of the court and inside the building.”
A rape trial, BBC? What kind of rape trial?
Evil men and patriarchy
Why does the size and color of the offender’s genitalia matter? Don’t be a racist Straffin!
Wilhelm II declares war on his nephew Nicholas II and kicks WWI into high gear
Wilhelm II wasn’t Nicholas II’s uncle, they were cousins.
First cousins to be specific.
I thought both were first cousins to George V but they weren’t first cousins due to the confusing amount of Royal inbreeding going on at the time.
I guess you could be first cousins and uncle/nephew at the time, but I’m not going to put too much thought into it.
They were also first cousins to George V.
I have a vague memory of seeing a picture of the three of them together. They look freakishly alike. I cannot find the picture, but wikipedia includes this picture of Nicholas II and George V together.
Here’s Wilhem II and George V together, as well as other monarchs.
That’s a lot of hardware.
Is that like when she is both your sister and your wife?
The Norweigan and English Kings were cousins and brothers-in-law.
John Cleese shocks R4 listeners with homophobic slur and explains why he’s ‘fed up’ with Britain
Monty Python would not happen today and the world would be poorer for it
This is why we need comedians. To give voice to the absurdities of our culture.
Unfortunately, today’s media is clamping down hard on messaging, ensuring that the only voices heard are from the left to hard left. Any voices on the right are relegated to podcasting and convention-center meeting halls.
And yet their audience seems to be growing in the TDS world.
Reading the context, even in the article which misdescribes it as a ‘slur’ the context says there was no malice.
The rules of interviewing:
1 No poofters.
2 No member of the faculty is to maltreat the “Abos” in any way whatsoever—if there’s anyone watching.
3 No poofters.
4 I don’t want to catch anyone not drinking in their room after lights out.
5 No poofters.
6 There is no rule six.
7 No poofters.
And that was, what, 1972? I took that sketch as an explicitly pro-gay rights spoof of anti-gay macho behavior. Yet I seriously doubt you could make such a statement today. Can you imagine that airing on Saturday Night Live (with appropriately american substitutions for gay slurs?) Not to mention the idea of lampooning an entire nation… or continent… Ausies are white, but that is probably still out of bounds.
The more you know: “Abos” are not the white kind of Australian.
Video evidence
If I make it to 78 I can only fucking imagine how burned out on this shit I’m going to be.
No surprise that progressivism is the death of comedy there just as it is here. It truly is sad.
My favorite example is the school newspaper that printed some jokes to prove that proggies really do have a sense of humor and the readers freaked the fuck out and demanded the paper be shut down.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
I wish Chapman was still around to tell all these idiots to go pound sand.
That’s awesome. Graham would have loved it, I’m sure.
he said “poof”
they have fallen
I just listen to the Dave Smith podcast with Larry Sharpe. Man, I never heard Larry speak before, but he is awesome.
Man admits to impersonating a DEA agent
James Behen admitted to Kensington police that he stopped vehicles while posing as a Drug Enforcement Administration agent and that pretending to be a member of law enforcement “made him feel important,” according to a police affidavit.
“James said he would get excitement and … he felt people treated him differently,” Kensington police Sgt. Scott Cain wrote in the affidavit about the 35-year-old Newmarket man who faces four counts of felony false personation claims.
Behen also told police he once flashed the blue lights mounted in his vehicle so that other drivers would move out of the way on Route 101 in the Epping area because he was running late for a doctor’s appointment.
Behen is accused of posing as an agent when he allegedly stopped a vehicle on Route 101 in Epping on July 19 and three other vehicles in North Hampton. He has pleaded not guilty. According to police, Behen has been on the New Hampshire State Police and DEA radars for some time after they allegedly caught him impersonating a DEA agent earlier this year and warned him to stop or face federal prosecution.
They were able to identify him easily as he wasn’t on the take and had no record of having killed anybody.
171 on NH’s list of cops with credibility problems
A statewide list of police officers with credibility issues includes 171 names, but many of those officers are not likely on the job.
New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon MacDonald released a heavily redacted version of the Exculpatory Evidence Schedule last month, a list that his office is required to maintain under state law. Every person on the so-called “Laurie list” has been placed there by his or her police chief after internal investigators determined that their credibility had been harmed by committing a crime, lying or other inappropriate actions.
Names on the list are blacked out, as are the dates of the incident that got the officer into trouble. The June 1 list includes the date that the attorney general was notified of the issue and — in some cases — the reason for being listed.
‘White trash’ is problematic, says NPR, and it’s time we retired the term. But not because it’s disparaging of poor white people. No, poor whites are still garbage people. They went to garbage schools, work garbage jobs, enjoy garbage vices, and their worldview is hot garbage. They’re just as stupid, lazy, classless, and religious as the term implies.
But letting wealthier white people distinguish themselves from poor white garbage people is tricknology to evade having to acknowledge that all whites are garbage people. Rich whites use the term white trash to dissociate themselves from the habits of poor whites, but in reality, they’re lumping poor whites in with poor blacks. It’s another pillar of oppression supporting the vast slave plantation portico under which white people sit on slave-built wicker chairs and sip their sweet tea of white supremacy.
There is no “black trash” because there are other slurs for it…
I’m fucking sick of the phrase “baked into”. Don’t use it unless you’re making a pie or talking about Spiccoli’s VW.
Only pies? What about other baked goods? I only ask because I’m better at baking cookies than pies.
You put black birds in the cookies, sure.
