Thursday means a travel day for me. But first I’ll do my daily duty to y’all and see what fun I can provide you to start (or finish as it may be) your day.

No caption necessary
Poor England. They ran out of gas when the Croatians should have. They put a whopping one shot on goal the entire game. And they managed to lose. Maybe get an assassin of a striker again and you’ll be ok. Raheem Sterling may as well have sat in the dressing room all night, because he wasn’t anywhere in the attacking half of the field…and he has now gone three years as a #10 without scoring a goal for England. Also, poor Roger Federer. He was two points away from a straight sets quarterfinal win. Three hours later, he was packing his bags from Wimbledon. He will not be joining Novak Djokovic, Kevin Anderson, Rafael Nadal and John Isner (yay America!) in the semifinals. Speaking of which, the Women’s semis are today with Ostapenko and Kerber on one side and Georges playing Serena Williams on the other.
Meanwhile, on the civilized side of the pond, the Rays, Pirates, the MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, Red Sox, Yankees, Indians, Mets, Marlins, Braves, White Sox (yes, its true), Athletics, Rockies, Mariners and Dodgers won. And I double- and triple-checked the score and the Giants beat the Cubs in extra innings with a Buster Posey walk-off.

Is that a 16″ penis in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Henry David Thoreau was born on this date. So was Kodak founder George Eastman (who Paul McCartney can thank for making him rich), so was scourge to allergy victims George Washington Carver, architect and inventor of the geodesic dome R Buckminster Fuller, the notoriously well-endowed Milton Berle, actor-comedian-genius “Curly” Joe DeRita, sci-fi author James E Gunn, sexual predator and pudding pitchman Bill Cosby, musician Christine McVie, fitness nut Richard Simmons, the angelic Cheryl Ladd, bassist Phillip Taylor Kramer, boxing great Julio Cesar Chavez, the lovely Kristi Yamaguchi and NASCAR owner-extraordinaire Rick Hendrick.
Its also the date on which Richard The Lionheart stomped the Saracens in what was then known as Palestine, Alexander Hamilton succumbed to his wounds, Joseph Smith gains a lot of new followers when he says God allows polygamy, the immoral 16th Amendment was passed by Congress, the dumbasses also passed the first minimum wage law, Eisenhower proposed the interstate highway system, “Family Feud” with Richard Dawson made its debut, the White Sox hold the infamous “Disco Demolition Night”, Boris Yeltsin quits the Communist Party, Axl Rose was arrested on riot charges in St Louis, and Kirby Puckett retired from the aforementioned MINNESOOOOOODA TWIIIIIIINS.
Now that’s a better date compared to the last few, in my opinion. Well anyway, on to…the links!

How dare he feed the homeless! That’s the government’s job!
Uh-oh! Better pull the nomination. Apparently it turns out that Brett Kavanaugh,,,now stay with me here…charged things to credit cards…and then paid them off! That can only mean he’s owned by BIG CREDIT and can’t be trusted. LOL, nice opportunity research, Team Blue (and your WaPo mouthpiece). He’s all but doomed now. (For bonus lulu, go enjoy some of the comments. They’re pretty much unhinged from any semblance of reality.). And if that wasn’t bad enough, he was spotted wearing a red cap hours after the nomination. The fact that he was feeding homeless people is beside the point. He’s wearing a RED MOTHERFUCKING HAT!!!!!
John Schnatter resigns from Papa Johns after share value plunges $96 million because he used the n-word during a conference call two months ago. I almost hope he had recently shorted the damn place, because the whole thing is absurd. Sure he’s an idiot, but the reaction by shareholders is equally stupid. They virtue signaled their way out of a shitload of money…that people like Schnatter will happily puick up when they gobble up the undervalued stock. Also, their pizza sucks.
Attention whore (among other things) seeks attention. Receives the kind she probably doesn’t want. The law she broke: letting a customer touch her while onstage. That’s kinda stupid, but in all seriousness, I hope they’ve quarantined that person to make sure whatever she’s got isn’t contagious.

She’s also wearing red!!!!
The woman who was caught on camera beating up a 91-year old Mexican man has been arrested. The three men who piled to help the attacker, Laquisha Jones, have not been identified. And the story like so many others conveniently forgets to post a picture of the alleged assailant, so I will.
I’m perfectly fine with this happy ending. Lazy bastard should have done something when the person literally told him she was fearful of the drunken asshole berating her. He should be unemployed…which he probably won’t be for very long since this is the kind of shit Chicago PD recruits on.
They better prepare to open up the checkbook. Guilt by association is pretty bad. Guilt by association to someone that’s not even been prosecuted is absolutely insane.
Oh great, now I gotta worry about clown robbers when I cross 610.
Have a great day.
Many bigots are dumb.
The ones that don’t understand that Puerto Rico is part of the United States are dumber(-er).
I’d reckon most Puerto Rican’s would say they’re not part of the US.
It’s time to cast them off as an independent nation. I love the place, but it’s not culturally American, they don’t really want to be American (other than receiving all of the benefits of citizenship without paying federal income tax) and they shouldn’t be part of America.
I actually agree with that. But for now, they’re American citizens.
Citizens that don’t have to file federal taxes. Quite a good deal.
If they could competently manage that island of theirs, it would be a booming tax haven.
Continue not to tax PR residents because ____ but go after ex-pat citizens with a bat to prove they’re not trying to avoid paying taxes. Totally makes sense.
Repeal FATCA.
End extraterritoriality taxation.
Start taxing territorial citizens.
Well of course. And like I said, I love the place and the people. I spent two years there and will probably retire there someday (Luquillo, represent!)
But they’re no more American than their Cruzan neighbors…who are also American.
You could go to Aguadilla, where people seems annoyed if you speak Spanish.
Nobody in PR speaks spanish.
Or english.
To be fair, anyone could get confused by the ridiculous status limbo within which Puerto Rico exists. And pretty much everyone hates Puerto Ricans.
I dated a Puerto Rican once. I don’t hate them at all, but I have a healthy respect for their enthusiastic emotional swings.
What’s the story on Puerto Rico? A throw in from winning the Spanish American war? I’m not aware of any great naval base there.
Cuba would have been a better colony. In fact, didn’t the U.S. try to buy Cuba from Spain after the Mexican War? In any case,
there’s no reason to keep P.R. today. Buh-bye.
What the fuck is wrong with you homos?
Visa-free thicc Latinas.
What’s the story on Puerto Rico? A throw in from winning the Spanish American war?
Pretty much. We got Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines in exchange for a $20 million payment, and we took temporary control of Cuba, which we had agreed to grant independence during the war and eventually did so under the terms of the Platt Amendment. Spain got the last laugh on that deal, I think.
I’m not aware of any great naval base there.
Part of PR’s territory includes an island called Vieques, which used to have a Naval Firing Range.
