Oh yeah… I think I am on to something. Got an anonymous tip….the RAPESQUATCH was near Vondelpark alright. But he was far too clever to simply camp out there. No, word was he was staying at a “pension” near the park. “Tante Zaan’s” – Auntie Zaan’s place, to be specific. Time for a little recon…

Tante Zaan’s…what are you hiding.
Yeah, right above the shops. Typical old Amsterdam arrangement. Store on the first floor, that paid rent…apartments or boarders above. Well, Airbnb or Booking,com have taken over arranging the stays…OK Auntie, time for me to see what is hiding upstairs.
Dang… not one sign of STEVE SMITH. I am starting to get the feeling I am getting played here. Time to swing by the park…maybe I gave MR. RAPESQUATCH too much credit.

That is most certainly NOT STEVE SMITH.
Huh. No flashing lights…no people fleeing. So nothing obviously STEVE SMITHIAN…yet. I need to go back and think about this some more.
TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR “THE STEVE SMITH SANCTION – A canal?! Reijner whowhat now?”
My speech has one of those black things that goes up.
“The (Supreme) Court’s five conservative members, citing the First Amendment, had just dealt public unions a devastating blow. The day before, the same majority had used the First Amendment to reject a California law requiring religiously oriented “crisis pregnancy centers” to provide women with information about abortion.”
Oh noes, I can go to Chick-fil-A and they don’t have to provide me information about pizza. The horror.
If only there were public buildings with some sort of hard storage medium or some kind of massive computer network where you could look up things.
Is it possible to impeach a Supreme? (One of the judges, for any wags out there.)
Yes. Associate justice of the supreme court Samuel Chase was impeached, though acquitted by the Senate. No other justices have been impeached, though many federal judges have been through the years. It is more common to remove federal judges through the “Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980” than through impeachment these days, but supreme court justices are exempt from that act. There have been moves by Congress to amend it to cover SCOTUS, but they haven’t been successful so far.
Unfortunately, openly and brazenly dismissing the First Amendment doesn’t seem impeachable on its own. Pity.
Guess we’re going to need more Pelicans.
We’re going to need more woodchippers.
Well, you can be sure that Clarence Thomas was going to be impeached. I’m on mobile right now, but it was on the list of Clinton post election plans.
Thank god we dodged that bullet.
I’m also on my phone, but I hate myself:
The above is from a NewsWeek article that allocated over the possibility of impeaching Clarence Thomas. I’m not going to link to it to save everyone else’s browsers the ignominy
Impeachment is available to any civil officer of the United States as per Article 2 section 4.
I’ve yet to hear any cogent explanation of this from anyone on the left.
Oh that’s easy – back then the Nazis were a bunch of sideshow freaks that everyone laughed at, but now they’ve gained political power and put one of their own in the White House, so they need to be resisted by any means necessary.
I’m glad people are letting that commie have it.
Jesus Lord what in the hell?
1. Look for hikers.
2. Listen for screams.
Screams are just foreplay
I see STEVE SMITH has already taken to Twitter and denied his presence in Amsterdam.
I’ll try to stay somewhat on topic…
An employee at the Anne Frank House asked to wear a kippah. He waited 6 months for an answer.
Thinking of Quillette, Claire Lehmann is no lemon.
So a person is more likely to rape if their parents are Sasquatch. Not that I’m racist.
Are these types of studies how we start arresting people for future crimes?
Good grief. Talk about painting yourself into a corner.
You’re a brave man, Swiss.
*Benny Hill salute*
Thanks. Now I have ‘yakkity sax’ playing on a loop in my head, and everything is sped up
I hope the visualization if scantily clad girls came with that.
I probably wouldn’t mind living life that way.
Hmmm…earlier report was that Kethledges interview went very well.
Breyer is 80 and Ginsburg is 85. Retire already!
I concur. They should have been gone years ago. Power is, apparently, a helluva aphrodisiac, even if it doesn’t result in a satisfactory conclusion .
