Well here I am, ready to report on all the scores and ac…shit, there’s nothing but the baseball All-Star Game? Well that’s a gyp! the American League won and an Astro was the MVP. So that’s good. Oh, and The Open starts tomorrow. Only soft picks for me. I have no freaking idea who will win. Let me do some research and I’ll get back to you tomorrow with that.

An American hero. (Also pictured: John Glenn)
Well since the athletic world shit the bed on us, let’s see what July 18 had in store for us historically. Gangster George “Machine Gun” Kelly was born on this date. So was actor Hume Cronyn, anti-Apartheid activist and spouse of a psychopath Nelson Mandela, the man who put the “ass” in astronaut John Glenn, musician “Screaming Jay” Hawkins, writer Hunter S Thompson, directorial genius Paul Verhoeven, balloon- and space-enthusiast Richard Branson, Village Person Glenn Hughes, golf great Nick Faldo, and “actor” Vin Diesel. It was also the day Thomas Aquinas was named a saint, Nero broke out his fiddle (supposedly) as Rome burned, Cap Anson was the first baseball player to 3,000 hits, Hitler’s “Mean Kampf” was published, Ty Cobb was the first to 4,000 hits, “Lucky” Luciano was sentenced to 30-50 years, and Kim Jong-un was made supreme leader of North Korea.
Wow, remind me to mark July 18 as a day that sucked. Let’s see if we can redeem it with…the links!

What could possibly go wrong?
America needs some better diplomacy to get the North Korea nuclear disarmament plan back on track. And I can think of nothing that could possibly be better than this. Oh, please make this happen!
Google gets slapped with a $5 billion fine by the EU. The ruling is supposedly about antitrust (as if such a thing could possibly exist when you have myriad choices of smartphones and at least three operating systems to use), but I suspect it has to do with bankrolling their failed experiments that we all know as “Greece” and “Spain”.
Wel, the super volcano theory can resurface now. So can the anti-fracking whackos I suppose. I’m sure they’ll also find a way to blame the emergence of a 100-ft fissure in Yellowstone on the oil industry.

“That guy is a nuisance. Look, he’s got a plastic bottle!”
San Fran resident
Adding some extra scrutiny to their sanctuary city policy, San Francisco releases an illegal immigrant on bail that has been accused in a series of violent rapes. Nice job, assholes. We put people in solitary confinement that are awaiting tax charges from over a decade ago but we let an accused (multiple times) rapist out who isn’t even here legally. Nice priorities.
I know this will probably come as a shock to you, but the city of Chicago is fucking people over in a way that violates the law. Crazy, innit?

#metoo’d from the Ivy League
Damn, Dartmouth. Let’s try to keep our pants on for a minute, shall we? academia, Hollywood and politics…why are those professions so attractive to gropey and rapey people? I guess we’ll never know.
We all know the alleged serial killer that was running around, literally, in my neighborhood has been caught. But here’s a little more good news from the bayou city. Well, marginally good news. A pair of hearses showing up would have been better, but we take what we can get.
And that’s pretty much it. Except for this birthday tribute to some of our men in uniform.
Have a great day, friends!
You know else had a giant crack?
Humpty Dumpty?
“Jumbo” Bob Haines, Plumber extraordinaire?
Nice one.
That’s, like, your opinion.
Mayor Marion Barry?
Gottas love that brotha..
Bitch set me up!
Tyrone Biggums?
Google gets slapped with a $5 billion fine by the EU. The ruling is supposedly about antitrust (as if such a thing could possibly exist when you have myriad choices of smartphones and at least three operating systems to use), but I suspect it has to do with bankrolling their failed experiments that we all know as “Greece” and “Spain”. – think of this in the future, if you Americans reduce spending on defending Europe, we will have no choice but make Google and Apple pay
Well, Google Pay doesn’t work for shit, so good luck with that.
I guess that’s why San Fransisco is having such a difficult time.
If it disabuses those companies of their progressive leanings, it may be worth it.
They are going to double down on the prog virtue signalling. Look at Starbucks.
It sucks Jobs kicked it and left Apple to a guy like Cook. Jobs was as capitalist as they come.
Too many of these “capitalists” today are not above virtue signaling like a mother fucker hoping the left will choose to fuck over someone else. Some of them are true believers. Most are in it to milk the government teat.
Seriously though, I find this shit stupid and somewhat strange that the EU can impose fines on Google based on a percentage of global revenue…
Dear Euroweenie – good luck. That money was not collected nor stored in your jurisdiction.
PS, we kept backups of your ‘conversations’ for you. If you would like to discuss retention policies, our legal team is waiting for your appologies.
It’s like indicting Russians, all talk, how many Server Farms does the EU have?
/Stalin joke
Good joke too.
Yup. Nothing makes companies innovate and deliver new goods and services like the threat of having fines imposed on them based entirely on their global revenues. Also, I think it is global revenue. Not global profits.
My last company lived in abject fear of the GDPR laws going into effect because they were a huge target given their giant revenue streams.
I would not be surprised if a geographic jurisdiction law got passed sometime in the near future which shielded US companies from foreign judgements based on global revenue rather than activity within the jurisdiction in question.
Seriously? Our govt?
The one that is trying to extradite Kim Dotcom? They guy who has never been to the US? The govt that has passed all sorts of regulations forcing foreign banks to do their bidding?
Fuck we indict 12 Russians before breakfast. No way the US govt is going to try to curb the idea of global fines on companies with money.
If anything, we are going to super-size the idea and show those metric-dicked EU weenies what a real fine looks like
You think they’re not capable of rank hypocracy in policy and legislation.
You think a cozy little donor meet-up wouldn’t be able to slip the idea into the right ears?
I think the govt would be fine with hypocrisy.
I also think that the donors would realize that there is no way that they could ride that tiger once they unleash it. Better to not give the lazy bastards the idea in the first place.
“Google gets slapped with a $5 billion fine by the EU.”
You see, it’s because the Eurotards need to bitch more about how much everything costs. Of course it has nothing to do with their sky high taxes, it’s Amazon’s fault. So now, they’re going to make it even more Amazon’s fault. And, WTF? Who is that in the photo? That ain’t a woman, that’s a man baby!
Sorry, I know the topic is Google, but it’s still Amazon’s fault.
So does this mean we’ll start getting to our dystopian cyberpunk future of corporations funding their own personal armies and becoming more powerful then the states?
Wait, we’re going back to the days of the East India Company?
I just want my robotic arms, eyes, and datajack (definitely waiting for V2.1 of that though).
We can get that without the megacorps. In fact, we’ll probably get them sooner without the megacorps.
Screw the cyberarm shit, that’s for braindead muscle sammies. Give me Skillwires at least level 5, wired reflexes, the datajack, and a smartlink
I’m okay with being the brain in a jar, so long as the sensors are affixed to said jar and it has a mechanism for moving to a new uplink point on its own.
“robotic arms and datajack”
How Nephilum became a eunuch.
Well we did fuck the everliving shit out of Volkswagen for them providing cleaner diesels (just not as clean as we demanded).
They are just trying to get that money back.
SJWednesday: How to Turn a Struggle Session Into Fiscal Demands In Two Easy Steps
TL/DR: look at meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
I self-identify as an ammo-sexual. Being armed is part of who I am. I didn’t choose to be this way – I was born like this. You are obliged to accept me as I am and make space for my lifestyle.
I am now 10 IQ points lower for the day after reading this idiotic word salad replete of stupid proggie virtue signalling shit.
Inclusion and acceptance do not equal redistribution and reparations.
Molon Labe, you whack-job.
I self-identify as someone who doesn’t give a shit.
America needs some better diplomacy to get the North Korea nuclear disarmament plan back on track. And I can think of nothing that could possibly be better than this. Oh, please make this happen! – to be fair, an album with 1000 Korean backup dancers would be epic
Kanye is getting a little chunky. KimK is feeding him well.
SO you are saying the Koreans might eat him? I am not sure if you are racist to blacks or koreans… Maybe both. I call hate crime.
The long read
The ugly scandal that cancelled the Nobel prize
tl:dr literary elitist assholes doing literary elitist asshole shit
The top photo that accompanies that article is disturbing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a grim assortment of old white people.
Never been to a Cracker Barrel?
Once, only once, never again
Same here.
‘What the….’
but Cracker Barrel is the best part of road trips.
Not if you’re the driver. Food comas are not conducive to long drives.
Each time my wife begins to say, ‘Cracker Ba….’
I speed up.
I have a better defense, there’s one less then a mile from our house. We never go there, and shouldn’t we try stuff we can’t get back home?
I seriously think that applies mostly to the over 90 crowd. My wife and I learned of all this rage, and so we stopped in one on one of our last trips. Meh, it was ok. I mean I had catfish, but we were overall not impressed. I’m pretty sure we were also the only ones in there who didn’t have blue hair.
Nah, there are always a fair number of families, like ours, with young children. Breakfast all day rules.
I don’t understand places that don’t do breakfast all day. I was at a small town cafe a couple weeks back and wanted breakfast, but they didn’t serve it after 10. So I look at the lunch menu; among the offerings were items like a BLT and a Denver Wrap (that had eggs, ham and sauteed vegetables in it). I wanted to ask why the hell I couldn’t get a Denver omelet with a side of bacon…but I took a deep breath and ordered a pizza burger instead.
I like Denny’s. But I only want biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns, and bacon. And coffee with creamer. That’s it. And only in the morning, I don’t do breakfast after 10am.
The really stupid part about that is typical breakfast foods have the highest profit margins in the food industry.
Typically you try to target a food cost of 30% of the sale price, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 pieces of toast, a cup of Hash Browns, and 2 pancakes purchased retail (not even wholesale) is only gonna run you somewhere between $1.25 and $1.50 in total ingredients cost and you can sell it for $8 bucks and have your patrons consider it a major bargain. That puts the food cost somewhere around 15%.
Any restaurant that served breakfast should be offering it all day and begging people to order off the breakfast menu
I prefer Waffle House.
But not IHOB?
On my road trip I actually ended up rejecting IHOP locations as potential stops becuase of that confusion. I had no idea what it would mean for what had previous been a reliable, if uninteresting menu.
It’s almost as if someone at corporate didn’t understand the value of being a known factor.
IHOP – always open, always pancakes.
IHOB – ???
I thought they didn’t touch the breakfast menu, only added burgers and whatnot. Is that not the case?
I donno. They were so opaque and coquettish about their rebranding that I went “this is a corporate screw-up in the making” and they lost a customer.
I like IHOP, but when travelling, you can get in and out of WH in no time at all.