PR used to have a naval base at Roosevelt Roads which also had SOCSOUTH. with some of their units. When PR insisted on closing Vieques as a gunnery range Rumsfeld said “fine” and closed the base about six months later.
i don’t think that’s exactly right.
it is, and it isn’t, and people’s perceptions are often very wrong whichever way they call it.
its a ‘unincorporated territory’ which is a weird legal entity that is distinctly less than statehood; the ‘unincorporated’ part matters, iow.
i think its more-accurate to say, “Puerto Ricans” (in the US) are American Citizens…. than it is to say that Puerto Rico is “part of the US”. Its not, at least not in some way which doesn’t require many asterisks and caveats.
It is a territory of the US. Not a state. But part of the US. As in “controlled by the USA”.
You are right.. It is weird. Totally weird. This should have been resolved at least 30 years ago. Either make them a state, or cut them loose.
Of course, then it has to get even weirder. What about Guam? The Virgin Islands? Samoa? The Marianas… None of those could really exist as independent nations, could they? And they don’t really cut it as states either. Samoa sports a population of 50 some-odd thousand. That ain’t a state, or a nation.
Well, Tuvalu has less than 10k citizens, and that’s a country. So I guess I stand corrected.
Plus you need a passport to travel to Guam or return to the US from Guam.
The fact that “Verbally Assaulted” is a thing just blows my mind. Are there really that many fragile people in the world? Do I need to ask?
Well, assault is (depending on the state definition) a verbal threat + the means to act on it.
And having seen the video I’d probably have been in reasonable fear of injury if I were her. Dude was drunk off his ass and unstable.
That dude was more than verbally assaulting her. It was more like stalking. And she told the cop she was fearful. That’s enoigh to ask the guy politely to leave her alone.
Fair enough. It’s situations like this that make me wish I could just walk around with one of those clubs with spikes on it from medieval times. You know, something that says “don’t talk to me.”
A shillelagh or a mace?
I just want a blackjack or a sap to carry around, but from what I understand, being caught with one is worse in Texas than having a concealed gun without a permit.
I thought a shillelagh was something else? 🙂
here’s one we’d all like to get to use.
I ordered a shillelagh last spring when I blew out my knee.
Lovely walking stick. Oh, and the head is drilled and filled with lead. Quite the weapon in the right set of hands.
Here you go
This is where I got mine
A shillelagh was an Irish walking stick that could also be used to put a beating on someone. In some cases, a part of the wood was bored out and the stick would be loaded with lead.
Beggin’ yer pardon, yer honner, but t’isn’t a shillelagh, just me walkin’ stick.
Well if someone gets in your face and is cursing at you what are you going to do about it? Let them continue to do it like a bitch? Let them run you off like a bitch? Beat them to a bloody pulp (My preferred solution although you’ll surely go to jail)? Ask the cop that’s standing right there to tell the person to back off?
Also, even if he wasn’t a cop, he should at least be a man.
The Sentinel & Enterprise reports McGrath’s husband, James, is accused of sexually assaulting the employee four times while he worked as a substitute custodian.
She got felt up by the janitor?
Her husband was a substitute custodian who molested teenagers. I hate to judge, but maybe she could do better, or not.
“According to a police report, before Easter, McGrath witnessed her husband rubbing the leg of the alleged victim outside of school. The report stated that she pulled her husband aside and told him his behavior was inappropriate. ”
So she was fired for firing him?
um, fired for not firing him?
And the story like so many others conveniently forgets to post a picture of the alleged assailant, so I will.
White supremacy is so systemic that even black people are in on it.
“White supremacy is so systemic that even black people are in on it.”
You nailed the gist of the various Twitter feeds on this story that I had the misfortune of diving into.
Asked a guy who was pushing the white privilege idea if he thought that every white person’s life would be worse if they had been born black. “Absolutely. That’s a fact.” What do you say to that?
“How did you do, last Special Olympics”?
There’s nothing left to say, can’t argue with facts after all.
LOL. Very good.
With a name like Laquisha, did you really need a pic?
I mean, to riff off of yesterday’s topic, there are certain names that fill in the visual blank for you: Brett, for instance; Maury Goldstein, perchance; John Sullivan, aka the Irish Catholic Mohammad.
In fairness with a name like Laquisha Jones do you really need a picture to have a pretty good idea exactly what she looks like?
You can pretty accurately figure out her speech patterns and non verbal communication from just her name as well
One of the most recent Dave Chapelle standups he says something about Draymond Green’s name being the “blackest shit [he’s] ever heard.”
I dunno I used to work with a Vomatic Jackson.
There are some things I simply will not do. Read WaPo comments is one of them.
Short version made just for you.
They make the NYT’s comments section look like a bastion of level-headedness.
I’ve done my time in the WaPo comment section, and I will never again subject myself to that shit. It’s a national paper, but you see some of the same commenters in the local news stories. That means those fuckers live pretty close to me. That’s why I’m rebuilding my dad’s defense strategy of a locked walk-in closet full of guns. Those people are fucking unhinged, man.
Apparently it turns out that Brett Kavanaugh,,,now stay with me here…charged things to credit cards…and then paid them off!
Just wait until you hear this:
He’s also a good dad!
That’s quite the leap, there. Pretty much like 2+2=potato.
Damn, son.
Of course, $16,000 is “between $15,000 and $50,000”.
So… about the same as Bernie Sanders?
And there’s no indication of how long that debt was carried. I’ve had some big credit card bills but haven’t carried a balance in a long time.
Yeah, I will sometimes put a big bill item on the card, then pay it off in full when the bill comes due.
Exactly. It’s called “paying for my next vacation’s plane tickets with my reward points”.
Don’t WaPo writers know how to properly work that system? Because if they don’t, they’re even dumber than I thought.
I get cash back, so big purchases on the card is literally free money because I never carry a balance and don’t pay interest.
That’s what expense accounts are for, peasant.
I hope it was a Cabela’s card and all the points got converted into bulk cases of ammo.
Fair enough, I get annoyed when the cc debt gets above a few thousand. I limit my debt in general to the mortgage and one credit card. I hate owing people.
To get biblical… The borrower is servant to the lender.
Doesn’t the Fed Gov carry some long term credit card debt? By a different name?
Difference is they can just tell the lenders to fuck off.
He was undergoing training on how to avoid PR blunders in the future at the time
“Yeah, right. Like there’s anybody who still doesn’t know you’re not allowed to say the word ‘nigger’ in this day and age. What else have you come to teach me?”
Slow down there, Colonel Sanders. It’s a lot more nuanced than that.
I still don’t see what he did that was horrible. He didn’t call anyone “nigger”, he just said Colonel Sanders did and never had any adverse effects. And saying the kneeling in the NFL (which spiked ratings) probably affected sales is not exactly some outlandish statement.
I’m with you. I haven’t seen anything so terrible here. He was pointing out that things used to be much, much worse.
The entire purpose of watering down the term “racist” has been to achieve this end. Everything is racist now, and racism is horrible and must be expunged.
That is why I do not, and others should not, pay any attention to the term in its common usage anymore.
Same with “rapist”.
I’m shocked that this complete nonsense, and not their terrible pizza has destroyed their market value.
