In the fall of 2017, the outdoor cannabis harvest was a bumper crop for growers throughout the state of Oregon. This epic weed haul was the result of two factors; weather, and bureaucracy. The weather was spectacular for growing cannabis, particularly outdoors. A wet fall, winter, and spring (nearly 220 straight days of rain) meant there was plenty of water available. And the summer was warm and dry. Conditions that are favorable for growing trees with plenty of flower on them. The sunshine helped to ensure that flower would be potent. The other cause was bureaucracy. Normally inimical to the production of any good or service of value, on occasion bureaucrats manage to step on their dicks in such a way as to help the actual productive class. Such was the case in 2017 with the OLCC (the Oregon Liquor Control Commission).
The OLCC is the regulatory pseudo agency (much like the fed it is a non-government organization with a government mandate) responsible for enforcing Oregon’s pot laws. In 2017, the OLCC declared open season for anyone with a license to grow marijuana when it announced that “due to a lack of allocated funds, enforcement efforts will primarily be focused on those growing cannabis without legal license to do so and on those with a recreational license. However, next year will see increased enforcement for medical growers.” In plain English and practical reality, this meant that as long as you had a medical license you could grow as much pot as you wanted. The statutory limits on the number of plants one could grow was out the window. Worst case, if you were caught, they’d cut down plants of your choosing until you were down to the legally allowed number. Every grower was growing as much pot as he could get in the ground that summer as cuttings are cheap.
The resulting harvest was huge. And while the left may not understand or believe it, the laws of supply and demand are iron. If supply is greater than demand, the price falls until an equilibrium is reached. And the result was The Glut. A situation where outdoor weed wholesale prices fell as low as $300 per pound. If you could find a buyer and had good enough quality weed. There were rumors of weed going as low as $100/lb but that had to have been either exaggeration or for some really ditch weed bullshit. Either way, that was the first bump in the road.
Once the harvest was in, properly dried and cured, and finally trimmed and packaged up, we had enough product that once The Glut ended we’d be able to fund our next phase. Right where we need to be to build our indoor facility and go through the process of getting the rec license that would allow us to expand. That’s where the next bump in the road occurred. We just need to wait for The Glut to recede and the price to come back up to our floor of $800 to $1000/lb. While it would put a crimp in our timeline, waiting even six months wouldn’t be catastrophic.
An aside; indoor and outdoor pot flower are of differing quality. Indoor is higher quality and fetches a relatively higher price. But outdoor is far cheaper to produce and the aforementioned conditions were conducive to outdoor pot production. In 2017 we had both indoor and outdoor operations.
My business partner was impatient to take the next steps however, so was looking to expand beyond our established channel of buyers to sell all that outdoor product. The short version is that the buyer was a scammer that my partner thought he knew but didn’t. My partner took his stepson with him to the transaction, verified the guy had a med card, and gave the stepson the cash to count, made the transaction “selling” 80% of our harvest, and the best quality at that, and they left. Only to get home and discover the money was, as he texted me, “counterfeit.” I didn’t hear from him for 3 days and when I finally got the full story I have never been closer to murder than I was at that moment.
Turns out the money wasn’t counterfeit. It was movie money that looked just this side of monopoly money for verisimilitude. I wasn’t even mad at the scammer (whom my partner didn’t even take a picture of the guy’s med card or his license plate and only had a phone number that of course turned out to be a burner). I mean, the balls to try that and get away with it? But my partner and his idiot stepson? Yeah. Them I was furious at.
As of February, we had only 20% of our harvest, The Glut was finally receding, and we were at a crossroads. We came up with a last-ditch plan of selling that final amount to finance continued expansion of existing indoor med operations of high THC plants, and to get legal for growing outdoor hemp as we did have a legit buyer for hemp flower by that point for processing for CBD products. Those funds from a large hemp harvest could then be leveraged to do the build out for a rec license grow. As described in my previous article, a rec license allows a much larger size grow operation than a med license.
Another digression: Marijuana and hemp are the same plant, save that hemp has been bred primarily for its fibers in the stalk and has only trace amounts of THC but plenty of CBDs, even in the flower. Marijuana flower contains both, and various strains have various proportions. THC is what gets you high and CBDs are the actual medicinal chemicals, especially for seizures, muscle & joint problems, pain, and anxiety. CBDs also don’t get you high and won’t, generally, show up on a piss test. Getting licensed for hemp is far less expensive than getting a rec marijuana license and you can grow as much as you like. There’s a fee for a 2-year license and you must have proof that the plants are hemp and not marijuana, and that’s it. Far easier compliance and we have enough acreage on the farm it could be quite lucrative. THC flower is usually more valuable, esp. indoor grown. But there’s potential in CBDs, especially with hemp as the input costs are way lower, the regulatory burden is lower, and the labor costs are lower offsetting the lower sales price one can get per pound.
