Damn you, Argentina! You had to pull it out of your ass, didn’t you? I just hope Diego Maradonna is ok. He had to be treated after the match. Not sure if he pulled a muscle in his middle finger or sprained his nose, IYKWIMAITTYD. Croatia topped the group and now Argentina will have to take on France, who look pretty dangerous. Croatia will play Denmark, who also went through from Group C. Today we have there crazy groups E and F, where a lot of permutations for advancement exist.

Soccer’s a hell of a drug So is cocaine.
Back in America, there was a full slate of MLB games, with the following results: Tampa blanked Washington, Seattle beat Baltimore, The Yankees blanked the Phillies, the Red Sox drilled the Angels, Oakland beat Detroit, the D-backs topped Miami, The Mets beat the Pirates, the BIG RED MACHINE took care of Atlanta, Can Diego beat Texas, Milwaukee beat the hapless KC, the White Sox doubled up the Twins, St Louis scalped the Indians, the Cubs mauled the Dodgers, the Giants beat Colorado and your defending world champion Astros shut out Toronto.
And last but not least in sports, the College World Series final got underway in what can only be described as a circus of a game. the Hogs took the game 4-1, but if you didn’t watch the fourth through the sixth inning, you missed some wacky shit. Game 2 tonight, with Arkansas having a chance to become NCAA champs (and a couple of Glibs have the chance to go berserk on us). Good luck, everyone involved.
On this day in history, New York and Boston were linked by telegraph wires, mutiny on the “Potemkin”, German President Hindenburg refuses to pay war debt, Truman ordered the US Navy and Air Force into the Korean War, the CIA officials overthrew the Guatemalan government, Ross Perot founded Electronic Data Systems, the world’s first ATM machine went into service in England, a police raid led to the Stonewall riots in New York City, Roger Moore makes his debut as James Bond in “Live And Let Die”, Nixon visited Russia, the Supreme Court ruled that employers can discriminate based on race with quotas, the US government reinstated the draft (1980), Timothy Dalton also made his (side note: the worst ever) Bond debut in “The Living Daylights”, and Bill Gates stepped down as head of Microsoft.
Born on this date were: German weapon designer Paul Mauser, poet and novelist Paul Laurence Dunbar (Dayton, whats up!), possible pinball enthusiast Helen Keller, Pan Am founder Juan Trippe, billiards master Willie Mosconi, the aforementioned Ross Perot, fashion icon Vera Wang, story-killer J.J. Abrams, “actor” Tobey Maguire and idiot Khloe Kardashian.
Now that was a shit list of names, in my opinion. Oh well, on to…the links!

Meh, looks like the took the best part.
I’m afraid I have to announce that John McCain’s brain cancer is apparently contagious. I can only hope Schmidt gets the meds he needs to control his disease/insanity and that the white coats are at least gentle with him. Christ, what an asshole.

Is Ocasio Spanish for “socialist moron”?
Joe Crowley was supposed to take the Speakership from Nancy Pelosi when the blue wave happens in the fall. Problem is, he got his ass kicked in his Democrat primary and won’t be making the trip back to Washington next January. While that’s pretty funny, you need to read the words of the woman who defeated him:
“When we talk about the word socialism,
I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It’s asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education. It’s one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live. It’s to say that no individual’s civil rights are to be violated. And it’s also to say that we need to really examine the historical inequities that have created much of the inequalities—both in terms of economics and social and racial justice—because they are intertwined. This idea of, like, race or class is a false choice. Even if you wanted to separate those two things, you can’t separate the two, they are intrinsically and inextricably tied. There is no other force, there is no other party, there is no other real ideology out there right now that is asserting the minimum elements necessary to lead a dignified American life.”
I guess she hadn’t heard about Venezuela, North Korea, the former USSR and every other shithole where socialism was tried and resulted in abject poverty, absolute misery and what is essentially a prison state. Way to go, New Yorkers!
The tolerant left has led to Sarah Sanders needing Secret Service protection. Hopefully a violent idiot won’t go all Steve Scalise or Rand Paul or Berkeley or Mizzou or…well, you get the point, on her.
Christ Jet Blue, even Spirit Airlines isn’t this bad. Just kidding, they probably don’t have any of those buttons on their planes unless someone wants to pay extra for them.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz
Merkel is on the brink in Germany, while Austria’s Sebastian Kurz gains popularity. I wonder when the last time was that an Austrian became this popular in Germany.
A federal judge has said that separated families must be reunited by the federal government within 30 days. I wonder if this is a hard order or if it can be ignored like the DoJ ignore records requests from congressional committees tasked with oversight. I also wonder what legal basis the judge had for the decision, since theres no absolute timeline for due process in these cases.
Everybody knows Chihuahuas are the demon seed of the canine world, but seriously, what the fuck dude?
Chicago head of $2.54 billion foundation bitches about inequality being the biggest problem in the city. Yeah, I think you might want to spend a little more time on the job, sweetie. Because if there’s inequality, its not a racial or sex issue. Its the fact that the kings men, including cops and teachers and any pubsec union worker are treated like gods at the expense of the taxpayers.
Wow, somebody out there sure doesn’t like Houston cops.
EXTRA! EXTRA!: This just broke a few minutes ago but I thought it important. The police officer who shot and killed Antwon Rose in East Pittsburgh, PA has been charged with criminal homicide. That’s a bit of a shock. Hopefully the prosecutors don’t over charge and let him walk. And hopefully there won’t be any riots now.
No musical birthdays today, so get ready for me to pick my own.
Have a great hump day, friends!
Uh-oh. 8:04. Links are late. Definitely late. 4 minutes. Definitely.
I didn’t notice, I was distracted by the prhase Militant Vegan Terror.
These must be the people that think the only animals that deserve to be herded into concentration camps and brutally murdered after they are tortured to make the flesh nice and tender, are humans…
This world cup sucks..
This world cupSoccer sucks..It really does.
2002 had a disgraceful referee in there, but this WC the officiating has been extremely inconsistent and even incompetent.
Disagree, I think the VAR has helped a lot to allow goals/PKs/offsides that otherwise wouldn’t have been allowed due to some idiot ref getting it all wrong. The officiating I’d say has been great seeing as how they’re way more cautious about bullshit offsides and PK calls. No ref or linesman wants to look like an idiot on the VAR big screen and never be asked to ref a WC game again.
Joe Crowley was supposed to take the Speakership from Nancy Pelosi when the blue wave happens in the fall. Problem is, he got his ass kicked in his Democrat primary and won’t be making the trip back to Washington next January. While that’s pretty funny, you need to read the words of the woman who defeated him:
US needs more true socialists in Congress
Also I only enjoy the if we define socialism as utopia socialism is utopia angle
Notice that the left has adopted the word ‘democracy’ now to mean ‘socialism’.
Goddamned commie idiots coming out of the woodwork. What the hell?
After 30 years of academia peddling this mush as humanity’s salvation – all while ignoring what it really has wrought on people the last century or so – what do you expect from losers that feel the system is rigged against them because they are not just handed the keys to the kingdom. Any system that actually rewards effort is seen as arbitrary and evil to these people that want to force everyone to cross the finish line with the same shit they have regardless of if they are worthless parasites or have busted their asses.
Marxism is evil.
It’s funny, because everybody I know who went to college before the USSR fell said it wasn’t taught as the cure for sociery’s ills.
Only after the living example of how horrible socialism and communism are was gone did professors feel comfortable putting the philosophy forward as a panacea. Gee, I wonder why?
You make a very good observation there Sloopy. The first time I actually heard people shamelessly not only make excuses for the evils of communism, but actually pretend that this evil ideology was the only thing able to stop an economic model predicated on the individual and freedom, was almost a decade after the USSR went into the shitter (Thank the powers that be and Ronald Reagan). It’s not accidental that if you dig deep you will find the people supporting it are – if you will pardon a quasi-religious interpretation for simplicity’s sake – driven by envy, jealousy, greed, and sloth: always claiming they are peddling this vile ideology to fight the first 3 sins motivating them to buy into this evil dogma in the first place.
The obscene thing is we still have regular echoes of just how monstrous an ideology communism was. Its plainly and utterly visible how much it sucks. All you need to do is look at Venezuela. Or Cuba. Yet, somehow these same bastards (I’m quickly finding myself disabused of the notion that the people pushing this are misguided idealists. You don’t have to peel too much away to see what kind of people these are.) somehow keep pushing it like it has no history.
“All you need to do is look at Venezuela. Or Cuba. ”
Not real communism. And anyway, Cuba has the top medical facilities in the world and have cured cancer. Don’t you even read the NYT?
Exactly Hyperion..
These evil fucks will tell you with earnest determination that the USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Castro’s Cuba, North Korea’s Kim dynasty, the ravaged African, Asian, and South/Middle American states subjected to Soviet colonialism, and so forth – and especially Venezuela – are not the real deal. The wrong people were in charge. True communism never happened. Whatever..
And I am with Bill that the fact that what we have seen is precisely what true communism is, doesn’t escape these people. They absolutely know this is what it leads to and I they actually are relishing the moment they can send their enemies to camps and their death. These people are evil.
I thought they always did expropriate the word?
Notice that the left has adopted the word ‘democracy’ now to mean ‘socialism’.
It’s an old left-wing trope. It’s presuming that control over your economic activities is a given. If you believe that your economic activities are your own to decide at your own will, you’re obviously against those decisions being made democratically. The thing is, once you start that game, it’s easy to see where you can take it. She’s against banning gay marriage? What? Is she against democratically deciding relationships? Doesn’t like discrimination? What? Is she against democratically asserting social norms?
A lot of the dems winning primaries are now identifying as socialist. This has been predictable for some time now. I won’t be surprised when they peel off yet another mask and just admit they’re communists.
German Democratic Republic wasn’t West Germany, knowhatisayin?
