Not actual product
Ok. I don’t usually make or eat dessert, but this one is a family recipe that I’ll enjoy at least once a year. Most exciting for all of you, I don’t have to redact the name because truth be told I think it’s a made up nonsense name, but supposedly it comes from the old world. We call it Hovavaka. It is a [REDACTED] cake, so we usually make it at least once when the [REDACTED] are ripe in early August. It’s great fresh out of the oven with a scoop of ice cream on top.

1 one gallon bucket filled to the brim with fresh picked [REDACTED]
1 stick of [REDACTED]
1 cup of [REDACTED]
1/2 cup of [REDACTED]
2 cups of [REDACTED]*
Baking Instructions:
Start by washing all the [REDACTED] from the gallon bucket , since they are fresh make sure to get all the dirt and bugs off of them. Now set them aside.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Put the stick of [REDACTED] in a large cake pan. I don’t know much about baking, so just use your judgement on if the pan is big enough. Place the pan in the oven to let the [REDACTED] melt.
In The Large Yellow Tupperware Bowl; put in your 2 cups of [REDACTED]* , add your 1/2 cup of [REDACTED] and crack your 4 [REDACTED]. Mix until smooth and lump free.

Hello again, friend.
Once the [REDACTED] in the cake pan is melted take it out of the oven and dump the 1 gallon bucket of [REDACTED] in. Take the mixture in The Large Yellow Tupperware Bowl and pour that on top of the [REDACTED]. Sprinkle your 1 cup of [REDACTED] over the top, trying to evenly distribute.
Place the pan in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until golden brown. You can use the toothpick test to make sure.
There you have it, an entire [REDACTED] meal.
*Pursuant a FOIA request I must tell you that the final ingredient is Bisquick, if you tried to just use flower instead the result would be inedible and has been deemed cruel and unusual.
I guess I’ll Google Hovavaka
Well that didn’t work out
There was a reason I didn’t have to redact the name.
You can only do ‘redacted’ if you ██ ███ ██████ ███ █████ ███ █████
Can we do this as madlibs somehow?
I like to play JENGA on the 1st date, so she know my pullout game strong af.
Always played as a drinking game (go figure) all tiles would have some variation of give/take a drink or pass
number of drinks and who to give to (left, right across, choice)
Hammer good time
“I was too drunk to sign the consent form!”
consent forms were too much effort
I take a drink watching the Mexico team every time I hear “Chicharito”. Then I laugh when they get knocked out. Another good time.
What’s sad is when drinking games go from getting you laid to where you can’t get it up. And in that situation the little blue pill could cause your death.
1 one gallon bucket filled to the brim with fresh picked [REDACTED]
I am guessing blood gorged deer ticks picked off the belly and balls of your dog after a hike in the woods. I am pretty sure Hovavaka is Swahili for lyme disease.
Blood Cake…..
With texture.
And feeling.
A pleasant crunchiness from the ticks.
Huh. I never knew the name of the band that did that song. The things I learn here.
Oddly appropriate.
Civil War Begins on July 4th! get your tickets now!
I don’t do alex jones but this is funny….
“I told you! And I’m not that smart.”
I use that line all the time.
I couldn’t make it through it but I did appreciate that line.
Oh, my.
I’m a grower, not a show-er.
The sheriff is NEAR.
Frontier Gibberish I say!
Great tune.
The Brothers Johnson. That album stuck out like a sore thumb in my childhood collection.
The original version of that song is also very good, in a more Bill Withers-ish sort of way.
The Bro Jo version was the hit tho.
I think shuggie and johnnie otis were related. (checks) yeah, shuggie was johnny otis’ son. I have a couple of interesting rare records they’re both on.
*johnny was a R&B legend. shuggie was sort of a 1960s “almost became the next jimi hendrix” but it never really happened, except for that one song. Its sort of an interesting music-story
*Both mulatto!
When you guys whip out the R&B I reflect back to childhood and watching Soul Train and I want to get some tight fitting bell bottoms and damn, I looked good in tight fitting bell bottoms. Had the ass of a ten year old boy I did.
That may have come across way more perverted than I intended it to. I might need a ruling. I actually do not look at ten year old boys asses other than mine in 1975 and the bell bottoms where Robin egg blue so super stylish.
