Holiday weeks suck when the holiday is in the middle of the week. Especially for those of us who don’t have vacation days. Meh, I need to stop complaining. At least its an extra day I get to spend with the family, even if I do spend it working. Which is not what Spain’s soccer will be doing. LOL, Russia? Really?!?! Also Croatia beat Denmark. And I will be cheering for Russia in their game. At least they’re exciting. That Croatia-Denmark match was exciting for about 10 minutes…the first five minutes of the game and the last 5. The rest was nearly unwatchable boring. And on Saturday, France beat Argentina…and the world laughed. There Uruguay beat Portugal…and it laughed harder. And I have to say, those were a pair of fun games to watch. Let’s hope Brazil-Mexico and Belgium-Japan are as much fun today.
Baseball games keep happening, and that means the Rays beat Houston again. What is it with that division that has them struggling this year? Other winners were: Baltimore (yes, Baltimore), Detroit, THE BIG RED MACHIIIIIIINE, the Mets, Phillies, Braves, Cubs, White Sox, Indians, Giants, Pirates, Dodgers, Mariners and Yankees.

LeBron upon seeing the state and local tax rates for Los Angeles.
And LeBron James signed with one of the Los Angeles basketball teams. I think it was the Lakers. So he will be playing there next year. Best of luck to him and Cleveland as they recover from the inevitable riots.
Hey, Hermann Hesse was born on this date. So was groundbreaking jurist Thurgood Marshall, shoe lover Imelda Marcos, Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas, “The King” Richard Petty, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, funnyman Larry David, Canadian wrestler Brett “The Hitman” Hart, steroid aficionado Jose Canseco, flamboyant figure skater Johnny Weir, drug- and alcohol fan Lindsay Lohan, and actress Margot Robbie.

Now its just called the Air Force. (And a few other things by Marines and Rangers.)
Its also the day Martin Luther decided he would become a monk after a violent thunderstorm, slaves aboard The Amistad revolt, Guiseppe Giribaldi began his hunger strike in Rome, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid rob a train of $40,000 in Montana, John McGraw managed his first game for the Giants (a tenure that would last 30 years), the US Army Air Corps was founded, Amelia Earhart gets lost over Pacific, the “Lawrence Welk Show” made its debut, Elvis recorded “Hound Dog” and “Don’t Be Cruel”, Sam Walton opened his first store, LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Acts into law after the Democrats who had opposed it via filibuster give up, the Supreme Court allowed the death penalty to be reinstated, the first of the idiotic Susan B Anthony dollars was issued, Airplane! premiered, and the AbioCor self-contained artificial ear was created.
That’s the appetizer. Now for the main course. And by “main course”, I mean…the links!
Mexico takes a hard left turn at the ballot box. Best of luck. Obrador’s failed philosophy (see: Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, etc, etc, etc) will surely work this time.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Please let this happen. Please let this happen. Please let this happen. Just in case you didn’t know, I really want this to happen.
“Bag rage” is apparently a thing in Australia. Thanks a lot, government.
Hollywood is a place filled with weirdos. I mean, who even comes up with “recreational mummification bondage” as a thing?
Chicago kicks off the holiday week in a way only Chicago can. Wait, wait, let me guess: its Indiana’s fault?

Stabby asshole Timmy Kinner
Crazy dude gets stabby on refugees in Idaho. The attacker wasn’t a white conservative, so this will probably fade quickly. Hey, just like the Annapolis shooting news did.
Remember the link I put up last week about somebody leaving flyers with fentanyl on them on police vehicles here in Houston? It turns out to have been bullshit all along. Which means any cases where people were convicted based on the results of an initial drug test should be tossed out of court, right? They also need to get the deputy who was hospitalized with fentanyl-like symptoms some psychiatric help.
Posted for no reason other than I just felt like hearing it.
Go have a great start to your short week.
Russia hacked the World Cup
They must be DQ’d and the Cup awarded to Hillary.
Are you crazy? We need a World Cup Special Prosecutor first, with no specific timeline or charter and unlimited budget.
Sloop: the Idaho stab story links to the Chicago story
Fixed. Thanks for the heads up. And for actually clicking the links!
Just to be different, this week it’s Idaho’s fault instead of Indiana?
It won’t work, but instead of a failed socialist state, Mexico will end up carved up between the various narco-warlords without the current pretense of a federal government.
And there will be a YUGE flood of starving refugees pouring over the border.
That wall can’t get built fast enough.
The wall was such a dumb idea, until yesterday.
We’ll be lucky if there isn’t a war with Mexico. This guy is openly calling for an invasion.
This guy is openly calling for an invasion.
And he has millions of collaborators and enablers on the left in the USA.
Flood from this shithole country into the glorious new socialist paradise of Mexico, you mean?
Well, America is one of the 10 most dangerous countries for women….
Hey, I have an idea. Why can’t all our lefties go there? I mean, we have Hitler and they’re going to have a socialist utopia. So basically, everything our lefties want will already be there. The only thing missing is them. Yeah, right, who am I kidding.
Someone should print up some brochures and distribute them to the “I’m moving to Canada!”-types.
I really like this idea, but I want it delivered as a web site so that I can repeatedly send it / post it to progressives as a “here you go!”. I’d like it to be done as straight-laced as possible too, including travel planning and resources to find a home. It should be so straight that people aren’t sure whether it was produced mockingly or not.
I personally lack the creative talent for this (and many other) tasks, but if one of you creative types could get right on this, that would be great.
And who knows, maybe turn a buck in the process!
“Progressive Exporters”
Costanza: “No, no imports, STRIIIICTLY exports.”
The MSM refuses to call him a socialist. I’ve seen them say hard left and anti-trump but no socialist.
That which shall be nameless doesn’t exist.
That’s so they won’t have to defend it later when Mexico does a Venezuela…
The NYT are not hesitating to do so. In fact, they cannot get enough of that word. It’s just in a fawning manner when they use it, like a teenage girl getting all dreamy over a teen idol.
He said something along the lines of “everybody deserves the right to live in America”. That’s quite the slogan for someone running for the head of Mexico.
Did anyone tell him that Mexico is in the Americas? Does he also know that the actual name of Mexico is the United Mexican States, so he is running for President of the United States in America?
I think the last guy used to say that at parties to impress chicks.
“everybody deserves the right to live in America”
Really? All 7 billion people in the world? Does America get any say in this?
And yeah, saying your people should be able to live in another country because yours is a shithole is an odd way to campaign.
“Really? All 7 billion people in the world?”
if you talk to the crowd hating on orangeman and peddling marxism, the answer is a hell yes. It is the easiest way to finally destroy the entity they feel is the most responsible for the failure of that socialist utopia to materialize in their warped minds. The fact that this collectivist shit has a 100% record of eventually turning into a hell on earth notwithstanding.
“ Does America get any say in this?”
Only when a hard core progressive democrat is running the country. Otherwise the answer from that crowd is not a fucking chance.
The reason they think this is because everywhere on earth was a peaceful paradise before whitey appeared out of Europe a few hundred years ago and went on his reign of terror and ruination. If we just get rid of those guys, it will return as in before. Just you wait and see.
“everybody deserves the right to live in America”.
Does Nick Gillespie know he’s being plagiarized?
waitaminnut… I thought Mexicans (or Hispanics) were natural Republicans…
That’s Anti-Castro Cubans.
Why would Cubans be anti-Castro? Isn’t Cuba a socialist paradise with equality, free healthcare and 97% literacy?
Something, something, firing squads and property confiscation, something.
Hey, you have to break a few eggs if you want to make an omelet.
Funny thing is that some people are more equal than others, that free healthcare involves people going to doctors or hospitals without equipment or basic medicine and getting told they should just marxist harder, and that 97% literacy is based on the fact these people have been made literate so it was easier to force them to read the state approved books peddling marxism.
But hey, according to your average collectivism peddling intellectual that is still better than a capitalist shithole where people get rewarded by their contributions to a merit based system instead of one where they are owed shit simply because they are born (usually easy to do because there is no shit to give anyone after a few years of the corruption and evil of marxism).
And no cancer. That’s why they can smoke those cigars.
They actually cured cancer. That was all over lefty media until a few weeks after Obama eased travel and Americans were actually able to travel there to see these wonders. Then it just disappeared from the headlines. See how fast Americans can ruin shit? They went there and killed Cuba’s cancer cure, on purpose!
Now THERE’S a country on the brink of a civil war. Too bad none of the potential contestants seem much better than the rest.
The good thing is they could all lose. The sad thing is a lot of people that want nothing but a decent life will pay for this shit as usual.