I am fucking sick of hearing all the racist horseshit these people spew constantly.
My experience is that stupidity is randomly and well-distributed amongst the demographics. No need to subdivide idiots…..just: how do I get away from everyone?
How about this? Have one of these and if you can still find something to be racially assblasted about, click here (*NSFW*)
“it’s understood that if you’re not white, you’re trash”
The author, and the person quoted, clearly believe this. It’s about the most racist phrase I’ll read today. You could lift that quote from a Klan document.
NYT pick comment number one on that Cody Wilson piece:
Jerry Sturdivant
Las Vegas, NV10m ago
Times Pick
Your free speech should not infringe on my freedom and safety. He knows full well there are limits to free speech; You cannot yell fire in a movie theater. Should plans on how to build a nuclear weapon be posted on line? Plans on how to make poison gas? Plastic explosives? We went over this with the Pentagon Papers and various other classified information. No.
Psst- Hey, dummy. All that information is out there. And you are never going to make it go away.
DIAF zombie Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Your free speech should not infringe on my freedom and safety.
Speech does not infringe on your freedom and your perception of your safety is irrelevant to what the gov’t is allowed to do pursuant to its founding charter. And when rights conflict it means one thing is not a right.
Plans on how to make poison gas? Plastic explosives?
The materials to make these things can be acquired at a hardware store. And, as you (Brooks) say, the information is out there. So as a practical matter, this persons (hysterical) position is irrelevant.
Hell, King of the Hill did a fucking joke about it in an episode:
Peggy: Okay, get this. I combined two common items in a powerful new way. I told my readers to harness the cleaning power of ammonia with the whitening power of bleach.
Hank: Ammonia and bleach? You told people to mix ammonia and bleach?
Peggy: Only if they want bathroom fixtures that shine like the sun.
Hank: Peggy, that’s the recipe for mustard gas. Arlen will be covered with a cloud of poison
“Plans on how to make poison gas? Plastic explosives?”
Uhhhh…..Earth to dipshit: this already exists! It’s called the internet fuckstick; and before that there was the Anarchist Cookbook (a publication which, by the way, is also protected by 1A and you can buy on Amazon right now).
Your free speech should not infringe on my freedom and safety.
Speech literally cannot infringe on your freedom, and it only infringes your safety when it takes the form of imminent threats. Being a colossal pussy is not a protected class.
Yeah, good luck to these dummies trying to put the genie back in the bottle.
“…there are limits to free speech…”
No, actually there are not.
propagandizeseducates tosow racial animosityfight injustice.On Monday evening, the Paramount Networks aired the first part of a six-part documentary series on the death of Trayvon Martin called Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story…
The testimony of Trayvon’s parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, dominated the opening hour. Their grief seemed real enough, but instead of accepting responsibility for their son’s chaotic life, they projected their guilt onto the marginalized, dehumanized “other” of this story, George Zimmerman, the man who was forced to shoot Trayvon in February 2012 to save his own life…
The hour concluded with the release, under pressure, of the 911 tapes. On one tape, a man could be heard screaming desperately for help for more than 40 seconds. Said Tracy on camera, “I know my son’s voice. I know it was him.” Sybrina said the same. For Tracy, the release of the 911 tape “was the game-changer,” the one bit of evidence that made Zimmerman’s arrest inevitable.
In the real world, the SPD did not try to bury the 911 tapes. Its officers played them for Tracy two days after the shooting. The Orlando Sentinel reported at the time, “It was Zimmerman [crying out], Serino said. He said he is certain of that because he played a recording of that voice for Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, and the Miami man said the voice was not his son’s.” SPD investigator Chris Serino was not interviewed for the documentary.
Most conspicuously absent from the first hour was Jon Good, the closest of the eyewitnesses to the shooting. Good told the Sanford P.D. immediately after the shooting, “So I open my door. It was a black man with a black hoodie on top of the other, either a white guy or now I found out I think it was a Hispanic guy with a red sweatshirt on the ground yelling out help! And I tried to tell them, get out of here, you know, stop or whatever, and then one guy on top in the black hoodie was pretty much just throwing down blows on the guy kind of MMA [mixed martial arts]-style.”…
In their lowest blow, the producers treated Zimmerman as a cigar-smoking tool of white supremacists and the NRA. The spurious references to Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law served no larger purpose than to make villains of the NRA and then-governor Jeb Bush. Stand Your Ground was fully irrelevant to Zimmerman’s defense. The occasional images of Klansmen and Confederate flag-wavers served no purpose other than to inflame.
There was no reference at all to Zimmerman’s mentoring of two black teens, his work with the homeless, his open support for Barack Obama, or even his Hispanic roots. Zimmerman had been named after his uncle Jorge. Had he been named Jorge instead of George, the story would never have left Sanford. In a battleground state, in an election year, the media would have wanted no piece of a story in which a “Jorge” shot a “Trayvon.”
I have nothing to say other than this is all pretty damning if true. I did not watch and do not intend to, but I appreciate any other perspectives/opinions if anyone has one.
The Nikolas Cruz shooting and what came out about how the police had been operating there shed some light on the Trayvon Martin shooting. Apparently the cops in Sanford had been operating in a similar manner: ignoring crime to make their numbers look good. Martin was a thug that was out of control.
Speaking of Ho Chi Minh-
A couple of my friends have been watching Ken Burns’ Viet Nam documentary. Apparently, Ho Chi Minh was a nice guy; just misunderstood. We should have been friends with him.
