Now for part two of the Spring Beer if Forward reviews.
Lackadaisical, who Yusef shipped to:
I received a bonanza of a BIF Box from Yusef drives a Kia, with a nice Stone Brewing Pint glass, and several coasters along with an assortment of high-end west coast beers, including 2-22s, one of a tripel ale and one of a double bock. As much as I enjoy Belgian style ales, I think the Belgians do it best, so I will focus on the Double Bock. Special Black Lobotomy Bock poured with surprisingly little head, even from vigorous pours. I would put this attribute in the positive column, as carbonation was still sufficient to keep things enjoyable and I rather dislike drinking suds. The beer is alluringly dark, as can be seen in the accompanying photograph, invoking mystery and exotic flavors. The taste is malty but not bitter, and lacks the chocolate or coffee hints that a stout might have. The finish is smooth and doesn’t leave any errant aftertaste.
Before drinking this beer I didn’t know I liked double bocks this much. At 12% ABV one might expect some kind of alcohol flavor to come through, but I found drinking the beer easy and without any hint of how strong it really was. Given the high ABV and easy drinking, this beer definitely lives up to it’s name, I was left wishing I had more so I could keep on drinking it, damn the consequences.
This was the best of a great batch of beers and I will have to up my BIF game for the next one. 3.5/4 stars
ron7344, who Mexican Sharpshooter shipped to:
Here is my BIF review, in order of drinking:
San Tan Mr. Pineapple: Didn’t think I was going to like this, but was pleasantly surprised. Has a good wheat beer flavor with an excellent pineapple aftertaste. 4/5
San Tan MoonJuice IPA: Obviously a high quality beer, but way too much of a grapefruit flavor compared to the IPA’s that I prefer (Hop Devil being my favorite) This was my second grapefruit IPA and I guess I found a beer style that I don’t like. 1/5
Four Peaks Brewing Co. Kilt Lifter: I was really looking forward to this one because I love Scottish Ales and this did not disappoint, very tasty and easy to drink, definitely my favorite of the bunch so far. 4.5/5
Sonoran White Chocolate Ale: Really was skeptical about this one. Initial smell was chocolate with very little beer, and the first taste was sweet. Second taste was not bad and by the third drink I started to like it. Overall, an enjoyable beer. 4/5
Grand Canyon Brewing Co. Shaggy Bock: As the winner who received beer from our favorite beer reviewer Mexican Sharpshooter, I was lucky enough to receive this beer. WOW, I was very disappointed to only have one of these. The woodiness from the “Flavor Bomb” was easily balanced by the beer itself. 4.5/5
I really enjoyed the BIF, it gave me a chance to try beers that I would never see and types that I would never buy. Shipping my beers out was tedious and expensive, but it was well worth it and I will sign up if we do it again.
Riven, who shipped to the Hyperbole:
Oh, man. Look at all these beautiful babies:
Uh, so I haven’t actually tried all of these yet. I would love to say that’s out of some kind of sense of “reviewer’s integrity,” but really, it’s just been stupidly busy ’round these parts for the last few weeks. Yes, too busy to drink beer. I know, I know–it’s so sad. Or something. Links included with the reviews below for those of you who can’t quite make out the labels.
Black Aggie (Phoenix Brewing Co.) This is some damn good beer, right here. Can we get a round of applause for the Hyperbole on this pick? It’s sincerely top notch, and I definitely was not expecting such a glorious stout from BIF. This beer pours black. Not dark brown, not the deepest brown, but black. Pitch black. And the flavors are so complex: dark stone fruit, licorice, and strong coffee make for some puzzled drinking. “These things don’t go together!” And yet… somehow, they do. There’s also a kind of smokiness wafting around in the background that balances out the bitterness I normally associate with Russian Imperial stouts. It’s heavy and full-bodied the way a fine stout should be, and I would be pleased to have this again. … But in moderation because I was definitely feeling it after only 12 ounces or so.

Look, I even shared with Mr. Riven!