I am hoping the democrats keep going with “What America needs is Pol Pot”, because that is the only way some of the totally complacent idiots out there might awaken to how fucking insane these douchebags have become.
You’ll get your wish.
And when her stupid commie program fails she’ll say it wasn’t tried hard enough
I just wish her program would be orchestrated at the local level.
With a big ass wall around it and no immigration.
You know, if you yank “socialism” out of her quote and replace it with “liberal democracy” or “free-market capitalism” it actually becomes true.
>>I wonder when the last time was that an Austrian became this popular in Germany.
Arnold Schwarzenegger?
re that klink
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Colonel Klink?
HUMUNGUSSSSS!!!!! *shakes fist at Humungus*
Ach! General Burkhalter!
*nervously twiddles fingers*
+1 lol!
If you crazy Europeans want to read “our” news you have to play by our rules…
Kidding aside geo-blocked is one of my pet peeves too.
Russell Crow?
…Oh Austrian
Dick pics. You know, for science. Or something.
Also: TW: TheCollegeFix
Professor Alicia Walker asks participants to voluntarily provide the measurements of their penis when erect and flaccid, as well as photographic evidence, – I would feel offended, it’s like my self reported measurements are not to be trusted (22 cm by the way)
seek medical attention.
Divide by Pie
Exactly. I thought he’d be measuring in radians.
This is probably an ugly woman looking for new material to get herself off.
22 cm?? WTF – what’s that in American, dammit?
A yardarm.
Well, hello sailor!
My hypothesis is that academics perform these studies more to cater to their own prurient interests rather than for their scientific value.
Next you’ll suggest the Kinsey report was cooked up as a way for Kinsey to meet young dudes.
Which is totally a crazy conspiracy theory.
And by photography mean….
Playing in the background of the office?
Damn you, Argentina! You had to pull it out of your ass, didn’t you? – American Imperialism has always conspired against Argentina.
Make Argentina Great Again!
Copy rights infringement? Or is there a Spanish version of MAGA approved?
I think in Spanish MAGA is pronounced “La Migra”….
The sergeant came across the flyer on her windshield Tuesday afternoon as she left work, Gonzalez said. She initially did not think anything of it but soon started to feel light-headed and showed other fentanyl-related symptoms.
Just like when I shot the family puppy!
It’s strange how cops are particularly suseptable to these bad effects of fentanyl. It’s also strange that we are in the midst of an ‘opiod epedimic’ but the people pushing that keep up this fiction that no cop is hooked and is just lying about their overdose.
Weird as a nurse I’ve never read that we need to call employee health if dilaudid, morphine, fentanyl, lidocaine, toradol, or ketmine Makes skin contact. Almost as if those meds have no topical effect
Or evil corporate academic hospitals just want their nurses to die
Then how do fentanyl patches work?
They’re on for 72 hrs. The therapeutic effect is not immediate, so “laced” flyers with limited exposure having an immediate effect is BS.
Then how do fentanyl patches work?
Patches often contain a transdermal carrier, to bring the active ingredient through the skin and into the bloodstream. Not sure if fentanyl patches need a carrier, or if raw fentanyl can penetrate the skin. I doubt it; very few drugs can.
The cop’s a junkie, who is going to get away with breaking the law and lying about it.
Laura Loomer and Auntie Maxine.
The look on her face at 1:10 forward is a Vision of Hell
Retard fight!
Are Male and Female Brains Biologically Different?
Off course not. Despite all the evidence they are.
Off course in a better world this would be an irrelevant question outside medical treatment… But alas we do not live in that world.
I know that when my little brains is getting all the blood I tend to make piss-poor decisions when it comes to females of the species…
Fake science. It’s been proven time and time again that neurological differences do exist in women, and the studies referenced in that article even point it out.
There’s a reason that scientists don’t (or shouldn’t) start off with an unsupported premise and invent results to justify that premise. I’m sure that evolutionary biology studies would “result in different conclusions” if they began with the premise that God created the world ~6,000 years ago over a period of seven days.
[Citation needed]
[Citation needed]
Well, you see, like, math is hard, and STEM, like, requires some math, so…
Controlled Democracy
Somehow, the Glibertarians.com commentariat should figure out how to become this “le pouvoir”. I’ll bet things would be a lot better in Algeria than they are now. Hell, I’ll bet things would be better than in any other “democracy” on Earth.
“From this day on, the official language of San Marcos will be Swedish. Silence! In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check. Furthermore, all children under 16 years old are now… 16 years old! “
See? Already better than democracy!
“16 years old” . . . OMWC disapproves
I would not trust a great many people here with that power.
Certainly not HM.
Why? Tentacle or Hentai porn?
But then we’d have to live in Algeria. Fuck that.
When I talk about the word socialism, what I’m talking about is one group of people stealing from another group until the other group decides it’s no longer worth being being productive and quits.
Then they will beat said group back into compliance, because they are exhibiting poor behavior…
How dare you stop feeding the parasitic entity sucking you dry?
“There is no other force, there is no other party, there is no other real ideology out there right now that is asserting the minimum elements necessary to lead a dignified American life”
Well, if there’s dignity in suffering, then socialism in, indeed, the solution.
As opposed to the glib philosophy where there is dignity in weed and mexican butt sex.
Everything you say is not dignifying, I say Is. Therefore I’m right and you are wrong.
I like Timothy Dalton as Bond. He brought a certain meanness to the character that none of the other Bond actors did.
Not this again. It’s like deep-dish discussion. Everyone knows Roger Moore is the best Bond.
I agree with EDG. It’s also why I like the new guy.
I’m fine with any of the Pre-Craig Bonds I’ve watched. (I never saw the one where Lazenby wandered by)
So you like Moore better than Craig? I honestly don’t believe that.
All the fun drained out of the movies with Craig’s arrival. Casino Royale made me stop watching them.
I radact my statement. I was thinking of Lazenby.
Oh, and “Live and let die” is among my favorites.
+1 young Jane Seymour.
I couldn’t believe how great Jane Seymour looked in this Sinbad movie
Didn’t I start a shit-flinging contest at TOS when I made an impassioned argument for why Moore was the best Bond?
And then I started another when I said it was just a joke and that it was obviously Connery?
Either way, I stand by my observation. One of them anyway.
I ‘member
Worst Bond or worst Dalton Bond movie? Because The Living Daylights has hot Maryam d’Abo (and John Rhys-Davies, but let’s focus on Maryam), while License to Kill has butch haircut Carey Lowell.
Brosnan is the best Bond. Not because (any) of his films are good, but because they led to the N64 Goldeneye game. It is known.
I thought Goldeneye was good movie, but Brosnan had a significant drop off after that.
What was the worst Bond movie, because every Bond (except Lazenby) has a stinker?
The worst Bond movie has to be “The Man With The Golden Gun”. All but unwatchable.
Also “Never Say Never Say Never Again” was garbage.
You didn’t like tripple-nippled Connery?
Duio-Sumo assassins?
Who hasn’t wanted to see an annoying dwarf stuffed in a suitcase and tossed in the ocean?
The one where Sean Connery literally became Japanese.
No, that was You Only Live Twice. That movie was fucking AWESOME!
Connery or GTFO.
I don’t get the “One and only one” stance.
Then you need to see a documentary called Highlander. They spell it out quite clearly.
I saw that. As I recall, Connery wasn’t the one.
Connery is the best. Craig is my number two. Brosnan didn’t have the physicality to be a good Bond, but was excellent at the suave part–and Goldeneye is a top-5 Bond flick. 1. Goldfinger 2. You Only Live Twice (ABSOLUTELY not the second best, but it’s my favorite. It’s just so stupid and fun. I know that contradicts some other stuff that I’m about to say). 3. From Russia With Love. 4. Goldeneye. 5. Thunderball.
I have some blind spots….but a lot of the Moore stuff that I remember is just cringeworthy. I like that Craig go the character back to its –sigh–*gritty* roots. The Moore and later Brosnan ones were just so ridiculous.
I remember quite liking Dalton. Good, violent flicks. Never saw Lazenby.
To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.
The dignity of the mass grave.
But first the dignity of despair.
Equal misery for all! Well, all except the nomenclatura..
We’re all in it together!
“Socialism is the mass grave we dig together.”
Does that work for a motto?
While I would never be a willing participant, I admit that it does have that sort of special ring to it..
Look, if you want this to work , then you take the original slogan and put it on top of pictures of socialist-induced mass graves in meme format.
That bartender chick has dead eyes
Like a doll’s eyes?
Bespectacled Latina chick in the background of the soccer bird-flipper pic – would.
I’m waiting for a Q post of soccer fans and WAGS
Woo pig. What an ugly game last night, but I’ll take it. One win away.
Everyone knows Roger Moore is the best Bond.
*rolls eyes*
David Niven was the best Bond.
You are correct sir. There is only one film version of Casino Royale and Niven, Sellers, Andress, Wells, and Allen (+ many more) are its stars. The Burt Bacharach, Herb Alpert soundtrack is icing on the cake.
Once again, a true crisis goes under reported.
Why are no musicians doing a fundraiser for our poor friends across the pond who won’t be able to drink as much beer?
This is all the fault of those global warmist assholes doing their best to limit carbon output.
-as solid an argument as the warmists
I bet you can back it up with more real sciency shit than they back their arguments up with..
Oh it’s in the UK, they’ll be fine as long as they have their tea.
How? How do you run out of CO2? You produce it during the brewing process, you can bottle condition or go old school German and use Krausening.
Also, fried chicken.
How long before the chocolate ration is increased to half on Airshit One? Oh right, portion size is being changed for the public health by the nannies.
Libertarianism and white nationalism actually aren’t that different
‘They defend the agency of the capitalist and land owner and demand the subordination of the tenant and wage worker. ‘
You mean being consistent means you fight for people who might not be popular? It’s about property rights, and non-agression you dolt but you don’t want to come out in favor of violence.