The American left never met a mass murderer who didn’t have at least a few redeeming character traits.
Mao defeated those ugly nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek.. before killing millions in labor camps and millions more through starvation.
I heard from Full Metal Jacket that Ho Chi Minh was a sonofabitch.
Not sure if this was tackled yet, but the statement “Tommy Robinson is out on bail. A judge found that there were “irregularities” in the original finding. Let’s hope he stays out as the British attack on free speech continues to criminalize actions we take for granted in America.“, should have been terminated with the words “as of today” or “yet”. There is a contingent that definitely wants to do much worse here and they also peddle the impossible idea of free shit for all. I guess if they silence the opposition, selling their lies is easier.
selling their lies is easier
Which is the point and why they refuse to debate. When they debate, they lose. A proggie acquaintance of mine ( who denies such affiliation) recently told me that I am the one who is unwilling to have an open mind right before stating he did not feel the need to defend his own positions right before stating he disagreed with all of my assertions* with out providing justification as to why.
*I provided assertions, yes. But I also provided supporting evidence. IOW I made an argument. I am as much a victim of government schools as anyone, but jebus *expletive* christ…
A proggie acquaintance of mine ( who denies such affiliation) recently told me that I am the one who is unwilling to have an open mind right before stating he did not feel the need to defend his own positions right before stating he disagreed with all of my assertions* with out providing justification as to why.
Honestly, I think “an open mind” means something different to progressives than it does to libertarians, and even conservatives. To the rest of us, “an open mind” means being willing to consider evidence or lines or reasoning other our received dogma. For progressives, “an open mind” means suspending reason and empirical observation when they contradict the progressive narrative. From your acquaintance’s perspective, you lack an open mind because you insist on subjecting progressive wisdom to rational scrutiny and demand evidence to support the claim. An open minded person, from the progressive perspective, would accept the limitations of is own senses and reason and see that all these enlightened people genuinely support the idea, so there must be something to it.
“Honestly, I think “an open mind” means something different to progressives than it does to libertarians, and even conservatives.”
To progressives the issue isn’t an open mind, but right (or should it be left) think. Controlling what people are allowed to think/believe is what it is about. How else can you have the divide and conquer Progtopia they pretend they want?
Are you friends with my mom?
I swear i had the exact same conversation on why sh HATES Trump.
3,000 Ancient Gold Pieces Discovered In Burial Site In Kazakhstan
I’ve played too many RPGs, I was expecting coins.
From “It’s a free country” to “Who said you could do that?”
Plastic guns are difficult to detect, and concerned about making it easier to produce them, the Obama administration had used export laws banning the foreign distribution of firearms to prevent publication of the blueprints. But an abrupt reversal by the State Department last month appeared to finally clear the path for Mr. Wilson to usher in what his website calls “the age of the downloadable gun.”
That age, he said, would start Wednesday when he would begin uploading the instructions. But faced with dire warnings about an imminent risk to public safety from alarmed public officials across the country, a federal judge in Seattle on Tuesday evening abruptly granted a temporary nationwide injunction blocking Mr. Wilson from moving forward with his plans.
Attorneys general in eight states and the District of Columbia had filed a joint lawsuit attempting to force the Trump administration to prevent Mr. Wilson’s nonprofit organization, Defense Distributed, from making the technical plans for the plastic guns available online.
In a decision from the bench issued immediately after an hourlong argument by lawyers for both sides, Judge Robert S. Lasnik of United States District Court said the lawyers bringing the suit had established “a likelihood of irreparable harm” and of success on the merits.
Freedom? Fuck that.
The freedom to subjugate the masses is the only freedom our government cares about.
I remember this freak out about the “undetectable” Glocks. Tiresome slaves are tiresome.
there is zero attempt at discussion around this issue. instead we’re witnessing just another complete meltdown like with everything else.
if there’s anything resembling a Blue Wave, then POTUS will be fighting impeachment the rest of his term.
Wilson should just go ahead and put the info out there and then let the government try to stop its proliferation.
This is another reminder that the information was already put out there until 2013 when the feds put an initial stop to it and was downloaded approximately 400,000 times before it was taken down.
You can’t stop the signal, Mal.
Information wants to be free.
Information wants to be $5.99.
… a federal judge in Seattle on Tuesday evening abruptly granted a temporary nationwide injunction…
Do we have any lawyers who could explain to a rube how a judge can issue a nationwide injunction? Do these federal judges actually have nationwide jurisdiction, or are they overstepping their bounds?
Ladies of pallor always have more fun. Because, you know, privilege.
Many good choices but I’m pretty sure 21 was created in a lab just for me.
8, 18 and 22. Not just because they are aesthetically pleasing human specimens, but also boozers.
#10 has an odd look, but I think the thiccness might override it. #31 is awfully cute, and that’s not nothin’. #23 looks like she’s not taking ‘no’ for an answer, which is handy, because I’m not giving it. #5, while the most covered, is the girl I crush on when I meet her at my boy’s place at the beach.
Also, curly script cursive tattoos have never, ever, ever looked good. They are the duckface of tattoos.
The ink is pretty bad in this selection.
I’m not categorically against tattoos on women, but I am categorically against tattoos that look like floral wallpaper or have trite sayings written in cursive. I can’t help immediately drawing conclusions and judging the shit out of the wearer.
My nieces (sisters) married brothers, but neither set are twins.
