So I got that going for me. Which is nice.
Let’s do historical events first, shall we? On this date, Stamford Raffles, a dude with an awesome name and also the founder of Singapore, was born. As was Tsar Nicholas I, Harry Ford Sinclair (of Teapot Dome infamy), artist Marc Chagall, eyebrow aficionado Frida Kahlo, astrology fan Nancy Reagan, early adopter of Rock N Roll Bill Haley, TV host and exec Merv Griffin, hotelier Conrad Hilton Jr, the Dalai Lama himself (Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald… striking.), Hollywood treasure Ned Beatty, former president George W Bush, underrated actor Sylvester Stallone, rapper and businessman 50 Cent, comedian and (near) midget Kevin Hart, and loving wife and also a (near) midget Banjos. Happy birthday, sweetie!
Its also the day Francis Drake curb-stomped the Portuguese Navy, Captain Kidd was captured, Louis Pasteur successfully tested anti-rabies vaccine, T.E. Lawrence captured Aqaba from the Turks, MLB held its first all-star game, Patton landed in France, Abbott and Costello’s “Naughty Nineties” was released, the AK-47 went into production in Russia, Jefferson Airplane was formed, “Forrest Gump” hit theaters, and California passed the nation’s first “no-fault” divorce law.
Some fun baseball games yesterday. Winners were: Washington, Texas, Milwaukee, the MINNESOOOOOOOOODA TWIIIIIINS, San Diego, Seattle, St Louis and the defending World Champion Houston Astros walked-off the White Sox as Justin Verlander got another no decision.

Are you serious? Get up, pussy!
Serena and Federer both in action today at Wimbledon. And in the World Cup, France and Uruguay, arguably two fo the more enjoyable teams to watch this year, play at 9 am and Belgium-Brazil play at 1 to see who rolls their way into the semis. Dios Mio, man. My picks: France and Belgium.
That’s it for sports ball. Now time for…the links!
This is not surprising news at all, if you merely look at the overall numbers. Reading into the details, however, it looks like the issue is considerably more important to GOP voters than Dems, who still place healthcare at the top of their list. What is surprising is that only 7% of Team Blue members polled place immigration as the most important issue yet they’ve got the news media banging that drum nonstop. Look for the media to start talking about how evil anything shy of single-payer is as we get closer to November. In fact, look for it today on Twitter as Journolist 2.0 members get their marching orders.

Dude, how much did that drink cost?
Anthony Bourdain was shockingly worth just $1.2M when he died. That number either indicates that he wasn’t very good at negotiating contracts, he had someone ripping him off or he had a “problem” that was costing him a shitload of money.
Trump trolls Masshole Warren. Warren goes on warpath with wild wesponse.
Men get what was coming to them as the violate property rights. B&E is pretty stupid. B&E into an area heavily populated with lions is almost as dumb as shooting a mortar off your head. Adios, dumbasses.
Hey dumbass, just because you think they’re cute and cuddly now doesn’t mean they’re not filthy, disease-ridden vermin. What a maroon!
Trump says “3 or 2” judges in play, but media thinks it will be Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Which means it will be Barrett or Kethledge. My money is on Kethledge, since all of the Team Blue (and media) focus have been on the “negatives” of Barrett and Kavanaugh, which basically amount to them being literalists. We’ll know Monday at 8 pm.

A pair of grifters in their natural habitat: a press conference.
This seems like a reasonable use of taxpayer dollars, right? I’m sure he couldn’t give two shits even if it is a colossal waste.
If you’re gonna be a douchebag and assault a kid just because you don’t like his hat, then make sure its not on video, dumbass. Also, you’re so tough for taking on a kid, asshole. And dropping a n-bomb on him too! That’s gonna resonate well with the griefer crowd, I bet.
Well that’s it for the links. Tough call on the song, but this is what I ended up with.
Happy birthday, sweetie. And have a great end of the week and weekend, the rest of you.
Happy Birthday, Banjos!!!
Let me also offer the best birthday
condolenceswishes.I’m impressed he used the term “sweetie” in front of this group. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Joe Bangles!
I’m 36, but I don’t feel a day over 35.
You young whippersnapper.
Happy Birthday!!! Have Fun!
Happy Birthday!
Banjo day already! I didn’t even have time to buy banjo a new orphan.
Agreed, Happy Birthday to Banjos!
Thank you everyone!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day, Banjos.
Birthday Greetings for Banjos!
Thank you!
“But let’s say I’m debating Pocahontas, I’ll do this,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Great Falls, Mont., referring to Warren by the racially charged nickname he gave her during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Wait, if she tries to take that nickname back, doesn’t that make her an ….
…powerful woman fighting against the patriarchy?
I led with “an”. C’mon, Jatnas, buy a vowel.
I like how the nickname is “racially-charged” yet her supposedly using it to get a leg up when she’s not an American Indian isn’t.
I wish “Fauxcahontas” had caught on in the MSM’s reporting of it.
I was always partial to “Liawatha”.
Sitting Bullshit
Has anyone done Crazy Whore yet?
Isn’t Neil Young pretty protective of his IP?
But she can use her fame to help him sell his new anthology: Neil Young’s Top 50 Worst Albums.
Spoiler Alert: It’s a 50 way tie.
I really thought he put out more bad music than that.
Sitting Bull. Crazy Horse. Lying Bitch.
It’s a near certainty that she’s already taken a DNA test and that it came back negative for any Native American ancestry.
Yep, She’d be waving that around like a fresh scalp.
I’m late, but that was good.
How dare you call into question her lived experience, you racist shitlord!
I’m assuming someone has set the stopwatch for when it’s banned?
I don’t think talking about RA…SASQUATCHES violates their TOS. STEVE SMITH seems to be surprisingly media savvy. He’s skirting the line with finesse.
And by skirting the line, mean…
That 75082769 is not a random number – it’s an iterative count of the number of new accounts he’s had to make.
Trade War With China Starts
So, I’m not totally against a trade war with China. I mean, China’s a bad actor. It makes sense to show them we’re serious about them respecting our intellectual property, or we don’t want to trade with them.
I just don’t get why, at the same time we’re doing that, we also have to have a trade war with Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Japan. One at a time, maybe?
The European trade war isn’t happening. German auto manufacturers, which represent a huge chunk of negotiating power, have already said they agree with Trump and want to see all tariffs ended.
The trade war with Europe is over as soon as they can form a German government and swallow some crow.
Well, I don’t think tariffs are a good idea in general, but I understand the anger with China’s wanton disregard for IP. For years now we’ve been working under the assumption that because China owns a lot of our debt and we trade extensively with them that we need them more than they need us. Maybe it’s time to challenge that a little bit and see what happens. It might not be a bad thing to shake China up a little bit.
because China owns a lot of our debt and we trade extensively with them that we need them more than they need us
When you owe the bank $1,000,000 you’re in trouble, when you owe the bank $100,000,000 the bank is in trouble.
And what happens when the bank routinely steals the designs you’ve invested years working on and passes them of as their own?
Just pointing out that China holding so much debt doesn’t really put the US in a bad position. Nothing to do with the IP issue.
None of this “trade war” with China matters anyway. Their economic development will ironically be the end of them as a global power when an influx of money leads to more prosperity and that prosperity results in more Chinese women drivers being on the road and the ensuing carnage that will inevitably occur.
We can hasten it by exporting as many cars as possible, tariffs be damned.
Stop importing cars and really let the carnage increase.
Also needs a link to a story about Chinese hit and runs (drink!) stopping, backing up, and going for another run to make sure the victim is dead and not merely injured.
Chinese cars are crap.
Sorry, but that one child policy has ensured that there won’t be enough of these women to carry out your evil plan.
That influx of money is helping to prepare for an exflux of rich people, who have stashed money in foreign assets, “just in case”.
Least we’ve finally got some folks who actually pay attention to the security briefings they receive:
“Trump staffers prohibit media access. Film at 11.”
