What in the world is going on with the CWS this year? These weather delays are getting out of hand. Game 1 of the finals series was postponed until today, so we’re gonna have to wait on the Hogs a little longer. (Note: do not jump out of the outfield stands if you’re there waiting on the game to start. It will not go well for you!) Thankfully, there was MLB action. Unfortunately, all of the top teams lost, including the Astros, Cubs, D-backs, Reds and Indians.
Across the globe in Russia, Spain and Portugal both moved on from the group stage, but it was not without some controversy. Spain were, in my opinion, gifted a game-tying goal that denied Morocco a much-deserved win and will now play Russia after topping the group. Iran and Portugal also drew, which send the Portuguese to play a very motivated Uruguay, who thumped Russia in the final game of their group earlier yesterday. Today, we will be treated to Denmark-France and the Socceroos vs Peru, with Nigeria-Argentina and Iceland-Croatia in the afternoon, all of which are still alive in the wacky Group D. These games will be at least as entertaining, seeing as everyone has a lot to play for.
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been a little disappointed in the birthday slate the last few days. I guess people historically weren’t into a lot of banging in the late days of summer. Meh, I can’t say much. I only have one kid born in June myself. Anyway, today we celebrate the birth of: baseball inventor Abner Doubleday, physicist and engineer William Thompson (1st Baron Kelvin), Marine badass Chesty Puller, aircraft designer Willy Messerschmitt, athlete Babe Didrickson Zaharias, rocker Larry “The Mole” Taylor, brilliant singer with shitty politics Mick Jones, silky-voiced Chris Isaak, another great singer Patty Smyth, cyclist Greg LeMond, nerd hero Richard Garfield, the unintelligible Shannon Sharpe, “actor” Chris O’Donnell, actor (and crush of our very own Kristen) Nick Offerman, motorcyclist Max Biaggi, baseball executive and former player Derek Jeter, dog fighting enthusiast Michael Vick and donut- and America-hater Ariane Grande.

Genius and idiot all at once.
Its also the day the Chinese (what, you didn’t think it was the English, did you?) invented the toothbrush, Hong Kong was declared a British Colony, Die Walkure made its premiere in Munich, Karl Benz received the US patent for the gas-driven motor, the New York Daily News began publishing, the Ziegfeld Follies opened up, the UN Charter was signed by 50 nations, signaling the beginning of that failed experiment, the Berlin airlift began, John F Kennedy called himself a donut in Berlin, Elvis gave his last performance, Kirby Puckett became the all-time hits leader for the Twins, Yasar Arafat left his hidden fortune behind and returned to Gaza, and the first of the Harry Potter series was released.
Finally, we had a day full of good ones. It had beed a little soft lately. Anyway, now on to…the links!
Gee, I wonder what could have possibly motivated James Comey to intervene to kill a limited immunity deal for Julian Assange that might have helped the US Intel apparatus maintain some secrecy about their collection methods? Could it have been the fact that it would have caused the release of the source of the DNC emails to be revealed? If I’m reading the story right, that’s certainly what it looks like.
The California government continues to oppose the First Amendment. Meh, they’re against the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and a host of others. I can’t imagine why I’d expect them to respect the First.
It looks like the Red Hen owners did a little more than politely ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave. I have no problem with them refusing to serve whoever they want, but they’re overstepping a line when they enter another private establishment with the intent to harass someone who is no longer on their property or in a public space.

Political failure Hillary Clinton decries the Electoral College. Funny, she wasn’t decrying it just before she got cocky and tried to pile on the electoral votes rather than actually paying attention to the swing states. Christ, what an asshole.
Person operating in a gray area of the law begins to lose business after she calls the cops on an 8-year old kid operating in a gray area of the law. Good, she’s an asshole too.
The Chicago Public Schools shitshow continues apace. Now we just need to find out if “removed from their positions” means they were actually fired or if they’ll continue getting money taken from taxpayers. Because we know without a doubt that they’ll never see the inside of a courtroom or a jail cell.
Boston’s mayor goes full retard. Didn’t anybody tell him you never go full retard? I’ll give him a pass if he was never taught about slavery, internment, the various drafts and a whole host of other things. What a maroon.

Shit keeps working out after Singapore.
And the positive developments from the Korea talks keep coming. Look for this to not be reported on very much in the mainstream media.
The golden age of music: when a hideously ugly dude with a flute could get any ass he wanted.
That’s it. And yes, I had a hard time picking a song today with all of those great birthdays. But I stand by my decision. Now get out there and have a great day, friends.
Dog weed is still a schedule 1 substance until weed is rescheduled.
But still, a voluntary boycott of this bitch is better than sending the feds in.
Yes that story made me super happy. Duck that Whitch
*looks around*
It seems a little quiet here today.
So… how is it going over there?
There’s about two other people in the office. Normally by 8am there’s more than that.
Super quiet here at my job – lots of people off on vacation. So slow… and boring.
When the clock turns 8am, you let us know how many people are there
That was twenty five minutes ago. Or do you want another report tomorrow?
A friend of mine thinks we should do away with time zones and all go on Zulu time. At first I pshawed him, but the more I think about it…I don’t know…
Why not go full crazy? As a bonus, this system doesn’t recognize DST.
I don’t get why southeast africa should be more important than where I am.
/deliberately misinterpreting the comment.
It’s easy!
UCS; DST could be called “Shaka Time”
>> Hillary Clinton decries the Electoral College
“Go, and never darken my towels again.”
They just spent 8 years crying about how the constitution was over 100 years old, written in language that no one understands by white, male slaveowners and should be disregarded entirely. As I recall there were more than a few voices calling for Obumbles to be made all powerful Dear Leader for life. Now they are running around waving it like a bloody shirt…except for the part about the electoral college.
Power is the only thing that matters to them. They say whatever, whenever it serves that end. Who the fuck is supporting this party?
The immigration thing has gone full retard, no doubt about it. I have never seen anything like this. Between the public harassment of Trump officials to elected officials ostensibly calling for violence I find myself very uneasy. I wonder how much progress they will be able to make on gun control after this temper tantrum.
Why the Left Is Having a Nervous Breakdown
Seems like a very optimistic take. I don’t think the popularity of Free Shit Forever has quite gone away yet.
I distinctly remember her, in 2000, saying her first task as a Senator was going to be repealing the Electoral College method. AFAIK she never did a damned thing to try to advance that. Ironic, yes?
I mean, why even have states at all?
Because how could we make fun of Ohioans, if there were no Ohio?
You would just have to redouble your attacks on the Yoopers.
Fun Fact: Ohio Man stories are more numerous as Florida Man stories.
/Fun facts are not guaranteed to be fun, nor are they guaranteed to be facts.
I do not attack Yoopers as I have extended family there! I’d have some sort of built in law practice if I were to move there, but I’d probably go (more) crazy!
“Florida man” came in fourth with an average of 111 mentions per year. It trailed behind “Ohio man,” which had 182 mentions, “Texas man” with 153 mentions and “Iowa man” with 117 mentions.
On a per capita basis, Iowa wins going away.
I take no joy in making fun of Ohioans. It’s bad enough for them that they have to live there.
Thomas Massie for President. On the right of a restaurant to not serve Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or to not bake a cake:
To complete the Godwin irony, Gary decided to more clearly articulate himself by saying he would force Jewish bakers to prepare cakes for Nazis.
“You, over there…are correct.”
That pic was begging for some editing. NSFW.
I’ll give him a pass if he was never taught about slavery, internment, the various drafts and a whole host of other things.
The fucking income tax is more inhumane than our border enforcement regime. Of all the things to get yourself into histrionics about.
Well, he is an idiot. Perhaps we should give him a pass.
Or not. My patience is running out on this nonsense. Pat is right, it is histrionics. They aren’t getting their way so democracy failed. Screaming now, fists later. Count on it.
I’m more worried that the histrionics will ultimately succeed than I am about progressives resorting to violence on a significant scale. I’m not saying violence wouldn’t happen but if it did, it’s game over for them and their agenda.
Any time Trump does something stupid (Which primarily happens on days ending with a “Y”), I think to myself “President Hillary Clinton, and feel a great deal better about things.
Think of how many wars we’d be embroiled into by now.
That is both true and also the least of my concerns.
Saw your links last night. Appreciate it man.
Gee, I wonder what could have possibly motivated James Comey to intervene to kill a limited immunity deal for Julian Assange that might have helped the US Intel apparatus maintain some secrecy about their collection methods? Could it have been the fact that it would have caused the release of the source of the DNC emails to be revealed? If I’m reading the story right, that’s certainly what it looks like. – now lets not get all conspiracy theory here. I am sure Comey has the best intentions
When I heard Comey did that, I said to myself, “That’s Rich.”