“3-D printed guns are functional weapons that are often unrecognizable by standard metal detectors because they are made out of materials other than metal (e.g., plastic) and untraceable because they contain no serial numbers,” the state officials said in the lawsuit. “Anyone with access to the CAD files and a commercially available 3-D printer could readily manufacture, possess or sell such a weapon.”
On Capitol Hill on Tuesday morning, alarmed Senate Democrats declared that Mr. Trump would be responsible for any injuries or deaths resulting from untraceable 3-D plastic guns, and called on him to reverse the policy immediately.
“It’s his doing, it’s his responsibility and the blood is going to be on his hands,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut. “He can tweet from now until the end of his administration, but the hard reality is that he can stop needless death and injury in America.”
Senator Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts said, “Donald Trump will be totally responsible for every downloadable plastic AR-15 that will be roaming the streets of our country.”
OMG!!!1 Plastic AR-15s ROAMING THE STREETS! Those gunz will hunt down and kill innocent little babies, and eat them!
Who will make America safe? Who will save us from the Big Bad Wolf?
I see no mention of Fast and Furious in that.
Mr. Trump would be responsible for any injuries or deaths resulting from untraceable 3-D plastic guns
These people usually claim to “support the second amendment, BUT…”. Using this logic any lawmaker/exec/whatever that thinks that people should have any particular firearm also has blood on their hands and are responsible for resulting gun violence.
every downloadable plastic AR-15 that will be roaming the streets
I thought it was just the receiver. And I didn’t know it was sentient and mobile.
“Trump would be responsible for any injuries or deaths resulting from untraceable 3-D plastic guns, and called on him to reverse the policy immediately”
And yet Democrats are in no way responsible for creating sanctuary cities that let multiple offender felon illegal immigrants loose into society, when they then end up killing someone. Democrats are never responsible for anything, which must be why they keep telling their voters that responsibility is some old fashioned racist thing.
Where’s my shocked face? NRA plays into the hands of gun grabbers.
Dumbasses. All they had to do was call out attempts to restrict blueprints as a 1A violation. Now they’re conceding that point by not contesting it and bragging about their gun banning work in the past.
that was a really weak statement. wow. why bother.
I only regret that I can’t stop giving them money a second time (or third, or…)
The NRA is about as serious a “gun rights” organization as the ACLU is a “civil rights” organization.
It’s shit like this that annoys me about the NRA. They’re like the collaborators of the gun rights movement. They ought to be standing in solidarity with DD on the greater position that the 2A exists to protect the inherent right of every person to provide for their own defense as they see fit, limited legally only to the extent that it infringes on the same or other rights as held by other people. Instead, they get hung up on proving how good they are at cooperating with gun regulators, tacitly acknowledging gun ownership as a privilege bestowed by the government.
The NRA largely exists to perpetuate it’s own existence. They can’t be too successful or they wouldn’t be necessary.
That may be true for the political branch, but the training and educational services would still be viable if the true meaning of the second amendment were ever to be properly applied to the country.
Why would they make a statement if it was going to be that weak?
They would have been better served to not say anything.
Gun grabbers become champions of conventional firearms in opposition to the new hotness that is “ghost guns,” extol their “strange new respect” for the NRA.
GOA. They are solid on 2A. And I believe they support the BoR as a whole.
Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, issued the following statement:
“This is freedom. This is what the Second Amendment protects. With few exceptions under federal law, it is legal to make your own personal firearm, as long as it is not transferred to another person. Why wouldn’t the Second Amendment protect the right of a law-abiding citizen to make his or her own weapons?
“Anti-gun advocates are taking to the courts to try and stop Defense Distributed. They claim that 3D-printed guns will become a boon for criminals. But that argument is a red herring. Criminals will always break the law and will always get their hands on some kind of weapon.
“Our rights do not depend on what criminals do. For example, we do not shut down printing presses because someone might use it to libel.
“Already, almost 80% of firearms used in crime are weapons that were not legally owned. And studies have long shown that criminals have already been making their own illegal weapons or getting illegally-made firearms from overseas.
“Gun haters always want to focus on the illicit uses of guns, but that would be like only focusing on deaths result from doctors’ negligence — which are around 250,000 per year — and ignoring the overwhelming amount of good that they do. In fact, according to the CDC, guns are being used 16 to 100 times more often to save life, than to take life.
“The bottom line is this: the rights of law-abiding citizens should not be infringed simply because criminals refuse to obey the law. Otherwise, all our rights would be in jeopardy.”
“Otherwise, all our rights would be in jeopardy.”
Feature, not bug.
In the words of Hooke:
The NRA has always been pretty worthless if you ask me.
Cool! Makes perfect sense.
And then he moved on to the real reason behind this, the one that allows the first reason to be accepted as palatable by the SJW’s that run the city:
The DA’s office also says there is no moral justification for the racial disparities in marijuana-related arrests.
He would have been right on if he went with socio-economic disparities instead.
I’ve seen bored guys make zip guns out in the woods with blank cartridges in the Guards. It’s not that hard.
They are gun grabbers, i.e. liars. Every single argument they are making is deceitful.
Hell I made guns when I was a kid. I am talking ten years old. I know that a BB propelled by a shotgun primer out of a 6″ tube will penetrate all the way through 3/4″ plywood.