That’ll lead every half hour at HLN.
I ‘member when Japan was invincible and their buying spree was killing the country.
Looks like China is going to go a similar way eventually – a larger economy could be propped up a bit longer by the larger government, but it’s not sustainable.
I was reminded of those days when I visited Toyota. Thankfully, I got out of that place and back on the road. I’ve since renewed my oath never to buy from them. (The tour was free, so thusfar I’ve not knowingly given them money).
Toyota builds more cars in the US than the big two.
Maybe you should expand on your hate?
I won’t buy most Toyota because I think their cars are too bland.
Very dependable, but bland… which sounds right up your alley.
I bet you’d want me to explain why I won’t buy Apple products as well.
Toyota actually makes a good product.
You say that as if it’s relevent.
What is it with these people and their obsession with the MAGA hats?
It seems to really set some of them off to where they just lose it. The masks just come right off. Feature, not a bug, I guess.
You know who else had a striking piece of immediately identifiable clothing that evoked a visceral reaction?
The 1976 Chicago White Sox?
Hugo Boss?
Hester Prynne?
Larry King?
Last year when I was working in Silicon Valley, I gave serious thought to getting a MAGA cap just to troll the locals.
On an earlier trip to that area, I was riding the BART once from the airport to the rental car building wearing my “Aurora Gun Club” cap. Some little hipster asshole was sitting across from me with his dreadlocked girlfriend. I noticed they were staring at the cap. Finally, the hipster decided to show off for his girl. He began with, “You know, if you ask me….”
I cut him off. “I didn’t.”
End of discussion. I was wondering if he’d push it, but he didn’t.
Pretty brave of him, you have to admit. I wouldn’t mouth off to grizzly.
Fred Rogers?
This old lady in one of my AA groups dated Conrad Hilton Jr. for a several months way back when.
Now there’s a Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon connection.
I read that as AAA and thought, “People from the motor club actually get together? I thought it was just an insurance company.”
In the category of “It’s never going to be an issue in real life, but my charaters have to deal with it” – what’s the protocol regarding tipping the driver of a comped limo?
You’re writing a Curb Your Enthusiasm script?
Leave a line of blow on the dash.
You should still tip the limo driver, assuming he did a good job. Even if the limo rental is paid for, it’s not like whoever paid for it is going to toss a tip in too.
But how much?
$10? Or like Sloopy said below, how far was it?
Is this a rock star-type person? Or a CEO? He/she should probably leave a big tip. Regular dude, $10. Maybe $20 if it was for a whole night and you did a lot of driving around. Maybe $50 if he drove you from NYC to Pittsburgh.
If he drove you to Pittsburgh you should punch him in the head and demand he take you back to civilization.
That’s what the $50 fee is for.
20% of what you paid.
How far did he drive you? Was it to an airport, was it for an entire evening? You need more detail.
So far it’s only from the airport to the hotel, but there’s liable to be future travel in the story, so I have the question stuck in my head.
Was the limo comped and made available to the person on an on-call basis? Because that’s totally different than having a limo comped for a single trip/evening.
You’re not giving us much to work with here.
I don’t know how long the vehicle and driver is available for yet. I’ve gotten all of fifteen hundred words into the book.
A single gold florin
Then I can’t answer the question. But I will say this:
If someone is making the car available for an extended period, then it sounds like that limo driver is an employee of the person making it available and you don’t tip someone like that. Their employer compensates them exclusively.
If they work for a car service or are an owner/operator and are contract labor only, then you tip by the day (giving them the tip when you are dropped off at the last stop of the day each day they’re used).
Depends on the character: skinflint, unsure of himself, or someone who often travels by limo?
A skinflint may give an insulting tip of $2. Someone unsure of himself may over tip, while the pro would slap the guy on the back and palm him a $20 bill.
The character is currently unemployed but being schmoozed by someone who wants to exploit his fame and infamy for publicity.
In that case, make him insecurely over-think it, and be dissatisfied with whatever he does.
If he’s unemployed and feeling the pinch, that would be a great way to show how tight his money situation is. ie – he would like to tip more but can only scrape together a few bucks or some pocket change to give to the driver.
*takes out three singles, peels off two, pauses, pockets them*
Just have the driver die somehow. problem solved.
Yes, it could be a recurring gimmick, like a Spinal Tap drummer
Another blast from the past. For my 10th birthday my dad got me a limo for a few hours and we invited our baseball team to enjoy the ride. We just drove around town. We marveled at the sunroofs and took turns standing through it. A great day.
HOWEVER. Baffled that a car could have a VHS, we put in Dumb & Dumber as more background noise as we went around. That fucking VHS player ate my copy of D&D! I haven’t thought about that in well over a decade.
Damn you, Big Limo!
“The only body part we found was one skull and one bit of pelvis, everything else was completely gone,” Fox said.
Homophobic lions.
That was a pretty satisfying story. Kind of reminded me of the old Spectre comics where the Spectre would punish criminals in various ironically appropriate ways for their crimes.
Also, I wonder if this will make a dent in poaching. I mean, how many exotic wildlife poachers are there in South Africa? There can’t be too many people willing to risk their lives doing that, right?
South Africa needs an Orbital Bombardment before it gets worse than it is,
Libertarians hate Africans!!!
Life finds a way
Here’s a question: how bad would the economy need to be for you to consider wandering around the woods hunting grizzly bears for a living? The South African economy is pretty solid for Africa, but Africa in general is still pretty horrible. Sneaking around shooting rhinos so old Asian men can get it up one more time is a viable career choice.
You left off an additional possibility – poaching may not be a full-time vocation. It could just as easily be “I do this that and the other thing in the normal economy, but I also unt rhino on the side for extra cash”.
Plus, with the crime rate in South Africa, lion attacks are less likely than fellow-human attacks.
That’s true, it could be a sideline, which would emphasize my point.
Wait how much does the grizzly hunting job pay? Cuz I’m in for that right now.
Bring it.
Unemployment in South Africa is around 35%, depending who you ask.
SIAP: https://babylonbee.com/news/conservative-woman-surprised-to-learn-shes-waging-war-on-women/
‘Thornton has voiced her own thoughts on the incident in a series of open letters on her blog, including “Dear Conservatives, Your Intolerance Isn’t Welcome Here,” “To Bigots: I’m Better Than You,” and “Right-Wing Women: Why Do You Hate Yourselves?”’
another story from that site:
“While I did say I opposed ripping babies from their mothers, I am only selectively outraged about that procedure. When it’s done by a medical professional in a federally funded abortion clinic, I am still proudly 100% in favor of said ripping. In fact, it’s one of my core values.”
“Just really wanted to clear that up,” she said.
I liked this one:
Millennials More Open To Socialism, Touching Hot Stove, Sticking Face In Sack Full Of Badgers
Yep, just like when I posted it last night ;p
Warren has acknowledged her past claims that she is of Native American heritage.
“Look, I do know. I know who I am. And never used it for anything. Never got any benefit from it anywhere,” Warren said earlier this year.
It’s just a little conversation starter when you’re sitting around the campfire.
“My Indian heritage not good for anything, Warren says”
Except getting into Hah-vad.
If affirmative action were abolished as the racist relic that it is, I couldn’t care less what background people claim. But when it can result in material differences, that’s some else all together.
“Look, I do know. I know who I am. And never used it for anything. Never got any benefit from it anywhere,” Warren said earlier this year.
…to which no follow-up question was asked.
That’s the entire plot to Angel Heart. Hope it has the same ending.
So you’re telling me you wanna see Lizzie rolling around naked with Lisa Bonet while covered in chicken blood?
What has Japan done to you man?
If I can keep one eye closed, it’s a deal.
“I think I have it down to four people. And I think of the four people I have it down to three or two.”
I love that he doesn’t think before he speaks.
