“Drunken” is a little false, they weren’t any more drunk than the professional soldiers
Happy ‘Murica Day Eve, y’all. I hope you’re proudly carrying our forefathers’ tradition of taking the day off or working as little as possible. My wife is doing clinical rounds in a hospital, so she has to work for her first July 4, like, ever. The boys and I will go to the beach, play with sparklers, eat dirty water hot dogs, and then go out to the field around the corner (which I think is owned by the cemetery but not used yet) to watch fireworks. The four year old is… sensitive, so he doesn’t really like fireworks up close. Anyhow, I am hopeful that during all that excitement I’ll find time to put up a set of links for our foreign friends who won’t be drinking and getting sunburns.
In Old World Football, the Swedes topped the Swiss. Our love to Swiss Servator. We’ll see whether the English can continue to get lucky. The were up 1-0, but gave up a goal with 2 minutes to go. England may give it away.
It appears Ali Watkins will be receiving a mentor, who will teach her how not to sleep with sources and subjects of her columns. Because apparently, “don’t fuck people you quote” is hard to communicate.
I love how $75/bbl and $2.65 at the pump is now a disastrous price. Remember $125 and $3.50?
What a horrible fucking person. Remind me again how this is worse than shooting up a school shooting up a school is worse than this. Editing h/t Bob Boberson
Greenpeace idiots introduce foreign contamination into spent fuel pool. 2nd take away, intercepting 1 of 2 drones isn’t quite good enough.
Juggalos are on the forefront of anti-surveillance technology.
I found the Ballad of Florida Man.
Soldiers may get drunk, but the Marine Corps was born in a bar. Advantage, us.
Keep tell yourself that, Junior Service.
Ready to be
Although my favorites of those acronyms were ours: U Signed the Motherfuckin’ Contract and Unlawful Slavery Made Constitutional
Uncle Sam Aint Released Me Yet.
or backwards
Yes My Retarded Ass Signed Up.
Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children was my favorite. Also Never Again Volunteer Yourself
Fun, travel, & adventure.
I dont get drunk. I only get more awesome.
the Marine Corps was born in a bar.
It was a gay bar; you were an ass baby.
Makes sense, they’re under the Department of the Navy.
Happy Independence Day! I will be off the grid for the next few days, so everyone have a great time, keep all your appendages, and enjoy a cold beverage.
Have fun, Kevin!
You too!
Have fun!
Would let Ali quote me.
Would NOT
would also not
The left lazy eye moves her into the would not.
She looks like she’d try hard. Moped girl.
Putting this here for England.
That better be sad trombone.
I liked New Order in high school, and I still listen to them.
Me too. Did you read Peter Hook’s book?
At $1.99 I just ordered it.
That’s too low to pass up. Thanks!
I heard about that and it looks really interesting. I’ve got some stuff I need to order so I’ll add that. Can’t beat 1.99.
I love how $75/bbl and $2.65 at the pump is now a disastrous price.
$2.65 a gallon. Fuck Crook County and IL taxes in general.
$2.79 here
$2.55 last time I filled up
3.35$ here in SoCal Inland is Cheap!
2.45 but 87 octane
And fuck the EPA especially.
I assume you meant “Remind me again how shooting up a school is worse than this?”
That’s some evil shit right there. I’ll never understand the desire to harm childten (much less infants) and for that I am extremely grateful.
Also, maybe I’m outing myself as a reactionary here but how many years until the left starts praising infanticide and pedaphilia? It seems to be the only logical place to go after they have torn everything else apart…
According to most socon pundits they already do those things I thought….
Some lefties do flirt with mainstreaming pedophilia.
It does seem to be only a few logical steps away as they continue their march towards year zero
They praise child rapist Roman Polański.
Infanticide they are already there – the limp reaction to Gosnell and the continued support of PP after the videos is pretty appalling. As far as the other – they are pretty sympathetic to the Prophet, and he dug underage chicks.
