“We’re averting our gaze, Lord!”
OK you lot! Just because you all have been commenting in goodly numbers, and submitting material like we asked….it doesn’t mean you have any room to slack off! I expect top grade comments, snark a plenty, and everything else that makes this commentariat top grade.

I’ll bet you think you comment well?!
Events – Mary, Queen of Scots got tossed in the clink and abdicated (1567) Gibraltar was de-Spainified (1704) SCOTUS tells Nixon to hand ’em over [tapes] (1974).
Birthdays – Simon Bolivar [who at the end realized he had screwed up – “he who serves a revolution, plows the sea”] (1783) Alexandre Dumas (1802) Amelia Earhart (1897)
Sports – baseball continues, whatever. NFL camps are open, hurrah!
- Which one of you was this? Come on, fess up. Guess it wasn’t a “Judgment Free Zone” – or was he “Gymtimidated”?
- Hmmm… disorderly Austrians. You know who else was Austrian and caused disorder?
- TREASON! GOING TO COLLECT THOSE 30 PIECES OF…Oh, wrong leader. I wonder if Gerasimov was able to refrain from laughing out loud?
- Dronzzz?! Seriously, if they catch the #$%& responsible for this, they should send them to the Brazen Bull.
Music – SugarFree brought this up to me a little while back. Now you can listen too.
Amelia Earhart
It was a false alarm.
“Alarm not FALSE!!!”
/Japanese AA gunners
Sigh. The Swiss truly have no culture.
Woman drivers – ammirite?
I misread that as ‘disorderly Australians’ and went ‘so water is wet’.
Speaking of Australians, if you like jingly jangly guitars, check out the Melbourne based radio show “It’s a Jangle Out There”. https://jangleoutthere.wordpress.com/about/
Dude posts his playlist weekly on his site. No podcast links or anything. Tune in live to hear the show. For me, that’s at 12:01 am Thursday.
I just saw your Husker love from last night. Grant wrote some beauties, too.
Nevertheless, it will be a Husker/Bob Mould day today!
That’s one of the the best FU songs ever.
I was gonna guess Rudi Gernreich.
>>Man arrested for exercising naked at Planet Fitness gym
The Warty Dungeon gutters and human remains sluicing system were getting cleaned out.
Warty’s Basement needs to open more locations.
so, they need to go with a Starbucks business model then?
All woke, and soon to go broke?
I think more like Chik-fil-a
No Homo?
Does water help in putting out a Greece fire, or does it make it worse?
Well, Greek fire burns on water, so…
*narrows gaze*
Booo.. Hmm.
*polite applause*
What confuses me is that I thought Greece was unemployed and broke. So how are they fired? Don’t you need a job first?
Everyone gets free shit, including a 13th monthly paycheck, from the government.
A man who stripped naked before working out at a New Hampshire gym told police officers that he thought he was in a “Judgement Free Zone,” before being arrested.
This is why I only comment while naked.
Its what they advertise. Plus, little known fact but nudism is not a lifestyle. In fact most people are born that way.
This is why I only comment while naked.
What’s that little knobby thing? You know, the thing that looks like a penis, but smaller?
The husband and I were listing alternative terms for “thingy” on a recent road trip (yes, time just flies when you are with us), and it turns out, there’s a lot of them! Wang, dong, knob, etc. etc.
You could pass the time faster by singing old beerhall classics such as “A Wizard’s Staff Has A Knob On The End” in the car, too.
I don’t know why, but I’ve always been partial to “wedding tackle” myself. It hearkens back to a simpler time, I feel.
No one here will judge you for your preferences.
For some reason Corvettes from seized drug money were fine back in the day, but a Dodge Hellcat is apparently a bridge too far. SLD about using seized money to buy shit for the Sheriff’s department but I really don’t see the difference between this and 300 other Sheriff’s vehicles I’ve seen that try to send the message “if you deal drugs, we will come and steal your fucking money because WE are the baddest gang in this county.”
“Sheriff Conway maintains that this vehicle is an appropriate purchase, especially for an agency with a $92 million budget and the opportunity this vehicle provides in making our roadways safer,” said the office’s spokeswoman, Deputy Shannon Volkodav.
I’m confused. Is she saying that it’s OK because the budget is too small or too large?
She’s obfuscating, because the Sheriff bought the vehicle for personal use.
I just want to know how she’s obfuscating.
It reads me me like she accidentally admitted they have too much money.
Look we steal lots of money, so we deserve a nice thing or two.
Cops should only be alowed to buy Pintos
“It’s a drop in the bucket. He has to drive something. Look! Squirrel!”
Deputy Shannon Volkodav
The RUSSIANS have taken over our sheriff’s departments! I bet she has met people. Possibly even went to public meetings. Better put her in jail.
Given that high speed chases pretty much never make anything safer and the only thing a hellcat would be better at than say a standard issue Police Ford Taurus is a high speed chase I would like to see the rationale they used to justify that statement
Sweet car.
Part of the issue here seems to be that she was using this as her personal vehicle and incidentally as a police vehicle.
She is always on duty! protect and serve.
*suppressed snicker*
Woman accused of axe attacks denies anger
I thought it was the non-trans date who was supposed to get violent when the woman turns out to have a dick.
I thought they’d use the axe on themselves.
I am confused….
There is more than one way to transition.
There’s an old joke about a boy who walks in on his naked mother and asks, “What’s that between your legs?”
She says, “Oh, that’s where you Father hit me with axe”
Boy says, “He must have been really mad, he got you right in the pussy”
Because who doesn’t have axes, ready to go, around the house?
AXE is an attack on the nose. That stuff smells way too strong.
the Wife likes Axe, But we’re Old, so we don’t count
Now there’s a twist on the crying game.
after she cut short a Tinder date
Wait, who and what got chopped with an axe? I’m totally confused now. Is the Tinder date now a trans person too?
See, funny thing, seeing someone walking around a convenience store with an ax would make me nervous, but seeing someone with a holstered gun in a convenience store wouldn’t. I guess an ax held in the hands registers the same to me as someone walking around with a gun drawn in the low ready position. Like, if you’re carrying an ax in your hands as if you’re ready to take a swing, I assume you’re going to do so shortly, and absent wood one comes to certain conclusions.
I don’t know, I think if they have the ax in their hands and are sporting wood I’d be more nervous
But what if their axe was propery holstered?
A “woman” who believes in giving head on the first date.
“Amati previously testified she has no memory of attacking the strangers but recalled earlier hearing voices in her head saying “kill and maim” after she smoked cannabis and took what she thought was MDMA.”
That body spray is terrible.
Heh, cut short.
Leftward Ho, Libertarians!
Given the sources of the gravest threats to freedom in America, libertarians should ally with the Democrats’ left wing despite its misguided economic rhetoric.
If you want to go join your proggie buddies, go. No one is going to stop you. just leave the label and name tag in the bin by the door.
Which label is that? Cause if you for a second buy any of the proggy shit, then you are not true
Scotsmanlibertarian…As if being on the opposite side of Max Boot is a bad thing.
The gravest threats to liberty in America are deportation and mass incarceration.
Apparently the Forever Wars, warrantless searches, extra-legal confiscation, and drone killing are not the gravest threats.
Not if they’re done against wrongthinkful unpersons.
Not to mention the government that feels entitled to use the massive and unjust justice machine to go after its political enemies…
Hey, yeah, wait a second, a weaponized, partisan IRS and FBI doesn’t even get a mention?
It was only used against those icky right-wingers, what are you worried about?
The gravest threats to liberty in America are deportation and mass incarceration
*Yawn* I realize some glibs feel very strongly about open borders but this doesn’t even crack my top 10. As long it’s restricted to illegal immigrants, probably not on my radar at all.
Let’s see… getting back to “shall not be infringed” 2nd A, removal of immunity for police, end of asset forfeiture programs, legalization of all drugs, dissolution of all ABC agencies, ending income tax, ending property tax, ending social programs, cutting the military budget extensively, getting the gov out of education from public schools through college, getting rid of the 100 mile warrantless search rule for borders, and restoring the 10th Amendment are all much more pressing concerns, IMHO.
I support open(ish) borders and it doesnt crack my top 50.
I support closed borders. We haven’t finished assimilating the people who are already here. No need to bring in more an exacerbate the problem.
Allowing in =/= bringing in.
That does not change my sentiment. We shouldn’t be allowing more in either. We still have to deal with those already here.
I agree. Also to be considered is 1) not all cultures are equal, 2) we live in a democratic system and voting has consequences especially when the powers that be simply ignore the documents that created the gov’t in the first place, and 3) yes, immigrants must assimilate.
