Hope y’all have the day off. I’ve got plenty of work to do but will hopefully get a chance to relax as well. Like Colombia does now, right? Their hack-a-shaq strategy almost paid off with a late goal, but England prevailed in PKs. Thank goodness, too. They might have killed somebody in the next match, should their violent play continue to progress. Also moving on are the Swedes, who dispatched the Swiss in a pretty boring game. Quarterfinals start Friday, so enjoy Wimbledon or baseball until then. Speaking of tennis, Venus and Serena are both playing today. Sharapova was bounced yesterday and the womens draw is completely up for grabs now.
In baseball, Boston stayed red hot and whipped Washington, The Yankees beat Atlanta, Tampa beat Miami, Seattle beat the California Angels and the Houston Astros continued their domination over the Rangers with a 5-3 win.

Kissing bandit Morganna
Bane of high school English students Nathanial Hawthorne was born on this date. So was libertarian presidential hero Calvin Coolidge, cartoonist Rube Goldberg, mobster Meyer Lansky, lovely actress Eva Marie Saint, playwright Neil Simon, Raiders owner Al Davis, Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, the buxom Morganna Roberts, singer John Waite, drummer William Goldsmith, and sign-language-using gorilla Koko.
Its also the day the colonists told England to fuck off. And the day the first US Tariff Act was signed by George Washington, the first city bus went into service in London, Whitman’s “Leaves Of Grass” was published, the Tuskeegee Institute was established by Booket T Washington, Radio Free Europe made its first broadcast, LBJ (in one of the only decent things he ever did) signed the Freedom Of Information Act into law, “American Top 40” with Casey Kasem debuted, Kobe Bryant was arrested in Eagle, Colorado, and Nolan Ryan got his 3000th strikeout.
OK, its a holiday so I better get rolling. Please enjoy…the links!

Its good to be the king! Or even the guy who did the kings IT with his family, stole a bunch of stuff, absconded it to Pakistan and whose prosecution would have led to much embarrassment for a lot of high level Dem Party operatives/congressmen. Its also good for you when the idiot who hired you has a brother working at the prosecutor’s office write op-eds in major newspapers as the entire investigation is going on that say its all a big nothing burger, in gross violation of departmental policy. But like I said: its good to be the king.

Crazy socialist: what’s not to trust?
The head of the DNC makes clear that they’re now effectively a socialist party. Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off. You know, I’m sure it will be just as effective after being attacked by Donald Trump as it was in a primary with <2% turnout of just her own party in one of the most progressive enclaves in the country.

And this is the nice part of town!
San Francisco is circling the drain. Actually, they’re not circling the drain because its clogged with human waste, used needles and other shit the hobos leave all over the place. But it is turning into an interesting case study on terrible politics mixed with zero personal responsibility.
And across the bay in Oakland, the city said its likely that a property owner and city inspector “colluded” to have people evicted…from the commercial property they were not allowed to live in. So the city had the eviction notice rescinded. Then a few months later, the Ghost Ship fire burned everybody to death. ::smdh::
Looks like Amy Coney Barrett is at the top of Trump’s Supreme Court candidate list. Sounds good to me. But the left are losing their absolute shit. Which also sounds good to me.
One Masshole cop pleads guilty to fraud. Three more are yet to face their charges. And no word on sentencing yet. The other three are collecting their retirement already, so it’ll be interesting to see how that part of the equation plays out as well.
If any of you are planning on taking your mother to a nursing home: Please take note of this. And be careful.
Wow, that’s one tough, old sonofabitch. I can only imagine how that must have felt.
Go enjoy your holiday, friends.
I don’t even want to be first. Is anyone here?
I got up to put these damn links together. So somebody better get in here and comment on them (or something else, obviously).
I’m here. I made (from scratch) low carb lemon blueberry waffles for breakfast with a side of bacon.
Did you use almond flour?
Almond flour, golden flaxseed, coconut flour. 2:2:1
I poked my head in before the links went up and went off to do something else.
Ok, I’m here….. did I miss anything?
I’m already sick of Murica Day. My Florida Man neighbors have been setting of fireworks for 5 fucking days now.
Are you sure that isn’t the Tet Offensive?
Check to see if Cronkite is surrendering.
Yeah, they going here until 11:30.
I am glad to see their fan base leaving. “We’re so loud, look at us!”
::blows vuvuzela in agreement::
When you’re annoying enough you inspire scientists…
I’m guessing they support England.
Too bad the England fan base couldn’t be knocked out, too.
Sweden will take care of that. England have no strikers. Their strategy is long ball and pray. And their defensive midfielders are not fast enough to stop counterattacks.
They’re in the quarterfinals, but this is not a very good team.
You don’t think much of Kane, apparently.
He can’t do shit with his back to the goal. He’s soft. They need a big, strong goon up there. Their strikers are just…soft.
What’s “ennui” in Swedish? I’m wondering because that seems to be their only strategy.
Meh, there aren’t very many of them. I’ve found it interesting that I haven’t heard a peep from FOX explaining why.
Maybe Russia didn’t let the hooligans in?
I think they were warned to stay home due to fears of Russian hooliganism.
I know people say there’s way too much money in San Francisco for it to turn into Detroit, but wasn’t that also true of Detroit once upon a time? How many companies need to flee that literal shithole before it starts a chain reaction and San Francisco turns into a set from Fallout?
I’d expect them to start imposing some kind of “exit tax” or something designed to heavily penalize someone trying to leave. And I’d be willing to be the California SC will rubber-stamp it.
I don’t know why companies are staying anyway. Aside from the hobo Armageddon, you’ve got an escalating cost of living that’s already absurdly high, terrible infrastructure, a political climate only 1/2 of America would want to live in (and I may be being generous there), and you live in an area where the next earthquake might be the end of the entire region.
But it’s got a pretty Skyline.
That wouldn’t surprise me either, but surely by that point companies will be eager to pay the exit tax and write that place off.
It’s not the exit tax. It’ll be their inability to liquidate property they own (that is worth a fortune) that will keep them hostage.
That should only be a problem for the stragglers. The first wave should have no problem selling their shit to the silicon valley tards. Hell, I bet the super serious progs would never abandon ship so you’re Googles and Facebooks would happily buy up assets.
There’s also a TON of companies in that area that aren’t tied to physical assets in any appreciable way.
Not worth anything if no one wants it.
I would think an exit tax would be prohibited under the Interstate State Commerce Clause. But I guess who would all depend on who’s in the executive branch at the time. I forgot what was used to keep Boeing out of South Carolina, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was some sort of warped interpretation of the commerce clause. Or maybe it was the NLRB that did that one.
The Commerce Clause isn’t elastic in that direction donchaknow.
One of the nice advantages of living in (most of) California is the glorious weather. San Francisco has all the California disadvantages (and then some) PLUS some of the worst weather anywhere. I’m completely befuddled why anyone would want to live there.
I lived there before the DotCom boom and the attendant noise and population boom that followed. The city was exactly the same. Bums and crazy people everywhere, campgrounds in front of City Hall, the works. I am not sure why only now it’s getting so much attention, except that it must be – somehow – even worse?!
It’s possible. Like most cities, San Francisco exists because it was a good place for ships. So were Caracas and Havana. There is no such thing with “way too much money” that socialism can’t destroy.
Painfully true.