::spit take::
Young women ‘not having enjoyable sex’
“Well, you have a 50/50 shot” is going to become my new goto pickup line.
It takes two to Tango.
Not when you are drunk home alone
Antidepressants and FUPAs, dude. They make things chemically and mechanically difficult.
Expect that to increase, as less real men get involved with women for fear of being labeled rapist, and these gals are left with only pathetic soyboys to sleep with.
real men
They’re called magnificent gentlemen these days, dude.
Is that different from a supreme gentleman?
I thought the soy thing was debunked? Or did the term take a life of its own? I also read curcumin lowers testosterone in mice but dunno if it was a reliable study. I do take some curcumin supplements… Never really checked my testosterone levels though
Soy has phytoestrogens that raise your estrogen by some small amount. Stay away. The only acceptable way to increase your estrogen is by incompetently taking anabolics.
Carpet munching doesnt count?
Curious about the under 16 results.
*considers lighting signal, but realizes too old for OMWC*
Weren’t there rumbling of raising the age of consent in the Land of the Rising Sun?
The need to see that one scene in Chasing Amy…
Semi-related: Birth control in Korea is OTC and costs about $5 for a months’ supply. Out of principle I told the Lady that I would pay for half. Seemed only fair. She snorted in retort, “Why even bother?”
You can only imagine the sheer, chaotic madness that surrounds me.
When a couple Republican congressmen started talking about OTC BC, I think in relation to the “I had to sell both kidneys to afford a month’s supply” testimony from that one chick, I argued the point with a lady friend who works in women’s health. She couldn’t bring herself to support the policy. “Women need to see their doctors.”
Men can enjoy sex no matter what the woman is doing. Women usually need more engagement from men to enjoy what they are doing. This is one of the biological features that encourages women to demand long-term commitment from men, who learn that in a long-term partnership the way to get more sex is to ensure that their partner actually enjoys sex.
In casual sex, men have no such incentive.
A couple are undressing to have sex for the first time. When the woman sees how small the man’s dick is, she bursts into laughter and says “who do you think you are going to satisfy with that thing?”
“Me” said the guy.
“What are you talking about, not satisfied? I saw your toes curling every time!”
“Maybe next time, you’ll let me take my panty-hose off first.”
Most women 55-64 are in long-term relationships with men they love.
Many women 25-34 are not married and are still searching for enduring love.
Can confirm.
Well… Public Health England…
British dudes. What do you expect?
OT: What do you do when your wife spends extra long cooking a special dish that is, uh, inedible? Only happened twice over the years, but I wish I had a dog tonight.
Feign a heart attack?
Excuse yourself to go purchase cigarettes, buy a plane ticket, disappear, and never return.
Tell her you appreciate the effort.
Some battles cannot be won.
Honesty. Or a separation. Perhaps that’s redundant.
Grin and bear it? And then casually, politely mention that you are not particularly fond of that dish? My wife likes to cook, so likewise it has only happened twice since we have been married, but she did appreciate me telling her it wasn’t a meal I loved so she can get rid of it from her recipes. But I still ate the food.
I wasn’t exaggerating the “inedible” part.
My reaction would be: wait I have a wife? Maybe I won’t die alone. Sadly…
Fine, so your sexbot cooks a meal you don’t care for…
“A” for effort baby!
Out of curiosity what was it (supposed to be)?
Pro-Tip: My dad has used the Good Effort line for everything, including legitimate good efforts/meals, and it does not go over well.
Some Indonesian recipe she saw on TV. Vinegar and rice something. Smelled like platform pizza.
And what was wrong with it?
*Wife does not cook*
“Wherever you ordered this from, not only are we never ordering from them again, we’re going to drive by later and burn them down for the good of humanity.”
Suck it up buttercup
I wish I had a dog tonight
So you are into Korean food?
Because my Korean wife and I grew up eating such different foods, we are pretty relaxed when it comes to cooking. Both of us have no problems either telling the other or hearing that the dinner is not tasty and making something up quick.
assuming in Minnesooooooda the conversation goes something like:
Spouse 1: okay then, that’s not good. Nosiree, not good at all.
Spouse 2: well gee, I suppose I can get the tater tots and a can of chili out.
Spouse 1: don’t forget the shredded cheese, the ketchup and the casserole dish!
Spouse 2: okay, hon!
Spouse 2: well gee, I suppose I can get the tater tots and a can of
chilicream of mushroom soup out.Modified for proper Midwest flavor
What is this casserole that you speak of?
And we’d never be so direct as to say “not good”. It would be more like “Ok then, this is quite the deal. Maybe a bit of hotdish to go along with it then?”
And Chips is right. We’d always use cream of mushroom soup for hotdish. And you can’t really get chili in a can here. The canned stuff has things like spices and other ingredients that should never be in chili. I figure the cans come from some foreign place and the natives dont’ know how to cook chili. Anyhow, we have to make our own chili which is pretty simple. It is just hamburger and ketchup boiled together with some water. (Pro tip: leave the water out and you got sloppy joe’s).
It’s not chili if it doesn’t contain chilis or a derivitave of.
It is also not chili if it contains ketchup.
This is very close to my mother’s actual chili recipe. And sloppy joe recipe.
Ketchup is the wrong kind of tomato sauce for these applications. And how can you call it chili without chilis (or at least chili powder)
Too spicy for traditional midwest tastebuds. You’d have Ole on the toliet for a week if you gave him chili powder.
You don’t want to go down this path. The cuisine of the deep Midwest is a strange and terrible thing. They have mass marketed extra mild salsa in case you can’t handle the blazing heat of Mild. You’ll wind up like the Texas man I saw trying to find out what kind of barbecue was being sold out of crockpots by kids. One of the parents finally twigged to the fact that we weren’t from around there, and kindly told us that we would probably call their barbecue… sloppy joes.
FFS, there’s a “Mexican” chain called Taco John’s out there, and they’ve begun to invade Ohio. On the other hand, Culver’s has started coming to Ohio too.
See you sound like one of them foreigners who don’t get how to make chili.
If I’m not wrong, I think a “chili” is some sort of pepper. And peppers are way too spicy to be putting in food. So that is the first mistake you are making.
I guess you could try to use some of those canned stewed tomatoes if you are trying to be extra fancy, but it seems like a lot of extra work. Why not just go with ketchup? Everyone loves ketchup.
And you people accuse me of favoring bland.
Taco Johns is deliscous. Get their Six Pack And A Pound.
Taco John’s is fucking incredible. Get their beef and potato oles burrito. And then get more potato oles because they are addictive.
God damn that shit is tasty. You shut your whore mouth.
@MikeS: *fistbump*
And they have like nine different kinds of mild salsa! What’s not to love? I may be going there for lunch today, depending on the line.
My Minnesoda Grandma’s version of chilli consisted of tomato sauce, whole stewed tomatoes, onions (for spice), kidney beans, and ground beef. There was a can of chili powder, but if you got it within 3 feet of the chilli, grandpa’d have a freakin’ conniption.
Remarkably, Grandma had a thing for spicy. She’d eat jars of aged horse radish, that normal people couldn’t even bear to open for the fumes. My Dad brought home a jar of hot olives that were basically a practical joke.
Nobody could eat one without crying and chugging. ‘Mother Dear’ got the jar out one morning and ate the whole remainder.
Go in the bathroom, turn on the fan, read a book for a half hour. Come out, give a knowing and slightly sad smirk, and say you think you’ll be skipping dinner. Wake up in the middle of the night. Throw out the left overs. Take out the trash.
Or a divorce. One or the other.
” Didn’t anybody tell him you never go full retard? I’ll give him a pass if he was never taught about slavery, internment, the various drafts and a whole host of other things. What a maroon”
Dropping the Atom bomb x2, fire bombing Tokyo, Dresden.
War is Hell. I wouldn’t suffer a million casualties to say “See, we didn’t drop any nasty old bombs on those poor folks.”
I’m not saying it (atom bombs) were not a military necessity, but they were certainty inhumane.
Not as inhumane as the fire-bombing, or an actual ground invasion by the US and the Soviet Union.
Sherman was a very wise man.
I know one kid who was treated more inhumanely. My daughter tonight. Trooper choked down dinner.
How late did you stay out for your wife to inflict the whole family with your punishment?
I’m on the wagon. Who’s with me? C’mon guys, I’m aiming for a month, but will take two weeks.