Maybe it’s because I’m a libertarian, but I don’t think we need to “deal with” anyone. Let nature take its course. Our current immigrants are following the pattern of generations before.
“Maybe it’s because I’m a libertarian, but I don’t think we need to “deal with” anyone.”
When the political class demands to take more of my pay to deal with these people illegally here, I feel compelled to step in and have someone deal with them in a way that stops me from being robbed to buy future votes from them.
“Allowing in =/= bringing in.”
Yep. Just look at the difference between the Cubans who cross the Straits in air mattresses vs. the Marielitos.
I just look at the town where we live (heavily immigrant) and see the results. Hard working people, kids speak English and Spanish with perfect fluency, grandkids can’t even speak Spanish.
But that’s because they came here and weren’t brought here.
What zip code is that?
I’m not an open borders guy but I’m in favor of easy immigration. In other words, I want an immigration policy that lets anyone who has some visible means of support, isn’t on the lam for something that would be a crime in our country, and doesn’t have a violent criminal history become a citizen or get a work visa with a minimum of fuss, but I do want those things to be managed by a government. I think managing national borders is one of the legitimate purposes of a national government, and I don’t think that’s a violation of anyone’s rights. Yes, people have a right to move freely, but they don’t have a right to move freely through my yard, and I believe that if a group of people as a community get together and decide that the land they collectively own and maintain is off-limits to people without permission, that’s fine, too.
Deportation affects liberty in this country not at all, unless naturalized American citizens are being deported en masse and it’s somehow not making the news. Very few states adhere to the terms of the second amendment, with most carrying laws on the books that are wildly unconstitutional. People can still go to prison for smoking weed. Civil forfeiture is a thing. Eminent domain abuse is a thing. Hate crimes and hate speech are things. There are a whole lot of genuine threats to liberty that are way, way more dire than having the gall to eject people who violate our immigration laws.
“I’m not an open borders guy but I’m in favor of easy immigration. In other words, I want an immigration policy that lets anyone who has some visible means of support, isn’t on the lam for something that would be a crime in our country, and doesn’t have a violent criminal history become a citizen or get a work visa with a minimum of fuss, but I do want those things to be managed by a government.”
You get my vote for this. Our legal immigration system is broke because it is run by unaccountable bureaucrats that see no value in providing a good service. I however want to make sure we restrict immigration to people coming here for the American dream, and not just to suck at the government’s teat of the massive welfare state the left hopes will buy them permanent power. Fuck that shit.
I agree, but also even if I personally didn’t think so, the constitution gives that job to the government. So if I disagreed with it I would petition to change the constitution, not to just ignore it.
I don’t understand how the idea of national property is any different than the idea of corporate property.
This. Just because the fed gov grossly abuses it’s power doesn’t mean that it’s legitimate powers should be thrown out with the bathwater.
“It is a confusing time for partisan alignments in America.”
Only if you have no principles.
Good God that is one huge pile of stupid and a perfect example of why the left is doomed.
Fuck. Off. Slavers.
[Citation needed]
I guess that’s true if we start deporting legal citizens.
“a white-nationalist party with a conservative fringe.”
If that’s the case, there are an alarming amount of non-white white-nationalists in the Trump admin.
If libertarianism wants to die on this hill, they’re going to.
Unrestricted immigration in of itself is not going to solve any of the violations of liberty in this country, in fact it is probably going to make them worse.
“migration is a fundamental human right”
Might I suggest that migrating humans have caused more problems in history than any other factor? The steppe tribes were constantly “migrating” because they a) either wanted to grab resources from their weaker neighbors or b) were fleeing their stronger neighbors who wanted to take their shit.
Economic migration like we see between Mexico and the US is pretty low key (and I think a rather new phenomenon). I am an open-ish border type of guy, but when you call migration a human right, you lose me.
It’s confusion between positive and negative rights. Passage to leave is a negative right. Passage for entry is a positive right.
Passage for entry is a privilege granted.
Um, bullshit.
I will agree that immigration is nowhere near the threat that Conservatives try to make it out to be and mass incarceration while a problem is not really too much more than a symptom of the Drug war but deporting illegal immigrants is no threat to liberty (while a more open or at least rational immiration policy may be called for the fact of the matter is they broke the law coming here) and Mass Incarceration ranks well below things like hate speech codes, the neo marxist take over of academia and the media, weaponization of regulatory agencies, etc.
Furthermore even if we agreed that mass incarceration was a direct threat to liberty (as opposed to a symptom of other threats) there is no evidence whatsoever that the left would actually do anything to reduce mass incarceration as they have no interest in actually ending the drug war, merely making pot legal is as far as they are willing to go, and in turn given the power to do so would happily pass laws that create whole new categories of crimes including outlawing gun possession.
The reality is the left has no issue with mass incarceration, their problem is with who is incarcerated. Make the prison population 85% white and they would see no problem whatsoever with it.
“I’ll bet you think you comment well?”
Yes, gunny!
I think I comment well..
+1 This is my rifle This is my gun…
+5 finger popping Mary Jane rotten crotch.
Finger-banging, but, whatever
She’s a virgin in my fantasy.
Oh, and it’s Suzy Rottencrotch.
It just happens that I went through boot camp about 8 years after R. Lee Ermy (the actor depicted above as Gunny Hartman) and there hadn’t been much change in the terminology. Most of what he venomously spewed in Full Metal Jacket was something I had heard before – very nostalgic for me.
At least I got the rotten crotch right. That’s main point, I’m sure.
A fair bit of it still hadn’t changed by 2001 when I did my time at Parris Island.
I was going to comment about how it was Suzy Rottencrotch, so thanks for correcting.
MCRD in 86. Heard all that shit. And you would never refer to a gunny as Gunny in boot camp. It was “SIR” at all times.
Full Metal Jacket is still the best movie of boot camp ever. The only unrealistic part was that Pvt Joker didn’t beat the shit out of the fat guy with his billy club the instant he saw him with his weapon (on the last days of boot camp).
BTW Chip, I didn’t realize you were a WM.
WM?? Um, was that a joke or did you actually think I’m female?
The other part of the FMJ boot camp scenes that felt off was the fact that Hartmann is their main tormentor. He’s the SDI, he’s supposed to be the tough-love “daddy” figure. The green belt DIs are the ones recruits are really afraid of, the SDI is who comes and rescues you after they’ve been quarterdecking you forever.
Everyone knows only WM’s come out of Parris Island, Chip.
Real Marines come out of San Diego.
And yeah, the green belt DI’s were the terrors.
The guy in the rack below me was the company scribe. We’d laugh every morning, because you could pick out the times that they were going to thrash you for whatever reason. There would be 15 minutes that were blank between one activity and and the next. You could be sure that they’d call a crooked cadence or some shit and then make you bend and thrust for 15 minutes because you couldn’t march.
Hah! I was the scribe, for the simple reason that on day one they asked “Who’s been to college?” and I was the only guy who was dumb enough to raise his hand. Got stuck with being the house mouse for a while too, which also sucked. Anyway, yeah, I knew too. The training schedule I used to make their daily notecards would have blocks of time marked “DI Time”, which it didn’t take long to figure out meant the allotted time for smoking recruits.
Forgot you Minnesoda boys went to Hollywood.
Being the scribe did have one perk – I made the firewatch roster, so I never had it in the middle of the night. Always either first watch or last watch, so my sleep didn’t get interrupted.
Worst quarterdeck thing we had was something our kill hat called “helmet drills”. You’d put your helmet on the deck right-side up, and get into a pushup position with the crown of the helmet on your chest, then put your arms behind your back so all your weight was on the helmet. Hold that for a while and it hurts like hell…..and then you’d get on your back and do leg lifts for the real agony. Rinse and repeat a few dozen times. Sgt. Vargas was fucking diabolical – I’ve never met anyone else who ever had to do those fucking things.
That crotch rot because of lack of good sue then?
I’ve got a theory on the correlation between age and vagina maintenance. It might not be suitable for submission here, though.
TW: Salon. Historian Rick Shenkman on Donald Trump: “All the worst things in American history piled together.” Some fair, unbiased questions from Salon to this guy about Trump.
Totally fair, unbiased type questions.
Let’s entertain a scenario where Mueller presents irrefutable, obvious, watertight evidence that Trump and his allies colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election.
Let’s entertain a scenario where the speed of light can be exceeded, Scarlett Johanssen orally services the Glibertarian commenters regularly, and unicorns shit gold bricks.
You’d still have explain what the hell “colluded” entails.
OK, she’s skipping you.
I always get lost in translation.
I don’t blame you, the Roads there are horribly organized.