Personally, I think Waffle House started going downhill when they started accepting plastic. I know they had to, and it has been useful to me, but I liked the cash only aspect of it.
They didn’t even add burgers, from what I hear. They always had the burgers. They wanted to advertise the fact.
Tbh I thought they were advertising bacon.
Fantastic plan – advertize something you already sell by making people think you’re about to overhaul the entire menu. The first time I heard about the ‘IHOb’ nonsense it was tied to a statement saying ‘it’s not bacon’, but while they were still in the ‘ooo… mysteeerious’ phase of confusing everyone as to their intentions.
If they’d instead gone “Did you know your favorite pancake house also does burgers?” it would have turned out much better. (Being marketing space, they’re of course going to claim to be favorite, so don’t take that as a value judgement on my part)
I do love me a pecan waffle and smothered covered hash browns.
The restaurant where you can’t distinguish the dining area from the bathroom.
The building was skeevy enough, I didn’t want to look for the waffle house bathroom and see what new spore of madness it contained.
One thing Waffle House does well is Disaster Recovery. FEMA started using the Waffle House Index to determine how bad a storm was.
They did not actually rebrand. It is still IHOP. The whole thing was just a marketing tactic to push their new line of burgers and yes they always had burgers on the menu along with quite a few non breakfast options you would typically find at a southern diner.
I actually went to IHOP last night for their $0.60 pancake deal (it is their 60th birthday and they were offering a $0.60 short stack of pancakes) and tried the mushroom swiss burger. All in all it was a very good burger, not the best burger I’ve ever had by any stretch but significantly better than fast food quality and quite the bargain at less than $8 with all you can eat fries and the drink included
You won’t be laughing at Dennis Rodman when he wins the Nobel Peace Prize. If Kim’s flattered enough by Kanye showing up too to ditch his nukes give them all one.
I don’t want to know what Dennis will do with a nuke.
Give them to Madonna for her new brassiere?
Hmm, I could have worded that better.
Let’s send Herself and her snuke over there so she can finally be of some use.
I smell a Steven Seagal come back movie.
Dennis Rodman when he wins the Nobel Peace Prize – was there a case in history when the Nobel Peace Prize was pawned ?
Sounds like geniuses who live long lives are not so foolish as to hang on to some trinket which they could easily part with and make their lives a lot easier. It’s not like they were going to keep it another 30 or 40 years.
I assume all the economists simply melt theirs down and trade it for whatever the gold is worth, since all gold is fungible.
The material is fungible, but if they knew anything about investments, they’d relize that being in the form it is has an added marginal value to collectors, thus melting it would reduce the resale value.
But, given the people who win econ prizes, I’m not sure they’d get that.
Thorstein Veblen would disagree dude.
Guess I was wrong.
You are a butcher!
Oh, sure, shit on butchers for being heartless. But the next time you need a pound of ground beef, ask yourself who loves you.
I think someone with a real nobel prize got harrassed by the ‘justice’ mob to the point they had to sell it to buy food.
‘member when John Kerry threw away his medals but really didnt?
I do recall Muhammad Ali saying in his autobiography that he threw his gold medal off a bridge or something like that.
And then jumped into the water to retrieve it.
I believe it is the same bridge that Bill Murray threw the cab keys off in Stripes.
2nd street bridge in Louisville.
“Madam, perhaps you’d like to eat your luggage.”
“We’re not parking it. We’re abandoning it.”
“If Kim’s flattered enough by Kanye showing up too to ditch his nukes give them all one.”
Kanye had with way with the last Kim he met.
his, damn first cup of coffee posts. Oh shit, who am I kidding, I do this all day long.
I wonder if he still is, it looks like he has gotten fat in that picture.
Color me stupid for making exactly this point from the moment the whole RUssian collusion “Trump stole the election that the Obama admin thought they had rigged for Hillary using the US government’s power” broke. The left basically decided they had to distract and obfuscate – so nobody could basically point out how corrupt the Obama administration was, how they weaponized the US bureaucracy hoping to have Hillary unleash it on their political enemies – but more importantly, prevent the elected president from undoing the criminal syustem they set up, and invented all this shit their operatives with bylines pretending to be an unbiased media have helped them peddle. I have said before that this tantrum is basically these marxists telling us they have absolutely no plan of letting anyone but one of their own ever be in charge. And the more corrupt and focused that person is on forcing their ideological end game on the sheeple, the more they will lie, cheat, and steal to help that person. The left’s behavior right now amounts to one giant and totally transparent bluff, hoping that everyone else folds, and as the clock rings out the game, they get to not just walk away, but steal the pot off the table. This will not end well for people that value the individual, liberty, or life.
I have said before that this tantrum is basically these marxists telling us they have absolutely no plan of letting anyone but one of their own ever be in charge. – well this makes sense since the system depends on the right people always being in charge.
It’s one of those things that everyone knows but no one is allowed to say.
Any argument I try to make to this effect results in “Fox News” or “breitbart” as a retort.
So the nut jobs on the left have arrived at their universal talking points independently I guess. What a coincidence.
It’s best to just back away from arguments unless you’re looking to antagonize (which is fine) for the time being. The left is hysterical right now and there’s just no reasoning with them.
This will not end well for people that value the individual, liberty, or life.
But we’re the ones with guns. And the military will likely side with us.
Just because we will win the ensuing bloodbath Sloop does not mean we will like this whole thing or the results.
I don’t know, I’m looking forward to our Handmaid’s Tale future paradise.
I always find it comforting how this equation rounds the output up in my favor.
They: “I’ve got 20 screaming Nancy’s in facepaint and edgy wardrobe.”
Me: “Cool. I’ve got a (legally registered) 30 caliber Browning machinegun and 3,000 rounds on links – mounted on my pick-up truck”
If I had that I would use it for the morning commute.
You dont need 20 people to get in the HOV lane, sheesh.
I just passively-aggressively ask the proggies questions. What exactly was “hacked”? So you have proof because it was turned over to the FBI? What damaging information was made public exactly?
On the Road to Heaven: Taxation, Conversions, and the Coptic-Muslim Socioeconomic Gap in Medieval Egypt
Self-selection of converts is an under-studied explanation of inter-religion socioeconomic status (SES) differences. Inspired by this conjecture, I trace the Coptic-Muslim SES gap in Egypt to self-selection-on-SES during Egypt’s conversion from Coptic Christianity to Islam. Selection was driven by a poll tax on non-Muslims, imposed from 641 until 1856, which induced poorer Copts to convert to Islam leading Copts to shrink into a better-off minority.
I blame the Jews…
For failing to kill Mo during his early bandit days before he became a warlord?
They really should have killed him instead of laughing him out of town when he declared himself a Jewish prophet (despite not being Jewish).
The SF article said he was held on no bond – had he been released earlier? The SF paper took a defensive tone and provided little information before this arrest.
rape culture?
There was something there earlier where he had been questioned in a couple of them but was not held. It was worded like “we didn’t hold him because we couldn’t be arsed to explain why we were detaining someone here illegally”.
Shit, let me go look for it.
Has a mini Rotterdam feeling to it.
He was probably held on bond until ICE called for him, then “policy” was to turn him loose rather than turn him over.
We had a guy at work that had a bowl of chocolates that he would bait the ladies in to talk with him.
We called him the master-baiter.
I used to keep a bowl of Chocolate on my Desk, then came the Grandkids………….
After a fishing trip where we used a bunch of leeches for bait, my conversation with my 14 year old son went like:
Me: You did pretty good today
Kid: Thanks
Me: I was impressed with how well you learned how to put those leeches on your hook
Kid: yeah, I’m a master of that now
Me: Yeah. A real master of … um, shoot… I can’t remember the name of it… um, what is it called when you put a leech on your hook…. shoot, I’m blanking
Kid: Baiting, I am a master baiter.
Long howls of laughter from me and his younger brother. (the conversation isn’t verbatim, but you get the drift). We can still get Altar Boy #1 pissed if we bring that story up.
Well played there sir.
This is a real place about 10 miles from my house.
Two years ago, I identified as a cisgender queer woman. I was a diehard feminist who claimed intersectionality and assimilated into white hipster culture, which meant that I was oblivious and nonchalant toward the problematic nature of my environment 99% of the time.
All the Wishbone ranch dressing in the world won’t get me through that word salad.
Ah, that’s nothing as far as word salad goes.
It translates as “A lesbian hipster who hadn’t been guilted into self-flagellation yet”
My translator comes up with,”I’m physically and emotionally repulsive so no men will bang me so I’m pretending to be some made up gender to feel better about myself instead of going to a gym and a psychiatrist.”
Your translator needs patching, because those adjectives don’t actually modify the gender which is still ‘woman’, though the implied repugnancy is baked into ‘lesbian hipster’ and ‘diehard feminist’
I am pretty certain that either of those quoted word pairs will act as an incantation which would deflate the most potent human erection in seconds.
I translate it to: “My mind has been irreparably damaged by leftist bullshit. This is a warning, not a distress signal – stay away!.”
I guess a cisgender queer woman is a lesbian who was born a woman? Or does she identify as a person who was born a woman but she actually wasn’t born a woman? I’m having a little bit of trouble following it myself to be honest.
If you look at the verbiage used, you can tell this speaker belongs to the sect who will gleefully glom onto the identifier ‘trans’ if they can get their mitts on it. By their explicit reference to the cis- prefix, they are confessing the sin of being what they were born as – a woman. Wearing the scarlet prefix is part of their pennance for being unwoke, as is this cyber auto de fe.
The professors were accused last year of creating a “hostile academic environment” marked by excessive drinking, favoritism and, at times, inappropriate behavior. In a letter to the Dartmouth community, Hanlon repeated that sexual misconduct and harassment have no place at the Ivy League school. He says the focus is now on making it the best community possible.
So what you’re saying is you want to be an incredibly expensive day care center.
How about burning out the chaff and making it a school?
but drinking, favoritism and, at times, inappropriate behavior sounds like it IS the best community possible
Do you honestly think that’s what I was talking about by ‘chaff’ in a purportedly academic setting? That’s been there since the middle ages.
The Ivies only have ‘chaff’ though. Their undergraduate student body is made up almost entirely of worthless legacies and more worthless affirmative action cases. Admittedly many of them have legitimate graduate schools though.
I’m just thinking of Animal House 2020 and who will play the hip/creepy professor that Donald Sutherland played.
“Did we quit when the Russians did 9/11?!”
I just assumed Donald Sutherland would play him.
Well I’ll be damned, I thought he was dead for some reason.
Good for him…
Yesterday was his 83rd birthday.
Glenn Howerton. And he will teach the D.E.N.N.I.S. system.
“I’m still expecting papers from some of you……look, I’m not joking! This is my job!”
