Buenos nachos Glibs! Here’s a quick take on what the Spanish speaking world now thinks of YOU…Okay, maybe not you personally.
Since I last posted links Mexico elected a new president. Some here have called him a populist, some here (I’m not pointing fingers) called him a communist. Others boldly compared him to….well.
AMLO emerge debido a una crisis de legitimidad de la clase política. Esta no ha logrado solucionar el problema de la corrupción, la decadencia económica o la violencia, que cada vez cobra más vidas. La proliferación de los carteles de la droga, asesinatos de candidatos políticos, el crimen generalizado, la rampante corrupción política y la sensación de caos no han sido resueltos bajo los gobiernos del Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN) y del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI).
La victoria de AMLO evoca recuerdos de la victoria de Barack Obama casi 10 años atrás. Las guerras de Iraq y Afganistán más la crisis económica que estalló a menos de dos meses de las elecciones nacionales, no solo le dio a Obama un triunfo electoral aplastante, sino que también generó una euforia popular donde las expectativas del nuevo presidente eran muy altas.
AMLO, al igual que Obama, mantuvo un discurso populista, de izquierda y a la vez se mantuvo lo suficientemente ambiguo como para asegurar una amplia mayoría. También, al igual que Obama, ha prometido grandes cambios. Ha prometido combatir la corrupción y la violencia, pero no es claro como lo haría. Ha dicho que consideraría una amnistía a los carteles de la droga con el objetivo de que “logremos la paz en el país”. ¿Cómo se le puede dar amnistía a una organización criminal que no tiene interés en abandonar sus lucrativos negocios? ¿Qué poder tiene el estado mexicano para lograr concesiones de los criminales de la droga? Tal amnistía corre el riesgo de convertirse en una luz verde para el narcotráfico.
AMLO emerges due to a crisis of legitimacy of the political class. This has not managed to solve the problem of corruption, economic decadence or violence, which increasingly takes more lives. The proliferation of drug cartels, assassinations of political candidates, widespread crime, rampant political corruption and the sense of chaos have not been resolved under the governments of the National Action Party (PAN) and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). .
AMLO’s victory evokes memories of Barack Obama’s victory almost 10 years ago. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan plus the economic crisis that erupted less than two months before the national elections, not only gave Obama an overwhelming electoral victory, but also generated a popular euphoria where the expectations of the new president were very high.
AMLO, like Obama, maintained a populist, leftist discourse and at the same time remained ambiguous enough to ensure a broad majority. Also, like Obama, he has promised big changes. He has promised to fight corruption and violence, but it is not clear how he would do it. He has said he would consider amnesty for the drug cartels with the aim of “achieving peace in the country.” How can amnesty be given to a criminal organization that has no interest in abandoning its lucrative business? What power does the Mexican state have to obtain concessions from drug criminals? Such an amnesty runs the risk of becoming a green light for drug trafficking.
Before you say anything else! There is a brief moment of sanity….
Si López Obrador no cumple por lo menos parte de sus promesas en un período razonable, su popularidad se verá disminuida. Aquí no habrá ni mesianismo ni carta blanca ilimitada.
If López Obrador does not fulfill at least part of his promises in a reasonable period, his popularity will be diminished. Here there will be neither messianism nor unlimited carte blanche.
That’s just….no. Here’s something else to perk you up!
Más de 12 horas después de entrar en la iglesia y después de pasar por un auténtico viacrucis, a Vivas le confirmaron sus peores temores: su hijo, el agente de policía Faber López Vivas, era uno de los 38 muertos de la que, según los datos del Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (Cenidh), fue la jornada más violenta en Nicaragua desde que comenzaron las protestas contra el gobierno de Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo que han sido fuertemente reprimidas por antimotines y paramilitares.
Pero ella no cree en la versión oficial que dice que López Vivas fue agredido por “terroristas con armas de fuego” cuando intentaba levantar uno de los tranques de caminos que la población había puesto a modo de protesta en el departamento de Carazo. Su madre asegura que el joven fue torturado y asesinado por sus propios compañeros después de pedir la baja de las filas de la policía porque se negaba a reprimir a los manifestantes.
“Nada llena mi vacío. Nadie puede regresarme del dolor de la incertidumbre de saber que a mi hijo me lo torturaron sencillamente por pedir la baja. Me lo mataron a pellizcos, me le quitaron las uñas…”, relata la mujer en conversación telefónica con Univision Noticias.
Conozco personas que pueden ayudar …
More than 12 hours after entering the church and after going through an authentic Via Crucis, Vivas confirmed his worst fears: his son, police officer Faber López Vivas, was one of the 38 dead, according to the data from the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), was the most violent day in Nicaragua since the protests against the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo began that have been strongly repressed by riot and paramilitary forces.
