The LINKS have awakened!!!

He hath destroyed my formatting.
Yeah, SP’s Morning Links were without a doubt, brilliant. But, you get mine this afternoon. I’d say “sorry about that”…but I am not sorry. So take yer mediocre links AND LIKE IT!
- If you think RUSSIANZ BOTZ!!!! is the worst thing for an election, then hopefully you will not go near Pakistan. Mexico had a spate of killings recently as well. Maybe seeing a MAGA hat (not MAGA PRIME) isn’t quite as traumatic as being blown to bits by a bomb, eh?
- I’m looking at you, PieInTheSKy. I am looking at you. Oh, not to blame. I am sure all 5 of Romania’s libertarians are innocent. Hopefully Pie can fill us in a bit about this story, as he has mentioned the heady mix of ineptitude and corruption that is government in Romania (well, to be fair, everywhere else too).
- A fool and his money are soon parted. I encourage this use of money for something just a bit less useful than a bonfire.
- I suspect the tabloids in the UK could not be any happier that the Hat and Hair are there right now.
- Future weasel-informer for The Party.

No, I shan’t be talking about RUSSIANZ INDICTMENTZ!!!
Oh, music. I guess you all usually want some sort of link.
Put that little snitch up for adoption.
The kid getting bopped by the pillow in the comments has me crying laughing.
“Kindergartner makes 911 call after dad drives through red light http://2wsb.tv/285tek8”
This is what happens when you send you kid to today’s public school.
And you people defend having children. I’d put that little snitch up for adoption, and tell him he’s lucky I didn’t drop him into a lake instead.
Kids are wonderful. That o e has the misfortune of a less than stellar parent (s).
This is wrong. Kids are the worst, it is known.
Thanks, Nikki.
He’s obviously not beating his children enough.
Fabulous females with fantastic fronts.
I think even Swiss can appreciate #32.
7, 17, 20 and 32 is Thicc, I like it..
Y’know, OT and all. I figured some soft, supple, make-you-want-to-dive-in femininity would buy me goodwill.
*narrows gaze*
You did post on topic first today, so that has to count for something.
Posting on topic here = there ain’t no topic!
Yes. There. Is.
Not any more!
30 looks friendly.
The girl in the background in 36 is not pleased about what came up on Pokemon Go.
So, a creeper took #33’s photo?
2, 16, 22.
3 looks like she has a bad case of the stupid.
Why does a kid that age need a Phone?
ass whipping is what he gets……
first at being third!
Nicely done.
Love 2Cellos
It was too bad when he left Reason.
*rises to begin prolonged and furious applause*
Someone earlier asked for a link to Hillary’s emails being forwarded to a foreign entity. Here you go.
But the real story here is how the Republicans embarrassed themselves.
Thanks, that was me.
Skroz OWNED those Republicans! Or so I hear.
I thought it was totally destroyed or wrecked them. Owning implies it’s alright for people to possess property, which we all know is wrong.
He raped them after obtaining active, ongoing consent.
Is this sarcasm, or did I miss something?
This is what the media is trying to spin.
Figured as much, but I haven’t kept up with the story. However, from the last, well… all my life, I know of the R’s incredible ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.
The guy smirked, acted weird, got caught in a couple of lies….so of course HE DESTROYED the IDIOT REICHWINGERZ!!!!
We watched the review of the day on Tucker Carlson on Fox last night, and from their standpoint, Strzok was humiliated and everyone was shocked by his smirk and arrogance. He also apparently confirmed a few illegal things not previously documented, like how the Steele Dossier got to the FBI (through a Justice Dept guy, whose wife who worked for Fusion GPS). My wife said “wow, it’s pretty overwhelming how bad this guy was” and I answered “I’ll bet that’s the opposite of how this is being interpreted on CNN right now.” Sadly, you’ve confirmed my fears.
Let me guess — his highly scripted lawyer-written remarks at one point are being portrayed as the best committee speech since McCarthyism?
How about the Dem Senator who said Strzok deserved the Purple Heart for being there yesterday? Bet that went over well with veterans.
That anyone could look at that beady-eyed weasel testifying and not be repulsed is beyond me. Anything for the narrative, though, right CNN?
CNN had an article last night which actually claimed that Strzok came across like an honorable public servant who just made a couple mistakes. Which is why he’s about to be fired.
I mean, you know CNN will never re-air the absolutely cringe worthy video making the rounds on Twitter. Because if you actually let most Americans see how he behaved, they would instantly loathe him no matter how much grandstanding was going on elsewhere.
They’re painting a guy who is about to be fired from the FBI for his conduct as a martyr. And it isn’t Trump people making that decision.
You know what’s going to be interesting is when they haul Gumby in. They sent federal Marshall’s to serve her, so she’s not going to get out of this. They need to make her squeal like a piggy on Petey, because she knows full well that he was allowing political bias to affect his behavior on the job.
Yeah, that Purple Heart remark got me boiling.
As I said in Morning Lynx: some of those emails contained Special Access Program material. Just mishandling that stuff will get you 10 years in the pen. Knowingly giving it to a foreign entity is a Capital crime. The Rosenbergs were executed for that.
I was arguing with a good friend that a reasonable argument to be made the Ms. Clinton committed treason and that she should be wearing an orange jumpsuit and sitting behind bars.
I believe that Clinton’s use of a private server went beyond avoiding FOI requests.
I think they were put out there as a way of making them available to foreign entities without a physical transfer. She was paid by the “donation” to the slush fund charity. The donations seem to be quite large for future, possible, access to the president but actual hard money paid in return for tangible intelligence actions by a very high ranking US official.
In other words Clinton was a paid spy for foreign governments.
Too farfetched ? Remember her husband okayed the sale of missle guidance systems to communist China.
It’s a brilliant scheme actually. She puts classified info in a place where it is accessible to the buyer and yet offers plausible denial for Clinton pleading ignorance. The payment is then made out in the open under the cover of charity. Remember , even though only a 100 or so the emails found were deemed classified, she deleted some 30,000 that have yet seen the light of day.
If not for Bengazi none of it would have come out.
If not for Trump it would have been swept under the rug even still.
“Do you mean like with a cloth ?”
Ok…That’s a bit too far into ton foil country for me.
Read some books about the exploits of James Jesus Angelton aka “Mother” of CIA fame.
There are people who think at this level in the higher reaches of many/most governments.
And remember as a poster below put up, she has already once been accussed of taking bribes via “cattle futures” trading.
SugarFree to the white courtesy telephone please.
Loving the pics there, Swiss! 😉
Thought you might.
What gave it away?
**Keeps hands on keyboard and away from itchy back**
Turn it right-side up and it’s an elder god.
The Old Ones reject your concepts of geometry.
A fool and his money are soon parted. I encourage this use of money for something just a bit less useful than a bonfire.
OK, that has to be money-laundering operation to support struggling friendly media organizations for midterms.
They can’t think this will do ANYTHING about confirmation.
The only thing I can come up with is an attempt to add donor/voter names to a database,
Ads can prompt a congressperson’s constituents to apply pressure that on occasion does influence the outcome (think the ad campaign against Hillary-care in the 90s), so it’s not an entirely meritless idea, in a general sense. In this specific case, however, it will be about as effective as a lighting money on fire, as Kavanaugh is quite inoffensive and the states being targeted went heavily for Trump.
You mean his citizen’s arrest of the thugs failed?
I engaged in terrible parenting recently. I assumed my oldest (16) could watch my youngest (13) and I was completely right. Amazingly, “kids” can function without constant parental oversight.