So now that I’ve lost a good hundred pounds, I’m finally interested in going backpack-camping. I’m a very experienced car camper, but never backpacked. Does anyone have any good reading material for me to get up to speed on the bits I need to know? Preferably advice that doesn’t start with buying a bunch of new shit would be appreciated. I know how to do that. More interested in reading up on skills and considerations that apply to backpacking that don’t apply to car camping.
Currently the plan is for me and Thing 1 to go on one overnight next year as soon as the weather turns nice. He’ll be 9 going on 10 at the time. Any advice or resources for backpacking with a kid that age would be appreciated.
Also mn glibs – I was looking at the Superior Hiking Trail. Any suggestions on a trail section, or another trail we should be looking at?
You are definitely looking ready!
Crosby-Manitou State Park.
It’s gorgeous and backpack only. The hike in isn’t bad, but it will give Thing 1 a real experience without being grueling.
I’m not sure I would invest in all the shit right away. There are a number of really good outfitters up there that will set you up with all the latest (and lightest) equipment.
Oh, yeah – earlier in the season is better. The mosquitos and black flies can be rather…intense.
This guy is pretty entertaining and has great tips on camping.
I dicked around with a few of our camping hammocks. Lots of good info on his channel.
And he’s from Minnesota!
I hate to say this because of their intentional anti gun bullshit, but your local REI probably offers backpacking skills for beginners classes, usually for free.
Teach Thing 1 how to read a map and use a compass. A real magnetic compass, not an app on your iPhone.
car camping usually involves a fire pit (for me, anyway) but backcountry camping usually has all sorts of open-fire restrictions. do you know if you’ll be carrying a stove and fuel?
I don’t know anything yet. I’m purely in information-gathering mode right now.
The first thing you’ll need is a horse, possibly a mule, to carry everything.
I went at least once a year, sometimes 2-3 times, from around 10 to 18. (I lost the love of it after I started having to plan for myself.) I’m sure you’d do well finding some primers, but honestly, neither of my parents were survivalists or even especially outdoorsy. We just packed up tents, sleeping bags, a couple changes of clothes, toiletries, a water purifier, prepared meals, and enough flatware to prepare and eat them. And books. You’ll want to bring something to read.
The most caught out we were was when mom wasn’t paying attention to what my sister had worn, and discovered when we got to the parking lot that she’d worn wholly inappropriate footwear, sandals or something. That was a sour start.
Neither of us were hugely athletic teens, but we could cover several miles uphill without too much trouble. Pack him light, but definitely pack him something. Having something to haul up the mountain added something to the tedium of walking for hours.
I take that back–the most caught out we were was when halfway up the trail we ran into lingering snowpack. We’d packed for cold weather, but there was enough ground cover that we’d have needed galoshes at least. So we turned around and found a spot at a lower elevation. I’m sure now for any prominent trail you can find local conditions on the internet.
I can give you some advice based on my limited experience backpacking, for what it’s worth. The most important skills are going to be dead reckoning, knowing how to navigate with and without a compass, and packing as light as possible. When you need to go off-trail to camp, mark your path; leave redundant, conspicuous markings that you won’t later mistake for a branch a deer knocked off a tree or something. Like Raston says, unless you know for a fact that you’ll be hiking to a spot where you can set a fire and know there will be dry fuel there, plan on a cold camp, or on cooking on a portable stove.
“Preferably advice that doesn’t start with buying a bunch of new shit would be appreciated”
Unfortunately, if your set up is designed for car camping, you’re not going to be able to get away with not buying at least some new shit. How much does your sleeping bag weigh? Can it be compressed to such a size that it will fit in a backpack and leave plenty of room for everything else? What kind of food are you taking (keep in mind that it can’t be easily refrigerated and cans are really heavy)? What about a tent; are you planning on using one or just sleeping under the stars? What if the weather turns bad?
My point here is that backpacking requires about an order of magnitude more planning than car camping. There are many things we take for granted even when car camping vs. being at home safe and sound. It’s good you’re only going for one night since I can *guarantee* that you’ll forget something important no matter how much you plan. Keep a list of everything you packed and everything you forgot so that next time you’ll know what to take and make the preparation process a lot easier. A 9 year old isn’t going to be able to carry very much so you’re going to be stuck carry almost everything both of you need. Good thing you’ve been doing GlibFit cause hiking with 30 pounds on your back is exponentially harder than regular hiking.
TL;DR – Plan, plan, plan! Then plan some more.
I did this between two recent business trips, feeling kind of silly doing it – but it was a godsend.
Oh, yeah, I just mean that I know that already. I know that, at a minimum, I’m going to need to buy a pack for myself, shelter or shelters, sleep systems for both of us, hydration systems, and cooking systems (unless we plan on eating cold on our first trip). Its just that I’m able to figure that out on my own.
Thing 1 and I did his first pseudo-backpacking trip with Cub Scouts this year, where he had to carry a day-pack 1 mile up-hill (probably ~10 lbs of stuff in it) and he loved it. He has since gone on a 3 mile hike with a similar daypack, and we plan on working our way up to five or six mile day trips so we both can get a feel for our range and our loads we can carry.
Stuff you’ve probably already done and know to do but I’ll say it anyway:
1) Set up and break down your tent at least 3 or 4 times before you leave; you need to be able to do it in your sleep once you get where you’re going because you’ll be tired and the weather could be inclement
2) Have two options for water in case one of them fails (filter and iodine tablets for instance)
3) I’d almost plan on eating cold just to remove one more thing to worry about
4) Assume that you’ll be stuck in a blizzard/hailstorm/monsoon and plan how you would deal with it (that includes entertainment, packing electronics usually isn’t an option, what will you do if you’re stuck in the tent with your boy for 8 hours?)