Well, in a “everybody loses” scenario, you can expect a lot of, how shall I put this, new Americans showing up at the border. You think we’ve got a problem with illegal immigration now?
I still say we should make a trade, 1 hardworking Mexican laborer for 1 earnest college-educated American socialist. No givebacks.
No, we’re rich, we should give them five earnest college educated american socialists for every hardworking laborer they send.
I want to see the Republicans propose this in an immigration bill.
Oh man, I’ve got a few candidates in my neighborhood.
I gotta ask, how is this any different than how Mexico currently is set up?
Like I said, right now they maintain the pretence of having a federal government.
Couldn’t really tell before. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You get a clearer picture through the scope I suppose.
GOOD GOD, y’all!
Heh! Jump back, kiss masef! AAAAAAAGGGH!
“Horst” is what coughing up a nine year old hairball sounds like.
Wait… There are non-whites in Idaho? And are the refugees fleeing Portlandia/Seattle?
Boise is basically like a Berkeley annex and they’ve been resettling refugees there for like 20 years, so it’s not as white or conservative as you’d probably think.
A resident of the complex had recently met Kinner, who was new to the area and needed a place to stay, Bones said.
What would Merkel do?
Blame the toddler for getting in the way of the knife.
And Indiana for the knife
Remember the link I put up last week about somebody leaving flyers with fentanyl on them on police vehicles here in Houston? It turns out to have been bullshit all along.
I find this difficult to comprehend.
Went into the article and found this gem…
We field test with kit so crappy it can’t be used in a court of law but it’s good enough to put someone in jail for the night and get charges pressed against them. Which they plead out to the charges because if something goes wrong in the court process they will be hosed at sentencing.
What a travesty that is-it’d be nice to see those convictions thrown out but I’m not going to hold my breath.
This should be a bigger story than kids being separated from their traff… er, guardians at the border.
The 21war on drugs is wicked.
One of the most aptly named websites
Gender Killed Wounded
Male 223 986
Female 35 145
77 cents on the dollar seems a good trade off.
It’s all due to climate change. When the weather heats up it starts raining lead.
It’s raining lead.
No, that’s just Drake firing shotguns at Iguanas.
But you see, the deaths of those 188,000 extra men have taken breadwinners away from their women, therefore women are hardest hit. Well, “women and minorities” obviously.
Oh Chicago”
Reloaders wet dream.
Down to shot placement? I am impressed by the granularity of this guy’s data.
…Schmidt is finished with the Republican Party. He renounced his membership last week in a series of withering tweets that quickly went viral. Under Trump, he wrote, the party had become “corrupt, indecent, and immoral.” With the exception of a select few, the GOP was “filled with feckless cowards who disgrace and dishonor the legacies of the party’s greatest leaders.” He pointed to the Trump administration’s family separation policy and use of detention centers for young immigrant children – “internment camps for babies” – and the refusal of House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to repudiate the president.
In the days since, Schmidt’s former party brethren appear to have confirmed his prognosis. First, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee tweeted an image of five heavily tattooed Hispanic-looking men – ostensibly gang members – with the message: “Nancy Pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take back of the House.” Huckabee’s tweet was roundly criticized as bigoted and xenophobic. (He stiff-armed these accusations.) On Sunday, David Bossie, a veteran conservative activist who was Trump’s deputy campaign manager in 2016, told a black panelist on Fox News that he was “out of his cotton-picking mind.” (Bossie later apologized.) These weren’t the dog whistles of yore; this was plain-as-day bigotry and racism.
How can this once-great nation possibly survive?
TW: Rolling Stone
[insert James Dean “You’re tearing me apart!” clip]
I think the Tommy Wiseau version is probably more appropriate.
That scene is the only reason to watch the movie. It’s like Bette Davis’ nervous breakdown in “Now, Voyager”.
Adviser to the McCain presidential campaign. Adviser to the Jeb Bush presidential campaign. How will the party ever recover from this terrible loss??
He saved us from McCain and JEB!, how can you not decry his departure?
So what I’m reading is that there are principled Republicans who leave the party when they disagree with it, whereas I don’t know if a single Democrat left when Obama was interning babies. That’s the authors point, right?
Obama was interning babies
You’re doing it wrong, it’s “running baby concentration camps”, oh, wait, that’s only if the President is Trump.
Never mind.
“Providing Free Daycare and housing”
No no, you’re both wrong.
The proper response to Democrats complaining about Trump’s actions when Obama did the same thing is: “That’s just whataboutism“. It’s the get-out-of-hypocrisy-free card.
Does Zell Miller count? That was more of a GWB era defection.
Because the Democrats defending MS-13 wasn’t totally racist?
‘Dead’ woman found alive in South Africa morgue fridge
Easy mistake to make.
STEVE SMITH wouldn’t have screwed that up…
This error seems to happen a lot in Africa. I’m wondering what requirements there are to be a paramedic in these countries. Do you even need to know first aid?
If you believe raping a virgin gets rid of AIDS then you are good to go?
Ambulance company Distress Alert said she had shown “no form of life”,
Well, except for the heartbeat. And the breathing. But other than that, nothing at all!
Necrophiliac hardest hit.
*Eww…gross! She’s alive*
People in Africa will do anything for a little air conditioning… ammirite?
well, damn, I didnt mean to enact any labor 😉
I hope it was a good nap, and not one of those where you wake up from a dream that’s all “I dreamed it was super cold!”
On the plus side, when she wakes up from nightmares in the future she’ll be all “Meh, not as bad as waking up in a morgue.”
those nightmares, where part of you knows youre dreaming and it’ll all be over when you wake up….and you’re in a morgue cooler. How long do you think it’s still a dream before reality sets in?
It’s happened in the United States.
The MSM refuses to call him a socialist. I’ve seen them say hard left and anti-trump but no socialist.
He’s a compassionate man who understands the limitations of dog-eat-dog kkkapitalism.
Just like what’s-er-name the cryptocommie from New York. She was on Meet the Press, and when Chuckie asked her what “Democratis Socialist” means, she puked up a bunch of vapid platitudes about education and health care andfairness. She neglected to mention whose wealth would be cobfiscated to pay for it all, or how many people would be ground into powder in order to make her lovely homogeneous broth.
Democratic Socialism just means that we all help each other, like a family. A big, loving family.
I’ve been seeing this more. It’s like they realize socialism won’t fly and renamed it. Careless = Felonious
They’re cribbing the name from the Germans in order to make it seem more palatable.
Democratic Socialism is just the gulags we build together.
You know, it is socialism where 4 wolves and one sheep vote on what’s for dinner…
…But the sheep was already eaten weeks before.
They can just vote themselves another sheep, right?
Eventually, you run out of other wolve’s sheep.
No, see, you vote for more sheep and then you get more sheep. That’s why it’s called Democratic Socialism.
Open Sheep borders…
Capital Gazette reporter: ‘What could we have done to make people hate us so much?’
1. You people live in a biased bubble, that’s why a lot of people distrust you.
2. The shooting, had nothing to do with the public opinion of you. You happened to write a hit piece on a nut job.
Damn it. Might as well jump back and in bed and start all over today. Edit fairie please help.
At least the link works…
The knocking sound I’m hearing in this thread must be from all the ball-busting.
Anyone else just now getting their coffee?
The link is opening up. Edit faerie is off this morning and I’m pretty sure you don’t want me fucking it up by trying to make less of the text a hotlink.
Ok, well:
1. Crazy people do crazy things, but…
1a. You wrote a salacious hit piece about someone of no particular significance.
1b. You went to court to win the one libel suit because you’d finally printed something that was true, albeit not especially useful.
2. Local nicknames for your paper include, “The Crab Wrapper” and, my personal favorite, “The Crapital”.
3. Your editorial strategy seems to be primarily about supporting a wildly corrupt Democratic party machine, even against other non-connected Democrats, and when you do that at the local level you generate personal animus.
4. When you’re not doing bad journalism you’re doing none at all, so nobody even reads your paper as an admittedly-biased source of local info.
But again, it’s important to note that a decline in revenue and a shit reputation doesn’t translate into murder. You poked a crazy person, and that crazy person fixated on you. It was probably foreseeable, but certainly not something that merited the murder of innocent people. Chalk this up to bad things happen sometimes.
Hold on now, there may not be a direct causality in this case but let’s not underestimate the public’s general loathing of “reporters”. Count yourself lucky this time and get out while you still can.
China’s new laser-powered rifle can literally set you on fire
Two seconds is a long time to stay on target. If it requires the full exposure time for the effect advertized (which sounds likely) that makes it terribly ineffective against anything but an oblivious, stationary target.
