Just when you thought it was safe to go out… Brett, after more tequila, decided to take me up on a dare and consequently got eaten by an alligator (this will be tomorrow’s Florida Man story). Moral: Ignore the Jew, especially when there’s a reptile involved. But do pay attention to these first rate news stories that (((we))) generously throw out there for discussion.
I’m beginning to lose all respect for the business school program at Wharton. How do they turn out someone with this sort of remarkably muddled thinking? Or with a total ignorance of the history of Smoot Hawley? Or about how globalization has led to local manufacture of so-called foreign brands?
Trump has said imposing tariffs on foreign cars could push Americans to buy more U.S. automobiles, helping U.S. workers. But critics think tariffs would drive up the cost of all cars and pass those inflated prices on to consumers.
Commerce Department officials are now considering a variety of options to address Trump’s insistence that cheap foreign cars are flooding the U.S. market, and some of those measures would stop far short of imposing tariffs, two people briefed on the discussions said. But several of Trump’s advisers think he is expected to follow the approach he took with steel and aluminum imports and choose the most severe restrictions and his favored tool — tariffs across the board, according to the three people briefed on White House discussions.
SFX: palm to forehead
But at least the ladies like him. The poor and stupid ladies, that is.
Just 44 percent of white women voters with college degrees approve of Trump, while an even smaller 36 percent of white women with graduate degrees approve. By contrast, among working-class white women, views are split evenly.
Oh, and old ladies.
Among the youngest cohort of white women, Trump’s approval rating is a pathetic 32 percent, whereas among white female senior citizens it’s a very strong 51 percent.
The inevitable happens in Canada.
The Toronto City Council has voted overwhelmingly to urge Canada’s federal and provincial government to ban the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition in the largest city in the country. The council’s 41-4 vote came two days after a man shot two people to death and wounded 13 others in the city.
Here’s an idea: ban shooting at people. That should work.
There’s so much conflated in this article, it’s hard to know where to begin.
Some 13.5 percent of the U.S. population — 44 million — is foreign born, the highest level ever, and many are not proficient in English, choosing to speak Spanish at home instead. A report from the Migration Policy Institute found that 22 percent of the U.S. population does not speak English at home. The share was highest in Nevada at 31 percent and Florida at 29 percent.
Funny, when I was a little kid, we lived with my grandmother who was an immigrant- and her English was definitely not proficient, nor did it ever become so. Yet for some reason, we still didn’t speak Spanish at home. And like it has ever been, my parents and their siblings were perfectly bilingual, and my generation (except me, because we lived with Bubbie) could only speak English. Huh.
The spirit of sending someone a dildo from “Hugh G. Rexion” is alive and well.
Los Angeles Police Department officers responded to a report of a suspicious package at 2:30 p.m. PT, LAPD Public Information Officer Mike Lopez told USA TODAY. The officers then called in a Los Angeles Fire Department hazardous materials team. “The package was addressed to ‘Anne Thrax,'” Los Angeles Fire Department spokeswoman Margaret Stewart said in a statement.
I’m sure you imaginative types will come up with better aliases.
Rand Paul dishes shit and gets shit. The article was ho-hum, but the comments are a rich delight.
Bob Rousseau: Too bad Rand Paul’s neighbor didn’t beat him harder. Rand Paul is a useless waste of good air. John Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, and Comey are the Best of the best…true Americans who served their country 40x more than Trump. These American Law Enforcement, and Intelligence professionals deserve our gratiitude for speaking out to protect the United States from Trump and his Anti American fascist authoritarian policies and behavior.
You tell ’em, Bob!
Speaking of delights, this is the Gray Lady today, albeit not menopausal.
And lately, women — and transgender and nonbinary people who menstruate — are talking about it in public more than ever before. There are new products and services on the market, from menstrual cups to period underwear to medicinal cannabis and “period coaches.”
Period coaches?
“C’mon, BLEED! BLEED!”
I don’t usually do the Old Guy Music on weekday posts, but hey, what the fuck. Lee Barber is the greatest songwriter you never heard of, and this delightfully horrifying tune comes off his latest album. By the way, he also did the featured painting on this image, and his visual work is just as disturbing and wonderful as his music.
Sporty girls that presumably also enjoy mattress workouts.
1, 3, 9, 10, 18, 19.
Am I seeing that correctly? The fiber optics illuminate just her breasts?
Creating nice targets.
“Ignore the Jew, especially when there’s a reptile involved”
Would there always, by definition, be a reptile involved?
Were Adam and Eve truly Jewish? I mean, they had food rules, she ruined his life… Hmmm….
Iif It bleeds it leads.
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
Is blood was on da leebs.
*grimaces… then gives golf clap*
“The Toronto City Council has voted overwhelmingly to urge Canada’s federal and provincial government to ban the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition in the largest city in the country. The COUNCIL’S 41-4 VOTE came two days after a man shot two people to death and wounded 13 others in the city.”
Toronto’s City Council has 45 members?? Jeebus…
Surely it’ll work this time!
Chicago has 50.
The city has 2.7 million people. What’s the right-sized city council for a city that size?
Phoenix is 1.6 million people and its city council is the Mayor + 8 council members. So…5?
Brisbane has 1.131 million and 26 councilors, so 62?
The community I build homes in has about 1500 residents and 9 board members, so 16,2000.6?
There are 10^11 neurons in my brain contributing to my emergent personality, so I think we need 2.7×10^17 councilors.
We may have trouble finding enough volunteers.
What’s the Toronto council doing about vans? Still have killed more Torontons (Torontans? Torontorians?) than this guy. Still no action against that menace.
Any substance to the ISIS claim, or it another taking credit for anyone & everyone? I also see they’ve already determined the gun came from the U.S. It’s all Indiana’s fault.
I thought I saw he had visited ISIS websites and maybe gone to the Middle East somewhere?
I think he just hit the local Isis franchise.
Isis is in Toronto?
“transgender and nonbinary people who menstruate”
Congratulations. Who said there isnt a peak stupid? Peak stupid looks a whole lot like batshit crazy.
transgender and nonbinary peoplebiological females who menstruate despite their subjective mental states”“people who should have been sifted out of the gene pool eons ago”
That one works better for me.
There is no evidence transgenderism is hereditary.
10th trimester abortion it is then!
That doesn’t even make sense.
We’re supposed to make sense around here now?
RC, you are better at sorting that lunacy out than I am. My eyes just glaze over and I dismiss it half way through.
This one was easy, Suthen. Some of them, I can’t figure out what the biological sex or even subjective gender is. But if you’re menstruating, you’re a female, whether you like it or not.
You are assuming they are actually menstruating. It could be all in their head.
Are you dismissing stigmata? Or maybe crochmata?
Wait, wut?
Is there a documented case of crochmata? Or is this what all women just do to show their divinity?
No matter how crazy a biological female is, menstruation will make he/she/xe/xer/it worse.
That could be an iron law.
I think anyone can choose to be anyone they want.
What they cannot do is force people to accommodate their every whim via the force of the state.
I think you can do what you want, dress how you want, act how you want, fantasize what you want, and strive to become what you want, but at the end of the day you do have limits placed by reality. You can’t live in lava, you can’t subsist on air alone, and you cannot change your sex.
Anyone can’t choose to be anyone they want.
In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?… the Great Depression, passed the… Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered?… raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression
That was then. This is now. It’s totally different.