They fed themselves, dont smell like feet so I assume showered, no bloody lips or black eyes, house wasn’t burnt down, no sign of partying (doesn’t mean it didn’t happen), cops weren’t called, and best of all the house was left in at least the same condition I bestowed upon them.
Fuck all those who think kids can’t do what we demand of them.
Or they were responsible and picked up after themselves without getting in trouble with the law. A valuable life skill.
That’s what makes me most proud. I have and unless given reason, I don’t care. Proud dad
RE: Soros-led ad buys against Kavanaugh.
What do they think they’re going to accomplish? They think that’s going to work? The only way those Senators have any chance at all at being reelected is to vote yes, and even then it’s pretty slim.
I clicked the link, and didn’t get past the picture of a list of people who will lose their health insurance due to the supreme court. What the hell kind of twisted logic is this? What kind of moron actually believes this?
The kind who believed Trump was going to put gays and blacks in concentration camps and was going to start a nuclear war for kicks while signing over the Declaration of Independence to Putin?
I see you know my prog cousin.
I have it on good Twitter authority that that is still imminent.
Any day now, you will see !!@1!11eleventy!1
I guess I’m still an optimist. I so badly want to believe there aren’t that many people who are so gullible.
My sister married her partner many months earlier than planned because as we all know, Trump hates the gayz!
Stupid people are everywhere.
Go watch some lesbian porn. Then imagine the same thing, only the two chicks look like Lou Grant.
That’s a powerful image. Kudos! Please never do that again.
I think you mean Bud and Lou Grant.
*drops gloves and googles images of Lou Grant*
Could be worse. They could look like Ernest Borgnine.
It could be even worse than that, they could look like Janet Napolitano.
To me, that is the weirdest fucking narrative, given the evidence
“Stupid people are everywhere.”
Yep. I mean, regardless of whatever you think about the economic or domestic or foreign policy agendas of Trump, it is an objective fact that he is religiously/socially speaking by far the most liberal Republican to ever sit in the Oval Office. He’s the first Presidential candidate of either party to be straightforwardly and nonchalantly pro-gay from the moment he started running. Obama and Hillary both “evolved” into being pro-gay marriage. Trump’s been on the record from the jump as not caring what consenting adults do with their genitals. I think they tried to ambush him with a question about tranny bathrooms and his response was along the lines of “I don’t care”.
Like, call him a racist, whatever. By the 21st century standard of “He loosely throws around ethnic descriptors and generalizes groups of people”, yeah, he’s a racist. Call him a bully because he’s always going on Twitter and roasting people. Fine. Whatever. He hates women because he supposedly cheated on his wife, and obviously any President who would cheat on his wife is totes bad and no decent person would vote for them.
But if Donald Trump is anti-gay, then the word basically has shifted to “People who don’t own a rainbow flag.” Note I said own, not wave, because Trump waves rainbow flags if someone hands them to him.
What? Who refuses to wear the ribbon!?
There’s a difference between gullible and desperately wanting to believe something to be true. The gullible ones don’t know any better. The others don’t want to know any better.
Russian ad buys = foreign interference
Soros ad buys = Woke
I think my math is right.
Soros never helped Russians! OK, he helped the Nazis, I mean he actually admitted to it, but that’s totes OK when we do it!
Trump is to Sugar Free what George HW Bush was to Dana Carvey. Today’s events alone are a treasure trove of inspiration for Hat and Hair.
Well, I don’t see it in either PM or AM links, so….
Shitlording counter-revolution is here. Harvey Weinstein gives an interview – to GODDAMN TAKI!
It’s actually a fairly short article, but at least The Spectator let me read it. Hopefully there will a six-hour booze-fueled version coming. If only to see how SugarFree competes.
I’m not sure Harv realizes this makes him look like an even bigger loser.
I think loser is preferable to him at this point. You know, compared to the whole rapist accusation thing.
“Oh, poor me I was a fat ugly Jew who got rejected at the dance! That’s why I promised myself I would never let myself be ridiculed again. And every time a girl came into my office I made sure I was going to get my deserved screw.”
Evil loser.
And all those celebrities who knew are no better.
“And all those celebrities who knew are no better”
I’d say arguably worse. They not only look the other way/cover up Weinstein (and hordes of other moguls’) misdeeds, they then have the unparalleled audacity and hypocrisy to go on stage at their pathetic, self-congratulatory, circle-jerk award shows and hold themselves up as morally superior. Fuck that town. Fuck that industry. Fuck everyone involved. Burn it to the ground.
Including having the gall to attack Trump over his sexual escapades.
Seriously. Fuck every single one of those miserable cocks and cunts from De Niro to Streep all the way down to that asshole Maher.
And now Harvey’s lawyer is doing damage control.
If Hollywood wrote scripts that good, we wouldn’t need Marvel movies.
Perhaps the worst thing about the MeTOOOO.ooOOO bullshit is how these skanky bitches who were just fine with these sorts of arrangements now get to pretend that they’re victims and brave heroes.
To be fair, I’m sure they would have preferred to be in the movies without giving blowjobs to gross old dudes.
What gets me is the “no, no, it was Harvey and few third-stringer bad apples, certainly no one you ever heard of, oh no! And of course, every white male who doesn’t work in Hollywood.”
You underestimate how many of these women have daddy issues. You see fat old gross dude. Plenty of them see rich old guy with power. When someone like Kissinger says power is the ultimate aphrodisiac – he’s speaking, sadly, from experience.
It makes perfect sense from an evolutionary perspective. In the good ole’ hunter-gatherer days, old, gross rich guy would have young women quivering in concupiscent expectation because he had all the resources and could provide for and protect them. It’s exactly the same. They offer sex. He offers resources. It’s not complicated.
Remember old gross dude Kissinger was dating Bond girl/RatPack fave Jill St. John around the time of the Vietnam peace process.
He definitely knew what he was talking about.
She wouldn’t have had any interest in him had he been a greeter at WalMart.
More like a “piece process” if you know what I mean.
*golf clap*
My opinion, if he’s bad for taking advantage of them, why are they any better for letting him? If you’re going to whore yourself out, then you know what you’re getting into. The fact that they make this guy out to be a monster and the women who had sex with him to get acting roles, some sort of heroines, is twisted as hell.
I’ll put it another way, does anyone think that there has never been any rich old women try to take advantage of young guys and buying them stuff to get sex? Because that would be hilarious that anyone could believe that. So where’s the #MeToo movement for the innocent young men who were taken advantage of by wealthy old women? I’m sure they’re scarred forever and that they now deserve to be heroes, while granny gets locked up at 80.
Mira Sorvino wouldn’t play. Note how well her career is doing.
But she comes out a principled winner in the long run.
Yeah. I’ve always admired her. I noticed when she dropped off the radar. I just figured she had better things to do.
Her father was a gross fat old dude though.
IIRC she got a best-supporting Oscar and the only time we heard of her after that was the ‘dufus-girls go to high-school-reunion’ movie with one of the Friends cast. Too bad, she seemed talented.
Her father was on L&O in the early days. I liked him. He apparently had something to say about Weinstein, and Mira getting blackballed–after the story broke. But, IMO, it was too little too late. She’d been telling people all along, and nobody listened (or, you know, cared except she was speaking out of school) and if her father had had any guts he’d have spoken up years ago. But his career hit the skids, too, so maybe he did.
Poor Paulie.
I think she might have voiced a cool Simpsons character before her downward drop, perhaps a Bart girlfirend or Lisa rival, but I’m too lazy to look it up right now.
Mira Sorvino at her finest: https://tinyurl.com/yaum6ros
It reminds me of my favorite joke with the punch line “…we’ve already established what kind of woman you are. Now we’re just haggling over price”.