Oh man, if Ginsburg drops dead before Trump leaves office, the conspiracy mongering by the left is going to be epic.
If HRC won, they would have retired this week.
Highly recommend Hap Hmm, about 3 blocks west of Vondelpark.
I didn’t see any bongs.
Their bowls (of Dutch stew) are much better than that.
Nor ladies of the night.
That time a bunch of American college students were contestants on a Soviet TV game show
“The password is… OFFLIMITS.”
Try the second link I posted.
Funny enough, I just found the new Match Game is on…
Charles Nelson Reilly or GTFO
Agree but this one isn’t half bad. I’ve seen all the reboots and they all stunk worse than this one. Plus Baldwin being a prick kind of works.
I agree. As current game shows go, its not bad. And you’re right about Baldwin- it fits him.
If that link doesn’t work because you have to log in, the one that I meant to post is here.
Interesting. Thanks!
TOO LATE. You’re getting hassled for that
But all we are saying is give peas a chance.
I’m not sure what the end game is here.
To sell millions and millions of Trump Steaks. I laid it all out in Episode 7 of the Hat and the Hair; I’m someone familiar with Trump’s thinking, so I was probably quoted in a few ‘news’ stories already.
I respect the Simpsons reference.
Huh, didn’t think Japan had the death penalty: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/07/05/doomsday-cult-leader-behind-deadly-tokyo-subway-gas-attack-is-executed-japanese-media-report.html
Carried out exclusively by hanging.
I like the comment from fake Trump
Suppose I could have read this first.
Finally. Fucking asshole. They don’t (didn’t) tell death row inmates the date they are to be executed. Kind of hardcore.
“Robert Plant reacts to 8-year-old girl playing Led Zeppelin on drums”
I laughed
That’s a neat trick.
If you only knew where I stuck this…
“Glenn Beck, a conservative commentator, also seems to agree that Ben Shapiro’s Dad is running the Neontaster account.”
Either Ben Shapiro is Gollum-sized or his Dad has Steve Smith genes.
(or there’s some weird forced perspective in the photo.)
I think he was standing on a step in the first pic. Scroll down and there’s one where he’s only an inch or two taller than Ben.
Ugh. Back in Itica to pack my apartment and move back to Buffalo. I had forgotten that “buy an air conditioner” was on my list.
It’s 97 degrees in here right now. My gal is already passed out from heat. Only thing I had in the fridge was beer and vodka.
Not getting much packed tonight.
Tomorrow is going to suck.
Here in NYC the heat is down but the humidity makes it even worse in the last couple days of this shit. T-storms tomorrow finally.
PS. In my combined 26 years living in Rochester and Buffalo I never owned an AC. It was a fucking luxury item back then. We have it so good today.
So easy to go soft.
That said, if I have a time machine to go back in time by two months, I’m going to punch past me until he agrees to buy one for present me.
To be fair, I never had more than 2 or 3 nights a year upstate where I *needed* one.
When I moved to NYC in 1997 the first thing I bought after an air mattress to crash at my friend’s ex-girlfriend’s apartment was an AC. And good thing too because it was 105+ highs in Hoboken for like 2 weeks straight that summer. Still the worst summer I’ve ever experienced.
I got a portable unit this week. It’s fucking magical, just like a pig.
**Now has “25 or 6 to 4” earworm.
Saturday….in Vodelpark….I think it was the 5th of July….
The only good Chicago song.
It is the best one by a mile. There are a couple of other decent ones – if only because sentiment…
I like ‘Beginnings’ with Earth, Wind, and Fire if only for the solid horns and the funky costumes
(sorry in advance for the frames)
Heh the disco frame is evil. But yeah like the horns.
The entire concert is here if you want to pick through
My oldest: If i am to be subjected to the policies of our betters, then they will be subjected to me through not caring what they want.
Me: Here is your second beer.
Duck this kid gets it and spends most of his time with a leech of a deadbeat mother.