Well we’ve made it to the end of another week. Congratulations. And also congratulations to the Cubs, who beat the hated St Louis Cardinals in the lone Thursday game after the ASG break. The Open Championship also gets underway. Second round is going and Tommy Fleetwood and Rory McIlroy are on the move. Tiger is going the wrong way and Jordan Spieth started strong but faltered coming in. Thursday’s leader, Kevin Kisner, is yet to tee off.
Famous people born on this date include Alexander The Great (whose life was only marginally longer than the director’s cut of the movie about him, monk and geneticist Gregor Mendel, explorer and namesake (yeah, right) of a twice-failed presidential candidate Sir Edmund Hillary, Pizza Pizza man and late owner of the Red Wings and Tigers Mike Ilitch, writer Cormac McCarthy, eye-candy Diana Rigg, bad swimmer Natalie Wood, guitarist Carlos Santana, communist sympathizer Thomas Friedman, guitarist Jay Jay French, drummer Paul Cook, musician Chris Cornell, director Robert Rodriguez and Heisman trophy winner and holder of a 3-0 record as a starter against TTUN Troy Smith.
Also on this date, Sitting Bull surrendered to federal troops, the Methodist church allows women to become pastors, Eisenhower got to Normandy, the US invaded Guam, UNICEF was formed, Neil Armstrong becomes the first human being (since the Egyptians or Aztecs, according to some) to step foot on something other than earth. And Hank Aaron hit his last homer.
Good stuff. And I apologize to any of those people listed above whose life I may have made marginally more difficult through my youthful acts. Anyway, no time for a public shaming. Its time for…the links!
The purges for wrongthink continue. Big shock there. But I bet Whoopi doesn’t so much as get a formal reprimand.
So it looks like you’re better off being from the left side of the political spectrum if Robert Mueller is snooping around your business. Or maybe its common practice to give a connected person immunity so you can go with both barrels at someone accused of a crime that is generally handled by having them file an amended statement that they were lobbying on behalf of a foreign nation several years ago. Also of note is that Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager’s name is on at least 20 emails entered into evidence.
Elon Musk continues his downward spiral into insanity. Not good timing as it also recently came out that 24% of the orders for his latest car have been cancelled and refunds requested.
San Jose decides to cut down on free association and voluntary participation in something thats completely legal a couple hundred miles away. Yeah, nice job assholes.
Wait a fucking minute. Why is this judge facing a “tough day of questions”? The questions are all easy to answer. He should just say “fuck you, its a natural right. I’ll buy a better holster. Now get the fuck out of my face.” Or something a little less eloquent if he chooses so.
The Democrats can shit in one hand and demand that the translators for the Trump – Putin summit be compelled to testify in the other. And they can let me know which one fills up first.
Trump slams rate increase by “independent” Federal Reserve. Yeah, heaven forbid we abolish that market-manipulating scam and go back to the gold standard. Oh man, if Trump proposed going back to the gold standard, that would quite possibly cause the retards on the left to go completely mad. Soooooo, here’s to hoping he does it.
Have a great day and a better weekend, friends!
Oh man, if Trump proposed going back to the gold standard, that would quite possibly cause the retards on the left to go completely mad. Soooooo, here’s to hoping he does it.
Worked for Andrew Jackson. Maybe Trump will one day get his name on the trillion dollar note.
The idea that Trump would ever get along with the Federal Reserve was laughable. He’s going to be like the gorilla that comes in and smashes all the monkeys with typewriters at the Fed.
Pay per view ?
I like that analogy.
Well we’ve made it to the end of another week.
Some of us have to work on Saturday.
For you
I’m going to need you to come in tomorrow…
Friday is my Monday morning
Friday is his Monday morning
That doesn’t mean that this isn’t the end of the week.
Win on a technicality.
Those people are called orphans… Self respecting libertarians only extract profit through exploiting the workers
The purges for wrongthink continue.
She was shitting on women’s TV and black people. So much for sister solidarity. Can’t even get good diversity hires these days.
She was not a diversity hire as she is not a real woman.
The judge: special people, special rules.. Nice, really, to see our “betters”
get similar treatment as us plebes.
I can take a gun to work if I want. In fact, I have several within reach right now.
What’s fucked is Chicago making it all but impossible for anybody to take a gun where they want (with the agreement of the property owner, obviously). I wish this judge would figure that out and make a stink of this case.
Ahhh, but can you bring it to court?
Oh, I see your point now.
When did that change? Weren’t you able to take a gun into court at some time in our history? It had to be commonplace before metal detectors, didn’t it?
You should check on that in TX, Sloopy. I know that anyone with a CCW permit is welcome to carry in the Texas Capitol.
Texas courthouses are no guns and no knives if I recall. It’s retarded
I’m not sure I can agree with you guys on this. I would guess that the powers that be would want to keep any and all weaponry out of arms reach of violent offenders at sentencing hearings, and I’m kind of okay with that.
Parking lot full of weapons.
People fighting to get their rights back:
Just don’t get caught with smoking cigarettes, the fines and jail time is probably more harsh
Back in the 80s in Alabama my aunt was sitting in on a trial. Judge gets handed a note.
He calls a lunch recess and announces that he would just assume that whoever had the loaded pistol would not have it at the end of the recess.
My aunt then realized she had forgotten to take her pistol out.
No one was shot by a cop.
I can take a gun to work if I want – as long as the boss doesn’t know
What’s the gun ownership percentage in Romania? What’s the culture like IRT RKBA? Are penalties severe for people who get caught with a gun illegally?
I don’t know percentages. I would assume very low. There is no right to bear arms and the penalty is 2 to 8 years in jail depending.
Wow. That sucks. I hope there is a huge underground culture of ownership.
And I hope there are a lot of 3d printers in circulation.
There is very little underground culture of ownership. Most people are fully aboard blanket firearms ban. It is known civilized people do not own guns. Maybe one reason why ridiculously corrupt politicians fear nothing while selling diluted disinfectant to the children’s hospital in a country with serious problems with hospital infections.
Are we talking handguns or long guns as well? When I first met my friend’s now ex-husband, who she met London while at school, he immediately said something about crazy Americans all running around with guns. Then five minutes later casually mentioned his elderly aunt shooting rabbits in the front yard with a shotgun as if he were talking about mowing the lawn. This was probably fifteen or so years ago, mind you.
You can have a long gun as long as you jump through some hoops and join an official hunting club
Jesus. Caught between the gypsies and the vampires without a gun? Godspeed man.
But you can get wooden stakes and curse remover at any gas station.
They’re banned, but wooden stakes and garlic are readily available.
The barely believable events of recent days are provoking rising debate in Washington and in the media over whether Russia does indeed have some incriminating intelligence it is holding over the President’s head that is influencing his behavior toward Putin. There has so far been no publicly available evidence to support that case.
But Steve Hall, a former CIA station chief in Moscow, issued a chilling warning on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” on Thursday — which if it is borne out would have unfathomable political consequences.
“Before the Helsinki summit, I was not prepared to go to the darkest corner in the room and say there is kompromat — there is compromising information — on Donald Trump,” Hall said.
“After … I saw Donald Trump treat (Putin) in a fashion that is just inexplicable, the only conclusion that I can come to is … I think there is information and data out there that implies there is indeed compromising information that Vladimir Putin has on Donald Trump. Why else would he treat him that way?”
