I hope y’all had a nice Fourth of July. It rained here pretty much the entire day and downtown flooded, as usual. But today looks a little better.
ESPN showed how much they care about their readership when they turned off comments without any explanation a couple days ago. So now I think I’ll seek out my basic sports (scores and quick headlines) somewhere else. Let me know in the comments where I should go. (Note: I do not want to go somewhere where I have to scroll for a mile to get past the hundred videos they have of their talking heads yammering on about a trade deal, new shoe release, etc before getting to the actual game scores and recaps.) And on that note, Boston, the Yankees, Cubs, Indians, Dodgers, Cardinals, Astros, Marlins, Phillies, Athletics, Angels, Brewers, Reds (they’re on fire!), Mets, and Rockies won. Wimbledon has a few good matches today. I recommend tuning in if you can. No soccer until tomorrow.

Barnum employees
If you were born on this date, you share the day with such famous and infamous folks as: Mary Walcott (accuser at Salem witch trials and herself probably a witch), Admiral David Farragut (of “damn the torpedoes!” fame), genius entrepreneur P.T. Barnum, inventor of tree-ring dating A.E. Douglass, football coach John McKay, musician Robbie Robertson, rocker Huey Lewis, pitcher Goose Gossage, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, Wu-Tang member RZA, (too) skinny person Eva Green, and Dolly The Sheep.
Its also the day Newton’s Principia was published, the USA beat the Limeys and Canadians at Chippewa, Ontario (and should have kept the place as a trophy), FDR signed the NLRA (like a good socialist), the famous tank Battle of Kursk began, Ian Fleming graduated from spy school, the bikini made its debut in Paris, Israel passed the “Law Of Return”, William Shockley invented the junction transistor, that creator of billionaires Robert Mugabe was re-elected and “Seinfeld” debuted on NBC.
Hope that suffices for needless stuff. Now we can do…the links!

Coming soon to NYC: rape workers peacekeepers!
Rather than simply allowing the people to arm and defend themselves, New York City will be rolling out buses of “peacekeepers” in the wake of spreading violence in the city. I guess personal responsibility truly is dead in that town.
That brave person who scaled the Statue Of Liberty most likely has a screw loose and an unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump. Shocking, I know.
Angela Merkel warns of a worldwide financial crisis if Trump presses NATO. You know, we should stop this insanity and go ahead and pull all of our troops out of Germany, Italy and elsewhere in Europe if their nations don’t want to pay the required percentage of their economy to the organization. Its high time they paid their fair share as outlined in the charter rather than keep letting us piss our money away defending their lazy asses. Same goes for the United Nations.

Can’t it be both, hippie?
Well, at least these yo-yos are smart enough to do this in Oakland instead of a Texas city. Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
Michael Avenetti eyes White House. He says he will run if there is no other candidate “that has a real chance of beating” Trump. Well, he should start getting those PACs together, because unless the entire nation takes socialist crazy pills and buys their bullshit, I don’t see the Dems coming back to the political center.
Orlando group pushes for more “diversity” in medical marijuana business. They go into the barriers to entry and the steep startup costs including licensing fees and compliance costs. Unfortunately it never occurs to any of these people that they are essentially asking the government for handouts rather than calling for free market solutions to a problem created by the government themselves. Maybe they’ll catch it the next time it flies by, but I doubt it.
Kim Dotcom has lost his appeal and will be extradited to the United States. His crime: creating a website that people used freely to conduct their own business he knew nothing about. As a side note, he never visited or resided in the United States and his business was never incorporated there. How’s that for justice?

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was…holy shit, it was fireflies!
I’ll just copy this headline word for word: Bath salts land two in jail for shooting at ‘alien lasers’ that were really fireflies, police say Ok then!
Local death penalty trial resumes in Houston in “honor killings” case. I know there are some anti-death penalty people here, but I ain’t one of them. I hope they cook that fucker after he’s found guilty.
I went deeper in the catalog than most of you would have expected. Hope you enjoy.
Give em hell, friends!
The Athletic is very good. Subscription, though
Guess that makes you…
an Athletic supporter.
+1 IcyHot
“Shit, we forgot to practice.”
I’m doing the free month subscription. I have been incredibly impressed. Outstanding stuff and no bullshit.
They will be paid by me to further suck my Cubs boner when the free-trial ends.
Hmm, I never pay for internet content but that is very tempting. I’ll try the free trial. Thanks
It’s worth it to me. I subscribe to very few things, but so far I’m very pleased.
The Athletic is 100% worth the subscription price. It’s the only sports content I read nowadays.
I love the Athletic. By far the best sports site I’ve ever read. Amazing hockey content.
And no fucking politics.
>>As a side note, he never visited or resided in the United States and his business was never incorporated there. How’s that for justice?
How exactly does that work?
I’m pretty sure they used the FYTW Exemption to national sovereignty laws.
Lots of Fuck You’s That’s How
Yeah, that one is shocking to me – and once again nobody in the media seems to be interested.
I suppose the nexus is “harm to US copyright interests”. But as you ask, how does that work? I don’t see the US indicting Chinese copyright and trademark infringing people. They file complaints and objections with various governments and agencies like the WTO.
Then again, maybe it is more like a foreign drug kingpin. The US goes directly after those guys. But I think the theory there is that there is a large criminal conspiracy that extends into the US, committing crimes in the US against US citizens.
Much more difficult to make that argument with “set up a website in another country that US citizens could access or that could host US copyright materials”.
But in this case, it would be like going after Cessna instead of the drug kingpin who used Cessna planes to fly drugs into the US.
Yes, it’s like the loosest of “contacts” with the jurisdiction . . . think International Shoe with thoughts of doing crime in the jurisdiction as being enough “contact” to bring a defendant to court.
Plus, wasn’t International Shoe an issue about interstate, not internation, contact?
Yes, it was – but it’s the same sort of stretch, in my opinion.
Copyright is mostly bullshit in the first place.
Damn the links, full speed ahead!!!!
>>I hope y’all had a nice Fourth of July.
It was a great day – except for the full-on night battle that was happening outside my house. Oh wait, it was the neighbors blowing off fireworks until ?? whenever I finally passed out.
Shit was that way here too. We drifted off around 10:30 and they were still shooting them off like crazy.
Last night did sound like there was a pretty good battle going on in the neighborhood. The son and and went out and contributed a few rockets to the firefight.
This past Saturday, my neighbor must have burnt up thousands of dollars.
He had shit one step down from the professionals, and went for about 45 minutes.
I’m glad he did it then and not last night (which was still noisy).
I plead the fifth on the fourth.
Where is that?
No idea. Just found it online today.
Without government we wouldn’t have nice things like parks…..or arbitarary rules handed down from some asshole bureaucrat that prohibit any enjoyment you might derive from them.
“Why does no one get together in the park for the holiday?”
“We should commission a study for $100,000 to find out.”
Went to see Snoop in Jersey City. Luckily all of the reports of 200k gangbangers showing up must have scared a lot of people away, so it wasn’t as crowded as anticipated
They were still going near me when I finally fell asleep at 12:30.
Seriously, people. I can understand you setting off fireworks, but 10 PM is the limit. Any later than that and I hope you blow off a hand.
It doesn’t even get dark until almost 10 this time of year. What do you guys want? Firework’s from 9:45 till 10?
Set them all off at once – the biggest blast!
Had a great day. Took the whole day off. Got in a work out with with my 8 year old kid, played some video games, grilled some brats, read a bunch of comic books* and own a pet who’s terrified of the vacuum cleaner and lightning but not fireworks.
*thanks for the rec to check out Comixology Unlimited. The selection is much, much better than when I checked it out when it first rolled out. Currently working my way through Atomic Robo.
Working at home today so MLB Channel’s Quick Pitch is on. Good analysis and highlights, local announcers on the the videos. None of the politics like ESPN or filler with sports nobody cares about like WNBA or soccer.
Yeah, but it does cover one sport nobody cares about.
It’s the only professional sport I have even mild interest in any longer.
Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 60, a Jordanian immigrant and fervent Muslim, is accused of killing his son-in-law, Cooty Beavers, 28
His daughter is responsible for that nickname?
It’s Coty. Sorry to burst your funny name bubble.
How exactly does that work?
That’s a rhetorical question, right?
William Shockley invented the junction transistor
Bardeen and Brattain were chopped liver?
I just report what I read. Shockley was in charge of the workgroup, so I guess he gets top billing.
IIRC, he also got the math named after him, too.
Wasn’t it an honest dual independent invention like calculus?
No, Bardeen and Brattain worked for Shockley. If memory serves, they shared the Nobel with him.
Huh. For some reason I thought the TI team was first by a couple of days and some other team had basically started down the same path at Bell Labs. Now I have to waste the day reading about it. Thanks, Sloop!
You’re thinking of the IC.
Shit. Yes I am.
My wife’s grandfather was on one of the TI teams. I don’t think he did the actual IC design, but he showed me an early patent of his for an IC based computer. Also showed me an ALU made of very crude transistors.
The main guy afaik was Jack Kilby. My dad went with him to defend some patents one time. Apparently a really down to earth guy.
This is delusional.
Denial is a stage of grief.
I thought it was a river in egypt?
You must be thinking of the Suez, which isn’t really a river.
A man, a plan, a canal, Sinai?
Not denial; projection. Think of how the left believes the Russian collusion bullshit, or how they talk about “working families”.
The helpful parentheticals to explain the hidden meaning of the actual language being used is a nice touch when you’re calling out everyone else for being ignorant and wrapped in an ideological bubble.
This is satire, right?