A very rich region can implement socialism for a while and appear to be doing fine, but it will plunge them into economic ruin sooner or later. It’s like a person who has quit his job and taken up a drinking/partying lifestyle – the money will run out eventually, and it’s going to be very bad when it does.
And they release the Awan story the day before a holiday.
Not much of a story the way it played out. Well played Dems, well played indeed.
Even for Dems, having Debbie Wasserman-schultz’s brother write that op-ed is brazen
What do they care? The MSM is effectively the DNC’s puppet.
But according to dickheads like Dave Weigel, they’re not partisan.
Nuh uh. They are totes unbiased. See NPR’s take on the case.
Yes, there is no such thing as fake news. Only right wing libertarian nazi crazies think that. / this is cnn.
Why the fuck does NPR exist?
My plan for the day: rearrange the basement so I can move stuff down from the spare room. I’ve invited my mom to stay with me between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and need to make the room comfortable for her.
Sounds like that plan needs food and alcohol.
I’d do that shit in September, man.
Has Rufus been around lately?
Does he even work?
Among those critical of Barrett was the progressive Alliance for Justice, which called her “a judicial nominee the likes of which we have rarely seen: a person who believes and has stated that judges can and should put their personal beliefs ahead of the law and Constitution when carrying out their duties.”
But when asked during her confirmation hearing how judges should weigh their faith against the law, Barrett said, “It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal convictions, whether they derive from faith or anywhere else, on the law.”
Openly lying about her, right out of the gate. I sure never saw that coming.
a person who believes and has stated that judges can and should put their personal beliefs ahead of the law and Constitution when carrying out their duties.”
I thought this was the prog’s rallying cry around their own Constitution-disavowing justices.
+1 wise latina
It’s like a hundred years old and so hard to understand.
That “shall not be infringed” is a real head-scratcher.
No you may NOT use that sauce for the gander (which face it, a conservative woman is really a self-hating man in the progview).
Re: Awan goes free article…
DoJ: “We had to assign someone who couldn’t win a plum case against a blatantly corrupt senator to this case because his predecessor is probably hanging out with Seth Rich. So it’s best not to press forward with charges.”
Winning some cases does not lead to career advancement.
To paraphrase Jim Bouton on Morgana: ‘she may have breasts the size of watermelons, but boy, are her lips greasy.’
+1 good sense
I know people say there’s way too much money in San Francisco for it to turn into Detroit, but wasn’t that also true of Detroit once upon a time? How many companies need to flee that literal shithole before it starts a chain reaction and San Francisco turns into a set from Fallout?
Something I read yesterday said tourism is San Francisco’s biggest industry. I can see a rapid collapse of convention business having a massive effect. And what sort of backlash will there be against the bums? Things could get ugly pretty quickly.
When the property bubble bursts, the potheads who paid those insane housing prices are going to go on a rampage.
I can see mobs beating the shirt out of the bums
Where are they going import the mobs from? South Boston?
The mobs will be the people who paid $1M for a starter house thinking that their investment would always go up. When it drops back to $200K because everyone is leaving, those fuckers are gonna be urinated off.
It is also why I think that the sell off on SF could be super fast. Once the rubes start seeing the price of their homes drop, they have to sell fast or get stuck with that white elephant.
I’m just sayin’ unless the mob is formed by leather biker dudes from the Castro, they’re going to have to import people with enough “attitude” to form one.
Ah, I got you. Yeah, the mob will happen sometime around the inflection point. While there are still a lot of people left, but they have just realized how fucked they are.
I’ll give them the same shrug I give everyone who bought in toward the end of a bubble.
Fresno, and those people would scare off any rabble from Southie.
Shit, forgot to add this:
CNN host and all-around imbecile proposes that the government fund local journalism.
Which, correct me if I’m wrong, was what every fascist and commie shithole government did pretty early on.
NJ is a shithole (freedom wise). I was born there and escaped more than 20 years ago. If the whole state fell into the ocean, it would be a good thing.
We’re through the looking glass here, people
That’s OK, I posted it yesterday. Fortunately, CNN are straight up incompetent compared to Granma or Pravda. And people living under communism don’t spend much time at airports because they aren’t free to travel.
A quibble. Bronx and Queens are not “progressive”. They are “Democrat”. There is (still) a difference, if you squint. The residents of those areas don’t give a shit about Gaia or trans-bathrooms – they just want free shit.
Is this one of those things where you, as a native, can tell them apart, but we can’t? Like how someone from Thailand has a million racial stereotypes and opinions about Laotians, Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc while they all just look like Chinamen to us?
Ha, maybe.
Some of us can break it down by neighboorhod, let alone Borough
I always think of economics first when “progressive” comes up. They’re the socialists who want to steal all of my money and dole it out as they see fit.
Social issues, in my opinion, are way down the list. Which is why I made the progressive comment about that part of the country. But I accept your criticism.
Fair enough. When I hear “prog”, I immediately think of rich Upper West Siders or Park Slopers. Those are the types that populate “women’s” marches and antifa rallies. The Dems that populate crazy-eye’s district are none of that – sure, they want to take all my money, but they’re socially conservative for the most part and would recoil at being called “progressive”. The social stuff is an essential component of it, IMHO.
Rhywun is our resident liberal geographer.
Do we also have a resident hacker who can re-target ballistic missiles? Because I might have an idea.
Spot on.
“I always think of economics first when “progressive” comes up.”
Every time I hear that term, it produces a vision of a bunch of toddlers demanding a bag of candy and then screaming and thrashing around on the ground when they are told no.
That’s basically what’s its devolved to.
First ? Well, I started writing this first.
Happy Fourth from the Tri-Star that represents the 16th star.
Regarding Barret: abortion is one topic here where we here are most happy to agree to disagree because there are very reasonable libertarians on both sides of the issue. I’ve never had an abortion or paid for one, but I have zero interest in the state regulating what goes on at the doctor’s office whatsoever, and I’ll always say that pro-lifers always smell a little less libertarian than the rest. And prog tears will never compel my favor for a supreme jurist who leans towards the governor in the bedroom, the obgyn office, or the hospice….it’s really one mindset and slippery slopes down in every direction.
There are a lot of rounding errors in libertarianism, and I’m just willing to mind my own business and let my neighbors make this mistake. I don’t feel like an early term abortion is an epic, ethical problem; late term abortions seem more wrong, but they’re relatively rare. So having the sheriff checking my medical records (and teaching my neighbors that Big Brother is good) is just too high a price to pay for what are very limited benefits. I’m a practical guy, and even though I’ve seen the miracle of birth and watched my own son’s successes for this last quarter of a century, this subject is overwrought and exactly the wrong test of a politician.
While I’m at it: the Astros belong in the NL, the Brewers belong in AL, and deep dish is not a capital offense.
Now you’ve done it. The conservatarians will come for you now. Godspeed man.
You really are a monster.
I think for most right-libertatians, it comes down to offering protection to those unable to protect themselves and their recognition of the personhood of the unborn child.
I don’t want the state accessing the medical records of anybody either. But I also don’t want to see people murdered when murder is illegal. And pro-life people, of which I consider myself a member, view unborn children as human beings worthy of every protection offered any other human being.
It’s either murder or it isn’t murder. Wish people would just chose one or the other and then defend their position.
