A couple notes before we dive in:
My double post format last week inadvertently confused people. SP and I thought it was funny, but since readers were confused, I’m combining the two posts I had planned for this week into one post.
I wanted to be able to take some photos for you today, but the janky apartment building I live in lost power when I rebooted my computer, and the landlord took hours to show up to fix it.
About the Japanese Edition
I have always been simultaneously fascinated and perplexed by Japanese culture. The town I grew up in has a fabulous Japanese cafe where all the meals are cooked by a little Japanese grandma.
When my ex and I moved to California, we first lived with his brother and his roommates, who were all very much into Japanese culture. One of their best friends was a computer programmer at Apple who immigrated from Japan. Once a week he took us all out to a different Japanese restaurant. We spent a lot of time in Japanese Town in San Francisco.
My husband is very much into Japanese culture, knows enough of the language to get by, and watches a lot of Japanese shows. We recently finished all three seasons of Shokugeki No Soma, the first two seasons of Overlord, and we’re currently in the middle of watching Hozuki No Reitesu, Kimi No Todoke, and Great Teacher Onizuka.
I know there are Glibs who know much more about Japanese culture and cuisine than I do, so this post isn’t so much about dishes I have made before, as it is about dishes I want to try. I look forward to reading comments from the community with suggestions!
So without further ado…
If I weren’t vegan…
There is something magical about donburi. It could be a whole post in and of itself. Donburi is a perfect one dish meal, much like a Buddha Bowl, and there are so many different varieties of dons that you could eat a new don every day and not get bored.
IMHO nothing tops a good gyudon.
Oyakodon is egg and chicken.
Donburis can easily be adapted to vegan which is something else I love about dons. The mapo tofu don, for example, can be adapted to vegan by omitting the pork. (Great vegetarian mapo tofu don recipe here.)
Crispy fried Japanese chicken beats out every other fried chicken I’ve ever had. Soy and ginger come together to create a flavourful chicken dish that’s impossible to quit eating. Karaage goes great on its own, inside a bento box, or topping a donburi.
A great Karaage recipe is available from Japanese Centre.
Beef Teriyaki
Delicious. Beefy. Teriyakiy. And super easy. What’s not to love?
Something I really love about beef teriyaki is it keeps well in the fridge, and you can easily add the leftover beef (if there is such a thing) to a donburi.
This recipe from Rasa Malaysia is not the most authentic, but it’s quick and easy. If you want to go for something more authentic, check out the Japanese Food Report where they go through the process and the glaze.
I love wrapping food inside other food, and this is no exception. This dish uses a thin omelette as the wrapper. Wrap up meat and veggies inside eggy goodness, and you have healthy food on the go.
Great recipe here from Japan Centre.
And if you’re interested in seeing how a master makes Japanese omelettes, watch this.
But since I am vegan…
Ginger Sesame Soba Noodles
I have a thing for soba noodles. I only recently discovered (thanks to the Shokugeki anime) there are many different types of soba, and it’s based on what part of the buckwheat is used.
One of my favorite meals from the little Japanese cafe in my hometown is soba salad. I crave it. I have dreams about it.
I like to take this vegan recipe from This Savory Vegan and put the noodles on a bed of cabbage and top with fried tofu.
Vegan Onigiri
The Japanese are great at finger foods. Onigiri is a brilliant finger food. These are rice balls wrapped with nori and traditionally stuffed with some sort of meat, but this vegan recipe happily omits the meat so I can eat it.
I intend to experiment with creating a peanut tofu onigiri, but til that day comes, this recipe from Green Evi will satisfy any vegan’s onigiri craving.
Daikon Steaks

Daikon Steaks
I have no idea what this is really called in Japanese, but it is delicious. My husband says it’s one of the best dishes I’ve ever made.
1 large daikon, peeled
fresh ginger, chopped
green onions, chopped
1tbsp butter alternative (or just butter if you’re not vegan)
variable ingredients:
The exact amount of these ingredients will vary based on how much broth and sauce you make.
soy sauce
sake (rice vinegar will work in a pinch)
1. Cut the peeled daikon into 2-3” segments. With paring knife, round the edges of the daikon. This is really important, and it took me a couple attempts at this dish to figure it out. Daikon is mostly water, and as it cooks the middle will shrink, leaving a raised edge around the side, and that will be the part that gets caramelized.