Yeah, this sounds like a weapon to terrorize civilians with, not to fight a war with. aka built to spec.
I feel like they meant a 2s rate of fire. Zap *2sec* Zap
Then again it could be 2secs of 10pps or so, which would be more like what youre talking about. Probably wouldn’t be continuous wave.
I’m more curious what the hell caliber means for a laser. Is the focal spot on the target 15mm? Seems like an awful big spot for setting things on fire with a human-portable battery’s capacity.
Because it was in a statement about battery life, I read it as duration of effect (whether continuous or pulsed). But a two second recharge rate would also be atrocious. Bows and bolt-action rifles have cycle times faster than that. Hell, a well-drilled operator with a single shot breechloader cand reload faster. That would be basically “Faster than a musket or crossbow”.
I have no idea what they mean by caliber. I took it to be the size of the lens, with a possible narrower effective aperture, but I don’t know.
I’m too lazy to find out how much power is required to ignite a gram of cellulose in 2 sec, but I have extreme difficulty that there is a man-portable rechargeable battery that can sustain that output for half a goddamn hour.
Since this is China, and it doesn’t say all clothes, we can assume that if they managed to get a candle-sized flame on the most flammable synthetics, they’re going to say “it can even set your clothes on fire”.
Ok, so it’s not completely impossible.
If you get 100% efficiency out of the lasing process (which is bullshit)
and if you get 100% absorption into the target (which is bullshit)
and if there is no heat sink on the target (which is also bullshit)
You could power this thing with ~3lbs of batteries.
Or, two other possibilities.
Possibility the first – the ‘zaps’ for the 1000 are not at full power and it’s running in ‘laser pointer mode’
B: the weapon weighs 6.6 pounds, but the battery back is external.
Also, I had forgotten that this exists:
B: the weapon weighs 6.6 pounds, but the battery back is external.
This. Hey, the ghostbusters made due with 50lbs of powerpack, man up, actual soldiers!
pulsed rangefinder lasers can easily pop balloons and etch razor blades, something like a couple hundred watts input, few tens or hundreds of miliwatts averaged output. i forget the sorts of peak power people have accomplished, but i think pulses under a microsecond are accessible at the hobbyist level, so upwards of a 100kw peak power over a couple hundred nanosecs.
Those hobbyists are plugging into the wall though…
Especially a Chinese-made battery.
The laser rifle is probably more dangerous to the user than to the intended target.
Should have called it the ZF-1.
“We guarantee that at least one of the people in this exchange will be set on fire.”
Keep in mind all of these specs are probably what the Chinese government allowed CNET and other foreign media to know about it. I’ll assume for now, it doesn’t actually work.
I smell a new opportunity for Mr. Musk and his gigafactory once that car thing goes tits up.
Why would you put something like this in a rifle? If that is what you’re doing with it, then something like a binocular with a slaved optic would make a lot more sense, let alone putting it on something like a camera mount.
Having an 800 m range and a requirement to hold on the target for any length of time is in total opposition.
Hitting the same same 15mm spot with a rifle is almost impossible at 50m, let alone 800.
It’s for the press release.
Let me know when they get one in the 40w range.
“What could we have done to make people hate us so much?” Pacella asked. “Why do people hate the media? What could have done to deserve this?”
Well, to begin with, you leap to hang the actions of a single individual on “people” in general, you dumb collectivist bint. Unless I missed the part of the story where the newspaper’s office was overrun by thousands of outraged news-haters.
Furthermore, no self-respecting reporter would ask this. The goal is to get facts out there, not to be liked or disliked.
They ran a piece on a creep. And the subject of it sought revenge. It happens, and it sucks when it does, but it can happen when you expose a volatile person’s creepiness.
What she should be asking is: why didn’t any of us have the foresight to realize that unhinged people may act unhinged when we expose them to the world? And why didn’t any of us have the brains to arm ourselves knowing that we are exposing the lives of crazy people to the public?
“What she should be asking is: why didn’t any of us have the foresight to realize that unhinged people may act unhinged when we expose them to the world?”
The fact that they would not dare write something like this about some Islamist nutjob tells me they are well aware of the potential risk of repercussions. They just gambled this creep would bend over backwards like the other people they usually love to pick on do, and that gamble went just as wrong as gambling you are gonna fart and then sharting yourself.
So here’s what’s up with The Capital. That story was written in 2009? 2010? At that time we had a lame-duck mayor who had been elected largely on the basis that she was a Democrat and her husband had been a big deal in the local politics (sound familiar?) and she was somewhat (in)famous for stuff like…now you may want to sit down…handing out questionable city work contracts to people who contributed to her campaign or who owned companies in which she had some kind of interest. There were a healthy number of pay-to-play rumors, of course. Interestingly, her children own several local “businesses” in various different wards of the city and it came out that while they were listed as businesses for purposes of zoning and so forth they were listed as residences for tax and, yep, voting purposes, so that not only were her kids not paying business property taxes but they were hopping from ward to ward to vote, but more importantly to run for various city council positions.
None of this was published by The Capital.
America is one-dollar-one-vote, not really one-person-one vote
I’ll have whatever he isn’t.
““the trends seem to be moving in the wrong direction from the standpoint of democratic theory — that is, people seem less and less likely to get what they say they want from government.” This, if it is true, proves the aristocracy’s success, against the public. It proves that the aristocracy are still in control and therefore are increasingly getting their way, against the public”
Now do the EU.
Consequently: libertarianism is the aristocracy’s ideology to fool the public into submission. In effect: it’s the aristocratic religion, the aristocratic faith, and so it is funded massively by the aristocracy.
This becomes obviously true when we look at the outsize influence the Libertarian Party has on politics at the national, state, and local level, and when we take into account public polling demonstrating the public’s massive support for policies like eliminating social security and Medicare.
Only possibly sarcastic?
I think the problem is that the other side(s) can’t understand that a possible alternative way to do things exists. The other side(s) depend on either /or thinking, and since libertarians exist, we must be dangerous, since we can’t be horse-shoed into the either /or mindset.
Only possibly sarcastic?
Entirely. Libertarian ideas are about popular among the public as drug-resistant gonorrhea, and the Koch brothers and Peter Thiel represent the collective financial weight of the libertarian billionaire juggernaut. George Soros and Tom Steyer spend more on activism by themselves in a month than has been spent by libertarian billionaires ostensibly bamboozling the public with their filthy lucre.
I was being sarcastic when I asked if you were only possibly sarcastic 😉
Libertarians want to take over the government so they can leave people alone to live their lives as they wish.
The horror, the horror…
Who’s gonna build the roads, eh, smart guy? What, you don’t want children to learn how to read?
“If government doesn’t do it, it won’t get done!!!11!!! GAAHHHH!!!11!!”
This is what most people really believe.
So much derp. These people seem to think our government in it’s current state is Libertarian.
The easiest arguments, and the one liked the most by people that want to peddle marxism and fear actually having to deal with the historical facts around it, are the ones where you first erect a straw man, then beat the shit out of that thing. Kind of like this word salad and the idiocy it is peddling. I wonder why the fuck it is people that have no fucking clue what libertarianism is about that feel the hardest obligation to define what it is about (and of course, doing it totally wrong).
libertarianism is the aristocracy’s ideology to fool the public into submission.
Pay no attention to the Democratic Party since FDR
people seem less and less likely to get what they say they want from government.
True that. I want to be left alone and would be if it weren’t for them damn libertarians running the Government.
Yeah, that means you are just deplorable. Everyone enlightened and “Shmaath” knows you should be demanding free healthcare, free education, free X-Box or PlayStation subscriptions, free food and drink, and that anyone that dares to work hard and thus upsets the concept of everyone only being allowed to cross the finish line with exactly the same shit known as “social justice”, cause that’s all guaranteed in the constitution.
people seem less and less likely to get what they say they want from government
Free shit?
Free shit they are entitled to because they were born, you cis-hetro shitlord!
Both Uruguay’s goal where awesome. I can’t stand Suarez, but the talent cannot be denied.
Yep. They look like the real deal. Still staying with France, however.
How Conservatives Weaponized the First Amendment
TL/DR: we hate free speech.
Actually that only hate it when it is not benefiting their fucking evil shit.
“It seems that we aren’t actually allowed to silence dissent, and without the ability to silence dissent our ideas can’t hold up to scrutiny. Clearly someone has weaponized speech against us!”
