DEAR ABBY: My husband has become very overweight, which has caused his sex drive — as well as his health — to suffer. I worry about him constantly, and I miss the intimacy we used to have. He is aware of how I feel and started trying to eat healthier. He also tries to exercise at least a little bit every day.
The problem is he constantly falls off the wagon. Sometimes he says he’s too tired to exercise, or he reverts back to his old habits and ends up eating fast food. He always tries again the next day, but he won’t make much progress at the rate he’s going.
I don’t want to nag him to death, but I do want him around for a long time. What can I say that will make him take this more seriously? — ALL ABOUT HEALTH IN ALABAMA

“That last bunch was easy…they could hardly waddle away from us!”
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are both active duty military. We have been married for three years and have an 18-month-old daughter together. My husband is sweet, handsome and a great father. We got married very quickly, and I think that’s where our problems began.
He isn’t good at communication or showing affection, which leaves me feeling lonely. This, on top of being separated several times due to the military, makes for a very shaky marriage. I have cheated on him with eight different people since our wedding. The affair I am most ashamed of was when I was pregnant with our daughter.
I’m currently in counseling, but I’m still unable to curb my cravings. He always forgives me and allows us to continue being married. The problem is, I don’t know if he’s really the one for me. I know cheating is wrong and that I’m not only hurting him, but my daughter as well.
Should we divorce? Or should we continue trying to be together? We have talked about marriage counseling, but we are separated so much it makes it hard to get into a good groove. — IS HE THE ONE FOR ME?

Should we divorce?
This is why I got on the internet.
Yeah… not 8 times, eight people, thats one seriously fucked up lady.
I hope she trips into a volcano.
Um, from my time in the Marines, I don’t find that story even the least bit surprising. The amount of cheating that went on was stunning.
Young. Away from home for the first time. Lots of booze. Lots of partying. A culture that promotes drinking. Separation for over a year (at least for enlisted pukes in Okinawa).
I think I only knew one guy who was faithful to his wife the whole time I was in. And his name was Big Organ Morgan.
That explains why his wife was faithful.
BOM was a little guy and already bald at 23 or something. Never going to be on a recruiting poster.
His greatest moment was when he signed the back of a squadron picture that we had taken as a memento for our CO who was retiring as “Big Organ Morgan”. The Sgt. Maj. flipped out when he saw it. BOM said with a straight face: “Huh? My heart is my big organ. I love everyone and everyone loves me.”
The Smaj was stunned and BOM ran away to hide. The witnesses were all crippled with laughter.
*This was the same CO I who would ride his bike alongside us on formation runs because he had “bad knees”. I got in trouble with the SMaj when the CO didn’t show up one morning because he was on light duty and I said too loud “what are his bike tires low?”
If by faithful you mean never had sex with any other woman, I’d say sure. but I think you may have to leave it at the woman part, given the marines I’ve met.
Dear Zardox, The Hyperbole Day® is approaching and I am torn between giving myself the gift of the KitchenAid Stand Mixer or the gift of the all-grain brewing starter kit.
Sincerely, Pizza or Beer? What is best in life?
No kidding. Can’t believe some things people say.
Stand mixer. You can buy beer.
They don’t sell pizza in Minnesota? And why am I being so argumentative? Do I need more rum?
Nah, I was thinking the same thing. And yes, we both need more rum!
It’s settled then.
Tundra is right.
The brewing kit. You can’t knead beer with your hands.
Yeah, you buy the brewing kit and you won’t be kneading any wife parts for a while.
Stand mixer. One can make many more things with a stand mixer, especially if one also acquires a pasta roller attachment.
But can they get you drunk?
I have a juicer attachment for mass quantities of lime juice for margaritas, so, yes.
Tabs mixer, pasta attachment and grinder attachment from Smokehouse Chef.
“Stand” mixer.
All about health in Alabama, your husband recently lose a senate race? If so, it may not be the weight so much as you reached voting age.
I have cheated on him with eight different people since our wedding.
I suggest you name your daughter Crystal, Tiffany, or Amber. It will help her career prospects immensely.
If I were the husband, I’d want a DNA test on the daughter.
The problem would be, if it turned out he wasn’t the biological Dad, biology probably kicked in the second he held the baby. And after 18 months, he’s probably strongly bonded with that child, deployments or not.
So. Continue to support and provide for the child, keeping at least some kind of an 18 year relationship with the wife to keep the child in his life, or let the child go? Tough call.
In some states, he’d be on the hook for child support anyway for having “accepted” the child as his in the first place. (Don’t get me started!)
1 minute late *has sad*
And it is really weird, as a first-time dad. I never realized how attached I’d get to my little guy. People make it seem like mothers are the only ones with strong connections to babies, biology is weird and amazing.
I got attached to the x gf kids (3 years) but I aint sending money for them.
He should get full custody, and the slut should pay child support until the kid is 18.
Fixed for your locality.
26. Fixed for Obamacare.
I’ve got money to wager that he has also cheated at least that much on her. Depending on how cheap the sex workers are where he was deployed it could be magnitudes greater.
Based on a lot of previous court rulings it is probably already to late to bother. Might depend on the state though I guess.
Fuck that. Get the test and if it’s his, sue for full custody. If it’s not and he’s still expected to pay? Full custody. It’s obvious she’s not capable of taking care of that child. But no custody no money. I refuse to pay “support” so you can slut around.
I agree it is bullshit, but some courts have ruled that ever taking on the mantle of fatherhood creates an obligation from the ‘father’.
My best friend had something like this happen to him (the kid is his, but the girl was playing around on the side), but he got custody in the end.
Also in NY, it is 21 years, not 18:
The Husband: Live Feed
I was waiting for the anime tentacle action, but it never came *disappointment*
+1 the guy staring at his kid like ‘no way’
Also all the guys surprised they’re not the father. I hadn’t heard a lot of that music in awhile, so thanks.