But she does not believe in the official version that says López Vivas was assaulted by “terrorists with firearms” when he was trying to set up one of the roadblocks that the population had put up as a protest in the department of Carazo. His mother assures that the young man was tortured and killed by his own comrades after asking to leave the ranks of the police because he refused to repress the demonstrators.
“Nothing fills my emptiness, no one can return me from the pain of the uncertainty of knowing that my son was tortured simply for asking me to leave, they pinched me, they took my nails …”, says the woman in conversation telephone with Univision News.
¡¡¡La Migra!!! Accuses Bill DeBlasio of violating port of entry laws in multiple countries.
Según la misiva, un oficial uniformado de la Patrulla Fronteriza se percató del grupo en la llanura al sur de Tornillo, en Texas, que estaba tomando fotos de la instalación. El agente preguntó si con ellos iba alguien de la Patrulla Fronteriza o del departamento de relaciones públicas que pudiera autorizar su presencia. Un inspector de la policía neoyorquina dijo que no, y cuando el agente preguntó cómo habían llegado hasta allí, el grupo señaló hacia México, según la misiva.
El agente les dijo que habían cruzado la frontera ilegalmente y les pidió quedarse allí mientras él buscaba a un supervisor. Les pidió ir a un puesto oficial de cruce, como lo exigen las normas, dice la carta. Pero, añade, el grupo desoyó la orden, caminó hacia sus vehículos y manejaron de vuelta hacia México. Reingresaron a territorio estadounidense por otro cruce fronterizo unas tres horas más tarde, dice la carta.
Eric Phillips, portavoz de De Blasio, dijo que el grupo no hizo nada ilegal y que tenía autorización para estar allí.
“El alcalde cruzó la frontera con la aprobación directa y bajo la supervisión del supervisor local de la patrulla fronteriza en ese puerto de entrada”, dijo Phillips en un email a la AP. “Decir lo contrario es una mentira directa y un intento obvio de alguien de atacar al alcalde por su actividad a favor de las familias que están siendo separadas en la frontera por la Administración Trump”.
According to the letter, a uniformed Border Patrol official noticed the group on the plain south of Tornillo, in Texas, who was taking pictures of the facility. The agent asked if there was someone from the Border Patrol or the public relations department who could authorize his presence. A NYPD inspector said no, and when the agent asked how they got there, the group pointed to Mexico, according to the letter.
The agent told them that they had crossed the border illegally and asked them to stay there while he was looking for a supervisor. He asked them to go to an official crossing point, as required by the rules, says the letter. But, he adds, the group ignored the order, walked to their vehicles and drove back to Mexico. They reentered US territory by another border crossing about three hours later, the letter says.
Eric Phillips, spokesman for De Blasio, said the group did nothing illegal and that it was authorized to be there.
“The mayor crossed the border with direct approval and under the supervision of the local border patrol supervisor at that port of entry,” Phillips said in an email to the AP. “To say otherwise is a direct lie and an obvious attempt by someone to attack the mayor for his activity in favor of the families that are being separated at the border by the Trump Administration.”
Hey, maybe Trump will troll him by pardoning him.
Translation services available from the Alpha Beta Corporation, who remind you that technically they aren’t the government therefore they CAN sensor your news.
Bareback titty lynx continue!
Apologies to those with ad blocker, still working on a way to circumvent this nefarious turn of events.
There are some serious bubble butts in there.
There’s a number of holesome types there but, as others have remarked, somewhere someone has had enough of their shit.
Need a ruling: is this a John-o?
Towing the lion, I’d have to say most of his were misspellings, not a play on words.
The genius of the John-o was that they frequently were both.
Yes, I would classify “holesome” as a John-o.
Wasn’t Daniel Ortega a Hollywood darling back in the 80’s and 90’s? Sadly, he has clearly decided to embrace not-actual-socialism.
Bernie was certainly a fan, even after he cracked down on the press.
“Vermont could set an example to the rest of the nation similar to the type of example Nicaragua is setting for the rest of Latin America.”
“It’s funny, sometimes American journalists talk about how bad a country is, that people are lining up for food. That is a good thing! In other countries people don’t line up for food: the rich get the food and the poor starve to death.”
As nature intended.
And yet that decrepit sonofabitch is a media darling these days. What a mendacious piece of shit.
The tears spilt by the local proggies when Ortega first lost the election back in the (89? 90?) were epic. They were all sure that the Sandanistas would win and then they could tell all the conservatives to shut their mouths about them being commie dictators.