I remember rocking a spectacular reversible leisure suit when I was about 8 years old in the late seventies. I don’t remember what my ass looked like. My mom did once helpfully mention that I had “no ass” in my later teens. Those days are long gone.
I’ve got a few striped pants and JJ Dynomite!! Hats in my past as well
We couldn’t afford a “reversible” leisure suit. I had to settle for pockets go on the inside. Look at at the silver spoon over here.
I remember looking at “Silver Spoons” in the 80s.
Louis Johnson was a great bassist.
OT: City spends billions a year on efforts to keep “the poor” perpetually trapped in “affordable housing” that’s falling apart and poisoning kids. Mayor says “what, me worry?” while searching the couch cushions for $32B to fix it.
there is no off topic my friend, this is LINKS! 🙂
OT, it must those pesky Poor folks, starting trouble with there Lead based Graffiti paint,…… yea
I have no idea why this issue is suddenly in the news every day when it’s been a scandal for like the last 50 years. It has been evident the entire time that the billions poured into this shit every year go straight into the pockets of bureaucrats and contractors who don’t actually do anything. Anyway I’m glad it’s Deblasio caught in the headlights while he’s gallivanting around the country plugging far-leftism and suing oil companies.
HUD just wasn’t a Paul Newman movie.
That sounds familiar.
Get rid of the bureaucratic dysfunction by getting rid of the bureaucracy.
While every city agency is a corruption-riddled hellhole that would impress any banana-republic dictators…
…. housing authorities are a unique brand of scumbag which i think rival the MTA in their “swallowing billions annually to pay people to stand around and do nothing”-expertise
other corrupt agencies have some mitigating factors
– like, for instance the public authorites created by Robert Moses: the port authority, triborough, the MTA… they can all charge fees and raise their own revenues. they actually have to deliver services to customers which are visible to everyone all the time. if they slack off/fuck up, they suffer.
Not the Housing Authority. They can collect billions over years and no one ever ‘audits’ whether a single thing is ever maintained/repaired. They use dozens of housing projects as so many cash machines. and they also get federal $ if i recall. Every 8-10 years someone gets arrested a few high-minded editorials are written about civic corruption. it is promptly forgotten and everything moves on as before.
This little research exercise is illuminating NYCHA is #2 in list of ‘most corrupt’. But if you compared their budget to #1? its 5000X the size of it.
if you benchmarked that list by budget, the top4 would all be housing related. (also if you include “Environmental protection” housing-related; mostly they just collect bribes to look the other way at building sites/demo sites, commerical projects)
Dont forget DOT-funded state projects
One thing worth noting is that the U.S. is so much richer than any banana republic. Mexico City has more people. Havana used to have more culture. But no city in Latin America has more money than NYC. Between all the new money on Wall Street, old money on the Upper East Side, etc., half the government’s coffers go missing and no one gives a shit because there is so much money left, day to day things for anyone who isn’t completely destitute still work. Want to pull that shit in Bogatá? You are going to have shoot people. Because unlike all the rich people in Manhattan, drug lords don’t pay taxes. If San Salvador had a murder rate as low as NYC, people would be disoriented from the lack of violence.
This is often an excuse trotted out whenever any analysis of NYC’s or Chicago’s epic-scale corruption goes on. “but as a % of city GDP its minor!”
but in absolute $ terms, they waste more than the national output of many african countries.
The reason I am a libertarian, btw, was 3+ decades of gradually learning the ins and outs of how gross the workings of urban politics/crony-agencies/unions really were. It wasn’t reading, The Road to Serfdom or Hazlitt, or Rand, or Rothbard , it was learning how the Doorman’s Union in NYC was basically more powerful than the Mafia.
i think you also make a good point, which helps explain why US corruption is significantly lower in smaller-cities; there’s much more visibility and people are closer to the systems that deliver the services. Its so much harder to get away with.
but when cities get as big as NYC/Chi/LA ? they become too-big to comprehend and the institutions basically become self-serving.
I’ve often wondered if “low-trust” v. “high-trust” culture plays any role here. The US strikes me as one of the lower “trust” Western country slash democracies. Are big cities in Japan or Germany as loaded with corruption as NYC? I honestly don’t know.