US national security analyst and military historian Max Boot agreed with the premise that the failure to notify Coats of the invitation smacked of White House incompetence but also suggested that “something more sinister and nefarious” was going on.
“Donald Trump is now being investigated by the FBI for colluding with Vladimir Putin to affect the 2016 US election, and now, he is effectively colluding with Putin right now, meeting privately with Putin,” Boot said on CNN’s “Erin Burnett Out Front.”
Boot bemoaned the probability that senior officials don’t know what Trump agreed to in the private head-to-head in Helsinki — even as Russia begins to dribble out details.
Trump has sold us down the river. We’re going to be a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Oligarchy, Inc. Putin is coming to Washington to sign the paperwork.
That traitorous bastard will probably take Putin to the War Room and show him the Big Board.
So what info did the Saudis have on Obama?
Those sneaky Russians, whose GDP is the size of New York’s, are gonna make us a vassal State.
Lol, and these people worked for the group who spied on Americans and lied under oath when caught. But gladly told the truth when asked if they carried out assassinations of Americans not even charged with a crime. It’s difficult to take them seriously.
He’s probably angling to open up a huge sector of the US energy market to a Kremlin-connected Russian company through the influence of his private charity or something sinister like that. It’s really the only possible explanation…
So a big nothingburger then
Worked for Germany.
Daaaaamn, that’s cold.
I love it.
WTF does that even mean?
Trump may have Putin to the White House. How much more sneaky and private could it Get!?
“The barely believable events ……no publicly available evidence to support that case.”
But don’t let that get in the way of the narrative.
“Gentlemen, there is no fighting in the War Room!”
“Max Boot agreed”
Well, right there is the only reason needed to totally discount it.
“Putin is coming to Washington to sign the paperwork.”
Can there be a clause in there saying that Putin will send our progs to Siberia? If so, I’m all in.
Elon Musk continues his downward spiral into insanity. Not good timing as it also recently came out that 24% of the orders for his latest car have been cancelled and refunds requested. – the green cult should jump to his defense. He makes solar! And donates to the sierra club… He’s so dreamy
His tweets are a nothing burger. That whole “pedo” thing got blown way out of proportion.
San Jose decides to cut down on free association and voluntary participation in something thats completely legal a couple hundred miles away. Yeah, nice job assholes. – people should only freely associate for the right reasons, not for the wrong ones.
A LIKELY TAIL Sick man who had sex with a horse claimed animal gave consent by WINKING at him
I will assume this was posted already but…
Neigh means neigh.
“O-o-o-oh, Wilbur!”
Did you mean to use tail instead of tale, since a horse’s end was involved in this calamity? 🙂
My work firewall blocks the Sun for some reason, so not sure what the article says, but I do know with horses there is a different kind of “winking.” And it is actually consent…for other horses. I learned that on Coast To Coast one night. George Noory had on a guy who said he is a reincarnated horse. And that horses are the supreme animals in the universe. They take turns reincarnate themselves as humans so that they can take care of horses or some shit.
The best part was when he was talking about being sexually attracted to horses, and that horses knew he was actually a horse and were sexually attracted to him, as well. His proof was that female horses would wink at him, and he explained in detail what that was. It was quite an interview. He said he refrained from having sexual relations because the normie humans just don’t get it. But he wanted a piece of that sweet horse ass pretty bad.
Goddamn I miss coast to coast. I used to work nights and listened to it on my commute home. So much batshit crazy. Now I keep human hours and I haven’t listened to it in many years.
The memo did not elaborate on the nature of the statements or where they were made, beyond stating they were said in a ‘professional setting.’
I am going to assume she talked about someone else referring to people as “naggers”.
The war with Russia has started. May God have mercy on us…
What a moron.
From wiki
Since late 2016, The Observer has published an extensive series of articles by Cadwalladr about the “right-wing fake news ecosystem”.[6]
Anthony Barnett wrote in the blog of The New York Review of Books about Cadwalladr’s articles in The Observer, which have alleged malpractice by the campaigners for Brexit, and the reputed illicit funding of Vote Leave, in the 2016 EU membership referendum. She has also reported on alleged links between Nigel Farage, the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump and the Russian influence on the 2016 presidential election currently under investigation in the United States. The company Cambridge Analytica is pursuing legal action against The Observer for the claims made in Cadwalladr’s articles, which were published in The Guardian in March 2018.[6]
For her work on these issues, Cadwalladr won the British Journalism Awards’ Technology Journalism Award in December 2017[7][8] and the Orwell Prize in June 2018 [9].
I wish I could win formerly prestigious awards for writing tin foil rubbish.
Just start shrieking from the rooftops that the Russians are coming. Your prize will arrive shortly.
#BringBackOurGirls, however, was totally courageous.
“This is war. You realise this, right? It’s a troll war. But it’s still war. It’s what war looks like now.”
Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the frogs of war.
The entire thread is completely insane.
Uffda. We are having some double plus good govt freakout going on here in the Twin Cities lately. Once again, St. Paul has not done as well as Minnepolis, and today the new mayor of St. Paul told an e-scooter company that the town wasn’t big enough for them and they better get out or else.
The problem is that an e-scooter company had the temerity to simply drop off a bunch of scooters in the Cities and then just start doing business. They didn’t distribute any grift or bow and scrape for the local city tyrants. Even worse is that people seem to like them.
And with the local “let’s ban cars” proggies thinking these are the best things ever, the tyrants have to walk a fine line. If they crack down too hard, they going to have a mob of proggies howling for their blood. All the scooter company has to do is keep their head down and hope the proggies don’t figure out that they are distributing the scooters to make a profit and not to save Earth.
More info on the e-scooter kerfuffle.
Bonus Q&A:
Damn, your state rocks. I don’t know if anywhere else that you can’t get a DUI for being drunk on a bike. Hell, you can get a DUI on a horse here.
I’ve posted this story about Wisconsin Man before.
Snowmobiles are an excellent way to cull the herd.
While some people do use them to pull fish houses out on the lake or to do a few other legit things, they are mostly used for drinking and driving fast during winter.
I’ve been driving up to northern Michigan going 60mph and watch snowmobiles blast past us in trails along the road.
“Hell, you can get a DUI on a horse here.”
I thought the whole point of Texas was being drunk on a horse.
Close. It is hitting on drunk winking horses. “Riding” in TX isn’t the same as anywhere else.
Sort of like Montanans “shearing” sheep. Funny, but they don’t bring any clippers out to the shed when they go to shear those Montana blondes.
I was in traffic school a couple years ago with a kid who got a DUI on a skateboard.
Interesting. In FL operating any vehicle, including steering a horse or riding a bicycle can get you rung up. However, if you lose your license, those little e-scooters are legal to operate without one. SO I’ll treat anyone on an e-scooter as a probable DUI repeat offender like I do bicyclists dressed in blue collar work clothes.
Meh I am not sure about randomly dropping scooters on public property. Seem a nuisance
No, the existence of public property is the real nuisance.
Well that ain’t going away. Public property e.g. the village green, commons, whatevs has always existed.
And until recently, people could use it as they see fit IRT parking a conveyance on it.
Also e-scoters? gaaay
Not as gay as e-scrotes.