The local rag ran story after story about the first free election and how the Ortegas were killing it in the polls. I even remember one story about how the cities were full of kids who were all wearing shoe laces of a certain color to show support for the Sandanistas.
Until Trump’s election, that was the most wrong I’ve ever seen the media be.
The 1990 Nicaraguan election bit from (I think) Give War a Chance was one of my favorite PJ O’Rourke pieces. Absolutely hilarious. He says something along the lines of (it’s not gonna be word for word accurate but I guarantee it’s pretty close):
I was surprised that the Sandinistas lost. That is to say, and I’m ashamed to admit this, I believed the opinion polls in a country where it is illegal to hold certain opinions. “Good evening, citizen! I’m a frighteningly inquisitive strange. God only knows who I work for. Can I mark you down as supporting the Party, or should we just go ahead and tear up your family’s ration cards right now.
There was also a section where he describes trolling the downcast American lefties in Managua:
“What’s the matter with your legs, toots, don’t you know fur is dead?” My favorite was to make a little gun gesture with my fingers and yell “Nicolae Ceaucescu!”
stranger, not strange
The Mexican Obama….talk about a cruel taunt
I didn’t know he wore mom jeans.
¡pantalones de mezclilla mamá!
AMLO is just another in a long line of Latin American Marxists. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s going to turn Mexico into an even bigger economic basketcase than it already is.
So what you’re saying is the last laugh will be on all the American companies moving operations to Mexico having their assets seized by the Mexican state in ten years.
+1 D’Anconia Copper
Also, why is Dwight Schultz always featured in the Spanish lynx?
That’s like asking, “Why does Q always post titty links?”
Because titty-fuck you, that’s why?
Because HM ‘Mad Dog’ Murdoch and his friends are wanted by the US Government. He now lives a humble life as a soldier of fortune, mostly doing odd jobs in Latin America.
Also, in my first attempt at links, you know the one I didnt bother to translate…I made a joke that he wasnt the one that crashed a helo in Mexico.
Like rain on your wedding day.
Please tell me one of the dead in Nicaragua was named Romero.
Shit, I got the country wrong!
Sure is quiet around here.
Greetings, fellow Glibs. The rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. I’ve been super busy with important life stuff, all good. The busy will continue for a few more weeks, but then I’ll have a lot more time on my hands and will resume submitting articles. In the mean time I’ll continue lurking and dropping the occasional comment.
I really like what’s happening here and want to shout out to everyone who has submitted midday articles.
I submitted some midday comments. Do I get any love too?
Yes, Scruffy, I’ve always enjoyed your comments.
*puffs chest*
Who are you again?
He is my aluminum foil … uh, supplier.
*pats foil homburg*
Since you mentioned it Tonio, I thought I’d poke my head in and give folks the update since I’ve only been lurking recently:
A week ago today, my dad died at the age of 85, three weeks short of 86. He hung on long enough to give my mom 60 years of marriage.
All five of my siblings were there with him and my mom the last week of his life. Virtually all of the grandkids were there as well, and the rest came in when they could. It helped enormously. In those last days we cried – even I, a notorious non-crier, cried a little – we laughed, we argued…we expended so much emotional energy that I’d say our reaction to his death was a little bit muted when the moment came.
Dad gave mom one last present. In the last couple of days leading to his death, my mom was afraid that when his time came, he’d choke, struggle, convulse in agony; none of that happened. It was as though someone just flipped a switch and he peacefully stopped. Mom was so grateful.
For me, the entire experience was surreal. Those seven days weren’t actual days – just one long night where we’d all grab a few hours sleep when and where we could. And I actually feel pretty lucky in a way: losing my dad gradually made his death easier to deal with. I can’t imagine the grief of losing someone suddenly, when they were completely fine and healthy just the day before.
Condolences, F.
I am really glad you were able to experience that moment, though. I had a similar experience with my grandfather and, as weird as it sounds, made his passing much easier for me.
All the best to you and your family.
My condolences
Aw, man…. hang in there buddy. We’re here to snark at, listen or whatever you need.
Sorry to hear that F.
You have my condolences as well.
DERP! He died a week ago yesterday. (Like I said, time’s been moving differently lately)
Thanks everyone.
I’m glad it was a relatively healthy and peaceful end to his life, both for your Mom and you. Many of us (including myself) don’t get to witness that kind of final gift. Good on ya, mate.
It sucks.
Been through the same. You have my condolences.
Sad for you and your family, glad you all had the chance to see him off and that he went well.
I’m sorry to hear that. My condolences.
Saw this late. My condolences as well, F.
My condolences.
Mutiny on the high seas – let no good deed go unpunished:
Migrants accused of threatening to kill the crew of a cargo ship that rescued them arrived in Sicily today as tension grew over migration between partners in Italy’s governing coalition.
Two of the 67 migrants rescued by the Vos Thalassa in the Mediterranean on Sunday are accused of rebelling when the Italian crew of 12 sailed south to hand them over to the Libyan coast guard.
Fearing they would be returned to Libyan detention centres, where torture and rape are common, the migrants turned on the crew. “They said, ‘We will kill you if you head south’ ”, according to Christopher Savoye of Vroon, the Dutch operator of the ship.
So I guess next time just leave them adrift to die.
I’d like my fighting chances against Italian merchant sailors over Libyan prison guards.
It is a Dutch run ship.
Jerry: What do you mean, what is Holland? It’s a country next to Belgium.
George: No, that’s the Netherlands.
Jerry: Holland IS the Netherlands!
George: Then who are the Dutch?????
Even better.
Space Seed!
the Left is going to dial this up to 11 when Iowa’s 6-week abortion ban and Roe v Wade come before SCOTUS…
All we’re proposing is common sense abortion taxes.
All that article tells me is that politicians are scum. So, essentially, the sky is blue.
What do you mean, “going to?” And we’ll have to add a 12 setting if RBG kicks it before 2020.
I had forgotten all about McSweeneys.
As more of the reading world has every month.
Ah. Thanks.
I’ve read some good stuff there over the years.
i’m sure it’ll tick up a little now that their politics are correct.
Such a shame they felt they had to get woke. Some great stuff there over the years.
That’s why I stopped.
Woke sucks.
David Burge
1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
McSweeney’s is in full blown skin suit phase…
1. With that in mind, I am proposing a plan that will change access to abortion in the following ways:
A woman seeking an abortion will be forced to watch an ultrasound of her fetus. She must locate the heart and clearly point to it, even if it’s too small to see.
Doctors and nurses at clinics that perform abortions will be required to wear scary masks and, occasionally, scream for no reason.
A woman seeking an abortion must put $300 in cash on a surgical table and light it on fire.
As part of the state’s sexual educational program, girls in high school will be required to carry a headstone around with them for a day to see how an abortion really feels.
Clinics that offer abortions must pay a small, $35 million tax. This will go to subsidizing schools, and by schools we mean American corporations that are now technically based in Barbados.
Clinics that offer abortions must not be within 500 feet of any churches, but must be within 400 feet of a confessional booth.
2. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/17-real-life-would-you-rathers-i-a-woman-have-had-to-ask-myself
2. Oof.
“Isabella Giovannini is a comedy writer and improviser from New York. She works on Hasan Minhaj’s new Netflix show (coming this fall). Strangers on the street really seem to like telling her she’s tall. She knows.”
Comedy ain’t what it used to be.
Oh honey, “stuck up” doesn’t mean tall.
So…in for some stagnant economic times, a flood of regulation, apologies to the world, using every arm of the state to go after political foes and generally being worthless.
You forgot massive increase in debt slavery.
And a handful of new wars.
But on the bright side, a 100% scandal-free administration.
Needz moar drone strikes.
Si, fly
And plane loads of cash to Iran.
Strzok testimony in front of Congress is a circus.
That was obviously scripted by his Democrat attorney handlers.
He’s right about one thing, my enemies do want to tear America apart. Unfortunately, we aren’t talking about the same people.
Video of his opening statement…
Winner! I love that scene.
It is one of the most libertarian scenes in movies. And applicable in so many ways.
Moronie Deported To Sweden! Claims He’s Not From There!
That was a complete shit show. I had to turn it off after about 20 minutes.
Holy crap, they’re still going.
He warned lawmakers that attacks on the FBI’s credibility hurt the country.
“The proposition that that is going on and might occur anywhere in the FBI deeply corrodes what the FBI is in American society, the effectiveness of their mission, and it is deeply destructive,” Strzok said
hey look who’s never heard of MLK, Herbert Hoover, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc. yeah, i think the American public already has a pretty accurate perspective on the FBI long before his texts and involvement with the Clinton server investigation came to light.
I wish every American citizen was reminded of these abuses daily…..unfortunately the MSM goes out of it’s way to avoid them and smears anyone who wants to talk about them as a conspiracy theorists. I like bringing up RR and Waco to progs……its fun to watch them twist themselves into ideological pretzels to rationalize slaughtering deplorables.
Many of the congress critters were making mini campaign speeches rather than asking questions. Which is what usually happens at public hearings.
My favorite part is when Strzok said he wouldn’t have sent those texts if he knew he was going to get caught.
I’d have gotten away with it too if it werent for those meddlin kids!
Ha, that’s almost as good as ‘Bitch set me up”
Grauniad gets one right..
which leads me to this. a network tv dub so horrible that an acquaintance walked around quoting it until he eventually earned the nickname “Falcon”:
I can’t see how they could write this article without at least a shoutout to Robocop
too campy
I’m wearing my new linen shirt today, with undershirt under it. Holy shit, I need an entire wardrobe of these things for when its hot. Its like going commando for the other half of my body.
Also, I am clean-shaven for the first time in like 20 years and discovered I look exactly like my grandpa. As I have inherited his strong roman nose and non-existent frog-chin, I think the old goatee is going to come back.
with *no* undershirt under it. Christ, I need to log off and mainline some caffeine.
Yes, they are the greatest for this insanely hot and humid bullshit. Plus, they don’t require any significant care.
Wife this morning asked if I needed her to iron it when she was what I was wearing. Nope.
That’s why I love my Dickies Shirts , shorts and Pants. No Wrinkles, throw em in a basket and hang em later, doesn’t matter, No wrinkles
Oh no, it was wrinkly as fuck. Its just that that’s how they are supposed to look.
I see, and just read my shirt, 65/5 Poly/Cotton, Wrnkles suck.
Oh no, it was wrinkly as fuck. Its just that that’s how they are supposed to look.
That’s what I told SP on our wedding night.
That’s because they’re empty. The former contents currently reside in a single wide in the desert.
Linen is the opposite; you can’t stop it from getting wrinkles without using 20 pounds of starch per bolt, so it’s acceptable for linen wear to be wrinkled.
Also, assuming you’re wearing normal linen LEAP, see if you can find a seersucker shirt; they’re even better.
” they don’t require any significant care.”
that sort of thinking is what gets people into trouble.
1) stains.
linen soaks shit up. wine. coffee. mustard. fruity cocktails. nice natural-colored linen shirts, for me, last about 2 years before they’ve been Beach Bummed into something resembling a wearable dishrag.
2) related to above: washing them w/ other bright colored things can result in catastrophic color bleed, or wrong-temp can result in game-breaking shrinkage.
3) small holes: have tendency to become BIG FUCKING RIPS if you don’t nip them in the bud. i tended to ignore a few scars on my linen pants as ‘patina’. they look best when they’re a little rumpled and broken in. but then one day that teeny hole near the pocket? opens up and you’ve got one leg dangling off.
i only mention these things because all my linen clothes have eventually died violent deaths in the above manner, and i always grieve for them.
*still have 2 blazers, and a pair of shorts, and a few guayaberas… but….. the rest of those poor bastards, RIP
Forget it, Tundra and Leap are drunk…
I wish. Looks like I’m going to be working till 9 or 10 tonight.
You’ve been warned.
“Is there a law against owning 2 linen suits?”, Finney asked.
“Well, there’s natural law, I suppose.”, I said.
(paraphrased from “Straight Man” by Richard Russo)
I am sad to announce that last night I broke my largest bearing separator. We had enjoyed each other’s company for years and separated many bearings together. Last night, the inner race on a rear hub was finally too much for her and, although her jaws refused to yield to the pressure, the threads of her yoke gave out, and so we were separated instead. So long, my dear friend.
*pours out a 40*
These euphemisms are getting complicated. But if I’m reading this right, be safe man. Don’t go out like Bourdain or Carradine.
*hugs favorite drill press*
I’m partial to my Milwaukee 18V brushless impact driver, myself.
This is a good reminder for everyone to go home and hug their favorite tool tonight.
Or ask their wife to…
I do it daily. Oh, wait, this isn’t a euphemism, is it?
I usually prefer for my wife to hug my favorite tool for me
I’ve asked her the same thing.
If she says yes I want pics 😉
That’s just sick. You know who you’re talking to?
Just remember to use hand lotion and you will be fine. Your problem is all the dry ‘hugging’ labor you are always enacting.
I’m sorry, but I don’t see what bearing this has on the links that were posted today. Swiss is gonna get on your shit for going OT so quickly.
I should also note that I have no idea what a bearing separator is. My guesses are: some geology related that keeps Alaska from crashing into Russia; a contraption that removes jewelry from ugly female bears (after it was given to them by STEVE SMITH after a night of hard drinking and making promises of eternal commitment).
Don’t you worry about Swiss. Let me worry about Swiss.
You are just talking big because you think that Swiss is off busy doing other stuff for work and won’t be around.
Taking advantage of the Swiss Miss loophole.
*narrows gaze*
Corpse flowers blooms for first time in Michigan garden.
Thoughts and Prayers!
Can we take a moment to remember those we lost in the great Build a Bear pay your age catastrophe? *Sarah McLachlan playing in the background*
I still think this chain would be well served if they installed lightning collectors, a bear-sized table with leather straps attached to a linear actuator, a huge wall of breakers, and a big old leaver that opens up a hole in the roof and actuates the actuator. I’d pay extra for that if it was storming outside and if they covered the walls with old stonework.
With a young Teri Garr as an assistant.
That’s what that was? FFS. I went to work at six to build a barricade wall. Within half an hour twenty or so families were lined up at the kiosk, hours before the mall opened. When we left five hours later, the line wrapped around half the mall.
Security had to keep unspooling caution tape and moving the end of the line back. Hours spent waiting just to buy a cheap bear?
Your wife drove an hour and a half and wasted 100 miles worth of gas for a cheap bear, you fucking putz? Why are you admitting to this?!
I wonder how many parents walked out after seeing the line and said, “No, honey, mommy’s time is worth a whole lot more than this. We’ll buy you a full-priced bear later, because I’m not an idiot.”
The next state to legalize marijuana could be . . . North Dakota?
It’s nice that more states are legalizing marijuana, but they’re doing it for all the wrong reasons. It’s become legalize it so we can tax it!
The people behind this measure are doing it for the right reasons. I think they just realized that to get it passed they have to bow to the reality that it isn’t going to happen without letting the state dig their fingers into it.
Medical pot, none taxed in Cali, Hmmm……
/Pot Card FTW!
I’ll be back, One more service call, then………………
a Surprise
Most ‘normies’I talk to are all in favor of legalizing MJ but quickly follow it up with “Tax the shit out of it!!! REVENUE!!!
It’s pretty disheartening. The fact that the government will regulate the shit out of it and make you pay dearly for the privilege of using it is only incrementally better than outright prohibition.
[Recalls getting lectured by Ken about puritanism about this issue]
Their* damn phone
10s of little girls cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
That was last month during OMWC’s trip through the state.
“We leave our bill wide open so the legislature can do their job ”
Little Danny Ortega turned out to be a murderous Communist dictator. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked.
Wasn’t this already established back in the ’80s?
No, no. He was just trying to liberate the oppressed people of Nicaragua.
Sometimes I am in favor of letting the state murder home electricians who try to do unlicensed work.
What the fuck is wrong with some people?
“Sir, I take great offense at the suggestion you would think i would be disloyal to my vows of loyalty to the impartiality of this institution”
said Peter Strzok, guy who was cheating on his wife during the period under investigation
Its sort of difficult to posture about your unimpeachable integrity and devotion “to your job”…
…. when you treated ‘a ceremony where you swore before god to be true and loyal to one person’ as an optional and conceptually-flexible sort of thing.
What the hell G man? You job is to go there, let them say mean things to, and don’t say to get anyone’s attention. My 6 year old knows how to play this game when she sneaks a bag of cookies in her room and you can’t manage it? What an idiot.
Let’s not forget, that cheating was WITH A CO-WORKER. I’m not sure if he was he superior to her in the organization, but at the very least this guy is a liar and unprofessional. He’s got no room to do anything but sit there with his tail between his legs.
the word foresworn comes to mind.
I read that as foreskin.
Umm….. If you know of actual facts about Russian election interference shouldn’t you tell Mueller so he can charge people? Or is this part of Trump’s nefarious plans? He ginned up some fake outrage and got the one guy with proof of election interference kicked off Mueller’s team and not Bob has a giant nothing burger?
The gall this guy has is amazing.
he has the focused lying but lacks the charm and charisma to pull off being a sociopath.
The focused lying was from days of coaching by the DNC attorneys.
Ghomert’s poke about if he smirked like that when lying to his wife about his affair was classic.
“handing that information to colleages that happened to be having dinner that night with NYT and WaPo columnists, however, did”
The FBI needs more agents like this guy to maintain its reputation.
Something interesting about the way media goes to bat to defend the FBI all the time…
…is that it seems to me to be very much a case of “defending their sources”
iow, the press used to have an adversarial role re: govt as a whole.
now, they’re far more interested in having contacts and embedded support within the “unelected bureaucracy”, because they’re a permanent source of info on the political side.
maybe its always been that way. but it seems like there’s a lot more defense of ‘the swamp’ in the press in the last 20 years, than you would have seen in the 1980s/1990s
there’s always been some mixture and incestuousness; i mean, FBI loves to use press for perp-walks and to harass targets… but it seems like its been over a decade since there’s been any skepticism for CIA/FBI/NSA in the mainstream media; even w/ Snowden, there was never any widespread support from the chatter-box media, compared to say… shitheels like Bo Bergdahl, who they fell over themselves trying to exculpate
I think it’s not just source protection (although that probably is a big part of it, what with the modern need to be up-to-the-minute in order to break a story first) but also that the leftist side of the media, which is the greater portion, views the bureaucracy as a whole to be on their side in the effort to move the nation “forward”, and people always treat their friends/allies better than their opponents.
I saw this quote back in February 2017, forgot where I saw it but recently found it again. This is how the New York Times sees the media and itself:
They see themselves and the CIA/FBI/NSA as the rulers.
that’s interesting.
“too powerful to bully” might be true. I think they’ve gotten the impression, however, that they’re powerful enough to *unseat* trump, and entirely discredit him.
iow, they present themselves as the victims here. my impression, beginning in the 2016 election, is that they were the aggressors.
Looks like someone watched There’s Something About Mary too many times.
But you included a humorous link to bring us back down. Therefore, yours is the superior comment.
*much obliged
/puts garrote back in garage
Et tu, Mike?
This is exactly why your ancestors were exiled from Minnesoda. You NoDaks are all a blight on our golden prairies.
And yet you come here to harvest our bountiful wildlife. Sad!
Traveling to visit the neighbors and deflower the virgin bounty is our cultural heritage you shitlord.
Help! I’m being attacked by an angry mob of stump-humpers!
I’m doing them a favor and saving them from a life in NoDak.
Like the old joke:
Custer was addressing his men, “Men, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we will be wiped out to the last man by the Sioux. The good news is that we won’t have to march back across North Dakota.”
Seen years ago on a billboard in North Dakota just before the Montana state line:
“Custer was alive when he left North Dakota”
DAMN YOU JIMBO! You were posting as I was researching!
Researching is for the weak. Manly men like me know what we know and we don’t need any stinking confirmation before we let the world know.
Yeah, well, thats like….your opinion, man.
From what I’ve read, AMLO’s victory seems more comparable to Macron’s than Obama’s. Obama didn’t really offer a break from the party establishments at large, and his election was more of a cultural milestone than a political watershed. He was never an insurgent, just a rising star who had to grapple with a fading one before cementing his leadership of his party, a frequent and unremarkable occurrence in politics. Macron bolted from the existing parties to create his own, which he then rode to victory over the political establishment of his country, which is both an infrequent and remarkable occurrence in politics and relatively the same path that AMLO took to power.
Honestly, to me he seems like Mexican version of Trump.
Well, it does seem to me like each of the 3 NAFTA nations has elected to be led by their respective spirit animals, so in that sense I will agree.
Hopefully Doug Ford (brother of late, ever-lamented Rob Ford) will complete his rise and be the PM within a decade.
He’s already started scorching shit in Ontario.
Fucken-A and Amen.
Cmon man, its CNN. Anythign non-Obama must be compared to Obama because Obama.
Heh. Was looking at the EM page for a local band. Under lyrical themes, it lists “Human struggles.” I don’t know why, but I find that hilarious. It has to be the most true but most useless assertion about art possible.
I’m still laughing at this, hours later
That’s pretty great.
Hmmm….if we invite him and set him up as anti-Papa, can we then press his claim and secure Papacy for ourselves?
Libertarian Pizza!
Papa bless.
Good fun!
I smell a cross-promotion with Ghost.
Oh wait, that’s just garlic dipping sauce.
I’m being interviewed by Obermeyer tomorrow as part of a new marketing campaign! :-O
My addled brain read that as ‘Oscar Meyer’ on the first reading…..must be dinner time
Keith Obermeyer?
I’ve got a serious happy hour to start, but I’ll probably get tossed any minute for my convulsive giggling.
Don’t ever change, not a one of you.
Great thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1017101513368461312.html Very entertaining and enlightening read.
Fuck honor, if it comes to Dueling, that’s barbaric as fuck, Good read tho Thanks!
The alternative to dueling for these people in this time wasn’t no dueling erryone play nice. It was unconstrained vendetta a la Romeo and Juliet or the Hattfields and McCoys where entire families get sucked into a cycle of violence and death. It was, infact, civilizations way of preventing barbarism given the fallen nature of man.
Or if they weren’t Gentlemen of Standing, they’d have had it out with fists and probably nothing worse than a few broken bones, and Hamilton admitting he’s the bitch (I think Burr would have won a fistfight, he looks like he had retard strength).