Taki is still alive?
This SC nomination process has become a ridiculous circus in recent years.
Thank Ted Kennedy, et al….starting with Bork.
Ted Kennedy: Not dead enough.
Ted Kennedy: Backchanneling G-d to try and overthrow Satan.
I watched Chappaquiddick last night. My opinion of the great people of Massachusetts found a way to get even lower.
I suspect the tabloids in the UK could not be any happier that the Hat and Hair are there right now.
I suspect that the lucky old bastards who got to play bocce with Melania are even happier.
She’s really pretty.
UK? University of Kentucky?
*narrows gaze*
I know. Lazy. It’s hot and humid out there.
God Bless you, Spud.
As summer comes in, information you can use from Chicago, a blind taste test between macro light (or *shudder* lite) beers against some of the more sessionable craft offerings.
Interesting. Coors light is my hot weather or post-hockey choice.
Nice to have some other choices.
I, personally, had a can of Stroh’s last night and it was mighty fine, indeed.
It’s like I don’t even know you any more!
C’mon, man! It’s not like I’m over here drinking watermelon dorado or something!
As long as you don’t slag mango even keel, we’ll all be okay.
30 case of Stroh’s. Michigan summer grass cutting beer of choice for me.
How many acres are you cutting?
Or as we called them….Stroh-di-pops.
In high school, we had “454 Night” cause at the time, a 12-pack of Stroh’s was $4.54.
Ah, misspent youth.
LOL. It took you this long to drink the Stroh’s, must have been out of cleaning products.
Lol! I still have two left, man. More on that tomorrow in mexican sharpshooter’s standard Saturday beer post.
But I really do mean what I said with no caveats or addendums or sarcasm–we’ve had a slew of hot, uncharacteristically humid days, and that beer was the perfect match for it last night.
I got to see some of what you sent Riven, I didn’t realize that Phoenix started bottling. I was there a couple months back on the way home from Columbus. They had some solid stuff on tap. Have you made it over to JAFB Wooster yet?
Yeah, Phoenix has some good stuff, I haven’t been to JAFB, I know my tendencies and how one beer turns into ten, so if I can’t walk there I don’t do much travel drinking. I was going to try the Millersburg Brewing Company when I was there picking up some slab wood to build a Crokinole table out of, it was lunchtime and I figured I could keep it down to two or four but it was a Monday and they were closed.
Stroh’s…suddenly I am in college again.
I’ll confess to enjoying a Bud or Coors on occasion. But (a) the beer has to be ice cold and (b) the weather has to be red hot.
I was at a boat show in Newport Beach about 8 years ago. It was 105 degrees hot. Hot as fuck. Sunshine and hot. And luxury boats and yachts. One of the yachts had a cooler full of ice cold damn near frozen Coor’s. That may have been the best beer I ever drank. And I hate Coor’s.
I bet that broket sold that boat that day. Smart move.
To this day, one of the best beers I’ve ever had was a Mickey’s. My dad and I had been working on his mother’s roof in northern California, and the plan was to get it done that day, regardless of how long it took.
So we finally broke around 3:00 in the afternoon. I wasn’t quite 19, I think, but my dad said I earned it. Tried another one a few years down the road and I couldn’t even finish it. Funny how context can make all the difference.
Coors original is perfect for western summer heat.
“Coors light is my hot weather or post-hockey choice.”
It’s what I drink when I’m out of water.
water or hennepin
I like Founders in general. Guess I’ll give Solid Gold a shot. Although it’s not terribly promising that they rated it the same as Coors. I’ll readily admit that Coors is the least terrible of the macro brews, but that’s still not a ringing endorsement
Solid gold is pretty OK. A little place nearby had it on tap around the 4th, and it made for some easy drinking all day.
Cool. It looks like it’s relatively cheap. I’ll give it a shot as a pool beer this weekend.
It’s pretty good and the price point works for what they’re doing with it. Good camping or garage beer. Going to sit heavier than any of the macro lights.
Not really a wide spread of ratings among the top ones, I almost wish they had spread it out a bit more. All I know is that I’ve got a growler of a IIPA from a local brewery that’s going to get opened once this damnedable conference call is over.
All this beer talk has me jonesing. To the growler station! Enjoy the weekend, glibs.
You know….all of a sudden I have a craving for a Negroni.
Go with your instincts. Every day is a good day for a Negroni.
Oh sure, Mr. “in thrall to Big Negroni”…
I still like an Ice cold Cobra, as opposed to the crafts after a hot day
Immediately OT but I have no confidence and wonder if a short explainer of commodities futures and why the fed gov has totally fucked up hedging and the whole idea of risk and “price discovery” is a worthwhile topic. we have had an excellent marketplace for hedging price risk and profit management for over a century and the fed gov keeps passing horrific “Farm Bills”. Wondering for a friend.
I’d be interested in reading something like that, if you’re proposing writing something.
I have some experience w/ commodity analysis, but the influence of domestic politics has, at least in my specific markets, never been much of a concern. (e.g. oil, aluminum, coffee, etc) I assume the issue is different if its stuff like, “Corn” or “Sugar”.
Or cattle. Interesting bit:
Failed to pay for fourteen years, and nothing else happened. I’m sure the IRS gave the First Lady at the time the same treatment as any other private citizen would have received.
See “Leads/Submissions” button above.
Will do!
/ Shrugs off oppressive yoke of self doubt
And this is why this site rocks. Come for a deep dive on FedGov fucking up a part of the economy so esoteric that most people have never heard of it, stay for the STEVE SMITH jokes and Q’s archives. They’ve got it all.
I only spent a few hours in Louisville but is it a woke town now?
I can’t even with these sanctimonious cunts…
I wonder what the repercussions of quoting LBJ on the having the niggers voting Democrat for the next 100 years would have…
Hyperbole much?
Twins just did it, too.
The CEO resigned but the company still needs to be memory-holed?
Don’t you even prog, bro?
Odd. Whenever naming rights are exchanged for cash, there’s usually an agreement. I wouldn’t think “OMG, the SJWs had a hissy over something the CEO said” would be cause for terminating the naming rights agreement.
I work for a utility that has naming rights for a stadium here in the cities. When the recession hit, our senior executives looked into trying to out of the deal. Unfortunately, the contract was written so that if we tried to get out of it, the penalty was essentially the same as if we just continued with the contract. Effectively, we’d have paid the them the same for non-naming rights.
If Schnattner had just shrugged and said “yeah, we got shitty pizza, I cant keep this up” and stepped-down, I’d have a lot more respect.
Never apologize. Never.
SLD- PapaJohn’s during football season when they offer 50% off makes it tolerable, however.
I’m too lazy right now to double-check the details, but – one of the more enlightening details about Pakistani politics? is that i don’t think they’ve ever had 2 consecutive elected leaders in a row where one of them wasn’t a) assassinated, b) experienced multiple attempted assassinations, c) overthrown in a coup, d) kicked out of office on criminal charges or e) …. re-elected after experiencing almost all of A-D
basically, transfers of power in Pakistan are reminders that their politics are like perpetual, low-level civil war. which i would guess it close to how “politics” was for most of human history (thinking of the succession-crises in empires/monarchies)
Even setting aside the fact that their entire country’s raison d’etre is basically ‘hatred + antagonism to India’… their ‘worst-enemy’ is really Themselves first, and India second.
maybe themselves 1-3, and india 4th. because there are a variety of domestic factions.
basically, transfers of power in Pakistan are reminders that their politics are like perpetual, low-level civil war. which i would guess it close to how “politics” was for most of human history
Politics, at its root, is the struggle for power, and the law is the terms of peace. When the terms are disfavored, the peace is violated.