NSFW (pretty sure)
Wait a minute. Isn’t that just a TENS unit with a cock ring?
::removed from cart::
What a gyp.
TENS, ELEVENS, whatever it takes….
/no idea what a TENS unit is
One of them kept my shoulder pain from becoming unbearable for several months until I could get some cortisone shots in there. They’re a godsend.
The parking and R.O.W. usage are legit, but everything else is superfluous – which means that’s what the government is going to spend most of its time on.
Joe Soucheray had a column dissing Bird. I got about half way through it and then grabbed my phone and set up an account. I see them all over the Nicollet Mall.
What I don’t agree with is, “Black females are angry” is an offensive statement that warrants firing, but “This is why we need more Black female voices” is applauded.
Both statements collectivize individuals.
Yeah, but one is right-thing (or left-think if you want to be really accurate) while the other is just evil right-wing garbage..
/prog moron
Well, “angry black women” is offensive because it refers to a stereotype popularized by…black comedians…and actresses…I’ll have to get back to you on this one.
Woman remarks that black women are angry. Black women angered.
This also reminds me that US Congressman Jason Lewis is catching hell for using the word slut on a radio show back in 2012. Progressives can march in SlutWalk with I’m a slut written across their chests, but apparently a republican cannot utter the word. Can you think of any other word that only a certain segment of the population can say while anyone else who uses it has committed the world’s worst offense?
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson announced on his show Thursday evening that two separate sources confirmed the offer.
“In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary’s friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Carlson said.
Manafort is guilty of not having a ‘D’ next his name or being closely associated with those that do while engaging in nefarious/illegal activity.
Jesus Christ, they really don’t care how this appears to half the country, do they?
Actually they do. They want that “deplorable” half to know they can be fucked with at the whim of a Fed with a grudge.
It’s quite chilling.
Sloop wins the internets today.
The point I have been making since Trump somehow denied the democrats the election they thought they had rigged for Hillary, was that the left has decided to make sure everyone learns the lesson that they will not tolerate anyone but them in power, and that they will destroy anyone that aids or even just approves of that not being the case. Have no doubt that the strategy is to make sure everyone that could dare oppose the left will be forced to think twice about doing so for fear of having their livelihood and lives ruined by the deep state.
Saying this is chilling is an understatement.
‘White House Should Defend Diplomats,’ Says Hillary Clinton, Who Let U.S. Diplomats Die
I. Uh. Everything is retarded. We’re going to indict (presumably) 12 russian gov’t employees and say they can’t question one of ours?
These Russian hacks are not versed in the art of asking questions like our government agencies. Absolutely only appropriate for interrogation professionals. They probably don’t even know how to use the waterboard properly.
Christ, what an asshole.
Doesn’t she have some advisor that’s willing to tell her that she might not want to go there on shit like this? I mean, does she want to have Benghazi brought up again in a way that forces her to defend her inaction?
Of course the simplest explanation might just be that most likely: she was drunk again.
How much money would it take for you to hire on for that job?
And before you write a number down on that piece of paper, remember that when you need to wrestle that phone away from Hilary she is probably going to be drunk and lurching around the house in just bra (if you are lucky) and panties.
And after you had gotten her phone away from her, you probably need to do a search under her flabby tits to make sure she doesn’t have a hideout phone.
I wonder if that’s what Vince Foster was being reassigned to do, which is what precipitated his “suicide”.
“Doesn’t she have some advisor that’s willing to tell her that she might not want to go there on shit like this?”
Shit with the insane dnc operatives with bylines pretending to be an unbiased media, I am sure they calculated the risk was minimal Benghazi would come up anywhere but with the evil Faux News crowd. And we all know how much they despise those deplorables anyway.
OMG…questions? This can not stand!
Foreign meddling is bad
The Justice Department plans to alert the public to foreign operations targeting U.S. democracy under a new policy designed to counter hacking and disinformation campaigns such as the one Russia undertook in 2016 to disrupt the presidential election.
The government will inform American companies, private organizations and individuals that they are being covertly attacked by foreign actors attempting to affect elections or the political process.
“Exposing schemes to the public is an important way to neutralize them,” said Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who announced the policy at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. Rosenstein, who has drawn President Trump’s ire for appointing a special counsel to probe Russian election interference, got a standing ovation.“The American people have a right to know if foreign governments are targeting them with propaganda,” he said.
The Obama administration struggled in 2016 to decide whether and when to disclose the existence of the Russian intervention, fearing that without GOP participation it would be portrayed as a partisan move. Concerns about appearing to favor the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, weighed on President Barack Obama, who was reluctant to give then-GOP-nominee Donald Trump ammunition for his accusation that the election was rigged.
Which is it, “hacking” or “propaganda”, you mendacious fucks?
Poor Mister Obama, agonizing over that decision about whether to reveal Trump’s true identity of being Putin’s puppet; he had to be satisfied with leaking information to the press without attribution. We all know how much he hates that.
The russians are penetrating !
Funny enough this article had the phrase
SQL, an acronym for Structured Query Language, is a common piece of cyber-trickery used to illegally gain access to government, financial, business and private computers.
Before being edited
EDITOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this story had an inaccurate definition of SQL. This has since been corrected.
So, total idiots who can’t be bothered to google the definition of a commonly used term are providing us with the reporting on the greatest crisis to our democracy ever.
What was the name of that phenomenon — “The more you know about something, the less sense any news article about it will make”?
The Gell-Mann amnesia effect?
Gell-Mann, I think.
[goes off to check]
More specifically Gell-Mann amnesia: when the article is in your area of expertise, you spot the idiocy, but when it’s in a different area, you still think it’s the gospel truth.
You leave little Bobby Tables alone!
The edit isn’t much better:
As the Bobby Tables link Nephilium posted makes clear, while this is true, it is the fault of the programmers. SQL injection shoudn’t be possible.
And it is stunning that there are still public web apps that are vulnerable to this.
But I’m sure that those poor IT staffers are still struggling to finish all their Y2K tasks before they can move on to fixing these issues.
And why in hell would the election stuff have a public web app to begin with?
To make it easier for the dead to vote?
There was no election stuff on any public website. The DNC servers, which were not public, were hacked after a phishing attack on Podesta, and the real crime – according to the left which went from telling everyone that pointed out Russia was a problem that the Cold War had called and wanted the 80s back – was that they then put this information out and exposed the corruption and criminal activities of the DNC and Hillary.
Remember that these cunts screaming about the treasonous evil Orangeman and his allegiance to Russia, are the same douchebags that told us Hillary having a secret server in someone’s bathroom from which numerous state intelligence services scooped over 30K emails, many including secret and top secret content, all so she could hide the criminal activity from that Clinton Foundation.
Fuck them.
I think voter rolls are public information.
“And it is stunning that there are still public web apps that are vulnerable to this.”
You have not seen the quality of the shit work done by too many people, especially government work when it comes to this stuff…
I’ve been telling my boss repeatedly that I hate having to deal with the database because it’s all cybertrickery, but would he listen? Noooo….
“The American people have a right to know if foreign governments are targeting them with propaganda,”
What about propaganda from our own government and news media? This is just something we must discern for ourselves.
This whole thing is just so mendacious and stupid. If shit-posting on the internet constitutes “meddling” or “influencing” I am pretty sure we are all “guilty”. Hell, anytime you debate you are trying to “influence” people.