Mary Jane (Phoenix Brewing Co.) This is the first one I tried. As the most basic of the bitches, there was no way I would be able to resist a Chai Baltic Porter. I could definitely taste and smell the spices; cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and cardamom all fight for dominance while dark chocolate and black coffee give them a nice field to play on. Very warm flavors, overall. It was thick enough to linger in your mouth like a porter ought to, but it didn’t cross the line into “so thick you have to chew it” as some porters will do when they’re really trying to be a stout. I would absolutely drink this again–nine times.
Toe Tag Belgian Tripel (Phoenix Brewing Co.) I have yet to try this one, but I will say that I appreciate the aesthetic that Phoenix Brewing Company has going on. This particular beer is part of their “Mortuary Series.” I don’t know what that means, but I like it. Similarly, both Black Aggie and Mary Jane above are part of the “Cemetery Series.” As a fan of all things dark, macabre, and generally odd, these things brings me plenty-much joy.
Sohio Stout (Columbus Brewing Co.) Also haven’t tried this one yet. I’m quite looking forward to trying this one, but we’re officially in Road Construction season (aka “summer”) here in the last best place. I’m going to have to wait for the next unseasonably cold day we have to really appreciate this one.
Stroh’s American Lager (Pabst Brewing Co.) Y’all can laugh, but I’m super jazzed to drink this beer tonight (7/11). We’ve had a slew of hot, humid days here, and this beer keeps looking better and better. I don’t have to lift tonight, so I will be cracking this one open after walking Briz while Mr. Riven warms up the grill.
Honestly, even if the last three beers I’ve yet to try fall flat on their faces, I would consider this BIF a huge success for me. I’m always looking for new and interesting porters and stouts, and the Hyperbole really delivered on those first two. I can’t wait to sign up again next year! (Do we really have to wait?)
The Hyperbole, who shipped to Riven:

We’re still looking for that lube
The Hyperbole gives his boss some BS about running out of material and leaves work at noon. Riven had given him the heads up and the UPS tracking number told him that the delivery was today. Sure enough, as he turns onto his street he sees a big brown van pulling away from the curb. Perfect timing. Pulling up the drive he espies a package on the stoop, a large package. ‘Maybe I got drunk and ordered that 55 gallon drum of lube’ he thinks. Nope, the return address is Riven’s – this is the stuff. The Hyperbole carefully lugs the package inside and opens it, lining the endless supply of bottles and cans on the counter. ‘You’re going to need a bigger fridge,’ he says, referencing one of the greatest movies of all time. He opens the fridge and makes room, tossing some questionably smelling leftovers and putting his emergency 30 pack of Strohs in the pantry.
To kill time while the beer chills he logs onto and finds the morning links. He reads each linked article in full, taking notes and checking sources before heading to the comments to add his commentary both serious and snarky. But before he can he notices something.
“Hmm seems everyone is making comments and picking favorites from some sort of list that a gentleman named ‘Q something or other’ posted. I wonder what that’s all about?”…..Four Hours later the beer is chilled and The Hyperbole dives in.
Montana Common – A steam beer but since Anchor TM’d the word Steam everyone else has to call them ‘common’ like a mild IPA, hoppy but not too hoppy STR½
Wild Huckleberry Lager – If you like beer with a fruity flavor this is a beer with a fruity flavor. Personally not my bag but would be nice after a hot day. ST½
Cold Smoke Scotch Ale – MMM that’s the stuff! Malty Caramel-ly Roasty goodness STRO½
Highlander Strawberry Wheat – you know what I said about fruit flavored beers not being my bag? This could be the exception. STRO
Jacks 90 Scottish Ale – Another good one, of course, one might want to take into account that I’m fairly ripped now STRO
Thanks, Riven and Thanks to Neph for setting this up, BIF is now my second or third favorite part of this website/online community/cult/whatever the fuck this thing (place) is. Cheers, The Hyperbole.
Great reviews. I’ll finish my beer and tasting notes and get it submitted post haste!
Riven, the reason that Phoenix has a mortuary series is their location. They are in an old mortuary/funeral home.