“Can I buy some pot from you?”
The Express doesn’t want to let me in. Bummer. Now I’ll never know how much danger I’m in.
“America needs some better diplomacy to get the North Korea nuclear disarmament plan back on track. And I can think of nothing that could possibly be better than this. Oh, please make this happen!”
This can work. Kanye just needs to convince Kim.
‘Listen up here, my man, you ain’t doin it right. These skinny Korean girls, they half starved ya know. I’m talking bout the THICC!’.
This can work.
Sacha Baron Cohen, crime-fighting Obama show why satire is a dying art under Trump
Umm what?
Satire is dying because the SJWs have either banned it or made it redundant.
Speaking of satire, I’m torn between doing a “Petition of the Fuckstick Makers” or “The Broken Hyman Fallacy”. Any requests?
I loved his Ali G show so I checked out his new show last night. Similar stuff but wasn’t as funny. Mostly bashing him nuts but he did mock Bernie as well
I didn’t find his work funny even then. There was nothing clever or even smirk-inducing in what I could stand to sit through. Though I admit I was driven to find something else pretty darn quickly out of annoyance.
Bashing gun nuts lol
all guns are male, so they have nuts.
Billion dollar idea, take those truck nuts idiots hang on their hitch, add it to a trigger lock and make Gun Nuts TM
It’s too bad they don’t allow comments.
But this is a good illustration on how the left operates.
The idea that satire is ‘dead’ preceded Trump. I don’t think it’s much of a secret or hard to discern that it’s progressives who have bludgeoned this art form to death but then they do what they do best: Blame someone else.
It’s like the campus thing. They go around shutting down speakers, sometimes violently attacking people they disagree with, disrupt classes, enact censorious and discriminatory practices in the name of ‘justice’ and ‘equality’, curb free speech, create safe spaces etc., and then have the temerity to say conservatives are ‘just as bad’ the second they defend themselves in the face of their madness calling them ‘snowflakes’ in the process.
Progs have become humourless, illiterate pricks and project that onto conservatives and Trump.
If satire is dead, they killed it. Just like they put the final nail in liberalism.
I like the part in the article where Cohen poses as a leftist having dinner with a couple of 2016 Trump delegates and the couple turns out to be…. gracious.
I’m surprised he let that go to air.
Inclusion and acceptance do not equal redistribution and reparations.
Not everyone is a winner.
Your mileage may vary.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Satisfaction guaranteed or double your garbage back.
Ma-Deuce 50 caliber – the one size that fits all
but drinking, favoritism and, at times, inappropriate behavior sounds like it IS the best community possible
That’s what I was looking for when I went to college.
Cultural alignment can make bedfellows out of autocracy and literacy
Can less democratic forms of government lead to higher literacy rates? This column uses a sample of over 4,000 individuals from military archives in Portugal to show that an autocracy can have greater educational success than a democracy if it has closer cultural alignment with the preferences of the masses. This understanding has implications for development policy in poor countries today.
wow. WTF? Really?
Also unsurprising that autocratic shitholes with a propaganda ministry have a vested interest in making sure the proles can effectively access all forms of propaganda.
At the risk of going all Moldbug, democracy is only tangentially related to metrics of liberal success.
I call Authentic Frontier Gibberish, WTF is Cultural alignment, everybody in Africa has rhythm? All Americans are Racist?
all French are cowards?
Cultural alignment, – in the paaper an example is republic before autocrats tried to impose co-educational schools and people did not like it. autocrats made girls and boys schools and people liked it more.
Given the differences in the way girls and boys learn, segregated schools would have better average outcomes. You could easily set up partner institutions which host coeducational events for socialization, but have the academic and athletic sides tailored to the proclivities of the students.
I’m literally shaking after reading that.
Cause it’s so awesome!
My. God. Absolutely segregate the sexes. I’d say that they should be integrated for a certain part of the day, however. I think that “Learning that the opposite sex is fucking crazy and you will never truly understand how they think or behave” is a subject that I do want kids to be exposed to.
The current system is just appalling, and I don’t don’t even have to deal with hormones in my classes. It is tailor made for the girls, who can sit and focus and get shit done.
The boys, while in no way less or more gifted on average, just CAN. NOT. DO. IT. I have some kids that I just want to fucking slap. (Duh, I never do. You know what I mean shitlords.) I get through it knowing that they *physically* cannot sit still long enough. They need to be taken for a 5 mile jog before the school day begins.
That’s one thing that I’ve learned teaching. There are good kids and bad kids, when it comes to behavior. I can tell the kids who legit cannot control themselves and mean no harm, and the malicious little fucks who know *exactly* what they’re doing. I wish I could do a longitudinal study and see how these groups differentiated in 15 years.
It’s not surprising that an agrarian, rural society would be able to increase literacy by forcibly pulling the kids out of the fields and sticking them in school. Beyond those kinds of basics though I seriously doubt autocracy is beneficial.
COMPULSORY public education probably does have better literacy outcomes than just letting the people who can afford a tutor learn to read. What that says about the society is an open question.
The idea I think is that the government before also tried compulsory public education, just with less success and not just due to coercion but due to the type of reforms they tried.
Literacy rates were sky high in colonial and early republican America.
IMO, that’s a legacy of the harder sorts of protestants that settled much of colonial and early America, more than anything else. Just like hotbed of Presbyterianism Scotland had higher literacy rates than much wealthier England did for 200 years – it aligned culturally with the protestant milieu and emphasis on bible study
Yes, of course it can. Cuba had very high rates of literacy compared to other Latin American countries. They also starved their own economy to do it, and had a nasty habit of machine gunning groups that read the wrong types of books in the wrong kinds of buildings (bibles, churches). So… yay literacy!
SJWednesday: Self-Loathing Is Unattractive Edition
“And if you’re a man, you’re likely uncomfortable reading it.”
Wrong, I will not be reading it, you mentally deranged little pussy.
Awesome. The article is about a book on masculinity written by a woman. Seems legit.
Reminds me of Al Gore bringing in some chick to teach him to be more alpha, or something.
Good ol’ Naomi Wolf.
Possibly the only good-looking professional feminist.
He’s not “Most” young Men, Most young Men would Laugh and mock him til he cried, or kick his ass. He? is a Pussy.
Even worse, it’s a woman, apparently, lol.
Let’s see if it works the other way. The problem with all you women is…
There you go shitlord…
But soldier on. Man up.
Who is propagating outdated versions of masculinity here?
That was painful to read.
It’s a matter of survival that we learn how to move forward and tamper down our emotions. If a building is on fire, you don’t have the time or luxury to worry about your pain. You need to react. If an intruder is in your home, the last thing you should do is feel fear. This is the biological deal we have. Men are the first to fight, first to die, and the last to be comforted. The trade of is that we can write our name in the snow with our piss, so that’s a pretty fair deal.
“But soldier on. Man up. Because being uncomfortable is likely going to be par for the course for men for the rest of our natural lives, and how we process our cultural anxiety will impact our families for generations to come.”
Oh, the irony and arrogance of that fucken sentence.
Something tells me I’m not going to ever have a “9mm vs. 45 ACP” discussion with this “rudderless” male.
It’s neither a friend nor foe. Not even prey. Much closer to societal roadkill as far as I’m concerned.
I like the .45
My reason? it’s not metric.
Thomas Jefferson narrows his gaze.
40 some-odd years ago I read a letter to some gun magazine from a reader. The reader had been a Sherman tank driver in 1944 when he found himself the lone survivor of his crew. Making his way back to what he hoped would be friendly lines with nothing but a Colt 45 automatic.
He was stepping out into an opening in the hedge groves when he heard somebody shooting at him – so he aimed and fired a round at his adversary who crumpled and fell. He walked over to the man he had just shot and as he bent over to pick up the Luger which had been fired at him he realized that he had been shot through the chest.
So, basically, each of them took one round through the chest of the other’s issue ammo. The guy with the 45 went home with the other guy’s Luger as a trophy.
that kraut’s soul also went to Hell.
Trump makes mundane proposal that should be met with shrugs.
Leftists go apeshit:
“It’s gonne be the top of the line, top in the world.”
The bigliest, classiest, most planiest plane any plane ever was. Believe me. We’re looking at possibly extending the plane to make it even yuger, for the maximum amount of winning. Believe it.
I’m going to be disappointed if it doesn’t have a gold toilet.
And now, we are suspended, rudderless, between our long history of male privilege and the newer, more diverse masculinities emerging from decades of social and economic upheaval.
Speak for yourself, Lucille.
More details have come out about the story from last week of Minnesoda deputies heroically preventing a suicide (sure they prevented the suicide by killing the kid instead).
Doesn’t look good for the cops. The kid had a hatchet and a “handgun-style BB gun” when he fled his home and was shot by the deputies. Maybe that could be forgiven if the cops hadn’t flushed the kid from his house in the first place.
I guess just camping outside the house and trying to de-escalate was out of the question. They had places to go and dogs to kill, couldn’t hang out all day at some kid’s house.
Every crisis negotiator they hire is 3 tactical cops they can’t outfit.
OldCop: “I don’t think the new crisis negotiator is working out”
Cpt: “You’re not allowed to say things like that. It might hurt xir feelings.”
Guy on ledge: “Do you have anyone other than this blue-haired chick, she’s creeping me out”
CN: “Look, I didn’t assume your gender or pronouns. We need to discuss your language before we get to this crisis of masculinity you’re exposing the poor women in the crowd to.”
OldCop: “Fuck this noise, I’ve got enough to file for retirement.”
Well, there wasn’t a gunman shooting people so it was safe to go in.
Didn’t these guys watch ‘Lethal Weapon’ on how to handle suicide attempts?
You wanna jump? You REALLY wanna jump? OK, let’s jump!
A Chanhassan boy named “Archer.” Sounds like the least dangerous victim you could imagine.
Found a large roach in the kitchen this morning. I think the cats played with it until it died. I am already a the “burn it down and start over” mindset. I don’t do roaches.
House? you can Bomb and use DE. Apartment/attached housing? You’re fucked, oh and, burn your furniture as well
House. Asked a friend who does pest control. He said it likely came from outside as opposed to in my groceries. Which reminds me that I do need to replace a weather strip on one of my doors.
Remember that the one creature everyone agrees would survive a nuclear apocalypse is the roach, and you should be able to put into perspective your battle against that critter. Besides, if you are smart, you can ,, and become our Glib Elon Musk.
Code fail.
Also – cockroach milk? How do they attach the hoses to their little nipples?
I say ask Ben Stiller.
Link fail.. HEPL edit fairy!
Don’t care if it was deliberate or accidental.