Today’s moment of nostalgia.
I’m nostalgic for functioning links.
“…Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.”
I wonder if Paul Blart got another award.
Elon Musk continues his downward spiral into insanity.
So what you are saying is that he is running for president?
24% of the orders for his latest car have been cancelled and refunds requested.
It’s ok. He’ll make up for it in volume.
He’ll get right on those as soon as he’s done being a shithead on Twitter.
Maybe he’ll get back with Talulah
He’d be crazy not to, that’s for sure.
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?
A story about the prison inmate who is accused of killing a guard this week.
Son of cops.
Did this guy ever have a chance.
We Just Walked into America’s Creepiest Egyptian-UFO Cult
Not long ago in Georgia, black and gold pyramids stood proudly on the 476-acre compound of Tama-Rey. It was the holy “Land of the Sun,” a place where the self-declared God, Dr. Malachi Z. York, manipulated thousands of nationwide followers in the “Nuwaubian Nation of Moors” to believe they were cosmic purveyors of an extraterrestrial truth. Confused yet?
The strangest part to me, is the random Irish flag in the bookshop.
Ivory Coast?
That’s a pretty cool cult. Much better than the hippy dippy ones.
Glibs should start a cult.
So, Black Panther, IOW.
All the scooter company has to do is keep their head down and hope the proggies don’t figure out that they are distributing the scooters to make a profit and not to save Earth.
Wait, what?
I bet that a shit ton of the worker bees at the e-scooter company are true believers. Like that feminist t-shirt shop. The management is in on the scam, while the lower level folks think they are actually trying to make a difference.
Just like the Democrat party?
So how long until these are mandatory on college campuses?
That doesn’t strap onto the right part of the anatomy to prevent sexual assault.
Sooooo targeting data for frat boys?
“Your honor, I swear she asked me to bump uglies. Later when we sobered up, I realized she said ‘bump handshake’ but I swear I thought she was coming on to me at the time.”
Yeah, I think this is one of those cases where a couple scammers have identified a market and are cashing in on public hysteria. How many of these will be given to freshmen girls by their helicopter parents?
Drunk coeds will slip them off as soon as they are feeling horny.
“to exchange their capacity-state information and sync up for the night.”
Sounds hot, and nothing at all like a dystopian nightmare.
“bad swimmer Natalie Wood, ”
What kind of wood doesn’t float?
Damn your nimble, scruffy fingers!
I’m reminded of the old joke:
Q: What’s the only kind of wood that doesn’t float?
A: Natalie Wood.
lol are you doing a bit? This joke and the Gell-Mann amnesia effect above.
Ted S. is exactly 4 minutes behind reality.
No; I’ve just had the great bad luck to be second to the punch on both topics.
Who’s mom are we always slut shaming? Winston? Warren?
Anyhow, there is a slut mom joke in there for Ted always . being second….
Of the sloppy variety?
Open offices make people talk less and email more
To many links to check in that article… I worked in open office all my life so don’t know any different
The worst aspect of the open office concept is that it gives so many dumb fucks a sense of entitlement to just walk up and strike up a conversation whenever they please. Most of the countless interruptions I experience aren’t from ambient noise but from people deliberately wedging themselves between me and my work because they need something right away.
I had forgotten it was his birthday since reading it up above, so the music link still surprised me. Mostly because it was a good choice.
the music link still surprised me. Mostly because it was a good choice.
::adds robc to “shit-stirrer” list::
I am disappointed I wasn’t already on it.
Wait until you see my article coming out on Monday, assuming you haven’t already read it.
I want to see your thoughts. We might be the only people who care about the article at all.
Shit, I’m traveling on Monday to Cincinnati. But I’ll be sure to look at it.
“Boring, bonehead questions are not cool,” he said in response to a question about Tesla’s projected capital expenditures. “These questions are so dry. They’re killing me.”
My buddy (a portfolio manager) knows the guy he said that to. That’s what these things/questions are. Boring and dry. It’s not a game. People need some basic investment metrics/measures/questions answered. Musk seems to think investment analysts are going to ask him creative questions about his dreams while stroking his ego.
According to my friend, he’s a very serious and professional guy.
I’ll have to remember that.
“Sir, your card’s been declined. Do you have another form of payment we can try?”
“Look, you’re killing me with these boring, bonehead questions about payments and bills and stuff. It’s not cool.”
Mystery 30-ton sarcophagus in Egypt found to contain three mummies
The mummies are disintegrated because sewage water from a nearby building leaked into the giant coffin through a small crack.
Someone here, don’t remember who, said it will certainly be a bull. Well, whoever, you were wrong
I feel sorry for the poor archaeology intern who got to clean sewage out the sarcophagus and then try and dry out the mummies damp with shit water.
Yeah, but now they’re qualified to be a San Francisco HHS worker. So they’ve got that going for themselves.
It’s their fault for not doing the side quests first.
lmao, got me twice today, potato
That person was right. It was a cuckold thing. The husband, the wife and the bull.
I didn’t realize the left is against the gold standard. What would be their reasoning? To the extent they possess reasoning skills.
That’s the original populist position. William Jennings Bryan and his “cross of gold” speech.
“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”
Bryan resigned as Wilson’s Sec of State as he opposed entering WW1, so at least he has that going for him.
Expansionist monetary policy
Scopes trial
Yeah, I am going with broken clock theory on the anti-imperialism/anti-war aspect.
And yet he was all in on the Spanish-American War. Bryan was a weird dude.
You sure on that, I thought that was a big issue in his second election against McKinley?
Yep. He even volunteered until he got sick in Florida. What you’re thinking of is the annexation of the Philippines. Bryan was all for the liberation of Spanish possessions but he was opposed to trying to occupy the Philippines.
Got it. Still anti-imperialism, just both US and Spanish.
Like Negroni says. If you’re on a gold standard, you can’t manipulate currency supplies quite so easily because you’re bound to the price of gold and the supply you’ve got. When you’ve got fiat currency, you can just print more and say, “Yep, these new ones are also worth a dollar,” and now all of a sudden there’s more money. In the short term, inflation is a little bit like everyone getting a raise, because they physically possess more money. Very quickly, the market catches up, and now everyone’s back to square one because value hasn’t changed, just the number of markers involved in the transaction. But it makes the peanut gallery feel good when they get that first, quick hit of cash.
It’s a little like heroin, really.
The progressive argument in favor of fiat currency over gold currency is that a small amount of inflation decoupled from a commodity good is a good thing. By having low, expected, and long-term inflation, it incentives investors to not select cash as the long term vehicle for a store of money. This in turn is a good thing because a stack of green-backs in a coffee can doesn’t do any work, while a deposit with bank in an interest-bearing account can provide the same (risk adjusted) return *while* allocating the capitol to people who can use it to create value in excess of the value of the money they are borrowing.
Also, putting all nations on the gold standard will more tightly couple their economies and transmit shocks more from one country to the next. Like what happened in the great depression, when gold-standard economies kept fucking each other over and silver-standard economies had less of a downturn. Like what happens any time one of the Euro countries cracks open the books and discovers they have been managing their accounts like sailors on shore leave.
They want that “deplorable” half to know they can be fucked with at the whim of a Fed with a grudge.
It’s quite chilling.