They keep pushing the everyone is a racist but me mantra and they wonder why they’re losing elections.
“One of the occupational hazards of being a college opinion columnist is that, during your undergraduate years, many of your thoughts are liable to be stupid.”
“Max Foley-Keene, opinion editor, is a rising junior government and politics major. He can be reached at opinionumdbk@gmail.com.”
Rising to what? Major? Derp?
Maybe he was getting an erection when they wrote his bio. Was he enrolled in the class from the other link?
“Rising [class]” is a term used during the summer, e.g. he just finished his sophomore year, and he’ll be a Junior in the Fall.
‘Within this framework, progressiveism and white nationalism represent two sides of the same political coin. Progressives feel threatened by democratizing or liberalising forces within the economy. They defend the agency of the tenant and wage worker and demand the subordination of the capitalist and landlord. Similarly, white nationalists fear the assertion of nonwhite power and convince themselves that whites are experiencing great political and social loss.’
Funny how you can say both sides of it without changing his argument for the similarity of white nationalist. It’s like it’s a shitty argument.
Ignorant twat
The leftists are the ones who are up Nietzsche’s asshole.
Libertarians feel threatened by democratizing or socializing forces within the economy. – what the fuck does that even mean? People using violence to tell you what you can and cannot do with your money? Yes I oppose that…
My god, that was infuriating.
“Conservatism is ______…libertarianism is ________…..”
Christ that pisses me off, imagining so many people who want to control society nodding furiously to every vapid word.
1. Goddammit.
2. *Looks at some of our commenters* ….God. Dammit.
I can think of two that come to mind that rhyme with brake and buthen.
It’s all in the inflection.
I don’t miss the wokel v. yokel sniping from TOS
Golly, why would anyone feel threatened by a mob that feels empowered to force you to relinquish your rights and/or property?
That’s not yours, comrade. You didn’t build that.
/Commissar Barry
It belongs to ‘the people’, not to some person. So we have to take it for safe keeping for ‘the people’.
I read recently that the state where I live, NH, spends something like $14k per public school student per year. Being the god-fearing agnostic household we are, the Catholic private school we send our daughter costs us $7k of the same. Except the private school didn’t insist my daughter had to sit through a school year re-learning the same shit in 1st grade she learned in kindergarten.
Duck the teachers union: you’re number’s gonna be up one of these days, assholes.
Within this framework, libertarianism and white nationalism represent two sides of the same conservative coin. Libertarians feel threatened by democratizing or socializing forces within the economy. They defend the agency of the capitalist and land owner and demand the subordination of the tenant and wage worker.
Damn straight.
Trump reads Hitler by the night stand? I thought it was Lenin?!
Fake news!
No, Obama read Lenin by the nightstand.
Obama read Pol Pot…
Then pined that he couldn’t pull off that shit here to fundamentally change the place..
Trump reads? har! He doesn’t strike me as the reading type; instead he has his lackeys verbally summarize books and reports.
Verbally? He probably doesn’t like to listen either. No, Trump probably has his aides act out what is written in the reports and books he’s been told were interesting.
Actually, this would be a good skit if comedy wasn’t already up it’s own asshole.
Interpretive dance
Mein Kampf by the dashboard light…
He should read Mao.
Or would that be stealing the fire from Obama communications director Anita Dunn?
Ah Chicago
I miss Royko
blah blah blah..
We need to talk about women
Climate change will hit women hardest – so why are their voices still being side-lined?
Climate change is the disaster of tomorrow, and always will be.
The day after tomorrow, actually
Maybe fewer countries being shitholes would change that.
How does that help these globalist marxist get what they want?
“History has shown us that when food is short or conflict is rife, life gets much, much worse for women around the world.”
As opposed to midgets who prosper and revel off their misery.
I hate the phrase ‘history has shown…’
To be fair history has shown a few things. Like don’t winter war in Russia
And having sex with skanky hos can lead to the need for penicillin?
History has shown us that when food is short or conflict is rife, life gets much, much worse for women around the world.
And yet the inexpensive, easy to use invention that allows a single 90lb woman to take on four 300lb men is reviled by the same people decrying gender inequality.
For some reason, I don’t think gender equality is really their goal.
Funny how when you really get past the usual verbiage these grievance mongers spew, you always find that their real goal is marxism, and then the brutal, everyone under the yoke and always a cunt hair away from a torturous death, kind…
All the fun drained out of the movies with Craig’s arrival. Casino Royale made me stop watching them.
For me, it’s the ridiculous stunts and “fight” scenes so protracted and absurd they end up being tedious and just plain stupid.
In the 1991 cyclone disasters that killed 140 000 in Bangladesh, 90 per cent of victims were women.
I find this claim to be… suspect. Are they saying women are too dumb to come in out of the rain?
Can’t swim as well because of lack of upper body strength?
Actually a government study found that exact fact.
“Women’s and children’s mortality was probably due to factors such as physical size, strength, and endurance”
Wait, I thought men and women were identical? How could this be?
Peeves my wife off when I can beat her in swimming laps. I’m all splash, forcing myself through the water with just strength and zero finesse. She was on the swimming team in high school and has a good stroke (euphemism!).
I see what you did there!
That was my first guess. If someone confronted me with that I’d respond right back with “So pretty good evidence that women aren’t as strong as men, eh? Or perhaps you’re implying that women lack the basic cognitive abilities to respond properly in terms of crisis. Good to know!”
Oh, no, half the dead were men, but they were there holding the women down.
/feminist logic.
90% of the victims, you see men caused the cyclones, so they weren’t victims.
Hey, this sammich is soaking wet! WTF
“Are they saying women are too dumb to come in out of the rain?”
No, you see, the women were out in the storm trying to rescue the children, while the men were inside watching porn and drinking.
So they’re such poor mothers they let their children play in storms?
No, you don’t get it. The men were supposed to be watching the children because the women have to work 3 jobs because the men just sit around drinking and watching porn all day. So when the poor women tried to get their 2 hours daily sleep, the children went outside while the men were supposed to be watching them.
So that chick who babbled on about dignity and dignifying stuff.
Will the DNC use Kirk van Houten’s drawing of dignity as their symbol now?
Schmidt: Trump’s ‘only affinity for reading anything were the Adolf Hitler speeches he kept on his nightstand’
These people are so far beyond parody that I don’t even know what to call it.
Where are you seeing that?
The first link I posted. It came from McCain’s campaign manager.
Trump ought to sue him for slander.
Trump probably wants them to continue with this stuff, as do I.
Driver records bizarre road rage incident in Hialeah
Florida man wrestles
alligatorSUVI would love to know how felt after the drugs wore off.
That asshole HAD to be on some serious shit…
It’s Florida Man. Doesn’t he wake up drunk?
It’s to say that no individual’s civil rights are to be violated.
Socialism is not voluntary. Therefor, it necessitates the violation of civil rights.
That depends on how you define civil rights.
If reviving housing or healthcare at no cost to you are civil rights, but deciding what you do for a living and how you can organize your life is not, then no civil rights are violated
The individual does not exist in socialism. That’s why they don’t talk about people, instead they talk about ‘the people’. The people can easily be dehumanized because the people is a thing, not a person. So it’s perfectly ok to take away from the people, it’s for the better of ‘the people’.
Sex offender claims ban on using public toilets is making his life ‘hell’
What the hell does opening a bank account have to do with the offenses he was charged with?
Penalty for early withdrawal?
I sense a nearby narrowed gaze.
/stoic stare.
*narrows gaze*
The Lesbian Pulp Fiction That Saved Lives
You had me at “lesbian”. Tossing in “pulp fiction” is almost unnecessary for m to click on the link.
My experience has been that while we all would love these lesbians to be the kind of hawt Howard Stern types, they usually tend to be the butch bulldagger kinds most dudes fantasizing about the encounter would give a wide berth to, man..
One of my old watering holes was near a gay coffee house. I’m about to walk into the bar to get plastered and out from the coffee shop pops this extremely beautiful woman; followed by her butch dyke partner.
I check out the lipstick lesbian and get this dirty “let’s fight” look from the dyke. Which just made me laugh out loud.
Are you being sexist if you refuse to fight the bull-dyke, or are you being sexist if you don’t?
You’re sexist just for asking that question shit-lord!
You’re sexist for having that penis, shit-lord!
Back in the good old days, you would have grabbed your crotch and said ‘Hey sugartits, I got something here yer ya, that your fugly butch there ain’t got!’.
Is there no way to get rid of this asshole?
Maybe if Obama moves to Utah and runs against him? Never mind I’d rather have Romney.
Wouldn’t that get in the way of Obama’s eventual appointment to the Supreme Court?
I second that emotion..
Judge: Separated families must be reunited within 30 days
The children are separated because the parents are under arrest and being prosecuted for a crime. This is about as legal as saying that a president cannot undo something previously done by executive order with a new executive order. But no judge would ever do that, right? RIGHT?
Like I said, what legal basis did the judge use from r the ruling? Shouldn’t it be in writing somewhere?
So, last night I answered the call for more material. I banged out three articles on reloading in a couple of hours which I thought were riveting given my interest in the subject. This morning over coffee I re-read them and holy shit, are they tedious and boring for non-reloaders. Some shooters might find them a little interesting if they can manage to slog through the boring technical stuff. I dunno. I might have to start over.
How about more of an introduction? The investment, space, sources, etc.
All of that is in there.
Article 1. Beginning reloading
Article 2. Choosing equipment
Article 3. Choosing components
Casting bullets
Safe practices – tips and tricks I have learned over the years
Powders – characteristics and best measuring practice
Choosing bullets
Fine tuning for accuracy
I’d like to hear a few mishaps that occurred over the years.
