What, wrong one?
So this one is last minute because of two things: work has begun ramping up into the five weeks of transferring operations between the two labs which means new and exciting incompatiblities (of every conceivable type) being discovered, and also the freeware software I use to generate my star charts borked out. Hey, don’t blame me for being Jewish Scottish Miserly Frugal economically minded. The geocentric stuff is easy to find substitutes for, but it took a while to get some heliocentric views.
And I’m glad I did, because this week is a doozy:

Yeah, he really is
We’ve got a construction that takes in five of the seven planets, with neither arm being major to the other: Sol-Mercury-Venus and Mercury-Earth-Mars in mutual opposition. That first bit is a sign of good gossip, but when it’s in opposition with the second it means that there is going to be a major blowup on the homefront caused by news of someone’s love life. Now, the one bit of consolation if it happens to be YOUR love life news that is at issue is that one of these conflagrations, is that Saturn is not part of this construction. So, the relationship will not be ending. Actually, since Saturn is currently retrograde right now, adding it to the construction would give signs of a Medea situation, but it’s not so it’s not.
So, on to the conjunctive news:

You’ve got three more weeks of this joke to come.
This is the first full week of the Sun in Cancer, so be sure to wear at least SPF45 and get any suspicious spots checked for melanoma. You don’t want to end up like John McCain do you? Actually, this is one of those uncomfortable situations astrology-wise. For people identified with (born in) Cancer, having the sun there is good. But with Cancer being a water sign and the sun being about as fiery an object as there is, the juxtaposition makes the rest of the sky kind of grumpy and on edge. Enjoy your July!
Leo is getting some love, and it’s not even its turn in the sun yet. This week it’s got a conjunction of Mercury with Venus, so Gryffindors can expect good news, good lovin’, and their cats will only excrete into their litterboxes.
You know what? Unless I tell you otherwise just assume that Jupiter retrograde is in Scorpio and Saturn retrograde is in Capricorn. Got it? Cool.
In sports news, this week’s World Cup matches will feature an upset, as the moon moves into Aquarius along with Mars. Wel, I’m reading it as an upset. Technically it’s just “disorder/chaos/change” so riots or a flash flood would also be appropriate.
I’ll take a flash-flood
As a rationalist, I despise astrology, horoscopes, and all related notions.
As a Capricorn, I’m exactly the kind of asshole the signs foretold.
As a Dragon (Chinese calendar), I’m exactly the kind of asshole the signs foretold.
major blowup on the homefront caused by news of someone’s love life.
Man, I hope it is this one chic I know getting a divorce and entering the market. After consideration, what a horrible thing to think. Eh, fuck it.
Meh. Unless you’re a (partial/major) cause of the divorce, why not? She’s probably going to get with someone, might as well be you.
She’s pretty stylish.
Get laid, dude. Nothing wrong with that.
World Cup upset achieved. Plus I am guessing riots tonight.
It’s kinda tradition.
Hello! I have an Aura……………
Is that made by Nissan or Mazda?
So…anyone have some recipe/cooking suggestions for this:
I picked up some polska kielbasa hotdogs for Wednesday. Don’t normally grill anything and this year is no exception – at least I’ll be doing it on a griddle or frying pan. Plan to split them lengthwise and just cook ’em – got some bell peppers too. Any other suggestions of spices or anything else to use with them? I love the natural flavor, so it probably doesn’t need too much extra (got some “fancy” rolls from the bakery section of walmart). Any tips would be appreciated though.
slow cook with kraut, fry for color just before serving
Split the kraut 50/50 with shredded cabbage and sliced onion. Saute the cabbage and onions in lots of butter. A couple of caraway seeds as well. Add the kraut and kielbasa and let simmer. You can also add shredded carrot with the cabbage for a little sweetness. Fry the sausage for color before serving.
Oh ya. This here.
Don’t split em,
grille some onions with em, whether you eat them or not
Uncooked? Throw them in the slow cooker with beer and onions, finish on the grill. Sauté the bell peppers with some onions. Simple and tasty.
I’m not cooking them like I would a normal kielbasa – these are being eaten like hotdogs. (smaller size version). And I didn’t pick up any sauerkraut because I’m not a big fan.