Also… how did that white lady think a white guy was the father of her half-black kid….??? I realize stranger things have happened, but occam’s razor would suggest otherwise.
Many people believe that if you just repeat a lie enough times and loudly enough, it magically becomes the truth.
CNN calls this their business model.
Yep. My fiancee worked with a woman who is exactly like the woman in that fat video: big fat white woman with a kid who is clearly fathered by a black man, but was trying to convince a white guy she was seeing that he was the kids dad. Like, was very very very insistent that Jimmy Ray Bobby Lee was the daddy, and not DeAngelo.
Like, the kid looks like this: and she was, last I heard, still swearing that his daddy was the white dude not the black dude. OK sweetheart.
That show is just hilarious though, I always enjoyed it. Especially when its a YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER and the chick is like “Well that means it could be any of five dudes.” Like seriously honey? Five dudes? Five? The best you can do given a three week window of conception is narrow it down to five dudes?
I love when it turns out not to be any of those 5 guys either.
Yeah like……I’m not Bible thumper…..but I do think it would be nice if all the prospective baby daddys could fit in a single elevator at one time. It’s a three week fucking window……it’s not like were asking you to reach back to the maiden voyage of the Titantic and remember the DeCapriosicle.
Only 8 times? Well, gee golly, there’s no chance you are carrying a deadly incurable STD. What a lucky guy.
I’m withholding an opinion until I see a pic.
Yeah, there’d be no forgiveness form me.
What a cuck.
One, maybe.
Two and done.
I did the whole forgiveness for one thing with a long-term girlfriend. I even did forgiveness for two to an extent, although the relationship didn’t last long after I found out about the second guy. Of course she was already banging a third guy before she came over to get all of her shit out of my apartment. After the humiliation of that experience, it became a zero tolerance issue for me.
I think the problem is the incentive of admitting you’d forgive once is that they would commit adultery once, and then maybe even try again, considering you’d condoned it once. I think zero tolerance is the only way to overcome that.
I don’t even share my crayons.
He isn’t good at communication or showing affection, which leaves me feeling lonely. This, on top of being separated several times due to the military, makes for a very shaky marriage. I have cheated on him with eight different people since our wedding. The affair I am most ashamed of was when I was pregnant with our daughter.
Notice how she starts off blaming him. Fuck you, a husband not being “sufficiently affirming” is no excuse for becoming a cum dumpster for every guy who is willing to come home with you.
I hope your daughter calls your husband’s next wife “mom”.
Fuck, new phone means no monocle yet, which means fucked up tags.
Didn’t you help make monocle or was that someone else? >.>
That was me. Got a new phone today and haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to install monocle on opera mobile.
Any thing you figure out, let me know
Is monocle availabe for iPhones?
The only way I’ve been able to run monocle (actually I use eyepiece, which is a bit smaller screen footprint) on phones is to install firefox and download the tampermonkey addon to firefox. Unfortunately, firefox sucks on mobile.
I was hoping that Opera would let me run user scripts like monocle, but no dice.
UPDATE: I actually found a way to do it on Opera!!! I think it’ll work for Safari, too. It’s a bit kludgy, but it’s better than nothing.
1) Create a bookmark. Name it “Eyepiece” or “Monocle” or something.
2) In the URL of the bookmark, paste this:
3) Whenever you navigate to a glibs article, click the bookmark
Thanks! It’s a Computer Age
Trash, bringing the pain
So… no chastisement for miss Open Legs? Just an admonishment for the husband to be present (which he cannot be). Fuck you Abby.
Wow, that’s telling
Seriously. “if you cannot curb your cravings, you should take every precaution you can against STDs” Because she’s possessed by an alien entity? Her brain isn’t connected to her efferent nerves? They’re putting chemicals in the water that make the frogs thots? What?
Jake’s got it covered
How about Shaggy?
Eminem is funny, but the censorship is annoying.
Heh. Do uncensored versions actually exist? I feel like I’ve only ever heard the bleeps.
Yes, but not with the official videos.
The best Romanian Caterers in the state!
I’d really like to see an accounting of how much fucking money these dependas get. Back in the day, lower enlisted ranks could not marry without permission. Nowadays, it’s a huge cash cow.. Like, I go to the beach down there near Camp Lejune. Any single dudes ever in the area with low standards, just cruise on down to Jacksonville NC. Lotta Marine “wives” on the prowl down there. It’s actually fucking gross.
My second time through Memphis NAS, I was a corporal and one of the things I had to do was fill out the marriage permission forms. It was always one of two things: 1) young guy right out of boot camp wants to marry high school honey or 2) young guy right out of high school wants to marry trailer trash just like Viking talked about.
You couldn’t officially stop them from marrying, you could just “counsel” them. I would always ask the youngsters if they had ever been to BC street in Okinawa and seen a “banana show”. Then I would go on and on about the crazy shit that you would see once you got out of the training depot. It only worked about 5% of the time.
Good times.
*pro tip: No matter how drunk you are and how many salty sergeants tell you that it is a hoary tradition of the Corps, do not eat the banana. Even this rube from the prairie of Western Minnesoda figured that out on his own.
Friday night drunk sentimental post. You dudes and imaginary women are the best. I rarely post because I read ALL the links and by the time I finish yenz have said all I had to say. Really, everyone here is like the voices in my head. Some I try to suppress down more than others. Anyway, this is my most visited site and I hope it has a long future.
Welcome. I for one, encourage you to join in, add to the experience.
Just think, you’ll always remember “Fast Food Whore” as your big debut post.
Seriously, jump in from now on. You’ll find the water’s usually pretty warm, only partly because of urine.
Fuck off Tulpa!