I think more laziness. If buses run and trash picked up, most won’t care what
goes on. Byrne went from commissioner of consumer sales to nayor because of a snowstorm.
institutions basically become self-serving
Like the DOJ? I have never lived in a huge city other than Miami and that was years ago and I did not pay attention or care back then. I have worked overseas though and I have never seen a cop shake down a citizen in America like they do in Nigeria. Maybe it happens but I have never seen it. US corruption is upscale. Hillary Clinton sold access to the Sec State for four years and nobody gave a fuck.
I think i’d need to graph it for my point re: size to make sense.
It may even be a 3d issue. but i think ‘size v wealth’ would be simple enough.
if a town/city is small and poor: you’ll have corruption, but there is disincentive because everyone knows, and there’s not much to steal anyway. iow, it will exist and be blatant, but its more democratic. Think: yes, you have to bribe police, but its so affordable. and besides, he’s your cousin.
if it is large and poor, “corruption” is in fact just what they call “the government”. of course its corrupt, because everyone is fucking poor and the tiny bits you can skim are what create some class-distinction between “the rulers and the ruled”.
If a town/city is rich and small, you have very little corruption, for similar-but-inverse reasons as the poor small town; everyone knows (cost is high), and *there’s plenty for everyone* (iow, plenty of other ways to make $ w/o corruption)
if i town/city is rich and large, you have a lot of corruption, but *very sophisticated corruption*, because the appearance of authority is, as in the poor city, a hugely important thing: so the character of corruption in large cities is ‘intrainstitutional’; where unions and agencies collude to create structural graft.
My point was that rich societies have some natural disincentives to corruption… up to a point, where at a certain scale, institutions become so complex and intertwined that the corruption is basically “how institutions sustain each other”. The city-politicians and the city agencies and city unions exist in a kind of corrupt symbiosis which all the private industry in the city simply ‘pays off’ as a cost of doing business.
*Jonathan Rauch here wrote an interesting short piece about the inevitability of corruption, and how “Honest Graft” is actually a bureaucratic ideal.
I think your forgetting about the medium wealth small to medium city governments. They are corrupt and they have little incentive to clean up just as the large cities. The big difference is that they can not shoulder the burden for long and become distressed. This then requires state gov takeovers that end up creating a cycle of austerity followed by a return to the behaviors that got them in to trouble in the first place. See Any mid to small city on the east coast.
No, i get that; i’m more trying to define the poles of a continuum so its clear how factors like ‘size and wealth’ alter the character of how corruption functions.
as you point out – the “medium” places aren’t rich enough to institutionalize and perpetuate self-sustaining systems of graft. so they cyclically implode.
i’d assume this ultimately changes the nature of institutional-corruption in those places; because their own existence is so often imperiled, there is much more need to *hide* misconduct/graft than there would be in places where its quite openly sanctioned
i don’t have any great examples ready to mind, but i assume there are cases where things like, say, Kwame Kilpatrick in detroit? went to jail for things that mayors in v. big cities do 10X a day.
(looks at Kilpatricks’s bio)
Ok, maybe not the ‘ordered murder of strippers’ parts.
(reads more)
Ok, bad example.
i think the point is more about how, ‘above a certain size, corruption is guaranteed; but the nature of it changes significantly w/ size and wealth’
Missed the PM links, but round these parts to keep hot dogs warm we put em in a nesco with some water, no need for for a fancy kitchen tool.
What is a nesco?
It’s like a giant crockpot/roaster.
Oh ya, I have one of those but it is a Oster.
I often poach German sausages and leave them in the water at the table. Prolly similar.
Don’t you hate it when you get a bag of ice specifically for cocktails and in your inattention it falls over in the beer cooler and is contaminated with beer cooler water and the bag of cocktail ice you have in the freezer is almost gone? Two cocktails from now I am going to be chilling it with hashbrowns.
“The Large Yellow Tupperware Bowl” is a nice touch.
Oops – the NYT gets caught telling the truth for once.
You don’t say.
God, the Janus vs. AFSCME ruling actually made me feel hope for this country. I’ve got half a mind to pop some champagne for that.
Same here. I know some observers are trying to tamp down the giddiness but I just can’t help it.