Never had any mishaps, not really. When I was ten my father bought me one of these:
To seat primers you place the primer on an anvil, place the case over it and then hammer a rod into the case to push the case over the primer. Yes, occasionally I had a primer detonate, maybe half a dozen times over the years. Not too bad, about like having a firecracker go off in your hand.
Other than that an acquaintance put the wrong kind of powder in his 10mm once and blew his pistol up. That was really dumb. Personally I have never had any mishaps.
Me… I would gleefully read every word while I dream of setting up all my gear again once we leave NY for my beloved Florida. I live the gunlife vicariously through y’all until wifey retires in 11 years.
It takes 3 hours to reload? Damn, I’m almost 50 and it only takes me one.
If they seem long and tedious, try to edit them down. As an experiment, try to be brutal and cut them down by 50%, and see if that helps. I found that in my writing, I can usually get rid of 2/3 of the sentences without losing any meaning.
Also, I think you should write a full article about the incident with the police search in your neighborhood. That was one hell of a story.
That one is written and waiting to be published.
In 99.99% of the cases where the author has less than a good five years of experience, cutting something down by 50% will help. After five years, I’d say that falls to maybe 98%.
Robert Jordan, George R.R. Martin, Terry Goodkind, and Stephen King all disagree with you.
REH did more work in 20 pages than any of them did in 20 novels.
But this observation was intended for non-fiction directed to general audiences. Longer fiction is a fine aesthetic choice when done correctly (none of these did it), and necessary for grisly in-depth non-fiction.
Brevity may be the soul of wit, but if you cut too much context you lose immersion.
On the other hand, those listed could have benefited from a more zealous application of a red pen.
I’d say it holds true for almost all media. There comes a point when the artist gets too big, and refuses to trim the fat off of their creations. The early works get held down due to costs, desire to get published/produced, and having no other option.
I don’t think artistic choices/editing failures had anything to do with the authors you listed. They had bestselling series going and knew that genre authors with 1 best selling series almost never get a second. Keep that workhorse earning as long as you can! Hard to blame someone who is earning a 7 figure income as long as they publish another installment every year for dragging their feet about wrapping it all up. Although in George R.R. Martin’s case it’s probably just laziness.
That reminds me, I have to go back to shilling.
Oh, and I’m close to a release of the Audiobook for Lucid Blue. (Doing the final review of the content for errors this week).
Martin already had several collections of stories out, and had written for television in the past. Jordan and Goodkind I’d agree fell into the trap you mention. But compare that to Butcher or Pratchett, both genre writers with best selling series. King is another beast entirely, only one series, and from what I recall, the first two weren’t big sellers until much later in their publication history.
We are using the term series differently. Discworld is a series in the sense that the stories share a setting and some sub series share characters. Butcher writes stand alone novels about a character. Goodkind, Jordan and Martin’s series are basically single stories stretched over multiple books. Ending the story ends the series with no guarantee that the next story will be anything like as popular.
Martin’s other works never sold within orders of magnitude the number of books GoT has, and in publishing the difference in income is not just a function of the number sold. Best selling series novels earn royalties at a rate several times higher than other books.
Should I ad fuel to the pizza debate?
I wonder if I can order pineapple on it, so I can enjoy it while watching a Moore Bond film,
It’s “Margherita,” to whoever the dumbass is who wrote that.
How do you know that for sure? Maybe it has a tequila and lime infused sauce.
If there’s glitter on the pie and it’s name is Margarita, it better be a stripper, not a pizza.
*slow clap*
It’s so deep, it’s not even deep-dish… It’s a Meatball Pizza-Bowl™!
JFC. I would say that you couldn’t make something I want to eat less (unless it includes kale), but this kind of organic-youtube-content-as-commercial actually manages to pull it off.
I like kale.
I usually don’t make calls for violence, but whoever developed edible glitter needs to be hunted down and killed. FFS, they made beer with it.
That web page is broken. It won’t let me scroll down.
+1 glittering arc of vomit
World Cup 2018: Getty forced to apologise after posting album of ‘sexiest World Cup fans’ with only women images
‘It’s an insidious way to demean women’s fandom’ – what the hell is demeaning about that?
The pictures were questioned as all the fans featured were women and the company was accused on social media of placing women who watch football in a “decorative” role. – not really. the fact that they were sexy did not diminish their other qualities
Q hardest hit.
Neah these were actually sexy girls with reasonable sized bosoms. Q would kick the poor things out of bed into the cold cold night.
That’s the kind of Russian collusion I could participate in.
She does things with penises on camera. What’s her name…Natalaya? Something Russian. Well, in any case, have fun looking.
eh labels do they matter?
Just because you have sex on camera and get paid for it, doesn’t make you a porn star.
I feel like “star” has to do some linguistic work here. One needs to reach a certain level of fame, or at least volume of work, before one gets to that level of achievement.
“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
Sarcasm like that will get you assigned to latrine duty in the new order.
Isn’t that the one who turned out to be a porn star?
*Shakes fist*
“While that’s pretty funny, you need to read the words of the woman who defeated him:”
She apparently went to school for economics. And she claims to be a socialist. I wonder if she’s sued the school to get her money back yet?
I should sue the school to get MY money back.
The Janus case from SCOTUS should be released around 10 AM.
The likelihood is that Justice Alito will be writing the opinion, which means it’s almost certain that the Court will rule in Janus’ favor (meaning the union can’t forcibly take his money), but we’ll see.
Thanks – I appreciate your insights on these topics!
Nailed it in one. (PS as a husband to a wife who works as a non-union elementary educator that would like to stay that way, I’m very happy (pending actually reading the decision) ).
I bet the NY Times misses the not-to-subtle lesson of this:
San Francisco Restaurants Can’t Afford Waiters. So They’re Putting Diners to Work
So, an even less classy Golden Corral?
Miss the lesson? I’ll bet they’re salivating over the communist-chic of this delightful new concept.
I can have better food at home. The only reason to eat out is the service. If I have to cook, fetch or wash dishes I will stay home.
Depends – I fancy myself a good cook, but I can’t make top notch Chinese, for instance.
Agreed – got take out from the local pizza place (since the GF wife was out) – I don’t have a 900 degree wood-burning oven, so I just cannot reproduce those tasty Neapolitan pizzas. Equipment aside, there are some techniques that are still beyond me at this point. It’s not just service (though I freely admit I’m a service snob, and tip accordingly).
My brother in law’s mother makes possibly the best pizza I’ve ever had yet (yes, she’s from Naples). I don’t know how she does it but it’s simply incredible (and my mother makes a damn good pizza).
But I agree with you. Best pizza in Montreal bar none in my opinion:
80s nostalgia. It’s like they burrowed into 6-year-old me’s brain and dug out my distilled representation of the concept of song.
All I got was an add for Viagra.. wtf?
Targeted advertising, Limpy.
This is marvelous.
That’s what Survivor would have sounded like if they were all on depressants.
Yes, but your taste is turrible. ESPECIALLY IN FACIAL HAIR.
That’s crazy talk!!!!! My beard is luxurious. Just Monday on the locker room at the gym I had a guy ask me how I got it to look so wonderful.
Shit, in retrospect I wish I hadn’t blushed when he said that.
Also funny to me is that the musicians are all Swedish death metal dudes who made a silly side project that seems to have made them more money than their day jobs.
I was wondering why they were on Nuclear Blast…
Fuck that.
*puts on Sarcafago*
Sarcófago. *hangs metalhead in shame*
Weep for America. WEEP!
On the other hand, there’s a moral and psychic cost to participating in the fiction that people who work for Trump are in any sense public servants. I don’t blame staff members at the Virginia restaurant, the Red Hen, for not wanting to help Sanders unwind after a hard week of lying to the public about mass child abuse. Particularly when Sanders’s own administration is fighting to let private businesses discriminate against gay people, who, unlike mendacious press secretaries, are a protected class under many civil rights laws.
Whether or not you think public shaming should be happening, it’s important to understand why it’s happening. It’s less a result of a breakdown in civility than a breakdown of democracy. Though it’s tiresome to repeat it, Donald Trump eked out his minority victory with help from a hostile foreign power. He has ruled exclusively for his vengeful supporters, who love the way he terrifies, outrages and humiliates their fellow citizens. Trump installed the right-wing Neil Gorsuch in the Supreme Court seat that Republicans stole from Barack Obama. Gorsuch, in turn, has been the fifth vote in decisions on voter roll purges and, on Monday, racial gerrymandering that will further entrench minority rule.
All over the country, Republican members of Congress have consistently refused to so much as meet with many of the scared, furious citizens they ostensibly represent. A great many of these citizens are working tirelessly to take at least one house of Congress in the midterms — which will require substantially more than 50 percent of total votes, given structural Republican advantages — so that the country’s anti-Trump majority will have some voice in the federal government.
But unless and until that happens, millions and millions of Americans watch helplessly as the president cages children, dehumanizes immigrants, spurns other democracies, guts health care protections, uses his office to enrich himself and turns public life into a deranged phantasmagoria with his incontinent flood of lies. The civility police might point out that many conservatives hated Obama just as much, but that only demonstrates the limits of content-neutral analysis. The right’s revulsion against a black president targeted by birther conspiracy theories is not the same as the left’s revulsion against a racist president who spread birther conspiracy theories.
Man, Trump’s America is a shithole, and people from the Truth and Justice Party are outraged.
When will they start throwing pig’s blood (or acid) at Trumphitler’s minions?
a deranged phantasmagoria
ooh, someone knows how to use the thesaurus.
“When will they start throwing pig’s blood (or acid) at Trumphitler’s minions?”
I thought this already happened?
“He has ruled exclusively for his vengeful supporters, who love the way he terrifies, outrages and humiliates their fellow citizens.“
Not even a supporter and I still love that.
Wait until you see all the great stuff that will happen when the Dems are in charge!
racial gerrymandering that will further entrench minority rule
Well that’s quite an accusation.
Yes, gerrymandering has led to all those Republican governors and senators. Time to redraw the state lines!
