Sarah Huckabee Sanders Was Asked to Leave Restaurant Over White House Work
“I can’t believe they would treat Pie like this,” Donald said, fuming and shaking, the silk lining of his pants sliding over his semi-hard penis as he strategized in his War Room, splayed in a web of straps and nutrient feeds. He paused his rant long enough to lap at a Diet Coke reservoir like a manic hamster.
“Stay calm, Donald,” the hair said, riding out the convulsions of the support system as Donald writhed. The notification tones of incoming messages rattled like machine-gun fire as tweets, replies, retweets, and sub-tweets rolled up the LED wall.
“PIE!” Donald screamed.
“Womp, womp,” the hat said and yawned.

“Vroom, vroom,” Barron said as he ran his fire truck along the bedroom floor. The furrows in the carpet were deep, down to the underfloor in places. “Vroom, vroom,” he said, “Vroom, vroom,” over and over again.
“Barron, my love,” Melania said, her accent thick, tired.
“Vroom, vroom,” the boy said.
She leaned into the vanity’s mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot and milky. She wondered if she needed a few more days in the clinic. “Be best,” she whispered as she dug her right thumbnail into the nailbed of her left thumb painfully. “Be best.”
“Watch out, Mommy!” Barron said as he rammed the firetruck into her ankle.
She wiped the tears away and staggered to the bathroom scale. She looked at the ceiling while waiting for it to beep. When she looked down, she had to blink a few times to read the numbers. She sobbed and kicked it back under the sink.
She forced herself to look in the mirror. Raccoon eyes and dark streaks of mascara, blotchy and bloated and pale. She started crying again.
“Mr. President,” she said and sobbed.
“Mr. President,” she said. She willed the emotion from her face. She pushed down the pain.
“Mr. President,” she said, a quaver still in her voice. She washed the tears and make-up and snot off her face. She scrubbed until her skin hurt.
“Mr. President,” she said. She smiled and it broke on her face after only a second. She began putting on a thick layer of foundation.
“Mr. President,” she said. Her stomach clenched like a fist, but she held her smile. She reached out to touch the Sarah in the mirror.
“You literally slapped a piece of cake out of her hand at the office birthday party yesterday,” the hair said.
“Fake news,” Donald said. “Never happened.”
“Womp, womp,” said the hat.
“I was cheated out of it,” Hillary said. “Russians and Facebook and Putin and the entire media and redneck, KKK racists all got together and cheated me. I was cheated!”
“Now, honey,” Bill rasped. “Maybe we should let her…”
“Pipe down, intern-fucker!” Hillary snapped. “I would have been President if it wasn’t for your tubby-punching!”
“Don’t talk to him like that!” Chelsea screamed.
Hillary closed her eyes and held her head in her hands. “I was so happy when they pulled you out of me and you didn’t have a penis. I thanked God you were a girl.”
“Whatever, Mom,” Chelsea groaned.
“I said to myself, ‘She can grow up strong. She can grow up proud. She doesn’t have to be led around by her disgusting penis like Bill.’”
“You’ve told me this a thousand times, Mom.”
“But you’re weak, Chelsea. Weak. You could be President. But you refuse. Weak.”
“Hillary,” Bill whispered. Her hand hit his face before he even saw it move.
“You are all terrible disappointments to me,” Hillary said in a low, sonorous voice.
“Mom…” Chelsea began.
Hillary held up her hand. She squatted on the floor without a sound and shat a black egg out of her womb. She picked it up and wiped off the corrosive slime.
“Infertile,” she said, inspecting it. She tossed it to Bill. “Put it with the others.”
“Womp, womp,” the hat said and giggled.
These are absolutely charming vignettes!
Scenes from the Class Struggle in the District of Columbia.
Sorry for the fast OT but I was just looking at CNN to see their take on Janus and wanted to share an actual headline from an actual news site that employs actual journalists.
“Trump tweets about immigration in all caps”
Behold the absolute state of the media in this country.
Also: Supreme Court rules against public unions collecting fees from nonmembers according to The Washington Post.
REALLY???????? Now that is some significantly good news outta SCOTUS. Well, that and Kennedy retiring.
It’s been all downhill since they started reporting the way people feel about the news, as news.
At least it’s true.
Democrats want to import some more voters, their current ones have been sneaking off the plantation lately. That socialist economic major primary winner in NY is about the best argument for build the wall I’ve seen so far. Latin American tend to fall for socialism a lot, by far the majority of them. Why would they change when they get here? They’ve been voting for the same shit for decades, no matter how hard it’s failed.
“Latin American tend to fall for socialism a lot”
That’s a bit of an exaggeration. Although the reason has little to do with ethnicity. It’s mostly a response to poverty and corruption.
“Why would they change when they get here?”
Basically, there are two reasons. Firstly, those from actual socialist nations (eg. Cuba), as opposed to corrupt narco states (eg. Colombia, Mexico) know first hand how bad socialism is. Secondly, people become less socialist after they get their own money.