2. Add the daikon to a bowl and cover in a broth of equal parts water and soy sauce. Add ginger and nori. Daikon tends to float, so you may want to keep a spoon on top of the daikon to keep it under the surface so its thoroughly marinated. I marinated for several hours.
3. Turn a non-stick pan on high and let it get nice and hot. You’ll know it is ready when you add a couple drops of water to the pan and they sputter.
4. Add the daikon in the center of the pan. The water should start to exude from the daikon. Cook until slightly brown on the bottom and flip. When browned on both the top and the bottom, turn the heat down, add the broth, and cook over medium heat until the daikon is cooked throughly. It should be browned on the top and bottom and really soft to the touch. How long this takes will depend on how thick the daikon is.
5. Remove the daikon to the plate. In the pan add butter alternative. I use Earth Balance. Melt the “butter.” Add a quarter cup of soy sauce, a quarter cup of sake, and a quarter cup of mirin. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. You should have about a quarter cup of sauce. I use a quarter cup of sauce per two daikon steaks. Scale up the sauce based on how many daikon steaks you’re making. The sauce should be salty, creamy, and a little sweet.
6. Drizzle the daikon with the sauce and top with fresh green onions. You can garnish with sesame seeds if you have them.
Marinated Onion Potato
I don’t know what this is actually called. This goes really well with the daikon steaks. The recipe makes one serving. Scale accordingly.
1 large white potato, peeled
1/4 cup of white onion, cut in very thin slivers
1/2 cup of soy sauce
1/4 cup of sake
1 tbsp mirin
1/2 cup of water
butter alternative to taste
1. Mix the soy sauce, sake, mirin, and water into a broth. Add the peeled potato and marinate for at least an hour.
2. Add cool water to a bowl, and add the white onion. Rub the white onion between your finger tips to break up the membrane. This helps remove some of the bite.
3. Heat a small pot of water, and boil the potato until it’s cooked.
4. Remove the potato from the water and put into a bowl. Add the onion and the onion water, 2 tbsp of broth, and mash together with a fork. Add the butter alternative, and continue to mix, and then serve.
Beef Teriyaki at least every Week, cheap and fucking Tasty!
In keeping with the oriental theme, I think Yufus’s sister may be a model in Japan.
I would like to hear from Straffin about how much this is a ‘thing’ over there.
Sorry, she would be about 58 or so by now, but a Blonde haired, Blued eyed Slope?, bet She’s pretty
From the stuff I see online concerning Japanese culture, I may actually be living in Scranton for all I know. I don’t recognize 90% of it.
Did You marry my Sister?
Every cut of beef I try to cook that isn’t filet mignon comes out like a hockey puck. I don’t know what my problem is.
Heat, too much, too fast…..YMMV depending on thickness of cut,
Stop eating it well done.
Ew – medium rare for me. I’m not clueless in the kitchen but something about beef messes with me. I know I need more practice. And now that mignon is more or less unaffordable I’d like to find something more reasonable that is as easy to work with.
Is this easier?
LOL an old friend… which is best avoided these days given what it does to my insides.
Slow cook. If you can screw that up, you have a talent.
Sous Vide is easy and delicious.
Something like this.
It takes time, though. Tougher the meat, the longer the cook.
Sous Vide dries out beef rather easily. I don’t recommend it for that function.
(Which seems odd when there’s so much iquid in the bag – but then you realize that liquid came out of the beef, leaving the food part dry)
Soylent Green is pretty affordable.
Cut it across the grain.
I tried turning it off, waiting 30 seconds, and turning it on again and that didn’t work.
I’ll try your idea next!
And, also, if you want it medium rare, cook it to rare, then tent it with foil for a few minutes. The juices reincorporate as it continues to cook.
Yep, I do that. Since I’ve gotten way more into cooking the last couple years I haven’t actually tried anything beef. Maybe I’m fretting for nothing and I can have another go now.
You need a grill. ~ 4 minutes a side on 1″ + thick steaks should bring you right to 125°. Filets should be bacon wrapped, imo.
