Halfway through the week for many of you. I’ve got an all-weekend work-a-thon with the arrowhead auction coming up, so I don’t know when I’ll have a day off next. But that’s all good with me. You know who has a loooong weekend? the Belgium soccer team. Those dudes have to go to play in the 3rd Place game later, but that’s never really mattered much. They’ll face whoever loses today between Croatia and England, while the winner of that match will square off against France for all the marbles. My pick: England 2-1. If they weren’t completely gassed, I’d go with Croatia, but I think the tank has gotta be about empty.
The Orioles beat the Yankees, the Nats got above .500 after beating the Pirates, the Red Sox topped the Rangers, the big red machine took down the cross-state rival Indians, the Phillies beat the Mets, The Brewers doubled up the Marlins, the Rays stung the Tigers, the Blue Jays drilled the Braves, the Cardinals embarrassed the White Sox, the Royals bested the MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, the D-backs topped the Rockies, the Giants beat the Cubs, the Angels beat the Mariners, the Padres topped the Dodgers, and I went to sleep in the middle of the 8th with the Astros up 4-0, so I assumed they finally got Verlander a decision. Apparently that was a mistake. I wish I’d have seen the circus play that ended that game in the Astros favor.

Would most likely be “problematic” today.
Scottish king Robert the Bruce was born on this date. So too were President John Quincy Adams, “lawman” Bull Conner, author E.B. White, slap-head actor Yul Brynner, fashion designer Giorgio Armani, rocker John Lawton, singers Jeff Hanna and Bonnie Pointer, boxer Leon Spinks, Bauhaus’s Peter Murphy, guitarist Richie Sambora, vocalist Suzanne Vega, and Thurston Harris.
Its also the day Antonius Pius succeeded Hadrian as Roman Emperor, Henry VIII was excommunicated, Samuel de Champlain returned to Quebec, Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton, the US Marine Corp was established, the first auto race was held, Babe Ruth made his Boston pitching debut, the Marx Brothers “A Day At The Races” opened, “To Kill A Mockingbird” was published, Earl Weaver made his debut as Orioles manager, “Space Oddity” was released, Nolan Ryan recorded his 4,000th strikeout and Mike Tyson hired Donald Trump as his advisor.
Heady stuff there. But I digress. Its time for…the links!

Where’s my eggs and ketchup, you lazy European bastards!
Well the start of the NATO meetings sure wasn’t boring. I swear, I’ll fly to DC and kiss the man if he pulls our troops out of Europe and those people start funding their own defense. We’ll see how those social safety net programs get funded if they actually have to supply their own military.
Sacha Baron Cohen appears to have struck a nerve with former Governor Sarah Palin. Well, her and disabled veterans support groups. I don’t have Showtime. If anybody does, let me know if its funny or not. I assume it will be a combination of hilarity and cringe-worthy stupidity. Not sure yet who will supply each.

The real joke here is Hollywood
Exhibit 1,329,692 for Hollywood being out of fresh ideas. I assumed an “origins” story would require hiring a younger person rather than an older one. But he will save them money on face makeup.
But they have strict gun control! How could this have happened? I bet he went to Indiana. Yeah, let’s blame Indiana.
Chicago government: is there anything they can’t fuck up? Also, good on the ACLU for taking this up. I guess that’s where they’re spending all their energy after abandoning free association, the second amendment and the right for people to have religious objections to regulations.

Put that “Popcorn” down!. Popcorn is for closers only.
This one is for all you potheads out there. ::sigh:: FINE, everybody else who likes making fun of the DEA can pile on too.
Just in case you needed an excuse to go get one. Personally, I’d mix cherry with blue raspberry and call it a day. Although I was always more of a Slush Puppy kid growing up, I’ll probably try to find a local store.
Quanell X is gonna have some explaining to do. This one could be interesting. These cases usually turn into an airing of grievances. I’ll get the popcorn.
Yes, I had several options. And I’m perfectly content with the direction I decided to go today. Feel free to complain and/or supplement it in the comments.
Have a great middle of the week, friends!
Well the start of the NATO meetings sure wasn’t boring. I swear, I’ll fly to DC and kiss the man if he pulls our troops out of Europe and those people start funding their own defense. – typical Americans avoiding your responsibility
Did May and Merkel dress the same on purpose? Bot of them are looking pretty damn rough.
They didn’t get the memo that the dog show was last week.
Purebred bitches at dog shows. Just saying…
You saying they should be judging Afghan
houndstrotting around a ring?Exhibit 1,329,692 for Hollywood being out of fresh ideas. I assumed an “origins” story would require hiring a younger person rather than an older one. But he will save them money on face makeup. – I don’t think the Joker as a character needs an origin story really…
Ya pretty sure his origin story was done by Jack Nicholas in the 90’s
That’ sooo ooold!
/millennial douche
There’s truth to that crack. One of the explanations I hear about why so many remakes is that “kids need their own version of these stories”. Um, why? Jaws came out the year before I was born but it’s one of my top 5 alltime movies. I never had the slightest desire to see it remade. The Dirty Dozen is another one – absolutely love it, always have.
1989, actually.
Meh close enough. it’s like Orbital Strikes. Usually if you hit the right planet you’re good
Kinetic energy weapons rock!
Supposedly, he was quite the joker during his time on the PGA tour.
Wasn’t his origin covered both in the comic and the first movie? I didn’t see it but assume the Heath Ledger one did too.
No, they actually had him tell three or four conflicting “origin” stories, but never covered what actually happened.
So this will be the fifth conflicting origin story?
And that was what was cool about the Heath Ledger version. It doesn’t matter whether his parents were abusive, whether he’s mad at the world, or whether he’s just a bad seed. He is evil and thrives on chaos and mayhem.
It’s ok as long as it’s multiple choice
Just in case you needed an excuse to go get one. Personally, I’d mix cherry with blue raspberry and call it a day. – seems terrible practically drinking sugar. bleah.
You don’t have slushies or slurpees in Eastern Europe?
You poor, miserable bastards.
He read the links, what more do you want from him?!?
That goes to comment 5
“He didn’t know what a pump was and refused her break time until she was actually engorged.”
If a guy had said that, he’d understand.
Quanell X is gonna have some explaining to do. This one could be interesting. These cases usually turn into an airing of grievances. I’ll get the popcorn. – what exactly is a Quanell X ?
Read. The. Story.
I did. I just thought it was a funny question
It just didn’t seem to make sense. Since it was right there in the story.
Dang Pie had the first 5 comments! There’s got to be a special award for that!
Count again
The leaf avatards look similar
Or really… have you tried making wine from monkeys? I’s bloody impossible
Monkey wine…
How many monkeys do you have to squash for a whole box?
Or does it come in barrels?
Took this crowd long enough..
Never heard of him. But I knew he was black before I clicked on the link.
My favorite Earl Weaver.
“Oh…you’re gonna be in the Hall of Fame? For what…fucking up World Series?”
Last laugh- HoF. In his first eligible year.
Yeah, but still. For an ump to say that is hilarious. Just…brutal.
And the ump isn’t in the HoF.
Jim Palmer to earl: the only thing you know about pitching is you couldn’t hit it.
By now, most Americans are familiar with referring to marijuana as “pot,” “weed,” and “reefer.” But the list included some names that might be unfamiliar to most: “Shrimp,” “Smoochy Woochy Poochy,” “My Brother,” “Popcorn,” “Arizona,” “Fluffy,” “Baby,” “Mowing the Lawn,” “Big Pillows,” and “Salt and Pepper,” among dozens of others.
I thought Tea was the preferred nomenclature.
Pippity poppity gimme the zoppity
“Big Pillows”
Q is going to be misinterpreted.
Misrepresented? More like arrested.
I used to go buy “pillows” with my neighbor when I lived in Koreatown. We’d drive down to his cousin’s place near Adams & Normandie. $5 for a decent sized nugget (pillow). 5 pillows for $20. Get home, clean it, roll up about 8 joints. Get high as fuck and play Doom or Grand Theft Auto Vice City or Madden 2002. Good times.
Techmo Bowl and Mexican swag every night. How I finished Uni with a 3.2 GPA is a miracle.
“I can see your dirty pillows.”
what exactly is a Quanell X ?
Excellent question.
Superman’s uncle?
A nickname for weed?
*opera applause*
Mike Tyson is a Brand name
She was hot alien consort on and episode of DS9, the greatest of the Treks.
So as seen by my comments after some absence I just came back from a short trip to merry olde England… It was to warm, as strange as it is to say that, but not a drop of rain. I generally like cask ales when in England and they work a bit better when somewhat cooler. Also the houses in England mostly suck. I cannot understand a place where it gets dark after 11 pm and light again before 4 am and they do not have window curtains thick enough to make the room dark. Also the fucking seagulls are to loud, Romanian seagulls have better manners. It does not help that most of the windows are just a thin sheet of glass. Very little insulation.
I was in Iceland in May one year and the curtains in the hotel were what I imagine blackout curtains were like during WWII.
I mostly used air bnb. One hotel had thick curtains, one did not.
I work a lot of night shifts. I threatened my wife with going full on crackhead and putting tinfoil in the windows if she didnt let me hang blackout curtains in the bedroom.
what’s wrong with tinfoil windows? I lived like that in college and it.was.awesome.
I’m not against it. My wife has a more refined taste for aesthetics.
It means you can take off your hat when you get home?
I thought Romania was land-locked.
[off to look at map]
Oh, the Black Sea. Yeah, always forget about that.
There are seagulls in Bucharest. The vermin are practically everywhere.
Do you even Stoker, brah?