Which is why, in the absence of a Constitutional amendment, it is a decision that should be left to the states like every other decision regarding murder/not murder.
Agreed. Let states determine what point in a human’s development that they’re afforded protections granted to other human beings. They’ve done an adequate job so far (except for when the federal government took the ability away from them).
Or pass a constitutional amendment.
Shoot… we can’t even decide when you are an adult…
Not only can you be sent of to fight and die at 18 but not be trusted to buy a drink.. you can be prosecuted as an adult for child pornography if you film yourself having sex when you are 15, but not for the having of the sex, which is legal.
Confused? Plenty more where that came from.
Consistency isn’t something we seem to strive for.
Not necessarily. I think it is unequivocally homicide, but not all homicide is murder. In my pro-choice view, abortion is justifiable homicide. I think it should be avoided in nearly all cases, and otherwise undertaken with an understanding of the gravity of act. That said, in no way do I believe that the government should get a say in it.
That’s as good a way of delineating it as you’ll find. Still, it would be choosing “not murder”. Not necessarily wrong, but a choice nonetheless.
If you see this what’s the current state of the law in Japan? How many weeks?
totally get that
You aren’t playing the game right Bob.
The correct way to play is to call Sloopy a monster, try to get him fired from his job and bug him restaurants.
What sloop said. I look at abortion the way I look at capital punishment: There are some times when it’s okay to execute a person, but there needs to be a damn good reason for it. And for me, “I don’t want to be pregnant” just isn’t good enough. And I default to ‘personhood’ starting at the earliest point some fundamental, observable, biological change occurs: when two unrelated cells turn into something that, barring outside interference, will develop into a member of homo sapiens distinct from either parent.
But I don’t want abortion regulated at the federal level either way.
“Abortion is neither a federal nor a judicial issue. Next question?”
But how can I impose my way on everyone else? /both sides at the extreme
Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the “future of our party” on Tuesday.
“I have three kids. Two of them are daughters — one just graduated college, one who is in college. And they were both texting me about their excitement over Alexandria because she really — she represents the future of our party,”
Those girls will be absolutely thrilled to see Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court, because Vagina Solidarity.
I hope she accepts one of the invitations economics professors are extending her to debate them. I know she won’t, but the beatdown would be epic.
Also, I hope Trump campaigns for her opponent. Watching the left’s full-throated defense of a (female) Marxist while going all-in on tearing down (female) Barrett’s SC nomination will set in motion one of his greatest ever Twitter rampages.
I find it interesting that the left never seems to notice their proclivities in this arena. They go all-in on the destruction of black conservatives (E.G Clarence Thomas) specifically because they are black and conservative, yet decry the Republicans as racist if they even hint at a legitimate criticism of one of their protected class. (E.G. Sotamayor, Obama, etc…)
The STEVE SMITH Twitter account was created for just such eventualities.
I noticed this am that STEVE SMITH appeared on the twitters. (I don’t look at the twitters very often)
STEVE SMITH twitter account may be the best damn thing ever.
Secondcivilwarletters, Awesome!
“Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the “future of our party”
Well, this is hardly a surprise seeing that Perez and his comrade, Ellison, are both avowed commies. All they were waiting for is for one of their comrades to win an election, somewhere, so they could rip off the mask and declare the Democrats are for real the commies they are becoming.
Bring it on. This needs to happen and the sooner the better.
There’s no other way, they have to do it now.
They don’t have to do anything. The propaganda machine they control is vast. They easily create alternative histories out of whole cloth.
I always hearken back to Clinton’s draft story back in 1991. Every two weeks for about two or three months a new set of facts would come out that showed that the last version was an outright lie. And every time my national news anchor would tell me that these “republican allegations” were old news, and that this story had been covered years ago. This, even though those same guys told me the exact opposite only two weeks earlier.
They had no problem with it at all.
At the time I had the notion of creating a service for the RNC – a catalog of all news footage of every candidate and every pundit. The notion being, if their story changed in this way, they could quickly respond with side-by-side contrast advertisements.
“Sept 3, 1992, Stephanapolis: ‘Bill Clinton never got a draft notice’
Sept 12, 1992, Stephanapolis: ‘Of course he got a draft notice. This is old news.. .this has been reported for years. But he never got a second draft notice..
Sept 27, 1992, Stephanapolis: ‘Everyone knows he got the second draft notice. This has been reported for years. But he got a deferral because of his scholarship to Arkansas…
I just couldn’t figure out how to get to the right guys to have them pay for it.
Now I realize that even if you reported it this way in paid advertisements, you would just get ignored by the national anchors and painted as “pants on fire” lying by “objective” fact-check organizations.
“The propaganda machine they control is vast.”
This needs to be broken, along with public schools. Nuked from space.
Is it wrong to fantasize about banging her (Alexandria) doggy style on top of an American flag?
Asking for a friend.
I bet you’re a big Mr Ed fan, aren’t you?
She is kind of cute though.
In general, I find latina women the most attractive. I don’t find that woman even slightly attractive. She’s like the Olive Oyl of latinas.
I thought she was fugly when I first saw her, but I just pulled up a DuckDuckGo image search, and I think it’s a case where someone’s appearance can vary greatly depending on the camera angle and lighting.
Not gonna lie though – let me throw down a few gin & tonics, and I’d nationalize her major industries, if ya know what I mean (and I think ya do).
Ted Kennedy already did that to death.
Maybe a Gadsen flag?
Also- a statement like a person who believes and has stated that judges can and should put their personal beliefs ahead of the law and Constitution when carrying out their duties makes me think the Alliance for Justice would be comfortable with having Kagan removed (by force, if necessary) from the bench.
Wow, is there really that much benefit to living in Washington instead of Oregon?
I really like Vancouver: working in PDX and then slipping across the river to a different tax system works for pretty much everyone in that village.
But I doubt that lot is worth $900k per acre.
You get hit with Oregon income tax on your wages and Washington sales tax on your purchases (unless you do your shopping on the Oregon side as well). The only real reason it worked out well before was when the Washington side had a noticeably lower cost of living. I’m not sure how much that holds anymore.
$15,500 carve-out fee? Fuck off.
Everything is negotiable. The buyer isn’t in BK; the seller apparently is. Use thet leverage.
carve-out fee? I didn’t know what that was. BY THE POWER OF GOOGLE. wow just wow IF i understood it correctlly
Hey, hey! It’s near the train station.
That would be 300K in Maryland, no exaggeration.
Shocking that it’s been on the market for over 250 days.
Also in the news, Anti-Fa member pissed at the state of his cowards… err comrades.
LOL. He just took one for auntie Maxine.
That dude is right though. You see clips of these silly dress up soy boys getting their clocks cleaned and it looks really bad for antifa. Who wants to join a tribe that gets stomped on all the time (apologies to our Detroit Lions fans)?
Part of the reason the Dems want to import some central American gang members and violent jihadists. The soy boys ain’t cuttin it, they’re just punching bags for bored testosterone fueled guys who want something human to punch.
I find it odd that this guy who claims to have been doing this sort of thing for decades, never seems to see not attacking people as a viable option.
Although the guy throwing that wild haymaker would get counter-punched into oblivion in the unlikely event that he came up against someone that was even remotely competent at throwing hands.
I dunno, the way that he took the baton strike offline twice (and had the presence pf mind not to strike the girl that charged up to him) makes me think he actually knows what he’s doing.
