Literally no sports yesterday. Although bring on this side of the Atlantic means we’ve got some early rounds in at Carnoustie. Kevin Kisner is ahead (-5) as I type this, with the majority of the big names yet to tee off. I’m going with Tommy Fleetwood this week, although I would really like to see Jordan Spieth (who is -2 through 8 right now) repeat or see Rickie Fowler finally win a major. And that’s all that’s going on. Baseball returns with…one game today. That’s it, one freaking game? ::sigh:: OK, that’s fine by me. I’ll give a full update on golf tomorrow then.
Today’s birthdays include one of the greatest men in the history of gender, racial or ability-equality: Samuel Colt. Sharing it with this great man are nutcase Lizzie Borden, animator Max Fleisher, bluesman Buster Benton, bassist Alan Gorrie, tennis great Ilie Nastase, guitar-player and holder of PhD in Astrophysics Brian May, another guitarist Allen Collins, Nerd Anthony Edwards and actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

Tom & Jerry proving they appeal to all cultures.
Its also the day the Circus Maximus caught fire while Nero kept fiddling, Lady Jane Grey was deposed, Johannes Kepler developed his theory for a geometrical basis of the universe, 5 people were hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts Colony, Doc Holliday notches up his first kill, the first Tour de France kicked off, Cy Young got his 500th win, Ton & Jerry make their debut in “The Midnight Snack”, Apollo 11 goes into lunar orbit, Deep Purple disbanded, and piece of human garbage Pete Rose was sentenced to 5 months for tax evasion.
That’s it. Now…the links!
Maybe New York ought to rethink their idiotic gun laws. Nah, I’m sure her having the ability to defend herself wouldn’t have kept this from happening.
Trump administration is apparently convinced that words actually have meaning. Although I don’t see this prevailing in the meaning-fluid state of the English language today.

Please keep the line moving, sir. We have a lot of you voters to register today.
-San Francisco policeman
San Francisco decides that citizenship is meaningless. I mean, I’m sure they’ll only allow them to vote in this one single election, right? There’s no chance for abuse at all. And anyone who thinks there is is nothing but a bigot.
I wonder if Team Blue are regretting their elevation of this moron yet. I doubt it. They’re likely to start saying she should get the Nobel Prize. It worked for another lightweight politician from that side of the spectrum.

Oh yeah, speaking of that aforementioned lightweight, he’s signaling his support for taking from the productive class and giving it to those who have contributed little to nothing. Molon Labe, fuckhead.
Just like New York, California might want to rethink their laws that prevent people from protecting themselves. Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
Well now that the race-hustle is complete, it turns out there may be more to the story in the Chicago CVS situation. Gee, what a freaking surprise.
Wow, who the hell knew being a shitty school administrator could pay off so well. That dude makes more than a US Senator or Supreme Court justice, by the way.

A face I assume only a mother could love
Yeah, you might want to sit this one out, mom. ::SHAKING. MY. DAMN. HEAD.::
Tough day for picking a song. But I’ve made my choice and I’m standing by it.
No wait, today deserves double-billing.
Enjoy your day, friends.
Turn signals are for pussies and fools who show their hand
So that’s why your fellows crash into planets so often.
In Florida a turn signal really does just tell most of the assholes around you to speed up and box you in. The geriatric shitbags that make up the remainder won’t notice it or respond appropriately either.
Yes in fact it’s fashionable to pump fake and use the opposite signal. It causes a hustle in the opposite lane and usually freezes the other
Driving in Florida sounds fun.
I keep telling my wife, its not appropriate down here.
Sometimes it’s the destination and not the journey
Fucker decided to turn on his signal after he was already halfway into my lane this morning. He decided that cutting 2 feet in front of my bumper with no warning to make his exit was a good idea at sixty mph. Resultant, I don’t need a coffee this morning. Fucking Maryland drivers.
You know what other psycho had a face only a mother could love?
Jason Vorhees?
Tip O’Neill?
Norman Bates?
^^^ You guessed correctly. Thumbs up! ?
Chelsea Clinton?
Ed Gein?
You bring that guy up a lot.
Everyone needs a hero
Local boy made good.
Joseph Merrick?
James Carville?
I think his mom said he was an ugly fuck and she wishes she had aborted his ass…
The victim of the florida bath-salts guy?
From the phrasing of the articles and the manner of attack I have a few guesses about what went down.
I don’t know if I should risk watching the video from work to see if I’m right.
was he wearing a MAGA hat?
No, it appears he committed the older crime of being white walking along Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Seditious nonsense
The California Supreme Court decided unanimously Wednesday to remove from the November ballot a measure aimed at dividing California into three states.
Opponents of the measure reacted with joy.
“Proposition 9 was a costly, flawed scheme that will waste billions of California taxpayer dollars, create chaos in public services including safeguarding our environment and literally eliminate the state of California — all to satisfy the whims of one billionaire,” said Planning and Conservation League Executive Director Howard Penn.
He called the order “very unusual and dramatic.” He said the court had only sparingly taken measures off ballots.
“The only further questions are whether something like this could be on future ballots, and we are confident we will prevail on that when it is considered in the fall,” he said.
Fabian Nunez of the OneCalifornia Committee said putting the measure on the ballot in the first place “was an act of political malpractice that gives direct democracy a bad name.”
“We are hopeful that Tim Draper will end his attempts to split up our state and use his resources to help California meet its challenges and become an even better place to live and work.”
“Give direct democracy a bad name.” Haha, that’s pretty funny.
Tim Draper should just give all his money to the government. They will know how to spend it wisely.
Fabian Nunez of the OneCalifornia Committee said putting the measure on the ballot in the first place “was an act of political malpractice that gives direct democracy a bad name.”
When we said “direct democracy” we didn’t mean people could just raise hundreds of thousands of signatures, get a measure on the ballot, and then have people actually vote on it. Jesus Christ people!
They meant do what the proggies want, though, right?
This would lead to LA/SF glibs to be in an even more lefty state
Do we need more senators from California?
They wouldn’t be from “California” anymore, moran.
Direct democracy had a bad name already (see: California).
Up yours Barack, you blood-sucking parasite. You have produced nothing in your life other than feel-good platitudes. You never manufactured a damn thing. You never produced valuable goods or services. You have only agitated for redistribution from those who have produced tangible worth.
“There’s only so much you can eat, there’s only so big a house you can get,”
Therefore theft is ok.
That is what he is conceeding that he is trying to justify. If not he’d try to show how its not theft.
I don’t see him giving up his barely earned millions.
How many houses do they own I wonder?
More or fewer than Bernie?
Single-payer legal care, with law school graduates making minimum wage, because none of them does anything worth more than minimum.
(For the lawyers on here, that is of course not serious.)
But but but, in South Africa Housing and Food are RIGHTS, it’s right there in their Constitution! So how can South Africa be one of the most unequal societies? They wrote a LAW saying they aren’t unequal! Must be wreckers.
OT: I have a new crush.
Trigger warning: bagpipes.
How was this not a link to an AC/DC song?
Do you know what other Cortez led an occupation?
Cortez Cortez, co-news anchor from the “Secret Nazi President” comic serial?
That’s right, Becky!
Great links.
CVS coupon incident
Who shares on social media their coupon for Disposable Incontinence Products?
Shameless narcissists, that’s who.
If it opened the door for a big “don’t sue us” settlement from CVS…
Sorta reminds me of those people who call the cops when they got ripped off by their drug dealer.
Court TV is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I always marvel at people who commit welfare fraud (or other infractions of the like) who sue other people.
Is it still Court TV in Canada? Here in the States it got renamed Tru TV and is a bunch of “reality” shit.
I don’t know. I don’t watch the channel. I just watch whatever is carried on my package when I’m around. I don’t PVR or make it a point to watch but when time permits, I like watching it.
It’s that old instinct we all have to watch train wrecks…
With the SLD that drugs shouldn’t be illegal.
The pictured coupon also looks super fake, so I don’t blame the employee for refusing it. If it’s legit, the coupon manufacturer’s graphic designer needs to be fired.
OT: I’ve notice that high cut bikini bottoms are back in vogue. A hint to the ladies: do some squats, for goodness sakes. Seeing all that flubber – on a teenager too! – doesn’t help my appreciation of your bum.
Would you rather see it on a gentleman’s bum?
Just got back from 2 weeks vacation/honeymoon – there was a tall, blond twenty-something at the resort, beautiful face, positively model-esque. She rolled into the pool area in a thong – and she has a saggy ass.
Not “it could be better” but “you clearly have never been to a gym and your excellent genetics can only take you so far”. It was sad.
She was hardly alone in rocking a thong without being in thong-shape, but she was otherwise so good looking it was jarring.
(Also – Get. Off. Your. Goddamn. Phone.)
My wife used the term “skinny fat”. It’s when a woman is thin, but has no muscle tone, so the skin just hangs there. Mostly you’ll see a thin person with a small beer belly. Not attractive, but also not difficult to fix.
Reposted from yesterday because it’s worth having in your back pocket when your friends bring up ROOOSIANS
You know who else cut a deal with the Soviets…
Geoff Hurst?
Not Ceausescu. He resisted
Jimmy Devallano?
Edward Kennedy? That’s water under the bridge.
I knew somebody would float that story eventually.
You two need to Chappaquiddick before Swiss narrow gazes you!
I’ll just observe this sub-thread from the back seat
I had a sinking feeling, too.
This place is drowning in punning references.
I like Rickie Fowler.
But he dresses like the little “piss on X” stickers I see on rear windshields.
They have “Piss on Brett Kavanaugh” stickers?
In regards to the soy milk kerfuffle, the feds should just stay the hell out of it. The only one who should be in Big Dairy’s pocket is Q.
When did coconut milk first get that name?
Before Trump or his regulators were born.
Sounds like what a soy boy would say. I am on to you
Seriously a waste of time and money.
On Comrade Cortes:
“James Maynard
Good for her! She is a real leader, a hero, and a true American.
Like · Reply · 5h”
She Guevara is a really great nickname,
I also like Occasional-Cortex.
My favorite is “Pol Thot.”
Variation: Pol Twat.
this is best.
and I bring it up every time it’s mentioned
I wish my smartphone camera were better
I’m more likely to have a mountain biker come up behind me, which is why I prefer to walk the trails in the opposite direction they normally take.
I was on a trail a couple Sundays back when a couple on their bikes and their fucking unleashed dog came up behind me. At first from the sound I thought it might be a bear. The dog turned out to be nice enough, but still….
Trump administration is apparently convinced that words actually have meaning. Although I don’t see this prevailing in the meaning-fluid state of the English language today.
Dumb regulation IMO. If you’re too stupid to realize that soy milk does not come from an animal then take it to court for fraudulent advertising. Spoiler: you’ll be real lucky if a jury gives you the 3 bucks you spent back.
Im with you here. The admin is being dumb
Coconut milk comes from a cow though, right?
Yes, a cow named Coconut.
They just need to make sure the “soy” is prominent, IMO.
I remember those dickhead vegans and their theft of the word “Mayo”.
Not that government should be involved in any way. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that words have meanings.
I’d rather have soy milk than soy juice. Just sayn.
“Expressed Soy Fluid”
San Francisco decides that citizenship is meaningless.