A couple of differences. Smoot-Hawley was global tariffs on steroids. And it was passed during a floundering economy, not one that is booming and ramping up. Also, Trump’s goal isn’t to bring more money into the government, it’s to level the playing field for American businesses. I do agree that it risks starting a global fire that nobody will be able to put out but it’s not an apples to apples situation.
I’m not a fan of tariffs by any stretch of the imagination but if the announcement with the EU today bears any fruit, as a negotiation tactic, short term tariffs seem to have worked in his favor.
The article about a share of the U.S. population not speaking English at home is indeed poorly written. But the report it’s based on is interesting. The third most popular language is fascinating: German in Pennsylvania (even today?), French in West Virginia, etc.
Amish would account for the German.
The 4th Reich makes apple butter?
And some damn fine barns. If you want a large structure built quickly that will last for a very long time, hire the Amish or Mennonites.
No idea about those stats. But I would put the percentage of people at the local Walmart who do not speak English WHILE NOT AT HOME, at about 30%.
Did Quebec move to West Virginia?
Bob Rousseau: Too bad Rand Paul’s neighbor didn’t beat him harder. Rand Paul is a useless waste of good air. John Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, and Comey are the Best of the best…true Americans who served their country 40x more than Trump. These American Law Enforcement, and Intelligence professionals deserve our gratiitude for speaking out to protect the United States from Trump and his Anti American fascist authoritarian policies and behavior.
How does Bob type comments with Brennan’s cock in one hand and Clapper’s in the other?
I still don’t understand how the left has such a fucking hardon for the FBI.
(The left loves federal law enforcement but all local law enforcement is racist. The right loves local law enforcement but the feds are a bunch of deep space pigs)
(I’d say something about woodchippers here, but I don’t want to get this place indicted. I’m sure Preet still has friends in high places.)
Deep Space? DEEP SPACE?
You idiot, JB.
Works for me.
I second that, I thought it was intentional
God damnit, beat to the punch by a wahoo.
Actually, it’s this.
New Space Force codename confirmed.
They’ll love anything that suits their immediate purposes, and getting Trump is priority #1 at the moment.
That was obvious when they defended MS-13.
“The left loves federal law enforcement but all local law enforcement is racist. The right loves local law enforcement but the feds are a bunch of deep space pigs”
That pretty much sums it up. I’d add that the Left loves federal law enforcement because it’s their own little potential Stasi and demonizing local law enforcement serves to rile up their political base. The Right loves local law enforcement because MUH LAW N ORDER and hates the feds because they’re agents of an out of touch elitist patrician class.
Local law enforcement lovers hates federales because of Prohibition. The Drug War and DUI payoffs aren’t even swaying them that much.
The right loves local law enforcement because when you live in a rural county that has five deputies, those five deputies are peace officers who do their job and don’t act like enormous giant assholes, at least to the actual residents of the county. Because if they do act like enormous giant assholes, then the sheriff loses reelection.
I live in a place that has a city, a moderately wealthy suburban county, and a rural county all strung out in a row along the interstate. I’ve dealt with all three agencies, and it really kind of goes to show you that the word “cop” in America describes at least three different guys. All three departments have vastly different approaches, resources, and challenges. I think that the real source of the Cop Wars in this country is that when an urban resident says “cop”, a suburban resident says “cop” and a rural resident says “cop”, they’re using the same word to describe three entirely different things.
‘The right loves local law enforcement because when you live in a rural county that has five deputies, those five deputies are peace officers who do their job and don’t act like enormous giant assholes, at least to the actual residents of the county. Because if they do act like enormous giant assholes, then the sheriff loses reelection.’
Forgive the late response but, about the enormous giant assholes part…that depends entirely on who you are and who you’re friends with. A goodly chunk of my childhood and early adulthood was spent living in rural areas and if you were young, not juiced in with the good ol’ boys, and deemed an undesirable, local law enforcement can make your life a living Hell. They can act completely outside the bounds of legality with complete impunity just as easily as a federal agent if they feel so inclined.
Are you sure those cocks aren’t in his mouth instead?
“I’m beginning to lose all respect for the business school program at Wharton. How do they turn out someone with this sort of remarkably muddled thinking?”
It’s just bluster.
Stirring the pot.
Agreed — and to a point, it’s already working.
Same way Harvard Law turns out that other guy.
Historically, it’s worked exactly that way. First generation immigrants don’t learn English, second generation learn both, third generation learn English only.
My great grandfather came here knowing only Polish and Yiddish.
(he learned English while running with Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky in the 20s and 30s)
First generation immigrants don’t learn English, second generation learn both, third generation learn English only.
I keep reading SJWs, academics, and misc. lefties who apparently have a very poor grasp of the meanings of English words. Are they all first or maybe second generations immigrants?
Intellectuals are a 4th type — they spoke English very well at age 16, but by age 36 were entirely unable to comprehend it.
They do become highly proficient in Academic Gibberish, though, which I’m told is one of the more difficult languages to master.
That’s by design. That way they can claim it means whatever they want it to mean regardless of how idiotic it is.
Twenty years ago I knew the difference between “sex” and “gender.” Now I’m completely confused.
Twenty years ago they were synonymous. They still are.
Just because other people are confused doesn’t mean you need to be. *skritches grrizzly’s ears*
I forget who it was — some fairly heavy hitting internet computer nerd. Maybe the Stack Overflow guys, who eventually ended up asking, “Do you possess a Y sex chromosome?” for one of their clients who was a pharmaceutical company or something that really needed to know if their product had different effects on people who possessed only X chromosomes versus a mixture of X and Y chromosomes. I feel like that’s what I want to clarify in some of the stuff I read now.
We’ve had a struggle with complying with the new “gender-confusion friendly” requirements, and our actual clinical need to know what you’re actual freaking biological sex is.
My suggestion that we take people at their word, and if the treatment wipes out their ovaries or blows up their abused endocrine system, well, that’s on them, was not accepted.
try telling that to the ambulance chasers.
I tell ambulance chasers lots of things, including “Your client insisted on this. We told them risks and benefits of alternative treatments, and they said they wanted this done despite the risks. As we warned, their heart exploded. Their choice, not our negligence.”*
*Not a transcript of an actual conversation I had today, but close.
Maybe that works in your locality. But in a litigation hellhole like Philly, juryies usually find “failure to warn” no matter what the doctor says he told the plaintiff. My doctor said his practice was considering videoing all discussions of treatment and risks with the patient in the hopes that would deter malpractice litigation.
Twenty years ago “gender” wasn’t used as a verb.
But “spend” was.
“Are they all first or maybe second generations immigrants?”
Could probably be arranged.
My grandfather can’t really speak Italian (he knows some words and expressions but none of the grammatical structure) despite both of his parents being immigrants who were only passable in English because they forbade their children from speaking Italian. According to him, they would only speak to their kids in English, telling them “You aren’t Italian, you’re American, and Americans speak English” although they still spoke to each other in Italian sometimes.
My great grandfather read the damn dictionary after dinner each night because he wanted to improve his English vocabulary. And I never heard him speak Italian at home. It was important to him that he be proficient.
Worked that way more or less with my grandfather, although I’ve worked hard to keep up a good knowledge of German. Thank goodness for the internet in that regard.
Similar story here.
Grandparents were both 100% polish, but taught their kids absolutely none of it.
All they have to do is not be insane…
Using a plastic straw is worse than shitting on the sidewalk.
*ponders cost of a pallet of straws, the fee for a charter flight over Santa Barbara, and the optimal altitude for maximum straw distribution within the city limits*
There’s a WKRP joke in there somewhere.
