Dearest Glibertariat, as some of you may know (or not), every day is a national day of something, to the point where the entire concept almost becomes empty…like my glass…right this second *runs off to fix that*, but what you need to know is that July 24th–TODAY–is national tequila day, and I can think of no better reason to clear some space off of your shelf and celebrate the pluralism of ‘murrica by drinking something that cannot be legally produced here! I have recruited the Boyfriend (henceforth TBF) to help me drink a bit of every tequila in my home and asked the other Glibs to join in with their notes on such an effective beverage.
My portion of this is storied including a reposado that I received as a gift for marrying a couple who met on TOS, a bottle given to me by my aunt and destroyed by a theater major 14 years ago, a couple of bottles that my roommate LOVES and a bottle of mezcal that she declines to finish, so I’ll be helpful. We’ll be rolling through easiest to hardest to drink.

Mixed tequilas as found in jesse’s house
Clase Azul Reposado
- Jesse: This is too easy to drink, almost desserty. Nice notes of vanilla, kinda sweet. I can sip this at room temp and not flinch.
- TBF: Really smooth. I’m guessing oak-barrel aged [J: we looked, he guessed right]. It’s the color of honey and has citrus, vanilla and clove notes.
Casa Noble Reposado
This has a special place in my heart. 15 years ago my aunt gave me this bottle, which I saved for New Year’s Eve. I brought this and a bottle of OJ, took the first sip of the tequila and gave the OJ to someone who had a bottle of vodka and looked lost…it made her night and I proceeded to drink the Casa Noble straight all night until a theater major cracked the cork into the bottle and I—most of the bottle deep at this point, and quite possibly stoned (things are fuzzy here)–proceeded to spend the night enjoying it in reverse. Because of the corking it’s sat on a shelf for years and I’m using today as an excuse to try it again.
- TBF: You goofed. I can tell this was good once but it’s oxidized to shit. All the flavors are muted to the point of being uninteresting. I’m getting some wood and leather, it’s like drinking Jesus’s sex dungeon, but it’s incredibly smooth.
- Jesse: [glumly] I goofed. *pours out the rest of the bottle with chunks of cork floating in it, contemplates buying a new bottle because it was that good…even at this price point.
Espelon Reposado and Espelon Añejo (bourbon barrel aged)
I’m pairing these together because they were similar. The reposado was a bit softer than the Añejo, which we found surprising, and the reposado was a bit simpler with the Añejo having a more complicated and more bourbon-ey profile.
- TBF: *cracks reposado bottle open* HELLOOOO SPRING BREAK. This is all very agave, very drinkable, but not a ton of complexity. This screams going to a frat party in your sweatpants senior year of college. This is why your roommate’s margaritas are so good. I just thought she was skilled. *tries the añejo* way more complex, more vanilla and bit harsher. The bourbon notes ask the question “Jesse, why are you making me drink tequila when you have bourbon in your house?” This is a frat party in sweatpants in KY.
- Jesse: If we kill off everything below [the reposado] and make this the plastic jug tequila the world will be a better (or maybe worse) place. Still sippable but we’ve definitely stepped down a tier from the Clase Azul and Casa Noble [circa 2004]. The añejo is good, but I’m happier with the reposado *has more reposado*.
Mezcal Embajador de Oaxaca (blanco)
Kinda the oddball here. I hoped TBF would enjoy it since he likes Islays. My roommate decided it was undrinkable and I’ve been chipping away at it for a while.
- TBF: This smells like nail polish and smoke. It’s like a structure fire at a nail salon off the nose. *Sips* Do moonshine distilleries explode like meth labs? You know what, they probably do. That’s what I’m getting from the flavor. Can we go back to the Clase Azul?
- Jesse: I’m getting more smoke and less “Vietnamese women perishing in a fire”. It’s got a warm front, extremely bland middle and smoky/spicy finish. It’s surprisingly easy drinking for how smoky it is, but not particularly interesting. I’m definitely circling back to the Clase Azul.
I’m broke, cobra 25oz Cans, take a shot for me!
