World Cup semifinal #1 is today. After a little deliberation, I’m going to go with France. Belgium look tough as nails, but the French are playing really well too and I think they have what it takes. Which means jack shit since I thought Spain would win it all. But we can forget week-old predictions at our leisure here and I will. France 3-2 is my pick. Federer and Nadal both won yesterday. The circus of a Woman’s draw fires back up this morning with 6 seeded players (are there more than 6 left int he entire draw?) taking the courts today.
The baseball all-star game balloting process is taking its lumps on social media after Justin Verlander knocks its antiquated system. The Astros, Yankees and Cubs all lost. And that’s about it for sports. 7 more weeks until college football. Thank God.

Tennis great Arthur Ashe
Theologist John Calvin was born on this date. But that was his lot in life. So were painter Camille Pissarro, swill-maker Adolphus Busch, “creator” of A/C electricity Nikola Tesla, intellectual Marcel Proust, Houston Symphony founder Ima Hogg (seriously), boxer and wop Jake LaMotta, actor Fred Gwynne, tennis great Arthur Ashe, dipshit singer Arlo Guthrie, musician Greg Kihn, “The Hawk” Andre Dawson, Pet Shop Boy Neil Tennant, anti-war activist (who hasn’t played party politics) Cindy Sheehan, “singer” and “poster” Jessica Simpson, musician Wally Bryson and R&B singer Willie Ford.
Its also the date when Caesar defeated Pompey at the Battle of Dyrrhachium, the city of Dublin was founded, Lady Godiva took her naked horseback ride, Louis XVI declared war on Great Britain, Rochambeau landed in the US to join the Continental Army (and figuratively help kick the limeys in the nuts), Wyoming became the 44th state, the Baltimore Orioles sold Babe Ruth to the Red Sox, Woodrow Wilson delivers the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate (and puts in motion the steps leading to WW2), Bobby Jones (a very fine golfer, one of the best ever) won the US Open, Howard Hughes flew around the world in 91 hours, Allied forces invaded Sicily, MLK Jr was arrested during a peaceful demonstration in Georgia, Telstar 1 was launched, “Escape From New York” debuted, Coca-Cola admits they fucked up and will re-introduce old Coke recipe, French intel agents blew up Greenpeace’s “Rainbow Warrior” in New Zealand, Boris Yeltsin was sworn in as the first President of the Russian Federation, and Joe Camel was pulled from ads by RJR-Nabisco.
Well this date has some significant stuff. But we have to move on to…the links!

Kavanaugh and family
President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to there Supreme Court. The guy looks really solid on 1A and 2A issues. He looks a little less solid on 4a issues and I don’t really know where he stands on 9A or 10A issues, which should come up in front of him. Of course, the left is painting him as the most evil person since forever, but that was expected if Trump had nominated Jesus Christ himself. One thing’s for sure: Red state Dems are going to be hard-pressed to go after him.
Whoever called Boris Johnson a squish yesterday (and yes, I’m looking at you, UCS), you might want to rethink that position. Looks like he’s sick of the Brexit team being staffed by Remoaners and is about to move in for the kill on Teresa May.

The Hat and Hair may soon have company
Want read something absolutely amazing…in a good way… for a change? Then this might be the story for you. These are the kids places with socialized medicine write off and let die. They’re the type of thing American doctors figure out and then get to work on. And that’s why we are better than the countries with single-payer.
Boston is considering making citizenship meaningless. I can’t possibly see how this could have negative consequences (for Team Blue anyway).
Just in case you’d forgotten that the world is full of busybody assholes, I present you with this reaffirming piece. Words escape me….
George Clooney released after being involved in a motorcycle crash in Sardinia. I suppose he will be back to hectoring people about their global footprint after he flies back and forth to his Lake Como home a couple times.

Almost done!
Everybody trapped in the cave in Thailand is out now. That’s a great story about the triumph of humanity…and free market capitalists solving a problem government couldn’t.
If you’re gonna call this much attention to yourself, you might want to make sure you’re not giving cops a reason to pull you over. Furthermore, you might want to make sure you don’t have any outstanding warrants.
The choice could have been so much worse, so no bitching!
Have a great day, friends.
An additional flip-flop does not undo a pattern of unreliability. It will take a long track record of consistancy to do that.
But we can forget week-old predictions at our leisure here and I will.
At least you were mentioned. I got memory holed.
Did you call him a squish? I may have missed it.
I’m talking a the Frogs not Boris.
Ah. Did you pick them?
This is a no win position for me. You got the edit faerie in your pocket.
I’ve never used the edit faerie for evil. Speak your peace, my expat friend.
Two of us on record as taking France a week or so ago. I think the other is Semi spartan (?). Gotta cheer for someone since sun set on the rising sun.
Oh. Well consider this me acknowledging your pick of the Frogs much earlier than me jumping on the bandwagon.
That’s no edit faerie, he’s just happy to see you.
I was the other one. I am 3 of 4 in the semis, but to be fair nobody expected the lime-eaters to make it this far.
I think my earlier pick of a France-Croatia final with France winning still looks pretty good, unless Croatia is completely worn out at this point, which is a possibility.
Most recent update – they got the last of them out.
Without Elon’s awesome tunnel idea? unpossible.
also, cave story links to george clooney.
It’s updated with the recent developments.
Just saw it. Consider the story updated.
While you’re updating, can you turn off the sidebar? It’s starting to squish comments on my screen.
That’s literally the third time I got rid of the sidebar this morning. I wonder who is gaslighting me.
It stuck this time.
Thank you, sir.
Lady Godiva
The guy that wrote that looks like a a Colonel Sanders cosplayer in that picture.
I say pistols at dawn, good sir. But first a refreshing mint julep, brought to me by my faithful family retainer!
Robert Lefevre > Colonel Sanders
I’d have to try his mashed potatoes and gravy to accept that statement.
Fuck off with that. 11 herbs and spices. Actual good coleslaw.
And the Georgia Gold 3 piece tenders is off da chain.
Does this mean Grover Norquist is going to get naked at that festival?
You know who else let their kid eat a PB&J in a shopping cart while shopping at Target?
That’s an oddly specific “you know who else…”
Well she is basically sending countless other kids to the “gas chambers” by distributing peanuts in a public place.
Bah. The prevalence of peanut allergies in the modern period is due to over-sanitary childhood conditions. Give those kids’ immune systems some dirt to deal with.
As the article notes, there’s an easy way to avoid peanut allergies:
There was a big discussion at TOS a long time ago about peanut allergies. I seem to have lost the bookmark to a website showing that seafood allergies are much more prevalent and deadly than peanuts.
My wife got pretty angry and pretty la-la-la’ed me about it. I tried to explain that aerosol peanut allergy is fake and that probably some “severe” reactions are due to parents flipping the fuck out on their kids inducing a psychosomatic response
They should just run with EMF allergies.
No problem in my childhood. Farm kids don’t get over-sanitary.
Moms forums seem unusually hostile, even by the low standards of anonymous forums. That level of narcissistic self-involvement would be called toxic, maybe even sociopathic, but you channel it through your kids and it’s fine.
My wife is somewhat involved in some sort of pregnancy/infant forum.
Those people are assholes. There is some good info buried in there, but most of what little of it I have read is women being judgemental and hateful to one another.
My wife asked what the other women thought about the name we picked for our girl and a lot of the replies were downright nasty.
women being judgemental and hateful to one another
Shocked, I am.
little of it I have read is women being judgemental and hateful to one another.
But I thought womyn were always sweet things, nay, innocent bystanders. Obviously teh patriarchy is to blame.
We may be a hive of scum and villany here, but all us Tulpas like each other fairly well. Mom forums are full of mean, virtue signaling, condescending moms. Even the most innocent question is met with venom and questions of your fitness to raise your child.
One day I’ll tell y’all the story of my interaction with the nurse charged with filling out the birth certificate for Liberty Ordeth Cranberry S——— as we were trying to get Banjos discharged so we could get home before the Ohio State – TTUN game (The 2012 one with the incredibly awesome ending!) kicked off.
So I know what your wife is experiencing.
Also, thanks to EDG reppin LBC and his lovely wife for making that Saturday the best Thanksgiving ever.
Yes. I have a disdain for my sex, for this reason. The problem is that since it’s socially validated for women to express their feelings, they do it a lot more often than men. And so when they are with each other, they do it a lot, even when it’s judge-y. Or they wait until you are gone to express their judgments to another. And that may eventually get back to you.
The Jordan Peterson clip about engaging with women is spot on. With men, there is indeed a clearly delineated escalation of anger.
We all know it and we know the course of action necessary *at each step* in order to deescalate or to become more aggressive, depending on the circumstances of the situation. You learn from a very young age–jungle gym age–how to navigate these difficult interactions. It does indeed keep things civil (until it doesn’t)
Women have never had to do this. I remember when my ex and I would fight. I would get so upset that I was worried about what I would do. So I would try to retreat to my own space to calm down and not do something stupid. She would repeatedly get in the way of this withdrawal.
Please, girls. Do. Not. Do. That.
Wow, that’s what my wife used to do; not so much any more. But yeah, that’s a real phenomenon, although I’ve always said you can tell among men who has never been in an actual fight by how they interact with people. Anybody who’s been on the receiving end of a good, solid ass-whoopin’ tends not to be so eager to get another one, so they’re usually a little more polite, and a little better at de-escalating conflict.
The worst are the breastfeeding militants. My son refused to latch as an infant, and while my wife used a pump for a while to bottlefeed with breast milk, her output dwindled to the point that he was mostly on formula by 6 months or so. The guilt trip the “lactation consultant” sent by the hospital put on her was infuriating. My son was our first child so my wife was already mired in self doubt, and then this woman haranguing her made her even more depressed.
First baby was in the NICU so I couldn’t breastfeed her. The next two refused to latch. I pumped as long as I could for all three but eventually went to formula. The breastfeeding Nazis can suck my ovaries.
“The failing NY Times Fake News story today about breast feeding must be called out. The U.S. strongly supports breast feeding but we don’t believe women should be denied access to formula. Many women need this option because of malnutrition and poverty.”