Speaking of Warren – there was a long time rumor that one of my grandfathers was part Indian (Native American! – ed). He had this crazy black hair that never went white, dark-toned skin, and brown eyes. Quite a bit different from your normal blonde-haired Dutch
supermanlicorice eater.Well my brother did a DNA test – and surprise! – no Native American blood flows through my veins. Though I am part French (gah!) and Irish (double-gah!). And 1% Eastern European something or another.
Are you sure he was your actual grandfather?
That’s a good question – my grandmother on that side had 8 kids so ya never know.
something glint something milkman
To be fair you can share as little as 25% of DNA with your brother. But those are low odds.
Actually, 25% would be average, they could share as little as the Y Chromosome they got from Dad. Although that would be unlikely.
No, wait, 50% would be average, I was thinking of 25% of total shared from their Father.
But, anyway, the point is there could be a fluke situation where literally they only have the same Y and none other the same. So 1/46th in common.
Due to the nature of recombination, it’s perfectly possible still that you do have some ancestry – the alleles may simply have been lost.
Sex and gender diversity is growing across the US
“New fad has attention whores claiming to be special snowflakes”
When I was a kid, you had to be born a minority. Now you can choose to be one. These are truly exciting times for white middle-class youth.
Seriously. I had some white classmates who liked to listen to rap and pretend their were gangsters, but nobody was fooled. But if they’d been able to claim they were really gender nonconforming–who could falsify that?
And we also used to recognize mental delusions as mental delusions, rather than pretending the delusions have anything to do with reality.
I’m not clicking on anything called “The Conversation”. It’s usually anything but that.
I don’t know, I really, really enjoyed it.
Someone needs to use these snowflakes to make a PSA on the importance of giving your children adequate attention.
反面教師. Bad examples are good examples.
面… Is there anything this kanji can’t be used for?
Communicating with the monolingual English-speakers in the audience?
Yes, but aside from that?
Stuff like this is why it is so difficult to try to read Japanese.
The analogy I use with my Japanese friends is that it is like teaching English pronounciation. There are some general guidelines, but lots of exceptions.
If you can’t be an example, be a warning?
Because if you don’t, they’ll start doing things like smearing shit on the walls.
My little Pooplo Pisscassos
Be special, be a victim, and gain moral authority with no effort!
What teen isn’t going to go for that?
This is definitely a trend for fad, especially among teenagers. My 17 year old daughter and some of her friends suddenly think they are “transgender”. Even though my daughter has never in her life displayed any tendency toward being male, and the percentage of kids in her school who claim to be “transgender” is impossibly high compared to the rest of society. Unfortunately there are a lot of “adults” out there encouraging this type of thing, but fortunately for us, my daughter is seeing a therapist who is basically humoring her and not telling us to do something stupid like start giving her injections.
But why is it that we are now witnessing a growth in the percentage of people publicly identifying as sex- and gender-diverse?
It’s trendy and people just keep making shit up?
Well, when I was a yute I just wore a lot of black and listened to Bauhaus and called it a day. It worked, too, because I got to be edgy and that was a solid entry (if you will) into a lot of short-term relationships with both Goth chicks and regular girls who wanted to visit the other side of the clique tracks. Still watched a bunch of westerns and war movies with my dad, still went fishing, stuff like that, but I definitely had shoulder length black hair and owned eyeliner. Shit, it got me laid, which is ultimately what a lot of that stuff boils down to.
I think that popular culture and certain segments of society are encouraging teen angst as a viable lifestyle well into what ought to be adult years. I have a few ideas as to why, but without getting too far down that rabbit hole its an unholy intersection of three ideas: all choices are equally valid, good, and worthwhile; society has a responsibility to ensure that all of its members are taken care of, and; government should use the force of law to compel social outcomes. Traditionally you were permitted to be a self-centered, short-sighted teenage idiot as long as you wanted, but reality typically kicked it out of you by the time you were an adult (or shortly thereafter) and society called that “growing up”. Now it seems to be increasingly the case that adolescent behavior is celebrated and the adolescents in question are taught to expect to be insulated from the consequences of their actions.
“he had a “problem” that was costing him a shitload of money.”
Wasn’t he divorced recently?
Attractive hookers that are also skilled in breath play are expensive.
He chose poorly…based on the results
He tried to do some work that was best left to a professional.
*lights Yufus beacon*
Let’s play spot the assumptions
Joblessness may be low in the United States and employers may be hungry for new hires, but it’s also strikingly easy to lose a job here. An average of 1 in 5 employees lose or leave their jobs each year, and 23.3% of workers ages 15 to 64 had been in their job for a year or less in 2016 — higher than all but a handful of countries in the study.
If people are moving to better jobs, labor-market churn can be a healthy sign. But decade-old OECD research found that an unusually large amount of job turnover in the United States is due to firing and layoffs, and Labor Department figures show the rate of layoffs and firings hasn’t changed significantly since the research was conducted.
The United States and Mexico are the only countries in the entire study that don’t require any advance notice for individual firings. The U.S. ranks at the bottom for employee protection even when mass layoffs are taken into consideration as well, despite the 1988 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act’s requirement that employers give notice 60 days before major plant closings or layoffs.
These gaps at the lower end of the labor market can be traced back to weak government programs and hamstrung union bargaining, the report says. The United States spends less of its economic wealth on active efforts to help people who either don’t have a job or who are at risk of becoming unemployed than almost any other country in the study.
The unemployed, in particular, receive relatively little assistance. U.S. unemployment benefits provide less support in the first year of unemployment than those in any other country in the study, and the maximum length of benefits in a typical U.S. state, 26 weeks, is shorter than in all but a handful of countries. In some states, the maximum benefit length is less than half of that.
Only 12% of U.S. workers were covered by collective bargaining in 2016 — among all the nations the OECD tracks, only Turkey, Lithuania and South Korea have been lower at any point this millennium. And, based on an OECD review of almost four decades of data, countries that have decentralized collective-bargaining systems, like the United States, tend to have slower job growth and, in most cases, higher unemployment than other advanced nations.
OECD says needz moar government. Needz moar unionz. What a surprise. America is a shithole.
The only union country approaching our level of employment is Germany, and they’ve basically built the entire EU around keeping it that way.
‘An average of 1 in 5 employees lose or leave their jobs each year, and 23.3% of workers ages 15 to 64 had been in their job for a year or less in 2016’
I’d venture that a large percentage of those employees left of their own accord (cause if termination was the main cause they wouldn’t have pumped up the statistic with ‘leavers’). Which means not only that they did it of their own accord, but probably because they felt better off moving. So really this shows the US has the best opportunities for workers than other countries.
That snippet is when you know you can stop reading the article, because you’re not going to learn anything true or useful.
Layoffs ‘prevented’ by collective bargaining turn into bankruptsies which kick more people out of jobs. And firings are usually the result of employee malfeasance or ineptude. Protective malfeasance and ineptitude leads to the driving off of worthwhile employees and the eventual bankrupsty of the employer, and thus more unemployment.
Why do you hate workers, LA Times?
This. I can agree that unions can make things like layoffs more difficult. I don’t think that’s necessarily bad, having worked where an owners refusal to fire anyone meant I took home less pay.
TLDR: Labor mobility is bad.
“But decade-old OECD research” Irrelevant?
The United States and Mexico are the only countries in the entire study that don’t require any advance notice for individual firings.
I see. So free association is a thing of the past everywhere but Mexico and the US? Wow.
And if the new Mexican president gets his way, that list will probably become shorter.
Where else would they send him?
Fake gynecologist and sex offender sent to Australian prison
procuring sexual penetration by fraud, assault, indecent assault and obtaining and trying to obtain property by deception.
Bastard stealing my moves.
Amazing, but the “pull my finger” joke is fresh here.
Damn, you’re right!
But did the women get pregnant?
You need to get out more.
I didn’t read the article, I was just wondering if he was successful in treating infertility.
Lord H’s grandpa?
I was under the impression that Australia *was* a prison.
Think of prisons in Australia as Solitary confinement.
