Special thanks to STEVE SMITH for stepping up to the plate this morning. The 70s really were a strange time. Also special thanks to whoever brought up fish and grits in the comments yesterday. I realized today that I had bacon, grits, and fish. That was a heck of a good lunch. Also my wife made me breakfast and mowed the lawn, so I suppose I will get a big-ticket item request today or tomorrow.

What part of “It’s a 1A right” don’t you get?

Elderly are getting into the hot car asphyxiation racket. You’ll never believe the weird twist.

According to my father, this is what Mass used to look like in his Nana’s church in Brooklyn.

I assume this site is totally not credible, but it fits my biases.


Sorry, no time to look for music today, some genius decided our Azure DB needed FB data center levels of performance and the client was pretty shocked at the bill. I’ve been spinning like a sales-guy in a delivery meeting all afternoon.