So not only did I read the excellent new episode of the Hat & Hair, I tried to read all of SF’s Election Year coverage. The fact that we got the Hat & Hair and not that… other storyline is proof that God loves us and wants us to be soulless, but not to claw out our eyes in dismay. Truly we live in the best of all possible lightcones.
Here’s a little something for those of you who think Jeff Goldblum is a hunk. Me, personally, I always thought he played himself most accurately in The Big Chill. Skeezy, but too neurotic to be actually rapey.
You know, aside from having a great name. The best name. Aside from that I was so-so on Brett Kavanaugh, but I’m liking him better today. And Private Chipperbot, I still owe you a catbutt from the overnight tattoo thread.
Jeff Bezos isn’t going to let Elon Musk be the only evil billionaire in space. Bezos may now be rich enough to survive the old joke — “How do you become a millionaire in the rocket industry? Start with a billion dollars.”
Hey look, its an anti-nutpunch. This young man was walking to his first day of work — seven hours away because his car broke down — the cops bought him breakfast and gave him a ride, and the CEO of his company showed up and gave the young man a car. I know millennials who can both take responsibility and execute are hard to find, but a police escort and a free car seems a bit much. Back in my day, we’d have just called and said “my car broke, I’ll have to find a different job.”
Florida Men and their heavy equipment. What a rude asshole. All those people on the bus probably missed connecting buses because of his dumb ass.
It’s a summertime song. I forgot how very psychadelic the groove on this is.
People are attracted to Jeff Goldblum?
Are you not?
He’s got something going on. Not sure what. Same with Tommy Lee Jones.
Goldblum is a weirdo, but it always seemed like he’d be your weirdo, ya know?
Except for his part in Death Wish
Yes and yes.
And can I also add… Michael Ironside.
With Jones and Ironside, it’s the toxic masculinity overload.
**dramatically fans self**
This should put you over the edge
It often does, MikeS. It often does…
Gordon Ramsay, rounding out the blond contingent.
How do you feel about Ken Watanabe? nom nom nom
Not possible. I’ve been told by numerous gender and sexuality “experts” that Asian men are only portrayed as sexless, neutered eunuchs.
I thought you meant
I was (even more) worried about you
Q, Some of us aren’t stupid enough to overlook the finer specimens of maledom no matter what continent they come from.
Negroni, please. You don’t have to be worried about me!
I will allow Ken Watanabe, but I cannot abide Gordon Ramsay.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: no blondes.
I like blonds.
I like blonde… women.
But it’s a rare man to make me look past his blonde hair and (likely) blue eyes.
Riven: the anti-Nazi.
When I was 18, I had a blond-haired-blue-eyed karate teacher I worshipped from afar. It wasn’t because he was blond, but that made blonds more attractive to me.
>>that Asian men are only portrayed as sexless, neutered eunuchs.
Chow Yun Fat has something to say about that.
The Killer
Ah, see my first boyfriend was blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and very pale. He bears a passing resemblance to a Qtip, but that’s just the exterior. Inside, he’s really just a piece of shit.
Probably colors my opinion 😉
My wife practically drools over the guy who plays Han, the Korean rival assassin to Bruce Willis in Red 2.
There’s two people attracted to Raymond Burr in a wheelchair….
Add guns. *swoon*
I officially have no idea what women look for in men.
You and me both.
I can understand lesbians, women are attractive.
I don’t understand straight women.
You need to see some real lesbians.
Women tend to have these weirdly specific ideas of what they say they want in a man. Like, if a guy got that specific, he’d be labeled a creep. Then, in typical female fashion, they go with a guy who is nothing like what they said they wanted. So I wouldn’t spend much thought on it.
All women do this. It is known. … Apparently.
They’ll find you less creepy if you’ll put your dick away while talking to them.
Legitimate LOL.
Okay, so I write romance novel heroes. I think they’re awesomely hawt and would have them for book boyfriends anytime (which…I do).
I wouldn’t be caught dead marrying any of them.
The dude I have is perfect.
34D or larger.
There is at least a modicum of consideration as to what they’re bolted to.
Oddly my predilection for scruffy gingers who don’t skip leg day and are approximately 1.5-2.5 inches shorter than me has never gotten me labeled a creep. Did you make the mistake of telling someone you were super into subservient East Asian women who were really 23, but looked like they were 16? I’ve heard some people mark that down as creepy.
Who doesn’t like a scruffy ginger?
I like my redheads well groomed (and female)
You bunch of creeps!
I think its a power balance thing, as long as a gay man sticks to gay men above the age of majority. Scruffy gingers with swole legs aren’t in any particular danger if you were to get overly aggressive the way a 98 lb woman is if an adult hetero male got overly agressive.
Joss Whedon has taught me that 98 lb girls are the most dangerous game of all.
I always did have a fantasy of Amy Acker and Summer Glau tying me up and teaching me all the ways I’ve been bad.
I, along with 80% of the guys reading this, nod (though I preferred Eliza Dushku, personally)
I’d also pick Glau/Dushku.
(if we are picking actress from TV shows made by a scruffy ginger)
Charisma Carpenter (I’ve never even seen Angel, but I have seen her…)
Christina Hendricks.
Scratches multiple itches.
Scratches multiple itches.
simple antibiotics will fix that in most cases, yo.
Fuck you all. Sara Michelle Geller was first and best.
Sarah Michelle Gerrer!
You’re that competitive?
Nah, it’s just having someone exactly the same height is awkward for hugs and spooning and whatnot. I’m also perfectly fine with men who are a bit taller than me, but always seem to date guys just slightly shorter.
Oh, you meant height.
If we’re talking length, he’d have a hard time finding someone that long amirite?
Oh yeah, I’m doing ok for myself in that department, but 2.5 inches shorter would be trending hard into disappointment territory.
“scruffy gingers who don’t skip leg day and are approximately 1.5-2.5 inches shorter than me”
That is oddly specific.
BF met my family for the first time a few weeks ago, and my brother and his GF and my BF and I went on a double date last weekend. My brother leans over while we’re in line for gyros and says “You can tell him later but [BF] has phenomenal calves.”
Apparently I have been very open about this for a while now.
18, but looking 14 is fine by me.
If there’s grass on the field, the game is fair.
All non-cricket versions of that idiom are dumb.
If there’s … lawn on the pitch, the match is dinkum?
The rhyme is wicket and cricket.
Heh. I was trying to picture a scruffy ginger chick with shaven legs until I scrolled up and saw it was Jesse.
After pressing my wife to explain what she looks for in the male form, she finally told me. The face, specifically clean-shaven cheeks and a goatee/moustache. Like, what the fuck is that? Explains why she loses her shit when I shave my otherwise perpetual goatee and moustache when the shape get all hinky and it needs a realignment.
A girl I know was crazy for my best friend, because he had a big soft belly that didn’t droop – he was built like a sumo wrestler. Ended up giving him like five kids or something.
“because he had a big soft belly that didn’t droop”
Had a platonic female friend in college who copped to liking beer bellies because it reminded her of her dad. I was like “I don’t think you should share that with anyone else.”
Um. Ew.
Dadbod was a thing for a while after the post-metrosexual scramble to look like a lumberjack got oversaturated with twee, effeminate, meticulously-groomed hipsters and collapsed. It doesn’t seem to currently be a thing currently.
I remember that. Had a friend say it was so weird and was probably all made up and I was like then how do you explain Telly Savalas, Sex Symbol?
It’s almost like… women are individuals who like different things in their romantic partners… Weird! 😉 I understand it’s a difficult concept for some who may or may not be “creeps.”
I can understand Mrs. Leap’s very specific facial hair preferences. I like a bit of scruff on my man, myself.
Who’d’a thunk it?
It is weird. All us straight men are individuals who like generally the same things in our romantic partners. I bet about 80% of us nodded Scruffy Nerfherder on July 18, 2018 at 3:29 pm.
Drunk Jeff Goldblum is the gift that keeps on giving.
After watching Goldblum in Thor: Ragnarokplay a crappier version of Gary Oldman’s character in The Fifth Element I’ve decided he’s completely superfluous. He’s a taller Bobcat Golthwait.
Blasphemer! Both Goldblum AND Oldman are great in their respective ways.