He faked an uppercut before the right hook
He probably does, to some degree. However, he dropped his left when he was throwing, a straight left to the head would’ve taken the sting out of that hook.
He’s not going to win a net battle against Metokur, either.
The liege lord of 4chan is not to be trifled with.
He used the word “Lumpen” correctly in the context. I’d be pissed if I were him, too. He’s like the last Marxist among retard Revolution cosplayers.
It’s the Fourth of July. Get out there and protest.
The tradition of July 4 protest has been largely dormant for a generation now — although the rallies and “die-ins” staged during the July 4 Senate recess last year, protesting efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, hinted at a revival. These days, many Americans seem to disapprove of protests in general, and for them, demonstrations on the Fourth of July might seem particularly offensive, even worse than taking a knee during the national anthem.
But this attitude fundamentally misunderstands the nature of the holiday. July 4 commemorates a protest so incendiary that its participants, the signers of the Declaration of Independence, risked execution as traitors to the crown. These dissidents came together to affirm their commitment to a political community based on equality, at least in theory. For a century and a half, social-justice activists honored this history by continuing it, trying to hold the nation to its own standards on the anniversary of the day they were declared.
This July 4, on the heels of nationwide protests that mobilized hundreds of thousands of people in opposition to immigration policy, we ought to ask again, what does it mean to celebrate America now?
Put your pussy hat on, and fight for fifteen! Burn Trump in effigy. It’s as American as chop suey.
I have a funny feeling that comparing today’s giggling and mugging “dissidents” to the founding fathers just might backfire.
” July 4 commemorates a protest so incendiary ”
sort of. I mean the war had been going on for over a year already. The declaration was just the other colonies saying “fuck it, we’re in too”. Amazing how many people think the revolution actually started with the Declaration.
What these yo-yos don’t get is that those signers of the DoI were “protesting” an intrusive, unfair government that was stealing from them without benefit. And these pussy-hat dickheads represent the loyalists who want us to return to our place under the thumb of the oppressive government we unshackled ourselves from. They’re the polar opposite of those brave people.
Yeah, the founders stood for all of the things the pussy hatters hate, like free speech and the right to bear arms.
I didn’t have the day off! And I have to go to a stupid work lunch early tomorrow! I need to be up and functional by like 10:45!
That’s Evan’s time!
I’m gonna need some entertainment.
“I didn’t have the day off! And I have to go to a stupid work lunch early tomorrow! ”
Geez, so in addition to making you work on the 4th, they also subject you to follow up torture? There has to be a law against that.
I’m in Korea. Work ended an hour ago and I’m celebrating with some ‘Murican beer. I will get Korean Independence Day off on August 15th.
Ah, that’s right, I forgot you are over there. I was thinking about you having to have a lunch with a bunch of Muricans, total punishment that would be. I get invited to clients yearly lunches, but I rarely go. I show up occasionally and hang out for an hour or so. Really, who wants to spend their time away from co-workers with co-workers? I swear those things are some sort of punishment.
I have a theory that the only reason my co-workers are always “getting drinks” after work is to have some time away from the spouse and kids. No other explanation makes sense.
I rarely do the drink with co-workers either. Every once in a while just to make the appearance of not being rude and to say OK, I like you and you’re fun to hang out with. But I don’t have kids, I mean they’re grown up and gone, and don’t want to be away from my wife that much. Honestly, most of the time, being at home with the wife is the best it can get.
How about Diablo’s Sorrow? That something you can share with your compatriots!
Yeah, I’m a dick. But I’ll die soon.
Ah, ‘Murcia Day. I remember waking up as a kid, all excited to see what Uncle Sam left me under the tree! Would it be guns?! Explosives?! A big can of whoop ass?! More Freedom?!
Good times.
Today I woke up, and the newly transgendered Aunt Sammi just left me with a tax bill and a list of grievances.
I’m still going to drink and blow shit up anyways.
Murcia Day
Far better than next month’s Wessex Day.
I recently moved very close to a bagel shop. Currently ‘debating’ whether or not to get a poppy seed bagel and spread cream cheese and olives on it. I only relate this because I’ve been told liking cream cheese and olives is basically a mental illness. I want to hear what the Glib community thinks.
I just think you’ll be called (((BakedPenguin))) from now on,
Baked Bagel?
Bagel Penguin.
Baked Penguin Bagel.
My two cents.
Scruffy: Oy vey! Yuh messhuginah!
Rhywun: Funny, I thought you’d like Greek.
Thanks for your input.
In all seriousness, olives and cream cheese on a bagel are fine, even quite good.
It’s olive loaf that is an abomination unto this world.
First: my “Thanks…” comment wasn’t meant to be insulting – it was genuine. I appreciate the comments. My snark, OTOH…
Tulip – you’re correct, as usual.
Ted – I had my period recently, so that not an issue.
sloopy – I don’t like salmon – I know, it’s a mental problem.
Sean, you’re wrong. Just wrong.
And yes, Scruffy, olive loaf is an abomination.
Uffda. No love for the olive loaf? That was my favorite as a kid. I haven’t had any for years. We called it pimento loaf growing up.
Looking it up on the internet, it looks like pimento loaf might be a thing, but olive loaf you linked to is what I remember.
BTW, if olives in your loaf give you the jitters, here is something that might do instead.
It’s a very popular item. Makes a mess out of the slicer, though.
Every time I clean the slicer to a new chrome shine, some jerk orders Olive Loaf, Pastrami, or Liverwurst
Mmmm, liverwurst. Maybe I should eat something.
Mmmm, smoked olives, Mmmm.
After you brought those up the other day I chucked some olives in the smoker with the brine. When I tried to vacumn bag them the brine did not allow it. If you go that route maybe a canister for vacumn sealing might be the ticket but I don’t have any of those. They are going in a pasta salad today with double smoked ham, pepperoni, hard salami, mozz and asiago.
“liking olives is basically a mental illness”
Dude, something is wrong with you. I bet you hate delicious soapweed also?
That’s got me thinking about making something today that has both black olives and soapweed, yummy.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Olives are a blessing from God. Especially when they’re stuffed with garlic, feta or jalapeño.
A long dead Austin restaurant that I used to love took green olives and stuffed em with anchovy paste then rolled em in bread crumbs and fried them. Best. Bar Snack. Ever.
Needs more salt.
Damn, that sounds good. I have to try it.
I suppose you could be having pregnancy cravings.
Why olives when capers and smoked salmon are most assuredly there?
I never got the fish on bagel thing but I love me some capers – idea for next time.
Everything bagels>other bagels.
I like olives and cream cheese, but together on a bagel…yuck.
Love them both.
Eat whatever you think tastes good. After the waning of Catholicism in the West, some people decided they need to police others’ food sins, in lieu of their theological sins. I do not understand these people.
Eh, busy bodies have always, ALWAYS, wanted to regulate what other people eat.
Speaking of busy bodies, here is your traditional 4th of July proclamation on the evils of fireworks
Go figure that most of the injuries happen while people have been drinking alcohol!
Who cares if injuries went up?
It’s not the job of the government to protect you against yourself.
Screw that! Ban cars! hundreds of thousands of injuries prevented!
If the govt doesn’t take responsibility for my safety, who will?
Are you sure that’s the right link?
Look at the homo who clicks the links!