Ran out of money?
Hey, me too! I’ve stopped drinking for now.
I decided that I would finish reading this thread first before I got up to refill my glass.
I stopped drinking for good.
I now only drink for evil.
Brother: Beer?
Me: I’m not drinking any more.
Brother: No shit?
Me: Well, I’m not drinking any less, either.
Stopping drinking is easy. I’ve done it a thousand times.
I’m not drinking any more. Of course, I’m not drinking any less.
I’ve switched to undocumented drinking.
I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
That’s probably my favorite Hedberg-ism
Orphaned Land
Everything in the news is boring. You are all boring for paying attention to it. I am very disappointed in you all.
Not as boring as your deadlift (or I dunno what you up to these days)
Also Romanian deadlifts are better then the rest
Especially when you wear your BLASPHEMY- Fallen Angel of Doom gym shorts.
BTW, are you aware of the Blood Moon Powerlifting Legion?
Ha. Spikes raise your deadlift by at least 20%, I imagine.
Boston’s mayor goes full retard. Didn’t anybody tell him you never go full retard? I’ll give him a pass if he was never taught about slavery, internment, the various drafts and a whole host of other things. What a maroon. – I would be surprised if he is not accused of racism… If he were republican he would reach full blown Nazi status
I posted this in the morning links after it was dead and thought it deserved some fresh eyes. With the exception of the first, these are in no particular order Here are ten reasons that I despise the DH and think that it cheapens the game:
‘1. Nine men on defense. Nine on offense. It’s not that hard.
2. I like the struggle of a terrible hitter trying to do something to help his team.
3. It adds strategy: Let’s say it’s 1-1 in the bottom of the sixth. One out and a runner on first. Pitcher is up. He’s been lights out. Low pitch count. Could easily go on. Do you pinch hit? Do you gamble that the PH can get the run in…or do you try to ride your pitcher longer and hope that he can get a bunt down and then your leadoff guy can get a hit to drive in the run?
That decision obviously never comes up in the AL. This is an important moment in the game and a lot of second-guessing can come based on the results of the decision and also of the outcome.
4. People stupidly think that high-scoring games are Good Games. No. They are sloppy and full of bad defense; they are also overly long.
5. It promotes positional flexibility. The way that the Cubs and Dodgers can move pieces around is much more interesting. In the AL you make a lineup card and just run it out there without thinking.
6. The DH goes against the history of the game, which more than any other sport is actually important and culturally significant.
7. The DH promotes one-dimensional players.
8. The DH disincentivizes Small Ball. Now, I understand that lots of Small Ball can be sabermetrically criticized. However, I love the gamesmanship and execution of those plays. I don’t want to see them go away. There is nothing sexier than a suicide squeeze.
9. Pitchers that bean hitters have to put up or shut up, taking the risk that *they* will be the retaliatory drilling.
10. The DH is thoroughly, thoroughly unAmerican. See also: Baseball in every other country where they are fucking pussies who don’t have pitchers hit for themselves.
Banning the DH should be a fucking Constitutional Amendment. QED.’
I understand literally none of this. What does DH stand for?
According to Evan, Hitler?
Doesn’t Hustle.
I googled and first result was this
Still confused.
Designated Hitter. It’s a baseball thing.
Designated Hitler?
*Demolishes gaterade cooler in the dugout *
Tis fine, my Romanian friend! Tis only baseball!
DH=Designated Hitter. It means that you have a special player who doesn’t play defense but hits for the pitcher. The American League (think Yankees) have this rule. The National League (think…uh…Chicago Cubs!) don’t. It’s a very large point of contention within baseball.
We can’t let you in the country until you understand baseball. Its on the citizenship quiz.
DH is designated hitter. Its a fat ass who can’t even play defense at first base but can still rake.
Designated Hitler. It’s the last remnant of the sport’s glorious un-PC past. Now people like Evan are trying to get rid of the position, just like they renamed “Injunskin” to “baseball”, “halfnigger” to “shortstop”, and “Jewcock” to “bat”. These people are sickening.
So they are getting rid of mandatory little mustaches? I see…
Oh, great, now when I watch the Yankees game tonight the voice in my head is going to replace the actual terms in Michael Kay’s play by play with “Injunskin” “halfnigger” and “Jewcock”.
I mute all Michael Kay games…and Leiter, too.
I wish we could have Kenny Singleton for every game.
Cone and Kenny are great. O’Neill is OK – he’s gotten much better. Leiter, eh, I can live with him. Kay is the pits. Does Flaherty still do games? He was awful too, but I haven’t heard him in a while. I don’t get YES, so I only know from when MLB Network uses the YES feed.
I can’t recall hearing Flaherty do any games this year. I like O’Neill’s analysis of the hitting and Cone’s analysis of the pitching. I think it adds a lot to the enjoyment of the game.
All the Yankee Glibs need to go to a game together. Chipwooder is a fan, I think, Who else?
It would provide a better target for our resident lizard overlords.
Born and raised. One of the earliest memories of my entire life is going to my first Yankees game in 1981. They lost to the White Sox and Reggie was ejected for arguing with the ump after a called third strike.
” The DH goes against the history of the game, which more than any other sport is actually important and culturally significant.”
So you hate batting helmets, the shift, relief pitching, etc? I guess we need to go back to original 1868 rules or whatnot.
Your lawn, I am getting off of it.
The helmet and improvements don’t bother me at all. They don’t fundamentally affect how the game is played.
I also don’t care about the shift. You have 7 guys on defense. Play them wherever you want. We just have names because they’re convenient and are largely the smartest places to play. Relief pitching? You get 25 men on your roster. I don’t give a shit how you use them. Have 24 pitchers and a catcher for all I care.
*7 guys on defense that don’t have a fixed place that they have to be—pitcher/catcher.
The 7 do have to be in fair territory at the pitch. And the shift is as old as the game, that was a weird example.
And the shift is great in exactly the way that the DH is terrible. It forces tradeoffs. Without a DH, you have to trade off the strength of hitting for a pitcher. You can pinch hit, but you lose the pitcher for the rest of the game.
The shift does the same thing… You can stack the defense against a dead pull hitter or a pitcher with a good slider, but if the hitter can go the other way, you risk giving up an easy hit.
The same goes for things put in play by the stolen base. Risk/reward makes baseball strategy interesting.
All of which underscores why he is right. The DH is an abomination before the lord. If we ever get sharia law, it will be punishable by chopping off a hand.
Bid McPhee was the best fielding second basemen in the league for a decade after everyone else started wearing gloves. Pussies.
He played 1882 to 1899. By about 1890, gloves were standard for infielders.
Yes. But; I don’t want a rule against it. I’m just impatiently waiting for hitters to adjust.
What we really need to get rid of is indoor stadiums and synthetic turf. Baseball AND football.
Synthetics yes. I think retractable (privately-funded, of course) roofs are a good idea to avoid rainouts.
No one is allowed to touch the aesthetics of Wrigley. (Yes I know they are modernizing but they’re keeping the spirit there. I don’t like not having the bullpens on the field, but I’ll live.)
The American Cathedral.
Fenway Park would like to have a word.
Oh, please. Fenway is lovely and I know it’s older and it’s got such character all of its own. But the bricks, the ivy. The old-school scoreboard. It’s just a step back in time that doesn’t exist visually anymore at Fenway.
Fun fact: The third oldest ballpark in the country is Bosse Field in Evansville. It hosted the Minnesoda Triplets when I was a youth and now hosts the Evansville Otters in the Frontier League. Their mascot is Evan the Otter. That certainly was fun.
They filmed A League of Their Own there. Tom Hanks gained weight eating at a local ice cream shop (Lic’s) that I used to eat at during lunch in high school. Damn good chili.
Fenway is a toilet. I went there because one has to, but the experience is shitty. Wrigley was damn nice.
I wouldn’t go to any MLB game now because of the stupid TSA-like security. SP and I are now Boomers fans.
Partially agree. I have no problem with retractable roofs. The Trop is a disgrace to baseball, though. Clint Frazier hit what would have been a go-ahead homer in the 11th inning the other night and instead it turned into an out when it hit a speaker hanging from the catwalk and was caught. Ridiculous.
Yeah, if your stadium interferes with gameplay, you fail. Except when punters hit the screen in the Superdome. That is amazing.
Those are good arguments, but let me ask…
What’s the likelihood of things going forward, in your opinion?
NL adopts DH?
AL gets rid of DH?
Things stay the same?
Read a longish article on it earlier this week. AL fans overwhelmingly love the DH. NL fans overwhelmingly hate it.