And, all the while, they shriek and wail about the “authoritarianism” of Donald trump. How many journalists have been tossed in the slammer by the Trump administration?
That’s what these morons are all about.
You can be certain that the more anger and screaming something induces from the left, the more likely it is because they are all doing it and hope they can convince others through hysteria that the other side is doing it moar.
For every closeted gay GOP pol who constantly rants about the evils of the homosexual agenda, there seems to be one Dem pol who is some creepy abuser of women. (To be fair, in this case the pol, just seems to be OK with hiring a creepy abuser and doesn’t grab anyone himself)
What is great is neither side will admit that they tend to attract people who have certain urges that they don’t like about themselves and join up to pass laws to try to stop themselves from acting on those urges.
tool expectations
Nice:) a can of wd40 fits in there somewhere:).
But they stole e-mails! Only neo-Nazis won’t die for Montenegro! We shouldn’t be chastising the president for arming Ukraine and putting missiles back in eastern Europe- he needs to do more!
War boners, rage on!
Some comedy never get old.
There’s nothing better than someone who “physically couldn’t stop shaking” because of an election. In fact, her whole twitter feed is a gold mine!
I wonder why she’s single
Too many guys actually realize in this case that if they stick it in crazy, they have to get the hell out of there fast after?
Those women are insane.
If you cry, dry-heave, or physically shake because of the result of an election you are not a mentally stable person and you should seek help.
I didn’t realize the left is against the gold standard. What would be their reasoning? To the extent they possess reasoning skills.
They can’t bear the thought of an external constraint on the money supply.
Absolutely. Most people don’t understand that inflation is a hidden tax on everyone. Therefore it makes it a favorite method of Statist. They can look like their giving away tons of free stuff without raising taxes except that they are albeit insidiously. I had a guy seriously say to me that the government could make everyone a millionaire by just printing money. The difference between wealth and money is not understood by a lot of people.
My go to with the minimum wage thing is to say “Why 15? Why not 1500? If we all made 10,000 dollars a day, we’d be rich.” That always makes most of them muddle through some kind of bullshit fallacious Goldilocks “Well that wouldn’t work because it’s too extreme, you have to be moderate.”
Moderation in the pursuit of high wages is no virtue.
My favorite is to ask, “if raising the minimum wage so high is beneficial, then why do it incrementally over a period of time instead of all at once?”
Ugh – my boss of 15 years is going to be retiring at the end of August. They’re interviewing for his position from outside. I’ll hate to lose out on any of my current perks with a new “go-gettem” manager.
Train your new manager right out of the gate.
Revealed: Half of robberies across England and Wales take place in London
I don’t see why this would be unexpected. A huge very dense city with all sorts of people going through is where I would expect this to happen, not rural Cornwall.
How dare you point out that the urban utopias where they disarm the law abiding and where the left’s big dependent voter block resides also tend to be the place where most crime occurs? You fucking deplorable bastage!
“I have never heard of such a thing and am appalled,” Dimitry Zarechnak, long retired from the State Department, said of the push by Democrats to subpoena the Trump interpreter. “If that were possible, then no foreign leaders would want to meet with any of our leaders.
“It’s either just a gimmick or the animosity has gone up to such a level that they’re not thinking straight about what they’re saying.”
They know what they are saying and they know it is absurd. But they believe they will get away with things that are truly unprecedented because of the mass propaganda network that supports them.
“It is utterly amazing, utterly amazing, that no one knows what was said,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday as Republicans in the House blocked one effort to bring the interpreter to a closed hearing.
It’s utterly amazing the level of faux hysteria Schmoobs is using to propagandize the American electorate.
“Nobody knows what was said”
“Closed hearing”
I wonder why she’s single
She’s highly discriminating. You wouldn’t want her to stoop to associating with somebody who doesn’t despise Public Enemy Number One with every iota of their consciousness, would you?
The central bank has long been seen as needing to operate free of political pressure from the White House or elsewhere to properly manage interest rate policy.
Or, you know, lenders and borrowers could work that out among themselves.
I remember we ended up with a huge financial crisis that wiped out trillions of dollars of wealth when the sham housing bubble, created precisely by those that demanded government mandate fairness in lending – especially when said lending used real world metrics to determine the risk someone applying for money to buy a home presented to approve or deny said loan – and forcing banks to give money to really poor prospects, happened. These same morons are again demanding we repeat the same idiotic rules that caused that first crisis so they can go back to scamming people?
And don’t forget that the “government approved and mandated” ratings agencies gave those traunches of mortgage debt triple A ratings so they could be sold to the GSEs and unwitting overseas investors with lots of cash (Saudis et al), yet somehow no one at the ratings agencies was ever held responsible.
YAAAAY ninja loans !!!
That’s the graft and scamming part I was referring to Scruffy, and yes, it is always government scumbags and their penchant to forcefully change reality, the laws of nature, economics, and so on, so they can pick winners and losers, that leads to these economic disasters. I love it even more when the culprits DEMAND (Dodd-Frank, anyone?) the right to fix the problem they created in the first place with more of the same shit.
Is UK barbecue charcoal fuelling global deforestation?
How in the everloving fuck did these people once have a planet-spanning empire?
How is a tree endangered? You can plant more
The whole MUH TREES thing is a perfect example of the insidious nature of prog propaganda and how it becomes common knowledge. Even apolitical or rightish types talk about “Saving Trees” by not printing stuff out. Like…..these people seem to think that paper is made from only old growth virgin forest and that there’s no such thing as trees planted purely for consumption.
“Oh, no fries for me thanks……I’m saving potatoes!!!”
Didn’t a study come out recently that said we are nearly to the point that reforestation will outpace use?
I know for sure green space in the US is expanding, reversing a trend that started with, like, pre-Columbia American Indians. I think I’ve read that it is also happening on a world-wide level, but I’m not sure.
Shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone familiar with a market. Timber is a normal good, as prices goes up, production ramps up. We, as a global species, are getting out of poverty, which means we need more timber, so demand is way up. Also, technology, in the form of warm-weather timber-farms that weren’t available 50 years ago, have allowed for fast-growth timber.
And that boys and girls is why the 2×4 you buy at Home Despot is straight when you load it into your car and shaped like a ) when you go to use it a day later. Also why lump charcoal is much cheaper these days.
The reforestation is actually due more to the fact that demand is down, not up. People used to burn a crap-ton of trees for warmth and cooking. It was oil and coal that saved the trees.
This paper says timber harvest increased from 1952 to 2003 by 67%.
At the same time, real USGPD rose from $2.456T to $13.271T, which is an increase of about 540%
US population went from 157.55 million to 290.11 million for an increase of about 84%
So while growth in timber usage hasn’t kept pace with overall economic expansion, it has expanded almost with population growth here in the US, where most people were already living in timber or stone-work homes. The greening has been happening over just the last 10 or 20 years here in the US, IIRC.
Srsly?! I thought that was my imagination and I wasn’t doing a good job choosing my studs.
Yeah, faster growth means fewer growth rings and more curvature in the lines you see in the cross-sectional plane. Fewer rings and more curvature means more board warping when there is a change in moisture. Shorter supply chain means less drying as well.
Its not your imagination.
Wait, are we talking about porn again? I’m really bad at this game.