I’ll cut you some slack Ted because you have Wisconsin blood. The rest of us smart people don’t need to read any stinking links to know what we know.
Weeding out the stupid is a noble calling. Bring on the legal fireworks!
Darwin will not be denied!
A local radio station has been running a PSA: “if you’re stupid enough to play with fireworks while drinking, make sure you get it on video for us!”
Somehow, I’ve played with fireworks dozens of times while drinking and nothing happened. I guess it’s like owning a gun and never shooting yourself, amazing how that can happen.
It’s the Smug Diet: my food choices are virtuous, and dammit, I’m going to try to impose them on you.
I’m going to eat beef today, lots of it. In fact, I’m going to drive out in the country until I see a cow and I’m gonna jump out and chase it down, take a bite right out of it!
Let me ask you friend, can you eat that smug diet without any teeth?
I tend to think the only good olive is soaking in a cold glass full of gin and a hint of vermouth, but what the hell.
Cream cheese, salmon, a thin slice of onion and breakfast is good.
Cream cheese and olives is good. Anyone who says otherwise is a fascist.
The local bagelry makes olive and rosemary bagels that are to die for.
They are quite good with cream cheese, though I usually use them as the basis for an egg sandwich.
Do it. Sounds delicious. You inspired me to make some cream cheese and olive spread for my afternoon snack.
What’s wrong with chives?
Have the day off, my clients have all closed up shop for the day, and I’ve decided to not even think about work. Took tomorrow off also, Friday working from home, and then the weekend. Time for some righteous chilling out.
Headed to the parents house today for fried fish and soft-shell crabs with beer. America is awesome.
In a couple of hours I’ll be putting on three racks of ribs, and we have crabcakes to fry up. And there is much beer. Today will be a good day.
Damnit, I’m out of beer! I think I’ll go down to the taphouse, drink a few and then take some growlers back here.
Snowflakes triggered.
+1 hate speech
Although I’m thinking it might kill his lawn.
The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass.
I have a funny feeling that comparing today’s giggling and mugging “dissidents” to the founding fathers just might backfire.
They want the freedom to realize their true potential as humans, and a universal basic income and free cradle to grave medical care will enable that.
They’re cut from the exact same cloth as the Abolitionists and the Founding Fathers.
Comment number one on that NYT Protest the Fourth article:
common sense advocate
CT11h ago
Reading Prof. Jackson’s piece, I was struck by envy – what clarity of purpose these protestors had! I was struck, too, by how much freedom of speech we’ve lost compared to decades and centuries ago. Today we drown in daily outrages – our freedoms, our civil rights, and our decency constantly under attack.
On this Independence Day, I decry: thousands of children torn from their families, thousands of deaths from NRA-enabled terrorism, thousands of same sex men and women who will lose the ability to marry, thousands of girls and women who will be forced to carry fertilized eggs to term and live lives of poverty, thousands of neo-Nazis and murdering dictators praised as fine people. I decry the cancer-causing chemicals dumped in our waterways, land and air. I decry that people of color were murdered while walking, barbecuing, selling cigarettes and driving to college. I decry the cowardly GOP gerrymandering aimed at cementing all of the above.
Closer to home, we decry the neighbors who have come out of the closet as unabashed racists. We decry the Trump-emboldened baseball player who says the winning opposing pitcher should go back to his country with his lawnmowing father and housecleaning mother (“if they even have jobs”). We decry the player’s mother, who says her barely integrated son’s school “looks like the United Nations, and not in a good way.”
This isn’t freedom. This is hate.
Take OUR country back. Show up and VOTE DEMOCRATIC in 2018.
What a shithole. Only a fool would live in such a place.
Not pompous enough. I still have a sliver of will to live.
Every bad thing that ever happened and will happen is because of people I don’t like.
This is how you get the Soviet Union.
That guy needs to get some psychiatric help. This is the greatest time to be alive in the history of the world and he’s fortunate enough to live in the greatest country where he’s free to speak his mind pretty much whenever/wherever he wants (unless he’s protesting in the vicinity of an abortion clinic or mosque). We have problems, that’s obvious. But relative to the freedoms other nations have and relative to the technology/medicine/leisure time that’s ever existed, he is in a veritable utopia.
But he’s an advocate for common sense!
How can you disagree?
He’s an advocate for turning everyone with more than he has into slaves.
People like this deserve what they get when they agitate for war against those who are better armed and more invested in their right to exist as a free individual. He keeps pushing, I could easily see a blindfold and cigarette in his future. Or a pike.
“That guy needs to get some psychiatric help. This is the greatest time to be alive in the history of the world”
First world problems. I think forcing these people to move to abandon all their first world comforts is the cure.
Unfortunately, they’re going to achieve that for all of us.
“Closer to home, we decry the neighbors who have come out of the closet as unabashed racists.”
So… they joined the clan and were walking around in white robes with torches? Or worse, did they vote republican? I’m betting on the latter.
They just disagreed with one of his opinions.
It always reminds me of when I first moved to Maryland. There was a hurricane and a lot of power around here got knocked out. I was trying to find a station with gas and so I pulled up to yet another one and sure enough, the pumps don’t work. There was a guy who had pulled up beside of me and I noted the ‘vote Democrat’ bumper sticker on his car. He got out and when I was ready to get back in and drive off, he came up to me.
He looked very angy. So he says to me ‘Godamn utility companies, they don’t care, damn capitalists!’. So I said ‘I think they care, they have crews here from several states, all the way from Georgia a lot of them. And they aren’t making any money when the power is off’. He looked dumbfounded, mumbled something, and went back to his car. This was probably the first time in my life I witnessed an angry leftist. Well, no, the first time was when I applied for a job at a unionized company. This is how they really think.
I’ll counter your anecdote.
Back in the ’90s there was a huge ice storm that knocked out power for days (our apartment didn’t have power for 6 days). One of the first places to get power back on was one of the very rich white suburbs.
People who were freezing were super pissed that this suburb had gotten their power back on so quickly because it really did smack of favoritism to get power there fist (as opposed to sections of the city that were much more densely populated i.e. poor).
Turns out that the grid that powered that suburb had somehow run lines for several miles to one of the major hospitals and old folks home (picture one of those maps of a super gerrymandered district). So when it came to prioritizing what got fixed first, that grid shot way up the rankings because of those two places. Some city manager had figured out that adding those sites to their local sub station/grid was a great way of getting prompt service.
The ray of sunshine in my anecdote is that once the people of Memphis found out why that suburb got power back so soon, they actually sort of forgave the power company and grudgingly gave the suburb some props for being so sly.
This made me laugh.
+ self-driving trucks.
The College of William and Mary just cemented their descent into progginess.
I.D.E. – my gawd, it’s one worse than I.C.E.!
Beware the March of IDE’s!
I can’t even.
This link goes to the same truck-in-sand article as above.
It was a safety move by Scruffy – we had enough derp exposure as it was.
Happy Freedom Day (since it’s New Comic Book Day and I’m gonna go get some sale books from my local shop – here’s a really sad vid on the state of the industry to follow up with: https://youtu.be/L0U5XiAdUn8) – yeah it’s long, but you can just turn it on and run it in the background while you do other stuff. Really classy folks.
It’s kind of astounding the vitriol coming from the so called pros. On the podcast twitter feed I read, I often have to stop and try to figure out if their posts are parodies or not. Sadly, not parodies.