“Police in Cheshire said the unidentified female health-care worker was arrested Tuesday morning and has now been placed in custody.”
How do they not know the identity of someone who works there?
The police know her identity but didn’t release it to the press.
I’m torn on the right way to handle arrests. On the one hand, the perp walk and showing mug shots on local TV is clearly just making the process the punishment. But not releasing the name has its own risks in the weakening of habeas corpus.
What pisses me off besides the baby killing is the complete obfuscation of whether or not this is an NHS worker or a private system worker. Therefore I just assume NHS worker.
NHS worker of a particular religious bent, perhaps?
Discredited senile idiot says something stupid.
Pro tip, Gunga Dan: the Sixers play in Philadelphia, which is just a smidge anti-Trump.
It’s kind of pathetic watching these aging libs try and keep up with the cool kids. Dan: you’re reputation is what it is (idiot to some, hero to others). Retire & enjoy your autumn years.
I love how our trusty network news anchors whom we grew up looking to to tell us what was going on in the world are outing themselves as partisan shills. Not that those with critical thinking abilities didn’t already see the ruse but nonetheless; thank you President Trump.
Also, what Bob said.
Somewhat related, I just saw a “here’s how biased and accurate your news is” thing on Facebook. Predictably, AP Reuters NYT and NPR are both rated as reliable and neutral. MSNBC is solid left, mostly reliable. Fox is rated at unreliable, far right. Time, which just featured a doctored photo, was also highly reliable and unbiased.
Reason was “Strong conservative” and fairly reliable.
I replied that it is important to consider your news sources but also important not to evaluate them using charts obtained from The Onion.
Yeah, that came up on one of my friend’s pages. I disputed both Reason AND Infowars (rated conservative). He responded that one or two might be off but overall it was a fairly reliable guide. I didn’t get into it with him but when you’re that wrong about two things, how can the other evaluations be trusted. It reminds me of that Michael Crichton comment about reading the news.
The closest thing to what might have possibly been considered to be a pro-Trump destination for LeBron was Houston, and Hillary won 54% of the vote in Harris County.
But I was told that Harvey struck Houston because God hated Socons.
It’s weird that when all of these unbiased, truth-seeking journalists lose their jobs for unethical behavior or retire, they start trumpeting a leftist agenda. I can’t really think of one who turned out to be a secret right winger.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Regarding the Greenpeace story, don’t be sad, ’cause one out of two ain’t bad.
Greenpeace: “”This is a highly symbolic action”
Me: No, it’s a terrorist action. Thanks for pointing out the vulnerability, here’s your prison sentence.
Ms. Watkins, 26, had been the subject of an internal review by The Times after revelations that she had a three-year affair with a high-ranking aide on the Senate Intelligence Committee, which she covered for several news organizations before joining The Times in December.
Ms. Watkins, who had been covering federal law enforcement at The Times, will be assigned a mentor and moved to a new beat in New York “for a fresh start,” the paper’s executive editor, Dean Baquet, wrote in a memo to the newsroom.
I guess they all learned something from her coverage of law enforcement.
Completely drowned out the outcry over seizing Trump’s lawyer’s records.
I am not sure how unusually aggressive a move that is, it is just now perceived as unusual because it was kept on the down low all the times Obama did it.
Wait, wait. Hold on. I thought high gas prices were a GOOD thing?
It depends on how they can be used to stir up shit.
They’re a good thing when Obama is President.
It it’s taxed highly and the money goes to the benevolent people’s government. And forces people out of their cars and suburbs.
Or into driving at 70 mph instead of 80. That’s what I noticed this weekend anyway.
Juggalos don’t understand magnets, but they know how to beat the deep state. It takes a clown to fight a clown.
Whaddya mean that Juggaloes aren’t geniuses? They are devotees to the musical (?) stylings of the laureate poets ICP who have graced us with such brilliant lyrics as:
“Back to reality your son’s on crack
And your daughter’s got nut stains on her back
And they both fuckin smell like shit”
“If I was a shooting star I’d be like “Peace!”
