And since I posted this just for Hyperion addressing thicc nazis….
Best I could do.
Too much ink, spoils the femme.
It’s bad enough that 90% of my google image searches include the word “nude” at the end of the subject.
Now I’m on a list for “thicc+nazi+female”
(trust me…add the female qualifier)
I…uh….will take your word for it.
By the by, seems like you were an EM before you joined the officer ranks. This seems like a stupid question, but did your time as enlisted count towards time-in-service once you hit the O-level paygrades?
Yes…I made E-5 before I turned to the Dark Side.
There’s still hope! I knew a MAJ that came back as an E5 in the guards. Top notch guy, just was tired of being an O (can’t remember now if he was an O in the guard immediately prior or was still on active duty).
GL, for a while there, I was confused by “guards”. I was wondering if the Army or USMC had created specific “Guards” units – e.g. ’39th Guards Division’ – like the Brits or Russians have (or used to). Then it occurred to me that you meant NG, and it made a lot more sense. Especially since in the Army O3 to E5 (3 yrs in) it’s almost a 50% cut in pay.
Sorry – O4
Hello TC,
As with the Swiss man I was an EM (E-7) before hitting OCS, (circa 1966).
*hesitates, considers, reconsiders*
You show….wisdom.
Tres: this is why you use DuckDuckGo. At least to start with.
But they didn’t have anything either. The one closest went under the page title of “why 2018 is the year of the transgender Nazi” or something like that. So you know why I didn’t link it.
10000 this, waste of a pretty fine Woman,
WOULD……….. get over the color, Wow
Less ink, more THICC.
And I said there were no late nite links, and behold!, late nite links appeared, like an apparition from an unexpected and unforeseen dimension, floating across an ocean of time before time, somewhere between never and a SF novela.
Oh, and yeah…..NYC has almost the most backwards gun laws in the country, next to maybe Cook County.
There’s your OT comment.
Isn’t that the one who was in that Rob Zombie video, and dated Sandra Bullock’s ex or something?
It is, that’s Michelle “Bombshell” McGee:
Thanks, Count.
de nada
If I should ever have a child, I’m sending them to school as baby/child Hitler.
So if you ever come across that news story, you’ll know I’m that guy.
These toys are already out there.
In a Danger 5 word at least.
Shitlord Music
Funny, I met them in NYC before they were known. They were just sitting on the sidewalk outside a hall show.
If it is then I’m king of the shit lords.
White Zombie is so quaint, yet so much more hardcore than anything going on right now. It’s a sad time to be a metal head.
Snowflakes would be triggered. Hey, I’ve got an idea, let’s trigger them and lead them to the secret safe space. This will finish them off:
Shit, not safe to click
Space Lord
If you’re going acoustic metal, I prefer DDays of the New.
Late as ever, but newer Shitlord Music: https://youtube.com/watch?v=jWFWazj7Ud8
A hot body is a hot body. Not turning it down.
The queen looks like she is less than five feet tall.
How many hundreds of photos do you have to scroll through to find that? FFS Mail
To be fair, their photographers are way better than their writers.
“Scarlett Johansson quits Rub & Tug in response to huge backlash she received for taking on the role of transgender mobster Dante Tex Gill”
Kind of glad she gave it up. Dunno if I could see her the same after watching her in that role.
That’s why they call it acting.
So she’s just KD Lang that cant sing?
So now the movie won’t be made at all.
I’m sure the crowd will all stand around going, hey, that’s not what we wanted.
But that’s where my money would be if I were betting.
Possibly, I can even think of an FTM actor, much less a famous one. A big part of Hollywood casting is getting names that sell tickets.
I had typed up a response, then re-read your comment and saw FTM. Nope, none I can think of. The only ones I know of went the other way (Wachowskis, Sense8, and Orange is the New Black).
“big part of Hollywood casting is getting names that sell tickets.”
Very few names actually sell tickets anymore.
Honestly, if you read that in just the right way it’s kind of sexy. Phrasing, people.
Here’s a Local Rye IPA, 6.7% Abv, nothing stands out, I love rye Bread, no notes at all, Meh 3/5
$3 a pint tho, cheap experiment
“6 Kardashian Vagina Tips That You Should Never Follow”
“Stick big black cocks in it” wasn’t on the list.
Teen Vogue passed on that article because it was too tame.
MLF might not 🙂
Whew. I was a bit worried, but it turns out I was already not following them.
I am laughing my ass off. I’m drunk, but still…I’m pretty sure that was quite funny.