Boric acid powder. Sprinkle it around outer doorways and any cracks under your sinks. That stuff kills them and any of their friends who come to nibble on the remains. It has no effect on mammals (think citric acid) but bugs cannot become immune to it.
And Combat. You have to put those traps out wherever those demons crawl.
Diatomaceous earth also works.
But that just looks like dirt.
With Boric Acid, people will wonder why you’re sprinking meth or cocaine around your house.
Hell, if it kills every one of those 6-legged monsters I don’t care if my neighbors “think” I am sacrificing newborns to Baal on a fire. They can kiss my ass.
large (1-2″) reddish black roach is the American and probably came from outside. the little (1cm-2cm) German roaches which are browny tan with two brown stripes running lengthwise are prolific breeders and love indoors. if it’s the German, then move out and don’t take your couches with you. American can be killed with chemical traps and boric acid under your appliances.
I keep telling you all: Dennis Rodman is going to win the nobel peace prize.
Will he have the lowest kill rate of anyone to ever win?
Norman Borlaug?
They gave him one? Wow. That’s the only deserving one I can think of.
Wait, I thought they killed off the Noble for fear they might have to give it to Orange Cheetoh?
Well, I hope Rodman wins it, then he gets to feel the full hate of the left as he gets called Putin’s porch nigga, etc.
Paging HM!
I mean, uh, heh, sayyy, everyone should click that link.
I suspect that’s a bit much even for him.
Jesus. Attention whore doesn’t like it when she gets attention.
Fat and miserable is no way to go through life.
They ruined her play for victimhood. No matter, she’s going with Plan B.
Well, that was a complete waste of time, but at least it was written in a facile enough style to be skimmed through in about 20 seconds, so I do have something positive to say about it……which is nice.
Ctrl+F: roll you in flour
I am disappoint.
I was thinking. We Glibs need a secret handshake, or code word, or signal, so that we can identify each other in the wild. You know, like the Van Buren gang. Maybe a phrase: “The owl flies at midnight,” or something. “Fuck off, slaver” might work too.
What about “Show me the Thicc!”?
Ehh, I can see too many situations where that phrase might come up in normal conversation.
“it was Aliens”
No, I watch alien shows when I need a pick-me-up and the tweet about it.
Don’t tell me what to do!
i use that one every day, too Jewish.
We are talking about a shibboleth here. I don’t see how being (((too))) is at issue.
Blazing Saddles reference?
/Humor much?
Ooh, how about “Where the white women at!?”
My cri du cuer!
I assume that I am not more than one contact away from anyone who says “fuck off, slaver”.
“Molon labe” would be my choice.
Too common.
Not if it is branded across the chest
I’m not a fan ob body modification….
And I’d prefer it if most of the Glibs kept their shirts on, thank you very much.
If we have another civil war over this shit I will make exactly that brand just to be sure that nobody mis-identifies my corpse.
And anybody who accepts a rifle and ammo from me (I’ve got plenty to hand out) will wear the same brand in payment. If they won’t wear the brand I know they won’t stand when it matters.
So if they wear your mark they’re free to come and take your guns?
“Hi! My name’s Tulpa.”
Winner! Can’t be missed!
And this is my brother Tulpa, and my other brother Tulpa?
Is it tool-pah or Tulsa with a p?
“To be sure….”
SP is investigating temporary tattoos reading “Fuck off, slaver!” with the Glibs logo. They’re actually pretty cheap so we’d put them in the merch area.
Where’s the “Fuck You, Cut Spending” bumper sticker?
SF’d the link.
The duck has left the pond, hold my beer.
I think this is a Fair assessment of Russian/American affairs at the moment,
“I’m no Russophile. I’m an old Cold Warrior. I don’t like Putin. I don’t even like Dostoevsky (he invents improbable characters to suit his theological agenda) or Tolstoy (Pierre Bezukhov and Anna Karenina bore me). I don’t especially like Tchaikovsky or Mussorgsky.”
Yeh, but does he like bears on tricycles?
Fuck Cheney, Clinton, and all of their cohorts. I’d like to turn them over to the Iraqi and Libyan governments.
Obama seemed to take incompetence to a new level in the region. Such a fucking great chess player him.
Wow, this is some Propaganda right here
I’m still looking for the magic word, Socialism, haven’t seen it yet…………………….
Seems they just had the wrong guy (Chavez) in charge but they might just get it right next time.
Collectivism is evil. Be it every miserably failed attempt at communism, the hard fascism of Mussolini and Hitler, or the soft fascism of the modern left (which just destroys a persons ability to make a living instead of killing them). They all end in a tyrannical credentialed elite upper class lording it over the plebes. And just because these evil systems have switched from outright killing off their enemies to just destroying them financially, doesn’t make them less evil.
They say it works, but have no examples, none at all, so how does it Work?
/socialism is for ‘Tards
Uffda. I’m a bit late with this news, but I missed it during the holiday excitement.
The Public Utilities Commission in Minnesoda has approved the replacement of a new oil pipeline.
A few humorous things to point out before we get into the silly/depressing season of ‘Standing Rock’ type protests.
1) The final route is not the one the oil company wanted. Their first choice was a route that avoided indian reservations. After shit tons of protesting by the indians, a judge ruled that they should use the original route because the environmental impacts are known. The compromise route does cut through one bit of a reservation. So the indians’ protests fucked them.
2) I never get tired of Winona LaDuke. She’s from the res I grew up next to and even the local indians think she is a jackass. By far more loved by the proggies than anyone in her tribe.
3) The protesters’ arguments are double plus funny.
Electricity comes from Walls, that’s why the outlets are there, as opposed to the ceiling, Duh!
the fact that so many of the SJW think this way for real is disheartening.
Batteries are renewable energy, duh, because when they run out you just plug them into a charger and they’re new again. Don’t be a science denier!
Wind mill energy is transported through magic, much better than messy oil
+1 Leyden Jar, Lightning in a Bottle!
So the indians’ protests fucked them.
Isn’t it all about clawing out payola anyway? No tribe doesn’t want a pipeline, they just want a payout for it.
So can the anti-fracking whackos I suppose. I’m sure they’ll also find a way to blame the emergence of a 100-ft fissure in Yellowstone on the oil industry.
Like methane in the ground water, the volcano has been there for ages. But it is, of course, all the fault of ‘Big Oil’.
Chicago has some great ideas. Brokest-Ass City in the Brokest-Ass State Wants to Go Brokier
It will work this time. Finland just didn’t have the guts to go through with it.
What could possibly go wrong with giving freeloaders money for doing nothing?
“Chicago alderman Ameya Pawar recently proposed legislation that would provide 1,000 families with a $500 monthly stipend — no questions asked.”
And the identity of those lucky 1,000 is….
“Any relations to alderman and high-ranking city officials is completely coincidental”
How is this not bribing the electorate?
The same way Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare, Social Security and every other “social” program isn’t – it is.
The most appalling thing about this is it completely flies in the face of what UBI was originally conceived as in theory. The idea was to replace inefficient welfare programs with direct cash payments to sort of “cut out the middle man”. This proposal will do no such thing. Instead it will just pile cash on top of the benefits people already receive.
Right. And this is a “pilot program.” What do they hope to find out from the pilot program? “The results are in. People like to receive $500, no questions asked. Success!”
Taxing the Poor to Give to the Bureaucrat?
In the rich world, even in the United States, government tax and transfer systems like welfare payments reduce the gap between rich and poor. But a new effort to produce comparable data on the equity of fiscal spending around the world reveals that in the world’s poorest countries, taxes are less progressive, financial transfers are much smaller, and—with the bulk of social spending soaked up by broken health and education systems—the net effect is often to leave people poorer than they started.
Government destroying wealth? I don’t believe it.
Our welfare system is set up – to quote Pelosi – to buy votes from idiots that are happy to get “crumbs” while providing the political class a massive opportunity for graft.
San Francisco Begins Registering Illegal Aliens To Vote
Does it matter? Could they fuck the place up any more?
Beginning? They’ve been doing it for a long time.
That’s a major slap in the face to property tax payers and almost equivalent to stuffing the ballot box.
If the SF electorate doesn’t raise a mob to collect some blood from the city council, then they get what they deserve.
Remember, California accounted for the entire difference in the popular vote in 2016.
How many of those were not technically supposed to cast ballots in that election?
There are no illegals voting…
CA allows illegals to get a drivers license. Anyone with a drivers license in CA can vote.
Blue tsunami comin’
But Pelosi has many fervent defenders who respect her prowess, especially as a tactician and fundraiser, and contend that the usual Republican attacks will fail in ‘18 – because this year is historically unique. Veteran progressive organizer Steve Rosenthal, a former AFL-CIO political director and former deputy political director at the Democratic National Committee, told me:
“I may be in the distinct minority among people on the left, but the President of the United States may have committed treason (in Helsinki) and we could well be facing a constitutional crisis. For the sake of the country, Democrats need the A-Team on the field…I’ve spent a lifetime working in the trenches of Democratic campaigns. Voters don’t care about who the leaders are in Congress. They care about the problems they face every day, and they care about the integrity of our country. Democrats have a very solid case to make on the economy and as the Trump offenses continue to mount, if we can’t make this an election about the future of our very democracy, then shame on us. Plus, in this election, women may well be the deciding vote in many of these districts and Pelosi is the highest ranking woman ever in our history.”
Those Rethuglitard shitheads are going to do everything they can to tie Nancy Pelosi around the Democrats’ necks and throw them in the river, but it won’t work. She’s a savvy operator; a pro’s pro. Those idiot Republikkins try to falsely slander and demonize her at every opportunity. And besides, Trump is a traitorous fiend who eats babies for lunch and steals from the poor to give to the rich. He’s on outsider who has made a mockery of American democracy.
A democracy that routinely puts up clowns like Pelosi deserves every bit of mockery it gets.
Why do I have no natural immunity to the stupid click bait articles that LinkedIn spams me with? Why can’t I quit you!
The one I caved to today is How to write an effective self review. The topic is stupid, the comments are stupider.
Question for the mob: How much fucking navel gazing do you guys do in regards to your career? For my part it is almost none. Day to day, I tend to focus on the projects I am assigned to. Strategically, I am fine with moving to a new company every few years as I get bored with old jobs (and am lured away by people who know me to other companies).
* At a job a while back the company had big bonuses and an enormously complex system set up to manage them. Every quarter you were supposed to do a self-review and readjust your goals. And everyone took it very seriously. People would spend several days doing their reviews. My strategy was to always give myself a 5 (out of 5) on every assessment. When HR confronted me about this and demanded that I take it more seriously, my response was that there was no way I was going to do anything that would assist them in taking money out of my bonus. If they felt my assessment was incorrect, they could try this thing called “managing” and do their own assessment.