Mrs. Animal just never produced enough milk to sustain kids past the first few weeks. In ancient times, either her kids would have nursed on another woman or starved to death. In our time, they went on formula. They’re fine, healthy adults now. If the lactation-only crowd isn’t happy with that, then they can fuck right off.
Same, but I knew it would happen. G’ma’s milk never came in at all and she had 5. My mom’s milk never came in and she had 3. Mine didn’t come in. Not only that, but my kid #2 was on a milk-and-cereal shake within 6 weeks.
*formula, not milk-milk
Similar thing with us. Baby trshmnstr had a tongue tie and never really got the hang of breastfeeding. Mrs trshmnstr pumped until 6 months before giving it up.
When I was 8 I had to babysit my 2 year old brother more than a few times. I used to force feed the little prick (love ya, bro) peanut butter by the spoonful to get him to stop crying. Worked.
The sweet silence of Anaphylaxsis?
You should meet Casey Anthony I’m sure you both have a lot in common.
Dude, I was 8. 70’s rural Wisconsin parenting wasn’t up to Spock’s standards.
Wait is that a Anthony Jeselnik joke? I feel like that’s a joke he’d make.
“wasn’t up to Spock’s standards”
So you didn’t give your brother enemas at least.
That would illogical.
No mind-melds?
Parenting forums are a lot like health forums, everyone has an opinion as to what works specifically for them and is weirdly under the mentality that it should also work just as well for everyone else. They have varying degrees of condescending, self righteous, narcissistic assholery and have a complete disconnect in the concept that everyone is different.
Hell my 5, 4, and 3 year old have unique personalities. In effect, I parent each one a little differently and they are all siblings. The idea that there’s one right way to parent all children is laughable.
Before our first we had a glamorous viewpoint of parenting. We were going to do everything by the book. That went out the window the minute we got home from the hospital. Quickly realized, if you’re not killing them then you’re doing just fine as a parent.
Yup. Are they fed, (at least somewhat) clothed, safe from the elements, getting enough attention? Then you’re doing fine.
I think you have your finger on the nub of an idea there.
I’ve noticed that prospective parents are the most knowledgeable people on the planet. They just know everything about how you are doing it wrong.
Then come one child parents. Their little angel responds to something, so they are perfect parents. Around here I call them the “Boca Mom”, because there is a huge concentration of them in the Boca Raton area. Self-absorbed moms who think that they fart rainbows just because they have a kid. And their little angel is perfect and would never do (insert thing that all kids do at some point).
Yeah, come see me when you have at least 3. They come out how they come out. You have one kid and it happens to be a sweet one and you think you are the world’s greatest parent. Yeah, no. They come out with the personality they are going to have. As a parent you can use that personality and mold them into being the best version of themselves that you can, but you basically are just trying not to screw it up… because that’s really the only power you have. They have the potential to be X from birth… the only thing you can do is screw it up and they become less than X.
Anyone with more than one kid knows this. You have the bossy one, or the shy one, or the sweet one… they all have great possibilities, but they are all different. And some are definitely much more difficult than others.
We just went through the process of picking middle schools for our oldest. One of the magnet schools here does everything on a “project” basis. It is a Montessori school and they make projects for all of their lessons. So we crossed that off the list. One of our friends picked it — their daughter loves projects and does them all on her own without any help or prompting. Talk about a round peg in a round hole! Our son actually joked about parents not finding out about that big project until the night before it was due during his speech at 5th grade graduation (yeah, that’s actually a thing).
So yeah, I gotta agree. The idea that there is one way to parent is laughable. Hell, it isn’t even true for just one kid. You have to adapt all the time.
I’m the oldest of five kids. When we had our first, the little fucker wouldn’t sleep. Mom was over one day when the little guy was refusing to nap.
Mom: “Flip him onto his tummy.”
Me: “No way, mom. SIDZZZ!!”
Mom: “Five kids. All of you slept on your stomachs. Flip him over.”
Me (sleep deprived): *flip*
New parents know shit.
*next doctors visit*
“So, is he sleeping on his back?”
“Yes.” (though really it should be “fuck off slaver”)
Do you get those questionnaires too?
We get a whole SAT worth of questions – although they’ve changed the one about gun ownership a few times.
Went to a family reunion when my oldest daughter was about a year old. August at the old family farm in eastern Iowa, 95 degrees, 90% humidity, and my grandmother scolded me for “not covering that baby’s head. She’ll catch cold!” I protested, pointing out the heat, and got a ten-minute lecture about how she raised six kids during the Depression, and don’t tell her about what babies need and don’t need, while my Mom smirked at me in the background.
Now, Grandma was born in 1901, so she was of a different time. But she knew babies!
(We bought the baby a pretty gingham sunbonnet and made sure we had it handy when we went to see Grandma after that.)
I never found any Mommy Blogs (wasn’t looking for advice). Every once in a while I’d run into a busybody, and I’d give them the Fuck Off Slaver death glare. I have the women I sparsely hang out with (women from church) well enough to know they probably won’t like whatever I have to say if they get too preachy, judgey, and/or “helpful.” Fortunately, they seem to all be relatively decent people who would not generally do that, but my interest in whether they are or not begins and ends with me.
My wife is on several forums. Plenty of venom, also plenty of stupidity to go around. Some of the questions asked by women make me question my libertarian viewpoint on life… Maybe forced sterilization isn’t such a bad thing.
George Washington Carver?
Hitler’s Mom?
Eva Braun’s mom?
Kavanaugh appears to be a squish on well… pretty much everything.
Potential Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Has A Troubling Record On Religious Liberty
I had another link but the system is trained to think it’s spam now because I posted it too quick.
Good God. If offended observer becomes good enough for standing at the supreme court, we are gonna need more justices.
“Offended Observer” lawfare is how the freedom from religion athists have been operating for decades. While I agree they should be laughed out of court for these suits (no, displaying the ten comandments is not violating the establishment clause) it is not a deviation from the status quo. Whether or not that is an issue is up to the individual to judge the judge.
How Potential SCOTUS Pick Brett Kavanaugh Wrote A Roadmap For Saving Obamacare
Ahh, there it worked.
That’s a lot of words used to say that Kavanaugh ruled on technicalities the way the writer opposes.
And if we have courts that allow people to successfully sue over psychological pain, then why wouldn’t they be enough reason to have standing? Sorry, but you can’t have it both ways. Kavanaugh ruled correctly on that one technical aspect of whether to give standing or not.
Meh, it sounds as if his approach on the standing issue was unorthodox and not shared by the majority in the case. I think there’s also arguably important differences between claims for damages in civil court based on pain and suffering and giving offended observers standing to bring lawsuits. In the former case, psychological pain and suffering may be a component of damages for some other tort – you generally can’t sue for psychological pain and suffering with no other basis, I don’t think.
If you can, I’m suing just about everyone. Because they are all idiots.
Now get off my lawn!
No, its not at all unorthodox. It has a lot of precedent. What he wrote in Newdow v. Roberts actually says the following. You may not like it, but not unorthodox. Pro-tip, don’t get legal analysis from popular political media (with a few exceptions).
Perhaps I’m misreading the ruling (IANAL), but it appears to me that the majority opinion actually rejected the plaintiffs appeal due to both mootness and lack of standing, while Kavanaugh’s concurrence argues that the plaintiffs do indeed have standing, but rejects their appeal on the merits (which the full court did not consider). Perhaps “unorthodox” is not the perfect description, but the rest of the court did not share his interpretation of the precedents cited.
Its not unorthodox at all. You should actually read Newdow v. Roberts, instead of the partisan hack telling you that “Kavanaugh’s opinion stands for the proposition (although he doesn’t use these words)” aka making up bullshit to rabble rouse the base.
Not a fan of Kavanaugh but we still have Darth Bader’s
retirementtimely demise to look forward to. (I’m not wishing her dead…she’s already there they are just pulling the Weekend at Bernie’s routine to save the seat)There is no such thing as not giving the cops a reason to pull you over.
True, but cops (like most dumb animals) will generally take the easier path. Driving around with a giant pot leaf sticker on your car, while blaring Fuck the Police is more likely to get you pulled over then going 10 miles over the speed limit. There’s a reason I’m curious as to the thought process of people who put brewery stickers all over their car, those belong on kegs, keezers, brewing equipment, and luggage.
I have no bumper stickers, drive a boring-looking mid-level car, and am at either the speed limit (when in an unfamiliar jurisdiction), five over (most of New York), or the prevailing traffic speed (when there’s too many cars around to go your own pace either above or below the limit).
I have never been pulled over.
What kind of libertarian has never been pulled over? Heck, I bet you’ve never even shot anyone…
I’m not a libertarian. I’m a conservative.
Well there ya go.
Someone get this guy some bath salts and an assault rifle….
Yeah… I had a not-so-clever friend who – back in the day – drove around in an ancient Buick Apollo that he inherited from his grandmother. And on the rear quarter window he attached a magic mushroom sticker. He also had long hippie hair. And he wondered why the police liked to hassle him.
The biggest drug dealer I knew drove a newer sedan, and dressed like a preppie. He never got arrested or hassled by the police.
I rarely get pulled over. I think 2 times in the past 8 or so years. Both times were for made up reasons and there isn’t a damn thing in the world I can do about it. I drive a decent looking 4 door car and obey traffic laws. It doesn’t matter. A cop pulls over anyone he wants to. Period.
And then they call the furry, four-legged probable cause generator so they can search your car if they feel like it, too.
I would guess age, and non-standard driving times. It’s been over 10 years since I’ve last gotten pulled over. There was even a portion of that time I still had long hair. I had a friend back in the day who got pulled over for making a right turn on red, at an intersection it was legal in. The cop gave him a ticket, and he had to go to court three times to fight it. Too many people have yet to learn that the cops are not your friend.
Unless you want your dog shot
>>President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to there Supreme Court.
Is this the end of the world? Or was that W’s re-election?
I do give the left a not-so-hearty applause for fighting non-stop, against all odds and keeping the base continually riled up in a state of anger. Truly amazing, and I can’t imagine falling for it every time. Must be tiring.
The world ended back when devos and pai were installed. We’ve been living in a post apocalyptic wasteland ever since.
And yet I’d get in trouble if I lobbed mini nukes in a firefight with ‘raiders’ downtown.
It’s practically anarchy out there. Do as you wish.
Just wait until Ginsburg croaks. You ain’t seen “apocalyptic wasteland” yet.
Someone should do a compilation of the “red meat democrats” shouting “this is the most important XXXX of our lifetime!”
Chuck Shumer was all over the tube doing that schtick last night, just as he is with every issue that comes up.
OT: So WRAL is my local news place. The organ story is the third link to WRAL in a month. I wonder what they do to make them show up in Sloopy’s links searches
I have a system that I dare not disclose for fear I might be cast aside for someone less combative.
Tard Tuesday: Civility, Shmivility
I don’t want to hit my wife, but the bitch keeps making me do it.
the Republican Party organizes government to recognize only its ideology as legitimate, systematically assaults Democratic constituents
Projection, it’s what’s for dinner!
“only means of saving democracy is to jettison the civility and standards that lay at its foundations”
The old “we have to destroy it to save it” argument.
“The former view ― seeing empathy, reciprocity and mutual respect as ends in and of themselves rather than tools of consensus and understanding”
Literally saying “we only value civility when everyone agrees with us”
TL/DR: We’re gonna burn this motherfucker down because we didn’t get our way in an election we thought we’d rigged. .
These idiots are going to be in for a rude awakening when they finally push too far and get a backlash from the right, who are generally going to be much better at violence than they are.
Its weird how harassing people they don’t like is always descending on the Right and landing on the Left.
Sorry to go OT so early, but this story got me pretty pissed off. I had trouble getting terribly upset about the whole Red Hen incident. It’s a private business and they can serve or not serve whoever they want (And I’ll decide whether I choose to give them my business or not.). What Reines is doing is a whole different ballgame. He’s trying to set a mob on a business owner whose only “crime” is not giving his mob free rein to harass the business’s paying customers. I’ve heard the left increasingly say, there aren’t any neutrals. Your either with them or against them. Well, if those are your ground rules, I’ll side with Trump over a gang of thugs looking to target the innocent.
The former Clinton adviser also claimed his late night tweet wasn’t meant to encourage harassment of the storeowner.
That so blatantly untrue, I can’t even snark it.
Look, he just gave out the guy’s personal contact info as a public service. What people chose to do at that point is up to them.
Just like when everyone in Hollywood was posting addresses for George Zimmerman, it is a public service.
Now if some anonymous internet comment suggests that people should find a woodchipper….. that’s a serious threat that requires action from the FBI!
““I presented facts [without] encouraging any behavior.”
So it would be OK if I posted details of Reines daily routine, along with how to build a Remington 700 to hit man-sized targets at a distance? Those are just facts.
That peanut butter story is priceless. Oh, and you stupid mothers out there?
No. Fucking. Way.
My boy took a peanut butter sandwich to school with him nearly everyday of kindergarten. The peanut allergy thing is not prevalent around here. Also, our kids play in the dirt.
Also, our kids play in the dirt.
One of the healthiest things they can do. Quick sterilizing everything and watch how strong they get!!
One of the reasons allergies are more prevalent among children is the lack of early childhood infections. The immune system never properly calibrates and reacts inappropriately to foreign proteins that are not actually pathogens.
And parasites in particular, apparently.
There was a series of articles a few years back about periodic hookworm infections controlling Chrone’s disease. I don’t know where that went, but it worked for at least one dude. He kept going over to China to infect himself every couple of years, and the symptoms went away.
(google search)
apparently they’ve moved on to more serious study and are actually offering it as a therapy in several immune system related disorders.
Quick sterilizing everything and watch how strong they get!!
Walk thru autoclave in your house?
To be fair to mothers, the studies have flipped on weather or not to do so.
“Boston is considering making citizenship meaningless. I can’t possibly see how this could have negative consequences (for Team Blue anyway).”
This is a surefire way to increase the expenses of voting. First you have to ensure that non citizens can only vote in local elections. That means a seperated ballot just for them. Then you have to track and ensure that they aren’t getting a wrong ballot. Other I’d think the other states and Fed Gov could have a case against boston/Massachusetts.
They’re just going to give everyone the same ballot and go “Do you pinkey-swear to only vote in those elections you’re eligable to?” and then can’t check because it’s a secret ballot.
You know who else had a purple thumb? (Vague enough for you?)
Mose Shrute?
And Matt Welch will scream “Voter Fraud is unpossible! It NEVER happens”
“There is no evidence of voter fraud!”
Has anyone ever actually done a serious, comprehensive investigation to identify voter fraud?
“There is no evidence of voter fraud!”
Senator Al Franken.
Half the Senators and Governors of Washington State the past 10 years…
I still can’t figure out that one. As far as I can tell, they blatantly manufactured votes and stole that election. But nothing ever came of it… so maybe not?
Who knows.
I do know that WSB 2 in Atlanta had Cynthia McKinney (D) on video tape busing the same voters to multiple polling stations and a group of her staffers locked a republican poll watcher in a closet as they brought in their group after the polls closed and let them vote (or do whatever) for an hour.
That didn’t even make the national news, and it was on video (at least the parts that were in public).
When you have control of the propaganda machine, maybe you can get a way with a lot more stuff than you might imagine?
I have oft wondered what would happen should we manage to actually stamp out voter fraud. How many locked-in electorates would become compeditive? How many would flip?
Celtics Fan Remembered At Funeral By Playing NBA2K In Kyrie Irving Jersey
That’s one way to do it.
That’s the stupidest shit ever.
Everybody knows Xbox One was the better platform for sports games.
Also, I had no idea Sports Illistrated was still around.
Longtime Celtic Kyrie Irving?
Couldn’t get some Bill Russell threads or a Dennis Johnson kit?
5-month-old baby rescued after being left partially buried on Montana mountain for at least 9 hours
Yeah, he looks like a reliable babysitter…
Nice story, though.
Good thing STEVE SMITH cuts babies some slack.
Tard Tuesday: If Only Trump Would Start Unnecessary Wars or Try to Pack the Court, It Would Be So Much Better
If Only Trump Would Start Unnecessary Wars or Try to Pack the Court, It Would Be So Much Better
Oddly, that’s precisely true. It would, in their eyes. That’s why I find it hard to muster much more than a dull, dismissive contempt for what these “scholars” have to say. Their only measure of a president’s “greatness” is the extent to which he pushes the ball toward more government power and more presidential power within that government. These are statist toadies masquerading as academics.
Yeah, the academics have a hard-on for executives who give lip service to liberal politics but vastly expand executive powers. Which is part of why they loved Obama so much. They’re salivating for a “benevolent” dictator.
For some reason, presidents who prosecute the most destructive wars in history are held up as great (FDR, lincoln) while the presidents who leave people alone and preside over economic prosperity (Coolidge) are ignored.
The irony is that a theoretically perfect executive would wind up looking a lot more like Coolidge than the others. He’d resolve problems before they became problems. He’d have no great political victories because he’d have established consensus for his policies. From the outside, it would look like he was a “do-nothing” president who just happened to preside in good times.
After the next GOP president he’ll move up a spot.
Yep – Another 4-8 years after Trump dies or leaves the office, he will be declared one of the “good Republicans.”
“I never thought I would miss Trump, until the GOP gave us this new candidate who is literally Hitler.”
Every. Fucking. Time.
This is why we need to double life expectancy. Then we can raise the voting age to 35. Maybe 40. It takes about 30 years of adulthood to really see the patterns play out enough times to really understand them.
Of course we’d also have to raise the age for military service. Which might not be a bad thing. Hard to go to war with a bunch of 40 year old warriors, even if they are in the prime of health. People who aren’t adolescent tend to tell you to go screw yourself when you order them to charge a machine gun nest, or blow up a house with a bunch of kids in it.
“My husband was arrested a few hours ago over the window tint of our vehicle!”
Judging people by the tint of their windows. Welcome to Trump’s America.
According to the article he was arrested for outstanding warrants and resisting arrest.
Truth doesn’t pay as well.
Another of those random “wake up at 3:45, flip and flop around the bed for 45 minutes, and turn on the teevee” mornings. Usually, if I turn on teh Bloomberg news, the tedious droning will put me back to sleep. Not today. They had Jeffrey Sachs on; it’s nice of them (I guess) to provide a drooling, rambling crazy person a soapbox from which to spew his nonsensical TDS ravings. I wonder where he parks his shopping cart filled with rags and bottles. Why aren’t we focused on sustainability? Trump. Why are we killing the planet? Trump. Why are we stealing from the poor to give to the rich? Trump. Ad nauseum.
Also- Kavanaugh is a right wing anti-regulation ideologue who will drive the Court farther to the right than ever in history. We’ll all die from food poisoning and pollution, if industrial accidents and plane crashes don’t get us first.
The repeal of net neutrality killed me a few months back.
You too? Ever since NN, Comcast has been raping my dog and murdering my kids.
Thankfully, they’re so inept that both dog and kids are fine.
At least it’s not the other way around.
That’s why we have police.
Comcast is so bad, I was accosted by their reps at two different stores during a shopping run yesterday. They kept wanting to offer me a better deal on my cable and internet service.
We are all Zombie Tulpa.
They had a really good one on CNN last night. I left before they got to the discussion, but the setup was: “Trump began the horrible policy of separating kids from their families. Then, when public outrage forced him to change course, he issued an executive order that isn’t worth the paper it is written on reversing the policy. Nothing changed. And now, in many ways things are worse than they were before.”
This was the topic their panel was to discuss. They were going to deal with “the truth” that people aren’t willing to face.
He turned to his first guest and asked “can you find anything wrong with any of what I just said?” I didn’t stay around for the response.
Unlike most millennials, Norway’s are rich
[SPOILER]It’s because of all the socialism[/SPOILER]
>>allowing many people to claim around 60% of their previous salary for two years, w
damn – there’s a system that could be abused. I could do 60% of my salary for a year or so before starting a new job search. Rinse, repeat.
It works while your population is 100% Norwegian with the remnants of a Christian work-ethic and you have a ton of North Sea oil revenue pouring in. Everything is still expensive as hell.
As soon as you open the borders, it’ll stop working and people will game the system.
“Christian work ethic”? How about “a work ethic”?
Didn’t know the high work ethic Japanese were all that Christian. So, “work ethic” is not unique to Christianity.
The Norwegians might have been hard working before they converted too.
The Calvinistic notion of work as a religious exercise and prosperity as the physical manifestation of God’s selection of the elect is certainly unique, although abusing people’s guilt to squeeze more labor out of them is a time honored tradition across all cultures.
Norway was not Calvinist.
That was a Dutch/Swiss thing.
“That was a Dutch/Swiss thing.”
Also kinda of a big deal in England and Scotland…. And America…
Norwegians are mainly Lutherans if I recall, so not quite on the Calvinist spectrum but still stolid reformed ethic.
That said, the “Christian work ethic” thing bugs me too.
I didn’t meant to imply it was, just saying that Calvin’s notions about labor and material prosperity as a proxy for salvation is the only real uniquely Christian work ethic. Which is why it’s usually referred to as the “protestant work ethic” (even though not all protestants are Calvinists). Like a lot of Christian concepts in the Western world, it seeped thoroughly into the secular culture that displaced it.
Before they converted, Norwegians had Thralls and Irish slaves.
Umm. Sure. And if the US had a population the size of New Jersey and a sovereign wealth fund the size of Alaska….
“The country with a giant trust-fund has a lot of money to throw around!”
If Norway were a family, the same people would be screeching about how they don’t pay their fair share and should be robbed at gunpoint.
Oh don’t worry, they already got that covered.
“This isn’t about the size of the country, this is about how much resources you’re willing to invest in it… Norway perceives this to be a central priority, and it should be”
It is about size. The US has about 60x the pop but not 60x the GDP. We also dont confiscate the same share of GDP from our economy, and have a country whos geographic size scandanavians quite frankly don’t comprehend. We are also culturally differet and diverse.
We are also culturally differet and diverse.
Wait, you mean something that seems to work out okay in a country filled with 5 million Norwegians might not work in a country filled with 330 million demographically diverse people?
Mrs. Suderman had a decent column about that recently, about how Denmark’s system is wonderful but had the major drawback of requiring a country that was almost all Danes in order to work.
Actually, Norway’s population is only about half the size of New Jersey’s, so even more so.
Just wait.
Oh, and a two bedroom apartment and a beemer isn’t ‘rich’.
Socialism is great. Until you run out of other people’s money.
Or North Sea oil.
>>The Hat and Hair may soon have company
Hair vs Hair, the Tendrils of Pain
Turns out there’s no truth that Ima Hogg had a sister named Ura. Sad. Hard to imagine why she never married.
That story on using mitochondria to repair damaged organ tissue is really cool. That could really be a game changer for people who have had heart attacks.
before reading the article, my first thought was cirrhosis, but it reads as though it works on only recently-harmed cells.
TW: Scary Mommy
Trump Mocks #MeToo Survivors And It’s Exactly What We’re Used To
Never stick it in crazy? well…
#metoo, but my standards are what you’d call “forgiving”. The real question would be, “Would you ditch your boys to snuggle on a couch and watch movies but not bang,” and that answer is almost certainly “no”.
Duh. I am not talking about cuddling and having a conversation.
Based on that most-likely incredibly flattering photo, I would plow.
@Naptown: Also, you’re in Annapolis, yeah? I always thought Naptown was for Indianapolis. You can’t just take our nickname….
Neapolitans and Napoleons hardest hit.
(heck, Sleepy Mexicans too)
That’s a fat-hiding pose.
“Professional Freelance Writer (Watch out! I’m a professional.)”
“It’s Exactly What We’re Used To”
So overblown throwaway comment made to look like Mein Kampf?
Women are totally fierce and strong and every bit the equal of men who also are driven to tears by a metoo joke.
That jammed my gears, too. I won’t lie, I got a little verklempt reading the story about the baby with the repaired heart, but the idea that you’d cry because Donald Trump said something you don’t like is beyond infantile. Like, for real, are we talkin’ Asperger’s here?
courage of survivors of sexual harassment
Wait, what? “Survivors”? Is sexual harassment typically fatal? And exactly what’s courageous about going on with your life, now with some victim cred which is celebrated in our sick society, after someone was supposedly a douche toward you?
It’s sometimes fatal when STEVE SMITH does it.
Openly mocking the pain and courage of survivors of sexual harassment, assault, rape and violence is vile.
Openly mocking the pain and courage of survivors of sexual harassment, assault, rape and violence is exactly what you do when you draw a false equivalence between making lewd jokes and forcible rape. You’re the ones that turned the issue into a punchline. So fuck you.
But if they didn’t trivialize rape,hiw could they make women victims?
Rape them? The answer involves rape somehow, i know it.
Someone hasn’t hit their sammich making quota
Wise words there overlord…
President Trump has ranked as the worst president of all time in the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey released by Boise State University Monday. The poll ranks “presidential greatness,” since the first POTUS.
The survey was conducted among 170 current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association. The group is comprised of scholars dedicated to studying the American presidency.</em.
Yeah, okay.
It’s a very revealing survey, but it reflects more about the 170 current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association than the purported subject.
So I’m listening to The Last Podcast on the Left (best. podcast. ever.) and they’re talking about the Men in Black. Repeatedly mentioned is the idea of a “tulpa,” which I had never heard of outside of the We Are All Tulpa inside joke here:
“A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you.”
Is…this where that comes from? Because..that definition kinda makes beautiful sense when used in Glib context. My mind—– blooooooown.
What makes it even funnier is I don’t think the original commenter even knew about that concept and created the name by concatinating unrelated crap.
Yes, that is where it comes from.
Whatever, Tulpa.
And UCS—“concatenate.” Well, I learned a word today. I love when that still happens. Language–you so craaazy.
function make_string has a sad
Yeah, i was taken aback by that. How could you grow up in the computer era and not come across concatenate at some point?
Meh… then again, my wife has been using computers since windows 3.11 came out when she was in middle school and she still answers the question “where did you save that document you think you lost?” with “In Word.”
I….have absolutely no idea what anyone is talking about.
I have ZERO knowledge of coding, despite my brother being a computer programmer with his own business and insane work ethic. He makes things!
The family’s first computer was in 1995 running Windows 3.1. I was 8. About the next year I had discovered pornography and very much didn’t understand it. I just knew that I liked what I saw. There were a lot of Gillian Anderson fakes to take in.
No joke–my go-to porn site was Truly, what a time to go through puberty.
Techy people have a bubble they reside in that is as prevasive as the political bubbles, but less visible. The base levels of jargon commonly understood within it are totally foreign to those without, but because of the number of end users on technical platforms these days, there is a mistaken assumption that much of the world understands more of the tech than they do.
When I got into computers in the late 70s/early 80s, my parents wanted nothing to do with ’em. The old man finally had to use a computer at his job some time in the mid-80s, but, as far as I could tell, had one of his two secretaries do the work. My mom? No computer use in her part-time job as far as I know.
Now that they’re retired 70-somethingers? Dad is trading stocks on the PC. Mom is addicted to the iPad – constantly on FB and posting horrible derpy Democratic talking points.
I used to do document creation for a credit union, converting paper copy membership and loan application to interactive PDFs that imported data from member accounts. The first time I uploaded a file for use I changed the name because it seemed undescriptive. An hour later the head of IT came down to bitch me out about proper filename concatenation. I just nodded dumbly and looked the word up after he left.
In my defense, it’s not like they trained me for it. IT dumped the manual on me ‘cuz they were sick of doing it and it was tangentially related to what I did.
That’s what Tulpa would say.
::hides behind shrubbery::
My Tulpa is the title of a decent song by Magazine.
On tumblr they are called “headmates”.
In real life they’re called loonies.
My first encounter with the tulpa concept outside this circle was on Adventure Time.
I won’t be doing a weekly article this fall, I couldnt keep it up last year.
But I do have one article I need to write and submit in the next 7 weeks.
I promise everyone will hate it.
>> I couldnt keep it up last year
There’s a pill for that. No shame.
“I promise everyone will hate it.”
Ive been waiting for the conclusion to SLT article.
This is entirely unrelated. I have many views that people hate. It is my 2nd rule of libertarianism after all.
This however will be my 2nd gedankenexperiment article.
My team has been horrible for about 6 years and things aren’t looking any better this year. I really like college football, but man has it been painful to watch since 2012.
My team has won 14 games per 2 year period for the last 8 years. We start a new period this year, so anything is possible. But 2019 will be determined by this year’s results, apparently. I fear what would happen if we went 15-0.
2010-11 6-7, 8-5
2012-13 7-7, 7-6
2014-15 11-3, 3-9
1016-17 9-4, 5-6
I’d take that. Our coach got caught fucking an intern and wrecked his motorcycle in 2012. It’s been all downhill since then.
We got a new one this year. We will see how things go. At least Bielema is gone now. That guy was embarrassing.
Your coach has been successful at two schools since the cycle wreck. Maybe you shouldn’t be so picky.
I think the nuts of the deal was that he hired that girl he was fucking. If the admin would have kept him, it would have opened them up to all kinds of lawsuits from anyone else who applied for that job. We kinda had no choice.
I get your larger point though.
Oh, I know, he had to be fired. And I can’t believe Louisville rehired him.
It could be worse. You could be a Virginia fan.
Your team still running that triple option? Good luck with that.
I hope we hire Monken from Army and continue running it after Johnson retires.
The highs are higher than when we ran a more traditional offense.
**1990 exception, of course. But if we could get a pair of coordinators like O’Leary and Friedgen, we could run something different — and with Friedgen we ran a lot of option, just mixed in with other stuff.
I like that GT still runs the triple option. It makes them fun to watch and gives opposing teams a giant pain in the ass. If they could recruit 4 and 5 star players they’d be better off going spread or pro style, but with the talent they get the triple option is a good choice.
Exactly. We have had **one** 5-star recruit since the beginning of the on-line recruiting sites era…Calvin Johnson. And despite running a more standard offense, he was still being thrown to by Reggie Ball.
Of course, that allowed him to show off just how good he was, as he caught balls that were thrown into different zip codes than him.
“…gives opposing teams a giant pain in the ass”
For the first quarter and a half. And then all the defensive players remember it is the same offense they played against in high school, and they shut it down. Coaches remind/yell at guys to stay in their lanes, don’t over pursue, tackle the guy with the ball.
“For the first quarter and a half.”
I completely disagree. Tons of coaches have talked about what a pain in the ass it is to shift practice for a whole week to focus on the option attack and then go back to their regular D afterwards.
Most college players these days come from spread offense high schools so they’ve never really encountered the triple option before.
The reason GT eventually gets it’s ass kicked in the second half is largely due to the fact that they have a shallow bench and mostly inferior players.
If those 3 star players went out and played a spread, then they would likely be blown out right off the bat.
Actually, we would probably go 7-6 like we did every year with Gailey.
But the point stands.
There is also a noticeable “next week” effect. Often we “beat teams twice”, they lose to us and then lose the next week too, more often than expected.
Actually, the 3rd quarter seems to be our sweet spot. Here is an extreme example:
My team is gonna be a-ok this year, I think. I love JTB4, but he wasn’t reliable. This QB/backfield combo should be off the chain. Just hope our weak side OL is better than it’s been the last couple seasons.
Also, fuck Michigan.
My guys will do our level best to make sure he gets second runner up in the division again.
He being Jimmy “Take the team to Rome or Paris instead of working on ball control” Harbaugh, of course.
Tard Tuesday: No Blinders On Us Edition
Left wing rage also gave us the Nazis, the Bolshevik revolution, and Mao. And the KKK was founded by Democrats.
The 1st KKK was but they died out in 1872. They didn’t wear white robes or burn crosses. The 2nd KKK started up in 1915 thanks to Birth of a Nation and added in the white robes and cross burning because that was part of the movie. This iteration was very much bipartisan. It even included a large number of “progressives”
Anf the unabomber, Fort Dix plot, and the KKK.
Also i love how the left claims responsibility for things that were already happening. “We made the weekend!” “We made the internet ” “we made smartphones”.
The Pol Pot calling the kettle black.
A co-worker has the chance to pull a rare double: His home country can win the World Cup and he can become a US citizen the same week. He is Belgian and his swearing in is a few days after the finals. He wanted his first act as an American to be buying another gun, but his wife vetoed it.
“first act as an American to be buying another gun, but his wife vetoed it.”
Kowtow to the wife? Just another imported dem voter.
There are Dem voters in KY?
Sorry fogot to add the /sarc tag
He’ll fit right in here!
Dude, that’s why you get the roomy gun cabinet. Then you buy a gun and stick it in there without saying anything. If and when the wife notices and asks, you say, “Oh, no, I got that a while ago. I been had that gun, girl!” Hell, my wife is probably two more purchases away from believing that guns will reproduce if left in a dark, dry space long enough.
Only if not properly segregated.
Also some guns are bullies, keep them away from the other guns.
guns will reproduce if left in a dark, dry space long enough
If properly oiled, yes, and ITYKWIM by properly, rawr!
Lawyer for Maine teacher says sex accusations are ‘teen fantasies’
I wager she’ll take a plea deal if the evidence doesn’t get excluded. I also wager that the intercourse happened.
Gonna need at least an upper half body shot to score this one
“gross sexual assault,”
How do they know?
young teacher, the subject of school
girlboy fantasy…“Fantasy”? Come on, now, Jill.
Jill The Mountain, sounds super hot.
Shocking music selection today. I was ready for some Pet Shop Boys or Greg Kihn Band. I was already humming Our Loves in Jeopardy…
Now I am humming it too.
…Baby…. ooohhh….
I prefer this version.
Knew what it was going to be before clicking the link. Ahhh, those days.
Thanks. I desperately needed to get Starship’s shitty Mannequin theme song out of my head.
Wasn’t Dublin founded by the Vikings as an export port for their Irish slaves? Talk about white privilege.
A world so crazy, The Onion must lay off satirists
“Smells Like Splattered Brains” is still my all-time favorite.
It was print edition era. I lived in Madison when Cobain offed himself.
That’s a pretty good one, but I don’t think anything could ever top this:
Don’t let anyone tell you that this development has anything to do with the staff unionizing.
Actually I think this has 100% to do with the new owners being douchebag leftist and the product of their new vision producing a lot of bullshit with no humorous value.
The one thing good (maybe not anymore) about The Onion was that it skewers both left and right.
Check out The Heath Ledger. We don’t have any union. Nor any staff, really. Heck, we haven’t updated it since January 2016!
“Boston has more than 190,000 foreign-born residents, which represents 28 percent of the city population.”
Wow. I would not have guessed that.
Colleges and everyone in IT.
Some of us IT folk are native-born.
*looks around room*
Like, almost half.
Looks around office, looks at team list in chat application. There are dozens of us! DOZENS!
There are a lot of foreigners there for medical tourism, for lack of a better term. Also, my BIL rents out a city condo to a nurse who lives in the suburbs but works so many hours that she would prefer to live in an apartment close to the hospital on the days she works because she could be pulling a 16-hour shift.
Artificial city boundaries.
The number changes if you use the MSA instead (which, yes, is artificial too, but at least has some data behind it).
Trump Supreme Court pick sets abortion battle in motion
Just like it was when Roberts, Alito and Gorsuch were nominated…
Nevermind that the issue has already been adjudicated and therefore has no basis for being heard again by SCOTUS. Then of course there’s this:
What is their big fear if Roe v. Wade gets overturned? That just means everyone gets to vote on it, don’t they like democracy?
But they might vote the wrong way! As things stand, their preferred policy has force of law, even if it is based on fabrications by the court.
It would just throw the whole thing back to the states. Some of which might ban it, some would do nothing, most would probably cap it around 20 weeks except for extreme health reasons.
They have no clue why they are outraged. Their grasp of the process seems tenuous at best.
On the other hand, they sure have the opposition thing down pat.
Even if the nominee is still a mystery.
Whatever it is, I’m against it!
I don’t care what you have to say,
It makes no difference anyway,
Whatever it is, I’m against it!
No matter what it is or who commenced it,
I’m against it!
“We can’t support both a football team and a college, so the decision is simple – tomorrow we start tearing down the college.”
“But Professor – where will the students sleep?”
“Where they’ve always slept – in the classroom”
Only when it satisfies their ends.
Truly, a woman’s right to kill her baby is the most pressing issue of our time.
What if Trump had nominated Chocolate Jesus himself?
“The City Council is considering ways to make city elections more inclusive.”
Are they frickin insane? What’s inclusivity got to do with being a citizen?
I don’t know why but this pisses me off to no end. These people would let a serial killer play along during one of those murder-mystery games.
“What’s citizenship got to do with voting?”
I angers you because they are purposely devaluing your citizenship.
Yeah, what good is it to Rufus to be Canukistani when he can go to Boston and vote there too!
It also exposes property owners and people with real jobs there to having their finances raided and destroyed by everyone who shows up looking for a free ride.
Sooooo, no change, then?
Most cities, even Boston, don’t want to chase away their big resident companies.
Exactly. So. No change.
Let me lay it out for you. In MA whoever wins the democratic primary wins the general. In fact, most years, my ballot has only one unopposed democrat running for each office.
The primary is where the action is, and the party is going to use the immigrant vote to help control who wins the primary. And, they are going to continue making the same corrupt choices they have been doing for decades.
Hence this doesn’t change a thing. It’s not worth one nanosecond of emotional consideration.
I’m sure Sardinians are pleased about having celebrities on their pristine island. That’s all they need. Derp invading its shores.
“Fonseca allegedly refused to exit the truck at the officer’s request and was forcibly removed, Adolph said. He now faces a new resisting arrest charge out of Fort Bend County in addition to the two city warrants.”
“Karen Fonseca posted a fundraiser page on GoFundMe on Sunday to raise $1,000 for her husband’s bond. As of Monday afternoon, $33 had been raised.”
“My husband was arrested a few hours ago over the window tint of our vehicle!” she posted in a blog on her website. “I have no transportation for the kids, my husband is in jail and I am facing unnecessary fees.”
Gee, something, something consequences to your behaviour. No shame these people.
“Controversy ensued on social media when Nehls threatened to arrest Karen Fonseca for disorderly conduct. She was later arrested on an outstanding 2015 Rosenberg warrant for alleged fraudulent possession or use of identifying information. She’s accused of using credit cards belonging to a person she lived with without permission.”
Fuck Trump! Fuck yeah!
Shouldn’t that be theft? Or did she fail to actually buy anything before getting caught, so no money was lost?
Her gofundme plea:
“My husband was JUST ARRESTED because of our window tint being 2 shades too dark. He was followed by 3 white police officers that were in our neighborhood due to an unrelated dispute. The police saw our truck, followed my husband some ways, and pulled him over about 7 miles from the house. My husband was told the window tiny was 2 shades too dark. He was then taken into custody for a 7 year old unpaid ticket. ALSO the police added a criminal charge to his unpaid ticket, RESISTING ARREST! They gave him resisting arrest because he was on the phone with me telling me to get the truck. He told the officers he is okay with me getting the truck. They said he was resisting, he said no Im just telling her where to come get the truck since she needs it for the kids. We have a handicap tag my son is permanently handicapped, I told this to the officer and he could have easily given me the keys for me to have transportation for my kids. Instead, now I am faced with $189.95 in towing fees and a $750 bond amount on his new “criminal” charge! The tickets he is able to pay off with money he has set aside. He is facing magristrate in the morning and his bond may be lowered, raised, or remain the same. We really need your help in getting him out and getting our truck back!”
A: what’s white got to do with it?
B: why should we trust her version of events when we know she was not on the scene?
C: If the local regs say the window tint is illegal, they’re not going to let you drive it either.
D: If he had the cash to pay the ticket, why didn’t he?
Sugarcoating it is not an option.
For the second time in three years, Boris Johnson, a politician whose ambition and superficial charm far outstrip his ability, judgment or principles, is destabilizing the British government and threatening the country’s future.
On Monday, Mr. Johnson, in protest against Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for Brexit, resigned from his post as foreign secretary. Now Mrs. May’s authority, longevity and ability to deliver a Brexit without causing an economic crisis are in question. But further political paralysis seems certain.
Britain is in this mess principally because the Brexiteers — led largely by Mr. Johnson — sold the country a series of lies in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union. They did so because neither Mr. Johnson nor his fellow leader of the Leave campaign, Michael Gove, intended, wanted or expected to win.
Monsters, one and all. How could they not love Brussells? Ruination. Treason. Anarchy!
Britain is in this mess principally because the Brexiteers — led largely by Mr. Johnson — sold the country a series of lies in the lead up to the June 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union.
And we will bring you those examples at a later date…
I thought Tony Blair already ruined the place.
“… a politician whose ambition and superficial charm far outstrip his ability, judgment or principles, is destabilizing…”
Guess who else this applies to! Hint: He smokes.
Joan of Arc?
I said ‘HE’.
Smoking hot Justin Trudeau?
The Marlboro Man?
You bastards are nothing but a bunch of petro-masculine shitlords
tl;dr version: I’m not strong enough to start the lawn mower on my own. Must be The Patriarchy’s fault.
::revs engine:: what? I can’t hear you!
They make electric lawnmowers. Hell, they make robot lawnmowers so you don’t even have to push it.
I bought an electric lawnmower this spring. Returned it because it didn’t have the oomph to cut dandelions (which is a considerable percentage of my lawn). Just sort of pushed them over, but the next morning they were all standing tall and proud again.
So I’m back on the gas mower band wagon. Which is too bad because everything else about the electric was awesome.
I have a tiny little 14 inch electric lawnmower for the margin between my sidewalk and the street. It’s a lot easier than using the weed whacker, and so far nothing that grows there has put up a challenge to it. It really depends on what you’re up against, and part of me is suspecting that the dandelions were not standing up (or being drawn up) into the blades when yours passed over, meaning there was a serious flaw in the design of that machine.
Because authoritarians didn’t exist before industrialization. Everyone knows that!
+1 “L’Etat, c’est moi.”
Let’s chug some diesel, beat up some brown people, and rape some women!
That author is surely patting themselves on the back for making up a new word.
Outside of co-opting an existing word and twisting it around 180 degrees, that is the pinnacle of grievance scholarship.
I never should have left college. Clearly they will buy into any invented bullshit anyone can dream up.
We should consider ourselves lucky to have such windmill-tilting enemies. Even under a watermelon-friendly administration, there’s no chance the watermelons would ever realize significant rollback of petroleum. The politics isn’t there, the economics isn’t there, and the physics certainly isn’t there. But the oil is still there, and will be for quite some time.
The picture of “Kavanaugh and family”, I can only assume Joe Biden was just off camera ready for a hug and a hair sniff of the girls?
Joe “Bad Touch” Biden
A quarter cup of coffee spilled on a desk is like the Exxon Valdez…
Planned Parenthood Federation of America released a statement titled “Senate Must Reject Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh” mere seconds after his name was spoken by the president. “There’s no way to sugarcoat it,” said Dawn Laguens, Planned Parenthood executive vice president. “With this nomination, the constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion in this country is on the line.”
And is there anybody in the universe who believes that press release wasn’t already written and waiting for the “search/replace” name insertion prior to hitting “send”?
And is there anybody in the universe who believes that press release wasn’t already written and waiting for the “search/replace” name insertion prior to hitting “send”?
Millions of rank and file proggies believe, I would wager.
I don’t think they believe it either.
They were just waiting with baited breath for their next opportunity for apoplexy. The latest thrill of outrage is the new addiction.
I saw one last night that was clearly prepared for Barrett to be nominated and referred to Kavanaugh as “her”.
It was the Minnesota DFA.
There was another one where the press release was accidentally issued before they could enter a name.
Then there were the signs manufactured to cover every possibility.
One comment was a picture of “The Most Interesting Man In the World” captioned: I don’t always nominate Supreme Court justices, but when I do, I prefer XX.
So, quick thoughts:
1. Kavanaugh: Less good than Kethledge would have been, better than Barrett or Hardiman, at least from a libertarian perspective.
2. The media is going with the “Kennedy promise” angle with no evidence behind it (I mentioned it yesterday as a sketchy rumor, because I’d seen one tweet mention the possibility after the list was updated in November)
3. The “he said that sitting Presidents shouldn’t be investigated/indicted/whatever!” thing is out of context. He said Congress has the power to investigate. He also did not say that the President should be able to stop the investigation.
4. The Women’s March put out a press release immediately following the announcement stating that they must oppose the nomination of “XX”, which is just hilarious.
5. Trump could have nominated Garland and he’d probably be getting the same reaction
6. No, Kavanaugh will likely not spell the end of Roe/Obergfell/whatever case they’re worried about.
7. I’m tired Robbie
8. I’m somewhat surprised it was him, because of the Bush connection.
9. There’s going to be a fight, but thanks to Harry Reid nuking the filibuster in ’13, he’s going to be confirmed in September, with a couple of red state Ds (like Manchin) voting to confirm.
10. hehe
“radical”=”reads the words of 2A”
Also, Scalias reasoning on 2A is flawed because it suggests limits on rights based on technological advance. Tech changes, rights do not.
The more retarded among the population (DU) believe that it was just another conspiracy from the beginning, that Kavanaugh was guaranteed the spot as part of a deal by Trump with Kennedy that involved his banker son and Russian money-laundering.
Ah yes. “A bank that Kennedy’s son works for made a loan (from a separate division, mind you) to Donald Trump Jr. This apparently, somehow, makes Kennedy indebted to Trump.”
I’m still trying to figure out why a billionaire (or whatever Trump is worth) would kow-tow to the Russians. All for the piss dossier or uh, even more money?
He just likes the thought of destroying the US while he masturbates. No other reason.
Uffda. This is a good test of 2A rights.
Here’s the thing – mere suspicion that the guy is a terrorist or has ISIS sympathies isn’t sufficient if he hasn’t actually gone and done anything. They raided his house – and clearly did not find anything actionable there. While I personally would not be happy with him armed, there is no actual cause to deny the right.
But, what about the precogs?!
Just gonna leave this here.
About the arrogance of new parents (yeah, Brooksing my own subthread)… my SIL had a meltdown and mini-crisis with mom several weeks ago which still goes unresolved, despite good reasons for both women to GTF over it and make amends. Now, I don’t defend mom in this–she’s prideful to the point of spiteful and often refuses to make even sensible accommodations. She’s terribly boneheaded. But SIL is a cranky (semi-) new mother who frequently overreacts, so even when it’s deserved her history of crying foul makes her easy to write off as histrionic. And when it is deserved, she gets ridiculous.
The story is this: mom takes care of the nephew on a weekly basis. SIL and brother spring him on her at a moment’s notice, which is normally fine, because mom adores this kid like little else. She’s had her falling outs with a couple of my siblings (boneheaded), so I’m sure her grandkid is tremendous psychic comfort to her. Well, during this particular unscheduled visit, mom had taken nephew to see a friend of hers. She was quite late getting home–eight or nine, a couple hours after SIL began calling her for pickup. Mom doesn’t own a cell phone, refuses to get one. (Boneheaded.) SIL, after a couple hours of calls going to the answering machine, had a breakdown. Stormed over to mom’s and waited for her to get home, then, hysterical (like, ugly mascara sobbing), laid into her. Harangued her, brought up bunches of unrelated complaints. Mom, get this, refused even to talk to her. (Boneheaded.) That lit up SIL, who swore nephew will never see his grandmother again.
So now, weeks later, SIL has to scramble to find childcare day-to-day to keep working her job, and mom, despite grandson being the light of her life, refuses to talk to her. No real point to any of this. Just exasperating.
Everyone in that story is acting stupidly. That’s all I got man.
Send them both a message: “Which is more important? Being right or being happy?”
What’s the difference?
I am going to be bold and suggest a more fitting musical selection for today.
“swill-maker Adolphus Busch”
My great-grandfather, a person I still benefit from financially, was one of the founders of Anheuser-Busch. To this day, I refuse to believe that the product a German beer-making immigrant made was anything like the crap they’re putting out now.
That limited edition beer that I can’t think of the name of that they put out for summer was being sampled at Total Wine last weekend when I was there buying a present for someone. Like I said, I don’t drink, but that little can’t hurt. It was actually pretty good.
Of course it wasn’t. I’ve read before that many breweries used the restart of brewing after Prohibition to change their formulas to be much cheaper, figuring that many people wouldn’t notice the difference since it had been some time since they could get real beer.
Is there anything Prohibition didn’t fuck up?
Mob finances?
Well, the menswear of the era was quite snazzy, so there’s that.
+1 Fedora
Has this been touched on yet?
Some of those exchanges are just priceless
“Perp was a black woman”
Well, that’s inconvenient.
“That old white-hispanic patriarch shouldn’t have gotten in the way of her building project!”
10h10 hours ago
Even the third world countries couldn’t comprehend our election”
Is this person indirectly saying third world people have low IQ?
The comments are breathless in their idiocy:
9h9 hours ago
Replying to @Flit4Ever25 @sima_jon9 and 2 others
Trump allowed soldiers to be killed in Niger and didn’t even acknowledge it for days, then offended the widow of one. And he gets a free pass? Hypocrisy.”
Like progs give a shit about the military or that servicemen were killed under Obama. And Trump has been overtly pro-military/law enforcement compared to Obama.
“Helen Noble
Replying to @LoriJSchaffer @Flit4Ever25
Let’s not forget the clusterflarp in Yemen either.
Either one alone would have been a huge scandal for any other administration. Trump is so incredibly corrupt and incompetent, it’s just business as usual for him.”
Riiiight. As opposed to Yemen not being a clusterflarp during the Obama years.
Not enough assassination of politicians in the US compared to the third world.
We can do anything we put our minds to!
Even with the beatdown….dude looks fucking incredibly for 92.
Would….hear stories from back in the day.
This article made me wonder… Has anyone heard from Old Mexican since TDS took over his brain?
There’s no way this isn’t a troll. NO. FUCKING. WAY.
You keep telling yourself that
Rather than consider these resentments separately, this article interrogates their relationship through the concept of petro-masculinity, which appreciates the historic role of fossil fuel systems in buttressing white patriarchal rule
I find the hysteria around nominating people to scotus who are ostensibly constructionists to be concerning. They are the only ones qualified, imo. Either the govt is allowed to do something or it is not and that is determined by the document that created the government. Actual activists judges like RBG (who I assume is being kept in an animated state via ‘weekend at Bernie’s’ style voodoo) are the ones to be concerned about.
But if the government is held strictly to the constitution, how will the left ever be able to implement their socialist utopia?!
According to my liberal SiL, they believe in a “Living Constitution”.
My reply: “Rules that change all the time aren’t rules at all.”
Whenever I hear that bullshit I like to ask them how they would like it if their mortgage was a “living document”, that could be re-interpreted by the bank whenever they saw fit?
Wanna play Calvin Ball?
Speaking of beer: I picked up some Guinness Blonde the other day. I liked it.
Attractive human females wearing adornments specifically designed to arouse. Even Mr. Lizard approves.
Any and all but especially 4, 11, 22, 24 and 48.
4 needs to get that melanoma checked.
I was literally just about to post about missing your T&A links and how it is ok bc I’m at the beach this week and there is plenty of real life T&A to look at.
Also, 31 & 48
Remember when your wife looked like #48? Neither do I.
One would hope she knows how to use those DSL.
Yikes! Lots of thicc today. No grazie.
I like lucky 13.
I’d think you’d want thicc to stay warm on those cold Minnesoda nights.
A: If she’s warm, she doesn’t need warming.
B: have you noticed how that body type is more tropical and equitorial than arctic?
16, 31
And enough with the tattoos already.
The ten point plan
“Marxist cheers authoritarian measures” is the “dog bites man” story of politics.
(See * below.)
That’s… what the asterisk is for. That’s, like, its only job.
I would say #7 should be close to a full point. How much of California, for example, would be a wasteland if not for the rest of the country subsidizing irrigation? And although “the” state may not be the best term, the amount of influence individual state employee pension plans have over publicly-traded companies is probably even worse as it THE PARTY more than “the state” having the influence and control.
The TVA, Lake Mead, the dam system on every major river through Texas.
The government very much is in control of most agricultural regions by reclamation of wastelands.* the electrical system and navigable waterway control are bonuses.
*”wastelands” may be a strong term, but much of that land was barely farmable or good pasture prior to government manipulation of waterways.
Still not going to happen.
Pants: shit.
Even if true, so fucking what?
Trump gets to pick his replacement regardless. He could have nominated Hulk Hogan.
If Ginsburg had done the same thing under Obama it would have been celebrated.
My gawd…the comments. I think I sprained my brain…
Wow. The chorus of agreement is . . . concerning.
Of course, there is zero basis for believing either (a) Kennedy cut a deal with Trump on his successor or (b) that no Justice has ever cut a deal on his successor. Its all just completely made up. Never mind any reason for thinking that such a deal could be enforced (once Kennedy announces his retirement, Trump can nominate whoever he wants). And, naturally, no analysis of why a Justice talking to the President about retirement and his successor would be ipso facto a Bad Thing. I mean, its not like Justices don’t have a rather unique position for evaluating lower court judges or anything.
The only Justice I know made a bargain with a presidential candidate to get an appointment did so for himself – Earl Warren.
How would this even work? The moment Kennedy retired, Trump would be free to nominate whoever the hell he wanted.
is this guy arguing that Justices are forbidden from retirement?
SCOTUS is like a gang, dude. Once you’re in, the only way out is in a body bag.
Why do you think they keep their arms covered by those robes? Full sleeve tats.
Your daily dose of “but it wasn’t true socialism!”:
Shopping carts now have internet.
The opening sentence:
There have been many things the WaPo reported on that were later disproven entirely and never retracted. The simple fact that it appeared in the WaPo is meaningless other than it might actually be less reliable a report than most.
Try applying the rule that as soon as an organization lies to you, you stop reading their output.
I did, and at this point, I have 0 news sources left.
The glibs have never lied to me.
They told me it was going to hurt, it did.
The women from my links would swoon and drop their panties at the mere sight of you.
The girls would turn the color of an avocado when he’d drive down the street in his Eldorado
Nobody ever called Scruffy Nerfherder an asshole…
And girls could not resist his stare.
WaPo is probably the worst of the legacy dead-tree publications when it comes to just making stuff up. They have so many “unnamed sources” or “individuals familiar with the situation” that they might as well be using a Ouija board to write their stories.
NYT sucks and is totally partisan, but they seem to have at least an iota of integrity when it comes to retracting their blatant falsehoods, even if the retraction appears on page 27 a week later. WaPo doesn’t even bother anymore; it’s become the bastard child of InfoWars and the National Enquirer.
Along those lines
That article is pretty interesting if completely unsurprising. The upshot is that they’ve been crying wolf so loudly, for so long and in such an unhinged fashion, that I don’t really know anyone outside of rabid Dem partisans who actually believe any of it. I think the general public as moved on from the “Russia collusion” narrative and those peddling it have been reduced to yelling at clouds.
They’ve used the “literally Hitler” line so many times in the past few decades they really have nothing left. What’s after that? Uber-Hitler?
Hitler Squared
Evil Hitler?
Hmm…maybe not.
The fact that they go after fellow travelers like Greenwald as furiously as (if not more than) their political opponents, tells me that it really is all about power. The truth does not matter one whit.
OMG STEVE SMITH joined the Tweeters! Dying. And by dying mean…
Can confirm.
re: Kavanaugh
I can easily see Kennedy (or any SCOTUS justice) being sufficiently egomaniacal and power-mad as to believe he should have the power to name his successor, especially as a means to “safeguard his legacy”.
I believe Kennedy is more egotistical than most, but I may be sorely mistaken in that belief.
I was telling Mr. Mojeaux last night that I don’t care about Roe v Wade because I think SCOTUS has moved on. They have better things to think about and they probably don’t care about it, either. But I’m at the point that I want them to seriously look at overturning it just so I can watch the fireworks and cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West. “I’ll get you, my pretty! And your little law, too!”
Did that get a rise out of Mr. Mojeaux?
I’ll see myself out.
Sadly, no. My cackle is a boner-killer.
hah…no, I was making a lame Jim Morrison reference – Mr. Mojo Rising
I didn’t make the connection. I don’t “hear” words in my head so how they’re spelled is very concrete for me. You know how people read words they never hear, they know what they mean, can use them properly in a sentence, but they pronounce them wrong? That’s me.
tl;dr You are absolved.
You mean it’s not Mo Gee Aux?
I thought it was…
The most mendacious thing the Left is screeching about today is how if Roe is overturned (an extremely unlikely occurrence IMO), that abortion in all cases would instantly become illegal. No dipshits, it would return to the states just as the 10th Amendment prescribes (and all the hypocritical dick nozzles would suddenly discover a newfound reverence for that amendment, which they have repeatedly used to wipe their asses for decades).
This morning I saw a tweet that I can’t tell if it’s parody or not, to the effect that not only will RvW be overturned, but that ALL contraception would be banned. So the fact that I can’t tell if it’s parody is little better than the idea that SCOTUS could ban all contraception (srsly?), particularly when it’s Republicans trying to get birth control pills sold over the counter, and Dems are vehemently blocking it from happening.
I’m actually curious what happened to that effort.
Big Pharma took a few Congressholes aside and, err, explained things to them, I am sure.
It is my suspicion that TRUE easy access to birth control would negate Planned Parenthood’s ostensible purpose, thereby killing its defunding.
Also, prog women believe that their lessers are not smart enough to choose their own formulation without a yearly doctor visit.
The real reason oral contraception is currently so difficult to get is that you have to see a doctor to get it and your refills and poor women can’t afford that, especially the working poor who are too poor to pay but too rich to get assistance. Birth control pills are cheap. The doc visit is not. Even if you cam afford the visit, you can’t take time off work or you may not have reliable transportation to get there.
Being poor is expensive.
OTC birth control pills would solve that problem, but we must keep the poor from bootstrapping by any means necessary.
Killing its FUNDING*
We understood your intent.
Of course we would still have picked on the mistake anyway.
I would expect no less!
They’ll never appreciate the 10tg Amendment. Because their goal has always been to consolidate all power in the federal government and then control all three branches long enough to emasculate the constitution, laws and our political process and impose their will.
They had 2 of 3 under Obama to a certain degree and we ended up with the CFPB and an IRS that was weaponized against political opponents. If they get all 3 for an extended period of time, the republic is fucked.
Of course, the DOJ and FBI are also weaponized now.
For the life of me, I don’t understand why Trump and Sessions don’t just release all the FBI/DOJ records to Congress, and fire anyone who gets in their way. Rosenstein should have been fired before he left the building after he threatened Representatives asking uncomfortable questions.
Maybe Trump has a plan to break the back of the FBI/DOJ. I think he’s vindictive enough, but what doesn’t compute for me is how long its taking for him to go to the mattresses. He doesn’t strike me as a player of subtle, long-term games.
Agreed. I have no idea why Sessions still has a job either. I don’t know if he’s been ordered by Trump to be such a pansy, if he’s just naturally (for lack of a better term) a cuck or if he’s too obsessed with chasing down teenagers smoking a joint; but his refusal/inability to deal with the corruption and rot in the department he heads shows how useless he is.
In my wet dreams, Trump disbands the FBI completely and drastically reduces the DOJ in scope such that essentially their only function is administrative oversight of the Federal courts.
I predict that if Trump gets re-elected, he’s going to go full tilt clear cutting everything he possibly can.
Honestly, I think a purge of everyone above a certain GS level is called for, DOJ/FBI leadership having made it impossible to identify the actual wrongdoers due to their stonewalling.
There are laws which explicitly list the DoJ as responsible for enforcement. There’s a limit to how much the executive can unilaterally trim before they are subject to suits about failing to faithfully execute the laws.
I agree completely with everything you said, except for on thing; they’ll appreciate the 10th for exactly as long as the situation requires for them to achieve a particular plank of their agenda and then go back to ignoring it.
We are not coming for your Assault Baby Brain Sucking Devices.
next abortion challenge (Iowa?) at SCOTUS will have 4 v 4 with Roberts the swing in either direction.
if it falls, we’ll look like Europe. you’ll have laws across the spectrum from France and Germany (12 weeks) to England (24 weeks) to Poland (illegal) and everything in between.
I think the next challenge will probably be on the laws outlawing abortion above a certain fetal age. Roe allows regulation of abortion after viability, and I think that’s still good law.