‘I think the people who calculate these things assume that I live a lot more sensibly than I do,’
>>Anthony Bourdain was shockingly worth just $1.2M when he died.
You forgot the Camels.
Only in Arabia.
I’m not planning on leaving any kids behind to provide for, but I personally aim to die at least 2 million in the hole. That way I CAN take it with me.
Shot by loan sharks when they figure out you can’t pay?
I’m playing the long game. Decades of perfect credit followed by opening 100 lines of credit I never plan to pay back, taking out every loan I can, and then reverse mortgaging the house. Should leave me with no assets and a shitload of debt. Fuck bankruptcy, debt to be discharge by death.
Ah, the old mom and pop business game
That shit is happening all the time here. The inheritance tax is sky high, so most people just take out “jyujitsu jinsei” loans (don’t know what that is called in English) where they basically mortgage their property to the hilt and travel the last few years of their lives. God forbid you’d leave your kids a house to live in.
Saving is evil, spending helps the poor/Krugman
That’s just the passive aggressive Japanese way to finally get their piece of shit otaku kids out of the house.
Japan, where the land has value and an old structure , ie 30 years, actually has negative value.
Check to the undertaker should bounce…
It looks like She Guevara was pro tax breaks when she ran a start-up publishing company in the Bronx
Tax breaks for me, tax hikes for thee.
Ocasio-Cortez, 28, is a dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
What happens if you don’t pay your dues?
You receive some dues to pay with.
You get unpersoned.
Later on, you’d get disappeared, or reeducated.
One of those sounds like a good deal. I did go to public school, after all.
So she failed in business and decides to go into politics instead. I guess academia wasn’t hiring.
The old guard commies won’t die off to free up tenure spots fast enough.
Arrangements can be made…
Charles Koch, champion of free speech? His grants to news media accelerate.
“The surprise is that his foundation showed such a keen interest in a free press.”
The WaPo is filled with disingenuous assholes.
Ignorant, too. They pivot from excoriating him as a radical libertarian wrecker to expressing surprise that he supports free speech. Err, what did you think a libertarian would support?
“The surprise is that his foundation showed such a keen interest in a free press.”
Only if you have the comprehension skill of a nematode. I guess you think your political opponents are like you and want to silence dissent.
George Soros is the evil political manipulator the left likes to pretend the Koch brothers are.
It kills me every time one of these characters starts in on the Kochs for that very reason. I mean, George Soros actually cops to using piles of money to influence elections, but the Kochs are Bond villains?? George Soros actually IS a Bond villain! FFS!
‘it looks like the issue is considerably more important to GOP voters than Dems, who still place healthcare at the top of their list. ‘
I thought Obamacare solved that? These guys are still living in 2008
I’d be stunned if the SCOTUS pick isn’t Kavanaugh. I’d be stunned if Kennedy didn’t know it would be Kavanaugh when he resigned.
The rumors are that he became comfortable about resigning in the first place when Kavanaugh was added to the SCOTUS list last year.
The deal has been altered, pray I don’t alter it further!
Poker cheat caught with an extra card in his hand?
/Deliberately overlooking the reference.
Know you don’t have time to write the full write up, but how about a brief “who’s better on…” 1a, 2a, 5a rights?
Count really vouch for all the info in here, but NLOGM has a good break down of the whole list.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Anthony Bourdain was shockingly worth just $1.2M when he died.
Considering the overt and unnecessary injection of politics into his show, I am not surprised.
I used to love Bourdain’s shows, but as the lefty signaling became more overt and ubiquitous over time, I started losing interest. It was getting to be that each show was becoming more about his politics than about the interesting venues and food.
Could it possibly be that his obsession with politics worsened his mental state?
Trump’s presidency has seemed to send a lot of lefties over the edge.
Yeah, SP and I were avid concert-goers at a bunch of small venues. We pretty much stopped when the shows became political platforms and fundraisers for Team Blue and Morris Dees’s New Mansion and Bentley Fund.
I fail to understand why they think it’s a good idea to alienate potentially half of their audience/clientele. Maybe they live in such bubbles that they believe that everyone thinks they way they do.
If they’ve gotten to the point of having ‘Fuck you’ money, they might not care anymore.
My guess: the non-Blue part of their audience is relatively small. By getting very political for the right Team, they get more media attention and expand their audience among the Blue crowd. At least one moderately obscure (but super-talented) guy we used to see 10-15 times a year suddenly got massive amounts of press and much greater commercial success when he started flogging songs about racist cops, Muslim immigrants, and confederate flags.
When he gets back to making his shows about music and lyric poetry, we’ll start going again, but I’m not holding my breath.
What happens if you don’t pay your dues?
They put one behind your ear and dump you in a trench with the other wreckers.
A professor at Michigan State University is alleging that Latino students perpetuate “colorblind racism” due to their commitment to meritocracy and free market values.
70’s => we must be colorblind
10’s => racists are colorblind
Judging people by their character and abilities rather than the color of their skin is totes racist. Freedom is slavery, war is peace, etc.
I swear it would be hard for me not to punch one of those prof assholes in the face if I ever met them. They’re worse than useless sucks on society.
It seems to me that tenure is a bad idea.
In fact, it strikes me that professors whould be required to leave the ivory tower and work in the private sector every couple of years.
They don’t have the ability to produce anything of value to the private sector.
Then they lack the capacity to produce anything of value for academia.
That has never stopped anyone from working in academia before.
“Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn’t have to produce anything! You’ve never been out of college! You don’t know what it’s like out there! I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results.”
You can’t fool me that’s an Onion article. As if there are any millennials with a commitment to meritocracy and free market values…
“Color-blind racism is hegemonic,” the academic asserts. “It comes as no surprise that Latina(o) college students rely on it to rationalize their college attainment.”
Dear lord.
“Why can’t you lesser beings admit that you didn’t get this far in life without our benevolence? You racial inferiors need our help to overcome systemic racism!”
I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true of most minority students. Particularly the ones from actually disadvantaged backgrounds. It’s not your average Hector from the barrio studying engineering or your average Tanisha from the hood studying accounting who is pushing the SJW line. They’re too busy trying to keep in school to “explore their intersectionality”. And besides, most of them will tell you that achieving “white people life” is why they’re going to school in the first place. They’re understandably proud of how much they’ve been able to achieve. No, the SJW line is much more likely to be pushed by minority kids who grew up in leafy suburbs. They’re the kids who can afford to pursue a major in victim studies. They’ve learned that “white guilt” is something that can be leveraged to their advantage. Moreover, there’s the whole dirty little secret of the whole identity politics mantra. As much as it’s about attacking “wypipo”, it’s even more about standing astride the rest of the members of that identity. In a world where racial minorities were truly integrated into society, the racial activist is a nobody, muttering inanities on a street corner. Racial separatism and identity ptus them in the control position of other members of that identity.
Not in my experience. There were plenty of kids from the poor neighborhoods that were struggling in college because they came from shitty schools, and blamed White Privilege for why they were struggling.
There’s a reason for that.
61% of Hispanics favor affirmative action by race, and 77% of blacks favor it.
So it’s probably not true of most minorities. They may recognize it’s bullshit, but bullshit that gives them free stuff.
Sorry to add a link so soon, but the Lady is coming to town and we’re gonna go out.
This guy pretty much defines my childhood. This is a video my dad made. A very good example of what he did for a living. He’s retired now. I used to go out with him on interviews a lot and all sorts of cooky folk. Led to some very interesting experiences. He would find people like this and write about them. He’d also just right straight humor pieces and all sorts of things. He was allowed to do whatever he want. He somehow submitted 5 columns a week for 40 years and never missed a deadline. I
He’s recently realized what we’ve all known forever, that he’s an aspie. It’s shit most of the time, but the stone-cold determination is something that my brother inherited and skipped riiiight over me.
It’s a bit long, but the vid starts at 2:30 if you want a blurb.
Bad news, one of the volunteer rescuers involved with that Thai rescue has died.