Lots of people. It’s one of the greatest mysteries of life to me. It’s like finding Strzok hot.
Sundresses are to bikinis as martinis are to double shots: classier but no less effective.
2, 4, 6, 13, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29.
No ink I noticed, nice smiles, no dead-eyed dolls.
Nice collection.
okay, maybe one or two dead-eyed stares, but not so many that it gets disturbing.
#10 while displaying easy access is also one of my people
I knew a girl in high school whose nickname was “easy access”.
Nothing wrong with increasing happiness in the world
+1 Morale Tech
They have an awfully broad definition of “sundress”.
But I’ll pick #22 to raise an important point.
How should we deal with potential spies that doesn’t discourage countries from sending us totally doable redheads?
Mate like bunnies and feed them false information.
The sundress is my kryptonite
That and old-school secretaries in tight skirts.
I’m a sucker for sundresses, as well.
And -probably oddly- scrubs, also.
“scrubs, also”
Proctologist fantasies?
I also love sundresses, but a somewhat-but-not-too-snug white tank top on a slinky woman will get me every time.
Pencil skirts are way sexier than they ought to be.
Especially since they largely take away the “easy access” factor.
I like my women naked.
See, this is why I only wear dresses.*
*Easy access
Oh. My first thought was pinned in the manner one pins insects in a display case.
Note the “his car” quote…
Fucker probably wrecked his own car doing this shit? Dumb.
Florida Man in action.
I gotta forklift… if you know what I mean.
She’ll certainly be dissuaded from leaving him now.
So, they’re out in the street arguing, he turns around and–hey look! A forklift! What luck!
When I stop at random places outside, there are very rarely forklifts handy.
You’re stopping at the wrong random places.
I knew a girl that sang the blues
But she just smiled and turned away
Was that before or after you asked he for some happy news?
Congratulations. We both fucked up.
*high five*
“If Kavanaugh provided a fifth vote for overturning the Morrison case, it could have implications for the Mueller probe”
Just a few days ago I was wondering what the Unfunny Baron-Cohen does when someone catches him.
turns out He runs away
Given that Baron Cohen showed up with a film crew, it’s not surprising that the gun store owner suspected that something was wrong. What’s surprising is how all other people fell for his tricks. A weird person and a film crew would probably raise a flag.
Maybe not so much in these YouTube days.
The cover story was that the crew was filming a documentary.
Standard MO is to have a phony production company make quasi-legitimate sounding contact under unrelated pretenses so that the film crews don’t arouse suspicion.
+1 Argo
Sacha Baron Cohen is Yiddish for “One Trick Pony.”
^^^Yes. The original Ali G was mildly entertaining. His shtick went from mildly entertaining to tedious and stupid very quickly.
So, exactly the same career arc as Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey.
Watching Seinfeld (or even someone like Zack Galifanakis) reveals what hacks the aforementioned are.
“Van Cleave stood by Cohen while holding various guns embedded in stuffed animals, quoting reworked nursery rhymes as a way of teaching children to shoot.”
Is that supposed to be a condemnation of Van Cleave? It sounds like an endorsement to me.
I’ve gotten to talk firearms with Van Cleave and he’s a real stand-up guy. He’s the one who exposed the blatant falsification going on in Couric’s anti-gun propaganda.
I don’t know if it’s related to his show or a separate “documentary”, but he’s been targeting people in the gun rights spot light lately.
Unfortunately, VCDL got caught up in. It wasn’t just Borat-style, they used very deceptive editing.
Blockquotes from VCDL
So basically tactics The Daily Show perfected long before SBC arrived on the scene.
I would never give an interview these days unless I were able to record it myself.
Not so much as a hat tip, Brett?
Double turds!
His hat don’t tip, bro.
Maybe she can help:
Last time I requested a hat tip, I got a cat butt instead. Consider yourself lucky.
Yikes. I hope I don’t have to dig out my “get out of cat butt free card”
Florida Man can turn any implement into a weapon
I heard a story once about a Florida Man killing one of your kind with a little PCP and an empty aluminum can of Natty Ice.
Ah yes the old blackout freakout.
Rude? Don’t people believe in vengeance anymore? Isn’t this a libertarian site?
What did the bus do?
Whycome no Jeff Goldblum blimp?
How about a shower curtain instead?
Or Nucky Thompson.
My neighbor has that shower curtain and it’s kind of creepy.
OK, your link sent me down the rabbit-hole, and now I’m laughing so hard I’m crying.
My roommate woke up to this hanging in our bathroom on Christmas. She walked in used the restroom, washed her hands walked out, stopped walked back in again and started laughing hysterically.
Utterly fantastic.
Rand from the top rope!
I just felt a tingle go up my leg.
Sorry. The line for the potty was long and I didn’t see you standing there.
Wouldn’t that be down his leg?
Mike has interesting anatomy.
*eyebrow waggles*
And a tinkle?
“Well, it turns out the structure is actually a publicity stunt from Now TV — put in place to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Jurassic Park.”
They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Marketing finds a way…
Rejected song title by Pablo Cruise?
I saw them live. They were fun. My favorite.
Damn you!
….and there you have it.
I was trying to deflect that I have a fraternity tattoo!
I missed the tattoo thread. I don’t have any. Moreover, while I had many sexual partners over my life of various races, ages, ethnicities, immigration and socioeconomic statuses–not a single one of them had a tattoo.
Not surprising since bears (and their consorts) don’t have tattoos.
I watched The Big Chill back in the 1980s and then again a few years back. It didn’t age well and I wanted to punch everyone in the movie.
Re the free car for that kid. America is so, so racist.
Is it enough to trigger the gift tax?
Meg Tilly was adorable.
Poll: Majority in some GOP districts say Republicans ‘more corrupt’ than Dems
A majority of respondents in 48 GOP-held congressional districts believe Republicans are “more corrupt” than Democrats, according to a new poll from a progressive policy group.
Hmm poll by progressive policy group. I’m sure that’s accurate.
Couldn’t possibly be using doctored data samples to try and drive future results. Never. Totally trustworthy.
More? No.
There’s a lot of petty, personal pocket-lining in the party, but the really benchmark setting stuff comes out of the blue enclaves where they’ve honed corruption to an art form.
I think Chicago alone out does the Republicans by tenfold.
I didn’t have to look past Albany. But yeah, Chicago is big league.
Hillary Clinton was, A) the least corrupt candidate in the last presidential election, or B) the least corrupt candidate ever?
C) Jesus and the Dalai Lama’s butt baby could only approach how virtuous and pure she is. Plus vagina.
The Dalai Lama isn’t exactly clean. A cursory Google search will result in a number of links implying scandalous behavior, butthis one in particular seems to be in your wheelhouse.
That quote could use some phrasing. “an Upstate New York “sex cult” that brands women to speak at their event.” can have some… interesting interpretations.
What good is being the leader of a religion if you’re not gonna get truckloads of poon in the process?
Good on that young man. Hard working young kids do exist. Wouldn’t be surprised to see more of them, just like Gen-X was a reaction to the Boomers I’d expect the next generation to look at the Millennials and give them a collective “meh” and go about working hard and making families like we did.
“making families like we did”
Maybe not exactly like we did after polygamy is legalized.
I self-identify as a polygamist.
Leap made his family by walking 20 miles?
Seems like a hard way to do it. I didn’t even have to get out of bed to make mine.
He’s a Marine. A 20 mile road march isn’t that big a deal.
According to the article it was a big deal.
To continue brochetta’s topic of Sanger and the current attempts to reform her image. I’ll let her own words speak for her.
Margaret Sanger and her ilk are/were absolute sociopaths. The fact that her ideas were a philosophical underpinning for Hitler is completely ignored.
To be fair, it was also the underpinning of Idiocracy.
That’s not fair. Everyone at the time was saying stuff like that. You can’t judge people by the ethical and moral standards of today, you have to judge them based on the situation they were in.
/reads That Hideous Strength.
NM fuck that bitch.
I actually am someone who believes in judging people according to the mores of their time, whether I like those mores or not. With progs, that line of thinking only works when they say what the progs like. The ret-conning of society in romance novels really chaps my hide. Also, see Laura Ingalls Wilder, who is now a racist.