Once the author’s words are out in the public, they no longer belong to the author…
Why is it not common knowledge that the NATURAL course of events happens to mean species cease to exist and has been that way long before humans existed?
You are new here. Has Yusef welcomed you yet, Tulpa?
I received my “You’re Tulpa” credentials long ago on TOS but have yet to be introduced to Yusef
Pointing out that mother nature wiped out trillions of failed lifeforms and millions of species seem to never register with these fucking idiots.
Howdy and welcome!
Volker Haag is a scientist at Thünen-Institut of Wood Research.
I’d like to find a (female) wood researcher. You know… for the advancement of science.
Toxic bro culture!
The John Schnatter stink will be harder to clean up at Papa John’s than first expected.
The chief executive and a second high-ranking executive at the pizza chain — pals of Schnatter whom he installed in key positions — failed to curb a “bro” culture at the Louisville, Ky., business that featured open discussion of “gangbangs” and other hostile terms, a report on Thursday claims.
Women in the office were often mocked, asked during business conversations if they were menstruating and were subjected to comments from male executives about whether they wanted “to jump on the train,” according to a report from Forbes, which interviewed 37 current and former employees.
CEO Steve Ritchie was present for many of the toxic comments and just laughed, three employees told Forbes.
Somebody at Forbes seems to have quite a hard-on for Papa John.
The chief executive and a second high-ranking executive at the pizza chain — pals of Schnatter whom he installed in key positions — failed to curb a “bro” culture at the Louisville, Ky., business that featured open discussion of “gangbangs” and other hostile terms, a report on Thursday claims.
So, in other words, the “bros” who built the company from the ground up from an operation run out of broom closet. And now that the social justice cadres (what the everliving fu** has happened to Forbes that it has become a hive of collectivists asshats?) have their fangs in the business they won’t be happy until they leave its smoldering wreckage in their wake. Oh, well, I don’t think I ever even tried their pizza.
It’s not bad pizza for what it is. Better than Pizza Hut in my opinion. They give you a pepperoncini pepper in every pizza box which is kinda cool.
I think the box is tastier than papa johns pizza.
Thats how I feel about Little Ceasars. My daughter worked there in high school and I had opportunities to get some free pizzas and I was like no thanks.
I’m not a sauce guy, but Little Caesar’s is pretty much just a loaf of bread. I’ll eat it, but I don’t know that I’d even consider it pizza, really. It’s more like focaccia with pizza toppings.
Our local Papa John’s is pretty good. I mean, it’s bready delivery pizza, which I like, and it’s pretty good. The local Italian place does NY-style pizza that’s unbelievable, but they don’t bring it to your house after you order it online while playing a video game in gym shorts (for added irony).
Can you order by phone?
The point is not to have to put on a bra and pants to go out to get it.
I’m sorry, are we talking about real life or porn right now, because this sounds like porn.
Dude, once the pants and bra come off, there is no going back outside for anything. You’ll get the inferior delivery pizza (and boy that comes with it) or you won’t get pizza. Or anything else.
^This. Although in my case it’s shoes and outside pants. Once I’ve donned soft clothes, I’m in for the night.
asked during business conversations if they were menstruating,
This only seems reasonable. All the women in the office probably sync up. You need to know if the crimson witch is active.
I opened up a Reese’s cup with two paper liners on it. So that’s exciting.
Natural mutation.
They were having sex when they were packaged.
With a vacancy rate of 2.4 percent, St. Paul is in the midst of a housing crisis, and the city needs to take decisive and wide-ranging steps to address it.
That, in a nutshell, was the declaration from the St. Paul City Council, which voted 7-0 on Wednesday to approve a wide-ranging resolution “calling for action to create and preserve housing that is affordable at all income levels.”
The housing resolution also calls on the city to “address racial, social and economic disparities in housing, and create infrastructure needed to stabilize housing for all in St. Paul.”
Sounds legit. What problem cannot be solved by a resolution of concern?
That, in a nutshell, was the declaration from the St. Paul City Council, which voted 7-0 on Wednesday to approve a wide-ranging resolution “calling for action to create and preserve housing that is affordable at all income levels.”
The housing resolution also calls on the city to “address racial, social and economic disparities in housing, and create infrastructure needed to stabilize housing for all in St. Paul.”
Yeah, gee. I just can’t imagine why developers aren’t lining up to pour money into that sort of market.
Well they are thinking about letting people actually use their property as they see fit.
They recently approved some new rules to allow people to add “mother in law” apartments to their homes. Sounds like a decent idea.
Some are not amused though:
Portland’s ADU program is excellent. I’m not a fan of Portland government in-general (which is why we sold), but I do applaud many of their zoning efforts.
Portland Oregon? Their zoning efforts are a prime example of government breaking legs and providing crutches. Land use planning generally in Oregon needs to be packed into a small box and nuked from orbit. It’s one of the most pernicious myths in the state, along with the bottle bill & the ban on self-serve gas.
Portland, Oregon – only specific to ADU’s and also mixed commercial use. Otherwise, completely aligned with your comments.
I’m pleasantly surprised that there wasn’t a wide-spread freakout about the use of the term “mother-in-law apartment”.
You should see a couple of the comments on that article.
Oh noes not the unlicensed use of a free individual’s own property!
Ah, yes, a “study.” Done to gum up the permitting (!) process, typically.
If you want to live in the alternative world where In Flames kept making albums like Jester Race through Clayman here is your portal to that magic place.
Someone tell me why Strzok isn’t in a cell for contempt?
Someone tell me why Strzok isn’t in a cell for contempt?
Because he’s part of the club, silly. Club members aren’t the ones who are supposed to get thrown in cages.
The deep state is not just looking out for its own, but thumbing its nose at anyone that thinks they should be held accountable.
“This brings up a great point, if Trump got into the White House illegally all laws or appointments he has made should technically be declared void ab initio (void from the begging)”
Void from the begging?
Parth Gajjar
9h9 hours ago
He only won electoral college because Russia stole 500,000 people’s voter registration info and altered it. He won some key seats by as low as a 50-70k votes. He is illegitimate by all means.
I would love to see her work on that math.
If we are going to go down that road, Chicago’s going to be WAY different.
Won by “as low as” 50 thousand votes? I assume by “key seats” he means Congress? A House district has around 800,000 people. Winning a House race by 50k is a crushing victory. Dave Brat won VA-7 In 2016 By 58 thousand votes. That’s a hardcore GOP district.
Winning a House seat by 50 thousand votes is an “opponent calls you right after the polls close to concede” type victory.
I’ve noticed this a lot with the Internet lefties. They seem to think that Hillary’s 3 Million Popular Votes means that there are literally not Trump voters out there, that it’s all Electoral College Trickeration and ROSSIYIAN HACKERS.
You know, I remember going back and forth with a birther not all that long ago. What’s funny is, they were pushing the same ridiculous shit. That’s not how it fucking works. We aren’t an elected fucking monarchy. We have a whole goddamned confirmation process to make sure that’s not how it fucking works.
You’d think this is stuff people would learn in basic high school civics. Oh, yeah, that’s not something they deign to teach anymore.
Did I go too far?
A tad.
*Distances himself from Sloop, but encourages moar*
Just the typo.
The president doesn’t make laws, boy wonder.
I have no idea who this is.
A professional set of tits.