Unfortunately, due to the remainder being lower quality and The Glut being so epic, it took a long time to move that product. The revenue hasn’t come in fast enough to buy the hemp plants needed to get the hemp license or get them in the ground for a spring or summer crop. The flow has been a trickle; just enough to keep the lights on and pay the basic bills while expanding the amount of indoor plants we can grow up to the legal limit for the number of med cards we have. There’s an outside shot that by next spring there’ll be money for hemp. But I don’t see it.
The result is that two months ago I washed my hands of it and told my partner that as long as he kept things legal and he paid the lease payments on time for the farm, he could keep going, but that I was done being actively involved. I started looking for a job and found one. I started that the last week of June and I’m enjoying it.
The saving grace, from a financial perspective, is related to the legal technicalities on having a rec license and the land we purchased for the business. The land use regulations related to marijuana are somewhat convoluted. There are both county regulations and state regulations. The state regulates the maximum square footage of flower canopy one can have per rec license. It also insists that no individual or entity may have multiple licenses on the same tax lot. The county regulates the zoning for tax lots, which determines whether you can grow indoor, outdoor or both. It also sets a minimum size for a rec license. Usually 2-5 acres. Further, to obtain a rec license, one must prove water rights. If they aren’t already registered on the deed, this isn’t as simple as digging a well. One must obtain those rights through a process that takes 1-2 years.
To give an example. If one purchases 40 acres in a county where the minimum size for a rec license is 4 acres you may not, then obtain 10 licenses from the OLCC. You can obtain one and lease out the other nine to other folks with a license. But if you want a second license you must buy another tax lot somewhere. Many of the larger operations are buying 5-10-acre plots with proper zoning building a minimum size rec grow, and then offering the rest as turnkey, then buying another parcel and repeating. That was part of our plan. But the number of parcels that are properly zoned in counties with relatively simple regulations is small. More importantly, the piece of land we bought has county water and therefore automatically has water rights.
The land is valuable in and of itself. And the land is in my wife’s name and my name. It’s appreciated about 20% in value since we purchased it. And the company is leasing it from my wife and me. So worst case we have a valuable piece of property that has a current market value that is keeping pace with the rest of the money we invested and then some. Also, it’s a good place to go shooting whenever I want. We may even just keep it and build a country house as a retreat there.
I learned my lesson. My next startup will be a side-hustle that I build until it replaces a significant portion of my income. I’ll have no partners, only employees, or minority ownership stakes if I need someone with special skills, but not a partner. And while I’m probably out $20-$40k counting lost income, it was worth the gamble as it was money I could afford to lose. I don’t regret taking the chance, though, and I learned a great deal about myself and managing people, and just how tough it is to start a business. I’ve always admired folks who run their own enterprise, but I do so even more now that I’ve taken a shot at it.
End Note: I appreciate all the interest and encouragement as well as kind words. It’s helped immensely. This place really is a community.
My eyes are already red, from just looking at the pic.
I don’t know what color is more red than red, but smoke a pound of weed in one sitting and you’d probably find out.
Uh, no thanks. I dont smoke. Not because Im opposed to it; it seems THC doesnt work on me ‘as advertised’.
The last time I got high, it was due to a friend of mine spending the weekend. It’s no coincidence her nickname was “Miss Ganja”. Anyhow, we smoked about 6 pm, I was catatonic by 7, and I woke up around 3 am thinking Shaquille O’Neal was in my kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies. Naturally, I was hungry, and upon making my way to the kitchen, was crestfallen when I found no cookies..
I could even smell the damn things.
Look down, friend, great tunage
I saw it coming about three Years ago a I told BF, Get out now, he doesn’t regret it, at least on the West coast, it’s a Glut, headed toward a bursting bubble,
Med cards FTW! no Taxes!
Pound of weed in one setting? You are joking………….
/Maybe with ALL the Glibs at once…
Cause I’m in the Mood, a Real Redneck, Jelly Roll,–IqqusnNQ&index=11
Fascinating read. Thanks for posting.
You’re welcome. It may be I merely serve as a warning to others.
Lol. Won’t work with entrepreneurs. It’s why they are how they are.
True. As I said when the topic came up, I’ve got the bug and want to try it again with a different business.
CA, did you not see the Glut Coming? In Cali? I hope your next Venture is more far sighted than this one, Seriously, you’re a Glib, you Will do better next time,
I’m in Oregon. We expected it would eventually become a commodity, but the fall harvest was way more than expected. While that was a factor, my partner trading the majority of our product for funny money was the real nail in the coffin.
Sounds more like smoker than a Business man, you were right to Bail out and cut losses, I wish you had succeeded just cause I’m a Smoker/Glib, and it would be cool , had you not had Potheads running the Show
How old was the stepson?