What gave it away? Was it the lint under the fingernails?
You give off that distinctive troll scent that I so cherish.
Seriously though, what everyone else said and welcome, though we will have to teach you how to not read links.
Welcome! We like drunk, sentimental posts.
I love you, man!
I moderately like you, sometimes, too. In spite of the pineapple issue.
*face plants in Hawaiian pizza*
Speaking of pineapple not-pizza, DOOM has been a little scarce lately when I’ve been around. I’m assuming he’s just busy with his new, awesome lady friend and work.
Yeah, I haven’t seen him around much. We had a car thing going, but it kind of died out. I think he’s on the discord thing, too.
We’ll track him down and get him back here!
Even sober sentimental posts are good.
I see you’ve already been told to fuck off. So there isn’t much else to say.
Get off my lawn?
Fuck Off!
?Welcome and please contibrute, you’ll find it both fun and entertaining…..
Yufus, the Welcome Wagon
Hi, hi!
Did you come over from ToS?
Technically yes. I been here since a few weeks after the opening but just rarely post.
Technically correct, the best kind of correct.
Nice to have you here!
State of residence and favorite musical genre, please.
NE Ohio. Right in between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Favorite genre? Right now, probably folk-rock/ Americana. E.g. Avett Brothers, Langhorne Slim, Trampled By Turtles.
Good Job, Tulpa.
Trampled By Turtles
Duluth’s own!
I have a G Love album with the Avett Bros as the backing band. Awesome record.
Drunk posting? Approved! Welcome and fuck off, Tulpa.
Can we not enjoy our Sandwich, French fries and cole slaw separately in peace please?
Don’t like the fries and coleslaw schick? Try the buffalo chicken sandwich. Probably the best sammich they have.
I hears ya, Wal. Pretty much where I am, only I chime in. Skip to the current post and join the scrum!
I like grey cell green better.
Since I liked Tundra’s link, it only makes sense that you should also include a link to this supposedly better music.
Hey MN dude, my wife and I are planning to get a MN concealed carry permit (MN doesn’t reciprocate with IA because IA doesn’t require a shooting test to get a permit).
Apparently, we can go to any county sheriff to apply. So just across the border is probably easiest.
Do you have any knowledge of any county sheriffs we should avoid? (I know its a long shot that you would be familiar).
My wife is from India, but spent a summer in Iowa, for which I am really grateful. When everyone was busy saying how everyone in the midwest are racists after the election, she could only mention her personal experience that Iowans are very nice people (though they stared at her a bit, I took this as curiosity more than anything, she was living in a small farm town, and only whites and Mexicans working at the pork plant seemed to live there), and anyway, they voted for Obama last time. Point being, cheers to you and the other Iowans for showing one immigrant dear to me that ‘murica isn’t rayciss. She was happy I put out an American flag this 4th and is planning on getting her citizenship.
/random anecdote
I may have to slow down a bit…
So, the lobotomy Bock is pretty good eh?
Heh, that didn’t last to this weekend. I did really enjoy the shit out of that though. The best of a good selection.
When are they going to post the reviews? I sent mine in last week, iirc.
If you wish, I’ll send you a few more, lemme know
I wouldn’t say no if you felt magnanimous… you’ll have to read the review whenever that lazy Mexican guy gets around to it. 😉
Come on man…give me like, a day.
Wasn’t trying to be a dick (I don’t have to try), I assumed it was Nephilium’s fault, that and late senders.
Tomorrow is Saturday, you know what that means….
Not taken that way. We must abide by the given timeslot and it must be evaluated to maintain our coveted family friendliness certification.
Lest there be anarchy, and we don’t want anarchy, right?
Eh…. I must be on the wrong website? *checks URL*
That’s awesome!
I’m glad your wife enjoyed her time in Iowa.
Small town Iowa can be awkward for anyone not from that small town (including Iowans from the “big” cities).
She was an hour or two from Des Moines, she liked it there, and had a friend from Iran, iirc, there. Very cute girl… *ahem*
The sweet corn was nice in the little town, though I will say we grow it just as well in my part of NY. 😉
Small town anywhere is that way, in my experience.
Iowans ARE divided as shit…just try and start the DeKalb vs. Monsanto fight!
My wife is from Korea and she doesn’t like sticking out when she visits my old stomping grounds. She thinks the Twin Cities isn’t Asian enough (only Koreans, Japanese and Manchurians (NE China) are acceptable as Asians. The Hmong, Vietnames, Laotians and Cambodians are weak cousins).
I’m the exact opposite. I love visiting her home because it is so far out in the boonies that you get that super “foreign” feel. Where nothing anyone does makes any sense. I have been brought to the local elementary school there a few times (by kids of my wife’s cousins) for show and tell. And since even the teacher speaks almost no English, I am about the same level as a cow with 5 legs.
I try to tell my wife that when people stare and ask questions it is because they are really super interested in her and where she came from. Anything non-Norwegian is a complete oddity where I grew up. And she (and same with me in Korea) gets treated like royalty because people want her to think nice things about their backwater.
You’re fine. I just texted my carry instructor and he said that he’s never heard of everyone having a problem. We’re fucked up in a lot of ways, but issuing permits is apparently not one of them.
Well Tundra can tell you which southern Minnesoda sheriffs are touchy about livestock molestation. Not sure he knows much about gun loving sheriffs.
I loooove that album. My favorite.
I expected you to weigh in! I share songs from God Fodder with Spawn 2 all the time. She loves Happy and this one.
The whole album has aged really well.
I always associate that sound with this:
Wow, totally forgot about that. And I used to have that album.
Same. Thank god for spotify!
So, my gf is off for summer vacation (teacher). She launched a verbal rant tonight about illegal immigration (first hand experieneces), and I told her if she wrote an artcile, I know a place that would (probably) publish it. We’ll see how that goes…
Or it didn’t happen
Hmm. I wonder where that would be?