I don’t think many people here would disagree with what you said, and while you didn’t defend Sanger specifically, when we’re talking about forcibly sterilizing the underclasses, that falls outside the mores of the time defense. Eugenics was a new progressive movement. Not a long established social norm. Or simply someone who spoke in a way we now find socially unacceptable.
This. It’s one thing to be blind to, or not know how to address, an existing evil which everyone in society accepts as “normal”; it’s another to promote a brand new evil.
Yes, which I meant to say in my comment and promptly forgot because SQUIRREL! I really did mean to make that point and I’m glad you did.
“Feeble-mindedness as investigations and statistics from every country indicate, is invariably associated with an abnormally high rate of fertility”
So in other words, “Studies show”
The thing about the Politifact article that actually was mildly surprising was their attempt to whitewash the eugenics movement. As if simply removing the racial component from the ideology made it ok. And to say she “dabbled” in eugenics as a journalist while attacking movie makers for stretching the truth? Most of what the inaccuracies they are accused of in their script are small details. The sort that Hollywood changes every time they make a movie based on real events.
The eugenicists were explicitly racist and classist. People like Walter Plecker (a big fan of Sanger) saw eugenics as the clean, less violent way towards the same ends as the KKK et al. On other words, genocide was made more acceptable by making it more civilized.
Where Are My Children?
The allegation that she was racist against blacks is somewhat misfounded.
She was far more vindictive towards the European industrial working class which she saw as underdeveloped and feebleminded. Negros were merely an annoyance by comparison.
So, pretty much identical to the modern Dem party.
No wonder progs love her so much.
No wonder they call everyone racist. It takes one to know one.
The hideously sad thing about them is they’re racist assholes and they don’t even know it.
Ironically, the only people who think highly of Sanger are feeble-minded.
“Modern conditions of civilization, as we are continually being reminded, furnish the most favorable breeding-ground for the mental defective, the moron, the imbecile.”
But enough about TOP. MEN.
Does she look feeble-minded?
Lawdy me! Where is my fainting couch!
If only she was involved in a wholesome industry like Hollywood.
Surprised the headline isn’t “Russian woman forced to provide sex to Republicans to keep her job.”
“Republicans Employed Sex Slave With Taxpayer Money”
Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she has nice tits.
I never get tired of that clip. Thanks Ted S!
That was funny.
Has anyone seen #6?
Their top story:
Every time I check back in the number of comments swells.
My workday is over, muppet man.
What are you a Teamster or hooker or something?
Fuck off, slaver. Employees get to go home eventually.
A hooker’s work is never done.
He’s a call girl. When he’s dead, he’ll be a hooker, Cyril.
We’re working. Working on new material!
You know what else swells every time you check back in?
Untreated Gout?
The number of unread emails in my inbox?
The number of idiots polluting the freeway during my commute.
My bladder?
That infection?
Working it, maybe!
On vacation, shit lord
So what you’re saying is the commenters are turgid?
I’m thinking kwashiorkor
Did someone order a deep dish pizza topped with a thick layer of delusional rambling nonsense?
There was something genuinely astonishing in the spectacle of Republican representatives trying to reduce the FBI to the status of a fifth column, as McCarthy had tried to do to the Army. Strzok had sent a text message to assure his colleague Lisa Page, with whom he was having an extramarital affair, that Trump would not win the election—“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” Ted Poe, another Texan—another representative, that is, of the law and order capital of America—turned to Strzok and said, “You’re going to act on your bias. You’re going to ‘stop’ President Trump. How do we know that’s not rampant through the FBI?” Strzok rejoined, “A judge asks jurors, ‘Are you able to set aside your personal opinions and render a judgment based on the facts?’ and I and the men and women of the FBI every day take our personal beliefs and set them aside in vigorous pursuit of the truth wherever it lies.”
In 2008, the Democrats nominated, and the country elected, a young, lanky, even-keeled fellow who imagined that he could restore the tarnished ideal of national decency. That didn’t turn out the way things do in the movies; eight years of Barack Obama persuaded the country to elect the most shameless man who has ever occupied the White House—possibly, in fact, the most shameless man in the United States of America. We’ll (probably) never know if Trump was right in saying that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone without losing much support. But his instincts are pretty good in these matters.
After Strzok finished reciting the true-blue virtues that he and his fellow FBI agents try to live by, Poe leaned into the microphone and said, “And I don’t believe you.” That’s where we are today.
Oh my god it’s so I can’t even!!!111!! For shame, Sirrah! Look what Trump has done to this country. Why, it’s come to the point where a Congressman openly doubts that an FBI agent has told the truth under oath. Perfidious bastards; where is their obsequious loyalty to the FBI, one of the most hallowed institutions of our land?
Did anyone bring up the observation that it’s not his job to stop a political movement? His job was to attempt to ascertain the objective truth.
“imagined that he could restore the tarnished ideal of national decency”
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh out loud at that.
“the most shameless man in the United States of America”
I can’t wait for the day these people finally run out of superlatives.
They invent words and randomly try to redefine words. They’ll never run out.
Eventually they’ll fuck up and use cis-shitlord as a superlative.
That is the most depressing thing I have read all week.
Thinking FBI agents are capable of lying is treasonous.
Apparently it lies with a) journalists who buy you dinner/tickets to sporting events and b) the also-married colleagues you were sleeping with
the whole “Sir i take umbrage at the mere suggestion that i might have acted in any way short of the highest ideals of my office”-defense doesn’t really work when you’ve already been caught with your hand in the cookie jar *multiple times*
He could be saying that the highest ideals of the office are still lower than whale shit. I mean, he was practically laughing when he said it.
*worth noting:
‘having a (covert) affair’ was grounds for termination in many areas of govt, particularly where you might have access to classified/sensitive intel.
And they were both in fucking *counterterrorism*.
Its one of the main reasons John O’Neill was pushed out of FBI. Its one of the main reasons Petraeus got censured and pushed out of CIA. (aside from the mishandled intel: the affair on its own was grounds for blackmail/extortion).
Its not clear to me why Strzk or Page still have jobs.
“the individuals’ susceptibility to coercion related to the affair”
Susceptibility to blackmail as well as demonstration of unreliability, inability to keep a promise and moral turpitude. Of course, all of those things only apply to little people, not Deep State Dem Operatives.
If you can’t implicitly trust the word, backed with a stern-faced pinky-swear, of a man who cheats on his wife, then you’re just a terrible person. Deplorable, one might say.
“”We firmly believe that when the evidence is presented in this matter, it will show that this situation was one involving an ongoing sexual relationship between the young lady and the young man,” Henderson said in an email.
“We further believe that the evidence will show that the young lady voluntarily and consensually engaged in a variety of … sexual [encounters] with the young man before this incident occurred,” the attorney added. “We believe the evidence will show that this incident was not considered by the young lady or reported by the young lady as rape until the young lady found out, days later, that the young man had a girlfriend.”
Go on…
Fun Fact: I’m pretty sure the attorney, Arnold Henderson, is the brother of retired NBA player Gerald Henderson.
This cultural appropriation story is great if only for the quote from one of the aggrieved:
No word on whether sales of the Vishnu Happy Fun Ball are also affected.
Dashboard Jesus says hi.
Dashboard Jesus needs to apologize for Dashboard Confessional.
He would do anything for love, but he won’t do that. You have to meet him on his own terms to get to paradise. Over there. By the dashboard lights.
I still eagerly await the escapades of Space Smith. So much unused material there.
Dr. Smith with body hair?
Chewbacca’s cousin?
Since Brett included an anti-nutpunch in the links, I see it as my duty as a libertarian to square up and hit all of you in the nuts as hard as possible.
“stop fingering me bro”
Pithier than “don’t tase me bro”.
Wasn’t there a story on the old site about cops who had doctors look up some guys ass four or five times?
Here’s the story but not Reason. The guy won his lawsuit.
“won a $1.6 million federal lawsuit against the law enforcement officers and officials”
Not bad, but I bet nothing happened to those law enforcement officers and officials.
FIFY, since I’m sure no money came out of anyone’s paycheck or budget.
Eh, I’m sure they got a paid vac… err, “suspended with pay” for a while.
and everybody involved was fired.