*Rips on the bowl*
As close as I can get for ya, buddy.
Alien OG over here!
My lungs can’t handle bongs any longer. I stick with my trusty chameleon glass pipe.
High end tequila always seems to me like the result of a wild Madison Avenue bet. Like the booze version of Scientology. Some guy gets cocky about his skills as a salesman 8 drinks in and bets his buddy he can get suckers to pay $100 a bottle for the nastiest stuff on earth.
Although the guy who started marketing high end Cachaca may be more of a legend. “Hey there is this stuff that is basically the rotgut moonshine of the Rum family… Let’s sell it as top shelf”
Rum…I got my eyebrows shaved off at a party my Freshman year because of rum…fuck that shit.
Rum is great.
Rum is ok, Cachaca is to rum as Pruno is to Taittinger.
Rum is definitely the best.
*gets handsy*
Rum and coke was my go-to in my first years in college.
25 years later and I still won’t touch it.
Rum and coke is OK if it’s heavy on rum and lime. Otherwise it has too much sugar and caffeine.
If you put a lime in it, you are drinking a cuba libre.
That was my go to underage drink when I was a kid. If I was trying to get served in a new bar, I’d always order a cuba libre. If the waitress knew what it was, she assumed you had some sophistication as a drinker (wrong), and if she didn’t know what it was you could give her a condescending look and tell her the bar tender would know. Either way, you didn’t look like a punk kid.
Me: Having vodka and cranberry juice tonight
Friend who introduced me to Reason: oh you gays and your cape cods
Me: Sir, I cannot find limes in Korea, this is just a vodka cran
You can’t just drink the vodka straight?
Mmmm, El Dorado 15 year old rum. Sip it neat with a fine cigar.
Ron Zacapa is awesome.
Isn’t Hyperion the cachaca fan around here?
Black rum is a great mixer. A Dark and Stormy during a sail is a treat.
I… don’t like Tequila 🙁
Neither do I. In fact, despite twenty plus years of drinking, I’ve never consumed enough of it at one time to actually get drunk. Something about it just doesn’t sit well in my stomach.
For tonight, Modelo Negra and a couple bowls of a lovely Strawberry Cough, Mr. Nice, and Church blend.
Work is going well, on pace to make more money this year than I ever have before, life is good.
Yeah, it kind of wants to leave my stomach.
Unless it’s covered with a ton of other alcohol like in a Long Island Iced Tea.
LIIT…One day I’ll regale you with a story about my twenty-first birthday and LIIT’s…not a good night.
In my humble opinion, mezcal is better for getting the brain effect of tequila.
Man up, sheila!
Sadly, I am not an Australian woman.
Crikey! Damn yanks have sniffed me out! ::rides off on escape crocodile::
But you could be!
Obviously Rhywun cannot become an Australian woman. That would be impossible.
Maybe… if I could go back in time and hook up with young, possibly-not-yet-crazy Mel Gibson.
Sorry Rhywun, being a Brooklyn Hasidic Jew, I don’t think you’re Mel’s type..
You know, I don’t think our types line up very often, but I’d roll with a pre-crazy, young Gibson.
Why are we assuming that there was a pre-crazy Mel Gibson? That shit seems like it was baked into an adolescent Gibson, and only came out once he wasn’t married anymore/didn’t have a reliable handler.
But I can change him! All he needs is the love of a good man!
Damn straight. Uh…
True… but if the Road Warrior was crazy, I don’t want to be sane….
The point is, you don’t give Mel your phone number.
Speaking of Crazy Mel Gibson, start at 12:45.
Stanhope is the man.
Move to Australia and transition? 😉
Weird, when I posted that comment, none of the other replies were there.
Hi Doyers!
Yo yo yo EDG. What’s goodizzle forshizzle in the LB
Chillin’ bro. You thriving, my man?
Hanging in there. You need to let the gang know when you’re back in town so we can get smashed together.
I’m always back in town, waiting to get smashed. You’re the jet setter.
Don’t let Los Doyers full you, he’s never actually left his house.