I knew experts were saying the rescue was tough but I didn’t know it takes 5 hours of travel to reach the kids. I also heard on the radio the kids may not be rescued until after monsoon season ends, or October.
If they’re there in another 2 weeks, then they’re not getting out of there alive. That whole story is quite sad.
I read some long articles about it this week, but didn’t know it was a 5 hour swim. They’ve obviously got a decent air supply – they said drilling from the top wasn’t an option, but I don’t know about trying air flow tests combined with Ground Penetrating Radar to find other options/shortcuts.
I don’t see that ending well, 5 flooded hours to get out?
very sad….
I don’t know. If they can run enough air hoses, it might be an option. Possible decompression at the other end is a concern. Either stash a LOT of SCUBA tanks…or is it possible to run extended length air hoses with enough compression – considering that it’s all above sea level?
The article above said the guy who died perished while establishing stashes of scuba tanks, which makes the whole thing sound incredibly perilous. If they could get drilling equipment into the area I’d think directional-drilling into the cave might be the safer course to establish a lifeline and then just have them stay put until the water recedes.
SCUBA tanks can carry 5 hours of air??
I suppose they are using re-breathers and at a very shallow depth you can stay under a long time.
quick search from wikipedia
US Navy restrictions on oxygen rebreather use[22]
– Normal working limit 25 feet (7.6 m) for 240 minutes.
get some wildcatters in there. those guys can drill anywhere.
Its the time to haul equipment that far back and set it up. Its a fair amount of heavy equipment.
why don’t you knock off them negative waves. why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change.
May as well just leave them there and reconnect with their blind albino descendants in a few thousand years.
Not enough air. Not Enough food. Not enough females.
I’m not sure which bugged me more, the Diggers or the Pingers.
Did anybody notice how Warren’s tweet response wasn’t dissected?
Yes, they’re performing DNA tests on people who were apprehended here illegally at the border. They’re doing so to ensure the kids are actually the offspring of the people they’re found with and not being smuggled by coyotes, which is a huge no-no even to the UNHCR.
So she’s against stopping the human trafficking of children?
If her political enemies are for something, she’s against it.
Yes, more trafficked children means more demand for child services, education, health care, etc.
I was pleasantly surprised to see an interview with Colin Noir on Fox this morning. My Dad’s old classmate is kicking butt on Fox Business right now.
Art Laffer… talking about McKinley’s tax cuts.
Art Laffer in 2007: “The economy is great. Monetary policy is spectacular.” Since then, I’ve had a hard time taking anything the dude says seriously.
My Dad was also an Econ major Yale ’63. I think Dad was considerably higher in his class than Laffer. I’d ask him if I could – fuck cancer.
So she’s against stopping the human trafficking of children?
Using children for commercial gain is bad. Using them for political gain is noble.
“We will very gently take that kit and we will slowly toss it, hoping it doesn’t hit her and injure her arm, even though it only weighs probably 2 oz,” he said.
“And we will say, ‘I will give you a million dollars, paid for by Trump, to your favorite charity if you take the test and it shows you’re an Indian,” Trump said. “And we’ll see what she does. I have a feeling she will say no but we will hold it for the debates.”
The entertainment value alone was worth casting a meaningless ballot for this a-hole.
That said, I understand we are now in a “trade war”. I expect we’ll be home by Christmas.
For any Kindle HD owners..
How is the web browsing and stuff if you don’t use any of Google Apps like youtube?
I find it to be fine for most general surfing at home.
At home, all I use is my HD10. I like it and use it a lot.
Browsing on handheld touchscreens will always be inferior to a proper keyboard and mouse. Especially if you can’t install proper extensions to manage scripts, cookies, and ads.
It’s pretty well known that he struggled with substance abuse for much of his life. What really got me recently was reading a paraphrased quote from him about how he never felt comfortable with the success he earned. It was something to the effect of constantly feeling like he had stolen a car and was waiting for the cop lights to appear in the rear view at any moment.
I get the impression this sums up a lot of people in the various entertainment industries. Only instead of being self-destructive, they point to people who were successful elsewhere and assume they just ‘got lucky’.
That’s because being successful in entertainment has a lot to do with luck. Youtube is full of amazing musicians you’ve never heard of. Guys that do shit on a guitar or a drum set that boggle the mind. Are they on the radio? Nope. But you know who is? Buck Cherry.
The following list includes other well known individuals who have reportedly experienced this phenomenon as well:
Maya Angelou[17]
Emma Watson[18]
Tom Hanks[19]
Michelle Pfeiffer[20]
Chuck Lorre[21]
Neil Gaiman[22][23]
John Green[citation needed]
Tommy Cooper[24]
Sheryl Sandberg[citation needed]
Sonia Sotomayor[25]
Mike Cannon-Brookes[26]
I can think of a couple people on that list whose self-assessment is accurate.
BTW, Sloop. You picked Spain, right? Well, I may be joining you soon. We’ll see if France gets by Uruguay. Seems 50/50.
Shouldn’t every great actor/actress suffer from imposter syndrome? That’s literally their job.
Maya Angelou endeared herself to me forever when she came out strongly in favor of 2A rights and told the anecdote about defending herself.
When I lived in Richmond in the late ’80s, I stumbled across a black talk radio station. It was absolutely fascinating (as were race relations and relationships in Richmond in general). I recall listening to one show where they talked to some black people who had lived through Jim Crow. It was one story after another about guns being used to defend against the Klan and racists in general, including one where the Klan interrupted a church service, and several members of the congregation pulled pistols on them.
So, dicks out for Jesus?
I can see that. He’s famous because Kitchen Confidential took the world by storm. Then he became a “celebrity chef” but he’s pretty clear in the book that’s he’s not that great of a chef. A huge chunk of his career was being the undertaker for restaurants in the process of failing.
So even at the time of his first big book he kinda felt like a fraud. Then the media turns him into a celebrity chef and he tours the planet and hangs with the best of the best and has an adoring public treat him like a food god when he knows that really he’s just a cook with an attitude.
I’m not going to argue against whatever mental issues were boucing around in there with the misconception, but there is a salient point to make.
He still saw himself as a chef. That was the issue. On television, you’re not selling food, you’re selling entertainment. He was still stuck on “but my cooking isn’t that good” when the audience wasn’t buying the food.
absolutely. If he had focused on being an entertainer first and a chef second then I think he would have been much happier.
It’s just gotta be tough. The public thinks his opinion “matters” because he’s a famous chef. But his best friend was Eric Ripert who is a legit food god. He spent time hanging with David Chang, Thomas Keller, David Boulud et al.
If you have any doubts about your own adequacy then getting your doubts relentlessly confirmed by hanging with the gods of the food world is going to weigh on you.
Whatever your “thing” is, spending a little time among the giants in the field is going to be heaven. Spending ALL of your time around giants in the field would be overwhelming.
I love martial arts. Spending a few weeks a year with Mundial Champion BJJers or Olympic medalist Judoka would be fucking awesome. If all I did all year was roll with those guys then I would get steamrolled all day every day. I doubt it would take all that long to make me depressed as hell. Inevitably I would begin to see my own skill in relation to them instead of in relation to the wider world. No matter how hard I trained I would always feel like a white belt.
Sounds rough to me.
lol Daniel Boulud. Not sure how I did that typo seeing as how his flagship is named Daniel.
This seems right. Of course, the ironic thing is that, as a *media personality* I would rate him at the top of the list of anyone in popular culture in the last 20 years. He’s a *chef* who wrote a book well enough to catapult him into the public consciousness. His screen persona manages to exude deflated ironic world-weariness and human empathy at the same time.
Media is full of people trying and failing to do that, and his force of personality and natural charisma put him head and shoulder above all those rubes.
But it doesn’t seem to have done much for him.
I guess it’s not all that unusual for someone to achieve fame for something they see as ancillary to their “real” calling and, despite finding success there, judge themselves as failures. I know in my life my career path has been defined in large part as a series of jobs where I was hired to do X, found that I was better at Y, and eventually sucked it up to admit I’d be better off pivoting to Y rather than banging my head against X.