If I was a fat bitches thong I’d be like “Hell naw!’
If I was a hotties thong I’d be like “Awwww…”
If I was a cuss word I’d just be like “fuck”
If I was a rock on the moon I’d be chillin’ like “Sup?”
If I was a butthole I’d just be an exit”
Isn’t rap supposed to rhyme?
Trump and race-based admissions:
WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is planning to rescind Tuesday a set of Obama-era policies that encourage the use of race in college admissions to promote diverse educational settings, according to two people familiar with the plans.
The move comes as the Justice Department is investigating whether Harvard University is illegally discriminating against Asian-American students by holding them to a higher standard in its admissions process. The administration revived the probe last year after Obama civil rights officials dismissed a similar complaint.
The guidelines, issued jointly by the Obama Justice and Education departments, laid out legal recommendations for schools looking to use race as an admissions factor to boost diversity at their schools.
Trump administration officials plan to argue that the documents, published in 2011 and 2016, go beyond Supreme Court precedent on the issue and mislead schools to believe that legal forms of affirmative action are simpler to achieve than what the law allows.
Not using race to determine admissions is racist.
Judging applicants by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin? What kind of monster would suggest such a thing?
Probably some sexual harasser.
And a gun nut.
According to a statue in DC, some Chinese guy.
I think they’re just trolling now.
Agreed. This is totally a troll move. Kind of funny though.
The WSJ ran an oped a couple weeks ago about the recently released Harvard admissions documents.
It looks like blatant racism and quotas to me. Which Harvard should be free to do, but not while accepting government assistance.
Asian applicants have been scoring the highest on extracurricular and alumni-interviews, but for someone reason they are consistently at the bottom of the 4th “Personality” category, a completely subjective measure determined by the admissions staff. It’s pretty clear they are using racial quotas by manipulating the personality scores of certain groups up and other groups down.
Found it
Tax their endowment at the rate their proggy profs would if it were income.
It’s been 35 years since I enrolled in college, but when I did the “race” section on the forms always had a box for “refuse to indicate”.
Do they not have that anymore? If they still do, what does the registrar’s office do with the data?
If it’s anything like refusing to answer on an employment application, the school has to determine the answer themselves based on their observations.
Bavaria: Affluent, Picturesque – and Angry…
It’s having to wear those costumes that is making them angry.
They’re in a three-way race for second in the fall election in Bavaria.
“The angry center of Europe”
Along with Italy, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Britain…France and Spain (except for the Catalans and Basques) seem happy though.
Pretty blondes in dirndls: two thumbs up
Damn straight.
Damn straight
Huh… I guess links to Reddit go into the spam folder. I tried linking to the Dirndl subreddit. Oh well.
I appreciate the effort though. I was expecting Q to come through with some hot dirndl girls but he’s loafing. Fuckin’ Q…..
Zehr gut!
That’s a bingo
Re: facial recognition- WH00P WH00P
Crazy leftists seem to be getting crazier.
Secret Service Officer Assaulted Outside White House at Immigration Protest by Violent Leftist Screaming “Where’s the President?”
They’re being whipped into a frenzy. If you think it’s bad now just wait until after the election if it doesn’t go their way.
When, not if.
Exactly – they are making sure they’ll lose right now.
Nice. That song is also relevant to the first link and may be something James Wolfe sang in the shower.
Insert witty comment here.
Take me out to the ballgame with 31.
I am particularly fond of 32 and it gives me an idea for a restaurant chain.
What, no archives of “Women Delegates at Libertarian Party Convention?”
Communist brags about her bachelor’s degree:
Because nothing screams “I know economics” like Communism.
She needs to demand her money back.
hey i went to dieticians school! who else is in the BMI Fan Club??
Degree of Income Inequality U.
Also, how many “other” House Democrats – she isn’t a member of Congress.
She has a degree in economics, not reality. She thinks the primary was the general and is wondering why nobody is calling her to show her where her office is.