Rorvig worries about owners of single-family homes effectively converting their structures into duplexes for the added rent. There’s also the potential to use the accessory dwelling for short-term rentals such Airbnbs, which have proliferated throughout the neighborhood, often unlicensed.
The horror.
Would that all my days were Munndays
Man, I got all cised thinking I was gonna see thiccness, and I got a moderately attractive non-thicc actress instead.
She is still much thicker than she was.
Heh, Krystal Ball works for the Hill now. She ran for Congress in my district a few years ago. Dumb doesn’t begin to describe her. She makes Mo Brooks and Maxine Waters look like James Clerk Maxwell and Marie Curie.
I once knew a male fortune teller. He had a wooden leg and a crystal ball.
H/T Benny Hill, may he rest in peace.
Krystal Ball? AYFKM?
My AC is on the fritz in my “office” at home. OK, it’s a converted bedroom, but still. Where’s Yufus when you need him. Sweating my nuts off in here.
Define on the fritz? And what kind of A/C.
Blows cool air for a while and then shuts down and then I get an error code on the display. It’s about ten years old, so who knows. You’ll wanna kill me, but it’s a Sharp Plasma cluster. Can’t find an english page for it. Meh, guess I’ll try to dig up the manual.
If it works for a while then shuts down the issue is likely the compressor running hot and the system then shutting down. How “cool” is the cool air? The manual should tell you what the error code means too. And 10 years old likely means coolant is gone.
That’s my guess, too. When it blows, it’s not as cool as it normally is. I’ll have to climb out on the balcony to get to the main unit. Tomorrow. I have another, new unit in the living room, so I guess I’ll just cool the whole damn house.
I found what might be an Engrish version manual, and on a different site, error codes. Hope this helps.
Replying in split email, because when I posted them together nothing happened.
I found what might be an Engrish version manual.
If this is the unit, I found an Engrish manual. Unfortunately it doesn’t provide error codes, but this site does.
Gonna armchair HVAC tech this one…
Did you check the thermostat?
On the compressor outside – is there anything blocking the unit’s airflow?
Beware of melanoma.
Go-go gadget #20.
No face, but 16 is doing something right.
She also has quite the collex of stripper heels.
Why dreams of the civil service are holding Taiwan back
I’m trying to talk my nephew out of getting on the fast track to a civil servant job. He’s in his senior year of high school and has a good shot of getting into Todai (Tokyo University) and is a bright kid. Of course his mom, my sister in law, is all for him selling his soul for the paycheck and security. I’m having a hard time selling him on taking his shot in the real world.
Is the joining the first character from the university’s name & “university” common in Japan also?
Yeah, they’ll shorten everything. My favorite is Fahsuto Keechin becomes Fah King. ファーストキッチン= ファキン。
Mmm… good burger.
They especially like to do it for loanwords. In straff’s post above his “eacon” is busted.
It borders on ridiculous.
Three women have developed Coint to draw women towards digital currencies?
You mean cointus?
HOOEEELY SHIIT! that page is just one big innuendo!
I got tasked with designing a website for our department. It was supposed to be slick, simple, and easy to use. Emphasis on simple. After some painstaking work, I whittled it down to 3 imagized buttons, thinking that would be simple enough without compromising the other purpose, which is to inform people how to interact with the department.
Nope. The page is to be one button and no additional text. I’m gonna try to sneak a second button in so it’s not just a click through page.
I would have delivered a blank page… Does not get simpler than that!
“This dominatrix makes men mine cryptocurrency for her — and she now has over $1 million
Published: Dec 23, 2017 10:24 a.m. ET
Through financial domination, men get pleasure from giving her money”
Gods, we live in the best of all possible worlds.
TL;DR – Brennan is a piece of human garbage.
Trump is calling Mueller’s bluff by offering up McFaul in return for the 12 russians that were indicted. Mueller was not counting on them to ever actually see a US courtroom.
tee hee.
Can’t those 12 Russians just send lawyers?
“Is it true that 1 in 5 women are raped on America’s college campuses? If so, what does that say about our universities and the people who run them? If not, how did that statistic get into the mainstream? Caroline Kitchens, Senior Research Associate at the American Enterprise Institute, looks at the data and explains the very significant results.”
If it were true, how many people would willingly send their daughters to college?
Everyone has the understood knowledge that if we didn’t send our girls to college to get raped there would be no girls at college for our entitled boys to rape.
Belief in this statistic is the Green Grocer’s party sign in the window. No thought goes into it, no questioning of the implications is made, but refusal to do so is dangerous.
“Rape is any unwanted attention from a man, even if you wanted it at the time , even if that time was anywhere from a week to a couple years ago, even if you’ve had an amicable relationship in the meantime, but you changed your mind yesterday. Now, how many of you have been raped?”
Shit, by that standard I’ve been repeatedly raped.
Check your fragile toxic masculinity, shitlord. You’re a man, you can’t be raped.
My barber, who retired a couple of years ago is a kiwi. When he was back in New Zealand visiting family, he had the opportunity to have tea with Sir Edmond Hillary and his wife in the Hillary’s home. He said that he was a real gentleman.
Your tax dollars at work – I just spent two and a half hours sitting around waiting for the power to come back on.
Time that could have been better spent doing, well, anything else.
Remember kids, don’t reach across the aisle, you’ll get your hand chopped off.
I saw the apology thread earlier. Many if not most of the reactions to his apology were of the “You didn’t do anything wrong, why apologize?” variety.
Because his industry demanded it and he chickened out.
He thinks apologizing will save him? Doesn’t he know anything about Communist show trials? The confession is part of the punishment. It’s not enough to judicially murder one’s enemy, the enemy must be made to acknowledge his crime against the left and be humiliated for it.
OK children say it with me now: VOX. IS. A. FUCKING. JOKE.
If you martyr yourself for Glibertarians, this is the afterlife promised to you.
How are future generations supposed to out do that?
Cyborg asses?
So she at least has one talent.
Father of Parkland ‘survivors’ shot and killed.
If they weren’t injured are they actually survivors? I’m not a fan of this journalistic technique.
Don’t question their
saintvictimhood, you’ll be labeled a heretic.He had the goods on Seth Rich, obvs.
I also survived the Parkland school shooting.
I’m not really surviving the aftermath though, this is terrible.
The thing about anime in many cases (for me) is that i can’t envision ANY RATIONAL SCENARIO AT ALL in which scenes like this make any sense.
I don’t even want to know what the plot is that led to that moment, because it would still just raise more questions than it could possibly answer.
That’s like saying “the thing about books…”. Anime isn’t a genre, it’s a medium – works range from the absolutely absurd to a story about children starving to death in a cave during World War 2.
You’re right.
Although it’s a broad genre. Video is the medium.
I would consider animation a medium that could be produced by computer or hand-drawn and displayed through video or film (or flipbooks, if you really want to get technical). “Anime”, as shorthand for Japanese Animation refers, in my opinion, to a particular visual stylization.
Doesn’t having a particular visual stylization make it a genre? Isn’t a genre a collection of works in a medium having similar stylistic and cultural similarities (as anime clearly does, being distinct from western animation)?
Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
No, in that sense I agree with you. But my original comment emphasized the “animation” in “Japanese animation”. It’s like saying I don’t get Japanese literature by citing the example of Haruki Murakami. Not all Japanese write in the magical realism genre.