“Conservative groups, borrowing and building on arguments developed by liberals, have used the First Amendment to justify unlimited campaign spending, discrimination against gay couples and attacks on the regulation of tobacco, pharmaceuticals and guns.”
Alternate quote: “People shouldn’t be allowed to speak out against things the left supports.”
The NYT continues to be a bad joke.
Weaponized free speech? Like shouting down people who try to speak their opinion?
+1 “I need some muscle over here”
Shouting someone down is acceptable if that person has the wrong opinion though.
Does it have one of those things that goes up?
Depending on who makes the batteries, it has one of those things that blows up.
“Introducing the Tesla Laser Ri….annd the company just folded, thanks for attending, turn off the lights when you leave.”
the First Amendment did not require allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace and corrupt democracy
He’s right, I read the 1A and it doesn’t say that these activities are specifically allowed. Therefore, they are not protected. QEDerp.
the First Amendment did not require allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace and corrupt democracy
So I guess we can shut down the NYT any time we want.
*Featured Comment*
BUT FREEDOM OF PRESS!! That part of the First Amendment is fine so long as it only applies to the press, which we want the government to define.
Once again lying about Citizens United. I forgot who it was here that summarized it well- banning a group of people from showing a movie. Pretty clear cut 1A violation, even if you not a free speech absolutist.
Why is the solution to drop everyone’s taxes? People are wringing their hands about the horrors of cabin owners renting them out when they aren’t there.
And if you believe that Smith actually wants you to keep your money, I’ve got a cabin for sale.
The article has the requisite number of resort owners bemoaning the fact that they have to pay a shit ton of taxes and it isn’t fair to compete against the AirBnB rentals. So of course they should pay more. Never, never do they think that maybe they should pay less too.
Also missing is any justification as to why taxes need to be higher for rental property than other property. I suspect the reason is that taxing rentals means taking money from people who won’t be voting against you in the next election.
Also missing is any justification as to why taxes need to be higher for rental property than other property.
The property is defiled by its use as a vehicle for commerce, and can only be cleansed by the holy purification of the taxman.
Because it’s always easier to tax “business” versus the teeming masses – see also utilities.
See also sales tax collection for interstate transactions vs collection of existing use taxes.
The SC literally ruled that it’s easier to fuck businesses over than to collect existing taxes on consumers (teeming masses) and that that’s a good thing.
Fuck him. The cabins are already taxed exponentially higher than those of the ‘locals’.
One of the things I don’t miss at all is the getting the tax bill on our old cabin. Yeah, I’m sure the locals didn’t pay nearly the amount we did because it wouldn’t take many of them to depose the local assessor. Stick it to us “damned touristas” instead.
The 612er hate was amazing. Always happy to have our money, though.
Uffda. I better get myself checked out. Invasive Asian koi killing off our common carp with their herpes.
1. All carp are originally from Asia
2. Koi are just decorative carp
“Invasive Asian Carp killing off Invasive Asian Carp”
Look, the common carp are tastier than the koi. So we’d rather have the preexisting fish.
Common carp are already inedible. How can you be tastier than mud?
Some people simply have no taste.
It’s ok, at least you admit that fact.
I was being sarcastic… I might choose to eat ass (depending on the woman it is on) over carp…
I know, I was just being snarky.
Besides you left yourself wide open for that.
You’re just not preparing it right.
Clean it. Put it on a seasoned cedar plank on a bed of lemon and shallots. Season with wine and olive oil. Allow to steep for 45 minutes in the refrigerator. Bake for 15 minutes at 375 degrees. Throw the carp out and eat the plank.
by “clean” he means, keep the fucker alive in a bucket for a week and change the water a hundred times.
The common carp in Minnesoda can be traced back to Europe. They were actively introduced into almost every stream and lake that they could because European immigrants missed them.
BTW, update your shitlord spell checker. It is just “invasive carp now”. Asian carp is offensive.
Jimbo, you better seize the day.
Huh? I thought that phrase was latin for “go fishing every day”.
Ugandan Women Fight Lazy Husbands With $6 ‘Sex Tax’
something something negotiating the price
If the barmaids are still priced at ‘free’ I don’t think this will work out as intended.
or I guess in this case
In both cases, add in the 3rd A where appropriate
Anal lunch?
I think that is shortened to RJ.
Actually, they are priced at $6, but they bring you a burger and a beer before the action starts.
If the barmaids are still priced at ‘free’
I’d be very surprised if these were the case.
Man, the husbands of Uganda are effing masters of the psychological long game. This is like that bit where your significant other gets all pissed off and says, “Fine! If you’re going to go out with your friends and get drunk instead of spending time with me then you can just sleep on his damn couch!”
I just noticed that the Ugandan is out of the office today. I wonder if everything is all right at home.
Your husband doesn’t want to fuck you for free, and you are going to punish him by charging him to fuck you?
I don’t think this business model has been thoroughly thought through.
“Wait…tell me how this incentive thing works again?”
Listen, lady…he’ll just go find the live one in the cooler in the morgue
Nice way to bring it around.
Yesterday, I saw a letter in the Bozeman paper about the federal concealed carry reciprocity law. It was (or claimed to be) written by a retired sheriff, who is deeply concerned about the possibility that Montana will soon be up to our eyeballs in gun toting wife beaters if that law passes the Senate. They will be everywhere. Because none of those other states have restrictions on the ability of domestic violence criminals’ ability to be packing heat everywhere they go. This means women will literally die by the thousands. You won’t be able to leave your home without hearing literal volleys of gunfire, and see the tragic aftermath of all those out of state women haters who will come to Montana and gun down our precious feminine flowers, literally just for sport.
It’s your duty, Montanans, to nip this insanity in the bud, and get on the phone to your Senators and urge them to vote NAY to the mass slaughter of womyn.
This letter followed a “guest opinion” piece which made exactly the same claims, contributed by a Women’s Advocate. I’m guessing there are very similar letters being published in other papers, in other states, making the exact same claims, almost as if there is some sort of co-ordinated national campaign against that law. I wonder who could be behind it.
Christ, what an asshole.
Is this why the writer is a former sheriff?
The writer is a “former” sheriff because I’m pretty sure acting sheriffs aren’t allowed to politic like this. So the so-called “former sheriff”, who is probably a staffer for Everytown or another grabber group has to be careful to at least give the impression that he a legit retired LEO. In all likelihood, he’s a former “deputy” who volunteered for a week at his boss’s (see: Bloomberg, Michael) local PD in order to technically count as a former sheriff’s deputy.
Civilians simply can’t be trusted with firearms the way our highly trained and professional law enforcement class can.
Unarmed wives of serial abuses is preferrable?
“We’d prefer if they just murdered their spouses and stopped being an problem.”
Fuck Frank Lautenberg. I hope that little shit is burning right now.
Seattle becomes the latest city to ban plastic straws and utensils
A ban went into effect Sunday outlawing those particular straws and utensils at “all food service businesses, including restaurants, grocery stores, delis, coffee shops, food trucks, and institutional cafeterias.”
Violators will be subject to a $250 fine.
Making Seattle Suck Less Again.
::starts the artisanal wooden straw company::
Fuck that. This exists:
$350? Fuck that noise.
Could I interest you in the sterling silver ball of yarn for $9,000?
It would have to be more than 625 troy ounces for me to even think about it. And that’s a bit too heavy to be practical.
The silver ones are only $250. That’s a decent price.
Which reminds me…I gotta go to their store in The Woodlands this week with Banjos birthday on Friday.
If any of you have sensible recommendations, let me know.
If any of you have sensible recommendations, let me know.
Get your jewelry hot off the street to avoid the markup.
Store bought gifts? Uffda.
Whatever happened to a nice home made gift for your wife? For example, I like to tie a pretty ribbon around my dick and give it to my wife.
“Regifting again?” -Mrs. Jimbo
Chocolates are always good.
I once knew a guy that told me his go-to present was to buy her a pair of shoes and a dildo…
If she didn’t like the shoes, she could go fuck herself was his reasoning…
I guess this innovative approach could work with any gift..
“I don’t know where ye been, laddie, but at least ye took first prize!”
She needs another Tiffany pendant like she needs a hole in her head.
I gotta get her some more earrings.
‘Need’ and ‘Tiffany’ never belong in the same sentence.
Stick with sterling or white gold. The rose gold thing isn’t gonna last.
I gotta get her some more earrings.
In which case, she’ll need those holes in her head.
Sloopy: I should have spent more on Banjo’s b-day jewelry. The cheap stuff I bought her turned her ears green.
Tundra: You bought knock off Tiffany earings?