^This. Also, perhaps somewhat paradoxically, all cuts of meat have a sweet spot temp and time wise at which they’re as tender as they’re gonna get. For the real lean ones like top round or chuck it’s usually a lengthy braise, which is why they’re good for stews. Cook the bejeezus out of them in a wine or tomato-based sauce, and the acids will help with the tenderness. Fattier cuts like a ribeye, Porterhouse, etc., don’t need to be cooked very long, and if you do you quickly pass the point at which you’ve broken down connective tissue (making it tender) and cooked the fat out of it (making it dry and not very flavorful).
It’s also not out of the bounds of reason to lard a particularly lean cut of beef, especially if it’s a roast. Marinating it will help, too, of course, but it’ll taste like the marinade, which might not be what you want.
If you are serious I can suggest some alternatives.
Hanger steaks. Butchers cut, and chuck eye steaks.
Both are excellent cuts not advertised to the public.
I think I’ve seen hanger steak at the supermarket but who knows if it’s the same as a butcher would do it. So… yeah not super serious as in visiting a butcher (I wouldn’t even know where to go here) but just choosing from among the couple dozen varieties I see pre-packaged at the supermarket. When in doubt I generally assume the most expensive one I can afford at the moment is probably the one I want…
There aren’t dozens of hipster butchers in your neck of the woods?
My part of Brooklyn is not “hipster”. The old-timey butchers are all halal now and a little intimidating to a wuss like me.
The worst and best cuts of beef I’ve ever prepared were $40 briskets that I slow baked, then seared. The first time was divine. I was overjoyed. The second time I misjudged how long I’d need, tried to compensate by adding heat, and ending up with something north of medium. Crushing. I haven’t tried again.
I used to work a broiler in a steakhouse. If you see this, ask me when I’m around.
Cover it with raw onions and a little honey and marinate it for a day first then cook it slow and low gradually raising the temp as you go. You’ll be able to slice through it with chopsticks.
We’ve been looking for daikon to do that recipe. I think I’ll hit the Asian groceries in MKW or Woodman’s in Kenosha this weekend.
Thanks for this post. It all looks delicious!
You’ll have to let me know how it goes! The most calorie intensive part of the dish is the sauce. If you skip the sauce it’s like eating yummy air.
As oden, daikon is tasty.
Recipe link. Can’t vouch for it, but gives you the main idea. https://www.justonecookbook.com/oden/
My dad made a Baby in Okinawa when he was station there, she’s my Older Sister I never met, but he brought home Sake, Tempura and Bamboo shoots, I hate them all!
He made me drink Sake traditional at 105 Degrees, Gross! Tempura is OK but it depends on what you are battering, and Bamboo Shoots? why do I want the equivalent of e Brussel sprout made of Bamboo?
Fun article WD, keep it up!
Was your Dad married at the time?
/inquiring minds want to know
Um, yes, He asked my Mother if he could bring her home to the US, my Mom said NO and HELL NO. He got home and found My mother pregnant by another Guy with my older Brother,when I finally heard from my Gma I was pissed….. at my Mom, and Her mom told me…….
/The More You Know………….
“Bring her home”
The baby or the girlfriend?
Are you guys from West Virginia, by any chance?
My Mom was Born there, and my Family is from Hazard county Kentucky,
OMWC is laughing hysterically and nodding his head as I read him this.
My Wife Laughed at the thread as well, We are Weird people ’round here…. 🙂
It’s quite cool to see how interconnected Americans are, I met Friends in Colorado that left Cali years before I did, and there they were!
Now I know what’s wrong with you Yusef. My family on both mother and father’s side are from Harlan, Corbin, Pikesville, KY and the furthest depths of White trashville, WV.
Yeah, so I fully understand what is wrong with you, bro.
We may be related, know any Pattons or Coles?
Pattons, yes, Coles also, but not related. Then of course, there is my wild man father, which is why I never throw rocks into schoolyards, you know, for fear of hitting a sibling. So you never know.
If you know of them, they are my relations, it’s big Brood IYKWIM
I was exiting the parking garage at work a couple of weeks ago, when a lady I talk to frequently was at the gate. We sort of hit it off, not sure where she’s from, but somewhere in the middle east, maybe Pakistan, she wears this black wrap thing on her head, no idea what that is. Anyway, she says to me ‘Wow, there was a guy through here yesterday, I thought he was you! He looks just like you! You don’t have a brother who works here do you? After a moment of thought, I said ‘Hmm, good looking guy huh? Well, if I do and I never met him, I won’t be in the least surprised about it’. She had the strangest look for a minute, I don’t think she figured it out. Americans, you know, with hillbilly ancestry. Not really sure how many half cousin/sisters/brothers I have.