The ones who don’t do magical realism write tentacle porn instead, right?
Of course.
Then it’s a “particular visual stylization” that could be expressed through several media.
While TV shows and VHS tapes originally shot and edited on film have been around for a very long time, films projected in theaters that were either shot or processed as video are now very common. So there isn’t much of a distinction at this point.
you of all people know what it is i’m referring to
and if there’s a more-specific word for the batshit-variety, i’ve yet to hear it.
“What the fuck is up with Japan?” seems a perennial question that has way more to do with differences in culture than any particular form of expression.
Do you listen to hardcore history? The episode that dropped this week says that the Jewish link “we are like everyone else, only more so” applies to them as well. You might garden, but they worry about making sure the rake-lines in their garden are parallel. You might think you are a tenacious fighter, but they’ll live in the mountains shooting people until you find their old CO because they won’t take the word of their family members that the war ended four decades ago. etc.
Those guys continue to inspire me.
Island nations, amirite?
“Weeb trash” works.
Not everything can be Ghost Stories.
A wonderful allegory for the national change from empire.
They certainly like their nut punches.
I prefer this as my favorite little girls keep the peace (and try and take over the world) anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRKSi6yO2wk
Nothing but conquest.
Kinnath 2020
Perhaps this will clarify things.
Even for me that’s weird.
“A thread for my fellow libertarians on the #HelsinkiSummit:”
Amash is on the side of the Deep State.
Trump’s performance was not like “a vassal” but more like someone who is negotiating from a weak position, which he was. The whole point of containing the Russians is to keep them from encroaching on the rest of Europe, and Trump was rebuffed when he went to the big boys of Europe and asked them to help contain Russia. If Putin knows he has the Euros on his side, and Trump knows Putin has the Euros on his side, then there really isn’t any reason to oppose Russia or any leverage to do so, and Trump behaved accordingly.
This is a pretty retarded take by Amash. I’ll give him a mulligan as he’s usually not this naiive.
My dumb theory: Trump is in master-troll mode with his Putin appearances in order to get those opposed to him within the deep state/media to go completely apeshit and overplay their hand (ahem, Brennan) to ensure more support in 2020. What will ultimately happen is that Trump will do very little in reality to help Putin, as he has already done by expelling diplomats and bolstering fracking, etc.
Can I please have President Amash? Pretty please?
I will vote against him based on this thread.
Truth to Power.
(nods head at wisdom)
reads internet:
Vice: Owning People Online is The Path To Political Victory
“The widespread reaction on Capitol Hill, for example, has been to rally around the intelligence community.”
Swamp critters stick together. Shocking.
Amash is starting from the premise, which I think is pretty clearly false, that politics is high school debate, and the kid who debates the best wins, and thus libertarians need to be Master Debaters.
I don’t know exactly what libertarian foreign policy looks like in the real world, but I know that anything John Brennan, John McCain, Bill Kristol and the rest of their ilk are in favor of is not it.
Amash is starting from the premise, which I think is pretty clearly false, that politics is high school debate, and the kid who debates the best wins, and thus libertarians need to be Master Debaters.
Master propagandists beat master debaters, (nearly) every time. Speaking to the soul of a man is more effective than speaking to his mind.
What about cutting out his heart and speaking to Kali Maa?
You end up eaten by crocodiles!
That’s not guaranteed to happen!
I think it’s pretty clear that the mind is used in politics to support conclusions the gut has already reached. I don’t exempt any faction from this. I know that my beliefs stem a lot more out of “Fuck off slaver” then they do some 500 page tome of exquisitely reasoned libertarian thought.
We must have watched different press conferences. I didn’t see subservience from Trump, I saw someone calling out a set of agencies that have proven themselves to be untrustworthy and explicitly allied against him. None of it was, IMO, giving Russia a pass, it was simply acknowledging the unfortunate truth that the permanent bureaucracy is a larger threat to the American experiment than Russian hackers and trolls. The bedwetting about how not unquestionably believing and supporting the IC/FBI/DOJ is treasonous is absurd. Frankly, given what’s come out in the past 2 years (not to mention decades of failures), you’d have to be an idiot not to be skeptical about the competence/intentions of the permanent bureaucracy.
The ancillary stuff Amash says about staying true to principles is laudable, but I see it as disconnected from his larger point about Trump failing at the press conference. My opinions are not formed around “owning” any group, I’m calling it as I see it. And the behavior of the chattering classes in the aftermath; all but directly agitating for war, has made me even more convinced of my assessment.
There is something to be said about not airing one’s dirty laundry in public, though.
The US ruling class has fucked up so badly and did it so publicly, it’s too late to worry about this.
Yeah, I mean, Trump’s already been very vocal about his disdain (justified, IMO) for elements of the American intelligence community, so he really doesn’t need to pile on for the benefit of the foreign press and leaders of other countries. In public, to foreign leaders and press, the move is to refer to any issues with the IC as issues related to policies and personnel rather than the agencies as a whole, and to treat them as issues that you’re currently working through successfully, not enemies that you’re battling. It makes you look weak, and it poisons the future relationship. Like it or not, Trump can’t fire the CIA and get a new one, so he’s going to have to find a way to prune the parts that aren’t working and salvage the ones that are.
“Like it or not, Trump can’t fire the CIA and get a new one, so he’s going to have to find a way to prune the parts that aren’t working and salvage the ones that are.”
I mean, why not?
The CIA doesn’t do anything that can’t be done by the military, and the military is actually constitutionally authorized.
The CIA is a way for idiot Yalies and Hahvahd men to play James Bond and leak information to their media buddies.
Russia is a 3rd world economy with a massive nuclear arsenal.
The Soviet Union is dead. The cold war is over. Mutually assured destruction is just a bad memory.
The worst thing that can happen to the US is for Russia to fail economically and their nuclear arsenal winds up in the black market.
IF some jihadi’s decide to nuke NY, D.C, and LA would it really be all that bad in the long run?
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
“Antifa ran and tried to dive on top of Lauren during her speech. Security stopped it at the last second. Shocking scenes”
I’d dive on top of Lauren, if you know what I mean.
She’s pretty hot.
Antifa yelling “I love STDs”
“Imprisonment and torture is a better option”
This video proves that most people aren’t consumed by politics.
How much are their “solutions” going to cost me? Doesn’t cost anything to keep your legs together and to go to the library.
Rebrand “acting white” as “owning whites at their own game.”
Malcolm X tried that and look how he ended up.
Not getting shot by Nation of Islam assassins is part of acting white.
Not always.
Using whatever power you have to go after your political enemies seems to be a theme for the left.
“By any means necessary” isn’t just a slogan.
This is how you get more Trump hotels.
Ecuador handing over Assange?
TBH, I’m wondering how much longer he even wants to stay there. He must be getting stir crazy. Then again…
Beats ADX Florence, which is where he’d end up.
It’s like we’re twins finishing each other’s sentences.
“Lesbians are racist against dicks.”
As a lesbian trapped in a man’s body I am triggered!
There is only one dick I like…
But I REALLY like that one.
Musk has already proven himself to be a shitty engineer and a charlatan, now he’s proving that he’s thin skinned, petty and unserious.
Hey man, today in history… Operation Valkyrie. Dates stick in my head for some reason.