Democratic politicians are stupid and corrupt.
She’s half right.
The Democrats are like a deer that’s been shot through the heart. They are running because they dont know they are dead yet.
The whole “Blue Wave” in November is just wishful thinking by the Dems and media (redundant). They are going to lose seats in both houses.
I think the Dems pick up a couple of House seats, but Reps maintain majority, and Reps pick up some Senate seats.
Nope. They lose the house, keep the Senate.
We’ll see – I’m getting the same media totally separated from reality feeling as I had 2 years ago.
Team Blue is very fired up with Trump hate, history – 2004 excepted – says America wants divided government, and Team Red has a nasty habit of throwing away winnable races by nominating the batshit crazy guy when a standard issue conservative could win. Throw in a bunch of retirements and I think that adds up to a slim Team Blue majority in the House.
I’m not sure I have the same definition of falsehoods.
Liberals want to take money away from “hardworking real Americans” (a reference to rural whites) and give it to people who don’t work (dog whistle).
Leaving aside the parenthetical, this is almost a literal quote from Pelosi immediately after the tax cuts.
Forget it Jake, it’s DU.
Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt individual to ever run for office.
Nobody who has put any thought into it believes that.
The most corrupt individual to almost be elected president, sure, but I’m certain her corruption wouldn’t even be middle of the road if she were running for alderman in some big city.
Only in its breathtaking scale. The alderman is selling votes and favors for a nicer house and walking around money. Hillary was selling votes and favors to the tune of $500M. The Clinton Foundation appears to have done nothing but sell the Clintons as advocates to whatever cause you could afford.
^ This.
Sharpe James is the epitome of a corrupt city politician to me. He spent his whole life collecting a pay-check, a couple of pensions, and all the petty graft that he could. Everyone knew it. He was caught and convicted when he got greedy and scammed the city for a couple hundred K on land sales.
Never in his worthless free-riding life could somebody like James come close to the scale and audacity of the Clinton grifts.
Violence isn’t a problem in inner cities? Many of these examples are provable.
John Singleton has a sad
You know what really grinds my gears? How nobody says “Independence Day” anymore. It’s always “Fourth of July” or “July Fourth”. When was the last time somebody wished you a Merry December 25th or a Happy January 1st? It’s Independence Day.
Happy Traitor Day, Colonial
Hope your pride was worth losing most of a continent over the stubborn refusal to give us a few seats in Parliament.
What corner of the country are you not hearing Independance Day in?
I’m in NV but I didn’t hear it much when I lived in Washington State either. Marketing materials and local news items seem to have universally transitioned to the date reference.
July 4th is the day where we remember the brave man who selflessly flew his plane into the alien mothership, stopping the invasion and saving humanity.
Well, don’t forget his primary motivation was that he had been abducted and physically violated, after which he lost his sanity becoming an outcast. So when he saw his chance to publicly take his revenge and clear his name it was all he could have prayed for.
Growing up in NW Minnesoda, it was always “The Fourth”.
I never heard anyone really call it Independence Day.
My guess is that people are just choosing the option with fewer syllables.
Nevada plans execution with never-used-before drug cocktail
Haha! Suck it Texas! We’re #1!
Shit, we’ll probably execute three people between now and then. You guys be the first to try that new combo, we’ll keep killing em our own way.
I’m still not sure why a big old barbiturate or morphine overdose isn’t just as good as whatever cocktail of drugs they’ve been using and having to tinker with to dodge around restrictions the last few years. You can get enough pentobarbital from a veterinary supply house to kill every death row inmate in the country.
Why not just inject them with about a quart of drano? Or the hangman’s noose. Fuck that pussyfooting around. Nothing cruel or unusual about either of those for a death penalty, IMO.
Yeah, I mean, I’m presuming of course that we retain the quasi-medical nature of modern executions. The guillotine, firing squad, and hanging are all effective and not any less merciful than the 3-drug-combo method. Back in the ’90s nitrogen asphyxiation in disused gas chambers was proposed as well, which would probably be more humane if anything.
Lock them in a cage with a bathtub full of water, razors and Samantha Bee blasted in over a speaker.
Definitely cruel and unusual
Livestream and TV hangings.
PPV. Wheel of Death. the convicted spins a wheel with different ways of dying . The purchase is split in four Victim/family, production cost, Public defenders and DA
Bust a deal, face the wheel
Hosted by Ryan Seacrest in a gimp mask?
Celebrity panel: Janet Reno, Dick Cheney, John McCain, and Simon Cowell?
I was leaning to holographic vincent price or richard dawson
If we’re going to have a death penalty (we fucking shouldn’t), it should be by firing squad. We’re obsessed with making it look clean to make ourselves feel better about it.
The best way to go would be to have the convict choose a movie and a six-pack. Have him watching the movie drinking beer – relaxed and engrossed in the movie. Then somebody who can pull it off quietly walks up behind him and puts a 38 through the back of his head. The bullet should pass through an imaginary line connecting the convict’s ear-holes. He will never even know it happened.
Or you could just pump CO into the room and he could pass out an never wake up.
At what point is it more humane to just shoot them in the back of the head?*
*That sounds really callous and I’m generally against the death penalty, but the drug cocktails used for lethal injection open up a lot of questions about cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion.
The statue climber chick has only been in America 10 years, and she goes to idiotic protests weekly and has made a string of frivolous lawsuits.
And in 2009, she won $1,500 off a towing company, County Recovery, after she accused an employee of calling her a ‘n*****’ and saying she should be shipped back to Africa, reported Heavy.
I don’t condone the racism, if there was any, but she should be shipped back to Africa.
You know who else shipped people to Africa…
+1 aureus.
SIFAX Group?
Abraham Lincoln, in the alternate timeline in which he ducked?
Operation Torch?
I don’t understand why anyone even bothered with trying to get her down. Just wait, the problem will take care of itself.
Eh… how do you “win money off of” someone for insulting them? Did they just settle to make it go away? $1500 is less than the cost of having the attorneys draft the settlement agreement, so maybe that’s it.
Adam Smith’s rescue from the libertarian right
Wait until the left re-discovers that Smith proposed a labor theory of value that is currently only recognized by Marxists.
It’s a good thing no advances of his work have happened in 242 years.
Smith was remarkable for anti-mercantilist. That’s about it.
Smith noticed and popularized the idea that people seeking their self interest can still lead to outcomes where there is enough food, and commodities for others to live. But he wasn’t some anarchist theorist.
I was being a little flippant, but he did leave the door open for Marx et al simply because he was a reaction to the economics of his day. Nobody had called for communism as of yet.
Oh I was echoing your point. He was noteworthy for a few things, but he wasn’t there saint if there free market that progs think
He was astonishingly prescient, to the point where you can look at almost any major economic revelation from the next 150 years and accurately say “That’s actually in the Wealth of Nations, he just didn’t unpack it.”
Being “merely anti-mercantalist” in 1776 is like being “anti-slavery” in, well, 1776 or anti-nobility in 1214 the year before magna carta, or anti-neutonean in 1904 the year before Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper.
Doesn’t make his policy prescriptions correct, or incorrect, 250 years later.
Smith was interested in figuring out why some nations became wealthy while others were poor. This is a question the west seems to rarely ask itself now.
So, we celebrated Independence Day with several families at the beach – as is the custom ’round these parts. A good time was had by all, and the weather threatened to turn stormy but held off, keeping things pleasantly cooler.
But there was something that caused a raised eyebrow. The police presence was much larger than usual. Lots of motorcycle cops. Lots of Ford Explorers with light bars. And on top of the parking garage…. the police had set up a sniper nest.
Not really camouflaged, but they had a tent with a large sniper rifle set up on a tripod and two other guys with large-caliber long-range weapons carried in hand (not slung), maybe M40 variants? They also had spotter scopes set up.
I’ve seen them with rooftop a presence with scoped rifles before, but never anything this “heavy”.
Turnout was noticeably light this year, which made several of us wonder if there wasn’t some threat that the police and a bunch of our neighbors knew about but neglected to tell us…
Where was this?
Pompano Beach, so Broward County Sheriff’s office. They do like their tactical gear over at BSO.
Another thing we noticed was that they had trouble figuring out what to do with the fireworks barge. They usually anchor it just beyond the reef at the end of the pier, but this year it was towed up and down the beach for about an hour before they finally settled on a location about a quarter mile further out than usual and maybe 300 yards south of their normal location. Then they proceeded to slowly drift north during the entire show, ending up a couple hundred yards north of their usual location. Odd. And it kinda killed the mojo of the fireworks, because they were too far away for that big impact.
The other thing they did that was a bit odd… they changed up the music mix for the show.
Traditionally, you go with Sousa and/or the 1812 Overture for an Independence Day fireworks show. Or you go with the alternate new traditional which includes rock and country pop songs from more than 25 years ago… thing like “Born in the USA”, “Proud to be an America”, Ray Charles singing “America”…. you know the list.
But they mixed in a couple of those with more contemporary pop and hip-hop tunes that had no discernible “GO USA” theme. They also made sure to hit all demographics, with some Latin pop tunes.
Still, it was a great time and the smaller crowds meant it was more comfortable for the families that were there.
We went up on the rooftop (Brooklyn).
There were a lot of drones, big ones with aircraft navigation lights. . I’m assuming Fire Department and NYPD
Hyperion linked this yesterday. NYT magazine infomercial for the ACLU.