In that district she might as well have won the general.
Also, I get the feeling she studies economics like a jail house lawyer studies the law.
She’s an economist the same way Obama is a Constitutional law scholar; phony.
The way Stalin studied for the priesthood
The way the Terminator studied anatomy.
Ya, that is my understanding but from what I hear the number of votes she got is very low in relation to the population of the district and the amount of press the dimwit is getting. I would wager more people voted to bring back the Mcrib than voted to send her to congress there. A quick search of Mcrib votes by congressional districts gives bupkis but I am sure there is a meme in there for the meme creators around here.
Well, as they say, keep your friends (communism) close and your enemies (capitalism) closer.
Columbia has 5 yellows to England’s 2? Do those carry over into the next match?
make that 6 yellows now for Columbia.
If you get two through the quarterfinals, you miss the next game. Yellow cards reset after the QF so a player doesn’t pick up the second of the tournament in the SF and miss the final.
They ought to carry over to this match. Its been like turning loose the Hansen brothers out there. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a broken ankle.
Rule Britannia!
i see Croatia emerging this side of the bracket.
the other bracket could be anybody. it’s deep.
I want to see Belgium vs France & Croatia vs England. I’ll take England over France in the final, not that I expect to see that.
I root for Russia vs Brazil in the final.
If that’s the final match up, I’ll root for Russia
Sorry to go OT so quick but the discussion upthread reminded me of something I wanted to ask the glibertariat:
Anyone have a recommendation for a good introductory book on the French Revolution? Maybe one written with a libertarian bent? In these bizarre times it seems like understanding the context that revolution might be helpful.
Try this one.
Thanks Ted.
You’re welcome.
You don’t want Marie Antoinette: Misunderstood Feminist?
Nah, I’m good.
I liked Simon Schama’s Citizens.
That one was pretty high on the list in my Amazon search. If I read that it will deafinitely be in print, the narrator of the audible book is about as British and grating to listen to as they come
I’m reading Citizens right now. It’s quite dense, but readable. If it doesn’t read well, you can use it as body armor since it’s about 1,000 pages.
or maybe a history outside looking in from the perspective of the British navy kicking French ass across the globe.
From the description:
“Georges Lefebvre wrote history “from below”―a Marxist approach. Here, he places the peasantry at the center of his analysis, emphasizing the class struggles in France and the significant role they played in the coming of the revolution.”
Is this version all about the glorious rise of the proletariat?
certainly an “influence” but “approach” seems like too heavy a word. it’s a thorough telling across the classes, comrade.
Good to know, I appreciate it!
Reflections on the Revolution in France
I was leaning in that direction, thanks!
He covers more than the FR, but Michael Burleigh’s “Earthly Powers” has an interesting series of chapters on how the revolutionaries constructed the idea of the French nation in order to replace Catholicism.
Read Rousseau, he provides the philosophical underpinnings for the revolution
This is old but interesting. Worth reading
The Old Regime and the French Revolution. by Alexis de Tocqueville
155 years ago today, the 20th Maine fixed bayonets and charged down Little Roundtop.
No, twas yesterday 155 years ago. “Bayonets!”
Ah shit – I’m forgetting what day it is.
Ummmm, that was yesterday. Today was the repulse of Pickett’s Charge. But good for you to remember Gettysburg.
Tomorrow the Vicksburg garrison surrendered to Grant in 1863.
The City of Vicksburg would not celebrate Independence Day until 1944.
The First Minnesoda would like a word with you coastal sissies.
Sigh. So Minnesota.
PA fireworks laws change last fall and business is booming now
Business is booming at Phantom Fireworks and for other local fireworks vendors, thanks to the passage of a new Pennsylvania law last fall. House Bill 542 was signed into law on Oct. 30, 2017, officially repealing and entirely replacing the Fireworks Act of 1939.
“There are three grades of fireworks commonly referred to as ‘pop,’ “bang,” and ‘boom,’” Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture spokesman Will Nichols said following the passage of the new fireworks law. “House Bill 542 will allow Pennsylvanians to now purchase those in the ‘bang’ category, with more explosives than smaller novelty items.”