“That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”
No, it isn’t.
“Basically, there are two reasons. Firstly, those from actual socialist nations (eg. Cuba), as opposed to corrupt narco states (eg. Colombia, Mexico) know first hand how bad socialism is. Secondly, people become less socialist after they get their own money.”
Sure, some of them will change their opinions, sadly, 80% never will.
I swear to Allah, that tweet reads like it was ripped straight from a Hat & Hair ep.
The man does not write fiction; he writes what the olde gods susurrus on the winds!
Truths and portents; beauty and horror; grace and depravity…
Why do news outlets report on twitter comments? If I wanted to know twitter comments, I’d just get them on twitter. It’s like the news outlets insist on telling you how irrelevant they are at every opportunity.
They need to put their spin on it so even the unwashed masses can get the correct viewpoint on it.
Because fuck you, that’s why?
So that can get the authentic “man on the street” take.
So that can get the autistic “man on the street” take.
I agree when it comes to the random attacks on Jimmy Falon et al, but when the president tweets out policy or pushes for legislation that seems fairly newsworthy.
Not only are his ideas repugnant and his policies vile, but he Tweets like a deranged forum troll!
“He paused his rant long enough to lap at a Diet Coke reservoir like a manic hamster.”
“Pipe down, intern-fucker!” Hillary snapped. “I would have been President if it wasn’t for your tubby-punching!”
This. THIS. THIS is why we need moar SugarFree.
“Ivanka had a money fight with Jared. She got him good in the face with a banded stack of crisp 100s and she laughed.”
That made me laugh.
Well. Time to head off to work. Today is going to be an absolute shitshow. I love you all, and will miss you. Except SF, whose fiction will probably be cited as the reason I went insane and began my violent rampage.
It’s that place Rufus wonders about from time to time.
Night shift? I got of work hit the gym if you can call it that with my fucked up shoulder and now am drinking a 2009 Montepulciano I got with a big discount. Still good but past its best.
“I was so happy when they pulled you out of me and you didn’t have a penis.”
Pipe down, intern-fucker!” Hillary snapped. “I would have been President if it wasn’t for your tubby-punching
Now I have to explain to the nice lady in the cube next to me why I am laughing.
My kids: “What are you reading daddy?”
Me: Oh nothing, nothing at all… *switches tabs frantically*
When I try to do ‘womp, womp’ in the Hat’s voice it sounds more like a duck quack. Just sayin.
Feature not a bug
^^^ This!
Pub-sec unions just got hammered by the SC.
Someone explain to me what the hell Kagan is trying to say there and how it relates to forcing people to pay unions that they don’t belong to.
Simple. A right isn’t a right unless someone pays for you to exercise it. Therefore, denying unions the money to pay for their speech is violating their first amendment right.
“Someone explain to me what the hell Kagan is trying to say there and how it relates to forcing people to pay unions that they don’t belong to.”
“It was what my beloved lefty hordes expected me to say” /The two headed SotoKagan butch beast
I read this
In a dissenting opinion justice Elena Kagan warned the decision “will have large-scale consequences. Public employee unions will lose a secure source of financial support”.
What the fuck does that have to do with the constitution? Either the law infringes the amendment or not. The loss of secure support for unions is irrelevant. Or maybe I don’t understand how this works…
I guess Kagan is following Ginsburg’s lead. Ends justify the means.
Public employee unions will lose a secure source of financial support.
If the benefits they supposedly provide are worth the dues the individual employee pays, I’m sure they’ll be just fine.
Public employee unionsDemocratic Party candidates will lose a secure source of financial support”.Democratic governance means being forced to contribute to the political campaigns of people you despise.
I wonder how many people immediately drop out. It will be nice to get a mid-year raise!
What she’s trying to say is all her relatives are bureaucrats.
The First Amendment has a limited amount of uses and must be used only when absolutely necessary, otherwise it’s magic powers run out and our rights will forever by unprotected.
Someone explain to me what the hell Kagan is trying to say there and how it relates to forcing people to pay unions that they don’t belong to.
Oh, that one’s simple. Rights only exist to the extent that they lead to goodful end. Clearly, limiting the power of government unions to support the Goodful Democratic party is not a goodful end. Therefore there can’t be a right to anything that has that outcome. It’s sort of like how the Second Amendment is filler language.
Pub-sec unions just got hammered by the SC.
Ok. Now I’ve got a hard-on.
A Chelsea not wanting political office and power. I’m not buying it.
She doesn’t want it until Mom is in the grave, because otherwise that homunculus will be riding on her shoulders.
Mr. Envy unavailable for comment
Scary shit. Hogan, however, is pretty damn popular here, he’s the type of smushy democrat lite people here like. I doubt this guy can beat him.
Yeah, Hogan has all forty six Republicans in the bag as well as what’s left of a “conservative” Democratic polity here, AND he’s even won over the environmental vote.