“Don’t let Los Doyers full you,“
Fill him full with what now?
I quoted that just in case you tried to use withcraft and edit the comment later…
My computer died and I was on a tablet. YOU KNOW THIS, Doyers. I would never try to talk someone out of letting you full them, for I am a mensch.
I… don’t like Tequila ?
Gives me a wicked hangover in comparison to other liquors. A margarita or a couple mixed drinks are okay, but I cant do a whole night of tequila without regretting it.
“that cannot be legally produced here”
That bullshit.
“Vietnamese women perishing in a fire”
I end up wanting to fist fight every one, and that’s a Bad idea for a Skinny Old Man so , BEER!
I end up actually fist fighting everyone, or worse, then getting violently ill. I haven’t touched tequila in 20 plus years as a result.
That was Cuervo. That shit turned me into Superman.
The next morning on the phone, “dude, do I owe anybody an apology?”, and “where did all these bruises come from?”.
I like the azure tequila scene in Better Call Saul.
Best tequila I ever had was Herradura Seleccion Suprema Tequila Extra Anejo brought to a dinner party by a very generous friend. It was amazing stuff.
Sadly, the only stuff we have in the house right now is cheap mixing tequila. But I’ll go make a margarita anyway in honor of National Tequila Day!
Have fun!
Los Doyers is here drinking Mezcal Xicaru reposado with me. It’s pretty tasty.
Now we’re having smoked salmon and sourdough crisps on the patio. I know, super gay.
When in Rome.
Throw Christians to the lions? You’re next, Mr. Bale!
Los Altos Reposado. $20 and sipping worthy.
1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila, FLOOR!
So, anyway, is there anything I should write for this place?
Didn’t you get some potato-related suggestions already?
Not that I remember.
I thought I saw a suggestion to write an article on the various preparations of potato – last night?
News to me.
Yes that was my suggestion.
I just tried looking back at the previous posts but couldn’t find anything.
It was Zardoz’s Saturday night links.
I’d read an article about yoga
I could write about that, since I’m a certified teacher, who studied Sanskrit and Vedanta. But I’d need more of an angle.
The thing is, almost anything I could write about, someone else somewhere has already written about it.
As someone who has worked as a journalist, editor, and radio producer, one thing I’ve learned is that it’s extremely rare for anyone to have have original thought or unique insight about anything. That no matter what you say, someone else is going to say the same thing, even if you don’t.
I find that comforting. I don’t need to be original, I just need to be me. Of course it also appeals to my laziness.
Well, it is a libertarian website. Is yoga a practice that can lead to “liberating” the soul? Yoga as a tool for individual liberation is the natural angle, imo.
Agreed. It’s always interesting to read an article about something that someone has a serious interest in explaining. The idea being trying to hook the reader with enough to explain your interest without turning into that boring guy who won’t shut up about his hobby…
Honestly, I don’t know that you need to say something deep or original. I’d guess that there are a goodly number of people who read this site who haven’t been exposed to the underlying principles in a way that appeals to them rather than upper middle class white women. It’s not a completely untapped market, but this audience may not have gotten that message.
Everyone spends their days obsessed with political minutiae; there’s nothing wrong with stuff on self-care hobbies, or living life that isn’t explicitly political or libertarian.
OK, I’ll think about it. Maybe I can take that suggestion, and egould310’s, and relate the eight limbs of raja yoga to living life as an individual. And use my editing skills to keep it reasonably concise.
Although Q is going to be disappointed it isn’t about women in tight pants.
I’m sure Q will find ways to cope
Hell yeah. I’m trying to fit yoga into my life. Between work, running, marriage/social life, I’m trying to figure out how, where and when for yoga. Would be very interested.
add some good yoga porn pics.
Something about the spontaneous communities that grow around shared interests/activities?
Just start writing anything and see where it goes. You’ll find something interesting and then can expand on it, cut it up, expand and *voila* you got something original.
Having worked in media, I’m way more cynical.
I’m going on the assumption that you’re not a self-absorbed looney and that’s why I’m not cynical about your ability to write something interesting.