My understanding that today’s indictment is based on the analysis of the DNC server performed by CrowdStrike since the DNC server has not been given to the FBI.
This article points out that malware (presumably related to the Russian hacking) on the DNC server was compiled after CrowdStrike got physical access to the server.
It’s night time in New Zealand, but I’m sure Kim Dotcom will have something interesting to say about this.
Can someone translate all that into Canadian?
Flannel, maple syrup, poutine you hoser eh!
You forgot hockey, hoser!
And a totes woke PM with really cool socks!
What, like wiped it with flannel?
So the Maple Leafs played against the Canadiens’, and every time they scored a goal an extra puck popped into existence, but no one knows if that puck went to the Stars or the Red Wings or the Coyotes or where it went, eh? The NHL tried to look the net over, but the Canadiens said, “Take off, hoser. Our net is fine.” After that, one of the referees got a peek at the net and discovered it was full of holes. Then, everyone went home and complained aboot the Oilers.
*golf clap*
Ohhhh. Now I get it!!
Based on the last line, the botnet software they are claiming the Russians put there didn’t exist until after the investigators were holding the server, eh?
Why the little conniving shits! That seemed to be the theme throughout but I couldn’t follow all the code-nerd talk.
To be more in depth, the compile date (date the code gets turned into executable program) is after the date the investigators had the servers. While the compile date could be spoofed, it would be extremely coincidental to change the date for it to just so happen to coincide with the investigation. Unless the Russians hacked space time, which is necessary because the IP used to say it was a Russian hack had been removed for over a year.
Trump attacking CNN reporters is always just…well, it’s just great. Accosta had the all important question – will Trump tell Putin to stop meddling in democracy. No means no, Mr. Putin.
I don’t know if its been mentioned:
David French on Mueller’s charges against Teh Rooshians
apparently he thinks “there’s some there there”;
there is nothing re: “collusion”, but French leaves open that possibility.
I’m personally skeptical, given how much of what i’ve seen so far amounts to treating ‘boilerplate low-level international cybersnoopery which has been happening nonstop for years‘ like some unique, new, scary-campaign…. which *even if you grant everything they claim*, could not have possibly swayed more votes than humdrum political gaffes like Hillary’s “Deplorables” remark, or her near-collapse on live television, etc.
Why didn’t Mueller just indict Putin? Then he’d really show he means business.
as i pointed out @ TOS the other day…
in order to sue a foreign govt for ‘hacking’, you need to prove that that’s exactly what happened, and there’s no other possible explanation
and to prove that, you’d need to present evidence for those claims in court.
and also: by trying to drag foreigners into your own jurisdiction… you are actually giving those foreigners rights that they don’t actually otherwise have; iow, ‘The right to demand to see the evidence against them’
imo, the only reason to lay out the indictments in the first place isn’t to actually prosecute foreigners…. i think the expectation is that no one will ever show up to defend against the charges, so the charges amount to so much ‘claims about ‘what actually happened’
e.g. that a ” Unit 26165″ and “Guccifer 2.0” were both coordinated by the russian govt.
there’s no proof presented, but that’s the story Mueller wants to run with.
it also seems like, as a sideline issues, Mueller wants to use this whole thing as a ‘basis for getting the govt to regulate bitcoin’. (at least that’s my superficial take on why the indictment spends so much time talking about BTC)
Hasn’t Mueller already been burned once by that assumption?
Small-L libertarian heartthrob Andrew Wilcow on XM today was asking a good question I hadn’t heard yet — if these Ruskies were so good at manipulating the Trump election, shouldn’t we be taking a good look at 2008 or 2012 as well? It doesn’t seem like it was these guys’ first rodeo.
You mean the election where the losing candidate said that Russia was a geopolitical adversary, and the winning candidate was one that (a) asked the Russian prime minister to let the Russian president know that “this is my last election, and after I win it I will have more flexibility” and (b) mocked the losing candidate for his silly outdated foreign policy ideas?
see the link above
(or repeated here)
Russians have been mucky-mucking w/cyber political stuff for a decade+
Decades. Since around 1945 if doesn’t have to be “cyber”.
He could sense the air starting to leak out of his investigation so he needed to pump it back up lest it wither on the vine before the midterms.
Mueller’s investigation is just a taxpayer funded DNC SuperPAC.
The Russians allegedly tried to “influence” an election by bringing to light what happened behind closed doors at the DNC. If the dems weren’t corrupt has hell this type of transparency wouldn’t be a problem. I only wish they’d succeeding in hacking the GOP, so we could see what those assholes were up to.
Russians or not, whoever got those emails did us all a favor.
It’s like saying the guy at the bar stalking the female who can barely stand is letting him buy her drinks and feel her up is demonstrating a comprehensive and sustained effort to win her heart instead of, you know, her demonstrating a willingness to spread her legs at the end of the night.
And it’s quite clear that the person they are speaking about in contact with senior Trump team members is Stone. And communicating after the fact isn’t a crime, though I’m sure Mueller is doing his damndest to find something he can throw against the wall.
this indictment outlines a comprehensive and sustained effort against the Democrats and is silent about a similar conspiracy aimed at Republicans.
One explanation might be that the Repubs had competent IT security, while the Dems obviously did not. Given a hard target, and a soft target, which one do you concentrate your efforts on?
Not to mention that everyone thought Clinton would win, so it makes sense her party, as the one in power and expected by the experts to retain power, would receive more focus from those conduction espionage.
That’s what I thought. The only reason the aren’t Republican emails out there is that someone couldn’t break into their server.
Or, neither server was hacked and it was an inside job.
I’m still going with my original theory. The Russians were trying to get dirt on both candidates so they would have leverage over whoever won the presidency. Hillary through sigint and Trump through humint because they thought that was the easiest way to gain that information.
It’s always an inside job.
They did try and hack the RNC server and failed.
Hard to believe, did you know that Democrats are wonks? Did you!? Do you know what a wonk is!? I don’t, just asking, it sounds really stupid.
Wonk? Isn’t that slang for beating off? I think so, because whenever I hear someone on TV news – described as a wonk speak, it sounds like jerking off.
The transfer rates on the Wikileaked DNC stuff is too fast.
How so?
Powers have been trying to gather information on other powers since the dawn of civilization. Now all of the sudden this is some revelation and unprecedented conspiracy because old bag got bitch stomped by the Donald. Give me a fucking break already, media. We get it, you have nothing.
Which has pretty much been ignored.
Explain, ye shitlords. How was it too fast? I mean explain it to me. Not the true bleevers, they don’t know the difference between a server and a cell phone and nothing can be done about that. If CNN tells them a server is a chicken and a hard drive is the moon, they’ll believe it.
Supposedly, the download speed was much faster than is currently available over the interwebs. If true, it most likely means the data was put on a thumb drive. Hard to do from Moscow.
“Hard to do from Moscow.”
Not much harder than to have enough Russian agents here on Nov 6th to vote illegally in an election enough to sway it by that many electoral votes, or to hack US election machines which are not connected to the internet, from Russia. I mean these are the things they must be asking us to believe, and if it’s not, I’d like them to just answer the question of what ‘hacking the election’ actually means. Because, they can’t.
Juncker is an alcoholic failure.
Here’s my shocked face.
“Don’t touch me! I’ve been walking on my own since before you were born! YOU DON’T KNOW ME! ACK! Trump come lick my balls. You like Juncker balls, oui? Mon dieu, can I have some brie here? BRING ME SOME BRIE! IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!? NATO? NATO IS NADA WITHOUT ME!”