“The ability of foreign nationals to vote in American elections is a human right. Also, Russian trolls are meddling in American elections.”
Suprisingly on topic: Keith Ellison Claims Having National Borders Is An ‘Injustice’
“Since NAFTA, Mexican wages have dropped between nine and thirteen percent,” Ellison began. “Now, some people have said to me, oh, Keith, that’s too bad for them. And my answer is, no that’s too bad for us because that means those people are going to be a low wage sector not only in Mexico, but here in the United States. And the undocumented worker is an exploited worker.”
“We just have to say that the 12 million undocumented people in the United States are here because somebody wants them to be,” Ellison continued. “But they want them here to do the work, but they don’t want them to get any rights. They don’t want to pay them fairly.”
Ellison added: “And labor, which is a regular person, cannot travel back and forth across the border. And so corporations, certain people who get certain rights, can go back and forth across the border seeking out the lowest wages, but people, regular people, cannot go back and forth across the border seeking out the highest wages. So what it creates is an imbalance. It creates an injustice.”
I can’t imagine that plays well with immigrants who played by the rules.
Not having working links is an injustice too
idk what happened…
“no that’s too bad for us because that means those people are going to be a low wage sector not only in Mexico, but here in the United States”
So the answer is more government handouts I’m sure.
Hey Obama you shithead. Come out and admit you’re a lousy, dimwitted socialist.
Maybe then I’ll respect you for admitting it.
I thought he admitted he was a no good loser socialist on numerous occasions Rufus. Has he admitted that he hates people richer than him though? That he has not done.
Ah. Still a shit head.
Trump administration is apparently convinced that words actually have meaning. Although I don’t see this prevailing in the meaning-fluid state of the English language today.
Next to get outlawed: milkweed, Milk Duds, Milk of Magnesia.
Deregulation, how does that work?
Don’t forget the Milk Stouts.
What about the Milky Way? Both the candy and the galaxy.
Future Hat & Hair? Trump yelling at night sky from WH balcony?
Sean Penn Hardest Hit.
Then they’ll come for the Cream of Wheat and non-dairy creamer.
creme de menthe.
Milk Music
I am not saying it should be regulated. I’m just saying words have meanings. And I’m fine with “milk” being used as long as an accurate indicator is with it.
Amen to “accurate indicator”.
“Mother of accused serial killer said ‘he had a good heart'” . . . . in a shoe box under his bed.
(golf clap)
What do you mean no sports? Kawhi Leonard was traded to the Raptors…
The ESPYs? Just kidding.
Although it looks like Danica Patrick wasn’t completely awful:
12 of Danica Patrick’s best and worst jokes from the 2018 ESPYS
The fucking Raptors traded a way a guy who was 100% their guy for some stiff who has a history of throwing fits and quitting.
For whom he will never play
Its also the day the Circus Maximus caught fire while Nero kept fiddling, – hey that’s not true ! Fake news!
This might be interesting, although I can’t find it mentioned anywhere else and the source is… questionable.
EXCLUSIVE: Police Investigate NY Times Reporter For Breaking Into GOP Staffer’s Home
I would have though reporters are allowed to search homes flowing a story. I mean if doctors are allowed to break into homes why not reporters?
But what about freedumb of teh press?
“a house guest”
Someone’s getting nooners, what a dog!
“If you are captured or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.”
“Ma’am, do you think they tell the front desk what they’re doing?”
There’s always a quote that lends a glimpse into someone’s character:
“What happened to (the other manager) and Morry is a natural consequence of their choices and their actions,” Hudson said. “There is nothing I did … that should’ve resulted in the police being called. I don’t apologize for my behavior. My own son has said to me, you could have left, you could have de-escalated it … as a black woman, I’m tired of it. For it to be on my plate to take the high road and deescalate situations.”
She’s a cunt.
She’s a victim by virtue of her skin color. She’s not obligated to accommodate anyone else, make way for her.
David Thompson has a whole “psychodrama” tag for things like this. It’s basically people rationalizing their own sociopathy.
Boy that was keeping it real for real, eh?
By all means, then, escalate the situation…..and then go somewhere else for sympathy when someone calls the cops on you.
Well, frankly, I think that she, as a black woman, should go fuck herself. I think it’s absolutely idiotic and honestly despicable when someone believes their opinions or actions should be given greater validity on the basis of their ethnic identity or their sex.
Who raised her son?
“Mother of accused serial killer says son ‘had a good heart’”
Whose was it?
The DNA tests are not back yet.
I think we all need to ask ourselves, “do we let TDSDS get the better of us?”
To illustrate, we spent 8 years with the left being assholes, so its fun to see them get ruffled up. But its been 2 years. I grant that when all that is put up by the media is TDS, its hard not to fight back against and not immediately become reflexive. But we shouldn’t give trump a pass just because the Media is mean to him.
For example the whole regulations around Soy Milk article. We should not defend trump., or his admin. Soy milk, coconut milk are obviously not cow milk. I don’t think its in the buisness of government to regulate the very common usage of a term. They are not trying to “have words mean what they mean”.
Only eight years?
Before obama it was the right being dicks.
The left were just a different kind of assholes during the Bush administration.
“We should not defend trump., or his admin”
I’ll defend him when his policies make sense to me (tax cuts, judicial appointments) and condemn him when they don’t (tariffs). I’m also free to consider him to be a circus clown who’s highly entertaining, especially in how he’s able to troll his enemies.
Beyond that, I’ll say that he’s done more “libertarian-ish” stuff than any president in my lifetime. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but the list of politicians that I’d prefer over him right now is pretty short, and none of them have a realistic chance of being president (Rand, Massey, Amash).
“I’ll defend him when his policies make sense to me ”
Of course, id expect nothing less. I should have been clearer. In this case (Soy Milk) i don’t think we should defend him.
This policy makes sense to me – I support technical definitions and standards.
If the Trump fans come out and vote GOP in the midterms in the states they did in 2016, you won’t have President Rand, but you might have Rand the Senator That Writes Legislation That Goofy Troll President Signs In Between Tweeting and Drinking Diet Coke.
People need to just glance at the Senate map. There’s one sitting Republican Senator who’s pretty much toast, the rest are in pretty safe states. The Democrats have like 10 Senators in states Trump carried in 2016 up for reelection. A couple of them are absolutely fucked already, the only reason Missouri and Indiana have Dem Senators is because stupid fucking Republicans can’t help themselves when you ask a question about abortion not saying the dumbest possible shit you possibly can.
I suppose it’s possible the Democrats pick up 20 House seats, but I think that’s a big ask, because they don’t really have anything to push with. There’s no war, and the economy is booming. Especially when you consider that the shrieking histrionics, doxxing, and physical assaults, there’s a good chance the Shy Trump Voter effect has actually increased.
Like I get the pox upon them both impulse is strong, but as of right now, the SoCons are pretty much dead, and the warmongers because they are idiots decided to antagonize Trump instead of coopting him. A Republican controlled Senate free of Flake, Hatch, McCain with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz as their intellectual backbone is certainly not Libertopia, but there might be some genuinely good legislation coming out of it.
Is there a single piece of liberty friendly legislation that would be advanced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer?
“Is there a single piece of liberty friendly legislation that would be advanced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer”
Maybe not Schumer specifically, and it’s no guarantee, but pot legalization is about the only possible positive outcome I could see from Dem leadership. Even that’s not all that likely. And it would be far overridden by all the slaver legislation that would accompany it.
“The Democrats have like 10 Senators in states Trump carried in 2016 up for reelection.”
The DNC knew this immediately which is why they piled on the TDS the moment he won. Backing off these slavers only helps them.
At this point, Trump could open up concentration camps and I will defend anything and everything he does – not because I agree with it but because the DNC propaganda needs to be countered and countered hard. Once the Dems lose a crapload of seats, then I will give Trump whatever bashing he deserves. Until then, the DNC needs to be bashed without mercy. After all, there are several states and nearly every major metro that has been utterly destroyed by Democrats – a few retarded actions by Trump don’t begin to match the decades of destruction brought on by the socialists that hide under the “Democrat” moniker.
I’ll try. I might fail. But I’ll try some of the time. Maybe.
ExamplesWord Origin
See more synonyms on
1. an opaque white or bluish-white liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals, serving for the nourishment of their young.
2. this liquid as secreted by cows, goats, or certain other animals and used by humans for food or as a source of butter, cheeses, yogurt, etc.
3. any liquid resembling this, as the liquid within a coconut, the juice or sap of certain plants, or various pharmaceutical preparations.
I, for one, am glad to know that the FDA has finally stepped up to serve as the definer of words. This is yet one more area in which our government has lagged woefully behind Europe.
Yes. Thank goodness we have the government there to keep us safe. I always wondered where a coconut’s udder was, but now we know, thanks to the all knowing government.
You were looking in the wrong place. Don’t look for an udder on the nuts.
This conversation is udderly nuts.
I have also long been wondering what this “magnesia” mammal is. Now I know I have just been the victim of an elaborate fraud.
On a more serious note, if I were one of those companies affected, I would roll out my new product “Soy Milque”.
/perv grin.
Just to flog this one more time, the OED has this:
A culinary, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or other preparation resembling milk, esp. in colour. Usually with the principal ingredient or use specified by a preceding or following word.
soya, tree milk, etc.: see the first element; almond milk n., rice milk n.† milk of mercury n. Obsolete mercuric chloride dissolved in the sap of a fumitory.
a1425 (▸a1399) Forme of Cury 72 in C. B. Hieatt & S. Butler Curye on Inglysch (1985) 114 Cast þerinne gode mylke of almaundes.
So “almond milk” (mylke of almaundes) has been around since Chaucer’s time. It makes me wonder what kind of moronic argument was put up against this rule, because 10 minutes of research shows clearly that this use of “milk” is not new or innovative, and in fact goes back centuries.
The milk of some young guy.
You mean my favorite Chinese dish? Cream of sum yung gai?
High-heel Crocs shoes are selling out, prompting questions of why
Some short women have sensitive feet…I DON’T JUDGE YOU!!!!
You have deformed feet, not sensitive feet.
prompting questions of why
Uh, because regular crocs don’t go with evening wear. Duh.
I was hoping this was about alligator skin high heel shoes, but I was sadly disappointed.. 🙁
UF football starts in 44 days?
Yes, thank god.
I think I see your problem already.
Re the Boston school leader.
We know the left projects a lot. This story is no different. They often scream about how the rule of law and that ‘we’re a nation of laws’ but are more willing to not observe such laws.
That’a pretty scummy what Walsh did. But if Massachusetts is a quarter as bad as Howie Carr describes it, it’s pretty awful.
They don’t call the residents of Massachusetts Massholes for no reason..
@Bearded Hobbit:
Great work on your bike journey—both in real life and in print. Really good stuff.
YOU STAYED AT THE WIGWAM HOTEL! When I saw those pics I was transported to my childhood. Just a stupid rush of nostalgia. One of the three still left, one is in Cave City, KY. I don’t know shit about that town, but we’d always drive past it on trips. We travelled a lot as a family and my dad would always tell me a mile in advance that the Wigwam was coming up. We never stayed there but we did stop once or twice. Boyhood Evan was just fascinated by the place. Jetting my eyes hither and thither, I tried to soak up as much as I could before it disappeared from sight. It was such a magical break in scenery from the cornfields that preceded–and sadly–followed it.