I know of one place that would bother….
They let me in…….
Haven’t seen anything come in about your sweet pup in a while. Just mentioning….
She doesn’t do Heat, but I have some ideas, thanks for the mention SP
“Dear Penthouse,
I never thought it would be me…”
The wife’s bday today. Taking her and the kid out to a nice restaurant tonight. Question is: necklace or earrings?
Necklace, Pearl
Her bday, not mine, Yufus.
Okay, I don’t know how I didn’t catch on from Yusef’s post… Because my wife hates me, I’ve been banned form giving my wife any more jewelry for special occasions. Probably shouldn’t have mentioned how the gold was a good investment ‘just in case’.
Something about Tittie Fucking and the Path of Ejaculation……..
It is really pretty sad because I really like ZZ TOP.
Something about Tittie Fucking and the Path of Ejaculation
Playing this weekend at the Off-Off-Broadway Experimental Theater, SoHo
take that, “Effects of Gamma Rays On Man-in-The-Moon Marigolds” !
In my house, it’s the Same result, gifts? maybe, Sex, Oh Hell yes!
You can’t go wrong with either if they come in that pale-blue box.
What does this Box contain? I need no Viagra or money for Jewels, what is this Powerful Box you Speak of Good Sir?
The box is powder blue, very distinctive, and lightly written on it is a word that starts with a T and rhymes with “epiphany’.
Unless it’s only the keychain inside, wives go nuts for this box.
Ahhhh I’Member those,
“She doesnt have her virginity, but she saved the box it came in.”
Not this wife.
Not into jewelry or other status type things. And I’d be horrified with spending serious coin on anything like it.
What does this box contain?
Bourbon…through the nose.
Earrings. And something timeless. She’s Japanese? Then I’d say blue pearls set in yellow gold. Something natural, not geometric. Such as a single pearl in a leaf or ribbon shape.
Damn good advice, especially considering it’s a style suggestion from a potato wearing a top hat.
My panties just got wet.
I don’t even wear panties.
There are no female libertarians, so you’re obviously a cross dresser.
Like I said, I don’t wear panties.
Japanese women only want one thing that is blue: a supercharged Nissan Sileighty.
I demand anime tiddies under the Geneva Convention.
Thank you for respecting our human rights.
Every time I see this one I wonder, why does a cartoon need breast implants?
(I’m guessing the artist(s) used a model of a top-heavy girl with implants, because they have the distinctive abrupt rise from the sternum, unlike natural breasts.)
/physician complaint
Well doc, they aren’t implants, because it’s a cartoon, and the rules of our physics don’t really apply. By the by, did you already go up to Eagle River? I suspect if you did it was a good time. That’s how we roll in northern Sconie.
You are saying you prefer someone dressed as a nun fighting with a yo-yo?
I understand.
*cancels nuremberg trials*
If you’re going to do the pearl, take her to Mikimoto Pearl Island. If you leave now, you can be there around 3:30. Skip the exabits and go straight to the jewelry shop.
Diamond Earrings
Give her a gun. Seriously. Mrs. Dean got one for her wedding present.
On the Topic of articles, It’s hard to write lengthy pieces and stay pithy, I’m working on my Diorama article and it’s a lot of organizing rearranging and editing, but I want to stay humorous a bit, ant thoughts Writers?
Dont fall into the trap of over-editing your own work. You’ll go insane. Leave that to our Betters.
The Overlords? edit? well they did strip out all my Alt text for the latest Slab Article………..
/I worked hard on that, it was half the story……….
I’ve had alt-text go missing, but i’m petty sure it’s WordPress, not TPTB.
I believe you need to add the alt text to the image in the media library if you just edit the picture in the post it doesn’t work.
Editing your own writing gets easier after you edit other people’s writing. Although two heads are still better than one — usually.
Depends on the other head.
You’re not funny, so don’t bother to try.
You’ve cheated on him eight times and he’s still around?!? Yeah, he’s been cheating on you too.
At least she is still keeping count. Bet she wears a pussy hat at marches.
Not necessarily, could just be a decent guy. Seems to me tho, she’s wanted the divorce from day one. Otherwise why tell him?
Old fashioned Guilt?
No, she wanted to punish him.
Thats even worse.
I give up.
you Can’t give up! you are Here, trapped in the Vortex with us!
Absolutely he can
And his wife is a serial cheater too.
If GBob is around… you should hit me up when you get to Buffalo. I’ll buy you a beer, and I promise it won’t be a Big Ditch!
Lacky0989 at google’s email service dot com.
Those BD Brews looked pretty good to me, maybe I’ll get your beer next BIF,
I hope so, you sent a good package (heh) so I’d like to reciprocate. Hope you got a good one from your BIF sender.
Awesome beer from Ohio? Yes! very much, your’s was a representation of Good Cali Beer that i liked a lot, but not too IPA Crazy, and I didn’t want to buy what I didn’t like/drink
Oh, if you liked the Mylar Duct tape i used, I’ll send you some in the next pack, i wanted to before but I needed it to finish packing.
If you’re in Buffalo, and you havent already, try the Schwabl’s. Their beef on weck is something else.
*not a paid promotion*
God’s Lunch, it is So, (at least once a week so He gets around)
I used to get all the free beef on weck I wanted Friday nights at the Holiday Inn on Deleware & North where I worked. Yum. Never heard of this place (or been to that burb TBH).
I had to google.
Which one were you?
Been wanting to take wife to Niagra Falls. Really need to get on that passport app so we can hit the Canadian side.
What a travesty that you need a f’in passport to visit Canada. I remember going there all the time without one growing up and through college.
Yeah, all we used to need was a birth cert.
Fucking terrorists man.