I’m not. Terrible pizza is a college staple.
Yeah, but don’t most college towns have their own shitty pizza joints?
I still remember the radio jingle from the one we had in college.
That’s why God made Little Sleazers.
The idea is to manufacture reasons to put non-progressives into internment camps.
The statements betray a failure on the part of these men to identify with women as fellow human beings. Instead, displaying a thirsty eagerness to show that they’re not “that guy.” The vibe is kind of “I am a nice man who defends and protects women because I have in my possession women to protect.”
Your empathy won’t fool me, you cad.
“I am a nice man who defends and protects women because I have in my possession women to protect.”
Um, EXACTLY! I have in my possession (or understand my spousal and parental responsibility to) five females to protect. It’s my duty as a human being and a man, you stupid fucking harpy.
As a father I find that incredibly insulting. I have a wife and a daughter, both of whom are as much in my possession (if we’re using HuffPo’s phrasing) as I am in theirs. It is not just my responsibility to do everything possible to protect them but, because I love them both, to do anything less would be impossible. That’s how love works. What kind of miserable, shitty excuse for a human being do you have to be to believe, or especially to claim when you don’t believe, that a father would care for his wife and daughters just to make sure that the pieces of human excrement like the writer don’t think he’s sexist?
California university works to reduce number of white people on campus
Can’t wait for the remake of Soul Man.
It’s about time C. Thomas Howell got the respect he deserves!
I think that movie was Leslie Nielsen’s last serious role. I happened to stumble across Soul Man on TV several years ago for the first time since the ’80s. It was really, REALLY weird seeing Lt. Frank Drebin as a racist landlord.
Early role for Julia Louis-Dreyfus, too.
Bridges and tall buildings hardest hit.
– and dropping rapidly.
They should have no problem whatsoever getting by without any federal funding, including student loan guarantees.
Now do the NBA.
These people’s obsession with skin pigment is rather…racist.
No no, you’re doing it wrong. Diversity only means “fewer white males”. That’s why you never hear complaints about “gender disparity” in heavily-female fields like mental health, K-12 education, or occupational therapy.
As an aside, I’ve seen actual white supremacists say “diversity means fewer white people”, and I hate that the Left is giving them credence with this enforcement of predetermined racial blends.
Schnatter, a Trump donor who has resigned from three high ranking positions in the past six months as a result of racist remarks, admitted he had used the slur in a statement issued to Forbes on Wednesday.
Wouldn’t using that word be calling somebody that or is “nigger” a magical word that has inherent power to harm?
::references leftist grievance manual::
It depends on how it can be used at any given time.
Well, everyone here says it, I mean nigger, so this must be a totes Raaaacist Website Right?
I’ve never heard that word used once in conversation with anyone I’ve met. At least not in any non joking way. But I’m still just under 50. I hear that’s when people really start throwing it out.
“is “nigger” a magical word that has inherent power to harm?”
Not according to black people, who happen to be the only ones I ever hear using it, directing it to each other.
I feel like if you had people walking around playing Blazing Saddles on today’s college campuses you would get a live action re-enactment of the end of Mars Attacks (or attacked as a racist).
“(or attacked as a racist).”
Funny. But more likely this. That ‘Blazing Saddles’ is actually making fun of racism would be lost on sjw snowflakes.
It boggles my mind that Lefties are now getting offended over things like Huckleberry Finn (and yes, I’m sure they’d have an aneurysm over Blazing Saddles).
Don’t they have a lot of English majors in their ranks? Do they not grasp the fact that depicting something in a work of fiction is not the same thing as encouraging it, and actually serves the opposite purpose in many cases?
Our old friend Radley may have gone full over the top TDS, but man, he can still deliver the nut punches with the best of them
Sad thing is that happens probably a thousand times a day in every town in this country when there’s no bodycams to exonerate the victim.
Andy Taylor vs. Barney Fife. Barney’s now winning and he doesn’t keep his bullet in his shirt pocket.
That cop is a stone cold psychopath.
Not necessarily…
The system is filled with sociopaths. Until such time that the public starts extracting a pound of flesh from all involved for incidents like these, it will remain so. Local sheriffs and police with their justice counterparts are gods among mere mortals and they exercise their authority at their pleasure. Everyone involved, the cop, the sheriff, the prosecutors, the judge, etc… involved in a case such as this should be run out of office, financially broken, and publicly shamed for the rest of their days. Until that happens, we’re just sheep waiting to see who get eaten by the wolves.
Public servant. LOL.
He’s in public, he serves Himself
This sort of shit is actually what the 2nd amendment was intended to address.
Yes. If local mobs showed up and ran sheriffs out on a rail more often, it would be a better country.
That was infuriating.
Guilt by association is pretty bad. Guilt by association to someone that’s not even been prosecuted is absolutely insane.
Isn’t this more or less like the “gay men are pedophiles so we shouldn’t let them be teachers” line of thinking that the left is always railing against?
Homeless man with no arms charged with stabbing tourist
Do I even need to tell you where this happened?
This just proves how smart and resourceful Florida men are.
Damn – the picture – that’s Florida Man.
He didn’t call anyone “nigger”, he just said Colonel Sanders did and never had any adverse effects.
It’s that whole magic spell thing. That sound, in and of itself, independent of context, will cause time to reverse, and black people everywhere will be once more bound in chains.
He didn’t say anything bad when context is considered.
Yes he did. He apologized. That was blitheringly stupid.
Yes. This is the one stupid thing he did.
Exactly. If you apologize you concede that you’ve done something wrong.
I don’t know what he said. The article I saw only says he used the term during a conference call about how to deal with PR problems.
Not long ago, I was poking around my old room at my parents’ house, which has sort of been frozen in time since the mid-90s, as if it’s a museum exhibit of my late teens-early 20s. In a desk drawer I found several CDs I haven’t listened to in two decades, one of them being Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde. Driving home, I popped it in and listened, idly noticing that I would be considered the most vile of racists for simply singing along with the lyrics.
The Tampa Bay Rays, not satisfied with the big, empty Trop, want to build a $900M (and smaller!) replacement stadium on the other side of Tampa Bay. They think their fair share should be $150M, with local businesses and government kicking in the rest. I guess as long as there isn’t a bond issue or additional tax, City of Tampa and the Ybor City business development districts can waste their money any damn way they please.
The Trop IS an insult to baseball, though.
So are the Rays.
MSNBC Anchor: Why Should We Follow The 1776 View Of The Constitution When American Views Today Are So Much More Progressive?
They’re incapable of realizing the Founding Founders were infinitely more progressive than they could ever imagine for their time.
Banning straws and forcing gender neutral bathrooms isn’t fucking progressive.
As the best American President of the century said:
“About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning can not be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers.”
My favorite Cal quote!
“You lose” is still the best.
“That man has offered me unsolicited advice for six years, all of it bad!” About Herbert Hoover
Keep cool with Coolidge.
I love to call self-proclaimed progressives and other leftists “reactionaries.”