The best thing about it was that my immediate manager was my old partner from our start up (we had been bought by this company) who was too lazy to do any managing so he just rubberstamped my assessment. The other review was his boss who was also the CEO (who was too busy to give a shit). So I always got 100% of my bonus. It drove HR nuts.
I recently actually spent a lot of time doing this because I was dating a Chinese tiger mom that was all about this status shit. she was desperate to steer me into management because she saw techies like me not getting paid the really big bucks to jockey Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint slides because I was actually busy doing real work. i did realize that I am way underpaid – especially if you consider the value I add compared to the paper pushers – but the system is definitely rigged to reward the management class.
I generally use mine to take a look at what certifications are hot, which are realistic without much effort, and make some progress towards them. What has usually happened is we get busy as fuck and when the next review comes up, I say, I didn’t achieve this because you had me billing 50+ hours/week. I think this engagement has some significant built-in downtime, so I am going to actually try to recertify on M$ stuff to keep my resume sexy.
That was what always happened to me too. I am always shifted to projects that have turned into a disaster because I am good at fixing them. So whatever stupid goals I wrote down in Fall of YYYY never got worked on because I was too busy hauling fat out of the fire.
Only one company tried to hold that against me. I left them about two weeks after that happened. The worst part of it was that they were as happy to see me go as I was to leave. Even though I turned around several projects for them, I ruffled a lot of feathers and that company would rather have failed projects than unhappy workers.
that company would rather have failed projects than unhappy workers.
That’s a good way to get both. Nothing destroys morale like project death spirals in my experience. “Why am I going to work on this project that will never go live, we all know it won’t go live, and nobody cares?” Of course, I, like you, leave companies when I get bored or stuck in those death spirals. I assume that says something about my motivation that isn’t necessarily true about everyone.
“The one I caved to today is How to write an effective self review.”
You just copy and paste whatever bullshit you made up last year. Duh!
Did you notice that most of the comments from those articles are from women? Not to generalize, but I think women like the whole review process a lot better than men do. It lets them be catty on work time.
Maybe. I think its more like the difference between the way I’ve watched my wife approach school and the way I always did.
Me: What’s the minimum time solution for finishing this particular assignment based on my interest and grade needed?
Her: How much time do I have to spend to get the highest grade possible?
If these are generally normal traits for our sex, I see why women excel in school and I excel at project work.
Every class I’d look at the syllabus and go “How much can I afford to not do and still pass?” because so much of the required coursework felt like filler that existed to justify the professor’s paycheck.
It’s not that I didn’t care about learning. I still love learning, and there were more than a few courses where the only thing that stoped me from having the maximum possible score was a typo on one assignment. (In a programming class, that matters).
It’s also why I managed to pass a database course with a B while being unable to wrote more SQL than “SELECT count(*) FROM table;”
This attitude has bitten me in the ass often. In life generally I tend to disregard things I find boring, stupid, or pointless in favor of things I find interesting, or valuable, or well-planned. So in school I’ve excelled in subjects I enjoyed, like history, and squeaked by mathematics, and I’ve done well in classes where I felt like the instructor was engaged and interesting and poorly in classes where I felt like the instructor was wasting my time, or a martinet, or, frankly, not very smart.
“Not to generalize, but I think women like the whole review process a lot better than men do. It lets them be catty on work time.”
Let’s just be honest, women are going to find time to get catty, no matter what. You put them in space with other women, claws are coming out. I remember 2 ladies I used to work with, both of them very nice when I talked to them one on one. But you put the two of them together in a room, ”rrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeaaarrrrrr!’ *claws pop out*. I mean nothing led up to it, it was just instantaneous, they were at it. Lol, that was amusing while it lasted.
But I also notice that women seem to prefer non-work a lot more than men do. I mean anytime there’s some silly ritual, or silly training, or whatever type of non-work humans can create, there are always some females who seem delighted by it, while you can tell most guys are just putting up with it, but really do not want to be there. I mean, if I’m at work, I’d just prefer to do my work. If there’s no real work, I’m ready to GTFO of there already.
Sweet Cheebus, last place I worked at had all of these committees formed by the office manager.
Would you like to join the safety, wellness, health, building beautification, or fun committee? No. No I would not.
“Would you like to join the safety, wellness, health, building beautification, or fun committee? No. No I would not.”
I was talking with a female coworker the other day about the fact that most of the women in the department have left for other jobs, and she mentioned needing more non-work stuff in the office. It was implied that my male privilege was being exposed when I said that all I wanted was to do my work and go home.
I do it a lot, but I’m in a very atypical spot. I’ve been in my position for over a decade since I got out of grad school, and I may very well retire here. There is no promotion for me here, but I do receive pay increases on par with someone who’s moved jobs for a better title a couple times.
The reason I do a lot of navel gazing is because the kind of work-life I lead is very dependent on the kinds of clients I work for. So I set my goals and develop client relationships that fit those goals. Since I’m in a fairly small cohort here, and we are the only group in the world doing what we do, I can fill up my day with whatever kind of work I can convince our clients is worth their $$. I’ve made significant changes to my workload type and working conditions this way, which I couldn’t do if i wasn’t planning out my goals and the steps to get there.
/goes back to never talking about work.
I spend a lot of time trying to advance my career. It’s difficult for me to jump since my current company lets me work completely from home, which is unusual in my field.
I’d estimate my salary would double, at minimum, if I left and worked for Big Pharma. I’d rather keep working from home though.
It’s almost like there’s a trade-off between career vs home. I get a laugh reading about those sex discrimination articles about women in the workplace who didn’t get their promotion after taking 2 years maternity leave. I don’t understand why this concept is so difficult for so many to understand.
Two years strikes me as excessive. What did they do, step out the moment the pregnancy test came back positive? Or did they stay out until the kid was running around and figured they needed a break so they went back to work.
I’ll bet it’s the latter. I know more than one mother who planned to stay at home or work from home for their first kid and lasted about a month before they signed that sucker up for daycare and got back to the office.
There’s been a loud push to bring Sweden’s 480 day maternity leave policy here. The 480 days is also extendable if you make a request for certain reasons.
My BIL gets something like 6 months paternity leave at his company (a large bank). He told me that he’ll probably take the entire thing when they have a kid.
My thought has always been if someone can take a month off, then their position either isn’t really needed or, alternatively, their absence is seriously harming the company. When my #3 comes next year, I’ll be taking one week off and then work half hours for another week or two. All of which will come out of my vacation days.
I’m still waiting for people to realize my main function is as an information switchboard. If people actually tried to retain the information I give them, most of my daily tasks evaporate.
A huge part of my job is telling people how to solve problems. After decades of doing coding in numerous languages/technologies on all platforms, I have a vast amount of information. Coupled with a keen sense of problem solving, I can help people cut tasks they would need days to do to hours or minutes. I guess that is why they want to pigeonhole me into an architect role with management requirements (have fought that last part tooth & nail).
For me, I just had visits with the two biggest corporate big-wigs from my angle on the industry (my upper, dotted lines to the top) – and they brought in two global level consultants as advisors.
After I had schooled both consultants on how things work in my local culture and legal/political framework (Japan) – often interpreting/translating on the fly with real-time issues – there was no discussion about my capabilities to do my job.
Total, demonstrated competence is the best form of job security.
Competence is not job security. You may not be in one of these places, but I would like to point to LJW’s story from yesterday about the “corporate levelling” of title and remuneration bands. Management does stupid things, and that can include deciding that “competent is too expensive” or “managing different people is hard”.
The Peter Principle is what I’m banking on for my retirement.
I hope not, you can’t get a good interest rate on your principle these dyas.
I am lucky that in my industry my competence is somewhat rare – rarer still for the location – just as the situation related to my field has made it obviously more necessary. A confluence of strong changes are pushing my industry to value exactly the skills I bring – exactly where I work – in high relief.
The only downside is that they need me to deliver faster than humanly possible.
Is that Marco Rubio’s luxury yacht?
You will know when you see it. It has the name ‘Havanah RINO’ on the side.
A conversation had at every comic book company.
“Sales numbers are really bad again this year.”
“Do you think it would help if we tossed in some heavy handed political commentary that targets half the potential audience?”
“Sure, but make sure it’s in a comic for kids. Oh, let’s also make sure that we have some bad art and a confusing story.”
“I’m on it!”
Exhibit A and B. It’s from a He-Man/DC heroes crossover, where He Man has been replaced by a robot. Or something.
You will love this, then.
But that’s the good kind of lesbian. The hot red-head inside a leather body suit. The kind of lesbian I can get behind. And by get behind I mean…..
Truly you are the master of the single entendre.
Look. There is this thing called the internet. Teenage boys don’t need comics to see hot chicks with big boobs in skin tight clothes anymore.
Get over it. You and Sears catalog are yesterday’s jam.
It’s worse than that. They literally wrote for no one. The target customer is a person thow doesn’t care about storytelling, character, art, literature, comic books, legacy, or value, but who will buy comic books for the sake of the political message contained therein. People who buy comic books care about one (or more) of the categories.
There may be something to that. Fine art went the way of the political/philosophical statement a century ago. Why wouldn’t comic books follow suit?
So when is fine art actually going to get there?
Thing is, there are some great comics still being written. I would make an argument that there are better artists and writers than in the past. What’s really needed is a better editorial direction. I couldn’t imagine an editor of the past, like Jim Shooter, allowing 90% of the crap that’s published today.
If you are a customer, and you’re used to a certain failure rate. Even say, forty to sixty percent crap, with some of the failures being at least tolerable, how quickly would you turn away from a 90% failure rate with the failure being absolute shit?
That’s…. that’s…. just bad. Really bad.
If that was written by Robert Kirkman or Brian Clevinger I would read the fuck out of that.
I was just going down rabbit holes and decided to check out Seth Rich’s wiki again. In it, I found the saddest and most fittingly Leftist tribute that was paid to him by the DNC.
I mean….this is just sad.
Upon my untimely demise, I trust my memory will be remembered with a much more badass memorial. It should very much resemble this. . I need more sexual fawning out of the damsel and I should be standing on a mountain of the skulls of
the St Louis Cardinalsmy enemies.A bike rack where you get shot in the head and your bike doesn’t get stolen.
The only thing more retarded than a WaPo writer is a WaPo commenter.
I judge a paper by the quality and content of its commenters.
I go to NYT and WaPo for comedy relief.
‘Stossel’ on plastic straw bans:
Notice the prog with his ‘gentle guiding hand of government’ line. How banning a straw qualifies as such only a retard prog can understand.
I’d like some more research into Kristen Tate.