Un jour, vous verrez! Je vais te montrer! Je vais vous montrer à tous!
I half agree with the alt-text on the whole Russian thing. Yes, it is a farce, but no, it doesn’t bore me to tears. I find it quite instructive and entertaining, watching Our Betters make utter fools of themselves. Mueller in particular. Every time I think my opinion of him couldn’t get any lower, he proves me wrong. What a fool – after beclowning himself with his first indictment of Russians, he actually does it again.
There is no possibility this indictment turns into any kind of punishment for the Russians. Its utterly pointless and has no purpose other than to win a news cycle and disrupt the President’s conduct of foreign policy on his current trip. There is no reason whatsover he couldn’t have waited a week, until the President is back from his trip, to do this. The timing alone makes the malice behind the indictment completely obvious.
But, he’s poking the Russian bear, which has a bad habit of poking back. With polonium-tipped umbrellas. So, maybe it won’t be all bad.
“But, he’s poking the Russian bear, which has a bad habit of poking back. With polonium-tipped umbrellas. So, maybe it won’t be all bad”
No shit. Look at what’s going on in London. Putin is not stupid, but he is a cold-hearted tyrant who happens to be exceptionally bold. I don’t believe he’d have any compunction about harming Mueller or people on his team.
Then again, all the Russian shenanigans are designed to sow general discord among the US population. Why stop a particularly useful Useful Idiot when he’s doing such a good job?
You are correct, sir. Mueller should get a medal from the Russians. He’s done more to fuck with the US than any Russian since Kruschev sent missiles to Cuba.
The semi-euphemistic term in Russian for rigging an election in favor of a candidate of the party in power is “using the administrative resource.” Now Putin can point out how the administrative resource was used by the US ruling class. I don’t think he has done it yet but he will love to play that card when the time comes.
I think the Russians are quite happy to allow the American nomenklatura to fight among themselves and to destroy the government that feeds them.
As Napoleon said: “Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake”
I bet he wished he was interrupted going into Russia though, eh?
That was Cold, Rufus……
I see what you did there.
Nothing gets by this muppet.
I read a great book written by Nappy’s Horsemaster, forgot his name ATM
My brother is founding partner of a law firm that does criminal defense in the state and federal courts.
He’s crowing about how well Mueller’s investigation is going. This is a guy who, two years ago, was savagely dismantling the corruption and prosecutorial overreach that the Justice Dept routinely engaged in.
The motivated reasoning he engages in is staggering.
At this point, if I am indicted of anything, I’m not certain I’d want my brother’s firm defending me.
He’s crowing about how well Mueller’s investigation is going.
Ask him what the deep strategy behind Mueller’s indictment of the Russian troll farm is, because to a layman it looks like Mueller had no idea what he is doing in that case.
“to a layman it looks like Mueller had no idea what he is doing in that case”
I am a layman and it looks to me like he’s beyond desperate to stay in the spotlight and keep the investigation going until the midterms (and, preferably, until 2020). He knows exactly what he’s doing. As I said above, he’s the leader of a taxpayer-funded DNC SuperPAC and will keep going until someone forcibly shuts him down.
Layman are especially good at realizing when someone is acting like an asshole and Mueller is acting like a little shit.
Oh, he told me despite me not asking him:
“He’s rolling the little fish to get at the big fish.”
It’s like the Concord Management (and Catering LOL) fiasco never happened.
Here’s the thing. These partisan aparatchniks? I went to school with some of them. I am from their socio-economic class. My brother is part of that community. I’m not because I turned my back on it.
I can assure you that they truly think they understand the world in a way that the unwashed masses do not. They truly believe they know what’s best for everybody. And, if you disagree with them, you are either paid to do it or just stupid.
And they are as bigoted and prejudiced as the Jim-Crow era southerners they mock.
That’s why my brother has suspended all belief and is making such an ass of himself. He hates Trump with a passion and is willing to believe anything bad said about him. And it appears to me that with each passing year the razor that he uses to choose whether he discards or accepts a piece of evidence increasingly is solely the criterion whether it supports or undermines his cherished beliefs.
I believe AlexCT had the word for it earlier today: Solipsism.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
He defends people accused of crimes by the feds. He’s contradicting this maxim.
If he makes money when the feds try to convict people of crimes, he’s invested in status quo.
Has anyone even mentioned that it’s National French Fry Day?
Wait. There’s a national day for frying the French?
What a country!
Frog legs, mmm, delicious!
Not really, the one time I tried them they tasted like rubbery calamari.
I admit it may be a preparation error by the establishment though, and would be willing to try them again.
Yeah, that’s because you had old overcooked frog legs. The fresh properly cooked ones are like the best white meat ever, seriously.
You might get more takers that way.
Thanks for that reminder, we think politics is stupid now but it has always been stupid, I remember during the “Freedom fires” time there was also a dearth of “Investigative Reporters” who would browbeat businesses if they weren’t flying a flag or if the flag they were flying was a little tattered, or not lit at night etc. etc. god I hate everybody.
An unlit flag at night bothers me, actually. I’m weird like that.
I dont mind the lighting requirement, but to see some hilljack that leaves a tattered rag on display w/o properly retiring it and replacing it caused a stabbing pain behind my eyes.
I can understand that, but these were idiots were the trenchcoat-wearing wanna be hard ass reporters busting into some poor dudes business with cameras running and accosting him because the fifth out of the dozen flags he’s flying has a small tear in the upper left corner!!!! It was outrage cinema before outrage cinema was cool.
I just replaced mine, give the old one to the Boy Scouts For proper disposal
That’s why I don’t fly American flags at my house. Right now is a Dropkick Murphy’s flag, then I have a couple of brewery flags to back that up when it’s time to change it.
Ah, a flag burner!
Bess Kalb sounds like a character from the Star Wars Clone Wars cartoon.
They’d watch and cheer Satan rape Jesus if it meant protecting their depraved and deranged narrative.
*stands back in awe*
I need proof. Let’s lock her in a room with members of the Federalist Society one week, and the next week, MS-13 members. No, better yet, let’s be fair, we’ll give her a chance to prove her convictions and choose which one she gets locked in a room with for a week. Then after that week is over, let’s still lock her up with MS-13 for a week also anyway.
Another follower of the Obama/Attack Watch philosophy. Unlike Obama, she doesn’t control the military, FBI, or any other alphabet agency with guns.
Swap out Federalist Society for FBI, and I’d agree.
“I am sure all 5 of Romania’s libertarians are innocent.”
What the fuck? Romania has 5 libertarians? That’s more than Maryland!
It’s just our resident commenter and his 4 vampiric thralls.
Trump attacking CNN reporters is always just…well, it’s just great. If that’s all he did everyday, that alone would make his election the best thing ever. Accosta had the all important question – will Trump tell Putin to stop meddling in democracy. No means no, Mr. Putin.
Yeah I guess I can stay out of it. //Putin
Supposedly Obama did that.
I guess it didnt work according to anti Trump progs today.
The FDA opens a discussion on what to officially call lab-grown meat:
I think “artificial meat” is the best term. Like “processed cheese product” – it lets you know it’s not quite the real thing, but close enough to satisfy many people. It will be interesting to see if this artificial meat can be manufactured in enough magnitude at a price point to be commercially viable.
I think it’s going to get killed in the cradle. People go ape shit over “GMO” products. They can make lab-grown meat sound even scarier.
Lab grown meat already sounds pretty scary.
I think fuck the FDA is the right answer.
Oh, that’s definitely the right answer, whatever the question is.