It means that you didn’t stop the Russian government from engaging in activities to “hack” our election. This includes the following activities (that you as a private citizen didn’t do)
1) Run a security audit of the DNC IT infrastructure and force Podesta to change his password
2) Parachute into the Kremlin and challenge Putin to a knife fight if he didn’t shut down his govt agency that was posting mean stuff on FB
3) Tweet out corrections to every bit of fake news posted on FB
4) Demand that your name not even be placed on the ballot because you aren’t worthy to be on the same ballot as Herself.
The unpardonable crime committed by Putin that has finally made the left go bonkers about the Red menace was that the Russians, after hacking the DNC servers, had the temerity to expose the corruption in the DNC and the collusion with Clinton, not just to steal the primaries, but to try and rig the election against Trump. That is the crime the left feels is unpardonable.
The whole Russian election interference story was nothing but a ploy to distract from the fact that after Trump won an election they were certain had been rigged in Clinton’s favor, hoping they could stall any investigation that would expose the blatant criminal activities the Obama deep state had been engaged in against their political enemies, and the weaponizing of government that went on, in the hopes of handing Crooked Hilary that weapon, long enough to regain power in congress and block any further investigation into Black Jesus’s crime syndicate.
Far more likely to happen than this witch hunt finding any real evidence of a crime that was actually done by the democrats somehow being Trump’s fault.
Its like the old joke about the economist on the desert island: “Assume a can opener”.
I guess with FTL speeds, you could theoretically travel back in time to a point where Scarlett Johanssen servicing you orally would be exciting for you.
Well let’s at least entertain item number two, yeah. At a minimum.
That would be the “Lost in Translation” Scarlett Johanssen, right?
Ghost in the Shell Scarlett is also acceptable.
That’s some bad historing right there.
The US is not and has never been “fully democratic” you fucking twat!!! It was literally designed to avoid that.
Good Lord, where do they find find all these boot-licking pseudo-historian types willing to abase themselves for five minutes of fame?!
More baseless assertions from a lying commie shitweasel. Keep it up boys, I am sure you will win this time.
United States has only been a full democracy
The US is a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy. And hopefully it never will be.
His personal and moral failings also include his racism, sexism, misogyny, bigotry, cruelty and willful ignorance. Yet, Trump has an almost unbreakable hold over his followers.
But enough about Barry. And seriously, they really need to cite this shit about Trump. Because I haven’t seen it. He is bombastic, self-important/promoting blowhard, but what politician isn’t?
Let’s entertain a scenario where Mueller…
Let’s not.
I hope that guy wiped down the equipment before he used it. Gyms are breeding grounds for some nasty stuff.
Don’t go ass to workbench?
NEVER go ass to workbench!
Man arrested for exercising naked at Planet Fitness gym
I think we had this discussion yesterday.
Wait that was you? Did you make bail? Or are you posting from a cell?
If it was Brooksie, he’s going to jail.
His only defense would be to enter Planet Fitness’ own marketing materials into evidence. We all know Brooksie is incapable of directly submitting something like that.
PB: Your honor, I’d like to enter evidence into my trial the Planet Fitness marketing materials they gave me
Judge: Ok, give them to the clerk
PB: Not how I roll your honor. I’ll start by quoting Planet Fitness and then add my own commentary
Judge: Um, that isn’t how it works
PB: When I quote that biased statement to the appeals court, you are going to look bad Judge.
Austrian family steal Swiss taxi and crash into parked boat
Austrian Family > Florida Man
You know who else was Austrian and caused disorder?
Franz Ferdinand?
We would also accept Franz Klammer.
The series T-800?
Falco, goddammit. The answer is always Falco.
I thought the answer was always Hitler.
Rock me, Amadeus!
Also accepted.
Tom Hulce, I mean, Mozart?
Welcome to woke news:
Elizabeth Holmes’ Downfall Has Been Explained Deeply—By Men
The Theranos woman.
I like this article because its essence is that gender equality should include a place for sociopathic liars and con-artists who are female.
What a load of shit.
Homes is simply a con artist, the fact that she has a vagina has nothing to do with it.
What confounds them, apparently, is that they can’t deflect blame to some man or excuse it away by some mitigating factor.
If my eyes rolled any further, they’d fall out of my skull.
Point of order, she has neither a degree in chemical engineering, or to my understanding, ever done any actual productive work in the chemical engineering field.
I loved this sentence:
She’s not Imelda Marcos or Ivanka Trump or Kellyanne Conway.
Puts all three of them on the same level and makes Holmes sound not as bad.
Kellyanne Conway should be a hero to women. She orchestrated the largest political upset of our lifetimes (and possibly ever).
I know, right! And half the time they criticize how she looks, because, you know, sexism is bad.
No dumbass there isn’t because feminism has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Holmes is nothing new, there have been con women like her around for decades the only thing that is new is that the world has changes so that there was a huge market of rubes desperate to show their progressive virtue and back a woman lead stem project, and desperate for that project to succeed and therefore reinforce their worldview that all that was keeping women from great achievements in STEM was the Patriarchy. So a beautiful young smart and confident woman coming along with promises of world changing technology and the barest hints of competence behind her was too much of a good thing. Silicone valley willingly turned a blind eye to the warning signs and traditional due diligence and bought into the Fairy Tale they so desperately wanted to be true. That and that alone is what allowed Holmes to get as far as she did with the Scam.
As for Holmes herself. As I said, she was little more than a common con woman, that said until I see evidence to the contrary I will give her some credit in that it seems likely that at some level she actually believed her own bullshit so in addition to conning her marks she was also at some level blind to the fact that she was doing so because she herself believed in that same fairy tale and probably even today believes that given enough time they would have gotten the technology right. If I had to guess she has a whole list of people that she is going to blame for the failure of the product, all men of course, because after all she is a smart talented womyn (hear her roar) who can accomplish anything she sets her mind to and anything that gets in the way of that success is clearly the fault of the patriarchy. How could it be otherwise, they have told her this all her life.
I think conning sick people into getting bad diagnoses so you can live out your Steve Jobs LARPing fantasy should be a sentence enhancer, at the least.
Oh yeah I don’t think anything absolves her of guilt in the least, it is just that I think she believed her own bullshit and I think it was in part the Feminist Fairy Tale that allowed her to believe her own bullshit so thoroughly
Changing Teen Sex Trends
Unless you haven’t hit puberty, how do you not know your sexual identity? I remember knowing pretty much right away what I found attractive.
It’s almost like they’ve been indoctrinated to ignore blatantly obvious reality in favor of the latest prog claptrap
Suzanne Hanrahan: Well, I’ve been sleeping with women. Are you shocked?
Reggie Dunlop: No.
Suzanne Hanrahan: Did you ever wanna sleep with a man?
Reggie Dunlop: No.
Suzanne Hanrahan: Never?
Reggie Dunlop: No. I don’t blame you though Suzanne, I mean, well see, women’s bodies are beautiful. But men’s bodies, see I see ’em everywhere you know, in the locker rooms, their cocks all over the place and everything…
Suzanne Hanrahan: Do you wanna know how it happened?
Reggie Dunlop: Huh? No, that’s OK.
“Hey Hanrahan! Hanrahan! Hanrahan – Suzanne sucks pussy! Hey Hanrahan she’s a dyke! I know, I know! She’s a lesbian, a lesbian, a lesbian!”
It was a bullshit goal!
I love that movie. I have a law school friend named Hanrahan, and I always want to shout at him, but I won’t, at least not in polite society.
Add it to the list of great movies that could never be made today.
Joyless scolds wreck everything.
My allergy to dese fucking fans has rey-turned!
Pre-puberty, I don’t think any normal kid even thinks about what they find attractive in any person. But these fucking weirdos seem determined to make young kids think about their sexual identity at insanely young ages.
A coworker and I were just discussing the joyful freedom boys who haven’t hit puberty have. They are totally focused on fun things like sports, hunting, fishing, hitting things with sticks, and just generally running around. They don’t give a shit about girls or what girls think about them.
My old neighbors had a cutie of a daughter who was a few months younger than my son. She always wanted to play with him but he didn’t want anything to do with her because “she just wants to do girl stuff”. Unfortunately she moved away before they hit puberty so I couldn’t see that situation totally flip on him.
Our society has been sexualizing kids at a younger and younger age, and I suspect there is a nefarious agenda behind that, which puts what is going on right now – as crazy as it is – into perspective.
hitting things with sticks
I wonder what part of our evolution is served by “what happens if I hit this with a stick?” I guess the part where you learn how to run from bees, wasps, snakes, and bigger males.
We are descended from the cave guys who were willing to go out and poke mega-fauna with pointy sticks in the hopes that if they brought back meat, they’d get laid.
Cave guys who weren’t into hitting shit with sticks (or thinking through the consequences of hitting large things with sticks) didn’t get to propagate their genes.