“Taylor Swift teams jean crop top with flirty short-shorts as she enjoys a brief tour break at home in NYC”
Get back to us when she has an ass other than her boyfriend du jour.
I already did about a month ago.
You leave T Swizzle alone!
Weren’t you here yesterday? Every single picture of an attractive woman on the Internet has been Photoshopped.
True. In fact most of them are fat, hairy dudes.
Are they scruffy gingers do don’t skip leg day?
I wouldn’t prioritize that but I would hit it if given the opportunity.
Looks like The Office era Martin Freeman.
I would prioritize any pre-Sherlock variant of Martin Freeman, and don’t care if you think that’s weird, because I know it’s weird, but I’m still down.
He looks like an elf. Is that part of the attraction or coincidental?
Eh, I find the affable British everyman thing endearing. Also apparently post-Sherlock Martin Freeman, but the slightly gaunt clean shaven Sherlock-era Freeman I find not so attractive.
So your saying I should look into a modeling career?
The truth about Photoshop
Retouched or not, DAMN! She’s got the vast majority of women a third her age beat hands down.
Senator Sexdoll sez “HURRRR DURRRRR”.
Same lifeless eyes and immoveable hair.
So Sasha Grey and Peter North had a baby?
Robber Barons!
More than ever, the dynamics of this old-fashioned power struggle between labor and capital strongly favor corporations, employers and those whose income derives from stock portfolios rather than paychecks.
This is evident in the large, permanent corporate tax cuts versus the small, temporary middle-class cuts that were passed at the end of last year. It’s evident in the recent Supreme Court case that threatens the survival of the one unionized segment of labor — public workers — that still has some real clout.
It’s evident in the increased concentration of companies and their unchecked ability to collude against workers, through anti-poaching and mandatory arbitration agreements that preclude worker-based class actions. And it’s evident in a federal government that refuses to consider improved labor standards like higher minimum wages and updated overtime rules.
Even if workers’ real wages do pick up, their gains may be too short-lived to make a lasting difference. The next recession is lurking out there, and when it hits, whatever gains American workers were able to wring out of the economic expansion will be lost to the long-term weakness of their bargaining clout. Workers’ paychecks reflect workers’ power, and they are both much too weak.
Capitalist parasites, sucking the life blood from decent, honest, hard-working Americans.
There oughtta be a law.
“the small, temporary middle-class cuts”
I thought the Dems were suing to get rid of these cuts, so shouldn’t the fact that they’re temporary be good? I haz confuze.
There will be a vote in the fall to make the individual cuts permanent. It will be interesting to see how the Dems play it.
One of the best books I ever read was The Myth of the Robber Barons. It was assigned reading from my economics professor, but that book still holds a place of high esteem on my shelves.
Most understandable explanation of BUT MUH RUSHUNS! yet.
A Ted Rall comic that did not make me want to hunt him down and gut him with a Ka-Bar?
I am confused and aroused.
That _is_ amazing. I recognized the style but it took me a moment. Sanity from Ted Rall? The end-times are nigh.
Stopped clock, yo.
Ah, those comments. “Howard Zinn!” “Whataboutism!” “Obama was center-right!”
“Owning People Online Really Is the Left’s Path to Victory”
Then they are so screwed.
They do like owning people, though.
Ocasio-Cortez is a reverse Centaur.
Just hold on to the jumbo-sized paper bag from the supermarket and you’re good.
I’m not too proud to admit that my penis has been in so many Terriers that I get a hard-on every time I hear this.
I feel oddly relieved that wasn’t a dog video.
This is a dog video.
That dog has some serious food aggression.
I hope none of them were in that video, HM. For your sake.
I still think she’s cute, but her politics are horseshit.
Yeah, they got so destroyed online that it led to the concerted efforts of Derpbook, Twatter, and Google to orchestrate a massive censorship campaign against anyone right of Mao. And yet, they are still getting destroyed, any attempt at debate leads to ‘RUSSIAN BOTS!’ or squealing hysterically like toddlers. Surely evolution has to kick these luddite morons into the dustbin of history? If not, I should start writing the post apocalypse novel about the end of humanity before it’s too late for anyone to buy it. Idiocracy didn’t even scratch the surface.
The extended hissy-fit Sarah Palin has thrown over being the butt of the joke for Candid Camera 2.0 has gone from pitiful to annoying. And the Yokelstream Media dutifully broadcasting a daily Two Minutes Hate of Baron Cohen is pathetic in both its opportunistic sensationalism and venal forelock-tugging.
“venal foreskin-tugging”
My online Chaturbate career in three words.
Sabo is still awesome though.
That was one of the things that actually rubbed me the wrong way the most. “Stolen valor”? Give me a fucking break! Actors are forbidden from portraying soldiers now? Tom Cruise hates America because he was in Taps, Top Gun, and A Few Good Men, and not because the government is ruled by a secret cabal of aliens from the Marcab Confederacy?
the government is ruled by a secret cabal of aliens from the Marcab Confederacy
That explains a lot.
You don’t even know the half of it!
I think there is a difference between acting and holding yourself out as someone, though. Tom Cruise isn’t expecting us to think that he, Tom Cruise is a military officer. And I don’t think the concept is a completely false one. Consider the case of David Hogg holding himself out as a “survivor” of a school shooting when he was nowhere near the place. He’s copping out on deference we give to survivors of a tragedy to escape honest pushback. You can certainly argue that not all veterans are heroes who deserve our respect and admiration. That’s a reasonable point. But, if people do think they deserve deference, it’s fair to identify when people are trying to unduly receive that deference.
Neither is SBC. He reveals the joke to all of us at the end when it is broadcast. Neither Cruise or SBC goes through life pretending to be a military officer or any of the other characters they portray. Boss Hogg, however, does. The phrase “stolen valor” refers to individuals who claim to have earned certain military decorations for fraudulent purposes. Whether you find them funny or not, SBC’s practical jokes do not fall under that rubric, unless we agree with Plato that actors are inherently fraudulent and a just republic should ban acting.
Well, actors weren’t allowed to sit the imperial exams in China so…
To clarify – “stolen valor” refers to individuals who fraudulently claim.
Syntactic ambiguity.
Neither Cruise or SBC goes through life pretending to be a military officer or any of the other characters they portray. Boss Hogg, however, does.
Or he’ll do his reveal after getting what the gun control he wants like Baron-Cohen reveals after getting the embarrassing interview he’s after.
Huh. I guess this is the easiest way to fix voter fraud.
That’s just nuts.
I wonder if those other jurisdictions restrict non-citizen voting to legal residents.
Anyways, how does this not run afoul of the one man, one vote principle by allowing non-citizens to dilute citizens’ votes?
It’s different because shut up peasant.
Considering that compulsory education laws do not discriminate by immigration status (even non-immigrant visa holders, like F-1 student visa holders have to send their kids to school if they bring them here while they study at university), and that this compulsory education is funded by the local and state taxes levied on them, I’m not overly outraged that their skin in the game is recognized with electoral representation.
“But in San Francisco we stand strong together”
On poop-encrusted streets!!!
“A big crowd gathered in a Tucson church last week, ready to hear candidates’ plans for gun-control legislation from people vying to become lawmakers at the Arizona state Capitol. All was going more or less as expected. Then, it was Bobby Wilson’s turn to speak. Wilson, one of two Republican candidates who attended the July 9 meeting, took the mic and told a story of how he shot and killed a crazed attacker in an act of self-defense while a teenager.
That attacker, it turned out, was his mother.
He said his life story illustrates the importance of having “a good guy there with a gun” rather than gun-control legislation. “You can pass all the laws you want to in this world, and when you’ve got somebody out there that wants to harm somebody, they’re going to do it if you don’t stop them,” Wilson told the crowd.
The audience was shocked, as video posted online showed. The crowd, brought together by Moms Demand Action, a nationwide movement against gun violence, burst into boos and heckles.”
“Moms Demand Action”
Never quit LOLing at that name.
“a nationwide movement against gun ownership”
Also, FIFT.