I’d say status quo is most likely. I’m sure it will eventually go to all-DH. There’s just too much money in it. I will be upset, but who am I kidding, it’s not like I’m going to stop watching baseball because of it.
It will indeed be my get-off-my-lawn issue. So there I’ll be. Tellin’ my grandnephews about a magical time when men were men, pitchers were hitters, and women were going through a very problematic phase of hating men and were being raped all the time.
Should football teams play with an 11 man roster?
I think a return to single platoon football would be a good thing. Probably safer.
Pitchers were
hittersguys who stood at the plate feebly waving at pitchesYou occasionally get the odd pitcher who’s a somewhat decent hitter, but they are very rare.
For fuck’s sake!
That they don’t hit well ISN’T THE POINT. I KNOW THEY CAN’T HIT.
A lot of catchers can’t hit! Back in the day a lot of shortstops couldn’t hit! Should we have DHs for them, as well? Fuck it! Let’s have an offensive team and a defensive team! That’s the ticket!
It’s about having 9 players on a team at any one point in time, and they have to participate in both aspects of the game. It’s. That. Simple.
9. Pitchers that bean hitters have to put up or shut up, taking the risk that *they* will be the retaliatory drilling.
That’s really the only convincing argument. Or you could just let them charge the mound after chin music.
I never had the slightest bit of interest in baseball. I would even skip the sports highlights on the news when they were about baseball.
But then my son, 7 years old then, decided he wanted to play on the local grade-school-age team (here in Japan grade-school age teams are independent from the schools). From that point I started learning about the game. I find it pretty cool that my son gets to learn athletics and team building in one of the more extreme examples available. He’s been doing it two years now – had a double play in a match the other day. He also hit a line drive which he ended up scoring on (no idea how that would be properly expressed in English – but I know how to say it in Japanese).
You are, of course, completely and totally correct. Although I don’t mind the AL having it as I am only watching that crap during the playoffs anyway.
Florida Supreme Court Orders Immediate Removal of Judge
Huh, I’ve never heard of that power of a supreme Court, but at least ‘someone’ is policing the courts?
Every state is different, but yeah, the judges are policed. Not as much as I would dlike but they are.
So brave. So noble.
24-hour hunger strike – I know people who do intermittent fasting and take a 24 no food period every couple of weeks. Apparently it kick starts you immune system.
Forgetting to eat for a day is not a ‘hunger strike’.
Besides, Hunger strikes already admit that you know the regime is not heartless. Anyone as evil as claimed would look at a hunger strike and go “there’s a self-solving problem”
Trump is making our actresses kill themselves.
Is this like that “hunger strike” those college kids had where they said they were hunger striking but they’d eat if they got hungry?
Would feed
“Westworld” actress Evan Rachel Wood said Sunday she was participating in a 24-hour hunger strike to raise awareness about the children who were separated from their families upon crossing the U.S. border.
Awareness? Awareness?!?!?!
Listen, sweetie. If anybody is unaware of what’s happening at the border, it’s because they either live in a cave or they’re waiting on their ex-wife to let them know Trump has been impeached so they can die happy.
“Awareness.” Jesus Tapdancing Christ. Hollywood is full of retards.
“Awareness of Evan Rachel Wood”.
I’d wager that many more people know what’s happening at the border than have even heard of Evan Rachel, much less know she’s on a “hunger strike.”
Also; gratuitous.
Shit, I couldn’t even get her name right she’s such a nobody!
*nervous laugh*
Shorter Evan Rachel Wood:
LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!!
Bingo. I bet the majority of people whining about Trump and his policies have no idea what those policies are or the circumstances surrounding them. It is all virtue signaling.
Where are we? When are we? Is this…now?
Oh wow. “Not eating for a day”, what for many in much of the world would be called “Tuesday”.
Unfortunately, all of the top teams lost, including the Astros, Cubs, D-backs, Reds and Indians.
Actually, no, the top team beat the Phillies last night.
And the Reds are not a top team; the team with the best record in the NL (the Braves) beat them.
The Reds are barely a team, let alone top.
Huh, it was the other ugly dude with a flute.
Good one.
Zamfir had nice hair, IMHO.
Ian Anderson did not.
So no Neil Young or Neil Young cover bands?
Birds’ Nest Puts Canadian Music Festival Preparations On Hold
GOP looking to cut food stamps. Those dumb white hicks who vote for them to be hardest hit!
What annoys the fuck out o me is they’re cutting food stamps while expanding farm subsidies, which are far fucking worse than food stamps.
I checked on the number of people in my zip code who get farm subsidies – wut? So many. Maybe they own some land out in the sticks, but there is no farm in my zip code.
SNAP is administered by the USDA, so I mean, if one gets cut the other has to increase. If the poor have less money to go to the store and buy 80% of their calories in refined grains from ‘murican farms, the farmers have to make it up somewhere.
Bustle: What Is Barack Obama Up To? There’s A Reason He’s Been So Quiet Lately. Wha?
WHA!?! This shitstain has yet to shut the fuck up since leaving office.
Not everyone can be as skilled at ‘shutting the fuck up’. You remember Obama, this must have been a hurculean task for him.
How about moar Obama from Vanity Fair? Barack Obama Is Still Finding Ways to Crush Trump’s Ego. The manchild with a planet sized ego is “crushing” Trump’s ego. Yeah, sure.
To be fair, you have to actually open up a web browser and subscribe to his Twitter feed or Netflix channel now. When he was in office the saturation was so complete that actually having to expend that much energy to find out what Obama is up to must seem like an intolerable cruelty.
Maybe I’m missing out, I don’t feel like I’ve heard much actually from Obama, as opposed to about Obama, since he left office. I think the predictions that he’d never shut up and get out of the lime light were by and large incorrect.
His publicist got him a cover story about how he’s not in the limelight. I’d say that’s pretty good 4D chess, right there.
Ian Anderson would like to have a word with you.
You are 7 minutes too late, see my post at #17.
Hey – it takes time to block quote and format a link!
But that was filmed in the 90s or later. Trust me, Anderson was getting poon by the truckload in his heyday.
Police: Mom shoots man who flew overseas, broke into home to find 14-year-old girl
New Zealand is sending their rapists and murderers. It’s time to build that sea wall! Side note another win for the 2nd amendment.
They send their hobbits, and their sheep-fuckers, and some, I assume are good people.
In Goochland? Well, that’s certainly unexpected. The subdivision this happened in is right by the campground where my daughter’s Indian Princesses tribe camps. Very rural and quiet.
Americans shooting immigrants has elevated this public health crisis to a global health crisis. That poor 25 year old child is being detained away from his parents AND he was shot by a bitter clinger Trump supporter. It’s time to take ALL the guns away.
This is barely satirical.
“[He] may be a little aggressive but nothing really crazy,”
Well, I don’t know about where you’re from but travelling thousands of miles and attempting to break into a house to meet a 14 year old girl – bearing duct tape and a blade, past the point where imminent gunfire doesn’t dissuade you… …I would say that “crazy” more than covers that bill.
bearing duct tape and a blade,
He was gonna make her a flower?
The British foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, is heading for a clash with Russia by using a meeting in the Hague to force a vote demanding weapons inspectors are given expanded powers to identify those responsible for using chemical weapons in Syria.
In a bitter trial of diplomatic strength, Russia is fiercely resisting the move, saying it will politicise the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and claiming British Russophobia risks wrecking a respected and largely scientific body responsible for overseeing the chemical weapons convention.
People people keep it on the football field. Thats where the battles should be.
All wars should be fought on Madagascar, to keep the innocents out of it (sorry about that Madagascar – it’s for a good cause) and scheduled in advance. The period of time would be relative to the combined populations of the opposing nations. “Finish it in the allotted time or we nuke you to clear the field for the next scheduled group”.
Of course the first 100 members to be in the first wave are chosen by your opponent so they will most likely be the assholes who got your country into it.
I wonder how popular war will be after that.
Silly, utopian and impractical. The function and exercise of war has never been about dispute resolution.
The golden age of music: when a hideously ugly dude with a flute could get any ass he wanted.
I wouldn’t say ANY ass I wanted, but enough. Those were the days…
And just think. Those girls you’re referring to are probably in college by now!
The Spain-Morocco game was a complete mess. How Pique didn’t get his ass sent off the pitch his beyond me – and later he got away with a hand in the box with neither going to VAR. But they go to it on the tying goal? That ref lost the game at the Pique play. The game had consequences for Portugal. Spain had no business in a draw.