Sloopy: No, a knockoff ankle bracelet…
I didn’t know Tiffany did coke straws? This seems more glamorous than the $100 bills I’ve been using.
Why are you shopping at Tiffany? What are you, my mother?
Paper straws suck, and not in a constructive way. Fucking watermelons and their phony “crises”.
For a minute I almost felt bad for the people who are so upset about the new supreme court justice. But then I remembered how bad I felt when these same people were so excited about Obamacare, and how they broke the rules to get it passed.
I think it would be the best trolling ever if they just “deemed” the next supreme court justice confirmed.
Technically, the Constitution doesn’t say how the Advice and Consent process works. The senate could use whatever procedure it wants.
True, it’s up to the senate to make their own rules.
Wait, you mean they are not beholden to follow the precedent that someone on Twitter says they should?
We have to confirm them to see how they will rule?
I’ll have to use that one.
Comey continues on his trip up the left’s asshole:
There it is: Our ultimate goal—total control of handguns in the United States—is going to take time.
That wasn’t Comey. My mistake
Why is this guy still talking?
“Pay Attention To Me!”
Also, he’s flailing around for his post-government career. the one he expected to have lined up with the usual suspects but which didn’t materialize becuase of the blame he caught for the loss Herself suffered.
He’s trying to sell a book?
He needs that money for the army of lawyers I hope he will need to try and keep him out of pound-me-in-the-ass prison..
“The laws here are harsh. And people don’t have hearts,” she said
Alternate take: “There are laws here. And people expect you to follow them.”
Well… bye
Yes. Tell a friend when you get back home.
I’ve said it previously. I’m about as “open borders” a guy as there is here. But it’s a “tall wall, wide gate” thing. We need to let more people in who want to work, but we’ve got laws.
My “compromise” is a 330 day work visa without quotas. You pass a basic background check at the border, you get a 330 day work visa, you then go home for 30 days and apply again (second application should be routine, probably gets processed on your way out and you have it ready to go 30 days in advance).
Any ‘guest’ who spends more time ‘visiting’ than they do at ‘home’ is not a guest. A minimum of two days back in their home country for every day spent here.
That aint a guest, they are a semi-permanent worker who isn’t in the stupid quota system yet. Its a compromise in that it can be added without burning down the current system entirely.
The current system isn’t working. It needs penalties for nonenforcement and disencentives for moochers.
I am in favor of burning down the current system, hence the “compromise” proposal, if that isn’t possible.
My ‘compromise’ is a tall wall, narrow gate and strong bars.
At least make the compromise something similar to what actual citizens have to put up with. 180 day worker visa with a 90 day re-application waiting period.
States are trying to get citizens of another state to pay residence fees if they are in their state for more than 180 days. I know plenty of IT consultants who are forced into 90-day unpaid furloughs (and they ain’t imported labor).
How do you find them to encourage them to go back home?
I guess a good place to start are the government assistance programs. People working illegally at least are being productive, and should be stage two effort.
The advantage of illegal alien labor is that they are here illegally.
I’m with you on that, though maybe not quite as wide a gate for me.
I still think Badnarik had the best immigration plan.
Very easy policy for getting in, treat anyone crossing border illegally as a “foreign invader”, which means capture, if possible, or shoot, if necessary.
That’s what borders meant up until the middle of the last century. Soldiers patrolled the borders and people crossing them illegally were shot. People who showed up at the border crossing with a visa or proof of citizenship where told to turn around and go away – at gunpoint.
Also, no, stranger I’ve never even heard of before, you may not show up on my doorstep and expect to be taken care of without so much as a by-your-leave. Does that make me heartless? I think it makes you presumptuous, rude, and incredibly irresponsible.
She wouldn’t like how it would turn out here if she tried that.
As a legal immigrant sometime how they feel about this. I notice the media doesn’t…
*moar coffee*
They don’t, because practically every single person that went through that hell of a process feels they are having the assholes peddling this open borders shit, insulting their efforts and that they chose to endure an arduous and painful process to come here legally.
Good morning, Sloopy!
Mama Kin is a nasty little ditty. Excellent choice.
It just popped into my head for no particular reason. Glad it made someone else happy this morning.
They’re all still pissed at me for posting that Justin Bieber song.
My neighbors are assholes.
After the garbage truck came by but before I got home to take my cans in, they put their trash in my cans. Seriously? It’s not as if this were a case of mistaken identity. I have a corner lot, and the can goes to the curb as far from any other house as it can get. They literally had to go out of their way to put their trash in my can.
They did it because you can get fined for having trash on the curb at the wrong time so I get stuck with either their trash in my house or courting tickets from the city.
Fuck them.
At about 1:30 AM you should politely go deposit it back on their front lawn.
It would… if I knew who’d done it.
In that case you have two options. Sift the trash to find some identifying information, or go the collective punishment route and deposit a little on everybody’s front lawns.
If the trash collectors take it all away today and the can is empty when I get home, I’m not going to waste the effort.
I do not want to go digging around in someone else’s garbage.
You are encouraging them to do more of this…
Another option: Post notes near the garbage cans: “Someone accidentally threw an envelope with $20 in it into my trash can. Come by if it’s yours.”
Great way to meet all your neighbors I spose.
Open a bag and find an addressed envelope in there.
to everyone saying this, I’d bet it’s car trash, so less likely to have something identifying, mostly food trash I’m guessing. could get lucky.
I dont have neighbors
#country livin.
Goddamnit lebron who am I supposed to root for the lakers now? Hope they don’t overpay for kawhi
I hope they do and that team still doesn’t get past the Rockets or Warriors in the Western semis.
Greatest player in the world goes to the lakers.
This is my shocked face. :-l
Not that it matters because the Lakers still aren’t close to being able to beat the Warriors.
Lebron + Lakers + retiring players that are still good but want a championship.
Basically the Miami model.
It will probably work.
How much longer is Lebron going to be this good, though? Time ain’t on his side.
Yeah, but I think he’s thinking another championship would be nice but, just in case, all things being equal, it would be a pretty sweet deal to play where you want to retire.
Or the Rockets.
What I don’t get is why he thinks playing in LA will make him more likable. The one thing most sportzball folk think is important is loyalty. You can’t keep switching teams and have people like you. I bet even Laker fans won’t embrace him this time around. He’s proven that he will make insane demands on the team (Tyron Lue will be the new head coach?) and if things don’t go well, will he leave?
Great song, Sloop. I forgot Aerosmith started out playing actual rock’n’roll.
One of the first albums I ever bought was Live Bootleg. It is still solid and has a great version of Mama Kin.
And Last Child.
Brad Whitford was criminally under-appreciated.
If I recall correctly*, Tyler said that he wrote that song pre-Aerosmith and made sure that he kept the rights to it himself, they didn’t go to the band.
*30/70 odds
Kinda surprised this hasn’t been covered here (if it has, I apologize):
So, the Dems’ new strategy is, once they get back in power, they want to add as many as 7(!) judges to the Supreme Court and then pack it with Socialists (only after they nuke the legislative filibuster of course). They have admitted publically that they can’t win elections with their platform so their only option is to jam it through judicially. These people sicken me with their naked power grabs. McConnell should introduce legislation to fix the number at 9 and force them to filibuster it so they’re on record as having done so.
Gee how original.
Everything I don’t like is alt-right.
Fuck the law, we need carte blanche to do as we will.
These people are insane,
“These people are insane,”
No, they are evil.
It’s an utterly brilliant strategy to push right now. You know, when they can’t do this but the Republicans actually could. Wile E. Coyote-level genius.
Well everyone knows the Blue Wave is going to sweep America in November. Just like everyone knew we’d be saluting President Clinton in 2016.
Besides, they can openly discuss their strategies secure in the knowledge that the Stupid Party will not only do nothing but somehow find a way to organize a circular firing squad.
Lycra workout shorts; like yoga pants, but sluttier!
7, 21, 24, 26, 31, 33, 40.
20, 32, 37 for me
6 wins.
13 scares me
Yeah, the fear factor drove me back to 6.
Seriously fit, though.
#17 is trying too hard.
7, 11 and 23. Thin is in, and it always will be.
HM haz sadz.
11 year old boys are thin
29-35 inclusive
“Terrifying moment woman feeding sharks is pulled into water
(CNN)A woman was yanked from a boat when a shark she was hand-feeding bit into her finger and hauled her into waters off the northwestern coast of Australia.
Melissa Brunning was standing on the stern of a yacht, feeding fish to a group of tawny nurse sharks, when one sank its teeth into her finger and dragged her overboard.”
In other news, feeding wild animals might be a bad idea.