“The word “masculine” is currently defined as having qualities traditionally associated with men”
“To start this conversation, we spoke with 172 diverse people across a spectrum of race, beliefs, size, and identity. Here’s what a few of them had to say. ”
Conversation about what? What they had to say about what? The Astros chance of a repeat? String theory vs. loop quantum gravity? Preferred masturbation techniques?
Well, I doubt the average Bonobos customer has to worry about a surfeit of masculine qualities.
Theory: Boris Johnson and Trump are actually the same person. Discuss.
I’d be more open to the idea of “both examples of genetic-experiments in the 1970s gone wrong”
Teach your kids not to tweet.
Christalmighty. So we’re gonna have a Star Chamber now in which every person on Earth has all of their statements, written or spoken, meticulously combed through dating back to birth to make sure they meet purity requirements. Just enact Airstrip One already and get it over with.
I thought that what’s happens when you die. Now it’s what happens when you succeed.
We’re just now catching up with the rest of the world.
I laughing as I imagine having to do penance with the PC police for everything I said when I was 17.
I’m very, very thankful that the posts I made when I was 15 were on places like Prodigy and local BBSes, things that are long gone.
This is why we try to keep a tight rein on my kids’ social media, although we are failing miserably.
The only thing I can do is keep shouting THE INTERNET IS FOREVER!
Has John Brennan apologized for voting Communist when he was in college?
That’s not unwoke, silly
Am I the only one annoyed by Janis Joplin’s voice?
(Tracey Thorn agrees with me, so there’s that)
Depends on the song. The song that linked above; yes. Me and Bobby McGee; no.
I’m a moderate fan:
I see your Janis Joplin and raise you an Antony Hegarty.
I laugh to imagine your guys’ thoughts on Joanna Newsom. Or Karen Dalton.
Personally, I’m more annoyed by nondescript ‘technically good’ singers like Adele. (Well, maybe it’s more aversion to the banality of her songwriting and its ubiquity.)
On a somewhat related note, I was totally psyched to find out Nikka Costa is playing locally next month. I don’t know why she wasn’t a bigger star.
Man, I haven’t heard about her in a very long time. I remember liking that album.
I saw her live a few years back in a tiny venue – her voice is/was still no joke. Very little engineering involved in making her sound that good on that album.
I’ve never liked her singing voice.
i get it and recognize she’s got talent, its just not a sound i enjoy.
No you aren’t, she sounds like a banshee caught in a woodchipper.
Not at all. She’s right up there with that guy from REM and that guy from Rush in the annoying voices category. She’s just awful.
Love Geddy Lee.
Can’t stand Phil Collins’s voice.
God I hate Michael Stipe’s voice. It’s bearable early on when he’s just quiet and mumbling, but after the first few albums…. Ugh. I wish I got the appeal.
She’s no Tom Waits I’ll give you that.
“Am I the only one annoyed by Janis Joplin’s voice?”
Umm, no, it’s horrible. And it’s weird that you brought that up.
A couple nights ago, I had a dream where that song ‘Piece Of My Heart’ kept playing over and over again through the entire crazy dream. Yesterday it was stuck in my head all day. I had just got it out this morning and along comes slumbrew and now it’s back, damn you. I wish I was making this shit up.
Do NOT click on my link
In my defense, there’s that link at the bottom of the post…
It’s not like I’m just bringing up singers I dislike at random. I mean, not this time.
Piece of My Heart.
You can enjoy summer music without lyrics.
OK. I’ll say it (in fact, I think some of you deplorables said it, too):
I did not like Trump going in. But the more time passes, the more I like him.
Looking forward to seeing Boris as UK PM.
It doesn’t matter, in any event. Can’t vote in either place and, really, it’s none of my business. Here in Ontario, we recently got Doug Ford as Premier. Meh, might turn out OK.
DIsappoint your repsonse was not Curvaceous Cans of Canuck Cuties.
I was pretty pissed when Rand Paul then Cruz went down in flames. But yeah, they would have both played by the rules.
I’m wondering if Rand’s recent…bluntness regarding Brennan is the beginning of a pattern. It’d be interesting if he’s learning some tactics from Trump in regards to the Deep State and/or media.
I don’t like him because he cheated his contractors way back in the day and was the original Too Big to Fail.
However, I think it was here someone pointed out that he seems to have the best interest of the U.S. at heart, and if he is going to double-deal anybody, I’d as soon it be other countries. It’s about time we had somebody put some thumbscrews on anybody who wants to take advantage of us and/or bring us down.
Likewise, he’s brazen and nothing sticks to him. He makes the progs screechier. Flyover USA loves somebody who a) doesn’t give a shit about the media’s or world’s opinion and b) refuses to kowtow.
So halfway through his presidency, I’m halfway to voting for him even though I do not like him, never have, probably never will. I am pleasantly surprised.
I saw a tweet that said “he’s the antihero we need.” That’s how I feel. He’s still an absolute POS individual.
Yeah. “Antihero” might be the right term.
Yeah, I like that.
In my totally useless litrachur classes, a hero was defined as having one fatal flaw. An antihero was defined as having one redeeming virtue.
Not sure if Trump fits that definition, but I do NOT think he would have as much support if the left weren’t throwing tantrums like spoiled toddlers.
Isn’t his ability to cause the left to throw tantrums like spoiled toddlers his one redeeming virtue?
Or do it better than the left…?
That, too.
I was taught the hero had to match with the archetype. To explain this, my English teacher used the movie Cool Hand Luke to illustrate the archetype as applied to somebody (Paul Newman’s Character) we don’t necessarily consider to be ‘good’.
At the end, he explained anti-hero works here, because Luke fit the archetype but he was a hero only for other prisoners. What you consider to be a hero is based on your values.
*puts on MAGA hat, slams tall can of Michelob ultra*
Hey, HEY! Fucking Messicans need to stop taking our English speaking jobs and learn to speak goddamn [unintelligible gibberish for about 45 seconds] and that’s why you should go back home to Messico or whatever [hic]!
Mic Ultra? Look at Mr. Fancy over here…
Let’s go with that archetype. For me, an example is this: The hero is the one who shows mercy to the villain (whether or not he ends up whirling around and killing him when the villain tries to kill him). The antihero is the one who kills the villain when presented with the opportunity.
I guess I’m an antihero. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think most of us here would qualify.
“Less than zero, he’s an antihero!”
The Hero is supposed to learn something about life or justice or live or whatnot, hence the whole ‘Hero’s Journey” thing you always hear about. The anti-hero has to deal with a raft of shit as best he can but in the end didn’t learn a goddamned thing.
I really like that.
I really like that.
I kinda stole it from Little Steven Van Sant, paraphrased and tweaked but I should really give him the credit.
In context, Luke was more humane than his captors.
And how fortunate that he is now in the position to determine what exactly those interests are!
“I don’t like him because he cheated his contractors way back in the day”
My FIL felt the same way and he owns a roofing company. But that “R” gene is hard to overcome.
I used to be a market watcher (as an investor, a nervous Nellie), so Trump was on my radar in the 80s. This was about the third time he’d popped up and said he was going to run for president so I didn’t take him seriously. And then…there was that primary “debate” thingie with all 612 Republican candidates and I knew he had it.
he destroyed the usfl because he couldnt be little. that is enough reason to never vote for him.
I think you should elect Rob Ford. Anyone who gets caught smoking crack and blames it on drinking belongs in politics. If dead people can vote in Michigan, then dead people should be able to hold office in Ontario. It’s simple geography.
I LOL’ed.
I’d vote for Rob Ford if he promises to not allow Justin Bieber or Twink of the North cross US borders. Hell, and I even WANTED to vote for Rob Ford to start with. I mean, you know, if he weren’t dead, and I didn’t have to move to Canada.
I’d vote for Ford for the sheer entertainment value. I’ve never liked Trump and still don’t. I’ve said I would never vote for him. HOWEVER, the left gets more intolerable by the second and I really really want to see their heads literally explode. I’m not gonna lie, I’m seriously considering it.
I know I’m not voting for the Democrat or Weld if he gets the LP nod so…
Dead or Canadian?
“”I thought it was funny because the alt-right went haywire after that,” Ocasio-Cortez says.”
So are they Nazi Zionists, or Zionist Nazis?
“Overhead about Ocasio-Cortez: “I just want a photo for when she becomes president”
I just want an interplanetary ship to GTFO of here, because we’re really doomed this time.