I like “processed meat product”
or “Prole Food(R)”
I like Potted Meat, had it for lunch on Italian Bread
That’s what I call my penis.
Italian Bread? I thought you were one of {{{THEM}}}?
Featuring Yusef or SSD?
Having spent a number of years of my profession in the food manufacturing world…I kinda doubt it. I think it is more a matter of demand and human psychology.
Think about diamonds. A lab can make a diamond for a tiny fraction of what it costs to buy a real one, esp. given the inflated price from the near monopoly DeBeers has.
But the only real use for lab created diamonds are industrial applications. I think synthetic meat will hit a similar thing. you may see the military or schools using it, but your average consumer is going to turn their nose up at it. I don’t think you can get the price low enough to overcome its perceived value. But that’s just my off the cuff guess without digging into what all goes into growing lab meat.
the military or schools using it
or Sally Struthers-run charities.
That’s a good point, with the comparison to diamonds. I know I would prefer natural meat unless the artificial kind were consistently superior in taste/texture while sold at equivalent/cheaper prices to real meat.
How much cheaper for the same quality would it have to be? Say you’re looking at two filets. Same weight, same quality, same texture. 1 is vatmeat, 1 is real cow. The real cow is $15/lb. What’s the vatmeat steak gotta be to pick it over the real thing? I’d say south of $7/lb in that scenario. Maybe even south of $5/lb.
I feel about the same as far as price point. The only way I’d pay equivalent prices for artificial meat is if it wasn’t the same but in fact superior in quality and texture – i.e. I’d pay ground beef prices for filet quality artificial meat.
There might be a niche market. Like, put those fake bean burgers that vegans eat with one since many of them are allegedly doing it for ethical reasons. You could apparently charge a higher price point for the fake meat to those folks. and that might be a bigger market than meat eaters willing to buy vatmeat.
There might be a market for lab grown rare or expensive animal meats — abalone, sea turtle, etc.
“bachelor chow”
It always reminds me of Better Off Ted (a show cancelled far too soon, IMHO)
^^^ Agreed on both points.
After an inordinate amount of fucking around (including, but not limited to, fabricating levers and brackets and making one-off parts on the lathe), over an absurdly protracted time line, the (rear) trunk of the 914 has a functioning latch and remote cable release. What a pain in the ass. Whoever the wizards were who originally built this *custom* car, they knew a dumb old manual release button on the back panel wasn’t cool enough for them, but they didn’t quite know how to make it happen. Now, it does.
Final assembly and adjustment is what worked on all afternoon. I’m nearly ready for a beer.
Since this thing is not even close to original, it’s worth nothing. Just ask any PCA douchebag. But I work on it anyway. Sometimes I even drive it.
*Porsche Club of America
You’re my kind of guy, Brooks.
I saw a nice 912 the other day. Always forget about those.
Go you!
Hopefully Pie can fill us in a bit about this story, as he has mentioned the heady mix of ineptitude and corruption that is government in Romania
You may want to repost this in the AM links, as it’s midnight in Romania.
So, just when he is getting up?
/lazy trope
I’ve refrained from judgment of your guys’ many seemingly overblown hatreds, figuring I probably just don’t have the knowledge and experience to understand whence yinzers are coming. But this contempt for garbage disposals has shorn me of that notion. Garbage disposals are the one thing, one luxury I care about in life. It’s what separates the
goodless-terrible life from the terrible. God bless and save garbage disposals. For this slander, I wish an eternity of nothing but deep-dish pineapple pizzas and cucumber beers on y’alls.Btw, I know it doesn’t need to be said, but in the commenter rankings SP isn’t merely #1 anymore. Now it’s not even close. I don’t think there’s any chance of overtaking her. Fourscore has seen quite an unexpected impressive rise (*wink*), but you’re all contending for first-loser at this point. Well, aside from the ten or so of you tied in last-place. (I wonder if it matches up with Hihn’s list. Never doubt the man’s keen insight.) Don’t be discouraged. You all matter or whatever.
I just added someone to the list of things I hate.
You’re not going to achieve last place that easily.
WUT? oh.. TULPA.
Anyone who hates garbage disposals hates America.
/crying bald eagle
God bless you.
I’ve always had one. We never use it, maybe because we’ve had septic systems (and do now). They don’t get along.
Fuck off, Tulpa, we hate you more than garbage disposals!
You love Tulpa. Revealed vs. stated preferences 😉
Exactly what Tulpa would say.
That’s what Tulpa would say.
It is Tulpa all the way down.
Whoa there! Just take a step back!
Just because some people make noise doesn’t mean everyone agrees with them.
I am a proud admirer of the garbage disposal… although, in my opinion, it is surpassed by the noble washing machine and dishwasher.
Bah! Everyone knows that all Glibs are replacing their garbage disposal with woodchippers!
I agree with your assessment. The garbage disposal, while nice, can in function be easily replaced by using the trash can. The washing machine, however, saves an inordinate amount of time and effort, with the dishwasher a distant, albeit cherished, second.
I could do without a garbage disposal, or a dishwasher. But washing machine is right up there with refrigerator/freezer and internet. Basic necessities.
^this, and an Acoustic Guitar
In fact, I’d do without my gas range and AC before giving up washing machine or internet. Got to have your priorities.
AC is higher on my list than a washing machine. I can always send the gf to a laundromat…
*Tebows to Sean*
Hah, I can just see sending my wife to the laundromat. Yeah, not going to work and I sure as fuck am not going. You can pry my washing machine from my cold dead hands! Or when it explodes, I mean it is a Samsung.
Acoustic guitar.
Sucking up just annoys her.
I’m impartial and indifferent about the rankings. It’s purely analytical.
(*revises algorithm to OMWC’s detriment*)
No bias! Honorable and just, like a great federal bureaucrat.
Remember kids, when replacing a garbage disposal, there is a metal knockout where the dishwasher overflow hose connects. If you don’t knock out this nickel size piece of galvanized steel, your dishwasher will not empty. Resulting in you wondering what the hell is wrong with your dishwasher.
Also, resulting in dishes that aren’t exactly clean.
Now back to your regularly scheduled hatred of everything. I’ll be over here, not on your lawn.
Fun fact- Rufus’s people call it a “garberator”.
That makes me giggle.
“Garberator” is a suitably muppet name for it.
No garbage disposal if you own the septic system, you may over power the system’s digestive capacity . And thanks for the call out, RS.
Thats the same issue with using them in a municipality. When the organic-heavy waste gets to the treatment plant, digesting it tends to suck up available oxygen.
However, my last house had a septic (not sure what capacity) and a monster disposal. It was routinely fed a diet of potato-peels, celery, AIG shells, anything stinky found in the fridge, onions, celery, and all the stuff you’re not supposed to send down. It was good for demolishing watermelon rinds and pineapple cores. It once ate a shot glass I dropped down it and I never had any issues.
One the other hand, perhaps thats the current owner’s headache, but since the house was constructed in the late 1950s, Im gonna bet its still ok.
I don’t grind stuff down the drain but I’d rather have tiny bits of organic materials in the 1000 gallon tank than a plugged drain line, when stuff does gets washed down the sink. Or from the dishwasher’s wastewater.
I was at a trade show where one of the companies that makes the monster commercial disposals had a big display. I spent an absurd amount of time there and learned that they do the torture test with ball bearings!!
Do you think an 8 inch diameter disposal is overkill for the kitchen?
Of course not. Tell me more about this disposal, so I can throw a chicken down the sink.
Are you willing to run heavy power to the kitchen?
I’ve worked directly with 7200/12470v systems….
I should’ve known it was a 3 phase….