I heard this in action today when I dropped the kiddo at his camp bus stop. Six year old talking to the counselor: do we have suction cups for the archery arrows, or large, flat heads on the arrows? Because I want large, flat heads. His dad (interrupting before the counselor can answer): “yes, but we don’t point them at anyone.”
I was attracted to women at age five. and interacting sexually at nine. True story.
In addition to people who’ve been indoctrinated into doubt like trshmnstr mentions, it also probably accounts for people who are bi but near the ends of the spectrum – i.e. they really like one sex but kinda sorta also like the other. That could cause doubt in young people as to what identity they actually want to land in.
“Sheriff Conway maintains that this vehicle is an appropriate purchase, especially for an agency with a $92 million budget and the opportunity this vehicle provides in making our roadways safer,” said the office’s spokeswoman, Deputy Shannon Volkodav.
If a cop kills himself in that thing, it might make the roads safer.
Make them drive Gremlins. The name would fit.
I’ve got the theme music from the movie stuck in my head now
You son of a bitch.
The protectionist, militarist, fiscally catastrophic, and, yes, white-nationalist Republicans are no option.
Is that you, Krugabe?
Is it the birthday of Dumas père or fils?
The injustices of imprisoning someone for a “crime” that violates nobody’s rights, whether selling marijuana or overstaying a visa — let alone separately imprisoning their child, a practice that continues — demand our immediate attention.
And voting for some Democrat is supposed to fix any of that? That makes less sense than throwing virgins into a volcano.
I’m sorry, but overstaying a visa is a contract violation and is completely different than selling pot, which is just an “icky” contract that is fulfilled.
Well see, none of that was happening when the Chocolate Jesus held the reins.
In the sense that nobody would report on it and none of the people rabidly protesting it would care.
Donald Trump has little to no respect for or understanding of America’s democratic norms and traditions. He appears to lack basic human decency and seems to relish embarrassing the United States globally. His personal and moral failings also include his racism, sexism, misogyny, bigotry, cruelty and willful ignorance. Yet, Trump has an almost unbreakable hold over his followers. How do you explain this?
He’s a WITCH.
ANd WhAT dO We buRn BesidEs wITCHes?!
AI can be sexist and racist — it’s time to make it fair
Computer scientists must identify sources of bias, de-bias training data and develop artificial-intelligence algorithms that are robust to skews in the data
So the Japanese think Asians are squinting?
This is the equivalence of feeding AI lead paint chips.
Garbage in, garbage out…
Computer’s & Programming 101.
But hey, let’s inject the SJW madness into this and it will be totes cool.
Fucking idiots that hate reality is what we are dealing with.
Need a new language. SHISP Shit Processor.
It’s our most effective weapon against the machines.
Those pics from Greece are brutal. I’m comfortable with drone-striking the fuckers who started the fires.
Why do they assume We are Peaceful people? The NAP isn’t a suicide pact, and at least ’round here, there are plenty of guns, and We know Why The 2A was created…………….
To protect the National Guard’s Muskets!
Homer: Lisa, if I didn’t have this gun, the king of England could walk right in here and start pushing you around.
[Homer starts pushing Lisa around]
Homer: D’you want that? Huh? Do ya?
Lisa: No…
Re: thread last night.
over the the civilized parts of Ky, we don’t spread our seed around all willy-nilly. We stick to screwing our cousins.
[My family tree doesn’t have nearly enough branches]
One of the unexpected pitfalls of doing some family genealogy has been discovering that marrying first cousins wasn’t unusual in my family if you go back four or five generations.
Yeah, 4 or 5. That’s what I am going with too. It was 4 or 5 generations back. Gotcha.
Most recent example I found was one pair of great-great grandparents. It was backwoods Georgia in the 1870s, everyone was doing it then!!
First cousins are actually way back in mine too. I only have to go back 2 generations though for something close. My great-uncle (so not my direct line, but still my family) married his 3rd and 5th cousin (they were cousins on both sides of their families). She didn’t have to change her last name.
That wasn’t too unusual a hundred or so years ago. I mean, not exactly the norm, but it certainly wasn’t unheard of at any rung of the social ladder. Many a blue-blooded family had at least one pair of first cousins who married. After all, if you run in a small social circle and spend most of your time with the same people, your dating pool is limited.
This. In a world where transportation is limited, time consuming, difficult, and dangerous most people never travel more than a few dozen miles from the place of their birth and never meet more than a few thousand people total in their lives. Now of those few thousand how many are going to be of roughly the correct age and correct sex to be potential mates?
Hey, She was Japanese, so at least a distant Cousin…
So you want snark Swiss? You’re a Chicagoan aren’t you? I have some snark for you! I just got back from a 10 day vacation. (which was awesome by the way) across the northern plains and into the mountain west. Wyoming is heaven on earth, Montana and South Dakota are beautiful, Idaho has some great spots, North Dakota is a bit dull but the folk were very friendly, all in all it was a deeply relaxing experience even with 4600 miles of driving in a week and a half. So what am I snarky about you ask?
Illinois/Chicagoland toll road theory. Every other toll road, with variable tolls based on where you enter and exit, I have driven has the sense to give you a ticket as you enter and charge you as you leave. Only Chicagoland has the brilliant plan of making you pull over every 5 minutes to pay the next $1.50 installment of the toll. I get that locals have the ipass thing, but that is not a local road, it’s the direct route from I 90 back to the east. Also naming all your highways, rest areas etc. after crooked politicians is just tacky.
Chicago would issue payday municipal bonds if they could. Come to think of it, that may not be a bad idea.
If they let you wait to pay past multiple toll spots, they would have to charge you a VIG, cause nobody lets you “borrow” money for free.
‘Unite the Right’ anniversary: White nationalists want to rally in D.C. — and Charlottesville
If these things didn’t get media attention there’d be about 15 losers “protesting” into the wind, nobody would listen or really care about what they had to say, and life would go on.
The left needs their boogeyman and they’re going to facilitate his existence.
Yup. If the media hadn’t chosen him to be their white nationalist boogyman, no one would know who the hell Richard Spencer is.
I still don’t know him, and I still don’t care
Yes, that is why they do it. We know why the media does it, they know we know that’s why they do it, everybody knows that’s why they do it. It’s part of the Kabuki play we’re mired in. It’s Groundhog Day without the humor.
It’s more like Groundhog day where he ends up getting blind drunk and can’t remember what happened the day before. Every day just starts out with a massive hangover and no direction.
I don’t see how that’s substantially different from what blacks, Hispanics, Jews etc. do with plenty of support from the media.
Only American and Confederate flags will be allowed at the D.C. event
I know when I’m not wanted.
Ultimately, though, the greatest upside to an alliance with the left lies in its anti-establishment streak. Candidates who, like Sanders or Ocasio-Cortez, refuse corporate and super PAC donations, are less beholden to the “iron triangles” — comprising government agencies, the contractors who extract inordinate profits or regulatory capture from them, and policymakers who rely on the latter’s donations and pass such pork-barrel funding — that drain public funds and ossify bad policies. And in direct-action anarchist brilliance, DSA activists heckled Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant — and, one day later, the administration announced an end to the family separation policy.
So, on that inspiring note, let’s suspend disagreement on marginal tax rates. Let’s bring together everyone who agrees that people who weaponize state power to enrich themselves or rip families apart should not blissfully carry on at Mexican restaurants. I’ll give it to Nader, that old libertarian-progressive rabble-rouser: That alliance does sound unstoppable.
You’d pretty much have to be a Harvard student to write something that stupid.
Yes, let’s instead empower people who will weaponize state power to confiscate the wealth of productive citizens and punish them for the slightest wrongthink.
The one comment on that article is gold.
Ralph Nader- libertarian.
I think it’s worth revisiting Gillespie’s brain aneurysm from yesterday.
Which was in response to J Peterson…
And Pol Pot was potism?
::takes a puff:: I never thought of that, man.
Gillespie is a fucking cunt.
Can we separate Hitler from racism then?
Well at least the trains ran on time!
Didn’t he invent anti-Semitism?
Naw, that was something that’s been around since Babylonian times.
So what you’re saying is that Hitler wasn’t the real anti-Semite…
Oh, c’mon OMWC. It’s still early in the week.
^ 6 months of Cold and Starvation, what joy!
I thought that we may have a new champion until I saw the date.
You just read it, so it would still be the stupidest thing you read this week.
/Cliff Claven
Hayek made a similar argument, that serfs had more free time than industrial workers.
Well they probably did have more free time that industrial workers in the 1880’s.
However they Do not have anywhere near as much free time as any worker in the west does today.