I blame islamophobia
/raised eyebrow with grin…..
Well, the ref did seem to give all the benefit of the doubt to Spain to the point I wonder if the fix was in. The ref killed Moroccan momentum; after every contested 50/50 ball a Spaniard would just fall. Total props to Morocco and the coach for keeping his cool. Unlike the other game where the coaches were a tad to animated.
Morocco also got denied a penalty against Portugal. A very good case can be made Portugal *could* be out.
The officiating has been wildly inconsistent even by FIFA standards.
A player goes in two-feet first with studs up with no intent on the ball gets RED. Thats how it always was.
Ramos too was play acting all game long. He and Pique – same shit in Champions League. Not sure why they don’t get disciplined by refs.
Second Spanish church falls prey to well-intentioned restorer
St George effigy painted in restoration compared to Ecce Homo Monkey Christ
St. George looks like Sir Derpington
I think I might adopt Ecce Homo Monkey Christ as my gamer tag.
Stand by for an important5 announcement.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians who sought to interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the probe.
Just what the fuck has he been doing all this time?
Drawing a paycheck.
Still busy trying to find the person or persons unknown who were sending anthrax?
“according to a person familiar with the probe.”
Is that person senator Dick from NY? Cause we already know that he spilled his guts in a drunken party to help fundraise some money.
You’re confusing him with Mark Warner, I think. He’s the one that conned a bunch of dumbasses out of money over the weekend by saying only he and Mueller know what’s coming and that it’ll be big.
He has Trump’s tax returns?
According to a person familiar with the probe. Uh huh.
Preparing to accelerate
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s not rush into this.
I propose discussing the formation of a committee to ascertain the feasibility of any preparations for acceleration.
>>Koreas discuss linking railways across border
You know who else wanted to link railways across borders… proving once again that Drump is a Designated Hitler
Harriet Tubman?
Sir Topham Hatt?
Muscular strength as a strong predictor of mortality: A narrative review
Muscular strength is inversely and independently associated with all-cause mortality.
This association has also been reported in several clinical populations.
Muscular strength as a modifiable risk factor is of great public interest.
So Warty can run his dungeon for another millennium?
*Insert Immortal gif here*
Big deal, I saw a documentary where a bunch of Greeks cut them to ribbons like nothing. And those hulking, muscular guys? They all died.
But were the ribbons still alive?
Well there’s some extra motivation to keep lifting in my old age.
“Old man found crushed by barbells”
I actually wouldn’t be too surprised if that’s eventually what gets me…
*old man crushed by a rolled up rug*
“Man, i cant believe after you beat cancer, you went BACK to the rug store.”
Navy backs ‘omniphobic’ coatings to help ships travel farther
They’re also putting a sizable investment into cold fusion reactors for the power plants.
I hear that cold fusion has already been invented. OMWC?
Yes I got my degree from the University that invented it…
Is there Navy investing in any boat-phobic technology? You know, so they stop plowing into other ships?
The new coating is so frictionless, the vessels pass right through each other rather than colliding.
University of Michigan
I assume that means the Navy will now be afraid to win B1G East division championships, Conference championships, make it to NY6 bowl games or in any way be relevant beyond the overhyping of their coach by media dopes.
That is fairly old technology.
Fuckin’ Navy. The British Navy fought tooth and nail to keep iron cannons off of their boats. They had brass and that’s the way they had always done it. I am surprised our Navy is open to this idea. No doubt there is some cronyism involved.
I know. I am an asshole and an cynic.
So, did you ever get over the whole “larboard” – “port” change?
ffs, that’s not even how Changlish works.
Fear of ugly dodges?
“Yeah and, um, illegally selling water without a permit?” Ettel says back.”
You. She’s an asshole.
Yup. Wtf spell check sneaking in like that!
In the Canned Heat video…at 58 secs mark…lol.
You can’t do shit like that anymore. Everything is all sooo manufactured to the point of murdering charm and personality.
“Today, the American president tweeted there should be no judicial process, there should be no due process for anyone who crosses the border,” Clinton said. “I can’t help but think, if you strip immigrants and asylum seekers of due process and judicial review, who is next?”
Hmm, not a bad point. Although I’ve learned that Democrats feign respect for rights when they really just want to be the one in power taking those rights away.
The only reason I can think of about Hillary keeping her stupid flapping vagina in the news is because she’s holding out to run.
That bitch wants POWER for its own sake.
I’m going with that.
US citizens are denied due process within 100 miles of international borders.
Good point, within 100 miles of the border has been ruled a constitution-free zone.
Oh help me, Hillary, you’re the only one I trust to protect my rights!
Got it. Due process for relocation = yes. Due process for a heartless killer robot to silently reign death on you and your family = no.
Remember when Hillary came out strongly against using the no-fly list as a mechanism to take people’s guns, because it lacked due process?
That was Bizzaro Hillary. You can tell because she had a warm affectation, human emotions, an no icy cybernetic lust for power.
Sadly, these days the pointy beard isn’t sufficient evidence.
Donald Trump is the most un-American president in living memory
But in his own words, thoughts and actions, Trump is surely the most un-American president in living memory. It is no small irony that he wraps his un-American activities in the flag.
Where his predecessors saw it as part of their job to reaffirm the American idea, Trump has entirely surrendered this position. Even in the darkest days of the war on terror – with an administration that justified waterboarding and indefinite detention at Guantánamo Bay – former president George W Bush cast his worldview as fundamentally American: “Stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty,” he said in 2003.
For Trump, it’s safe to say that he believes in the polar opposite. When it comes to immigration, in a nation of immigrants, he clearly thinks that stability can only be purchased at the expense of liberty.
What is living memory anyway? How is that defined?
‘Living memory’ for a political commentator at a news rag – since the last big story. So a few days at most.
This guy ever hear of Snowden?
Where his predecessors saw it as part of their job to reaffirm the American idea…
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Even in the darkest days of the war on terror – with an administration that justified waterboarding and indefinite detention at Guantánamo Bay – former president George W Bush cast his worldview as fundamentally American: “Stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty,” he said in 2003.
“At least Bush and Obama had the decency to tell us it was raining while they pissed down our backs!”
That is most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Bush and Obama not only traded liberty for “security”, they sweetened the deal with billions of dollars to cronies in the process.
What is, “The Patriot Act?”
But… but… they said nice-sounding things!
Of course, Deh Gardiun gets to define what is ‘un-American’.
Funny he mentions GB – a key promise not kept by Obama as it remained open.
Neglecting campaign promises is as American as wooden teeth.
Supreme Court just wrote a presumption of white racial innocence into the Constitution
So unwoke, obviously all wypipo are presumed racist because of the color of their skin.
So does this count as “reverse racism”?
Wait. Wasn’t the rule before that you had to come up with some district that was majority minority voters in order to ensure that a black guy got elected?
This bullshit is basically “Waaah, we lost the state elections and the other party is now making it more difficult on us.”
The whole law is based on the idea that agglomerations of similarly-raced people have a unified desire because of their race. Its bullshit from birth.
former president George W Bush cast his worldview as fundamentally American: “Stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty,” he said in 2003.
I’ll piss on my own hand. That’ll show him!
As opposed to something that wouldn’t be as manly. You know, like actually confronting the guy, or punching him in the face.
What an idiot man child.
Dude, the stuff on Harvey’s hand was probably worse.
Piss is, at least, sterile.
As opposed to something that wouldn’t be as manly. You know, like actually confronting the guy, or punching him in the face.
Or calling up a member of the press on the phone and going “Hey, you want a scoop? Harvey Weinstein is a rapist!”
I love how Hollywood now, 20 years later, is all “Yeah, everybody knew what a sleazebag he was and we all HATED him!” Right, just not enough to turn down a paycheck or go public with the information and tank his career.
If people I knew were being raped, I can’t imagine not acting.
I hope that doesn’t mean what I think it means.
“I definitely would have pursued an acting career had I known about the rape.”
Is there any other interpretation?
I believe that producing or directing is where you really want to concentrate, then.
Something about chocolate covered pretzel
They’re a little melted, but damn are they exquisite!
Stink palm, is way better than just peeing on your hand.
I mean, fresh urine is sterile. Dysentery or Go Home!
God, that’s pathetic. So, you knew this guy was a rapist and you….pissed on your hand before you shook his. Showed him!!
Sad. I have a lower opinion of that caveman after hearing this. Everyone knows you have to piss on your hand AFTER shaking with Harvey in order to sterilize it.
Wow, I have analogy to explain how trade sanctions are stupid.
Proving once again that he was born to play this role and no other.