Where is a tornado when you need one.
So 3 anti-Israel organizations. Bet she thinks she’s “listening to all sides” here.
“The TRUTH About Abortion & Sex”
You can’t have one without the other?
If you do the latter in the butt, you’ll never have to worry about the former
*almost* never
“Cloacal malformation can develop early into the pregnancy, meaning that the
baby’s rectum, urethra and vagina fail to separate into different tubes.”
I was expecting this as music link:
Florida woman. Egads.
What the hell is that!?
I’m guessing the accident didn’t really make her any uglier. I mean you can only be so ugly before it just doesn’t matter anymore.
OK… looks away. There must be some point at which a human being has already suffered enough. I mean, what did she do? Eat children alive in the middle of the local mall? WTF? Because otherwise, there is no reason for anyone to suffer anymore than it’s apparent, this poor human being has already suffered. Enough already. If she cannot be cannot be trusted in open society, then keep her separated, but for the sake of decency, let’s not make her a circus show, that is horrible, all I have to say.
Here’s a woman who needs to suffer, then die.
I can’t even.
Damn, 2 wrecked cop cars and a truck. Then she nails the dismount with a foot chase. She hit the required drug possession and she gets a social butterfly bonus for the ambiguous “two devices for smoking meth.”
This one is tough, she would have had a perfect score if she had children in the car or if she lasted long enough to break out the helicopter.
I give her a solid 2.9 ⭐️s out of 3
That picture can’t be real.
In case any of y’all are looking for employment
That’s what they _want_ you to think.
I thought you only needed one.
Hmmmmmm, we might sends some trainees down there
Paging Michael Dudikoff!
I think you mean Scott Glenn.
(I’ll have to re-watch and see how it held up).
Judie Aronson.
Dudikoff gets the win.
I was looking at this job.
280 miles from Tokyo. That’s like telling you where Wyoming is by giving you it’s distance from NY.
I just looked at a map, “east of Osaka” would make much more sense
In other news, Zack Ford is so dense he could block X-rays:
Hello? Late night links?
It’s only 5PM on the West coast, are you all sleeping? Straff?
Last day of work before summer vacation. Wish I hadn’t taken that extra job so that I actually had a full summer vacation. More money for the wife and kid and more work for me. Patriarchy!
*rant on*
Man, if you check out TOS, you will find the One True Libertarian, Mr. Hihn, attacking the leftovers vis-a-vis the Second Amendment.
Seriously, that guy has the temerity to attack other libertarians for “tarnishing” the brand while defending “high-capacity magazine” bans as kosher under the 2A and even advocating for forcible seizure from gun owners who are out of compliance.
The guy is a completely unhinged asshole.
*rant off*
I still lurk from time to time, and it devolved into mess every time there are more than 30 comments or so. I also see a few People that came over here and left, Ken Shultz is one, I think Just Say’n bailed as well, they will be missed. Ken might have gotten sick over everyone ranting about his lengthy posts however……….
Nice to see Tony is keeping up being as disingenuous as ever. What does he get out of it?
Left + Right = Zero.
“Austrian State May Require Jews to Register to Buy Kosher Meat
A regional politician in Austria defended a plan to limit access to kosher meat, conditioning its sale on permits that would be individually issued to observant Jews.
The Wiener Zeitung daily reported Tuesday about the draft decree in the state of Lower Austria, one of nine states that make up the federal Republic of Austria. Gottfried Waldhäusl, the cabinet minister in the state government of Lower Austria who is in charge of animal welfare and several other portfolios, defended the plan as necessary “from an animal welfare point of view.”
I hate Austrian Nazis.
And they hate You……………..
Austria?! Well then, g’day mate! let’s put another shrimp on the barbie!
So, what you’re saying is, South African Whites ARE moving to Australia?
Putting another shrimp on the barbie sounds creepy.
Aren’t Kosher and Halal identical? maybe some enterprising Muslims are finding a way around Regs? Or the Austrian Gov is interested in Making it hard on Muslims?
This has nothing to do with Jews in reality IMO
The animals are going to be slaughtered anyway….
Don’t say that! They’ll now be free to gambol across the countryside!
You know who else did it for the sake of animal welfare?…
The Bloodhound Gang?
The Bloodhound Gang
I like Mine better, better Story lines with my Guys
Lena Dunham?
“Man who is 90 per cent covered in tattoos has his genitals removed because they spoiled the view of his body art”
We could make some Decorative lampshades with all that color……………………………..
Is getting yourself tatooed to being…bluish gray really art?
He went all in on the Cultural Appropriation.
literal Grey Asexual
I hate those filthy Neutrals.
Tom Woods and Andrew Neapolitan discuss Cavanaugh for anyone who’s interested:
Frigging autocorrect
As in the Ice cream or the pasta?
This is a durian:
“Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms”
Because surely that many dems could not possibly want to #walkaway.
They were dedicated Dem supporters until a twitter bot told them not to be. Clearly their response is Rusdias fault. Just like Bernies folks response to finding out that Hillary and the DNC rigged the Primary is Russuas fault. Democrats reaping what they sow is never the Democrats fault.
This is a durian: What?
Disgusting fruit? Do you know who else was…oh never mind.
Perez Hilton?
They’re preparing to not do well and keep the hysteria ratcheted up post-election.
The Dems will counter the movement with #runaroundincircleswithhaironfire.
That’s what I’m dreaming for.
Aren’t they already doing that?
I want to see them literally on fire though.
Necklacing? best of both worlds, includes Hair on Fire!
-1000000 Winnie Mandela, Evil Witch will burn in hell BTW
Actually, a far-left NY attorney is way ahead of them:
OT: In a comment yesterday you pointed me to The Rising Wasabi.
I’d never seen it before, many thanks. My favorite was “Gaijin Now Fluent in Katakana”
There is no such thing as OT, until the OVERLORDS SEE! No really OT is really OT, not Overtime but OT.
OT is your Friend, and a treasure to others, so, go ahead and spread OT Throughout the Land!!!
Enjoy. Another good one is the comic Charisma Man. Discontinued years ago. See if I can find it.
I used to think the term fake news was apt but maybe a bit exaggerated for CNN. But since they have been caught in so much lying i dont believe a thing they print. They are worse than MSNBC, because they try to claim to be honest.
“133 Democrats refuse to vote “yes” or “no” on a motion supporting ICE, for fear of alianting their base. Instead, they voted “present.” 34 progressives vote no (they want to abolish ICE) and 18 more pragmatic minded Ds voted “yes.””
So brave. Much principle.
That vote was part of a Russian conspiracy for sure.
They want to get reelected, Obama Voted Present, see,? Precedent
There is no winning on that vote. Your base won’t let you court moderates you have to bully them instead.
Apparently, Amash voted no as well.
Not taking a stand is complicity with the oppressor. At least that’s what I was told.
With me or against me, no middle ground
I see one R voted yea. Who was it?
Did you even have to ask?
It was Amash.
He didn’t vote for it because of what’s going on now, he voted for it because ICE shouldn’t exist in the first place.
Busted! saha Baron Cohen is a tool,
TW: Patriotism Alert! Comey alert! ZH alert!
I get the feeling he has a hissy fit when called Borat.
That was an OOPs if there ever was, shitty disguise? YES
Puerto Rican Mayor with loud mouth goes to Jail!
“This is crazy. Paypal is banning people they disagree with politically… again (they did this to Wikileaks years ago and all hell broke loose). When basic non-political services are refusing people based on politics it’s a pretty scary concept.
Even if you completely hate Faith’s politics and disagree with her positions… the window of who is considered “extreme” is getting larger and larger. I mean, we see people like Shapiro being lumped in with Spencer. Be careful what you ignore or make excuses for in this realm.”
Would Cassandra and Faith.
Faith needs to lay off the fillers.
Darn it! now I HAVE to move to Arizona!
Ohio’s not terrible. We have beer. 🙂
Fuckin A you do! 🙂
/opens Cobra with GL bottle opener………..
I’m onto Southern Tier’s Nu Skool IPA now. Soon to have a location in Cleveland, but it’s hard to pass up an 15 pack mixed pack that’s only $18. To be Soave, it’s mostly IPA’s, with a blonde.