What that moronic article that started this whole “Medieval Serfs only worked about half a year” BS missed is that the working days they are counting are only considering the days of service owed their lord, in essence they count the serfs “taxes”. All of the remaining days of the year and hours of the day when not working on behalf of the lord, yeah those were filled working to try and ensure that they had enough food for the upcoming winter and all of the other resources they needed to survive.
The reality is the average peasant in medieval Europe worked about 1000 hours a year in service to their lord and another 15000 – 2000 hours a year meeting their basis subsistence needs
If we consider modern governments as equivalent to the feudal Lords, the combined effective tax rate between State, Local, Federal taxes nearly takes the same 1000 hours to pay.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, but it seems like governments change, but the theft stays the same.
Well it went down for a long time but yeah in the west it has come back to roughly the same level. The thing that has changed is you now only need to work for about another 800 – 900 hours a year to be able to live in relative wealth compared to the serf needing to work 2000 hours to barely survive
I think its a misinterpretation.
The time they had free from working for their Lord (that is, working to pay the rent to the Lord) was spent working for themselves to ensure that they didn’t starve or freeze to death over the winter, in addition to the ordinary chores of keeping up a home, cooking, sanitation, child-rearing.
Today, for those of us who do work for someone else, our work for that someone else provides us the means to acquire with little effort almost everything we need to not starve or freeze to death.
You know, I’m regretting ever giving Nick Gillespie the benefit of the doubt in the past. That is a deeply stupid comment. What the fuck WAS Stalinism, Nick? On what was it based? What influenced it? What texts did it hold sacred? For that matter, what was the name of the party for which he served as General Secretary for thirty years?
Besides which, Nazism and Communism have the same fundamental principles, just applied in a different manner. Hitler and Stalin are the flip sides of the same coin stamped from collectivist metal.
(I’m probably going to regret that strained metaphor)
That’s precisely why these two ideologies hate each other so much. Also why the left has spent so much effort trying to create the confounded idea that fascism is right wing rather than just another version of an evil totalitarian leftist collectivist brain fart.
At the time, fascism represented the extreme center, not the extreme right (monarchists, traditionalists, capitalists) or the extreme left (communists, anarchists). Its whole selling point was that it was supposedly a synthesis of the best of both the left and right. It is quite clearly left-wing from an American perspective, but not from a European perspective.
“Worst of both worlds” seems apropos.
“Worst of both worlds” seems apropos.
Communism is an ideology formulated specifically for the purpose of facilitating totalitarianism. There is no communism separate and apart from the various flavors of its manifestations. Socialism/communism is about central control and command and mandatory compliance. You cant take that out of it any more than you can get the flour out of the cake.
Was it the State Capitalism party?
No, it was The REAL Communism Has Never Been Tried Party.
A large percentage of people calling themselves libertarian are closet pinkos. You can smell it on them a mile away. One of the best things Trump has done is cause these snakes to come out of the grass.
I’m not a Pinko!
Whatever, Tulpa.
Yeh that was, um, retarded.
a decent reply
That’s good. So was this one.
Hitler was the leader of Nazism, Stalin the leader of…Stalinism, not communism.
So, Gillespie would be cool with Nazism ran by the right Top Men?
My favorite new Nolan Chart
Totalitarians professing communism killed millions of people, but this analogy is flawed.
Those people were all gonna die, anyway, so… what’s the big deal?
Whitewashing the evils of communism. That’s the only means to an end that the progs have in their quiver. Cause the problem isn’t how evil and dehumanizing that ideology is, but that the evil capitalists have undermined Progtopian efforts.
Fuck them all with a rust chainsaw.
A masterclass in projection and lack of self awareness. https://birthmoviesdeath.com/2018/07/23/james-gunns-firing-sets-a-worrying-precedent
My God. The idiots in the comments.
That story kept popping up in my newsfeed. I’ve managed to avoid reading the article. And the hordes have now targeted Dan Harmon. Thankfully, Adult Swim does not have any family friendly image to maintain, so we should still get the next 70 Rick and Morty episodes.
That whole article seems to amount to “But Trump and neo-nazis!”. Me today you tomorrow mother fucker.
A better take on that subject.
For racing fans, I saw an interesting movie on the plane the other day.
Ferrari: Race To Immortality
It focused on the team Ferrari fielded in the mid-50s, including Peter Collins who might be the coolest race car driver ever. The F1 racing at that time was stupidly dangerous and drivers died with astonishing frequency.
Highly recommended.
Way Cool Tundra, thanks for the Find!
Did you ever see “Speed” the Ron Howard movie? all about the 1976 season and Niki Lauda vs. James Hunt. excellent Movie in many ways
As a non-racing fan, I still enjoyed Carolla’s car docs – ‘Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman’ and ‘The 24 Hour War’ (about Le Mans)
He’s also distributing some other people’s films: https://chassy.com/
I’m looking forward to Uppity – Willy T. Ribs seems like an enjoyably crazy person.
Did not know he was doing that, will check it out, thanks,
The Newman one was the better of the two, IMO – biggest star on the planet just wanted to race cars.
The Le Mans one was still quite good, but the Ford/Ferrari grudge may be old-hat to gearheads.
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
The movie is Rush, but it is, indeed, fantastic.
It’s one of those movies like Moneyball, where you don’t have to care about the sport to enjoy the flick. It’s about people and not the sport itself, despite obviously being about sports. I fucking love both movies.
I love the scene where Lauda meets his wife and he picks up the Italians whose car broke down. “I don’t need to drive fast. Why would I do that?” And she just says “Because I want you to.” And so off he goes.
I also like that they never try to falsely put in a ‘broken relationship’ angle. Ron Howard has done enough fantastic work that I put him in the category of artists who can do whatever they damn well please.
Wait. I might have missed a joke. Speed is a famous (and righteous) film in its own right. Maybe I missed the obvious bait-and-switch “joke.” Hrmmmm. Maybe you’re a no-talent assclown who likes to neg on Dennis Hopper.
*Scratches chin furiously.*
Senna is like that as well. My daughter couldn’t give a fuck about cars or racing, but she loved the movie. It is really well done.
Senna is one of my all time favorite docs, really well done. I also enjoyed Speed very much.
Checks hard drive, oops… Rush it is,
for non race fans, it gives a nice viewpoint to the sport back then, Carnage Bad
Thanks. I’ve wondered why there hasn’t been a movie dedicated to Ferrari.
This one is really about the drivers, not really about Enzo or even the cars.
One interesting thing I learned was that Ferrari and Maserati shared the same test track in Modena.
Indeed they did. Alfa, Ferrari, Maserati. All from the same lineage.
Ah. Then my wonderment continues.
Here’s one you can watch online. Jackie Stewart in Weekend of a Champion. Jackie is followed around Monaco prior to the 1971 race, which he wins. The move was filmed by OMWC’s favorite director Roman Polanski.
This is what progtopia always looks like. Rationing and shortages.
Just got my Gas Bill,19$
it was 108 yesterday
The live Comments are funny
And your electric bill? I always have low gas bills in summer, but the electric climbs.
It should max this month, at around 180$, Normally it’s 75$/month
Self-inflicted misery. Enjoy, California.
I didn’t vote for this shit, I’m leaving as fast as I can……
While TDS is a thing, it’s always important to remember that Trump is a fucking moron.
That might be his worst tweet to date. “We’ll shoot our own consumers in the head if you won’t give us what we want.”
He’s got us right where he wants us.
Tariffs hurt both sides, so “we’ll shoot ourselves” is not an apt metaphor, as it addresses only half the picture. It’s more like a Mexican standoff, or maybe a suicide bomber. Higher prices will hurt the customer, but lower sales will hurt the seller. Trump is playing a game of chicken: if the other side blinks, he’ll come out looking like a winner, but if not, things could go south, potentially seriously.
It’s just that a moron is preferable to a criminal gang.
Such is life.
I bet he still would’ve won with that slogan.
Yeah, if he had you would have voted for him too. It would have been true and at least he would be owning it.
That’s what makes me hate the #RESIST mob more than anything – I don’t actually like Donald Trump, but they leave me no choice but to defend his blustery, buffoonish ass over and over.
Hitler was the leader of Nazism, Stalin the leader of…Stalinism, not communism.
The logical conclusion of Gillespie’s argument, one where even he has the common sense not to follow, is that the neo-Nazis might well have a point. If you accept Gillespie’s reasoning, that stuff back in the 1930s-40s was just Hitlerism, not Nazism. True Nazism hasn’t been tried yet. If Julius Streicher had just been more successful…
threading fail. Replacing at the bottom. Sorry for the graffiti
I’d say the Strasser brothers, Gregor and Otto, who took the socialism part of National Socialism more seriously than Hitler did and were purged in 1934 as a result.