And lower the QoL for everyone.
Can’t talk, researchin’
Fake news, Robby Soave didn’t make the list.
Schmoobs is disappoint
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to demand that members of President Trump’s national security team who were with him at the summit with Vladimir Putin appear before Congress to testify under oath…
“Yesterday’s summit was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory,” he said, quoting Sen. John McCain..
“I’m ashamed of it. Every American should be. No previous president would be that naive or that weak. No serious leader would allow themselves to be taken in so easily,” Schumer said.
The Minority Leader said there are “five simple things” the Senate can do. He demands:
-Trump’s national security team testify before Congress about the private discussions in Helsinki
-Trump stop attacking the Justice Department, the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller
-Trump call for the extradition of the 12 Russians named in an indictment to the United States to stand trial
-The Senate increase sanctions on Russia
-Congress pass legislation to secure U.S. elections
I’m still not sure what crime was committed. They keep saying “meddled” without definition. If “meddling” is criminal and it consists of shit-posting on the internet then we are all guilty.
They won’t be happy with anything short of war.
And then they will bitch at Trump for getting us into a war when people start dying.
If shitposting on Facebook is meddling, then what Teddy Kennedy did should have resulted in his public execution.
None call it treason.
I’m curious about the “secure U.S. elections” part. I don’t really think our elections are not secure. Unless he means “Congress pass legislation to secure U.S. elections for Democratic candidates”.
Our elections are far from secure – most states do nothing to make sure the people voting are who they claim to be, are eligable to vote, and have not already voted in another district.
I’m not sure that’s what he meant…
He’s either lying or bought the propaganda, but he’s trying to say the Russians hacked the election in a literal sense, even though it never happened. Russia MAY have hacked the DNC, not the election, but they’ve muddled the terms to trick people because they are dishonest scumbags.
He’s fairly intelligent so I doubt he’s buying what he’s selling.
I doubt he ever takes truthfulness in account. You gotta keep the tantrum going or the kids pass out and take a nap.
From what we know now, it seems like hacking the DNC involved nothing more than typing DNC.org in a browser.
secure U.S. elections for Democratic candidates
That’s what their anti-voterID stance is for.
Political strategists HATE that I can fix our elections with these two weird tricks:
1) Mandatory voter ID
2) Paper ballots
If non-citizens can vote with drivers license, then ID isn’t enough.
Doesn’t matter if they can legally get one or not. They make fake ones. And with cities all over the country just right out saying they’re going to let illegals vote, is there any doubt it’s already happening?
You could run E-Verify.
“Congress pass legislation to secure U.S. elections”
I don’t think that’s necessary since no one has suggested that the Election equipment had any problems. Or is he talking about Illegals voting. Come on Trump, there is a great trolling opportunity here.
It’s as if they don’t understand 444D Chess.
Hey, Jimbo, have you seen this?
“Yesterday’s summit was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory,” he said, quoting Sen. John McCain.
The reasoning behind this claim is not actually self-evident to me. Would someone like to attempt an explanation? Is it because Trump failed to stab Putin with a poison-tipped umbrella? Was he supposed to rendition Putin to Gitmo, so as to force him to spill the beans about the Crime of the Century.
He’s mean to allies and nice to Putin. How that’s treason is anyone’s guess, but that’s why they are “angry” (massive quotation marks). They are willfully ignorant of Trumps standard, non-controversial sales techniques to butter up some costumers and hard sell others.
What allies would that be? The Eurotards? Hah, they haven’t been allies for a long time, unless you count mooching off of us for military protection, as allies. It’s one of those one sided relationships.
I remember this one guy when I had a kiosk at the mall, he had a kiosk a few kiosks down from me. He always came over and talked to me on slow days. Then one day I was leaving and realized my truck battery was dead because I left the lights on. So going back inside, I see he’s still there. So I asked him for a jump, I had cables. So he says ‘You ain’t gettin none of my battery!’ I was like, wtf? I said ‘dude, you leave your car running, it’s not going to drain your battery at all’. He said ‘Buy a new car like I do, you won’t have problems!’. I said ‘I left my lights on… ok, fuck it’. Found someone to give me a jump. A couple of months later, the guy needed me to help him and his bud move something heavy. I said ‘You ain’t getting none of my back, get a new back!’. So he says ‘Come on man, we’re buds! I’m your old friend!’. I said nothing.
“What allies would that be? The Eurotards? Hah, they haven’t been allies for a long time, unless you count mooching off of us for military protection, as allies. It’s one of those one sided relationships.”
The kind of “allies” the left likes? If we go by the Obama years that means the Iranians, Russians, Norks, and Cubans were “allies”, while the Israelis, Brits, and the Americans (the ones that didn’t want a fundamental change), were treated like shit.
sales techniques to butter up some
I’ve tried to explain to those suffering from TDS that his being “chummy” with or “admiring” dictators is just him blowing smoke to try to get them to do what he wants. Likewise, our so-called allies require a different, tough love tactic to achieve results.
It’s only acceptable if he’s fawning and obsequious and apologizes for even being there.
He was supposed to go to a foreign nation and publicly accuse Putin of election meddling so effective that it resulted in his own victory with no hard evidence to be found to that end.
John McCain, a war-mongering sack of shit to the bitter end.
“John McCain, a war-mongering sack of shit to the bitter end”
+1 sack of shit
“Would you say this is more or less treasonous than the Keating scandal, Senator?”
McCain is a sociopathic egomaniac. He couldn’t run fast enough to sell out his co-conspirators in the Keating scandal.
If I were Trump I’d be enacting tariffs on shit imported from Viet Nam. John McCain, for example.
Is it too late to send him back?
-Congress pass legislation to secure U.S. elections
A massive effort to digitize all polling and collect it in a central location to be tallied would definitely make our electoral process more secure, right?
Oh, absolutely
/DNC apparatchik
Certainly will help the DNC candidates know where to set up the carloads of ballots they need to reverse close elections.
RE: Illegal immigrant rapist scum
Are they sure he wasn’t just having undocumented sex with a sanctuary vagina?
It was ok in his culture, so we have to respect it. If you want to rape, plunder, and kill indiscriminately, just walk across the border, sneak back over as Muhammed Something Something, and you too can be a pirate, arrgh!
Regardless of immigration status, give these tits a green card stat!
Trying to figure out it #34’s tattoo is an ejaculation target (rule 34 and all).
Why do they hold the phone in front of their face?
Reverse burka. They are OK letting you see anything but their face.
Helps with banging the but-her-faces…
G-d invented paper bags for a reason.
RE: The talking heads currently having meltdown #3,247 over Trump.
I’m not really sure what they think they’re accomplishing with this. I was listening to right-wing Bubba radio yesterday and they were playing a clip from CNN with some DNC assclown basically admitting that the all outrage all the time has backfired now that Trump really has done something OH SO TEWWWWIBLE. I will give said assclown credit for recognizing that persuadable voters have, I think, mostly tuned it all out by now. You can’t cry wolf every week for almost 2 years and expect to be taken seriously.
However, I don’t know what Trump did that’s so exceptionally awful here. For those shitting their pants over him not taking the word of IC immediately and unquestioningly, well why would he? The IC was intimately involved with initially trying to rig the election, then after he won, trying to set him up and delegitimize his presidency. The permanent bureaucracy is a much larger threat to the stability of the country than Russia is. Second, as many here have said, what the fuck was he supposed to do? Punch Putin in the face? Pepper spray him? Or just cut to the chase and drone strike him? It’s absurd beyond words.
“has backfired now that Trump really has done something OH SO TEWWWWIBLE.”
Oh, I see, he misspoke. Something no other politician has ever done, in history. And it’s so tewwwwible that it’s even worse than Obama flying around the globe bowing to dictators and apologizing for America.
But the dummy is right, it has backfired, no one is going to be persuaded by a single thing the media say now, their reputation is shot and deservedly so. So, in my estimate, far leftists are going to keep going further left and screaming even louder. Those on the right and Trump supporters are going to continue to believe that whatever the media say, the opposite is true. And those in the middle who can be swayed, most of them are going to be horrified at the left’s behavior and back away.
Trust the IC-
Let’s see: Iraqi WMDs, Kuwaiti babies thrown out of incubators, missed 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, indirect (and arguably direct) support of ISIS in Syria, the Libya debacle, and etc, etc, etc.
Only a fool would trust them.
Fed Chair testifying before the House Committee. Maxine is actually reading – I didn’t know she could do that.
You sure she is reading, and not just holding the book and making up stories about the pictures of ponies? That’s what my kid does.
It looks like she’s reading, but because nobody listens to her, they don’t realize the only noise coming out of her mouth is “Impeach Forty-five”. She’s been stuck on a verbal loop for over a year.
“Maxine is actually reading”
Why does the Fed Chair even bother testifying before the House anymore? With Ron Paul gone, who’s left to disagree with him?
The Congressional Black Caucus like to yell at him about things that aren’t part of the Fed’s charter.
That’s right, I forgot. They had staged a protest against rate hikes. It’s almost like they are saying that AA don’t have savings.
You can’t cry wolf every week for almost 2 years and expect to be taken seriously.
I think that’s why Trump’s popularity numbers are so “confusing” to them. I suspect there was a certain amount of buyer’s remorse in the immediate aftermath of the election/inauguration. I’m sure some people started asking themselves, “What if it was a terrible mistake? What if he really is the harbinger of the End Times?”
Now, more than a year in, contrary to the predictions of the Deep State apparatchiki, the country is not a smouldering ruin. In actual fact, things are going pretty goddam smoothly for the great majority of people; the ones who just do their jobs and live their lives without constantly obsessing over politics and the intentional splintering of society into ever-smaller competing classes by the academic priesthood of victimology.
Those people aren’t buying it anymore. They’re okay.
Maybe, but I still can’t find an acquaintance who voted for Hillary who now wishes they hadn’t, but I can find Trump voters who wished they hadn’t.
“I can find Trump voters who wished they hadn’t”
Maybe I run with an odd crowd, but every person I know who voted for Trump is enthusiastically going to again (assuming nothing catastrophic happens between now and then) and a fair number of people who either voted third party or didn’t vote at all have been convinced that voting for Trump is at least on the table this time around. Hillary voters hate him more than ever, but that’s to be expected.
I have never voted for a major-party candidate for president.
I just might vote for Trump in 2020.
If Team L runs someone like Bob Barr again…
Holy shit, what were they thinking?
I can see you’re ready for Weld 2020!
That Weld ain’t gonna hold nothin’ together.