Fun fact – I had one die on me, and called Insinkerator to see about getting a specialized part to fix it. They sent me a new unit free of charge and a $25 VISA gift card because they felt bad it didn’t live up to the lifetime warranty. They also offered to call a technician to install it, but that would have been on my dime, so I passed and did it myself.
Good to know. Rocking (grinding?) one of those myself.
But the only real use for lab created diamonds are industrial applications. I think synthetic meat will hit a similar thing. you may see the military or schools using it, but your average consumer is going to turn their nose up at it. I don’t think you can get the price low enough to overcome its perceived value. But that’s just my off the cuff guess without digging into what all goes into growing lab meat.
Yeah, I think I’ll just stick with the whey protein shakes.
Good grief I can just hear that in that shrill insufferable voice, but I don’t want to.
“It is a blatant attempt by this administration to shift the balance of the Court for decades and to reverse decades of progress,” the former Democratic presidential nominee declared.”
Isnt that exactly what 8 years of Barry gave us? And no doubt what she had in mind?
Ya so my bosses totally want to skin suit her. But then we got a quote for the custom build needed to pull it off…ya no. We might try to snag one of her assistants or possibly old Willy himself. In the meantime if she does anything that looks like uploading her consciousness we will seriously drop the god rods
It was on the Neal Boortz show ages ago when he said something along the lines of liberals/progs that wanted to end the 2A, and the crux of his argument was “in order to end private gun ownership in the US, you just need the right SCOTUS bench, and the right argument, and its over.”
Not sure how many have forgotten this, but Merrick Garland was Obama’s hand picked gun control guy. Now you know why they’re so mad.
Yes but fear not. Your Future Reptilian Overlords are intent on ensuring you mammals stay armed. Your far more entertaining when you’re shooting at each other. Also you’re welcome.
If you have a unit that looks like Diana, I think we can work out an arrangement
I forgot about that show.
Wait, wut? Decades of progress? I thought the most terrible thing about SCOTUS was how it leaned right. So we must have been going backwards for deacdes…?
Had a hopsecutioner with dinner. Coors hasnt screwed up Terrapin.
I’m sure they can’t, but I’ve written them off.
Oh, but did appreciate the tip about the Holy Grale. I could have dropped far too much money there if I went full on sour crazy.
Woohoo! I’m officially on vacation.
Me too!!
Cheers, Sean!
#MeToo, until Monday.
Sorry to disappoint, but Monday is when you’ll be needing that hashtag.
Cheers Tundra!
And Hyperion!
Cheers, Tundra!
(I’m enjoying pineapple as [insert deity of choice] meant it: mango/pineapple/rum cocktails.)
Cheers, SP!
Hmmm. I’ve got mango, pineapple and rum on the premises…
You need this.
Tall glass. 3 ounces rum of choice, 2 ounces each pineapple juice and mango nectar. Shake on ice. Can add a splash of soda if desired.
I’m on it!
Cheers! I’ve been on vacation since December 10, 2011.
Christ, what a retired asshole
He’s old. Let him have something (besides a grapefruit sized prostate).
*I raise my retired glass of bourbon your way* ?
*raises glass of bourbon*
You know it. (But he has a great wine cellar!)
I’ve got two days off at the end of next week.
Look, what you do, you climb up on top that baby and you drill a big bore hole and you fill it with vodka. Don’t worry, it works every time. Don’t forget to take glasses and a dipper.
A bunker-buster should make short work of that.
And the village. So I’m a go with the vodka iceberg.
Carlin said it best in his “save the planet” bit……
“ask these people if they feel like a threat to the planet today”
The planet will be just fine until red giant sun, then not so much.
But those people are FUCKED
It’s been a good week. The other day was my [redacted]. My girlfriend has been *very* good to me and my employer gave me a card stuffed full of cash.
Frontal lobotomy?
Does that explain the bottle in front of me?
The video ridiculing Piglet that YouTube removed within hours of posting
Just as with that Trump is the worst president ever survey, they’re just totally and completely revealing themselves.
That narrator sounds awfully…Russian.
I’m on my phone. How do tell if there was Alt-Text? I need to know!
I press down on the image until I get a pop-up. If there’s alt-text, it should show.
This is Chrome on Android. Your mileage may vary.
We’ll, shit. That was easy. Thanks Ted. If we ever meet in meat-spacez remind me that I owe you a milk.
Also; Swissy keeps the Alt-Text coming. Much appreciated. (It’s the little things that make life worth living)
Too bad there aren’t any late-night links.
There was. But also there was Thicc Thrursdays. Glibs is not the cultural mecca of shitlordism it once was. Ah, the good ol days.
Contributors welcome.
Ah, geez, you know I’m not like other guys, I’m nervous and my socks are too loose.
So, EXACTLY like the other guys here.
I’ll have you know I don’t wear socks.
I’m loose amdy socks are nervous.
“So, EXACTLY like the other guys here.”
I was just trying to be modest, as always, SP. You must have missed when Mrs Hyperion hijacked my computer and posted today. I mean, it was trending.
What was I last night? chopped Liver Ted?
No, your post was lovely. Thank you, Yusef. Ignore the h8trs.
No; I meant too bad there aren’t any late-night links tonight.
I know Ted, I was just yankin’ your chain, 🙂
Look, Yusef, we cannot live on Nazis and Allies alone! I mean maybe if it was THICC Nazis.
I dont know about thicc, but…..
(It’s the little things that make life worth living)
That’s NOT what she said.
That’s ok, buddy. You two have been together this long… obviously you found another way to make her happy. Hang in there. And by “hang” I obviously don’t mean”hung.”
Thanks, Mikey!
I knew it, they sewed a cow tongue on him!
So, I was just mentioning reading material earlier today, I’ve been chewing through some novels fairly quickly lately and so once again needed something new. Few nights ago, in a late night Amazon sleepy time search, looking for SciFi, I came upon a collection of short stories by Frederich Pohl. It’s OK, in an OK sort of retro SciFi way. Then I had mentioned Vinge. I just went to peruse my dusty shelf of hardback and paperback novels to remember what was there and I came upon my Vinge collection. That’s when I noticed that A Fire Upon the Deep is the only book I’ve read in the Zones of Thought series. I wonder if it’s because it was the first one, and I just forgot about it because I had so many other things to read after. Shit, I’ve never read A Deepness in the Sky, which someone also mentioned in that same thread. Now I know what I’m reading next.
I took my Dad’s library when he moved (~1500 books, mostly dated sci fi). There are several Frederich Pohl sitting on my bookshelves but I haven’t read them yet. I did read the Zones of Thought series somewhat recently upon the recommendation of another Glib and thought they were enjoyable.
Libraries for the win! It’s really hard to bring myself to part with a book.
Yes! I still have all of my textbooks, both grad and undergrad. I couldn’t sell them back for pennies on the dollar even if it didn’t seem immediately useful.
I inherited my aunt’s library when she died as well. I have no idea how many books are sitting in bankers boxes in the attic.
I mean, just my opinion, but A Fire Upon the Deep is one of my favorite SciFi novels. The imagination and sophistication of his writing style is very impressive. I like Dan Simmons also, that’s where my posting name comes from. I wasn’t really so impressed with Orson Scott Card, or Neal Stephenson as a lot of people seem to be, and some more recent pop-star like SciFi writers like Ernest Cline and Matthew Maher, no, just no. Especially Maher. WTF? I can’t tell if his books are SciFi or bad dime store romance novels.
Hyperion was an excellent series. I liked Ilium/Olympus a lot too.