It’s your first trip so you’re just getting a taste for it; you may not even like it! Backpacking isn’t for everyone. I’ve moved away from backpacking toward car camping just because you can pack a lot more creature comforts and it’s less stressful (ie: if something goes wrong, you just have to jump in the car).
Have fun!
Good advice on setting up the tent. Practice it alot. Also, if you can have an open fire in the area your hiking/camping, remember to start the fire immediately after picking your campsite. Psychologically, it is comforting to have a fire. Also, trying to start a fire in the dark sucks. Stop hiking in the afternoon, don’t push on till twilight. Start setting up camp a couple hours before sundown so the surroundings are familiar and you aren’t working in the dark.
I live right next to the Superior Hiking Trail. It is beautiful along the north shore.
Advice: Buy good hiking boots (I like Keens) and good socks (I like SmartWool).
Wear those socks and boots for at least 50 miles BEFORE you set off on your hike.
Bring two forms of water purification (filters always seem to break). Also bring Tang or Crystal Light or Mio flavor to disguise the taste of your boiled creek water.
I take the BSA view: your equipment and techniques will evolve, but the intellectual tools of wilderness first aid and basic planning/methods are much more important. Trip plans, weather research, menus, logistics (I pack the multi-tool, you’ve got the cook pot) are more important than boot brand wars.
Yep. If Baden Powel and his kids could figure out how to back-pack with wool blankets and oiled canvas tarps in the actual kill-you-dead wilderness, I’m sure I can manage an overnight in a state park without the top of the line ultralight whatever-it-is-this-week.
Minnesota Is America’s Happiest State; Louisiana Its Least, Study Finds
The Minnesotans were just being nice and lied to the people taking the survey.
Nope. We look around us and see NoDaks, SoDaks, Iowegians, Canucks and Sconnies. Then we think, “Uffda, we got it made here.”
I find these studies to be more than a little bit dubious. Usually happy=commie from what I have seen.
Science denier
Yup. Look at state migration patterns to see the truth. Happy people don’t flood out of a state.
I’ll be plenty happy when I can leave IL.
Happiness means lots of welfare, even if you’re unemployed or underemployed because working more makes no financial sense. Also, waiting three years for a hip transplant is fine if it’s paid for by the NHS. And who cares if communities have been erased by the wholesale importation of foreigners who share none of the local customs, and maybe not even the language: more diversity means more happy!
So I guess you’re planning on running for office then?
Measuring happiness is really about measuring how big a loser someone is.
Things that reduce happiness, according to science:
1) Intelligence.
2) Having children.
3) Higher education.
4) Lofty goals.
That said, people with these traits report later in life that they are more “fulfilled” in their lives.
But, anyone find it interesting that Scandinavian countries have the highest happiness metrics and states with high ex-Scandinavian populations also do? Perhaps it’s a cultural thing. It has been pointed out before that in this particular culture not being happy is also considered impolite.
Hedonic enjoyment =/= happiness =/= life satisfaction. The last one is the one we should be most concerned about in our own lives and these surveys have no idea what they’re measuring. Someone on a cocaine binge is “happy” in that moment, but does that make them a happy person? What does that even mean? I’m with everyone else here; these studies are garbage and designed to try and prove that a big welfare state makes people “happy”. Sure, I’d be happy in a superficial sense if I never had to work for anything and had my every heart’s desire given to me by an all power Daddy-figure government. However, that does not make for a satisfying life and ultimately hollows out the human spirit.
TL;DR – These kinds of studies are biased horseshit and can be safely ignored.
Yep, I thought it was a fun thing to be treated like a horoscope but the reality is these studies are rigged more than a pro wrestling match.
I concur that the studies are dubious, but I’d chalk it up to the objectivity levels of the respondents. I avoid the masses, particularly the opinions of the masses…..which is all this boils down to.
I’m a deplorable, in live in flyover….but I very seldom accept the value judgments of my native demographic.
I’ve had fabulous experiences in both MN and LA…..a properly situated life might be possible in both.
How can a place civilized enough to sell liquor in gas stations and still have drive-thru daquiri shacks be the least happy state?
Maybe they need all that booze to cope?
/devil’s advocate
Peak NYT
“I know, it’s awful, but we have to let those dumb rubes and Bible-thumpers say things, too.”
I clicked on that NRA statement link, and found this–
A federal district judge hearing the case ruled, in 2015, that the interstate handgun transfer ban violated the Second Amendment. Applying strict scrutiny (which requires that the law be narrowly tailored as the least restrictive means of achieving the compelling government interest of reducing violent handgun crime caused by interstate sales), Judge Reed O’Connor concluded that the evidence failed to support the requisite fit between the law and its intended objective. The law prevented all legally responsible and qualified persons from directly acquiring handguns from FFLs in every state other than their state of residency. This could not be “narrowly tailored” when compared to the law relating to rifles and shotguns, “taken together with instant electronic background checks, face-to-face meeting requirements, state [point of contacts], and published compilations of state and local firearms laws.” This “current statutory scheme presents less restrictive alternatives to achieve the goals that Congress identified in 1968, rendering the federal interstate handgun transfer ban not narrowly tailored.”
A three-judge panel of the U.S Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed that decision early this year. The federal law was narrowly tailored because it was “unrealistic to expect” that each FFL could become and remain “knowledgeable about the handgun laws of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the local laws within the 50 states.”
