What do you get when there’s links lacking the depth of Sloopy’s, the creativity and formatting of SP’s, the sly snark (and equally great formatting) of WebDom’s, the Spanish of Mexican Sharpshooter’s, the trilingual classiness of Swiss’s, the conciseness of Brett’s, and the rape of STEVE SMITH’s? You get mine. Old, creaky, and cheap.

Before jumping into the news, I just wanted to share something that amused me. Some Amazon reviews. No, not the intentionally funny ones from the 55 gallon drums of personal lube or the wolf-moon t-shirt, but ones where the reviewers were totally serious. In this case, it was for the brand of veggie burgers that SP and I had for dinner last night. They’re a remarkable product of food science, and despite being (so I’m told) disturbingly realistic imitations of ground up cow corpse patties, are 100% vegan. Well, there’s an invitation for self-righteous delight!

Not vegan !!!
on May 21, 2018
Verified Purchase
Products like these that contain “Palm oil” are NOT VEGAN, as they contribute to animal killings in this case with the extinction of MONKEYS…
Wildlife such as orangutans have been found buried alive, killed from machete attacks, guns and other weaponry. Government data has shown that over 50,000 orangutans have already died as a result of deforestation due to palm oil in the last two decades. This either occurs during the deforestation process, or after the animal enters a village or existing palm oil plantation in search of food. Mother orangutans are also often killed by poachers and have their babies taken to be sold or kept as pets, or used for entertainment in wildlife tourism parks in countries such as Thailand and Bali.
you feel like you are unboxing an iphone
on June 24, 2018
Verified Purchase
This product is gratuitously over packaged.
It may not be apparent from the manufacturer’s picture, but the 2 patties are packaged in a hard plastic tray with a clear film top, all slid inside a cardboard sleeve. When you open it, you feel like you are unboxing an iphone.
I’m a vegetarian because I want to reduce my environmental impact. So, while I really like this product, I won’t buy it again because of the completely un-necessary packaging.
And I get why they do it. This really is an exceptional burger, and they want to communicate that through the packaging. I would give the burgers themselves 5 stars. They simulate the squishy feel and look of meat quite well, which results in a very pleasurable experience. Most veggie-burgers are dry and puck like.
But the second time you eat one, you don’t need the snazzy packaging and you just end up being another hypocrite, who snacks on a $3 meat free hamburger while chucking a bunch of petroleum based plastic into a landfill.

Wherever did people get the idea that vegans are prissy, humorless twits rather than deeply concerned and serious thinkers?

And screw all those other birthdays, today is the birthday of the great Phil Proctor. “Oh, Porgie, oh my oh my oh my!”

Everybody needs a hobby. But for shit’s sake, if it’s upskirting, you have to do it right. Flash is not a good idea.

The video footage taken on July 5, 2016, contains five segments, put together as part of the Metro Police Transit Department investigation into (senior Obama administration official) Mendoza’s conduct…

In the far left of the shot you can see him getting closer to the woman on the escalator, bending down and the light on his cell phone turning on. You can then see the flash from the camera as he takes the photo…

According to Department of Education documents, Mendoza tried to take photos and videos up women’s skirts at least four times on his government-issued iPhones in July 2016 without their consent. When he took the indecent photos, he was supposed to be at work and was using a travel card funded by the taxpayer, according to the documents obtained by DailyMail.com through a Freedom of Information Act request.

It’s guys like him who give perverts a bad name. Still, that’s not the part that struck me as interesting. What was interesting was that the story was entirely unreported despite the high profile and the click-friendly salaciousness. It only came out now because of FOIA requests. You don’t think it was because he was in a Team Blue administrations, do you? Don’t you think that if a Team Red guy was caught doing the same thing, the news media would be just as happy to bury it out of a deep concern for the guy’s well-being? Of course, because their job is just to report, not cover up for people on their Team and go totally hysterical about people on the other Team.

What could be better proof of the stupidity of an entire generation than eating laundry detergent and making stars out of some rather empty-headed rich kids who happened to be at a crime scene? Maybe this.

Drake fans are jumping out of moving vehicles for a viral challenge and the National Transportation Safety Board is reminding the public that that is a bad idea…

Unfortunately, since it went viral, a shocking amount of challenge participants have taken things to a dangerous (and stupid) level by jumping out of moving cars as opposed to just dancing next to parked ones.

What was the old joke about why Polish dogs have flat heads?

Speaking of flat heads, delightful irony abounds.

In recent months, Moonves has become a prominent voice in Hollywood’s #MeToo movement. In December, he helped found the Commission on Eliminating Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace, which is chaired by Anita Hill. “It’s a watershed moment,” Moonves said at a conference in November. “I think it’s important that a company’s culture will not allow for this. And that’s the thing that’s far-reaching. There’s a lot we’re learning. There’s a lot we didn’t know.”


If you’re going to do immigration, do it right.

Nude sunbathers watched in confusion as the group of more than 30 migrants sprinted into a surrounding forest to evade the pursuing Spanish border guards. The migrants had just crossed the strait of Gibraltar having sailed from the coast of Morocco.

A spokesman for the Guardia Civil police force in Ceuta said the migrants managed to climb over the double barrier, which is covered in small blades. He said they scrambled over “all of a sudden, with much violence”.

Come for the titties, stay for the welfare.

Summer is the best time to ramp up the OMG PANIC!!! PANIC!!! stories about the imminent immolation of the earth.

“You see roads melting, airplanes not being able to take off, there’s not enough water,” said Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. “Climate change hits us at our Achilles’ heel. In the Southwest, it’s water availability. On the Gulf Coast, it’s hurricanes. In the East, it’s flooding. It’s exacerbating the risks we already face today.”

Gone are the days when scientists drew a bright line dividing weather and climate. Now researchers can examine a weather event and estimate how much climate change had to do with causing or exacerbating it.

Sure they can. Suuuuure.

Well, sometimes to have to give in to the inevitable. And that means Old Guy Music. And the theme really fits. These guys got it in 1972, before most of you kids were even your daddies’ boners. Bonzo was a fantastic band, way ahead of their time, that has sadly faded into obscurity.