*draws katana in defense of Neal Stephenson*
If you haven’t read them yet I recommend Greg Bear. The Eon saga, blood music, and or Forge of God series. Hard Sci Fi. There are also a couple of short story collections by him that are excellent.
Have not. Thanks! *makes note, browses Kindle store* Looks interesting…
Beat SciFi story title: The Wind From a Buring Woman. Greg Bear short story.
I marked The Forge of God as a fav, I’m definitely going to check that out.
Wow, that’s one free now on my Kindle… nice, I have to try it.
It was good. Eon was bigger in scope and more epic. Heads was a good one day read. Moving Mars was also great. He wrote a bunch of near future movers that are also good. Darwin’s Radio for example.
To date the most challenging and rewarding book by him has been City of Angels.
I managed to score some great corn on the cob today. What is all y’all’s preferred method for cooking such? (I have many methods, but none are perfect.)
/the appearance of mayo invalidates all methods and recipes
Put in pot, put water in pot, boil. Take out, put in corn holders, butter, salt, nummy.
This^ is awful damn hard to beat.
That’s what she said!
Leave it virgin, soak and grill.
I’m partial to a plain old boil. But I’m interested in hearing advice from those that grill it.
I’ve grilled it also. I just wrap it in foil with butter and try to very slightly blacken it on one side. Still prefer just boiling.
the appearance of mayo invalidates all methods and recipes
I’m a big fan of mayo. But what kind of sick fuck would put it anywhere near corn?!
Mayo is great for tuna salad and mixed with tartar sauce with shredded lettuce on cheeseburgers. I know it’s good for more. Oh yeah, baloney sammich with slice of tomato, cheese, and mayo.
Tomato Sandwich on Wheat with Red Onion Mayo and Sour Cream, Killer tasty!
elote con queso y mayonesa y chile
est muy bueno
Yet another reason to build that damn wall.
I’m a big fan of mayo.
Damn Midwesterners. At least you didn’t say Ranch!
What do you dip your cheese curds in while watching the Packers get oh-so-close yet again?
At least they’ve won the title, unlike the Minnesoda team.
*starts to drop gloves, stops, weeps*
Fuck you, Ted.
[prays for the souls of the birds who died flying into the Minnesoda team’s stadium]
Shit. Now we get to buy $5million draperies for the Final Four.
If the Eagles can win it all with Foles and an Andy Reid disciple who looks like Mike Tice’s slightly smarter brother, I guess there’s hope for everyone.
If you hadn’t spent the money getting Wells Fargo to take their sign down….
Yeah, but I’m a Niners fan. Or at least was until recent developments.
Jerry Rice fumbled.
You shut your whore mouth!!!!!
pssst…..its what all the cool kids are doing.
Just try some. You’ll like it. Just once….its not like you’re going to be an ADDICT or anything….
Here’s some more info on grilling.
#3 is my preference on a charcoal grill. Even corn from the store tastes like it’s already been buttered and perfect.
We do have about 10 corn stalks growing in the garden. I’m looking forward to that.
As a grilling newbie (I know…pathetic) this article is awesome. Thanks, Minnesoda friend!
I’m always here for you NoDak!
Pre keto, we’d schuck, salt & pepper, add copious amounts of butter, loosely wrap in tin foil and grill.
damp paper towel, microwave for 3 minutes for 3-4 ears
add salt and butter (maybe mayo) and enjoy
That’s great! saves me another dish to wash,
And dont let these faux bourgeois H8 on quick corn…..all your doing is adding “heat”. I dont care if its a grill, boiling water, or a fresnel lens. You’re not really cooking anything.
OMWC recipe. Soak and grill, lime and salt.
I generally just microwave in husk. Hard to beat the speed and ease of shucking.
If I’m cooking corn, I’m grilling meat. I like the notes that are added from grillling. But yeah, nuclear oven for ease of prep.
Better than boiling: boil salted water, remove from heat, toss in corn, cover. Now you can serve it any time after 5 minutes, and it will still be hot, but won’t overcook.
It tastes better, and it’s much easier to time with other things.
My wife’s method. I can’t tell the difference, but she insists on salting the water first.
The quickest method is to husk and smother it with butter. Salt. Wrap in wax paper and microwave for a few minutes. Comes out perfect. If you want to add some flavor salt, pepper, paprika and smoke it with some hickory wood.
Brush with shitload of butter, wrap in foil, grill, open, add salt and pepper – consume!
Put it on the BBQ along with veggie burgers.
Sheesh. Well, none of you convinced me to change my method.
Microwave 5 minutes (for 4 ears) still in husks. Allow to rest 3 minutes.
Cut off the large end about 1/2 inch up. Grasp the large end, and with the other hand grasp the narrow end and twist decisively. Pull down leaves of husks and silks. Smooth off any errant silks.
Slather/sprinkle with condiments of choice, excluding mayo.
Hmm, is Suthen AWOL?
Where’s DoomCo? He’s MIA as well………..
DOOM is active on Twitter and Instagram. I haven’t checked Discord. But he’s apparently still alive!
Suthen, I dunno. He didn’t reply to my email (assuming I didn’t end up in spam).
There are a bunch of people I haven’t seen here in weeks. Suthen recently posted a dog article.
Suthen just posted an article like 2 days ago?, about his dog’s breed.
That’s a Badass Dog….
From the fitness thread:
I believe that’s an “Albuquorum.”
I just saw Lisa Page on tv.
Run screaming?
Push her in front of a train?
Go gay?
I agree, push, NOW!
LOL Tundra. You made me snort.
You sick son of a bitch.
Better slow down on the bourbon, old man.
She’s got some choppers on her
Ex Mrs Tres had a “gummy smile” too.
Be warned.
“I just saw Lisa Page on tv. Would.”
So, Crusty Juggler is still with us after all? Because I don’t know any one else on earth that would say anything like that, unless it was in a SF novel.
Missionary, doggy, her on top, doesn’t matter. Chances are I wouldn’t even need booze.
12 days of Hell= 3200$ net, no Cobra Tonight! and I sold a shitload of work for next week!
Just very tired, and a lot of pick up on my Chores.
Nice job, Yusef. Have a great night!
Sleep well
TY I will, just not yet, it’s only 6 here and my Weed delivery just showed up……….
Dinner in a While, Del Taco Burritos and Chicken Soft Tacos
Since Hyperion sent me down the YouTube hole of David Lee Roth .
Back when MTV was at least fun.
Say what you want, but Van Halen sucked after he left.
Not all of it, just most.
Van Hagar was an abomination. (Although I do dig Humans Being)
Monsters of rock, Van Hagar, what did Eddie play? I can’t drive, 55, pathetic…… we left
Yep. Sammy sucked.
“Not if you were the last immigrant grosser on earth, honey!”
“Give me a bottle of anything, and a glazed donut, to gooooooo”
I have all that stuff burned into my brain
Yeah, TV used to be fun, now it’s been taken over by a gang of humorless, no talent, bitter leftist shitbags.
Yankee Rose.
A mediocre singer but arguably the best rock n roll showman.
Going Crazy
No, I gained 80 pounds, try the quad burger over at Ervs! LOL!
The intro featured Bob and Harvey Weinstein.
How tall is the queen?
It depends, does she get one of them cool fuzzy hats, or not?
She looks pretty happy to see Donnie Two-Scoops. I would love to see them become pals. Heads would explode all over the world.
Oh, and Spudalicious? Melania is an actual ‘would’.
^ this guy gets it
Yup. And the more she is in the public eye the more I like her.
Melania is a would…
That is sheer laziness talking right there.
Pretty sure Donnie and Liz met previously. She is a figurehead and has no power. He is the President of the USA. Gee, who wins there?