As opposed to something that wouldn’t be as manly. You know, like actually confronting the guy, or punching him in the face.
But, but, that could actually cost him a movie role!! What, are you suggesting someone so enlightened and woke should actually have to sacrifice for his alleged principles, rather than pulling a passive-aggressive stunt?!?!
“enlightened and woke”
Pardon me as I receive and reflect on the etymological transformation pounded into us by our Libtard betters.
Re: Korea. I’ve decided it’s happening too fast. Chinese want us out of the region to continue their expansion. US devolves into a state of chaos, with at least four sides: the left that think the government wasn’t commie enough, the old government that won’t let it’s grip slip, the right for a variety of reasons, and some extremist liberty-spouting nutjobs sprinkled around the country that everyone agrees should be wiped out. Chinese seize the opportunity and support the leftists. Total bloodbath everywhere.
/I hope I’m kidding
Don’t trigger Sloopy.
It was a fine movie and I was glad to see someone using the moniker in a way that honors the vicious little skunk-weasels. It’s not like the football team is doing so by being a non-entity for nearly two decades now.
Do they have a stated opinion on deep dish pizza?
Infighting about what is or is not deep dish pizza is what weakens them enough that they are finally overwhelmed by a horde of pajama boys.
So rather than charge the libertarian nut job trenches, all you need to do is call up a pizza joint and have some deep dish pizzas delivered to the troops. Soon they will be shooting each other while shouting “splitter!”. Sounds like a plan.
Trenches? They wouldn’t remain organized enough to dig trenches. They’s run around more like roving raider gangs, arguing about the application of the NAP in a civil war.
I’m willing to tolerate some variance re: savory pizza-flavored casseroles, but I’m going to need to know where they stand on the concept of Brooklyn barbecue.
Oh, it’s a concept all right.
and some extremist liberty-spouting nutjobs sprinkled around the country that everyone agrees should be wiped out
*waits fifteen minutes*
US slightly less chaotic with only three sides now.
The best ever World Cup match? Romania 3-2 Argentina at USA 94
RIP Kirby. One of my all time Minnesoda sportzball dudes.
I remember his first year with the Twins. Everyone in Minnesoda talked about this kid playing outfield that had a huge ass but could really play. As he got older the rest of Kirby caught up with that wide ass of his.
Man I miss watching him play.
Kirby was awesome. One of my first sports heroes.
Also; that huge ass was for jumping.
The best catch I ever saw him make was him making a jump like that in the middle of center field and snagging a hard liner that everyone was sure was going to go to the wall for at least a double. Somehow though he was able to leap up and snag it.
That World Series team had a cast of great characters. Kirby, Gladden, Hrbek, Gagne, Viola… The only pro sports team I’m a fan of to ever win it all. Twins.
Gladden is probably my fav. Got to have a drink with him last winter before a Q&A session. Just a normal guy. I’d love to have a couple too many with him. I bet it would be a blast listening to his stories.
Don’t forget about The Rat. He was awesome until he got religion.
What an awesome site! I’ve spent the last 20 years living just miles from this cult and never knew! Missed opportunities!
As good as the World Series was that year, the AL championship was better for young me. Twins vs Tigers, my dad’s two hometown teams.
Excellent player. Shouldn’t be in the HoF, though.
You are insane and dead to me.
He was the best bad ball hitter I ever saw. He was also a great fielder and had the drive to win two series. “Climb on my back boys.”
Wonder what position player Chip would put in the HoF from those two teams (87, 91) if not Kirby? Of do we not count championships in sports anymore?
He was the best bad ball hitter I ever saw
False. Big Daddy Vlad Guererro
But every Yankee in there deserves it, right?
At least she called him “Mister President”
\An intern for Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan (N.H.) was suspended for a week for shouting an expletive at President Trump while he visited the Capitol last week.
NBC reporter Frank Thorp V captured video of Trump walking through the halls of the Capitol last week, when Marriott could be heard shouting in the background.
“Mr. President, f— you,” she shouted.
The president was en route to a meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss immigration at the time.
The intern’s suspension comes amid a fresh debate over civility in politics following backlash to the Trump administration’s practice of separating migrant families at the border.
She should get a good spanking for that. And then maybe some oral sex.
Unnamed? wonder why?
the Trump administration’s practice of separating migrant families at the border.
So fucking dishonest, it’s the Trump administration practice of following the fucking law, and the same damn policy that’s been in place for 22 years.
“We demand unequal application of the law!”
Trump’s a dangerous autocrat! He’s following the law as written and passed by Congress!
“You will not be allowed to work for free for a full week!”
“And then maybe some oral sex”
Only if you knocked her teeth out first.
“Mr. President, f— you,”
What a nation of idiots we have become. I know it feels good to wage cultural war, but what possible good could come of this kind of thing.
The end of progressivism?
It fits my theory of Idiocracy in Inverse. Think about it,. This is a kid who got a gig as a Congressional intern. That’s about as prestigious a role as you can get. And here she is throwing a temper tantrum like a four-year-old. Odds are that this is a kid in a high-prestige university with plausibly decent grades. Even ten years ago someone like that would have known enough to shut up and thank her lucky stars she was where she was. Hell, even “dumb” kids today would have that much good sense. It isn’t the bottom of the socio-intellectual distribution that is expanding. It’s the top that is collapsing.
The “Mr President” part cracks me up. This kneejerk acceptance of titles & pretend aristocracy.
@Straffinrun: I never got your thoughts on the Iqos device you bought.
How’s the taste of the Heetz? Legit flavor?
How’s the vapor output? Still get a satisfying exhale?
How’s the hand feel? Still get the physical ritual mostly satisfied?
What’s the Heetz mouthfeel like? Do they have filter-give or are they plastic?
How’s the battery? Good enough for an evening out?
What would Judge Napolitano think?
The packages here aren’t called Heetz, they’re just Marlboro IQOS. I’m assuming they’re the same though. Tastes fine, feels fine and gets you the nicotine. Same filter as regular cigs, but smaller. About a tenth of the amount of smoke. I charge the battery every two days. No problem. The only worry is the heating rod. Looks like it could break real easily. You’d have to buy a whole new device.
Also, no ashes, no embers to fly off into small children’s eyes, no problem disposing of them. Big time bonuses.
Thanks for the Test run Straff, I’m hoping they come to the US soon. And the heating coil? is it that fragile? That would be a big Red flag for me
Looks fragile, but no complaints from anyone I’ve talked to that has had one for a while. Only a $100 bucks. Hopefully you can try it out.
From the AM links of TOS in thread:
Silent partner of Red Hen is a registered sex offender.
The funny thing about this whole story is that I didn’t notice for a while that this wasn’t in Resistastan but in Lexington. I’m guessing that making a big anti-Trump to-do in Lexington might not prove to be a wise business decision.
48 hour rule…
The Bloody Chick.
Your daily reminder that Will Wilkerson is fucking idiot
Wilkinson, Wilkerson, whatever. He isn’t worth bothering to get his name right.
Trump is Ozymandias, Thanos, Doctor Doom, Darkseid, Dr. Octopus, Lex Luthor, and Mxyzptlk with a splash of Gazoo all rolled into one Quantum Villain!
To be fair, Luthor was a self-made billionaire who got himself elected president of the United States.
… and loved to put his name on everything he owned
So, if I’m reading this right… Trump has a set of powered armor that’s purple and green? Or would Trump’s be gold and ivory?
Definately gold and ivory.
Looks blue to me.
Great. Now Superman from a parallel universe where he killed President Trump is going to come over here and install a superhero dictatorship until our universe’s Superman and the rest of our universe’s Justice League can escape and take him out.
What do you have against Gazoo? Sure, he was a little human-phobic, but he was no villain.
I got nothing against The Great Gazoo. It’s just that he was aloof or incompetent.
Just covering my bases with the progthink.
Like any of us needed a reminder.
This guy thinks of himself as an intellectual powerhouse
his argument is literally, “its possible! sure, calling it *plausible* would require actually researching the topic, which i don’t do… but you can’t say its not *possible*” – basically, the sort of shit some high-school idiot used to say while sniffing glue in the parking lots.
Unless you’re fasting to have blood drawn, consume your morning dose of boobs.
Someone needs to tell 33 that there is a large pile of money right behind them.
The latest state bidding request to pollute my inbox
You should read the meeting specifications.
Because people talking about herpes simplex 59-1/2 care whether or not the building is “Green Certified”
LEED (total scam in itself) certification isn’t good enough, we need additional building certifications? ugh
That website hurts my eyes.