Not tequila. Not mezcal.
Bacanora, if you please.
I’m off to Calgary in a few days in a vain search for this, plus some Gin Mare and really cheap case wine at Costco. Ah, Alberta, where delicious, affordable alcohol runs free…
Not to mention FallenTimber Meadery‘s supremely excellent Dry Mead. Like a fine wine . . .
No Tequila for me. I’m sipping The Glenlivet single malt instead as I read ‘Canada in Decay’.
Not a good mix necessarily.
Well, maybe after it’s empty you could threaten PM Zoolander with the broken bottle.
/shirt begins to shred like Hulk.
This reminds me that I need to go buy another bottle of Hornitos, the tequila that screams “good enough.”
That’s what I’ve stuck with after several Glibs recommended it.
I’m just kidding, it’s pretty good stuff, especially for the price (I recall recommending it here, might have been to you). It’s nothing super fancy though.
That’s what makes it great for pool margaritas.
“good enough.”
Definitely a mixing tequila, but yeah, it shines in its adequacy.
Have you tried any of the other Clase Azul stuff? I’m not ready to spring 180 bucks for a bottle of tequila but they have some other cheaper but still expensive concoctions I might like to try.
Disregard, I was looking at the wrong bottle, the reposado is the 80 dollar bottle. I think I’ll give it a try.
It’s very tasty, but surprisingly desserty.
I’ll just get this over with now…
*rainbow projectile vomits*
JIm Breuer has a nice bit about drinking, and it ends with tequila.
Oh, dont even….
Sup Tres! Never mind the Hall Monitor………….
/ Tall Cans!!!
I know it without clicking, I will after this tune.
I haven’t seen it, it’s great, because it’s True!
/ Big swigs for Tres!
Don Julio Reposado for the win. Also Chamucos Reposado. For QPR, Los Altos Reposado is great straight, or a mixer for $20.
I’ve been dabbling in Maguey “Single Village” Mezcals. Pricey but with wild variety that tastes nothing like tequila.
I was stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. I was done with tequila, mescal, and any agave derivative before I was old enough to drink legally.
Ft. Hood in Summer with Tekillya? no thanks, let’s go drink some BEER!
Don Julio Reposado is the shchnizzle. That shit is good.
Much love for the Don. Glad to see it mentioned.
Whoops. That Olmecas Altos Reposado.
Alright. First I had a shot of Jose Cuervo Platina “Rolling Stones Edition.” The tounge out thing was appripriate.
Last night I had a shot of Olmeca Altos Reposado. Much cleaner and much smoother going down.
There are people in this world that sip tequila. I think these people are misguided. Tequila is something you shoot. Its the AR-15 of the drinking world, the choice of psychopaths everywhere…but thats just me.
Having sipping tequila is revelatory, but it’s a high bar to clear.
I haven’t invested the time or money. I spend the majority of my budget on whiskeys, beer, wine and gin. It doesn’t leave much for vodka, rum and tequila.
If isn’t painful, you’re doing it wrong.
Since I’m buying at an outside-the-metro-area grocery store liquor agency in Ohio, my tequila selection is limited. Recently finished a bottle of 1800 Reposado “aged 12 months in American and French oak barrels.” It was okay, but had a funny flavor I cannot describe. Sweet-ish but not much agave flavor.
Who Are You?
do You need the Greeting?
should I tell you to FUCK OFF?
I should say Welcome?
Am I Judge Napalitano ?
I’m really quite an old-timer, I just seldom post. I can fuck off, if you’d like… or I can be your
HuckleTuplaberryWhy have I gone to Doc Holliday? Inquiring minds want to know. Hint: it rhymes with “rum.”
Upon closer examination it was a bottle of 1800 Anejo, not Reposado. Whoops.
Hint: it rhymes with “rum.”
Ooooh, good guess, but ::bzzzz:: incorrect. It’s a trick question, the correct answer is “Ipswich Clam.”
I had an Ipswich beer when I was in Boston. Pretty tasty.