I do love the polished manners of the Brits. You have to give them some credit- here in the US, you have rappers singing “Fuck Donald Trump“.
Over there, it’s a paramotor guy with a banner than says “WELL BELOW PAR”.
Obama was basically Jesus.
Wow. Thats quite a summation.
This is my favorite halo pic
of a guy who opposed gay marriage until his VP stuck his foot in his mouth.
I wonder if the people who make Time covers like that understand the damage they do to the cause they’re ostensibly championing. One of the problems with tying “identity” so closely to partisan and tribal politics is that people are bad at spotting false dichotomies. Give Obama an opportunistic gay halo and you will inevitably push people who don’t like Obama into just a bit more hostility toward gay things in general. This will be especially true if the halo is put on Obama more for partisan or tribal reasons than for reasons related to the halo itself.
The term ‘reactionary’ is a funny one. We’re all, in aggregate, reactionaries.
As long as neither one really knows what they’re actually protesting other than “stuff”.
I do still giggle when I think about the French, of all people, sinking that Greenpeace boat.
There weren’t any protests when murderous dictators visited England. But they protest Trump.
Well, a few years under Corbyn might wake some of them up.
Fail. To a golfer, “well below par” is a compliment.
Good Catch, bet his advisers reminded him, if He even saw it.
The shooter, who fled the scene, was described as a black man wearing a white hat and red shorts, police said.
No, he’s not retarded!
+1 No yanky my wanky!
So in his advancing years, Gerry Adams has gone from pitching to catching?
*golf clap*
Why the fuck would english or scottish weenies protest Trump? Why do they even care? He has zero impact on their stupid lives and silly country. Those weenies still have a queen. A fucking queen. They probably also believe in dragons and wizards too. Creeps.
Because all the cool kids are doing it.
Dang R! look what just happened
Is it really cool, though? I don’t give a fuck about American politics, personalities, celebrities, tv, media. The whole thing is boring and stupid. And to expend energy on British, Australian, or fuck I don’t know Nepalese politics and politicians seems like a waste of life. It’s pathetic really. These are sad people. I have nothing but sneering contempt for them. May they die sad, unsatisfied, and lonely. Which they most assuredly will. By their own hand. Naked. In a cheap hotel room.
Well, my wife’s flight just arrived. Going to the airport and then on to dinner. Good night Glibs!
Good night 🙂
No, of course not. But the folks in these crowds seem mostly to be there in order to have “fun” and get in front of a camera. It’s a social event for them.
Don’t you know? it’s all the rage, Come let’s protest, what? you say, I say anything
/stupid Progs
Exactly. As I used to point out on chat-sites, “If your currency has a picture of a monarch, you’re inferior to me.”
That and, “if you come from a country that sent men to the MOON and safely brought them home, then stand up. Otherwise, go away.”
We use English units, we went to the Moon, the Brits use Frog units, and Lost an EMPIRE! see what happens when you hang out with Frogs……
Although the old school English were totes badass. On par with old school Spaniards. Sun never set, and all that.
The better question is why does England and therefore Scotland not allow illegal border crossings and rather used to make the want to be illegal border crossers live in tent camp slums in France on the other side of the tunnel. I guess the families were kept together in squalor at least. I am not sure if that is still going on. Our border seems to be the only news these days.
Italy’s catching shit lately for refusing to take in hundreds of thousands of boat people. I’ve also heard that Austria went Nazi or something and doesn’t want them either.
Hungary too: https://www.dw.com/en/hungarys-orban-tells-germany-you-wanted-the-migrants-we-didnt/a-42065012
“We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders,” he told the German daily Bild newspaper.
When asked by a Bild reporter why it was fair that Germany accepted hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants while Hungary accepted none, Orban responded: “The difference is, you wanted the migrants, and we didn’t.”
That’s an impressively sick burn. And I love how the Bild reporter wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Hungary, Poland and now Italy are all rejecting the ‘mass migration’. Black Pigeon Speaks has a few videos on the subject. The one about Hungary is the most insightful.
Aah yes I did see that. I stand corrected. I wonder if the Italian pm/president whatever he is will be protested when he visits the UK? Being sent back to Libya is a damn site worse than being fed, access to medical treatment and a bed.
I have an Italian friend who is a pretty standard European moderate leftist. She despises HRC because she blames her for Libya which, in my friend’s view, triggered the refugee crisis.
I must object to your conflation of Scotland with England.
“Why the fuck would …scott[s] protest Trump?”
Well concentrating on Trump might at least lead to a few less stabbings, right?