“If you know of them, they are my relations, it’s big Brood IYKWIM”
All you have to figure out is how many of them are at the same time your half brother/sister/cousin, nephew, aunt, or something like that.
There is nothing wrong with Yuesf except that he drives a Kia.
Wow. My family is so boring.
It’s not that we are exciting it’s that we are White Trash, and i’m quite proud to be White trash, we build America!
My family is from rural PA. I hear ya.
Woe is me, shame and scandal in the family!
Ain’t it fun!
Yes you did build America , but Trash you are notn
/Texas country boy
I do not like bamboo shoots at all.
I had a brief waitressing stint at a sake bar. Some warm sake is good. It really depends on the quality. The lower quality stuff should be ice cold so you can chug it and ignore the taste lol. I prefer nigori sake, which is unfiltered.
Glad you like the post!
“I prefer nigori sake, which is unfiltered.” I’ll check it out, thanks!
/in honor of Pops
I had warm sake with a Japanese chick I was friends with – delicious even if I wouldn’t do it every day. Like say, vodka.
I would. Warm sake, icy gin.
Would you like them in a box? Would you like them with a fox?
Would you step on a Snake?, How about a Rake?
If the Rake smacked your Head,
how would if feel to be Dead?
Sad, you never met your sister. Sorry.
“In Japan, Mapo Tofu is called Mabo Dofu and it’s written either as 麻婆豆腐 or マーボー豆腐 in Japanese.”
Whew. For a moment I thought I’d been mispronouncing it all these years.
Look up, brah. I link-thread fayuld.
I didn’t know that! Thanks for letting me know!!
I like Just One Cookbook as a start for Japanese foods. Not just the recipes, but she also offers up substitutes and suggestions for alternative ingredients for one that aren’t always easy to find here. Her original donburi recipe (now in the comments) was superior to the one she has up. Also, easy on the eyes.
I’ve never made gyudon myself. Delicious and cheap shops everywhere.
Turnip hreens served as a side to chicken and dumplims
As I was saying.
Turnip greens served as a side to chicken and dumplins serves as a contrast to this dish.
I gotta make that again, My Gma’s recipe was to die for and I’ve only done once, Boil a chicken and hand shred it, continue………
My attitude towards my American family members that come to visit: Just fucking eat it or be hungry. I don’t care either way.
You’d like me then. My theory is to eat anything given to me. Like a dog, if it turns out to be bad, you can throw it up later.
My in-laws (especially the Korean ones) think that an amusing game is to see what they can get me to eat. I think they get extra points if they can trick me into something so hot that tears come out or I drop and beat the ground in pain.
My relatives in Korea are all farmers who live in a tiny village near Daegu. Since they are farmers most of their food is straight from their farms. No sissy processing for them. They think it is extra fun to make me guess which part of animal that a dish comes from. It always backfires on them though because my mom grew up on a farm and I lived on a hobby farm until 4th grade, so it doesn’t bother me that I can spot tripe. What gets them is that I insist that they don’t cook the meat until it is well done. They think it is barbaric to eat any meat that still has juice coming from it.
Gotta day after checking out Gilmore, RC and grizzly discussing the Page warrant on last night’s links… Better and more well informed discussion on the topic than any site out there. Thanks to all you guys.
I just got done reading that.
Old Yeller raised to the n^th ?
Well if they can’t properly polish a Monocle, what good are they?
Commotion Man! Commotion!
Margaret Sanger never had this problem at her parties.
It’s where non-woke parents assume their babies gender based on nonsensical criteria like genitalia. Then they humiliate the poor it by announcing the made up gender to everyone they know.
Again, my Pop was hanging with us at a 4th party and a skyrocket was headed straight at him, he leaned back as it passed and finished his Cigar,
/ Marine vet FTW
I had to point that out yesterday- there’s only 2 types of people. The quick and the dead.
4 tours in Vietnam, He probably didn’t really notice……… Good Bass player too, He will be missed
We lived across from city hall when I was a kid. One 4th of July we were lighting fireworks in the yard when my brother pulled out these weird ones called “bottle rockets”. My mom had no idea what they were. She follows my brother’s instructions and loads them in a bottle. Buggers cleared the city hall building, but the police station was behind it. “Ok, that’s enough for today. Everybody inside and let’s be very quiet. Got it?!”