Flip side though, iI don’t dig tearing down creators just because they have politics that are stupid. Only damn thing I care about is telling a good story. I can think of more than a few creators who are deep in the SKW weeds, but can still write a decent story.
I’m more pissed at the lack of editors in the biz. Make books people want to read. If one one of your writers is insulting fans, tell ‘me to knock it off. It’s great to try new concepts, but if it doesn’t work then try something else. Marvel seems the worst offender. One would think Disney would put the hammer down.
Speaking of that, I should pick up the Batman wedding fake out comic so I have time to record tomorrow.
Hmm. I need a longer cable to reach from TV’S new spot to antenna outlet. At least Roku rebooted properly.
Anyone have thoughts on the Top Gun sequel?
Yeah, it’ll be less gay than the original. Even if it’s about two gay pilots it’ll be less gay.
Letters to the Local Rag: Why Don’t We Make the Streets Narrower at the Same Time Edition
Baltimore has decided to fix this problem by letting the entire infrastructure crumble into dust. Who knew that in their great wokeness, they were just trying to save the planet. I thought maybe they were robbing the tax payers and pocketing most of it. I’m such a terrible person for not being woke.
In my limited experience, European cities have a tiny fraction of the shade trees American cities have, so maybe they don’t have all the answers. Also, suggesting people in say, Central Florida (where there are large cities but no usable native stone) should ship in an amount of cobblestones equal to all the concrete sounds like it would use a vast amount of fossil fuels, if that’s a concern.
“European cities have a tiny fraction of the shade trees American cities have”
They can’t afford the tree tax. Yes, I’m being sarcastic, but it would not shock me at all if a tree tax actually exists over there. If it doesn’t, it’s just because they haven’t thought of it yet.
To be fair I don’t think Britain needs more shade, they see the sun what one week a year?
Yes, let’s use gravel roads. And be sure to put troughs and hitching posts for horses on corners as well.
Jesus, do these people even realize how much cars weigh and the pressure they put on road surfaces when they turn? I’m convinced they don’t think trucks exist too.
Cobblestone 6 lane Freeways FTW!
Federer just came on. Need to find something else for the next hour+.
Ah, Maury!
JFC now they’re talking about his next shoe deal. Can we move on to someone who isn’t a narcissistic prick please? kthx
Going to the town parade – which is free for any business to participate in – so the line of marchers/floats/cars gets a little crazy long.
And then a cookout at the home.
Hopefully my audio/record collecting friend will stop by so he can check out my new preamp.
And then fireworks tonight, shot over Reed’s Lake – which looks great over the water.
And back to work tomorrow. I’m sure it will be dead but I’m busy coding some Navistar sequencing program that’s currently running slow as shit.
Same here. Wifey can look at whatever stuff street vendors have, I’m going straight for beer.
From the comments on the She Guevara article:
Well, that clears things up.
Wow, that’s a lot of crazy in one post.
He is Legion.
God bless the internet.
I…I…I’m not sure what to think of that. Sounds like something Mel Gibson would mutter after too much “brain gravy”.
“From the comments on the She Guevara article:”
That moniker has went viral. It’s being used in comments all around the web. She’s now stuck with that, forever.
Someone needs to make t-shirt in the same style but with her face.
She’s now the McMuffin of the left. Don’t go into politics if you cannot take the abuse.
Kshama Sawant pouts.
Bigger is better.
Seriously, how could anyone suspect us of having ulterior motives? We just want what’s best for the consumer, honest.
The decision to allow AT&T to acquire Time Warner is a step in this direction. So was the decision to approve Disney’s purchase of much of 21st Century Fox.
In a rapidly transforming marketplace, regulators should enable incumbents to stand up to the largest tech companies that are using new technologies — such as cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence — to upend existing industries.
“Old economy” companies must be allowed to combine in order to increase their scale and innovation capabilities so that they are on a level playing field with the tech giants.
Regulators must now take notice of the verdict in the AT&T case so that they can calibrate their approach in the next round of transactions. That will allow them to think more about creating rivals to the present crop of technology giants, rather than standing by as they tighten their stronghold on consumers.
Hernan Cristerna is co-head of global mergers and acquisitions at JPMorgan Chase. The bank advised AT&T on its purchase of Time Warner and the Walt Disney Company on its bid for much of 21st Century Fox.
Those darn disrupters must be stopped. The algorithms are taking over the world. Next stop, Skynet.
Is there anything more American that some big ole’ titties?
Happy Birthday USA and all the fantastic tits within your borders.
This reminds me: The other morning someone posted a story about something to do with Trump. (that narrows it down) It was either RC Dean, or Brooks who commented about it and said something about, “the benighted rubes in fly over country” which I thought was poetic. I thought about it for awhile and decided I want to start the Noble Order of Benighted Rubes of America Society. NOBRAS
*sends membership application*
::Jr High Pope unsnaps Tundra’s application and runs away giggling::
I take it you will be granting monikers; I’ll go ahead and ask for Grand Exalted Boob.
How is that a club for mutual support?
So I’ve been thinking about the latest round of protests and hate marches by the left in regards to separating kids from their parents at the border.
When I was a kid, I lived out in the sticks and television was spotty at best, but I remember always getting freaked out by things you would hear about. I remember being scared shitless by the idea of Swine Flu that was going to get us all. Being a normal kid, I didn’t pay any attention to the news at all, just sort of picked up things by osmosis. I realize now that most of what freaked me out was me being a kid and not understanding the big picture and imagining that some threat I had heard of was super super bad.
I say all that because I can imagine that the kids who live in the houses of these protesters have to be shitting bricks. If it was me and my parents were raving about kids being taken away from their parents, I would think that it would only be a matter of time before I was thrown into some prison. Same with having to hear how Trump is literally Hitler and he is going to send people to camps. That has to be frightening to hear as a kid.
Do you think that any of these folks – usually the first to pass laws “for the childrenz” – have any inkling of what they might be doing to their kids?
Kids take their cues from their parents and I can’t believe that watching their parents freak out is doing them any good.
Kids today are lucky if their parents are not some wacko lefties who will force them into a sex change at 4 years old. Seriously.
In my case, it was my bipolar mom threatening to leave us during some of her screaming fits.
Bipolar? Or just a Packer Backer during the Majik Man era?
Well, she was finally put on meds for bipolar when she was in the nursing home. I don’t know how much that was to calm her down, but we all knew growing up she had something wrong with her.
“Wow, that’s one tough, old sonofabitch. I can only imagine how that must have felt.”
“That’s when he discovered that some of the bees had burrowed into his ear canals, causing one ear drum to burst.”
Damn. That’s horrible. I hope he recovers.
KRIV reporter in the yellow dress? WOULD.
A real survivalist would have spotted the bees in the first place and avoided them. He would also have been able to out run them. And even if trapped he could have held his breath under water longer.
Still the guy did do a good job and lived through it.
I give him a B+
I’ll be wearing my
Culpeper MinutemenRight Wing Crank shirt, today. I might even drive my (pre-commie-bailout) Chevy pickup truck.And shooting guns and drinking beer.
When I was in VA last weekend, the wife and I were walking to our car in a parking lot and she stopped in front of a pickup truck and called me over. The driver had a Gadsden flag as his license plate. She knew I would approve, you don’t see much of that in commie Murland.