I think my parents spent a night there once, IIRC. It was so close to home that we never had the need to stay there, and didn’t have the financial means back then to frivolously get a hotel room.
I always wanted to see inside.
I stayed there a few years ago with 2 of my kids. The inside was damp from condensation, so bad the floor was wet. And a friend of mine said she had bed bugs in her wigwam. Still it was neat, but a little creepy. We spent the next day at Mammoth Cave.
I have stayed in Wigwam Villiage as well. Lots of spiders; highly un-PC giftshop; fun for the whole family.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
I thought the wigwams were pretty clever but they are pretty primitive compared to even low-budget modern hotels. Two-prong electrical plugs, for example.
The ones in Holbrook were clean and dry.
… Hobbit
Found out today that a friend of mine and his wife are splitting after 15 years. This fucking guy would go on and on about how great his wife is and how I was a piece of shit because I only complained about mine. Douchebag was out cheating on her left and right it appears. I may not say, “I love you, Sweetie” to my wife, I may give her a dutch oven and I may tell her she’s being stupid. But I’m not cheating on her. Biggest fucking assholes out there are the ones that pretend they aren’t assholes.
Maybe the problem is that you’re not cheating; then you’d be nicer.
You had me at dutch oven.
I’m getting pretty good at them. Key is to tuck the sheets under the mattress beforehand. Planning.
Wait, you’re not gifting actual dutch oven?
*goes to urban dictionary*
“We had to reinforce the cabinets to hold them all, frankly I started treating them as disposable cookware until the sanitation dept fined me for putting so much scrap metal in my trash.”
Wait. You’re supposed to give them gifts?
/takes notes while tongue pressed against upper lip.
My wife doesn’t seem to have a skeptical bone in her body. She always relays stories about people and how great this is and how awesome that is.
I warn her about people tell you stuff they want you to hear. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. People are good at putting up a front.
Try to get her to go out drinking with her friends. My wife will go out and start bitching to her friends about how I don’t wash the dishes properly or fold the laundry just right. Her friends are, “He does the dishes and the laundry?”. I’m good to go for a month or so after that.
Every woman wants her Husband to throw her on the bed and…
clean the whole house while she sleeps
“Sure. Usually leaves me with 5-6hours of quiet to do with as I please after I’m done with the house.”
It seems in touch with the modern world where what you signal is more important than what you do
Thanks for the Charisma Man link!
Are you familiar with JAPANESE RULE OF 7 ?
He could almost be a Glib except he’s an apolitical lefty. With the right amount of work be able to at least understand our point of view.
At least he’s drinking 金麦。It’s the best happoshu out there.
Not available in the US. Despite Suntory buying Beam.
Question: Is it against the law – or is there a law period – to grant voting privileges to non-citizens?
It’s okay. Canada puts people who weren’t born here into positions of power.
Through some creative interpretation of the Voting Rights Act as currently amended, I wouldn’t be completely surprised to find that it’s illegal *not* to grant voting privileges to non-citizens.
In any event, it’s come to be understood as such. This is how you erode respect for your institutions. It fosters cynicism.
‘Canada wooo!” Fuck off.
Doesn’t the 26th Amendment lay out that voting by citizens 18 and up cannot be prohibited?
*Sounds the Yokeltarian mating call*
35 and 92 bring tears of joy to my eyes.
#5, #56
Also, #35 just for showing that there such a thing as a tactical tube top, because America.
Fish #1 “Well, I do say, Charles, those are some smashing knockers!”
Fish #2 “Yes, Samuel, smashing indeed.”
Black American Culture and the Racial Wealth Gap
TW: probably just cooning (am I allowed to say this word in the glib comments?)
There is an argument to be made that blacks were systematically cut out of a lot of financial opportunities in the 20th century. The question is what, if anything, to do about it.
Shoot the greivence mongers and stop giving out money for making stupid life choices?
This does not play well with people that demand and feel entitled to instant gratification. They tend to be the ones making the wrong choices.
No one really says differently. But the thing is that as time passes these things should matter less and less.
Romania was fucked by communism, but solutions for now are needed that go beyond that and in 2050 the argument cannot still be well communism…
Clearly Romania needs a system whereby those who were screwed by communism get compensation by society. Oh wait….
The commies still get special pensions sometimes, I would put an end to that rather swiftly, but it will never happen. There are guys who were literally torturers and now have a fat pension…
Hard to argue against vigilante justice when you here stuff like that.
Neah most Romanians are thoroughly subdued… Not gonna happen. Young people just leave in greater numbers living sick old people to populate the country and a few like me to be taxed to keep things rolling.
Leave. People who think I owe them something because they put me in a group that I never agreed to join can suck my shaft.
Of I do not think I owe anyone anything in Romania. That is not what is keeping me here…
It’s the chain they have attached to your neck that keeps you there, isn’t it?
droll …
What is it? I honestly ask because I have no problem up and leaving.
Aversion to change… I am fairly comfortable here… I have a fairly niche job… I am not particularly sociable and fear I would not make any friends in another country… I am not married or in a stable relationship and would have prefer to be before leaving as I feel it is easier to leave as a couple… Then again 90% of the friends I had here left so the friends thing is not doing so good in Romania.
So you think it’s preferable to be tied down to a chick before leaving to a country where scores of chicks will dig your accent? Fine. I think that is looking at it completely wrong, but I was a poon hound. It’s a big fucking world and it’s not like you’re going to be wandering around like Candide.
Straff, have you heard what a Romanian accent sounds like?
Pie is better off getting his Eastern European woman tied to him before leaving.
For many man it is better to leave alone. For me I doubt it. I have difficulty connecting to people I don’t know and all of the women I dated I met through friends. I have never picked up a woman in a bar club or any such situation…
Make your way over here, Pie, and we can change that. The married doofus that can talk to the gals is your perfect wingman.
Blacks were also enslaved for the 17th, 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. There is nothing to be done for it other than equal opportunity and equal treatment under the law. Anything beyond that, it’s been proven since the ’60s, is worse than useless. The black community is far worse off since Uncle Sam started “helping” them than they were at the turn of the century, even under Jim Crow.
I agree.
I just think that it is unwise to argue that the injustice never occurred (which I have unfortunately heard).
I find this strange. Who argues that?
I’ll see if I can dig it up, it’s been a while.
This is interesting. I have heard people say the Holocaust never happened, that true communism never happened, and that Trump never won the election that Hillary thought they had stolen for her, but I don’t think I have heard anyone say slavery didn’t happen.
I think there’s a certain subset of true white supremacists that take the whole “white man’s burden” thing very seriously and think blacks were better off under slavery.
Not the same as denying it ever happened, but maybe saying that it’s not an injustice.
I’ve heard a variant of the pro-colonialism argument for slavery, basically that while slavery itself was regrettable, most slaves had a higher standard of living than they would have in Africa and subsequent generations had the benefit of being born in America rather than Africa. It’s not a terribly compelling argument, but there it is.
I’m not talking about slavery. I’m referring to the systematic denial of financial opportunities to blacks in the mid 20th century (mortgages, loans, etc…)
This is the argument used by the BAKE THE FUCKING CAKE crowd and it’s hard for me to see how the free market wouldn’t solve the problem. I’m not sure what kind of legal underpinning there was to redlining et. al., but I would think that mortgage companies and financial institutions would stop cutting off their nose to spite their face and take the money (or new ones would pop up and out compete the others).
Nobody read my post all the way thru.
I’m not arguing for reparations. I simply stated that there is a segment on the right that denies blacks were systematically discriminated against financially in the 20th century. I’m saying that there should be no argument over whether or not it occurred. The argument is over what to do about it, if anything. I didn’t take a position on that.
For sure the mortgage bit was a thing. Levittowns were kind of infamous for that sort of thing. I guess my only reservation is the degree to which it was systemic, as opposed to simply common. What I mean is, Jim Crow was systemic racism; it was literally a system by which racist attitudes were manifested in law to discriminate against black people. People not hiring black people because they believe they’re lazy, or dishonest, or dumb is not systemic–in a system the attitudes of the people involved would be irrelevant–but it wasn’t uncommon.
“argument is over what to do about it, if anything.”
My argument is nothing can be done, as long as your goal is to actually help people. Regardless of the scale of injustice, anytime the govt has tried to right perceived historic wrongs, things actually get worse.
Even so, black people were coming much closer to achieving parity with whites in the 20th century until benevolent white people in government decided to “help” them out. Class disparities between blacks and whites have gotten worse since the 1960s than they were in the 2 decades previous. Not to mention the social dysfunction of a 60% rate of fatherless households for the black community. There was no appreciable difference between blacks and whites in that regard either until the Great Society interventions.
“Even so, black people were coming much closer to achieving parity with whites in the 20th century until benevolent white people in government decided to “help” them out.”
Anyone that believes these “benevolent” white people did what they did to “help” the black community is a moron. The democratic party did what it did knowing full well how it was going to affect the black community.
The party certainly did, but the party supporters took them at their word. And still do.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and have come to suspect that abortion may have quite a bit more to do with it than many people would think. Planned Parenthood does a shit ton of marketing in black communities and the percentage of black women that obtain the procedure eclipses their percentage of the population as a whole. This coupled with crime, heart disease and astronomic incarceration rates keeps the black population at a meager 12% which has always seemed low to me. Looking at pretty much the entirety of human history, it doesn’t take much to conclude that societies that arose from poverty did so due in large part to reproducing in high numbers. It countered infant mortality, more children meant that aging parents and grandparents were better taken care of and as a result generational wealth was built over time. American blacks seem to have been forcibly excluded from this part of the process. Is it a stretch to say that abortion is at least partly responsible considering how heavily promoted it is as a population control measure among the poor?
When you’re disincentivizing work, and disincentivizing stable families, it doesn’t matter how many offspring someone has – they’re going to stay poor.
I totally understand that, and it’s why I’m not singling out abortion as the sole cause. It does seem to be a significant part of the equation though.
It doesn’t. In fact, I’d argue against your premise that swarms of youngsters led to generational wealth accumulation. It was an evolutionary strategy to overcome infant mortality, but when you’ve got jack shit to begin with, having kids to support you simply means you don’t die as young, not that you’re able to pass anything to them.
I blame a welfare system – created for the childruins! – that rewarded the welfare queens for popping out more babies.
“I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years”
The whole problem goes away in the absence of the welfare state. The welfare state is what destroyed the black family by destroying the incentive toward personal responsibility and delayed gratification. The Dems literally enslaved blacks to the government teat in exchange for votes. It’s sickening.
That quote from LBJ is an actual quote? His policies certainly resulted in something close to that, but I wonder how true it is.
That was an actual quote, and yes, the welfare state was the new plantation.
Read up on Margaret Sanger, the brain behind Planned Parenthood. She was one heck of a racist fuck.
Crowder challengers a reporter’s story about him. If she represents the average journalist, we’re in trouble:
A lot of Crowder type right wing youtubers are not particularly good at arguing or knowledgeable they should be easy to criticize… yet the left seems incapable of it
its a little unfair. she’s a dumb hack for the austin chronicle, a local alt-weekly type rag.
if it were someone @ Slate or Salon or Mic or Qz or Vox, i could see the point of trying to drag them. but no one actually read the story he’s so pissed about, as even he says.