The high point of my trip to Boston was visiting Harpoon brewery. They didn’t skimp in the tasting room.
Enjoy and Welcome Sir!
That’s the usual treatment for the Cool Noobies
I really like reposados more than anejos. although I’ve had great ones of both categories. I haven’t had any of the 1800 line
It’s not a top shelf brand, I don’t think.
According to Wikipedia, Reposado is aged between two and 12 months in “barrels of any size,” and anejo is aged ‘one to three years in small barrels.” I suppose the small barrels result in a higher surface area of wood relative to the volume of tequila, increasing the effect of aging. If I want more agave flavor, perhaps I should look for a reposado
It strikes me as a good balance between mellowing the harshness of a Blanco and the “this tastes like the barrel”of an añejo
Drinking an Evan Williams bourbon, with lemonade. Lots of ice.
I don’t do tequila any more. Me and tequila are still cool with each other. Like, if I see tequila on the street, we won’t get in a fist fight probably. But me and tequila sure as hell ain’t gonna’ hi-five. We’ll nod silently at each other and keep on walking.
Stagg Jr. with an ice cube. We’ve cooled down to 90, so I’m actually outside.
This lady at work says this is good. Anyone have experience?
Never tried that one. If it is top shelf I don’t even look there anymore so have never even seen it.
CNN is bragging that they have the ‘secret’ Trump tape from what I would suppose would be privileged conversations between any person and their retained counsel.
Am I the only person that sees an issue with that just based on an ethics perspective?
I just read that. In the article they refer to Trump as, “the man who now occupies the Oval Office”.
I even acknowledged Obama was President . Jeez………..
Well, aside from the salacious nature of the people involved, this sets (in my mind) a dangerous precedent for anyone that retains a lawyer. Most people only seek legal advice when they’re in trouble. There’s the sanctity of all conversations being ‘attorney-client privileged’ or at least the assumption.
What Cohen did usurps all that. And I find it odd that a tape collected due to a DOJ search warrant is someone “leaked” to CNN.
By any means necessary, Amirite?
Well, to me this underscores just how much ‘they’ are using the media to attempt to discredit Trump, or at least paint him as a treasonous criminal.
Again, Im not a fan of Darth Cheeto, but while he hasnt really drained the DC swamp, he’s certainly shook it up and rattled the aspirations of junior-potentially-career-politicians. That I approve of.
Avenatti was on the Sunday shows last week (?) bragging about how he knew these tapes existed. He knew the content. Now that the tape has been released, why aren’t they raiding his offices like the did Cohen’s? They were supposed to be sealed and yet Avenatti is in the loop. WTF.
I thought that came out days ago?
National tequila day? How did this get past me? Good thing every day is tequila day at casa de sloper. Espalon, (either one) was my go to tequila until it became popular and went up 4 to 5 bucks a bottle depending on the assholiness of the liquor store. Now I am in the same boat as stinky above. Good enough is sometimes good enough. I am currently drinking a fine good enough named el Jimador. At 13 clams a bottle you can’t go wrong. Plus points for being able to say el Jimador like you are hocking a loogy at the front of jimador, ma, and door prounounced like a russian mexican. Mixes well with soda and lime or also lime flavored soda water because I got tired of throwing away limes hard as rock.
I’m on the don’t drink too much and get lot’s of rest Regiment. It’s Blazing hot on the Roofs and I need to be careful, I have broken A/c’s at home so comfort is a Bitch right now, but it Sucks that the A/C Guy has no A/C to com Home to….
The cobblers children have no shoes?
The Barber has Long Hair, Yes, I’m too busy. My Refrigerator Died on Sat/Sunday, and i bought a new one on Monday Between Service Calls, things are Nuts right now……
Mechanics drive shitty cars….contractors house’s always need work.
When you do that shit all week long, you dont want to fuck with it when you get home.
I quit working on cars after 30 years, and I want out of here, it’s not Cooled properly and the Electrical is Fucked.
I’m about ready to run an extension Cord from my Custom Grounded Circuit to my Fridge, I
‘m sick of losing food, and this House has 90 Year old electricrical connections, I’m done.