A politician that will live up to his name?
He’s just another Bernie/Warren/Ellison/Perez clone. They’re all the same, not a damn one of them have come up with a new idea in the past 100 years. And I heard part of his campaign ad on the radio a few days ago. Something like ‘new ideas something something’. No, same old failed ideas wrapped up in a shiny new package. Idiots.
I’m going to masturbate to the fantasy of having a money fight with Ivanka tonight.
No kidding. I’m on to round 2.
I’m in a cleanroom suit at the moment. Gotta worry about particulating.
Damn. Now that’s a euphemism.
Bunny suit fails to live up to its name.
Usually hat and hair are not my thing but this one was pretty good.
What?! Why, that is un-American!
are you saying pie is unamerican? even apple pie?
Apple pie is British in origin.
Their version probably involved liver and oatmeal.
Wait. What?
Anyone know why pie always looks mad? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile. Granted her job is about as shitty of a job one could imagine. Or was she always mad?
She has RBF, dude.
Plus, that’s what any sane person would look like as they desperately resisted the impulse to spray the White House press with the automatic weapons fire they so richly deserve.
Chickenshit protest:
“Angry protesters throws CHICKEN FECES at the Red Hen restaurant during demonstration against owner who told White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and her family to leave because she works for Trump
At least 75 people gathered Tuesday outside Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia
Many carried pro-Trump signs, Confederate flags, and anti-gay posters
On Friday, Red Hen refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Sanders”
That’s just great….
This isn’t going to end well.
It was only a matter of time. But it is unfortunate. They need to just watch the left destroy themselves, it’s too easy. The owner has already been thrown out of her executive community position, shames, and the restaurant is probably going out of business. What’s more to do? Oh yeah, makes yourself look just as bad.
Pretty much what I was thinking. The restaurant workers made themselves look like complete assholes. So these idiots show up and refuse to be outdone.
Exactly this. One of the things the left want is to incite violence. The restaurant owner and employees have already fucked up about as bad as you can fuck up. No need to do anything. Seriously, most people like to occasionally dine out and have a nice evening and do not want to be interrupted by a bunch of unhinged people. It’s a seriously bad look for Democrats, please do not interrupt them on the way to destroying themselves.
I don’t see any Confederate flags in the pictures.
To the British, Americans are confederates.
Never forget that the UK was an early unofficial supporter of the Confederacy.
Was that because they were running slaving operations? I mean, I don’t think Britain ever had slaves, they just delivered and sold them. Is that right?
I think they were on the anti-slave trade bandwagon by then, but they still liked their slave produced tobacco & cotton.
Pretty much. One of the collateral effects of the Emancipation Proclamation was making it that much more difficult for Britain to intervene on the side of the confederacy.
This justification sounds all too familiar…
I think it had more to do with balance of power considerations. A divided North America would keep them at the top of the heap a bit longer.
It was only not official because of slavery.
It’s Trump supporter, so you just have to assume the confederate flags and gay hate posters. But something is wrong. Some of those people are black. Did the Daily Fail forget to photoshop in some whiteface?
Trump supporters = racists = confederate flags.
That flag clearly said Trump right on it.
Can’t get more confederate than that.
I noticed that. I see an american flag and one loon with anti-gay stuff in the spirit of the Westboro bunch. The rest look normal.
In more entertaining follow up news to the links from the past:
Permit Patty resigns as CEO
But still owns the company, I suspect.
“Confederate flags, and anti-gay posters”
Dragging gays into this because…um….sure, why not.
You know, Glenn Reynolds keeps noting that all Dems have to do is not be crazy, and they can’t even do that. I’m guessing we’ll see the same thing applied to the right soon.
Verdict – almost everyone is a fucking halfwit.
Don’t stick it in crazy, unless you like that sort of thing.
“She had somehow broken into the house”
I wonder which implement she used to somehow break into the house.
The key to the locks he didn’t change.
Somehow, rape is not one of the charges.
I take it I’m the only one who thinks this is kinda hot.
Someone explain to me what the hell Kagan is trying to say there and how it relates to forcing people to pay unions that they don’t belong to.
“Freedom of speech is all well and good, in theory, but….”
“Vroom, vroom,” Barron said as he ran his fire truck along the bedroom floor. The furrows in the carpet were deep, down to the underfloor in places. “Vroom, vroom,” he said, “Vroom, vroom,” over and over again.
Not fair! Leave the Presidential Spawn alone!
But did you see what a lady Melania is? She didn’t even curse when little Barron smashed his steel firetruck into her ankle.
OT but 2Chilly:
Civilians Around the World Become Better Armed
More good news.
“There are over 550 (857) million firearms in worldwide circulation. That’s one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?” – Nic Cage in Lord of War
I recall that for that film, they found it easier to get real tanks and kalashnikovs than sufficient replicas for some of the scenes.
It made me happy for some reason.