I took a brief walk with Gelernt after the call. He looked totally spent. I’d thought about this a lot over the past few months, of course, but the profundity of the burden that he was under, fighting against the government for these families, seemed suddenly unimaginable. “I feel terrible that I couldn’t get him to budge on the timeline,” he said. “I did everything I could think of. Wednesday. That’s another five days. How can we wait another five days?” (The judge later amended the deadline to 9 a.m. Tuesday morning.)
A little while later, I sat with Anthony Romero, the A.C.L.U.’s executive director, in his office looking out on the Statue of Liberty. “Rome burns,” he said. “Rome is burning. And the government’s lawyers can’t work a weekend.”
On Nov. 9, 2016, millions of voters woke desperate for something that might quell their anxiety that this was the beginning of the end of democracy in America. Overwhelmingly, the place they turned to was the A.C.L.U.
I hope the NYT CFO imputed a value to the publication of this story which can be declared as a deductible corporate contribution to the ACLU.
I haven’t hacked my way to the end, yet. It’s one of those infuriating, breathlessly melodramatic narratives designed to stir the soul. It makes you feel like you’re right there on the battlefield, shooting and stabbing the evil fascist hordes. Those guys from the ACLU live on a higher plane of existence than we mere mortals. Also, Trump is the greatest threat to democracy since that Austrian guy.
that Austrian guy
We dont live in a goddamned democracy.
Repeat the lie enough and everyone starts to believe it…
You’re assuming they understand the meaning of the word.
Obama used the Espionage Act more than all other presidents combined, including after NYT journalist James Risen. And he had a filmmaker jailed because his admin shit the bed in Benghazi. And he fought (through Citizens United) against people pooling their money to make a political movie.
The fact that they’re publishing this now instead of when a real warrior against a free press was in office speaks volumes. Fuck the partisan and cowardly NYT. And fuck the partisan and cowardly ACLU. Neither of them will ever see another dime of my money.
Normally I would jump to the defense of the ACLU when this sort of rhetoric is used. But then the disavowed protecting free speech for people that progressives disagree with.
And I was really left with not much to defend.
I used to give a good chunk of money to them. And I did not type that easily. It pained me to point out how far they’ve fallen.
They’re nothing but a progressive advocacy group for solely progressive speech. They don’t care about principles anymore. They can eat a turd.
French fellow winemakers leap to defend Japanese couple facing deportation, hailing their ‘extraordinary’ reds
Wonder if they apply this standard to all immigrants.
Oh, no, these standards are only for legals. If they’d ridden a boat from Algeria without permission to enter, they’d be fine.
I thought they all brought 150K in Euros with them when they got in those rickety boats.
They left out the most important part: is their wine a Banyuls or a Collioures?
That reeks of French cultural nationalism
You know who else had extraordinary reds?
Sparky Anderson?
Hunter S. Thompson?
Warren Beatty?
Oh, I thought you said extra-boring.
It’s gotten nearly impossible to find any sports sites to read that aren’t overloaded with SJW nonsense.
The best place for me to get sports scores and info is on the fantasy sports sites. They’re pretty straightforward and informative. For baseball writing, Fangraphs is the gold standard. Pro Football Focus for real football.
For just checking scores, I recommend rotoworld.com. The top of the screen shows all of the current scores; you just click on the sport you want and that sport’s scores come right up on the top – no crazy pages or ads to deal with.
Fangraphs peppers in some asinine political commentary every now and then. Whenever a commenter points it out, another asshole is sure to comment “that means you support blah blah blah.”
Who Is Angela Ponce? Model Will Be First Trans Woman to Compete in Miss Universe
See? Men really are better at everything.
Whatever happened to Barfman?
He transitioned to Barfgirl and is puking xer guts up at HuffPo as we speak because Trump made a joke.
I wonder how they are going to make this one fit the narrative….
“Trump shames trans beauty contestant by placing her 12th”
“but won Miss Congeniality.”
So men are nicer than women?
Miss Congenital Warts.
I’m stunned that Canadians would stoop to fake beavers.
This is also delusional
Commie rag shills for commie shitweasel. News at 11.
and they all have lower costs than we do
Depends on where the cost is being bourne. My national health care bill is a bitch (500 a month) and only covers 70% of the stuff they will cover. The remainder I end up paying for supplementary insurance which costs another 200 a month.
“and they all have lower costs than we do”
This is one of the left’s biggest lies. No, they do not. Their citizens pay 3x the amount of income tax Americans do, plus a 20-25% VAT tax, and the care is heavily rationed. Disgusting liars are liars.
True facts, brah.
They also ignore the fact that elderly people will be denied care in many of these “universal” healthcare countries. In the US, you’re free to spend as much money as you want on medical procedures, even if it just means that you live to 90 rather than 88.
In addition, people frequently die while they’re waiting for a procedure. It certainly does keep costs down if cancer patients just kick the bucket before ever beginning their treatment.
“decades of experience show that these systems are workable”
Charlie Gard, and other children would like to say otherwise, but they can’t.
“proposal can be thought of as a rise in the national minimum wage to $15, combined with a sort of public option for employment in case that wage rise leads either to private-sector job losses or an increase in labor force participation.”
How much will those people be paid? And what will they do?
$15/hr to move piles of dirt from here to there and back to here.
with spoons.
That’s ridiculous. They’re not gonna have these people move piles of dirt with sooons.
They’ll have them do it virtually with the 50,000 oculus rift VR sets the government will buy to supplement the program so that none of these people will be exposed to extreme heat or cold.
See! Technology is a multiplier!
“minimum wage hikes don’t significantly reduce employment. ”
Depends on how to define employment. There is significant evidence that minor hikes will reduce average worker hours, and income, and that the hikes will cause new hires to fall.
And that’s all for minor increases. No study has been done on raising the minimum wage by almost 100%
It’s a broken record with these people every time a leftwing government gets into power. It’s like the last commie catastrophe they supported never even happened.
I get really tired of this canard. It pretends that there is some amount that should be spent on healthcare. It is an inherently collectivist outlook that never even bothers to concern itself with what people choose or even need to spend. It ignores price controls and pretends that rationing doesn’t exist under socialized healthcare. They’re paying less and getting better results! It’s blatantly shallow thinking. And when it comes to the “experts” in these matters, it’s intentional. They start with a desired result (pretend universal coverage, because that’s all it is – pretend) and work backwards looking for anything to justify it.
Yeah, they often cite statistics that hide costs, like rationing.
The truth is that there will be rationing, always. How do you want it to be limited? By yourself or government dictate?
I wonder if they purposefully put that jab at the south in there or if it was just their subconscious.
Yeah. Let’s ignore that in Seattle such an increase caused a drop off in worker wages. Increasing the minimum wage such nationally (progs have to do everything nationally, cause those damn red States will come kicking and screaming weather they like it it not) would be worse in big cities, where there are “high”productivity jobs, but a lot more people still work “low productivity” jobs
The poor uncivilized savages suffering under a lower cost of living…
“And if we’re talking economics rather than politics, every advanced country except America has some form of guaranteed health insurance; ….”
Bullshit conflation. Everybody in this country is guaranteed health CARE.
They have to be doing this on purpose.
And I always love the “advanced country” dodge. Find a reasonably developed nation that doesn’t have their standard of health insurance and they can just pretend it isn’t advanced enough.
“…those are precisely the regions that could really use some aid.”
Jacking up the minimum wage isn’t “aid”. It’s money paid out by private-sector employers.
Your anus really got rocked.
I’m sorry Uranus. Typo.
It is also 2 billion miles from the sun. I am thinking that might be a factor in the weather.
Also, new research? The protoplanet collision has been the prevailing theory for as long as I can remember. The “new” is that a group ran a bunch of simulations and figured out the most likely size and direction of the probable hit.
Everywhere I’ve seen this research written about, they talk as if we never knew the reason for the orientation of Uranus’s axis.
So if it was just something that hit the planet why do all of the moons orbit Uranus around its axis of rotation? I get that some might be remnants of the collision, but there must have been objects orbiting along the original axis of rotation prior to the impact.
Tidal forces?
a rebuttal:
Libertarianism and white nationalism are actually very different
“Major libertarian thinkers are even open to non-paternalistic welfare proposals like a universal basic income to help those unable to help themselves.”
Open as an alternative to the shit we have, but let’s be clear that it is not consistent with libertarianism.
Defensive libertarianism. Meh. Fuck that. You came into the world with nothing and you might as well go out swinging even if that means you leave with nothing.
No, that is like saying a love of sports and fitness isn’t unfriendly to coronary artery disease and diabetes.
Nationalism is anathema to the celebration of personal ambition – the other bit about will and obstacles, well, that could just as easily describe anyone or anything.
However, notions of love, mutual care and social obligation are completely friendly to nationalism. In fact, those are definitive qualities of nationalism – the difference being in how you draw the boundaries of those impulses.
This nozzle has everything exactly backwards. A white nationalist might thrive in a libertarian system – because it wouldn’t seek to impose any ideals upon him. But a white nationalist system could not be libertarian.
Meanwhile, a white nationalist system could easily be a communist or socialist or fascist or any other collectivist economic system. They go together quite nicely. In that case it would all be in how you define the nation-state. See Germany, Nazi; China, Maoist; North Korea, Communist, etc. And while it encompassed many ethnicities, I don’t think the USSR was exactly a haven for gay or trans rights, or political free thinkers, or anyone not aligned with the state.
Only in retrospect and with much photo alteration.
They make the racism accusation to put people on the defensive. They’re not interested in a reasoned response. It’s a waste of time.
Crying racism is their standard opening move. If it doesn’t work, no matter – they’ll move on to the next strategy. Calling someone a racist doesn’t cost you anything in the immediate term, even if the target thoroughly disproves it.