It would blow their mind if they knew Aaron Burr proposed a bill to allow women to vote all the way back when there were muskets and slaves and shit.
But Hamilton was the good guy.
::consults calendar::
I hated the 1776 constitution as well!
Well if American views today are so much more progressive, you shouldn’t have any problem properly amending the constitution to reflect that.
“Via the Free Beacon, she raises an interesting point. There really should be some mechanism by which the Constitution might be changed to reflect a changing consensus among the American public.”
I see what you did there…
There is no 1776 view of the Constitution. . .
But anyway, lucky for you there is a means of amending the Constitution written into the Constitution.
I agree, we shouldn’t follow the 1776 view of the Constitution. Because it didn’t exist in 1776.
Rod Rosenstein Asks Federal Prosecutors to Review Brett Kavanaugh Documents
This seems wrong, somebody wake up Sessions (on second thought, don’t).
Perhaps if he didn’t have 300 DOJ prosecutors checking under the beds for Russians…..
What the fucking fuck? Why is it the DOJ’s job to collect the Senate’s paperwork?
If I’m McConnell, I send a letter to Rosenstein saying “if one minute is spent on this before you’re done complying with congressional subpoenas on other matters, you will be held in contempt of Congress, you squirrelly little fuckhole.”
McConnell unfortunately has no spine.
This should be easy. Did they do the same with Kagan? No? Fuck you, then. You’re all fired.
The original NYT piece goes into more detail:
That sounds like a “No” even if they try to spin it as though they did something standard with Garland.
Pretty much, yeah:
Basically, because of his work with Ken Starr and for the GWB administration there are an almost inconceivable amount of documents pertaining to his background – all of which Schumer has said must be studiously reviewed. The plan here is to run out the clock reviewing tens of thousands of pages of documents until after the elections in November, or else pretend that the inability to review tens of thousands of pages of documents from the 1990s before voting on his confirmation is a constitutional crisis and use that for marketing going into the elections in November.
Or Team Red could call the vote and confirm amidst the screeching of Team Blue, who changed the confirmation rules in the first place
The Dems want to spend more time reading these documents that don’t matter all that much while spending a total of two seconds in aggregate reviewing Obamacare before voting in favor of it – which is the #1 reason they lost in 2016.
Two years later they not only didn’t learn anything, they’ve actually become even more arrogant. Apparently they think Trump won by being obnoxious instead of being sorta centrist.
Laquisha Jones?
White Asian?
Kansas town councilwoman charged with biting jailer’s thumb
Not going to sleep for weeks after seeing that mugshot.
*why did I click?*
*why did I click?*
*why did I click?*
thanks for the warning,
Fowler has attended just one meeting since she was elected in November with two votes.
Russians at it again.
“Fellow council member Paula Clem says Fowler faces possible ouster because she’s missed so many meetings.”
Looks like Rosanne Barr took the cancellation of her show pretty hard.
How shocking, a sociopath seeks authority over others.
An addendum to Sloopy’s musical selection
Pretty sure I heard their background musicians play that before the Cotton Bowl last year…right before Ohio State curb-stomped them.
Dude, that isn’t something to brag about. Even we curb-stomped them in a bowl.
Honestly, it wasn’t even us, it was the wind.
I enjoyed the bonus footage at the end. Onesies, feathered helmets, and capes?!?! Super *not* gay!
Drugs are a hell of a drug!
Trump is meeting Queen Elizabeth on the 13th. Hope he dumps her in the Koi pond.
I would love to listen to him and Prince Phillip shoot the shit for 20 minutes.
No spoilers if you have pre orders of an upcoming SF piece.
Is he gonna give her an ipod with his speeches on it?
Sounds like Lisa Page is trying desperately to find out what Strzok told Congress to avoid perjuring herself. I hope the Marshals frog-march her in their today.
Fuck her, 90% of what the FBI does is entrap people for conflicting testimony. They should get a taste of their own medicine.
They also shouldn’t record her testimony and prosecute her, if necessary, based on the totally 100% accurate notes the members of the committee will take.
Two things regarding the Chicago cop watching the drunk berate the Puerto Rican in the park. First off, doesn’t the drunk know Puerto Rico is a territory (which we should be working on renaming Puertx Ricx – shitlord much?) Second, when I pull the article up, I get an ad for Indiana University. This is a great use of trickknowledgy to get me to go accidentally buy a gun in Indiana which I’ll then be forced to bring to Chicago to shoot somebody.
Yo, Q!
I find your strange devotion to your ancient religion to be disturbing.
Could you please repost your contact information. I heard you wanted to ask me some questions about Chiang Mai.
Hey, hey!
I’m at evan g mathews at gmail. Would love to pick your brain a bit.
“The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court into a political arm of the right-wing Republican Party.
— Terry McAuliffe”
Projecting so hard that he should have a Panasonic label on his forehead.
Remember when Trump was supposed to start a nuclear war over North Korea and ‘complicate’ peace talks between Ethiopia and Eritrea? Yeah….
~”I was taught that ^ as an undergrad by an amazing prof. In normal life, who has the easiest time speaking, most opportunities? Flip it.”
~“The classroom is the place YOU get to control social setting,” the TA stated. “Prioritize and encourage voices who are talked over most often.”
#flipit – Yeah, flip the races/sexes and see how reasonable it sounds.
Bop it! Twist it! Pass it!
“he’ll flip you, flip you for real”
Like a pancake.
“Prioritize and encourage voices who are talked over most often.”
I’m glad this person is aknowledging and advocating against the hate-mobs that form against people-of-no-color that express political views they dislike.
Thats what is insane. It’s the identity politics which states “all [race] think this way. Since there are more white people, obviously their views must be dominant ”
Theg have no interest in true minority thought.
It’s only about power. Everything is a means to an end. Principles matter not.
“Also I leave my over the shoulder boulder holder at the door. My house is free range tiddies only it’s law”
Handy information for her 35 cats to have, but I doubt she’s having many other visitors.
“he used the n-word”
“These people are annoying.”
At work, so I won’t search for the clip. But Samuel L. Jackson calling out an interviewer about saying the “N-word” was entertaining.
…bassist Phillip Taylor Kramer…
He was actually a really interesting dude.
Who died under mysterious circumstances.
Holy fuck.
That was a helluva read.
*Hat tip to Tundra.
Wow, very interesting.
But, he didn’t play on In A Gadda Da Vidda:
Damn interesting, thanks.
Another one is the death of Jaki Byard. Murdered, very deliberately targeted, no one knows who or why.
Did he have any associations with the Clintons?
“Kramer had reportedly been working on a revolutionary method of transporting information and matter through space, and his father remained unconvinced his death was a suicide. “Taylor had told me a long time before, there was people giving him problems,” he said. “They wanted what he was doing, and several of them had threatened him. He told me ‘If I ever say I’m gonna kill myself, don’t you believe it. I’m gonna be needing help.'””
I’m not saying it was aliens.
Also that sounds like a gated fuzz, which as far as I know no one manufactured in 1968.