Hm. I never needed anything other than the ability to tell the border dude that I was an American.
I was a minor before 9/11, that might be why. /young
Be sure to do the maid of the mist, if you head up this way.
Will do.
BW3 has been all downhill since they dropped the weck.
*clears throat*
Depends on how fat he is. The morbidly obese have problems with ED, as well as the fact that fat causes the body to produce estrogen.
Females However can develop TTP Syndrome, which leads to Trump, this is Known
Tits touching pussy syndrome?? That’s some serious sag.
Unless it involves two women.
See, this guy knows what’s up!
While this is undeniable, I have often seen their wives, and I don’t care if you’re a thirteen year-old who just discovered his dick, there’d be no reaction there.
My husband has become very overweight, which has caused his sex drive — as well as his health — to suffer. . . .
I don’t want to nag him to death, but I do want him around for a long time. What can I say that will make him take this more seriously?
I think I found the cause of the evaporating libido.
TTP Syndrome:
Trailer trash generics producing Welfare Babies, MO Babies, MO Money, this is known…..
My favorite teacher in HS was the ~28yr-old guy who ripped the baby mamma’s a new one in the middle of class for no apparent reason. His story was that there was a fairly intelligent young woman who had calculated the ‘right’ number of kids to maximize her income and minimize her responsibilities.
All the 14 year old girls in class wanted to make him a baby daddy, Sting would have been jealous.
In case there was any confusion, this gentleman was of the minority persuasion.
There’s no room for relationship there’s just room to hit it
How many brothers out there know just what I’m gettin’ at
You know me.
I’m Fuckin there! Yep!
I like the Furious Five reference.
DON’T ANY OF YOU WORK? on Saturday? i have Customers calling me still, asking for Saturday Service and I’m already Swamped, and they get to wait til after my Monday commitments, the money is good right now, but I’m getting too old for this Shit.
High today, 121 degrees in Riverside CA
High Tomorrow, 110 degrees
I thrive in High Temps, but there is a point where it Becomes Unhealthy, even for a First World Californian,
+100 lucre
/Tall Cans!
Fuuuuck that. We just got our first comfortable evening in a week or so. Turn off the AC, open the windows, strong breeze… I’m lovin’ it.
We are projected to 90s by next week, this just got us tough…………..
OTOH I think I’m too thin, 140 lb but right about now, I’m in my prime, If I get cocky, heat will fuck me up. like today, I was Selling so I neglected to hydrate, and got dizzy.
But my skinny As does well in the Heat, and there is money to be made, so………………
Sweat,Sweat,Sweat, AHHHHH
Billy Idol
I went to Haiti after the earthquake there to do some soil research.
I was used to working in high heat because I was a landscaping guy during the summers, my PhD supervisor was a guy with a Scandinavian name from Illinois. It was hotter than Satans Taint when we were down there, and the work was pretty physical (glad we had an armed guard btw). Anyway, Dr. Scandinavia started looking pretty pale and wasn’t drinking a lot of water. I kept telling him to drink, but he didn’t listen to little old bachelors degree me. Puked all his dinner up when we finally got to the hotel. Point being if you get dizzy you waited way too long to drink bro. Be careful.
One more story, guy I used to do carney work with. His brother was a mason in Texas, worked all through the summer, got heat stroke and died in his prime. Sad story.
“…guy I used to do carney work with.”
This is why I love this website.
The Carny
“Small hands, smells like cabbage.”
I’ve done a lot of things normal people aren’t proud of, helps that it all worked out.
I think it gave me a good perspective. I normally click your music links, not bad.
Be smart, drink early, and often, I got dizzy, but No amount of water can cure that, Time to get off the Roof,
You stop peeing, you’re too late. I remember a campaign fire where I sweated so much that I ended up with salt stains on the outside of my work boots. You should drink enough water that you have to piss before you ever start working in a hot environment.
I haven’t seen 140 since my extended quaalude diet back in the 80’s.
You can’t even get those anymore.
That’s probably good;).
Check with the Coz. He won’t be using his for a long time.
Re OctoCheat: She loves the cock, and he loves the BAH.
Needs to be performed as a 70’s male/female duet.
Basic Allowance for Housing,
Extra money for shacking up
God loves a whore.
+ 1 foot washing
7 PM 108 Degrees, but its a dry Heat…………
/needs an article……
There is no such thing as “dry heat” on the east coast.
Finally dipped back below 100. How refreshing. Think I’ll pour another bourbon.
Drink it Dry
104 still, Son getting more Beer…..
Should I pay someone to service my AC unit yearly or is that something a homeowner can do?
After reading all the slag on the slut wife you people have shoveled, I think you are all wrong including ZARDOZ the dumb stone head. The correct answer is for her to send pics to westernslopers email as well as location data. Girl be easier than microwave mac and cheese and westernsloper may need to meet her. And ya, if hubby is putting up with that he is a dish on the side machine himself.
Nasally sung : friday friday friday friday, fun fun fun fun :
Did another bone in rib eye for dinner tonight. Still working out the reverse sear technique but I really like that cut. This one was a prime grade and could have used longer at lower temps to melt the fat more. Biscuits and butter beans on the side.
Drinking more Bulleit rye with melted water and watching The Swarm. That’s some good drinking for my philistine tastes.
Ribeyes are so delish. Bone in, yum. Sounds like a great dinner.
Now it’s After Dinner
I’m drinking Bulleit bourbon over a big ice cube.
I tried quite a few bourbons and was ok with a few not being a whiskey person but Bulleit rye is just pure deliciousness. I am carrying on with the sous vide sausage thing inspired by Brett and his dirty water dogs. I have Brats in some beer and a bit of salt hanging out at 160 to be later browned with kraut. Typing that just made me realize I forgot buns. #dumbass
It’s Banjos birthday. Let’s all take a moment to thank the uterus that’s bringing the “libertarian moment” to fruition?