The “confronts” segments are among the worst content he produces. I don’t get the popularity.
I think you may be under playing this a tad in the sense I’m pretty sure people like her do get jobs at bigger places.
I witnessed a similar story years with a major paper here. The reporter did the exact same thing she did. He interviewed one side of the equation and completely ignored the other side. Guess how the story came out? The antagonists became the victims, and the person who did right came off looking like an asshole.
It was first lesson on how the media could work a story.
Agree, going to someone’s day job and hassling them is a poor plan.
And the journalist could have conveyed this message better.
He’s asking for trouble when he does that; even if he’s in the right.
Yet, it made Michael Moore millions of dollars.
He hassled the right people… The ones he knew wouldn’t kick his ass too..
Lefties with soapboxes routinely go after nobodies. Are you a Christian with conservative views and a bakery? You’re fair game for the tolerant and loving left. Punching down isn’t a concern outside the progressive bubble, only when you’re punching down within the progressive stack.
Yes, they do. I just don’t see the comeuppance of doing the same in return. its more like “stooping to their level”.
Crowder sometimes has good ideas. this isn’t one of them imo
What Crowder did was a good thing. That guy was calling for violence against him.
Barack Obama says the rich owe the world a huge debt
He also said politicians shouldn’t lie and he did so with a straight face. Lol!
For all the growth driven by technology and globalization, Obama said, a backlash manifested itself in the 9/11 attacks, the instability caused by the “ill-advised” invasion of Iraq, Russia’s determination to reassert its authority, the reckless behavior of the financial elite that led to the Great Financial Crisis, and the growing intolerance of both the far right and the far left.
I agree. Reckless military intervention is ill-advised, as is bailing out the reckless behavior of financial elites (after having facilitated it in the first place…). If only president Obama had taken candidate Obama and former president Obama’s advice.
The guy won on his opposition to the Iraq war and the timely financial meltdown. So what does he learn? Make your killing a little less overt and re inflate the bubble. What a joke.
Didn’t he make a zillion dollars since leaving office? When can I expect a check from him?
Was Libya ill-advised?
I really loathe the guy for being such a douche.
What he means is that he prefers a system where people unable to do a honest day’s worth of work like him and his credentialed elite political class have a lot of opportunity for graft and get to decide who wins and who loses at life.
‘Generation Sensible’ in five charts
“less likely to have sex, preferring to spend time with their families and having romantic relationships online”
Seems like they have it backwards.
As Doug Stanhope said: Kids these days… when we were their age we were doing coke off strippers
I never did drugs (too chicken to lose control) but I did do a lot of strippers. Never married one though.
Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do?
PlayStation or X-Box is what I usually get told.
Console Peasants
suffer innuendos, but oh, must be something inside
“Subtle innuendos follow”
OMWC hardest hit.
Who do you think is holding up the other end of those online romances?
What we have here is a cohort of young people who are afraid of everything.
What we have here is a cohort of young people who took a look at Millenials and said “Yeah, lets not do that.” Same thing Gen X did vis-a-vis the Boomers.
I’m picking up a signal…
During the annual International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Stockholm on Wednesday, some of the world’s top scientific minds came together to sign a pledge that calls for “laws against lethal autonomous weapons.”
“… we the undersigned agree that the decision to take a human life should never be delegated to a machine,” the pledge says. It goes on to say, “… we will neither participate in nor support the development, manufacture, trade, or use of lethal autonomous weapons.”
The moniker “autonomous weapons” doesn’t draw the same fear or wonder as a killer robot, but weapons that can function without human oversight are a real concern.
Last August, corporate tech leaders wrote an open letter to the United Nations warning of an arms race in these weapons.
Such weapons, the letter said, “threaten to become the third revolution in warfare. Once developed, they will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend.”
Skynet laughs its sinister laugh in the background.
So they want laws against LAWS?
Ha, typically dangerous AI’s develop out of Regulator Compliance software.
Wait until these fucks create an ASI and it decides humans are insane fucks and decides we need to be exterminated.
That CVS story is infuriating. The manager has to undergo surgery for a lesion that’s causing seizures, and now he’s out of a job. Good work, lady. I hope you’re happy with your free adult diapers. I also hope that whatever condition is causing you to need to wear them cranks the fuck up to eleven.
She’s an entitled bitch. If they refuse your coupon complain to customer service, walk out, maybe don’t go back. That’s as far as this story should have gone but some blame does lie with the pussy/pussies responsible for firing him.
Yeah, the whole trend of corporate capitulation to grievance mongers needs to come to a screeching halt like yesterday. It’s beyond tiresome at this point.
I have no problem when people have a legitimate gripe. I hate the fuckers that hope griping and whining will get them special favor though.
CVS hopped on the SJW bandwagon by making a stink about cigarettes. They are reaping exactly what they sowed.
Excellent song choices.
About that Blue Wave…
Dirty secret money right there
Is that fugure in dollars or rubles?
You know what’s standing between us and a blue wave? The Orange haired loonatic. It sucks to be in this position, but whaddayagonnado?
Pfft, says the guy riding the yellow wave.
The 10 best Hugh Grant films – ranked!
I liked the one with the tranny hooker myself.
Divine Brown is no tranny! She is 100% Oakland home girl. And quite good looking IMO.
Oops images of 2 Divine Browns in there.
Umm… he’s been in ten films?
Come to think of it, I can’t name one film.
Why did I even manage to recognize the name again?
Well, let’s see….Nine Months, Bridget Jones, the other Bridget Jones, ummm….some English rom-coms…..
Four Weddings and a Funeral is a good one.
The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain.
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. or GTFO.
No Mickey Blue Eyes?
Study Finds Kids Who Attend Government Preschool Learn Less, Misbehave More
Weird. Normally you’d expect to see huge benefits from separating your kids from their parental support and putting them in a prison environment for 8 hours a day.
Given that modern parents just want / need to have kids babysat for 10 hours a day, I do not think most would care about efficiency of pre-kindergarten
Don’t get me going what happens here with government subsidized daycares. What a corrupted mess.
The upside is they all learn to make prison shanks and that you can sell your prison bitch for candy bars.
Pure selection bias.
Will the DNC put the fux in again? Will Russian hackers scoop the MSM on that again? Madness not that far off.
Fix fux 220 221.
Whatever it takes
If the Democrats really want to destroy themselves, this is how they do it.
Barring death or some terminal condition, she’s going to run again and the Dem establishment is going to jam her nomination down everyone’s throat again. It’s going to destroy the party.
There’s no question she’s planning to run again.
Why else keep your face in the news?
This is a woman scorned. And we all know women scorned….
She’s a Scorpio. Vengeance is her natural forte.
It’s Happening: Plurality Of Democratic Women Are Ready For Hillary Again
The same plurality in CA and NY that gave her the popular vote plurality? I, for one, look forward to coughing fits, fainting, seizures, and screeching that we have come to know and love.
This time they will make sure to rig the election so she can’t have the voters actually take it away from her.
It’s amazing how may local, state and national seats the dems have lost and yet, somehow, the reps have managed to keep the loyal opposition mantle burning. The culture war is being won by the left and the political war is being won by some Frankenstein other than the left. Interesting times ahead.
California might want to rethink their laws that prevent people from protecting themselves.
You want a bunch of vigilantes running around? Anarchy!
GOP should talk about AOC as much as possible.
Animals of Color?
If the animal is an ass, you’re the closest.
Alliance of Contrarians?
What do french wine rules have to do with the GOP?
Anal occupancy conditions.
Azure Oyster Cult?
Anonymous Oral Copulation?
^^^This guy gets it.
+ Glory Holes!
Yes, yes, yes. It is obvious to women that faking orgasms is relatively common – although many men seem oblivious. In a study of 1,683 heterosexual newlyweds, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers at Brigham Young University in the US found that 43% of husbands “misperceived” how often their wives climaxed. Men consistently experienced orgasm 87% of the time during sex. For women, it was 49% – but 25% of men thought their wives climaxed more. – the female orgasm is a myth
Another study, in 2014, created the Faking Orgasm Scale for Women, with motives for faking it split into four factors: to get sex to finish; to increase their own arousal; to avoid “fear and insecurity” that they can’t achieve orgasm; and – most commonly – to avoid hurting their partner’s feelings. – I mean sometimes you just wanna get some sleep
There’s a difference between “oblivious” and not caring.
Men fake to get sex to finish, too.
Banging women doggy-style, pulling out, and spitting on a her back.
Well, you know, if it’s enough already and I just want to get some sleep
“Faking Orgasm Scale for Women”
Academic research hits another home run.
Former White House stenographer: Trump is ‘lying to the American people’
1. I’d very much like to hear the recorded conversations from the Obama White House.
2. I think all White House conversations should be recorded by law and released at the end of the last presidential term.
3. Let me know when the FBI starts recording their interviews.
Alternative headline: White House stenographer sees opportunity to get rich by trashing her former boss.
Isn’t everyone at CNN a stenographer worked under the Obama?
Even Nixon found stenographers useless by 1972.
Claim: Tebow is either gay or a “poop-chute virgin”.
No matter how devout he is, I find it impossible to believe that someone who looks like that and is also a star athlete could resist for this long the tsunami of poon that is undoubtedly being flung at him. Typically a guy in his set of circumstances would marry early so he can get his dick wet; how/why has held off for so long? He could marry any chick he wanted. And don’t give me that BS about not finding the right girl and/or all the girls don’t have the right moral standards. He could walk into any Evangelical church in the country and the panties of every 20-something woman in the place would immediately come flying off while they started mentally picking out wedding dresses.
Do not other asexuals
Meh. I don’t speculate about the sex lives/personal lives of others. Not my business. Don’t care. Leave me alone.
Eh. I’m human. I very much am interested in the motives of others and how they perceive and navigate the world.
I don’t give a shit to in any way impede on other person’s non-violent lifestyle, but I’m certainly interested in their non-violent lifestyle. Gossip is universal for a reason. I’d argue that it is a very useful part of human behavior and psychology. It fulfills the need to know about your community while also (mostly, if done properly and anonymously) preserving social ties.
When a behavior is universal regardless of culture, language or region, it exists for a reason. It’s helped us succeed as a species.
TL;DR – Officially don’t give a shit about what he does, but harmless speculation is fun and a welcome distraction from the Void.
Don’t give a damn. Why do you?
Why does anybody do anything.
AC Green?
Again, not disputing the existence of such devout people, nor judging them, just wondering why you wouldn’t just get married.
Well, if you take marriage vows very seriously, and divorce isn’t an option, I imagine you would be very particular about who you marry.
He did, after he retired from the NBA, IIRC.
You may be right when it comes to mere mortals, but not Tebow man. Him I believe.
Some dudes legitimately just “aren’t the marrying type” in a non-euphemistic sense. Perhaps it’s a combination of that, his religiosity, and the proliferation of internet porn keeping him on the straight and narrow.
Nikola Tesla is rumored to have died a virgin. It takes all types, I guess.
So oral and anal don’t count as sex? Then I could see him resisting the soft taco.