Everyone knows at least one person who’s primary talent or skill seems to be just being fun to be around. There’s always some guy or some girl who you always invite over for parties, or call to meet up with at a happy hour, because somehow they just make everybody have a good time. My impression of Bourdain was that that was him. Like he was a guy you’d love to hang out with, because he’s gonna have a good sense of humor, plenty of things to talk about, and he’s just gonna be fun to be around. It’s not easy to be that person, and it seems like with a lot of those people there’s a lot of dark stuff underneath.
“The man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.”
Don’t know much about Bourdain, but something is off.
Every time a girl flashes cleavage, an angel gets its wings.
1, 15, 20, 32.
Nice Bod
Unfortunately terrible actress though.
#21, maybe, need to see more of her face
So here’s a little bit of insane libertarian crackpottery I came up with the other day. It needs to be fleshed out, but-
What if you, as a tax paying individual, could take a dollar for dollar deduction to your tax liability for expenditures on “public goods and services”? The easiest example is road repairs or other infrastructure work. Domino’s is running those ads about fixing potholes for the good of humanity. What if an individual, or a group of neighbors, coughed up the money for road repairs or improvements, and then got to deduct that directly from their tax bill? It would allow people to steer their taxes directly to things they personally value (and benefit from), which has long been a whine of the left.
Now, I realize there are lefties currently bemoaning the very notion of businesses or individuals stepping in to pick up the slack when government fails to provide services they actually need and want. And, of course, that money would assuredly go to things in the here and now, as opposed to bailing out unfunded pension obligations and crony boondoggles.
You’ll get serious resistance to implementation. There are localities that actually prosecute people filling potholes.
The mob would allow it if they got their cut. Of course, eventually their cut would end up costing more than the original scheme.
Totes unworkable. Insufficient opportunities for graft.
In honesty though: I’ve said before that I’d have a lot less of a problem paying taxes if I could direct them where I wanted. That’s why it’ll never happen, because all the useless stuff we’re funding would wither away and die.
You aren’t the government, so you don’t know what a “public good” is. A public good is something the government does, regardless of whether it is either public, or good, or neither.
I like the idea in theory but no way it would work in practice. Taxes would just increase to make up for whatever was deducted since the politicians would never let their revenue be significantly impacted. It also wouldn’t be used effectively.
Remember when Zuckerburg gave $100 million to Newark public schools? That money just disappeared without a trace or any meaningful impact. Could you imagine the school system agreeing to eat $100 million out of their budget in return for the donation. Pigs would fly first.
My wife and I used to teach art for a local arts association. In my wife’s classroom, they needed a new kiln pretty badly. One of her students offered to donate money toward a new one, but the art center would not accept a donation that was earmarked for something. They wanted to control how that donation was spent. So I really see the same thing here. A big part of being in charge is getting to direct money. People with power will never give that up.
And then on the other hand, you can have earmarked donations that don’t fit with the immediate need and require even more spending to “use” and end up being an albatross around the neck of the nonprofit.
Exactly. Another thing that can be irritating is that the big donors want their money on a room, a wing, a new facility. But what the nonprofit might really need more than anything else is to replace the HVAC system. Or buy four new buses. Or add 40 new parking spaces.
The best is when your big donors are first generation wealth, because they understand that shit. Especially if they are land developers or something like that. They understand “Ideally we’re going to be able to use the income from Big Yearly Fundraiser to make some infrastructural improvements”. It’s the dickhead second and third generations who are basically given a philanthropy stipend by the family money managers who want to see their name up on the wall more than anything else.
That is a good point. You can say the same thing about taxes. People will donate for something they see, like a pothole, but won’t donate for something they don’t see every day, like the salary of a clerk who handles your property tax appeal.
“I pay your salary!”
“No, you don’t. It says here you earmarked it all for the pothole and orphan kitten funds. You don’t pay me a dime.”
I think one of the nastier aspects of property taxes is that they are calculated based on what the fucking government thinks your house is worth. The price of any thing is the price someone is willing to pay.
I was going to quote from Lucid Blue about Eminent Domain, but it was long and tangential to the discussion.
I approve of the idea. However, I can tell you what the lefty response will be. It’s that improvements to public goods have to be decided democratically. You and your buddies decided to fix the pothole on Maple Avenue. But, that was a oligarchal decision that didn’t consider the fact that a majority of the public might have preferred to add a new road sign on Broad Street.
I hear the chicks are hotter on Broad Street…
Its been done WRT funding private schools in a number of states.
The basic idea is that a tax-payer (usually businesses) can make a $X donation to an eligible scholarship fund, then they get a tax credit of $X or $X * Y Discount Rate. Note that this is a tax credit, not a deduction, so if your tax liability is $1,000, on $1M income, you make a $500 donation to a scholarship fund, your tax liability would be $1,000. Not recalculated off $999,000 income.
What has been there response to this? On the minority-left? I don’t have first hand experience. On the Teacher-Union-Left? I would call it somewhere between ballistic and nuckular.
The only way this works is if a section of the polity actually want to devolve state power into the hands of polity. The list of areas that this includes is basically just education on the right, and abolishing police on the far left and minority-left. So the right has been experimenting with this. The left wont, because the far left and the minority-left is less powerful than the
TeacherPolice-Union-Left, at least for now. But if some political entrepreneur started a Michael Brown Memorial Defund-The-Cops-Private-Security-In-The-Hood Scholarship Tax Fund, it might have some legs.Arizona does that. I’m capped out on $1,000/year for this tax credit, so that’s how much I donate to help one of my employees put her kids through private school. They are in high school, so I’ll have to find some more kids to help out soon.
My out of pocket doesn’t change one penny, so why not send the money exactly where I want instead of into the bottomless pit of the general fund?
I like the principle, but there are some problems with it in practice. When you pay taxes, you’re paying government to govern, you’re not paying for the individual things that governments do as part of governance. It’s like hiring a manager; you’re paying the person to manage, you’re not paying a la carte for the manager to hire a person, or set up a schedule, etc. So earmarking funds to roadwork, or for that matter withholding funds spent on roadwork outside of government disrupts the fiscal planning governments do. The $100 (way more, obviously, but for sake of argument) you spent directly on pothole repair wasn’t just going to go to pothole repair in April, it was going to pay people who were doing other things. You and your neighbors prioritize the pothole because it effects you directly, but your money is going to fund a government that is concerned with a larger area, and now they’re $100 short for, say, pothole repair in a low-income neighborhood. There’s also potentially some issues with stuff like duplication of effort, or liability issues, etc.
Like I say, I’m into it in principle, but it’s one of those things where I don’t think it would be as simple as it seems on the surface.
I would channel mine toward amassing an arsenal in the name of being able to arm the militia in times of need.
I keep flirting with the idea of a penaltax on failing to acquire and maintain militia armaments (one service rifle and one sidearm per adult citizen, plus practice). Mostly to throw the OCare ruling back in their faces and to see how many anti-gun laws have to get bulldozed in the face of it.
Then I remember I hate penaltaxes and mandates.
Obviously it’s a crazy idea. Who would write a check for those high speed trains we so desperately need?
It’s just an amusing little thought experiment.
You even Brooks your own comments. Well played!
On the coming civil war.
Dear Mom, I’m assigned to the 52nd Gender Fluid Battalion. Infighting has occurred whenever hard work needs to be done.
That’s pretty good:).
I laughed.
“I’m vegan.”
I lol’d. #notallvegans and all that, but I will say that while there have been several vegetarians who I didn’t know were vegetarian until we went to a restaurant, in the case of the vegans I’ve known that’s never been a question.
A vegan, a crossfitter, and a resident of New York City walk into a bar.
Same person?
Something just popped into my head:
It’s supposedly against the law for a foreigner to politic or “meddle” in our elections and there have been Russians charged with doing so (although the prosecution is actively trying to prevent the case from moving forward). So they’re going to charge those foreigners, some of them foreign nationals, with meddling in our election.