I’ve never heard that. but now I like that movie even more
So, has the media started declaring the Democrats in big trouble yet, now that they’re electing all of these socialists who upset incumbents in the primaries? I mean because every time the GOP establishment gets upset in a primary, they declare the end of the GOP. Seriously, they have been doing this for years. So I await the end of the Democrats articles any time now.
Every Democrat victory is a sign of the coming Blue Wave that will wash Trump and the Deploranazis into the receding seas.
Every Republican victory is the same, because the margin of victory was lower than expected / the establishment candidate lost the primary / the Trump-endorsed candidate lost the primary / because shut up. (Pick one.)
Sometimes, I mean just sometimes, like I’m lying in bed awake and wife is already asleep, my mind starts drifting and this vague hint of a thought drifts in telling me the media are biased. But, nah, can’t be that, just a half dream I was having.
Back on topic, I thought it was pretty good. However SF, if you could give us some background on the black magic Hillary used to avoid menopause (as well as possibly to get the nomination), it would be appreciated.
I don’t think it’s magic, just the blackness of her heart scares the menopause away.
Trust me, you don’t want to read those stories.
She is a gateway; human biology doesn’t factor in.
Ah. That explains why Bill calls her vagina the Ploutonion.
I miss Secret Nazi President. 🙁
I’m going to try to bring it back on video, but a lot will depend on my finances.
That’s cool, and of course. Just noting that it’s missed.
Appreciate it.
“Hillary,” Bill whispered. Her hand hit his face before he even saw it move.
I think I’ve read too much of SF’s prose. I originally read that as “bit” his face and it seem weird at all.
It *DIDN’T* seem weird.
Joe Jackson died.
Oh, that Joe Jackson.
Your piano pop still lives.
Good to hear he wasn’t stepping out.
Look sharp, people! Kevin just lit the Swissy signal!
Hole-y Wedges in the sky, Tundra!
Read it in the Sunday Papers!
Are you really going out with this?
I was confused too. The famous one died in 1951.
That scared me for a second too.
Florida Man at it again.
“Don’t try to find me because you won’t.”
He has three names, so he definitely could be a murderer.
Well, if he was smart enough.
Most people have three names. I always assumed it was the reporter or whoever calling out the naughtiness of the person, like how when your parents use your middle name it means they’re really, really serious.
Of course, if you use all three names and a number, it means that person absolutely knows which side the salad fork should be on.
Yeah, but most people don’t regularly use their middle names. Killers seem to do so far more often than Joe Shmoe. (aka Joseph Julius Shmoe)
Something which just occurred to me:
Kagan’s claim, Public employee unions will lose a secure source of financial support
is eerily similar to the internet tax decision saying those states and municipalities need and deserve the stream of revenue represented by the taxable value of all that internet commerce.
Peeking into the redistributionist head of a lefty, I can almost see an internal logic at work in he notion that governments “deserve” the tax revenue from on line sales. But how in the fuck can Kagan or anyone else just pull a Constitutional justification for forcible transfers from private party A to private organization B (a kkkorporation, for pity’s sake) out of her ass?
Extremely disappointing.
But remember, if you think taxation is theft(spoiler alert: it is) then you’re the crazy one.
“It’s not theft when the government does it!”
/Zombie Even-more-leftist Nixon
Kagan’s a commie. The state owns you and they decide what you get to keep and what gets taken. It’s really quite simple.
I had the same thought.
It came up and work the other day. I passed along the thought* someone here posted: SCOTUS got this one exactly backwards. The Interstate Commerce Clause was created in (large) part to prevent states from imposing tariffs on goods coming in from other states. A tariff is a tax, so it allows states to impose tariffs on goods coming in from other states.
The room was mostly people who are “yay government” and “yay taxes to fund more governmenty goodness”. The silence was delicious.
*without attribution, obvs
Here’s my shocked face.
RICO his sorry ass.
That’s the second time today I’ve seen that “rising _____” term. WTF?
Same. I hates it. So fucking pretentious. IOW, he’s a Junior, going to start his Senior year in a few months.
I never saw that crap when I was in school.
It’s proof that they need to be expelled and immediately required to pay back whoever has been funding this farce of an ‘education’.
Twenty years ago there was a trend of putting (P) after your rank to indicate that you were promotable but not yet promoted. Started with the higher O ranks but truly became ridiculous when there were SGT(P) running around.
If you’re promotable but not yet promoted doesn’t that mean you’re soon out the door because the system abhors a ‘career captain’?
Wasn’t an officer, but my understanding is not usually. I can’t remember where the automatic promotion (more or less) ends and it becomes more discretionary, but if you don’t make the promotion list that’s when you’re cut. Promotable but not yet promoted usually means you either don’t have the paperwork in hand or aren’t in the right slot for your new grade or such. My secondhand memory is hazy on the details.