::bows head (giggity)::
Happy Birthday to Banjos!
Are we supposed to have pants on or off?
Off, I hope… I didn’t realize pants were even an option.
All Hail Banjo’s Uterus? Lol
Meh, I am all for repopulating the world with libertarians by reproduction rather than extermination.
Hail Banjos’ Uterus!
Though, I feel wrong saying that in a ZARDOZ thread.
Sloopy should be punished for his penis shooting the seeds of life.
::looks at his seed delivery vessel::
My 4 year old called my 5 year old a “Butt Sandwich” today. I couldn’t admonish her because I was laughing so hard. The libertarian breeding experiment is going swimmingly.
Thank you for your service.
I am trying my best as well, though I got in the game a little late. Kids are great.
A standing ovariation?
Happy Birthday Banjos! Blessings and say thanks we are not all Jehovah Witnesses and would not recognize such a celebratory day as wishing good will on the libertarian uterus growing a year older. (that may have came out wrong)
90s nostalgia click: No hate, just appreciate. Yeah its not hardcore punk or some obscure rap. I’m white as fuck, don’t care.
No hate. We like to be hipster fucks about the music we like, but that’s retarded. If it works, it works.
Also, this was in the sidebar.
Could be the rum talking, but I’m thinking would.
Oh, hell yes.
Is it an act, or should the hot/crazy ratio be considered here?
Her latest solo album is pretty good. Recommended.
Did you ever see her live?
Saw Mazzy Star at the Roxy in LA in 1994. It was ok. They were a little slow and downbeat; I was a little amped and moving about 120mph in my head (because drugs).
I always liked their music. And Fade Into You is part of my acoustic guitar/vocal repertoire.
Just realized that Hope Sandoval album is from 2016. Fuuuu… time flies.
Yeah, I was just perusing her site to see if she toured at all. Looks like nothing in 2018.
Shit now I’m listening to Mazzy Star. I think I see where my ear is going this weekend.
Thanks for that. What a babe, and a talent.
That was the one song that got the boys and the girls
Dum Dum Girls: Coming Down
“You’re skinny. WE GET IT.”
You know how Iggy Pop is a total badass who never wears a shirt?
The lead singer of Incubus is half that.
Fuck you, Be talkin ‘Bout me….
You’re just mad because you didn’t grow up in a shitty situation.
I’ve always liked this song.
Also, NWA isn’t obscure. Or shouldn’t be.
Oops, shortchanged the url..
Still loling
Expensive for a stripped lower.
San Francisco hospital treated Korean tourists’ baby with a nap and a bottle of milk formula. The bill was US$18,000
Thanks. How much do I owe ya?
One packet of sucralose.
What the fuck. I am hardcore pro-market but that is some ridiculous shit. Price transparency should be mandated, right? These people should have taken him to an emergent center and just been overcharged $500.
Well, let’s see. There is a mouse using fee of 20,000. My editing fee of 50,000. An internet surcharge of 10,000. Plus my overhead costs for rum, A/C, and vaping supplies of 5,000. Then there is all the accounting and administrative costs. So lets’s just call it an even 100K.
Someone has to pay for the treatment of cholera & other feces transmitted diseases of the bums that show up in the ER.
This. People aren’t pissed about the shared costs of healthcare, they’re pissed that it’s done so openly and blatantly.
I wish doctors were honest crooks.
Doctors don’t see that money. It’s laundered through insurance and the hospital.
I know, but I still blame them a little. My wife is a healthcare provider and was constantly pressured to over-bill so she quit and did work with a more honest organization.
Just for fun, they lied and said they fired her for ‘nonperformance’.
That’s not good. I get yearly training on billing fraud and I don’t bill for anything.
Wait a minute. Are you my friend from Buffalo with the initials SGS?
Guessing you don’t work for a ‘nursing home’?
They’re all run by scum, at least around here. All the small operators got bought up by people from (((NYC))) and are very unscrupulous. Wifey switched to the Catholics.
‘fraid not SP. Sadly my wife’s experience isn’t very unusual.
But I’d be happy to be your friend from Buffalo. 🙂
I’ll be in the area sometime late summer or early autumn. We can have a drink. Or three.
(And damnit I miss beef on weck! [#notvegan] My Dad’s version is the best I’ve ever had. He bastes it with his homemade mead.)
Explains why you’re with OMWC, your dad gave you his beef. Sad.
These euphemisms!
Sounds like fun, I think you know where to find me but otherwise: Lacky0989 at google mail dot com
So she doesn’t think the old people should be able to get abortions?
“Two years later, the bill finally arrived at their home: They owed the hospital US$18,836 for a visit lasting three hours and 22 minutes, the bulk of which was for a mysterious fee for US$15,666 labelled “trauma activation,” also known as “a trauma response fee.
Charges ranged from US$1,112 at a hospital in Missouri to US$50,659 at a hospital in California, according to Medliminal, a company that helps insurers and employers around the country identify medical billing errors.”
Fuck this this shit in the ass with a rusty chainshaw. It’s a confusopoly enforced by state violence. I want a free market.
I hope that cheating skank gets super AIDS and she melts like the Nazi in Indiana Jones, but slowly, over several months, and that the husband finds a woman who treats him and his daughter right (even though he’s a gutless cuck).
Fuck cheaters.
Even writing that letter shows what a cunt she is. At least be a quiet cunt and suffer your miserable life in silence.
It seems like she’s proud of it and wants to signal it.
I hate guy cheaters too. I don’t give a shit what kind of relationships people agree to be in, but if you’re going to make that kind of commitment you better fucking stick to it. I don’t know if I could ever fully trust someone I knew was a cheater.