Ending the interstate restriction would be good.
I wonder if that part about it being unreaslistic to expect individual ffls to stay abreast of the vast array of state and local restrictions is transferable to sales tax collections.
“The federal law was narrowly tailored because it was “unrealistic to expect” that each FFL could become and remain “knowledgeable about the handgun laws of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the local laws within the 50 states.””
This is true. What we really need is all state and local laws to be invalidated and have uniform laws with minimal/no restrictions. This is not a Roe v. Wade style thing in which the states have the authority to limit abortion as they see fit. 2A protects the right to bear arms of every citizen across the country, superseding and limitation imposed by a lower entity. Any state and local laws are usurpations of a basic right, plain and simple.
Well yeah, but how does that poll?
Sounds great in theory, but I trust the federal government to enforce the 2nd amendment even less than I do the states. I dont want there to be any federal laws whatsoever that have anything to do with firearms.
So it is unrealistic to expect dealers to know the gun laws in 50 states. BUT, requiring online merchants to know the tax laws for every taxing district is totes cool?
I made this argument when the subject came up, and someone here claimed it didn’t qualify as unduly burdensome. Which I called bullshit on. Not just because it obviously is, but because it legally is, as well.
2A protects the right to bear arms of every citizen across the country, superseding and limitation imposed by a lower entity
I eagerly await the leftist cries about #MuhFederalism, even though this is an area where, under strict constitutionalism, federalism does not apply for the reasons you stated.
I went to the website. It basically says ghost guns are already illegal.
They’re pretty spooky. They have ghost in the name and everything.
I really wish people would call these anti 3D gun feebs out on their bullshit.
“Really Sen Nelson? It’s just a few clicks. Why don’t you give us a live demonstration of you printing an AR15?”
Except if it is ever possible to print out 3D guns in a few clicks, I still want it to be legal. So not sure I care about going down that road.
It would be to discredit our “betters”
The NRA should hire Casper to open carry to make ghost guns less scary.
The founding fathers really only knew about 3D printed muskets.
The federal law was narrowly tailored because it was “unrealistic to expect” that each FFL could become and remain “knowledgeable about the
handgununconsitutional, yet oddly permissible, laws of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, and the local laws within the 50 states which violate the Second Amendment.”Thank God they found a way to save the self-licking ice cream cone. Pretty sure they are ruling here that there are so many laws out there which infringe the 2A that you have to further infringe the 2A to keep the unconstitutional laws from being violated.
A note on it being claudius’ birthday-
I, claudius, claudius the God by Robert graves were both very good books. I enjoyed them.
RE: Twinpocalypse.
It’s almost an impossibility that sometime during the course of their marriages they won’t swap, just to see…
I assume they already have. I mean, you want to get ahead of that before it happens by accident, right?
I’m sure like with most twins there is *some* distinguishing characteristic that would be readily apparent, like a mole somewhere, that would make any “accidents” unlikely.
I find that in circumstances like this it’s best to poke an eye out of one. Makes distinguishing them super easy.
Meh. Swapping doesn’t seem like much fun when the other person is identical.
That’s the point, you just have to know if everything really *is* identical. Also, sexual technique: how much is nature and how much is nurture? So many questions!
Ah I see. For science then!
As always, Hooke was there first.
“his diary records that he had sexual relations with his niece”
Scientists are so freaky.
Just came across this random news story.
Were the Clintons in Phoenix last week?
Lighting yourself on fire. For someone like the monk in Vietnam, I could kind of see it. Just to off yourself? Hell no.
“This is going to hurt.”
Yeah… bullshit.
I knew a guy that killed himself by fire to make it not look like a suicide so his wife and kids could collect life insurance.
It clearly didn’t work…
Well he died, but the investigators figured out it was a suicide. I don’t know if insurance paid out.
Being a Dem consultant seems to be a pretty hazardous profession.
Also, I have a friend who told me once that he wants to die in the most painful way possible. If it’s the last thing you’re ever going to experience, it might as well be intense. Maybe that’s what this guy was thinking. Assuming, of course, he wasn’t offed by one of the DNC’s hitmen.
My father went the same way.
Joke. Pretty funny one, too.
Lopez worked as a consultant for several political campaigns for Arizona Democrats, with a long family history in Phoenix politics.
Hack and fixer for Democrats? Or burned alive?
I dunno. Tough call.
It is getting rather tiresome. Delusional people are delusional.
Walther improved their CCP
1.18″ thick so wider than the PPS. they kept the “softcoil” mechanism to reduce recoil.
I’d still like a pps. The ppq is great, but I can see myself carrying something a bit smaller.
I carry the pps and love it. I would like to get my hands on the sig365 to compare though.
^like the higher capacity of that 365
I don’t carry mine, but the gen 1 is a great gun. A coworker has the M2 and really likes it.
I have the m2. I really like it. Not sure how I’d like the paddle mag release over the button. I’ve never used one like that, so I went m2.
I just cant get past the plastic. Guns are made of steel and wood.
I’m done buying ugly guns.
No Hi-Point then?
No way. Went to the range with this guy from work who had just bought a new high point carbine. Front site came off almost as soon as he started shooting. Had some other issue that I can’t recall as well. It was junk.
I am looking over the SW website making a wish list. I need to win the freakin’ lottery.