Last Friday, let’s get High,
Early Morning old Man, Damn I look craggy at 6 AM
No kidding. Salty pepper FTW. https://m.imgur.com/a/OUcjPjD
If I let it grow it would be White, my hair is bleached to transparency, the Sun is Brutal….
Is that you, young Man?
My chin. Wife hates it.
That’s why I shaved it all off in my 20’s, happy Wife, more pussy licking as well, she Don’t do the Sandpaper thing.
I also don’t need extra sweat Catchers in my Field so clean face for me
True. TBH I don’t like it either, but I hate shaving more when I’m on vacation.
Is Coco curry still around, with the gorilla mascot? I must have ate there ten times when I was in Tokyo.
No, GoGo curry.
Yeah. They’re centered around lower Tokyo, so I don’t have the chance to eat it. Good?
I fell in loves with Japanese curry. Much preferred to Thai yellow curry. I was there as a student so it hit that sweet spot of tasty and affordable. This was 10 years ago, so YMMV.
Over the last few years, my beard has started to go white on my chin. I personally blame global warming for the change.
My wife has an alternative theory as to why it is happening, but I won’t embarrass her by telling you guys her outlandish tinfoil conspiracy theories.
Oh, do tell, do tell,
/Old Man with Transparent beard
OK. But remember she is from a foreign country and their grasp on science ain’t so good.
She thinks that my beard going white is somehow connected to me getting older.
Crazy right? I’m a spring chicken. No idea what she is talking about.
93 thumbs down. What is wrong with some people?
No idea. And why isn’t his other video winning Oscars in this #MeToo era?
“I got poison sumac on my scrot-o”
I swear, I did that, shorts, and close climbing, then, a week of Hell………….
My father was drinking at a buddy’s house. His buddy had a super friendly tomcat that liked to lay in a patch of poison ivy during the day. After they’d had a few Spike (the cat) decided he wanted to be petted. His owner wouldn’t let Spike near him and warned my father about his tendency to lay in poison ivy. My father (who maybe had more than a few) scoffed and said he was immune to poison ivy anyhow.
Skip to the next day and my father’s hands are covered in welts. And to add insult to injury, his junk was also covered in welts from where he had held his dick while pissing.
It was a tough week for him. Not only the physical problems, but being laughed at by everyone.
For a second there I thought the cat had been violated.
Not as easy as you would think.
This response:
michael nichting1 year ago
hey peter, check for glory holes in the side of your barn. but dont put your eye up to it or talk into the hole. I learned that the hard way.
I can’t decide if I like the song, but there ARE some cameo appearances of THICC .
I like the pit bull. Damn near caught that kid.
I’m partial to the fat broad.
The song is horrid.
but the janky apartment building I live in lost power
*raises hand….what does janky mean?
The video of the omelette is awesome. What’s her face number two and I got on a sushi kick for awhile and I tried to emulate what I read about in a cookbook but the key is the square pan. Where the hell was I going to get a square pan in 1998? Amazon didn’t exist yet. Or did it and I was a dumb ass?
All those look great and I havn’t eaten yet and too long of a day to cook. Frozen pizza for me.
Isn’t that wait Velma from Scooby-Doo used to say?
Jinkies, no.
That’s it.
flighty, Nigger Rigged, Jury Rigged, untrustworthy, bad character
Jerry rigged.
It’s Jury, as in a bunch of blind Men inspecting an Elephant
I always heard Jerry around here, I assume it’s from when the Yanks and Tommys were fighting the Krauts and called them Jerry.
Ahem, http://www.dictionary.com/e/jury-rigged-vs-jerry-rigged/
Awkward/funny moment at a previous job:
~50 year old female co-worker is bitching to ~40 year old female supervisor about a machine constantly breaking down. Co-worker shouts, “They need to fix this instead of just nigger-rigging it every time!” Supervisor and I stare at her in shock of what she just said, and after a weird pause where nobody really knew what to say, supervisor blurts out, “Well, I’m just glad there weren’t any of them around!”
I haven’t heard that one but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if my PA kin used it back in the day….
I still have to catch myself,
My mom didn’t have a racist bone in her body and in fact I grew up “in the city” so yeah that term was not in common use.
