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Who is the woman in the picture behind The Hair?
Jessica Rabbit?
oooo… I like
Kim Kardasian? Butt too small?
Just some random cartoon woman that was public domain.
Thiccccc, I approve!
Holly Would?
Everyone knows that God is a woman jerks.
Our Gender Neutral Parent, who art in Heaven…
I love the mustard and ketchup stains (and the sweat stains). Perfect for the 4th!
Thank you.
fucking assholepatriot just set off firecrackers outside my kitchen window and made me lose food down the side of the stove where I can’t get at it. Guess the cockroaches get a nice snack tonight.My neighbors are setting them off again. I mean serious fireworks, not firecrackers. Anything north of me where that’s coming from is million dollar plus properties.
Yeah we’ll get those later, here and there usually a few blocks away but one year I swear right outside my bedroom window at like 3am.
I just love the thicc in the white stockings, I don’t give a fuck about anything else.
So, I brought this up in the previous dead thread, but I’d like the opportunity to bring up again. Who wins the upcoming cushiest lifetime job ever? I’m of course talking about the upcoming SCOTUS seat which Trump will decide despite the wildest dreams of the progtards.
I was just talking to my SIL, who likes Kavanaugh, and we didn’t get much into it. I mentioned that a lot of my friends like Willett. Not sure where to go from here, I guess I need to do my homework. Any opinions?
Way outside my wheelhouse. Anyone Gorsuch-like is fine by me.
Hat:”I told Donald to pick that one with the nice tits. The Hair kept rambling about principals. Idiot thinks we’re hiring for a high school I guess.”
Trump is very unpredictable. But if I had to guess? Amy Coney Barrett.
And, if that happens, how does that play out for lovers of liberty?
Based on her statements, she’s not a big fan of stare decisis. Which means she’s willing to overturn precedents that she doesn’t think are in line with the constitution. Which also means she could overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Regardless, she’s way better than anyone HRC would have considered.
Being better than anyone herself would appoint seems like damning by faint praise to me.
Oh God….what if Trump knew RGB was on her way out in short order, offered this appointment to Hillary (for lulz), and sealed RGB’s vacancy with someone like the dude from Texas?
My sides would actually split from laughter.
On the one hand it would be very funny, on the other hand I really would not like her being anywhere near power.
True, but no matter who he picks it’s glass have full.
I can get the merits of precedent, but it’s also insane to say because the court once made a shitty decision that’s the on true way.
Also, even though I think abortion is generally wrong, but still should not be prohibited by federal law. Roe vs. Wade was a terrible decision, based on muddled thinking and false information (ie. the plaintiff’s pregnancy was not the result of rape). Read it and you’ll find it’s far from convincing language. There is nothing explicitly about abortion in the constitution one way or the other.
Unfortunately, the Democrats are trying to sell the hysterical fear-mongering notion that it being overturned would lead to a federal ban on abortion. Which isn’t true. It would merely go back to the states.
Even as a pro-life catholic, if the reasoning is based on a sound definition of when a fetus is legally considered human would be a lot clearer way to define things than Roe V Wade. As it stands it’s such a nebulous concept, and definitely should be linked to privacy.
*should not be linked to privacy.
Imho, that would require an act of legislature. As there is nothing about that in the constitution.
Well, IMHO, if it isn’t in the constitution, it can’t be constitutional.
a sound definition of when a fetus is legally considered human
In one of the cases, pretty sure it was Roe, the Court said states were free to regulate abortions of viable fetuses.
When a fetus becomes viable hasn’t really changed in at least thirty years. Before 22ish weeks, their lungs aren’t developed enough to have more than a small single digit chance of surviving. Before 20 weeks, there is essentially no chance of surviving.
And watch the left accuse him of picking a woman because bias.
I’m going with the ‘Trump picks a moderate like Kennedy’ just to keep people quiet, then when RBG quits or dies, he slams it with a solid conservative.
I think the twofer for Trump here is a judge who has the approach he likes, and is a chick or a POC, which puts the Dems in a bind right before the midterms.
Do they (a) try to feed their beast by going at the Trump nominee hammer and tongs or (b) back off on the chick/POC because doing otherwise blows up their “everyone but us is a bigot” thing? They’ll have to choose.
Superb. I am tempted to say best yet but I have bad judgement as demonstrated by my empty cooler.
And to get in on the what we are all eating thing from last post, I am partaking of burnt ends, deviled aigs, (HT Tres) smoked beans with extra bacon and green chilis and ruffles cheddar and sour cream chips as utensils. The pasta salad is going to have to wait since my pepperoni was suspect. I thought that stuff kept forever. Needs moar nitrites.
So three of us had deviled eggs? Weird.
Its always cooler when you type it out phonetically
No Fireworks? Let there be Light! i’ll take pics after Dark…
Watching them on TV here. Too sweaty outside to even watch from my windows like usual.
My town did everything on Saturday.
The local loveable degenerate just came by with Roman candles. Supposedly the neighbor has a garage full of mortars. Rib eyes and corn on the grill.
I had a couple beer brats with grilled corn.
Nobody watches these in the night post slot. I think the show might get canceled. I can’t compete with prime time TV.
Wait, Iām chopped liver? I EVEN SUBSCRIBED!!!!
The network says the jewish demo doesn’t spend enough in support of our advertisers.
… Nobody
HEY! I was outside drinking beer, and watching fireworks from my local VA hospital….the irony I cant even begin to get my head around.
Good episode.
“We have this huge budget for celebrations, and even tho our patients have some form of PTSD due to the endless conflicts over 20 years, lets light the night sky up with explosives and BOOM! things, and give a speech from the director of the facility about the degrees of compassionate care given to troops”
Sounds about right.
(as the story goes, I could never tell which of my father’s tales were exaggerated) My uncle, who was vet, knew my dad had seen combat when on the 4th of July a firework went off and my dad dove under the table.
It pisses me off to no end to visit my local VA Medical Center, when they have a (proposed) $196BN budget, and I still cant get a solid WiFi connection. Something even Pep Boys have figured out when you’re waiting on tires.
If that’s the only thing that pisses you off about your local VA, you my friend are getting the 1% treatment.
But I only see day posts on the weekend š
And on America Day.
It was glorious! Hat keeps getting more deranged, and thus better!
Love it!
It’s fun to watch the Hair become the voice of reason.
That’s really how I’ve come to see the characters. The Hat is all of Donald’s populist craziness, the Hair is what we want him to be, and USA Hat is his appeal to the rustbelt.
Hat is still the funniest.
I’m a Hair fan myself.
You’re just turned on when I go all deep voice like that, no shame in admitting it.
After all, The Hair is the one that made him a billionaire, The Hat won him the Presidency, and USA Hat is that third generation clone that just isn’t right.
“you know how when you make a copy of a copy, and it just isnt as sharp….?”
“With insomnia, nothings ever real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of copy.”
Just to establish my nerd cred, how I came up with the title for this episode was that it was a play on both things discussed; people be going crazy that “TRUMP IS PUTTING KIDS IN CAGES!!111!” and also, bringing up the Space Force, the pilot episode of Star Trek was titled “The Cage”.
Star Trek dodged a bullet with that one. The Shat is still here while King of Kings croaked in ’69.
But, it let them make a clips show like ‘The Menagerie’, which led to this South Park gag.
All hail the Shat!