Ok, fine. But shouldn’t all of the immigrants that are marching in political rallies be charged similarly if they’re participating in political activities designed to sway voters? Shouldn’t they be barred, similarly, from writing blog posts, letters to the editor, carrying or putting up signs for a candidate since those are in-kind contributions or doing anything else to endorse a candidate? Because if you’re going to punish some people for supposedly creating fake FB profiles in a foreign country and posting political comments in the comments section of news stories as “politicking”, then shouldn’t those engaging in direct politicking likewise be charged?
Now I think we either embrace the 1A or we abolish it. We either respect the rights of every person to speak their mind and engage in political speech or we permit none from anybody. But this selective prosecution of foreigners who have never set foot in the USA while ignoring the extensive use of foreign nationals and illegal immigrants by one party makes it feel like we are sliding down that slope toward rule of man and away from rule of law and the basic principle of equal protection.
I wish a congressman or senator would make that point in one of the next “OMGRUSSIANZZZ!!!” hearings.
Russian nationals would have to be cute like the little kids locked up in detention centers awaiting processing. In order to appeal to progressive “logic”, you have to hit them right in the feelz. Maybe give the Russians bowls of rice with oversized novelty spoons to hold in front of the cameras?
Does the entire bill of rights apply to all people, citizens or not? Or do parts of the bill of rights only apply to some people, depending on what is politically convenient?
Since the bill of rights represents the boundary posts for the government, I would have to say that it applies regardless of citizenship.
As an aside, ‘due process’ for deportation can be as simple as ‘verify that accused is not a citizen, has no legal residency and no valid visa – deport to country of origin’
See, now you are being consistent and logical, which leaves no room for fear mongering and politics. We can’t have that.
The bill of rights means nothing until you clear customs and immigration.
Even if that were true (it isn’t because it doesn’t grant rights, it limits government), how does that apply to the internet? People shouldn’t be allowed to talk about politics in other other countries?
Sorry, I lost track. I thought this was an immigration sub-thread {but even then, I was being an asshole}.
You are correct, there is a big unanswered question about free speech that crosses political boundaries. As a Iowan, I get fed up with people outside Iowa bitching about the Iowa caucuses, and I truly hate money from other states being spent in Iowa to alter the outcome of the caucuses. On the other hand, Iowa and New Hampshire do a really good job of eliminating wanna-bes, thus restricting the options people in other states have. So I understand their concerns.
The same issue arises with national and global politics since the US can’t help but fuck with world as a whole.
Personally, I think the federal restrictions against foreign involvement with US elections needs to be dramatically restricted to involving secret monies being used to influence the election. Public communication, via the Internet or any media, should be allowed.
Campaign finance laws are a rather strict. They are also extremely complicated. So there are many loopholes.
There is pretty solid evidence that HRC illegally used $85M for her campaign (never mind the Clinton Foundation thing).
So the restrictions on foreign money only work if they are enforced fairly.
If the government can charge Kim Dotcom for a crime even though he never lived here or visited here and have him extradited to the US to stand trial, then I think borders are worthless and you should have to grant non-citizens the rights of citizens.
I don’ t think that should be the correct answer, but if the govt is going to demand rights, they should also have to assume responsibilities.
I posted here over a year ago that Mexican nationals influenced the election more than Russian nationals. Regardless, “collusion” is not a crime.
“Now I think we either embrace the 1A or we abolish it.”
Clearly, the Left wants the latter.
First death in Thai cave rescue – excellent graphic with rescue options and challenges in this article.
SEAL commander Arpakorn Yookongkaew told reporters the diver died Thursday night while helping to place air tanks farther inside the Tham Luang Cave system in northern Thailand. Rear Adm. Arpakorn said Samarn Poonan, 37, had volunteered to help with the mission and passed out while on a return dive and later died, despite efforts to revive him.
Scary. I get claustrophobic just reading the article.
Well at least Boot made it official.
Unprincipled hack.
“You used to belong to a conservative party with a white-nationalist fringe. Now it’s a white-nationalist party with a conservative fringe.”
I can’t even…
Here’s the thing, I don’t actually see any evidence that Trump or the GOP is “white nationalist”. Honestly, the only “conservatism” I’ve ever seen in Boot is the neo-con penchant for dropping bombs on brown people.
Well, Trump and the GOP are nationalists, and most of them are white, ergo “white nationalist”, QED.
Conflating nationalist with white nationalist is a convenient way for leftists to smuggle in their ever present cry of “racist!” against their opponents. That American nationalism favors non-white Americans and disfavors white non-Americans (along with all others) is ignored in favor of the narrative.
With the Democrats all-in on identity politics, the Latinos, Africans, and Muslims are on their team – ergo – to oppose them is to support White Nationalism.
As they make all politics race-based, it’s inevitable that there will be an unapologetic White party in the near future.
Maybe. Honestly, though, that story you posted above gives me some hope that won’t happen. If enough minority students start perpetuating “colorblind racism”, the entire project to racialize American politics risks falling apart.
The democrats are basically invested in an anti-white party so the results are inevitable now. Minorities could reject that breakdown, but it appears they’ve embraced it to this point. The only race that doesn’t vote largely as a one party block is whites.
I’ve been pretty well done with the whole “racist” bit for a few years now, but I honestly feel like I might backhand the next person I hear say something like “racist Republicans” or whatever. It’s a disgusting slur that stupid people use as a synonym for “disagrees with me in a way I can’t meaningfully contradict”, which is fine, but it’s such a taboo thing that the mere accusation carries real-life consequences for the accused. Talk about words being assault, accusing someone of being a racist pretty much paints them as a target for violence.
“I have chosen hard socialism over my previous soft fascism!”
No body cared about him before Trump started to gain traction. No one will care about him after about 8:30 tonight. Enjoy your trip on the McCain Express Passenger Car, next stop, Evan McMullin Memory Hole. Last stop, all passengers disembark.
More Racism from the Left. Keep showing your true colors a-holes.
It’s not about skin tone. It’s about people voting against their own interests.
…Because they’re black.
The same can be said for anyone who isn’t rich and white
Except you didn’t. You specified the man’s race and ostensible wealth.
“It’s about people voting against their own interests.”
THIS UPPITY NEGRO THINKS HE CAN VOTE HIS CONSCIENCE. I bet the bigot wouldn’t serve gay cake at some faggot’s wedding, neither.
I love the PC redneck trope from South Park.
The scary thing is that I saw precisely that being said during the whole recent Kanye kerfuffle. Some of the left-wing outlets were actually saying that black people couldn’t afford to vote their consciences and that not voting with the collective was race betrayal. Really, the modern left is really doing their best to support Poe’s Law.
The Left has been whipping themselves into such a frenzy that they’ll defend a 30-year old assaulting a minor.
This is what happens when you convince yourself that your political opponents are Nazis; you can justify any kind of violence against them.
If you’re excusing or using tactics that real Nazis would approve of then who’s really the Nazi?
Notice that soupy fuck did that to some teenagers. Real tough guy. Wonder how many men wearing MAGA hats in Texas who are over age 21 carry a pistol? Much safer to go pick on teenagers in Whataburger.
Worth reposting:
I think its odd that he makes a great argument for why the media-narrative that “trump (and trump supporters) are all racists” is contrived gibberish…
…but then gets angry when the people who are labeled racists use his argument in their own defense.
He then goes on to add to his original argument *in exactly the same way others do*
SJW is an insult. SJW’s don’t understand it because they see nothing wrong with defending SJ. The insult is accurate because they are being W’s when the situation doesn’t call for it.
You know what you call someone who picks a fight and gets violent when its inappropriate? A maniac.
Fighting. The. Culture. War. Makes. You. Stupid.