Now, heading into the greatest fireworks season of them all, the Fourth of July holiday, Pennsylvania residents are able to purchase and use the consumer-grade, or Class C, aerial fireworks which they previously had to go out of state to buy.
I used to be able to buy the good stuff there by showing my NJ license – where it was all illegal.
Higher oil prices, higher! I need a good bonus this year!
—Supplier of paint to oil rigs and refineries.
What is the deal with SE Asian women?
All that submissiveness keeps their emotions bottled up until they crack?
Seriously, every time I see one of these penis amputation stories, 99 times out of 100 it either takes place in SE Asia or the woman is SE Asian descent.
How many have you seen?
I dunno; this is probably the 3rd or 4th in the past 18 months or so.
Update: Wikipedia used to have a list, but it has apparently been removed. There are a surprising number of incidents, and I’m saying easily 95% are Asian women.
That’s why I sleep with my jammies on backwards.
Law of averages. There are a lot of people in SE Asia.
You’re in San Francisco?
*golf clap*
You can’t put the mask back on.
Partly, American socialism suffered by being unfairly associated with communism.
Cohen is right, it IS unfair! Why on earth would anyone ever confuse wonderful democratic socialism with Communism???
to my (limited,but better than the average pig-ignorant motherfucked) knowledge, the expression “American Exceptionalism” originated w/ De Toqueville and was meant to indicate his sense that a ‘break with history’ had occurred, and that the US was uniquely able to grow and do new things w/o any of the baggage of 1000+ of years of European internal conflict.
basically: we never had a monarchy, we never were ruled by the church, we never had protestant/catholic blood-feuds, we didn’t have border squabbles for centuries with people who spoke flemish or castillian, we didn’t fear russian invasion, etc etc etc.
iow, America was ‘exceptional’ from all the forces that had shaped the West up until that point – but it was the locus of all the future hope for the ‘western’ ideas.
any other usage of the term, in my opinion, is basically contrived horseshit.
An exceptional mammal is like winning the intergalactic special olympics. Just sayin
Also, no inherited aristocracy.
/Every Kennedy-Clinton-Bush
Daley, Madigan, Stroger, Lipinski,
Yeah, that’s pretty much included in that point.
the “exceptionalism” was ‘no vestiges of European legacy’, and basically, “starting from a 18th century enlightenment republican ideal”
And we Tocqueville was writing 180 years ago.
Cohen specializes in horseshit.
Toqueville also recognized what he believed were unlimited natural resources.
26 year-old Ali was getting piped by a 57 year-old?
^5 James Wolfe, amirite?
When I’m 67 I want some of this
Likely kill me, but there’s worse ways to go.
Agreed. We’re all mortal. Might as well enjoy the ride.
PSA: SoCal Glibs,
Change your filters
Clean your Condenser Coil
Start you A/C early in the Day on Thurs. Fri. and Sat.
Inland Valleys at 112 with High Humidity is gonna be Real Messy, so take care……
/That is all
You forgot to tell people to check the thermostat.
That was someone else…………….
HVAC , the A Stands for Asshole……
Hymen, Vulva, Asshole, Clit.
These euphemisms. . .
“This Hat Can Fool a Face Recognition System Into Thinking You’re Moby”
I think is one case where I would rather have people think I’m a juggalo.
Yep, He’s a Dick……
Did Tesla Skip a Crucial Quality Step on the Model 3 Home Stretch?
I know if I were taking delivery of a Model 3, I’d rather have one from a slower-paced week.
Now on these last few we might need to cut a few corners. Just little things, like…engines.
I thought Teslas ran on their own sense of smug.
Do other manufacturers need to test track every vehicle? Don’t they check fit & finish as part of the assembly process?
I seem to recall Porsche does and higher end Audi. Not sure about lesser VW autos.
I’m sure most of them get some kind of run at the end.