For the Army the officer promotion system is up or out. For every rank between CPT and LTC a person has a primary year of consideration of selection based on the date of your last promotion. You get a first look a year before that date and only a few people will get selected. In your primary year is when you’ll get selected. The percentage selected drops as the ranks go up. (e.g. ~96% of 1LT get selected for CPT and drops to around 25-30% for LTC to COL). The year after your primary year you get a final look in which around 5% of previously “passed over” people will get picked up. Unless there is a war going on after that final non-select you will either be involuntarily put out or retired based on your years of service.
For COL on up you can get additional looks in subsequent years. The reality is that the same basic rules apply. After you don’t get selected in your “primary zone” your next assignment will probably be in a position the Army doesn’t consider important (Hello Infantry liaison officer to the Navy cook school.) until you get the hint and retire.
When the Army has to draw down numbers they will hold additional boards to have an early elimination officers who are in danger of not getting promoted to the next rank-or- offer buy outs or early retirement (at reduced pay) to officers. Sometimes these are well managed, other times they are not.
Things are a bit different for doctors, dentists, Reservists but the same framework applies. I can go into exhausting detail detail for masochists.
AF they just put the title in parenthesis to note one had a line number. For example: (T)Sgt Sharpshooter. Most of the people I know that did that were acting in the capacity of the higher rank but were simply waiting for the date.
I suppose if classes have ended for the school year, journos will cite you as the next-up
which is an odd degree of formality for college-kids. especially since journos so often fuck up other basic protocol stuff, particularly re: say, the military.
maybe it comes from their time writing for school newspapers.
in both cases I saw today it was the kids description of themselves.
*looks around nervously*
Are we making fun of Germany yet?
Also, if Brazil goes out today, is this the weirdest day in world cup history?
You left the .jpg out of the URL. Works if cut and pasted though.
Dammit. Edit fairy!!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/world-cup-hottest-fans.jpg
Be hard to beat US v UK 1950.
I think both Germany and Brazil going out in group stage tops 1950. If just Germany, then no, US over UK is still tops.
That beeping noise you hear is Mexico backing into the knockout stage.
And they get to play Brazil in the 1/8 final.
Best line so far.
“That’s Germany’s quickest retreat from Russia since 1945.”
A very large stretch IMO
What “protected class” did he “hate”? and harm?
VA hate-crime statute seems narrower than Federal Hate Crime
*this is not to suggest its NOT a stretch –
just pointing out broader definitions.
I have a hard time seeing prosectutors substantiating that he was motivated because of the target’s “gender” when his act was one of indiscriminate violence which just happened to kill a girl (but could have killed any number of other wounded people)
I suppose the way they can do it is to claim that “He was trying to kill a bunch of black folks [here’s some proof he hates blacks]”; but he ended up killing a woman by accident; but its still a hate crime (the assault on group) which can add time to his second-degree murder penalty.
Which, is basically one of the fucked up things about hate-crime law.
it basically makes “anything derogatory you’ve ever said in the past on the internet” subject to future submission as “Evidence” of motive for “hate”
Everyone says dumb, offensive shit sooner or later. (esp when young); whether that truly motivates a specific crime is near impossible to prove, but can be good enough for juries if they don’t like you.
when i was reading up on the history of “right-wing hate crimes”, i came across a few examples in the past which amounted to this sort of ‘bonus’ for prosecutors.
e.g. a guy who had done some time in jail had been associated with some Aryan nation folks in the joint; he got out, and then later was involved in a robbery where he shot some folks who were mexicans. he got the hate-crimes slapped on and did life (or something like that)
omitted in the reporting – his accomplices in that robbery? included a mexican guy and a black guy.
does that mean he ‘wasn’t actually racist’? of course not. but its just an illustration of how low the bar is to get the extra hate-crime charges to stick. Any past example of racial animus whatsoever basically is asking prosecutors to go for the bonus-points charges.
fwiw, this was also during a period in the early/mid-1990s when Bill Clinton basically made hate crime prosecution a federal priority, and the number of times it was charged hit all-time highs, and has declined ever since.
(GW Bush signed the federal hate crime bill in 1990s; bill clinton decided it was a great way to combine prosecutorial zealousness w/ “being on the right side of race issues”, and applied a lot of emphasis on making high-profile hate-crime convictions; the number of cases brought since 2000 has basically steadily declined. Innumerate media often misinterprets these sorts of data on ‘hate crimes’ because they think they’re somehow ‘objective measurements of actual crimes’, when in fact they’re based almost entirely on the interest-level of DA’s for adding that layer of complexity to what are otherwise simple and straightforward criminal prosecutions.)
I seem to recall a statistic that a lot of the Aryan nation members in prison are associates in order to survive their terms rather than because of sympathies for the group.