My stepfather though… holy crap some of the stuff that would come out of that man’s (and his son’s – my age) mouth.
I must have had a sheltered childhood…
I never heard a non-black person say “nigger” as a joke until I was about 15. It was at a friend’s house in this white ghetto part of town. It took quite a while for me to process that – a bunch of children and young teens just calling each other “nigger” like I would call someone “idiot”.
I learned it from a Black kid in school at like 12 years old in long Beach Cali,
I don’t think its Racist if you figure at the Time, Blacks were very much agrarian workers, and maybe weren’t exposed to “rigging” i.e. Tech skills
“Rigging” in that sense isn’t a compliment and is the opposite of ‘tech skills’ it means just making something barely work, “Jerry,jury, nigger” rigging is a synonym for shoddy, half-assed work so yeah if you’re implying that the work of an entire group is substandard than while perhaps not racist (without arguing over what constitutes a race) but it is collectivising in a negative manner.
NO, IMO, it’s keeping something together long enough to effect a more permanent solution, what do you think?
I guess idioms have different regional meanings, around here (north central Ohio) I have never heard the term used admiringly about someones elegant but temporary engineering skills, only mockingly about a guy using zip ties and duct tape to secure his rear bumper.
“Eenie, meenie, miney mo, catch a nigger by the toe.” Mikey and friends choosing “it” in Oakland mid 50’s. My literal best friend was one, but those were just the words we used
Me too through 6th grade but I was the poor trash in that relationship 🙂 His family was rich.
Yes, but what kind of rich?
/”technically”, one would hope.
One time in the field, a Sgt had one of the privates put something away in his pack or such while it was on his back. He asks if he got it secured and tied down. Private (kind of hill billyish) without thinking goes “yes sgt, I nigger rigged it”. As soon as those words left his mouth, he realized what he said and who he said it to (the one black dude in the platoon). He was down and pushing before the sgt started gesturing to do that.
knock it off Pussy, you know I’m right, and it’s not racist
I assumed so but I also thought maybe I was missing out on some new cool word I had never heard of. I also thought maybe I didn’t know how to spell hinky and was too lazy to look so fell back on my stupid comment routine.
Also….My double post format last week inadvertently confused people
Did you forget you are dealing with a bunch of people high on the spectrum? You can’t throw too many posts at them too quick it baffles them. You probably had some hitting their heads on the wall.
I just put on my head phones and rocked back and forth.
I didn’t know what to do so I switched browsers and went to the only safe place on the web.
Low quality. It’s a former barber shop turned warehouse turned office turned duplex, and every time it changed, they did not make improvements.
A libertarian must own it.
:thunderous applause:
I had a multicourse tofu meal at this place. No idea if it was vegan (probably wasn’t- fish broth or such) but it was surprisingly good.
Oops, it was the sister location http://tousuiro.com/en-kiyamachi
And coincidentally the cooking segment of NHK World is on right now. Making Okinawan curry rice. Japanese cook is hot, stupid westerner assistant is annoying.
Looks dear. Near Kiyomizu, eh? Did you visit?
I picked the wrong restaurant. It was the other one. Only went to sewing stores in Kyoto. And a used CD shop. Skipped all of the cultural highlights.
” a used CD shop”
good lord, those still exist somewhere? that’s like finding a blockbuster video in the Amazon
Let me tell you about Tower Records…
[sigh] my youth
Ahh. Tower Records.
One of the great crimes of the 20th century was the MPAA selling people on the idea that CD’s last forever, therefore they should replace their entire music collection w/ them.. only to discover that scratches/ heat/ ALMOST FUCKING ANYTHING will destroy a CD, whereas vinyl? … endures abuse , and while it may degrade, never ‘breaks’ (until it really does)
-1 CD Connection
Why would you do that?
I read your last posts after they were long dead, so I want to take this opportunity to say I LOVE THEM. MOAR!
Ahem, I mean, thanks, I really enjoy them.
Aw! Thanks!!
I make a gyudon-like dish, but it’s very different from the original Japanese version:
1. Start boiling some rice.
2. In a separate pan, fry a steak to your desired degree of doneness and set aside (just be sure to get a nice brown crust).