And I don’t own a grill – hence the griddle/frying pan in the original comment.
Simmer in a little beer in a frying pan. Lets the fat that cooks out brown them when the beer evaporates.
You need a grill. I love my Napolean.
Holy moses that thing has more knobs than a male feminist convention.
Warning: if I ever get the chance to use it, I’m stealing that line.
Lol. Rotisserie burner, super hot side burner (reverse sear ftw!) and four burners.
Fucking sweet!
Make a carmalized onions in the pan after cooking the sausages, deglaze with white wine and reduce, once the onions are cooked add a few tbs of brown mustard. Use as a sauce on sausages.
That sounds good too. I am a big fan of low and slow caramelized onions and white wine. Sometimes sherry. good stuff.
Chorizo chilaquiles for breakfast. Eggs, avacado, leftover bratwurst, salsa, cotija cheese.
Smirnoff with lemon and Perrier.
Later gonna take a walk to this donut shop. https://yelp.to/qTKq/3lfCqbHDcO
And a couple more cocktails.
Happy Sunday, Glibs!
The holy trinity: bacon, eggs, and potatoes.
Now it’s so hot in the kitchen I won’t even go in there.
Gå Danmark!
Croatia-Denmark is already a humdinger.
Yeah, I’m rooting for Denmark, if only because one of the Croatian defenders has a Zippy the Pinhead haircut.
Yeah, I’m totally prejudiced against stupid hair and tatts myself.
Alexi Lalas hardest hit.
Nah. Totally clean cut for years + no visible tatts that I’m aware of.
This guy shows how it’s done. Gah!
Ha ha ha ha.
MS13 play pro soccer?
And @ BP, what the hell is that? Mom didn’t have a bowl so she used a folded tortilla to cut around?
Chile branch.
ws: he’s actually a pretty good Brazilian soccer player.
Which is good, because I have to imagine his career as a stylist wouldn’t have gone far.
In-laws and other family on way. Have a chuck roast in crock pot. Guess we’re doing tacos with it so need to make the quac and caramelize some onions and poblanos.
Nice. Breakfast burritos with homemade bacon, onions mushrooms and eggs. Topped with sharp cheddar and homemade tomatillo salsa.
Drinks with the neighbors and a cheese plate at 4:30, leftover scallop and chorizo paella for dinner.
I had some poutine with pork and eggs for lunch.
I just finished season 2 of Luke Cage. I’m actually impressed. Nice setup for season 3. Episode 9 had to be one of the weirdest total whiplashes of any Marvel property.
I’ve been thinking about checking that out. I had some of his first comics as a yute.
Season 1 is schizophrenic. It’s not needed really for season 2. You do have to have a fairly high tolerance for CB4-style stylings.
Season 2 so far; thumbs up!
So 2 is better than 1? I had to make myself finish 1 and thus haven’t been tempted to try 2.
Somewhere on the internet there has to be a parody of that with the pastiest white guy.
“I’m not Black like Barry White, I’m White like Big Black is.”
So Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric causes more violence.
Attack on Refugees, Trump to blame
My favorites:
I chuckled when I saw the guys picture in the IdahoStatesman this morning. “Damn racist skinheads!”. Whoops.
He had been kicked out of the complex and snapped. Think he has a criminal record?
Has this been mentioned yet, it’s a Lauren Southern Documentary on S. African White Genocide, I’m going to watch now,
I’m sure it will be a most dispassionate exploration of the topic.
It’s not bad so far, but it gets emo in spots, Also Would,
I’m only loosely familiar with Lauren Southern, but my impression is that she’s kind of an Internet gadfly. That doesn’t invalidate anything she says or anything like that, I just think that most people are going to go into this thinking, “Here’s more ethno-nationalist rabble rousing from that smarmy racist, Lauren Southern”, or “Here’s more evidence of anti-white racism that’s been hidden by the politically-correct SJWs who control our government!” I’m just predicting that not many minds will be changed one way or the other.
I finished watching the whole thing.
A couple parts I thought were a bit emotionally charged and not well handled (like the refugee bit at the end). On the whole, it’s not bad at all. South Africa is Zimbabwe redux.
I wonder how long until Youtube pulls the video.
I’ve seen parts of it. It looks good.