I went to 13 years of Catholic school. I knew a handful of girls that legit stayed “virgins” until marriage, but they did suck a lot of dick and got fingerbanged and eaten out by each boyfriend they had since they were 13. They just never went “all the way” until they were married.
Only a handful? You must have known different Catholics than me.
It’s merely self discipline. My best friend from childhood is celibate because he’s a catholic priest. It took quite a bit of adjusting his mentality before he could accept the sacrifice, but he did accept it. He’s never regretted it.
Not every guy is a slobbering uncontrolled poon hound. Just like not every person has to get drunk and high to get through life.
“Not every guy is a slobbering uncontrolled poon hound”
I’m a slobbering controlled poon hound. That was blasphemous.
I’ve had poonhoundery in my past, but almost all of it fell in my lap, so I can get behind a man (phrasing, boom!) who’s either uninterested in the freight that comes with poon or turned off by the commitment. I’m not MGTOW or incel or any of that crap (I despise the idea of sexuality being a meaningful source of identity), but the pros of poon rarely outweigh the pros of celibacy these days.
Also, I thought Tebow was
gayblack.So I was thinking: would the word muskrat work for annoying Elon Musk fans? Not all fans of his mind but there are some particular cultish ones…
Also Elon Musk ethereum scam bots on twitter amuse me
Vladimir Putin warns there are ‘forces’ trying to disrupt US-Russia relations
‘Positive change?!’ SEE?!? Trump is a puppet of Putin!
Let’s take one step back. Yes, I’m happy to agree that Vladimir Putin is a terrible awful despot in his own country. It’s not like I’m about to invite the guy to Sunday dinner. But, what the hell has he done on the world stage that the rest of us are supposed to look at him like he’s Satan incarnate? He moved troops into an area where the locals wanted to be part of his country (mind you, only after a power-sharing agreement was scuttled at the behest of our European allies in the larger country)? Moved troops to suppress a Islamist rebellion in a country that was his country’s longstanding ally? From a serious geo-strategic perspective Putin is just one other rotten bastard on a planet filled with rotten bastards. Nothing he’s done has breached any of the longstanding international norms. Has geopolitical realism been out of favor for so long that our public and our political class is unable to think in such terms?
On the GOP side, the answer is yes.
On the DNC side, politics overrules everything.
Taking another step back. There was a time when the US would treat countries that were transitioning from commie governance to a more open society with kid gloves and not hold them to standards which a mature Western democracy would be held to. We backed South Korea for decades even when they were basically a military junta. If the media had it’s way, we’d be pushing them back into the commie camp full speed.
I think it’s fair to say that Russian society as a whole, at this point, is a risk averse one. Gorbachev is not even very popular there. That should tell us something, and it’s not that Russians are just plain evil people.
It puzzles me how people find it impossible that Russians might willingly vote for and…gasp!…prefer Putin to his opposition, even given his reported violent behavior towards his opponents. It’s not any less “democratic” to vote in a strongman than it’s opposite.
but that his meeting with Trump on Monday allowed them to start on “the path to positive change”
Trump is colluding with Russia…colluding for peace.
From Barry’s Speech:
“The politics of fear and resentment and retrenchment began to appear. And that kind of politics is now on the move.
“I am not being alarmist, I’m simply stating the facts. Look around — strongman politics are ascendant, suddenly, whereby elections and some pretense of democracy are maintained, the form of it, where those in powers seek to undermine every institution or norm that gives democracy meaning.”
“You have to believe in facts. Without facts there’s no basis for cooperation. If I say this is a podium and you say this is an elephant, it’s going to be hard for us to cooperate,” he said.
“I can’t find common ground if somebody says that climate change just isn’t happening, when almost all the world’s scientists tell us it is. I don’t know where to start talking to you about this. If you say it’s an elaborate hoax, where do we start?”
He added that politics today often rejected the concept of objective truth.
“People just make stuff up. They just make stuff up. We see it in the growth of state sponsored propaganda. We see it in internet fabrications. We see it in the blurring of lines between news and entertainment. We see the utter loss of shame among political leaders where they’re caught in a lie and they just double down and they lie some more. It used to be that if you caught them lying, they’d be like, oh man — now they just keep on lying,” he said, to laughter in the crowd.
There is too much to dissect here. I am just going to say that the projection is strong with this one.
Of all the things that characterize Obama, he is first and foremost a creature of Chicago politics and all that entails.
He’s also one of the best bullshit artists on this green Earth.
I think it was mostly the press covering for him.
That absolutely helped a ton, but he does have a certain look and certain tone and way of speaking that is very soothing and sounds quite reasonable.
It’s why he was so dangerous. You’ve got a President who ordered the murder of an American citizen with a drone for making YouTube videos who is able to project an image of being a calm, reasonable, follower of the law.
“You have to believe in facts. Without facts there’s no basis for cooperation. If I say this is a podium and you say this is an elephant, it’s going to be hard for us to cooperate,” he said.”
Profound man. What a fucking genius.
“I can’t find common ground if somebody says that climate change just isn’t happening, when almost all the world’s scientists tell us it is. I don’t know where to start talking to you about this. If you say it’s an elaborate hoax, where do we start?”
In this one sentence we see what kind of remedial, disingenuous hack this moron is.
Man would I give a high five to the person who shouts, ‘oh shut the fuck up already’.
That climate change argument: he does weave a fine strawman, I’ll give him that.
I was going to call it another equivocation, because he does a fine job of demonstrating why honest discussions on the subject are all but impossible when you insistently mischaracterize your opponent, but the irony seems to have flown right over his and their heads.
Yeah CIimate Change (remember when it was global warming?) is fucking insanity.
1. Is it happening? Yes/No
2. Is it harmful? Yes/No
3.. Is it something that can be reversed by humans? Yes/No
4.. Is said reversal going to cost more money than the damage would be if nothing was done? Yes/No.
They assume 1 is proven, and 2-3 are just considered to already be proven. 4 they never consider in any policy discussion, so why start now.
1. Unproven.
2. Not from the data available.
3. No
4. Obviously, since any expendature will have zero positive effect.
2. It’s amazing how weak lots of scientists are in math. The proles who cite the 3-out-of-4 dentists-believe-in-global-warming social logic can’t balance their checkbook and will never so much as read a paper including a simple design of experiment and a critique of its usefulness and its limitations. The experts they trot out often have never had any modeling work beyond multivariate analysis before grad school and only then take it up when they learn their thesis won’t really mean anything without it.
I don’t know if there’s a trend, but I strongly suspect that epic factors like volcanoes and solar fun will always win out in any century over all human contributors save, maybe, nuclear winter, which would make a pretty clean cause-and-effect mark in a dataset.
I can’t find common ground if somebody says that climate change just isn’t happening, when almost all the world’s scientists tell us it is.
Then you’re a drooling incapable of making an argument on any terms other than appeal to authority. If someone tells me something I know to be wrong, I go about explaining to them where their reasoning or body of knowledge is off. That’s called being a rational mind rather than a totalitarian cadre.
Fuck this guy. Seriously. Read between the lines of what he’s saying and its abundantly clear. Essentially he’s demanding that only some views should be considered acceptable. I never really thought I hated Mr. Obama. This speech goes a long way toward establishing that.
+1 Life of Julia
The cashless society is a con – and big finance is behind it
Brett Scott
They’re not completely wrong. Governments would love to see the end of cash, it makes their jobs much easier.
Imagine if the government had control over every transaction you made. Barter would start to look like a good alternative.
I’ve encountered more than one European Union citizen who liked to make large transactions in cash to avoid certain governmental oversight.
They also would love to get rid of cash so they could impose negative interest rates and _force_ you to spend your savings.
Naturally they blame it on a conspiracy of the big KKKorporashunz!!!! In actuality the federal reserve, financial regulators, and law enforcement have all been vehemently pushing for a cashless society for at least the last 30 years or so because it makes markets much easier to control and erodes any vestige of privacy.
Conspiracy Theory Thursday
The comments are impressive in their lunacy.
It’s been excellent watching people who have spent the last 50 years excusing Lenin and Stalin suddenly turn into Birchers.
Someone should have stopped the DU crowd from eating lead paint chips as children.
Republicans are a lot of things (namely, mercantilists), but they are not communists. And I still don’t get all of this “Pence is a christian fascist/totalitarian/whatever” stuff.
“The whole idea for me to be in a band is subversive. I’ll vote, but I’m not very vocal in my political opinions because I don’t give a f***.”
Would that more public figures were like this.
How has Hynde consistently found solid British rockabilly guitarists ?
Bremner fairly romps in City.
They’ll browbeat her into submission, just watch.
If I had a lot of money I would fork over the statutory license rate to place the songs of every vocally left-wing musician in the campaign ads of the most retrograde tractor-pull-attending conservative candidates I could dig up for every office in the country just to watch them impotently rage about it.
California: “Hm. We have a terrible housing crisis, no housing supply and everything’s obscenely expensive. How can we fix this?”
“Relax zoning laws to build more housing to meet demand?”
“No, you idiot, rent control! That’ll solve everything!”
Submitted without comment.
Racist blackface?
Also coopting transsexualism by lopping off his Johnson. Clearly a shitlord.
Maybe that’s Tim Tebow’s secret.
Wait, I thought it was Johannsen’s that were coopting transsexualism.
Massachusetts enacted a law two weeks ago creating court orders to require people to give up their guns.
Its pretty hardcore. The firearm licensing office can petition for one, and so can anyone in your family or that you’ve ever dated. All they need is a preponderance of evidence showing you may hurt someone (yourself included) at some point. Any bets that simply owning a firearm will satisfy that requirement?
Thank G-d Hillary didn’t get to appoint any Supreme Court justices.
Looks like New Jersey did this too, with pretty similar language regarding preponderance of evidence and any former dating partners. Guess the idea is to chip away at 2A via the court system at the State level.
I’d start filing them on every cop I knew
Northern Sun Merchandising seems to be hive of
villainyprogressivism (they printed the Jesus bumper sticker).But the good news is you can get in the ground floor for Herself’s next run. I’m sure once she wins in 2020 you will be happy to pretend you always supported her.
That website is quite a useful repository of derpitude.
Coexist bumper stickers should not be protected by 1A and I consider them a violation of the NAP.
Not all Coexist stickers are terrible.
/PC Master Race
That one is. Seriously, a wiimote for an I? you can get the characters needed without having to stretch that far. And the message “all this crap is about to be gobbled up by pac-man” doesn’t carry the same ‘get along’ theme.
The design needs a serious overhaul.
That’s what I get for a 30 second Google search for a joke. I’ll try to find something more aesthetically pleasing next time.
Maybe your find something you like better in this.
This needs a bumper sticker?
Incontrovertible PROOF
Soon after Trump entered the race and skyrocketed to the top of polls, Butina attended an event with him too — at the FreedomFest conference in Las Vegas in July 2015. Trump, in fact, called on her to ask a question.
Saying she was from Russia, Butina asked, “If you would be elected as the president, what would be your foreign politics, especially in the relationships with my country? And do you want to continue the policy of sanctions that are damaging to both economies, or do you have other ideas?”
An open and shut case of collusion. Let the impeachment commence.
What illegalities did this broad engage in exactly? From what I’ve seen her activities were all legal. Is the only thing her failure to register?