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the re-emergence of MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS in the sportsball section. Especially considering how they are playing. However, they did recently get a 4 game sweep of the O’s. Not a huge accomplishment, but it’s the little things. And I swear to TC the Bear; if they trade Dozier I’m gonna become a fucking White Sox fan.
Welcome to the Depressing Side (if you join us).
An aside; I’ve been to a Sox game and a Cubs game, wearing a Twins hat to both (but neither times were the Twins playing). I actually got more grief about it in Wrigley. Nobody in Comisky (or whatever the new one is called) said a word. I was a little surprised by that.
Personally, I’d mix cherry with blue raspberry and call it a day. Although I was always more of a Slush Puppy kid growing up, I’ll probably try to find a local store.
This may be controversial, but the Mountain Dew Slurpee was the apex of Slurpee flavor.
You haven’t had a Slurpee until you try the Vernor’s flavor. Probably a Michigan only thing.
That sounds like it would be awesome. Vernor’s is the shit. Combined with Myer’s Original Dark rum it makes a good non-trademark Dark’n’Stormy too.
Cherry slurpee / slushee, whatever, for me and my household.
We had an ice cream shop down the block when I was a kid (K&W in Springboro, OH) and they had a Slush Puppy machine. It was the shit. Probably had a dozen flavors. I was always partial to the Cherry-blue raspberry mix, but every now and then I’d order a “suicide” which was all the flavors mixed together.
Damn, that was an awesome place and an awesome time.
Omigod, omigod, omigod!!!!! It’s still there! I can even see the Kersey’s house in the picture (they were owners of the place with the Webber family!).
Holy shit, I’ve gotta go by there when I go to Cincinnati for a business meeting in two weeks.
Lots of cool, old historic homes there. Ours had a secret cellar with a passageway to a house across the street from the Underground Railroad (or possibly bootlegging) days. Good times.
My middle school had a slush puppy machine in the lunch room. They called it Vita-Pup, like it was full of vitamins or something. I don’t know if this, as well as all the soda machines and school-sold candy, is a Kentucky thing or a public schools justifying taking in money however they can thing.
I’ve had the mountain dew slurpee, it’s OK. One of the bad things about my job is there is no 7-11 nearby . . .So no way to assuage the slurpee craving.
go on…
Some woman on Bloomberg is whining about Trump being mean to NATO.
She also thinks “commerce” and “defense” can and should be treated as somehow separate and independent phenomena.
Once the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact collapsed, NATO no longer had any reason to exist, and should have been disbanded.
There is nothing as permanent as. Temporary government program. NATO ain’t going nowhere. Beurocratic inertia being what it is, NATO will eventually include every country on earth as a member and be a mutual defense treaty against itself.
NATO is a great deal for the European powers. It gives them the leverage of implicit American military support. For the U.S.,, what is the benefit?
Drag them along into things like Afghanistan.
Sure, but almost exclusively in bureaucratic bullshit roles. Very few of our allies understand what the “tip of the spear” is.
Except Germany, of course. But they understand because they’re whittling broomsticks into them for drill, not because they’re ever front echelon troops anymore.
“Sure, but almost exclusively in bureaucratic bullshit roles. Very few of our allies understand what the “tip of the spear” is.”
i disagree. they understand it quite well, but being the good socialist douches aligned with Brussels that they are, they are quite content to let others they love looking down upon do the heavy lifting, the fighting, and the paying. Freeloaders will freeload, but this lot also wants the right to then not just say how vehemently they look down on the people carrying their loser asses, but actually demand others then agree with how they see themselves as superiors for being collectivist asshats without spines.
The purpose of NATO is, “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”
General Hastings Lionel Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay, First Secretary of NATO, 1952-1957
Speed bump?
We get to listen to asshole Europeans bitch about “American hegemony, world policing, etc.” and American leftist bitch about how out of whack our military spending is with the rest of the first world, while simultaneously listening to them both bitch if we ever threaten to reduce our commitment or funding?
On the plus side: Murica
I cannot understand a place where it gets dark after 11 pm and light again before 4 am and they do not have window curtains thick enough to make the room dark.
[insert vampirism allusion]
It is a scientific fact that human sleep better in a cool dark room.
Oh and soon you’ll be calling us science deniers.
Like a ventilated coffin?
What’s cooler and darker than 6 feet of dirt?
Sacha Baron Cohen appears to have struck a nerve with former Governor Sarah Palin. Well, her and disabled veterans support groups. I don’t have Showtime. If anybody does, let me know if its funny or not. I assume it will be a combination of hilarity and cringe-worthy stupidity.
His scene with Bob Barr might have been the single funniest moment in the history of movies.
These cases usually turn into an airing of grievances. I’ll get the popcorn.
I thought you didn’t smoke pot?
The links are independent thoughts. Besides, I don’t know a slang word for popcorn.
So the “X” is a special flavor of popcorn?
Yes, for adults. Hole at the bottom of the box.
I actually did that to a date I took to a movie once… She liked it too much, which is why I stopped dating her after we went back to her place to knock boots…
I can’t even.
No not retarded. While it was fun to do it, I also realized she would do it with anybody.
She liked it too much, which is why I stopped dating her
I don’t get it…
I don’t get it…
Then ask Alex for her number.
Wait, was this Winston’s mom?
Could have been OMWC…
Is there a missing comma?
Emerging sex disease MG ‘could become next superbug’
Luckily you can only catch it in a convertible.
I saw what you did there…but it is a stretch
Putting up a test run for a new submission series called “strafforisms”. Here’s a few to test the waters:
-Collectivism is looking at your toothbrush and toilet brush and thinking either will do the job.
-In America, Justice is blind and a cop just shot her guide dog.
-Two heads are better than one. Except in federal prison.
-If you have to say, “The N word” when quoting someone, you’re the new nigger.
3 is great
-In America, Justice is blind and a cop just shot her guide dog.
that’s funny.
You should include the Bernie quote about “Who needs 23 kinds of deodorant when 2 or 3 are enough”, and point out that all the people agreeing with that idiocy want to believe he would choose the brand(s) they use in your article about collectivism too. Don’t forget to mention that under capitalism those that get rich become powerful while under collectivism only the powerful will ever be rich…
Aphorisms are easy to do poorly, but a bitch to do well. Not sure if I could make that succinct, yet coherent. Let’s kick it around.
Sascha Baron Cohen is as funny as Samantha Bee.
You’re dead to me. DEAD. TO. ME.
His Ali G commencement speech was killer.
He was always looking to be even more controversial and somewhere in there lost the ability to be funny..
He always walks a fine edge, so he has always pushed it too far at some point.
Watch this and then tell me that.
Or this.
I will say that I find him very hit or miss, but when he hits, it’s hysterical.
Angela went to farm, honey. She’s happy now, running after the bulls.
Dear Jennifer: What happens to ageing sex workers?
They go into niche markets?
Think about the sexual desires of various commenters on this site. The answer to your question is yes.
Damned granny fuckers..
Raises Hand!!!
Story I heard from an ex-Navy co-worker – he’s over in Japan in the 1980s and sees this really old hooker – like in her 70s – leaning against the wall, waiting for customers.
He actually heard of this woman through his dad, who was a Marine in the 1960s. “See if ol’ whatever-her-name-was is still working.” Apparently she was some kind of legend and had been around since the end of WW2.
Gives the word “antiquing” a whole new meaning.
I went antiquing this weekend, and I felt like I had given a entire football team hernia exams, I touched so many other peoples’ junk.
I go to estate sales…so I get the feeling you just called me a necrophiliac.
Should have called her a comfort woman.
You can’t start a story like that and not tell us if he tired out her wares
This may be a John level misspelling.
At that age I doubt there’s much wear left in the tires.
Heard a similar story about a woman in Korea.
We’ll see how those social safety net programs get funded if they actually have to supply their own military.
To me, it isn’t even that. Honestly, for all their sneering about as a big bully, the U.S. has basically served as Europe’s bully boy for too long. Just off the top of my head, the overthrow of Gaddafi and the aborted intervention in Syria were moves that came at the urging of our European allies. But, at the end of the day, the European attitude toward the U.S. was best revealed by DeGaulle when he said that France didn’t need to worry about contributing to NATO since the U.S. would have to fight for France anyway. That may well have been true. In the Cold War. But, circumstances have changed. And I hardly see any reason why we should be bound in perpetuity for their sakes.
When you’ve enabled an addict for 70 years, don’t be surprised when she throws your clothes in the street for cutting her off.
Europe couldn’t even deal with a 2 bit asshole like Milosovich without the US coming in.
Unleash the
Kraken!Obama.Dem redistricting group picks targets, unleashes Obama
Didn’t that not-so bold strategy backfire when he was in actual power?
Huh. For a year or so, I’ve read nothing but story after story about how evil gerrymandering is in PA and WI. (because the GOP is in charge of creating the district maps).
Now you are telling me that gerrymandering can be good?
With the left raping kids is good as long as it advances the cause.
You can’t make an omelette without raping a few kids.
Um….the Cubs beat the Giants 2-0. Quintana went six for the win.
*Looks around nervously*
I strongly suspect I’m being gaslit at work, the last thing I need is to be gaslit here too!
“I’m losing my perspicacity!” *runs out of house in panic*
“Well. It’s always in the last spot ya look.”
That creep can throw.
…I don’t get it.
Go on re: the workplace gaslighting.
I admit that I’m a very paranoid person and I’m probably making this up. But pretty much everyone at work has stopped talking to me—I was always the odd-man out, but we’d talk a bit. Now I have days where there are literally (literally, literally) no words shared between the Koreans and me.
I admit that I’ve been very disenfranchised with work recently and I could’ve been doing a better job, but I got sat down and a list of grievances was aired. Some of them were legit, but some of them I just don’t know where they got them from.