Nobody cares that Stormy Daniels was arrested? Sad!
A few more details. There were 3 vice cops in the audience. They were going to arrest her something. Of course they can’t just issue a citation, they have to throw her in a cage. Hard to have sympathy for her but vice cops are scum.
Well, do you mean other than Sloopy?
I’m always a bit befuddled by the sexual tastes of the rich and powerful. You could have virtually any woman (or man. or child. or beast. whatever the fuck you’re into) and you go for a middle aged mid-tier porn star? An intern carrying her freshman 50? If you’re gonna fuck around on your wife as is the god-given privilege of the high status male, do it up proper.
Hell yeah. Go for that hot bikini-rockin’ President of Croatia!
*heads to Duck Duck Go*
Oh! Would.
Holy moly!
I’ve…I’ve never needed to retire to my bunk over a head of state before.
Fuck it, boys, I’m movin’ to Croatia!
OK, I now know who I’m rooting for on Sunday. Go Croatia!
The Berlusconi way!
Yeah, I mean, I’d never cheat on my wife, but if I did and I had F U money, I’d be on the phone with Cheryl Ladd right now.
“Avenatti said Daniels had been arrested for “allegedly allowing a customer to touch her while on stage in a non sexual manner.””
That sounds like a very stupid law. You can’t let people touch you voluntarily?
Not while Mötley Crüe is blaring through a PA system. The Law is weird, huh?
This persecution of Kickstart My Heart has got to stop.
Welcome to Ohio, would you like to live in a Social Conservative area, or a Progressive area? Both have some really dumb laws on the books.
Although there’s few things I dislike more than someone who breaks a client’s trust, be it a sleazy lawyer or an honest working hooker, I will always side with a stripper over a cop. I’m not sure if this is a libertarian position, or simply who I would rather put me in handcuffs. I’m guessing the later.
I’ve been to Sirens. At lunch. With a female friend from work who had a friend who worked (danced) there. The friend wasn’t dancing, but a woman with c-section scars was. We sat in the farthest corner away from the stage as possible. It’s not Scores or The Dollhouse or anything.
actor-comedian-genius “Curly” Joe DeRita
Fuck you, Sloopy. With a rusty barbed wire fence.
Wasn’t he your favorite? Isn’t the finest wine known as a Triple Joe DeRita?
Fuck you too. You’re as retarded as Sloopy.
No I’m not. I don’t put Thousand Island on French fries.
The fuck?!
“The Tallahassee Democrat states that White asked to look at the handgun at the firearms counter; when he was given the gun, he fled toward the front door, where he was tackled and subdued by Crouch and another employee. White was held in an office until police arrived; according to the Tallahassee Democrat, he admitted to stealing the gun and threatened to shoot people with it.
Crouch’s attorney, Ryan Hobbs, told Fox News that Crouch, who is married with two young children, was prompted to act by other employees yelling “stop that guy.” his attorney, Ryan Hobbs, told Fox News. Hobbs claims Crouch was placed on suspension after the incident because of a store policy that bars employees from placing their hands on customers while they’re in the store.
Hobbs noted after Crouch was fired on Tuesday that Crouch had been “suspended and terminated for preventing this thief from stealing this weapon.” He told the Tallahassee Democrat, “Academy has decided to, instead of treating him like a hero he is, they terminated his employment effective immediately because he put his hands on Mr. White.” Hobbs said Crouch and his wife had to put their home up for sale as “a direct result of him losing his job at Academy Sports.” Hobbs concluded, “They’re just scared.””
Some companies are bad with bad policies.
If a person is running away with unpurchased merchandise, are they really a “customer”?
I’m sure they’ll attract top talent now that word is out about their HR policies.
Also, this happened less than 2 weeks ago and the guy had to put up his house already? The unemployment should at least cover most of the mortgage payment, I would think. Also, any company looking to buy itself some nice headlines and good will should hire him immediately.
Germans want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds
This sounds like a problem that could pretty easily solve itself.
Please God, let it happen.
I’m with you. Unfortunately, the Military Industrial Complex will ensure that no savings will be achieved and will probably set up a new base someplace even shittier. Never underestimate the governments ability to make everything worse.
Good, sounds like we have a plan!
More proof that the only people who want it to remain are those in power and particularly those with a hard-on for foreign military misadventures (I’m looking at you McCain).
Yep. I mean the fact is, even if the Russians wanted to invade Western Europe, they would have to go through Eastern Europe to do it. Poland has 100,000 people under arms, and they have twice as many tanks as the Germans. Yeah the Russians would probably win in the end, but it would cost money, time, and lives.
The reason the Germans have disarmed the Bundeswehr is that they really don’t actually need it anymore. The Russians aren’t going to invade, and even if they did, by the time they beat Poland into submission, Germany would have manufactured a couple dozen nuclear warheads to mate to the existing cruise missiles they have in the inventory.
I’d be thrilled to oblige them.
I’m glad Croatia won. I don’t think I would have been able to handle the hype machine go into hyper over drive for England.
Besides, Perisic, Modric and Raktiic are the best midfield on the planet at the moment.
Have a heapin’ helpin’ of assertion and wild supposition.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated from most political pressures. In fact, one of its primary roles is to serve as a counterweight to the will of the majority in cases where policies might impinge on the rights of other citizens.
Historically, it’s been difficult to determine the precise ideological position of the court. Standard measures of the political preferences of citizens are quite different in nature from the positions taken by justices on Supreme Court cases.
But we came up with a way to compare the ideological position of the Supreme Court and its individual justices with the views of Americans. In our study, we asked ordinary Americans to describe their views on issues that had recently been decided by the court.
What we discovered was shocking: Virtually all of the justices on the court occupied extreme ideological positions when compared with the American public. The justices in the court’s conservative wing, including Chief Justice John Roberts, are not just more conservative than a typical member of the American electorate — they are also all to the right of the typical Republican.
Let’s gather up some surveys and run them through the mumbo jumbo machine, where we’ll grind them into a fine paste completely devoid of context or meaning. Then, we’ll interpret them, based on our prefabricated conclusions. Then, we’ll provide a graphic; with dots. Voila! According to our model, we’re doomed. The Supreme Court is radically out of step with the
countrymob, and will probably refuse to allow us to build our progressive paradise atop a mountain of the bleached skulls of our ideological enemies.Fuck. People pay money to be “taught” by those two retards.
No it isn’t, you stupid asshole. It’s to ensure that government action and legislation are in accordance with the supreme law of the land.
I thought it’s only job was to protect Planned Parenthood?
And Obamacare
So they should protect the 2A? No matter how many people are clamoring for “common sense” laws to curtail those rights?
Why do I think that question would be answered with sputtering and “That is different!”?
Well everybody knows “infringed” means to add fringe to something. So, as long as they don’t require fringing on the guns, it’s all cool.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated from most political pressures.
Isn’t the fact that the supreme court’s right wing is ostensibly ideologically out of step with the electorate proof positive that it actually is insulated from political pressure?