Huh, I just found out Blaire White did an interview with Playboy about a year ago. And now I can’t find it anywhere.
Here ya go.
Thank you, fellow tuber.
That interview is terrible, but I found this question to be pure gold:
It hasn’t. It only appears that way because you fucks in the media give those people a megaphone to spread their derp.
Why do you think that interview is terrible?
The questions and the way they’re posed, it’s someone who lives in a bubble. It’s not terrible in the intentionally slanted and mendacious CNN mold, but:
It’s just a dumb question posed from a not very insightful individual. More than half. And a non-lefty millennial? Who has heard of such a thing! I mean, yea, a decent majority leans left. A whole lot don’t, and an increasing number don’t. But that phrasing…more than half.
Holy shit, at first I thought *she* had replied this. Then I saw that it was you. I was about to become a huge fan of hers.
I don’t care what anybody says, “Don’t let Trump grab us by the country” sign is some funny shit.
I read this
R C Dean on July 12, 2018 at 11:47 pm
So what’s next? Omaha beach?
What do you think? I want to start new Project anyway
Sorry, I’m not much of a WWII buff.
I think some of the planes look cool though. What’s the one that had a clear dome over the cockpit so they could use stars for navigation? I think Jimmy Stewart flew one.
B-24, B-25 , good Planes
You should build one of those!
I own an R/c version or a B-25 and built a Scenario version as well, I’ll dig up the pictures
Of a B-25
Three words, Yusef; Sainte-Mère-Église.
That would be a fun diorama. Especially if you included aircraft. And it’s a small enough engagement that you could make a nice representation of the battle in a reasonable amount of space. And it’s well known enough for it to resonate with people. And by “people” I mean history buffs.
Of course, most of the build would be buildings, I suppose. So maybe not your cup of tea?
Good call.
Another suggestion: Hurtgen Forest
Yes. Another good option.
I didn’t even know about HF until last year. It’s amazing how winning a war means you don’t get second-guessed on a lot of strategic decisions.
I don’t know a lot about it, but yes; “to the victor go the spoils” applies to many things!
Essentially, US commanders decided to attack in the depths of a fortified forest instead of using open territory to the south where they could have used their superior armor and air numbers. 33k US casualties vs. 28k German. They could have bypassed the forest and left a screening force.
Which would have completely changed…or avoided… the Battle of the Bulge.
Omar Bradley…biggest fucking hack. Kissed ass to the top/was a non-offensive and, at least to his superiors, non-threateningly incompetent Milquetoast mother fucker. Complete hypocrite.
Saint Lo?
Team Trump plays nice in first visit to Mexico president-elect
The socialist will cure everything. Just like the Light Bringer. He’ll speak it, and it will be done.
Didn’t Tickle Me Almo earlier promise to ship a bunch of undesirables north? What’s Spanish for “5D chess”?
Perfect name, I instantly knew who you meant,
ajedrez de cinco dimensiones
Ya know, I just gleaned over the Mueller indictment of the Russians. I’m a dipshit than only knows law from Judge Wapner and watching Law & Order.
What does Mueller hope to accomplish by indicting foreign nationals, not in the country? It’s not like they’re going to appear, and the chances of InterPol nabbing them is likely slim.
What would happen if the 12 accused, collectively (ha!), lawyered-up and ran the game where they intend to force his hand, appear in court, and their counsel demands everything the Office of the Special Counsel has via ‘discovery’ ?
Just wondering.
/too many Tall Cans
Calling their Bluff? I could only wish………
/never too many Tall Cans!
I thought you were going to bed?
I said I was Tired, not sleepy, 7:36 right now, gimme an hour
Oh yeah, 3 hour difference.
They’ll cry national security and hope for a Democrat on the bench to buy it.
None of this has been thought through. Watching this spectacle reveals that the elites are a bunch of bumbling boobs. No offense meant to actual boobs, which I admire and appreciate greatly.
Well, like I posited, Im not very smart. But if I was truly a ‘foreign actor’ that did something, and was called to account for it, knowing the laws of the US, I’d make the offense play defense and announce (via my US lawyers) what their evidence was.
I like boobs, too.
Not smart? RIIIIIIIght…
/Fucking Glibs, always thinkin’ they are Smart
Window dressing to justify the millions spent.
All I know is that there are people at the CIA laughing their asses off at these charges.
That is exactly what happened the last time he “indicted” some Russians. They did lawyer up and last I heard the Mueller team asked for more time to produce their so called ‘evidence’. I heard on right wing evil radio this evening that most of the info in the indictment came out of Nuneze’s committee. I have a hard time swallowing that a phishing scam on ole Podesta can be passed off as some high tech cyber espionage. Jesus it happens every goddamned day. That and what exact US code was broken here? I also heard they are accused of (paraphrasing) ‘enacting an information campaign to influence an election’. What the fuck? This is a crime? Since when? It happens every goddamned election.
Answer: Once Herself lost
Redirect. Yes Phishing scams are illegal I assume, but a foreign power playing into an election? Is there a law?
No, there really isn’t. At least not directly. But as libertarians know, a mildly not incompetent federal prosecutor basically has a limitless tool kit and can basically stretch any law to prosecute if he or she desires. Which is why you see charges of identity theft and money laundering/attempt to commit money laundering or whatever. Along with the nebulous “conspiracy against the United States” charge. Which reads:
I mean, you can see how vague this is. Even then, it’s a pretty big stretch to claim that the DNC, Podesta, or Hillary are stand-ins for the United States itself, or an agency of it. I’d be curious to see how many people have actually been convicted under this statute when you consider how much they claimed precedent would have made it unfair to charge Hillary for her emails under the negligence standard (ignoring all the glaring signs of obvious intent to evade the laws in question). The laws in question have never been used like this.
The only claim that holds any water is identity theft. Which is pretty weak stuff. But none of this was actually meant to be contested. It’s all a farce.
it’s a pretty big stretch to claim that the DNC, Podesta, or Hillary are stand-ins for the United States itself, or an agency of it.
That is the thing. The DNC and RNC are private entities. If they get ‘hacked’ how the hell is that an attack? As much as they want to believe, they are not the government.
An important life lesson, I should not buy a growler of a 9.5% IIPA that I’ll have to kill myself again. It’s been a long hard road tonight, and there’s still half a pint in front of me. Other then that, my weekend will most likely prevent me from being here, as I’ll have to eat far too much food that’s bad for me at the Taste of Tremont on Sunday. The one downside being that I didn’t take Monday off from work as I have in years past.
Then Relax and just enjoy the Weekend, good beer, Good food, what’s not to love in Life if not that?
I should get over there next time I’m in town. I hate being stuck in the downtown rut between hotel & office.
My brother used to live in Cleveland Heights, Cleveland proper, and Mayfield before he moved SE to the sticks. Ive been to Cleveland I cant even count how many times, and I didnt know until now there was a ‘Tremont’.
The things I learn on Glibs.
Tremont! An area that has become a low grade hipster area, with a lot of really good restaurants, and some decent bars. Near there is also the original house from A Christmas Story. Although, if I remember correctly, Warty is from Tremont so feel the appropriate fear.
And the Heights isn’t real Cleveland, and Mayfield is very much a distant east side suburb.
Yeah the Christmas Story house is there. Some of the other locations were in Bedford.
When I die, sprinkle my ashes in the bar area at Sokolowski’s.
If you don’t make it to Tremont, at least make it to West 25th. There’s a large selection of good restaurants and breweries on that block as well. I’m counting on you to help me convince our Uncivil Servant that Cleveland isn’t that terrible.
Good Beer though, 🙂
Like Albany is all that…. but yeah, I’ll do my best.
Tremont is great. When in Cleveland, I highly recommend it.
“For a man who is a man, alcohol, in my belief, if it is directed to noble ends, has no object beyond itself.”
Alexander the Great.
So, let’s get Drunk?
And conquer the world? *prepares evul robot shitlord army*
Hold my beer
my second option is to Build a ShitLord army Like UCS does with the Fantasy figures He does.
You don’t get the part about where the evul robot shitlords build the interstellar starship The Hedonism IV. Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Why IV? It sounds good.
I’m on it………
Sounds like a guy trying to get laid.
I’m assuming he succeeded in Genghis Kahn fashion.
That’s why he’s “the Great”.
Imperial IPA? Christ, that brewer is an asshole.
It’s a solid one, just a bit much at 4 pints alone. It was my first time going to the brewery, so I left my empty growlers in the car. Went in, ordered a flight, chatted with the locals, and tried their beers. They had some solid beers, so I was willing to grab a growler of something to take home. Walking out to my car, a group of locals said good bye to me, and wished me well. I responded that I was just stepping out to my car to grab a growler (because few things will upset a brewer as someone walking in with an empty growler, and walking out with that growler still empty).
I’m the same way. I won’t carry a growler in without knowing for certain I’m walking out with it full of something.
I forget if I mentioned it, but I when was at the Greenhouse Tavern I had another Dortmunder which I loved and it must have made me tipsy because then I was like what the hell, I’ll have an IPA from the same brewery. It was… a mistake. At least I finished it.
If it was a Dortmunder, it was most likely from Great Lakes. And their IPA is… lacking at best, I much prefer their Burning River Pale if I want hops from them. They’ve got some cache just for being the original Cleveland brewery (30 years as of this year), and while they very rarely hit it out of the park, they’re generally solid.
*googles* Yeah, that’s the brewery. And I think the 2nd glass was “Hop Madness” (their website lists 18 varieties). The name should have scared me off but like I said I was a little woozy.
I always look forward to finding Nosferatu on tap in the fall.
Back in the day, before Nosferatu was bottled, a group of us stopped by there one night. A couple of us knew one of the bartenders, who told us about this new beer they had on tap (the Nosferatu). He charged us for a pint as he gave us pitchers, it was a careful drive home that night.
“With the GOP’s introduction of the “Unmasking Antifa bill of 2018″ our comrades need our support more than ever! These are all verified, genuine Antifa accounts:”
Oh wait, that’s a fake account too.
It’s settled then.
I’m guessing she’s not Hawaiian.
Donald Trump keeps Queen Elizabeth standing in heat as she waits for him to arrive at Windsor Castle
The Queen is in heat. Someone get a Q tip.
I don’t think even Q would touch that…
I’d totally fuck the Queen. There are some things worth doing just for the rights to the story.
Reading the whole Mail story in the links I was wondering if I could drink Teresa May doable. I am pretty sure I could.
Hand on the back of her head, listening to her gagging and begging for me to pull out as she taps on my ass. “I can’t exit so fast, Honey. It wouldn’t be good for you.”
That sounds like what I wrote to break one of the fake online AIs to prove it was a real person. That was a fun night.
*thinks about it*
*signs up for Straff’s newsletter*
Right?! This is a no brainer. Every time a family member posts a picture of their gorgeous vacation, my comment would be, “Nice, but not as nice as fucking the queen.”
I literally spit beer on my computer. Domo arigato.
So which one of you would lie back and think about England?
I’ll leave the Regina Vagina to you good sir.
Fuck England. And fuck the queen!
I’d fuck the President of Croatia!
So you would do a Lewsinky and blow the President?
President Johansson.
That story is way too meta for my addled brain. It’s turtle heads all the way down.
For transgender times, make it Suntory time!
With a bag on her head bent over… ok I’ll do it.
HM doesn’t need a bag. He just needs to get pooped on.
Keep the corgis locked up in the kennel then!
It was more than 10 minutes before the black Range Rover pulled up on the gravel at the castle outside London.
London McD’s have faster drive through than the US.
Don’t tell T that it’s Coke Light, not Diet Coke.
Oh just fuck off already. And I even like the old biddy but that’s just ridiculous.
Then he grabbed her pussy. / msnbc
Goddammit. We fought you 250 years ago so you’d fuck off with these rules. Piss off, Pomies.
If Trump sang the lyrics to “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” when they play “God Save the Queen”, I’ll pull the lever for him in 2020 right now.
I’ll vote for him if he meets May, Merkel, and Twink in the North, and cracks their heads together like Moe. OK, I’m already going to vote for him, but I’ll vote for him 6 times in 12 different states if he does that, which is totes OK with Democrats, right?
The thing about Trump is that it’s possible. He’s the honey badger of Presidents. Or maybe MAGA is the one that DGAF.
I’m pulling the lever anyway. I’m also going to vote for Trump 😉
I’m not even against kicking their fucking asses again, in fact, I want them to do something to provoke it. First retaliation is strapping Piers Morgan to a missile that hits Londanistan. Sorry for that in a way, there are a lot of hot British women. OK, I admit I like tits and ass more than teeth and pretty face. But I’m not the only one!
Wait, what? The sun shined in Britain? FAKE NEWS!
“GOP should get Van Halen to make a cover of “Panama” with the lyrics changed to “Kavanaugh” and play it when he walks into the senate for confirmation.”
This would be better. This is what I want played at my funeral.
I’ve got an instrument for them.
Well, Trump IS in the WWF Hall of Fame, and those guys all have music. I’d be down with it.
The lefties are doomed on the intertoobz. They boring, they can’t meme, they not funny, they suck. They’re the modern day church ladies. I’m serious. CUNTS.
These ladies will cause printing of your concealed weapon.
2 – 7, 15, 19, 21… fuck it all of them (but especially 2).
3,8,26, I’m spent.
1 made my eyes cross and I don’t think it was in a good way.
5, 26, 30 (obviously), 46
15, that’s just too young.
‘Leave her alone!’, he said.
I prefer Gary Puckett.
O Mighty ZARDOZ, seek to aid you in this endeavor by way of financial compensation. To be more specific, I purchased a STEVE SMITH SAY RELAX baseball t. Blue sleeves, size medium…or was it large…fuck me, I’m too tipsy to recall. Anywho, DON’T FUCK IT UP!
This guy takes his Purge movies seriously.
He probably didn’t have enough Purgenol.
The First Purge? That first one came out in 2013. Love Lena Heady, and it was a good horror film. Second one was forgettable. Third one was good.
No, purges only began when Trump was elected
I haven’t seen any of them. Ill have to check out the first one.
Yeah, Columbus City Council, screw you. Judge Cain was my Business Law professor. Enjoyed his. Class.
I’ll always take pleasure in Columbus pols getting smacked down. The only ones who need it more are Cleveland pols.
Our city council is terrible. Not quite Seattle or Portland level yet Thank God.
I think you meant [insert anyplace] pols.
NYC pols would like a word.
At least they can afford to pay four undercover cops to hang out at a strip club.
Old people ruin everything! :/
That’s the best part of being old.
Well, when you’re a less than middle aged man who all the old people know because you’re helpful to the older generation and the the old people around try to butt into the conversation when you’re trying to ‘game’. Go away old lady, I’m trying to talk to this young woman over here, I don’t care about how your plastic canvass is coming along!
Maybe she was trying to get a threesome going.
Game? Did you use Dominate against them?
I’m beginning to learn that.
OT (if there is a T): I’ve listened to the Ramones for 40 years now, and it’s weird to me how mainstream they are now. I don’t hate it, but it’s just strange. As a little kid, my cousin played me this album, which sounded to me like pop-rock at a fast speed. As soon as I had the money, I ran out and bought it (Rocket to Russia). Playing it for my friends brought nothing but derision. The Ramones at the time were considered untouchable. Even the alt-media at the time wouldn’t touch them.
Five years later, those same friends were listening to the Germs and Black Flag. So, ha ha. Now, the Ramones are being played in national commercials. I don’t hate this, just… WTF?
Well, you can feel secure in the fact that 90% of the people wearing Ramones clothes don’t actually know anything about them. At this point it’s a cool pop culture image like Che shirts.
No, no, no, do not compare the Ramones to Che Guevara.
But that is the reality to the yoots.
Fuck that.
Yeah, I listened to them 40 years ago as well. Just watched the last Spidermam movie tonight and they were playing Blitzkreig Bop throughout. Rock and Roll High School pretty much brought them into the mainstream pop culture. Beat the Brat didn’t do it for some reason:) Related, I was pretty depressed when I heard Breaking the Law on an elevator.
I always thought they were pretty much mainstream. The Ramones were on the same label as Blondie? WNEW had them on rotation, promoted their shows, and Vin Scelsa talked about them all the time. Then again, they were a NYC band.
Spawn 2 (16) frequently rocks a Ramones t-shirt. She knows loving the Ramones is a family tradition and seems to get why.
So what kind of age divide would you find creepy for your daughter? How does that gap change if I offer a 71′ Cuda to the equation? Just out of curiosity, a mental experiment as it were…
The rule has been standardized. Half your age plus seven.
But that doesn’t tale into account the dowry. I’m talking an orange 71′ Cuda. Original body and interior. Bored from I think a 305 to a 407.
Is its nickname “Winston’s Mom”?
Plus? I thought it was minus? Shit!
According to SugarFree?
Stump-humpers have their quirks. But letting Sconnies anywhere near their women isn’t usually something they allow.
I’ve warned you off before. It’s not me, dude. I like you.
Which is why I’m telling you, this girl is fucking scary. Let’s wait to see what happens as she gets a little older.
Alright, keep her off the auction block until I can make a fair determination. Good man, not wanting to sell me a bad product.
“Do you really believe that there’s some stored up conflict that exists between us?
There is no ‘us’.
‘We’ don’t exist.”
Great scene.
If we’re bidding on daughters now, I promise to out-bide CPRM when she goes on the auction block.
Tundra – She’s a percussionist, right? Does she have perfect time?
Sure, until she stabs you with a drumstick because you fucked up your bass part.
But SHE HAS TIME? All I have to deal with is an internal injury? JESUS!
Ok, just kidding
…but finding a drummer with time is like finding the f’n Holy Grail.
Just so you know, if I win the bid your daughter will not be reduced to a lowly drummer. She will be kept barefoot and pregnant. I’m catholic after all.
Lol. I was gonna share this thread with her, but I’m thinking a little while longer would be prudent…
BP, she’s a great drummer who is thinking of chucking it because she’s also a great singer. And a great student. Who likes science.
I am raising a female Buckaroo Banzai!
Note: my above comment was not a bid on her as a person, merely a long and tired attempt to find a drummer with time.
For the record: if it worked out, Tundra, you could watch all the recording. So long as none of the comments were about the music.
Tundra – I got excited because people with Time are like people with Perfect Pitch – 1/1,000,000. I’ve played with one guitarist who had Pitch – among thousands.
I’m a long way from being ready to record, in any event. Sorry if I was a douche.
This is the thread I first envisioned when I joined you shitlords here! How much for the daughter!
I have survived hearing a Muzak version of Karma Chameleon. And the Ramones were a band that went all in on the pop rock method, mixing it with punk stylings. Overall, solid music, great pop, and solid punk (for the time).
Is that Emily Ratajkowski holding a sheep?
I don’t know who that is, but by the name it is obviously a Russian bot.
A Russian bot with spectacular titties.
Terrible actress though.
Huh. So what I learned today is that “Word Crimes” wasn’t a Weird Al original.
Who knew.
Just put this little weasel’s face on every campaign commercial from coast to coast and the GOP can’t lose.
Though, they *are* the stupid party so I couldn’t expect them to do anything right.
I was expecting a pic of Boss Hogg.
Face so punchable.
I was thinking machete. But you do you.
There’s our little guy.
The real story – this guy was sending 220 texts a day to his mistress. He was one of the highest ranking members of the FBI. I don’t think I’ve sent 220 texts in my entire life.
The fucker was stealing time from the tax payers. Lots of it.
Lady at the parking lot chucks a small bag of garbage on the ground. I saw her do it, so I walk over and pick it up and ask her if she dropped something. “No, no, I just saw it on the ground.” Oh, I guess I’ll throw it away then.” She says that she’ll throw it away. “Why? It’s not yours, right?” Fun afternoon today.
Did she fly to the garbage can? I’m led to believe that all Asian women fly. And have sideways vaginas.
There aren’t any public garbage cans here. You carry your shit home or to the office.
Is that on purpose? My neighborhood tried that for a while and just wound up with the same piles of garbage in the same spots where the garbage cans used to be.
The garbage separation rules are insane. You’d have to have 5 or 6 cans in one place.
This is Seattle, Japan?
Huh. For some reason I expected the Nipponese to be less into that silliness. Like every other country in Asia.
Penn & Teller recycling
Dublin Ireland had some insanity that way. From what locals told me, people were taxed based on how full their garbage cans were, so lots of people would take their garbage and force it into public garbage cans. So the city got rid of a lot of them…
The city I live in makes you buy special bags for each type of garbage. Burnable, unburnable, batteries, appliances etc… Total fucking shakedown.
We went to a second run movie theater. Everything was going fine until went to throw away the soda & popcorn cups after. Several different identical trash cans with handwritten Japanese signs on each one. Just set them on top and beat feet out the door.
In NYC residential and public garbage is taxpayer funded while commercial garbage is private. Thus, every public garbage can is surrounded by piles and piles of commercial garbage. Who’d have guessed?
Incentives. How do they work?
Yeah, cliche. But it’s my first time with this one.
That’s a metaphor for Obamacare?
It was full of China White, much easier to get there, closer to source. It was a dead drop and you fucked it up white boy!
Gah that is one of my pet peeves – people who treat the spaces I walk through like a garbage can. I never say anything about it though because I live in NYC and I don’t want to get popped or something.
Chinese spy, guarantee it.
You are a true asshole’s asshole. I tip my hat to you.
Sounds better than college.
In the last shale boom there were several men from my small central Wisconsin town that worked the Dakota rigs 3 weeks on 2 weeks off and the drive from here plus expenses of staying there was still a big net to them.
I live in eastern NoDak and you would see the oil field workers coming and going by here. Pretty amazing. And I heard of lots of young guys working for months, not years, to pay off loans on brand new pickups. Ridiculous money.
I love ridiculous money. But I prefer SUVs, and THICCCCCCC.
How the fuck do you live there, man? Is there summer, I mean at least in August?
Wow. Those salaries are nuts.
But do they offer gender studies courses on the Lord of the Rings: a Patrionormative Deconstruction?
My HS age niece told me that this fall our small town HS will offer a ‘History Through Comics’ course. Something I’d be interested in, but not something that should be taught at a small town public school that is going to great lengths to try to get voters to pay for a new school. And also, unless they teach some Ditko, most of comics is from a more than left perspective on history.
I can’t keep up, Now I’m going to Sleep,Goodnite!
12/12 days
What? Put your pussy hat on Yusef, you quitter!
Yusef is a complicated person, you see.
I thought you were going for the whole ‘Zephod is just this guy, you know.” Thing.
That is damned close to my old Twitter handle… say, you’re not a fed, are you?
Heh, I’m worrying about keeping my job next week when I have to be in the room with County Sheriff candidates next week for work; no way I could keep my mouth shut long enough to become a fed.
It’s just… very close… to what I’d had in mind tonight.
I’d had a very intimate thing occur to me, something most people aren’t privy to. Something that was dear to me when I was quite young, pertaining to the Hitchhiker’s Guide and all that… something which your reference nailed.
Are you my dad? ‘Cuz I’d been chatting with him about it.
I’m just very good at knowing my audience. I know who likes what and who responds to certain things. It’s what I do as a writer. If you can imagine your dad animating the Hat and Hair cartoons though, I’d say he must be an awesome guy. But no, I’m no one’s dad. As alluded to in my personal V political article, I don’t believe in sex outside marriage, and much to cocks chagrin, I’m not married. TMI here is buried in the late night thread, to be excavated when next I run for office.
It’s the damned trading cards that got me started on that fucking series, okay? When I was in elementary school. Somebody made a big deal about them, so I had a bunch, but I hadn’t read the books, right? I don’t know how I got the books, after that. But I read the books, and they were sublime for a pre-teen me. But then I had loads of the stupid cards, and now I’m in a snit thinking about those cards, and you can just buy them online, and now I think it’s just a scam, being able to buy whole collectible sets of your nostalgia fodder, right. They’re there on Ebay, but it’s a scam, right?
Wait, aren’t you younger than me? Pogs were the collectibles in my day, before them new fangled Pokemons.
I think we’re about the same age. Pogs were the thing when I was eight or so. Pokemon were a thing far in the future. Tamagotchis preceded Pokemon.
Fuck you fucks, I put a lot of work into this picture of Donald Trump eating tons of Big Mac meals and I linked it twice and I don’t think anybody looked at it, you fucks!
“I was saying Boo-urns!”
My wife likes cop shoes. We have been watching “live pd” for the last hour or so.
Holy shit. This show pisses me off. Its basically a documentary on how the constitution is dead.
I love my wife to death, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get her to understand my justification for why I hate the cops.
Just tell her you think they’re all hotter than er, and watch the fury grow.
Interesting fetish.
And when I say I hate the cops, I really mean it. I ascribe collective guilt. Any organization of human beings who are willing to enforce seatbelts laws are an organization that is willing to enforce anything.
If cops say you can’t drive your vehicle with no seatbelt on and can
Prosecute you for that, then why can’t they prosecute you for any other arbitrary offense that they make up.
Like- dealing drugs, listening to the wrong music, walking in a manner that offends them, non compliance, not paying your taxes, etc…
I agree, but also I agree that as officers of the law they should not be prescribed discretion. Instead everytime they make an arrest under a shotty law, they should crow about it to the legislature so said laws should be taken off the books, not merely be on the books but unenforced via discretion.
Officers who voluntarily enforce unconstitutional law are guilty as sin.
^This is why I’m not a conservative. They think incentives don’t influence cops.
The justification I always hear for seatbelt laws is that some portion of the population is on Medicare and/or Medicaid, so the government is justified in regulating matters of “public safety”.
Yet, people look at me like I have three heads when I say that government funding inevitably leads to more government control over your life.
This is particularly true with healthcare matters. If they can force you to wear a seatbelt because not doing so allegedly increases their expenses on healthcare programs, what can’t they force you to do? Can they force you to buy foods they deem healthy? Force you to report to a government exercise camp?
Sacalia’s broccoli argument fell on deaf ears. People calling it a “nanny state” are getting it wrong. It’s much worse than that.
You clearly never had a DUI and had to watch the Australian public announcement commercial where teenagers in a car get into a crash and have their heads bash together because they didn’t have seatbelts on.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, be grateful. You aren’t here. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IKfkzsgZQWQ.
“here comes the trump reelection campaign” lol.