This is what I tell people. I have a lot of people I know who live in the Beltway bubble, or who work in the nonprofit sector, or who work for the public sector. The Great Recession and the Lost Decade (and that’s really what it was, the economy has been sub 3% growth for nearly a decade) never really touched them. They never got the appeal of Trump, because people who teach school or work for some arm of Leviathan or who live off the wealth of others in some form or another didn’t have the pocketbook issues they drove Trump to victory. Like my mother has worked for a public university for nearly a decade, and before that she was at a very well funded private university for nearly 15 years, and before that she was in the media before the Internet came along. She cannot even conceive of unemployment, because she’s been in recession proof industries (media back in the 80s and 90s, academia since) for literally her entire life.
Trump is going to win reelection in 2020, because Presidents who preside over economic booms with incredibly low unemployment rates get reelected, and the chattering classes will once again completely fail to understand why. Because the people who hate him so fucking much always have their rice bowl filled by the people who voted for Trump. Since their rice bowl is always full, they can worry about things like tranny bathrooms and ZOMG RUSSIAN HACKERS. Someone who got a raise last year, and who’s seeing their 401k go up up up up for the first time in a decade is not going to care about the hysterical shrieking.
It’s hilarious how Bill Clinton is still alive and yet his party has forgotten the key fact that “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Just yesterday I heard someone claim Obama’s tenure had a good economy and that the reversal of his policies is resulting in a downturn. They also honestly claimed California has a budget surplus (I wanted to point out that California’s ‘surplus’ comes from accounting techniques that are illegal to use in the private sector, but didn’t want to get dragged into an argument).
I however, have family that I still talk to. “Soandso got a job and might finally be moving out” “I got a new job that I like and pays better” and so on. From what I know of the first person I mentioned, their entire family is either retired from government, still in school, or works in government.
“From what I know of the first person I mentioned, their entire family is either retired from government, still in school, or works in government.”
Yeah like I said, completely outside the real world. I love my mom, but my mom has no idea what it’s like to actually work for a living anymore. She quit editing newspapers in the mid 90s, and since then has been in bullshit sinecure type academia jobs with no actual threat of being fired.
I worked at the university in the same department she did for about a year. Incredibly overstaffed, yet no one did any actual work. I used to get paid huge amounts of OT to come in and actually do work for other people.
Most Democrats are under the age of 40, they have no recollection of any political stuff from the 90’s. The ones over the age of 40 are one-issue voters (usually abortion) who desperately cling to the youth that passed them by.
That’s true. I’m just under 30, it’s absolutely hilarious how many progs I know around my age are constantly reeing about how terrible it is to have a President who treats women poorly and sexually harasses women who work for him because that’s so icky.
From all appearances, being popular in the US is a fairly low bar; indeed, if my fat stupid toothless cousins unanimously vote for something, it should cause everyone extreme alarm. I have fairly given up on popular suffrage and am reading more AnCap stuff every day.
I’ll say it again: just because the Democrats are awful doesn’t mean DJT45 isn’t an idiot. A pox on both their houses.
Not disagreeing with you; but politics is the art of the possible. And I’ll take the guy/party that’s marginally less likely to sodomize me with a broomstick; doesn’t mean I like it. There is no realistic scenario in which I can do what I’d prefer: opt out. Maybe that’s a cop out, but my past idealism never really got me anywhere.
The “not so fast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez” issue was covered earlier in the week – Joe Lieberman penned this Op-Ed asking Dems to vote for Joe Crowley:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley seems likely to hurt Congress, America and the Democratic Party. It doesn’t have to.
Because the policies Ms. Ocasio-Cortez advocates are so far from the mainstream, her election in November would make it harder for Congress to stop fighting and start fixing problems. Thanks to a small percentage of primary votes, all of the people of New York’s 14th Congressional District stand to lose a very effective representative in Washington.
Fortunately, Joe Crowley and the voters in his district can prevent this damage. On Election Day, his name will be on the ballot as the endorsed candidate of the Working Families Party. But for Mr. Crowley to have a chance at getting re-elected, he will have to decide if he wants to remain an active candidate. I hope he does.
Looks like they’re out to screw the Bernistas again. I find her views stupid but she did win, no question about that.
But she’s so beautiful! And she knows her stuff!
If by that, you mean that she’s the Hispanic version of Olive Oyl and she’s dumber than shit, then OK, gotcha.
I just posted that because after she got elected I kept hearing about how beautiful she was. She has a gummy smile, and her mouth looks masculine when she’s not smiling. Her nose is too wide and, as per Stinky, the crazy eyes.
She has great skin though.
She has great skin though.
The kind you’d like to wear?
I can’t tell whether she wants me to vote for her or rob Sharon Tate’s estate.
I read an article somewhere where she was calling for occupying airports? Really? Really? You best get the dumbest of the dumbest sheeple for that, honey. Because that is going to go over about as well as blocking commuters drive to work in the morning. No actually, it’s going to go much much worse than that. I totally support this action, though, where do I donate?
Yeah, block me while I’m trying to get through the airport. Especially if you’re a unicycling, papier mache artist. It won’t go well.
“the policies Ms. Ocasio-Cortez advocates are so far from the mainstream”
“his name will be on the ballot as the endorsed candidate of the Working Families Party”
Umm, which of these things is more commie?
Me thinks that good ol Joey gots some cognitive dissonance going on.
In new York electoral politics, the WFP is the longstanding Rhemora of the Dems. 99% of the time their candidate is the same name as the Dem line. They do it for all the perks and public funds that being a recognized party nets them. Same thing with the other ‘minor parties’ that clutter the NY ballots. (some attach to the republicans instead, but the principle is the same). He’s been on their line for as long as he’s been running for congress. This year the primary turned out abnormal.
But, isn’t it about time someone tries socialism? /NYT
Lol, the political theory of both parties running at the center post isbeing tested.
Any bets on whether Pol Thot will win?
Pol Twat?
it’s so perfect!
We’ve also got Titler, and one other incredibly demeaning nickname from invisible that is slipping my mind right now.
Well that’s a gyp!
Hey! I’m feeling othered.
This should cheer you up.
9th Circus upholds injunction against California’s high-cap mag ban 2-1. en banc will likely overturn b/c, to quote the dissent, we apply intermediate scrutiny because the challenged law “does not implicate a core Second Amendment right, or . . . place a substantial burden on the Second Amendment right.”
and then it will go to SCOTUS and SCOTUS will hear it and shove that mag ban so far down California’s throat, they’ll be shitting bullets.
^tag fail
The guy’s 90 years old. He’s been retired for 22 years. And these are the sort of people running the judiciary.
I’d be for hanging anyone Nixon appointed. Just to clear out the chaff.
Christ Nixon sucked.
Other than the R after his name, Nixon was a full blown liberal.
Must be in the invisible ink section of 2A. All arms are “dangerous”. And those that are banned or severely restricted under current laws are unusual because of those laws. It’s circular reasoning. End prohibitions on fully auto weapons and those will quickly become common.
The Gyrojet is unusual, but it’s legal.
Come to think of it, is there some regulatory issue preventing someone from making new gyrojet rounds? Their main shortcomings originally were quality control issues. That’s certainly something that can be ironed out. Given how rare the original run ammunition is getting, I’m sure there’s a market for a like for like substitution which would then allow for development of a new generation (yes I know about the project whose site hasn’t been updated in an age. But they haven’t been updating, so I assume it’s dead)
The main shortcomings were cost, over-complexity, and that they both suck at short range and at a distance.
So? That describes a lot of guns.
I was asking about regulation.
No, it doesn’t.
Are you arguing with me or finally answering my question?
“that they both suck at short range and at a distance” does not describe a lot of guns. Gyrojets are only effective at a very limited range. Too close they have terrible terminal ballistics, so they aren’t good for handguns. And their external ballistics make them terrible for “rifles”.
You’re coddled by modern refined technology.
Cali socialists overplayed their hand. Maybe now we can get a case to SCOTUS on whether magazine limits in general are constitutional. I’d feel better about that case if RBG would finally kick off and get replaced with a non-retard.
Yeah it’s one of those things where the MUH PRECEDENT type of conservative jurists really piss me off. I can absolutely see Roberts doing some convoluted Kennedy type bullshit to try to polish the turd.
Stare Desis is toxic to justice, because it encourages retaining a wrongky decided ruling in the name of ‘consistancy’, thus compounding the damage to many more people than the original case involved as the bad precedent gets applied again and again.
I remember about 10-12 years ago there was a SC vacancy under Bush and some of my friends were already arguing that Roe vs. Wade should never be overturned b/c precedent. The simple response to that was Plessy vs. Ferguson.
Or Dredd Scott.
True. But PvF works better because Dred Scott was essentially rendered void by constitutional amendment where as PvF was overturned by a subsequent case.
Can you imagine the apocalyptic Mad Max hellworld America would be if Alabama’s abortion policies differed substantially from California? PEOPLE WOULD
n’tDIE!Speaking of pest’s that you can’t get rid of…
James Comey
This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders’ design that “Ambition must … counteract ambition.” All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now. History has its eyes on us.
Someone’s running for president in 2020.
You, know, so I can get that sweet gig back and continue my deep state fun.
I so hope so. He’s hated by everyone, Dem and Pub, right and left.
Comey and Bernie and Hillary on the stage together hashing out 2016 all over again. Can you imagine anything more glorious?
Not having to deal with any of those three again?
The real question is whether Dems liberalize their primary process to capitalize on the progressive furor, or lock it down so even a whiff of Bernieism can’t get in.
They’ll go more authoritarian.
Certainly. But, establishment authoritarian, or progressive authoritarian?
Establishment. They’re still on the rulemaking commitees.
Just for fun.
“Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”
-also Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. justifying the forcible sterilization of society’s undesirable members.
Does this mean he had no children?
He was a piece of shit.
Dammit, internet is dropping out and torpedoing my database connections. I just keep on working, while nothing gets synced up to the backend.
Time for lunch.
Why, if lefties are so reverent and adoring of Obama, do they not listen to him? Is it because he’s so dreamy and articulate, you know, for one of them, and that’s all they want or expect from him? Or is it even more cynical than that, do they know his equivocations on identity politics are just so much blather? If Trump said something like
the left would be howling mad about his racist erasure of the lived experiences of people of color. They’d be calling for his resignation or impeachment. Of course, they’d be doing that anyway, it being a day ending in y and all. But they wouldn’t put up with it from Bernie Sanders, either. So when Obama follows on with
an admirable and correct statement, where is the wailing about the tragically fallen hero who betrayed the movement, betrayed his people? Do lefties not listen, or do they not care?