Oh my word. I like them even more now.
Thanks for enacting my labor!
It’s a neat little building. I’m just about to get a bike ride in for lunch, and will begin the Cleveland Beer Trail (which finally launched a couple of weeks ago). It’ll mean revisiting almost all of the Cleveland area breweries again (1 brewery, Cornerstone, declined to participate). One of them will be a pain in the ass to get to, since they’re only open two days a week, but I should be able to soldier through and complete the tour.
You have my full faith and confidence! I will live vicariously through you, since cardio is a four letter word for me.
I’m horribly behind on my riding this year. The new job has killed my weekday after work rides, and my weekends have been booked. My average speed has dropped 2 MPH since last year. I’m going to need to start practicing on the damned stationary bike if I want to get some long rides in.
Nice reviews. And Hyperbole is able to work in a reference to the cinematic classic, Jaws. One of the greatest movies of all time. Triple Curly with a woo-woo-woo.
So, just curious: when you were a baby, how many times did your mom drop you on your head?
Since I know no one is actually such a horrible person that they really don’t like Jaws, I’d like to suggest that you really push the bit and pretend that you think The Meg is the real movie that everyone should study in film school.
Rant about how Dreyfuss, Shaw and Scheider can’t hold a candle to Jason Statham, Rain Willson and Ruby Rose.
“I have never seen it [Jaws: The Revenge], but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house it built, and that is terrific.”
— Michael Caine
I had forgotten about that quote. Thanks for the grin.
Sorry. I chose not to edit what the Glibs wrote, but I did add pictures.
Great reviews. I need to move to Hyperboles street. My UPS man looks nothing like that.
I bet if you gave him a similar pair of shorts and asked him to put them on, they’d look a lot more alike than you would have guessed.
I am pretty sure he wouldn’t. Now the FedEx girl who has my area is a completely different story. She could pull off that outfit no problemo.
This is why I don’t play your silly social games. The only beer I recognized was the Stroh’s. If I was sending anyone beers, I would send them the Champagne of Beers… Yup, the High Life.
When it comes to beer drinking, I tend to follow the old rule “Quantity has a quality all of its own”
Russian bot confirmed!
Nyet!I mean, uffda. How could you think that?The shipping would cost more than the beer. Just send cash.
That’s a fact, so much that I’m buying more Expensive Beer for the next one,
I had fun, and Lacky, I’m glad you liked the Lobotomy Bock as much as I
San Tan Mr. Pineapple:
Did you drink it with pizza?
I am so doing that tonight!
Here’s the beer for that. It’s excellent by the way.
Damn, I’m thirsty now.
I’ve got a solid rye ale in front of me now. The Brew Kettle Chief’s Rye.
Nice. I have some stuff to do this afternoon but will try my best to catch up later:).
I’ve had Brew Kettles Neo Brown. Pretty solid Brown Ale.
Sadly all out of delicious beer Yusef bought me, so I’ll just have to drink the mediocre beer I buy for myself.
I got Sour Wench, from Ballast point, Come over and we’ll have some
I would but sSadly a visit to you would cost even more than the shipping UPS charged for my BIF box.
Yitz, Red, White, and Jew
I cheered for the scoreboard, I’m not gonna lie
Geese’s are nothing but little shit machines and traffic pests.
That is some surprisingly off-color commentary though.
$%&*ing Hate Bird, the Bird That Hates!
I love the Belgians as well.
They beat England again. :woohoo:
At least the Wimbledon results are going my way.
Speaking of beer; I’ll be heading out to here for lunch in a few minutes
Sausage and beer ftw!
Dinner is going to be a crab boil. Potatoes, onion, corn, shrimp, chorizo, crabs, butter, beer, and whatever else might end up in a pot. Depends on the selection at the seafood market.
Hot dang. Legend.
Get the Deviled Aaigs. (h/t Tres) I never thought to put crumbled bacon on mine. That is genius.
AIGS is just funny….
Have you ever tried steaming your crab ?