No, this is the way spies work now. They go to conferences and state their nationality and ask policy questions.
I legimately laughed out loud at that one.
What illegalities did this broad engage in exactly?
That’s been my question from day one. She founded a group, went to meetings, talked to people, wrote a term paper. I’m not seeing that she stole, or tried to steal, any state secrets, so she’s not a “spy” (breathless headlines notwithstanding). I’m not seeing that she tried to bribe anyone, threaten anyone, or otherwise try to unlawfully influence or coerce anyone.
Where’s the crime?
I’m guessing something about failing to register the group with specific federal agencies.
That’s assuming there is something to actually charge her with.
They will claim that since she got marching orders from someone in the RU central bank that she should have registered as an agent of a foreign government. Probably also pile on visa fraud.. not a student etc.. It is what they do to people that they later classify as journalists.
Oh, you have a blog?.. traveling on a tourist or business via the visa waiver program?…. .. turned away at ICE..
They will claim that since she got marching orders from someone in the RU central bank that she should have registered as an agent of a foreign government.
I know that’s in the bill of particulars, but most of what you read about is stuff that isn’t a crime.
The one thing we know about Trump is his aversion to attractive Eastern European women.
Meh. I don’t speculate about the sex lives/personal lives of others. Not my business. Don’t care. Leave me alone.
* vigorous applause*
I’m sure the founding fathers envisioned congress doing just this sort of thing:
12 Wis. counties are being fed Vikings games over Packers on TV. A U.S. Senator introduced legislation to change that
Even if you think this is a good idea, are we going to have one piece of legislation for every team/state in the country? How about college teams? SMDH
Can an edit fairy fix my link? Not sure what happened.
Your link was missing a colon between the http and the forward slashes. Typical of a NoDak… All asshole, no colon.
I guess it’s better than a bunch of other stuff they could be doing.
Yet another reason on a growing list of reasons I will not be following the NFL this season. Or ever again.
I’m fine with a TV boycott. But I also think we should make I-94 across the St. Croix a toll bridge to extract all that loot from the Wisconsinites who come work in the Twin Cities every day.
They’re called “Sconies” you dumb stump-humper.
She’s up for reelection in a state that also voted for Trump, Scott Walker, and Ron Johnson, so it’s not a surprise she’s trying to score cheap points before the election.
Her reelection ads are all about how much feed she’s bringing to the trough, this is just another ploy to say ‘hey, Wisconsin number 1! See? I’m on your side!”
Tom Arnold, tuff gai
TW: Twitchy
Why does that rate a trigger warning?
It’s been a long-standing joke because Twitchy a)often has groan-worthy takes on things b)is owned by the execrable Michelle Malkin
You just made me like the site even more.
I don’t think it pretends to be anything other than and entertainment site (and makes no secret regarding what biases they hold to).
I’ve always liked Michelle Malkin, but peripherally until…
A very liberal internet acquaintance who is an Asian lawyer was bemoaning Malkin’s political views. Her comment, “But she’s such a beautiful woman, why would she think like that?”
I will not ever be able to dissociate my acquaintance’s breathtakingly un-self-aware whine from Malkin (enough so I took the trouble to write this comment).
I’m not entirely sure where that leaves your opinion.
Oh, geez. I like her more after that.
I think it’s “coked-up gai”
Jesus, I can’t even follow this. I think it goes…
1. Self-proclaimed liberal says to other liberals to check out Ben Shapiro if they’ve become disenchanted with the movement.
2. Other leftists go crazy at this suggestion.
3. Right wing guy named Dave Rubin points out the mob reaction and says that no one is safe from it.
4. Quasi-comedian Tom Arnold jumps in and physically threatens Dave Rubin (for being on the side of his friend!?) and everyone else within typing distance.
Speaking of “coexist”-
I was thinking about that this morning. For the people who display those bumper stickers, mere co-existence is the farthest thing imagineable from what they want. They want to force you to embrace and celebrate everything they hold dear, and simultaneously renounce and despise the sinful ways of those who disagree with them. Getting along, in separate but indifferent worlds is not an option.
Right. They reject tolerance and coexistence and require submission and enthusiastic endorsement.
SOP for the Left. Coopt a word and make it mean the exact opposite of its true definition.
Broward County public schools have their priorities straight
I still can’t believe the sheriff hasn’t been tarred and feathered.
Maybe they’d have a better image if they didn’t spend so much taxpayer money on unnecessary bullshit.
“Bella Thorne shares a very NSFW photo to make an important point about feminism”
That was fast.
“very NSFW”
So you can see the penis going in?
That article was written by a 14 year old. I’m certain of it.
These are very serious people.
Hasn’t the residential section been reinforced to resist, you know, actual attack? I’d think it would be hard to make enough noise to be heard from the public protest areas.
I don’t know that for a fact, but I think it would be a pretty safe assumption
But more than enough noise to annoy everyone else.
“Adam Parkhomenko, who was national field director for the Democratic National Committee in 2016”
Sounds Russian… TRAITORS
An old picture, but I still laughed
“Kelly Ann: Insatiable”
I woke up at 1:30 am this morning to the sounds of my drunk neighbor singing karaoke (with an amp) on his back patio.
I’m tempted to record him and blast it back to him at 4:30 am when I get up and he’s passed out.
What song was he singing?
Don’t know, pretty sure it was in Tagalog.
Burner phone, call him at 4:30am every day for a week.
I have yet to hear a coherent explanation as to why, in and of itself, “income inequality” is undesirable. If it’s the result of predatory government policy (see: Venezuela) I’d understand, but I don’t think that’s the point this article is making.
When your only product requires envy to sell, you need to stoke envy.
But we circle back around to this meaning Maggie’s quote is relevent again. “They would rather the poor be poorer so long as the rich were less rich.”
Yeah, any system that defines fairness as the number of rich people is the lowest possible count and everyone else is in misery, can suck dick.
Because fairness, duh. I can’t even.
I can buy a $25k car that is safer and will outperform high-end luxury cars from just a decade ago, I have a globally networked supercomputer in my pocket, air conditioning, a massive variety of inexpensive entertainment available, food so inexpensive that too many calories are a greater problem than malnutrition, inexpensive, safe air-travel – but the fact that Bill Gates has a private jet and I don’t means this situation is intolerable and unfair!
And you’d be treated as a clueless modern Pangloss for extolling the amenities of our lives while those promoting a failed political theory responsible for the deaths of over a hundred million people consider themselves moral paragons. It’s maddening.
I agree – all the explanations I have read/heard are unsatisfactory.
Additionally, at no point in history have the poorest been able to access the niceties of the working middle/upper class.
I think it was an Insty quote from one of his former professors who pointed out that, today, the only difference between the really rich and the rest of us are:
1) Travel
2) Accommodations
We wear, essentially, the same clothes, have access to the same food (more or less), use the same mobile phones, computers, entertainment. By historical standards, we’re wildly equal. The fact I can’t afford a Bentley doesn’t make my Honda worthless and the fact someone else has a 38,000 sq. ft. mansion doesn’t mean I live in squalor.
As I point out below, you should add:
3) Access to high quality public schooling and a home environment free of random violence.
Here’s two problems that don’t require any of the rich and powerful to be black hat wearing, moustachio twirling robber barons.
Background: Income inequality, even when produced by 100% market outcomes where some dudes and ladies use their skill, bravery, and luck to produce massive benefits to their customers, produces rich people.
Bad Result 1: These fabulously wealthy people and businesses will do what everyone does, try to get the democratically enacted government to be responsive to their interests.
By having more access to capitol (both cash and social capitol) they will have an outsizes effect on the democratic government, producing legislation, laws, and norms that preserve the status quo in which these people are wealthy and now powerful.
This makes it more comparatively more difficult for the next entrepreneur to come along and disrupt the original rich and powerful. This slows down the rate of innovation because after the first rich and powerful get into place, the next rich and powerful need to come up with an improvement and need to displace the entrenched legislation, laws, and norms.
2) Many good that form the basis of a healthy democratic polity are positional goods. Positional goods are only available to those who aren’t poor, by definition. The more wealth-inequality there is, the larger the section of people who can’t access those positional goods and thus healthy government and thus a healthy society. Large swaths of the population being disaffected, shut out of power, and aware of their injustices rarely works out long-term.
For example, land in the right kind of environment was once well-distributed (in the mathematical sense) among a large population of citizen-farmers. This produced generations of egalitarian, civic-minded middle-class folk that loved democracy and kicked ass on the battlefield. Power slowly concentrated, land was aggregated in the hands of the wealthy, and the middle class went away. This lead to the collapse of the middle-class, the military, and the government. I’m of course talking about Hellenic Greece.
Here’s another example. In this next civilization, land in the right kind of environment was once well-distributed (in the mathematical sense) among a large population of citizen-farmers. This produced generations of egalitarian, civic-minded middle-class folk that loved republicanism and kicked ass on the battlefield. Power quickly concentrated, land was aggregated in the hands of the wealthy, and the middle class went away. This lead to the collapse of the middle-class, the military, and the government. I’m of course talking about pre-imperial Rome.
Here’s another example. In this next civilization, land in the right kind of environment was once well-distributed (in the mathematical sense) among a large population of citizen-farmers. This produced generations of egalitarian, civic-minded middle-class folk that loved democratic-republicanism and kicked ass on the battlefield. Power quickly concentrated, the school system was highly unequal, and land in the right school districts was aggregated in the hands of the wealthy, which the middle class couldn’t access. This lead to… hmm.
Except that agricultural wealth is no longer a prime driver in civilization.
Though your sudden shift to school districts actually got a laugh.
Agriculture isn’t, but living in the right school district, which feeds into the right colleges and prevents mingling with the “wrong kind” is very important, seen to be very important by those right on the edge of being able to do so, and is becoming increasingly expensive. In some places, the cost of a home in those marginal areas has been increasing at 10x the rate of general inflation.
I could have used face-to-face access to political leaders, but land makes for a more elegant comparison.
From my own experience that isn’t true either.
Having grown up in the poor area, going to shitty public schools, I made it just fine into the middle class. My classmates – their problem was they just didn’t give a damn. They didn’t even try and set their ambitions lower than dirt.
I know you like your elegant parallel, but it just isn’t there. Especially with continued emergance of new markets and increased free-flowing information making institutional education less of a factor than it was even two decades ago.
That’s a nice anecdote, but it doesn’t fit the broader social changes that are in place.
Intergenerational wealth mobility is being reduced. Ivy league educated workers are becoming more concentrated in fewer jobs that have income growth faster than anywhere else in the economy. Income diversity by zip code is falling like a rock. Blind applications for high-skilled and high-paid positions are down and jobs filled by direct referrals are way up. Part time elected official are evaporating at the same rate that the % of elected officials that become very wealthy while in office is increasing. The coupling between school quality and median home price is tighter than it has ever been. The coupling between highschool quality and lifetime earnings is tighter than it has ever been.
As I mentioned, Coming Apart is a good first place to get introduced to this literature, but there is a lot out there.
There’s plenty out there that disagrees too. You seem to be putting a lot of faith into numbers that don’t say what you think they say.