I had a premixed margarita thing that you freeze at my aunt’s house. I read the package and it said it was made with wine, not tequila. What the hell.
That’s Akin to the “Flavored Malt beverage” for certain “Beer” type items
Tax evasion. Distilled spirits are usually taxed differently than fermented beverages. See also: Zima (rather than vodka+Sierra Mist).
A still is Cheap, Just say’n
I saw the relaunch of Zima in the store recently and was tempted to buy it and finally try. My good judgement got the best of me and I still have not tasted Zima. But I did watch LA Beast drink a 24 year old expired juice box of Hi-C Ecto Cooler on YouTube.
That’s….awfully specific for freezing instructions. I mean, is she cool? (ha-ha)
My bartender accidentally used a shaker she made a mezcal cocktail in … for my gin martini. It tasted like ass. Does that count for anything on Tequila Tuesday?
I clean my Ale Glasses between different types of Beer,what an Ass!
She’s good people, she comped me. No harm done. Except for that drink.
You have a personal bartender?
I do…….. Me 🙂
Try tipping more. You can have a bunch of your own.
I don’t go out, I hate People, I’m a Libertarian……………….
I don’t hate people, I just don’t like to be bothered.
That’s cool, I still hate everyone
A person can be good but in general, people suck.
I just don’t like to be bothered.
Aww. *walks away sullenly*
Yes you do……….
My wife tells me we’re going out to dinner Thursday and my first fear was that it was with other people. She’s like no just us. Oh that’s good. It’s a place featured for “Restaurant Week”. I’m like so everyone in town is going to be there. You know I hate people. Lets go when its not restaurant week. She says normal people do stuff like this. My reply, normal people are idiots.
Thank you! i hate crowds like I hate traffic, it gets old, I like Doordash and GubHub, Netflix for Movies and YT/ Glibs for me. life is OK
I’m with ya bro.
I don’t mind crowds, I just like chilling at home soooo much better.
Shit. My smalltalk is on the level of a fucking Zork game. I hate dealing with other humans. But somehow, I persevere, and can build a rapport with a bartender and get my drinks straightened out.
ATTENTION: This failed almost-human has cracked the code of dealing with people doing bar and waitstaff jobs. He gets good service. Fuck-ups are immediately fixed. They know his name. He is Cliff Clavin without the effort.
If I can do it, you can do it. Tip 20% plus. Every extra dollar is an hour of angry self “reflection” about how they or you should have or would have or could have in that interaction.
I do fine in small groups and bartenders love me. I just dont like large crowds. If its loud with chatter, I’m probably leaving.
I hate people
Yeah. I tip big. I get a heavy pour all over town.
Tip to Service, no such thing as a Minimum tip from me, show me your work…
I’ve groomed all my local bartenders. I walk in to a bar, I get a proper fucking cocktail.
It’s amazing what an extra buck or two will get you.
Yeah. Pro tip: all the bartenders at different bars know each other, and they talk to each other. They decide who is “cool” and who is a douchelord.
Super secret pro tip: find out which bar your local bartenders meet at for a drink, and buy a round for them. Gold.
Ya I used to do that. I don’t go to bars much anymore but thanks for the advice.
May you find a woman who is kind, a woman who is beautiful and a woman who is kinky. And never let them meet.
Tequila is probably my least favorite of your major alcohols. I’ll do shots of top-shelf silver especially if someone else is buying. Brandy, Bourbon and Rum are more my speed. I’ll drink about anything that’s not rot gut though.
I never got much enjoyment at all out of tequila. I just find it overly tangy and astringent, kind of like severely overbrewed tea.
Shit. I have to be the guy.
No you don’t
Me too. But a minor house. Not like Harkonnen or anything.
House of Adama!
Carter Page has to be the weirdest motherf***er I’ve ever seen. He looks and sounds like just let loose a silent but deadly and is waiting for you to smell it.
worse than STRokz? that gut looks like he needs Killing, for Societies Sake………….