I despise those certs. They suck money away from making a quality building that holds up and put it into paperwork and useless metrics.
But the wood is totally certified as being organically grown with no pesticides and lovingly cut down by hand and sawn in lumber using sustainable energy sources. Here is the paperwork for this one 2X4. *hands Scruffy 2″ thick binder*
Whoa! Is the paper used 100% recycled? Where the certification for that?
And is that a vinyl binder?
Marty Walsh says separating children from parents is ‘the most inhumane thing we have ever done as a country’
Jebus Christ. Well, I guess we have to start jailing kids with their criminal parents across the board.
something something Trail of Tears
Listen, the Dems are totally open to any ideas to solve the problem as long as 1) you don’t detain children and 2) separate parents from children.
Summary executions on the border would fit those two criteria.
Careful! The last state employee to say something similar around here (on their own personal FB page, off work hours) got punished and the second one is on leave pending an investigation.
If you’re going to set criteria, you have to look at the boundary conditions that fall within those criteria. It’s not even loophole or quibble level detail to point such a thing out.
Ooo, I know some grievance communities who are not going to like that take. No sir, not one bit.
Keep escalating you fucks. You either lose at the ballot box, or lose a conflict. I’d much prefer the former, but if it’s the latter, so be it.
The rain delay last night really sucks. We had our pitching all lined up after going 3-0 last week. Oregon St. Went 4-1 last week to get here. An extra day of rest was the very best thing that could had have happened to them. Oh well. Blaine knight takes the mound tonight. He’s 14-0 on the season. Nobody has beat him yet and he holds wins over Casey mize, Brady singer, and Jackson kowar who all got drafted in the first round.
Woo pig.
Go Beavers!
Growing up with the joke of a football program (record setting losing streak!), this unexpected dominance in baseball has been fun.
I gotta side with my PAC 12 brethren on this one.
Two more down, two to go from SCOTUS.
1. NIFLA v. Becerra – Case out of California. SCOTUS, in a 5-4 vote, upheld an injunction against California’s FACT Act on First Amendment grounds. The Act imposed two requirements on crisis pregnancy centers: That they tell clients that free or low-cost abortions are available, and (if applicable) make it clear that they are not licensed medical facilities and do not provide medical help.
2. Trump v. Hawaii, aka the travel ban. Circuit court reversed and remanded and Trump’s travel ban put back into place. Another 5-4 decision here. Majority states that “The language of the INA (Immigration and Naturalization Act) is clear, and the proclamation does not exceed any textual limit on the Presient’s authority”. This one’s somewhat surprising to me, because I thought Roberts would vote to overturn. This is where executive power leads us by the way. If Obama can do the whole “Dreamer” thing without Congress, Trump can do this. I’d rather none of them have the right, but we’ve apparently decided to forget the whole separation of powers thing. The Court noted Trump’s statement on Muslims but said they weren’t looking at that, but were “reviewing a Presidential directive, neutral on its face, addressing a matter within the core of executive responsibility”.
Two cases left: Florida v. Georgia, which is a water rights case (and with original jurisdiction in SCOTUS because it’s a dispute between two states) and Janus v. AFSCME, which is the union dues case. Those will come tomorrow or Thursday, they haven’t announced yet.
More on the travel ban case:
“Under these circumstances, the Government has set forth a sufficient national security justification to survive rational basis review. We express no view on the soundness of the policy. We simply hold today that plaintiffs have not demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits of their constitutional claim”. Which basically means that “We’re going to ignore what that moron Trump keeps blathering about and look at the actual policy itself, which meets the bare minimum standard of constitutionality”.
Well, from the legal standpoint, the constitution grants congress authority over immigration, and congress explicitly gave the executive carte blanche to ban anyone for any reason from entry. So if we were in anything resembling a rational world, the lower judges who said “I’mma ignore the law and rule on feelz” would be impeached for incompetence.
I guess I know what everyone will be wailing about in my lunch time twitter review. Will they take the spotlight off of the “family separation crisis” in order to revisit the “travel ban crisis” ? Tune in tomorrow!
re: Trump v. Hawaii: As near as I can tell, the response to this from the left hasn’t been, “Hey, maybe we should try to rein in the executive branch so that laws actually mean something and people aren’t legally at the mercy of the whims of whoever happens to be in office at the time.” It’s been more like, “This is why I voted for Hillary! Damn you racist deplorables! We need Top Men in place to ensure only the best executive orders are made!”
Well, in this case, the law as written was explicit about giving the authority to bar anyone for any reason, so it wouldn’t be a matter of reining in executive overreach.
Sure it would. Congress should change the damn law and take back their constitutional authority, like they also should with tariff authority.
There’s a difference between overreach wherein the authority was exceeded and the matter shrugged at, and the law divesting more authority than you believe proper from the constitutionally empowered body to another entity.
I’m talking about the balance of power more than the adherence to the law itself. To my mind whether the law is so broad as to allow the executive too much autonomy or whether the executive has simply taken powers not expressly forbidden the effect is that whoever becomes Prom King can spend the next four years exercising power arbitrarily. That’s the problem, and to me it seems like the Progressive left is so enamored of technocracy they don’t see that as a problem. Which is a problem. They think, “Hey, this bad president has too much power, we should make sure only good presidents ever get into office, and the fact that a bad one is there now means that democracy is broken.” They ought to think, “Hey, that bad president has too much power. If we limit the power of the office itself, it won’t matter whether we have bad presidents or good presidents.”
You’re asking the scorpion to just think for one moment before stinging that frog.
We also got a bonus ruling in the travel ban case:
(Korematsu being the WWII case that upheld Japanese internment camps. It’s technically never been overturned and was still precedential)
How long until someone files a challenge against the border detentions under that footnote…
(not that it’s wrong; the Korematsu decision should be folded, spindled, mutilated, set on fire, and it’s ashes salted.)
This is where executive power leads us by the way. If Obama can do the whole “Dreamer” thing without Congress, Trump can do this.
Either way, Obama’s Dreamer edict is done. Either he didn’t have the authority to do it, or if he did, Trump has the authority to undo it.
The true lunacy of the lower court decision was that one President lacks the unilateral authority to undo what another President has done via unilateral authority.
California Considers Creating A Fake News Advisory Group
The Dept. of Truthiness.
Ah. A ministry of truth.
Just what this country needs.
I hope that’s exactly what they call it — The Fake News Advisory Group.
That could be either pro- or anti- fake news.
Modern Guide to Analyzing Complex Multivariate Systems
He’s not wrong. Sadly.
Reminds me of Spurious Correlations.
Boston’s mayor goes full retard. Didn’t anybody tell him you never go full retard? I’ll give him a pass if he was never taught about slavery, internment, the various drafts and a whole host of other things. What a maroon.
He is also apparently ignorant of his own city, as I’m sure having kids isn’t a “get out of jail free” card in Boston, which means every day his own administration is separating parents from their children when the parents are thrown in jail for committing crimes. That’s what really gets me about these governors and mayors criticizing this policy: they routinely do the same. Perhaps what they really are upset about is that illegal immigration is a crime, but that’s not what they are saying – they are focusing about the child separation thing, something they themselves are responsible for in their own jurisdictions every day. A little self reflection is warranted.
…separating parents from their children when the parents are thrown in jail for
committing crimesnot paying parking tickets.Send in the National Guard.
Barrels of burning oil from the ramparts ought to suffice.
Dude. The richest people on Earth are not going to have a civil war. Everyone is completely full of shit.
I agree it’s unlikely, but in the words of the prophets, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
This is true. However, I fully expect we’ll see a lot of mob violence in Democrat strongholds up until this years elections.
Agreed. It will ensure victory.
I would say culture is more responsible for peace than wealth (although that definitely helps). Both major rebellions in US history (American Revolution and Civil War) were instigated and led by wealthy men. And there are many instances throughout history where wealthy nations (sometimes even the wealthiest at the time) descended into civil war. If a culture of amity and tolerance cannot be maintained, there will be a real risk of conflict.
ditto the English civil war(s) / Glorious Revolution, but in both of those cases it was about cultural/religious issues
Civil wars happen when more than one government claims legitimacy within a country, and you’re right in that we don’t have that. What we’re heading towards is civil unrest, which is what you have before, potentially, a civil war. If you don’t just have the collapse of the state. And we’re still no worse than we were during the 60s. There’s plenty of room for it to get much, much more unpleasant, I think.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The rival Koreas agreed Tuesday to jointly study ways to improve North Korea’s outdated railways and link them with the South, as they continued to take conciliatory steps amid global efforts to resolve the standoff over the North’s nuclear weapons.