What’s everyone worked up about? I thought she wanted to feed the sharks.
I always laugh at the fucking people that believe nature reflects what they learned from Disney movies and then have that harsh reality encounter with nature…
Inb4 the inevitable “you are more likely to get struck by lightning while winning the lottery than be attacked by a shark”.
I am more likely to get struck by lightning.
But I don’t play the lottery and I don’t feed sharks.
I am not likely to die in a skydiving accident either.
Looks like about 7 deaths per million jumps, which is pretty darn safe, but my chance is still zero.
Unless you’ve moved into mammoth cave, you can still be hit by falling people.
I thought of that, but that doesn’t appear to even measure in the statistics.
One fun thing I found looking around on google, someone “proving” that skydiving isn’t safer than driving, because most people drive to go skydiving.
Hence skydiving is an added risk on top of the driving. Not a replacement risk.
It amused me for some reason.
A skydiver can still land on you when their chute failed to open because of the shark attack in progress.
Unless someone lands on me, the odds of my dying as a result of a skydiving accident are zilch.
It’s questionable decisions all the way down….
I read that and had to admit I got nothing in the snark dept for that story. My kink kind of stops at whip cream and chocolate syrup. And Sailor Moon outfits. And leiderhosen clad bar maids. And now, lycra workout shorts.
What’s wrong with a kiss, boy? Hmm?
Geography is hard.
That’s not a real thing. But I’m assuming Stormfront.
The hat tip says SJW, as does the content of the comment itself.
Maybe not that screenshot, but I’ve seen “white people shouldn’t speak Spanish” countless times.
I have several friends of Mexican, Peruvian, and Spanish heritage who would like to have a face-to-face about that.
Does that apply to NPR hosts that throw in random words into the middle of an otherwise english program?
Only if they say it using the least commonly accepted pronunciation.
These people really are creative. If only they would put that creativity to good use, instead of just finding new and unique ways to be offended.
Nope. This is the new higher ed. Multiple technical advancements in grievance mongering.
Burn it down.
You know, if you’re gonna troll at least say “why aren’t they learning a European language like German, French, Farsi or Arabic?”
I’ve got a friend whose parents are from south America (Colombia and Peru) who was born in DC. Speaks fluent Spanish, of course, but absolutely hates doing it unless he’s talking to his mom. I’m not sure why and I’ve never asked. My guess is that, parents aside, that culture’s as alien to him as it is to me.
Back from NHC and a three-day drunk.
No news for 5 days. What happened that I should care about?
Did you leave before or After Justice Kennedy said he was retiring?
Swizzy was last seen trying to track down STEVE SMITH.
I am starting day three of a three day drunk.
So, the Dems’ new strategy is, once they get back in power, they want to add as many as 7(!) judges to the Supreme Court
legitdemocratic.TW: Vox
The Badass Bitches museum tour: for those who like their art with feminism and swearing
Museum Hack’s untraditional Badass Bitches tour is smart and fun and just a little bit messy.
Make better art
If you want more nudes by female artists, practice until you can paint as skillfully as the old masters and produce whatever smut you want to see.
Don’t go bitching at the gates, whining for someone else to fix something is a sign that you are too weak and incapable to do anything.
This is modern art. Back in the days of the real patriarchy, everybody was naked.
It’s not even modern. It’s postmodern.
So, there’s No ‘art’ left?
I like Stephen Hicks’ take on it. Art is not a technical exercise anymore, it is a philosophical one, and postmodernism is philosophically bankrupt. It has nowhere to go because it does not believe reality, truth, or beauty exist in any form.
That’s an excellent article, Scruffy. It said many things that I’ve thought about art but couldn’t articulate.
Needz moar menstrual blood art.
Look, ‘Period Red’ doesn’t hold it’s color correctly.
The only human pigment that belongs in art is Mummy Brown.
Museum Hack’s 2016 count, according to Elizabeth, is that the amount of art by women in the Met’s modern art wing had risen to 6 percent. “We did it!” she said sardonically. “We solved the patriarchy, you guys!”
Maybe if you spent more time becoming proficient in your craft instead of throwing silent discos celebrating your self-pity you’d have more spots in the roster.
It echoes what Maddox said about the ‘not enough female video game designers’ whining:
If you think there aren’t enough women in X, start a career in X!
“But that involves work! In a field I don’t wanna do!”
I was confused at first because the only “Met” that came to mind was the NY baseball team. I wondered why chicks would have to get naked to watch a game.
Once I figured out the Met they were talking about was some elitist, tax money grubbing art gallery things made more sense.
I’m generally not down with the protesters (is there any better illustration that feminism is really the hobby of rich white gals?), but maybe if the Met didn’t get gobs and gobs of taxpayer money, they might be more receptive to making their few customers happy?
Whining men: ‘We’re blamed for everything’
THERE’S a growing movement of angry young men who are doing everything they can to return to a society, where men rule the world.
“Mostly pro-Trump, they believe in closing the borders, legalizing all drugs, abolishing prison and giving everyone a gun”
As long as the “closing the borders” part of that includes a robust legal immigration system, I think I can get on board.
That quote gave me a stiffie.
So instead of prison for rape and murder we do summary executions? There is a middle ground between ‘no prison’ and ‘overincarceration for petty offenses’.
The stocks or the lash?
Honestly I would rather take some (non-crippling) corporal punishment than be locked up.
All the more reason to lock you up.
To elaborate – I don’t think you’ve personally done anything to warrent arrest or incarceration, but I still hold the position that the punitive element must be sufficiently strong relative to the offense in question and the offender’s willingness to endure it.
Too harsh, and you get issues like the bloody code where compounding offences were piled on because the punishment had already capped out easily.
Too lenient and there’s no deterrant factor for any rational actors.
Nonexistant and there’s no way to deal with the just plain broken people who will keep hurting others.
And to prove these whining crybabies wrong, we are going to overstate the size and impact of their movement and then blame it for more things!
“I meet Ryan Lenz from the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC), who says the Proud Boy rhetoric is a slippery slope”
Writer destroys own credibility with this one weird trick!
rhetoric is a slippery slope
this slope only exists for the right. Any thing the left does is perfectly kosher.
Any thing the left does is perfectly
kosherhalal.Don’t you even multicultural, Lord H?
If this was in a small town in Colorado, it’d probably be called extreme libertarianism
*peers suspiciously through window shades
A coworker was assigned the task of coming up with solutions so workers were able to perform their jobs more by reducing outside of work problems. I said to have the women stay at home, slightly snarky but has merit. That did not make it into the PowerPoint. Though a compromise could be struck to say that one of the parents should stay at home to manage home / family affairs and leave the work / money making to the other.
In the 12 years of having kids I have stayed home once for taking care of children (outside of brand new baby) as the wife was completely down and out as well.
I also argued that wages would rise with removing one spouse per household from the workforce due to increased demand.
Naw, they’ll just open the borders and pour in third wolders to fill the vacancies.
I’m curious what set of circumstances led to someone thinking that having the company give everyone advise on how to have fewer outside-of-work problems was somehow a good idea. I can’t see that being anything but a train wreck in any company I’ve personally worked for, maybe it makes more sense when you’re trying to manage a workforce who are still at the “try to show up sober and with pants on” level of performance?
It was for the IT department so that (sober & pants on) could qualify for some of the help desk people.
IT only makes me wish I wasn’t sober.
To be fair, if you’re working a help desk (I did a stint in my college years) I could see pants being optional.
Having worked at a helpdesk, I am glad pants were mandatory for my co-workers.
I’m going to have to veto the “make the womenz stay at hope” bit. I want them to have every opportunity to experience first-hand how soul-crushing it is to hold down a job for 40 years. Last thing I want is to come home to a spouse who tells me how lucky I am to be able to get out of the house and do all that fun stuff.
I’m at 22 years of full-time work. Besides the paycheck (and all the $$ and benefits that entails along with a house ‘n’ car) it really is soul-crushing. I’m just amazed how my co-workers actually seem to care about so many minute things.
It’s a reflection of the emptiness or lack of control in other areas of their lives. They’ve claimed ownership of this jot, and by gosh, it will be done right!
I love how its libertarianism in a small town, but in a big city its something even more sinister. Feel the condescension, the contempt: “Well, its understandable that benighted rubes in flyover country could be deluded into believing in small government, but here in the enlightened precincts of urban America, there must be some hidden agenda.”
a growing movement of angry young men
Did you ever notice how they’re always “angry”? Even when they’re smiling, laughing and having a good time, they’re “angry”. The people beating people in the streets over their politics, or screeching autistically about Trump are “passionate”. But, these guys are always “angry”.