The only problem is that it is getting worn out. Most notably, Trump has largely ignored accusations of racism because he realizes that a most of the “progressive” Left is going to call him racist no matter what, so there’s no point in going on the defensive and making yourself look weak. He’s figured out that the best strategy is to tell them to piss off and just say whatever you’re going to say.
Nice to see rules still apply in some court rooms. A story you’ll never see on CNN.
But, the government would never be biased against those who hate said government.
TW: Cosmo magazine, UK version
Meet the men who get off on their wives having sex with other people
Whatever blows your skirt up.
I’ve noticed the cuck exposé has been a trend in a few quasi-mainstream publications here recently.
Give up your weapons and let someone else fuck your wife.
Where have I heard that before?
Reminds me of a line I have used a lot lately – no one ever wants you to be defenseless for your own good.
Meh, I think it’s more just lazy and salacious “journalism” based on PornHub search trends than necessarily narrative-pushing.
Reality reminding us once again that “The Gods of the Copybook Headings” is the greatest poem ever written. Amazing that it was almost 100 years ago.
I don’t know about greatest, but its in the top 10.
Reflections on Ice-Breaking may be the greatest.
“Calling progressives ‘cuck’ is just a lazy, racist, abandonment of serious debate. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the joys of letting other men f**k your wife.”
A Spanish model is set to become the first transgender woman to compete in the Miss Universe pageant.
This is why they should get rid of the bikini competition.
Pizzaro world.
“Laces out, Dan!”
Truth Time: That movie came out when I was 6. My brother and I watched it ad nauseam. Love and loved it.
I never understood what was going on with that big reveal. Now that I’m older, I *still* don’t understand it. They moved his dick to his ass? WTF? That is, I’m assuming, the joke. It made more sense when I had no idea what was going on.
You live in Asia, where about 1 in 5 women you meet in a bar is probably a dude, and you don’t know about tucking?
If you’re still uncertain, this should clear it up.
Several quibbles. To wit:
Not in Korea! And some of the hottest women I’ve ever met have been men! It’s very confusing.
I was a child! I didn’t know that my balls would eventually get bigger. They just WERE.
No one can tuck like that! Finkle/Einhorn’s package has been relocated to the fucking small of his/her lower back! AND! It’s fucking massive. That ain’t a scrotum, it’s a balloon filled with oats! It would take a sadistic Joker’s back-alley surgeon to do such a thing.
Shenanigans. All of ’em!
He tucked like Jame Gumb.
My honest first reaction was: “they still have beauty pagents?”
A day late but I still get a thrill from this Calvin Coolidge quote:
Coolidge was a racist. So I was told in school.
(Lets forget every politician was racist back then)
Calvin Coolidge was so racist he said this:
Red men?
Oh shit, the problematicness!
Thanks, LH. Just bookmarked the Coolidge Foundation for further exploring.
And untrue.
I honestly got a little misty reading that. No idea why it impacted me. Perhaps after a 4th of people yelling on the internet, reading from a man of principal reminded me of some of the real virtues of Americans.
Or I’m hung over so bad that I can’t restart my cynical portion of my brain.
I always confuse Woodrow Wilson and Coolidge, because they both have Marvel-comics-esque alliterative names. But they were very, very different folk. Coolidge was AOK by me, while Wilson was bit by a radioactive progressive and gained the arrogance and racism of a man of proportionate size.
My wife used to watch Glenn Beck, the one thing really I agreed with him was we both HATE Woodrow Wilson.
I think that is an excellent quote and is incredibly accurate in the sense that the counter-Enlightenment and its heirs were a reaction to the elevation of the individual over over the collective. Kant et al were despondent about the church being deposed from its seat of power and wanted to replace it with some other moral fixture.
Kant? What is Enlightenment?-Kant?
“They go into the barriers to entry and the steep startup costs including licensing fees and compliance costs. ”
I used the ‘poor person who can cut hair for money but can’t because of govt imposed barriers’ scenario as an example of how regs hurt the poor more than the rich.
The prog’s response is that it’s a good thing or else we wouldn’t know who was qualified to give a haircut.
Credentialed vs qualified with a heaping pile of how we can’t do anything without the govts help.
There’s no reasoning with these people.
About 60 activists disrupted a Fourth of July barbecue
About 60 activists are lucky they did not receive a proper beat-down.
My Somali is better than your’s.
My Somali brings all the sheiks to the yard
Local kid wins some international competition to become the “best reciter of the Koran” in the world.
Yeah, welcome to our country. Thanks for assimilating.
Eh. If it was for some Jewish kid getting it for Torah recitation, I wouldn’t get riled up. I’m thinking of the scene at about 1:38.
I have no beef with the kid winning the contest. What urinates me off is our local Somalis trying to avoid assimilation. They demand that employers locally don’t make them handle pork or booze. They demand that schools create a prayer room – with foot washing stations. Then in the quote above they send their kids back to Africa to learn “the old ways”.
Jewish kids might have to go to Hebrew school, but they don’t have to go back to Israel.
I will admit that the hijinks of the locals from East Africa here in Minnesoda might make me a bit more sensitive than other people. What really gets me is that they will fight assimilation and talk about how oppressed they are here, but if you even suggested that they be sent back to Somalia, they’d fly off the handle in a rage.
I dunno. I used to live in a Jewish enclave, and trips to Israel were as perfunctory as trips home to see grandma.
Yeah, I got sent on one of those when I was 16. I discovered two things:
1. First-rate hash was like $2 an ounce.
2. The ratio of female to male American Jews sent on these trips was about 4:1, and for most of them, it was their first time away from mommy and daddy.
It was a great summer. It did not make me religious.
Now I wanna be a Jew.
Hell, it might have made me a convert.
$2 from when a self-described ‘Old Man’ was 16 will have seen some inflation. What’s that in 2018 dollars?
I’m still in.
I made the cut but didn’t join the team. But with a recruitment campaign like that who knows?
I will admit that the hijinks of the locals from East Africa here in Minnesoda might make me a bit more sensitive than other people.
Honestly, I think this gets as much to the heart of the problem as anything else. Broad assimilation is, by and large, the normal equilibrium situation. My guess is that Joe Somali is probably happy to remain Muslim while adapting the specifics and circumstances to modern day American life. Yes, there are a few bastards who insist that everyone else has to adapt to them. But, the normal course, if the government tells them “F**k off! We’re not about to coerce anyone to suit you.”, is for those sorts to shut the hell up, move away or get told to bugger off by their own community. Instead, we get governments eager to appear “woke” and “respecting their cultural identity” pushing things that actively work against assimilation. Unsurprisingly, this empowers the bastards, incentivizes their complaints and basically tells the rest of their community that there’s no need to assimilate, since the rest of us feel guilty for no reason.
Why did you leave again?
Brexit Department could be scraped for being too pro-Brexit.
I was listening to a podcast on the history of the civil war on my home from work this morning. I found out that along with ft. Sumpter, ft.pickens in Pensacola bay also had federal troops in it when Lincoln was inaugurated. Had things in Pensacola gone a little differently and had troops from Florida fired the first shots of the civil war instead of troops from south Carolina, the national headlines the next day would have been-
That the Calton podcast? The Pratt Street Riot episode was excellent.
Man, the FBI has really started cracking down on their lowest performing colleagues. Feds Blow Up Dummies on Mall
CPSC spends $25,362 on video warning not to launch fireworks on top of your head
That’s not what she said.
Anyone that wants to stick rockets up their ass or launch mortars from atop their head, I encourage them to to go ahead.
+1 Darwin Award
A few years ago a 37 year old man was killed when he looked down the tube of an unexploded home-made firework.
My first though was “How did he live to be 37 if he’s that stupid?”
It reminds me that people are like cockroaches, remarkably hard to kill sometimes.
I went deeper in the catalog than most of you would have expected. Hope you enjoy.
I do. Huey and the boys always seemed to me to be a solid bar band that suddenly found themselves famous. Fun band. Unintentionally hilarious video.
That’s actually my favorite album from them. Sports was a little too commercial for my taste.
Four Chords and Several Years Ago is the runner-up
BATEMAN: You like Huey Lewis and the News?
ALLEN: Um, they’re okay.
BATEMAN: Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in ’83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He’s been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
ALLEN: Hey, Halberstram?
BATEMAN: Yes, Allen?
ALLEN: Why are there copies of the Style section all over the place? Do you… Do you have a dog? A little chow or something?
BATEMAN: No, Allen.
ALLEN: Is that a raincoat?
BATEMAN: Yes, it is. In ’87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is “Hip To Be Square”. A song so catchy, most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It’s also a personal statement about the band itself.
What about Phil Collins?
God, I love that movie. *points finger*
The little dance he does in the raincoat was unscripted. The first time Bale did it, everyone was laughing so hard they had to cut.
Mother Teresa India charity ‘sold babies’
I guess after withholding treatment from patients because you fetishize their suffering, you can justify pretty much anything.
Mother Teresa is BS
Sarah Silverman doesn’t know what words mean.
Silverman made her declaration in response to a comment from former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino on “Fox & Friends” that “socialism is a disaster.”
“Socialism is a disaster. The only people who support Socialism are people who don’t know what it is or people who want to win elections,” Bongino said on Monday.
This comment prompted Silverman to call Bongino “daft” from her Twitter account, and argue that socialism includes such important government entities like the police, even though providing police, military, and fire departments are the most basic responsibilities of any state: the protection of citizens.
“Forgive me but you are daft,” Silverman said. “Socialist democrats are for socialized programs within our democracy. Like, education &health care available 4all, making sure all@kids have the same opportunities.. u don’t like socialized programs? Do you like the police dept? The fire department?”