I wish it weren’t so expensive to ship, I would LOVE a mixed 15 pack,
Wait, how much to ship it?
Seriously, if the beer is say, 20$ and it’s another say, 30$? to ship,
Then 15 Exotic beers becomes cheap, IMO, I am interested
The cost of shipping would be high, it cost me ~$25 to ship the beers you received. There’s a couple of places that allow ordering online, if you’re interested, hit me up and I can pass along the websites.
AP totally not out of touch.
He totally stole and redefined the phrase that we invented to delegitimize him!
Wrong fucking train. Goddamit.
Did that for like the third time in my 25 years of train commuting just yesterday.
Because of that, I’m walking. At least it’s only 100F and 80% humidity. I’m dying.
in Japan? ho Lee Fuck, I had no Idea, that sucks
Ad blockers don’t work…………….
53 stood out for some reason
Honesty, I didn’t look, I’m just Acting as the Late night Link Guy, Maybe I’ll get the job………….
#4 Wow, here Kitty Kitty…………
Yeah, that appears to be Mrs. Zardoz.
Hiw is this late night? Isn’t it like 3 in the afternoon on the west coast?
YES, that’s why I volunteered, I just got off work, and I usually have enough time to set up the “late night” links,
Gimme a shout out so the OVERLORDS give me a shot. 🙂
Steven Crowder has this newish thing where he goes out and confronts progs who make incendiary comments. One instance, someone suggested (using emojis) firebombing his van. This time, it was a transgendered Jamba Juice employee calling for his tires to be slashed. I consider it to be a hamfisted way of showing these people up. It creates poor optics, the police are generally called. A 6’2 white guy going behind the counter of a Jamba Juice to confront a female who has transitioned into a male and is a third of his size isn’t a good look.
And, naturally, it leads to shitty one-sided reporting. Confronting a shitty journalist who can’t even keep her shit straight during a phone call works a bit better.
-He gets labeled alt-right. She calls it an umbrella term and says his denial is his “opinion.” She never defines what alt-right is.
-She says she didn’t reach out to him for comment initially because she didn’t want to use her personal social media accounts or email. Her personal cell phone was somehow less personal (as in, she was hoping a phone call would leave less of a record…as if she couldn’t be recorded). Then later she asks them to email her screenshots of the social media posts.
-Of course, the transgendered’s posts talking about violence is never mentioned. Only that the posts no longer could be found. Who knows if it was accurate *Shrugs* Even though the person does admit it in the video after initially lying.
-When called on this the reporter says that she’ll quote Crowder on it. But won’t go back to the video
-She won’t say why she didn’t include the video in her article
-She gets rather annoyed when accused of activism as opposed to journalism.
-We have the usual accusations that the video led to death threats against the Jamba Juice employees. No example is provided.
I don’t think this would have gone any differently if it had been a writer for the NYT’s.
the only Difference Between, Crowder, Malkin, and Milo, is Sexual orientation, they are Shit stirrers of the First order, and only look to benefit Themselves.
I’m OK with Exploiting the Masses, I do it every day, but I don’t spout off opinions or look for trouble to make a Fucking Living, these Leeches do.
I just watched that earlier.
‘I’m not alt-right’.
‘That’s your opinion!’
She was something else. She was putting all the burden of proof on him. SHE’S THE JOURNALIST!
Wretchard, I have followed him since 2003, Very wise Man
Parents shouldn’t let little kids snort ketamine.
OK, I just asked the OVERLORDS if I can do Late Night links, I’m always here, so why not?
Who’s with me? i will be faithful and Timely and funny and Musically interesting
You’ll grow tired of it in a few weeks.
Sorry Ted, if that were the Case, i wouldn’t continue to Submit Articles, or Reply to you,
I’m not Leaving, I’m part of the Landscape, Just. Like. You.
I didn’t mean it like that. I j8st meant trying to come up with something new every day is tough, especially when life gets in the way. I know from experience, having blogged for over 10 years now.
I work the night shift every other week. Some live late night threads would be cool. I’ll be here til 7am.
Central? I want to keep track if I end up doing this.
BTW Lachowsky, I got 230V Zapped twice, and Jr. got it once, I have yet to find the open circuit and I’m getting sick and tired of being shocked.
I’m going to ring it out Tomorrow, and may write an article about the Adventure,
Yikes. So, no open circuit in the peckerhead?
Be careful with 220. It hurts.
Well I’ll be supportive for at least the next month while I’m in Colorado.
I’d prefer the title Glib at Nite. I’ll even work on a logo if people want.
Glibs After Dark?
West coaster here.
I’m down with that since I get to every thread late.
Dude? You know me! +10000000000000000
The thicc Girl pulls it off, and I’l bet she would FUCK your Brains out, I’d her in a Heartbeat
The auto down loads suck. Just say’n
Checking in this morning to say, yes, all three please. I normally don’t sweat girls with Hot Topic hair dye, but I’ll make an exception in this case. And I’d probably put the big girl at the top of the list because she’s cute as hell, looks like she can read, and also strikes me as someone who may not have psychological problems.
TY! I took over and felt Guilt…… Q is the Boobie Master, I just filled in,
The more the merrier.
I said recently the 70’s Sucked, well not too much, Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer might disagree, they did well,
Listen while doing something else, FFS
I’ve been repeatedly listening to George McCrae’s “Rocky Your Baby” lately. And who doesn’t love Kraftwerk and Yellow Magic Orchestra? 🙂
lol, Rocky…
Written by KC of KC and the sunshine band.
which should be obvious, but isn’t, immediately. once you know that, you immediately recognize his super-catchy songwriting formula.
There was a rave crew from Maine called KC and the Sunrise Gang.
And I have no idea why I just mentioned that.
Bcause it made me Laugh,
/Good enough! 🙂
OMG you’re so right. As soon as I thought about it, I could just about hear it in KC’s voice! That factoid makes me very happy.
YMO fan here. And of Yukihiro Takahashi’s solo work.
Something different. Brett Barry and Honest Abe, Monsoon
Completely Different, Folk! Elephant Revival,
Deadmau5, My Guy! Joel is badass, Animal Rights is my 3D flying song that I sync maneuvers to, good times…
Too new school for me.
1st and second were cool, #3, not so much…..
TW: Twitchy,
I’m going to stop until someone comes along……….
Charisma Man.
I have that Hairstyle!
Hey Straff: I was listening to a news report from last month where they said Japan passed a law to lower the legal age for an adult to 18. The reporter said one of the main reasons was to encourage people to have more kids. I know Japan has a birth rate problem but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how this law would encourage people to have more kids – and the reporter didn’t offer any insights.
What’s the draft Age? The drinking Age? Since when has there been a law that says when you can Fuck? and if so, how did that work out?
“If the change is approved, 18-year-olds will be able to get married, sign contracts and take out loans without the consent of their parents.
But teenagers will still be banned from smoking, drinking alcohol and gambling until they are 20…
Under the existing law, people under 20 can only get married with the consent of their parents. Men can do so at 18 and women at 16.
But this amendment will raise the age that women can get married so that all 18-year-olds will be able to do so without parental consent…
Separately, the bill will allow 18 and 19-year-olds to sign contracts for mobile phones and credit cards.”
Oh, I get what they’re saying now. And it’s silly. Yeah, let’s have kids get married against their parents wishes so we get more kids. Not gonna happen. At least not in any large numbers.
Ahh, now I get the thinking. But, yeah, I don’t see it making a big change.
For myriad reasons, young guys here would rather jerk off, play video games and sleep than try to hook up with a gal. It’s sad. They also have no interest, for the most part, in going abroad. Massive sea change from when I got here 20 years ago.
The DP (The main opposition to the LDP ruling party) had been pushing for that for years. More votes for them. I don’t see how it would encourage people to have more children. Traditionally, you become an adult on coming-of-age day in February of the year you turn 20. Probably they are simply copying the US and Europe by dropping the age to 20.
*to 18.
My first thought on seeing “DP” was “double penetration.”
I have got to stop reading all those dirty books.
Hump-Day Giant Super Happy Fun Sample Session!
You know Sam & Dave did this, cause they liked Brown Sugar.