The talks at the border village of Panmunjom were the latest to discuss ways to carry out peace commitments made by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
The agreement Tuesday to start joint inspections of North Korea’s railways on July 24 was apparently as far as the rivals could go at the moment. The vows to upgrade the North’s railways and roads will remain purely aspirational until international sanctions against North Korea are lifted and the South is freed to take material steps.
Kim just outsmarted Drumpf the Dotard again. Clearly the railroads will just be used to ship weapons into S. Korea when the Norks invade. //jk
Will the North send a large wooden badger which the troops will be hiding in? Really though, at the first scent of food when the get into South will draw them out before the planned attack.
Nothing really changes, We are so screwed…
I don’t understand why he flinched on this. Surely he realized that the howling mobs:
1. Represented an increasingly vocal and obnoxious minority
2. The more they howled, the more unhinged they looked and the more it helped him
The more Mad Maxines you have, the higher your chances of reelection.
Lo, the Monkeys they did Howl,
And there was much Screeching………………
And poo flinging
And the singularity gets closer:
Scientists Have Invented a Software That Can ‘See’ Several Minutes Into The Future
I have all the fixings for a salad… You won’t believe what happens next!
Yeah, it sounds pretty lame, but it is the beginning…
*ominous music*
Ok, I lol’d.
EF – did you get the Vipers jersey?
Won’t see it, but you’ll definitely know when it’s happening…
What do you think hi-speed Wall Street trading programs have been doing for decades?
Sucking the life blood out of hard working Americans.
/Bernie Bro
What do you think hi-speed Wall Street trading programs have been doing for decades?
They have been trading on platforms that give them faster trades than the ones the public uses. Which enables them to put up and take down offers before they are filled, analyze the response to the offers, and put up a new set of offers. Its illegal market manipulation, but hey, the SEC has got its hands full taking down celebrities for non-insider trading, so waddayagonnado?
How long until they start using highly complex data analysis to predict future crimes?
They tried, but it kept on picking out black guys.
Data is racist.
A new, comprehensive study of methane leaks in the oil and gas industry is the final piece of evidence that natural gas is not part of the climate solution.
“Natural gas could warm the planet as much as coal in the short term,” as the journal Science itself summed up the 24-author study it just published.
But that headline — and virtually all of the media coverage of the study — tells only a piece of the story: The findings confirm if a coal-fired plant is replaced with a gas-fired plant there is no net climate benefit for at least two decades.
The missing piece in both the study and the coverage, though, is that countless studies have made clear that natural gas does not just displace dirty coal in the power system — it displaces many carbon-free sources of power, including nuclear and renewables.
It’s time to acknowledge that fracking is truly part of the climate problem, and likely to become a bigger problem over time as natural gas competes more and more with renewable energy sources.
TW: Thinkprogress
Dependable energy is bad.
Until these idiots embrace nuclear power for first world nations and exknowledge the necessity of oil and gas in developing nations as a means to bring their populations prosperity they considered unimaginable a few decades or less ago, then I will not for a second take them seriously.
Well, I’ll take them seriously. I’m seriously convinced their goal is to eliminate 75% of the world’s population like it’s some Tom Clancy novel.
“…it displaces many carbon-free sources of power, including nuclear…”
It displaces a carbon-free source of power that our allies are also hellbent on not exploiting.
i’m pretty sure the total amount of methane leaked by nat-gas is such a small fraction of the naturally-released methane every year (incl. Livestock) that the contribution is basically negligible – stopping it completely would result in nearly zero change in methane released into atmosphere;
whereas the carbon-emissions cut relative to coal is something very significant.
and they seem to emphasize this ‘short term’ thing only to distract from significant long term benefits. i doubt their short-term calculations are particularly valid, but if this is their best case, it seems weak to begin w/.
t displaces many carbon-free sources of power, including nuclear
Leftist quit supporting nuclear as soon as it became viable.
Sorta like natural gas?
I dispute usage of the term “bionic” in this article.
Yo, a forty-something dude with a dad bod and no dick in a long-term relationship with a twenty-something woman who I’d say is a solid 7, maybe even an 8? His head game must be strong.
10 bucks says that their relationship hits an iceberg now that he’s got a dick. Their dynamic was built upon certain foundations and those foundations will be torpedoed now that he can actually fuck her.
Anything to save Shrimply Pibbles’ life!
The NIFLA case was an absolute smack down of a concurrence written by Kennedy. But I want to know how in the fuck the dissenters can square compelling speech with the 1A. I mean, don’t they at least have to write a dissent that spells out their constitutional argument? There’s no possible way one exists here.
Thank God for Trump. Because without his election resulting in the current makeup of the court, the 1A likely would have died today.
Ends justify the means.
How many Midwesterners or people of Germans-from-Russia heritage got hungry when you read that?
For you poor people that don’t know what I am talking about: Knoephla
Those are my peeps but the cuisine wasn’t handed down through the generations.
I’m pretty sure I can come up with more than ten places more dangerous for women than the US.
Every time I think we can’t get dumber as a species, I read something like this.
Anytime I see one of these surveys of country rankings I immediately think horseshit. These are always run by firms with shitty methodology and an axe to grind against the US.
Were the women from around the globe or is their expertise for women’s issues global in scope? Ahh, either way it’s crap.
Also, let’s see: I’d say all of Sub-Saharan Africa (49 countries) and all of MENA excl. Israel, (21 countries if you include Pakistan and Afghanistan) are no-brainers. Even making the absurdly generous assumption that all of Europe, South America and East Asia are better for women (ridiculous on its face) the US is still better than 70 countries. In fact, the US not being in the top 5 *safest* countries for women is maximum retard.
But, but, American Women are subjected to manspreading, mansplaining, and the rape culture!
Probably they got a look at the highly esteemed “Q’s Booby Cuties ” and our replies, and that dropped the U.S. ranking by at least 25 countries.
The top 10:
Just the simple fact that the US is higher that South Sudan should -even to someone who wants to believe it- make it obvious that this is utter bullshit
Where’s South Africa? (runner up for rape capital of Africa behind the Congo)
I dont see Sweden on the list. Or Germany. Or France.
I am calling bullshit.
Experts in the field
“Moschino designer Jeremy Scott insists he was trying to start a meaningful discussion about immigration with his new fashion campaign, but his sincere message was lost on fans due to some dubious wording.
The designer debuted his campaign for Moschino’s Fall 2018 collection on Monday, posting several images on Instagram of models including Gigi Hadid, 23, and Kaia Gerber, 16, dressed up in the brand — and wearing make-up that made their skin appear red and blue.
Though the effect was supposed to make them look like aliens from outer space, Scott’s caption appeared to make light of ‘illegal aliens’ entering the US, which quickly drew ire and offense from followers.”
I love lefty cannibalism.
The United States has been ranked for the first time among the ten nations deemed to be the most dangerous for women by experts in the field. A survey by the Thompson Reuters Foundation of about 550 experts in women’s issues around the globe
I saw that. I was surprised it didn’t come from a United Nations Committee on America Suxx.
Out standing in their fields.
top 10 in the world? i wish. we’re not even top 10 on continents with the word “america” in them.
his sincere message was lost on fans due to some dubious wording.
“I was joking! Don’t you people know a joke when you hear one?”
“Oh hello. I didn’t see you there! Civility is a tool of white supremacy. Ok, cool. Byeeeeee!”
Christ, what an asshole.
But then there’s this guy:
Well, that makes perfect sense considering the trans-Atlantic slave trade was established when white people landed in Africa, cleared their throats softly, and asked, “Excuse me, would you mind putting these on and sitting in this hold, please? We’re absolutely pants at picking cotton and harvesting sugar cane and we were thinking that maybe you’d like to give it a try in a sort of unpaid internship context.”
I thought they said “I see you have slaves for sale, mind if we buy some?”
Most of the first hour of our department wide meeting has been focused on feminism and making the department eco friendly. Anybody need a lawyer at a company based in Omaha or Knoxville??
Now we’re onto worker exploitation! Yayyyyyyy
*drowns self in bucket of water*
Like new techniques for orphan optimization? Should be good.
explain how you self-identify as a lesbian and never felt comfortable until this meeting in coming out at your workplace.
Suthenboy’s speech to employees on sexual harassment: “We dont tolerate sexual harassment here. If I have to explain to you what sexual harassment is I dont want you working here anyway. Now, get back to work.”
Sexual harassment training has nothing to do with reducing sexual harassment and has everything to do with avoiding lawsuits.