I agree, I don’t want to go back to those days in any way shape or form. That being said people were probably a lot more careful about who they slandered back then. Can you imagine the look on the face of a journalist who got a ‘pistols at dawn’ phone call after writing a hit-piece? When I see the college protest antics and mob mentality of antifa types I wonder if they’d be half as bold it they knew it might cost them something.
I read DeLorenzo’s book on Hamilton. He was a conniving ass in public life, it wouldn’t surprise me if his declaration to throw away the first shot was made disingenuously but I guess we’ll never know.
Hamilton. What a fuck. We’d have been better off if Washington took a shine to Benedict Arnold and gave Hamilton the shaft over and over again, instead of vice versa.
Hamilton was a climber from the very start. He certainly made up for his lack pf principle with ambition.
The Deadliest of Games: The Institution of Dueling
Christopher G. Kingston and Robert E. Wright
Southern Economic Journal
Vol. 76, No. 4 (April 2010), pp. 1094-1106
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand eating ass. The craft (though some might call it an art) is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal-matter physics most of the rewards will go over a typical eater’s head. There’s also prejudice towards ass eating, which contributes to the typical eater’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his sexual characterisation, his sexual personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.
The deft, virtuoso ass eaters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these rewards, to realize that they’re not just pungent, aromatic and glorious; not just dynamic, tactile and provocative; not just unique to each individual’s anus and bowels, yet always so familiar; they are simply so much more – they say something deep about LIFE.
As a consequence people who dislike eating ass truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the strife we endure in prejudice towards ass eating, which contributes to the typical eater’s existencial catchphrase “Grant Tolerance to Feculence,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as they sit there watching scat porn, clueless as a great butt-muncher’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. ? And yes by the way, I DO have a eating ass tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Can. Not. Unread.
I can’t tell if you talking about the rewards going over someones head figuratively, or if you are talking about ballistic projectiles describing an arc through space. Please respond slowly, as I am taking notes.
It’s about the rheology of diarrhea.
I mentioned ‘ass-eating’ to an ex-girlfriend. She expressed shock, and underscored it with “thats dirty! You could get poop in your mouth! I just dont know….”
I said, “I once tongue fucked a stripper at a bachelor party, and Im 90% certain she spent her non-stripping time as a prostitute. Poop is the least of my concerns.”
We parted ways not long after that.
Her loss.
Only straight out of the shower.
I will state for the record that dropping my jaw is a feat worthy of respect.
I’m also assuming you have some German heritage.
-1 Scheiße
I don’t always read the links; but when I do, prefer los XX enlaces.
Get dizzy with Volkswagen on Pikes Peak, it’s like a giant Slotcar!
I worked next to March ARB today and the F-16s were out doing touch and goes, pretty cool. Then they noticed my Son and I on the roof and gave us a few nice Knife edge Flybys at about 400 ft.
Loud and fast, they definitely knew we were there, and gave us a show, Sweet!
That is awesome. Little boys love anything loud and huge and fast (or slow but with enough torque to uproot a fire hydrant). They must outgrow it at some point, but I’m sure its not before the seventh or eight decade.
YOU THERE!, What you did, I saw That! Default is at 8 Bells…………..
We live in the flight pattern of a local ANG unit. We get Blackhawks, Apaches and Chinooks flying over on a regular basis. We also see A-10s and F-16s on a regular basis.
Well at least you got something for your tax money.
Yeah, I’ll feel much better tomorrow busting my ass knowing that Yufes and his kid might get an airshow out of it.
‘Member,my Son is 26, and pays taxes too, But YES, I thought just that, “cool at least I get a show”
26 still counts as ‘Kid’, hell I’m still ‘Kid’ to my Dad and his friends and I’m damn near (takes off shoes, does maths) fifty.
true, but he pays taxes, so even though like YOU, he’s a kid, he pays for his own airshow, 🙂
once your Parents die, you aren’t a kid anymore,
/not a kid
We (the royal we) are borrowing money hand over fist, none of us “pay” for our own airshow. And I’d wager even divided among everyone who might have seen that particular display, the taxes they pay wouldn’t make a dent in the cost. Wasteful spending is wasteful spending whether it looks cool or not.
Dos Equis is the worst. Change my mind.
Two words: Natty Light.
Natty Ice!
Double-Deuce Keystone Light!
look forward! Toys!
No. Drink Bohemia instead.
Budweiser Select, I use to have a weekly poker game, some people would bring more beer than they drank others would not bring enough, at the end of the night it was open season on ‘abandoned’ beers. The only beer that would be there the next week was the Bud Select that Eddie left.
Come, and see!