Coupled with my natural anxiety levels, it just seems like shit was being piled up all at once, possibly in an attempt to fire me and not have to pay me my bonus.
It’s eminently possible that I’m making up or misreading what’s been going on, but work has officially become a very inwardly unpleasant place for me to be.
Good news of the week is that I got a new class with brand new kids. Boss sat in that class without warning. I kicked that class’ ass. Nailed that shit. Good to know that I don’t simply despise teaching, but rather I’m just unhappy with where I’m doing it.
How did you do with the Feats of Strength?
I’ve determined that the over/under for how many (trained!) 8 year olds I could take in a fight is 14. Eventually I’m going to get tired.
Hate to say it, but it’s probably not your imagination. Asians can be total pussies and not say anything when someone does something they disapprove of.
Yep. I’m not at all kidding about it; I absolutely think they are. My paranoia is just making it worse. Wake-up call got me up off my ass, but doing good work is about all I can do. The breakup is certainly going to happen—just ride it out until my contract ends, then good riddance.
It’s really unsettling.
You don’t have a family to take care of, so at least you can do what you want and not worry too much about the money. Just get out and find something new and don’t wait until you’re desperate. That’s how you’ll find a shit job.
What’s your secret nationality?
If your result isn’t Somalia you aren’t a real libertarian.
Damn, sooo close…
#metoo. Thats close to Somalia though.
I got Ethiopian. Close enough, I’ll just hop the border fence.
Brazilian – oh well, I guess I’ll have to suffer the beaches ‘n’ thongs.
and the waxings…
Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pERz0Q3C2ls
And the VD.
You already have the outfit, so you’ll fit in nicely.
I’m Korean.
To celebrate my new found ethnicity.
You’re doing it wrong.
Romanian, definitely not Japanese.
Estonian. And I scored high on agreeableness. Fuck you BBC.
I got Japanese. You’re going to have to make up the spare room for me.
You’re sharing it with Michiko the Sexbot.
You haven’t seen her yet.
….*stares into abyss*…
I don’t give a shit that I don’t speak Japanese. No one can convince me that that makes sense in any context.
That was frightening.
He’s trying to get the bot to do shit by telling her he loves her and she keeps say “No, no”.
Another Estonian here
but honestly I had a really hard time with the test because several of the questions had 2 items in them and I would have had very different answers for each had they been listed seperately so I had to guess how to answer.
For example…
–“I am someone who is relaxed and handles stress well”–
I am sorry but being relaxed and handling stress well are not even remotely the same thing. I can handle stress very well thank you very much but relaxed? Not hardly so which of the two do I answer?
Apparently I’m a Croation. Unless I get to be Mirko Cro-Cop then I don’t wanna play this game anymore
No freaking idea. They said I am Congolese. Never even met one.
And the twist is that my complete opposite is Japanese – and I’ve been living in Japan for most of my adult life.
Dude, I would hate living here if I were Japanese. Being exempt from their BS is what makes this place great.
Korean. I call nonsense.
We’re famiry!
I hate rotten food, but I guess I’m bunking with you guys.
Korean as well.
Don’t cry for me.
“¡Felicitaciones! Your secret nationality is: Argentinean”
“The nationality furthest from your personality is:Congolese”
So you are not a headless Thompson gunner?
And Japanese was furthest from me.
same on both.
How did you answer the helicopter question?
with Augusto!
I got The Congo. And least matching was Japan.
Huh. I don’t even tan all that well. So I’m not taking it too seriously.
WTF? Congolese? Seriously?
That place is a shithole….
We are opposites I got Japanese furthest from Congolese. So what does Pygmy taste like you heathen?
Depends on the seasoning…
I got Greek. My mom’s mom was Greek. Name of Vitakis.
My opposite is Ethiopian. I don’t know what that means.
My neuroticism score is nowhere near as high as it should be
My high extroversion is a great example of why these tests are so terrible. I’m a hyper introvert, who–when so inclined (few times a week)–is incredibly extroverted. I burn out very quickly, much to the dismay of The Lady.
I got Greek as well, and as far as I know, there’s no Hellenic blood anywhere in my lineage.
I am sort of the weeaboo equivalent for Ancient Greece, though (minus the boy-sodomy and whatnot). Sometimes I think about becoming one of those hoplite re-enactors.
Bangladeshi. Good times.
Weird ass survey.
Argentinian? OK……………
So the C is for cattle?
This you?
I got Slovenian with Japanese as my opposite. Don’t know what this means, but most of my family is from this area of the world. Slovakia, Poland, northern Italy, and Moldova.
It appears all of my European ancestors failed me. I am most like the Congolese, and the least like the Japanese. I can’t wait to tell the girlfriend about our next vacation destination.
Japanese. At least I love yakisoba.
恭喜! Your secret nationality is:Chinese (Hong Kong)
Huh, Ethiopian, with Japanese as my opposite.
And in this linked test, I’m “Moderately Nefarious”, like Don Draper according to the BBC.
Same for me.
I wonder how many Glibs are moderately nefarious Ethiopians…
Ethiopian. I see that others have gotten that as well. Is Ethiopia the true libertarian paradise?
Its got high scores in agreeableness and conscientiousness, and low scores in neurotransmitter. That’s correlated with a lot of pro-social and free-market behavior. So, I guess it depends on which version of libertariansm you are talking about. Lockean? Yeah. Objectivism? Hells to tha nah.
I think I’m turning Japanese.
Ethiopian. Okay, whatever.
Apparently, I’m a Slovenian?
Me and Melania?
Tanzanian. Definitely not Japanese.
Western Europe had been content to be an adult day-care center for half a century. They get really upset when Trump tells them that play time is over.
CO2 Emissions Hit 67-Year Low In Trump’s America, As Rest-Of-World Rises
This will make environmentalists happy, right?
Obviously Obama’s work – duh.
Just think how low it could have been if the government boot had been on our necks!
Well, you’re first problem is they link to BP. That won’t wash with them.
Swinging tune selection! I haven’t heard that one in a while. Apparently, from the comments, it appears to be used in some cereal commercial. Another reason why I watch almost nothing live; I can FF thru commercials and not hear great old tunes turned into commercials.
Yul Brenner is the little-known brother of comedian David Brenner.
Yul never get anyone to believe that.
bald faced lie
And Susan Vega is the sister of Suzanne Vega. They both used to work for Chevrolet.
True facts.
Somebody’s putting typos in my links again. And incorrect baseball results too.
One of these days I’m gonna find out who it is.
Check the edit logs?
Won’t anyone think about the poor immigrant kids?
It is sad that metric football has the same problems as imperial football and basketball. I am so sick of watching pro teams stuffed with privileged kids from the suburbs. When will the poor kids from the inner city ever get a chance to make big money playing pro sports?
* 4-6K a year to play soccer? Uffda! I don’t think even hockey parents pay that much and they have to buy expensive equipment. I think the author is full of BS if he wants me to believe it actually costs that.
Depends if you are sending a kid to a big clubs school.
We pay more than that for premier league level. Development Academy is even more expensive. You’re probably looking at around 10k a year for DA team and that doesn’t include travel costs to tournaments.
If you don’t mind me asking, what the fuck does that money cover?
Like I said, I know a few people with kids who have gotten pretty far in both basketball and hockey and none of them have talked about costs like that. In fact, if you have a legit shot to make the pros, an AAU team will compete to have you join (in b-ball).
Hockey parents have equipment and ice time, but nothing like those costs.
It would seem like soccer should be a cheap sport to get into. No equipment, play outdoors on a field…
If you don’t mind me asking, what the fuck does that money cover?
Acting classes
And an after workout rub and a tug…
That shit better have a happy ending.
Traveling to foreign countries to play other kids who are actually good at soccer.
You’ve seen all the scamming that goes on at FIFA? The lower levels just emulate what the true pros are doing.
Seriously where does that money go?
paraphrasing a comment from the old site that always made me laugh
“Soccer is the world’s sport because every third world peasant can play it with nothing more than a needle strewn patch of dirt and a severed dog’s head”
I think it was Warty, but might have been Epi.
That’s my complaint too. I actually asked for an accounting of team finances. What stays with our team and what goes to club. Our coaches get paid, we play in two leagues, one tournament is included (but the league cost is probably $750 each, tourney entry is $575). Winter indoor training is included. Uniforms are not. A full set of uniforms for a new player is almost $500. It’s ridiculous.
It’s a total scam to enrich the club owners. And ours is a cheap club fee in our area.
Should have immigrated to some place where people give a shit about soccer.
All the most famous soccer players were dirt poor and didn’t need money. If you’re that good, word of mouth is what will attract scouts. And these days they come and see you real early in your life.
I should add three of the greatest ever: Pele, Maradona and Garrincha.
I hear that the Chupacabra beat them all.
He was a known diver though.
Travel baseball is expensive. I think it CAN get that much, but not always. The local travel team is around $2K I think.
Man could lose limbs from flesh-eating bacteria after crabbing in N.J. waters, family says
There’s a Deadliest Catch joke in there somewhere but obviously I am too classy to make it.
Is “crabbing” slang for banging the lowest-bottom crack whores?
Soooo Asians? I mean their asses are pretty low to the ground.
You’re leaving out double amputees.
I’m going to Hell. No one with a soul would make that joke.
Don’t worry, people without souls don’t go to hell either.
The ginger exception.
“He said the county does not have any control to close that beach.”
With a bit of work, that could be the best movie ever.
A movie about flesh eating bacteria at a popular tourist beach?
“Crabbing the NJ waters” means going to the Jersy Shore without a condom.
You know where he fucked up?
“N.J. waters”
Uffda. I’m not sure I read this story correctly.
Local Planned Parenthood gal laments that religious crisis centers can’t be compelled to talk about abortions. Says the law isn’t evenhanded.
Is she really agreeing that it isn’t fair that doctors have to talk about adoption? Fuck that seems like a real cunt move.
My guess is that if you agreed with her and said that the docs shouldn’t be compelled to say anything against their conscience as well, she wouldn’t be happy.
“if a State can lawfully require a doctor to tell a woman seeking abortion about adoption services, why should it not be able to require a medical counselor to tell a woman seeking prenatal care or other reproductive healthcare about childbirth and abortion services?”
Nobody should be compelled to engage in any type of speech, of course, but I think the legal distinction probably comes from the meaning of “medical counselor”. As in, the volunteer pamphleteers that man the crisis pregnancy centers probably have little or no medical background to speak of and to call them “medical counselors” would be to strain credulity, as well as probably invent a new job description.
Might as well call the people who man the suicide hotline “medical counselors” because they might advise their callers to see a therapist instead of down that bottle of pills.
Do suicide hotlines in Liverpool recommend the pills?
No, they just tell the caller to suck it up and that there are even Everton supporters out there living a (mostly) productive life without moaning about shit.
I was making a Liverpool care pathway/death panel joke.
LFC is an entirely different joke.
I agree that no one should be compelled to say anything.
What made me cross my eyes though was the idea that having to tell a woman about adoption is as bad as being forced to talk about abortion. I don’t think that is an apples to apples comparison. Who is offended by adoption? Are there religious groups that are opposed to adoption?
I’m always surprised by how tone deaf the PP types are.
I expect leftist women to start having abortion parties, sort of like tupperware parties, in which they all have an abortion and brag about how many they’ve had. It’s probably already happening.
Salon got you covered fam
I’ve seen pictures of the cakes.
Stay away from the finger food.
Very cheeky.
I would just lay the coat on the bed if i were you
The parallels with anti-gay-marriage arguments is lost on.. well, just about anyway.
You can marry whoever you want (actual equity) vs anyone has the right to marry anyone of the opposite gender (sophistry).
You can provide a the client-service environment you want (actual equity) vs You can provide any kind of client-service environment full of pro-abortion messaging (sophistry).
Of course, the left doesn’t spot this because they don’t actually have any bedrock legal theories, just the, you know, will to power. The right has spent thirty years developing originalims and textualism. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the left can’t spot a simple syllogism.
Wasn’t syllogistic logic invented by some old white guy named Aristotle, like, 100 years ago or something?
Alright, I can’t resist beating the dead horse on gay marriage again.
“Anyone has the right to marry anyone of the opposite gender” is only sophistry if marriage isn’t defined as marrying someone of the opposite sex*. The great stolen base of the equal protection arguments for requiring state licensing of gay marriage was the sub rosa redefinition of marriage from “man and woman” to “any two people”. It was a denial of equal protection to outlaw white people and black people marrying because nobody thought marriage really meant “man and woman of the same race.” When Obergefell was decided, the common definition of marriage was “man and woman”; the case was really about getting the court to change the meaning of the word so that it became an equal protection issue.
Last time, I promise.
*Not gender, nobody ever outlawed a dude marrying a chick who thought xe was really a dude
And his co-emperor, Laurelus.
Well Played, Cheers!
They will bring the people only the finest messes!
Bigfoot has been putting kids through college since 2014
that’s when I heard it
They might as well believe in bigfoot, they believe in socialism.
SometimesAlways, Bigfoot is heard and not seen.BIGFOOT JUST NOT BEEN DONE RIGHT YET. AND BY “DONE RIGHT” MEAN…
We may be heading to L.A./SD for a couple of days in August. Is the fire in SD something that we should reconsider?
Even if you do reconsider the fire, I don’t think there’s much you can do about it now.
/narrows gaze.
What fire? I haven’t heard and I live here so no, come on over
Don’t worry about it. The news would have you believe that all of San Diego is on fire. The reality is you might be able to smell some smoke if the wind changes direction.
Come on down. Would love to buy you a beer or two.
Someone needs some scary black broom control.
broomstick squad
Interesting article, but one thing that I thought of is that the argument is very similar to the one I made in my last article, that a 1 time payment and a stream in perpetuity are the exact same, mathematically.
It’s indeed how people interpret things. For example, to me a tax credit is just money that shouldn’t have been take in the first place. It’s just ‘taxed’ and then the government recycles it back to you and call it a “credit”. It’s financial sophistry.
The problem is that “targeted” tax credits are subsidies.
A general tax credit due to a surplus is different.
I know many people that tell me they love the tax man doing things like this because they lack the discipline to save on their own, and getting back a refund or credit is like getting a bonus. I am with you Rufus that I believe this shit is just money the government shysters should never have taken in the first place. Heck I send a check to the IRS every year because I refuse to let them keep my money (I can make it work for me better than they can).
I wish we had a law passed that forced people to mail their taxes to the IRS with every paycheck for a year. I think the attitude of many would change drastically when they did this.
It should be quarterly or monthly.
I think that article illustrates one of the main problems with modern economics. From the American Economic Association:
If people respond differently to taxes than to fines, then they aren’t equivalent mathematically, if your math is supposed to reflect reality at all. A one time payment and a perpetual stream of small payments that approaches a limit identical to the one time payment can, under certain assumptions, be considered identical mathematically, but not if the point of your math is to describe human behavior. In their fetishization of the “hard” sciences they’ve made economics less descriptive of reality. If your job is to study human behavior and you state something like the following from the article, you need to reevaluate your premises:
If the blind obsession with trying to emulate the “hard” sciences had started earlier economists would never have figured out the time value of money and we’d still be working with the labor theory of value, since a dollar today is mathematically the same as a dollar tomorrow if all you’re concerned about is math, and the labor theory of value is so much easier to quantify, unlike messy subjectivity.
In my previous article, I pointed out the one big difference between the perpetual stream and the 1 time payment. Even though they are mathematically equivalent after adjusting for the time-value of money, the advantage of the perpetual stream is that you wouldn’t need to take out a mortgage/loan to get the 1 time payment. The stream has a lower risk component (which would then adjust the time-value calculation, so it would probably all balance out in the end).
I agree with your comments in general, however, quoting your quote block:
If the 3 policies are roughly identical in terms of effect on incentives, then they are causing roughly the same behavior, so even if the non-economists SAY there are distinctions, they aren’t acting as if there are distinctions. So revealed preferences say that the 3 policies are roughly identical after all.
That depends, are the three policies equivalent because their econometrics told them so, or because they have observed actual behavior? The three may be the same for homo economus, but radically different for homo sapiens. Without demonstrating a difference between stated and revealed preferences I’m skeptical of such claims.
At any point, we roughly agree and I have to do some work at some point today, so I’m going to drop this before I start ranting in earnest.
Just to add on, I agree with you because economics is trying to hard to be a “hard science” when they are really a subset of sociology.
Just like how they try to focus on the ‘science’ in political science.
Well said. The thing that always stick in my craw is that so much of macro-economics assume utility is transitive. Which is obviously stupid. If you rob Peter to pay Paul (and assuming they have the same income and wealth), you don’t have two dudes of base-level life satisfaction. You have one pissed off Peter and one Paul in danger of becoming a rent seeker.
Arithmetic is transitive. +x-x=0 Wealth redistribution is not. +x-x!=0 As a classic liberal much more OK with taxes and service provision by the state than most here, I hate the fact that this in ever addressed by the proponents of state action. Because its important and has important implications (e.g., service provision via user fees) that would push us in a more liberty-enhancing direction if it was taken seriously.
Fuck, I’m going to have to write an article about this.
“President Trump vowed he’d never let the @NRA down, and with the Kavanaugh pick, he chose someone whose judicial record demonstrates a dangerous view of the Second Amendment that elevates gun rights over public safety. The Senate should vote down this nomination.
That is irrelevant and he wouldn’t be doing his job as a judge if that was a consideration. Constitutionally, either the govt is allowed to do something or it is not. The end.
I still cannot figure out why people cannot understand the term ‘shall not be infringed’. They want to turn us into Europe, and Europe is quickly devolving into the 3rd world while some of the Eastern states are running hard in the opposite direction of their beloved democratic socialism and open borders.
So in other words, Trump 2020.
Literally the Antichrist
But for the last 17 months, Trump has torn at the West’s cohesion and questioned its values in a startling manner since, typically, the US has always seen European institutions as multiples of its own power and enhancing its own security.
He’s portrayed US allies as freeloaders exploiting American generosity rather than partners in a US effort to rebuild shattered Europe after World War II and an alliance that beat communism in the Cold War in a triumph for liberal democratic capitalism.
It’s an assault that has opened wide divides in the transatlantic alliance and plays directly into what US intelligence agencies and foreign powers assess as Putin’s goal — to cement his own autocratic rule by weakening the institutions of the West.
As it is, transatlantic relations are in their worst state in 70 years, as an increasingly unfettered US President acts on his populist nationalist intuition, inciting a trade war with the European Union and parroting the foreign policy talking points of the Russian strongman he admires.
“He is definitely weakening the alliance. The question is whether it will survive his presidency or not. Part of that will depend on how long he stays in office,” Max Boot, a historian and CNN national security analyst, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Monday.
We’re all gonna die.
Thee Max “I never saw a war that I didn’t approve of” Boot?
“He’s portrayed US allies as freeloaders exploiting American generosity rather than partners in a US effort to rebuild shattered Europe after World War II and an alliance that beat communism in the Cold War in a triumph for liberal democratic capitalism.”
WW 2 was 75 fucking years ago, not to mention they have fully embraced “soft” communism. They are freeloading off US military bucks. Fuck them and fuck NATO.
This obsession with RUSSIA!!!!!! is getting tiresome as hell. We are 18 months away from the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Cold War is over. We won. The Russian Bear is dead, because the Russian bear shorn of his Polish, Czech, East German, and Romanian paws is not anywhere near as dangerous, even if you assume Putin has the desire to conquer Europe, which is a dubious assumption.
Max Boot and his assorted coterie of warmongers seem to think that there are still 5,000 Soviet tanks stationed within 3 days march of the Rhine. They don’t actually live in reality.
Considering the state of the German army, the German Luftwaffe, or the German Navy, these days, the Russians don’t need more than a few dozen tanks, a few dozen planes, and a couple of those old Baltic corvettes to run them over.
I’m having a hard time even believing that Russia invading Europe could make it any worse than the Eurotards are making it all on their own. Someone needs to save them from themselves. If we cut off the money, that might just do the trick.
Yeah, I can’t see Russia running the fucking retarded socialist nations making things worse in any way, but I am certain ex-eastern block nations might not want to go back to those days.
Having worked with Russians, Germans, French, and Danes before, I almost agree with you.
The American economy is already at full employment — who’s gonna make up all that extra American manpower to sell goods and services to a ruined Europe? Its like you want the Chinese to win.
They have to go through Eastern Europe to get there though. Poland is certainly not some kind of power projecting nation, but they have 1000 tanks, another 3000 IFVs and APCs, and they’ve got around 100,000 people under arms. They aren’t going to be knocking down the gates of Moscow, but if the Russians want Poland, they would need to pay in cash at full market price.
Again, assuming Putin is sitting in the basement of the Kremlin moving markers around on a map. Which Max Boot and his ilk seem to take as a self evident truth, but I think is a dubious assertion.
“Which Max Boot and his ilk seem to take as a self evident truth”
Well, they also believe that Russia hacked our ‘democracy’. They probably sit around all day watching Ancient Aliens.
So in other words, Trump 2020.
The Cold War ended 27-29 years ago, depending on what event you use. Please explain to me what the purpose of NATO is in 2018.
Keeps the graft flowing, innit.
Making Americans pay for the defense of socialist shitholes in Western Europe.
Keeps Matt Welch from losing his shit.
“Trump had signaled in early morning tweets on Tuesday that foreign leaders could expect a reckoning when he sees them this week in Brussels at the NATO summit over the ‘unfair’ burden on the U.S. taxpayer to pay for Europe’s protection.”
Bit seriously, this is one of the good things about Truml. Donnie-two-scoups doesn’t take any shit.
Truml Two Scoops?
Typing on my phone….
“He was met with an immediate brush-back from European Council chief Donald Tusk, who said at a signing of a joint declaration between the Brussels-based security alliance and the body of EU nations, that Trump should be more careful with his taunts.”
Lol, fuck off.
If he doesn’t cool his shit we might not beg him for money anymore!
Somehow this reminds me of a little Nigel Farage speech.
The great orange Trumpalo…..
Look out!!!! Look out!!!!!!!
Well, he taunted the braying herd.
He trolled em cross the land.
With the Great Orange Trumpalo,
They gonna make a final stand.
The Great Orange Trumpalo,
Comin’around to make a final stand.
Well, look out here he comes.
The great Orange Trumpalo, baby.
The Great Orange Trumpalo….
Look out, here he comes.
He’s doin’all right.
You need to send that to Uncle Ted.
Very good…..:)
Social Justice Warriors Ludicrously Slam William Shatner As An ‘Alt-Right Fascist’
Well now they’ve gone too far.
Well, he’s a white male, so doesn’t that automagically qualify him as an alt-right fascist?
Doing white things is alt-right which is racist, doing non-white things is cultural appropriation which is racist.
Only for wipipo.
— Henry George, 1886
hat-tip to cafehayek.com
Fun with numbers: The yearly budgets of the Department of Energy and the Department of Education combine to be about the same amount as the Marshall Plan.
You know. The plan that rebuilt Europe after WWII. Like, really quickly. That pisses me off enough (especially considering it’s Every. Single. Year. But it’s extra-aggravating that neither of those departments should exist in the first place.
I mean honestly…what the fuck does the Dept of Energy do? I know Edu doesn’t do jack shit other than make everything worse. I’m guessing Energy is the same.
The Department of Energy mostly ensures that no new nuclear power generating facilities will ever be built, while subsidizing those already existing.
Don’t they produce, store, and transport our nuclear warheads too?
I’d hope that’d be a military thing.
It’s a fairly bold idea to think of nuke warheads as “energy” in the more traditional sense….
I’m sure there isn’t any bureaucracy that could be cut out of that web.
They can release a lot of energy…
Well, duh. I didn’t think about the *production* of said nukes, true, but I just figured Energy was specifically referring to the Grid.
That, I think, was a fairly logical assumption even with the oversight. However, considering that this is government that we’re talking about, something being “fairly logical” should have tipped me off that it wouldn’t be. Production exception, granted.
Yep – this way, instead of Soldiers or Marines guarding the weapons and facilities, yet another government agency gets to build up a substantial security force. I knew several guys who went from active duty to the armed DOE service.
The Department of Education does not fuck around.
Yep. Pretty much anything relating to nuclear technology they’ve got a hand in.
Whoops. I posted this to Facebook and just copied and pasted it. I didn’t mean to sound condescending to y’all.
I know you know what the Marshall Plan was.
still a good read
Spiders will one day conquer the earth:
How do they do it?
Lucifer’s henchmen
Sounds like Medea: Harlan’s World.
I had read Niven’s Flare Time in one of his collections and it led me to checking out Harlan’s World from the library. Niven basically had the only good story in it, IMO.
Medea: Harlan’s World
Those Tyler Perry movies get kind of old.
I always thought we were discussing current events and politics here, but after reading that DEA list, I’ve realized the Glibs comments are all just people selling each other pot. I think 50% of Facebook might be people selling each other pot too. “Little Johnny’s first day of school!” = “How much for an ounce?”
If libertarians had their way, you could buy weed, assault weapons, and beer all out of the same vending machine with no ID check.
No messican ass sex? WTF? not very libertarian brah.
There will also be boxes of Mexican Jumping Bean suppositories.
Shit, I forgot to include that and orphan slaves in the machine. *makes note to invent bigger machine*
A desperate plea
Even though Yale Law School published a press release touting the accomplishments of Brett Kavanaugh, its alumnus and President Donald Trump’s new Supreme Court nominee, not everyone at the school is singing his praises.
As of Tuesday night, more than 200 students, staff members and alumni of Yale Law School signed an open letter calling for the institution to rescind its apparent support of Kavanaugh.
The letter, addressed to the law school’s leadership and Dean Heather Gerken, argued that Kavanaugh, as a possible Supreme Court justice, puts American democracy in danger and called his nomination an “emergency.”
The letter’s authors said Kavanaugh’s past opinions “give us grave concern that he will consistently prioritize the beliefs of third-parties over the oppressed,” including in cases involving abortion and contraception, and medical care for transgender patients.
The students, alumni and staff called on Yale Law School’s leadership to rescind its implied support for Kavanaugh, urging them to find the “moral courage” when there is “so little cost.”
“Perhaps you, as an institution and as individuals, will benefit less from Judge Kavanaugh’s ascendent power if you withhold your support,” the authors wrote. “But people will die if he is confirmed. We hope you agree your sacrifice would be worth it.”
What a bunch of hysterical idiots.
“I see here you went to Yale. Sorry, we don’t have any openings right now, but we’ll keep your application on file. Have a nice day.”
“But people will die if he is confirmed.”
Why wasn’t this argument made when he was placed as a DC Circuit judge?
All won’t die, but all wiminz and POC will be back in chains.
Under the marxist dogma these people peddle, everyone would be back in chains..
But those are benevolent chains or something..
Dude, you know if he is confirmed that we are going to sacrifice at least 10,000 immigrant kids to create a proper tzompantli in front of the SC building.
Why do you think we’ve been raiding Mexico to grab all those kids lately?
It’s gonna be like an Aztec temple with all the dead.
*clicks link*
Oh, that’s where you were going already… very good, carry on.
Becuz only the SCOTUS controllz the DEATH SQUADZ!!11!!!!
Still not as powerful as a Division.
At least someone remembered to replace [XX] with Kavanaugh before sending the email.
“puts American democracy in danger”
*Rolls eyes*
“Kavanaugh’s past opinions “give us grave concern that he will consistently prioritize the beliefs of third-parties over the oppressed,””
Law students don’t know how the law or the Constitution work.
The whole point of law school to beat into their heads the exact opposite of how the law or the Constitution are written.
What I would love to see in the hearings, but I know I won’t:
“Senators, I’m going to ask you all a question now. You have spent the last 30 years wailing that the fundamental rights of the whole country will live or die based on the beliefs of one person. If you’re so concerned about it, why don’t you pass some laws to protect these rights? You know, legislate? Isn’t that your job?”
He should say that they need to amend the Constitution, given that it is his job to rule on constitutionality of legislation. But leftists practice lawfare as it it more expedient.
“puts American democracy in danger ”
Did anyone every talk to these folk about the little boy who cried wolf?
Also got to love, loosing our control over these undemocratic institution will destroy our democracy.
he will consistently prioritize the beliefs of third-parties over the oppressed
WTF does that even mean? Are they bitching that the Constitution takes into account everybody who lives here (“third parties”) and gives them all equal rights?
Judge Kavanaugh’s ascendent power
Oh, for God’s sake. Go curl up with your bankie already, you hysterical ninnies.
Also speaking of light in rooms
Light exposure during sleep may increase insulin resistance
Chronic overnight light exposure could have long-term effects on metabolic function
The President is getting serious about controlling the southern border and stopping the flow of undocumented immigrants and drugs into the country.
The President of Mexico that is.
And people thought Trump was crazy when he said Mexico was going to pay for a border wall.
The Mexicans don’t want anyone from other South American countries coming to Mexico and fucking up their corrupt country. They tolerated these migrants when they expected them to continue north and then joining the league of people likely to line up to suck on Uncle Sam’s teat and vote for democrats. Now that the guy up north has said those days are over, these migrants when returned might just stop in Mexico or worse, decide not to go up north at all and just stay in Mexico. And they want none of that.
If you listen to the American left, you would think that no other countries even have borders and they tourist or illegal aliens vote in their elections. That’s not quite the case.
I am acutely aware that the leftist intelligentsia peddling the “no borders” shit for the US knows every other nation has borders they enforce (although the Europeans of late have been pretending otherwise for the same reason our American left wants unlimited illegal immigration: rent-seekers that will vote for collectivism and the party peddling that) but they hope most people are to stupid to know this fact.
When I go to Canada, I just give the border agent the finger when he starts asking questions. He apologizes for wasting my time and I start driving.
I’m sure the plan is to round them up and take them to the US border.
Regarding pulling troops out of Europe, I check out this tweet thread.
numbered tweets = crazy
I’m sure someone else posted it, but just in case (I don’t want to let you down one more time):
She Gueverra drops a truth bomb on Twitter
To be fair, I flirted with socialism for a few months in my twenties. I also wore big pants and listened to techno.
Like MC Hammer pants?
No, JNCOs and their various sartorial cousins. Look, there were drugs, chicks I wanted to bang were into them, I was dumb…
JNCOs and their various sartorial cousins
SGT Hollywood?
It’s state capitalism! You don’t even know what socialism is!
Maduro is no true socialist!
Read the first two comments on that article, they’re pretty funny.
The morons did vote for socialists, so she is kind of right. They got what they asked for good and hard.
People not being drones and willing to sacrifice themselves for the country’s credentialed intelligentsia is what caused all them marxist experiments to fail!
So what you are saying is that socialists support dictatorship, which explains why real socialism (state ownership and control of the means of production) always devolves to dictatorship.
So she’s going to give up on democracy now…?
And here I thought that the socialist government of Venezuela was legitimate because it was democratically elected. At least, that’s what the leftists have been telling me ever since the socialists took power there.
Apparently it’s from a parody account.
I was just thinking about that excuse yesterday; that socialism is actually fine and dandy, but some other factor always ruins things, like “state capitalism”, “taking the voice away from the people”, or in this case, “democracy”.
Socialists don’t quite grasp that their ideology necessarily leads to these things.
It’s like saying “heavy cigarette smoking never killed anyone – those were all just cases where lung cancer happened to develop for some unknown reason.”
“Border Protection says de Blasio crossed US-Mexico border illegally
WASHINGTON — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his security detail violated both Mexican and US immigration laws by crossing the border on foot during a visit near El Paso, Texas, US Customs and Border Protection alleges in a letter obtained by the Associated Press.
The mayor’s office flatly denied the allegation.
De Blasio, a fierce critic of the Trump administration’s immigration policies, went to the Texas border with about 20 other mayors from around the country on June 21, the day after President Donald Trump signed an order stopping family separations at the border.”
It would be hilarious if one of these numskulls got arrested by the Mexicans and put in the worst prison in the country.
I would love them to then tell the horror stories of how they were sold for candy bars and cigarettes and passed around for the “Esses” to have some fun with…
and his security detail
And if they were armed, which they were, they probably violated even more laws. But let’s ignore Mayor Commie and his personal flouting of gun laws.
Reported as fact. The mayor’s defense?
Shouldn’t be hard to verify if true.
Of course, this begs the question of whether they had approval from the Mexican government to enter Mexico with an armed security detail.
Alright, fuck it, you’ve got my vote in 2020.
I fucking love it. I also fucking love how he made sure to remind everyone that the former German Chancellor is now the chairman of one of the Russian state-owned energy companies supplying them with energy.
I’ve been saying it forever. Yes, Russia is corrupt. But so is the fucking EU. I bet if journalists actually did their fucking jobs, they’d find the EU is no less corrupt than fucking Russia.
No less? Probably magnitudes worse with the EU. How much money is slooshing through that bureaucratic nightmare in Brussels?
Where ever there is power, there is corruption. The EU beurocracy is immensely powerful. Therefore it is immensely corrupt.
Under socialism only the powerful can accrue wealth, and corruption expedites that effort… that is by design.
Money and power always find each other.
“So powerful is the appeal of newly minted New York political sensation Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that the 28-year-old is showing up as a write-in on ballots of envious voters outside her congressional district. Ocasio-Cortez, of course, bested longtime Democratic congressman Joe Crowley two weeks ago to win the Democratic Party’s primary in New York’s 14th Congressional District, which spans portions of the Bronx and Queens. The national coverage of the upset win was intense, as was local enthusiasm for her candidacy, so much so that the New York Daily News reports that Ocasio-Cortez won another primary Tuesday for a party she’s not a member of in a district she wasn’t even running in.
The Reform Party voters of the 15th Congressional District in the Bronx were sufficiently impressed with Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign that she won the party’s primary contest as a write-in candidate Tuesday. It’s not quite clear how many votes Ocasio-Cortez received, but it wasn’t exactly a hotly contested race since the second place finisher was also a write-in candidate, the actual Democratic congressman for the 15th district, Rep. Jose Serrano.”
These people are really playing up an inimitable campaign (at least, inimitable outside majority-ethnic districts generally unhappy with their incumbent). Good! Please, take that strategy to the midwest.
A Marxist is popular in multiple NYC congressional districts? I’m shocked.
Stupid is as stupid does
And Mickey Mouse gets thousands of write-ins for president every year. So fucking what?
“The Other Lime Disease
Think twice before squeezing a lime in a beer outdoors this summer.
As lyme disease warnings heighten again for summer, a homonym condition is also worth your attention: lime disease. Specifically, you might want to think twice before squeezing limes into your beer by the pool this summer. More officially known as phytophotodermatitis, it may look like other skin conditions, but it’s actually a reaction activated when higher levels of UVA rays come into contact with a chemical compound found in limes. And it can be quite severe. Understand the consequences, and causes, in the video above.”
G&T drinkers hit hardest.
Beers do not require added fruit. Drink the beer like a man, and save the lime for caipirinhas. Or mojitos, whatever floats your boat.
Also, keep the beer out of the sun, because UV and hops cause skunkiness.
Also, avoid clear or green bottled beer as they don’t block the UV.
Miller High Life drinkers hardest hit.
Seriously. Right in the bowels.
Actually, Miller uses a hop derivative product that is immune to the skunking process. They can get away with green bottles.
No kidding? Huh, I never knew that. So, it’s not actually hops? Or hops that have been modified somehow?
But, what I was really alluding to was the morning after drinking High Life. Colon cleansing.
Huh. I’d never heard of Tetra-hop. Thanks, Rob.
And yet, Heineken is the world’s best beer.
Wow, I have never seen my sarc meter peg that hard.
Fresh from the tap at the Brewery in Amsterdam. Delicious.
Better, I am sure.
I will hop across the border to Belgium or Dusseldorf and find something more delicious on tap.
I apologize for this but anytime I hear Dusseldorf, I have to say…
I vas born in Dusseldorf and zat is vy zey call me Rolf!
It tasted like a completely different beer than the bottled shit in the US. Not skunky at all.
Their dark is a completely different experience at the brewery, I can confirm.
How would light get at the bottles in an enclosed 12-pack?
It wouldnt, unless they sat in the warehouse for too long before being encased.
In direct sunlight, we are talking minutes though.
I need to find the youtube video of two guys taste testing SNPA sitting outside.
“A Columbia University student whose global campaign against rape and sexual abuse of children earned him berths to speak alongside United Nations and State Department officials was himself charged this week with a series of sex crimes against children.
In a complaint filed in federal court Tuesday against the student, Joel Davis, 22, prosecutors outlined a series of sordid allegations, including an admission by Mr. Davis that he had sex with a 13-year-old boy in his New York apartment.”
Educational field work?
Laws are for Plebs, not Ivy Leaguers.
Its stuff like this that makes me confident that She Guevara is going to have a hell of a fall.
Ahhh hahahahaha.
And how.
Big Chief Pinko heap of angry at Great White Father!
No one needs more than one teepee.
Women channeling our primate forbearers but adopting a lordodic posture designed to display their genitals.
Any. All. But especially 21.
I have no idea what to think of this. It could be something really awesome.
A democratic revolution has just begun in Vietnam
Could be good unless they take example from our very own democratic party. If they do that, they’re going to get double the commie.
Not real socialism though, sadly.
It’s only going to be real socialism the next time, it’s never been tried. But just you wait until next time, you denier!
Ocasia (?) is right, democracy IS the villain!
I mean, I’m a pessimist, but I hope this does turn out to be something positive. China could use some regional balancing, and Vietnam has a lot of economic growth potential.
My wife is watching Globo and there’s a new thing in Brazil. Someone says ‘Neymar’ and everyone falls down and acts like an injuted toddler. It’s hilarious.
I’m a huge soccer fan and believe me, I fucking hate that aspect of the game as much as anyone. In fact, I don’t know anyone who thinks that isn’t bullshit. I wish they’d penalize that crap.
I have been to exactly one soccer game during my time with your species. When I witnessed a flop by the local team I yelled “sell it dude!”
A Jamaican mammal in front of me promptly turned around and yelled “hey mon, soccer is a serious sport mon!”
Did you pull out your communicator and order the mother ship to drop some 2 ton Tungsten orbital strike rods on Jamaica, or did you resist the temptation considering that nice tropical climate makes that prime real estate for your invader kind?
This may have been covered already, but-
Fuckin-A The hammonds were railroaded by a federal government doing their best to run them off their land. Mark this down in the good Trump column. It’s also very refreshing to see a president using his pardon power early and often in his term, instead of at the end when he is free of the political consequences of his pardons.
Now that he is out of jail, Trump can put him in as the Secretary of the Interior.
That would be magnificent.
Just experienced my first paper straw. This just in: paper’s not a good material to use for straws. Thanks for ruining straws, hippies.
Um….What the fuck?….
Yep, because plastic straws kill baby seals or something, Starbucks decided they’re going to phase out plastic straws over a couple of years. Not to be outdone, the dippy hipster cafe down the street now just gives you paper straws with cold drinks. Not waxed, not treated in any fashion, just tightly-rolled, festive-looking paper straws. In their Luddite frenzy they decided that a material so good at absorbing liquid that it’s used for disposable absorbent towels and holding ink for years would make a dandy pipe for the conveyance of liquids. It doesn’t. This is what you’re missing by not being in the states, btw.
gonna have to BYOS
It’s like rolling up a paper towel to use for a straw. But hey, we have to save the planet.
Every time you use a paper straw, you kill a tree. Ban paper straws now! No one needs a straw anyway.
I was just like, “Why don’t you put a hot lid with the hole on the edge on the cold cup? I’m an adult, I don’t need a straw to drink something.” I mean, is that a difficult concept?
The last time I saw a paper straw was the early 1970’s. They were stupid then and stupid now. Championed by the stupid.
The plastic straw banners are obviously in the pocket of big paper.
Tangentially related, Have any of you all even been in a paper mill? The one in pine bluff I have been in smells worse than a gut plant.
In a paper mill? just be in the same county.
Central / East Central Wisconsin agrees. barf.
You mean the Koch brothers?
I remember paper straws from when I was just a wee Dean. We as a species switched to plastic for good reason.
Which is it, non-compete clauses or backdoor no-poach agreements?
Fast-food workers may be stuck in jobs for various reasons. In many cases, their employers prevent them from leaving to work for other restaurants within the same chain.
Now, 10 state attorneys general and the District of Columbia are taking on the issue with an investigation into eight national fast-food chains. At issue are “noncompete” clauses that limit where employees can work after they leave.
Traditionally, such clauses are in high-tech companies that want to protect trade secrets and keep top executives from jumping to work for a competitor.
But such restrictions are also used by fast-food franchises where they agree not to recruit or hire workers who work for other franchisees in the same chain.
No-poach agreements have been standard practice for some time, says Matt Haller, senior vice president for the International Franchise Association.
“The intent has always been to protect the unique, proprietary training,” which is expensive and time-consuming, he says.
Typically infuriating sloppy reporting. I thought journalists were supposed to be “writers” who understand the need for clarity and precision… haha, who am I kidding?
I don’t like noncompete clauses, and I especially don’t like “gentlemens’ agreements” specifically designed to limit individuals’ ability to fully capitalize on their marketable skills.
And- “unique proprietary training” for hamburger flippers? Give me a fucking break. Which reminds me of Judge Reinhold, from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” talking about secret sauce.
I hope you had a HELLUVA piss, Arnold!
Non-compete clauses for non-skilled menial labor? That’s BS. Who’s going to enforce that?
I have a non compete clause in my contract. I dont know if it would be enforced against me, but it’s there and I voluntarily signed it.
Nobody if forcing anybody to work somewhere that has a no compete component to its conditions of employment.
I have a hard time separating non-competes from a lesser form of slavery. In effect, the company owns my labor without compensating me for it.
I don’t think non-competes should be illegal, but neither should a company receive a penny in court for an ex-employee breaking it. The company has not been damaged in any way and so should not receive any damages. In effect, non competes should be legal but completely toothless for all but high-level execs that could actually damage companies.
I’ve always thought that companies should compensate employees with their salary for the duration of non-competes. I don’t know but imagine this part of the purpose of the large severance packages that executives often receive.
I don’t think non-competes should be illegal, but neither should a company receive a penny in court for an ex-employee breaking it.
So they should just be unenforcable? I dunno, Dad, seems like if an adult knowingly agrees to a non-compete as part of their job, then why not enforce it?
I don’t know but imagine this part of the purpose of the large severance packages that executives often receive.
They often include both the severance and a non-compete.
In effect, non competes should be legal but completely toothless for all but high-level execs that could actually damage companies.
It’s much more than just execs. R&D staff could cost a company billions by taking their knowledge of proprietary systems to a competitor. I’m fine with noncompetes being rendered as nondisclosure agreements for trade secrets.
Physicians can damage their practice or health system by switching teams, since a lot of their patients will follow them.
Sales people, really anyone who has a personal relationship with customers, can damage their employer by switching teams as well.
At most, non-competes should be subject to legal restrictions on reasonable scope. And, if you support reasonableness requirements for non-competes, what other contracts do you want the government to regulate for reasonableness?
I had a non-compete clause in my last job. Proprietary information that was held, not as trade secrets but because all the info was in one place. I had an opportunity to act as a consultant but refused. Like Jose Esquivela, my boss had been very, very good to me.
I read that article and I am having a really hard time imagining any court EVER enforcing a non-compete for unskilled fast food workers. Non-Compete’s are disfavored and generally have to be narrowly tailored and based on some special training/knowledge gained during the employment.
My wife was sued by her former employer for violating the mile radius of her non-compete. The new employer had taken great pains to open a new location, just for her, outside the non-compete terms.
Our lawyer said the same thing (about non-competes being disfavored) and that the judge would have a field day with her former employer, but they quickly backed down and dropped the suit.
Right before she quit, her former employer tried to get her to sign a new contract that required us to pay $1500 if she gave less than 2 months notice before leaving. Adios to that toxic shithole.
Simple solution: refuse to sign one. No legal interference from the state necessary.
Non-compete clauses for non-skilled menial labor? That’s BS. Who’s going to enforce that?
That’s the problem. It appears to me what they’re really looking at is some sort of handshake agreements between franchisees to keep their hands off one another’s workers.
I have actually been in a few situations where I was in some fast food restaurant, watching an employee who was actually busting his ass to do a good job, and thought to myself, “If I owned one of these places, I’d go over there right now and offer that person a job.”
I had a PE guy insist that I sign one. Hilarious because they’re invalid in the state where I was living (and where the business was located). Didn’t matter, he demanded it.
PE guys are morons. Except Ed Wuncler.
PE: Project engineer, professional Engineer, other?
Oh, sorry. Private Equity.
Gym Teacher
There was a dude like that who worked at the Arby’s that used to be across the street from my office. I used to wonder why he wasn’t running the place because the guy was a dynamo.
I miss that Arby’s, dammit.
I expect the left to use voodoo to reanimate that corpse now that Orangeman beat Crooked Hilary and denied RBG the virtue signaling and grandstanding planned when she retired an let herself pick her successor. Some suggest that already happened, but since you can’t tell unless you can get close enough to smell and verify she reeks of death, I am still thinking this is something that will happen in the future.
Have any of you all even been in a paper mill? The one in pine bluff I have been in smells worse than a gut plant.
When I was in high school, we lived in upstate New York. There was a big paper mill in Hudson Falls. The scent was… distinctive.
The ecological impact of making plastic items is far, far lower than paper-based items. But it’s not about the reality, it’s about the feelz.
Not to mention that the biggest plastic and paper polluters are third world shitholes, contrary to what the leftards peddling the Gaia rape stories tell us, that don’t much care what damage they are doing.
Well over 90% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just ten rivers in Africa and Asia.
if they have a pulp mill onsite, they use some nasty, nasty chemicals to treat/prep/bleach the pulp for the tissue/rolling machines.
Stuff that eats stainless steel for breakfast
What’s a few perchlorates compared to THE PLASTIC MENACE?
As Ron White says, “Paper don’t stink. Wood don’t stink. Yer doin’ something wrong”
When I worked for a rental company in Pensacola, I DREADED whenever I had to deliver or pick something up at the IP mill in Cantonment. The stench was overpowering.
My cousin worked in that plant. He’s dead from an extremely rare kidney cancer, which got him at age 42.
The Tacoma Aroma is real, and there is a reason why people live in and around sky high pricey Seattle when affordable Tacoma has similar views and is 1/3 the cost.
Out: Judging people by the content of their character. In: Neo-Jim Crow.
They shouldn’t be allowed to receive tax money.
Who needs The Daily Stormer when you’ve got institutional policies like this?
Leftists are doing a fine job of radicalizing young white men all on their own.
“A local Kansas lawmaker is facing felony charges after she allegedly bit a corrections officer’s thumb so hard, she broke a bone.
Huron City Councilwoman Carol Fowler, 48, was taken into custody June 29 after failing to appear for a warrant, KSHB reported. Police allegedly had to use stun guns because she was fighting back, kicking and scratching, the Kansas City Star added.
On July 2, while in custody, Fowler refused to follow booking process instructions and when Atchison County Jail staff tried to remove her jewelry and personal items, she bit down on one of the officer’s thumb, breaking the bone, Sheriff Jack Laurie told the Atchison Globe.”
Love the screencap for the video. Would make a good avatar pic.
My first nitro beer last night at Swiss’s (and now my) favorite beer spot. He explained to me that the nitrogen is used to make the beer taste smoother. Now, I didn’t have a non-nitro version of the same beer, but I will say that the one I had was damn smooth. And delicious.