Boiling seems to leach much of the sweetness out of delicate live crab.
No, but mine got a bit of pool side sun today.
Would be nice to have a “Wine it Forward” club, too (if I lived in a state that permitted such dangerous behavior – “the children” you know.)
I think the issue with a Wine it Forward group would be the lower amount of regional wineries, plus they’ll be dependent on what grows in the area. As an example, there are several wineries here in Ohio, but most focus on sweet wines. Now, with the amount of meaderies growing, that could be an interesting variant.
Happy Bastille Day
That UPS girl. Damn.
Are you saying you’d let her service your parcel?
Pretty sure I can’t get in on this because MD won’t allow it. Oh well, I already have all the Heineken I want. And I bought another bottle of Eagle Rare because someone emptied that and when I find that guy…
The state may not allow shipping, but individuals can ship without fear of losing their state license. Just don’t ship USPS, that’s a federal crime. People from all over the country ship beer in for homebrew competitions and trading.
State license?
Breweries and wineries don’t ship because the state will yank their license to produce alcohol (and that’s who the shipping laws are targeted at). I never begrudge a brewery doing something annoying because the state requires it, I just hope it produces more libertarians. Individuals don’t need to worry, because there’s nothing wrong with shipping beer for personal use, unless MD has some really bizarre law that’s been ignored for a very long time.
Oh, I see, you said individuals can ship without fear of losing their license. I took that out of context. Anyway, what service are people using to ship alcohol, UPS or FedEx? There is one state around here that I heard you cannot transport alcohol across the state, PA maybe? Maybe I’m confused about that also. And Maryland does have some bizarre laws, that may just not be one of them.
Both UPS and FedEx are fine, it’s up to personal preference what people ship with. And Utah is the one that will pull beer out of your vehicle and confiscate it if you’re transporting it across the state. Most states will bust bars selling beers that aren’t allowed in the state though.
I do know for a fact that you cannot order alcohol from out of state to be delivered in MD. Maybe that’s what I was thinking about.
Do you want a lot of Flying Dog beers? Because this is how you get a lot of Flying Dog beers.
They already distribute out here, and I don’t mind Flying Dog. I’m a fan of them fighting for the First Amendment and them fighting against the SJW’s. Which reminds me, I’m about due to pick up a sixer of their stuff again.
I’ve never really tried any of their beer I like, so I wouldn’t give to anyone as a gift. I mean if I really hated someone, I’d send them the one with Old Bay in it.
I’m in for the next BIF. Not sure how many Tucson breweries bottle, so I’ll have to find out, but I should know that anyway. I just ordered the swag for my recipient, even.
I’m planning on the next one being in Fall, if someone else wants to step up and run a summer one, I’ll help as much as I can.
Both Dragoon and Borderlands use full pint cans— assuming you like anything they make.–oktoberfest-french-maid.jpg
This one.
I think my lederhosen must have shrunk.
oh my
The most scariest
new drug … snake? sweeping the nation.White Snake
Damn fuck shit hell!
The most scariest
new drug… snake? sweeping the nation.White Snake
Ya know, I type shit like that all day, but why the fuck did they ever put the a right beside of the s on a keyboard? They should have thought about HTML tags!
Its like he’s a drifter, born to walk alone….
But only in the still of the night.
I’m sure he aint no stranger to love.
Do you know what other snake was seen along the Mexican Border lately?
Essssssteban Sssssssssantiago?
Bildo de Blassholio?
I’ll likely throw my hat in the ring for the next BIF, but ya’all are most likely getting Keystone Light.
You guys make great Beer in Ohio, look around, you’ll find something you like,
I like Christian Moerlein. Last time I was out there, I bought a case to bring back.
Ahh, the remnants of the great Hudepohl brewery….with Artie Johnson spokesperson
The first time I ever drank that, my friends and I went crazy over it. I think they make several types now, but back then it was just the original Christian Moerlein in the brown bottles. Sort of reminded me of a maltey Marzen. Damn, I love that stuff. My fiends and I would buy every case we could get. That was I think… 1981? Early 80s I’m sure.