3. Fry some sliced onions in the same pan.
4. Pour in dashi, mirin, and soy sauce and reduce to a simmer.
5. Dish out your rice, which should be done by this point.
6. Slice the steak thin across the grain (that’s why flank steak is a good choice here) and toss the pieces in the pan with the onion. Stir it around just to get every piece coated in the liquid and re-warm it, but you want as little “cooking” of the meat as possible.
7. Immediately dish this over the rice. Add some soft-boiled eggs if you want, and garnish with beni shoga and diced green onion.
I’ll usually add a bunch of spicy shit as well – diced serranos and a bit of Sriracha stirred into the liquid. I’ve even added shrimp before for a very protein-rich meal. It’s a great thing to eat after some weight lifting, especially if you use brown rice.
That sounds great. Mirin is just sweetened rice wine vinegar right? Dashi is something I have never seen around here. We are in short supply of Japanese markets. I can get you a whole pig or beef though.
Amazon’s gotcha covered for dashi. If you wanted to get really fancy, you could order bonito flakes and kombu kelp, then boil them to make fresh dashi… But honestly, I don’t go through that kind of effort for a dish like this. I only do that if I’m making nikujaga, chankonabe, or some other kind of large-batch Japanese stew.
Mirin is a sweetened cooking wine. It’s also great in soba noodle soup.
I kind of lucked out having a Japanese food store within a 20 minute drive (in southwest Ohio – not exactly a huge population center of Asianpipo). I think it’s because of all the Japanese-run factories around here; there are always executives and engineers from Japan who live here for a few years at a time.
Thanks for the recipe!
Sounds delicious!
OT: and I waited til now, I got a call for Refrigeration Service for last Sunday, i was not pleased to say the least, I woke up Sunday at 4:30, had Coffee, then went for the Ensure Protein drink, only to find MY Refrigerators Compressor died in the Night. I Grocery shopped on Saturday, So I lost about 300$ worth of fresh bought,spoiled food, which had to be thrown out. Rent a Center was closed and I don’t have Coin to buy a new one so we did the Ice chest thing for a day, keeping the Insulin cold, as well as the Beer……… I got the paperwork done between calls today and it just came, I’m now a bit more at peace. And NO, I don’t fix appliances, no money in it.
I feel ya. I had my AC, fridge and wife’s car die all last week. I thought about buying a lottery ticket, just because if I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck.
I lost my Office A/c last month, but I have a Backup, but it sounds like you got it worse, Sorry FLM
The AC was a bad breaker on the air handler, the fridge was a bad controller and the car was a defective battery. It could have been worse, just inconvenient and the bills stack up. Life goes on.
Then you did Luck out, I have Rent a Center Fridge for 35$ a week, and had to buy a 100$ condensate pump for my A/C,
i’m getting raped on the Fridge, but I need it NOW, and am willing to pay for it, Sweet, sweet cooling……………
Gotta love the Glibs. An article on vegan dishes turns to beef on the first comment and stays there.
Something about Herding Cats, how’s your Thermostat?
Kickin’ it at 75. Have I shown you my new dartboard?
Pics! please!
LOL but hey the author started it.
BEEF Teriyaki IIRC………
Right? How much more passive-aggressive can you be than: “If I weren’t vegan…” and then post meat dishes.
Why do they toy with us?
C’mon Bro, Messicans,Anal, Ganja and even Vegans, We even have Women Here! and Q brings the Tit aaays,
God I love this Place
She always starts it. There’s a reason she earned that little pet name I call her.
Milk Carton #47 ?
Well done, Bravo!!!!
Where is the Orson Welles Clap!
Swiss OD’d on raclette again. I heard he started free-basing it when he was in Amsterdam.
It was still good……
/kicks rock and walks away…….
Which of you lot posted the Hank Johnson midget clip from YT? I can find all sorts of similar clips of that slack-jawed moron apologizing for the M-word, but I cant find one in particular.
How about this?
For current train wrecks, I like this bit with Tom Hanks’s kid Chet Haze .
I have a buddy who came over for shabu-shabu with the family last winter. He loved (who doesn’t) and wanted to know how to make it himself. So I talked my wife and her buddy to bring him to the asian markets to buy all the fixins.