As God is my witness…
Life in prison for littering… I’m thinking a slam dunk 8th Amendment appeal here, but in the meantime I’m sure Commiefornia would stick you in the hole for the years it would take to get it heard.
I’m sitting at Whole Foods in Santa Barbara reading this. LOL. I’m just passing through but I’ll stay around to watch the hysteria of your giant straw dump.
“whatcha in for?”
“I gave a table of people some plastic straws. You?”
“Capital murder”
“Oh. How, severe.”
“Yeah. Seems you and I have something in common?”
“We both share a like of things that suck.”
“You sure do have pretty eyes….”
What is “How you select your prison bitch for $2000”, Alex?
True Story?
Sup Tres!
Reminds me of that Thanksgiving song by the Commie.
“Kid… Go sit on that bench.”
“Do you want to play the husband or the wife?”
“get over here and suck yo’ wife’s d ”
I love that joke.
#metoo – always makes me chuckle
I wonder how many of those who voted for that law were also rending their hair over the “children being separated from their parents” when illegal immigrants were being sent to jail.
Six months per straw is also especially draconian – makes me think this is one of those laws intended to be applied inconsistently, conveniently against political opponents.
It certainly shows that the law-and-order types are not limited to conservatives. If anything, the left is always trying to up the draconian shit, and then conveniently forgets they were the ones starting the shit when it backfires on them. Much like the “community activists” in the 80’s that cried and begged for more police and then 25 years later are bitching and moaning about the police in their communities and blaming conservatives for it.
I can just see the PSA’s now…
“Think twice before sucking on that straw, you could find yourself sucking on something much bigger in one of our fine correctional institutions”
Now we know why they decriminalized knowingly infecting someone with AIDS. They needed prison space for straw pushers.
Is this like a life coach?
For a time-constrained part of your life, yes.
It sounds like a great job, if you can synchronize all your clients, you get the rest of the month off.
If you can deal with hormonal women and blood, sure.
Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 days every month and doesn’t die…
Wait till she stops bleeding ~50 or so. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Um, as any married Glib can tell you, it’s 20 days and they aren’t all consecutive. Right guys? Hello?
I was away for awhile while I settled into my new location and job, but I am back to provide the dumbest from Gizmodo Group:
Why Co-Ed Sports Leagues Are Never Really Co-Ed
Co-ed leagues generally require a minimum number of women to be in play at a certain all times. ZogSports’ rules are representative: two out of eight players on a soccer field must be women; in volleyball, two out of six; in softball, every fourth batter needs to be a woman. The assumption here is that to make the teams “even” they need a certain number of women players, which implies that women players aren’t as skilled as men. I’ve played in enough co-ed leagues to know this is untrue.
The next week, Verrier was tackled twice in her game, by two different men. “One really knocked me to the ground and really hurt my knee. And I was like, well thank god that hit me at the front of the knee, not the side.” After that, Erin hung up her boots. “I’m not going to risk fucking my body up. It’s sad because I’m probably never going to play soccer again.”
And the #1 comment:
A lot of guys hate women. That’s not a very nuanced take, but I can’t see how anybody could argue otherwise. They don’t like women, and they’ll tell you that this isn’t true, because they know the optics of saying “I don’t like women” are really bad. So they’re going to be super aggressive and try to prove that women don’t belong on the field, regardless of the level of competition.
My wife had a friend who had trouble dating and she said “I don’t get it. She likes sports.” I had to tell her that a lot of guys liked sports because they were less likely to find girls watching them.
I think it’s dumb and I’d rather hang out with women most of the time, but it is what it is, and I’m probably not a prototypical sports fan to begin with.
I’m probably not a
prototypicalsports fan to begin withI guess this guy has never been to a college football game.
Or a hockey game. For whatever reason, chicks seem to dig hockey more than other sports.
It’s the only sport my wife will attend, which is fine with me since it’s the only one I will watch too.
I’d rather hang out with women most of the time
Sounds like a “feminist ally”. If so, the chicks probably really wish he’d quit stalking them.
What. a. cuck.
“which implies that women players aren’t as skilled as men. I’ve played in enough co-ed leagues to know this is untrue”
It doesn’t imply that at all dipshit, it just means that a team can’t have one token woman and a whole roster of roided out men so they can steamroll to the championship. Everyone knows that whatever team has the best female players in co-ed sports is probably going to win.
Everyone knows that whatever team has the best
femaleLesbian players in co-ed sports is probably going to win.So I’ve heard.
I fail to see a distinction.
yes, yes, and yes. Also, to impress the chicks there to.
It’s like she doesn’t understand testosterone.
“It’s like she doesn’t understand testosterone”
I played in an co-ed indoor soccer league back in the late 90s. We were required to have 2 of 6 players on the field be women. Also, a man couldn’t shoot inside the red line until a women on offense had touched the ball in that zone.
The key to having a good team was having a top tier woman player. We had one who played college soccer and it meant she was a legitimate attacking threat and not just touching the ball to get it live.
The same is true in other sports, the team with the best women players is inevitably the best team.
The skill is not the issue. The Womens National Team routinely gets their asses kicked by U18 mens club teams. Not because the boys are more skilled, but because they are bigger, stronger, and faster.
Biology is still a thing.
Actually the men are way more skillled too.
We occasionally have chicks come and skate with us. They are always welcome and since it’s no checking, not dangerous for them. Can they keep up? Some can, some can’t. But if you compare comparable youngsters, it’s not even close.
Re; Trump’s auto tariff proposals
per DowJones/Reuters
Europeans agreed to work on more U.S. LNG exports
Europeans agree on lowering industrial tariffs
EU agrees to align regulator standards on medical products
EU agrees to import more U.S. soybeans
wild. Just wild.
without the tariff gamesmanship they wouldn’t have given us a damn thing, we really just used leverage made from whole cloth to secure actual concessions?
To be fair, the EU probably thought the same thing about Obama. “He really just gave in without asking us for anything of substance in return?”
It’s less “made from whole cloth” and more “decided to play the ace you had in your hand the whole time”. When your nation accounts for a quarter of the global economy, you have a lot of leverage built in.
Trade war with Europe over. We won.
Poor Brett…. some days you get the gator, some days the gator gets you.
Some days, you are the gator.
There’s a gator in the bushes, Lord, he’s calling my name
A band with more dead members than the Ramones.
Viagra can help with a dead member.
They can’t get any stiffer.
I saw them in a bar in 1983, and they were washed up and old by then.
Do they have any songs without whistling?
Don’t recall any on this.
Nor this. Great hair though.
Last one. All the rest have whistling.
The Frank Frazetta covers are pretty sweet!
Yeah, he’s quite talented.
Mocking this in HS:
“We were beatin our rods again!!”
You got any good sarsaparilla?
period underwear
They’re bringing back pantalettes?
That doesn’t link to SIV’s blog.
re: Suthen and his nail clippers
I did that once for an aspirin-sized wart on my wrist. I’d been using salicylic acid for months and the damned thing kept coming back, so one night I got pissed off and dug it out with clippers. The acid had deadened the nerves in the skin enough that I barely felt it. Hasn’t come back.
See, it is a matter of motive.
I’ve burned them out with a soldering iron successfully several times.
Duct tape.
Something in the adhesive acts to wipe out the wart fungus better than compound W.
I feel like a dick for saying this but…
Damn, OMWC, those are some fine formatted links, with context, blockquotes and teeeeeeeeny bit of editorializing. Almost SP-level stuff. BRAVO!