The government having agents to enforce the governments law =/= “socialism”.
Silverman is an idiot.
Oh I’ve seen that idea before – “How can you not like socialism? Fire Departments = Socialism!”
My reply: So the Romans, who had one of the earliest fire departments, were socialists? The more you know.
The Roman fire departments were for-profit enterprises, and would not extinguish burning buildings whose owners did not pay.
But they weren’t charging the building owners every month, were they? I personally prefer that model to paying taxes to support firemen I will almost certainly never use, not to mention paying their ridiculous pensions they managed to “negotiate” with the politicians whose campaigns they helped fund.
Like 99% of the rest of the functions of modern government, it would be replaced by insurance in a private market. So you’d still effectively end up paying monthly for a service you’ll probably never use in order to hedge against the risk. The difference would be that the insurance company couldn’t send you to jail for declining to participate in its risk pool by paying your premiums.
Since most non-renters have a mortgage, the bank would probably require the fire service just like they require insurance.
(I had to check to make sure, about 1 in 3 owner-occupied houses have a paid off mortgage, so my statement stands).
The top 3 groups (80-100+%) are way too high.
Either the bank would require enrollment in a fire service or would require insurance that would require fire service or charge a sufficiently high premium to cover lose of the building due to fire.
If you own the building outright, then you can decide on your own if you want to lose it or pay for fire service.
One of the things about fire is that it spreads in built-up areas. If you let one building burn because they didn’t pay for a fire department, you may lose a few more.
Which would be a dumb way to do things. Car insurance includes uninsured motorist coverage. I don’t see why fire insurance wouldn’t include something similar. Not having fire insurance of your own is not an indemnity against liability, either. If a fire starts on your property and you fail to contain it before it damages someone else’s property or causes harm to them, you’re still liable. Moreover, most jurisdictions allow property to be violated for the sake of saving life and limb.
So the only situation in which a fire department stands idly by while a house burns in a crowded neighborhood is one in which everybody involved is really, really dumb. In other words, where it’s being done by a government.
That creates a free rider problem, the same one that led to mandatory car insurance.
That’s what I meant.
Liability is not free-riding.
If your neighbor has uninsured homeowner coverage and you know the fire department will put your house fire out regardless of whether you paid up your policy, what’s your incentive to pay your premiums?
When I was a youngster, we lived in a subdivision outside Chattanooga. One day, a house down the street caught fire. The local, private fire department came to the scene and watched the house burn to the ground. They made sure it didn’t spread to the neighboring houses, but they did not risk life or limb to save a house that they weren’t paid to cover.
If your neighbor has uninsured homeowner coverage and you know the fire department will put your house fire out regardless of whether you paid up your policy, what’s your incentive to pay your premiums?
1. To not be sued
2. To have coverage for the damage that the fire department does
People have a romantic view of fire-fighting but the reality is that it’s quite destructive. Firemen don’t carry around axes just for show and the hoses don’t spray a fine mist of gentle fire-stopping powder. They will quite literally flood your house and they will tear down any part of it that is necessary to control the fire. No insurance means you and you alone have to foot the bill for those repairs.
If your neighbor has uninsured homeowner coverage and you know the fire department will put your house fire out regardless of whether you paid up your policy, what’s your incentive to pay your premiums?
The insurance company and/or the other homeowner could sue you for their incurred costs, same as with an uninsured motorist.
They made sure it didn’t spread to the neighboring houses, but they did not risk life or limb to save a house that they weren’t paid to cover.
Then it sounds like the property in question was not so close to the other properties as to create the moral hazard that allegedly necessitates mandatory fire protection dues.
That would never work in urban areas where there is no separation between buildings with different owners.
All kids have the same opportunities. Let’s give all the kids Leukemia because a few have it?
Her best work was on Star Trek: Voyager. Think about that for a minute.
Sarah Silverman doesn’t know what words mean.
Maybe not. But, more likely, she hopes everyone else doesn’t know what words mean.
At this point, honestly, I think it’s high time we stopped making the “naive and idealistic” excuse for socialists. They support an ideology that means, when the rhetoric is stripped away, the enslavement of all to all, even in the most idealized version of the ideology. Socialism is slavery. Period. Full stop. Socialists don’t support a noble ideal that doesn’t work in reality. They support an evil ideology. And, really, the rest of us should stop ceding them the moral high ground by pretending otherwise.
Let’s start a Go Fund Me to get all these hammer and sickle celebs a one-way ticket to Venezuela. Then they can only come back if they voluntarily forfeit their voting rights.
“Let’s start a Go Fund Me to get all these hammer and sickle celebs a one-way ticket to Venezuela. Then they can only come back if they voluntarily forfeit their voting rights.”
Yeah, unfortunately, Venezuela already arrived at the ‘ran out of other people’s money’ stage. They want socialism here because we still have a lot of money to steal.
If its not anarchy, its socialism!
She is an empty-headed bimbo of the highest order. This is a fine example of her idiocy, but it’s a bit weak in comparison to her previous work:
I love the responses.
I ‘member that. Hilarious.
She should suffer the same indignity as Ted Stevens for just regurgitating something spoon-fed to her that she doesn’t understand, but she won’t.
So that’s why they keep killing black people!
There’s this weird conviction, esp. among the politically ignorant, that socialism means “Be nice to everyone.”
It’s a classic Leftist tactic: Take some part of the ideology and rename it as something that almost nobody would disagree with, then accuse them of being against the pretty-sounding concept if they object to any part of the ideology.
Disarming civilians and steamrolling the 2A = “Common-sense gun safety”
Feminism = “The notion that women are people”
+1 motte–bailey doctrine
I think it’s just branding. If we were selling libertarianism to others, and we were halfway decent salespeople, we would play up a romantic view of it. “Don’t hurt people or steal their stuff” is both a pithy encapsulation of what we believe and also a somewhat empty catchphrase that fails to capture the depth of libertarian thought.
That having been said, it is quite a larger stretch to repackage “state ownership of the means of production” to “be nice to everyone”. It is funny how they use Bastiat’s, rather than Marx’s, definition of socialism.
I’ll just copy this headline word for word: Bath salts land two in jail for shooting at ‘alien lasers’ that were really fireflies, police say Ok then!
I hope they find serenity.
I am very disappoint that this didn’t happen in Florida.
It happens so often it doesn’t get reported.
Dog bites man.
They were definitely aiming to misbehave.
Gaze upon women whose kindness and value as a human you would overestimate because of their looks; that is if you weren’t too afraid to talk to them.
For 24 a sammich would be preferable, but pizza will suffice. 42 and 65 tie for the titty award. 56 wins the Annie Oakley award. 36 and 72 may join my harem.
81 checks quite a few boxes for me…
I would allow 12, 53, 64 and 90 to dispossess me of my time and money.
I’ve been away from here for a bit, so my apologies if this has already been posted. It is…glorious.
The stupid it burnz.
“”He’d promised to build a wall and called Mexicans “rapists”.”
Because rape trees aren’t an actual thing?
From Krugabe’s wordpuke about Brooklyn’s new socialist heroine (linked above):
So here’s what you should know: the policy ideas are definitely bold, and you can make some substantive arguments against them. But they aren’t crazy. By contrast, the ideas of Tea Party Republicans are crazy; in fact, Ocasio-Cortez’s policy positions are a lot more sensible than those of the Republican mainstream, let alone the GOP’s more radical members.
And even progressive economists like Josh Bivens aren’t sure whether a job guarantee is a good idea, mainly because they wonder whether the government can figure out how to manage large numbers of workers hired under the program and are uncertain about the cost. For what it’s worth, I’m pretty much with Bivens here, although I think he may be overstating the difficulties a bit; the goal of the jobs guarantee is laudable, but there are better ways to get there.
Also for what it’s worth, estimates by the leading academic advocates of a jobs guarantee – Paul, Darrity, and Hamilton – say that it would be expensive, costing more than $500 billion a year, although they believe that part of this cost would be offset by lower spending on safety-net programs and higher tax receipts.
The point, in any case, is that while a jobs guarantee is probably further than most Democrats, even in the progressive wing, are willing to go, it’s a response to real problems, and it’s not at all a crazy idea.
So next time you hear someone on the right talk about the “loony left,” or some centrist pundit pretend that people like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez are the left equivalent of the Tea Party, ignore them. Radical Democrats are actually pretty reasonable.
More of his special brand of argument-by-assertion.
“Crazy? I know you are, but what am I?”
[T]hey wonder whether the government can figure out how to manage large numbers of workers hired under the program and are uncertain about the cost. No shit? Why would anybody question the practicalities of a vast government make-work project? I mean, those chronically unemployed/unemployable people will slot right in at the FDIC, no problem. Or are they all going to be park rangers, or Coast Guard tugboat captains? Maybe mine inspectors.
Someone get this man to his faining couch, stat!
It’s sad that it took 8 years to get down to pre-recession employment levels. Must be that dang free market to blame. Must need some interventions and then it will run smooth.
We still aren’t at pre-recession labor force participation (currently 63% vs. 66% prior) but it has at least leveled out for the past 4 years.
+1 Milton Friedman spoon
Also for what it’s worth, estimates by the leading academic advocates of a jobs guarantee – Paul, Darrity, and Hamilton – say that it would be expensive, costing more than $500 billion a year, although they believe that part of this cost would be offset by lower spending on safety-net programs and higher tax receipts.
So if the government gives money to people to work, the program can be partially paid for by taxing those additional workers … on the money they were paid … by the government who now needs money to pay those workers… who will partially pay for the government to pay them later… derp.