Alos I’d love to know where you get the data on ” Blind applications for high-skilled and high-paid positions are down and jobs filled by direct referrals are way up” or why “Income Diversity by zip code” is even the least bit relevent to upward and downward mobility.
Application vs referral practice comes from a combination of my own personal experience in the business world and the significant amounts of research done by academic economists and B-schools that both say the same thing. The higher the skill required, and the higher the pay, the more the referral matters and the less the official application matters.
A reduction in income diversity by zip code matters because it increases stratification in the social order. The increase in stratification of the social order leads to an increase in the stratification of economic and political power. The greater the stratification of economic and political power, the greater the incidence of government cronyism, the greater the pay-off of rent-seeking, and the greater forces that maintain the status quo.
Cronyism, rent-seeking, and maintenance of the status-quo are the exact opposite of social and economic mobility and work to reduce it.
So you counter my anecdote with your anecdote, even though both have potentially similar amounts of studies behind them.
When has that ever not been the case?
Oh, slumbrew, it’s a breand new development
/Guildmaster of Silversmiths
Frankly, yes. You have a habit of ignoring evidence and arguments, so I’m not going to spend the time accessing and summarizing the articles and book I have in my folder on this topic. I don’t expect it to be fruitful in moving the conversation forward, and I know you know how to type “blind application vs referral” into Google Scholar.
So you’re highly invested in this topic and your particular position.
Go look at the evidence regarding internal factors in poverty.
-as you’ve clearly spent a lot of time on the external factors of wealth.
Spent my adult life getting out of the dysfunctions of the poor that previous generations of my family wallow in, and have read a fare bit about it as well.
Ron Bailey’s excellent article on TOS hit really, really close to home. So did Coming Apart.
Unless the college bubble bursts, then the feeder schools aren’t as important. You’d still have the issues of poor schools with violence and shite teaching, but anyone can pick up a book and read, or go to a library and go to Khan University.
Its not about education. Its about social conditioning and developing a social network.
No, they really can’t. The level of self-efficacy needed to be a successful autodidact is quite rare among the general population.
I took “anyone can” to mean “ain’t nobody stopping you”, not “everybody has the capability”. If you can’t do something because of you, that’s on you.
Doesn’t really affect the argument about the societal end results, of course.
The solution to 1) is to reduce the power of the state so that there is less power to be agglomerated. The powerful always use whatever power is there. The answer isn’t “get the right people in power,” the answer is “don’t centralize more power than absolutely needed.”
The solution to 2) in the US used to be shame. Fifty or 100 years ago, the well-to-do used to pretend to be middle class (so did the poor, which helped them climb into the middle class). They would drive middle class cars and mingle socially with middle and lower class folks more. This pushed down the price of positional goods, and it was considered quite gauche to collect too many positional goods. This is also likely why there was no great Marxist Socialist movement in America, when it was catching fire in Europe.
Now, we have the great sort, where the upper class live in their urban enclaves and suburban communities, next door to the urban poor and blessedly-in-their-opinion out of eyesight of the white lower classes. The urban poor only interact with them while serving them dinner and driving them around, and the white lower classes are just as happy to keep the upper class out of eyesight as well.
I don’t have the citations at my fingers, but go pick up Coming Apart if you want to see some. I know I’ve seen similar statistics in other places too.
I think the solution to 1 does a lot to minimize 2. “Get your kid into the right daycare so he can get into the right elementary school so he can get into the right high school so he can get into the right college” is a lot the function of the increased role of credentialing (versus actual education) in our society. And the increased role of credentialing flows a lot from the increased role of government.
The solution to 1) is to reduce the power of the state so that there is less power to be agglomerated.
Indeed. The Iron Law posits that Money and power will always find each other.
Theoretically, there are two solutions to solving the problem of rich people capturing the government. One is to make sure your society is so poor that there is not a single rich person. Nobody wants that, really.
The other is make the power available so marginal that nobody cares if rich people control it.
Agreed though, this site being this site, the standard answers will be (I suspect): 1) reduce the wealthy’s ability to manipulate government to protect themselves by reducing government’s power and 2) get rid of government schooling
Good post. A couple of thoughts:
School choice, privatization, market forces and elimination of government meddling would drastically improve the school system and outcomes for poor people. I also agree with UCS about agriculture driving wealth and civilization. In today’s world land =/= wealth. I don’t believe it’s possible to prevent power from concentrating to some degree simply because marketable skills (today’s driver of wealth and civilization) are concentrated in certain individuals. Those individuals will do better than those who don’t have the same level of skills. However, free market and voluntary transactions driven by personal responsibility will allow everyone, including those with few skills, to have a better quality of life than they would otherwise. To your first point, collusion (drink!) between the wealthy and those in government is problematic, but that’s not free market, that’s cronyism, something that I think we can all agree is a problem regardless of the level of income inequality.
Land no longer leads to wealth.
But, the modern american society has, because of our long and circuitous path of public education, now tied high quality public education to a limited plot of land while also forcing everyone to pay for public education through taxes, thus destroying the poor ability to select private education options. This is what causes land in high quality school districts to be a positional good and doesn’t need to be that way.
No now wealth -> (the right kind of) land -> high quality schools.
School choice would turn land back into a normal good and would be good for the republic just for this reason.
Saying cronyism is problematic is like saying friction is problematic in a physics problem or like a network is a problem for a networked application. Problematic, but impossible to prevent. Only something that can be minimized.
“Problematic, but impossible to prevent. Only something that can be minimized.”
Agreed. Flawed humanity will create flawed systems in one way or another. You minimize it as best you can by building as big a wall as possible between govt and private enterprise and punishing corruption severely.
And neighborhood districting of public schools is the new redlining and created completely by govt. Although I’d love to see public schools eliminated completely, you don’t even have to take that extreme of an approach if you institute school vouchers and school choice. Public schools that suck know they can’t handle the competition which is why they’re so desperate to keep this from happening.
By crushing the welfare state you also disincentivize all sorts of social pathologies that go along with it. Reduced cronyism + educational options + incentives driving work and intact families = more wealth and a better life for the poor, minority or otherwise.
I think we’re landing on the same space here by specifying that “income inequality” itself is not the enemy; it’s lack of social mobility that’s the problem. One could make a pretty convincing argument that prog policies are deliberately designed to reduce such mobility because they are electorally dependent on the existence of an underclass.
Yes, exactly.
Kind of like how I’m not opposed to pretty high levels of immigration, I’m opposed to the social forces that make assimilation a four letter word instead of short hand for “American is great, if you want to come here and be and American that’s great too.”
One nitpick thought…
I would say that prog policies are designed the way they are also because one of the core tenants of modern progressiveness is that there is no such thing as human nature. As we are not flawed humans, we will not create flawed systems, and we can make the humans in that system anything we want.
You know, like some kind of new
sovietprogressivemanperson.“…which is why J.P. Morgan’s descendants have ruled America ever since.”
Sorry, just breaking your stones a tad. I think there are a few aspects of income inequality that you’re not accounting for. One is that trade isn’t a zero-sum game, and so even as your Rockefellers are making money hand over fist, they’re doing so by providing something of value to the people giving them the money, which is then used directly or indirectly to provide something of value to others, and so on and so forth. Another is that there’s a physical, temporal limit to how much a single person can do, and when people have wealth one of the things they tend to do with it is outsource tasks to other people. They trade money for time by hiring people to do things for them or give them stuff. The more money people have, the more they tend to spend on goods and services. Finally, and I think this is the big one, without the assistance of government the wealthy can’t keep other people from becoming wealthy themselves, and even with influence in politics it’s still very difficult to maintain a monopoly or a cartel. The nature of innovation is that its difficult to foresee, so you don’t know if the wacky inventor down the road is about to come up with some stupid doodad that nobody wants or the next iPhone.
I’m not ignoring that entrepreneurs. I mention it in one line but I don’t dwell on it because if you’ve made it to this website, you probably already know that. I”m not suggesting we should get rid of wealthy people. I’m only saying that the existence of wealthy people can have, in addition all the good effects they produce, negative effects on other people. The magnitude of those bad effects can be either amplified or minimized based on the social context they are in.
And right now, American society is moving in the direction of amplifying the bad effects. And furthermore, there are pro-liberty, small-l libertarian solutions that would minimize those bad effects letting the good effects shine.
I gotcha. That’s a fair point. Money and power will find each other in any system. Money and power are both commodities that can be traded, and it’s perfectly natural and predictable that when someone has more of one and less of the other they’ll try to trade to get what they lack, and if they’re willing to abuse the system in order to make that exchange they’ll probably be willing to abuse the power they get as well.
Ok. Fair enough. But massive income equality will bring the awesome cyberpunk aesthetic that I was promised in the ’80s. So fuck you.
Only now you can look forward to Cyberpunk 2077 from the studio that brought you the Witcher games. I know which world I prefer living in.
Indiana records record budget surplus.
It’s from all the profits we made from selling guns to Illinois, and the fair pay we are withholding from teachers.
Wait until March, they’ll blow it all on college basketball.
So which Indiana counties are proposing to reduce their income tax rates?
“Bella Thorne shares a very NSFW photo to make an important point about feminism”
I only got as far as the one that looks like she fell face first into the tackle box. Disgusting, but hardly NSFW.
It’s from all the profits we made from selling guns to Illinois, and the fair pay we are withholding from teachers.
Sweet. Tear up all the roadz, and maybe I’ll move back.
So Jr.’s streets are in the bad part of town as well.
I thought of that routine, but Jr. is the same guy.
*listens to clip*
The version I remember had the form of a phone call.
“I need directions”
“I’m at the corner of MLK and-”
“Run Bitch, RUN!”
The fucking government has completely fucked up healthcare in this country. I’m working every extra shift I can find right now so that when the final bill comes for the newest edition to the lachowsky family comes, I’ll be able to pay the bills and be done with it.
Fucking christ, the guys I work with who had kids in the 90s payed less than a thousand for the birth of their progeny.
Try being a middle class wage earner who is above the threshold for government assistance today and see how much it costs. Jr. Cost mr 10k six years ago. I have no idea what little miss is gonna cost, so I plan accordingly.
There is no transparency in healthcare costs and people like me foot the bill for it.
/rant off
Been there man, it sucks.
On top of that, there is endless political commentary about how our country has to have gobs of immigrants to provide a tax base to prop up our social welfare state because native born Americans aren’t having enough kids to prop up that ponzi scheme.
Maybe people like me aren’t having a ton of kids because the federal government has passed legislation making it prohibitively expensive.
Gawd, fuck those guys.
We had three kids. Two were pre Obamacare and one was post. Take a wild guess which one cost us more than double the other two?
I feel your pain Lach, I’m a small biz owner that got screwed pretty bad as well by all the health care fuckery.
Good luck! Hope you don’t have a surprise emergency C section followed by a surprise infection from the emergency C, followed by a surprise bill for all of that that takes you five years to dig out of.
Because been there, done that, got the shirt, would not recommend.
I had really good insurance for both kids. I can’t imagine how we would’ve paid for them. Funny thing is, for tax deduction #1, my insurance premium had just gone down (a lot) because I was over statistical childbearing age when I got pregnant. Tax deduction #2 was on my husband’s. I don’t remember what we paid out of pocket, but it wasn’t much to speak of.