I’m picturing the final scene of Gung Ho
What I found scary about the articles I’ve read about their last week was how they kept changing their processes ad hoc. There’s no way they kept track of what they were doing, so there’s no way to tell how any given car was built Find problems? Good luck finding the cause(s).
They cut out the normal validation step in between prototyping and production in order to save time getting to production. That’s why they are having these problems now. Basic stuff that every other industry does that Musk thinks he should somehow be immune from. It’s also why he has a higher injury rate in his workforce.
Now on these last few we might need to cut a few corners. Just little things
“Think how much time we’ll save if we don’t tighten any of the bolts.”
aka Chinese Kaizen
Ouch. I’m going to have remember that!
You laugh, but they eliminated 300 spot welds already.
And you know they have the analysis and testing to back that up.
Sounds legit.
I gotta wonder if the ‘Uncle Abe Grand Finale Assortment’ include tickets to the theater.
Grant turned his down………….
Cause Julia couldn’t stand Mary.
Some of these are good.
It reminds me of the good old days of National Lampoon’s Letters From the Editors.
To wit:
Hey, Christians:
Come out, come out, wherever you are! Ally, Ally, in-free!
A Pack Of Savage Muslims with Bazookas on the Roof
Beirut Hilton, Lebanon
“I am attempting to infiltrate the ranks of Y’all Qaida (a.k.a. Yokel Haram). ”
It’s us TRES!
I’m still reading, Good find!
This is a jujube:
“What if every state provided some seed $$$ for local journalism — as a way to rebuild some of what’s been lost through years of budget cuts and layoffs? That’s what New Jersey is on the verge of doing. Here’s my full story…”
Pravda, Jr.
Reverse nut punch, you’re welcome
First time
(not pr0n – sorry. Well, it is a kind of pr0n)
That shot pattern kinda looks like the riddler
I thought big dipper
Good Job KK! always hit your target
I’m so, so proud of myself!!! It was a thrill. I’ve gone from merely “necessary for home defense” to firearms enthusiast in one day.
Nice job! The Judge?
Nope – demo model (see below). Gonna sell Judge Judy when I get home.
Super cool! I take it you aren’t buying it too carry. ?
Nice shootin, Calamity Jane!
Good shoot
P.S. H&K VP-9. Very comfy. Our instructor picked it for me. Our instructor was amazing. Bill at Windham in Maine. Ask for him.
This was lit-rally my first shot. Had to stand back and let the adrenaline dissipate for 5 minutes.
Are they related?
North Carolina Social Justice Activist: Boycott July 4, Crash Other People’s Cookouts
In Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina, social justice activists are telling their followers to boycott the Fourth of July this year, not to buy hot dogs or fireworks, and even to crash other people’s cookouts. They say they refuse to celebrate until America addresses what they see as endemic racism; one referred to the current climate as “Trump terror.”
Durham minister and activist Paul Scott, who has reiterated his call to boycott the Fourth for weeks, said, “I hope it’s going to start a chain reaction.” On Instagram, he wrote, “People are asking, ‘what can I do as an individual to make things better?’ Well, one thing everybody can do is boycott July Fourth.”
Scott continued, “We are experiencing a rise in racial hatred, we have children of immigrants being torn away from their parents. In this era of ‘Trump terror,’ I don’t think many Americans have too much to celebrate this year.” He added on Instagram, “Don’t buy fireworks, don’t buy franks. Don’t buy none of that. That will send a message to this country that we will no longer tolerate injustice.”
Scott was echoed in Raleigh at a meeting of social justice advocates by community activist Diana Powell, who opined, “This is something that everybody can participate in.” Before the meeting, Powell stated on Facebook Live, “We want to know what your address is — because we’re gonna be crashing cookouts that day.”
I don’t think this is going to go how you think.
I hope they all get arrested for trespassing for doing it.
Wow I was just thinking the resistors must be planning something like this
Someone’s gettin’ shot.
At least he’s not bragging.