- My slogan for my [Presidential] campaign is – “ISIS, Suck a Dick!” Remember, America! Suck a dick! Suck a dick. Suck a whole lot a dick. Vote for me!
- I put niggas to sleep like Jigglypuff.
- It’s cold outside, but I’m still lookin’ like a thottie, because a ho never gets cold.
- Ride the dick like a BMX. No nigga wanna be my ex.
- Eleanore Roosevelt, she did so much for the Blacks. That’s my bitch! And we got the same birthday – October 11!
- Ever since I took that etiquette class, all I wanna do now is white people activities.
- Everybody want to be a rapper. Fuck your dreams! Get a job.
- God forbid, the government tries to take us over, and we can’t defend ourselves because we don’t have no weapons. How do you think American colonizers went to Africa and it was so easy for them to get those people? Because they had guns. No matter what weapon you have, you can’t beat a gun. They have weapons like nuclear bombs that we don’t have. So imagine us not having any weapons at all.

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I am convinced that Bodak Yellow is an ode to anarcho-capitalism.
A propos of the video for that song, I read in a few different places that the Egyptians trained cheetahs to use for hunting, and I’ve seen kinda tame cheetahs play with soccer balls and generally cavort like big housecats. If I made cocaine kingpin money, just below flying to Hong Kong to have an entire wardrobe from drawers to overcoats made bespoke I have acquiring a tame cheetah that I walk around with on my list of things to do.
I’d want a pygmy rhino or pygmy elephant.
I’d vote that
I feel just like Hillary die-hards did in November of 2016.
Fucking Oregon state stole the national championship.
In all seriousness, they took advantage of arkansas’s weaknesses and won it fair and square. But I want to scream about them stealing it because that’s how I feel.
Was a guy named Steve Bartman involved in that foul ball yesterday?
I feel your pain as a lifelong Cubs fan. But your Hogs had a helluva run this year. No need to do anything but hold your head really high.
I thought for sure with the bases loaded with one out in the third and your big slugger up your team was going to blow the game open. Sorry it didn’t work out.
Again, I completely understand what it feels like. Go get em next year.
Hey doc. You said you’re coming to the dairy air of northern Wisconsin. Where abouts you gonna be?
Eagle River/Rhinelander area. Flying in to CWA.
This Carbi D is certainly a visionary.
“She dont dance now, she got the money move.”
I haven’t heards words that wise since the prophet once said, “I like the Whopper, fuck the Big Mac.”
Still better than new Kanye.
This pretty much sums up the new Kanye stuff https://youtu.be/aCRdHhoLJ5M
I’m voting for Cardi B over She Guevara, I mean at least she seems to have some talent and she might not be a commie.
Well, clearly Rihanna was supporting the statists with “Bitch Better Have My Money”. Oddly, I can picture Lois Lerner doing that at karaoke night.
Nothing odd about it. Bitch be living the words.
“To be honest, I’d kill a baby to get head anyway.”
Just as long as it isn’t sleeping, or it would be a violation of the nap.
I will pray for that woman’s salvation.
Imagine her brain implosion if she learned that taking people against their will from Africa was facilitated by people from Africa stealing each other and selling them to the highest bidder not from Africa.
See also- current Tripoli and the open-air slave auctions, after Hillary de-stabilized Libya cause her EU pals were pissy about oil prices.
Sadly, when it came to Syria, she said “hold my beer”.
A very sad statistic is that there are more slaves in the world right now than there were in all 400 years of the western slave trade combined. But hey, Trump.
Meh, more people, more slavery. Isn’t that how the saying goes? Oh, wait no it was about having more money, so it’s so much worse than slavery.
I’d put forth the argument that the number of “slaves” (n) expressed as a percentage of population hasn’t changed, and the number of people in bondage has only increased due to the overall growth in population.
Naturally, I have no data to back that up, but Im drunk, and the idea is entertaining.
Of course you represent slaves with the (n) symbol, racist!
But I was being niggardly in my conservative estimate!
That doesn’t sound right. Do you have a cite?
What sorcery is this that OMWC’s friend get’s to put two links in a post?!
Holy shit! The Root was approvingly cited.
So much for The Last Dangerous Visions.
I found “Death Bird Stories” and “Spider Kiss” pretty profound. He didn’t consider himself a sci-if writer, but rather a writer of “speculative fiction”.
I was a big HE fan as a kid, both fiction & non-fiction. I still cringe when I hear “sci-fi”, largely due to him. Yet that’s the lead headline for most of his death notices.
Sorry Lachowsky.
11pm CT music: Aqua, Lollipop
Ill raise you some Spooky Tooth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6lUiphOTVY
Wow, that is in no way poppy nor subversive of the expectations of a genre. I suspect you are not from Denmark nor bald.
No Aquabats?
Ha! Used to watch their show with my nephew.
What up my glibas?
Since Kennedy retired yesterday rape, female slavery and sexual harassment are now legal, and birth control, abortion and women’s rights are now illegal.
Wow. I missed all that while working in the record heat. (105.6 in denver and it’s still June).
Sure glad I’m a white male with so much privilege. Like the privilege to work outside in 105.6 degrees weather. I’ll be damned if I ever let a woman or minority work outside in 105.6 degree weather- they can suck it.
Well, it was only 105 because white males gave the earth a fever by using technology, so you best make sure you shield those you’ve endangered, shitlord!
105.6 were you not paying attention?
Oh, I missed the .6, then it’s just weather, not climate. That doesn’t prove anything!
It’s even funnier because I hear it in the voice of Bender.
Why is it funny? I am Bender Rodriguez. Look at my pic.
Actually, Bender and I share a certain sarcasm, which is why I find him my perfect avatar.
Well chosen.
DenverJ is a [pool] hustler, just like his avatar. It is known.
I don’t hustle Gustave. Hustling involves pretending to be not very good. I am quite open about my awesome pool abilities.
After all the comic book talk today, I’m watching a Rodney Dangerfield sketch.
Been looking back at Bill and Erik comics since the midday post; this one works real good for Glibs.