Oh, I’m totally telling Brett you said that!
Oh, you’re a dick for a bunch of other reasons. :-p
Hurrah! I’m accomplished!
So, a Renaissance man.
“Almost SP-level stuff.”
Let’s not get carried away here.
SP was looking over his shoulder telling him how to do it without totally fucking it up.
I’m the 7th view on that video, OMWC. Does Mr. Barber have something against marketing or something?
Good song, though.
Good song, though Yeah, sounds like Mr. Barber has been listening to someTom Waits.
He works much too quietly. Doesn’t tour. You have to go to Austin to see him. But he plays with some amazing people (e.g., his bassist is the producer for Okkervil River), and his songs get regularly covered by better-known people. James McMurtry is a huge fan, for example. One of them once remarked at a concert I attended (with a now-dated reference), “Everyone knows who Joe the Plumber is. In a just and fair universe, more people than that would know who Lee Barber is,” then played a cover of one of Barber’s early songs.
Yeah, definitely some Tom Waits influence, but I also hear some Leonard Cohen.
How retarded is Toronto and John Tory?
The gun was illegally obtained via the U.S..
Fucken assholes. 41 fucken assholes. 4 rational ones. I wonder how many of the 41 would prefer to vote with the Rational Four but are too gutless to do so?
If we’d only had one more law on the books, this never would have happened?
RE: Vox’s “brilliant analysis” of the pussy vote.
Nothing says “equality” and “inclusion” like condescending to women you consider inferior about their choices.
Shorter Vox (and the whole DNC for that matter): “Stupid Deplorables, just shut up and do what we say so we can help you!”
^Argue with an honest (or stupid) prog long enough and they will eventually admit that this is what their entire worldview boils down to.
“Convicted child predator Larry Nassar was reportedly assaulted in prison less than six months after he began serving his sentence, which could result in the disgraced team doctor moving to another facility.
Nassar was assaulted within hours of his release to the general population at the United States Penitentiary in Tucson, Ariz., court documents filed Tuesday by Nassar’s attorney stated. The assault could place Nassar in position to move to another facility, the Detroit News reported.
Nassar’s attorneys blamed the prison assault on Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, who in January sentenced Nassar to 40 to 175 years in prison and said she “signed [his] death warrant,” Lansing State Journal reported. The former doctor’s attorneys said the judge made “efforts to demonize Dr. Nassar in front of the entire world.”
Nassar began serving his 60-year sentence at the Tucson prison in February after pleading guilty to child pornography charges. In January, he was sentenced again in a separate case after more than 200 women came forward accusing the 54-year-old of molesting them while he was working as a sports doctor at Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics.”
It’s pretty hard to feel sorry for that piece of shit.
Boo-hoo you kiddie diddling piece of shit.
How exactly would you demonize someone like that? You cant exactly play up the awfulness of it. You cant add anything to it.
Demonize in what way?
Oh, it’s totally the judge’s fault – child molesters generally do really well in prison if the judge doesn’t demonize them.
Apparently the reason kiddy-fuckers face near certain violence in prison isn’t because of some special moral-abhorrence that prison populations have for the crime of child abuse…
….but rather that so many violent convicts were themselves abused as children, that many share desire to wreak revenge on perpetrators.
Yeah. Who knew people who were victims of such things, and at the time were helpless to stop it, and who later have a…shall we say casual attitude toward violence might respond like that? Morality has nothing to do with it, other than the morality of revenge.
Either way, it works for me.
Add to that, a bunch of the guys serving time have children of their own. Something something goes around, comes around…
I consider the whole “put the kiddy diddler in gen pop” to be a wonderful example of the moral cowardice of American government.
It’s “we’re gonna torture this fucker because he deserves it, but we’re gonna pretend we’re not torturing him.”
Hang the fucker with no drop, or impale him on a meathook, or toss him off a roof. But do it yourself. Don’t wrap yourself in high moral principles and claim you’re exercising impartial justice when you know someone who’s going to be beaten and raped in gen pop goes to gen pop.
Once, I remember, I ran across the case of a boy who had been sentenced to prison, a poor, scared little brat, who had intended something no worse than mischief, and it turned out to be a crime. The judge said he disliked to sentence the lad; it seemed the wrong thing to do; but the law left him no option. I was struck by this. The judge, then, was doing something as an official that he would not dream of doing as a man; and he could do it without any sense of responsibility, or discomfort, simply because he was acting as an official and not as a man. On this principle of action, it seemed to me that one could commit almost any kind of crime without getting into trouble with one’s conscience.
Clearly, a great crime had been committed against this boy; yet nobody who had had a hand in it — the judge, the jury, the prosecutor, the complaining witness, the policemen and jailers — felt any responsibility about it, because they were not acting as men, but as officials. Clearly, too, the public did not regard them as criminals, but rather as upright and conscientious men.
Albert Jay Nock
There’s a lot of badness in the world.
Thousands of little Eichmanns.
I kind of have to agree with this. I don’t feel sorry for the bastard in the least. But, the judge all but announced that she wanted to see the guy raped, tortured and beaten. If you’re gong to sentence the guy to that, just say it and be done with it.
Hillary had dinner with Weinstein after her election loss.
All Trump has to do if that cunt runs is just plaster that all over the place. A picture tells a million stories and tales.
Well, she’s already married to someone accused of multiple rapes.
It’s the only way she’d get any.
Bill’s sloppy seconds?
Grand Junction (CO) woman sticks it to GOP with billboard:
I don’t think that’s going to have the effect she thinks it will…
Maybe she’s trying to say they aren’t right wing enough.
Wonder if billboard business is owned by a Republican who will donate all profits from this twat’s billboard to Trump 2020?
Trump’s insistence that cheap foreign cars are flooding the U.S. market
My Honda Civic says ‘hello’. And I’m pretty sure (without looking it up) it was assembled in the US.
To the best of my recollection GM builds in Canada (some at least); Ford builds in Mexico (some at least); and all the Japanese companies build in the US.
My Subaru Forester and Nissan xTerra were built in US plants.
“Subaru Forester and Nissan xTerra”
What are you, a commie Jap-lover?
I would have guessed lesbian.
I read a great advertising article. It explained how Subaru went after the lesbian market long before gay right activists made “gay” normal.
But we have a 2009 Forester (again Motor Trend SUV of the year) because the ground clearance is just as high as the Xterra. It goes through snow as well as the Xterra. It has tons of interior space for a small vehicle. It is very practical. And no one steals a fucking Subaru.
And no one steals a fucking Subaru.
Unless they’re a lesbian.
How do you like the Xterra?
It’s great for what it is. There are only two mid-sized SUVs still built on truck frames — the Xterra and the 4Runner (which cost 10K more).
I bought 2002 Xterra when it was Motor Trend SUV of the year. I drove it for 13 years. My daughter is still driving it. I replaced it with a 2014 Xterra. Looks the same, but it is essentially a clean sheet design. Consumer reviews put it at the bottom of the heap of mid-sized SUVs. Most common complaint — it drives like a truck. Because it is a fucking truck.
High clearance. 4WD. 270 horse power. 16 mpg in mixed city/highway driving. It goes where I want it to in a blizzard. It pulls my 3000 lb trailer without a problem.
It has a cheap plastic interior that can be washed with soap and water. It is a Sport Utility Vehicle, not a grand fucking station wagon.
I like the sound of that. Any years to avoid?