He is a moron that just conjured up bargaining chips out of thin air. He is like drunken Kung Fu master.
I remain hopeful that this is part of the negotiation and won’t lapse into a prolonged trade war.
Tariffs are the greatest!
Free trade is the greatest. Tariffs are retarded.
I will say that “free trade” as it is practiced stems from some enormous market distortions, in much the same way that the “free market” as it is practiced has a hell of a lot massive governmental intervention. I’m not exactly sure that I’m willing to defend the WTO as a libertarian institution, in much the same way that I’m not sure I’m going to defend Bank of America as a pillar of the free market.
Particularly, the current “free trade” environment is built upon the US playing world police, patrolling the sea lanes, more or less maintaining the global financial system, and more or less acting as the enforcer of international trade agreements. That costs a lot of money, and it’s money that comes from American taxpayers. When you open a factory to make Nikes in Indonesia, you’re doing so knowing that the US Navy is suppressing the pirates, that the IMF and the State Department are funneling hundreds of millions to the Indonesian government to make sure they keep order, and that the Indonesian government knows that nationalizing the factory might result in losing that aid. So Joe Taxpayer pays all this money and Nike is, on balance, getting the profits. Yes of course Nike pays a lot in taxes, I’m not saying they don’t, and obviously it would be hard to actually calculate it all, but I can see how some people think Joe Taxpayer is getting screwed.
I’m of the opinion that if we pulled out of the IMF, the WTO, got out of the foreign aid business, and pulled back the fleet to actually defend our country and not the whole world, you would see a lot of factories returning. Right now the whole “transnational liberal order” thing basically allows companies to set up in Third World shitholes and basically enjoy the same legal protections that they would have here in the US, but they get to pay dirt cheap wages and don’t have the regulations to deal with.
That Wired article about Elizabeth Holmes is such a tangled mess of awfulness, I can’t stop reading it. It’s like watching the ambulance crew pulling bodies out of a crashed school bus.
I read a couple of paragraphs and say, fuck it, I can’t read any more. But then I go back.
it doesn’t mean you have any room to slack off!
But the women here get a lactation room…
Tard Tuesday: False Choices and Mooches
I read that and my first thought was, what a great world it would be if that were true and more people had a work ethic like they did in the past.
Fuck that guy – I like my work, and the people I work for. Plus, I like earning my keep.
I like earning my keep
What a cis-white-hetero-patriarchal comment! Check your privilege, shitlord! Just because you got stuff for putting in valued effort doesn’t mean you earned anything! As Dear Leader has said, “You didn’t build that”!
Oops. Someone skipped The Gods of the Copybook Headings
Civil libertarians of the Paul variety are particularly troubled by a short concurring opinion Kavanaugh wrote in a case called Klayman v. Obama, a challenge to the National Security Agency’s metadata collection program. A federal court in Washington concluded that the program was unconstitutional in 2015. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the court on which Kavanaugh serves, stayed that decision, allowing data collection to continue.
Kavanaugh’s brief opinion argued that metadata capture was consistent with existing Supreme Court precedent. He cited the 1979 Smith v. Maryland decision, a landmark ruling that allows government to access records held by a third-party — like telephone companies — without a warrant…
“The government’s program for bulk collection of telephony metadata serves a critically important special need — preventing terrorist attacks on the United States,” he wrote. “In my view, that critical national security need outweighs the impact on privacy occasioned by this program.”
“We think that we really need to do it. So it’s ok to engage in clear violations of civil rights and the constitution”. More “compelling government interest” claptrap…
The problem with this line of attack is that the metadata capture was consistent with the jurisprudence around Smith until last fucking month. And Smith was only reinterpreted from a “applies to everything” rule to a “do we extend it to this situation” rule by Roberts and the 4 libs. So replacing Kennedy (who thought this way) with Kavanaugh (who probably things this way) is most likely a wash with a long-shot for improved 4th amendment protections.
Anyone have sloop’s email? I know he’s probably shared it here before, but I haven’t seen it.
Write to the overlords, they will pass it on I’m sure
“Totalitarians professing communism killed millions of people, but this analogy is flawed. Hitler was the leader of Nazism, Stalin the leader of…Stalinism, not communism.”
Not real communism. Gotcha.
I may have mentioned this before but I am a single issue voter. The litmus test is one’s position on the second amendment. I dont remember when it was but the first time Gillespie gave some mealy-mouthed defense of the 2nd with plenty of caveats I smelled a rat. This tweet doesnt surprise me one bit. You cant have central command and control and mandatory compliance without disarming the population. No matter how you slice it pinkoism invariably leads to state sponsored mass murder.
No one ever wanted to make you defenseless for your own good. This is the reason I am here and not at TOS.
I’m not sure what exactly is going on with NickyG. Early onset dementia? Not too bright? Just desperate for attention and envious of Peterson? Whatever the problem, that tweet was just terrible.
People are still making jokes about ‘the jacket’
The guy became a vegan FFS. Some people dont know who they. They are empty so they flit from one crowd to another seeking an identity thinking that is something that comes from outside themselves.
It strikes me as envy and a desire to hang with the cool kids.
If he made a valuable argument against one of Peterson’s tenets, it would be one thing, but he appears to be using high school level argumentation against him. It’s really pretty sad and pathetic.
He’s hilarious when he tries to justify his PhD with the cool kids. I remember an old video on reason.tv where he was interviewing some queer theorist academic, and he kept name-dropping all these authors he wrote. Then he asks something along the lines of “What do you think queer theory can take from libertarian theory” and the academic’s answer was along the lines of “like, nothing.”
It strikes me as envy and a desire to hang with the cool kids.
Or just maybe writing for a libertarian publication was the best gig available at the time. I don’t think you can entirely discount the notion that libertarian “elites” or “thought leaders” are just as economically self-interested as the next guy. And the “woke progressive” thing is probably better for where Gillespie has positioned himself than trying to compete with more libertarian-oriented conservatives.
The F1 racing at that time was stupidly dangerous and drivers died with astonishing frequency.
I can’t see how anybody can think racing is better now than it was in the days of hard, skinny tires and no downforce. They should have just focused on not killing so many drivers.
Another excellent F1 documentary is the movie 1.
I don’t think it is better. I love watching vintage racing.
Thanks, I haven’t seen 1. I’ll check it out.
Speed, is the Ayrton Senna Documentary, a very Gruesome movie, they have some F! Archival stuff that’s unreal
Or is it Senna? I need more Coffee……………
I’ll add, as somebody who grew up in Indianapolis, I lived, ate, and breathed Indy 500 every May. 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s (through ’95) Indy 500 were the pinnacle of American racing. Wings or no, they put on a great show.
I has envy, I saw you on T.V. growing up 🙂
I have very fond memories of watching my dad’s cousin race stock cars on the dirt tracks of southern Minnesota. Man, when those guys fired up their cars it was like thunder! It made quite an impression on young Tundra.
We had many Drag strips, Ontario Speedway and now Fontana, but I watched the scene go from fun to Sterile, So I quit going
I’ve been thinking about putting in an article about the dirt track scene out here in NY. How it started, developed and became what it is today. Got some good lessons about what uninhibited innovation can provide vs tight rules. I still race, but I wish I could’ve gone up against guys from the ’60s and 70’s era.
I’d love to read that. Do it!
Thanks! I’ll check it out as well,
YT is a great source of Vintage F1, material,
You don’t kill millions with the Communism you want, you kill millions with the Communism you have.
That is superb.
Well said.
stealingliberating this for my own use.I’m appropriating it.
How Is This Shit Legal
This past spring, Michael Ferro resigned as chairman of publicly traded media-looting hell-company Tronc, Inc., just ahead of the publication of sexual harassment allegations against him. As a parting gift, Tronc paid him $15 million, voluntarily bundling up the total value of a three-year consulting contract into one lump payment expensed against the company’s earnings and putting itself $14.8 million in the red for the first quarter. Today, Tronc gutted the New York Daily News, laying off at least half of its editorial staff to cut costs. In a society not crippled and driven completely insane by capitalism, motherfuckers would go to prison for this.
When people talk pejoratively about “class warfare,” they almost never are referring to things like the above sequence of events. But what happened to the Daily News at the hands of Tronc is class fucking warfare, a massive redistribution of wealth from the paper’s working people to a disgusting handsy shitbag multimillionaire, in a decision made far above those working people’s heads by a small handful of executive- and investor-class vampires. The journalists who lost their livelihoods today in effect had their salaries and benefits re-routed to Michael Ferro’s bank accounts. Against their wills, they were made to pay him for being a fucking pig.
Tronc bought NYDN for $1.
Market principles are class warfare. Ok then.