PS – This is why I don’t read and blindly scroll past the various “Look at these derpy leftist” articles posted in these comments. It doesn’t do anything good for this community either.
no, the term was invented *by* social justice activists, and used un-ironically by many, even after people started mocking it.
some even embraced the label for a time, when it was becoming known as a ‘slur’. but the fact that it has become a slur isn’t the result of some concerted campaign to demonize anyone; its come from widespread recognition of the absurdity of SJW campaigns, which pop up everywhere.
e.g. “<a href="Hotels are oppressing me because they don’t have soap specifically for black hair“, said the otherwise indistinguishable-from-white-person
iow, the term didn’t become a slur because of ill-will, it became a slur *by their own doing*, because people needed a word for this media-batshittery they see every day, and it was already conveniently available.
no, the term was invented *by* social justice activists, and used un-ironically by many, even after people started mocking it.
iow, the term didn’t become a slur because of ill-will, it became a slur *by their own doing*,
So what you’re saying is, SJWs are the Juggalos of politics?
Men get what was coming to them as the violate property rights.
So the Lions will have at least one win this year.
It’s almost as if they want to keep this “investigation” artificially going until the 2020 election…
Oh wait, of course that’s what they’re doing.
Who watches the watchers?
I dunno…the Coast Guard?
I would concur on Kethledge. Seems like the most likely pick at this point.
Great tune BTW, as is this.
An activist author ignited a social media firestorm on Thursday after saying she was left “very confused” seeing a black man with a pro-NRA and Tea Party bumper-sticker on his car.
Kimberley Johnson, a feminist contributor to HuffPost and the spokeswoman for the national advocacy group We Are Woman, was slammed for questioning why a black person would not embrace progressive politics.
“Out on the road the other day I saw an affluent black man driving a BMW with two bumper-stickers. One was pro-NRA and the other one was a Tea Party sticker that read, ‘Don’t tread on me,’” she wrote in a now-deleted tweet. “This left me very confused.”
Face it, Honey, you’re just not very bright. I’ll bet a lot of things “confuse” you.
Oh my god, he’s disgracing LBJ’s dream of “those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years”!
Black and affluent, mind you. I know, shocking. If she’d been a cop she’d have pulled him over.
The car was obviously stolen.
Jumping tracks a bit here, this is one reason lefties find Peterson intolerable: one of his central theses, maybe his central tenet, is that very few people who pretend to moral grandeur would in fact have opposed the Nazis.
At least she didn’t say:
Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac A little voice inside my head said Don’t look back, you can never look back I thought I knew what love was What did I know? Those days are gone forever I should just let ’em go, but
A thought I had listening to the radio on the way to work yesterday. Joe Walsh is criminally underrated.
Is there a deeper understanding of economics and the human condition than this?
Lol. He’s great. The Eagles were in town last week so of course Joe was out and about, including a visit to an iconic Minneapolis record shop.
I saw him in concert once (solo). It was an amazing show.
She’s confused because she thinks that black people should still be on the Democrats plantation.
Sounds like she’d be left confused by birds flying by overhead. Momentum and all that.
“Hey, @realDonaldTrump: While you obsess over my genes, your Admin is conducting DNA tests on little kids because you ripped them from their mamas & you are too incompetent to reunite them in time to meet a court order. Maybe you should focus on fixing the lives you’re destroying.”
Because no one ever lies about who their parents were?
DNA testing to make sure that the people they are going back to are actually their parents, rather than traffickers. Why does Fauxcahontas support trafficking children?
Grist for the victim mill. She needs the problem to exist.
conducting DNA tests
Presumably to ascertain whether or not the “parents” are really the parents in order to fight trafficking. But you knew that already. Why don’t you do a rain-dance. I haven’t gotten a good thunderstorm in awhile.
While you obsess over my genes, your Admin is conducting DNA tests on little kids because you ripped them from their mamas
Jesus, she really is not very bright. She sets this up as a contradiction “While you obsess over x, you do y”. But that only works if x and y are opposed, or at least different. What she actually said is that “While you obsess over x, you do x”. Trump is being consistent here in wanting everybody’s claims of ancestry verified.
“Jesus, she really is not very bright”
They’re not sending their best.
Dimming Bulb
I recently ran across this biography of one of my favorite cartoon characters of my youth – Uncle Scrooge McDuck. One thing struck me. It’s kind of pathetic that one of the only heroic capitalist characters Hollywood could create was a cartoon character, and not even a human one, at that. You’d think there’d be a market for such stories. I don’t think I’m the only person who’d enjoy a story about a good, hard-scrabble boy makes good.
Late to the party, but I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Banjos!
Thank you, Tundra!
Thai kids are drowning in a cave and this guy wants to party. SAD!
That sounds like the worst HM link yet.
Thai kids are drowning in a cave
and they can’t get them out
And all she wants to do is dance…
“If you’re gonna be a douchebag and assault a kid just because you don’t like his hat, then make sure its not on video, dumbass.”
I bet he’s going to be shocked when Maxine doesn’t show up to bail him out.
You even Brooks your own comments. Well played!
I endeavor to persevere.
Sloppy match, but exciting. Wondering why France decided to wear pajamas.
I like this JA video. It’s amusing how Dick Clark talks about how everyone loves San Fransisco. But that was in 1967. Long before it was splattered with hobo shit.
Eric Burton and The Animals agreed vehemently.
Then the hippies who loved the place as kids took it over and destroyed it.
Joe Walsh is criminally underrated.
Not by me.
My favorite
“LAS VEGAS — A stamp that mistakenly featured the image of a Statue of Liberty replica in Las Vegas instead of the original New York Statue will cost the U.S. Postal Service $3.5 million in a copyright infringement lawsuit. Las Vegas sculptor Robert Davidson, who created the replica Lady Liberty in the facade at the New York-New York casino-resort on the Las Vegas Strip, sued the Postal Service five years ago over its 2011 “forever” stamp design.”
“The Congress shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries, and force the People to suck the Dick of a Cartoon Mouse because Fuck You That’s Why.”
The judge should have looked at the suit and gone “The statue of liberty in the casino is a derivative work of the original on Liberty Island. Case dismissed, with prejudice.”
Reposting just because it’s so cute.
The Incredible Scam of Rooftop Solar
Poorly written article, but that California law is insane.
Where’s my basement micro thorium reactor?
The lack of sufficient neutron shielding made them lethal to the owners.
In the garage with your flying car.
“And like a true troll she shut her doors but perhaps @clfs_uw & @UWMadison should look at the content of their faculty online? @Penn should also check out their professor who cannot seem to stay in her lane & uses 2018 sentiments on 50 yo TV shows.”
Academia is chock full of impotent fascists. See how many people are telling Bill Shatner that he should sit down and shut up because he’s the wrong color? That’s why I’m sitting next to a cabinet full of firearms and routinely donate money to 2A organizations. God forbid those people should ever acquire political power.
While their revolutions always result in the “Inteligencia” being the first against the wall, the suffering inflicted far outweighs the Schadenfreude from them being hoist by their own petard.
I read way too much of that.
If you dare disagree with a black woman you are instantly branded a RACIST!!
And am I reading it right? The other woman is bragging she got tenure for analyzing Star Trek?
And she knows more about it than one of the actors who was in it.
Silly NaE, Academics know more about a creator’s intent and creation than the creators do, because the poor ignorant savage that shat out the content doesn’t have all the analytical lenses they apply at divining the hidden messages and themes the creator never knew were in there.
Comparative literature and African American Studies. Yeah, no. All that means is that you spent hundreds of thousands on something utterly fucking pointless and useless.
Negative respect.
Happy Birthday, Banjos! Make it a great day, and be a little selfish; it’s *your* day!
He’s a congressional candidate whose claim to fame was a mockworthy commercial featuring a dumpster fire in the background.
Policy wise, he’s closer to party-line Team Blue from mid 2016 than the racing leftwards crowd.
I know, but it’s still WTF.
I hope he had a permit for that dumpster fire.
I’m sure even the dumpster fire permitting office is a dumpster fire.