What, you don’t get up into Harford county much, do you?
Do you think that any of these folks – usually the first to pass laws “for the childrenz” – have any inkling of what they might be doing to their kids?
Those parents are bringing their children up to be good citizens. When the boot comes down on their faces, they’ll lick the sole clean.
Dammit! I’m going to go run after all. Get back, shower, drink beer and surf the internet.
I’m going to run also. Run to get beer and then run back so I can drink it. Looks like cooking and beer are the plans for today, wifey doesn’t want to go out after all, so it’s chillin in da crib.
I don’t know WTF I drank at our 6-hour bonfire last night, but I will not be participating in any alcohol-related July 4 activities.
But I’m in Maine, so there are other things…
I was supposed to go to a BBQ today but it’s still too hot and gross outside. No way. Plus… there’s the ever-present threat that politics will break out.
“ever-present threat that politics will break out”
Shame it’s come to that.
Moose hunting?
Maple syrup rendering?
Serious question, what else is there in Maine? It seems nice.
Weed, my man. Weed. The great solvent for all problems, physical & mental.
And seafood munchies, amirite?
This story is as close to treason as I’ve seen. Both Wassermans should be hung and the Awans extradited to us from our ‘ally’ Pakistan. When we find out the other dems who wer ein on it they should be decorating lampposts as well. After a fair trial of course.
I may be a simple country rube from Minnesoda, but it seems funny to me that the Dems sure don’t seem interested in getting to the bottom of this (also: Not turning over the server from the email hack). It is almost like they know that a real investigation would unearth a lot of sordid shit. Yet they expect me to believe that the Russians totally got Trump elected somehow.
Happy 4th! Love from Nashville! We’re enjoying our Kentucky/Tennessee junket. Too bad Memphis is just too damn far from here. And hot. Too freaking hot. Toot-a-loo.
Memphis >> Nashville
*Memphis State Alum
You floated down the Mississippi until you found a college?
MEM >>>> BNA
two degrees from Tiger High
Memphis State is Tiger High. Super high.
What is the libertarian answer to this? I feel like a lot of libertarians wouldn’t necessarily approve of throwing bums in jail, but I don’t know what else you can do about these sorts. Clearly to an extent it is a tragedy of the commons/lack of enforcement, but it seems like the solution is something at least a lot of leftytarians would complain about.
The problem is with public property.
Stop the insane land use regulations. You start there, so that people can actually start affording a place to live. So some people are still going to be homeless because they’re either crazy or on hard drugs. Just designate an area and let them build a hobo city.
Since none of that is doable because the city is controlled by far left loons, there is no solution. It will just keep getting worse and then the progs will come up with some non-solutions, and again, it will get worse.
In Brazil, there are no homeless people. Why? Because they let them build hobo cities. Sure, sometimes they wind up getting buried in a mud landslide because they built their hobo city on hills that they cleared of all the vegetation that was keeping a mudslide from happening, but still, there are no homeless.
I like how the first picture shows a man with what appears to be full facial tattoos.
Gosh, why wouldn’t HE be gainfully employed?? It must be capitalism’s fault. /sarc
My solution would be to give the sidewalks in front of every piece of property to the owners and then to sell all public parks and common areas (except the roads. That’s a bridge too far at this juncture). Let the property owners do what they want. And arrest for trespassing anybody not using a road for its designated purpose.
Well, this libertarian’s solution might technically violate the NAP, but I think taking off and nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
Happy 4th, kids!
My favorite work from Silent Cal:
Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence
I can’t imagine a politician delivering this speech today.
Hate speech.
“We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. The best things. And do you know who is to thank for it? It’s not the haters and losers. Do you know who is to thank for it? I’ll tell you who is to thank for it. It’s you fine folks. That’s right. You’re to thank for the best things. The greatest things. So everyone give yourself a round of applause for your spiritual insight. Let’s hear it! That’s right. That’s right. We couldn’t do it without you. You and your spiritual insight. You better believe it, folks.”
That’s uncanny. You are Donny Two-Scoops.
There’s a good article today over at Fee.com on some of Silent Cal’s statements. Pity there’s damn little chance of someone like him making it to the Presidency or Congress. For we need them by the gross.
Terrific article! Thanks for the heads-up.
Silent Cal where are you when the nation needs you?
Woo Woo woo,
Things I will never learn about on CNN.
Trump Tops Obama in Approval Numbers at Same Point in His Presidency
And that you will never learn about if you click that link.
What is the libertarian answer to this? I feel like a lot of libertarians wouldn’t necessarily approve of throwing bums in jail, but I don’t know what else you can do about these sorts.
Once upon a time, those bums would have lived in Single Room Occupancy hotels (aka “flophouses”) and supported themselves doing odd jobs.
Restrictive regulations regarding land use and work have played a major role in making those options disappear.
Expansion of benefits has to be tossed in there, too.
We kind of still have those out in the country. People rent out single rooms in trailers at the trailer parks.
I forgot about that. That and zoning have done more to spike the rents and home prices in most urban areas than anything else.
Want a contrast? Look at Houston where use restrictions and zoning are relatively small. It’s cheap to live here in the most diverse city in America.
No. No. No.
Those people are better off living on the streets than in some flop house that only has cold water. Or having to share a bathroom. That is just “junk” housing.
By saving you from that horror, you now get to live in the great outdoors with plenty of fresh air and gorgeous view of the stars every night.
And yet the left love the “tiny house” thing, because those are trailers for right-thinking people.
GAH! Students want to succeed because of hard work and not affirmative action! WHERE’S MY FAINTING COUCH!?!
“You’re oppressed, god dammit! Oppressed! Now will you please stop this self-reliant shit and act like victim!?!”
“Maria Isabel Ayala interviewed 50 Latino(a) students at Midwestern University, and was dismayed to find that they attribute their success to hard work and self-reliance while shunning affirmative action.”
The horror! How can we ensure a compliant flock of sheeples if we have people thinking like that! Ve must tell them how to think!
Still likely that 9 outta 10 of them vote Democratic?
This person probably thinks she isn’t an evil, racist moron.
So, when are POC more evul than wipipo? When they stray off massah’s plantation.
$25K to ask 50 college students some questions.
Basement furniture rearranged. Now the cat is freaking out – “aaaaaah, you moved stuff! Not cool human, not cool”. Seriously, he’s prowling around the basement yowling.
I think your cat is autistic.
All cats are autistic.
And to them we are the autistic ones
Video of me murderizing a target silhouette on ‘Merica Eve (still pics in yesterday’s p.m. linx)
Looks like fun! I need to get out.
It was my first time!
You looked good!
A buddy of mine teaches shooters and loves teaching women because they actually listen! You gonna buy that HK?
I might try one or two more 9mm before I decide, but I like the caliber.
Our instructor was fuckin amazing.
It was 102 degrees on the range. My head shake in the beginning was me getting from frustration with all the sweat and trying to maintain my grip and sights.
Why so hot?
No AC on the range….it’s Maine. I guess they figured they didn’t need it
Odd. An indoor range already needs an air system for the lead.
Ours is the same. The air system rocks but it can get hotter than hell.
That temp inside? Yikes. Like Tundra said, looks great!