I have the hospital bill for my delivery in 1962. It was around $8.00. Of course, Pater Dean was in the Marines and I was delivered at a naval hospital, which probably has something to do with it.
To this day, he complains they overpaid.
I have yet to hear a coherent explanation as to why, in and of itself, “income inequality” is undesirable.
*flops on floor, kicks and screams*
There is no transparency in healthcare costs and people like me foot the bill for it.
No kidding. There should be billboards on the highway, and ads on the teevee: “I’ll deliver your baby for $999.99.”
No shit. I told my wife this morning,
“I should buy an ultrasound machine and figure out how to use it. We could sell ultrasound pictures of a baby for a tenth of what the hospital charges.”
I have often said (over the last 15 years) there needs to be a Walmart General Hospital. I don’t think anybody could drive prices down to affordable levels better than Walmart. “MRI $150.” “Well-child check and immunizations just in time for school! $20 with purchase of 17c spiral bound notebook.” Whatever.
I think they do have that in certain areas:
I meant ones that don’t take insurance. Ideally, there would be no insurance at all. You buy services the way you buy products.
Health insurance should return to the days of major medical coverage. Like car insurance, it helped to mitigate the consequences of bad shit happening.
Health insurance is not insurance. That is the major issue. Insurance is there for a catastrophic loss. Today’s health insurance is a government mandated busy-body patchwork of shit that tries to cover all healthcare costs.
The current health insurance is pre-paid medical, plus some insurance. Until my personal medical expenses get the same tax treatment there will always be a bias to pre-pay via the employer’s 100% deduction.
If I was to try and buy the same coverage (say via a trade group), or pay for expenses myself I have the 2% floor. So either no deductions, or allow personal 100% deductions.
If it weren’t for government, there would be.
Family sues Dick’s Sporting Goods for tragic
gunbasketball backboard death of teenage son. However, there’s this:The backboard was installed by a subcontractor hired by Century Builders, who built the Gerwels home.
The suit alleges the subcontractor used only six two-inch lag screws and none was drilled into wood studs, only into drywall and particle board.
Uh… that’s a pretty big oversight for a 260lb piece of equipment. They suit claims Dick’s didn’t supply mounting instructions, which seems dubious, but why does a homebuilder need to be instructed to find a stud when mounting something this heavy?
“instructed to find a stud when mounting something this heavy”
BBW porn sites haz sadz.
narrows gazewinces*I can see a judgement against the subcontrator, maybe even the contractor, but the store? Not going to happen.
Also where the hell did they put it that they were attaching to drywall? Indoors?
…only into drywall and particle board.
My guess is the front of the garage, though the screws would have gone through siding, particle board and then drywall.
That sucks, man. I hate reading about people losing their kids in freak accidents like this. Scares the shit out of me.
Also, I’m wondering how you’re holding a 260lb backboard with two lag screws in drywall and particle board to begin with. I’d think that it would start sagging pretty quick if it even stayed put at all.
How in the hell does a basketball backboard weigh 260 pounds?
They’re counting the guy hanging on the rim?
I have a hard time hanging a coat hook without finding a stud to fasten it to.
‘I broke the contract’: how Hannah Gadsby’s trauma transformed comedy
she broke the contract where people paid her to make them laugh.
Three years ago, she was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
bull fucking shit
Wait, so she gets paid to yell at people on stage and not be funny? Well shit, I can do that!
Lewis Black has been doing that for years.
Even Black doesn’t directly implicate his audience.
People are too afraid to stand up and walk out for fear of being twitter shamed as prejudiced. Gadsby is cashing in on that fear.
I mean, I can’t hate the game, honestly. If you can turn being an unfunny “autistic” lesbian comic into a paying gig via chastising your audience and guilting them into not asking for refunds, well, get it.
“These Viral Space Pride Flags Are Proof the Universe Is Gay”
No, it’s proof your website is retarded.
And my projection map is proof the earth is flat.
How does that site stay in business?
I’m guessing their costs are low since any High School girl could write their articles.
Um, not sure about those particular pictures, but for most pictures of space the color is not supposed to be representational of reality, it’s usually a filter showing things like Doppler shifts and such.
Dude, parrots are multi-colored, gay pride flags are multi-colored, therefore parrots are gay.
Well, parrots _are_ pretty gay. NTTIATWWT.
Not as gay as Toucan Sam, however.
Is that why the bastard is always telling people to follow his nose?
No chicks for light years. Space is gay af.
Those are not chicks with dicks, they are dudes with tits!
“Black American Culture and the Racial Wealth Gap”
Worth reposting?
Not really, Leap will just say they’re living in the wrong neighborhoods.
Nor can historical racism explain wealth disparities between groups of the same race. A 2015 survey of wealth in Boston found that the median black household had only 8 dollars of wealth. Newsweek reported this fact under the heading “Racism in Boston.” But the 8 dollar figure only pertained to black Bostonians of American ancestry; black Bostonians of Caribbean ancestry had 12,000 dollars of wealth, despite having identical rates of college graduation, only slightly higher incomes, and being equally black in the same city.
as a counter-argument, a team from Duke put this together:
and it’s as stupid as you thought..
These myths support a point of view that identifies dysfunctional black behaviors as the basic cause of persistent racial inequality, including the black-white wealth disparity, in the United States. We systematically demonstrate here that a narrative that places the onus of the racial wealth gap on black defectiveness is false in all of its permutations.
Coleman says “black defectiveness” (not his words btw) is the only thing blacks can individually control and therefore the most effective means of generating wealth.
The finding advanced in peer reviewed articles in economic journals is clear:
there is no evidence that black Americans have a lower savings rate than white Americans once
household income is taken into account (Hamilton and Chiteji, 2013).
i’m finding the opposite.
…African Americans have lower saving rates than Whites, even after controlling for income and socio-demographic factors.
and now that i’ve searched through the bib of that piece from Duke.. is it really kosher to heavily cite your own work? Hamilton and Darity over and over again and they’re two of the authors from this Duke shop.
is it really kosher to heavily cite your own work
“I have no peers, so the only one who can “peer review” my work is me. Trust me, its good. Excellent. The best work, really.”
If it’s good enough for POTUS, then . . . . . . .
“‘‘Rub & Tug’: Don’t Let Scarlett Johansson Dropping Out Kill Hollywood’s First Trans Studio Film — Opinion
The project is floundering since Johansson stepped down, but the casting controversy has already garnered more publicity than any A-lister could.
Transgender representation in Hollywood scored a huge victory last week when Scarlett Johansson stepped down from “Rub & Tug,” in which she was set to play a trans man — but it would be just as bad if the project disappeared entirely.
Naysayers are quick to point out there are no trans actors famous enough to carry a movie the way Johansson can, but “Rub & Tug” has a chance to reverse that narrative. The film is now high profile regardless of who is in the role; the casting controversy provided far more free publicity than Johansson’s name. If the film fizzles out, it would support the notion that trans movies can only get made with an A-lister attached. “Rub & Tug” needs to happen now more than ever, to prove trans movies don’t need cis movie stars to sell tickets.”
Maybe you should have thought about that first, before driving an A-lister out of the role?
I don’t think it would have sold tickets even if she’d stayed on the film.
The film will fizzle out as it would have without the furor, and the usual suspects will cry bigotry.
That would be a “win” for them.
Gee, ya think?
She can’t catch a break: Scarlett Johansson Under Fire For Agreeing To Play Giant Sandworm In Upcoming ‘Dune’ Adaptation
It’s too phallic a role for her.
How dare you.
In regards to breaking up California into three states; I think it was a bad idea largely because it would put Sacramento and SF in Northern California. The Cal SC should have left it on the ballot, but they couldn’t take any chances with the people making the wrong choice. Not that’s it had any real chance of happening even if it got on the ballot and was passed, the Dems that run this place have no desire to break it up. I am a big supporter of the Jefferson movement here, even though it also has very little chance in succeeding. At least it has the backing of a lot of the north staters, whenever I’m up there I see a ton of signs and bumper stickers with the XX. Low taxes, less regulation, personal liberty, yeah, sign me up please.
because native born Americans aren’t having enough kids to prop up that ponzi scheme.
I have no philosophical justification for never wanting or having children. I’m just a selfish asshole.
There is no such thing as bad advertising for an ambulance chaser. Nice move on their part.
Charles C. W. Cooke pointed that out a while back.
John Morgan
Verified account
21h21 hours ago
To all my Democrat friends I am a capitalist not a socialist, as so many now call themselves.
You can be a socialistic country if you have no big military and no atomic bombs. You have to pay for things. Sweden exists because we have big bombs.”
I don’t understand his point.
Sweden can be socialist because they’re not paying for a military, but relying on the US military.
They’re not even socialist.
Oh and check out their education system:
“The open-competition school choice model in Sweden would trigger U.S. teacher unions into a froth. Parents and pupils decide what school they want to attend and they are all paid for by taxes. Corporations, towns, charities, religions, most anyone and anything can start a school, but it’s up to parents and pupils if they want to attend. The more people who choose a particular school determines if that school will get more government funding. “
In regards to breaking up California into three states; I think it was a bad idea largely because it would put Sacramento and SF in Northern California.
That L A Times article mentioned that. They said a lot of Jefferson supporters were pissed. Apparently, the absolute last thing they want is to have San Fran hung around their necks like a flaming truck tire.
Sloopy the Inca, you fucking drooling microcephalic mongoloid! Words do not have meaning; meanings have words. If it were as you claim, the denotations and connotations of lexemes wouldn’t experience diachronic shift. Learn some basic semantics before you open your filthy, bacteria-ridden gob.
LOL disregard that.
I love you.
I was waiting for that post and I’m betting sloop was too.
I am disappointed that wasn’t a link to one of your greatest hits
I’m sorry to have failed you.
Gomenasai Orz
No, no – you delivered an all-time great link the first time around; your refusal to rest on your laurels is to be commended.
Linguists make up words like that so there are more words about words. Cunning, really.
I’m seeing an altered page format.
(Watch- it’ll swap back now)
It’s been intermittant all day. I’ve been ignoring it.
Haha, I KNEW IT!
“Real libertarians hang out in liquor store parking lots and buy teenage girls wine coolers.”
OK, then.
He’s right, you know.
The Golden Age of Porn.
Tax-evading entrepreneurs engaging in government-caused arbitrage are the most libertarian thing since the last time an old white guy kind-of-sort-of-but-not-really endorsed antisemitism!
Transgender representation in Hollywood scored a huge victory last week when Scarlett Johansson stepped down from “Rub & Tug,” in which she was set to play a trans man — but it would be just as bad if the project disappeared entirely.
Just blame it on teh patriarchy.
Transgender representation in Hollywood scored a huge victory last week when Scarlett Johansson stepped down from “Rub & Tug,”
Umm, I’m not seeing how Scarlett dropping out = more transgenders in movies. Doesn’t one need to be hired to replace her first?
Hmm… do I work from home tomorrow or take another day off and enjoy my extended relaxation / buzz? I haven’t felt this relaxes since uh…
Quit your job and be a cam model on Chaturbate. Spend the rest of your time smoking weed and masturbating.
You sir know how to live life to its fullest.
most anyone and anything can start a school, but it’s up to parents and pupils if they want to attend. The more people who choose a particular school determines if that school will get more government funding.