The real issue is that Tronc fucked their shareholders by gifting Ferro $15M when he should have been fired with cause.
And herein lie the problem with public corporations, the feedback loop sucks. Shareholders have some recourse in the act of buying and selling, but they are rarely able to exact direct punishment on the board for misconduct.
In the modern progressive parlance, shareholders aren’t supposed to matter. They’re just supposed to do without and put their savings at the disposal of sufficiently woke administrators. These people really are stupid and evil.
They can always file a derivative lawsuit, which usually ends in a settlement at the limit of the company’s D&O insurance to make it go away.
This is, I think, one of those places where I kinda run out of the libertarian country club. I’m not sure that corporations and stock markets AS PRESENTLY constituted are all that compatible with free markets. Both because of the agency problem you describe and the distortions in decision making that quarterly and monthly filings cause in actual practice. Both are also somewhat artificial creatures of the law. And large corporations are symbiotic with government creating negative feedback loops.
I don’t have any more in depth opinion on it then that, beyond my vague feeling there is something janky about the whole setup. Eh. It’s a half-formed idea and way down on my list of priorities for when Libertopia arrives.
I’m not sure that corporations and stock markets AS PRESENTLY constituted are all that compatible with free markets.
My biggest issue with the stock markets isn’t the mandatory reporting so much as it is the misapplication of fraud laws. Insider trading by a fiduciary shouldn’t be allowed as a violation of fiduciary duties; but nobody else should be subject to the insider trading laws. Also, we are currently running two markets – one in human time for the rubes, and one in computer time for the big fish to fleece the rubes. The one in computer time should be outlawed as a species of fraud.
Corporate law used to do a better job with the agency problem. In recent generations, though, the protections for owners have gotten weaker and weaker.
The misapplication of fraud laws is part of what I’m referencing too, yes. And I agree about the rubes / big fish too. It’s all part of … I have a preference for de-centralization and the stock markets and current corporate law seem focused on centralization in a way I find off-putting. Also, I think Brooksies comment below is pretty spot on too.
Their newspaper failed. The sooner these idiots realize that, the better. Tronc is only trying to salvage the remains of a working enterprise from the wreckage. The world doesn’t owe journalists jobs,. In fact, I’d say cuts to the editorial staff are entirely appropriate, given that the Daily News has been getting its copy directly from the DNC.
I think that is what pisses these leftists the most Bill: that they see a direct correlation with capitalism not rewarding their woke shit.
Oh, The Downtrodden Paperboy!
Those poor, dirty printers hard at the presses Woe to them!
Ah yes, just like Occupy was class warfare. The top 5% of the population getting angry at the top 3%.
Coal miners are dumb rubes who are too dumb and stupid to know what’s good for them, like working in their stupid dumb coal mining industry when they could be assembling solar panels.
Last quarter there was a substantial plunge in the number of solar installations performed.
Those stupid, dumb solar panel assemblers need to learn a new trade, like building mud huts for low-income families.
Sell a product worth buying and it won’t go under. NYDN hasn’t been worth the paper it’s printed on for at least the past 5 years. Shitty businesses die.
For anyone that’s fascinated by failed public works projects as I am:
A country populated entirely by Elon Musks?
God damned guineas. My paisans are screwing the pooch yet again.
The important thing is the contractors got paid until the money ran out.
I worked with a guy from Europe on one project in the past. He was half German and half Italian. He was born in Germany, but lived and worked in Italy for many years.
He would tell visitors: See that bridge. It was built by the Romans 2000 years ago. We still use it. See this other bridge. It was built by the Italians 10 years ago. It is closed because of structural problems. We can’t use it.
The engineers of 10 years ago should be crucified for their mistakes.
Yes. But the problems in Italy are systemic and run from the C-suite down to the common laborer.
That being said, important stuff — like wine presses — still get the proper attention and work as intended.
There’s some cool shit in that Incompiuto thing. I want to live in this one!
Titty Tuesday.
Gotta love the monkey in 13 looking down her top.
If we ever needed proof that you weren’t the one creating these collections, the inclusion of #63 in this group confirms it.
Gotta throw a bone to the itty bitty titty committee every once in a while.
I see what ya did there – and heartily approve.
I’m still waiting for one of these stories to actually be true.
“I’m sorry. I deeply made a huge, big mistake,” Cavil said. “And I’m in the process of getting the help that I need.”
Like unemployed?
“I don’t have an explanation. I made a mistake. There is no excuse for what I did.”
Damn it, man, stick to the script! You were starting a conversation! Raising awareness! Protesting mistreatment and oppression!
“After further investigation, we have learned that our employee fabricated the entire story. The customer has been contacted and invited back to our restaurant to dine on us. Racism of any form is intolerable, and we will always act swiftly should it occur in any of our establishments. Falsely accusing someone of racism is equaling disturbing.”
Uh oh. Someone’s chumming the water.
I’m really tired of that particular bullshit.
If hatred were prevalent then he wouldn’t have to wave false flags. Same with poop swastikas, BLM etc.
It’s all bullshit. There is no nation full of racist misogynist deplorables. However, I encourage them to keep this shit up. Keep insulting people and then demanding their votes. I am sure it will work this time.
Blue wave a’comin!
In a society not crippled and driven completely insane by capitalism, motherfuckers would go to prison for this.
In an education system not gutted and crippled by unions and unabashed self-dealing on the part of administrators and staff who run things for their own benefit, rather than that of the students, people would understand simple arithmetic. Two plus two is always and everywhere four.
In countries not crippled by capitalism people go to jail for most things really.
Only if they’re not starving to death.
She don’t eat meat but she sure likes the bone.
Been a long time since I even thought about that song now it’s gonna be stuck in my head.
She don’t like salami, don’t want pastrami, don’t want no chicken, she don’t want a roast, she just wants a double dose of my beef beef beef, beef baloney
A site that dares to print articles that question the standard explanations for the racial wealth gap (racism) is definitely going to receive criticism from the universities.
I started into the opposing “literature” on the racial wealth gap particularly wrt savings rates. Duke has put out contrary studies. The group there has a real knack for heavily citing their own prior works. That’s not exactly a red flag for me but it’s pretty close. What’s the matter? Can’t cite somebody else’s work that’s not part of your sociology department?
ding, ding, ding. Luxury vehicle & designer name clothing.
And people are baffled when they realize they don’t have enough saved for retirement.
And someone has to be blamed.
unconditional on wealth and income
that is critical. i’m glad that was put in there.
the Duke shop goes on and on how none of these stats hold if controlled for income. but their claim has proven bullshit by another study i read.
Can I help the cause by copulating with Claire?
You mean, coitus?
Hitler was the leader of Nazism, Stalin the leader of…Stalinism, not communism.
The logical conclusion of Gillespie’s argument, one where even he has the common sense not to follow, is that the neo-Nazis might well have a point. If you accept Gillespie’s reasoning, that stuff back in the 1930s-40s was just Hitlerism, not Nazism. True Nazism hasn’t been tried yet. If Julius Streicher had just been more successful…
Well I got rid of two of my MINI fleet and went with a used 2014 Mustang V6 – burgundy hardtop – with only 24k miles on the clock. Weird thing? Insurance for the ‘stang is cheaper than the Countryman CUV.
Does that mean the average Mini owner is an insurance risk?
Give the number of Mustangs that attack crowds…
Howdy y’all.
I am alive. Miss you guys.
::blows whistle for the St. Bernard to return::
Whycome u no post?
Eh. Just not a bunch of time. I drive home during the pm link and feel like I’m behind.
Work had me jammed up recently. Lots to do while the kids aren’t here.
Moving back to CO anytime soon?
Not anytime soon, afaik.
Wouldn’t be opposed to that though.
He’s been working on Eternal, obvs.
Still been reading a bunch. Just not as much time to comment as I might like.
Missed you, kid. Welcome back!
Tariffs are the greatest!
Trump’s a landlord. What if he thinks tariffs are like charging “rent” for the “use” of “his” market?
That doesn’t make him right. It definitely doesn’t make him smart. That’s just something which popped into my head.
And- I would be interested to know if the people who used to tell me how awesome it would be if Obama jacked up a bunch of tariffs to protect American enterprise are cheering, now that Trump is talking about it.
My guess is that he’s looking at it from a negotiation and game theory perspective. Based on his comments his preferred agreement is for neither side to have any tariffs, because that would be best for the US. So the alternatives are; the status quo, tariffs both ways, or removing tariffs altogether.
From the side of whatever other country, the perception is that the status quo is better than no tariffs. As the US has traditionally avoided imposing too many tariffs, they see no reason to negotiate as the status quo is better than the alternative.