They are supposed to be immune from right wing pressures
Logical consistency is not a strong point for leftists.
How many different ways can you possibly say “I don’t care about the rule of law, I just want everything to be the way I want it to be?” This has become tedious.
Gotta admit, I thought the story about clown robbers was going to go to something about Congress.
The production of documents could slow down a confirmation hearing that has already shaped up as a sharp partisan battle. Democratic lawmakers say they want to inspect all of Judge Kavanaugh’s documents, including his staff work and over 300 opinions he has issued on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Trump should send a dump truck, with the Presidential Seal on the doors, to drop paper copies of all those documents on the Capitol steps. Then nag and taunt them constantly via twatter about why they’re taking so long to get going on the confirmation.
It’s to ensure that government action and legislation are in accordance with the supreme law of the land.
You say, “supreme law of the land” but they hear “whim of the howling mob”.
“Let’s be honest, America: Dogs are parasites, not man’s best friend”
Stay classy, San Diego
This is why I like my dogs better than most people.
I do agree with him that the expenses on pets have gotten ridiculous. A lot of people hate shelling out for their own or their kids’ health care, but they won’t think twice about dropping a few grand on Fido.
Every farmer I’ve ever known thinks vet costs for pets are insanely high and part of the reason they can’t get reasonably priced large animal vets to show up anymore.
Chris Reed seems like a dickhead. My dog, on the other hand, asks nothing of me but food and a warm bed, and gives me endless affection in exchange. Advantage, dogs.
In other news….my dog lives! For now…..we had the appointment with the euthanasia vet set, hell, even dug the grave. When we picked her up from the hospital for the last ride home, she seemed much more alert and energetic, but they claimed that she still wouldn’t eat, couldn’t walk, and hadn’t urinated once in her time in doggie ICU. When we arrived home, there was an hour until her appointment with the Reaper, and my kids insisted we try to feed her. Miraculously, they got her to eat several slices of American cheese and two slices of ham. Carried her outside after that, and damned if she didn’t walk around the yard for a few steps before peeing. The needle vet came and took a look at her and suggested that it might be just an adrenaline rush from coming home to a familiar environment, but said there was nothing to be lost by giving her another day. So we did, and took her to our regular vet yesterday to see how she was doing. They said she was much improved since Monday, blood sugar back to normal, white blood cell count down (though still high), vitals good overall. They gave us a new, stricter insulin schedule and said that she might yet make it all the way back. Today, she was more mobile still, even climbing up to her usual perch on the back of the lounge chair by the window. Ate a hamburger for breakfast. So she’s eating more and walking more than the day before. Not out of the woods yet, she could still decline again at any time, but so far so good!
This is why I don’t watch Old Yeller. *Stiffles something from tear duct.
I could never watch that movie from what I’ve heard about it.
I barely got through Turner and Hooch.
– big baby when it comes to pets
Meant to add I’m currently in a Hospital waiting room and they have people here walking around with dogs to pet to make us feel better.
Nice touch.
That’s great news! I had to put my “co-pilot” Steele down a couple weeks ago and it still stings. But good news like this helps! Enjoy your remaining time with her!
That is awesome! Hope the improvement continues!
Great news, Chip!
This is AWESOME NEWS!!!!
I have little regard for humans, but I’m an enormous squish for dogs.
More identity outrage
Why do they hate black people?
I love how the bitch who’s complaining even acknowledges that there were a fair number of black cowboys in the old west, but brushes this aside because “that’s not what people think of when they hear the word ‘cowboy'”.
So even though she knows the facts, the FEELZ is all that matters.
Hey bitch, how does this feel: Fuck. You.
Hell, cowboys were a lot of young guys, ne’r do wells, and black guys because it was miserable work and people with options didn’t want to do it.
Also, one of the first hype men.
Late to the party, but I think Cheif Keef should have a say too.
I think Bass Reeves begs to differ.
The real life Lone Ranger.
And Mexicans. Can’t forget the gauchos.
I am fake outraged, fake outraged I tells ya!
“The world needs more cowboys”
Historically, aren’t ‘cowboys’ just ranch workers? How the fuck is that controversial?
Also, Paula Cole could not be reached for comment.
From LGBTQnation:”…some faculty members and groups charge that it embodies the myth of a white, heterosexual man and leaves people of color, LGBT people, and women left out.”
Haven’t these people see Brokeback Mountain? And as mentioned, there were certainly black cowboys.
For the record, the UW women’s teams are called “Cowgirls.” But “the world needs more cowpeople” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
I have to admit I admire the University’s pushback.
Guess I need to go convince Dad that he’s a woman, and hook mom up with a rapper. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
“Self-made” — much in the same way DJT is self made. It helps when mom and dad have a spare million to lend you to get started.
It’s the classiest way to become rich.
“Michael Avenatti, who has represented Daniels, delivered the message in a Twitter post in the earlier hours of Thursday ET. In that tweet, the attorney claimed the arrest was politically motivated, and said “it reeks of desperation”
Someone reeks of desperation, but it might be yourself.
I like my FIL response to someone saying that it smells.
“Did you check your upper lip?”
“politically motivated”
By asshole local cops with no connection to the president. Sure…
Germans would actually welcome the withdrawal of American troops stationed in their country, a new poll has found
What the hell do they know? They are incapable of comprehending the subtlety and nuance of high level diplomacy and thinly disguised foreign aid. They should just sit back and let Top Men (and Women) take care of things.
I have a shootin’ instruction scheduled for July 21! Woot! No hoofing it to Manasshole at rush hour!
Just remember – sight picture, sight alignment, slow steady squeeze during a natural pause in breath.
I figured I’d just…and let ’em fly
I’m picturing this
Squint a lot, it helps accuracy and makes you look very serious.
These euphemisms are getting very specific.
WTF am I reading?
SunnyD’s response is what makes it work.
The back and forth between Monokuma and Nobody is pretty great too.
Then Sunny Ds response to a response to their original response… My brain hurts.
This one? I larfed pretty hard.
For you old, car nuts (and old-car nuts) the Goodwood Festival of Speed is streaming now through Sunday. One thing the Euros do better than us Norte Americanos is vintage car racing – they actually race. It’s fun to see 30’s GP cars and drifting side by side. There’s always some very tight racing (not for modern F-1 fans).
It’s live until the end of the day in Limeyland and then they re-run the earlier evens.
Conspiracy Theory Thursday: Useful Idiots Listen to Liars Edition
Malcolm Nance is a known liar who has been promoted at MSNBC, apparently for the expressed purpose of attacking Democrat Party opponents of any stripe as Russian agents.
Gee, when I used to debate Leftists in favor of the Second Amendment, they would fervently deny the possibility that the government would become tyrannical and make fun of me for thinking such a silly thing.
They seemed to abandon that strategy in the late hours of November 8th, 2016. I wonder why.
Yet they still want to abolish the Second Amendment. Fucking logic, how does it work?
Because they don’t actually believe the stuff they say.