Yeah I’m impressed. I would not have guessed that was your first time. Definitely try some different styles before you buy. SIG 938 and 320 and 365, M&P Shield, Springfield XDs and EMPs, and of course Glocks all pretty popular models. Get something fits you hand well. So you can eliminate some without even shooting them that way.
Happy Treason Day!
Great site, thanks. I just bought my son a shirt for Christmas. He’s hard to shop for.
I don’t think
the rangersSTEVE SMITH is gonna like that Yogi.Another SCOTUS possibility.
“Maria Isabel Ayala interviewed 50 Latino(a) students at Midwestern University, and was dismayed to find that they attribute their success to hard work and self-reliance while shunning affirmative action.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Apart from the racism and/or stupidity involved in being dismayed over research findings, I think it raises uncomfortable questions about bias in research.
We’re at the cabin today. Headed upriver to hike at the base of the Sawtooths, stop at a local watering hole for a brew on the way back, and burgers next to the river for dinner. Bourbon and a cigar to top off the day.
Peace out, Glibs!
Happy 4th to all, may the blessings of liberty and freedom continue to fall, despite the attempts of those who fear and cower from it.
Starting off the day with Bailey’s & Crater Lake Vodka in my coffee with a generous scoop of homemade unsweetened whipped cream. Pulled out an old Army mug as it was twenty years ago last month I made it back from JRTC with only minor skin infections. Where does the time go?
Also, fuck you to those using veterans to push their fireworks bans. I guess the pet angle wasn’t working quickly enough. Also, fuck you my fellow so-called Americans who snitch to the Stasi when other Americans decide to set off fireworks outside of the prescribed “allowed” days and types. This includes someone who is otherwise a good friend.
“o-called Americans who snitch to the Stasi when other Americans decide to set off fireworks outside of the prescribed “allowed” days and types.”
Am I allowed to bitch when neighbors are setting off fireworks at 11pm on Tuesday?
Bitches don’t get stitches.
Ours went to 11:30 and it was full bore non-stop.
It was more than 20 years ago that, while stationed at Ft. Hood, me and my idiot friends decided to enhance trans-border relations with latina women, and made a run for Laredo, Tx on the long weekend. 4 guys in a 1977 Old Cutlass (with no a/c) heading south on I-35, coolers of Texas Pride, and foot to the floor.
Oh, to be young and that stupid again.
FWIW, there are trans-border Latinas IN Killeen
We were interested in the locally-sourced, free-range, type. Also, even the La Hacienda Motor Hotel in Laredo was preferable to nearly any weekend in Killeen.
Mine was total snark…..just laughing about Texas…please ignore me.
As for Texan horseflesh, I have opinions: in my experience, stay away from TCU girls, nurses, Baylorettes, all blondes, SMUrfs, cheerleaders, Texas law alumnae, Fort Worth reds, anyone training-for-a-half-marathon, Prestonwood Baptists, chicks who are really into their sister’s kids, and Aggies.
I escaped the desert with a tasty, six-foot UGA alumna I met in a Dallas bar; new wife is making lunch.
Now you’re just old and stupid? :-p
Sports update: West Indies v Bangladesh, First Test, Day One: Bangladesh all out before lunch for 43. Equals record for sixth-lowest score in history.
Could you translate that to English?
Just substitute Cleveland for Bangladesh.
Feel the impotent rage!
This is why you can never compromise with them. It’s a one way street.
I grew up in a complete tourist trap. July 4th is when a lot of the locals made it or lost it for the year.
The years when it lands on a Wednesday are always the best because people come and stay longer.
I’m feeling for them today though because it looks like rain. Rain sucks because people stay in their rooms and drink. They don’t go out and drink, fish, rent shit, get caught with an open container, speed, or any other revenue activities.
They’ll be fine. Looks better later and the next couple days look gorgeous.
Tourism on a small scale is a lot like family farming.
Some of them will be fine because they can defer gratification and plan a solid – but slow – growth path. A lot of them however are sweating this out because they have boat/RV/ATV payments that they are underwater on. Or if they make a shit ton of money this week, they will buy more boats/RVs/ATVs thinking that every year will be a bumper crop.
What makes me feel old though is the fact that 20/30 years ago I would have been camped out at my parents’ house drinking like a madman with my beer buddies and harassing anything that identified as female (we would get really drunk). My parents would leave town to avoid the crowds (what kind of old fuddy-duddy does that amirite?).
Now I am so happy that my wife is content to have a small BBQ at our house and that is it. But I’m still a spring chicken. Don’t get me wrong.
Just take one look at that photo.
Complete with bulging anger veins and not the good kind.
I find this one creepier because of the dead eyes
Soy boy salute. Someone feed that kid some protein.
Ever see some of the pictures of wimpy Nazi leaders? Evil doesn’t have to look like Hell’s Angel dudes or wrassling characters.
I’m watching a nuclear engineer and an electrical engineer put together a fireworks show on a swim float, which will then be towed out into the lake for shootin off later.
You better supervise or it won’t be ready until Friday and be $1000 over budget.
I suggest letting the electrical guy do the triggers.
A nuke guy for fireworks? The only display that will be measured by its yield.
Now that’s some quality racktivism. Yay, America!
I assumed EDG or Yusef would have linked this already.
Better late than never.
Who cares whether folks take pride in America? Folks are proud of moronic shit. Folks were proud of Hillary Clinton. On no other issue am I disposed to take the opinions of most people seriously, let alone a poorly-defined sentiment so obviously gated behind partisan loyalty. What pollsters should be asking is whether folks feel grateful to live in America. That puts the onus in its proper place. Can you shelve your moronic political partisanship for a moment and admit you’ve got it pretty good here? Or are you as stupid as you look?
It’s murica’s and my birthday. Already went to the gym. Now I’m watching the Sox play the Imperial City team. Then the gun range, then booze, steak, and fireworks.
I have some of that Bud Red Lager which is a vast improvement and I still haven’t opened up that IPA Irish whiskey I bought.
Damn you guys, stop talking about beer! It’s been about an hour since I ordered beer online and they still haven’t showed up. Typically it takes 20 minutes for delivery. I guess they’re really busy since it’s the 4th. I have one whole beer here and I don’t want to drink it until I have more. Also ordered a bottle of Eagle Rare 10 year, haven’t had it in a while and don’t see it too much, so thought I would get a bottle. That and a case of Heineken is somewhere that is not here at the moment. I’ve had a couple people recently tell me they like Irish whiskey. I’ve never tried it, maybe I should get a bottle.
Tullamore Dew and if you feel generous toward yourself splurge on the 12 year old. Not THAT 12 year old OMWC.
dead thread, but Eagle Rare is my go to bourbon. In my opinion, Eagle Rare and Weller 12 are the absolute best bourbon values on the market. Weller 12 has become a unicorn in the wild though, and you can still actually get Eagle Rare. Good shit.
Dead thread response. Most Buffalo Trace bourbons are good. Even the regular Buffalo Trace is good, I typically keep it in stock below my shelf as it’s a great go to.
“If you are overwhelmed by an attractive face and a slick social game, while Putin’s merchants openly back @Ocasio2018, then we’ve wasted our time the last two years and I can’t help you.”
“If you are overwhelmed by an attractive face and a slick social game, while Putin’s merchants openly back @Ocasio2018, then we’ve wasted our time the last two years and I can’t help you.”
Just a reminder not to judge a book by its cover.