*spits nitro beer into intake, rides to Valhalla*
I’ve got to be in the mood for nitro, but I do find some styles really benefit from it. Irish stouts like Guinness or Beamish are well-suited. I think it benefits beers that aren’t terribly hop-forward but have a fair amount of bittering hops. I had a really hoppy beer locally that was hooked up to a nitro line and it didn’t really work well.
Why did I laugh at this?
I fail to see the humor in the beating of a man who managed an appropriate erection despite having the image of a smelly adult female ass being thrust at him.
So would?
Haha! Look at the movie poster behind the mom. ahahaha
And the rather disturbing smile on the guy looking at the daughter. Why’s it have to be the black guy? Fuckin’ shitlords.
Why is the black person seated behind them eating beans from a can?
another meme reference
Damn. I was hoping the artist was a big fan of The Who.
“Man Kicked Out Of The Movies For Masturbating During The Incredibles 2
A man was kicked out of the movies after he was found masturbating during The Incredibles 2. The insane incident happened in Canada, where 23-year old Larry Mitchell “couldn’t stop himself after watching the thickness of the Elastigirl. He was banned from coming back and was fined with 150 CAD.”
Deliberate fiction.
Where’s Rufus?
Too young to be Rufus..
I hope.
I’m never eating Crazy Charlie’s Chili Dogs for supper again… I woke up in the wee hours of the morning convinced I had to do some PCB difficult assembly / soldering and I just couldn’t figure out the best way to get the different boards to connect. It took 5-10 minutes to realize I wasn’t actually building anything – even though I’ve been having some DIY amps on my mind.
And another 10-15 minutes to fall back asleep… only to be awoken by yet another weird dream. Cold “medicine” indeed.
Real Men do point to point. It’s a challenge with BGAs, but Real Men are not afraid to face challenges.
You get that shit too, where you wake up with the unshakeable feeling like you’re supposed to be doing something?
I get that a lot when something stressful is going on at work, and I also got it when I was in college. A few times, I’ve woken up feeling like I’m in someone else’s house and I might be inconveniencing them.
Maybe I just need to learn to fucking chill out.
Today’s chuckle.
I don’t understand the concept of “Instagram model”. Like, at all.
Combine an attention whore, social media, and tits in a cheap club setting. Voila!
What does anyone get out of following such a person? You can find millions of pictures of attractive young women in an instant online.
Some of them make very good money as “influencers”.
That’s what I mean – why the hell would anyone be influenced by a decent-looking girl who gets paid to post bikini shots of herself at resorts?
The same reason people are influenced by fashion magazines.
Buzzfeed fodder isn’t reason enough?
I actually recently had one of these fun episodes myself. While on a cruise that stopped in the Bahamas I took my son scuba diving. The tour included three dives (on a wreck, on a reef, and at a point with some other underwater structures) and an optional 4th (with the sharks). My son and I were the only ones to do the 4th with a lady from the dive team. They drop a chum bucket off the boat into the depths, you go in, they put another above you, and presto… sharks below and above, and they are distracted, so it is supposed to be safe. Well, in comes this massive bull shark and completely mangles the bottom chum bucket, resulting in a frenzy. I look around and the dive team lady is climbing out of the water onto the boat, so I grabbed my son’s belt and slowly swam us back to the boat. He gets out, then I go, and right before I get out a shark rips my flipper off. I have been bit by a shark before (stepped in front of a sand shark while lobstering in the tropics, and he bit a good chunk of my heel off (had corrective surgery), but this was scary shit.
Sharks are on my list of things I respect enough to leave well the fuck alone. I’m glad there are sharks, and I’m glad I don’t encounter them very often if at all.
Is Max Boot basically saying that Trump is evil because he wants to allow Russia to build a safe pipeline from his country to Europe so that Europeans can reduce their energy costs with a cleaner fuel than coal or oil? Because it sounds like that’s what he’s saying.
Josh Gerstein
Verified account @joshgerstein
Does he want Merkel to turn the nuke plants back on?
Verified account @HansNichols
51m51 minutes ago
No, that’s just the entire Mittlestand.
“Ellie closes her bedroom door. Then
she undoes her bra and underpants and
touches her breasts and her vagina.
Touching her breasts and vagina is a
private thing that Ellie enjoys doing. Ellie
knows she must only do this when she is
alone in her bedroom, like other girls.”
“THINGS ELLIE LIKES A book about sexuality and masturbation for girls and young women with autism and related conditions”
Apparently, someone thought they needed a children’s book to keep ass burgers from whacking off in public.
Ha! In college, I worked several years as a caregiver to an autistic guy. I had to be sure I always had chewing gum with me whenever we went out in the neighborhood or to the mall. If he got bored, he would whip it out and start stroking. Chewing gum was enough of a distraction that he didn’t need any other…stimulation.
Huh, I keep picking up a vaguely sub/dom vibe.
Can anyone tell me what these places have in common? Three guesses and the first two don’t count.
The link is broken.
Try again.
Systemic racism perpetuated by that cabal of like half a dozen GOP councilmen they have between them?
Clearly the methodology is flawed, as Baltimore is nowhere to be found. I can verify that Chattanooga is not a prime vacation destination, however. The fam and I drove through on the way to Texas and stopped there overnight. I slept closest to the door with two pit bulls and a knife in my hand.
That is an awfully big hand…
Places SugarFree has visited?
They’re broken?
They only exist figuratively, as mental constructs in your own mind, not literally, as clickable links for the ravening Glibertariat horde?
They are all click teases?
“Antifa Activists Are Freaking Out About a Proposed ‘Unmasking’ Law
The bill targets antifascist and anarchist protesters who use “black bloc” tactics to challenge the alt-right.
“H.R. 6054 takes a pro-fascist stance in its very name, and doubtlessly in its enforcement,” Carmichael Monaco, a member of the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council, a New York City-based activist group, told me Tuesday. “In the current political climate, antifascists who speak out against fascism, racism, xenophobia, etc. are routinely harassed, threatened, and attacked by the far right, often supported by the police, who are notably exempted here. Families and friends of antifascists also become targets of far right violence. The wearing of a mask is an act of self-defense often necessary to ensure one’s right to free speech.” (We reached out to Donovan’s office for comment on the bill and will update if we hear back.)””
Cool story, bro.
ahahahahahahaha….tough shit, pussies
So, they go out acting violent, committing acts of vandalism, assaulting people and then they get their asses kicked? Yeah, we really have to protect that. How about, don’t do the things you’re doing if you don’t want your ass kicked?
That’s counter revolutionary you shitlord!
Well, if speech is violence, then violence is speech, hence unmasking would threaten their right to free speech.
“…are routinely harassed, threatened, and attacked by the far right…”
What kind of country is this were a person can be harassed, threatened, and attacked for peacefully harassing, threatening, and attacking? Not I country I want to live in.
How dare they do to us what we do to them! – shorter AntiFa
OT: Gun Glibs: I just got my C&R in the mail yesterday. After giggling like a schoolgirl I quickly went to the Internet to look for neat old guns to have mailed to my house. I was in the market for a Bulgarian Makarov, but the source I’d seen a few months prior was fresh out. I saw a couple Tokarevs, another pistol I’m interested in picking up, but nothing in a condition I was interested in getting. I did come across a couple CZ-82s in pretty good condition, as well as some P-64s in what look like damn near new condition, as in still some cosmoline left in the crevices. The CZs are in the $350 range, the P-64s are in the $250 range. Assuming this will be my firearm budget for two months, which would be the better deal? I’ve never shot either. I’ve always wanted a CZ, but I’m interested in having a subcompact pistol like the P-64.
This was meant to be a new thread. I even reloaded. What on earth?
You’re in MD, right? The CZ has a 12 round capacity and the gun won’t ship to you with magazines. You’d have to go out of state to buy them (as I understand it..I could be wrong).
That would make the P-64 the more cost effective option. That being said, I’d rather have the CZ.
Yep, Merlin. Yeah, that jibes with my understanding of how the C&R rules work. My best bet in that case would be to either go to PA or VA to buy mags, which is probably orders of magnitude more difficult for older guns, or see if there are any disassembled mags for sale. I believe the deal is that you can get “repair kits” and incomplete mags, but not whole, functioning magazines over 10 rounds. And even if there’s the equivalent of a Magpul aftermarket mag I could get at Cabela’s up in PA it kind of spoils it.
Ah, but it looks like Midway sells factory CZ-82/83 mags in 12, and I usually wind up in Texas at least once a year, so that’s an option.
Does a CZ82 qualify as a C&R?
Yeah, it’s on the list. It’s one of the newer pistols on the list, actually.
How about a CZ50?
antifascists who speak out against fascism, racism, xenophobia, etc. are routinely harassed, threatened, and attacked by the far right, often supported by the police,
Really? I have to say, I don’t recall a single example of this, but I know for a fact that numerous antifa have committed violent crimes and not gone to jail. Hell, DC just dropped all the charges against the antifa rioters at the inauguration.
“Ellie closes her bedroom door. Then
she undoes her bra and underpants and
touches her breasts and her vagina.
Touching her breasts and vagina is a
private thing that Ellie enjoys doing. Ellie
knows she must only do this when she is
alone in her bedroom, like other girls.”
Later, Ellie will learn there are men who will pay her to let them watch. This makes Ellie very happy.
Like other girls.
Antoninus Pius, my favorite Roman Emperor….although Nerva was also good. I guess Pius’s only black mark was invading Scotland, but they were Scots so they hardly count anyway.
Psh. Aurelius or GTFO.
Keep it up. Hollywood’s hit jobs against Trump have been soooooo effective so far. Bring in a third-rate, one-trick-pony comedian and it’ll totes work this time.