And I used past tense deliberately since I assume you did the correct and Darwinian thing.
He was in his late 20s. LIke 28 or 29.
Millennial that has never seen a real hundred?
Good on you.
Interesting article.
I wonder if your partner was actually a partner in the crime…
No. He’s an impulsive guy, but not dishonest. And smart enough to know that the business actually running would be worth way more than the money from the weed.
Maybe the stepson then.
It is just hard to imagine messing up that badly for such an obvious trick, and without verifying the buyer.
2nd question, sounds like the gentleman bought a very large quantity, when you say he had a ‘med card’ is that the grower’s license, the consumer’s license or the retailer’s?
Oregon has two types of license; medical and rec. They cap the amount you can grow. There’s no real cap on how much you can have on hand with a med license. No consumer license is needed.
I don’t think the stepson either for a variety of reasons. He’s not smart enough to have planned it and got a front man, he doesn’t have any connections to then turn around and sell it, and he spends every dollar he gets as soon as he gets it and hasn’t made any large purchases or even moderate ones.
Just naturally moronic?
No one needs 32 choices in weed and a bag that big.
In other news:
Above the law?
Are you fucking serious? What would happen to any one of us here who refused to show up for a subpoena? I don’t even need to mention the answer. If the rule of law continues to be taken in contempt like this by leftists, and they continue to get away with it, soon no one will respect any laws and we get anarchy.
Woohooo! WE win!!
Why would she take your threats seriously? What idiots.
“no one will respect any laws and we get anarchy.”
NEGATIVE, We get armed Citizens taking over the streets,anarchy=Death, Go ahead, break shit, See what happens……………..
Can you even imagine the outrage from the media if someone working at the FBI investigating Hillary had been caught saying ‘Hillary, will never be president, we’ll stop it’. Which is exactly what Strzok said to Gumby. And yet, he even got appointed to Mueller’s 3 ring circus and was only fired afterwards. An insurance policy? We have a group of rogue entities, almost all of whom donated to Hillary’s campaign, trying to get the president impeached on made up shit, and then they can just refuse to appear because whatever? Obama really did go a long ways towards destroying the rule of law. Hillary would have finished the job.
“Gumby” for the LOL
Very interesting take on the business, CA. Thanks for doing this – I know from experience it wasn’t easy. I was out there in October and was astonished at how much activity there was.
I was astonished by the taxes and selection when I was in Vegas in April. ~10% additional tax for recreational, but more options then you could shake a bowl at. I’m looking forward to going there next April with more knowledge.
Thanks. I think there’s still lots of potential, but we were undercapitalized even from the beginning. The larger operations that were properly funded that had both business sense and good growers are doing well.
Someday when I’m out there we can commiserate about undercapitalized start-ups. It’s a (bloody) badge of honor you wear!
Absolutely. My contact info is my username as all one word @gmail dot com. If you’re out here, shoot me a message.
Right on C., enjoyed your tale, sorry it did not turn out better for you. About fifteen years ago I was working in Amsterdam at a weed shop and they had me do their booth at the Cannabis Cup. I ended up hooking up with this girl from Oakland there and when I moved back to SF a year later she almost had me convinced to set up a grow operation with her. It would have been a good time as it was still a couple years before medicinal weed was okayed in CA, but I have a childhood fear of being locked up in pound you in the ass jail so I never made that jump. Could’ve probably made a ton of cash, but now I am married with kids and a different (legal) business. I also still have my anal virginity.
You’re welcome. I wouldn’t have done this without it being legal. Or at least semi-legal the way it is. I bet that was an interesting experience, working in Amsterdam.
Yup, a ton more profit with the illegal biz, but there is that one huge downside. The Dam was absolutely fun to live in, but that particular job was terrible. I had to keep irate young Surinamese and Antillians at bay on a constant basis. Hope your next venture works out better!
For now.
For now.
I’ve got that going for me. At least until one of my camping trips ends up in Steve Smith country, HM.
He is omnipresent. Like the Mi-Go, he can transverse the 4th Dimension to be anywhere and anywhen.
“So if we went camping, got drunk and you woke up with your ass all sticky, would you tell anybody?”
“Want to go camping?”
Neighbor knocks on the door, “hey, you want to go to a party? There’s gonna be lots of drinkin’, fightin’ and wild sex!”
“Well, I like drinking, not sure about the fighting but wild sex? I’m in! Who all’s going to be there?”
“Oh, it ain’t going to be but you and me.”
good ol’ free advice that doesn’t necessarily apply here, but since the word came up: Whatever you do, try to decide who owns something and who else takes a salary; partnerships work out so seldom for the word to have merely ontological value. Somebody needs to be the daddy, and everyone else needs to get in line. All the arguments otherwise are usually about something not throwing off a decent salary for the idea guy or the sales guy or the tech guy or whomever Mr2 is, but that can be covered with debt; god knows most biz dreams don’t come true anyway, so value-less paper wouldn’t add much pain to that list. And survivorship: no one really carries the insurance to buy the other guy out; you end up halfsies with his widow…yikes.
We now return you to the reasonable discourse otherwise ongoing >>>>>>>>
You are 100% right. When CA first mentioned what was going on, we all weighed in with our thoughts on partnerships. I told of advice that described partnerships as a slow motion divorce. Suthen’s was best: every partnership end up in either a court battle or a gun battle.
I will say though that more partners is better than fewer.
Yeah, I remember that advice and thinking, ‘I should have posted earlier’. But some lessons one has to learn the hard way.
I made the huge mistake of a start up with my best friend.
We haven’t spoken in more than 12 years.
That’s rough, man.
you end up halfsies with his widow…yikes.
This is why a good business planning attorney is worth his weight in gold. Shitty planning leads to a resentful ex wife having a controlling interest in “that damn company that destroyed my marriage”
Same with a partnership with family members and you can’t divorce them…
One of the problems with getting into the cannabusiness, that I saw early on, is that it started out with the ideas of ‘tax and regulate’. In it’s infancy, it was already over regulated, taxed, and cronyized. Let’s look at MD and DC for examples of how deep blue states do this. Apparently medical cannabis was legalized a few years ago in MD. Yet, I don’t think there’s anywhere you can actually get it legally. O’Malley came up with the brilliant idea of allowing only 6 legal growers in the state. Of course, all of those 6 chosen few were going to be his crony friends. In DC, they legalized recreational weed, but no one is allowed to sell it. I expect CA to fuck it up equally as well.
Hell, the overreach of cronyism is probably what kept Ohio from getting Recreational marijuana the last time it came up (2015). Now there’s a group looking to pass a cleaner bill, that will hopefully be on the ballot in the next year or two. Overall, the amendment looks tolerable.
Oooooh! The whole fiasco her pisses me off to no end…..the only reason Kasich signed that damn med marijuana bill was to try and pacify the people that were pushing for an amendment to the state constitution- cause it was likely going to stick this time. Despite all the contortions and bending of the ballot they did, similar to the public smoking ban.
And then when they rushed it through the summer session (2 years ago?) they started stonewalling with typical bureaucratic nonsense….”we need a pharmacology board” “we need an advisory panel to the pharmacologists!”
Every legislator in Franklin county can lick my sweaty taint.
SLD- as I pointed out above, I dont even use that product
Watching news tonight and Kasich came on. He didn’t even get a word out and my wife calls him an idiot and hits mute:) lol.
That colossal d-bag is only eclipsed by Boehner in his self-importance.
Definitely a legend in his own mind.
That’s progress. Yeah, the first bill was jacked. Looked just like the gambling law which I think is ridiculas.
What, the one that specified that each major city gets one casino which will be on land already owned by someone who just happened to sponsor the bill?
The really sad thing is that I enjoy gambling in Vegas, and I think I’ve been to the casino here in Cleveland… maybe three times (and one of those was for a bachelor party, and another one was a wedding).
Yeah, I’ve only been to the one here in Columbus maybe 3 times myself and wasn’t there long any of those times. It’s insane watching how much money gets stuffed in those machines non-stop.
It’s not even something that peaks my interest here. It’s somewhat strange, because in Vegas, on vacation (probably the real reason), I’ll think nothing of sitting at a table and dropping some money. Here in Cleveland, I know of many other ways I would rather drop that money. Have I mentioned we finally got a brewery trail? Out of 31 breweries, 30 are participating. Guess I need to start visiting them all again.
Sweet. We’re getting a pretty good brewery scene going down here as well. I need to get up to Cleveland for a weekend some time.
If you’re planning on coming up, hit up my e-mail, I’ll gladly meet up with other Glibs. Somewhat relatedly, I’ll be in Canal Winchester in August for BrewDog’s Annual General Mayhem.
Definitely. I hadn’t heard about the BrewDog thing. I’ll have to check into it. I’ve had some if their beers but haven’t actually been to either of their locations yet. Yeah, lame I know:)
The AGM is BrewDog’s stockholder meeting, which they hold as a beer fest. Last time I checked, they were selling shares for $49 a piece, and you had to buy at least two at a time. For that you get some discounts at the stores, bars, access to some private forums, and access to the AGM meeting. I was there the first year in Canal Winchester, but couldn’t make it for year number two. The girlfriend and I will be arriving the night before, so let me know if you want to meet up then.
Mostly unrelated story:
I got woken up at 2 AM by a phone call from a Vandalia police officer. Apparently, a friend from work was found in Vandalia sitting on the curb of East National road (the “main drag”) with his legs out in traffic, drunk out of his mind. He was giving the officer the phone numbers of people who might pick him up, otherwise he’d have to go to jail for public intoxication.
Apparently, what he had done is got shitfaced at one of the casinos, then drove back to his friend’s house in Tipp City. He then attempted to walk the rest of the way to his (parents’) home in Troy, but went the wrong way and ended up in Vandalia.
There’s a reason I keep my alcohol consumption confined to my own home.
Yeah, me too. I have enough of those stories from my younger, dumber days.
Tres Sr. lives in Vandalia, but he wouldnt appreciate a 2 am visit from me, let alone anyone else.
One night likely a decade ago, I was quite loaded at the Melody 49, and my phone fell out of my pants pocket. Tres Sr. got the in-case-of-emergency call from the manager around 3 am, asking to speak to “Dad”
Hilarity failed to ensue.
Well, once again, the gov’t (federal or otherwise) has no business in the sale of anything. A radio host here on WLW said ages ago, “If the state gets in the marijuana business, and sells a quarter ounce at $60, it doesnt cost them $60 to fill that bag. Likewise, someone operating outside the law will sell you the same weed, in the same amount, for less.”
Which I think I read recently, is a problem in LA with weed sales. “Independent” sales are cutting into the gov’t share.
That’s been happening for a while, look up cigarette bootlegging. The state always wants their cut (which is one reason I’m always polite at breweries when they have to enforce stupid laws).
One of the dumbest I’ve seen for alcohol laws was in TN. Not only will they card you, I don’t care if you look 90, but that’s pretty harmless. The stupid one is that I can go into a restaurant and drink as much as I want, in front of kids. But I cannot buy a growler of beer and walk out the front door with it. They have to actually walk you through to the back door and you have to exit there. Apparently because kids might be able to see you with scary beer in scary bottles. Never mind it’s in a bag. Never mind that you are going to walk around the building and right back to where you were going to start with, with scary beer that will frighten children. Who the fuck are the sociopaths that come up with this shit? Oh yeah, politicians.
I only got carded about half the time I was in TN. Never bought a growler (because we were traveling). But nothing can compare to Utah’s old laws. It’s late, and it’s been a day, so I’m not about to start pulling up codes, but they were pretty crazy. Of course, California (with their generally permissive alcohol laws), also has some real idiocy when it comes to growlers.
The TN thing really is the dumbest thing I’ve seen. Except for maybe dry counties. I lived in one and every one in the county drank just as much as the wet county on it’s border and everyone knew it, they just drove to wet county and stocked up and nothing else happened.
I’m sure to be corrected by those in Utah, but off the top of my head:
1) You couldn’t order a drink in a Utah restaurant until after you ordered food.
2) Cocktails could not be mixed in sight of the patrons, they could only be mixed behind a divider.
3) Utah was the last bastion of 3.2% beer
For California, a brewery can’t fill a growler that has a different breweries logo on it, and if it has a beer name on it, cannot fill it with a different beer. Nationally, if your growler doesn’t have the government warning on it (if you don’t know it, go grab a bottle of alcohol, you’ll see it), it’s illegal to fill.
My FIL lives in a dry county. It’s a very rural area and super low population, but every paved road has a liquor store literally on the very edge of the neighboring wet county. Every single one. Meanwhile, they drive 45 minutes to Shreveport (from Texas) and buy cases of Sam’s Club Vodka. I’ve never met anyone in the county who didn’t have a beer in their hand at the time I met them. Dry county my ass.
I remember when I first moved to the dry county because I was near where we were building subdivision housing. One of my redneck co-workers wanted to get some beer and I said sure, as soon as we’re off we can drive over to… and he says, no need for that, we’ll just go to the bootlegger, it’s only about a mile from here. So off we went, turned up some dirt road in the middle of nowhere and soon wound up at a little shack beside the road, staffed by one gruff old redneck. He says ‘What the hell ya’ll boys want?’. Apparently my friend knew him and so he didn’t pull a shotgun out on us or anything. But I had shut off my car and then he says ‘You wantin that to go?’ So I just turned the car back on and let my friend do the talking.
I’ll be in Utah in a few days!
From the last time I was there (2 years), most stores had max 4% beer. You could go to designated state stores for stronger, though.
I remember 3.2 beer, from none other than the Ohio. The other thing I liked about the Ohio was drive through liquor stores.
Oh, yeah, and you could only buy 3.2 beer on Sundays, no 6% stuff, you might actually get a buzz on the holy day. There’s actually still 3.2 beer though, they just call it Coors light today.
I think the pols understand the law is ridiculous but by amending it this way they shut up some number of those opposed to growlers leaving the bar/brewery in the first place. Penna. cards everyone too even if you are 90. A state legislator told me that this provision got just enough pols to change their votes to allow grocery stores to sell beer. Seems it got their constituent pearl clutchers off their backs because the bill ” helped keep beer out of the hands of kids.”
Tennessee and Texas are tops for fucked up laws because they’re socons: everything is about minding someone else’s business, but they have only a nominal notion of local government and personal liberty, which they know is higher and truer but they just can’t go whole hog right in front of god and everybody. So, instead of writing something principled, unambiguous, and simple to understand and enforce, they scribble out some half-assed notion that almost achieves some perceived end while keeping the Ladies Prayer Breakfast from going total rolling pins on the boys when they get back home from the session (only every other year in Austin BTW). Texans pretend they can shoot, Tennesseans pretend they believe in personal rights, and some days I even think about repairing to my native Mississippi.
In your case, I think there’s some rub between selling packaged liquor versus liquor by the drink in the Volunteer State: different licenses. It’s a case of numb, sillyassed busybodies writing separate codes that don’t anticipate all the permutations of human interest, so each has built his end of the bridge halfway from his side and here we are over the middle of the river with lanes that are twenty feet out of true: pretty bridge, no traffic, prayer breakfast undisturbed.
In Texas you can feed your baby beer in his bottle at the Astros game: it’s your kid; my kid preferred IPA in his teens. However, once he’s 18, he ain’t your kid, he’s an adult below the booze-buying age, so you would be illegally supplying. Once he’s 252 (months), you can once again buy him beer and he can buy you beer…it’s the greatest day ever.
Mind your own business is the right answer, but socons gonna socon.
This is fluid turf but I think I recall
* in TX you can’t wear your gun in a bar (51% of biz revenue rule)
* in TN you can wear your gun but you can’t drink
so feel free to gun me down at the local pizza joint before I can crawl out to the truck because reasons
About 30 years ago I bought a Smith 44 mag in Austin. About a 5 minute transaction including my decision. At the cash register the clerk slid my gun across the counter to me. I asked for a bag, she said, “No, then it becomes concealed and illegal” I walked out the door, through a neighborhood and a block down the street trying to appear inconspicuous.
To this day hardly have shot the gun …
Last night I texted my local guy and he didn’t get back to me for a half hour so I had my wife go online for the local (legal) delivery service. Of course as soon as she placed that order he rang me back. Legal service was 60 bucks for a quarter and twenty gummies. My dude is 160 for an ounce (also delivered to house). Pretty comparable. The advantage of the delivery service is that it is always one hour or less and they have a selection of products. It’s still in its infancy here, I expect the state to get its greasy fingers more into it any moment.
I’ll never sign up for medical mj. Nor will I purchase it under any scheme where my purchases are tracked. I can get weed any time I want, I don’t need to risk whatever f’d up consequences the government will make up because I smoke a plant.
Yes, it’s real problem for gun owners especially. Just handing evidence to the Feds that you’re committing a felony.
It’s even worse if you have some sort of state license concerning firearms (pistol permit, CCW, whatever). I’ve been waiting for some halfway intelligent, anti-2nd A prosecutor to start matching up the names who has a med card and who has a firearm license of some kind. I think I heard one in CA has started doing this.
I have no doubt that will happen. That’s why it’s always best to never ask permission.
Not only that, but next thing you know, they’ll be sending nannies out to your property to check up on your mental health and make sure you don’t have food with too much sodium. Weed and sodium can be a deadly combination you know, there was a study.
The ATF revised 4473 & added a warning about state legalization.
(Bold in the original)
It seems to me that the biggest problem is that regardless of legality there are too many government nanny pricks that are going to do everything they can to jack everyone around and punish everyone who might have any sort of fun that doesn’t involve singing Bible hymns. They’ll also put in roadblocks for legal businesses wherever possible “for the children”.
I was at a vendor’s place today and he was singing the praises of CBDs for disc arthritis pain. He’s got bad kidneys so the normal pain meds are a no go.
Any of y’all have any experience? I wouldn’t mind kicking NSAIDs to the curb for my wear and tear items.
I like the CBD heavy stuff a lot. It is def good for pain relief. Maybe better consumed than smoked?
If anyone can recommend the (legal) CBD stuff, specially in Ohio, Im all ears. I have a couple jacked-up shoulders that would be open to something other than lidocaine patches, and naproxen that sears holes in my stomach.
I didn’t find legal CBD to be effective at pain relief, though it was a lower concentration. The higher concentration might be more effective, but it’s ridiculously expensive.
I’ve got RA and am also interested how CBD works for joint pain.
CBD salves have worked for me. I can’t take NSADs.
I use cbd for my somewhat mild back pain. My muscles are always tight and sore, and smoking pot seems to help, and pot with high cbd content helps more
We have had our CBD heavy stuff processed for exactly that sort of stuff. Anecdotally it seems to help. I recommend the distillates that you can put into capsules.
I believe it is more than anecdotal. I’m pretty sure there are clinical studies showing it’s effectiveness. Waaay to tired, drunk, and just plain lazy to do a Google for you.
Mrs. Dean swears by it. It helps her with anxiety, chronic tension and pain, etc. Worth a try, in any event.
Does it help with inflammation? Or just pain?
Impressive. Florida men on a roll.
No arms and legs…on a roll…I see what you did there.
Thanks! I love reading about any story of people trying to make a go at a small business.
Wow man, kudos to you for writing honestly and in-depth about what has got to sting the ol’ pride a bit. I don’t think I would have the self-confidence to do that. Also, you’re to be commended for not burying the bodies of your partner and his son in a shallow grave in the woods. I also am not a hundred percent sure I wouldn’t be sitting in prison right now saying, “I’d do it again!!!” were I in your shoes.
But, from the lemons-cum-lemonade department, it sounds like you might be on to something with the land bit. I mean, land is typically a good investment, at least relatively so, and if you’ve got land that’s good for growing then you can leverage that to get a more secure piece of whatever profits are had as the legalization thing shakes out. It’s like the gold rush. The miners mostly went broke and died, it was the people who set up to supply the miners who made fortunes.
The one thing about land is that there’s never going to be more of it. I mean until we colonize the universe and build some Dyson spheres. Otherwise, limited supply, increasing demand is a sure thing.
For sure, and even shitty land is still land. If you can’t do anything with it right away you can at least sell whatever trees are on it. And if it’s all bullshit scrub, you throw up some “No Trespassing” signs and rent it out to hunters until the urban sprawl gets close enough.
Speaking of which, you’re a fellow Marylander, right? Are you familiar with Rip’s on 301? So, kind of catty-corner to Rip’s is a large-ish townhouse development that went up in the 00s. A buddy of mine at the time bought one as they were being built and rented rooms to a couple of guys, including myself. My dad was down in the Bama at the time, but he grew up in Bowie. When I told him where it was, he said, “Oh, you mean where the soy field used to be. I used to hunt in that guy’s field all the time.” And sure enough, as I thought about it, I’d been driven past the damn place a thousand times in my grandfather’s truck, but I’d been out of Bowie so long that I didn’t put two and two together. The familial homestead is in the K section across from some woods, and I’m willing to bet that within the next ten years those woods will be a development.
“Speaking of which, you’re a fellow Marylander, right?”
Unfortunately, for the time being. I have friends here who’ve told me I don’t know how many times ‘you see all those townhomes over there? When I was a kid, that was just a field, or just a woods’.
I’m not sure where 301 is and I’ve never been to Bowie. What county is that?
Ah, I see, Prince George’s County. Never been there.
PG county, AKA Pizza and Guns county. Bowie is huge, and it’s kind of the gem of PG. Every now and again they try to get into Anne Arundel county, but the problem is that where they’d abut, i.e. Crofton, is where you go to escape Bowie. I’ve heard a nickname for Bowie is “Bougie”, because…how can I put this…especially in some of the newer areas it’s where better-off PoCs who commute move once they have enough money to either leave DC or some of the crappier areas of PG that border DC. It’s a funny area, because half of it borders the less savory side of DC, and the other half is pretty much erstwhile tobacco farms. So my dad, who was a deputy, split time between places like Kettering, which were utter shitholes, and “Upper Mayberry”, or Upper Marlboro.
But yeah, unfortunate is right. I’m a lifer, and while there’s a lot about Maryland that I like, the government is not one of those things, and there’s no reason to believe it’s going to change any time soon. I’m hoping to flee south, but I think the best I’ll be able to pull off is southern Maryland.
Hell the Feds own half the land out west. That situation is ridicules.
Thanks man. It does sting. But I knew this was a possibility when I rolled the dice and I regret nothing.
And yeah, that’s a nice piece of land either and it’s over an hour outside of Portland. It isn’t going to get overdeveloped out there any time soon
I’m invoking a hue and cry to apprehend the motherfucker that did this and hang him from the nearest tree.
There’s a reward. I’m thinking an eye for an eye in this case.
M-80s still available?
1″ gas pipe full of gunpowder is.
Socrates had this notion that justice was that which was due a man. Parity and equity would seem to factor highly in a utopian justice system; accordingly, the charge should be increased by weight. Further, the crime must exceed proportion lest people be tempted to merely swap out misdeeds: so his ass should be blown off and then he can be hanged.
Given the cuteness of the feline involved, can we do the whole tar-and-feather thing in addition to that?
And can we wear tricorne hats while carrying it out?
We can do both at the same time. Attach the firecracker so that when it blows up his ass, the force knocks the chair from his feet and hangs him.
we are not worthy of your genius, sir
No woodchippers? I’m disappointed.
Sooo…..make him eat a Chipotle burrito?
And then withhold antibiotics?
I’m not even a ‘cat person’ and Im on-board.