I remember being in high school, and with 2 idiot buddies we got the KingCase™ of Little Kings. We were afraid that only 8 of those tiny bottles per man wasn’t gonna get the job done.
It did. Im pretty sure all three of us at some point puked in my parent’s shrubbery.
OMG, Little Kings, lol. I remember one time one of my dad’s friends was visiting and the guy was the type of beer drinker you never would see without a beer in his hand. Dad bought 2 cases of Little Kings and his friend got smashed. He was singing and carrying on and saying, wow I love these Little Kings, they’re creamy! The next day he had a horrible hangover and dad was taunting him by offering him a Little Kings, lol, He was saying ‘come on man, have one of these, they’re creamy!’ I was laughing my ass off.
The other thing mentioning Ohio beer brought back to me, is that I used to go to the Cincy zoo and drink beer all day. I can’t remember what beer that was, but it came in plastic cups and we would just walk around all day drinking that stuff. I would get one hell of a buzz going. I think it was a local brewery, just a lager or pilsner, but back then man was that ever good.
My guess would be the Hudy. Or anything that came out of Schoenling.
Yeah, probably. I used to know, but that was when dinosaurs still roamed the planet.
Pretty sure it was Hudy, too.
warped wing brewing in Dayton has some ideas for me
The St. Bernard Brewing Co. in Cincy claims they’re bringing back Weideman
Little King’s can be deadly.
That is all.
….writes down Christmas present idea for Yufus.
“you think you do OK with King Cobra?”
Bring it……
I laughed at a sign at a Cleveland area Giant Eagle, they had a 12 pack of Little Kings with the shelf tag saying “New Product!”
If you can suffer through 6 12-oz cans, you’ll be messed up wi’ a mad quicknezz.
However, IMHO, if you keep a cream ale really cold, those little green devils are tasty.
I just did a duck duck go for an on topic beer related nut punch story and this, came up in the results. It is kind of an anti nut punch. I wonder how their venture is going.
It only works if every tab comes with street cred
If people weren’t already doing it, we wouldn’t have to make a law preventing it!
OMWC potentially hardest hit.
Oh Ted is going to give you shit. That was an OMWC morning link.
Sorry….I slept in. Honest mistake.
I don’t need to do it if the rest of you are trained to be my henchmen and do it for me. 🙂
Ok, I’m going to put myself out on an island here, but you guys are what is wrong with beer these days.
We have a really active microbrewery scene here in South Florida. And if you want to try stuff from distant lands, World of Beer is a pretty good source, with 500+ beers available on any given night – even though they are a national chain.
But you IPA fans… holy crap, have you wrecked the microbrewery scene. We just had a mini-festival down in Oakland Park (home to a couple of nice microbreweries) with a half-dozen companies offering free samples of their wares. I tried about 20 different beers that night… and found maybe 3 to be drinkable. Most were so hoppy that they were akin to licking a bowl of potpourri. Most of those that didn’t try to be an IPA were going for the chicks with some sort of shandy, so they took a hoppy IPA and poured guava and passionfruit into it. Yuk. Now it really tastes like potpourri.
The good….. the cider movement is still in full force, and there were a couple of really nice ciders. One was particularly tasty and had a potent kick. Would drink again.
For the beer… the wheat beers were the only winners that night. There were a couple of pretty good ones. But not good enough to justify taking one of them over a big name like Blue Moon, Shock Top or Hoegaarden. So overall a disappointing tasting.
So thanks, IPA fanatics. Until this run of “My IPA has more hops than yours” is over, 8/10 microbrew experiments are going to be along the lines of “how much hops can we put in this beer?” If I’m going to get something that is not all that good, I’d at least like a little variety in the bad ideas – like the coffee ground beer I had last year. It wasn’t good, but it sure was different.
But overall, thanks for the BIF reviews…. you’ve given me something to be on the lookout for – I’ll probably grab a few of these on my next trip to World of Beer – some of those names are probably big enough to have a presence there.