Still unable to wrap my head around Volohk’s amicus on behalf of AFSCME. Now I don’t have to.
Because I’ve been drinking, and I’m feeling generous, I will say one of the main redacted ingredients is mentioned in a great scene from Dracula: Dead and Loving It; and its’s not vine or chitten.
I am so over this weather. Lower temps (only 82 now) but now the humidity is through the roof and it’s even worse. Soooo cranky.
Everyone knows flower is for getting baked and flour is for baking. Do you even marijuana bro?
Somebody didn’t read my Personal Vs Political article from last week.
Meh my dad was a copy editor for a newspaper for 40 years. I can’t see a spelling mistake and not judge. But I love your (Redacted) recipe.
I was referring to the marijuana thing. I’ll admit I had a few drinks before I wrote this article, and that one slipped by me. Didn’t follow my own rules, write drunk, edit sober.
Now I feel bad. My dad taught us to appreciate word play. It’s genetic, I could make a joke about flower and flour and couldn’t pass it up.
Don’t take it as a judgement please.
Word play was the highest form of comedy in my household growing up as well. A young girl my parents and I took care of while her mom was, well in in jail, who wasn’t that bright, but when she finally started catching on to all the puns and wordplay we were throwing around there was really a proud moment when she not only made one, but two wordplay jokes in a night.
Sherbet? Sure Bert.
I’m REALLY late to the party but did anyone post about the Ron Paul kerfluffle yet? Evidentaly one of his staffers posted a racist cartoon to how ywitrer and quickly took it down but not before New Republic and Reason discovered it and spun some hot pieces:
Damn you autocorrect…..*Twitter and Hit pieces
I remember in the far off age of the early 2000s when Minoriteam was a thing made by liberals.
So Doherty has gone full-SJW. Let’s forget how many SJWs loath Doherty and would have love to have him censored and hate free-speech and individualism get hey abortion and gay marriage! Pretty rich from a guy who wrote a rather positive obit for a holocaust denier.
Man what has happened to Doherty? I knew things were off with his “who cares if Weld is a gungrabber” and “Trump is the quintessential anti-libertarian”. Yes Trump is the epitome of anti-libertarianism in the Entire World.
So, I’ve been around since around ot 10 on TOS; but I’m not quite sure on how the your mom thing started. Was it something you said, or just that you can be annoying?
Citizen X started it while I was linking articles about Maduro. It wasn’t really a response to anything nor did I say anything to him in that thread just a typical “Your Mom” joke.
Evidentally socialism is totally fine with them as long as it only victimizes icky people. Reason writers have lost their minds.
That said Doherty is one of the few libertarians still there. Tuccille is still fighting the good fight and Sullum is still shooting up his usual stuff.
Also I see Schultz is saying that libertarians are the reason for weed legalization and gay marriage. Uh huh.
hi anybody who is still here. Finished job late went to pub for a couple. Job was porch refinish. Concrete, had carpet glued to it. Was finally smart enough to bid “paint will cost you x, but I have no idea what I’ll find under carpet, so that will be x per hour.”
Very glad I did. Glue was a bitch, had to use stripper to remove, then power-washed, then used cleaner/etcher, then used primer/bonding agent, two coats of epoxy paint mixed with non-slip granules, and finished with flakes scattered over final coat. Gorgeous and actually made profit! Yay!
Carpet on a porch? What, were they fucking Persians? (I kid, I know porches can’t fly)
indoor outdoor carpet and astroturf were a thing. And I can attest to the effectiveness of the glues used. I’m amazed how many sins the flakes covered; it was forty year old concrete with spalding, cracks, etc., plus the glue. And I didnt use a cement based product to fix, because they have to cure at least 30 days before you can paint, and ain’t nobody got time for that. (I fixed the worst stuff by skimming with a paintable epoxy caulk, which is horrible practice but I made it work and since paint and caulk are epoxy, I didn’t have to wait for shit to cure.)
Well, indoor/outdoor carpet on a patio fa shizzle, but a porch? That’s just tacky.
hmm perhaps we are using different definitions of porch. I guess i should call it patio. Its concrete. its outside. its half a story above ground level. is it porch or patio? either way, I made money and it looks very pretty.