Red Hen owner, who asked Sarah Sanders to leave restaurant, resigns from Virginia business group
Maybe some other members of the group let her know that they weren’t terribly comfortable with someone who was so obsessed with making the political personal that she wouldn’t take someone’s money unless they worked for someone she agreed with. Maybe they felt like the kind of person who would publicly embarrass someone in their own establishment rather than take the opportunity to start a civil discussion or even, and I know this sounds crazy, recognize the context of the interaction and allow the person to eat in peace, wasn’t someone they wanted involved representing the interests of businesses in the group. Or, maybe there were a few Trump voters on the group, or perhaps a few members who didn’t have such a huge problem with the current immigration policy.
Kennedy is retiring. Trump gets his second nomination chance.
God, how great would it would if he managed to get 3 on there?
Lefties have to be beside themselves – how dare Kennedy not hold on until the next Dem savior is elected!
They should realize he makes decisions by flipping a coin.
Didn’t he just side with Trump on the travel ban? He’d better get ready for some hate from the left.
He didn’t want to wait to get smothered by a pillow.
I blame the New Professionals
They’ve got to be ready to do a Weekend at Ruth Bader’s. Maybe they can use someone with a Master’s in Puppetry to make her look more lifelike?
Besides Kennedy, two oldest court members are Ginsburg & Breyer. Could conceivably tilt the court quite a bit if Trump seeks & is reelected in 2020.
If Ginsburg does croak soon, he should nominate Janice Rodgers Brown. She’d be unlike to serve a long period but she’d likely do a damn fine job while she was there.
Hell, he should nominate her now. The prog tears & head explosions would be fantastic.
She’s 69 years old. That’s not going to happen.
Big fan of hers, but I didn’t know she was that old.
I know, under the current calculus of trying to embed someone for 20-30 years. But that’s how we ended up with Roberts & Alito.
She’d probably be there for 10-20 years. I’d take the shorter period and her forceful defense of principles & liberty over establishment cocksucking.
Doesn’t matter, doesn’t even have to get on the court. Just put her nomination out there, let her get in front of the Senate and let the media/DNC give us the most spectacular misogynoirist shit-fireworks display of all time.
Then she can feign tears and call them out on their misogynoir and withdraw.
Then the replacement nominee will be on the court in under a week as the media consumes itself in a whirlwind of navel-gazing and blaming trump for their behavior.
I would love to see that one, or Willett.
No Judge Napolitano? Wouldn’t he make the oral arguments more interesting? Could he confuse people with series of questions? Would he allow people to answer him? Could he write an entire decision as questions?
Again, looking at the age. He’s 68. Furthermore he’d be raked over the coals for his statement that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery. I hope he gets to be on the search committee though.
“Celebrate good times…”
*looks around sheepishly*
I forget the rest of the lyrics.
…come on?
I don’t know, not really my bag.
New sugar-free Crush is here, no saccarine aftertaste!
That’s awesome, who ordered the proggy tears?
Hah, you thought Jim Henson’s Red Diaper Babies were throwing tantrums already? Ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
This is fucking delicious. I just ordered my orphans on triple time tear barrel duty. No breaks or gruel for a week! Get them tear barrels stacked, delicious yummy tears incoming!
Oh crap, I don’t think I have enough tear barrels.
I’m going over to DU, I gots to see this.
First post I see:
“FUCK! Kennedy retiring!”
I know it’s too early for him. But, I still think it would rock if Trump put Willett on the Court. Anyone who could write this decision deserves to be on the Court.
That would be great. So how much longer can the old buzzard hold out? She looks to be about 300 now.
From DU:
We can only hope.
Well, I have no record of jurisprudence, nor a law degree, but I do have a pocket constitution and am not afraid to use it.
Well euphemismed, sir.
Nothing says respect for our most sacred legal commitments like ruling not based on the law, but on who is in the White House at the time.
But the left felt betrayed by Kennedy’s refusal to be their useful idiot recently:
They’ll even blame him for a case in which the vote was 7 to fucking 2.
Amazing how this news put me in such a good mood.
Maybe they will look at some of the 2nd Amendment violations they’ve been avoiding.
Marvelous. Just when my supply of 2016 lefty tears was beginning to dry up.
The second one made my laugh out loud.
The more I think about it the better it gets.
Donald FUCKING Trump might end up being the best President in my lifetime and you could not have paid me to vote for him.
That might change if he runs for reelection.
I pretty much feel the same way. If the LP nominates someone like Larry Sharpe, I might still go with them. If they have another Johnson-esque (or Weld-y) candidate, I’ll probably vote Trump.
I never would have thought I’d be saying this.
Right now, it looks like the “Libertarian” Party is pushing Weld as the front runner for their nomination.
Fuck. You mean I’ll have to vote for a major party candidate? Or just sit home drinking?
Sitting home drinking is not a bad option.
I think I might take option 2 if it’s the case.
I’m in New York, so I can vote my conscience guilt-free.
I thought Trump would be much worse, so it wasn’t an issue at all for me. GJ and Weld were so bad though, I actually considered the Constitution Party.