Don’t know. I’m sure there are lots of consumer reports available.
Nissan seems to have stopped promoting the vehicle. When I bought mine, the local dealer didn’t have one on the lot for 4 months. I had to find one online and have the local dealer fetch it.
Still, I see lots of them here in Iowa.
In both that I have had, I paid for interior protection, exterior paint protection, and rust-proofing packages. The 16-year-old Xterra only has minor rust at this point, and the exterior still looks great.
I would recommend them given my past experience.
Yep. The minivans and station wagons aren’t cool, so they make a minivan but give it truck-ish styling and call it an SUV.
CAFE standards drove the station wagon out of the market. Mileage targets are bases on square inch foot print. A station wagon (car) has a tougher standard to meet than a crossover SUV (truck) with an identical foot print.
That’s a shame, too – I have an odd desire for a station wagon. I need the room for road trips w/ wife & dog and it’ll handle better than a SUV.
Volvo and Mercedes make station wagons, but won’t import them to the US. They only import crossover SUVs.
600 HP MB station wagon. That ain’t no family truckster.
There’s one that gets parked around here w/ NH plates. It often has a purse on the seat – I would love to know if she’s the gearhead or her husband just pulled a “Fine. You want a station wagon? I’ll buy a station wagon.”
(I’m assuming no single ladies are buying themselves 600 HP station wagons).
If I’m not mistaken, Mazda hasn’t assembled in the US since 2013 when they ended their partnership with Ford.
Thanks. I wasn’t aware of that.
My Passat came from Chattanooga.
My Kia Came from Korea, Bite Me Donald!
I mean , Mr. President
Watching the current Kia commercials, OMWC was rumored to say “Sex sells.”
That’s what he used to say about that “Hey, Mikey. He likes it!” Life cereal commercial, too.
If I were drinking, I would have done a spit take.
Probably here in Central Ohio at the Marysville plant. Contributes huge $ to the local economy.
Was trply to RS.
My cheap ass Chevy is a Daewoo, made in Korea, with a Chevy sticker on it. While my “foreign” Civic was most likely built in the US.
FIAT CEO and legend Marchionne suddenly dies.
I’ve read he had cancer in the shoulder, was doing well, and then threw a blood clot and that was it.
That’s what I hear. Crazy.
He brought a North American ethic to FIAT. He was really respected and loved.
He really saved the company.
I have no idea who this is.
WAGS is an acronym for “Wives and Girlfriends” originally applied mostly to European soccer players. So I’m gonna guess she got famous as some soccer player’s arm-candy and now does some sort of reality TV.
“Twitter is “shadow banning” prominent Republicans like the RNC chair and Trump Jr.’s spokesman”
What’s a twitter?
It’s like a queef but only happens when the woman is in the process of having an orgasm.
On online insane asylum for narcissists who can’t think in blocks of more than 220 characters (or whatever it is) at a time.
A putrescent sore that seeps into the national discourse.
Here’s the thing I don’t get about this tactic at Twitter. Do they really think no one is going to pick up on what they are doing? It’s sort of like the situation above with judges and prison attacks. If you’re going to ban conservatives, just fucking do it. You’re a private company and free to adhere to whatever editorial standards you want to decide what to publish. Oh, wait, yeah, you want to maintain the pretense of being a “neutral content forum” because that lets you off the hook for liability over what gets published on your site.
Honestly, I almost wish someone would do away with that pretense.
Just 44 percent of white women voters with college degrees approve of Trump, while an even smaller 36 percent of white women with graduate degrees approve.
So the one’s that have been
indoctrinatededucated toreflexively despiserespectively dislike anyoneto the right of Karl Marxwith whom they have honest and respectful disagreementsmaintain a seething, irrational hatred fordon’t much care forder Drumpenfuhrer Orange HitlerAmerican President Donald Trump.Last evening I watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It was okay. In the film, the good guys refer to themselves as “The Resistance” and I thought to myself, now I see the parallels between the Star Wars resistance and the progressives resistance and realized that the to the progressives, this is all just one big cosplay times a thousand. They see themselves as the good guys (the resistance) and the GOP as the bad guys (the evil empire — they destroy planets, ffs), who must be stopped no matter what it takes.
LARPing the revolution. Don’t watch The Last Jedi; you’d be better off smoking PCP and watching BumFights.
Spot on:
Larping: a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.
Seriously don’t watch it though. It’s an abomination.
Is it on Netflix yet? I want to hate watch it now.
Is it on Netflix yet? I want to hate watch it now.
It is, so you can. But while I can see why people didn’t like it, it’s not near as bad as its most strident detractors contend. I actually liked it (and for context, I would rank the Star Wars episodes from best to worst as follows: 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 8, 2, 1).
Yea I’m more R1, 5, 4, 6, 1, 3, 2, 7, 8. I included Rogue, which is outside the main series because, to me, it is a movie that screamed Star Wars. Which is to say it seems like strictly a war movie ///InSpace. I have not seen the Han solo movie yet. And I really don’t even count 7 and 8 as Star Wars movies. I see them more as bad, sjw ripoffs. The prequels had many issues, but they are comparatively way better than 7/8 imho.
I believe it is currently on Netflix.
As if both sides wouldn’t have deployed hyperdrive missile/drones if that stupid trick worked. [8874 word rant about the stupidity of movie makers’ space warfare tactics redacted]. The lightsaber murder was cool, though. I’d watch that scene again.
C diff. infection recurrence despite total colectomy.
I didn’t know you were that freaky, Q.
So, Elon Musk is, as we’re all aware, a dickhead.
But doxxing an anonymous contributor at Seeking Alpha kind of seems like a new low.
Seeking Alpha’s response was quite good.
I’m beginning to wonder if he’s starting to sense the fingers of reality tightening around his throat so he’s trying to purposely get shit-canned to avoid responsibility.
I figure CEO is like professional coach. Always make them fire you. Bad coaches who get fired nearly always get another chance. Bad coaches who quit are just quitters (or Urban Meyer) and rarely get as many opportunities.
Fight me, bro!!
Occam’s Razor: He’s an asshole surrounded by yes men and consequently thinks he can do no wrong.
Montana Skeptic was valuable in calling out Tesla and Musk’s bull shit.
What a piece of shit.
An insecure narcissist is not a good thing.
“MSNBC has done 455 Stormy Daniels segments in the last year — but none on U.S. war in Yemen
Why is the supposed network of the anti-Trump #resistance totally ignoring the president’s most devastating war?”
TW: Salon
“ignoring the president’s most devastating war”
No, I think the war in Syria was Obama’s most devastating war.
amazingly, no in media, least of all Salon, called it the “US war” in Yemen (or Syria, or Somalia) until just recently.
(in 2016, the preferred nomenclature was, “US-Backed Saudi War…“)
How is this ‘Trump’s war’?
he’s president, its a war, ergo it is his responsibility. Media-logic.
there is some logic to the way the media decided to label afghanistan “Obama’s War” when he decided to send 50,000 new troops there.
there is less in the way they then conveniently buried coverage of that war for the next 7 years.
it is one of my main sources of media-irritation: not how they treated Obama policies uncritically for 8 years, but mainly in ‘what they didn’t cover *at all*‘; the way the war in afghanistan was so conveniently forgotten and buried as a non-story for the remainder of his presidency.
(and indeed, he declared the war over in 2014, only to send more troops before leaving office – the former detail being widely celebrated in the media, the latter actions being downplayed)
I don’t know whether they’ve tried labeling Syria “Trump’s war” as well; i think many might think that a harder-sell…. especially since if it resolves during his tenure, he may end up getting credit for it in ways they’d rather not focus on.