When your ideas mirror those of regimes that murdered 10s of millions of people and invariably lead to poverty, misery and death, they are crazy. Sorry Krugnuts, yet another swing and a miss.
the ideas of Tea Party Republicans are crazy
Constitutional government is just completely insane.
Should we invade Mexico?
TW: TownHall/Schlicter
It definitely didn’t go the way I expected, though.
We are overdue for another mexican campaign.
I grew up on the Mexican border – about 10 minutes by car to a good sized Mexican city.
I was home on leave from the Marines on a Saturday. I told my mom I was going with some buddies (guys I grew up with, all but me Hispanic) over to Mexico for the evening. Mom tells me “Be good and have fun”. My reply – “Mom. Make up your mind”.
“From the halls of Montezuma….”
If we draw the border as a straight line this time, it will save a ton of money on the wall.
Somewhere, there has to be a photo of a hardware store in Mexico that is – fully or partially – festooned with ladders. I would love to have such a photo to post every time somebody says anything about a wall.
Do a google earth search for Cloverdale, New Mexico. Drop down for a view on any road featured there. Other than the road itself you could be excused for thinking it was a photo from Mars.
Don’t be surprised if you are on that border with a weapon before your enlistment ends. That’s the only way a fence, wall, or line in the sand will work.
I volunteered for a border mission once when I was in the National Guard. I unvolunteered when they told me we were’t bringing any weapons.
That’s the only way a fence, wall, or line in the sand will work.
True. A fence that you can cross with impunity doesn’t do much of anything. To make a fence work you need armed men to enforce consequences.
That is what borders used to mean.
Yes. The fence also makes boundaries clear and gives, at least in my mind, the NAP justification to shoot scalers (not legal justification for homeowners but surely so for countries at their borders).
Tejicano, to play devil’s advocate, doors do not keep out intruders either. Might as well show pictures of a lockpick or fireaxe in argument against having exterior doors and locks. They do provide a warning to stay out and time to prepare while being breached.
The one option he fails to talk about (which he wouldn’t because he’s a libertarianish-neocon) is legalizing drugs and ending the fucking WoD. The violence and corruption in Mexico is almost exclusively fueled by the cartels and where does he think they get their money?
Much simpler, cheaper and more humane solution, but of course it’s a non-starter because MUH OPEEOIDZ!
^This. Legalizing drugs ends your cartel problem. I personally doubt that it will significantly increase abuse problems, because, frankly, keeping drugs illegal hasn’t stopped anyone from getting them. On the other hand, booze and tobacco are perfectly legal and every day there are people who successfully navigate their lives without touching either one. And, importantly, there are people who have drinking problems or who are addicted to nicotine who quit successfully because they don’t run the risk of going to jail if they admit that they use one or the other.
The violence maybe. The corruption is baked into the cake of government.
What, bunch of violent men with guns and power are just gonna go “Well, it’s a fair cop, back to subsistence agriculture for me”?
Abolish WOD all you like, they’ll keep kidnapping, murdering, smuggling drugs (yes, yes, in anarchotopia there’ll be no regulation of any kind on drugs anywhere in the world – think that’s gonna happen?) and just straight up start taking territory until Mexico turns into 1920s China.
TW: TownHall/Schlicter
That hysterical screeching dipshit is as dumb as Maxine Waters.
That’s what surprised me about the article.
Relax – the title is pure click-bait. It concludes with the obvious – we’ll have have to get serious about guarding the border as Mexico descends into Valenzuela-like chaos.
He was an overrated pitcher.
I was thinking of a certain pop singer scattered across a corn field.
Schlichter needs to stick to twitter. He’s clever there because his thoughts are limited to just enough characters that he doesn’t completely go off the deep end.
And yes, we do need to work on our security on the Mexican border. But they’ll not devolve into Venezuela as long as they have free elections and as long as we continue to be their biggest trading partner.
Meh, every place has free elections right up until they don’t. I wouldn’t put it completely out of the realm of possibility that the USA devolves in Venezuela on a long enough time line.
Once you vote the right way enough times, you don’t need elections any more. Or opposition candidates.
We’re Venezuela’s biggest trading partner also.
Like Venezuela, Mexico labors under a Bolivarian national mythos that lends itself to supporting a caudillo strongman who can install himself as a permanent ruler. I think (don’t really know) that Mexico has more of a history and tradition of elections, but let’s not forget that Mexico had a one-party socialist government for decades. Now, they stepped aside when they lost an election, but I don’t think Mexico has the kind of cultural resistance to socialist dictatorship that would prevent it from happening there.
Yep, it’s the Bolivarian tradition that will pretty much ensure that most of Latin America will remain impoverished and shitty. The success stories that you see tend to have democratic traditions, free(-ish) markets, and diverse economies. Every time you have a “Gib me dat” government, any wealth produced by the preceding governments is frittered away and you scare off foreign investment. Venezuela was one of the wealthiest nations in Latin America, and now people are killing stray cats for food.
I think Simon Bolivar would have a similar view of “Bolivarianism” as John Maynard Keynes’s view of “Keynesianism”.
He should stick to twitter.
we’ll have have to get serious about guarding the border as Mexico descends into Valenzuela-like chaos.
Yeah, whatever, Kurt.
Valenzuela-like chaos
Yes, Fernando’s delivery was rather unusual.
Damn, OMWC beat me to it!
Young children hit hardest.
Bezos is ruining progressive paradise Seattle!
Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!
Gone fishin’
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is tapping additional Justice Department resources for help with new legal battles as his year-old investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 election continues to expand.
Mueller’s probe has come under attack from President Donald Trump and his allies who say it’s going on too long, expanding too far and costing too much. But the special counsel’s charter, issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, includes investigating whether Trump or associates colluded with Russia and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”
It’s a big
investigationhaystack. Yuuuuge. But there’s gotta be a needle in there, somewhere.As another dictator once said:
Only in proggie America can having well-paid employees be a problem.
But the special counsel’s charter, issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, includes investigating whether Trump or associates colluded with Russia and “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”
And that is precisely why his appointment is invalid under the governing statutes and DOJ rules.
So if the government gives money to people to work, the program can be partially paid for by taxing those additional workers … on the money they were paid … by the government who now needs money to pay those workers… who will partially pay for the government to pay them later… derp.
Fasten your seatbelt. You don’t want to get slung out of the tilt-a-whirl.
I missed that little nugget in there. It’s the infinite money machine.
Somebody needs to check Krugabe to see if he caught toxoplasmosis from his cat.
He did, but not in the way you might imagine…
Or if you read this site regularly, exactly in the way you might have imagined.
This from one of those yahoos who argues the modifier on government spending is greater than 1. So really, if the government paid everyone, ALL wealth would increase by the spending modifier! We’re literally burning money by having private companies!
The multiplier. Ugh. There is definitely a gubment spending multiplier. It’s just that it can never actually reach 1.0, never mind anything higher. It can’t; by definition, it takes wealth out of the market in order to put it somewhere else, and in the process incurs costs. It may provide some value in doing so, but that value will never be higher than what could potentially have been generated by that wealth remaining in the market.
+1 That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen
I thought recent research indicated that the multiplier was less than 1, maybe around 0.8.
How this man somehow won the Nobel Prize for Economics is beyond me.
It’s like Stormy Daniels winning the Chastity Prize.
As I understand it, Krugman used to be a fairly middle-of-the-road economist, perhaps even a little right of center. Tom Woods frequently dredges up old textbooks and columns that Krugman wrote, and while he’s certainly no Austrian, he seems to believe that every policy has trade-offs and side-effects that have to be considered.
My theory is that Krugman decided to become a total political hack in order to advance his career. In other words, he was hoping that President Obama or President Hillary would appoint him to some high-power position in the administration (thank fucking goodness that didn’t happen).
Or he realized that prestigious columnist spitting out pigswill for true believers pays better than principled lecturer.
This is my theory. I want him someday to write a retirement column titled “Why I spent last twenty years riling up idiots”.
Tom Woods frequently dredges up old textbooks and columns that Krugman wrote, and while he’s certainly no Austrian, he seems to believe that every policy has trade-offs and side-effects that have to be considered.
You don’t really need to look at old columns for that. Krugman’s last textbook has a lot that contradicts his scribblings for the Times. It isn’t that he’s gotten stupid. It’s that he writes fundamentally different remarks for his Times material than he argues in an academic setting. He’s not a fool. He’s a fraud.
To be fair, he won it for some very specific contributions he made to the study of international trade, namely “economic geography”, dating back to the 1990s and having virtually nothing to do with his political commentary or even his domestic economic analysis.
His early work was very different, and sane. It is clear he has been replaced by one of mr. Lizard’s infiltraitors.
Oh ya we totally skin-suited him back in the mid-90s. And you guys were right about him angling for a job with mammal with the kankles. But that was more of a backup plan in case she won…
My maybe-not-so-far out there thought right now is that AMLO (new el Presidente) will provide the catalyst to actually pull the US substantially out of SW Asia. Lots and lots of the public (and not just Trump’s base) is both tired of these particular foreign entanglements and also openly describing the Southern border situation as an “invasion”. Pair it up with being tired of paying for the defense of Europe, and you might be able to add a US-Amy-free Deutschland to the list, too.
AMLO’s recent comment’s hinting as much might just click with enough of the electorate to do it…
I can’t tell if AMLO is saber-rattling for his base or if he’s serious. If he’s serious, it’s not that short of an act of war.