Shoving dynamite up that asshole’s asshole would be better.
I’m in.
Tough one. Might be hard to not just beat the person to a pulp on sight. Then again, if there’s a Home Depot nearby, all sorts of exemplary justice could be enacted. Really, people like this are on the first step to serial murder, so it would be doing society a huge, huge favor.
JFC what kind of sadist does this? OK HM. Let’s saddle up. I’m ready to ride.
I’m not to late to join the posse am I? What a fucker. Like Bill said, this asshole is on the road to serial killer.
This monkey is so stoned
Hey y’all – watch this!!
That’s good.
I thought for sure before I clicked on that, it was going to be a picture of Maureen Dowd.
That’s hilarious. “hold my beer, I’m gonna kick this lion’s ass”
That’s a bad mister kittah!, respect my authoritah!, take this, whack whack.
And thus the use of tools came to an evolutionary dead end for that particular monkey species…
Schumer trying to stop Trump’s SCOTUS pick.
Marijuana isn’t a tree. Fake news.
That’s your grandpa’s weed. Not today’s super duper weed, which can grow as tall as a Redwood and contain 90 kazillion hundred million billion times as much THC. This is why we cannot let people just do whatever they want to do and grow super devil weed which will make them stronger than super man, crazier than crazy and give them the munchies so bad the world will run out of Oreo cookies with double stuff.
“won’t somebody think of the Oreo double stuff?”
In case you didn’t know what the lefties have been warning us about, what a monster Kavanaugh is, then just feast your eyes on this!
Kavanaugh, monster, confirmed
Does anyone know how much sodium is in that food? Because the one thing worse than starving is consuming too much sodium. Studies have proven this.
Too many carbs. Clearly its proof of the conservative agenda to kill off people with Type II dibeetus.
Bastard is trying to get them hooked on Catholic charity, instead of gubmint handouts. What an asshole.
But don’t forget – all non-Democrats are selfish pricks who blindly follow the teachings of Ayn Rand.
Drug warriors and law enforcement admit to learning about basic economics.
TW: autoplay
Also relevant.
Hell Yes!!!–IqqusnNQ
Too many wypipo.
Oh Wow, snarky puppy…–IqqusnNQ
Fuck OLCC and their crony liquor monopoly. And fuck Oregon voters for putting MJ under that POS agency rather than shutting the whole enterprise down.
Yeah. I ain’t real fond of the OLCC, either.
That counterfeit money part would make a good movie scene.
In person it is so horrendously, horribly fake. It’s the wrong size, it’s visibly the wrong texture, and it says in bold (you might be able to see it in the picture if you zoom in) NOT LEGAL TENDER, FOR USE IN MOVIES ONLY or something to that effect. I’m sure y’all can imagine the restraint it took not to flick my knife open and go American Psycho with it.
Gotta admire the chutzpah or stupidity.
Again, that is Christ-like restraint. I think I’d go into a catatonic state and turn into Michael Myers.
It was so obvious how the OLCC was working their way into the MJ biz. The trend was against them. Washington just deregulated their liquor sales (but totally fucked up the taxing) at the time. More and more out of state residents, largely from California, who wondered WTF they needed a gas attendant to pump their gas & a state liquor store for hard liquor. MJ was a way to ensure that the agency stuck around with a new lease on life.
Anyways, enjoyable to hear a story from the production side! Thanks CA!
Thank you for the update.
Thanks for writing this, CA. It is interesting and maddening at the same time.
You’re welcome. I appreciate having a place to share it. It was actually good to get it off my chest a little and write it all down.
What SP said.
May your business partner get C. diff. Trust me, that’s vengeance.
Someone I know 😉 grew hydro for years. Lots of trial and error to get the mix right.
Too much work. i quit a long while ago.
Stay hydrated my friend!
Don’t forget the Glib Dogs!
Hahaha!!! I was just fucking around on my guitar and totally wired AC/DC “You Shook Me All Night Long”. Still got to work out the solo, but I’m 80% there. It’s 9:30, I’ll give my neighbors a break. Bourbon makes me play some hard rock real good.
I watched the last episode of Luke Cage season 2; and Hollywood writer’s hate for Trump has transformed the MCU. Trump and MAGA are now MCU cannon because these fools can’t separate their work from politics.
Yeah. Season 2 was real good. But the set up for Season 3 is…
Iron Fist season 1 was panned; and they set up the partnership in Luke Cage season 2; so I’m hoping they’ll combine the two shows. But, the point that the writer’s hatred for Trump means that he’s now MCU cannon, that is something else.
Iron Fist punching Luke Cage’s fist creating a shockwave is very cool. Double trouble. Should partner in season 3.
But, yeah, Luke Cage Crime Lord seems like an idea from the Joe Fixit Hulk days.
Thanks for writing this up! Sorry things worked out like they did.