Damn you, Argentina!  You had to pull it out of your ass, didn’t you?  I just hope Diego Maradonna is ok.  He had to be treated after the match. Not sure if he pulled a muscle in his middle finger or sprained his nose, IYKWIMAITTYD. Croatia topped the group and now Argentina will have to take on France, who look pretty dangerous. Croatia will play Denmark, who also went through from Group C.  Today we have there crazy groups E and F, where a lot of permutations for advancement exist.

Soccer’s a hell of a drug So is cocaine.

Back in America, there was a full slate of MLB games, with the following results: Tampa blanked Washington, Seattle beat Baltimore, The Yankees blanked the Phillies, the Red Sox drilled the Angels, Oakland beat Detroit, the D-backs topped Miami, The Mets beat the Pirates, the BIG RED MACHINE took care of Atlanta, Can Diego beat Texas, Milwaukee beat the hapless KC, the White Sox doubled up the Twins, St Louis scalped the Indians, the Cubs mauled the Dodgers, the Giants beat Colorado and your defending world champion Astros shut out Toronto.

And last but not least in sports, the College World Series final got underway in what can only be described as a circus of a game. the Hogs took the game 4-1, but if you didn’t watch the fourth through the sixth inning, you missed some wacky shit.  Game 2 tonight, with Arkansas having a chance to become NCAA champs (and a couple of Glibs have the chance to go berserk on us). Good luck, everyone involved.

On this day in history, New York and Boston were linked by telegraph wires, mutiny on the “Potemkin”, German President Hindenburg refuses to pay war debt, Truman ordered the US Navy and Air Force into the Korean War, the CIA officials overthrew the Guatemalan government, Ross Perot founded Electronic Data Systems, the world’s first ATM machine went into service in England, a police raid led to the Stonewall riots in New York City, Roger Moore makes his debut as James Bond in “Live And Let Die”, Nixon visited Russia, the Supreme Court ruled that employers can discriminate based on race with quotas, the US government reinstated the draft (1980), Timothy Dalton also made his (side note: the worst ever) Bond debut in “The Living Daylights”, and Bill Gates stepped down as head of Microsoft.

Born on this date were: German weapon designer Paul Mauser, poet and novelist Paul Laurence Dunbar (Dayton, whats up!), possible pinball enthusiast Helen Keller, Pan Am founder Juan Trippe, billiards master Willie Mosconi, the aforementioned Ross Perot, fashion icon Vera Wang, story-killer J.J. Abrams, “actor” Tobey Maguire and idiot Khloe Kardashian.

Now that was a shit list of names, in my opinion.  Oh well, on to…the links!

Meh, looks like the took the best part.

I’m afraid I have to announce that John McCain’s brain cancer is apparently contagious. I can only hope Schmidt gets the meds he needs to control his disease/insanity and that the white coats are at least gentle with him.  Christ, what an asshole.

Is Ocasio Spanish for “socialist moron”?

Joe Crowley was supposed to take the Speakership from Nancy Pelosi when the blue wave happens in the fall. Problem is, he got his ass kicked in his Democrat primary and won’t be making the trip back to Washington next January.  While that’s pretty funny, you need to read the words of the woman who defeated him:

“When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It’s asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education. It’s one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live. It’s to say that no individual’s civil rights are to be violated. And it’s also to say that we need to really examine the historical inequities that have created much of the inequalities—both in terms of economics and social and racial justice—because they are intertwined. This idea of, like, race or class is a false choice. Even if you wanted to separate those two things, you can’t separate the two, they are intrinsically and inextricably tied. There is no other force, there is no other party, there is no other real ideology out there right now that is asserting the minimum elements necessary to lead a dignified American life.”

I guess she hadn’t heard about Venezuela, North Korea, the former USSR and every other shithole where socialism was tried and resulted in abject poverty, absolute misery and what is essentially a prison state.  Way to go, New Yorkers!

The tolerant left has led to Sarah Sanders needing Secret Service protection. Hopefully a violent idiot won’t go all Steve Scalise or Rand Paul or Berkeley or Mizzou or…well, you get the point, on her.

Christ Jet Blue, even Spirit Airlines isn’t this bad. Just kidding, they probably don’t have any of those buttons on their planes unless someone wants to pay extra for them.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz

Merkel is on the brink in Germany, while Austria’s Sebastian Kurz gains popularity. I wonder when the last time was that an Austrian became this popular in Germany.

A federal judge has said that separated families must be reunited by the federal government within 30 days.  I wonder if this is a hard order or if it can be ignored like the DoJ ignore records requests from congressional committees tasked with oversight.  I also wonder what legal basis the judge had for the decision, since theres no absolute timeline for due process in these cases.

Everybody knows Chihuahuas are the demon seed of the canine world, but seriously, what the fuck dude?

Chicago head of $2.54 billion foundation bitches about inequality being the biggest problem in the city. Yeah, I think you might want to spend a little more time on the job, sweetie. Because if there’s inequality, its not a racial or sex issue. Its the fact that the kings men, including cops and teachers and any pubsec union worker are treated like gods at the expense of the taxpayers.

Wow, somebody out there sure doesn’t like Houston cops.

EXTRA! EXTRA!: This just broke a few minutes ago but I thought it important.  The police officer who shot and killed Antwon Rose in East Pittsburgh, PA has been charged with criminal homicide.  That’s a bit of a shock.  Hopefully the prosecutors don’t over charge and let him walk. And hopefully there won’t be any riots now.

No musical birthdays today, so get ready for me to pick my own.

Have a great hump day, friends!