Maybe they’re not angry, just disappointed.
Because Asia doesn’t exist?
That idiot has issues… Envy, resentment, and greed are at the top of the list.
She’s fighting the stereotype that Asians are intelligent and she’s doing a damn fine job.
I’m signing up for DuoLingo as soon as I figure out how to exploit the Chinese language for economic gain.
I hate Asia!
Worst. ‘super-group’. ever.
THERE’S a growing movement of angry young men who are doing everything they can to return to a society, where men rule the world.
Of course there is. It’s vast, and they’re coming for you!
Don’t know how much steam this is going to get, but looking at #walkaway on twatter it seems to be more than just a flash in the pan.
The very fact that twatter refuses to list it as “trending” shows that it must be pretty big.
if you think of the usual suspects in the media as democrat operatives with bylines, much of what they do makes total sense.
Even right wing Nazis are jumping on the bandwagon (styxhexenhammer666):
via the library I watched Justice League with my son:
Some takeaways:
.The actress, Amy Adams., who played Lois Lane looks like she aged a decade or two since the last movie she appeared in.
.Even Gal Gadot looked wrinkly around the edges. Maybe this hi-def TV thing is bad.
.DC tries to go Marvel, specifically the Avengers. Even some of the characters are similar, like Aquaman could have been a stand-in for Thor
.and even an Avengers-like plot:
.boring generic villain who I never really learned to hate.
Ah well – at least I didn’t pay any money to watch it; well minus time and the gas to drive to the library
It sucked.
The Flash and Aquaman were the only mildly entertaining portions of it.
I watched it on a plane last week. The problem is, once Superman shows up, the fight is over. I did laugh when somebody asked Batman what his super-power was – he answered “I’m rich”. He could be the libertarian superhero.
Amy is looking a little rougher. Not sure if it was intentional or not. She seems to have outgrown the Disney character look.
The problem is, once Superman shows up, the fight is over.
Right? Bring in God, we’re tired of doing it ourselves.
Makes me want to see The Watchmen yet again.
The only thing I remember about that movie is there is a shot where Wonder Woman’s skirt rides up and you get a nice view of her ass cheek. That was pretty great on the big screen.
I’m happy to know that I’m not the only cis shitlord who noticed that.
My wife noticed it too, and said it was a nice ass. I was very relieved that mentioning it did not get me into trouble at home.
Why am I completely unsurprised to find out that New York’s new socialist darling, the ‘Girl from the Bronx’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who beat high-ranking Democrat Joe Crowley. comes from a well-to-do family that now make her claims to be a barrio girl all fake?
The fucks peddling collectivism all tend to be guilty or profiteering rich people peddling it.
You SF’ed the link
Bro, do you even link?
That’s pretty consistently the case, though, isn’t it. Most of the people I’ve met who actually, you know, grew up poor are more interested in making sure they’re not poor than fighting some idiot socialist revolution.
That is a good question – how many revolutionaries (including our Founding Fathers) were actually poor?
I can’t think of any off the top of my head… Stalin? Though he kinda took over from Lenin, not sure how much of the “vanguard” he was.
Do we call this white hispanic guilt?
In my experience with my own kids, and in talking to friends, I think there really is a tendency for the younger generations to be perfectly content living in mom and dad’s basement looking at Twitter. I think socialism appeals to younger generations because to them it’s like a nation-wide basement with free wi-fi.
I actually had this conversation with several young uns (21- 25) this past weekend where most of the young mend told me they had checked out. Why would they want to go bust their ass only to have most of their income taken away to give to others that live the dream life (stay home all day playing x-Box or PlayStation)? Why would they risk their lives getting involved, let alone married to, women that are usually more interested in what they can get out of them whether they stay in a relationship or divorce them and sue them for every penny they can? Why should they care, when they are being accused of being the patriarchy?
Socialism appeals to many because they have it too easy and too good, but most importantly, feel that they would prefer a safety net (paid for and provided by others), should they somehow fall on hard times (not be able to afford their annual x-Box/PlayStation or wi-fi provider’s subscription, I guess). Sad world…
it’s like a nation-wide basement with free wi-fi
I’ll probably be stealing that, if I can remember it.
I just cannot believe she’s not a poor working girl, like uncle Bernie.
Well, her work experience in the real world is about as extensive. Though admittedly she has not been thrown out of a commune for wanting to sit around and discuss marxist theory instead of working. She needs more experience.
Well, it didn’t work for three guys, but it will work for 350,000,000! Don’t you even math and logic?
Well, I sort of understand how certain people can be attracted to seizing on a moment they see can make them rich and powerful with no real effort of their own except for bullshitting to people easily bullshitted. It’s immoral as hell, sure, to want to use a bunch of useful idiots to achieve that and not care about the effects on the rest of society. But I do understand people’s self interested motivations. Does she believe any of it? I mean the free pony stuff? Maybe, maybe not, but I feel it makes zero difference. Either the American people decide to go all Venezuela, or they don’t. Right now, I don’t think society is far enough gone for it. More likely, we’ll get more Trump.
Does she believe any of it? I mean the free pony stuff? Maybe, maybe not,
I, for one, will give her the benefit of the doubt and believe she is stupid enough to believe it.
I won’t bet against it.
Nobody is that stupid to think that will work. She is a con artist just like most leftists including Bernie. She will get her house seat and we will have to listen to her and fight off her stupid ideas for the next thirty years as she becomes a millionaire.
Maybe not thirty years. Population loss in NY will lead to redistricting, and her seat might disappear.
“Assault weapons” ban…is it me, or does it seem like “assault weapons” is a freighted term sort of like “urban” to refer to young black men. Like the demographic she’s appealing to is worried that they won’t be able to get the rest of their agenda accomplished unless they take “assault weapons” away from people like, say, me.
Uncle Bernie was a total loser, unable to hold a real job able to pay a decent wage, until he went into government and chose to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Granted, working in government is no real job either, but man has he raked in the cash peddling that marxist, “Nobody needs 23 brands of deodorant”, social justice nonsense to people primarily motivated by one or a combination of sloth, envy, and greed..
And what has this girl done other than pleasure Ted Kennedy?
She was a bartender and waitress so she has way more work experience than Bernie.
In the coming egalitarian utopia, there will only be one model of iPad and it will have 2 apps. One app will load up dear leaders latest daily motivational speech to the people. The 2nd icon will be to pay your taxes. And no fancy covers, all iPads will be a standard grey for equality.
I think the “she’s not a real poors” is a dumb line of attack on her.
Yorktown heights has ritzy areas, but also lots of otherwise normal, middle-class, suburban areas that include less-financially well-off. Its not really any disqualifying factor other than the implication of ‘carpetbagging’. and how potent a criticism is that, really? its sort of vacuous identity-politics of its own.
more significant, i think, is the fact that Ocasio-Cortez “Won” getting 15,000 votes vs. incumbent 10,000.
in a district w./ nearly 1M people. (700K_
iow, almost no one voted. its also notable that this district includes 100s of 100s of well off, as well as some more urban-poor. w/o knowing demos of who voted (and no one takes exit polls at these things) theres no reason to assume she represents the “working class”; more likely she was driven to victory by NYC transplants from same sort of suburban world she came from.
I propose a revision to election law – if an election does not meet minimum turnout, the office remains vacant until the next election.
It’s not really a big deal EXCEPT that she’s calling herself “a girl from the Bronx”, because it gives her an image of being a poor kid from the ghetto. Which she isn’t.
sure. Clinton was at least bona-fide trailer trash.
she’s playing this ‘ghetto chic’ mainly because it appeals specifically to people who *aren’t*; the DSA, ‘migrated to Sunnyside Queens from Wisconsin’ types.
pointing out that its bullshit is about as effective as pointing out to those people that “they’re not real NY’rs” either.
It doesn’t really phase them. Because many “real NY’rs” are all from somewhere else anyway. Half the “real poor people from bronx” are 2 generations away from puerto rico/other place.
I don’t really see the point of the criticism based on ‘fake identity’. Its not based in anything other than cultural-perception.
Whereas, the point that, “almost no one really voted for her” is more of a clear proof that not only does she have no real claim to any mandate, that its not a sign of any popular appeal of DSA-ish “democratic socialism”, its just a fluke win because of urban civic apathy.
the reality is that she’s going to be ignored/undermined by Dems at every opportunity, while simultaneously used as a poster-child to attract useful-idiot votes.
Looks like the Amish are up to it again.