I suspect Trump touches such a raw nerve for the left because they expect (and need) our political class to be disingenuous: leftist politicians mouth platitudes about civility and equity when what they mean is beating down and humiliating their enemies. They expect Republicans to speak in dog whistles, even if they never actually give voice to their bigotries—especially if they don’t, because pervasive, occult racism is central to their theory of politics.
So when Trump mainlines his id through Twitter or off-teleprompter remarks, it wrong-foots leftists. He’s not supposed to come out what he means, even in his semi-coherent, undisciplined fashion. Because he sounds uncouth, he sounds stupid, and more importantly, he sounds incompetent. The genius of the right is supposed to be their secret prejudices and too-clever-by-half machinations, which are endlessly deconstructed and exposed by the left. Trump’s supposedly indefensible comments are almost always defensible after all, because the left is stuck in deconstruction mode: trying to elicit the inherent meaning, filtering out the noise to find the dog whistles. Those lies work when your enemy is oily and obsequious, but not when he’s so obtuse as to speak plainly.
The reverse is true, I think, of their idols: men like Obama can recite truisms like those quoted above, and lefties tune them out. He only says those things because he has to say them, because conservatives force him into that posture, but he doesn’t mean inclusiveness across the ideological spectrum. He’s simply subverting their language of civility the way conservatives do when they talk about social iniquities.
Obama’s the personification of the Motte and Bailey technique. He says something like
and gives cover to policies which insistently and unapologetically dispense with the idea of national borders and a defined citizenry with processes and rituals for converting noncitizens to citizens.
This is why, “in the Trump Era”, it’s become ever more important to watch what people do and worry less about what they say.
Well said!
Good post.
You should submit an article. Srsly. You are a bright thinker and a clear writer, I’d like to see something long form.
I second that – hopefully, “something long form” isn’t a euphemism.
I already apologized for that!
Though all SP sent back was “unimpressed.”
Penile traction devices can help.
Talk about laid up.
About that link that Scruffy posted upthread re: the evils of “traditional American masculinity” (#19).
I went over to youtube this morning to dial up some background beats, and youtube was running a video in the banner across the top that was all about changing the definition of masculinity to be more broad-based with the hashtag #evolvethedefinition. I guess the trumpets have been sounded by Neuvojournolist or whoever is in charge of the “national conversation” that the brutish males in our fallen country need to be civilized.
Keep your eyes open for this crap.
The world is going insane a bit more every day. Marriott now is jumping on this idiotic straw ban than most people don’t give a flying fuck about, simply because people who write for outlets like HuffPo want it.
I’m on the road most of the next few weeks looking at schools with the kid. The first time I get a paper straw, I’m throwing it at somebody.
It starts with straws… then it will be gender neutral bathrooms by the hotel bar, which will be opened to non-customers.
Jesus christ, who the fuck runs these companies? How does one get to be a big CEO with such terrible judgment? Never give the social justice crowd an inch.
These fuckers are all showing their belly in the hopes the sign of contrition will make the alligator move to some other victim. The fact that this shit buys you nothing and they will still ass rape you when they smell blood – Starbucks – has not registered yet.
Years ago, Robert Townsend, in the book “Up the Organization”, said that businesses should have a vice-president with only one duty: Whenever someone promoted a harebrained idea, His or her job would be to stand up and scream “HORSESHIT!” at the top of their lungs. And continue to scream “HORSESHIT!” until the idea got thrown out.
Pity more firms don’t take that advice.
I honestly thought we had reached the pinnacle, but they keep proving me wrong.
Talcum X needs to sit his white ass down.
As long as Shaun King breathes, the Derp Apogee will be ahead of us.
It’s stupid looking in any case.
“Reality Winner discovered hard evidence of Russian interference, printed it out, sent it to The Intercept, and remains in jail for that decision. Last we talked she didn’t have a working sink. Think of her today.”
Did she really?
Leaking evidence of malfeasance by a foreign power that is already being investigated by the security agencies is not whistleblowing or protected behavior.
Leaking evidence of malfeasance by internal security agencies is supposed to be protected behavior, but hey, fuck Snowden, he embarrassed Obama and is hanging out in Russia.
What the fuck has happened to all of these formerly respectable Reason staffers? Is TDS really that contagious?
Kerry Howley had a head start.
Fakery Failure was a bitter Bernista who wanted to stick it to Trump. She was/is young and stupid, thought of herself as a courageous, world-changing revolutionary and didn’t consider the consequences of her actions. Her actions are clearly not protected by the whistleblower protection act; in fact the whistleblower protection act is very limited in its scope WRT the IC. From Wiki:
“A federal agency violates the Whistleblower Protection Act if agency authorities take (or threaten to take) retaliatory personnel action against any employee or applicant because of disclosure of information by that employee or applicant. Whistleblowers may file complaints that they believe reasonably evidences a violation of a law, rule or regulation; gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety[…]this Presidential Policy Directive ensures that employees (1) serving in the Intelligence Community or (2) who are eligible for access to classified information can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse while protecting classified national security information. It prohibits retaliation against employees for reporting waste, fraud, and abuse”
Basically, it only prevents retaliation (ie: loss of security clearance) for reporting through established channels (eg: chain of command and/or IG). It does NOT protect against violation of NDAs or the Espionage Act (both of which can and will be applied *extremely* broadly). Basically, if you expose highly classified information, and your name isn’t Clinton, you’re fucked. They will find a way to fuck you.
when i read the story, it was clear to me the “evidence” was dogshit, and she completely misunderstood it.
it wasn’t evidence at all. it was basically speculation that servers pinging some locations which included data on voter rolls opened possibility of some attempt to hack.
but the data on voter rolls can be purchased w/ a credit card from most states. and the original dbs’ are updated so frequently that any sudden modification of the docs would be easily caught by cross-checking w/ earlier versions.
iow, its neither sensitive info, nor is it highly vulnerable to surreptitious manipulation. Its simply not a plausible threat risk.
but she’s dumb as dogshit and didn’t understand all of that, and sent the info off to Intercept thinking it was some bombshell insight. Still criminal, regardless of how useless/uninteresting the info was.
But she’s pretty* and blonde, she doesn’t need to be bright.
OK, thanks, thar’s what I thought.
Canadians hacked our election!!
How did that photographer manage to get a shot where the tiny Vlad was looking down at Donald?
Vladimir Poutine? So he’s covered with cheese curds and gravy?
Rule 34.
I just learned about that a couple weeks ago. I haven’t tested it, but I’ve seen enough to assume it is true.
In the list of things that happened on this day, twenty years ago my husband and I were married!
how time flies!
But have you let him know?
That’s impossible because they didn’t have gay marriage 20 years ago, and there are no libertarian women. So….
Congratulations, Tulpa!
Congrats. Hope he’s going to give it to you good tonight.
Happy Anniversary! Get laid!
Birthdays and anniversaries…
Is why I am single.
“Wow, remind me to mark July 18 as a day that sucked.”
It was 36 years ago today that my dear, 19-year-old friend Sheila died from injuries she sustained in a car crash the night before. Shittiest date on the calendar.
too much text.
Whoever shat that out doesn’t understand messaging or image memes.
False flag. Had to have been made by a lefty because only a lefty would make a meme that shitty.
Medical question: Over the past year my wife (who turns 43 this year) has gained 20 pounds. This is over the same time period she has competed in 4 half-marathons and trained weekly — at her training peak she runs 27 miles per week — and eats a very responsible diet (better than I do.) A lot of salads (with lo-cal dressing) and veggies.
It’s a mystery to me. She’s always been really thin (but curvy) and now she doesn’t understand what’s going on. I know getting older means expending more energy to burn the same calories, but this seems a bit out of step. She’s had her thyroid checked previously but that hasn’t been the culprit. She’s going to schedule a doctor’s appointment to go in and talk about it.
Anyone with any experience with this care to help me out? I’m just hoping it’s not some underlying more potentially serious issue. Thanks.
For a woman: Hormones or steroids. My bet is perimenopause.
My bet as well.
^This. Unfortunately, peri/menopausal women have to work out an insane amount/starve themselves just to tread water on the fitness front. Make sure you ask the doc about HRT.
Well, I had my plumbing ripped out and my doc slapped an HRT patch on me before I left the OR. That didn’t work out so well (patch caused me to have a rash bad enough to stop using it). Took it off. Other than the weight gain (also compounded by an antidepressant that causes weight gain), menopause has been very good to me. It was a 50/50 trade off but the rash would have ended up in cellulitis sooner or later, so I feel the trade-off was worth it.
And yes, it’s insane now, what I have to do to stay at a level weight.
*thanks lucky stars for being born bepenised*
Every day, commodious. Every. Day.
My wife had a uterine ablation.
I had that back in 2011 because I was working too much and couldn’t afford the down time.
Then I was framing out my kid’s bedroom and suddenly lifting anything was, um, not without its exertional hazards. That was when the hystorectomy-oophorectomy became a necessity. (My doc was not a fan of leaving the ovaries behind.)
(Aside: Now both my rotator cuffs are torn so I can’t lift my framing nailer, so I can’t do jack shit on my house.)
hysterectomy* I do know how to spell, I promise.
Also one thing to consider is that muscle weighs more than fat. So if she put on leg muscle then not all that 20 lbs. is fat.
(Running can also increases bone density, but it wouldn’t add up to much weight)
Running doesn’t generally put on 20 pounds of muscle in 4 years. If she’s lifting weights, then that would be my first thought, but he didn’t say she was lifting weights.
20 lbs in ONE year. And you can see it’s all around the belly, mostly, which she never had before.
Oh, OK. I misread that.
That is definitely perimenopause. Weight gain location shifts from hips/ass/boobs to beer belly.
Is she getting big in her belly/abdomen? Any discomfort? Uterine fibroids/growths, maybe? My wife had a growth removed, and hysterectomy earlier this year. The non-cancerous mass was a whopping 10 lbs. However, we calculate the growth of the mass took about 4 years to reach that size.
It’s weird because the added ‘spare tire’ that’s there doesn’t look dense at all, like sometimes weight gain does look like.
Jane Russell wasn’t selling 18-hr girdles for no reason.
Yikes! I hope she’s OK.
I went over to youtube this morning to dial up some background beats, and youtube was running a video in the banner across the top that was all about changing the definition of masculinity to be more broad-based with the hashtag #evolvethedefinition. I guess the trumpets have been sounded by Neuvojournolist or whoever is in charge of the “national conversation” that the brutish males in our fallen country need to be civilized.
Talk about abandoning all pretense. This is it. This is what they do. They “evolve definition” until words have been stripped bare of all meaning. Then, it’s Humpty Dumpty time. Manhood? It means whatever it pleases them for it to mean. It means whatever is necessary for them to claim success in their grievance-fu exhibition match.