But then Busta dropped in, and with Remy Ma, stole that hook and made THIS gem.
Lime Green! SUP TRES!
/Cobras Up!
Bro,it’s only 8 here, I got’s Tall cans to drink!
I had no idea until about a year ago.
I’m getting Really pissed about the South African thing, see here,
This is going to get very ugly.
Why can’t wypipo find the happy ground between being total pussies and Hitler?
they are called Democrats around here…
I thought respecting individual rights, regardless of group affiliation was the happy ground. When are wypipo more dangerous? I’d say when they are focused on race.
Most White People are busy Working, I know I am, and I don’t care who my customers are, only how much money they have.
Chinese, Persians, Armenians, i dont care…..
Not good enough, Yufus. You need to stir up ancient animus by seeing color first and foremost.
Special Wednesday bonus:
3rd Avenue Blues Band had a moderate hit with Come And Get It in 1969. It was actually a B-side.
But then along comes A$AP Ferg nearly 50 years later, and he needs a hook, so he steals it and makes this.
Papa was a Rolling stone,anything else is ghey, Ultimate Soul, IMO,
With dancing – and hair.
Wednesday night drinking song
But don’t drink too much.
Anyone else getting the funky, gray background?
Yeah. Just showed up.
Good. So, it’s not heat stroke.
F5 helps…..
SP is working on the site or wordpress is being cranky.
SP does work on the site Because we are late night losers,
or not
Back to work. Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs rape you.
“funky, grey, background”
Mine cleared up once I had a shower and took my contacts out.
Anyone else getting light gray text on the site tonight?
And just like that I’m back to black text.
Look up 😉
Are you some kind of texist?!
In my day we walked twenty miles to work uphill both ways in the snow while the Yeti chased us, all with the healthy limp of a polio survivor. Kids these days…
+1 Salk
Wearingvan onion on your belt. Which was the style at the time.
So Ive heard…..
What hogwash, you were privileged enough to have a YETI chasing you?
Great…now you’re gonna start a whole new bit with:
Way to go.
It was a Yeti with the last name of Smithe, after he caught me, well the sears robuck catalogue from the outhouse seemed very pleasant after that.
But are you familiar with the Boudoir of the Snow Queen arc in Oglaf?
Was not familiar. In my date internet comics were crudely drawn images drawn on…um..I can’t keep this old guy complaining stuff going anymore. This was one of my favorite web comics in the early aughts, Bill and Erik.
Oh my, I wasn’t familiar with that one. I do recommend Oglaf provided you do not find gratuitous drawn sex and non-sequitur humor offensive.
I make the Hat and Hair cartoon, why would you think those things are out of my wheelhouse?
I’m just researching the use of disclaimers the audience may find favorable as a subtle form of advertising.
Well, advertising doesn’t work on me. But if you’ll excuse me I have to click this link to World of Tanks because it is flashing, and I like to click on flashing things…
What happened to the x to get rid of arrows? Also, I had an indestructible Nokia candy bar phone back in the day.
Also also, you know who else was a tyrannical European?
O’m guessing the site is glitching due to another WordPress update that don’t play well with the quality work SP has done.
Unacceptable. Change platforms immediately.
Nikolaus August Otto?
There really are many to choose from, que no?
But the correct answer is “Mary Poppins”
SF has been outpacing me with the Hat n Hair; but rest assured I have a plot for the next episode and itsa commin!
Oh, Super Troopers 2 came out on DVD yesterday. Just found that out. It was fun, Club Dread is still my favorite Broken Lizard movie though.
Zuckerberg said some things today. Policies that are more in line with what these platforms could and should be, though he butchered the arguments. The response has been typically stupid. The sort that characterizes what the chatting classes offer up these days. There’s barely even a lone voice out there in the major media landscape defending the crazy notion of free speech.
Why the hell is it so hard to say that we believe in free speech? Instead we get this retardese statement that Holocaust deniers may not know they are wrong, and a lot of people are wrong about things (the question of course has to be posed as an extreme case rather than the more mundane form of censorship that progs want Facebook to engage more heavily in). Notice his phrasing. People clearly hold wrong beliefs. He just doesn’t want to be the one to punish them for it. It can’t be that people hold differing beliefs and that he wants to provide a platform for them to engage in discussion. A competition of ideas where obviously fraudulent ones like Holocaust denial can be shown for what they are. He didn’t just mean this in the context of Holocaust denial. Sadly, this gets him half a cookie from me. At least he’s sort of pushing back on the notion that they should be silencing more voices – even if for the wrong reasons/a lack of actual principles.
Then the interview featured plenty of bullshit on Russia. Social media is designed to be used for coordinated online information campaigns. All governments are engaging in them. It’s just that this was done by Putin and he’s bad.
Side rant to my main rant – I recently saw some bullshit story on a Finnish newspaper reminding Putin and Trump both (because they’re the exact same!) about freedom of the press. Not free speech, mind you, because that doesn’t actually exist even as a nominal notion over there. But freedom of the press. By which they mean freedom for a selected group of self-anointed gatekeepers of information who alone should be able to say what they want without repercussion or even criticism.
Holocaust deniers? They don’t have any freedom to communicate their icky ideas. Neither do far right xenophobes (which they have taken to defining as anyone to the right of them). Even if those same right wingers have their own newspaper or political party etc.
I was listening to Bill Michaels today (He’s a Wisconsin sports radio host syndicated around the state), he was taking calls about the Brewers player that was in the All-Star game, Josh Hader. Someone found a racist tweet from when he was 17 and it ruined his first All-Star game. Anyway, this guy calls in talking about how all republicans are racist and Trump is building a wall to keep out brown people and on and on, it was like a 3 minute long call. Since it’s sports radio I was expecting them to cut off this political rant and say something like ‘I understand your viewpoint, but this is a sports show, not a political show’ but they just kept it going and then Bill Michaels just came back on and said something like ‘yeah, these are things we have to think about’ and threw it to commercial.
I find that Zuckerburg at least understands the business reason for doing things a certain way — and thus his reluctance to wholly cater to someone’s ideal of censorship. He certainly tried to tightrope the shit out his responses, but I thought all-in-all he had some decent responses.
The interviewer was a typical biased hack coming at it from their own viewpoints. My favorite question was, “I want to know how you felt!”
But then you have Zuckerberg spouting shit like fire in a crowded movie theater bit.
wow, I guess bitching worked, thanks Glibs, I’m out!
/very Tired
Goodnight, Yusef
One of those nights …
… if not for not wanting to do it to my wife and daughter, I’d be very close to eating a gun barrel right now. And I have to say being able to rant here (including stuff I can’t rant about to my wife) keep me from going over the edge.
So I’m dealing with insomnia and watching Homicide Hunter : Lt. Joe Kenda, harking back to a bygone age where police officers actually investigated things instead of arresting the first brown person in the vicinity of the crime.
I also think about how many of the people featured on the “true story” old crime dramas like Dragnet were actually innocent. So many of them convicted on scientific evidence long since discredited (hair follicle analysis) or simply on blood type.
I tend to ramble when I’m like this. Can y’all tell?
I loved Dragnet, think about Blue Boy…………… it makes it all better,
Life sucks. and so do your Kids……………………
/mine do
My daughter is the greatest thing in the world, except for her habit of excitedly talking about video games (used to be Minecraft, now it’s Splatoon 2) for hours on end.
Kid’s a lot more talented than I am, that’s for sure. Outstanding artist (she’s got a piece hanging in the childrens art museum right now), gymnast, on the swim team … I’m glad she got more of mom’s genes than she did mine.
Also, I watched an anime movie that was originally supposed to come out (in Japanese theaters) in 2015 but didn’t come out until late 2017 and then on Blu Ray just recently, and unbeknowest to me it ended on a cliffhanger, and the sequel doesn’t come out in Japan until October which means I probably won’t be seeing it until mid-2019.
And there are no good anime series this summer I want to watch, except for the continuation of Persona 5. Fall season’s going to have a bunch though. As is Winter.
Have you watched Go-Lion?
I’m trying to think of the last anime series I watched through. othing has really caught my eye in years. I rewatched Serial Experiments Lain after I tried to get a former BF into it and he wigged out and refused to watch the rest.