Amish terror attack on Cleveland thwarted
You know, whenever the authoritah say they’ve stopped a terror attack, for some reason I have a hard time actually believing it. I bet this guy was just standing outside a Cleveland convenience mart selling loosies when they nabbed him.
“This Viking Race Involves Tying a Block of Wood to Your Balls”
Probably why there aren’t any Vikings.
This is how you write a teaser for a link.
Well it at least explains the Vikes performance in last year’s NFC Championship game.
And why we have such a hard time signing free agents.
Explains the current state of affairs in the Nordic countries.
Yummy Tree Chicken!
Oh, great, now you’re never going to get rid of it – people will start farming the damn things.
I saw something where someone was hosting air-rifle ‘safaris’ in Puerto Rico to hunt them.
Love dat iguana from Popeye’s!
Crime think has arrived
Nothing can possibly go wrong.
While they’re at it, they should let their country be invaded by 3rd world savages who won’t work. Oh wait…
What does tree chicken have to do with crimethink?
Last time I was in Florida, I was thinking of shooting all of them with a .410. Was that a crime?
Yes, .410 is entirely the wrong round for the job.
Was that a crime?
Well, using the wrong tool for the job isn’t a crime, exactly. I mean, unless these were flying iguanas or something, why use a shotgun?
For the lulz?
Same reason as turkey? It’s so a head shot is fatal.
“What does tree chicken have to do with crimethink?”
We’re going to send a lot of them to Sweden so they still have stuff to eat after the revolution is complete.
((((pedantry: triggered))))
“Vox Media co-founder Joshua Topolsky called conservative writer Ben Shapiro the equivalent of a treacherous Jew collaborating with the Nazis in a tweet sent Saturday.
“Ben Shapiro is the Jew who helps other Jews onto the train,” Topolsky wrote in the now-deleted tweet.
To hear Topolsky explain it, however, he did not delete the attack because he was sorry about it. Rather, he wrote back one angry user, “I deleted it because a mob of right wing babies were flooding my mentions and it was frankly pretty annoying (as were the DM death threats).”
He also wrote, “I didn’t apologize lol.””
So, what he’s saying is, Shapiro is George Soros?
/Cathy Newman
“Ben Shapiro is the Jew who helps other Jews onto the train,”
That’s quite the auto-correct for “George Soros”.
Shapiro is a socialist?
UPDATE: Monday, 11:45 A.M.: This article initially referred to Topolsky as the co-founder of Vox Media, which he identifies himself as in his Twitter biography. This has been corrected to show he co-founded The Verge, a tech website owned by Vox Media. Vox stated it has reached out to Topolsky to correct his Twitter bio.
verge/vox what’s the difference
Backlash needs to go to the correct place.
“We have successfully landed the locket back at its launch facility.”
the locket
Straight-up racism.
Three Minutes.
I should have hidden it better.
It didn’t say randed the locket at its raunch facility, so I gambled that it was a genuine typo.
It won’t be so easy next time UCS. I’m onto your games.
raunch facility
Well, it is rather off-color.
A bit early for Fourth of July.
Hey guys, want to apologize. I know I said I was going to write up an article about the Supreme Court candidates and their libertarian credentials, but Trump’s going to announce on the 9th and work is going to make it impossible to write that up beforehand.
You want it to be Don Willett. It’s almost certainly going to be Brett Kavanaugh.
It should be Willett *and* Trump should announce it on the 4th of July.
I’m thinking Willett’s face in fireworks with cheerleaders and a supersonic flyover.
For starters.
Trump said his current top contenders were “2 women”
Then he was told he couldn’t appoint two people to the same seat.
Takes 2 women to do the job of one old guy that veered hard left?
If that’s true, then they’re overpaid at 77%.
Can we start a gofundme to try and bribe trump for willett?
I don’t think it will work. He’s got cash, you’d have to find something creative to get his attention
Russian piss hookers, I’m told.
My very, very, very dark horse candidate is Ted Cruz, done only for the lulz. If Trump really wants to be the troller in cheif, this is who he would pick.
“Article from me in today’s Inquirer which takes a look at the data on sexual & violent offending & its lack of fit with the feminist narrative of a “rape culture”. I also argue that assigning collective guilt for crimes is regressive & unjust”
I agree with the premise of her piece. Also, given the opportunity, i would shag her fillings out.
Yes, and yes. Good God almighty, she’s like Nigella Lawson’s thinner, younger sister.
“Exclusive: A leaked Trump bill to blow up the WTO
Axios has obtained a leaked draft of a Trump administration bill — ordered by the president himself — that would declare America’s abandonment of fundamental World Trade Organization rules.
Why it matters: The draft legislation is stunning. The bill essentially provides Trump a license to raise U.S. tariffs at will, without congressional consent and international rules be damned.
The details: The bill, titled the “United States Fair and Reciprocal Tariff Act,” would give Trump unilateral power to ignore the two most basic principles of the WTO and negotiate one-on-one with any country:”
Fair and Reciprocal Tariff? The FART Act?
The reports I saw seem to think this came off the desk of a very junior staffer and is not actually a serious bill that would have made it to comittee.
Leaked…FART…I believe the term is “squeaker”.
One Cheek Sneak.
Neymar wins another Oscar. Adios, Mexico. *Neymar did have an amazing pass*
“Bernie Sanders Is Not the Left
His refusal to endorse ICE’s abolition is the latest evidence that he’s not the politician that many believe him to be.”
“I would like everyone to say ‘hi’ to Bernard. He’s the newest exile to the tent of the ‘Right Wing Extremists'”
will Bernie #walkaway?
But people who live in a hermetically sealed environment where jackasses screaming on Twitter is the extent of their connection to the population at large fully believe that open borders is an electoral winner.
Bruh, you’re so far left Bernie Sanders is an alt-right shitlord?
I read that Daily Fail article about Whosis. The part about her father sounds like what many people would describe as the American Dream. Upward mobility.
Maybe she pisses on his grave every Sunday.
My very, very, very dark horse candidate is Ted Cruz, done only for the lulz. If Trump really wants to be the troller in cheif, this is who he would pick.
Judge Judy.
Totally OT but how do Glibs respond when a retail store asks for your zip code, phone number etc? I bought a quart of oil and the guy asked for my info and I said no. He gave me my receipt and I said “thank you” and got no response from him. Kind of ticked me off
I decline to tell them. It’s not required to complete the transaction.
I respond with “no thanks”. I’ve never received any sass or stinkeye in response to that, I think they understand very well why I’m declining.
^^ same here.
Maybe next time try “Not in Trump’s America!” just to see what happens.
“how do Glibs respond when a retail store asks for your zip code, phone number”
I basically go, “i’m just here to buy something, dude, not build a relationship. I get enough spam as it is.”
they tend to be good-natured about it, because i am too. I get why they do it, i just don’t play that.
I had a liquor store cashier tell me “Remember, freedom isn’t free” over the weekend. Took me off guard, and I wondered if it was some sort of secret Deplorable signaling.
Did he also override one of the bottles to cost $17.76?
Hehe, nope.
I give them a zip code or phone number that’s not mine.
Yea, I’d give them a zip code since they can’t really do anything with it, and I’ll just say I don’t have a phone.
Like Patrick Bateman suggests, “Just say no.”
how do Glibs respond when a retail store asks for your zip code, phone number etc?
I don’t mind giving them my zip; that just tells them how far I came to buy something from them. Phone? NEVER. It aggravates the shit out of me that the stupid chain barber shop I go to thinks they should be able to use my phone number as a customer I D. “But we’ll send you special offers! You can make an appointment.” Fuck that.
The potential for Unsolicited communications is exactly why I don’t give them any information I don’t absolutely have to.
Typically the cashier doesn’t care. This guy acted all friendly when I came in but when I graciously declined not a word more from him. You’d think the lowest level workers wouldn’t care if they were collecting your information
Are you sure he didn’t want your number for other reasons than the store’s?
Excellent point. Did he refer to you as “sweetcheeks” at any during the checkout process?
Ha I started a new job and people were confused when I introduced myself. I don’t think he was a Mexican ass sex fan. NTTAWWT
I’ve never run into one who does care. Maybe the guy got a text from his wife between you arriving and leaving letting him know that he would find all his shit on the front porch when he got home and the locks have already been changed.
PS: Don’t let the Late P fool you, the rest of us actually use the reply threading here. It’s a long story, and I can’t give you all the details without getting your phone number and zip code first.
I’m a libertarian, rules are for lesbians and senior citizens!
Hey, Drake, I’ve spotted another Iguana!
*points at topnotch*