Strzok is just a scumbag. Those are a dime a dozen, especially in government. It’s the combination of a pregnant smile, crazy eyes (as spud says) and no eyebrows that come together in an unsettling expression.
Crazy eyes.
I think the “weirdest looking person ever” goes to Brian Stelter.
*googles… shudders*
Life experience has repeatedly tried to teach me that physiognomy is bullshit, but I can’t help but think that guy has a #MeToo moment in store for him.
That is a pedo-smile if I’ve ever seen one.
I read your comment late about late reading the Page discussion some had. My question is, once they had the FISA on Page did that not open up surveillance on anyone he had contact with? It takes me back to the Hats’ tweet about Trump tower being “wire tapped.” The Hat didn’t make that up he read it in the NYTimes as they reported it was leaked to them. And as I have mentioned before, this all takes me back to Marie Harf and her spoof of a statement something like, ‘we had to get it out there so they wouldn’t know how we got it’. Page was never a target he was a can opener. A can opener to the last two years of investigation.
IIRC, there are different tier FISA warrants and the one they got for Page granted the widest scope in surveillance. Some kind of six degrees of Kevin Bacon type shit. It’s beyond reasonable to believe that Page was working as a foreign agent. Why isn’t he locked up then? Or don’t we treat that stuff seriously? I tapped out for a while on the entire episode a few weeks ago and am now playing catch up, so I’m not the person to ask.
I went to bed drunk one night after tequila and woke up at some point puking. I was off tequila for at least a dozen years. I can do mixed drinks with it and it doesn’t turn my stomach now, but straight doesn’t do anything for me.
Yeah, I went through a few years like that after a night of tequila shots as a yute. That was a bad night. I eventually got over it. Same deal with Southern Comfort when I was in high school. I actually had to turn my head walking by it in the liquor store because seeing the bottle made me want to hurl. Haven’t drank it since.
One night I had about 10 too many boilermakers with George Dickel and Budweiser.
To this day, 25 years later, I cant even catch a whiff of sour mash whiskey without my throat slamming shut.
The natural choice of course is to default to Earfquake
Peppermint schnapps for me.
Last year after we were done deer hunting, one of the guys passed around a pint of peppermint schnapps while we were telling stories and my adam’s apple went up and down like a basketball. My sons thought it was the funniest thing ever.
Tequila, cheap rum and cokes, Southern Comfort, and Wild Turkey were the liquors of my underage adulthood.
Gross college story that is on topic and I swear is true:
After many tequila shots one night, the girl at the time and I fell into bedroom activities. Several things lead to several other things and some time later, she’s asking me to put the bottle up her ass. Like any good boyfriend I complied. We eventually finished up and got dressed, the bottle perched on my dresser. We started hanging out and watching TV when my roommate comes in and says “we’re doing tequila? all right!” and takes a big swig straight from the bottle. It was then that I learned tequila has a strong enough taste to cover up ass. We never did tell him.
The original tequila popper.
You know who else had a girlfriend?
Scott Peterson?
I dig tequila, but when’s Gin ‘n Tonic day?
Literally the past 3+ years between this and the old site. Whole Foods 365 tonic and Hendricks of better… Or ideally St. George Terroir.
I wish Whole Foods would make mini cans of their tonic. 12oz is too much and liters go flat too quickly.
June 9, 2018. We goofed badly. Putting June 8 on the calendar for next year…
I remember some fun searching for the proper tonic syrup. I also recall you posting a recipe that could kill you if done improperly.
Good times.
Wait, this?
That was an HM suggestion
That looks like it. Never had the guts to try it.
Nice to see you here again! I hope all is well.
As you can see, it didn’t look me. The glycerin extraction and to be key the. It was really tasty and made for a fun night for vodka or Coke
When I was in college I was hanging out with these Hawaiian girls, they had some kind of thing from Hawaii that they put in the tequila that made it taste like caramel. Between that and the Jello shots I passed out outside the door of dorm room, which was across the hall.
Sounds like a perfect night.