With the caveat that I agree invading Mexico or conducting some kind of aggressive military campaign is an insanely retarded idea, the President of one country actively encouraging his people to engage in mass migration to another country pretty much defines invasion.
I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that Mexico could go the way of Venezuela. If that did happen, the US would be in a very unfortunate situation.
Yeah, I really mean something like “bring the Army home and put them on the border”, not “invade Mexico”.
End the War on Drugs, then turn Mexico in to a US territory and appoint a governor to sort it all out.
Philippines 2: Electric Boogaloo
Also, can we talk about the state of the nation that elects a guy who’s running on a platform of, “Run for the fuckin’ hills, boys! This place has gone straight to shit and your only hope is to join the gringos!”
Let’s say he’s serious, and people take him seriously, so that we actually do a big spike in illegal border crossing.
How would we respond? I don’t really think we’re going to machine-gun illegals as the climb the wall, or light them up from Hueys as they run for cover in the US.
Honestly, I see two options:
(1) We pretend it isn’t happening and don’t change what we do now. Result: immigration system is clogged and collapses under delays and overwhelming volume, leading to catch-and-release and an essentially uncontrolled border.
(2) A heavily patrolled border where illegals are arrested and dumped in camps close to the border until they can be processed or volunteer to return to Mexico (or wherever they came from).
(2) A heavily patrolled border where illegals are arrested and dumped in camps close to the border until they can be processed or volunteer to return to Mexico (or wherever they came from).
So you’re saying you’re in favor of concentration camps for Latinos?
From that Guardian thing about Bezos vs Seattle:
“It’s incredibly difficult to find housing in Seattle now,” said Nicole Keenan-Lai, executive director of Puget Sound Sage, a Seattle thinktank focused on low-income and minority communities. “Two years ago a study came out that said 35% of Seattle’s homeless population has some college or a college degree.”
John Burbank of the Economic Opportunity Institute said there is a a direct link between the surge in highly paid jobs and the numbers of people forced on to the street.
“There’s an incredible correlation between the increase in homelessness and the increase in the number of people who have incomes in excess of $250,000,” he said. “That has grown by almost 50% between 2011 and 2017. The population of homeless kids in the Seattle public schools has grown from 1,300 kids to 4,200.”
Something something correlation is not something. It’s obviously Amazon’s fault that white liberal NIMBYism has choked off expansion of the housing supply.
I guess not many of those college-educated homeless people were information systems majors. For some reason, I assume a “thinktank focused on minority and low income communities” functions as a conduit for wealth redistribution; redistributing plenty of wealth to themselves along the way.
The population of homeless kids in the Seattle public schools has grown from 1,300 kids to 4,200.
Maybe they could open up centers tailored to housing children… of course, the opportunity for abuse or worse would be high in such institutions, so you’d have to accommodate adults elsewhere. And you wouldn’t want every Tom, Dick, and Harry strolling up through the gates, getting their hands on little kids, so there’d need to be a fence around the place.
RE: Mexico.
With few exceptions, I don’t think there’s any group that agrees the status quo WRT the southern border is acceptable. With that in mind, let’s bounce some ideas:
1) Go the Dems’ preferred route, say national sovereignty is outdated and erase the border completely. I think recent developments in Europe provide ample examples of this not working very well.
2) Go the isolationists’ route and build the Berlin Wall/DMZ on the border with no immigration whatsoever. This is like taking the precautionary principle to an absurd extreme and applying it to important national policy. It’s stupid (IMO) from an economic standpoint and (not to sound like a prog) it’s counter to American value and tradition.
3) Go the Q route. End the WoD. Secure the border as best you can against illegal immigration and criminal incursion then reform the legal immigration such that if an immigrant presents himself at an actual port of entry, is willing to submit to medical testing and some type of background check, he gets in on a temporary visa. If he meets some minimum requirements (doesn’t commit a crime, holds a job, has a place to live, actually keeps his immigration hearing dates), he can be upgraded to a green card after X years. If he continues to meet these milestones, is willing to show proficiency in English and renounce his country of origin’s citizenship after X additional years he can become a US citizen if he wants to. Otherwise, as a green card holder he can travel freely back and forth between his origin country and the US in perpetuity if he prefers.
4) Go the OMWC route:
a. Open immigration.
b. No welfare.
That’d work too, but I assume ending the welfare state is as much of a non-starter as spinning lead into gold.
Or actually changing the immigration system.
Hey, a girl can dream.
You think ending the WOD is any more likely?
Portugal did it:
“We want to legal drugs.”
“Sorry, I’m against drugs.”
“But drugs come in on boats, so we’ll get to spend more time on a boat”
“Well, now that you put that way.”
Like OMWC said, a girl can dream.
Still need to legalize drugs and secure the border.
End the WoD. Go back to the pre-65 Visa / sponsorship system. Turn people around at the border who don’t qualify for entry, get rid of this ridiculous drawn-out detainment and hearing process.
3) makes sense to me. I don’t think WOD ending (which is an admirable goal) is required, which would make it easier to pass.
Biggest problem I see is, how do you enforce it? Once they’re in the country, how do you track them down if they overstay temp visa or miss one of your milestones? Right now, that’s I think the biggest source of illegals, and enforcement is pretty hapless against it.
Other than that, it’s one of the few reasonable immigration reform plans that doesn’t favor people who can walk to US over those who have to take a plane. That way it at least ensures diversity of cultures, so you may be able to keep your melting pot.
“how do you track them down if they overstay temp visa or miss one of your milestones?”
I guess the only humane way that doesn’t massively empower the surveillance state is to have them report their address and they have to show up for hearings once per year or something. The hearing would be really minimal: do you still live at X? Can you prove you either have a job or are being supported by a family member (no welfare/public assistance)? Someone who’s motivated to stay and follow the rules should be able to manage that. Not reporting his address and/or missing a hearing automatically disqualifies him from ever getting a green card and makes him immediately deportable no questions asked. Obviously, if such a person is arrested for some other reason he is deported immediately whether he’s been hitting his milestones or not.
It wouldn’t be perfect but that’s what I see as the best way that doesn’t abuse people’s rights too much.
“Obviously, if such a person is arrested for some other reason he is deported immediately whether he’s been hitting his milestones or not.”
Arrested isn’t the same as guilty.
Fair cop. If someone is convicted of a crime.
If we apply the same rationale as the Supreme Court did to uphold the sex offender registry, then just say that the deportation is not punishment and voila.
Except he’s being deported for being an illegal alien, not as punishment for whatever he was arrested for.
If he has a visa, he’s not an illegal alien.
Also, can we talk about the state of the nation that elects a guy who’s running on a platform of, “Run for the fuckin’ hills, boys! This place has gone straight to shit and your only hope is to join the gringos!”
Yeah, that’s bizarre. I wish I had a better grasp of the context of whatever the hell he really said. Running an election campaign with the slogan, ABANDON SHIP! doesn’t seem like a winning strategy, but I’m not politically sophisticated.
Looks like it was a rough 32 years. She used to be so beautiful.
32 going on 52.
It’s the
milecockage not the timeDrugs are a hell of a drug.
Jesus, her mother looks younger than she does.
In happier days
It’s been nine days since injuring my foot. I can freely move my toes and ankle, though it hurts, and am walking with only a slight limp now. So I don’t think anything is broken or fractured. But it throbs painfully if I spend much time on it, and it’s tender in spots and still a little swollen and bruised. I figure I just have to wait it out. What else can I do? Go to urgent care, spend several hours waiting to be seen, and be told it’s probably sprained and to take some Tylenol if I’m gonna be a big baby about it? I guess I could keep off it… but I gots to get paid.
Maybe get an X-ray?
Vicodin and Jack Daniels
It worked for Brett Favre!
Does that mean we’re all gonna get dick pics later?
>>But it throbs painfully if I spend much time on it, and it’s tender in spots and still a little swollen and bruised.
You’re still talking about your foot? 😉
On a more serious note: get an x-ray, better to be safe than sorry.
But I’m doctor-phobic so don’t listen to me. Last yearI really pulled/broke some muscle fibers on my lower ankle. It took a few months before I was walking limp free. I didn’t see the point of going to the doctor since I knew nothing was broken; it was going to be a case of “ice and wrap it up”… and time.
How’d you hurt it? I detest hospitals and doctors, and for toes at least, they can’t do shit to help you.
First step–where does it hurt? If you press against the bones does it hurt? How does it hurt? Is it a sharp, fundamental pain? Might even have an emotional impact? Or does it just hurt? If you can walk around then I’m guessing it can’t be anything too serious. If your limp has gotten better in the past few days, then that’s WAY too fast for a broken bone to heal enough to make a difference.
I’m not a doctor, but I’ve broken at least 13 bones, including two sawn-off-and-replaced hips.
“Bones heal, and chicks dig scars.”
Yeah, see, I really should know better than to complain. Your article was horrifying.
I backed myself up against a wall with a motorized pallet jack. Caught my foot pretty good in reverse and stupidly didn’t let go. It’s most painful around the big toe and along the instep, and also up the ankle on the other side. It’s still pretty tender to the touch on top and along the arch. And no, I don’t think it’s serious either. Just a PITA.
Time for the hot-cold treatment. 10 minutes soaking in hot water, then 10 minutes in ice water, then repeat (40 minutes total). Do that daily…the swelling and bruising will go down as the clots get flushed out.
That’s good advice. It sounds like a deep bruise, and those take a while to heal. I had a similar incident years and years ago when I worked at a hardware store. One of those big steel racks they stick plants on squashed my ankle against a curb at some speed. Hurt like a bitch, but nothing broke. It probably took two weeks to get back to a hundred percent.