He already is the best president of our lifetimes. I mean at least anyone whose first remembered president was Johnson. And it isn’t even close. But for a libertarian, this non-libertarian guy is probably the best we’re going to see. I just hope he gets 8 years. If he does he’s going to damage the left beyond repair. You should see the bozos over at DU right now, they’re about ready to jump off a bridge because they know Trump is getting another SCOTUS pick and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.
I’m sure there’s at least a couple of lefty columnists writing now about how it would be irresponsible and reckless for Trump to nominate someone now, this close to the elections. Trump should be made to wait until the blue wave crashes over the Senate, allowing the people to have a voice in this, the most important nomination EVAR.
Boy, I bet they’re regretting Harry Reid changing the rules now. Us Glibs can crack open a beer and say “told ya so.”
Suck it up buttercup!
Ah, that exchange is evergreen.
Can we get Sugarfree on the court?
The decisions would have to be redacted for the good of the country.
Yeah, something about a national mental health crisis.
Just imagine the ending of In the Mouth of Madness.
I will proudly serve.
The confirmation hearings will be fun!
A pube on a coke can is droll in comparison.
I can hear the moans of existential despair from here.
Only thing better would be if Ginsburg or Breyer choked on their breakfast burritos.
Ginsburg will most certainly die on the bench.
And no one will notice. (The clerks tend to draft the decisions anyway.)
It might have already happened.
BTW, I find the implications of this drivel to be interesting:
Gee, if unions are so wonderful, why would their money dry up when their extortion scheme is no longer in place?
Wreckers, splitters, and kulaks, Chip.
Like Social Security, if it’s so wonderful, why is it mandatory?
Social Securitygovernment, if it’s so wonderful, why is itmandatoryenforced at gunpoint?/just a little somethin’ for our ancap friends
It’s like Obamacare, it’s so wonderful that people have to be forced to have it. How can anyone argue against that?
From the article:
Supreme Court voted along party lines
I fucking hate that our courts have come to this.
Freedom should not be a party issue!
I read the whole article and might have brain cancer now, thanks Chip.
The proles just don’t realize what’s best for them because the unions can’t dumb down their message enough.
It couldn’t possibly be because he actually thinks it’s unconstitutional.
BTW, I see a new talking point is circulating in the media – equating the current leftist lunacy with Tea Party rallies and especially constituent town halls in 2010. Because that’s totally the same as following people around and screaming at them when they’re at a restaurant, a movie theater, etc.
The media have no credibility left at all. I can’t even remember the articles I’ve read in the last week with the words ‘Trump’s policy of separating families’. That shit is infuriating. They just outright lie and they don’t even care anymore. They get corrected, but they don’t even pause for a second, they just keep repeating blatant lies. They may as well just say that Obama freed the slaves and was the first man to walk on the moon. If you’re going to lie, then what the fuck.
Next they’ll claim Obama had the most transparent administration ever.
Pittsburgh officer charged.
I’m originally from that area and my Step Dad thinks it was a good shoot.
He’s not really a cop sucker and is confused on why this one is getting charged and so many other ones get away with it.
I wish I had an answer that made sense.
Yeah, there’s a lot of others out there that are a whole lot worse. Watching the prosecution canonize the dead guy: ‘He was 17 years old. Did nothing wrong. Wasn’t guilty of the drive-by, was just a passenger in the same car(?!).’
On the other hand, no gun or weapon in hand, shot in the back.
confused on why this one is getting charged and so many other ones get away with it.
The question shouldn’t be “why is this one getting charged”. The question should be “why did so many other ones get away with it”.
LOL, from a college friend who actually is deep in Baltimore City politics.
Like this is some sort of a new revelation.
Yes, brilliant observation there on your friend’s part, no one else has figured that out yet.
Also, being ‘deep’ in Baltimore City politics is pretty much equivalent to being deep in a steaming pile of shit.
Yeah, he’s on city council and ostensibly neck deep in it.
Upside down?
Good grief, the thought of that makes my skin crawl. *shudder*
My other twitter feed is mostly made up of lefty types.
It may be wrong to get so much pleasure from another person’s misery, but god damn if this doesn’t bring a smile to my face.
Wait until Ginsburg kicks it.
Like this!
Or this!
Or even this!
It’s difficult not to just drop my pants and furiously masturbating over their tears.
Those were pretty uplifting.
As an aside, I have no idea why anybody would argue politics on twitter.
reading their “Arguments” made my brain hurt.
I like that last one. “The American people should have a voice in their selection of the next supreme court justice.”
You know, my kind of American people, not THOSE American people.
Ron’s been asleep since ’08, huh?
Here’s to hoping that Trump gets all cynical and nominates the biggest shitlords that can be found.
Ginsburg will stay until she’s a glibbering, drooling idiot. Oh, wait
Fuck yeah!(*)
Sorry straff, I might have to crack open a cold one tonight to celebrate.
(*) the gun grabbers will be back. They always are. The bluing of this state pretty much ensures that it’s only a matter of time before joining CA or certain eastern states.