After we had gone to 3 markets to get all the ingredients, we ended up at a giant supermarket that caters to all the weirdos in the Twin Cities. While we were picking up the last few things he needed, he asked me “Doesn’t this store have all the other things we picked up at the tiny Korean markets?”. I told him that yes, if it was just he and I we could have stopped at this one place. However, since we had two Korean women with us, they HAD to go to as many places as it took to get the cheapest prices possible.
I still don’t think he gets why we went all over the city.
+1 my DIL (Chinese)
That’s a woman thing. Our Irish neighbor in her 70s will expend gas to drive all over the area to save 10%, thereby spending more money on gas than she saved by value shopping.
Annoying AF. No, you’re not saving money. Simple math. You’re wrong.
What else is fucking annoying is people who harangue me about buying something at Kroger when it’s cheaper at some other place all the way across town. I live three minutes from Kroger, and sometimes I just want to get my bag of apples or whatever and get on with my life. I’m not going to drive 10 extra minutes to go to Wal-Mart or Meijer just to save 30 cents.
I’m not going to waste my time calculating the money saved vs. gasoline expended. I don’t want to do fucking algebra every time I need to go to the store.
I have a “neighborhood” Walmart that has a great Produce/ Meat section, and it’s 5 minutes away, i fucking love it.
Yep, there’s also a family-owned butcher shop within easy walking distance of my house. The owners raise a lot of the meat and produce on their farm north of town, and most of the other stuff is from other local vendors – honey, eggs, milk, fruit preserves, etc. It’s an awesome place.
A local chinese place that’s run by a chinese couple, delivered here one night. Since Jugsy made the order on-line, and I did have cash, I didn’t have anything to tip the driver. I wrote on the receipt $5, thinking that when she (the driver) got back, the owners would make the adjustment. This was around 6:30 in the evening or so.
Around 11:30 I get a call, and the caller ID says the restaurant. The owner wanted me to explain to her driver why she wasnt getting $5, since the order was made on-line, and she had no way to pay her directly. The 2 women were fighting over $5. As a pretty regular customer, I told her “just give her $5, and Ill be there tomorrow to pay you back”
“No. Tip not on charge slip!”
“Just give her $5. Ill be there in the morning”
“No. You didnt put on order”
I said, “OK…put the driver on” and she did. I told the driver (a young white woman) “Look…she aint gonna come off $5 for anything. Ill order something soon, and Ill make it up.”
2 days later I ordered food, had the same driver, gave her $20, and mumbled something about “you dont know how cheap asian women are”.
And never ordered food from there again.
the wife got juked from Door Dash and the KFC got her name and i went over the next day and got a free meal fix the drivers Fuck up. will do business with them again…….
If you aren’t wasting time, it’s not delicious. Just spent an hour picking up my kid’s commuter pass which she dropped on the bus yesterday. Two cars and 8 people (family together on vacation) to pick up something worth 1000¥. Argggg.
Nine bucks? Really?
What? The bus driver didn’t come running after her to return it?
*flips Suica in digust*
Fod bless Johnny Thunders
Damn! i remember that! very cool Eric,
I’m listening to this………………..Classical Music
Brett Kavanaugh, Rand doesn’t like his 4th A stance, but do we take what we can get? any one to the Right of RBG is fine with me, but should we worry about BK?
God bless Brian Baker https://youtu.be/LUlj7OIAYUY
God bless Edfromohio https://youtu.be/VSv8FVJtbAk
May have smoked a little too much Lemon Cake here.
Getting fuzzy.
God bless Ray Cooper.
Ray Cooper playing a very goddamed jangly guitar. Djingle djangle like a loose spur https://youtu.be/thdUzJrCODY
Elton’s Percussionist What a treat to hear
and Alien OG, liking the Indo…………………………
Alien OG. Try the Space Oddity if you come across some. Get high and jam for three hours.
Summertime, it’s getting Hot, rink lots of of water, PC out Glibs!
God bless Pete Townsend https://youtu.be/dkT8W6u81Ks
God bless Bob Mould https://youtu.be/J1sYN0PuRs4
And just a reminder, it all starts with Husker Du. The whole fucking thing. All the sounds. That is guitar. It ends with Husker Du. Too.
Um…didn’t a guy who looks just like you extol Pete Townsend just a moment ago?
I was smoking alot of weed. Pete Townsend is God. Bob Mould is Jesus.
Thanks for the vegan recipes Webdom.
If you are in Minneapolis, this is a
…great Japanese restaurant: