What’s with all this rain lately in Houston? Good thing I’m not into cave exploring. Oh well, we got to wrap up a few painting projects around the house, so the weekend wasn’t a total washout. And at least I’m not in Los Angeles. Or a seeded woman at Wimbledon. Jeez, they dropped like flies through Saturday. Let’s see who survives the second week. The Men’s side is going a little more to script, and if you’re interested, you can catch a Federer-Nadal doubleheader starting right about the time these hot, steamy links hit the interwebs.
But if you’re not into tennis, we’ve got some baseball news: starting with the MLB All-Star Game team selections. Which are a travesty now that they’ve implemented a rule that says the Orioles, Royals, White Sox, Mets, Marlins and all the other teams that suck deserve a player on the roster. Why not just name every player in the league an All-Star and be done with it, huh? And speaking of baseball, your winners yesterday were: thew Yankees, Athletics, Rangers, Rays, Marlins, Pirates, Brew Crew, the MINNESOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, Red Sox, Cubs, Gigantes, Mariners, Padres, Angels and the defending World Series champion Houston Astros, who won on a suicide-squeeze play…which was awesome. As an aside, Albert Pujols hit homers #627. World Cup semifinals start tomorrow, so I won’t discuss it until then when I make my picks.
Hero to women everywhere, Elias Howe was born on this date. As was architect Michael Graves, actor Brian Denny, blackspoitation actor Richard Roundtree, writer Dean Koontz, noted musician Bon Scott, rental-car pitchman and golf enthusiast Orenthal James Simpson, TV ‘s John Tech, NWA Member Kevin Nash, suicide-muse Courtney Love, and actor Tom Hanks.
Its also the date on which the following happened: Talleyrand became the first Prime Minister of France, the donut-cutter parent was issued, the first successful open heart surgery without anesthesia was performed (that must have hurt like hell), the Commonwealth of Australia was established by Britain (unlike we Americans that did it the right way), the HMS Vanguard blew up killing 804, Spain voted to institute the Franco monarchy, the great Satchel Paige made his major league debut, the Russell-Einstein Manifesto was released, Jack Nicklaus won the British Open to become just the fourth man to win all four of golf’s majors. He would go on to win more than any other player has. And Kissinger visited China.
That’s it for the extras, now for the entree. Which means…the links!
Trump makes his Supreme Court nomination today. Which means its time to gauge how college students feel about him/her. Let’s just say I’m not exactly surprised.
It’s probably been covered already, but somebody needs to show this to that little dipshit David Hogg. And somebody else needed to have checked to make sure their snowplow worked properly over the weekend on the highways around Chicago. But that’s another story.
The entire Brexit process has officially (again) turned into a shitshow. I still don’t see what the problem here is: you say “we’re no longer part of the EU,” you pack your shit up from Brussels, you announce what will be your process for allowing people and goods to travel into your country and you tell your former “partners” that they’re free to trade or let the flow of people be whatever it is they want. That’s it. That’s the whole process. Stop kowtowing to the ECB and Brussels and just pull the fucking band-aid off. Jesus H Christ. This isn’t rocket science.
The Mueller investigation witch hunt continues to reach new levels of absurdity. But there’s no bias and they aren’t going beyond the scope of their mandate. They promise.
And today’s Darwin Award goes to… But hey, at least they weren’t blowing up watermelons with M-80s.
Hero woman gets properly noticed for her bravery. Now, if only one of the people were armed instead of living in a state that all but outlaws transporting weapons without an expensive and arduous (by design) permitting scheme.
Let’s all step back, take a deep breath and try to regain a sense of humor, huh? I mean…Jesus, this shit is getting absurd.
Good! That’s all I’ve got to say about this entire case. With one caveat: none of those fuckers should still have a job.
Starbucks is going to work on saving the planet by ditching plastic straws. I guess closing hundreds of stores when their business faded wasn’t enough of a carbon-footprint reduction for them.
Too many choices today, and I know I’ll piss somebody off. But here you are.
Have a great start to your week, friends!
Why am I a Deplorable, and an Illegal alien kid is called a Dreamer?
I can drive down Foothill Blvd. (Rt. 66) and point out dozens of Buildings That I have built in the last thirty years, I actually helped build this nation, for real, and it’s a damn good feeling. Hats off to the builders of the World. Did I mention my nickname is Bob the Builder, and just like the Cartoon, my wife/Helpers name is Wendy.
/I Did Build That
/Up too early
/first bumps yusef.
Thought of you as I wrote it……
Why am I a Deplorable, and an Illegal alien kid is called a Dreamer?
You’re a white male. It is an acceptable prejudice.
I got into an argument online with a griefer over the weekend. They said I didn’t build shit and all I did was screw people out of their money and that auctions should be illegal because they’re little more than a way for “connected” people to scam others out of their money instead of find them buyers for free.
The lady saying that was a elementary school teacher.
You do a Great Service IMO, and damn! a lot of prep, I had no Idea what takes to put an auction together,
/You Did Build That
The shithead didn’t even care when I told her how many people the average reseller reaches when they market something relative to how many a well-advertised auction reaches. And how a buyer would spend an inordinate amount of time looking for something (or would be forced to pay more locally) without people like me. She didn’t give a shit. I was screwing people because I took money from both ends.
I finally just gave up and went back to painting the upstairs hallway.
Don’t engage with slavers – there’s no point to it. The fact that everyone involved in these transactions are consenting adults is irrelevant to them. Freedom is slavery.
Yep, some discussions just aren’t worth having.
There’s no point in arguing with some people, as they will never listen to what you say, no matter how much more you know about the topic involved. Trust me on that one.
However, they will try to engage with you – this is merely their attempt to prove their own point. My advice, nod, and walk away.
The easy answer is “if the buyers and sellers didn’t see the value in the service, they wouldn’t use auctions”
This is an obvious fact that most people miss when calling for government action. Your debate is similar to the check-cashing store or payday loan business debate. Third parties don’t understand the economics of the transaction and assume that the consumers are infantile imbeciles. In the case of the micro-loan business, the alternatives (overdrafting an account, bouncing a check or failing to pay an important bill on time) are much more expensive.
In the case of auctions, she fails to understand that sales commissions are a normal thing, usually commanding a hefty portion of the final price. In home sales they are often 5%, which is really small for a sales commission by percentage, but a whole lot in actual dollars. 10% is pretty common in most sales situations.
But when you own the facility, the markup is usually more like a third or more. Apple takes a third for their iTunes and app store services – they even get their cut on subscription services. Amazon tried to lower prices by lowering their cut of online book sales, but failed because the sellers didn’t want to hurt their other outlets and don’t want competition on price.
Paying the seller a cut of the sale isn’t an unusual experience. It is pretty much ubiquitous.
Should have told her that without auctioneers those slavers would never have gotten top dollar for their product.
Might as well confirm their biases and send them spiraling down the stupid hole.
Ha. That reminds me: I had a sale two weeks ago. (I hope I haven’t told this here yet.) and there was a gooseneck trailer I was pointing at to sell before my stick man got there. There were two, so I said “it’s the one that nice lady is sitting on.”
Somebody said “does she come with it?”
And I said “now, now, they haven’t let us do sales like that in a long time.”
People chuckled and I moved on with selling the trailer.
But I wondered later what some dipshit might have said if they wanted to make a stink of it. I suppose I was lucky my audience didn’t care but you never know when something like that will cause a shitstorm when it was little more than an offhand joke to fill three seconds of empty air.
In regards to the schoolteacher, something tells me she got all excited at an auction one time and either overpaid or failed to get something she really wanted. Therefore it’s all the auctioneer’s fault.
I’ve noticed that for a large portion of buyers, they forget that your job is to get the highest price you can while keeping the auction moving.
It is the auctioneer’s fault – if they’d just cut off all bids when she’d put in hers, shewould have been golden! Don’t you know the world is supposed to revolve around her?
In a way auction, resale, etc.. should be applauded by people concerned about the environment as it allows people looking for products to be able to find them. The other option is for it to be put in a dump or possibly recycled (which consumes lots of energy).
I hold to the idea that Craigslist has done more for the environment than most / all environmental groups.
That’s like the uproar about that idiot Scott Pruitt, who actually did a good thing when he expanded the rule allowing more glider trucks to be built. The left is going nuts but don’t realize it’s essentially a recycling program and the “environmental standards” it’s getting around are only being enforced in California (and only for trucks that are titled in the USA due to NAFTA rules). Not to mention a lot of the glider trucks are equipped with aftermarket filters that make them nearly as clean as a Tier 4 Final motor just so they can be driven into California.
These environmentally-conscious people would rather these perfectly usable motors be destroyed rather than repurposed. It’s the same as the morons who were drilling holes in engine blocks of equipment California took in through the Carl Moyer program. God forbid they’d lay them be sold to overseas buyers to hasten the development of third-world countries. Nope, better to destroy a piece of equipment after 10 years that’s designed to last 40 in order to save the planet.
Fucking. Idiots.
There’s a guy at work, car nut incidentally with lots of classic gas guzzlers & does restorations, who was applauding those perfectly useable VW diesels getting junked because they didn’t meet the EPA’s numbers. I gave up.
That is freaking asinine to a degree I haven’t heard of.
Cash for clunkers did much the same thing. Those cars had to be destroyed and then crushed. If you’ve ever spent anytime around a junkyard, you couldn’t help but notice it ain’t rich guys buying used auto parts either. Another gov’t program that harms those it purports to help.
So, she thinks an auction is basically a large yard sale. Which is to say that if she was deprived of oxygen for an extended period of time it wouldn’t make a noticeable impact on her cognitive ability.
She just thinks she should be able to enact my labor without compensating me for my work. She’s a fucking slaver. She can eat a bagful of San Francisco-junkie shit.
Let me guess, she thinks eBay is free too?
While we’re on the topic, what’s the next auction going to be?
The arrowheads:
This Saturday in downtown Ft Worth. And if anybody in the DFW area wants to help out or has a kid who wants to, I need one more person. My daughter can’t attend.
The problem is simple. It’s the same as my answer to Yusef’s observation. Good people, people who work for a living, have too much generosity of spirit. That ignorant, morally presumptuous, cunt felt free to basically call you a parasite because she knew there’d be no consequences for doing so. It’s a particular type of bully. They seek out to abuse people, not because they have any particular strength or superior ability, but through their utter helplessness.
This Bonn Scott interview – those shorty short shorts! – is great fun:
Thank You LH! that was fun!
He’s walking around with a banana stuck down them. Ha! That guy was fucking awesome.
Stripper cash is the best cash (after you sanitize it).
Smells like cherry perfume and sweat
and sadness
Hey I like strippers! And their daddy issues. And the smile that a few dollars will bring.
I like that they determined the cash really was from her stripper job because it had glitter all over it.
Personally, I love dollar bills that smell of damp sweat and daddy issues.
Hey, that’s their college tuition money!
LizMixell is quite a name.
The entire Brexit shitshow confirms what I have always believed to be true-
Voting really doesn’t matter.
The left is trying hard to make that clear to the rubes.
Theresa May was a remainer. She doesn’t want Brexit to work. That’s why it keeps getting sabotaged.
Farage will have to run for PM.
Mogg might be in a better position, given the way PMs are selected in the backwards Westminster system.
Isn’t Boris a Brexiteer? He’s quietly positioned himself to take the reins and get this done. Hopefully the Tories will get him in there soon enough.
Plus maybe he can get Top Gear back on and shame the BBC into a public apology for his friends.
Boris is an unreliable squish.
Grand Tour on Amazon is basically Top Gear without the branding, so I don’t think it’s ever getting back on the BBC.
I recall being bombarded with Top Gear commercials that made me actively avoid the show. If the two are comperable, then the BBC does not know how to market their content, as I have enjoyed the Grand Tour.
Grand Tour has the three guys who did the BBC version of Top Gear for like a decade until one of them was fired, and it is pretty much the exact same show. I’m guessing the BBC sucks at marketing (although since they are government sponsored, it’s not really surprising).
He just resigned over the Brexit deal as well.
Wait, wait. They still actually quit their job when they get orders they don’t want to follow?
Not their whole job.
They’re still Members of Parliment, just not Cabinet officials anymore.
Trump’s visit should be pure entertainment.
During the event last week, the host acted out a skit with someone portraying the role of God. She asks why Miss America officials would get rid of the swimsuit competition, when the person holds up a sign reading “#MeToo.”
I don’t get it.
What do you mean you “don’t get it”, shitlord? You’re supposed to be outraged.
I’m all out of empathy
Good news. When that happens you get a heaping spoonful of apathy.
I don’t care about that.
Me neither. Why did I post that?
Its not a “ha ha” kind of joke. Its a “everyone knows this is a shit joke, but your reaction will be recorded and forwarded to the politburo” kind of joke.
A waitress with a concealed carry permit defended her co-worker after an irate customer went behind the counter and punched her, newly released video reveals.
If you showed that story to Hogg, he’d just go on about banning misogyny.
Hogg almost seems like an false flag actor. If you were going to design a character to piss off your opposition, it’d be difficult to come up with a more annoying one.
He recently tweeted that guns have more rights than women.
Wait, if my guns leave me they get more than half my stuff?
And it ended poorly for him.
Wow. He’s a special kind of stupid.
No wonder colleges rejected his applications, he’s too stupid to learn from his mistakes.
Their business model hinges on convincing barely literate kids to take out more debt term after term. Doubling down on mistakes is prime real estate.
I hate to say this, but I might be with Hogg on this one.
I wouldn’t be adverse to banning women with those black things that go up.
Trump makes his Supreme Court nomination today. Which means its time to gauge how college students feel about him/her. Let’s just say I’m not exactly surprised.
With all the bloviation and hand-wringing, none of the news media- Team Red or Team Blue- have analyzed the candidates’ views and track records on 4A, 9A, and 10A. It’s all about the issues in the current news cycle: immigration and abortion.
I want to know their stances on the 3rd and 11th amendments.
The 9A and 10A are both dead. 4A is on life support. A few of the candidates prefer to keep it on the machine, the others favor pulling the plug.
There are 6 justices in favor of expanding the 4th right now. That’s like 3 better than the historical average.
Like I’d trust anyone’s opinion who wears a shirt like that. Goddam Candy Crush Kid.
None of the women holding that banner look like anyone I would like to #metoo.
More like #theywish – ammirite?
Go troll them with your own banner, #Youwish.
We all have our own parenting techniques.
Trigger warning: the mugshots. If they were my mothers, I would want to spend my days stoned as well.
“When my 2 moms get high, the get the rug munchies.”
You gave the warning, but i still clicked.
Nothing in the article indicates how old this boy was.
Given that he escaped and punched Glascock after that female version of STEVE SMITH pinned him to the ground says he’s probably not an 8 year old.
Not to be a downer, but they are parents of the year compared to this mother.
The mother claims she can’t remember anything from the 4 days prior to the kid going missing.
My father had a probationer who for christmas would give all his kids under 12 a case of beer. His kids that were older than that got some whiskey and pot.
The car, a gold Buick Regal, was hit by a northbound train near Lincoln and Auzerais avenues at 12:34.
Last moment before impact.
First rule of business. Go to where the customers are.
Is Mel Brooks still around? I think he should do a film biography of David Hogg.
On ice?
Starbucks is going to work on saving the planet by ditching plastic straws.
And of course, the alternatives are far worse from an ecological standpoint. But hey, virtue signalling >>> actual scientific analysis.
They’re also taking away lids, all alternative suction devices and serving all drinks at room temperature to avoid a McDonalds suit.
What’s even funnier is not only do the Chinamen not give a flying fuck, they use those giant thick plastic straws for their Bubble Tea drinks.
Those straws are terrible for low viscocity beverages.
Friday morning my son and I were getting some breakfast at a local place. A friend (who happens to be my lawyer) walks in. I asked after his wife who has been getting treatment for cancer. He tells me he just had her taken off life support. He’s obviously taking a break from the situation and is more interested in talking to my boy about school and football so I go along with it
I found out she died on Saturday.
In case it hasn’t been said – fuck cancer.
That sucks, man. Quite the contrast to the scumbags that run around insisting that you listen to them! talk about someone they knew that died in order to gain political points/virtue signal points. Life is bitch for everyone at some point.
AKA 1/4 of Facebook posts.
I have a friend way back from the high school days who I talk to once or twice a week. His 70-something dad has prostate cancer – came on really quickly. And turns out to be non-operable/non chemo as it’s spread to other parts of the body, including the bone.
So it went from “oh has prostrate cancer, he’ll get treatment and be okay” to “knockin’ on death’s door” all in a matter of weeks.
My friend is an only child so doesn’t have much of a support network – needless to say he’s pretty shook up. His dad is on some fairly new treatment for situations like those. Future unknown.
Here’s hoping the treatment works.
Sorry for the news.
Fuck cancer!
I admit. I’m biased against cultures that don’t eat bacon, drink booze or allow young girls to dance in their bedrooms.
Wouldn’t mind breaking some moral norms with her.
She’s cute. And the regime needs to go.
I think there is a huge opportunity to do some Voice of America thing to push liberty to the youth in Iran. There is a huge divide between the kids and the ruling clergy.
Start pushing more videos of hot young gals like this and talking about how cool it is. I’m sure most youth would side with any faction that promises more hotties.
Too bad, we will never do anything that smart. Instead the neocons will keep talking about how we should bomb everyone there.
Kinda looks like that PETA chick that shot up youtube
If that girl can’t break moral norms in your country, your country is the one with the problem, not her.
I’d let her immigrate.
I’m all out of empathy
That’s cold blooded.
Ha ha! Suck it!
The original title to Air Supply’s 1980 ballad “I”m All Out of Love”
When you want straight shooting commentary, it’s best to go to
Madeleine Albright: ‘The things that are happening are genuinely, seriously bad’
I see the dimentia has completely kicked in. Pretty soon she’ll be talking about what a great husband and role-model Bill Clinton was.
Of course Albright is evil stupid.
This is the lady that thinks a half million dead Iraqi kids were “worth it” when asked about Clinton’s sanctions.
Bombing the shit out of Serbia for 78 days for… reasons?
Was totes legit, too.
That’s if you believe the sanctions killed half a million kids.
If I recall correctly, she did not dispute that half a million children were killed by sanctions. Which tells me she is perfectly willing to kill half a million children to mildly inconvenience a despotic regime.
Trump is, I think he’s actually really smart – evil smart, is what I think.”
Not like me, doesn’t want what I want; that’s evil.
Who’s an authoritarian, again?
They must be Unpersoned, then it’s a Legitimate kill
Speaking of plastic, when will they ban plastic milk jugs? Going back to glass bottles, delivered by horse drawn carts by men in starched white uniforms, would be much better for the environment. And classy. So classy.
and Think of the Children!
Grapes of Wrath ending or GTFO.
The day i get my milk in a ziploc bag from Canada is the day I’ll know our nation is dead.
Part of plan to make us more Canadian. Soon we’ll have to drink milk in a bag.
Could we update it to an electric vehicle instead?
What good is that? It wouldn’t be able to make it back from the farms before the milk spoiled.
just go with the feelz, that’s all you need.
It’ll probably pay $15 an hour?
Ha! I actually heard an NPR report last week about the comeback of the British milkman. The main reason given was that it was environmentally better.
The Fastest Milkman In The West
*Plays Yakety Sax*
I thought it was to avoid the roving gangs of rapefugees.
Oh wait, that’s Sweden and the continent. Britain’s rape gangs aim younger than the housewives.
*Plays Yakety Sax*
Worth reposting:
“Why are memes of black people reacting so popular online?
The trend for ‘digital blackface’ – from the Fleetwood Mac marching band to unimpressed Viola Davis – is more problematic than you think
The online popularity of images of black people – particularly women and femme gay men – is a fact of internet life and, in recent months, an increasingly controversial one. Racist caricature and impersonation are widely accepted tools of white supremacy, but it’s when minstrelsy’s 19th-century traditional tools of boot polish and a wig are replaced with 21st-century equivalents that the confusion begins. Are gifs being used to disseminate racist stereotypes in cyberspace? Was the “black marching band dances to Fleetwood Mac” meme an example of “digital blackface”, as suggested in a recent high-traffic Twitter thread? Is there something problematic about white people using brown-skinned emojis? And what about the Black Lives Matter Facebook fundraising page that was revealed to be run by two unaffiliated white men in Australia? Was this the latest iteration of digital blackface in action? Or just a run-of-the-mill money-making scam?
Actually, black women have been calling out certain online behaviours as digital-age blackface for some time now. Shafiqah Hudson, a Philadelphia-based writer and academic, first noticed the phenomenon back in the mid-00s in a comment thread on an article about police brutality. Her attention was caught by “some anonymous user claiming to be a black woman in NYC posting some extremely anti-black sentiments and fighting with some of the other posters, for days”. Eventually, this anonymous user accidentally posted from his actual account, alerting the rest of the thread to his real identity – a “white guy in flyover country” (between the east and west coast of the US), says Hudson. When Twitter arrived on the scene, accounts impersonating black women also quickly adapted to the new platform. “I joined in 2009 and I saw them all the time. They were racist and gross, but they weren’t harmful beyond being obnoxious. They didn’t fool anyone who wasn’t already awash in their own misogynoir.”
The popularity is easy – it has jack shit to do with skin tone and everything to do with the quick visual expressiveness of the action portrayed.
+1 Minstrel Show
+1 surprised black fisherman from “Caddyshack” look.
Easy-peasy: it’s that sassy exuberance and no-nonsense vivaciousness that is so often celebrated as being typically African-American or gay, in contrast to the stodgy, boring WASP you see in documentaries such as Caddy Shack.
In thinking of what reaction images I might be able to pull of, I came down with two. “I am disappoint” and “I don’t get it”.
I do not have a highly expressive face.
I’m not a toothy smiler, so happy Bill looks very much like stubbed-toe-with-sun-in-eyes Bill. Other looks include, “staring off into space” and “enraged baboon”.
You can pry my Undertaker reaction guy memes from my cold, dead hands!
“…The department has agreed to pay more than $3,000 to defense lawyers hired by Ras Cates, 33, and his wife, Lizmixell Batista, a 20-year-old stripper at Cheetah Gentleman’s Club in Hallandale Beach.
Presumably, the legal bills won’t be paid in singles….”
They should be writing for TV.
Somebody should alert ENB to the fact that someone is mocking “sex work”. Or is she too busy shaming a kid for a sandwich joke to call out a fellow “journalist”?
Too many young women suffer through painful sex
Vaginas are clever; they have long memories.
So do cunts.
*golf clap*
Well played.
What’s they’re data collection method on this study?
It could be thrush, bladder irritability, pelvic muscle spasm, chlamydia, endometriosis.
or you’re cold-hearted. When you open your mouth, a little light goes on inside.
Professor Gail Dines, anti-pornographer scholar and activist,
Oh shit, it’s Gail!
A quick search of youtube doesn’t show the clip from the Penn and Teller Bullshit! War on Porn episode where Penn utters that line.
She’s (comically) addressed that, shitlord.
While there are no studies that show direct causation, I had told him about a wealth of research on the impact of porn on men’s attitudes and behavior.
This was the highlight for me as she comically shoots herself in the foot.
By this time in my life, I have watched thousands of hours of porn.
It has not impacted my attitude or behavior in the slightest, and I suspect the same from everyone else here too.
Except my expectation that being an architect would get me all kinds of hot chicks throwing themselves at me, that I do blame on porn.
I’m sad I still haven’t slapped a coochie, despite being taught from the most learned of the practice.
“Michelle Wolf’s 4th of July Week Salute: ‘God Bless Abortions and God Bless America’
Comedian Michelle Wolf saluted abortions on the most recent episode of her Netflix show The Break, which dropped just in time for 4th of July week.
“Look, access to abortion is good and important,” Wolf said in the clip published on Sunday. “Some people say abortion is ‘killing a baby.’ It’s not. It’s stopping a baby from happening. It’s like ‘Back to the Future’ and abortion is the DeLorean. And everyone loves DeLoreans.”
She also took a stab at the pro-life crowd.
“Pro-life is a propaganda term that isn’t real, like healthy ice cream and handsome testicles,” she said, before claiming “anti-abortion” really meant “anti-woman.”
She added: “If these people were actually pro-life, they would be fighting hard for healthcare, child care, education, gun control, and protecting the environment.””
TW: most annoying voice ever
Stopping a baby from happening would be preventing the sex from taking place, not dismembering the child in the womb.
We are, that’s why we’re trying to keep it out of the hands of the government bureaucracy that fucks up everything it touches.
*Note – gun control is properly defned as using the suitable number of hands and only pointing it at something deserving of being shot.
If you actually mean disarmament – that is an anti-life position.
My preferred definition of gun control = hitting what you aim at
gun control = hitting what you aim at
That would make a great T-shirt saying
“If these people were actually pro-life, they would be fighting hard for healthcare, child care, education, gun control, and protecting the environment.”
Well goddamn, how can you argue with that logic? Check AND mate! Pack it in. We’re done forever. Glibertarians completely and eternally BTFO.
The bit with the DeLorean metaphor, I mean that’s kind of funny. If I’d heard that ten years ago and didn’t turn into the lecture, I probably would have laughed. It stops being comedy when it becomes a lecture. And since the point of their comedy was to get *to* the lecture, the comedy was never there to begin with.
I started watching the latest Ali Wong comedy special on Netflix and stopped midway through since half of her schtick is trying to guilt her audience into supporting universal paid maternity leave.
At least I lasted longer than with one of David Cross’s recent comedy specials, which was just a soapbox for him to hate most Americans (this was right after Trump’s election) and his resentment of his popularity from Arrested Development. Turned it off after 20 minutes.
I only knew her from the god aweful correspondents dinner, then this weekend I saw she had a show on Netflix, which just so happened to come out after Obama got involved. I just checked her wiki quick, hah, she was a bankster at Bear Stearns when they went flop!
Yeah, that’s the 80’s era sci-fi movie that is most similar to going back and time and preventing a child from being born.
You can think the Terminator has an interesting premise, or you can be pro choice. But I don’t think you can be both.
(While being logically consistent)
a propaganda term that isn’t real, like healthy ice cream and handsome testicles,
“If these people were actually pro-
lifechoice, they would be fighting hard forhealthcare, child care, education, gun control, and protecting the environment[insert libertarian hobby-horse here].”Few things are more tedious than somebody who isn’t as smart or funny as they think they are.
She prefers castrati.
“insert libertarian hobby-horse here].”
That is exactly what I thought when I first saw this story on yahoo.
Despite the fact that Trump’s decision was still days away from being finalized, students unanimously condemned Trump’s move, harshly criticizing the president’s nonexistent nominee.
“He’s quite extreme in his views,” said one student of the fictitious Judge.
“I saw it all over the news, that he’s like racist,” another student added, referring to the announcement that hadn’t yet happened.
“I saw the new nominee is like racist, and he’s starting a new wave of something very negative, and I’m really scared about the future and what choices he will make,” another pupil added.
America’s future, Ladies and gentlemen. Let’s give them a nice round of applause.
Really no different than Pelosi and Schumer promising strong opposition to Trump’s nominee, no matter who it is.
No, America’s present. This is who we are. The “man on the street” interviews just revealed it, that’s all.
The vast majority of people operate off of caricature stereotypes, particularly in politics. This video neatly reveals that phenomenon. But they just as easily could have found some right wing kids and trolled them with hot-button issues that they think is in their wheelhouse. In fact they do, all the time – just watch MSNBC or head over to Huffpo. People like Jon Stewart make a living off of exactly this kind of stuff – heck, the left even turns it into “scientific research”, where they codify their confirmation bias into “science has a left wing bias”.
This guy did a great job of exposing the vapid, judgmental rhetoric of the left for what it is… a method of demonizing the opponent to prevent any rational evaluation of ideas. And as you saw, it works.
This is the gambit they’ve been running on minorities for a half-century. How else are you going to keep moms (women) and black people in lockstep behind something like opposition to school vouchers? You’ve got to defend the racist and classist public school system by convincing them that allowing everyone to go to the school of their choice is a racist plot. And so far it has worked.
It’s the typical “I don’t know what this person with a camera or mic is talking about but I should and don’t want to look stupid, socill spout off something aligned with my politics” speech.
I always prefer to see these unedited you can tell how many people also answered by saying “he’s not made a nomination yet, you dope”. I also like the unedited recordings because he’ll regularly tell them they are talking out of their ass in situations like this. The reactions are priceless.
Part-time talking heads–journalists and columnists, mostly–describe pretty much the same phenomenon when called up to appear on camera, except they have a little heads up before the questions are asked. They’re invited to appear for a segment and given a set of topics, and when they show up at the studio, they’re told the topics have been revised in light of whatever news has broken in the last fifteen minutes, and so they spend their time in the green room frantically googling WTF take they’re going to give when they sit down. One gambit if they’re ambushed on the set is to give a stock misdirect: “You know, that’s a very difficult issue at the moment, but the real problem is…” then segueing into more comfortable territory. Charles Cooke mentioned doing it once, then swearing off network television altogether. Easier just to decline the invitations than to play the sap and risk getting ambushed by disingenuous media hacks.
Adam Corolla has done several interviews on this topic on his podcasts. They all tell the same story – they have to have a hot take, and often the producers give them the take they want: “You’ll be doing the pro-life take on this”.
I’ve heard the same thing from Penn Jillette.
And they said the same thing Big Cuspidor reports, namely looking like more of an expert by having one sentence ready, and then pivoting to familiar ground.
They only have to fill 10 or 20 seconds. So it isn’t like they have to know anything.
This was painfully on display over the weekend as the networks pulled in people to be “experts” on the cave rescue. They all kept repeating something they heard someone else say earlier. It was a blathering bunch of idiots, but presented as if they were delivering news.
The best take was dancing toddler take on the BBC. News media peaked that day.
I was a Fine Arts major in college (but on the technical side learning how to actually run tv/film/radio equipment) but I’m a political junkie so I took 200 and 300 level poli-sci classes for fun. The sheer ignorance or history and current events among people who I presume that was there actual field of study was astounding.
I have an acquaintance who has her PhD in Alternative Dispute Resolution – concentrating in African American history. During one discussion she was regaling me with the history of oppressive violence and told me that during the 50’s and 60’s there were over 50 thousand lynchings per year. After a bit of argument, she revised this downward to 5,000 per year, 50k for the entire 1950s.
I happened to remember an item from “the book of lists”, a Guinness records style book. I remembered that the year with the most lynchings in the 20th century was 1901, with 105. This was the only year in the 20th century to exceed 100 – or even come close.
This is a PhD, and this is her area of expertise. And based on 30 year old knowledge from a book I had in 4th grade, I knew she was off by 3 orders of magnitude. That’s not an error that a college history major should make, let alone a PhD who actually studies the topic of violence against minorities in the United States.
So you wonder why they are so profoundly ignorant? They teach each other that way. Made-up facts are more powerful than actual facts, so just roll with it….
BTW – I went and looked it up.
There were 6 lynchings in the 1950s. So I was wrong. It was 4 orders of magnitude. That’s pretty impressive.
So she basically started with “4% of all deaths each year were lynchings”. I think even in the 1950s, generating 136 corpses per day would have been noticed.
The thing about black bodies is they’re hard to detect.
Just to put a button on it by way of contrast, according to this article in the Tribune, there were 422 black people murdered in Chicago in the last year.
You’d think that kind of contrast would move the needle on racist rhetoric, but it has been the same for decades. I was making that argument in Birmingham around 1990 when there were almost 50 black-on-black murders halfway through the year, just in that one small city.
But that’s different, Cyto, Chicago is just gang members gunning down rivals because this racist country is oppressing them. Those 422 deaths are modern lynchings by proxy!
he trend for ‘digital blackface’ – from the Fleetwood Mac marching band to unimpressed Viola Davis – is more problematic than you think
Well, that’s not surprising.
Oh, fuck off.
I read that several times and I still can’t figure out what she’s talking about.
Is she supporting the capitalist institution of the Bodega?
The perfect response:
“Who knew there were bodegas in Westchester?”
Spare me the down-home virtue signaling bullshit.
She’s trying to win back the Midwest working class1
Race Baiter, and Carlos is a Fucking Commie
Food lines, no electricity and assholes playing their music through shitty speakers at a bodega. The future, folks.
“Greetings my fellow working-class peoples! See? I’m just like all of you!”
Now who will have the privilege to peel me a grape and grope my tits!
Lol. She went for the Carlos Santana effect.
Oye como va is actually a Tito Puente tune.
Seems legit.
She’s just Alex from the block.
From the responses….shot:
7:51 PM – Jul 1, 2018
communism is good… at controlling the size of the population.
And socialism works like a charm . . . when it comes to enriching dictators.
Though it turns out badly even for them if they’re the one left holding the bag when the proles get fed up with not getting fed.
That’s why they need a cadre of wreckers and Kulaks to blame, and also American meddling.
Horrible horrible freedom!
How free can we be?
What does that have to do with a laser-eyed, nuke-chucking anticommunist robot?
oh, missed the “is a” in there.
Democracy is non-negotiable!
They shouldn’t worry about freedom. Trumps SC pick is going to reintstitute slavery and stab every pregnant woman in the uterus with a coat hanger.
Lena Dunham has a jealousy.
I believe that when analysing this matter, one should ask how the freedom of one person can be compatible with the freedom of others.
If only someone had thought of this before
“Mainstream media errors in the Trump era: Your catalogue of the media’s bias-fueled failure-fest in 2017”
It’s a long list.
it goes on and on… nope no media bias there. No sirreeee
Why am I not surprised that Dave Weigel is on that list.
McConnell chased from KY restaurant by protesters
I’d bet these stunts are pushing more people to vote Republican.
I dislike Mitch, but there are some standards of decency which must be maintained.
The left has no decency. I wonder how they would like these tactics turned against them?
It will happen, unfortunately.
I don’t know, the right seems to be more reactive rather than forcing confrontations. Plus they tend to have jobs to be at. But I guess we’ll see if eventually there is a backlash.
Kentucky seems pretty far afield for this crap. While Mitch McConnell on camera is a pretty safe target, I don’t think this would play well with a random group of conservative guys.
Inner-city Kentucky does have spots of blue.
Small parts of Louisville and Lexington/Frankfort are the only places in the state that this shit can play.
I don’t know what it is about these clowns, but they’re either too stupid or too cocky to anticipate these things biting them in the ass in the future. Exhibit A: Harry Reid.
Michelle Obama and her daughters ate at the restaurant across the street from my office a few summers ago, the Boatyard Bar and Grill. Granted, Annapolis is a pretty blue town, but there are red pockets, especially around here. Nobody bothered them at all. The very notion of antagonizing someone, yes, even a public figure, minding their own business trying to enjoy a meal, especially with their family, is absolutely mortifying, and no one would’ve even considered it.
That’s not a standard I’m personally willing to abandon, but I can see that becoming the new norm, and that’s a terrible and dangerous thing.
Agreed. And like all of the Left’s tactics, it will backfire on them and be used against their own eventually.
“Standards of decency”
That’s kinda funny, since it is the left that keeps harping on how the evil, right-wing republicans are violating societal norms and coarsening the culture.
Remember when Obama was running? Serious journalists were regularly opining about how many white Republicans were going to be so angry and how quickly they would be attempting to assassinate him. You know, because they are so racist. But it didn’t happen. What did they have, one nut-case with a knife jumped the fence when nobody was home? Yet what happens when their messiah loses? Plenty of left-wing violence and an actual mass shooting directed at Republican officials.
Remember how it was the end of democracy that Trump wouldn’t pledge to respect the outcome of the election? How much projection was involved in that question? And then Hillary refuses to concede when she loses. And the Obama administration immediately moves into sabotage mode, moving their smear campaign from spying on the Trump campaign to disseminating classified information designed to discredit Trump after the inauguration. Within days you had prominent Democrats promising to impeach Trump.
They kind of left decency behind when Gore lost. That derangement has only become more deeply ingrained in the last 2 decades. Even when they won the White House they forgot civility. Instead it was “elections have consequences”.
Funny that their narrative is that it is Republicans who have made the country hateful, divided and partisan…. particularly because of Fox News. (before that they had the same complaint about Rush Limbaugh). I suppose they are right. If everyone would just agree with them, there would be no disagreement.
That’s a lot of ass meat chasing Mitch out of dodge.
I don’t think that is “meat”.
The leftist paused this kind of shit for a year after Steve Scalise was shot but they just can’t help themselves. More people are going to end up hurt or dead.
Articles leaves out the key piece of information — which restaurant?
I want to comment on Mitch’s choices.
The Bristol Bar and Grille.
I’m not familiar with that, myself.
Why yes, yes I think they are too.
Extreme Protest Tactics Reduce Popular Support for Social MovementsRotman School of Management Working Paper No. 2911177
Good song choice Sloopy. Sure we could quibble but every time you choose AC/DC an angel gets its wings.
Gotta admit that, while I click on the links, I never click on the music. Until today, that is.
I’m usually at work, so no audio…
Try some Johnny Paycheck and see what happens.
So I’ve struggling with some down’n’out blues the last month (understatement), so I attempted to perk myself up with a re-watch of Smokey and the Bandit and “Eastbound and Down” on repeat. It worked, but not as well as I had hoped. There’s only so much you can do without pharmacology.
For sure. Great choice Sloop!
For some women it eventually becomes impossible. Some of them don’t know what it feels like to be physically aroused, after three or four years of sexual activity. That is a tragedy.
What if these nice young women have been bombarded with so many contradictory messages about sexuality and sex and what it means to be an independent self-confident woman that they’re unable to willingly and enthusiastically fuck somebody they really really like?
This didn’t make national news (that I’ve seen yet). I wonder how many of these are going unreported: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Man-Arrested-for-Threatening-to-Kill-Lee-Zeldin-Campaign-Worker-Nesconset-Police-487548951.html
“Too local.”
They’re being reported. Well, the completely unsubstantiated “threats” people like Mad Maxine Waters are “receiving”.
Same as the congressmen who were “spit on” and “called racist terms” by Tea Party protesters…who were surrounded by cameras, microphones and police officers that just happened to miss the “attacks”.
I also believe that often freedom can result in unintended consequences in various directions, both positive and negative. As regards the latter, history shows us that grand projects, which promised liberation for humanity, turned out to produce quite the opposite, often resorting to repression, imprisonment or murder of those who questioned the ‘free’ plans of the ‘enlightened’ leaders and their absolute truths.
Those libertarian monsters, always throwing people in the gulags for not wanting to be left alone.
Why do they use us as there personal punching bag? Perhaps they didn’t get the message,
Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?
Please yes
Oh, God, yes. I would assume the Dems will try to stop her, because she would lose 45 states this time around.
Secretly? No. It’s pretty obvious she’s going to keep tilting at the windmill until her decrepit frame collapses to goo and contaminates the local groundwater.
There was some love/hate going on here about Weezer a few weeks ago. This weekend I saw them with Pixies. Great show. It also helped that my wife sprung for some great seats for me as my Christmas present. And my 17 year old daughter like Pixies, especially the female bass player (not Kim Deal, but still a great musician).
Also this weekend, Mrs. TOK repelled off a building for charity, and I got her into a sled and on the ice with me for practice last night.
Hope the rest of you had a great weekend too.
Fuck. We didn’t go to their Houston show because someone on here said The Pixies mailed it in.
Oh well.
I thought they were great. They played 22 songs, one right after the other. It was exhausting just to watch. But they were tight and sounded good. I just read that they never have a playlist, they just randomly play songs so the show is different every time. Hopefully you can catch them in the future.
Did you elbow her?
“it’s like I never knew him! He became a completely different man….an ANIMAL!”
He cross-checked her into the boards.
quality euphemism.
I know better than to elbow or cross check someone who shares a bed with me. My teammates were giving her a hard time, thought. In sled hockey you can give the front of someone’s sled a subtle nudge and it will send them spinning or flip them over. They did that to her a lot. But she’s a great sport and thought it was funny. She feels like death warmed over today, though.
Weezer is difficult.
The Blue Album is absolutely remarkable. Pinkerton is stronger and is fucking perfect. The first five songs building into each other, just an unrelenting escalation of powerful, poignant angst. They are two of my favorite albums.
Then Rivers stopped having sex and—shocking!—just completely refused to make good music ever again. It’s a damn shame. The one hour (COMBINED!) of those two albums still cement them as one of my favorite bands.
I agree. The Blue Album is fantastic from beginning to end.
I liked their song that came out about six months back, “Happy Hour”. I just heard their cover of “Africa” and also thought it was very good.
… I wish I wasn’t at work (no audio), as that just reminded me of someone else’s cover of that song.
Feels Like Summer is a good song.
I will also say that their cover of Paranoid Android is also absolutely on point.
It does help that OK Computer is my favorite album and Radiohead my favorite band, but Rivers does a very good job hitting the falsetto.
Our struggle is real
I realize that a post-Kennedy Supreme Court may one day start throwing out progressive legislation, as happened in the early 20th century. But that’s a fight for another day. Most experts I’ve talked to — scholars and people in politics — believe that elected politicians can prevail in a long-term struggle with unelected judges. Regardless, until Democrats win more elections, it’s a hypothetical concern. “The potential center-left majority in this country — and it’s very real — has to actually organize and elect people to office,” Skocpol says.
Nothing in American politics matters more right now than the outcome of the midterms. It is the difference between emboldening Trump and starting to hold him accountable. It really may be “the fight of our lives.” And unlike the confirmation battle, the midterms remain up for grabs. In the coming weeks, Democrats will be talking about the Supreme Court, but they should be thinking about the midterms.
Trump will turn the country into a dystopian nightmare if we don’t stop him. But don’t worry, some academic researcher has assured me America is a center-left country, just waiting for the chance to go full Sweden. Get out here and vote.
Does nobody stop to think about the message it sends when Democrats are hysterically triggered by the thought of constitutionalists on SCOTUS?
Someone at Volokh (Barnett?) keeps making that point. Like, if you keep bitching about originalism, you might just get a non-originalist. Then where the fuck will you be.
Trump is a fascist and is turning America into a hellhole.
-posted in a national media outlet without repercussion
Don’t they see how this resonates with normal people with real problems who are happy to see an extra $50 in their paycheck or a bonus for the first time in years?
The center-left could probably win the midterms, but the left is kicking out all of their center.
I think of Paul Ryan as center-left. The Democrats are rocketing leftward.
The two biggest Trump supporters among my friends on FB are both life long Democrat, union guys. One is a former cop who now works heavy machinery, and the other works in a steel mill and has a leadership position in his union. But both love Trump. That’s where the Dems went wrong. They thought they’d have those votes forever, even while they allowed the far left of the party call these guys deplorable racist cis whatevers and blame these guys for all the world’s problems.
Reagan Democrats became Trump Democrats. Shocking.
Same for me. My father in law is a retired welder who built locomotives for GE for 30+ years, is a lifelong Democrat, and was very active in his union, and he practically worships Trump.
But don’t worry, some academic researcher has assured me America is a center-left country, just waiting for the chance to go full Sweden.
The thing they forget about the center part of that “center-left” is that it can, and does, go either way. Ignore or offend it and you can just as easily get a “center-right” country.
It reminds me of the immigration debate. “The majority wants to increase or maintain immigration levels”. “The majority wants to decrease or maintain immigration levels”. Both of those statements are true, because each side is coopting the center, but the center is not as easily coopted in reality as in statistics.
“Or maintain”. A simple demonstration of numbers will show how absurdly worthless those conclusions are. Lets assume everyone has a firm, unchangable belief in what policy should be taken. Group A wants an increase. Group B wants to stay where we are. Group C wants a decrease. If A, B, and C each are 1/3rd of the population, then “increase or maintain” (A & B) is 2/3rds, a majority. At the same time “decrease or maintain” is also a 2/3rds majority, yet no group has enough support to make headway.
The flaw in those statements is the inclusion of the “status quo” vote when it is incompatable with the policy being pushed. The policy is a change, and the status quo vote opposes change.
Perpetuating the idea that every election is The Most Important Election EVER!
That’s because we are at a turning point….
So… where does George Webb stack up on the burger joint list? Does it move up a few ticks for people as they allow employees to carry?
It cuts down on complaints.
Does nobody stop to think about the message it sends when Democrats are hysterically triggered by the thought of constitutionalists on SCOTUS?
“If we just elect the right people, eventually we can attain our dream of the supremacy of mob rule, and finally be rid of that pesky Constitution.”
That time Spike Lee tried to show how racist black face was, by making a film filled with racist black stereotypes tying to be humor.
I don’t get it.
*insert gif of UnCivil’s Unexpressive Countenance here*
Two fiddy a week
So like an unfunny version of The Producers?
Eagle eyed watchdogs are here to save us.
Two nonprofits are criticizing Amazon for allowing its platforms to spread white supremacy and racism, identifying in a report how shoppers can buy onesies for babies stamped with alt-right images, Nazi-themed action figures and anti-Semitic books and music.
The report, which was released on Friday by the Partnership for Working Families and the Action Center on Race and the Economy, said Amazon’s policies allow it to bar hateful or offensive merchandise and content, but the policies are “weak and inadequately enforced” and allow hate groups to “generate revenue, propagate their ideas and grow their movements.”
The report outlines a number of items available as of June, including a costume that makes it look as though wearers have marks around their neck from being hanged from a noose, and onesies for babies that include images of a burning cross emblazoned across the front and Pepe the Frog.
The report identified dozens of e-books being sold in Amazon Kindle formats that were published by groups labeled “hate organizations” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups.
The horror. I’ll bet you can buy a model of the Duke boys’ General Lee. Or a “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” t-shirt.
What does the Center for Action on the Economy and Race have to say about it? They are the true gatekeepers for such nuanced topics as this.
“But the debate has ramped up in recent years with an emboldening of white supremacist and anti-Semitic groups and pressure from countries in Europe to get American technology companies to crack down on hate speech, said Danielle Citron, a professor at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law and author of the book “Hate Crimes in Cyberspace.”
Yes hate groups just now suddenly decided to spreading their word online. Before Trump you couldn’t find anything racist on the internet. I blame the lack of net neutrality.
* start spreading
Start spreading the news
You’re leaving today
Partnership for Working Families and the Action Center on Race and the Economy
How big are these organizations? How many members do they have? Employees? What are their budgets and funding sources?
Without this information, why would I care at all about what they say? For all I know, they are Russian bots at this point.
Oh noes, not a cartoon frog!
“Either Amazon does not find the materials outlined in this report offensive or otherwise contrary to its policies, or it does not consistently enforce its own policies,” the report said. “Amazon has been reactive, not proactive, in its response to use of its site by peddlers of hate.”
In the report, the organizations asked Amazon to develop better policies for policing its platforms, destroy hateful merchandise in its warehouses and stop allowing such goods and content to be distributed through its services.
“Those books. Throw them on the fire.”
I wonder if they have demanded the removal of Che shirts, as well.
I wonder if they have demanded the removal of Che shirts, as well.
It’s not the same, dude. Che abused and killed people out of love, not hate. It’s not fair to lump him in with people who say mean things.
He just had to kill those wrongthinkers, it was for their own good. Like a mercy killing.
Ancient Chinese secret, huh?
I wonder if they have demanded the removal of Che shirts, as well.
I don’t.
“This is a conversation about morals and ethics and their own terms of service,” she said.
She warned, though, about the danger of overreaching. The report called on Amazon to get input from groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center to help it monitor and react to hate groups, but the center itself has faced criticism about how it classifies extremism and hate.
“Unless we’re really disciplined in how we define it, with examples, and we err on the side of narrow, it can grow in ways that are unintended,” Ms. Citron said.
“If we’re not careful, people might try to hold us to the standard we set for others. And we certainly don’t want that.”
OT: happy work anniversary to me. On this day, 5 years ago, I called a liability carrier for malpractice insurance, as I realized that I’d given the first true legal advice of my career. After that, I started looking for office space & furniture.
Today I celebrate with a mocha decaf, sugar free, and by calling two people to say “I don’t represent you (yet), and I can’t give out legal advice until you pay me.”
The less lawyerly version.
“Don’t enact my labor shitlord!”
Congratulations! Now all you need is to get some work out of that lazy, shiftless husband-unit of yours.
to be fair, he should get some credit here too, without the Ayatollahor Rock N Rollah, I’d have had a much more difficult time getting started and keeping it going . . .
go on…
Ok, a lot of credit.
So *now* he’s coasting.
Well, he failed to secure new supplies of guzzoline.
I’ve been trying to coast all of my life; considering myself a better man about town than a lowly worker. Sadly my current finances don’t allow a life of leisure so here I am. But once my ship comes in…
Don’t invoke SugarFree unless you want nighmares.
yeah, I thought of that right after I’d typed it. Thus begins a new SF saga, day in the life of solo female attorney . . .
So you’re in favor of the elimination of white spaces?
Congrats! I wish I had the cojones to hang a shingle. I think it would be a much more interesting day to day existence than I have now.
*totally misconstrues the phrase in the context of the lynching subthread*
*totally misconstrues the phrase in the context of the stripper subthread*
Weirdly, I thought of chipped beef on toast.
By the time I had been practicing law for 5 years, I had been fired once, and had around a year left on my second law firm job. My third job was in-house, although my fifth job was back with a law firm before going in-house again, and permanently.
Battle of Tours in 732 halted the Islamic invasion of Western Europe. Now Muslims are looking for funding to build a mosque on the site of the battle to avenge to loss and celebrate their conquest of the West.
So the French have bled all the blood of Martel out of their veins?
Strong song choice Sloopy. My all time favorite of those guys is “Rock and Roll Damnation”. Bon Scott era AC/DC was among the best hard rock ever made, Take a chance while you still got the choice.
In regards to unhinged leftists trying to fuck with politicians in public, I recently was on a flight back from Mexico with the fam and when we got off the plan we were on the people mover thingy with the new mayor of SF, London Breed. The vote count was still going on and it was between her and another proggie. I asked her how it was going and she said that she had just pulled ahead. We made small talk for a minute and went our ways as we got to Customs. I hate progressive politics as much as anyone, I’ve seen the terrible effects it has had on my hometown and I am a policial junkie, but there is no way in hell that I was going to be rude to this woman, or even really bring up politics. It was not the arena for it. Those antics are reprehensible to me.
Pretty much the same way here. Occasionally I am in a room with politicians (inevitably, we would agree on very little if we were to discuss policy). I talk about other things. Oddly, they don’t seem to mind at all.
The bug-eyed monomania of SJWs is pretty rare, really. The media, for whatever reason, loves to overstate its extent.
Yeah, that just seems such a weird thing to me. I don’t mind talking politics at all, but I am not the one to bring it up. I can’t even imagine bringing it to that level.
I don’t want to discuss politics (or much of anything else, generally) with progs, but I follow my mom’s rule – if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. I have absolutely no desire to harangue anyone.
Wrong eye color.
Oh the irony of this statement.
“Nigerian healer is shot dead when he invites a customer to test his bullet-proof charms”
Even Cary Grant wasn’t bulletproof.
Is it really murder? Isn’t this more of an industrial accident due to defective product?
I’m neither a lawyer nor Nigerian.
Good afternoon! I represent the estate of Mr. Chinaka Adoezuwe, healer. Mr Adoezuwe left an account of some 12.6 million USD. For tax reasons, I am looking for a partner who can accept transfer of these funds for a time into a US bank account. As a gratuity, I am willing to pay 25% of the account funds for this service, and only require USD5000 up front as a token of your good faith. If you are willing to receive a share of the estate funds, please contact me urgently.
That brightened my day. Thanks, Count.
“The majority of romance novels on the best-seller lists are by and about white, heterosexual people. These writers are trying to change that.”
You are free to write whatever fiction you want.
The market will decide what sells best.
PS, the NY Times list is not representative of actual sales and is more a list of “books we like or are browbeaten into listing” from the editors.
This. I know quite a few POC who are doing *very* well, if one goes by Amazon rankings in very niche subgenres, two in particular: black women/white men and “thug love.”
The kvetching in my Twitter feed, however, about the invisibility of POC books is rampant. It turns people off. I know other POC who now refuse to buy or review POC romance because they feel pressured/guilted into it.
Newsflash: There are LOTS of good writers who write LOTS of good books that never get traction.
They’re trying to make the majority of romance novels on best-sellers lists be about POC transgender quintuple-spirit omni-pansexuals? GLWT
Since the NY Times “Bestsellers” list has nothing to do with sales – they can do it rather easily. It won’t be Amazon #1-10, but the faster the times list loses the last vestiges of its illusion of legitimacy, the better.
You’d think, if you wanted to maintain the credibility of the institution rather than looking like ideological partisans, that you’d err on the side of caution rather than hewing to absurdly particular and opaque rules.
And why even bother with that fig leaf of technical excuse? Who’s going to complain about the NYT admitting to bias in its book selection? Right-wingers, sure, but they do that already. Even cosmopolitan right-leaners shrug at the ideological bent of the paper and laud it for its non-opinion reporting. And lefties certainly won’t balk at an out-and-proud NYT saying “No, we will not give this author the imprimatur of this honorable institution, whether or not his book is a best seller.” So who does the guy think he’s fooling?
the writer won’t state the obvious reason for the discrepancy.
has anyone here read it?
A few have. From the pithy couple reviews I’ve seen, the consensus seems to be that it’s common sense advice, maybe even trite, with a strong parochial tinge.
As with all things now, the complaints seem to be about who Peterson inspires rather than what he preaches. Young men, mostly white, who vibe to his imperative of personal responsibility and masculine selflessness. And that’s… bad, because white, and male.
Well, they had it in for Cosby because he preached the same thing at black men, so at least they’re consistent on that front.
SF has a business opportunity.
I think the market with the most potential for me is “thug love.”
You’re not wrong.
Pat felt several non-cis but still overpowering urges when he/she/it saw Sam, the gelded she-man bench four racks of crossfit plates.
Could that be because the biggest market for romance novels are white, heterosexual people?
Nah, must be teh racisms.
One could argue that traditional publishers are missing a bit of a market since over 20% of romance novels are consumed by non-whites while only 6% of the books feature non-white characters. But that’s where Amazon and other publishing platforms come into play — they’re picking up the slack.
The angle here isn’t racism, but more of the stodginess of the old guard publishing houses — it’s the same with a lot of other industries that are slower to react to their markets.
But yes, the largest consumers are heterosexual white women for sure.
The question you have to ask is this – do those customers actually care? Would you gain more readership through these alternative offerings? Lose readers? Have zero impact through apathy to the representation of these characteristics?
The troll is strong with this one.