My friend was saying Trump is ‘shit disturbing’ everywhere.
I responded, well, peace with the Koreas and peace between Eritrea-Ethiopia. He started down the road of ‘splitting hairs’ asking about how many weapons NK is actually destroying and I basically laughed at him. Keep the eye on the achievement brah.
I then explained what was going on in the Mid-East and how it compared to Obama’s aimless policies.
He admitted he wasn’t aware of what Obama did in Egypt and Libya (that it wasn’t news specifically). Yet, he felt it was appropriate to claim Trump ‘shit disturbs’.
Now, I did concede he kinda is with all the international treaties between the EU/Canada (Nafta etc.) but it’s hardly stuff that will lead to war. It’ll piss off the allies but little else. I also conceded his tariffs rhetoric and how it pertains to China can also be perceived as such but again, nothing really as bad as claimed. Never mind that ‘trade wars’ are a feature not a bug since the WTO was created.
He inherited it.
Very rarely do I approve of the death penalty. If the country doesn’t have one, however, It’s nice when they take care of it themselves.
It’s a hobby that I wish Larry Nassar would take up.
I’m guessing he had help.
He died doing what he loved…
Creosote Achilles to the black latex courtesy phone please.
I do some electrical play, but I stick to violet wands which are extremely high voltage / low frequency. Sort of like the shock you get from walking on carpet on a dry day machine only consistently. It conducts along the skin instead of going through the body. The setup described ain’t play, that’s suicide.
I’ve used a cattle prod and a consumer taser before, but mostly as props/mind fuckery.
“My identity has been exposed. I am actually Captain Catherine Janeway of the USS Voyager”
Hopefully she gets whisked away in some
convenient plot deviceborg transwarp conduit, tooI hate the fact that this POS is going to get a check courtesy of us for the rest of her damned life.
Continuing the convo from the last thread: I just tried out ff focus and dolphin. Ended up switching back to regular Firefox. It’s so nice to have add-ons again.
I always have issues with firefox for some reason.
protect the United States from Trump and his Anti American fascist authoritarian policies and behavior
I don’t think any of those words mean what the author thinks they mean.
At this point they’re just flipping through the thesaurus looking for the worst adjectives they can find.
The sad thing is that Trump is a fascist when it comes to economics. He’s basically a sort of Mussolini lite (conceiving of the nation as a giant business enterprise).
But(!), because the progressives are utterly ignorant of economics – so ignorant that they might as well put bones through their noses and start sacrificing virgins to a volcano – they are completely incapable of recognizing what’s going on and crafting any opposition.
They are further handicapped by the fact that their primitive conception of how economies work is not too different than Trumps. Which is why Reagan was able to mock them so easily.
You are correct, sir. Trump is fascism lite, Warren is fascism heavy, and it sounds like the new chick in NYC is socialism lite. Still haven’t heard any prominent pol call for actual state ownership of the means of production.
“Still haven’t heard any prominent pol call for actual state ownership of the means of production.”
How exactly is it that you don’t get that when you make everything ‘free’ and everyone free of accountability and dependent? Because when you do that, there isn’t any private companies who will still be able to afford to run businesses. They don’t just come out and say ‘We’re taking over everything’. They say ‘We’re going to give you everything for free and it doesn’t cost a dime’.
Trump is a fascist? I’m gonna need more convincing.
“Trump is a fascist? I’m gonna need more convincing.”
Agreed, show me where and what is causing all this Fascism to break out………
I’ll wait…………….
corporate cronyism is fascism lite.
” Still haven’t heard any prominent pol call for actual state ownership of the means of production”
At the federal level, no. But the California and NYC state employee pension funds are activist investors.
Given: You all have much broader and eclectic musical taste and experience than I do.
Given: Some Glib is bound to have posted this either here or at TOS at some point in the last 10 years.
Given: I like to share (some) things I like.
Boy With a Coin
Well, I never heard or heard of it before.
Nice. Yeah, I dont know much new music. By new, I mean last 30 years.
Very nice. Never saw that video before.
Very nice!
Beautiful! I love it
Breaking: Trump Announces E.U. Has Granted Trade Concessions
Oh. Never mind.
Well, now I look like an ass. thanks for the fake news.
He’s a god damn wizard with an understanding of…I don’t even know what to call it. I mean if realpolitik is about practicality and pragmatism, Trumpolitik is some next level shit. It’s kind of interesting to watch someone that seems to have an intuitive understanding of the power of his office and uses it like a hammer on the psyche of his enemies and gets away with it.
He understands the Europeans are weak and can be pushed around with a credible threat. His puppet master Putin understands that too.
He’s the Puppet Master, Putin is along for the ride, just like the MSM, and Congress,
He could be another “Strongman” if the Swamp keeps pushing, it’s happened before
“…but of course, we have regulations against GMO soybeans. You know, 99% of what you grow. But that other 1%, cool, bring it!”
The EU market for soybeans is nothing compared to the Chinese market.
But if you aren’t willing to pay higher prices on everything to own the libs, you are a prog cuck.
This comment does not make any sense. Europ abs buy American soybeans and in your imagination its an example of yokels screwing themselves by overpaying for soybeans?
5 Ugly Truths About Women That Young Men Need to Recognize
Number 4 is the one that gets me into trouble. I can’t relate to hyper-emotionalism. She says somethings wrong and I immediately seek a solution or provide constructive criticism rather than empathizing. Big mistake.
Women love a good listener. Its not even that difficult. Yeah. Uh-huh. Cool. That sucks. Sweet. Good for you. Those people ate dicks. Want another shot?
What kind of problems is you S.O. having!?!
Was supposed to say are dicks, but that’s funnier:).
Like Kobayashi!
“Women love a good listener”
This got me into being about half a dozen women’s bestest girlfriend and getting called at all times of night and early in the morning. Ignore them unless you want sex.
He hints at a maxim I have when he talks about beauty fading and no matter how pretty someone somewhere is sick of her shit, but never comes right out and says that you have to know how to deal with what have been labelled ‘shit tests’. Put another way: She ain’t givin’ up the pussy she ain’t gettin’ the ears. The listening is for chicks you are laying, not for any random bint with tits and a problem.
Certainly there’s a point when she needs to stop yappin’ and its time to take care of business.
Good listener is only synonymous with nodding along and providing no solutions with women. Elsewhere in life or business it’s percieved as ignoring the problem.
There are exceptions to every rule, but the most stable woman is as emotional as an unstable guy. Women are more emotional, more hormonal than men. Women are, at best, more tolerant of drama than men and at worst, they seek it out. They will become upset for no good reason, act irrationally, and are more prone to things like anxiety than men.
SP must be the exception. I don’t know what the opposite of “drama” is, but that’s her.
Wait til she hits puberty.
Yeah, 12 is when girls turn into harridans.
The biggest issue I still have with my wife is that I am apparently very quick. So she may be saying something and I interject a quick something at a slight pause. This apparently equates to ‘talking over her’. Maybe I need to mellow, but the problem is that I work in a career where you cannot just sit around and let everyone else talk and not respond, that will get you into a bad situation, so that sort of quick response, assertiveness is critical. I’d like to stop doing that, but it just happens. I don’t really know why she perceives this as aggressive, sigh…
She doesn’t want to fix it, she wants you to listen to her talk about it.