You can take the spouse and her lover to the cleaners legally here. It’s called 慰謝料. Isharyou. The court will make you pay tens of thousands of dollars if you bang someone who is married.
What if you didn’t know they were married?
I’d imagine you’d be in the clear, but dunno. Usually the cheating spouse just gives up all the assets voluntarily and leaves to start a new life from scratch. That probably costs a lot more than the isharyou.
How very Japanese.
From the link below: “This rule applies even if the 3rd party did not know of the marriage or engagement, as long as a reasonable person in his or her circumstances would have known. Willful ignorance of the other party’s wedding ring is not a defense.”
Please tell me this is legit!! I’m cracking up that the adultery cause of action is “I share you”
I feel that no-fault divorces (with attendant alimony requirements) is one of the areas where feminism failed to live up it’s ‘equality’ game.
Not sure how I feel about punishing a third party over it though, s/he was never a signatory to the marriage contract, it should really all fall on the cheater (within the bounds of that contract, whatever people might sign).
IMO, it should be treated as a business contract, through and through. This means that if you can prove intent, the third party gets the family law equivalent of Tortious Interference.
That seems fair.
Then again… they never agreed not to do that shit, so while I think morally it might be wrong, there shouldn’t be a legal punishment.
there shouldn’t be a legal punishment
I’d agree that there shouldn’t be a criminal punishment, but I think that civil liability is perfectly applicable. You took some of the value of the marriage (exclusive sexual rights) away from the non cheating spouse without their consent. It’s classic “unjust enrichment.”
I’m, not really convinced.
A and B enter into a contract saying that A shall not offer services to any other party. A and C contract services together. What did C violate? Nothing as far as I can see, it all falls on A.
A and C contract services together. What did C violate?
A didn’t have services to give to C. That’s where the intent part comes in. If C is an innocent third party, they shouldn’t be held to account for taking what rightfully belongs to B. If C partakes in A’s services despite knowing full well that all of A’s services were previously sold/contracted to B, C’s role is looking much more like theft and much less like an innocent receipt of misallocated benefits.
Intentionally inducing somebody else to violate the NAP is a violation of the NAP.
This still seems like a problem between A and B to me. C can’t ‘steal’ something freely given, even if they knew B had a claim to it.
Hm, when I write it like that, it does sound like C could be liable. I guess this kind of falls into that copyright trap, where we speak as though it is a property which is exclusive, but technically can be reproduced near ad naseum. Kind of a bind, and more complicated than I expected…
In that case, I’m gonna sell my gun to a guy off the internet, pocket the money, and convince my friend to steal the gun back from the guy and freely give it to me. Then I get the gun and we split the spoils.
The weirdness comes from it being a service instead of a product. However, I don’t think it’s any different of a situation if a cheating spouse “sells” exclusive rights to have sex with them in exchange for a reciprocal promise from the non-cheating spouse. If the homewrecker then conspires with the cheating spouse to “steal” the non-cheating spouse’s rights by having sex, they’re still getting the gun (the benefits to the cheating spouse of being in the marriage) and get to split the spoils (the adultery).
The property angle is more compelling when put that way.
At the least I feel you’d have to show an actual loss on B’s side, beyond non-exclusivity, which would be non-trivial. This is an interesting conversation because I’ve always strongly felt it would be solely A’s fault, and not C’s.
I never got the getting angry at the non married party. They didn’t take an oath or sign a contract.
My first wife cheated on me and ya, she was a cunt. My comment above was in jest, but seriously 95% of the guys I worked with overseas cheated on their wives. Part time marriages make it easy to cheat. That was not the case with whats her face number one since that was years before I took up overseas work, she was just a slut, it happens. Years after that, I would not even cheat on a girlfriend when I was away over in some shithole. I am convinced the not cheaters are in the minority on this planet and the cheaters are in the majority and are not and or ever will suffer. It is the norm. Not cheating is abnormal from my life experience.
In 8 years of marriage I’ve never cheated on my wife. We’re out here buddy.
I haven’t cheated with your wife in the last eight years either.
Good. To be honest, I was a little nervous.
It’s happened to me before as well. I like to think most people keep their word but it hasn’t been my experience. I haven’t cheated and never would. It’s really easy not to.
Right? Don’t put yourself in situations you could cheat. I go to work and come home to my family. Don’t go hangout in dive bars or get a bite to eat with the office floosie.
Agreed, you have to try to cheat.
Either that or I’m not as hot as i think I am. Which is likely.
Either that or I’m not as hot as i think I am. Which is likely.
Nah. You’re so money.
I don’t have to try shit! You don’t control me!
Good point.
Holy shit. Florida Man is Mike Pence!
Cheaters suffer even if society doesn’t punish them. Eudaimonia FTW.
Is that nitrogen with three especially good hydrogen atoms?
Florida man looked it before, so I thought I’d toss it out again.
I’m touched you remember. That is this whiskey is making me emotional.
I’m married and have a daughter. People listening to me is something I never forget.
Lol. I just had a tiff with the wife about not listening to what I say. Classic.
I know a few cheaters who suffered but most…. nope, they carry on as normal and life goes on. I couldn’t do it but many people do. To be honest when I first witnessed it I honestly had to question if I could really be friends with those guys. I eventually figured out they led two lives. It was weird. Super dad when at home, super asshole when away. It worked for many of them.
I liked the Bette Davis version better.
If it ever got to the point where I were tempted to cheat, I’d just leave. If I’m done with someone, I’m done.
And if OMWC ever cheated…he knows I’m a better shot and that I also have a rusty tin can lid collection to be used as a warm-up act.
he knows I’m a better shot and that I also have a rusty tin can lid collection to be used as a warm-up act.
The last thing OMWC would see.
You won’t get far on a powerwheel Barbie Jeep.