Of course, count on the idiot Repubs to botch it by passing laws outlawing abortion before any defensible age of viability. 20 weeks ain’t viable, but that’s where they have been drawing the line. Although I support viability as a place to draw the line and have stricter standards for abortion (not necessarily complete prohibition), I couldn’t argue if SCOTUS struck down a 20 weeker law.
Viability changes with each new advance of technology.
And how do you define viability? What % chance of survivial qualifies?
Actually, it doesn’t. Viability has been very stable at around 22 weeks for at least 30 years, is what I am told by NICU physicians. It has to do with fetal lung development; it would take essentially an artificial womb to change this.
Not sure what percentage chance of survival is used by the profession to determine viable v. pre-viable, but they do it all the time. You might be able to defend 21 weeks, or 23, but I don’t think 20 weeks is defensible.
“it would take essentially an artificial womb to change this”
which is not all that far off…
right, Iowa passed a law setting the limit at 6 weeks.
i thought 20 weeks was picked b/c of the development of the central nervous system and “ability to feel pain”.
I’ve never understood the “viability” line in the sand. It’s not like a girl can walk into the hospital and say “I’m thinking of having an abortion, please induce me”
I have some… uncharitable views on why, but I’d be putting words in people’s mouths.
Viability is one point at which you can say its a person because it is capable of living outside the womb. If you can’t decapitate a 22 weeker in the NICU, the thinking goes, why should you be able to decapitate a 22 weeker in the womb?
The nervous system development angle is . . . interesting, but there’s no basis for it in current law. It will get struck down because SCOTUS is intensely uninterested in laying a finger on the sacred writ of Roe, and that’s not in Roe, although viability is.
It’s not like a girl can walk into the hospital and say “I’m thinking of having an abortion, please induce me”
What drawing the line at viability would do is take away the “I’m thinking of having an abortion” option (depending on what exceptions, etc. are in your restrictions on prohibition post-viability). Nobody is going to a medically unnecessary induction, because they are dangerous, especially on preemies, and if anything goes wrong that baby has turned from a parasitic burden on the mother to her lottery ticket.
Viability is one point at which you can say its a person because it is capable of living outside the womb.
I get it. I find it weird and unconvincing, though. I can’t really find any rational connection between self-sufficiency and innate human dignity.
Worth reposting:
“Feminist Apparel CEO Fires Entire Staff After They Learn He’s An Admitted Sexual Abuser”
*Alanis Morissette to the white courtesy phone*
No, it’s a known pattern. Male Feminists have a higher proportion of sex offenders and harassers than males in general. There is much speculation as to why, but the data is there.
“I’ve grinded up on women on buses and at concerts without their consent. I’ve made out with ‘the drunk chick’ at a party because it was easier. I’ve put a woman’s hand on my dick while she was sleeping.”
Only that last one is close to “sexual abuse”. Though I guess in a world in which consent can be retroactively withdrawn years later, making out with a drunk chick = violent rape.
grinded up on women on buses…
I’m a perv, like any man, but uh, that’s pretty classless.
To be sure.
But “sexual abuse”? I think not.
I think the real lesson here is the employees were eminently expendable. Virtue-signaling does not require much in the way of a skill-set.
If an engineering firm had acted similarly, they would be immediately put out of business due to a lack of skilled labor.
If there were only 9 employees, I’m wagering they just came up with the “pithy” slogans and had a SE Asian sweatshop run off the actual apparel from the existing catalog of patterns.
“Why some say the German language is sexist — and what they want to do about it
What’s a country to do when gender bias is so deep it’s apparently embedded in the national language?
Well, speak up, to start.
Germany is being thrust into the gender equality debate, but not for the reasons you might think. While the #MeToo movement has found its way to the fatherland, there’s one little issue — over the not-so-little fact that the country’s called the “fatherland.”
The German language possesses plenty of quirks and long-held practices that many woman and advocacy groups are now saying are sexist. Take, for example, a simple job description. In German, there are male and female nouns for certain professions. Job listings will often only list the male noun, which some are saying is exclusionary and reinforces the gender gap in the workplace.
The predominance of male nouns describing job openings means “girls often have a hard time imagining that they’re also being sought out,” Luise Pusch, a German linguist specializing in feminist speech told USA Today. “They’re not only being shut out grammatically, but also through their own image of this profession.””
Easy solution is to speak Russian and talk about the Motherland.
“girls often have a hard time imagining that they’re also being sought out,”
Thats a good way to filter out the stupid ones right off the top.
Literal Grammar Nazis.
So what you’re saying is “German Girls are too stupid to seek work”.
/Cathy Newman.
Does she have any factual basis for these claims at all, or is she just pulling it out of her ass?
Since I am sure she buys into the idea that the US is also a patriarchal hellhole of bigotry and oppression, how does she deal with the fact that very few nouns, and not many job titles, are “gendered” in English? And that most of the gendered job titles are blue collar (policeman (although its generally police officer these days), delivery man, mailman, etc.).
The garbageman patriarchy is strong in this country.
According to my liberal SiL, they believe in a “Living Constitution”.
My reply: “Rules that change all the time aren’t rules at all.”
Calvinball, FTW!
*insert gif of Darth Vader altering the deal here*
*checks timestamp*
a German linguist specializing in feminist speech
Okay. It’s good to know all our other problems have been solved.
That was my thought, too. It’s nice to know there are no longer places in the world where women don’t have the same rights as men or are in some sort of physical danger on a daily basis.
“Sepideh Farhan, a child’s rights activist who was arrested during the Dec/Jan #IranProtests was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment and 74 lashes.”
74 is such an oddly specific number.
Persians are hagglers.
“I hereby sentence you to ten years and ten lashes.”
“How about five years and a hundred lashes?”
“Eight years and fifty”
“Seven and eighty?”…
I’ve grinded up on women on buses and at concerts without their consent.
Speaking as someone with “personal space issues”- the ladies have nothing to fear from me in that regard. I merely oppress and assault them from afar with my dreaded Male Gaze.
“A curfew for men? What a great idea
Gretel Lamont’s recent letter in these pages “No men allowed out after dark”? What a Totally. Awesome. Idea. I have, quite genuinely, been racking my brain as to what we can realistically do to ensure women’s safety after dark.
Demanding safe passage at all hours, regardless of where we are, what we’re wearing or our blood-alcohol level is all very well but that is never going to happen, no matter how much “education” there is. There are always going to be random Evil Dudes out there.
So how do we shift responsibility for women’s safety from the victims to the perpetrators?
Adding her bit to the debate – and in response to the suggestion from yet another letter-writer that women shouldn’t walk alone at night – Ms Lamont came up with perhaps the most practical and efficient solution yet. A curfew on men. Genius.”
Coming to a country (Sweden – duh) near you.
A bit stale, but meh, I’ll swing at it.
A: Who is going to enforce such a curfew if men are so dangerous no woman dare be out in dark when they might be about?
B: Have you thought about removing the bans on protecting oneself, say with an inexpensive piece of technology which produces a great deal of concentrated kinetic force and whose mere presence has been known to deter attacks?
C: What’s with the random collective punishment?
D: How misogynist are you that you think all women are terrified little baby birds?
E: Men are more prone to being the victims of random violence.
My eyes can’t roll enough
You know, rape is already illegal. I’m not certain what a curfew achieves other than ensuring that rapists have no worry of intervention when they break curfew to, you know, rape. But this is what happens when you indulge an idiotic bigotry. You contrive clearly unworkable, unenforceable, counterproductive non-solutions. Because the point isn’t to prevent rapes, not really. It’s to punish men.
Because men intent on committing a rape will definitely respect a curfew; just like people intent on murder will definitely respect gun-free zones.
So, BBC is reporting that Ronaldo’s move to Juventus is a done deal and will be made official in a couple of hours.
Rufus, my sympathy: I can’t imagine how conflicted you will be.
Ok Sloop. I’m not bitching about the music choice. I was just expecting Tesla’s Edison’s Medicine.
Thank you!
Primary reason (along with nuking the filibuster) why Kavanaugh will be confirmed expediently regardless of how many aged Dem Senators stroke out raging against him and encouraging #resistance.
-1 Blue Wave
I thought that Commie nominee in New York is going to grapple Trump for control of SCOTUS. Winner stacks the court in her favor, loser slumps off into the Sonoran, never to be heard from again.
Heidi will vote for Trump’s pick…and it likely still won’t be enough.
I have, quite genuinely, been racking my brain as to what we can realistically do to ensure women’s safety after dark.
Projectile weapons.
What the heck, let’s give it a shot.
You’d think the racking would have given a clue.
“let’s give it a shot”
Was maybe expecting this?
Kampus Kangaroo Kourt update.
Kangaroo Kourt as a term insults kangaroos. They settle their differences in a much more straightforward fashion:
That John Doe is an unlucky motherfucker.
Made some great music though! X was a terrific band.
His solo album(s) are also good.
Anything short of ruining the careers of Noonan and Means and granting Doe a punitive award from them personally and the university collectively is insufficient.
People sometimes ask how the SJWs are dangerous. This is how they are dangerous. They seek power and exercise it in a petty and vindictive manner.
Trump pardoned the Hammonds.
Holy shit. SCOTUS and this in the same week? Trump is going to cause mass suicides on the left.
Trump pardoned the Hammonds.
That’s not some boy band, is it? I hate boy bands.
Sounds more like a mother-daughter country act.
Oh man, thermal nuclear fire is the worst.
Well, except for those pathetic losers kissing their feet. There is no more pathetic life form on earth than the white-guilt suffused prog.
I never understood the guilt. It makes no sense.
Anyone who is self-hating for reasons beyond their control is pathetic. If you hate yourself due to your race, sex, or any other characteristic you haven’t chosen, you are just sad.
I kneel to no man…
the right woman, on the other hand….
I waded into the SPLC website to see if they listed these ass-clowns. They do. But the second paragraph on the “Black Nationalist” page was this disclaimer:
There was no disclaimer or warning to not conflate different ideologies on the “White Nationalist” page. Shocking, I know.
If you hate yourself due to your race, sex, or any other characteristic you haven’t chosen, you are just sad.
It’s deflection. They hate themselves because they’re useless assholes.
They know it, they just don’t want to admit it.
Actually I believe they hate us for reminding them they are losers…