Listen to Spud’s advice, he’s actually been divorced more times than me.
Yeah, there’s pretty much no chance of that. We’re not getting divorced or anything. I guess I just cannot give up on this continuous improvement idea that I got hold of a couple of decades ago. Unfortunately, it also leads me to believe that no matter how much women go on about communication being the all to end all, they are actually inferior at it compared to men. Something about reason and logic. Certified Shitlord signing off.
Yeah, I had to mellow out a little bit with my wife. I’m in a similar situation, have to be assertive at work. Also, my mom is very talkative, so it was always hard to get a word in edgewise with her growing up. Completely different with my wife. I essentially have to treat conversations with her as a monologue with occasional breaks for my commentary. Almost like MST3000.
Same, still working on it. I have the soul of an engineer, so when she starts complaining, my first thought is “this is how to fix that”. Which is not what she wants. She just wants to complain. Which is stupid – she should want to fix it – but that is not how she (and many, many others) is wired.
No, look. This is how we work:
Vent first.
Ruminate on it.
Maybe vent some more.
Then we formulate a plan to fix it.
Some things cannot be fixed. We usually know up front if it can or can’t, or if it’s not worth the effort, or if the fix is worse than the current situation. In some jurisdictions, black-eye peas with special seasonings will get you in a bit of a pickle.
In which case, we vent.
Fair enough, though I’m not sure the model I have gets past step 3 as often as it should.
and I interject a quick something at a slight pause. This apparently equates to ‘talking over her’.
I do this with the gf all of the time without a thought. To me it is not “talking over her”, it is either getting to the point that I already know she is heading to and/or, as you say, “interjecting” at a perceived pause. In my view I am listening intently and responding promptly.
There’s the other part of it. You’re Murican. I offered that to her again today. But she tried to insist that it’s just that she can’t keep up in English. Not buying it, at all. I still don’t get it, but I will figure it out.
“Billy Joel: I wore Star of David to tell Trump ‘Nazis aren’t good people’”
Don’t tell Billy that Trump’s son-in-law is one of (((them))). It would just ruin his day. Not to mention the part about (((Kushner’s))) grandparents survived the holocaust.
Billy Joel is overrated.
Well, you may be wrong. And you may be right…
You had to be a big shot, didn’t you
Trump didn’t start the fire.
Damn your nimble fingers!
All of y’all better be movin’ out before Switzy gets back.
He can leave his narrow gaze to himself, this is MY life.
“Narrow your gaze, you’re the gaze narrower man. Narrow your gaze tonight. Well we’re all in the mood for puns and you’re here to hrumpf.”
You might be wrong, I might be crazy… but it just may be a lunatic we were looking for…
He cannot handle pressure.
And that’s why I’m moving out.
Of your igloo? You stay on your side of that border, mister! Ok… you can come, but no Twinks in the North following…
He’s right.
He is the Springsteen of NY.
That’s how I think of him as well.
So have Him play us a Song after he is…………..
the Piano Man
I enjoyed both their concerts very much.
Sue me.
I’m not saying they’re not any good. Just overrated. I like songs from both of them.
Trump didn’t start the fire.
What part of Trump’s denunciation of Nazis after Charlottesville didn’t Joel understand? Of course, if Joel’s sole source of news is main stream media, he might believe Trump told Nazis to go kill the rest of (((them))). I’m not a fan of Trumps but the constant lying and twisting of his words is sickening and the true threat to democracy.
I wish people would quit Qualifying there like for Trump with, I didn’t vote for him, I don’t like him but,
He’s a Fucking winner! it’s what He does, and I’m glad we don’t have a Pussy for a President anymore.
I didn’t Vote at all in 2016, but the results are favorable, I’ll Take the Don over just about any Politician right now…
I hear ya, Yusef. Nobody writes or says anything about Trump without a nice virtue-signaling “to be sure”. Drives me nuts.
I didn’t vote for him, I’m not obliged to defend him, but that doesn’t mean I have to share the absurd distress the guy inspires among lefties who clearly expected their star was forever ascendant and they’d grind the deplorables into gristle under the progressive heel. I like a great deal of what he does, but that doesn’t mean I’ve bought into his cult of personality the way so many on the left did Obama. He’s not my hero. He’s not my spiritual adviser or family counselor or personal friend. He’s a person whose policies more closely align with my wishes than would have Clinton’s.
He’s a person whose policies more closely align with my wishes than would have Clinton’s.
And I would add, his ability to get things done vastly exceeds Obama’s.
Thank GOD! An effective Obama would have ended us.
“#NiaWilson murdered by a transient career criminal. Everyone blames “white supremacy” and takes to the streets attacking random white people.
#JuliannaKozis murdered by proud Muslim terrorist w ISIL ties. No marches. No mention of Islam.”
The local rag had a pretty disgusting piece yesterday trying to stir up racial animus from this crime despite even the slightest shred of evidence it was anything other than a standard nutball criminal and someone who got unlucky enough to cross his path at the wrong time.
It was in reference to this I believe.
I’m surprised those guys don’t carry.
It’s California. That’s a paddlin’.
Not in Compton,
oh, i got confused by the whole mixing of the Oakland thing + the Toronto shooting. I was like, “why are people angry @ whitey?”
So many reasons. I can’t even.
“Everyone” is clearly hyperbole.
Why, spank my ass and call me Sally. Cops hire “expert witness” to refute murder, get surprised.
TW: video auto-play
I’ll call you Sally, but I ain’t spanking you.
Well don’t look at me. I ain’t spanking him either.
You two….always so literal.
It’s deflection. They both really want to.
I know, right? Just bang already.
This makes me sad because it reminds me of the conversation I had with my cop brother last night. The man that made me aware of Ron Paul and by extension libertarianism has now completely morphed into a thin-blue line retard. He even uttered the phrase “get home to my family” last night. He took to the ‘us vs. them’ mentality most instantly s soon as he put on a badge. It’s truly making me sad.
I have a cousin that’s a fireman/paramedic, and despite being a self-important, arrogant, prick, he got that way because he’s very good at what he does. I’d never question his skills or abilities, and if i was in a car wreck and had a life-threatening injury, I would want him to be the one that got the call. He was given a chance to be an arson investigator, and got sent to the Ohio Peace Officer’s Training Academy (since arson guys have arrest powers), and used that certification to work part-time as a cop in our small town. As the city rotated in 21 year-old “glory hounds” (his words), he quit the job. He cited “these idiots arent from here, dont know these people, and could give a fuck about taking care of the people that hired you to do just that”.
He’s still an insufferable prick with a fireman/cop mentality that goes to 11, but I respect the guy.
I’m glad he recognized the “glory hound” culture for what it was and didn’t buy into it like my brother seems to have done.
With my brother it’s just sad because 5 years ago we were talking Austrian Economics and natural rights. Now it’s all “I’d have shot him” and “these people are animals”…..don’t get me wrong, I’l sure I’d get a little jaded if I were a cop, but I’d hope I wouldn’t just wholesale abandon my principles.
I spent 30 years in fire and EMS. I worked alongside cops from a number of different agencies. How that interaction went was almost always based on the attitude of the department in general. Some were fantastic, some just flat out sucked and one that I never trusted to have my back ended up having a number of corruption arrests.
Yet he apparently kept winding up back on the force.
You were a fireman/EMS.
Why do you need a cop to have your back?
Oakland area.
