Well we’ve made it to the end of another week. Congratulations.  And also congratulations to the Cubs, who beat the hated St Louis Cardinals in the lone Thursday game after the ASG break.  The Open Championship also gets underway. Second round is going and Tommy Fleetwood and Rory McIlroy are on the move.  Tiger is going the wrong way and Jordan Spieth started strong but faltered coming in. Thursday’s leader, Kevin Kisner, is yet to tee off.

A couple of ballsy dudes

Famous people born on this date include Alexander The Great (whose life was only marginally longer than the director’s cut of the movie about him, monk and geneticist Gregor Mendel, explorer and namesake (yeah, right) of a twice-failed presidential candidate Sir Edmund Hillary, Pizza Pizza man and late owner of the Red Wings and Tigers Mike Ilitch, writer Cormac McCarthy, eye-candy Diana Rigg, bad swimmer Natalie Wood, guitarist Carlos Santana, communist sympathizer Thomas Friedman, guitarist Jay Jay French, drummer Paul Cook, musician Chris Cornell, director Robert Rodriguez and Heisman trophy winner and holder of a 3-0 record as a starter against TTUN Troy Smith.

Obviously he won this game

Also on this date, Sitting Bull surrendered to federal troops, the Methodist church allows women to become pastors, Eisenhower got to Normandy, the US invaded Guam, UNICEF was formed, Neil Armstrong becomes the first human being (since the Egyptians or Aztecs, according to some) to step foot on something other than earth. And Hank Aaron hit his last homer.

Good stuff. And I apologize to any of those people listed above whose life I may have made marginally more difficult through my youthful acts. Anyway, no time for a public shaming. Its time for…the links!

Crazy. As. Fuck.

The purges for wrongthink continue. Big shock there.  But I bet Whoopi doesn’t so much as get a formal reprimand.

So it looks like you’re better off being from the left side of the political spectrum if Robert Mueller is snooping around your business. Or maybe its common practice to give a connected person immunity so you can go with both barrels at someone accused of a crime that is generally handled by having them file an amended statement that they were lobbying on behalf of a foreign nation several years ago. Also of note is that Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager’s name is on at least 20 emails entered into evidence.

Elon Musk continues his downward spiral into insanity. Not good timing as it also recently came out that 24% of the orders for his latest car have been cancelled and refunds requested.

San Jose decides to cut down on free association and voluntary participation in something thats completely legal a couple hundred miles away. Yeah, nice job assholes.

Take a safety class, ya maroon!

Wait a fucking minute. Why is this judge facing a “tough day of questions”? The questions are all easy to answer. He should just say “fuck you, its a natural right. I’ll buy a better holster. Now get the fuck out of my face.” Or something a little less eloquent if he chooses so.

The Democrats can shit in one hand and demand that the translators for the Trump – Putin summit be compelled to testify in the other. And they can let me know which one fills up first.

Trump slams rate increase by “independent” Federal Reserve. Yeah, heaven forbid we abolish that market-manipulating scam and go back to the gold standard.  Oh man, if Trump proposed going back to the gold standard, that would quite possibly cause the retards on the left to go completely mad.  Soooooo, here’s to hoping he does it.

This should surprise nobody.

Have a great day and a better weekend, friends!