^^^This. If Trump actually *were* the second coming of Hitler, they wouldn’t dare criticize him for fear of ending up in a death camp. In fact, they’re so desperate for power, they’d be currying favor and licking his boots to try and get in the inner circle.
“Donald Trump wants to be a dictator! He wants to do things like destroying the independent judiciary and throwing people into concentration camps!”
“Considering how much you guys venerate FDR, should we take that as a compliment?”
Someone needs to tell my colleague there’s no cubicle crying in Fedgov! That’s what bathrooms are for.
do you at least have full-height cube walls so you don’t have to watch?
or has the scourge of “open” plans finally hit govvies?
Nope – thy’re essentially study carrells
I don’t mind open plans too much, but my desk puts my back to the path everyone goes through to get to my department. Then everyone taps my shoulder. It drives me banannas.
Is it salty prog tears or my life is fucked up tears?
If the former, ask them to cry into a barrel for collection purposes. The latter, get them home to work through it.
Life fucked up tears…she’ll get over it (someone at her company was rude to her unnecessarily).
“Man up, Cupcake.”
This is why I’m considered an excellent manager.
You manage scientists. They only cry when they miss out on Nobel prizes or have to be alone in a room with a woman they aren’t related to.
Go over to her, and repeatedly shove her and smack her in the back of the head while asking, “Why you cryin’?” This will distract and infuriate her, possibly starting a fight, at which point she will completely forget why she was crying in the first place.
It’s crazy that the person at her company was so rude (like, just totally unnecessarily, as if it were the fuckin DMV), because they are bidding on the new contract. One of the stipulations of the RFQ for the contract was current staffed must be retained and kept happy.
I dunno ’bout you, but I think they just hurt their chances at winning the bid.
In honor of ass Glibs everywhere.
NB: isn’t uploading pictures anymore; I don’t know if they changed their security settings or what, so until I find a suitable replacement, the links will be bareback.
Damn. Best lineup yet.
This site is now rejecting me when I am at home because I use an ad blocker.
And I can’t view and work.
So now I can only imagine.
About those migrant children…
Of the 103 infants and toddlers in government care, the administration said it had identified just 57 who were eligible for reunions. They were returned to their relatives by early Thursday morning, the administration said.
Officials said 46 other children weren’t immediately reunified because their parents had criminal histories or diseases, presented dangers to their children, were determined to not actually be the parents and in one case had a false birth certificate.
Queue Warren to say something stupid.
Clearly you don’t care about those children and want to gas them with cyanide you Nazi monster.
Just start rolling them out in the street. “You want ’em? You gott’em.”
I’m thinking sloopy needs to help them clear their excess inventory with an orphan auction.
I know there are a few fans here. This came across my timeline
Neat. I’m surprised Sub Pop is still in business.
They have a shop at Seatac:
Sub Pop still exists? Well, I’ll be damned.
Can’t say that their pinned tweet surprises me. King Buzzo is still by far the best thing to come out of the grunge era:
Something i thought about yesterday. Was the Brett name angle a dem talking point? Cause that’s my go to when people start using the same line at the same time.
McAdams cited the comments of the primatologist Jane Goodall, who compared Trump’s behavior to that of a chimpanzee.
“In many ways the performances of Donald Trump remind me of male chimpanzees and their dominance rituals,” Goodall told James Fallows, a writer for The Atlantic in 2016.
In order to impress rivals, males seeking to rise in the dominance hierarchy perform spectacular displays: stamping, slapping the ground, dragging branches, throwing rocks. The more vigorous and imaginative the display, the faster the individual is likely to rise in the hierarchy, and the longer he is likely to maintain that position.
Along similar lines, Christopher Boehm, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Southern California, wrote a February 2016 New Scientist article about his views of Trump:
For my money, I turn to primate politics and the tactics of alpha males. His model of political posturing echoes what I saw while studying Tanzania’s wild Gombe chimpanzees. One stood out: Goblin, an alpha male. He threatened or attacked rivals who looked like they might challenge him, often acting sharply and pre-emptively. Similarly, Trump knows who and when to attack to maximize intimidation. In an attack, the male chimp’s long black hair stands on end as he charges at his rival, which may either race up a tree screaming or stand and fight. Trump’s competitors have mostly been racing up trees.
The next thing you know, Trump will be masturbating on the White House roof.
Totally reasonable and nuanced article about how that misogynist
ratorangutan in the White House has alienated the womynz, and how Democrats will surf into power on a blue womanly wave of fairness and empathic co-operation. Reject toxic primate masculinity, America, before it’s too late!Because humans’ nearest genetic relative is what exactly? What species would fit into the prog mindset of being kind and gentle enough to be acceptable?
Also: fuck off activist “researchers”. Academic research has been so corrupted by politics that it has essentially no value to the human race.
Thank you for using the phrase “has been” versus “has become” – the history of research is littered with this crap.
See also Helen Keller (no pun intended).
Oh please, he already does this thrice per day.
At 70? That’s impressive.
The Diet Coke fuels his libido.
So Goodall is an evo psych PUA?
Could you imagine? How about just judging on their actions? There is plenty not to like about current president from many points of view.
wait, I thought it was lobsters now
He is convinced that Trump’s agenda is to destroy American democracy and that we are on the cusp of becoming a dictatorship.
It’s not dictatorship, per se, that he doesn’t want. Unfortunately, we just might end up with the wrong dictator.
Fine the shit out of their endowments until they stop being racist.
That is the wrong answer. Harvard has every right to exercise its freedom of association. What should be done is to declare that Harvard is ineligible for Federal financial aid.
I’d be ok with that too.
I came to hate pretty much every president that I have lived under sooner or later (going back to Nixon, before him I was too young to really understand politics). Obama set a record for how fast I could hate a president.
But a year and half into Trump, I still don’t hate him. This is so weird.
Do you live 100 miles from an international border?
Nope. And there are no airports serving international flights within a 100 miles either.
And this shit started before Trump.
Correct, but he has escalated it beyond “Brownistan” in the Southwest. 99 percent White NH is starting to resent living like Cold War Berlin. I believe this is a grave misstep for him. When something starts to impact 2/3rds of the nation’s population, you can’t win an election solely on fat Kansas housewives wearing pink mu-mus with crying kittens on them.
“fat Kansas housewives wearing pink mu-mus with crying kittens on them”
“Gay farmers go naked to help raise awareness of mental health”
Seems to work.
don’t forget the sunscreen.
But a year and half into Trump, I still don’t hate him.
You are what’s wrong with America!
Old, white, upper-middle-class, male. I am the root of all evil.
And, from fly over country – my God, the horror…
Deplorable, for sure.
Harvard has every right to exercise its freedom of association. What should be done is to declare that Harvard is ineligible for Federal financial aid.
Katy Tur further outs herself as a DNC mouthpiece, and not a particularly bright or savvy one.
She’s a journalist, why would you think she believes that words have meanings?
“1) Yes, there are coyotes in the city. 2) Like most New Yorkers, they want to be left alone. 3) If you see a coyote, don’t be alarmed. But you probably won’t. They avoid neighborhoods at all costs. 4) Do not approach them, pet them, or buy them a bagel.”