When will they start throwing pig’s blood (or acid) at Trumphitler’s minions?
Up to and after his re-election
Wow. So much to unpack in almost every sentence.
lying to the public about mass child abuse
Separating criminal parents from their children, providing food and shelter for said children and trying to ascertain if the adults the children show up with are even really the parents is not child abuse. Words mean things.
Sanders’s own administration is fighting to let private businesses discriminate against gay people, who, unlike mendacious press secretaries, are a protected class under many civil rights laws.
“Protected class” IS legally enforced discrimination in and of itself, and it flies in the face of freedom and equality under the law.
If they want to talk about lying about mass child abuse, start with Martha Coakley and Janet Reno.
That should make it easier for the NYT to get their hate on.
It’s less a result of a breakdown in civility than a breakdown of democracy.
“breakdown in democracy” = “we didn’t get our way”
Also, hard to break down American democracy considering the US is not a democracy. Do you have to be completely illiterate of US history/government and word definitions to write at the Times?
Trump installed the right-wing Neil Gorsuch
Nominated and confirmed by the senate as the gov’ts founding document prescribes…
Court seat that Republicans stole from Barack Obama
The senate can confirm, deny, or not even bring to a vote nominations provided by the president. It is one of their authorities derived from, again, the document that created the gov’t.
That whole thing is a dumpster fire. What fucking world do these people live in?
Don’t try to correct all the wrongs in this column. Your fingers will fall off from the typing.
Keep the outrage and vitriol dialed up to 11, Michelle Goldberg-types. It will work for you eventually. The people you despise will come around to your way of thinking at some point.
When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day.
Etc, etc…
The left is determined to destroy the meaning of words. No, they don’t just mean what you want them to. You are not the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. If you were willing to take an honest look at the history of socialism, you’d see it ended in misery, poverty, and catastrophic failure every single place it was ever tried.
Marxism is the herpes of political movements. It just won’t fucking go away, no matter how many virgins it fucks.
Lets try this:
When we talk about the word libertarianism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day.
Yep, that works too.
It’s a perennial Leftist tactic to redefine things as just a set of simple premises that few people could disagree with, like “feminism is just the notion that women are people”.
I like to flip the “name game” the other way and say something like, “But these days, Nazism just means that there should be full employment and strong national defense. Germany never achieved true Nazism anyway, so you really can’t bring that up.”
Another thing they like to do besides make their own definition of words, is to try to say that words are too difficult for you to understand. I remember for quite a while, one of their favorite one line talking points was ‘you don’t even know what socialism means’. Now, that does not mean they were going to explain it, it just meant that you are not capable of understanding what it means.
I love when they try that with me because about 13 years ago, I was a CPUSA member, and I read the Manifesto and a lot of other socialist/communist writings.
Most Lefties who use that term are just parroting Bernie Sanders soundbites. I quite enjoy schooling them on the definition of these terms using primary sources.
You are not the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.
Humpty Dumpty.
Ahh fuck. Knew it was one of the two. Thanks.
Maybe Machine decided that “the caterpillar from Alice In Wonderland” means “Humpty Dumpty” now.
“you’d see it ended in misery, poverty, and catastrophic failure every single place it was ever tried.”
That wasn’t real socialism, it hasn’t been tried yet.
My thought upon reading that was “Anyone who thinks they can make any sense of that should be put out of their misery.”
Same here. It is always the same kind of gibberish from them but the goal remains the same.
I had a laugh when I read an Axios atricle titled 92% of Republicans think media intentionally reports fake news. When you read that you would obviously go, well DUH!
Except for this tidbit…
Nearly all Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (92%) say that traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories at least sometimes, according to a new Axios/SurveyMonkey poll. Democrats and non-leaning independents also feel this way, but not nearly to the same extent.
That sounds like a lot more than just team red members to me, which makes a lot of sense considering the recent behavior from the shit-flinging lame stream media..
Is it wrong that I have come to like Trump because he makes so many of these assholes, across political and other boundaries, pissed?
at least sometimes
This has proven patently true.
And no, pissing off all the regular suspects is his greatest quality.
To be fair, they mostly just piss themselves off.
Well, it makes sense that democrats would have more faith in the media than republicans since a lot of them are cut from the same commie cloth. So, IOW, they don’t necessarily care what is fake news or not, all is truth if it parrots their twisted thinking. Leftist propaganda every day, all day, what is not to like?
If your ox is not being gored, you are less likely to question the info you’re being served.
I think a lot of us feel the same way. It’s causing some personal issues, TBH.
A majority of even Democrats believed it.
And given that a vast majority of the mainstream media are Democrats should clue people in as to which way the bias is going.
Up until very recently, I said that I wouldn’t vote for either Republicans or Democrats (a view commonly expressed and understood here).
But I do find myself leaning towards a Trump vote in 2020 assuming that he refrains from doing any incredibly stupid statist shit between now and then. And even then, I’m not sure what Trump could do that would top the insane commie ideas coming from Team Blue lately.
Democrats have unmasked themselves as power-hungry maniacs who will never give up the White House peacefully should they ever hold it again. Whenever they get the chance, they’re going to pass some kind of sneaky laws that will ensure that only Democrats and the most milquetoast Republicans ever hold the presidency.
Of course, most of us here already knew this, but most of the general public does not, and I honestly think that their crazy post-election behavior is a good thing in the long run. They have absolutely destroyed their previous reputation (among average voters) as the “moderates” or “adults in the room”, and they’re scaring a lot of fence-sitters into either voting Republican or staying home. I think the Democrat Party is reaching a point where they need to either purge the malignancy or lay down and die.
They should be more concerned about scaring fence-sitters into going to the polls to vote against them. They make Hitler look moderate.
I would like to point out that many on the left believe Fox News exclusively reports false and misleading stories, which might account for such a majority.
Dreyfuss tells it like it is…
Nothing makes me happier than watching these smug leftists get eaten by the very mob they have been encouraging and participating in while going after other people…
‘inexcusable inequities’
What make inequality “inexcusable”? It is more like “unavoidable”, considering we are all individuals who have inherent differences. Commies gotta commie.
You hear this term “inequity” more now. It’s not 100% clear to me what they mean by it, but it pretty clearly isn’t the same thing as “inequality”.
I think it means you have to much and they feel you need to give it up, or they will take it by force… because.
It’s more than stealing stuff, I think. It has something to do with leveling out hierarchies. Some sort of dumber Emma Goldstein no gods, no masters sort of thing.
Lets fight 360 plus million years of biology!
The fact that the left so hates hierarchical systems and meritocracy tells me that what we basically have is life’s losers wanting to burn it all down because they feel entitled to what others have.
I think it boils down to “It’s not fair!” with lots of pouting and foot stomping.
Life is not fair. But some people fell that gives them the right to drag down those that succeed despite that, it seems.
But they totally aren’t Socialists or Communists.
They gave that ruse up long ago.
Since you now have open Marxists winning Dem primaries, yes, I’d say you’re correct.
Inequity means…..not having an ownership stake in something? I guess?
I imagine that “inequity” is the flawed system that leads to “inequality”. RS’s take is more accurate.
I thought “inequity” was an old, English ship.
I compiled a small subset of inexcusable inequalities, the list includes: Affirmative Action; Presumption of male aggression in domestic disturbance calls; the family court system; ‘progressive’ taxation; forcing students to remain in failing schools by blocking alternative options; spending taxpayer dollars on redistribution payments.
May we please add the poison combination of immunity for the king’s men and taxpayer funding of tort settlements against same. Incentives matter.
It is inexcusable that some people, due to education, life choices, hard work, or innate ability, are more successful than other people.
But it’s totally fine that we have a political class that rakes in money for doing nothing of value, and doesn’t have to follow the same rules as the little people, all because of their political connections.
Got it.
“Unequal” means some people have more than other people.
“Inequity” imports “fairness”, and means that some people have more than they “deserve”, somehow. In some ways, its an attempt to respond to the natural (and annihilating) objection to complaints about “inequality”, namely, that inequality is not only inevitable, so that any attempt to eliminate it is doomed to fail, but that it is not even necessarily wrong, as some people have more because they are, in fact, smarter, harder working, more frugal, or any number of other perfectly good reasons.
However, by defaulting to “fairness”, which is inherently subjective, the totalitarian scum are just making an even bigger power grab.
Not feeling the World Cup, but if this had worked I might have grown up with an interest in the game.
Marilyn Lange is quite worth looking up if you’re not at work.
*does image search*
Dang. Q-approved, I’m sure.
18th Wedding Anniversary today – who knows where the time goes – so it will be Middle Eastern food tonight, at the same restaurant we had our post-wedding lunch at.
Congrats. Our 1st was last Sunday and we did something similar – dinner at the place that catered the wedding.
Congrats to both of you!
Wear a MAGA hat.
Aww! thanks cupcake. May we have many more.
Janus is in. The court split 5-4 on the exact lines you’d have figured they would, in favor of Janus.
Long and short of a long holding: “Union fees violate “the free speech rights of nonmembers by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.”
Too early to have a celebratory cocktail? A rare win for sanity.
I could use a base of prog tears. I’d have to figure out a use for all of the leftovers, since there are sure to be an abundance.
Too early, when the blue wave ushers in commietopia this fall and Trumpists are banished from the land forever, the new comrade numero uno will undo all this racism with his pen and phone. Well, at least, we shitlords had our day in the sun, fleeting as it was.
These 5-4 decisions. If Hillary had become president…
Trump would have to suddenly screw things up in an incredible way in order for the bad of his presidency to outweigh the good of the supreme (and other) court appointees.
It should be noted that Janus only applies to public sector unions.
But anything that kills of public sector unions is good.
Since all other closed shops can go out of business far easier, they’re a self-solving problem.
The USPS has been this way for decades. Granted quasi-fed orginization. I don’t see this making even a small impact
Oh shit, Supreme Court smacks down the unions.
You hear this term “inequity” more now. It’s not 100% clear to me what they mean by it,
I’m pretty sure it’s impotent childish rage.
“It’s not fair!” Accompanied by foot-stamping and bedroom-door-slamming.
“It’s not fair!” Accompanied by foot-stamping and bedroom-door-slamming.”
You’ve pretty much captured the essence of it right there. The left are like a mob of toddlers having a mass hysteria tantrum. There’s no reason or logic in there anywhere, just the pure raw emotion of ‘I WANT!’.
Supreme Court smacks down the unions.
Trump’s Amerikkka. What an inequitable shithole.
I have an erection.
I’d assume that to be the case at all times.
I know it precedes Trump or is tangental to his Presidency (I think) but still…..
“It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.” — George Meany, President AFL-CIO
It’s true. The PEF officers spend more time and effort advocating the governer’s position against the membership than in finding out what actually matters to the people they’re robbing every two weeks. I’ll be glad when I don’t have to pay them anymore. But I bet the state will go with something extra-douchey like ‘people who leave their unions get worse than the M/C staff for the same position’. (Currently, M/C classified staff have the worst conditions.)
“The PEF officers spend more time and effort advocating the governer’s position against the membership than in finding out what actually matters to the people they’re robbing every two weeks.”
That was by design dude. A feature, not a bug…
” Justice Elena Kagan wrote that by overturning Abood, the court was improperly disrespecting established precedent.”
Oh make me laugh Kagan.
Glibertariat: “I wish someone would post cheesecake pics everyday. It’s not fair!”
I dig 5’s freckles and boy, howdy are those things huge. As fake as 25 appears to be, my reptilian brain perks up. 50 looks like she would decapitate you during your orgasm.
34. God bless the USMC.
I think it would have made more sense to get the implants after she got out.
50 looks like she would decapitate you during
yourher orgasm and before yours.I’ve seen too many different Chess Pie recipes.
Anyone have a recommendation for which ones strikes a good balance between quality output and not a pain to make?
Use more pawns and rooks. The other pieces are shaped difficultly to put into a pie.
That’s why I stick to Checker Pie.
Just to rile up the glibertariat:
1. JANUS is a great decision
2. Pubsec unions should not exist
3. Right to work laws are unconstitutional and violate the companies right to contract.
1. Was there a decision yet? All I found were news articles about the oral arguments.
2. Of course they shouldn’t. They are a big reason that the government itself has become a profit-driven special interest group, and they also play a pivotal role in making sure that government employees who do wrong (cops, etc.) rarely get punished appropriately.
3. I think the law should not enforce either a closed shop or an open shop. If a company wants to sign a contract with a labor union agreeing only to purchase labor through them, that’s fine, just like if a supermarket signed a contract saying they will only purchase oranges from Sunkist. My big problem with labor laws as they exist right now is that unions are given extra privileges in many cases. For example, employers are required to allow union personnel onto their property to speak to their employees about the benefits of unionization, but the employer is not allowed to make any kind of “threat of reprisal or offer of reward”. So, if the employer said, “if you want a raise, we’ll give it to you” or “unionizing might make us go out of business“, they could technically be punished.
I haven’t read the Janus decision, but RTW laws previously did not prohibit companies from contracting with unions. They prohibited unions from forcing non-member employees to pay fair use fees (dues – political/non-representational costs = supposed fair use portion).
I thought you were trying to rile us up, not seduce us.
Given that he thinks land taxes are moral rather than the unholy vileness that they really are, I don’t think he has that great a grasp on what other people think about matters.
1 and 2 were the seduction, lots of people on here have argued vehemently in favor of RTW laws.
GE promised to digitalize oilfields worldwide, marrying its expertise in big data, analytical software and subsea equipment with Baker Hughes’ experience in drilling services, chemicals and tools.
Less than a year later, GE is bailing out of the deal, the firm announced Tuesday, planning to sell its 63 percent stake in the combined firm over time as part of a larger move to simplify its business and reduce debt.
The retreat comes amid slipping market share, management missteps and culture clashes that have unsettled employees and frustrated suppliers and customers, according to data reviewed by Reuters and interviews with more than 30 employees, former employees, recruiters, analysts, suppliers and customers.
GE managers initially took 11 of the combined firm’s top 15 posts and ushered in a by-the-book culture more like its aviation business than that of oil industry, where relationships are more prized and handshake deals are still common, said people who have had dealings with both.
Baker Hughes GE lost market share in 12 of 19 services and equipment sectors between 2016 and 2017, according to a Reuters analysis of data from prominent oilfield services consultancy Spears & Associates. In one area where Baker Hughes has been a pioneer, drill bits, its share fell to 17 percent from 20 percent between 2016 and 2017.
In a statement to Reuters, Baker Hughes GE attributed the market share losses to “challenging market dynamics” and said most of the losses occurred before the merger closed in summer of last year.
Smartest guys anywhere.
If GE hits six, I’ll probably buy more.
GE should stick to turbomachinery and propulsion, they fuck up everything else they touch.
The old vaccum tube joke was: GE = Garbage Enclosed
I have a GE alarm clock that is closing in on twenty years old that still works as expected despite repeated falls ranging from 3-6 feet to the floor.
I have some GE Telechron wall clocks. I love those things.
If you bought one of the more recent ones, I bet you the thing would break or tell the wrong time all the time..
“they fuck up everything
elsethey touch.”Fixed that for ya…
I left that company when I saw what Immelt was gonna do to it, and never regretted that move..
3. Right to work laws are unconstitutional and violate the companies right to contract.
Get back to me when the NLRB is no more.
The fact that there are two things that need to go away doesnt mean that one shouldnt go away.
Also get back to me when Davis-Bacon is legislated out of existence.
So much talking this week. Our contract at work is out for bid. The unusual aspect of the RFQ is that the current staff should be retained (i.e. the new contractor cannot bring on their own staff unless one of us quits). So these companies are courting the hell out of us. Meetings, phone calls, etc.
It’s a great position to be in, but it’s draining, because we have to be careful of what we say, etc. It’s a delicate dance. I did make sure to give myself a little raise when telling them my salary reqs.
By little, I hope you meant roughly 20%?
I expect the takes from Popehat and TOS on the 1-2 SCOTUS nutpunches to the left will try to find something “to be sure” about them that’s unfortunate
He really has degenerated into a basic twitter troll at this point. It’s probably no coincidence that none of the other original members of Popehat contribute any more.
Every now and then he (Ken) says things that are useful and insightful.
His recent post on the Janus thing is better than i feared it might be. He calls BS on Kagan’s rhetorical gibberish
Finally got around to reading that Steve Schmidt link.
Schmidt, Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidential campaign manager in 2008, also said Trump’s victory over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was a fluke.
A fluke. Yes, of course. A fluke.
It’s funny how a vast horde of political sophisticates who have made millions claiming to have specialized understanding of the arcane intricacies of the American political system completely whiffed on simple straightforward electoral college math. Not to mention their various and sundry other blunders (like nominating you-know-who).
I think we are in for another fluke in 2020 and probably a bunch of flukes this year.
What happens then? I mean, the Democrats at least could console themselves with the popular vote rationalization in 2016. What happens if Trump wins a second term? I mean a Democratic party of even ten, twenty years ago could handle it. I’m not so sure, anymore. Honestly, I could see them going batshit crazy and things getting very ugly.
“going”? They’re already there, man
Don’t sugarcoat it, Schmidt is a loser.
Losers always whine about doing their best. Winners go home to the White House and fuck the Slovenian model.
Steve Schmidt left the Republican Party. To that I’d suggest the Republican party owes him a great debt of gratitude. A list of his campaigns
Will T. Scott (1995) – lost
Tim Leslie (1998) – lost
Matt Fong (1998) – lost
Lamar Alexander (1999/2000) – lost
George W. Bush (2004) – won (finally!)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (2006) – won
John McCain (2008) – lost
In effect, Schmidt is precisely the sort of Republican Democrats love. A gracious loser who never fails to excoriate other Republicans.
He’s got to be an expert at those concession speeches.
Interested to hear what Glibs think about this.
What I think? I see a link to CNBC and decide not to follow it.
Agree 100%
Sound advice from Mr. Wonderful.
Relationship-communism is the basis for endless financial arguments. But hey, put all your shit in a pile so you can both bitch about anything the other wants to spend it on, then ideally you’ll have plenty of money saved up for the kids you never had before getting divorced.
I can’t imagine not-having unlimited discretion with the disposable income I’ve earned. Once our bills are paid, STFU and get out of my wallet.
Amazingly, still available, Ladies! Lady, sorry, forgot the audience.
What he’s saying makes sense. My wife and I hit 24 years last week and she has never worked and we’ve always had joint accounts under my name.
If something happened to me, she has no credit or employment history. My life insurance would pay off the house, but other things would be difficult for her because of that.
I’ll just keep going with my plan to live forever, it’s working so far.
he’s right
I think he’s right but I caution against falling into ‘knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing’ if this is taken to extreme ends.
My wife maintains her own accounts and we don’t have a joint account – we just keep things as they were before we hitched. But we intertwine a lot of crap; but my family isn’t the sort that will fight over money – and believe you me there have been many tests on that. It’s just not worth it.
My brother in law’s brother had a joint account (with a girl we knew from high school; had he listened to me he would have avoided doing so as she didn’t exactly scream integrity) with his wife. She stole 200k from it and then proceeded to enact a really ugly divorce case.
O’Leary ran for the Conservative leadership here not too long ago.
Is this not what most people do?
Mr. Riven and I have a joint checking account for household expenses and mutually beneficial savings goals (aka vacations)… But we each have our own separate checking accounts for our sundry, day to day work and play expenses, too.
When we got married neither of us had any real money. I was a 22 yo carpenter and she was a 24 yo daycare worker.
She quit after we had a son and everything has always been together, I wouldn’t even know how to separate it at this point.
I think that’s a big part of it – marry young when you’re both broke, it’s no big deal. One of you stays home with the kids, you’re really in it together anyway.
I often forget that sometimes a parent chooses to stay home after breeding. 😉 I think a single checking account makes a lot of sense in that situation.
I’m just much more familiar with dual income no kid situations. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been out, having beers, and someone has to call their spouse to see how much money is in the account and if they can keep drinking with the pals or not. I just very desperately don’t want to be that kind of person.
Considering how divorce courts tend to fleece men to pay women, I would probably give a large sum of money to my brother or a very, very trusted friend in case I get divorced and slapped with alimony payments.
“Oh, no, your honor, I withdrew that money to pay off the loan sharks so my knees wouldn’t be broken. I’m afraid they skipped town once payment was made.”
I’m still new to this whole marriage thing, but that’s the way we’re going – joint account, with our own personal accounts. Money into the joint account for various things. Probably helps that we’re both older and more established financially. Plus I make 2-3x what my wife does, so it’d get weird to just co-mingle it all. She also has a (tiny) I don’t feel the need to mess with.
I polled various friends before the marriage and it was a pretty even split. With most of the ‘single joint account’ folks there’s only one full-time breadwinner at this point, with the other home with the kids, which probably makes more sense. For a number of them, the kids are now old enough that the wives are going back to work – I’ll be curious to see if separate accounts spring up or momentum keeps them going with a single account (I suspect the latter).
My wife is thinking about going to work, but I keep reminding her how much she enjoys her freedom to visit freinds or get the shopping done whenever so she hasn’t yet.
Real estate seems to be a popular option, since you set your own hours – you only earn as much as you’re willing to hustle for.
Buy a building.
It’s a lotta work but worth it.
Heh, I meant ‘Real Estate agent’. I’d be amused to see my sister in law managing a building.
Mrs. Dean and I each have our own accounts, and we have a joint account. Our income goes into our separate accounts, one or the other of us pays bills as they come in (mostly me, but not always), generally out of our separate accounts, but not always.
The joint account is really the savings account – we skim off our separate accounts periodically and put the excess into the joint account, which either of us can draw on if we need to. Since I am ridiculously overpaid, in practice her income pays her bills and few joint bills, and my income pays most of the bills and fills the joint account.
Works for us. The main thing is to (a) recognize that money is probably the number one reason marriages fail, and (b) sit down like adults and come to a mutually acceptable arrangement.
My parents operated under “what mom earns is hers, what dad earns is ours”. Not exactly fair, but not exactly unusual for people of their generation (they married in ’63).
My mom was a SAHM until we were in high school, then she started working part time, making a bit more than minimum wage. She eventually became one of P&G’s top professional detailers (not the car kind, the pharma kind).
I don’t like to share anything, and my career is my top priority, so it’s probably best I never get married.
My parents operated under “what mom earns is hers, what dad earns is ours”. Not exactly fair, but not exactly unusual for people of their generation (they married in ’63).
That’s pretty much my situation. In more cases than not back then, it was due to the fact that the wife’s earnings were essentially spending money. It sounds like your mom was making a lot more, though,
She was making decent scratch, but nothing compared to my IBM, then ALCOA, executive dad.
Ah. Yeah, that would explain it. Spending money.
I don’t have a problem with my fiance having her own account. But, I share mine with her just out of practicality. It was pretty much the same with my late wife. I’m consistently the primary breadwinner and she does most of the shopping.
He is wrong.
That is simple.
Wife and I share accounts. She stays at home with the kids and when I think about it, it would be strange or awkward, I suppose, for her to come and ask for money to put into her account. She makes sound decisions with all things, so there is no reason to worry about money. I would be more likely to overspend on something silly (new bikes!).
I am a very fortunate guy to have a wife that I can completely trust with all things.
My parents only had a joint account. But my dad only ever had cash or credit cards with him, I’m not sure he knew how to use checks. And this was all before debit cards and such.
I can see the advantages of maintaining separate identities, but if you get married (without a prenup) and live in a community property state, its all moot. My wife is a SAHM and we are joint on our accounts. Were we to get a divorce, unless one of us could show otherwise, there is a presumption that all assets are split 50/50 as they were benefiting the community (the marriage) and not a specific party.
South American Heroic Mulatto?
Stay at home mom. Thank heavens.
As I got into work I had another thought. I’m a creditor’s rights (read: collections) attorney. In Idaho, where I practice, because of community property, I can garnish a non-judgment debtor spouse for either their wages or their bank account. However, I can only garnish the bank account if it is a joint bank account. So if your spouse has some judgments, a separate account would be wise. So, I guess a point for Mr. Wonderful.
I refuse to have a joint account with my future wife outside of a common account we each contribute to for common expenses. That way, my money is my money and her money is her money and we remove a potential topic for argument.
As usual, I’m behind, from the afterschool special links:
My mom was a hoarder, and we inherited the grandparents’ back issues of National Geographic
As someone accused of hoarding a few times, I’d really like to invite the Hoarders show to go fuck themselves. It’s not hoarding if the stuff has some potential use to it. Granted, with wikipedia, I’m not so sure a young me today would bother with NatGeo, but 25years ago it was a treasure trove of photographic exploration.
Also not hording: 1 week’s worth of newspaper, a neatly folded stack of heavy-gauge corrugated, acrylic sheet bits, copper snippings and twist ties….yeah, none of it’s doing anything AT THE MOMENT, but as soon as i need a 2×1″ plastic bit, I’m glad it’s there. I can’t be the only wh40k guy here mistaken for a hoarder, can I?
>>25years ago it was a treasure trove of photographic exploration
keep your adolescent wank fantasies to yourself.
The internet may have been in its infancy, but VHS was a well developed medium by that point, also, I was more of a Sears man, myself.
Over a hundred years of amazing photos of animals, architecture, and geography, but yeah, it’s all about teh boobies. /smdh
NatGeo was too good for this world, that’s why it turned to shit this century.
It’s not hoarding if the stuff has some potential use to it.
I see hoarding as addictive behavior; something that in moderation is fine, but in excess is . . . probably not a good thing. Even if what you are hanging onto has some potential use (and every hoarder claims they keep stuff for a reason), it can still be hoarding.
One of my ex gf’s mum was a total hoarder. It was always an ongoing joke. She had plastic food containers from the 1940s, I swear I’m not making that up, she never threw anything away.
Do you think the Dems will think the primary win of a socialist will mean the party needs to market itself more leftward? I sure hope so!
Anyway, I think Crowley’s defeat was hilarious. And the endorsements for Crowley from these people who talk out one side of their mouth about getting women in power and the scourge of white men…LOL. (I’m looking at you, Gillibrand)
I also wonder if they’re panicking about Cuomo v. Nixon now.
Cuomo V Nixon distresses me because either way, I lose.
Yah, you get to choose between Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich.
For sure, but it has laid bare the hypocrisy of the left.
Say they want more women, gays, and POC, but rush to endorse the establishment white dude, every time.
I kind of see it like the hypocrisy of the family-values right wing who love thrice-divorced NY billionaire Trump.
(thrice married, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s thrice-divorced in the not-too-distant future)
Many excellent people have been married at least three times. It’s really just a sign of continued optimism in the idea of marriage, in spite of personal evidence to the contrary.
+1 Liz Taylor
I totally agree…but then again, I’m not a family-values right winger.
I am a family-values right-winger. My reaction to someone with three marriages is best summed up by the expression, “Bless your heart.”
Didn’t say anything about divorces, although I am very close to two people who have been married thrice, divorced twice (so far).
I personally know some people who have been widowed twice and then remarried. (Happily for the subsequent spouses, the deaths were confirmed natural causes!)
Many people are just not good at being alone.
Yeah, I think it does, but I think that part of the reason is that the party’s in a total freefall right now. Like, the Dem base is revolting against the inside DC establishment types, and they’re having to run to the angry populist leftist position in order to keep up with the parade. And yeah, it’s 90% because after two terms of Barack Obama the country elected Donald Trump as a remedy. The dominant narrative in the Democratic party is furious outrage, burning of bridges, and even outright violence. That’s great if you want to unite and motivate a hardcore group of supporters (who were yours anyway) but it seems like people in the middle who might have voted for a milquetoast Democrat will be scared off by someone like ol’ Peach Fowdy-Figh or one of these card-carrying quasi-Bolivarian socialists.
I think the problem is that the Dems have taken a position where at least one major plank will be considered radical by one of their potential voting blocs. So, you might have blue collar types who might vote Dem because of union support or sticking it to the bosses but will get scared off by immigration, or you might have black people who traditionally voted Democrat but find the LGBTQWTFZOMG to be a problem because they’re also devoted Southern Baptists. They’re appealing to Evergreen State, George Clooney, and urban coastal types who lose sleep at the thought of not having separated their recycling properly. I don’t know that that’s a winning team.
It’s not hoarding if the stuff has some potential use to it.
Utility is in the eye of the beholder. If your cache of stuff is not useful to *me* you’re a hoarder.
I think that’s how it works.
“Look, I can’t explain how this room of daily newspapers going all the way back to the 1950’s are going to be useful right now… But one day… “
“It’s well-insulated. My heating bills are reduced by having them stacks preventing thermal dissipation.”
“SOMEBODY has to start sequestering carbon!”
Maybe you’ll need it some day to convince a prog that one of his favorite politicians said something in the past that the progs are now screeching about because Trump or SCOTUS is saying it. Of course, they won’t believe it (e.g. Obama and Clinton against gay marriage) and accuse you of printing a fake newspaper.
“alright Stan, what about this maggot-ridden half-eaten sandwich, can we get rid of that?”
“the maggots are crawling up my hand now, Stan. One of them is biting me. Can we get rid of the sandwich?”