This is why I didn’t let you guys meet me at my house, I don’t want this to become anyone else’s slaying grounds, it’s mine!
Oh, you wags.
I also have a rusty tin can lid collection to be used as a warm-up act.
I saw that reference once before but did not want to inquire in spite of suspicions of a certain meaning and now I am convinced that is the strangest reference to a mans junk I have ever heard. It is a bit too visual for my taste I must admit.
Actual rusty tin can lids for…purposes.

*Involuntary crossing of legs and fist-like clenching of butthole*
*deletes comment
Doesn’t remind me of man junk, but hohay.
I’ve done plenty of things in my life that I’m ashamed of but I have never cheated. If you knew my history you’d look askance but it’s true. My Mom made a cuckold of my Father when I was a wee lad and made me the absolutist that I am today. Some folk can live with half measures but I ain’t one of them. Fuck cheaters.
Who ever gave out the tip about the Dirty Harry marathon on the 4th, thanks.
I finished watching the last one today while my stain dried.
That’s not even a euphemism.
Take it How you wish.
Mustang, beat me.
These euphemisms!
Speaking of Eminem and anime tiddies
You know, because America!
The internet:
More from the YT sidebar:
The Cure – A Forest * first ever TV performance Dec 79
I rewatched a bunch ov thier videos from Disintegration and Kiss Me Kiss me. I forget how good they were.
Appropriate. Today is Friday after all.
Here’s another version where Robert is pissed when he has to leave the stage early.
I saw them play, but it was so long ago I can’t remember the details. I do remember in was in an actual theater with seats.
I saw the a few summers ago. His face looks like Edward James
Olmos In zombie makeup these days, but he still put on quite the show.
lol yikes
Oh, this was like 30 years ago.
Niiiice – and so clean-cut.
I never got the attraction but I do listen to “Close To Me” regularly. It’s like one of those bands wherein you like one song. Joy Division springs to mind.
I dunno. I been fat, I been really fat and I’ve been super fat; never has that effected my sex drive. I think that guys has a problem.
Maybe his wife is looking for a reason she can’t get her husband arroused that isn’t her fault. Just spitballing.
Either that or we go off on the whole soy tangent. And I don’t do conspiracies like that; so, yeah, I’m guessing the problem is her, not his weight.
It’s also possible, like happened with me, that the weight gain and the drop in sex drive were both effects of the same cause (extreme amounts of stress being the cause in my life a couple years back)
Funny, I’ve always considered sex a stress reliever.
Extreme stress can also lead to clinical depression which is a sex-drive damper. And so are the anti-depressants one might need to take to pull out of it.
I guess I dodged that bullet with my antidepressants. They just make me think my MAGA hat and my wig talk to me.
Yeah I dunno which kind of fat I am but ditto. Still fully functional.
We all know the gays have a totally different scale for fat than us straits; so yeah I don’t know the conversion rate.
Wait, I thought gays were all thin. Did Seinfeld lie to me?
They’re either in really good shape or a kind of fat-on-purpose. Pretty sure this is what TV taught me.
Wait…wasn’t Newman gay for Jerry? Or did I totally misread that?
Meh, I’m 49 years old. WYSIWYG.
Yours is probably closer to what Rhy is looking for.
You guys suck… is obviously
Wait my letters are out of order…damn
Meh. I’d fuck you.
Web and Gilly!
I’m having Band issues right now……..
This is why,
Dez was the coolest.
He Played it Left hand,
A god-given brand?
Tundra, just renew our commitment to John Cusack, I present Joan and John Cusack at the 2017 Salt Lake City Comicon.
Holy shit. We are getting old.
She’s way funnier than him.
She graduated from the University of Wisconsin, so of course.
I’m not getting old, just you are. I’m young enough to be a suitor for your daughter when she goes on the auction block. That’s how libertarian dating works, right?
Haha! Yes, I am getting old and no, you don’t want to woo Spawn 2.
Trust me on this.
Aforementioned best friend was also counseled by the potential father-in-law not to put a ring on it.
Best advice ever and scarier than a shotgun.
Think I’ll use that one on any prospective sons-in-law I disapprove of.
Mrs Cusack is moving her jaws and teeth just like the meth addict of the same age I saw cashing in a box of stolen extension cords at the recycle center last week.
Can you scrub the *woooting* from that? It’s interesting, but I want the audience to STFU.
Since Q is on vacation, it’s straffinrun’s anniversary, based on the Hegelian dialectic:
I’ll take one of Each please
Wife’s bday, not anniversary. Thanks, though.
Oh right, sorry.
Probably finish up my story this week. Take you up on the editing offer if it still stands. It’s not that long.
I am doing a Show, much like Ziggy Stardust but Fresh and new. i have Lighting and Choreography to do, and a Bunch of music , but ……………….
which has caused his sex drive — as well as his health — to suffer
Priorities. In. Order.
Signing off.
Just a friendly reminder, if you want to listen to a lot of great music on Saturday morning, tune in to or download the wfmu app. Starting at 8am est is Bob Brainen; a burnt out hippie that knows his way around jazz/rock/pop. Followed by the Michael Shelley Show at 10am est playing #1 hits, and great interviews with rock/soul legends. Rex will spread the grease from 1-3pm est; playing wackiness on 45 rpm. Surf, rock, schlock, soul, r&b, and twaaaaannnnnngggg!!!! 3pm est is Todd-o-phonic Todd; featuring live performances and just a great amount of modern, current, and classic rock n roll presented in a high energy environment.
I usually wake and bake, tune in to Bob’s show, go for a two hour run, and let the day progress.
Night y’all!
So the chick has an 18th month old kid, meaning she was knocked up 9 months after enlisting? I want a refund of my tax dollars. Why the hell isn’t that grounds for a discharge? And if it isn’t, then there damn well better not be any promotions coming for a few years.