I thought maybe they were referring to a different type of coyote. Pretty much all the same rules apply.
Whoever the city dog-catcher is, he needs to be turfed out next election.
Around here a coyote will get a cap in it’s ass.
“Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was performing at Sirens Adult Entertainment Club on Cleveland Avenue in north Columbus. According to an arrest report, Daniels began dancing at about 11:30 Wednesday night. During her performance, officers in the club said they witnessed Daniels using her bare breasts to smack patrons. The officers also said they observed Daniels fondling the breasts of female patrons.
The report says when the officers approached the stage, Daniels held the face of the female officer between her breasts. It also says she did the same to a male officer. The report says Daniels fondled the buttocks and breasts of another officer. At that point, court documents say a fourth officer exited the club to request assistance to make an arrest.”
No contact states are weird.
So the original story reporting on this incident was filled with misleading statements and outright lies? What a surprise!
“Journalistic integrity” is about as laughable as “heroes in blue”.
The report says when the officers approached the stage, Daniels held the face of the female officer between her breasts. It also says she did the same to a male officer. The report says Daniels fondled the buttocks and breasts of another officer.
These brave officers put their lives on the line for our safety every single day.
It takes more than 4 officers to arrest a stripper?
Have you seen the size of her tits?
*tries to find SFW pic to post… fails*
At that point, court documents say a fourth officer exited the club to request assistance to make an arrest.
Let me guess, after having his face held between Ms. Daniels’ breasts. I’m imagining the entire police department lining up to “collect evidence”.
“The FBI files on Insane Clown Posse cite the very authoritative Encyclopedia Dramatica as a source”
What bunch of clowns.
Famous But Incompetent.
Yeah, the same idiots who decided their fans were a gang
“Intersociety, Nigeria: 11th July 2018)-No fewer than 120 defenseless Christians have been killed by members of Jihadist Brigades under the color of Fulani Herdsmen in Adamawa and Taraba States alone in first seven days of July 2018. The figure did not include scores of others killed during the same period in other parts of old Middle Belt. This brings the total number of defenseless Christians killed in Nigeria in the name of Islam to 1,870 in the past six and quarter months of 2018-1st January to 10thJuly 2018.
When added to other defenseless Christians killed in the past three years or from 1st June 2015 to 10th July 2018 by trio of the Federal Government of Nigeria, Boko Haram insurgents and Zamfara Bandits, the total Christian deaths in Nigeria since then are 8,920, out of which Jihadist Brigades under the color of Fulani Herdsmen killed 5,400. Federal Government of Nigeria had also in the past three years ordered and supervised the killing of no fewer than 1,014 defenseless Christians while Boko Haram Islamic insurgents and Zamfara Bandits killed no fewer than 2,450 and 80 others respectively.
On the other hand, Muslims to fellow Muslims’ killings in Nigeria have resulted to 4, 470 deaths in the past three years including dozens of dead Muslims recently found inside Zamfara forest-presumed to be victims of Zamfara Bandits’ cattle rustling violence. Out of estimated 4,470 Muslim-Muslim deaths, the Federal Government ordered and supervised the killing of 1,351 Muslims including the death of 1,130 members of Shiite Muslim sect while killings by rival Muslim armed fundamentalists such as Boko Haram Islamic insurgents and Islamic Zamfara Bandits resulted in mostly collateral death of 3,020 Muslims in the past three years.”
With any luck all of the remaining Christians and heretical Muslims will be killed as well, this way there will be less opportunities for Islamophobic violence going forward.
Stannis says hello.
this way there will be
lessfewer opportunitiesThe irony is that I’m generally a Nazi about fewer/less. To the point where I have personally thanked grocery store managers for changing the express line signage to “15 items or fewer”. Seppuku is the only option. It’s been real, lads.
Dibs on the revolver.
Not submitting to forced conversion is Islamophobic. Do you even tolerance bro?
Katy Tur further outs herself as a DNC mouthpiece
Katy Tur is not exactly the sharpest needle in the haystack.
It’s no wonder this is popular in Hollywood; things get awfully roomy in there after all those casting couches.
This might be a strange thing to take away from that story, but:
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum Brandi Glanville reportedly paid $12,000 for her vaginal rejuvenation surgery.
As ridiculous as that is, it’s considerably cheaper than a minor surgical procedure in the third party payer system. Which is typical for cosmetic procedures where insurers are absent. You can get your face, tits and ass completely overhauled for less than cost of an appendectomy. You can get LASIK done for half the cost of a colonoscopy. Millions of people avail themselves of these services. And yet they never manage to make the connection.
Win 10 users:
how many of you use Adobe Bridge, or some other media-manager?
also: how many have been using QuickLook? (it basically adds Apple-esque “press spacebar to preview file” functionality; imo, should be core feature of Win 10, not sure why they don’t just build it in)
Thanks for mentioning QuickLook. It looks cool. I can’t install it at work, but I will put it on my tablet tonight and check it out.
*fyi – its main caveat/downside seems to be that
“This app does NOT work on Windows 10 S devices.”
don’t know if that includes tablets. but this being a non-Microsoft piece of development, you take what they give you.
but it works great if, like me, you’ve got bazillions of files with completely idiosyncratic filenames and need to quickly re-organize or locate things. especially handy w/ work related PDF files i get (lots auto-generated reports), or w/ my audio sample-library which goes back to the mid-1990s, etc.
That sounds like me. Mostly photos that I left with the file name that the camera gives them instead of renaming them something that makes sense.
I say “tablet” but it’s actually a Surface Pro, so kind of a hybrid, I guess. I hadn’t heard of 10 S until I saw that disclaimer. Sounds interesting. A locked-down, version of Pro, I guess?
Please, please, please let this happen; I might literally die of laughter during the campaign.
Or they could nominate someone that just blows off Trump’s juvenile attacks, promises free shit and stops hating wypipo.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum Brandi Glanville reportedly paid $12,000 for her vaginal rejuvenation surgery.
As ridiculous as that is, it’s considerably cheaper than a minor surgical procedure in the third party payer system.
It’s not fair. No woman should ever have to pay out of her own pocket to get a tuck-and-roll job on her pussy. What is this, the Dark Ages?
Heroes. In. Blue.
Not sure what the solution is though.
It’s only noon, but I feel confident that this will prove to be the most ridiculous item of the day.
“Food and Gender Studies”
If it doesn’t involve Kim Basinger and ice cubes, I’m not interested.
How about Natalie Portman and hot wings?
Stormy Daniels and haggis.
“I’ve mostly had a great experience being an academic on Twitter. These are the less fun engagements, but I’m thinking it also means my @FemMediaStudies essay was onto something…”
No, it doesn’t.
In all that time, only eleven women had been solo guests on the show, a stark underrepresentation that piqued my academic interest.
Huh. I see that and assume it’s because women are smarter than men, and don’t let themselves get suckered into “Betcha can’t eat THESE!” games.