I’m totes jelly of that inflatable eagle.
There are easier ways to contract Hep C.
I’m pretty sure she’s clean. Or did you mean to post that under the Lohan article?
I think Lohan qualifies as “easier”.
That girl nasty.
More fun, too.
She does nothing for me. At all.
Y’all mafuckas need Jesus.
I actually like tasteful ink, but I do see that hers are…unfortunate.
However, she’s obviously hot as fuck. Would 12 times before morning.
I suspect it would be quite the wild ride, but that the regret would still outweigh the . . . benefits?
An update from my personal news last night: wife and in-laws evacuated their house to stay with my SIL boyfriend. About 3am, they learned the fire had changed direction and they had to evacuate again. However, all safe and the family home is fine.
The kicker to all this is what caused the fire. The area (Roaring Fork Valley, CO) had been under a red flag watch for weeks (no fires, etc.). The fire was started by two people at the local gun club’s outdoor range doing target practice which included using tracer bullets.
stupid is as stupid does
Most ranges if someone fires a racer by accident (which can happen with military surplus ammo) everyone stops and grabs shovels.
um tracer
We had a competition in the military we called ‘tracer racer’.
It involved eating corn.
Believe it or not, I think there might be a significant amount of misinformation and duplicitous mischaracterization happening in the “immigration debate”. From both sides. In that NYT thing about the ACLU, there’s a lot of weepy hanky-waving about some alleged refugee from the Congo, who, with her young daughter, “at great peril and hardship, made her way north to San Diego (WTF? From the fucking Congo? I guess I forgot more of my elementary school geography than I realized.) and crossed into America and declared herself a refugee”. And then (I have no difficulty whatsoever in believing this part) was treated callously and wrongly by the indifferent and uncaring System and separated from her daughter, who was sent to Chicago, for some reason. Including, they say, getting duped into waiving her hearing and agreeing to be returned to Africa because she had no translator or legal representation. Which is all Public Enemy Number One’s fault. Heart-wrenching, to be sure, but I cannot but suspect there are a lot of pertinent details left unmentioned. BUT- she made it to Home Plate and called “allee allee in free” or however it works. She rates a trip through the system, however uncaring and overburdened it might be.
That is not the same as groups of people hoofing it across the border out in the middle of nowhere. I don’t have much of a problem with just turning them back, right there and then. Same with people huddled in the back of large trucks.
Biggest problem I see is, how do you enforce it? Once they’re in the country, how do you track them down if they overstay temp visa or miss one of your milestones? Right now, that’s I think the biggest source of illegals, and enforcement is pretty hapless against it.
Yes. I think that’s another major factor which is subject to misdirection. A lot people want to focus on the little familia on those yellow warning signs (Caution- Peasants Crossing), but there are an awful lot of people who are not hispanic, who flew in on a tourist or short term work visa and liked it so much they never bothered to leave. I personally have known and worked with quite a few of those people over the years.
The U.S. is terrible at enforcing immigration laws.
The only effective answer is to crack down on employers.
I’ve known several people here illegally from various countries, interestingly enough Ireland being a common one, who just overstayed Visas. It’s easy to do, and if you’re working for cash you can stay under the radar for years and years.
I’d give more props to the crazy Statue of Liberty lady if she got past the foot.
The fire was started by two people at the local gun club’s outdoor range doing target practice which included using tracer bullets.
Demonstrating, once more, the dire need for common sense idiot control,
“Liberal Vs Conservative
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! what better way to celebrate the day god invented beer 2018 years ago than going to a gun range with a friend you politically disagree with?”
Germany willing to cut tariffs on US cars, lifting automakers’ shares
Trump behaves like a businessman who knows he has a stronger bargaining position at the table. Hard to imagine where that comes from.
Weird, isn’t it?
Jack Baruth weighs in.
Great article. Thanks for that one.
the U.S. tariff on imported European cars is 2.5%
*cough* chicken tax *cough*
“Ford (ostensibly a company that the tax was designed to protect), imported its first generation Transit Connect light trucks as “passenger vehicles” to the U.S. from Turkey, and immediately stripped and shreded portions of their interiors (e.g., installed rear seats, seatbelts) in a warehouse outside Baltimore.[1] Mercedes imported complete vans built in Germany, “disassembled them and shipped the pieces to South Carolina, where American workers put them back together in a small kit assembly building.”[8] The resulting vehicles emerge as locally manufactured, free from the tariff.”
Government intervention in the market = economic waste, and for what?
Mid-90s Russia:
A company built buses that shared a common chassis with a dump truck.
The dump truck was delivered to the bus company. A team of guys with sledgehammers removed all the pieces of the truck not part of the chassis. The chassis was they introduced into the bus manufacturing line.
This is Socialism.
In Michigan, chassis strips you! (this seemingly makes no sense)
See, we were warned that Trump’s trade war will destroy the planet.
So, my fellow Montanan glibertarians, do you think Tester will lose his seat this November? Is Matt Rosendale a worthy replacement (I don’t know much about him other than he received Rand Paul’s endorsement in the primary and, at least according to those tolerant Democratic PACs, he is a dreaded outsider from Maryland)? Interestingly, the only ads I’ve been seeing (TV, Facebook) have been pro-Tester/anti-Rosendale. Makes me wonder how much effort the RNC and associated PACs are putting behind Rosendale.
Finally, the NYT writes something I agree with.
Collins is a pro-choice moderate who voted for Gorsuch. as long as Trump’s nominee doesn’t preach from the pulpit during confirmation, then Collins will vote for her/him/xer/xerxes/xerox.
So what you’re saying is that Collins votes the way Trump tells her, which means she takes orders from Literally Hitler.
After praising Collins vote against a partial-birth abortion ban and against a 20-week abortion ban, the fickle Left will have no trouble burning her in effigy after she confirms his Catholic pro-life nominee.
The name is Litler, please.
So, I hear it’d down to three nominees now, one the chick, another Kavanaugh, and someone I’ve never heard of.
Maine Senator (and Congresswoman) Margaret Chase Smith, Ms. Collins’ political foremother and idol, often broke ranks with her party — to defend, for instance, F.D.R.’s New Deal legislation from conservative attacks. On June 1, 1950, she became one of the first members of Congress to denounce the anti-Communist witch hunt of fellow Republican Senator Joe McCarthy. She began her Declaration of Conscience speech: “I would like to speak briefly and simply about a serious national condition. It is a national feeling of fear and frustration that could result in national suicide and the end of everything that we Americans hold dear.” She did not want “to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.”
After six moderate Republican senators signed the declaration, Mr. McCarthy labeled them, in Trumpian fashion, “Snow White and the Six Dwarves.” He had Ms. Smith removed from her post on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (replacing her with Richard Nixon) and lavished support on her challenger in the next election (she won anyway).
yeah, that’s a cute story. but today the guy looking under everyone’s bed for Russians and making life difficult with his special prosecutorial powers is Mueller.
I would like to speak briefly and simply about a serious national condition. It is a national feeling of fear and frustration that could result in national suicide and the end of everything that we Americans hold dear.” She did not want “to see the
RepublicanDemocrat Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny — Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear.”“We have a Democrat party apparatus and a national media which is promoting fear of foreign interference in our elections, even though President Obama himself assured us there was none, and no credible evidence of such interference has been produced.
“We have increasingly loud voices, especially in academia but with support both within our government agencies and the Democrat Party, claiming that all men are toxic, that all white people bear racial guilt, and stoking the fires of envy and resentment with the fuel of bigotry.
“We have a political party, again with the willing collusion of media outlets, which engages in smear after smear of their political opponents and the American people, recklessly and groundlessly accusing all and sundry of bigotry and racism, with no more basis than differences on policy, and with no more motivation than the desire to silence and destroy people they disagree with.
So, my fellow Montanan glibertarians, do you think Tester will lose his seat this November? Is Matt Rosendale a worthy replacement (I don’t know much about him other than he received Rand Paul’s endorsement in the primary and, at least according to those tolerant Democratic PACs, he is a dreaded outsider from Maryland)?
Where I live, people mostly seem to love Tester. I’m not so sure about the rest of the state. Somebody told me she saw some sort of “Veterans for Sending Tester Back to the Farm” bumper sticker, which is encouraging. I don’t know anything about Rosendale, but the right (left) people really hate him, so he can’t be all bad.
You live near Bozeman, right? His support there doesn’t surprise me in the least. Up here in north central, people generally want a Republican but like Tester because he’s “good for veterans” (not clear to me how other than he likes to talk about them a lot). He’s also from the area (Big Sandy). But I thought I read/heard that Tester was one of the vulnerable Democratic senators up for reelection. He also voted against tax reform and generally votes big government on everything, so he sucks ass.
Judging by his presumed vulnerability, and if that bumper sticker is indicative of anything, maybe Rosendale can defeat flattop this November.
Also, I have reached the point where anybody accused of “destroying our public lands” automatically gets my support.
Fuck ” protect our public lands”. It’s just a smokescreen for, “Restrict that land strictly to uses which I enjoy and approve of.”
“Fuck ‘protect our public lands’. It’s just a smokescreen for, ‘Restrict that land strictly to uses which I enjoy and approve of.'”
It also means “I want federal administrative agencies to possess and control vast swaths of Montana land instead of Montana citizens through their state legislature or as private individuals.” That reality robs any supposed “good” behind the “public” in “federal public lands.”
He also voted against tax reform and generally votes big government on everything, so he sucks ass.
He got carried into the Senate on Obama’s coattails, and went native in a big hurry when he got to DC. But he still spouts that “real Montana values” crap.