BEER, sorry but it’s a simple Solution to life’s Problems,
Drink Beer!
They can’t figure out this is a joke.
If I ever do a Hat and Hair cartoon favorable to Trump it’ll get labeled as FAKE NEWZ ALT-RIGHT NAZI RUZZIA PROPOGANDA, I’m sure.
Casa Noble is a fixture in the Dean liquor cabinet.
I had a bottle of the Clase Azul once. Really good, but just a little too pricey.
I’m out!
L’chaim, bruh!
Netflix is currently showing Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. If you’ve never seen it, I urge you to do so; if you have, watch it again.
Disney should make that required viewing for anyone involved with Star Wars, George Lucas made all hi money funneling Flash Gordon through Joseph Campbell.
George Lucas and Star Wars is what most people think of, if they even know who Campbell was.
But his books suggested a radically different way to approach myths and religion, and I really really suggest everybody (re)watch and maybe even read a couple of his books. (I think he wrote four).
I’ve picked up and put down Campbell a few times. We read him in HS, I got a hard on for his theory, bought The Hero’s Journey and found it interesting, but dense enough that I eventually KonMari’d it when I thought I was going to have to move.
I wonder how much of it is that he’s a victim of his own success and is trying to prove his theory to an audience who just sees it as obvious.
I wouldn’t presume to speak for you, but the fact is that he was smarter than I. When I spent the mental capital to understand what he was saying, I always got my money’s worth. I think he’s obviously easier to listen to than to read.
I don’t think he’s obvious because I’m smart. I’m occasionally clever, but I know Campbell was brilliant and thinking outside the box. I think he’s obvious because his way of thinking about myth has become more common and because he’s an intellectual influence in the people who make pop culture currently.
Respectfully, Campbell is only radical if you inherit some sort of religion and also know nothing of the rest of the world.
For folks born outside of religion who have some overview of the world’s cultures, it’s all nearly obvious.
Details are fun: I’m always ready to take a lecture on Gilgamesh = Noah or whatever.
Sure. I’d submit that a majority of the population inherit a religion, and know little of the other guy’s.
And it seems obvious to us because of people like Campbell, just like evolution seems obvious in hindsight of others’ strokes of genius.
I read a great book once from the guy who did the archeological dig on Bahrain and re-discovered Gilgamesh. I also love that stuff
I’m not saying otherwise, just saying that the original Star Wars trilogy was based in myth/fantasy and only used the sci-fi elements as a back drop, where as every installment since then has used a sci-fi world and story structure with elements of myth/fantasy. They have the formula ass backwards.
Of course you’re right. In junior high, my mass media class teacher showed Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven.
But this guy really brings it all together. Please at least watch the Netflix thing.
Watched some highlights of Michael Vick, if someone would have taught him how to be a quarterback before before he went to prison he’d be a Hall of Famer.
supposed to link to this.
I know it’s a daft strategy, but given the way the NFL works now I would like to see a coach try a 3-4 defense where the 3 down linemen are all typical defensive tackle types, and the linebackers are replaced by typical strong safety types. I think the transitional type of a linebacker might be on it’s way out given the current direction of the game.
Can I hate everyone involved in this?
Bullshit “DHS Police” on the uniforms & full riot gear. FPS should be security guards limited to federal property with little to no police powers, just like private security guards. Call the local police to arrest someone for trespassing or turn it over to the FBI for followup.
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fire was burning,
Down the track came a hobo hiking,
And he said, “Boys, I’m not turning
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains,
There’s a land that’s fair and bright,
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees
And the cigarette trees
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers’ trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh I’m bound to go
Where there ain’t no snow
Where the rain don’t fall
The wind don’t blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railroad bulls are blind
There’s a lake of stew
And of whiskey, too
You can paddle all around ’em
In a big canoe
The jails are made of tin
And you can walk right out again,
As soon as you are in
There ain’t no short-handled shovels,
No axes, saws or picks,
I’ma goin’ to stay
Where you sleep all day,
Where they hung the Turk
That invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I’ll see you all this coming Fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains”