Week 9 – Don’t Be Such a Dramatic Bitch
Recently, I became aware of a term that sounds like bullshit. The “biopsychosocial model of pain.” It sounds like a hippy-dippy dollop of new-age woo. But you know, the old-school biomedical view of pain isn’t very good, either. The number of people walking around with fused disks and pins in their back that didn’t do anything for their pain is shocking.
But the biopsychosocial model just has three parts to it that any old gamma that’s raised a dozen kids knows. Feelings are one third “bio-,” one third “psycho-” and one third “-social.”
If you have a sixteen month old that falls and cracks their head on the concrete, you know that their reaction is usually going to be twice what yours is. If you recoil in sympathetic pain, you are going to be dealing with a screaming kid. If you laugh and say “fall down!” with a big smile, they are going to pop back up and giggle. That’s social conditioning setting the overton window for pain.
Unless, you know, they split their scalp, have blood in their eyes, and have a cracked skull. That just hurts. That’s the bio part.

Me, at 9:15, after a Zima.
When the kids a little older and has a little bit of agency, well, they can start with the “psycho” bit. My eight year old spawn fell of the bike. Road rash on the shin and a skinned knee, bleeding like a stuck pig. This kid wailed and wailed like he was being fed feet-first into a garbage disposal. So I yelled and told him to “Shut the hell up, no one wants to hear that.” This was such a shock, he actually did shut up. I’m not normally gruff with this kid. He’s a soft hearted, introspective boy that is more skittish than a fawn. So this was way out of character for me to him. But it did the trick. After he collected himself, I told him that if he wallows in his pain, it will get worse. If he sucks it up, he will be in control. Ten minutes and a bit of gauze+tape later, he was out riding his bike again.
And that’s when it struck me how much like this kid we all are. I’ve said before, in at least one Glibfit, that hunger is like a 2 year old. Put the food out of eye-sight and you won’t get as hungry.
Well, we are all still like this eight year old too. We live in a socio-environment where weight loss is ‘hard.’ It’s one of those things that Everyone Knows. Long term success at weight loss has a failure rate of over 95%. Long term adherence to an exercise plan by an adult that doesn’t exercise is south of 5%. Lose a lot of weight, and everyone will tell you how hard it is and how much you have to work at it and what a sacrifice it is.

In a high-school creative writing class, we were given this painting as a prompt. I turned in an essay that, in its completeness, was: “Billy stepped on a nail.”
And I internalized that. But.. you know… I’m a probably-would-get-diagnosed-as-on-the-spectrum system-loving engineer-at-heart who’s also got a complex that makes him seek out contrary positions (what up USC, my kindred spirit.) And when I look at it objectively…
It’s not any harder than bathing, brushing my teeth, shaving, and doing my hair every morning. No one will see you in the break room and say “Oh my god, you put Murry’s in your hair every day this week? That is so hard, I’m so proud of you!” Even though, you know, putting Murry’s in your hair is really hard. How can something be both so sticky and so non-newtonian at the same time, and it doesn’t wash off your hands.
Anyway, I’ve spent the last 7 weeks talking about the bio- part of diet and fitness. The psycho and socio parts are intertwined, and in a way that mainstream culture isn’t helping. But it’s 2018, and you know, the Jacket was actually right. You can use the internet to construct your own cultural cesspit. I found one little niche culture that will never tell you how brave and strong you are for putting down that blueberry muffin. In fact, they’ll call you a little bitch if you try and fail to precisely control your body composition. Bodybuilders. Did you ever read about how those guys do what they do? Between the vitamin-T, insulin, diuretics, wearing banana-hammocks in public, and fumes from the tanning spray, a little bit of self control at the dinner table is the easiest part of their particular vice. And so, even though I have no interest

Four-time Mr. Olympia winner Jay Cutler, shown above, is a bodybuilding legend.
in bodybuilding per se, and really have no interest in staring at people I know are shortening their life in order to super-deform their bodies and paint them brown, I have started immersing myself in their online culture.
Because as poisonous as their hobby is to their body, their overton window around “Shut the hell up, no one wants to hear that” is much more healthy than that offered by mainstream culture or medical culture.
Bonus 1 week challenge
Bathe, brush your teeth, shave, and do your hair, you filthy animal.
Note – We are winding down to the end of GlibFit 2.0, and are thus in need of a new handler for GlibFit 3.0. If you are interested, send our kind hosts an email.
Quoting this. It’s something that every child needs to hear multiple times daily. At breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Along with the adults who didn’t have it beaten into them as children. The obnoxious, ignorant pieces of shit you encounter on a daily basis.
Unique is not the same as special.
You are special to me, not to the rest of society.
204.2 this morning. I have been as low as 203.6 recently. Kind of at a plateau the last two weeks, but down 10 lbs overall, another 20 to go.
a 0.6 pound spread is well within the margin of error for water weight.
I know that, my point is that I have been flat for about 2 weeks.
Honestly, I can fluctuate 2 lbs per day, which is why I use my local minima as my tracking number.
Zima? Are you a uva alum?
Look, I was in college around the turn of the century. If you wanted girls at you party, you borrowed a copy of a Sisqo CD, painted your walls with laundry detergent, installed black lights, and set out a tub of iced-down Zima and a bowl of skittles. I don’t make any apologies. It was a different time.
I’m turning 40 in a month. Can confirm that Zima was what you bought (or acquired) for women who were too skittish to drink the pre-bottled Long Island Iced Tea or MD 20/20.
The Mad Dog is a strong position for a college girl. I usually think of college girls as Boone’s Farm and gutter drunks as MD drinkers.
MD featured prominently among my college friends. A night known as Ben’s Bender went down as legend after about 15 people decided to play a game of Edward 20/20 Hands.
Man, it is hard to believe that I was the classy bitch in college, knowing who we know.
Very true
For ladies: jungle juice.
For regular everyday benders: Beast Ice (Keystone Ice acceptable alternative).
For epic bro-down benders: Tequila shots with Colt 45 back.
I misread that as Breast Ice, which would be appropriate coming from you.
The only people I’ve known that drank MD 20/20 slept behind dumpsters.
this really isn’t any different than if you had gone to college anytime in the 1980s/1990s
the only difference is that Zima would have only been present in a narrow window of time/place.
fwiw – Nashville TN, where i went to school, was also a test-market for Zima in the mid-1990s, and it was ubiquitous. My brother was at UVA and i think it had been there even slightly earlier. (early 1990s) We were both surprised to learn it wasn’t 100% nationally available yet.
i’d drink almost anything to catch a buzz, but i sort of drew the line w/ that stuff. not because i was prissy about it, just didn’t like it.
My experience w/ the stuff helped me, tho, later on when i was doing consulting work w/ Guinness(later Diageo) and they were launching Smirnoff Ice in the UK. I was one of the few people who had firsthand experience with “alcopops” and understood why it worked w/ certain people.
Nashville Zima was packaged in Memphis in the old Schlitz plant. That plant’s corner plaque is up on a wall in Le Rendezvous.
Uh huh, because GTers are such badasses. Can’t possibly roll my eyes enough.
Target calories this week: 2500/day. Actual: 2514.
Target protein: 150 to 200 g/day. Actual: 179
Target fiber per day: 38. Actual: 30
Worked out: Saturday, Monday-Wed. Thursday and Friday took off the gym because I’m doing some serious hiking this weekend. Which is a thing I can do now.
Nightly Prayers: For the rain to hold off.
FWIW, I gained my base fitness from hiking. After some surgeries to address my sleep apnea, I found http://www.sandiahiking.com (useful to Albuquerqueans). Eventually I realized that if I hiked once every weekend, I got better. If I skipped only a single weekend, I didn’t regress, otherwise I backslid. Once I figured that out, I pretty much hiked every weekend at least until I got myself in trouble when it was too snowy.
“Hey if you think really hard, maybe we can stop this rain!” Wait, it doesn’t work that way? Well, best of luck. Congratulations in advance on your hike.
I can’t believe there are 3 of us here (even though I no longer live there but go back regularly to visit family).
At least four if you’re counting yourself: You, Hobbit, Commodious and myself.
Thanks for the reminder. I need to send email to the other two and see about a get-together. I’ve only recently gotten caught up at work post vacation.
I forgot about Hobbit! We’re reaching critical mass.
Oh dear, glibfission.
Where’s Vhyrus? Aren’t his parents out in NM?
I’m assuming Vhyrus is dead until I hear otherwise.
I’ve written here about my 21 year old daughter, whom we recently kicked out of our house. Before she left, we had worked with her counselor on a list of things she should be doing daily. One of them was daily exercise (she has an eating disorder and had gained a lot of weight in a short time). We just asked for 30 minutes of whatever exercise she chose. In the winter, it was riding a stationary bike.
When my wife and I randomly checked on her, she was sitting on the bike reading a book, and either not pedaling or just barely pedaling. Not at all a workout. As I thought about it, I realized this was a good psych lesson. My daughter did not want to exercise. Period. She was being made to do it. So, she never embraced it, never felt good about it, and never let it become a habit. Now that she’s moved out, she is doing absolutely zero exercise.
Contrast that with my wife and I. I work out to become better at hockey and to feel good. My wife does it to get better at roller derby, and she loves the challenge of lifting (even when she’s competing against herself). As a result, you’d have a hard time keeping either of us out of the gym.
Different mindsets, different results.
There are a number of books that I was forced to read in high-school that I hated. When I went back and re-read them as an adult… well, I’d say my track record is about 1 in 4. I don’t much care for lit-fic, so Steinbeck and Dostoevsky didn’t do anything for adult Leap. But I rather liked Johnny Got His Gun. Helped that I had learned enough history to put that one into context.
Absolutely. It’s like quitting smoking. Everyone who is nagged into it finds quitting impossible. People who decide for themselves that they really do want to quit usually find it’s not nearly as hard as people pretend.
At least that was my experience.
No junkie gets clean till they are the one that wants them clean.
I’ve trained a fair number of people (in both martial arts and lifting) and pretty much every beginner has no idea what their body can actually do. Even people who are old, fat, and weak can actually perform far more athletic feats than they think they can. They constantly want to slack off in training. Yes because they are weak willed, but also because they are convinced that there is no way they can do the stuff you’re telling them to do.
I’m training some friends in lifting right now. They are solidly inside the novice phase so they are adding 5 lbs a session to each lift. Each time the 3rd set is a huge struggle (as it should be) and then the next session each time they tell me they shouldn’t add weight because last time was too hard. I make them do it and each time they succeed. That’s how the novice linear progression works.
Our training motto now is “Fuck you, do more.”
I don’t wanna add weight.
Fuck you, do more
I’m feeling off today maybe I should drop weight a few lbs.
Fuck you, do more.
Slowly they’re conditioning themselves to work through pain, soreness, exhaustion, etc. And of course, like all novices who actually do the program, their progression is lightning fast.
Fortunate, I have an inflated enough ego that I set my personal expectations high enough that this isn’t a problem. I did keep injuring myself though…
Injury is always a risk in any athletic endeavor. Having a coach who knows what they’re doing helps though. I push people to do more, but I’m always setting a target I know they can actually hit instead of just telling them to swing for the fences with enthusiasm and shitty form.
I’m not a crossfitter after all…
A couple of decades of competitive soccer trained my mind to deal with physical pain such that when I started getting more serious about lifting, it wasn’t a stretch to push the envelope. That is until my back started hurting and when I got it checked out it revealed a congenital, structural defect. Since I’m not willing to have it fixed surgically (it would just start a domino effect of more and more surgery), doc sez no more barbell unless you wanna end up paralyzed.
So now I use machines and feel like a cuck.
If you have lower back pain you should consider using a foam roller as back support in your seats. One for you car, work, couch, etc.
It has really, really worked for me. The garbage lower back support pillows they sell almost make it worse.
My pain levels are fine now after some PT and rest. It’s more about the possibility for catastrophic reinjury. My L5 and S1 never knitted together in the womb so it’s essentially just floating free. Heavy barbell lifting partially dislocated it. Continuing to do that could fully dislocate it, resulting in cauda equina syndrome or cord damage resulting in paralysis.
So is the issue the weight or the exercises? And don’t feel bad about machines. The rap against them is that people use them because they don’t want to learn technique and then they wind up failing to build support muscles for those exercises and hurt themselves when they actually lift real weight. Well, you hurt yourself lifting real weight. Machines are intended to be used by people in your situation.
Jesus. That sucks a lot. I’m fairly confident I would have crippled myself if I were in your shoes. So it’s fucking awesome you got it diagnosed in time to prevent that.
Bill: The main problems with barbell exercises are the compound nature of them. Take squats for instance: even done properly it’s going to put unacceptable stress on my back because it’s defective. A leg press machine isolates the legs and avoids the strain. I haven’t asked my doc, but I suppose it’s theoretically possible that I *could* continue to do barbells, but at such a reduced weight that it would be useless.
Negroni: It does suck. But you’re right, I’m glad I got it diagnosed and PT has gotten me to a place where I don’t notice it unless I bend the wrong way or twist funny. They said I will eventually need surgery, but the longer I can stave it off, the better since it would be essentially a guarantee that it would be just the first of many surgeries I’d need every five years or so for life.
Additionally, a new treatment or therapy might be discovered in the meantime which might allow you to avoid surgery.
@Q: Gotcha. The machines make sense, then, otherwise you’d need a spotter to get you into position. Honestly, it’s not worth spinal injury just to see if there’s some way you could do Olympic lifts with heavy weight. Not that you need me to reaffirm your choices, but, if you’re in the market, I totally am.
Yep, my brother (a crossfitter/yoga instructer/judo instructor) and my physical therapist (a lifting instructor) kind of beat it into my heat that I need to listen to my body instead of informing my body what it would be doing that day.
I’m still struggling with the idea that “Amrap to fatigue” doesn’t mean “Amrap to failure” and that “Amrap to failure” doesn’t mean “Amrap to injury”
The PT says I’m the only person he knows with the dubious honor of injuring my knee enough to need treatment from doing a side plank.
I don’t know what this means. Could you kindly expound upon it?
AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible.
Amrap to fatigue means you go until you feel like you have ~3 reps in the tank.
Amrap to failure means you go past that until you fail a rep.
Amrap to injury means you go you go past that until you injure yourself. You aren’t supposed to do this one.
I would add that it should be always be to FORM failure, not to muscle failure — unless you’re very, very well trained. When you can’t hold the form anymore, call it a day, otherwise you’re gonna get to injury quick.
I always, always , always leave a rep or two in the tank.
Form failure? Man, I hate troubleshooting VIPP.
/obscure IT joke
It’s funny, the first big leap in weight I made was psychological more than physical. It was as if the strength had been there but I needed to build up the confidence, and once I had that I stopped thinking of the weight as “too heavy”.
My spine made a funny pop when I went to deadlift the work set today. Got the weight 2″ off the ground, pop, drop. After I straightened up, walked around and confirmed I wasn’t paralyzed, I was unable to convince my hands that the weight wasn’t “too heavy”. Its a weird prioperception thing. My hands have held on to heavier lifts — why would they be the ones signalling “too heavy”? Also, it remains to be seen whether I will be able to stand up tomorrow.
These injury tales are wonderful for onlookers to maintain their motivation…
Eh, my back has been stiff/sore for over a week. 99.99% chance it was just my spine realigning under load. .01% chance I horribly separated my spine and am doing horrible injury to my spinal cord. I counted that as form failure and called it a day.
Weird shit happens. Excess gas in the synovial fluid is the usual culprit of the loud pops (sometimes your vertebrae just exploded, but you know, probably not.)
Whatever the cause of failure though, my policy is a failure signals the end of deadlifts for the day. Way too much goes into making them work to risk it if anything is actually wrong.
Do you wear a belt for deadlifts? I used to hurt my back from time to time deadlifting, but once I started wearing a proper belt I haven’t had any problems at all. I actually use a 3″ belt for deadlifts as the 4″er prevents me from getting a clean setup. Now the 4″ belt is for squats and the 3″ is for deadlifts.
Also are you mixed gripping? A TON of people have a tendency to twist slightly toward the supinated hand and that is seriously dangerous (obviously. do not twist your spine under load people). If that’s the case for you then you should probably use straps. Powerlifters will make fun of you, but if you aren’t competing who cares? Strongman competitors lift huge ass weights with straps and no one makes fun of them.
Thanks. I am equipment free and mixed gripping. Given that no part of me is flexible, that thing about the slight twist is possible. Will check out both. Also, I will probably deload — a lot, and add some Warty recommended good mornings for a while. Last time I did something funny to my back deadlifting, he recommended that to me and I was good for a while.
Right on. I highly recommend http://bestbelts.net/. Both of my belts are from these guys and they are fantastic. If you go straps then try Ironmind. The Strongman dudes use em and they lift heavier weight by lunch than any of us will ever pickup in our lifetimes.
Given that no part of me is flexible,
See, that’s how you humblebrag.
Our training motto now is “Fuck you, do more.”
That’s my motto for my subordinates at work, too.
Running alot. A lot. I’m losing weight, and yesterday got on the scale and was shocked! I haven’t been this weight since 2001/ 30 years old.
I want to develop some muscle tone. Contemplating joining a boxing gym. They offer fight training, weight training, yoga, etc for $99 a month.
Anyhoo, had a light 3 mile jog to the coffee shop. Now I’m off for a 12 mile road run through the Port of Long Beach. Get home. Shower. Smoke dope. Play guitar for 3 hours. Bacon avocado cheeseburgers for dinner with cheddar tater tots. Carbs!!!
You can start off with bodyweight stuff for some muscle. Been doing that. Good old pushups, situps, squats, planks, etc etc. Even some basic yoga poses. Cheap, simple, flexible. I put on some mindless video and crank some out. Gonna order a pullup bar I think.
Trying to run more, but it’s fucking classic Southern summer: 95 and humid as fuck. Like running with a hot towel over your face.
I’m a fan of this routine. My 8 year old is doing it 3x per week
I ran 97.5 miles last week, with 16,000 feet of ascent, average HR 126 bpm. I did not, however, lose weight due to the week including a very good friend’s birthday with a “Dead & Company” show the following night. I ate (and drank!) at a restaurant for the birthday and drank in the parking lot and at the show. Net weekly gain of .75 pounds, but they reopened the Sandias (which had been closed due to fire restrictions) and I’ll be running up and down them twice tomorrow, so my weight loss will resume.
Damn that’s many miles. I’m doing 60-70 miles a week. Closer to 60 usually.
Losing weight is hard because people are lazy and into instant gratification. It takes patience to see results because you have to consistently practice your new lifestyle for weeks or months until anything changing. We’re already programmed by Nature to be lazy and seek easy pleasure, and our environment only makes it worse.
I have no data to back this up, but I’d wager that controlling for all other variables, the best possible predictor of success in almost any endeavor is delay of gratification. Mental resilience is pretty damn important too.
And I totally agree with the biopsychosocial model of pain; but I’d put more than 1/3 weight on the “psycho” part of that. The transmission of painful signals is a biological process. Discomfort as a reaction to those signals is a perceptual process. It’s why you can see yogis who have been training their mind to rewire their perceptions do things that seem like they shouldn’t be possible.
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Hof . Not a yogi, but employs the same techniques.
Wim Hof sounds a bit crazy but he’s done some things most people would think are impossible. The thing I like about him is he in no way feels he has some special talent. He thinks anyone can do this stuff if trained properly.
I’ve plateaued at about 230 for the past couple of weeks, but I’m now exercising every day. 100 swings and 5 get-ups per side with a 32kg kettlebell. Now I’m focusing primarily on getting the rest/work ratio for the former down to 1:1, which I’m close to doing, and just really nailing the latter. I need to be able to do the fifth pair of get-ups as confidently as the second (the first is always tough) and I need to be able to do it while my kid is yelling at me, my wife’s asking me what I’m planning for dinner, and the dogs are looking at me funny. I’m a little ways away, but not too far I think. Honestly, the biggest challenge has been to actually do it every day. It’s not just calibrating the effort such that I’m not useless for anything else afterward, it’s making sure to budget time such that I’ll be able to do everything else I have to do and get enough sleep to be ready to do it all again tomorrow. The challenge isn’t being able to do it once, and not even being able to do it daily, but to do it as easily as I take a shower or walk to work or feed the dogs.
I’ll tell you this, it puts a crimp in the drinkin’, that’s for sure. And my binge-watching and video game playing are both suffering. Pants fit a little better though.
“while my kid is yelling at me”
maybe your kid could do get-ups with you.
i got a 4’x2″ dowel for my kid to do cleans and basically any bar movement instead of looking at me and distracting me with her dumb chocolate-covered cute face.
My big concern is that I’m doing them in a small space (there aren’t any other kind in my house, unfortunately) with a weight that’s more than twice her bodyweight, and I don’t want to a.) get distracted and drop the weight on her, or b.) get distracted, start to lose the weight, “save” it, and then make an appointment for reconstructive shoulder surgery. But she’s started playing soccer at daycare, and she’s definitely interested in exercise, so I’m trying to encourage it as much as possible. Her mom’s pretty sedentary (not judging, just calling a spade a spade) and, frankly, she’s at the stage where she’s picking behaviors to model, so I want to encourage her to be active as much as possible.
That’s a good idea with the dowel. She’s a little too short to go jogging, and there isn’t a lot I can use to replicate kettlebell stuff with her that’s going to work weight-wise, but she does do the Youtube Zumba knock-off stuff with my wife from time to time. I should try to get her to do some bodyweight stuff with me, maybe some stretches.
The Mueller farce chugs along at a steady pace. Today, he has indicted the Russian military! Well, that’s Drudge’s headline. It’s about as realistic and he has just as much of a chance of actually taking those cases to trial as I do of fucking Kathy Griffin.
This comes the day after it was revealed that the FBI “missed” that Hillary was basically forwarding all of her emails to a non-Russian foreign entity of some kind. Because apparently the IG is a better investigator than the actual agents.
I can’t even begin to describe how much I want that bitch to rot in prison.
Christ, he learned nothing from being totally pwned after indicting the Russian troll farm?
He’s even stupider than I thought.
Speaking of exercise…
Aghdam made videos in which she exercised, promoted animal rights and explained the vegan diet, often with elaborate costumes or a rabbit.
Yes, she did
Jesus christ, Leap! I promise not to be a little bitch ever again!
Bathe, brush your teeth, shave, and do your hair, you filthy animal.
Done, done and done!
*admires self in mirror*
Hillary was basically forwarding all of her emails to a non-Russian foreign entity of some kindI missed this somehow. And Google News doesn’t know that it happened. Can you point me to a useful link?
It’s not the only thing you missed, brother.
So the post I was replying to is gone. And I fucked up the italics.
I don’t know if she was forwarding them, or if the foreign government hacked her server and was just helping themselves.
I’m starting a fun time between jobs and can’t wait for more time to walk, pedal, and golf my way through the day for a while.
I’m 6-2, 220#, a 44 long, so there’s zero social pressure to lose. But more times in the saddle will firm some things up, and swinging the sticks more often will do tons for my muscle memory; I’m not an athlete at all, and a bad month has added four strokes to my handicap.
OT: Robert Cray tonight and Alison Krauss tomorrow.
“Robert Cray tonight and Alison Krauss tomorrow”
that is good.
outdoor shows?
Yes sir, the Shell and Mud Island.
I thought you’d approve.
Is it bad form to wear your Martin tee two nights in a row? Normally I’d break out jeans and manly footwear for Miss Alison, but this humidity is epic even by my standards.
i think its only bad-form to go shirtless when you’re no longer sexy-bodied.
(*i have joined the ‘need to keep your shirt on’ crowd myself, lately. i aint fat-fat, but i’m no longer a prize-specimen)
so, no. If i expected to sweat a lot, i’d break out the sort of clothes i’d work in the yard in. like old-ass t-shirts that are already 3/4 ruined.
when i was in college in nashville i had the good fortune of working @ a brewpub down on the corner of 2nd ave and broadway, which is right on the cumberland river, downtown.
BB king decided to buy the place (at the time called “Big River”, soon to become one of the “BB Kings” franchise), and moved his annual birthday-party concert, which would normally be on the Missippi river in Memphis, to Nashville that year.
he had dinner before the concert in the brewery/restaurant along w/ the other performers. Seated were: Jimmy Vaughn, Bonnie Raitt, Robert Cray, and BB. I worked the table along w/ about 4 other employees. fortunately i then got off for the rest of the evening and went and saw the show on the river. Good times.
Utah in two days!
I haven’t been on the scale for awhile, but the weights were good this week. I’ve been walking/hiking to get ready for next week. I have been wearing some Xero Terraflex and I really dig them. A little more underfoot than my Merrill trail shoes and they have an excellent grippy sole. Looking forward to putting more miles on them next week.
Is that baby Neymar in the gif? Or is it lefties every time Trump tweets?
It’s adorable either way.
The real news in this article is There’s still a blockbuster location at all.
Look at the computer monitor in that photo. That’s older than the ones at the post office.
There is no evidence that this is a recent image of the last blockbuster. It’s from Getty, so it’s a stock image, and who knows how many years old. The resolution is too poor to read what move is being promoted in the background, and I’m not familiar enough with the promotional materials for films to identify it.
Of the foreground material, I can only read ‘weeds’ Which dates from 1987.
So are ya’ll saying the photo is old or that the article is BS?
The image is old, but not as old as it could be
I found the image on Getty’s site
Yeah, they didn’t do much PoS upgrades in recent years…
I can just imagine.
‘Sorry, the system is really slow today’
Minutes pass, more minutes…
‘Sorry, the system is really slow today. Oh no, the printer is jammed…’
One hour later…
On a related note…..I read an article recently (maybe something someone posted here, even) about how Netflix, for all its convenience, is a far inferior service than the old video stores simply because they have so many fewer titles available, and that’s absolutely true. There are SO many movies, particularly old movies, I’d love to watch that are not available on Netflix but likely would have had a copy at the ol’ neighborhood Blockbuster or Hollywood Video. It’s all the more galling because it is an entirely artificial scarcity.
Example: I recorded the Marx Brothers’ classic Monkey Business when it was on TCM recently, but one of my kids accidentally deleted it. OK, so let me check on Netflix, and…..nothing. Not a thing by the Marx Brothers.
Start a business streaming the back catalogs?
Hello all,
This is Lackadaisical’s wife posting (with his permission) to ask for help regarding hosting a website I’m creating. The website is for a small service that will hopefully attract between 3-4 customers/month (at most) and will likely receive very little traffic (<10 -15 views/day). It will have info on services, a blog, and a contact page.
I'm considering Bluehost at this time, which has the following add-on options to their basic hosting fees. I've included the information provided by Bluehost for each option.
Can you please share if any of these add-ons are necessary/useful for a no-frills website like mine? Thank you very much!
1. Domain Privacy Protection (0.99/month): The whois information for any domain name is available to anyone on the internet. Your whois information can be harvested by marketing companies, which will give you unwanted solicitations. When you add Bluehost Domain Privacy to your registration, the only information listed in the whois will be Bluehost. Here is an example of what the whois might look like for your domain.
2. SiteLock Security – Find ($1.99/month) : What is SiteLock?
Demonstrate to your customers that you are a trustworthy business by verifying your credentials such as email, phone and address.
SiteLock automatically scans your website for malware to ensure they are not being blocked or spammed.
Displaying the SiteLock certificate increases conversion rates on your site. It will give your business instant credibility and trust in the eyes of customers.
With SiteLock Find You Receive
Basic Spam Monitoring: Checks your site daily to make sure it is free of spam lists.
Basic Business Verification: Validates that your business exists and can be trusted.
Site Verification Certificate: Increase conversions and develop customer trust.
Blacklist Monitoring: Avoid your site being quarantined by search engines.
Basic Malware Monitoring: Scans your site daily for malware that would block potential visitors.
SiteLock performs a series of vulnerability scans to check for website weaknesses. These include:
XSS Scripting
Checks for cross-site attacks that allow hackers to use your website to solicit your customers.
SQL Injection
Checks for database attacks where sensitive customer information is stored.
App Scanning
Checks all applications that have been installed (WordPress, Flash, etc.) for vulnerabilities.
3. Codeguard Basic ($2.99/month): A time machine for your website
CodeGuard works behind the scenes, taking daily backups and saving each as a separate version – making it easy to turn back the clock should disaster strike.
Daily Backups: Secure all your hard work with an automatic, daily backup of your site.
Monitoring: Rest easy knowing CodeGuard is diligently checking your site for changes every day.
One-Click Restore: Revert back to a previous version of your website with just one click.
Redundancy: Redundant copies of your backups are stored across multiple secure locations.
4. Bluehost SEO tools ($2.99/month):
Improve your search rankings and increase visitors!
Our Start package is the perfect choice if you are beginning with a new website that needs to be submitted to search engines. You receive weekly reports about how your site is progressing and recommendations on how to optimize your site further. Features include:
Search engine submission
50 page analysis
Weekly scan
10 keyword ranking reports
2 competitor reports
Monthly email report
Marketing report with 5 recommendations
“This is Lackadaisical’s wife posting (with his permission) to ask for help regarding hosting a website I’m creating.”
Stop posing as Lackadaisical’s wife, Tulpa!
No wait… we believe you, give us some dirt on Lackadaisical, we won’t tell anyone, promise!
I figured it was actually Tulpa’s wife.
Then I remembered: we’re all Tulpa’s wife.
My technical advice: remember to spritz the carburetor at least lightly when you change the oil.
“remember to spritz the carburetor at least lightly when you change the oil”
If that’s how your wife likes it, I’m not gonna judge.
I regapped her plugs and advanced her timing….really put some umph in her high end; gonna blow the carbon off her jugs tonight
Right now, Lack’s wife is furious at him for not warning him about us.
Hello Mrs Lack. This Mrs Don posting without Mr Don’s permission. Be warned that these towering shitlords will leave you helplessly giggling and farting in the corner while everyone in the Burger King stares.
My wife has pulled up a chair here besides me several times and read while I’m posting. She doesn’t really get most of our humor and thinks we’re all crazy. Every once in a while she gets out a ‘OMG, what?’. No way would she try posting here. She told me she was going to once and I said ‘Go head, but be warned’, and then she was like ‘No way, you guys are crazy and I don’t understand most of it, I mean it’s not funny’.
Quite like your wife, I’ve frequently read threads here. Was hoping to find something useful amongst everything else.
You will, you just have to survive the “everything else” first.
Today’s been mild though.
It’s hard to get something serious here when there’s any opportunity for fun first. Anyway, like I said, for what you’re looking at, I’d recommend Hostgator, great service, and it’s cheap. And like someone else said, you probably don’t need more of those extras.
Just make sure your serpentine belt is in good condition before you start working.
Check that thermostat.
Be sure to go slowly and use plenty of lube.
This is Lackadaisical’s wife posting
Pics or it ain’t happening.
In my experience, for a small site like that, I would go with Hostgator, their support is top notch and what you get for the price is excellent.
Any idea about the add-ons mentioned?
I didn’t get a chance to look through them yet, I was too busy being a smartass as usual.
Is this just going to be a static web page? Like, there’s no transaction’s going on? No data being entered? Nothing for sale? No coding of any kind?
Are you going to create sub domains and do you need email? Logins?
1-4, I’m not sure you need any of that. Mostly gimmick. Most sites provide daily backups and give you all of that in the standard package anyway, without using the buzzwords to describe it.
Is this in regard to David Clark?
SP can answer better than I can, but all of that seems like fluff. The “whois” stuff is crap.
You might want the SiteLock if you aren’t using some other malware scanner and you intend to host adds or 3rd party content.
Codeguard — if your site isn’t changing daily, why pay for daily backups?
Do you need search engine optimization? Are people going to find you from Google? Are you in a highly competitive field? If not, I wouldn’t but that. Also, $2.99/month isn’t going to get you much SEO. My guess is that it will add a bunch of meta tags and link you to a bunch of other random sites that use the Bluehost SEO tools.
Thank you, that is quite helpful. 🙂
Hello, this is Mrs. Hyperion. I’m posting without Mr. Hyperion’s permission. Mr. Hyperion is the kindest, most handsome man ever, and did I mention good looking?
Damnit, honey… oh yeah, it’s me, Mr. Hyperion. I caught my wife posting with my account. Sorry about that, she embarrassed me there, not that everything she said isn’t true.
You can’t fool us, Hyp. At no time did she call you ‘um cara gato’.
Actually, she calls me ‘gato de olhos turquesa’. Seriously. It’s one of the first things she ever said to me when we met. Well, I mean after we were dating, or had decided to. Actually, since we first met online, I think the first thing she said to me is ‘Are you Nigerian? You’re not a Nigerian are you?’.
“It took me years of social engineering, but now I have your bank account intofrmation!”
Actually, I didn’t admit any of that until after a few lucrative months of ‘Can you send me $5000 Western union, my dog is dying and needs surgery and a meteor killed my mom. A shark attacked my dad, and my son was abducted by aliens’. Oh, also, can you buy me a new cell phone and webcam, mine got stolen by mobsters when I was attacked.
Did the aliens ever return your son, or did you refuse to pay the ransom?
We’re gonna need to see pics of all these alleged wives to authenticate.
If you haven’t already, register your domain with our host, Dreamhost. Most of those things are included.
I’ll reply more fully from my computer in a while, I am on a device at present with a tiny keyboard which precludes long, complex answers. Feel free to email me: sp@ this website so I have your email address. I’m happy to help Glib community members!
(H/t OMWC giving me a heads up)
Short answer? Nope, you can skip ’em.
I’ll second SP’s recommendation to go with DreamHost. I’ve been very happy with them.
Here’s the long answer.
The “Privacy Protection” bit basically means that the domain registrar puts themselves down as the owner of record. This spares you the potential for spam and such (somewhat), but also means that, technically, they own the domain as far as ICANN is concerned. I’ve never done it, and I find the spam manageable, plus if someone looks up the WHOIS info on my domain, they find me, not some random company.
I’ve never heard of SiteLock. The thing people look for is that you’re using a valid SSL certificate, and those are free to cheap depending on where you get one.
Codeguard sounds like “undercarriage sealant” to me, IOW bunk and hokum used to run up the charge. Backups can be set up for free through most hosting environments, and the rest of the stuff is gimmicky.
“SEO tools” are another bundle of garbage. It sounds like you’re not trying to attract traffic so much as have a website for existing contacts, so SEO isn’t really doing much for you anyway. If it is something you’re interested in, you’ll probably want Google Analytics, which is free. It will give you access to a ton of information. Unless you’re willing to get fairly technical, all you really need to know is that sites that have valid SSL certifications rank higher, page titles (the title in the browser tab) heavily influence where the page shows up in search results, and the more information you have about a given topic, the more likely it is to show up in search results, the more likely people are to visit it and spend time on the page, and the higher it ranks next time. So the more topical and useful the content is, the more exposure it will tend to get.
Mrs. Lackadaisical, so long as you’re reading, I feel obliged to tell you what a sweet, charming, honest, personable, charismatic, and handsome man you’re married to. He really brightens our days here and we, every single one of us without exception, deeply adore him. Could I trouble you to show him our appreciation with a nice juicy steak tonight?
“I put on some mindless video and crank some out.”
Exactly: my wife has 300 hours a week of BS on DVR, so I can do pushups while someone is beating Bobby Flay as well as any other time.
Okay, let’s all say it together: these euphemisms are getting…….
barely euphemistic at all?
OT Question – Since everyone’s getting their panties in a twist over MUH ROOSKEE UHLEKSHUN MEDLING it’s worth asking:
Since, through the investigation into the FBI/DOJ, we more or less have definitive proof that our own government is meddling with elections, is that somehow preferable to the Russians meddling in our elections. I’d argue that internal kingmaking and manipulation is FAR worse since outside influence can be defended against, whereas internal rot and corruption undermines the whole foundation of the country. It calls into question whether any election, and by extension any government, is legitimate at all.
Watching a member of the Executive Branch smirk at Congress after openly declaring his intention to undermine and destroy the President – really makes me wonder if elections have any meaning.
Mark Twain: “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it. “
According to a darling of the left – Stalin – only to the people that get to count the votes…
Uhnn… still getting over a cold from late last week. Most of the symptoms are gone but I still feel bone tired. So I only jogged ~4 miles this week instead of my normal eighteen or so. Energy levels are low.
Thankfully I’ve been maintaining my weight pretty well – at 192-ish last time I got on the scale, so not bad for a late 40s year old man at 6’2″.
Negative: I saw some 60-something lady constantly looking my way when I was swimming. I can still catch the eye of the (old) ladies.
You sure you didn’t have some wardrobe malfunction that made her stare?
No unless a wardrobe malfunction is a bulge at least 75% larger than average.
Well my wife didn’t mention anything… ::sheepish grin::
Slowly getting stronger. I’ve run out of room on a couple of the big four regarding linear progression as defined with Starting Strength. As a result, I’ve modified the overhead press and the deadlift from 3×5 at the heaviest sets to 5×3 at the heaviest sets. Seemed to work out well last night with overhead press (at a piddling, embarrassing 64#). I’m hoping for the same tonight with deadlifts. 5×3@200# here we come.
Whoah. Starting Strength only calls for one set of 5 deadlifts at working weight…. Don’t die Riven…
5×3 for Overhead is the usual way I train women. They seem to get much better results that way.
Yeah… I have modified the Starting Strength protocol. Lol.
Bear in mind that I don’t consider myself the ideal SS person since I have been lifting for several years now. I have previously followed 5/3/1 and Bill Starr’s 5×5 program most recently, for example. But I lifted for a couple years [outlaw/invictus barbell strength programs] before that, too.
I just love lifting, and I do want to get stronger. A year ago, 200# was my 2RM on deadlift. I spent some time stagnating–or, rather, specifically not adding weight–so I could really dial in my form.
Right on. My own intermediate method of programming deads is to do 3 doubles, next session do 2 triples, and then next session do 1×5. Then I add 10 lbs and start over. It’s been working for awhile and I’ll see how long I can keep the progress going.
I don’t know how anyone can handle a 3×5 at working weight with deads. My 1×5 leaves me feeling like I just had a stroke. Then I’m starving and totally wiped out.
I like the idea of that programming. Do you use it for more than deadlifts, or is that just very specifically how you make progress on them but not, say, back squats, or the like.
Not last week but the week before was 3×5 at 190#. I use a hook grip and my thumbs were officially dying at the end of those three sets. I do a couple back off sets after the heavies, as well (usually), and even the baby 135# weight hurt after that.
Yeah, tonight is going to be fun. Lol.
hook grip is only for masochists and Oly lifters.
I like that kind of progression in general. For squats I will move up to a new weight and do something like 5×3 then next session do 4×4 and then next session do 3×5 then add weight. Repeat.
Since I lift with my wife and I’m training 2 friends at the same time (all doing SS) this lets me stay more or less on schedule with them
Progress Report –
Weight: 174.6
Calories: Avg 1411/1500
Carbs: Avg 22
Exercise: Walking avg 28 min. M-F
OT: Need to brag on my oldest daughter. Driving home from work yesterday I get a call: ” Daddy, how do I remove a door?” I tell her to pull the hinge pins, and get the backstory. Her 6 year old son was being a brat and got sent to his room. At some point, he asked for a snack and got told “In a minute, I’m dealing with your sister.” As she’s finishing up with his sister, he comes out and *demands* a snack. “No snack for you. Go back to your room.” He starts yelling and banging on the door. “Stop that or I’ll take the door away.” “You can’t take my door!!” More banging.
My daughter sent us pics later. The door is gone, and the room is stripped. He has his books, his bed and his clothes. All his toys are gone. He gets his stuff back 1 toy at a time as a reward for behaving like a civilized human being.
Sounds like she is hell bent on making this kid a decent human being…
That does seem to be her goal, yes.
I like
I like it. Proportional response is for pussies. Totally lose your shit periodically, and people don’t even try to test you any more, and stay way the fuck on their side of the line.
The question is, how many of them are still alive?
The problem with this logic is that 8 million of that difference is accounted for in CA, NY and MD; states that are already cobalt blue. This just goes along with what we already knew from the presidential election: Dems are just running up the score in states they already dominate. Don’t know how that flows down to House districts, but in Senate and Presidential races it does them no good; which is why they’re so desperate to try and go to a direct democracy.
I didn’t see NJ. Throw that in there and you’re up to 9 million of that 12 million voter “advantage”. The Dems are a regional party; again, something we already knew.
How many of them are illegal aliens? All or just 90%.
OT: Hopefully not just wishful thinking.
I really think the Republicans gain seats in both Houses. Since we were supposed to have a Blue Wave, it will be seen as a rout and maybe get the Dems to consider something other than prog harder.
Personally, I’m fine with them progging themselves into extinction.
ho ho ho. Instead they will just prog harder!!! More drum circles.
I’ve often wondered why the right doesn’t just hire a professional drum and bugle corps to show the drum circlers how it’s done.
The guy who lost the Dem Primary to the Bronx Dem Socialist is still on the ballot for another party. He could split the blue vote and throw the ‘stronghold’ district to the Repub. Alternatively, there’s the question of turnout. It’s normally epically low there, and even smal bursts of interest could throw the election in directions wholly unexpected. Especially when voters see a clueless, disconnected socialist running.
And this is just one district. I don’t want to make predictions, because it’s an odd cycle this year.
A few years ago I thought it would be the GOP that split. Now I wonder if DNC splits into a moderately left wing party and the commies. Maybe some of the weaselly Republicans like Ryan jump over.
From the WSJ:
Under New York state election laws, there are three ways for a candidate to get off a party’s ticket: Move out of New York, die or accept the same party’s line for another race.
Bill Lipton, the executive director of the Working Families Party, said in a statement that his party would like to have Ms.
Ocasio-Cortez on its ticket in the general election, and suggested that Mr. Crowley move his residency to Virginia, where he has a home and spends a significant amount of time.
“It would fix the problem [Mr. Crowley] created in an instant,” Mr. Lipton said, adding that the Working Families Party is focused on electing Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.
Mr. Crowley has no plans to run on the Working Families ticket and doesn’t plan to take any steps to remove his name, said a campaign aide for Mr. Crowley.
that’s sort of amusing as a potentiality, but i suspect a D+29 (or whatever) district will just choose to go w/ the crazy commie because the media has already granted her heir-apparent status. the Dems wouldn’t dare fuck up the sheen they’ve put on her, and will send in the SEIU hordes to guarantee she brings home the W.
but i think you’re right that its at least ‘symbolic’ of the sort of retarded internal-dynamics going on in the DNC. what they are spinning as their progressive-victory is actually more a sign of insurrection and fragmentation between hard-lefties and the party establishment.
My prediction, based on, well, just a gut feeling:
The Dems pick up a few seats in the House (but not enough to take the majority), the Repubs a few in the Senate (but not enough to block a filibuster). Both sides claim victory. Nothing changes.
^i think this is what is most likely.
Herpity derpity derpity doo
The Russians are coming for me and for you:
It looks like they’ve got Trump now, conspiracy and collusion are proven (except the indictments specifically state that no Americans were involved).
Weren’t there reports that the DNC info download was an inside job?
No mention of Seth Rich in the indictment…
Supposedly the download speeds were thumbdrive speeds which are much faster than internet download speeds. They aren’t concerned with getting to the bottom of the situation though, these people will never see the inside of a US courtroom and the timing of the announcement, after the Strzock makes the FBI look terrible, during a state visit to the UK, and before a summit with The devil himself-Putin, is extremely suspect.
these people will never see the inside of a US courtroom
No, but I have no reason to believe they won’t do what the troll farm did – hire lawyers to appear on their behalf without conceding jurisdiction, and make Mueller and his pack of retarded monkeys look like fools. Again.
Ditto regarding announcement timing. At this point, I am behind Trump firing Mueller before he unleashes similar non-sense just prior to mid-terms.
The people replying are full-on delusional. The DNC has now figured out that you can feed the base literally anything, and they’ll lap it up like hungry pigs. Expect more shit-sandwiches from them in perpetuity.
It’s interesting how the Russian boogeyman serves the purposes of so many in both the Deep State as well as the establishment. Trump has made noises about NATO having far less utility than in the past; suddenly they have a raison d’etre. The Clintonistas get to slough off their IT incompetence; suddenly they have a scapegoat. The CIA now also has a reason to demand increased funding.
I’m too lazy right now to double check the details, but – one of the more enlightening details about Pakistani politics? is that i don’t think they’ve ever had 2 consecutive elected leaders in a row where one of them wasn’t a) assassinated, b) experienced multiple attempted assassinations, c) overthrown in a coup, d) participated in a coup or e) …. re-elected after experiencing almost all of A-D
basically, transfers of power in Pakistan are reminders that their politics are like perpetual, low-level civil war. which i would guess it close to how “politics” was for most of human history (thinking of the succession-crises in empires/monarchies)
Even setting aside the fact that their entire country’s raison d’etre is basically ‘hatred + antagonism to India’… their ‘worst-enemy’ is really Themselves first, and India second.
maybe themselves 1-3, and india 4th. because there are a variety of domestic factions.