::goes out to the hardware store to pickup a new barrel::
salty, salty tears.
Dear President Trump-
Please refuse to consider ANY academic Ivy League legal theoreticians in your search for a replacement for Kennedy. Find somebody who has had a solid career stint as a criminal defense attorney.
It’s Trump, though. Justice Kanye?
That would be hilarious. Then we’d have two them porch niggas, lol. He could then nominate Dennis Rodman after the old hen croaks.
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned it but here is my review of Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. There is barely a plot it is basically stuff Vincent Denafrio talked about in Jurassic World superimposed onto the events of The Lost World. It makes no sense, it has some cool dinosaur moments and one other pro is it has the least annoying child character since the first film. I wouldn’t recommend it unless all you are looking for is dinosaur mayhem which it has plenty of.
I like May Hem, Nice Gal….
It was mentioned, and I offered this synopsis: Chris Pratt, mouth agape.
I know what you’re saying and part of me doesn’t want to see it, but part of me does want to see it.
I’m probably going to see it, should be mindless fun.
Unions! HaHa! I dropped in for a Bite, now i’m off to another call,
Cheers Glibs!
Don’t forget to check the thermostat.
Nick Gillespie on Dave Smith. Nick is still squishy and lame. That is all.
Somebody linked his show with Micheal Malice and I’ve been listening to old episodes, good stuff.
Then I recorded S.E. Cupp’s show since he is on it, but I didn’t know she had such a bad case of TDS. In spite of Dave and Andy Levy the show was unwatchable for me.
I don’t have cable so I’ve never seen him on CNN beyond YouTube clips. I’m listening to the episode on the link currently. Dave is a pretty gracious host, its frustrating that he isn’t challenging Nick on some of his squishitarian assertions. Dave is a hardcore deontological ANCAP, act like it!!!
I’ll listen to it tomorrow on the drive to work, right now I’m finishing his Karl Marx episode.
Let me know what you think, I like NG even less the longer I listen. He’s a smarmy douche.
Hey everybody! Here’s an important public service announcement!
Or this!
Abortions? That’s just the start. Wait until we strip minorities, gays, and women of the right to vote or own property.#MAGA
Ex had an IUD…..caused enough physical problems that I’d never want that for my partner/daughter. Purely anecdotal but those things seem to be a pretty big risk for the recipient.
Also, Eden is obviously a histrionic retard.
Everything is Harry Potter, Nazis, or the Handmaiden’s Tail.
the Handmaiden’s Tail.
Typo of the day.
I will be SO disappointed if that movie doesn’t already exist.
Rule 34?
It’s the one thin thread holding the nation together during these dark times.
A Think Progress attack on Kennedy that is actually…entirely reasonable? Unpossible.
his “liberal” opinions were frequently his most incomprehensible.
Could that be because they were based on feels and not legal reasoning?
That’s it, I’m out of superlatives.
SugarFree for Nobel!
Poet Laureate! Supreme Literary Dictator-for-Life!
Actually, SugarFree as Trump’s Poet Laureate does fit beautifully!
Things I’m learning from the Kennedy comments at DU:
– The US is “over”.
– We are now officially a theocratic monarchy.
– Abortion and gay marriage are done (so far the only specific issues complaints I’ve see).
– “The US will be a Trumpian conservative country for the rest of our lives.”
– If you didn’t vote for Herself, this is all your fucking fault, fuck you, fuck your conscience, and fuck you again.
Would that even half of their hysterical claims were justified. Still, I can’t say I don’t draw pleasure from their meltdown. There’s not enough Safe Space in the entire world at the moment.
– The US is “over”.
While we can quibble about the exact date (I’m partial to Wickard v Filburn, myself), the US as a Constitutional Republic has been over for quite some time now.
– We are now officially a theocratic monarchy.
Trump being famously devout.
– Abortion and gay marriage are done (so far the only specific issues complaints I’ve see).
Well, they aren’t, but live by the judicial decision, die by the judicial decision. See, also, the Iron Laws.
– “The US will be a Trumpian conservative country for the rest of our lives.”
I’ll take it over Obama’s fundamentally transformed country, any day.
– If you didn’t vote for Herself, this is all your fucking fault, fuck you, fuck your conscience, and fuck you again.
Well, you voted for Herself (right? you did vote, yes?), and it happened anyway. Why would my voting for Herself have changed anything?
No they’re not. they won’t get touched, or even challenged to any significant degree.
Tho i think some other legal abominations/anachronisms might eventually be challenged (ADA? parts of CRA?), and they’ll ACT like its the re-emergence of Jim Crow.
I agree, I was just attempting to ferret out whether there was anything specific behind the hysteria other than “oh my god somebody we didn’t pick will be in a significant role!” OK, that and amusing myself with their despair. It is thick I tell you. Thick.
They’ve already forgotten he voted against OCare.