So not only did I read the excellent new episode of the Hat & Hair, I tried to read all of SF’s Election Year coverage. The fact that we got the Hat & Hair and not that… other storyline is proof that God loves us and wants us to be soulless, but not to claw out our eyes in dismay. Truly we live in the best of all possible lightcones.

Here’s a little something for those of you who think Jeff Goldblum is a hunk. Me, personally, I always thought he played himself most accurately in The Big Chill. Skeezy, but too neurotic to be actually rapey.

You know, aside from having a great name. The best name. Aside from that I was so-so on Brett Kavanaugh, but I’m liking him better today. And Private Chipperbot, I still owe you a catbutt from the overnight tattoo thread.

Jeff Bezos isn’t going to let Elon Musk be the only evil billionaire in space. Bezos may now be rich enough to survive the old joke — “How do you become a millionaire in the rocket industry? Start with a billion dollars.”

Hey look, its an anti-nutpunch. This young man was walking to his first day of work — seven hours away because his car broke down — the cops bought him breakfast and gave him a ride, and the CEO of his company showed up and gave the young man a car. I know millennials who can both take responsibility and execute are hard to find, but a police escort and a free car seems a bit much. Back in my day, we’d have just called and said “my car broke, I’ll have to find a different job.”

Florida Men and their heavy equipment. What a rude asshole. All those people on the bus probably missed connecting buses because of his dumb ass.


It’s a summertime song. I forgot how very psychadelic the groove on this is.