IPA sucks. But I’ve had hoppy amber/dark ales that were good.
Ok, I’m going to put myself out on an island here, but you guys are what is wrong with beer these days.
These guys are at fault for all kinds of things wrong with the world, but I am not sure the promotion of overly hoppy beers is one of them. I am not sure I can name one person who is an over the top IPA fan. Maybe Doom, but he is never around anymore and he likes pineapple on pizza so his judgment is fucked to begin with.
I understand the IPA hatred, but what’s with the “You Guys”, by my count there’s one IPA and bunched of stouts, ales, and bocks. Furthermore, even if we all sent nothing but IPA’s to each other hows is the “problem with beer today” our fault, I’d say it’s the fault of the IPA haters for not buying more stouts, ales, hefes, and bocks. Markets, how do they work?
IIRC I put ONE IPA in my package, My Favorite Beer, all the others were a mix of types, Bocks, Stouts Porters and a Belgian Tripel. So I guess I’m one of Those Guys
I’m Drinking A Raspberry Sour right now, is that OK with you?
If you want to try something different: Melt my Brain
Sounds Great, where’s it available?
local around here in Michigan – very summery beer, refreshing. At only 4%, can drink a lot of ’em too.
They should be expanding distribution soon, they distribute in Ohio and they recently got acquired by Heineken (through Lagunitas).
Sorry you don’t like your local breweries, but the ones around me are doing some great stuff with sours, session beers, and experimental ones. Here’s the current draft list for Fathead’s (probably the most IPA heavy brewery in the Cleveland area). Six of their seventeen own beers (eighteen if you count their NA root beer) are IPA’s of some style. Other then that, they’ve got a wide range of beers. We’ve got one brewery that’s opening a full facility for sours, then we’ve got a brewery and meadary that has a wide range of meads and barrel aged beers. Hell, even in the IPA world, Urban Artifact down in Cincinnati (who does nothing but sours) got into Paste’s top 20 in a blind IPA tasting for a Brett IPA.
The only thing worse than IPAs are sours.
*runs away*
That’s a strange spelling of under-attenuated, overly-sweet Scotch ales. 🙂
/throws a bottle of geuze
Ok, I’m going to put myself out on an island here, […]
This is supposedly a libertarian site, so that’s kind of a given…
So thanks, IPA fanatics. Until this run of “My IPA has more hops than yours” is over, 8/10 microbrew experiments are going to be along the lines of “how much hops can we put in this beer?”
It’ll stop when people stop buying them. Lighten up.
DONATE to Planned Parenthood? By all means! Hell, assure me that they’re privately funded and not taking 1 penny of gov’t money, and Ill personally deliver $20.
But stop demanding federal funding, and lying about being “primarily a women’s health advocacy group”.
So every other word in that
AdPSAwhatever is “Fuck”, but they write “F*ck” in all the graphics???These are the people who said they weren’t selling baby parts, but are going to stop.
OK, that’s parody, right? Fuck anyone with a washer dryer in their house? HELL NO, stay away from me and my washer dryer! There will be shootin and dyin!
I know Ive posted this before, but what you need is White Trash Washer.
(guest appearance by White Trash Dryer)
Oh yeah, I remember that one. Apparently most of the people in that video need a washer that doubles as an abortion provider. Or maybe, they could just jump inside and abort themselves?
That has to be the most covered song on YouTube.
Anyway, I have a white trash air filter and it works great!
Here ya’ll go.
That one is always great.
The instrumentals are dead on, I didn’t like the vocals. They do a better job on Nothing Else Matters.
So, let’s assume that’s not parody. Really hard to do. But, say we can, OK, fuck whoever you want, but don’t expect me to pay for your unplanned parenthood, mmkay?
Get a haircut you hippy!!
Seriously, Rich Lowry is so square you could use him to frame a building.
Look, if you ask enough people just randomly passing by, someone will eventually have some weed, right? Not the worst strategy I’ve ever seen. Not as bad as the one Democrats seem to currently embrace.