Actual sick people aside, it’s just another arbitrary distinction that people have picked up with which to club each other.
I love that episode. Honestly, I guess I just love South Park, in general.
Birds don’t like the Blues? That figures. Birds are assholes.
Of course not, they like scat jazz.
people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness
Which is OBVIOUSLY best accomplished by relinquishing that power to elected representatives, or even better, unelected bureaucrats, duh.
“Freed traitor Chelsea Manning loses her bid to run for Senate in Maryland”
This is too bad, because when the Senate are voting on the next worst legislation ever, Chelsea being the deciding vote would be outside getting ready to jump off the roof of the capital building.
Traitor seems a little bit extreme. That said, so does “whistle-blower”. The fact that Edward Snowden is still in exile while Manning is running for Congress bothers me quite a bit. The actual hero/whistle-blower is treated like crap and the mentally ill attention whore is considered Congressional material.
Thank you. One of the things that grinds my gears the most is when the media acts as if Manning is the equivalent of Snowden.
Chelse? Chelso? Chelsita? It’s Maryland, champ. It’s a Democratic machine state first. I’d be surprised if they even count the votes for the Dem primaries. Ben Cardin was nominated before Trump got elected, they just didn’t make it official until now. You think they’re gonna let some whackadoo tranny who narc’ed on Chocolate Jesus knock over a guy who’s been in Congress for like 30 years? Ben Cardin is a senator. He’s big time. Chelsea Manning’s a big fat nobody. Rainbow flags aside, Cardin’s been a good soldier and he tows the lion; you can’t even be sure Chelsea won’t suck-start a shotgun before the first term ends. And shit, you think Baltimore City or a bunch of shorebillies are gonna vote for a tranny who got court-martialed for espionage? Hell no!
“Republican Party launches video takedown of ‘unhinged’ Democrats featuring infamous moments from Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Samantha Bee and anti-Trump pol Maxine Waters”
The sad thing is, not only that it’s taken the GOP this long to figure out that democrats are basically creating the republicans’ marketing for them. But the thing that is even sadder is that once a political party has taken to identifying as the ‘left’, as socialists, that there are still people insane enough in a first world country to vote for them. And at this point, the democrats have crossed a line from which there is no turning back. Extreme leftists all but own the party and they will very soon own it completely. They’ve already started identifying as socialists, soon they will change their name to something like ‘Democratic Socialists’ and they’ll go even further left and become more radical by the day.
It’s truly amazing, isn’t it?
I’ve seen it coming for a long time, at least since around a couple of years into Obama’s first term, long before Trump was even thought of as a political candidate for anything. So this has nothing to do with Trump. This is just what was going to happen, no matter what. The amazing part is that these socialist uprising have normally occurred in countries with a lot of poverty. It’s taken our wacko academia and media to brainwash these people into believing that their first world problems are actually real problems that necessitate some sort of revolution. It has them imagining that if they cannot win by election, that they will just take what they want. But instead of armed revolt, it will consist of wearing pussy hats in the streets, screaming at the sky, flinging some of their own poo, and in general, acting like a bunch of angry toddlers. The media and academia want real brownshirt thugs to actually carry out that violence, which is why they love the idea of sneaking in central American gangs and violent jihadists claimed to be innocent children. But looks like all they’re going to have for the most part is mum’s basement dwelling millennials, who’ve never so much as been in a fist fight, pussy hat wearers, and the masked pseudo warriors, antifa. It won’t be much of a revolution.
The genesis of the Dem descent into insanity was the 2000 election. The pace has certainly accelerated in recent years, but the trail was being blazed long ago.
Yeah, but it really started to become obvious even if you weren’t paying attention, around 2010. There was actually a point in time not that long ago that I considered team blue and team red to be equally evil. And I still consider the GOP to be pretty shitty. But when you go far left and start calling yourself socialists, then that’s another level of evil.
What was so crazy about Gore/Lieberman? They were two very boringly establishment candidates.
Not the candidates, but the base’s reactions to losing.
Well, the sad thing will be when the Republicans manage a way to make ads so cringeworthy that they undo any gain from showing how insane the Dems have become.
With them starting to get in people’s faces in restaurants, the GOP won’t really have to do much. I have no idea how they think they’re turning things around, they’re pissing off people way more than they did before 2016, I don’t see a blue wave, I just don’t.
I see a blue wave….of tears.
I think the two factors – increased propensity to violence and leftward radicalism – have gone hand-in-hand. And the two of them combined make me a little concerned about the 2020 election results. We’ve already seen a Bernie Bro shoot up a bunch of Republicans practicing for a softball game. We’ve already seen Rand Paul’s progressive neighbor decide it was just honkey-dorey to break his ribs. We’ve seen Antifa go out and beat people in the streets for expressing any views they don’t agree with. And the response from the “respectable” left has been little more than chuckles, excuses or evasion. Now we have a sitting member of Congress openly calling for mobbing of the administration. And not a peep from any of the “respectable” left. Or the media. But, I repeat myself. If the Dems win in 2020, I’m inclined to think they’ll see it as a mandate for this sort of thing. If they lose, they’ll do it in lashing out. It could get quite ugly.
And not a peep from any of the “respectable” left. Or the media.
There have been a few pieces published recently questioning the aggression toward Repubs. Although I think they were more tactical, as in “this will cost us votes”, not principled, as in “this is just wrong”.
Okay, maybe I should have made that clear. “This is ineffective” is hardly a meaningful renunciation of political violence. I think we’re likely to see an outbreak of violence.
They are indeed peeping, and I also assume it’s because their pollsters are screaming at them.
And not a peep from any of the “respectable” left.
I thought Schumer and Pelosi and a few others said that her remarks were beyond the pale. I don’t read much news beyond the headlines but I’m certain I saw some things like that.
They did, they’re scared their cushy careers will be over because of the radicals taking over the party. They’ll then try to pretend to be good lefties, but nothing will satiate the insane mobs taking over the party.
All I saw from Pelosi was some bullshit like, “it’s unfortunate language, but ultimately the blame lies at Trump’s feet.”
Here’s the thing that mostly worries me. I’m going to go ahead and predict it now. If the Democrats ever win the Whitehouse again, they will absolutely refuse to give up the office when either their term is up after 8 years, or they lose, whichever comes first. They’ll claim they have to because of the danger to our democracy from another Trump getting elected. The media will back them up 100% and then we will have a real constitutional crisis on our hands. They’ll declare the current president to be president for life. I only wish I wasn’t serious about this.
They’ll declare the current president to be president for life.
There will be an open revolt if they try that, perhaps a Million Gun March on DC. I don’t think even they are that stupid.
In fact, if there was one thing that might trigger an actual military coup in this country, it would be that. The military is sworn to uphold the Constitution, not follow the orders of the current President.
No, they are that stupid. Wait and see. They get any power back at all, whether the presidency, control of the senate, whatever, they’ll go completely insane and show total disregard for the law.
I remember hearing the same things said about Obama.
And Bush.
And Clinton.
Being Repubs, they pulled their punches. No mention of the attempted assassination of Republican Congressmen by a Dem activist, or the assault and battery of a Republican Senator by a Dem activist.
They also have a golden opportunity, which I am confident they will miss, to point out that the Dem footsoldiers have mostly been publicly confronting Republican women. Who is running a War on Women, again?
I wonder when the last time was that an Austrian became this popular in Germany.
1987, The Running Man
For you Jordan Peterson fans…his exchange with a student at Oxford Union regarding hate speech laws.
I thought “asian-southern” was a troublesome mix, but Aussie-chinese seems neck+neck w/ the vowel-bending weirdness.
Peterson does a very good job there defusing the ‘holier than thou’-ism of the questioner;
It seems like he does better w/ students than he does interviewers / media people; i suspect that’s because he recognizes kids are otherwise sincere in their attempt to learn something, while he recognizes that adults don’t give a fuck what he says and they’re just looking to make him look bad.
I imagine the teacher-student situation is one he is more comfortable with.
“I’d like to welcome @PrisonPlanet, Sargon of Akkad, @CountDankulaTV and Milo Yiannopoulos to UKIP. I look forward to them developing truly dank memes that will trigger lefty luvvies like @GaryLineker, @mrjamesob and their politically correct establishment chums. Onwards!”
the mentally ill attention whore is considered Congressional material.
Ipso facto
To be honest, congressional material is a pretty low bar. I mean just consider, Nancy, Maxine, well I needn’t go on.
The astronomical is political.
by the colors in the photo, and not looking any further; I would guess that is something like a Doppler image and not meant to be representational of the visual spectrum. But, BLUE WAVE!
Supreme Court rules against public unions collecting fees from nonmembers – The Washington Post
I’ll have to read it, but I think the decision was on Constitutional grounds, meaning there’s no obvious way around it. If so, this is going to be very damaging.
The real damage would be done by a decision saying that either right to work laws are unconstitutional, or that governments can’t require their employees to join a union as a condition of having a job. Not sure if this decision went that far.
They can just pass an amendment, silly. Just like the one repealing the Second they keep trying for…
that governments can’t require their employees to join a union as a condition of having a job
That’s essentially already the case. Pattern Makers v. NLRB allows union members to resign at any time, which essentially negates that.
Justice Kennedy retiring
Weekend at Bernie’s
Which of the three houses?
TBH I never saw the movies. I just think the joke’s hilarious. If they could prop up RBG when she expires, they would.
Ah, my joke was at the expence of Bernie Sanders, rather than a movie reference.
They wouldn’t even need her corpse. Just hire Madame Tussaud’s and some Disney animetronics people, and boom.
Willett’s name is on the official White House list!! ZOMGZ!!!
The Tweeters is pretty awesome right now, between the lefty meltdowns and the fangirling over Don Willett.
The lefty meltdown is just the pick-me-up I’ve needed all week!