Mod. 19
Mod. 29
Mod. 41
Mod. 686
Mind you I have one of all of those already except the mod. 41 but I want more. I want the 19 with a square butt and 6″. The 686 I have in 6″ I want the 8″. On and on.
I really need to win the lottery.
I feel ya man. I want all the guns. Then of course you need optics and everything else.
Guns are made of steel and wood.
I like plastic (fiberglass, whatever) stocks on my hunting guns. I don’t care as much if they get beat up, and you don’t have the issue that sometimes comes up with wood stocks shifting with temperature and humidity changes. Every gun I take into the field has a plastic stock.
The 2nd rifle I ever owned, a Remington 22 semi-auto with a 10 shell magazine, was green plastic or fiberglass, whatever. I mean the body of course, the functional parts were steel.
‘We are Q’: Conspiracy cult leaps from the internet to the crowd at Trump’s ‘MAGA’ tour
The thread invited “requests to Q,” an anonymous user claiming to be a government agent with top security clearance, waging war against the so-called deep state in service to the 45th president. “Q” feeds disciples, or “bakers,” scraps of intelligence, or “bread crumbs,” that they scramble to bake into an understanding of the “storm,” the community’s term – drawn from Trump’s cryptic reference in the fall of last year to “the calm before the storm” – for the president’s final conquest over elites, globalists and deep-state saboteurs.
I don’t know exactly what to make of this, other than people love a good conspiracy theory. But, the thing that really jumped out at me was the very opinionated style of the article. I know it’s a WaPo “reporter” but still.
No mention of tits?
Qanon is a LARP.
“Fuck off kike shill” /pol/
Hey Mike,
Did you enjoy your beer yet?
I did! They were great. I sent my tasting notes in. Hope to see them up here next Saturday maybe…?
Glad to hear it
Speaking as someone who’s seen his write up, I think it’s safe to say he enjoyed them.
“He also claimed without evidence that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower”
Ummm…. that’s exactly what happened.
“millions of illegal votes cost him the popular vote”
It may not have cost him the popular vote and he may have exaggerated the magnitude, but there were *many* illegal votes (the extent of which we still don’t know; something that should probably worry those concerned with election integrity a helluva lot more than MUH ROOSKEEZ)
“Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros are planning a coup”
I would say they’ve moved past planning and are executing one. It may be bloodless and it may be slow, but their manipulation of the permanent bureaucracy and shady backroom dealings with foreign entities seem coup-like to me.
“Press reports are dismissed as “Operation Mockingbird,” the name given to the alleged mid-century infiltration of the American media by the CIA”
Not alleged. And the press is so biased already that the CIA doesn’t even need to manipulate them.
This article deserves a true Fisking.
So it begins
President Trump called Wednesday for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation “right now,” alleging bias on the investigative team and complaining about the trial of his former campaign chairman.
“This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further,” Trump tweeted. “Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!”
about time
No shit. Long overdue.
Yeah, except Sessions has reclused himself and that probably won’t change.
Trump should fire Sessions and be done with it.
Damn I wish.
What is the guy actually doing? Is he just sitting in an office somewhere twiddling his thumbs? I haven’t heard a single thing about him since he was hired.
Don’t worry Suthen, but the time he’s done, every single high schooler that ever took a toke on a joint will be in Federal Prison. He takes his responsibilities very seriously.
He’s sitting in his cushy office pouting because Trump won’t let him get them potheads. The guy was useless right from the start, who didn’t see this shit show coming?
Yes, this, right the fuck now.
Trump needs to fire Sessions. And for gawd’s sake DO NOT replace him with Rudy. Get a clue already, orange one!
The problem with appointments is the same as with elections. Who ya’ gonna get? It’s always about the least bad choice. There just aren’t any good ones.
This guy
Andrew Napolitano
He crossed my mind. If he has a lick of sense he would refuse to have anything to do with the job.
I’d rather he be on scotus.
Dallas had a DA for awhile who was actually pretty decent. They went through some of their cases, as I recall, and actually released people they had wrongfully convicted in the past.
Bonus for people who care about optics: He’s a black dude. Let’s see the Dems go after him in the confirmation hearings.
“He’s a black dude. Let’s see the Dems go after him in the confirmation hearings.”
You would see it.
There’s nothing worse that an uppity negro who won’t do what we tell them. /Democrats
+1 Clarence Thomas
Harbaugh also doesn’t recommend eating Buckeyes because they’ll kick your ass!
I don’t like Michigan but I love Jim Harbaugh — he’s hilarious.
::rousing applause::
These Buckeyes?
Think I’ll stop at O’Connell’s and have a beer on my way into work this morning.
I think how Melania has been treated by the media is more telling than how they treat her husband.
It’s hard to take people very seriously who yell about the patriarchy and feminism and #metoo and then treat the first lady the way they do.
The prominence of the “Q” symbol turned parts of the audience into a tableau of delusion and paranoia
That right there is projection powerful enough to show a movie at a drive in theater in Phoenix at high noon.
The prominence of the “Q” symbol turned parts of the audience into a tableau of delusion and paranoia
You aren’t paranoid if they really are out to get you, and its only delusional if you are wrong. Hard to say that large swathes of political leadership and the civil service aren’t out to get Trump.
The Washington Post should adopt A Tableau of Delusion and Paranoia
as its motto, instead of that risible “Democracy Dies in Darkness” blurt.
I always figured that the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” was accurate it was just referring to themselves supplying the darkness.
And WaPo looks totally sane compared to the NYT these days.