K LO from NR
“On shore on an NR cruise a few years ago a man named Steve offered to sell me some. But before I could say “no,” he saw a crucifix around my neck and quickly said: “You’re a Christian woman. I’d actually like you to pray for me instead please.”
That is why Im glad I dont have the twitters. Id waste entirely too much time engaging.
On the other hand, the Wendy’s twitter page is hee-larious, and I feel like its something I could be a part of.
/much conflicted
Twitter is interesting to read these days, unlike derpbook, but like all social media, just say no, period.
I’ve been stuffing leads into small holess.
I thought that was a euphemism for spending the weekend with OMWC.
Nice looking work, clean and orderly
Neat. SMD is for robots.
Why are those cans gold?
“Audio Grade” – har! – electrolytic capacitors.
As long as they don’t cost significantly more.
My most recent effort was 2 amp IC’s in my Sony stereo
Oh, and for those who care, an infographic for who owns what brewery. It doesn’t have the full list for ABInBev.
Who is it that Said “what next, Omaha Beach?” weeelllllllll…..
I bought a pair of these in 1/72 scale for starters, and i need to do some research to find exactly Where on Omaha I want to set my scenario. I found a Guy on ebay that 3D prints a lot of Bunkers and trenchworks, so maybe a high Spot to rain Fire down on the Beach for the Germans.
Double Barrel Aged Pro Bono Vanilla Porter ABV 10.2% IBUs 38 SRM 55 Our Pro Bono Vanilla Porter, aged in two different types of bourbon barrels. We then blended these barrels and aged it on Madagascar vanilla beans.
This sounds delicious… is it free?
Wow,that sounds reealll Good,where’s it located?
I’ve had the “regular” and it is amazing. Hoping to try this.
Legal remedy brewing, Rock Hill SC
Should of just posted this.
Right here is the entire Russian hysteria media BS, and just how naive and dumb they all are, in one little basket.
Like staring at a train wreck
Gorka is still really pro The Donald, even after he got dumped.
Maybe he cares more about what he believes in than holding personal grudges. Also, there’s the little turd asking the questions in typical leftist weasel fashion.
I think so. I find that unusual for people who get involved in politics, unusual in a good way.
I liked when he called the interviewer out for making shit up regarding the Russian indictments.
“I liked when he called the interviewer out for making shit up regarding the Russian indictments”
And note how he just moved on quickly to the other sheep feed questions after he got pwned once again. And also at the end how nervous he seems to be, it’s like he’s crying out ‘You guys, why did you put me in here, help!’.
I was impressed when he just moved to the next question after that.
Shades of the Cathy Young interview in terms of pwnage.
“LGBTP: Pedos in the LGBT Movement?”
A bit long, but shorter and better looking than Sargon.
My first impression is, that I agree with the pedophile guy.
If it really is the case that people can’t control what they like (few dispute this), then liking kids in and of itself is not an immoral thing. It may still be disgusting, but I don’t think I could hold it against someone, so long as they didn’t act upon it in a way which violated someone else’s rights.
Got to 9 minutes and now it seems like shes just rambling…
“If it really is the case that people can’t control what they like (few dispute this)”
I think it disputable. Anyway, it’s different than LGBT because children can’t consent.
Thats clear, but being a pedo doesn’t make you a rapist any more than looking at Q’s links makes one an adulterer.
Without any discussion of the morality at issue, I’ll just say exactly what I think the deal is. IF you are a leftist, then you can pretty much be excused from any behavior, regardless of how abhorrent society as a whole perceives it. IOW, if you side with the left, agree with everything they say, they will defend you if you rape 2 year olds. However, if you are not a leftist and disagree with even one thing they decree to be right, apparently, like feeding the homeless, they will unite in trying to have you burned at the stake.
Anyone who thinks that is silly hyperbole, has not been paying much attention lately.
Uh, they don’t approve of this, it takes away jobs from honest hard-working social workers.
Oops, that should have been ‘to not be right’.
Those beers look delicious.