I spent a number of years in the ‘hood. I didn’t have the authority to deal with and detain the people who inevitably got in the way, or tried to assault me, or my partner. Emotions run high, and reason runs low in crisis situations. And I found out in later years that wealthy, entitled people were no better, they just weren’t armed and ready to start a beat down if I didn’t do what they wanted me to do.
Fire hoses.
Seriously, its like Bull Connor died for nothing.
He’s still an insufferable prick with a fireman/cop mentality that goes to 11
As much as it pains me to say something positive about Spud, he had exactly zero of that mentality, and he was sincere in his desire to actually help people. I can think of more than once when we were doing something while he was off duty when we’d spot a situation where someone needed help, and he’d immediately jump in. Like you said, I’d rely on him in an emergency, but I’d also rely on him to be a good and honest person, first and foremost. Of course, he wasn’t a cop.
All of that said, he’s short, retarded, ugly, and has a needle dick.
He said you were actually Kinky Friedman.
I’m not sure which of you to believe.
d) None of the above.
The way you two flirt is hotter than John and Bo.
I was gonna go “hotter than Howie and Strahan” but yours works, too.
” He took to the ‘us vs. them’ mentality most instantly s soon as he put on a badge.”
From what I’ve heard, that is the #1 point that is hammered throughout training academy. It may not be so heavy in smaller suburban towns with low crime rates, but it is absolutely true in all big city PD’s.
Law enforcement training and recruitment has gone into the toilet. “To Serve and Protect” is no longer the mantra and morals, and ethics are no longer stressed. Recruitment has gone to advertise the “glory” as opposed to serving your community.
Look at the websites for a lot of law enforcement agencies. Too many of them front their “tacticool” squad. Tells you a lot about their self-image, and that often is “paramilitary enforcement”, not “protect and serve the residents of my community”.
If there were any journalists worth there salt I’d love for one to go through a police academy as a student and then quit and right an expose on the culture and mentality driving the training. Unfortunately they’d rather just rant about “MUH RACISM” and make sure nothing ever changes.
wow…..”there”…”right”…..I’m not even drunk yet
“Femen co-founder Oksana Shachko found dead in Paris flat
Oksana Shachko, one of the founders of the Femen feminist protest movement, has been found dead in her Paris apartment, the group has said.
The 31-year-old Ukrainian was found on Monday with a suicide note next to her body, according to Femen activists.”
Co-founder of the Femen feminist? Let me take a guess here, 2 guesses in that order.
1. Someone could no longer stand to be around her to the extent that it drove them to kill her?
2. She could no longer stand to be around herself to the extent that it drove her to kill herself?
Should I switch the order?
Given that Femen is most active in Eastern Europe and especially Russia pissing off Putin can’t be ruled out either
How can this not be illegal?
Cohen, WTF?
In my humble opinion, this guy is walking in deep shit.
That aside, at least the Playboy model is attractive. What was wrong with Trump when he nailed Stormy? I know… I think he doesn’t drink. Hard drugs? The Hair made him do it?
A lawyer that goes around recording people on the sly should be disbarred, thrown in the clink, and *redacted*. What a goddamn sleazeball.
I’m expecting him to be disbarred and then brought up on charges. Right after that, I expect Cuomo to pardon him and bring in Obama to put some sort of medal around his neck. There for a while I could forget about what a total disregard Obama and his minions had for the rule of law. But they’re not about to let me forget about that, are they?
I saw that story this morning the hotel. The NBC assholes were all excited about the dirt. I couldn’t get past the fact that a lawyer was releasing taped conversations with his client. Holy Shit.
Court filings released on Monday show that federal prosecutors investigating President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen have access to 12 audio recordings seized by the FBI during their April raid of Cohen’s office
Cohne may be an asshat for taping his client but he didn’t ‘release’ them.
The who lot of them is dirty. Breaking these kinds of rules because you lost an election is dangerous. Reminiscent of the shit that got Roman civil wars started.
An attorney turning rat has got to be one of the inviting bullet catchers in existence.
RIP (again) Godfrey Elfwick.
Twitter sucks.
I like that guy.
Ability counts for shit when there’s zero diversity.
Well, they got that exactly backwards. Its more like “Diversity counts for shit when there is zero ability.”
I think you’re quoting Elfwick’s satire, the point of which was to get it backwards.
I get it now; I misread the context. And, as Is Known, Meaning comes from context.
Still, I’m keeping “Diversity counts for shit when there is zero ability.”
Florida Woman writes about Florida.
She’s a bit self-absorbed. OK, she’s a lot self-absorbed. However, she captures my impression of Florida pretty well. The bugs, the heat and the smell of mold and mildew.
WTF happened?
Yeah, she is full of shit.
My wife loves me. Having a t shirt maker in the house is great.
Does she take custom orders?
She does. It’s been mostly people around where we live and know so far. We dont really have a thing set up to accept payments yet.
if you trust the people you’re dealing with Venmo is a really easy way and costs nothing. I’ve got a buddy that prints up inside joke t-shirts once in a while and thats how I pay him.
Ideas are percolating
Lucky! the are about a a dozen t-shirts I want to order on ‘Libertymaniacs.com’ but I’ve already got dresser drawer bursting with shirts that might get worn once a month. My latest hankering is for a Whiskey Rebellion flag t-shirt. Of course that will lead to everyone asking if I’m ‘jewish or something.’
I like it. I may have her make one tomorrow.
I may have her make one tomorrow.
A husband who can boss his wife around. I salute you. 😉
How many Fuck Off Slaver and Fuck You, Cut Spending T-shirts can she make in a day?
Stupid reporter tries to buy a gun.
Drunk wife-beater. Nice.
He shoulda just got cash in the amount of about 3X what MSRP is and rolled down to Lawndale or Washington Park to buy one (no doubt from Indiana) out of someone’s trunk. But as a white guy named “Steinberg”, he’d need to use it to get out of there, assuming they didnt just roll him for the cash and steal his shoes.
Remember when we could only hate the neocons? Remember when it seemed we only had a reason to hate the left?
What if they decided to team up so we could hate them all at the same time?
Well, the dream is coming true.
The neocons are just leftists who hate drugs and sex in any case. They all love the government.
I was already adept at hating them simultaneously 😉
I already hate everyone. I guess I’m ahead of the curve.
Hey Chicago area glibs, I’ll be catching a garbage truck up to your neck of the woods in early September! I won’t be around for too long, but I’m sure I can get free for an evening of drinking and debauchery.
I’ll be in Bay Area/Sacramento in mid-Aug, and Ft. Collins in early Oct. Possibly Philly in Sept, too.
Drop SP a note. We’d definitely have you over for food and alcohol and see if we could round up Swiss as well.
“Sesame Street Live!” is on tour again, I see.
You ever figure out your piano thing?
Someone having issues with his upright organ?
Still researching. I don’t have the cash for it right this moment.
trshmnstr’s itinerary just reinforced the stereotype that I live ‘flyover country’. 😉
There was supposed to be an ‘in’ in there.
I haven’t been drinking and I don’t have a problem.
Fuck off.
Where y’at? I get around.
Let me know if you’re ever dropping by. The first three rounds are on me.
What we need is common-sense murder control.
Your Bubbie was Messican?
No, but note the assumption made in the first sentence of what I quoted.
This grandma was born in Poland, and besides Yiddish, could speak Polish, but wouldn’t. She hated the Poles, hated the French. And she had a good reason to.
An assumption backed by data isn’t an assumption. It’s a fact.
That’s because you called it Ladino.
I only know Pig Ladino.
Alltay AnCays in the Air!