Imposing tariffs changes the math. It’s also a tit-for-tat, in his mind. We’re just doing to them what they are doing to us. Add in that I think he’d say we are better able to weather the economic impacts of tariffs than our trading partners because our economy is large, more diverse, and more dynamic, and the choice for the other side then becomes whether to continue suffering the effects, escalate, or negotiate to either lower or remove the tariffs.
I’m a little torn. On the one hand, free market economic theory is right that tariffs as an end-state are bad, and actual free trade is better or all parties. But can tariffs be used as a temporary cudgel to get to the preferred end state of low/few or no tariffs? Is the economic drag of the tit-for-tat trade war worth the additional growth and velocity of a post trade war situation with lower tariffs? Dunno. I don’t know if there are any economists who would even ask the question let alone study it in detail. Or that could be trusted if they did.
RE: The Jacket going full retard
Not surprising given the editorial direction Reason has taken of late. He/his site have been slowly creeping more and more progtarian for years, I guess now he’s just leaning into it. Like I said yesterday, with the exception of a few articles by a few writers every now and again, Reason is a progressive rag. Not sure if this is more of his failed strategy to try and attract yoots to “libertarianism” by watering down the philosophy to such a degree that it’s unrecognizable, or if hanging out at all the cocktail parties finally liquefied his brain, but anyone who tweets something like that cannot be called libertarian in any way.
I really didn’t like the sophomoric articles on Peterson by ENB and Welch.
ENB is a joke. On most issues, she’s a prog, and always has been. The entirety of her published work prior to Reason was proggy, a fair chunk of it still is even at Reason, and she’s marrying a far-left jackass.
Married. Get up to speed shitlord.
Who’s the guy?
And she focuses too much on porn and Stormy Daniels.
The “guy” would be this sorry motherfucker.
Lemme guess. He thinks Trussia is a real thing.
it’s a fair critique. after all, capitalism is responsible for slavery and communism never used slave labor.. *cough* gulag *cough*
Howdy y’all.
I am alive.
Phew. We, uh, took a vote and decided not to pay the ransom.
My escape was cunning and brave, I assure you.
Like I said yesterday, with the exception of a few articles by a few writers every now and again, Reason is a progressive rag. Not sure if this is more of his failed strategy to try and attract yoots to “libertarianism” by watering down the philosophy to such a degree that it’s unrecognizable
He should offer that kid from Harvard a job. He’ll fit right in.
Are you ready for Eric?
Former Attorney General Eric Holder told “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert that he’s “considering” running for President in 2020, but won’t make an official decision until after the 2018 midterm elections…
“I’m thinking about it and what I’ve said is that I’d make a determination sometime early next year,” Holder said.” “My focus, really, now is on 2018, the midterms and trying to make sure that Democrats take back the Senate, take back the House, and that we do well, importantly, at the state level.”
The audience broke out into applause which, Politico says, Holder “paused for a second to soak up.”
A young, fresh face for Team Blue the definitely does not have any baggage.
His campaign will be something Trump never sees coming, it’s going to be Fast and Furious!
“Remember when you were attorney general? It was a complete and total disaster, ok? I’m a stable genius with a big league brain.”
The Obama administration: The rag weed of politics.
The audience broke out into applause which, Politico says, Holder “paused for a second to soak up.”
They misspelled “laughter” I’d say.
Corporate law used to do a better job with the agency problem. In recent generations, though, the protections for owners have gotten weaker and weaker.
A major problem I have is the perceptual transformation (I blame the business schools) of managers who are quite simply employees of the enterprise and custodians of the wealth of the owners into some species of extraordinary intellectual powerhouses. This allows them to routinely thumb their noses at the shareholders and act in their own personal best interest.
*some are, the overwhelming majority are not
It isn’t so much that htye are intellectual powerhouses, as that they have the advantage of regulatory capture. The legislatures, the bureaucracies, and even the courts, all favor management over company owners because they’re largely populated by the managerial class, rather than the investor class, and because the managerial class is much better positioned to provide legislators, bureaucrats and the courts valued things.
The Post can’t go the way of NYDN fast enough.
Make that all dead tree publications.
I never took you for an environmentalist.
This new breed of Cold Warriors is putting the old guard to shame. Next they’ll be advocating internment for anyone with a Slavic name.
Here’s VDH for a palette cleanser.
I’ve been assured the ‘alt-right’ are the worst.
When are the charges filed
Cabela’s is cheaper and also sells guns.
Jus’ sayn’.
Tester is still going to vote for Kavanaugh.
Planet Fitness is the worst gym ever. They have no heavy weights. They have all these stupid rules. And the whole place is painted yellow and purple. It’s like inception into some Viking’s fan homoerotic dream.
It must get exhausting to be in a state of perpetual outrage.
We’re at a point where the best weapon is to ignore them outright and never apologize.
Just don’t give them the time of day. Let them scream bitch and moan. Heck, let them protest and go berserk. Eventually they all have to go home and do their chores.
Should have included a container car piled high with coal.
TW: Do not click on the link
Just the URL was enough to make me dry heave a little.
Because you said ‘don’t’ I took it as ‘do.’
Sex in the Slurry.
For real lol.
Planet Fitness is the worst gym ever. They have no heavy weights. They have all these stupid rules. And the whole place is painted yellow and purple. It’s like inception into some Viking’s fan homoerotic dream.
Wasn’t it Planet Fitness who canceled some woman’s membership for complaining about a man using the ladies’ locker room? Said she was a transphobic bigot whom no honorable organization could tolerate association with, I think.
It wouldn’t surprise me. Planet Fitness is the soyboy of gyms. You can be thrown out for being too loud or being, in their opinion, a “meathead” (ie: someone big lifting big stuff). They also serve pizza and doughnuts to people.
But it’s cheap and filled with ladies in spandex, which is really all I ask of a gym.
it’s not their fault they’re fat. Trump is president!
HEY!!! I go to Planet Fitness.
I kind of hate it, but it’s the only gym 5 minutes from the house so I can go before work and not have to shower there.
Plus it’s only $10 a month.
Not a place for White Goodman.
Via Wiki:
“As early as March 2015, the “Judgement Free Zone” policy has been expanded to include allowing biological men, whose identity is self-reported as a woman, to use the women’s locker room. The policy states that “members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their sincere self-reported gender identity.””
Celebrities r stoopid.
So brave. Much wisdom.
I smell another PSA. Surely, that won’t have a negative impact on the coming #BlueWave.
Jesus Christ.
Holy shit.
Man oh man.
What in the fuck?
Honestly, Zach Braff’s tweet was worth a chuckle.
Michael Ian Black’s was at least an attempt at humor.
Conan the Disorderer?
Here’s another little thing I have had rattling around in my head for a long while: you can call them “tariffs” or you can call them “port fees” but without the US defense umbrella, international trade would most likely be a whole lot more difficult, dangerous and expensive. Getting our trading partners to assist in funding that umbrella is not necessarily a bad thing, and making those costs obvious and explicit is unquestionably a good thing.
I was reminded of this by a couple of other people’s comments.
I subscribe to the theory that Trump is playing chicken with the tariffs, but of course, he can’t SAY that, unlike Chocolate Jesus, who dropped every detail of a plan of operation to the world.
And then wondered why he was played like the bitch he is?
Same here. And its not like he’s hiding it, either. He says right out loud that tariffs are the stick that we will use if we don’t get a “better” trade deal.
Assuming current trade arrangements are to the favor of other countries, they have no reason to change unless we have stick to hit them with if they don’t.
1) They don’t believe he’d do it or
2) They don’t understand what he’s saying because of #1.
So it’s essentially stealth.
“Twelve Types of White People I’d Like to Call the Cops On
Why let Permit Patty and Coupon Carl have all the fun?””
When did outright racism become acceptable again in this country, anyway?
And how naive do you have to be, to believe that the race which is actually in the majority, and has the wealth and power, won’t win this game once it decides to play?
Jan. 20, 2009
“Trump voting white people
Arrest them? I get the feeling they’d be happy to put them in camps.
well if there’s one thing white people and black people can finally agree on…
Militant vegan white people
You burst a vessel when your favorite gluten-free bakery admits they’ve been using wheat. You’re the derelict that looks to annoy me with your pretentious-ass diet of seventeen chickpeas and a tablespoon of Aquafina water. Don’t come to my visible space and compare another juicy and succulent pig to a former slave in chains. Just go away, grab that homemade trail mix, go on a hike, hit up that Kanye West concert, and let me enjoy my meat.
I was gonna say most of those people are insufferable assholes but because Noel is also and a screaming fucking bigot he got Trump voters and people offended by his blatant bigotry mixed in there.
Something for you car cultists
Excellent. Getting some weird looks from people walking by, though!